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Presented to loth Houses of the Assembly ly command of Sis Excellency.

Mr. Tancbed to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. University of New Zealand, Sib,— Wellington, 21st April, 1874. I have the honor herewith to enclose the annual report of the proceedings of the Council for the year ending 31st March, 1874, together with an account of income and expenditure, audited as required by clause 16 of "The New Zealand University Act, 1870." I have, &c, Heney John Tanceed, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Chancellor. «.

ANNUAL REPORT. In compliance with the 16th section of " The New Zealand University Act, 1870," the Council mates the following report to His Excellency the Governor of the proceedings of the University during the year ending 31st March, 1874. The regulations passed at the last meeting of the Council in relation to the "Bowen Prize " Essay, having been assented to by His Excellency the Governor, the Council offered a prize of the value of £5 for last year's competition, the subject proposed being: —" The "Wars of the Roses; comparing the title of the respective claimants to the Crown, and pointing out the effect of those Wars on the subsequent course of English History." In accordance with a resolution passed on the 15th April, 1873, the sum given for this foundation by His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen has been placed at deposit in the Government Savings Bank at Wellington, awaiting a permanent deposit. No candidates qualified to compete having presented themselves, the sum accruing as interest will be available for increasing the principal or the value of this year's prize. The Examiners appointed by the Council have agreed to give the same subject for this year's essay as that determined upon for last year. The Council has, during this meeting, given directions as to some permanent investment of the capital sum available for the purpose of this prize. An inspection of Affiliated Institutions has taken place, by order of the Council, during the past year. The Eev. J. C. Andrew, selected by the Council as Inspector, undertook the duty, and his very able and valuable report has been transmitted to the Government, and laid before the General Assembly. From this it will be seen that upon the whole the Affiliated Institutions are doing their work satisfactorily, and give promise of becoming still more widely useful. It will be seen from the following list of subjects now being taught in the respective Affiliated Institutions, as compared with those which were being taught last year, that the range of instruction has been considerably enlarged. The course of instruction now being followed in the Auckland College and Grammar School consists of Latin, Mathematics, History, Physical Geography, Logic, and French. In the Nelson College, Classics, Mathematics, English Literature, Ancient and Modern History, Botany, Chemistry, and French. In the Wellington College, Classics, Mathematics, English, Geology, Zoology, and Botany. In the Canterbury Collegiate Union, Classics, Mathematics, Physiology, Chemistry, Geology, French, and German. In accordance with the regulations passed at the last meeting, the sums which have from time to time been appropriated to scholarships hare been placed to a separate account. The following is a summary of the results of the last examination, as reported by the respective Examiners: — I—H. 3.


1. Classics. —In this branch, several of the candidates acquitted themselves with considerable credit. The answers of one of the successful candidates especially were deserving of great praise. The Examiner expressed his satisfaction at the fact that, in future, under the regulations now in force, so good a paper will insure the reward of a scholarship, which might, under the former regulations, not have been awarded, owing to a want of proficiency in some other subject. This paper would, he says, do credit and insure emolument, in the shape of an exhibition or a scholarship, to a first-year man, either at Oxford or Cambridge. It may be worth noticing further, that in this examination the number of good Greek papers is a little in excess of those in Latin, there being seven papers in Greek and only six in Latin, which obtained half marks or upwards. In the two subjects, six obtained half marks. 2. In Mathematics, the work, taken as a whole, appears to have been creditably done, and the candidates of more equal merit than those of the previous year; but there were none who acquitted themselves as well as those who stood highest in that year's examination. The diversity of text-books in use at the different institutions makes it more difiicult to apportion the marks with perfect fairness than would otherwise be the case. In this subject, there were seven candidates who obtained half marks and upwards. 3. In Physical Science, the average excellence of the papers was inferior to that of the previous year ; and the deficiency was most marked in the knowledge of Chemistry, in which subject only three candidates obtained any marks at all, and in all the branches only two obtained half marks and upwards. 4. The fourth group of subjects comprises—History, English Literature, and Modern Languages other than English. In History and English Literature, six of the candidates obtained half marks and upwards. In French, the greater portion of the papers were answered clearly and well. It will be observed that the papers on this subject were the most successful of all, as the number of candidates who obtained half marks and upwards was fourteen. In German, on the other hand, the result of the examination is eminently unsatisfactory. Only one of the candidates has shown that he possesses any real knowledge of the language. The book proposed for study was Schiller's "Thirty Years' "War," and the papers set contained questions framed for the purpose of testing the knowledge of the language as well as questions on the events recorded. It is to be regretted that in neither of these branches did the candidates appear to have mastered their subject. The marked deficiency in one important branch of learning which the general ignorance of the German language reveals is an evil much to be deplored, because it shows how little is being done to cultivate a knowledge of the literature which this fine language possesses. During the past year, negotiations have been entered into with the authorities of the governing bodies of the University of Otago and the Canterbury College, which it is hoped will result in an adjustment of those questions which have been for some time pending between the former institution and this University. These negotiations have led to an agreement between all parties concerned upon the main points at issue. The Council has during the present meeting, besides disposing of the ordinary business of the University, been engaged in conferences with gentlemen authorized to represent the University of Otago and the Canterbury College, with a view to a modification of the existing University Act. The draft of a measure for effecting the desired alterations has been agreed on and submitted to the Government, with a request that the Government should promote a Bill in the Assembly for giving the force of law to the proposals as agreed to. In the meantime, on the application of these two bodies, both have become affiliated to the University. "Bowen Peize" Account. £ s. d. To donation from Sir G. P. Bowen ... ... ... ... 105 0 0 Interest to 31st December, 1873 ... ... ... ... 216 0 £107 16 0 By deposit, Government Savings Bank ... ... ... 105 0 0 Interest deposited, ditto ... ... ... ... 2 16 0 £107 16 0 Henby John Tancbed, Chancellor. Univeesitt of New Zealand—Geneeal Account.—Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditube. Receipts. Prom the General Government— £ s. d. £ s. d. Grant under " New Zealand University Act, 1870 " ... ... 3,000 0 0 Pees for matriculated students ... ... ... ... ... 14 14 0 " Bowen Prize" donation ... ... ... ... 105 0 0 Interest ... ... ... ... 2 16 0 107 16 0 Petty cash ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Bank balance, March 31st, 1874 ... ... ... 4,289 14 3 Less unpresented cheques ... ... ... ... 72 10 0 4,217 4 3 £7,339 19 3



Expenditure. £ s. d. Payments, as per statements attached ... ... ... ... 3,680 1 1 Petty cash ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 5 0 Balance in Bank March, 31st, 1874 ... ... ... 3,814 18 5 Less unpresented cheques ... ... ... ... 155 5 3 3,659 13 2 £7,339 19 3 Exd. —Chaeles Knight, Auditor-G-eneral. Note.—The balance here shown differs from that in the Bank pass-book by £11 55., amount of a scholarship cheque to " Severne," January sth, 1874, entered in error in pass-book of General Account, and. omitted in pass-book of Scholarship Account. Heney John Tanceed, Chancellor.



General Db. £ s. d. Auckland Affiliated Institution, quarter's grant to 10th January, 1873 75 0 0 Blackett, scholarship £45, 1872, third quarter 11 5 0 B. Stokes, attendance at Council 27 0 0 W. Johnstone, ditto 28 0 0 Deposit for Bowen Prize 105 0 0 Willoughby, Clerk 11 5 0 Carleton, attendance at Council 46 10 0 Tancred, ditto 21 0 0 Rolleston, ditto 19 0 0 Stafford, ditto 15 10 0 Leach, copying letters and minutes 5 0 0 Williamson, scholarship £45, 1872, fourth quarter 11 5 0 Wilding, ditto, ditto 11 5 0 Cotterill, ditto, ditto 11 5 0 Davie, ditto, ditto 11 5 0 Whitcombe, ditto, ditto 11 5 0 Johnstone, Supervisor's fees 13 1 0 Severne, scholarship £45,1872, fourth quarter 115 0 Leggett, Supervisor's fees ... ... ... 10 10 0 Malet, ditto £22 16 0 Ditto, Hughes' account, stationery 10 0 Ditto, Lyttelton Times, advertising 2 5 0 Ditto, Press, ditto 2 5 0 Account. Db. £ a. d. Brought forward .Cotterill, scholarship £45, 1873, first quarter 11 5 0 Atack, ditto, ditto 11 5 0 Nelson Colonist, advertising ... ... ... 4 10 4 Wellington Independent, ditto ... ... 2 4 0 Severne, scholarship £45, 1873, first quarter 11 5 0 Wellington Affiliated Institution, half-year ending 10th July, 1873 ' ... 150 0 0 Binstead, stationery 4 14 0 Transfer to Scholarship Account ... ... 1,503 15 0 Canterbury Affiliated Institution, quarter ending 10th October, 1873 75 0 0 Malet, Registrar, quarter's salary ... ... 7 10 0 Lyttelton Times, stationery ... ... ... 1 17 6 Southern Cross, advertising ... ... ... 1 10 0 Wellington Affiliated Institution, quarter ending 10th October, 1873 75 0 0 Maskell, Secretary, quarter's salary ... ... 37 10 0 Nelson Affiliated Institution, balance of grants to date 400 0 0 Canterbury Affiliated Institution, quarter ending 10th January, 1874 75 0 0 Malet, Registrar, quarter's salary ... ... 7 10 0 Press Company, printing ... ... ,,, 26 6 0 West Coast Times, advertising ... ... 1 12 0 Maskell, Secretary, quarter's salary ... ... 37 10 0 Lyttelton Times, printing ... £3 10 0 Ditto, advertising ... ... 17 9 28 6 0 Canterbury Affiliated Institution, half-year to 10th July, 1873 150 0 0 Malet, Registrar 7 10 0 Lyttelton Times, printing 2 40 Petty cash 5 0 0 Press Company, printing ... £24 13 0 Ditto, advertising 6 0 9 30 13 9 Nelson Colonist, advertising ... ... ... 1 14 0 Gully, scholarship £45, 1872, fourth quarter 11 5 0 Tombs and Co., printing ... ... ... 150 Daily Times, advertising ... ... ... 1 19 0 Edwards, Supervisor's fees ... ... ... 35 15 6 Harvey, Examiner's fees ... ... ... 15 10 0 FitzGerald, ditto 15 10 0 Krull, ditto 10 5 0 Johnston, ditto ... ... ... ... 10 5 0 Nelson Examiner, advertising ... ... 2 14 0 Lyttelton Times, ditto £18 6 Ditto, stationery ... ... 14 0 0 Ditto, printing 26 9 0 41 17 6 Evening Mail, advertising 200 Auckland Affiliated Institution, half-year ending 10th July, 1873 150 0 0 Andrew, inspection fees, &c 80 0 0 4 17 9 Southern Cross, advertising ... ... ... 1 10 0 New Zealand Times, ditto ... ... ... 220 Hughes, deed box ... ... ... ... 25 0 Petty cash 5 0 0 Auckland Affiliated Institution, half-year ending 10th January, 1874 150 0 0 Binstead, stationery ... ... ... ... 5 53 Otago Daily Times, advertising 1 12 6 Bank of New Zealand, Dunedin, cheque book 0 4 0 "Bowen Prize," interest re-deposited ... 2 16 0 £3,680 1 1 Ce. 1872. £ s . d . March 31. By balanee £5,485 8 3 1873. March 31. By balanee £4,217 4 3 1874. March 31. By balance brought down... £3,659 13 2 Carried forward SCHOIAESHIP ACCOTTNT.—STATEME *t of Receipts and Expendittjbe. Bed From General Account npts. £ s. d. 1,503 15 0 £1,503 15 0



Expenditure. £ a. i. Payments, as per statement attached ... ... ... ... ... 56 5 0 Balance brought down ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,447 10 0 £1,503 15 0 Exd.—Chables Knight, —■ ■■* Auditor- General. Note. —The balance here shown differs from that in the Bank pass-book by £11 55., amount of a scholarship cheque to " Severne," Jan. sth, 1874, entered in error in pass-book of General Account and omitted in pass-book of Scholarship Account. Henby John Tancbed, Chancellor. EXPENDITTJEE OP THE TTnIVEBSITY OF New ZEALAND FOB YEAE ENDING 31ST MAECH, 1874. Scholarship Account. £ s. d. Cotterill, second quarter, 1873 ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 Atack, „ „ „ ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 Severne, „ „ „ ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 Atack, third quarter, „ ... ... ... ... 11 5 0 Cotterill, „ „ „ 11 5 0 £56 5 0

Uniyebsity op New Zealand.—List of Matbictjlated Students. July, 1872. George Whitcombe, University of Otago, University scholar, free. „ „ Henry Cotterill, Canterbury Collegiate Union, University scholar, free. „ „ Bichard Wilding, University of Otago, University scholar, free. ~ „ Alexander W. Williamson, University of Otago, University scholar, free. „ „ Arthur W. D. Bell, Canterbury Collegiate Union, University scholar, free. „ „ Mortimer Davie, Canterbury Collegiate Union, University scholar, free. „ „ Alfred de B. Brandon, Canterbury Collegiate Union, University scholar, free. „ „ Frederic A. Severne, Nelson College, University scholar, free. Aug. „ Saul Solomon, Dunedin High School, University scholar, free. „ „ Edward Hutton Bell, Canterbury Qollegiate Union, University scholar, free. „ „ John Barton Boy, Nelson College, University scholar, free. „ „ Hugh Gully, Nelson College, University scholar, free. „ „ James William Blackett, Nelson College, University scholar, free. „ „ William Webb, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked. „ „ James Burnett, Nelson College, University scholar, free. Not. 22 „ James Francis Hunt, Timaru, £1 Is., banked 22nd November, 1872. Jan. 29,1873. Herbert Edward East, Governor's Bay, Canterbury, £1 Is., banked 31st January, 1873. April 17 „ Edward George Britton Moss, Auckland, £1 Is., banked 17th April, 1873. „ „ John Beveridge, Auckland, £1 Is., banked 17th April, 1873. „ „ Eichard Buller Eigg, Auckland, £1 Is., banked 17th April, 1873. May 1 „ Francis Thomas Opie, Oxford, Canterbury, £1 Is., banked Ist May, 1873. May 26 „ Tom Wakelin, Greytown, Wellington, £1 Is., banked 2nd June, 1873. July 10 „ Alfred Eobinson Fitchett, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 10th July, 1873. July 12 „ Edward Henry Power, Thames, Auckland, £1 Is., banked 14th July, 1873. July 14 „ Frederick Fitchett, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 14th July, 1873. July 19 „ Eobert Henry Eattray, Auckland, £1 Is., banked 21st July, 1873. Aug. 5 „ William Harrington Atack, Christchurch, University scholar, free. Sept. 16 „ William Booklass Douglas, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 16th September, 1873. Oct. 6 „ John Steele Park, Motueka, Nelson, £1 Is., banked Bth October, 1873. Feb. 18 „ Eobert Stone Florance, St. Albans, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 18th February, 1874. Feb. 21 „ James Eonaldson Thornton, Montreal Street, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 21st February, 1874. Feb. 25 „ William Bayley Hawkins, Colombo Street, Christchurch, £1 Is., banked 25th February, 1874. Correct. F. de C. Malet, 14th April, 1874. Eegistrar. By Authority: Geobhb Didsbitbx, Government Printer, Wellington,—lB74. Price 3d.~\

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ANNUAL REPORT ON NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. BY THE CHANCELLOR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, H-03

Word Count

ANNUAL REPORT ON NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. BY THE CHANCELLOR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, H-03

ANNUAL REPORT ON NEW ZEALAND UNIVERSITY. BY THE CHANCELLOR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, H-03

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