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Presented to loth Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. Office of the Commissioner of Telegraphs, Sib,— "Wellington, 24th July, 1874. I have the honor to submit to Tour Excellency a Report as to the operations of the Telegraph Department of New Zealand during the year ended the 30th June, 1874, being th& Tenth Annual Report of the Department. I have, &c, Julius Vogel, Commissioner of Telegraphs. His Excellency the Right Hon. Sir James Pergusson, Bart., Governor of New Zealand. -+- REPORT. The progress of the department during the year 1873-74 has been highly satisfactory. The revenue was estimated at £45,000, but it has exceeded that amount by nearly £2,000. On the Ist November, 1873, the tariff for private messages was reduced to Is. for 10 words, and Id. for every additional word,—address and signature, up to 10 words, being transmitted free o£ charge. At the same time, the Press rates between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. were made one-half the private rate, the charge after 5 p.m. being reduced to 6d. for the first 25 words, and 3d. for every additional 25. As the alterations in the Press rates involved an advance on the former day rates, provision was made in the new tariff to enable evening papers to receive during the day 200 words of interprovincial news at evening rates; and also to receive, on the arrival of an English or Australian mail, an additional 200 words of either or both at the same rates. As a consequence of this great reduction, the number of Press telegrams sent during the year exceeded that of the previous year by some 17,000, or an increase of over 50 per cent.; while the cash receipts for them were nearly £600 less than the corresponding receipts of the previous year. In other words, during 1872-73, 32,323 Press telegrams were forwarded at a cost of £4,601 lls. 6d.; while in 1873-74 49,125 Press telegrams were forwarded at a cost of £4,066 Is. Id. During the year, 752,899 telegrams of all codes were transmitted, being an increase of 183,939, or more than 24 per cent, over 1872-73. The number of Money Order telegrams sent during the year was 8,001, representing a value of £38,052 14s. 9d., or an increase of 2,210 messages, and of £9,945 18s. Id. as compared with the previous year. The commission collected by the Post Office was £1,035 ; and after deducting £400 Is. due to the Telegraph Department as fees on the telegrams, there remained to the credit of the Post Office, as commission on exchange, £634 19s. or more than If per cent, on the amount transmitted. Dunedin, "Wellington, and Christchurch, and their respective sub-offices issued the largest number of orders; and the same offices paid the largest number, except that Auckland and its sub-offices stand second in that respect. The length of line maintained was 2,530 miles, at a cost of £6 3s. lid. per mile. During the year,, twelve new offices were opened. The total earnings of the department for the year were £59,875 os. lid. which, deducting the cost of the Signals Department and maintenance of lines, leaves £6,026 6s. as interest upon the capital expended, £249,594 12s. 9d. This result is highly satisfactory, when it is remembered that it has been secured after reductions in the tariff, as before stated. The number of telegrams transmitted during the year (752,899), compared with the number of interprovincial letters posted during the year, shows that 2345 telegrams were sent for every 100 letters posted. In some provinces, 28 telegrams have been sent for every 100 letters posted. The population on the 30th June amounted in round numbers to 300,000, so that the total number of telegrams during the year is somewhat in excess of an average of 2-J per head. At the close of the year, 2,530 miles of line, carrying 5,182 miles of wire, were in circuit. Ii is contemplated to mate during the present year large additions to this mileage, which is rendered necessary by the still increasing business of the department.



The following lines, which were in course of construction at the date of the last report, have been completed: — FOTJETH "WIBE, PaLMEBSTON TO DUNEDIN. The erection of this wire, which was rendered necessary owing to the great increase of business at Naseby, and the consequent desirableness of placing that station in direct communication with Dunedin, was completed in the beginning of August, at a cost of £563 ss. Id. Thibd Wiee, Gbahamstown to Napiee. This work was commenced on the Ist May, 1873, and completed on the 19th August. "Whilst running this wire, the line was thoroughly overhauled, and strengthened where necessary. At different points, 138 double angle poles were placed, 65 angles were cut out, and 66 were laid over and timbered. In addition, 245 poles were shifted, so as to straighten the line and raise the wires at various road crossings. To facilitate the inspection of the line extending from Tauranga north to Kati Kati, several swamps were fascined and otherwise made passable for a lineman. This section is now capable of carrying a fourth wire, if necessary. The cost of this work (and also of other works), shown under various headings, will be found in Table H. Manukaij Line. The erection of this line (36 miles in length) was completed, and an office opened to the public, early in September. As will be seen from the statement of cash receipts, in Table A, this station's subscription to the revenue is not great; but the early information of the arrival and departure of shipping afforded to the public, compensates for any slight loss in its maintenance. LINES AND WORKS PROJECTED AND FINISHED DURINO THE TEAR. Makettt to Opotiki. The increasing importance of the township of Opotiki called for some attention on the part of the department. The extension of the line south from Maketu was commenced in October last, and completed early in May. It follows the general course of the beach, but is set back from the sea to avoid, as far as possible, any saline deposit during the prevailing easterly winds. A lineman's station was opened at Opotiki on the 16th July. CAMBEIDGE TO AIEXANDEA (BeCONSTETJCTION). Owing to decay of the poles, and the bad condition generally of this section, it was found necessary to remove the wires to new sawn posts. In consequence, however, of slight difficulties with the Natives, the old line was abandoned and a new one erected, passing through the Moanatuatua Swamp, thence to Kihi Kihi, and along the Punui Boad to Alexandra. This work, together with the dismantling of the old line, was completed in December last. Second "Wiee, "Wellington to "Wangantji. The erection of this wire, which is at present only completed from Wanganui to Bull's, a distance of 26 miles, was commenced about the middle of March, and completed to Bull's on the 14th May. It is contemplated to complete this wire to Wellington at an early date. A deviation is also contemplated from the foot of the Paikakariki Hill inland, and thence to Manawatu, thus avoiding the bad effects of the sea air experienced upon parts of the present line, the opposition of the Natives to an inland line being now removed. Clinton to Tapanui and Switzebs. The construction of this line was commenced in November, and was finished at the close of February. The section is about 50 miles long, and is constructed with black pine poles obtained from the Tapanui bush. Temporary offices were opened at Tapanui on the 16th, and at Switzers on the 19th May. Permanent offices are being erected. Beefton to Lyell. This section, 32 miles in length, was commenced in January, and completed, and an office opened at the Lyell, in April. The line passes through dense bush, thus making its cost amount to £6,064 15s. 9d. which is considerably above the average. IWbth Wiee, Blenheim to Cheistchuech. The erection of this wire as far as Leithfield was completed in February. It is at present intended not to continue this wire further north until a decision respecting various routes from Blenheim, recently explored, is arrived at. RAILWAY WIRES. Dttnkdin to Tokomaieibo. The erection of a railway wire between Dunedin and Tokomairiro was commenced in August, and finished in October. Hampden to Waitaei. This wire was completed on the 19th May, and an office was opened at Waitaki on the 28th May. LINES AND WORKS IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. Auckland to Bat of Islands and Hokianga. The line from Auckland to Hokianga, including a branch from Kawa Kawa to Bussell, will be about 236 miles long, 44 miles in all, at different parts of the line, being through bush. It is proposed to open offices at Biverhead, Helensville, Warkworth, Waipu, Wangarei, Kawa Kawa, Ohiwa, Hokianga, and Bussell. Starting from Auckland, the line will follow the course of the Great !North Boad to Brigham's Creek, and thence to the Biverhead terminus of the Kaipara Bailway. From Biverhead, the



line will follow the railway to Helensville ; thence to Warkworth, it will pass through Kaukapakapa, Makarau, and Komokoreka, along the general course of existing road lines. From Warkworth to Wangarei, the line will follow the road now in course of construction between Mahurangi and Port Albert, to a point three miles beyond the Hotea Eiver; thence to the head of the navigation of the Mangawai Eiver; thence to Waipu, and through Mangapai to Wangarei. From Wangarei to Kawa Kawa, the line will follow the Government road now being constructed via Haikurangi and Ruapekepeke; and from Kawa Kawa to Hokianga the course will be by Waiaruhi Bridge, Ohiwa, Kaikoe, Taheke, and Waima, to Herd Point, or to Hokianga Heads, as may be found preferable. From Kawa Kawa, the line will follow the general course of the travelling track around the head of the Waikare Eiver, and thence to Point Eussell. Naseby to Clyde. This line has been pegged out, and about two-thirds of the material required for its construction has been delivered on the ground. The erection has been commenced from Naseby, and the work is progressing favourably. The line in its course to Clyde will pass through the township of Ophir, and St. Bathan will be connected by a short loop-line. Office accommodation is being provided at both those townships. Poteety Bay Line Is constructed as far as Wairoa, and a station has been opened at that place. The remainder of the line is being pushed on as speedily as possible. Great delay, however, is experienced in getting the material on to the ground, through the great scarcity of water carriage. SOUTHBEIDGE LINE. The construction of this line is also being proceeded with, and will doubtless be completed in a few months. It will be about 30 miles long, and will pass through Prebbleton, Lincoln, and Leeston, to Southbridge. A post and telegraph station at Southbridge is being erected. Third Wiee, Masteeton to Waiptjkueatt. The erection of this wire is being rapidly proceeded with, and will probably be finished about the first week in August. There will then be three direct wires to Napier, as the fourth wire about to be erected between Napier and Waipukurau, and between Wellington and Masterton, will take the place of the present third wire for the requirements of the intermediate stations between Napier and Wellington. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. Bluff to Balcltjtha. This section has required no particular attention since the date of the last report. There have been remarkably few accidents or interruptions, and none calling for remark. A lineman's station was opened at Clinton on the 25th October. Balci/utha to Waitaki. Advantage was taken of the erection of the railway wire to Waitaki to give this section an overhaul. That part of the line was improved and strengthened, and about 40 extra poles inserted. Eoad crossings were also heightened. TOKOMAIEIEO TO QITEENSTOWN. On account of the formation of the railway, it has been found necessary to reconstruct two miles of the Tokomairiro to Lawrence section. The whole line has received an overhaul, and a section of about 18 miles, near to Queenstown, has been reconstructed, 265 heart of totara poles being used for the purpose. The whole of this section is now in thorough repair. Cheistchuech to Hokitika and Geeymotjth. Owing to heavy floods in April, a portion of the line between the Bealey and Hokitika was considerably damaged, necessitating the shifting of the line for about 15 miles in the Teremakau Valley. This is being done, and will shortly be completed. Wellington to Napiee. This line has received a thorough overhaul. The third wire between Masterton and Waipukurau, to connect with the third wire from Napier, has been rapidly proceeded with, and will be completed in a few weeks. During the running of this wire, the line between Masterton and Waipukurau has been closely examined, strengthened in its weak places, and new poles inserted where necessary. A fourth wire from Wellington to Masterton will shortly be proceeded with, tenders for the cartage of material having been called for. Auckland Lines. With the exception of the reconstruction of Cambridge to Alexandra, as before mentioned, the Auckland sections call for no comment. In February, one of the turrets for carrying the wires across the Thames was accidentally burned down. A turret to supply its place is now nearly completed. The line between Pukorokoro and the Thames Eiver having become endangered by the encroachment of the sea, precautions have been taken, and in places the line has been shifted some chains inland. The Hamilton and Cambridge line, owing to changes in the main line of road, has been considerably altered. The line recently constructed along the Onehunga Eailway has also been altered to meet the requirements of Messrs. Brogden and Son in carrying out their contract. On the line between Mercer and Pukorokoro, several new poles have been inserted, and other works performed for the better maintenance of the section. The clearing of a track to facilitate the examination of the line between Waitakaruru and Piako has been let by contract, and is rapidly approaching completion. Details as to the cost of maintenance of each section are given in Table F.



Cook Steait Cable. This important portion of the telegraph system maintains its good working condition, as will beseen from the insulation tests shown in Table G. In the last report, it was said that if the work of the department continued to increase, a second cable would probably soon be required. This costly necessity has, however, been obviated by the successful introduction of the Duplex system of telegraphy, the adoption of which has rendered the cable capable of nearly double the work it has hitherto done. As will be seen from the appended tables, the work has been so rapidly increasing, that its continuance would speedily have necessitated the laying of a second cable, but for the successful introduction of the Duplex system. At present, that system is only worked on one wire, but, when necessary, it will be applied to the other two wires of the cable. This will in all probability make the cable equal to the work for some years to come. The system will also be applied to land lines wherever it becomes necessary and can be used to advantage. For the introduction of the Duplex system, New Zealand is indebted to the scientific skill and the great perseverance of Mr. C. Lemon, the General Manager of the department, who has perfected very effective apparatus, which differs in some important details from all arrangements for a similar purpose yet worked out in Europe or America. The Commissioner has pleasure in appending the following correspondence on the subject; especially as he can thus put on record the thanks of the Government to Mr Lemon and his assistants : — " New Zealand Telegraphs, "Sib,— "Head Office, Wellington, 18th June, 1874. " I have the honor to inform you that my efforts in establishing the Duplex system of telegraphy in this colony have now been crowned with success. " 1. The No. 3 wire in the Cook Strait cable is now being worked by the above system, and messages sent simultaneously from either end without the slightest difficulty. "2. Last night, for the first time, the Duplex instruments were placed, in circuit, and an average speed of 64 words per minute obtained out of one wire, the Wellington operator sending 106 words in three minutes, and the Blenheim operator 87 words in the same time, making a total of 193 words sent on one wire in three minutes. "3. This test of the capabilities of the Duplex system is not likely to be exceeded—in fact, at ordinary working a rate of from 20 to 26 words per minute each way will be all that will be looked for, and at that rate double the amount of work the cable now carries can be accomplished in the same time. "4. The introduction of the Duplex system is doubtless one of great importance to the colony, and has practically doubled the value of the Cook Strait cable, for every wire in it may now be looked upon as equal to carrying the work of two single wires worked in the ordinary manner. " 5. As opportunity offers and occasion requires it, it is intended to apply the Duplex system to the land lines of the colony. Experiments in this direction have already been made on circuits of 20, 86, and 196 miles respectively, and have been crowned with perfect success. "6. Before concluding my letter, I would beg to mention that my labours have been greatly lightened by the great assistance rendered me in the course of my experiments by Mr. Macalister, the assistant officer in charge of the Wellington station, and Mr. Smith, the mechanician to this department. The latter gentleman has made all the apparatus now in use. " I have, &c, " C. Lemon, General Manager. " The Hon. the Telegraph Commissioner, Wellington." " Sib,— " General Government Offices, Wellington, 30th June, 1874. " I have submitted to my colleagues in Cabinet your letter of the 18th instant, in which you inform me that your efforts to establish the Duplex system of telegraphy in the colony have now been crowned with success. "2. I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of the Government, the expression of their recognition of the service you have been able to render the colony, and their thanks for the same. " 3. I desire also to request that you will convey the thanks of the Government, for the assistance they have rendered in this important improvement in the system of telegraphy, to Mr. Macalister, the assistant officer in charge of the Wellington station, and Mr. Smith, the mechanician to your department, by the latter of whom all the apparatus now in use was made. " I have, &c, " C. Lemon, Esq., General Manager, " Julius Vogel. " Telegraph Department, Wellington."

SCHEDULE OF TABLES. Table A. —Cash Revenue and Expenditure, Signals Department. „ B.—Number of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. „ C. —Numbers of Telegraph. Money Orders issued and paid. „ D.—Comparative Quarterly Return, years ending June, 1873 and 1874. „ E.—Annual Comparative Progress of the Department. „ P.—Cost of Maintenance of Lines. „ Q-.—lnsulation Tests, Cook Strait Cable. „ H— Total Cost of Lines. „ I.—Value of Government Telegrams. „ X.—Debtor and Creditor Statement.



TABLES REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING REPORT. Table A. CASH REVENUE derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages; Value of General Government Telegrams; Number of Messages transmitted by each Station, and the Working Expenses of each Station, for the Year ended 30th June, 1874.

Name of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Total Number of General Government Messages. Total Number of Messsages of all Codes. Amount Paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of each Station. Head Office Aliaura Akaroa Alexandra, Otago Alexandra, Auckland Arrow Ashburton* Auckland Balclutha Bealey Blenheim Bluff Brighton* Bull's Cambridge Castle Point* ... Charleston CheTiot Christchurch Clinton* Clyde Coromandel Cromwell Drury Dunedin Dunedin North Dunsandel Featherston. Foxton Grahamstown ... Grey mouth Grey town Hamilton Hampden Hastings™ Havelock Hawera Hokitika Hurunui Hutt Invereargill Kaiapoi Kaikoura Kakanui Kati Jiati Kekerangu* Lawrence Leithfleld Long Bush Lyell Lyttelton Maketu Malvern* Manukau* Marton. Masterton Mataura* Hercer Motueka Napier Naseby Nelson Newcastle New Plymouth ... Oam aru Onehunga Opunake Otahuhu Otaki* Palmerston Patea Picton Port Chalmers ... Queenstown Eakaia Rangiora £ ■• d. 220 o 5 226 18 3 83 3 7 95 3 8 £ s. d. 24 18 5 26 8 2 5 8 6 282 7 7 £ s. d. 244 18 10 253 6 5 88 12 1 377 11 3 3,120 3.297 1,208 1,762 308 336 78 1,071 3428 3,6.33 1,286 2,833 £ s. d. 2,629 18 6 167 10 o 97 10 o 143 6 4 131 13 4 £ s. d. 851 4 5 41 16 7 35 12 o 10 19 o 98 10 o £ s. d. 3,481 2 11 209 6 7 133 2 o '54 5 4 230 3 4 iS7 16 5 184 6 o 4,300 9 10 223 11 5 33 7 11 507 7 5 557 4 10 42 17 4 171 3 3 24S 9 1 69 4 3 274 3 o no 8 o 3,728 9 o 64 3 10 196 2 4 400 14 n 245 2 o 27 3 7 6,047 ! 1 O 36 4 9 39 o 7 69 10 n 172 10 7 1,372 19 2 1,546 2 10 185 15 7 184 17 2 86 15 4 18 7 8 187 7 6 137 1 2 1.749 16 3 66 9 2 65 5 6 1,142 8 o 216 12 5 93 i7 7 162 13 5 18 9 3 29 2 11 284 17 2 83 2 4 130 9 4 136 4 6 902 8 4 69 7 5 12 1 3 14 14 1 128 15 8 157 2 8 131 11 10 83 8 8 105 9 6 1,282 6 9 201 16 6 1,845 9 i° 219 1 3 375 13 10 1,231 7 11 141 I1 7 23 12 10 47 16 9 96 13 1 242 9 10 181 11 7 263 16 1 436 11 10 429 15 2 11 17 10 78 n 3 15 17 6 16 18 11 957 7 9 19 4 7 o 16 11 83 17 11 120 o 4 030 21 4 10 607 14 7 7 H 5 18 13 4 076 630 19 10 0 16 5 13 13 6 28 7 6 10 11 6 9 3 7 652 19 8 1 10 10 1 13 6 23 12 2 97 10 7 182 14 1 236 18 11 22 18 11 100 3 9 12 14 7 020 12 16 10 20 2 o 236 5 6 1 I 3 3 6 1 146 14 o H 15 ' 10 9 6 1 12 7 7 19 1 o 19 3 22 9 6 5 15 o 256 o 10 7 282 10 3 198 5 5 173 13 11 201 4 11 5,257 17 7 242 16 o 34 4 10 59i 5 4 677 5 2 43 o 4 192 8 1 853 3 8 76 18 8 292 16 4 no 15 6 4,359 8 10 65 o 3 209 15 10 429 2 5 255 13 6 36 7- 2 6,700 10 8 37 H 7 40 14 1 93 3 1 270 1 2 1,555 13 3 1,783 1 9 208 14 6 285 on 99 9 » 18 98 200 4 4 157 3 2 1,986 1 9 67 16 5 68 11 7 1,289 2 o 231 7 6 104 7 1 164 6 o 26 8 4 30 2 2 307 6 8 88 17 4 132 14 10 136 15 « 1,184 18 7 267 12 10 12 1 3 50 1 10 162 12 2 179 18 o 135 13 4 106 7 2 no n 8 i,936 3 10 217 18 S 2,100 14 11 • 39 8 14 6 472 10 7 1,355 10 10 212 18 42 5 8 53 15 5 207 4 8 266 12 7 265 1 1 340 1 8 685 7 2 454 14 2 12 4 10 83 12 1 2,299 2,784 57,065 3,4i7 476 6,75° 7,735 663 2,527 3,196 967 4,026 988 45,923 981 2,892 6,429 3,587 412 77,625 579 638 1,156 2,532 i9,S44 19,679 2,813 2,759 i,3S9 275 3,045 1,966 20,013 1,033 1,060 i5> 193 3,445 i,359 2,043 280 461 4,125 i,3M 1,801 1,826 14,372 971 176 322 2,058 2,418 i,955 i,348 1,821 15,282 2,690 24,157 2,95i 4,685 16,536 2,314 369 790 i,438 3,579 2,852 3,873 7,410 5,454 188 131 244 6.975 199 9 1,230 1,606 3 215 2,229 82 307 4 5.07 1 7 179 292 •59 62 5,983 26 19 277 772 1,217 2,714 225 975 159 1 238 156 2,496 19 5° i,5" 192 i.S7 30 45 15 251 9i 43 4 4,376 957 2,43° 3,028 64,040 3,616 485 7,980 9>34i 666 2,742 5.425 1,049 4.333 992 5°,994 988 3,071 6,721 3,746 474 83,608 605 657 1.433 3.3O4 20,761 22.393 3.038 3.734 276 3.283 2,122 22,509 1,052 1,110 16,704 3,637 1,496 2,073 325 476 4,376 1,405 1,844 1,830 18,748 1,928 176 963 2,352 2,676 2,016 . i,S49 1,902 I9.95O 2,905 27,719 4,i54 5,488 18,037 3.459 482 878 2,131 3.741 3,676 5,007 n,3i3 5,802 192 1,280 no o o 50 19 6 i,592 4 4 156 11 8 218 6 8 1,152 2 9 355 6 8 *33 14 6 197 19 8 160 16 8 101 7 6 2,369 13 10 8 6 8 75 o o '59 3 4 205 10 o 85 o o 2,020 19 6 53 6 8 82 10 o 92 10 c 203 19 6 1,018 16 1 642 19 10 170 6 8 155 3 4 85 16 8 133 o 4 28 16 2 685 6 6 128 13 4 114 3 4 563 11 8 120 16 8 97 o o 109 3 4 102 18 10 47 1 4 30 o 1 55i 15 3 61 17 9 16 18 6 404 13 2 63 11 2 19 18 o 40 16 6 83 14 o 22 14 6 102 8 8 38 5 6 665 17 10 55 7 5 46 11 1 88 2 1 87 2 4 27 14 9 381 1 2 57 19 o 24 18 2 20 13 o 80 11 1 167 8 11 266 15 5 28 10 o 61 5 11 15 o o 58 13 6 15 18 6 30 11 o 314 10 1 16 18 o 23 18 6 144 17 1 52 8 9 30 o 7 650 81 18 6 16 1 6 26 6 3 42 10 9 8 18 6 80 12 10 89 14 1 34 14 o 75 3 9 23 18 o 81 6 2 17 13 o 21 o o 23 3 9 21 18 6 159 16 1 1206 222 17 1 172 9 4 89 4 3 137 5 10 30 1 o 45 8 o 35 2 o 56 11 o 38 14 o 52 16 o II 2 9 65 4 3 93 7 9 7 4 9 126 15 9J •57 1 4 80 19 7 2,143 19 7 218 9 5 235 5 2 1,556 15 " • 418 17 10 19 18 o 174 11 o 281 13 8 22 14 6 263 5 4 139 !3 o 3,O35 11 8 63 14 1 121 11 1 247 5 5 292 12 4 112 14 9 2,402 o 8 in 5 8 107 8 2 113 3 o 284 10 7 1,186 5 o 9O9 15 3 198 16 8 216 9 3 100 16 8 58 13 6 148 18 10 59 7 2 999 16 7 MS 11 4 138 1 10 708 8 9 i73 5 S 127 o 7 115 8 4 184 17 4 16 1 6 144 7 11 151 14 1 99 i5 2 112 6 2 118 1 8 i°9 3 4 90 16 8 31 13 4 409 8 2 99 3 4 35 7 9 33 16 6 22 15 4 416 22 18 6 522 653 17 1 16 2 2 255 5 » 179 13 3 96 16 9 124 2 11 71 6 10 18 12 10 5 18 8 110 11 7 24 2 9 83 9 6 76 5 7 248 15 4 24 19 °: 070 5 o IO! ■"641 294 258 61 201 81 4,668 215 3,562 1,203 803 1,501 1, HS "3 88 693 162 824 M34 3,903 348 105 16 8 193 13 4 94 3 4 135 10 o 852 13 7 133 10 o 985 3 2 127 15 o 206 4 388 13 3 162 18 4 107 10 o 119 3 4 499 2 3 133 17 4 75 3 9 23 18 o 187 2 10 211 64 2100 117 7 1 157 8 6 1,012 9 8 145 10 6 1,208 o 3 300 4 4 295 7 7 525 19 1 192 19 4 152 18 o 154 5 4 56 11 o 218 14 o 3*5 7 8 142 2 9 402 18 s 271 11 1 7 4 9 'I 255 2 5 180 o o 262 11 8 131 o o 337 14 2 178 3 4 1,203 4 77 128' 6 8 *0 icrator; also Lineman.



Table B. NUMBER of Interprovincial Letters forwarded during the Year ended 31st December, 1873; Number of Telegrams despatched in each Province during the Year ended 30th June, 1874; and proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters; together with a similar Return for the previous Year.

Table C. RETURN of the Number and Amount of Telegraph Money Orders Issued and Paid at the Post Offices in the several Postal Districts in the Colony of New Zealand, during the Tear ended 30th June 1874.

Namo of Station. Total Cash Revenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Total Number of General Government Messages. Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount Paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of each Station. teefton tichmond* tiverton Joss ... totorua* Roxburgh* ipit ... ?apanui ?arawera* £ ■■ d. 889 7 1 40 18 o 248 18 2 120 19 o 51 15 o 92 1 5 352 2 9 14 19 8 41 17 4 i°5 '7 5 367 10 5 74 o 2 174 8 10 1,113 8 11 326 6 10 113 13 1 14 19 5 103 9 1 147 9 i° i°5 3 1 140 15 10 26 7 9 1,066 2 11 7i 3 9 4.105 5 5 601 19 7 74i 3 7 4 11 6 106 1 4 2 15 11 46,508 18 10 £ s. d. 62 7 2 1 3 7 15 6 7 11 8 11 £ s. d. 95i 14 3 42 1 7 264 4 9 132 7 11 172 6 o 97 13 9 410 10 3 15 2 "2 59 9 7 299 3 10 700 7 9 107 18 4 191 16 11 1,247 1 7 344 11 8 117 13 2 16 2 10 115 1 o 155. 8 7 118 3 2 163 10 10 37 7 3 1,315 14 1 7i 13 8 5.5H 12 6 3,007 10 4 873 8 6 4 n 6 i°7 5 7 634 £ s. d. 304 o o £ a- d. 192 18 9 12 14 6 26 4 6 45 14 3 22 19 6 32 4 4 37 9 1 26 1 10 13 8 o 4*7 ' 3 78 13 7 59 I2 11 25 6 6 132 5 5 39 19 9 1206 £ *■ d. 496 18 9 12 14 6 152 17 10 225 14 3 22 19 6 47 4 4 "5 15 9 26 1 10 13 8 o 216 4 7 320 12 9 79 12 11 170 9 10 479 '5 5 191 13 1 95 o 6 11 3 1 196 6 8 i37 7 8 164 7 6 118 10 4 »3 3 ° 577 2 5 no 8 o 3,548 o 1 186 9 3 558 11 9 473 16 6 11 16 6 35 1 3 Paupo ?auranga ?e Awamutu* ... ?ernuka ?imaru ?okomairiro Vaiau. Vaikaia, Switzers Vaikouaiti Vaimate Vaipawa Vaipukurau Vairoa* (H. Bay) Vanganui Vashdjke t Wellington }ovt. Buildings (Vestport iVhite's Bayt ■ • ■ Yin ton* Waitaki 120 11 o 5 12 4 58 7 6 026 17 12 3 J93 6 5 332 17 4 33 18 2 17 8 1 133 12 8 18 4 10 401 1 3 5 n 11 n 7 18 9 13 ° 1 22 15 o 10 19 6 249 11 2 o 9 11 1,409 7 1 2,405 10 9 132 4 11 11,129 677 3.599 1,813 681 1,423 4,849 218 654 1,506 5,653 1,127 2,786 14,311 4,894 1,496 229 1,650 2,274 1,585 1,763 357 14,9*3 1,107 74,788 6,298 9,932 44 1,628 44 1,024 IS 199 126 656 88 809 2 158 1,074 2.376 264 207 i,68^ 238 49 11 175 119 158 189 8S 2,292 5 10,829 I7-45 1 1.75* 12.153 692 3.798 1.939 1.337 i.5" 5.658 220 812 2,580 8,029 i.39i 2,993 15.994 5>!32 '.545 240 1,825 2,393 1.743 '.952 442 17.205 1,112 . 85.617 23.749 11,683 44 1,643 73 126 13 4 180 o o 15 o o 178 6 8 '69 3 4 241 19 2 20 o o HS 3 4 347 IO ° I5 1 13 4 83 o o 185 10 2 118 6 8 128 6 8 106 3 4 368 11 5 100 o o 3.076 17 4 155 9 9 346 4 6 389 o o 11 3 1 10 16 6 19 1 o 36 o 10 1270 13 3 ° 208 11 o 10 8 o 471 2 9 3° 19 6 212 7 3 84 16 6 11 16 6 25 1 3 1 4 3 3 7 5 12,618 11 6 15 29 10 o o Total 752,899 29,547 15 o 59."7 10 4 645,067 107,832 9,254 4 4138,801 19 4 * Operator; also Lineman. t This transmitting Station was transferred to Blenheim on the 12th October, 1873.

1873-74. 1872-73. Province. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Wellington ... tlarlborough... kelson Canterbury ... iVestland )tago Southland lawke's Bay... ?aranaki Auckland 500.541 92,104 227,572 448,795 163,838 829,283 145.131 58,889 612,376 146,406 18,286 6S.9SI 108,844 46,841 159,887 33.5O2 3o,557 11,768 '30,857 29'24 19-85 2898 24-25 28-58 1927 25'5i 2 1 '°5 1998 21-36 418,842 62,813 202,150 421,092 194,722 7S5.43O} 95.795) 101,741 48,748 577.039 105,372 15.851 52,376 73.071 35.137 126,368 2i,935 2i,497 8,721 108,632 25'23 2590 »7'35 18-04 16-72 22-89 21-12 17-88 18-80 Total Number of Letters ... Total Number of Telegrams Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters 1873-71. 18: 3,209,837 2,8: 752,899 5< 23'45 '2-73. [8,372 )8,g6o 1976 1871-72. 2,418,021 411,767 17-02 1870-71. 2,626,947 312.874 , 11-91 2. 1869-70. ,374,o6o 185.423 7-8! 186i 2,741 I 4 I )-69. J.488 5,167 6-12 3867-68. I.938.578 106,104 5'47

Issued. Paid. Offices in— Number. Commission. Amount. Number. Amount. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wellington ... Blenheim Nelson Westport Sreymouth ... Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin 838 97 137 67, 1,100 45i 228 284 830 258 1,260 1,622 225 £ s- d. Ill 12 O 12 4 4 18 7 o 85 8 8 138 10 o 58 1 4 26 8 o 36 8 o 108 4 o 30 8 8 164 7 o 215 6 o 29 15 o £ s. d. 4.174 o 5 437 ° 7 684 11 9 3,100 9 6 5,000 o 2 2,126 12 8 898 6 7 I.35 1 12 1 4,000 15 8 1,043 16 6 6,074 1 8 8,050 19 7 1,110 1 7 1,386 515 79 158 1,059 151 75° 139 520 546 841 1.643 170 £ s. d. 6,580 11 3 1,947 4 6 4*5 9 9 759 2 11 4,878 10 5 642 13 4 3.395 17 5 696 1 6 2,502 2 o 2,655 12 8 4,097 16 7 8,349 »3 8 906 11 3 !nvercargill ... Totals 7-957 8,001 1,035 ° o 38,05214 9 38,837 7 3

Cash Eeyentje derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages, &e.— continued.



Table D. ORDINARY, PRESS, and PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TELEGRAMS despatched during each Quarter of the Years ended 30th June, 1873 and 1874, respectively, and the Revenue derived from each Class. 1872-73.



Table E. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Progress of the TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874.


Number of Telegrams forwarded during Year. Y'ear ended. ' Number of Miles of' Line. Number of Stations Open. Private, Press, and Provincial Government. Revenue derived from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages, and Incidental Receipts. Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Business done during the Year. Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Cost of Maintenance of Lines. Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tariff in Operation. General Government. Total. I I I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 30th June, 1866 2,476 27,237 5,56i 19 2 483 3 2 6,045 2 4 3,934 3 4 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 3 3 9 IO Mileage tariff. 699 13 24,761 ,, 1867 757 21 55,621 15,331 70,952 9,070 10 1 3,77° 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 14 7 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 3 7 1 ,, ,, „ „ 1868 1, no 3' 72,241 26,244 98,485 ",652 3 7 6,672 o 3 18,324 3 IO I 9,489 17 io 5>4o6 7 3 14,896 S 1 4 17 4 „ ,, „ ,, 1869 1,329 45 106,070 50,097 156,157 18,520 10 4 13,430 11 9 31,951 2 I 14,266 12 7 8,547 4 9 22,813 17 4 6 8 6 Mileage tariff in operation up to 1st Sept. 1869 ; uniform 2s. 6d. - tariff from 1st Sept. 1869 to 31st March, 1870; and is. tariff from 1st April, 1870. „ 1870 1,661 56 122,545 62,878 185,423 17,218 1 4 12,252 6 o 29,470 7 4 16,417 7 4 14,120 4 10 30,537 12 2 8 9 11 „ 1871 ♦1,976 72 253,582 59,292 312,874 22,419 8 8 9,876 17 6 32,296 6 2 21,254 4 3 ii,344 3 8 32,598 7 11 5 19 6 „ 1872 +2,185 81 344,524 67,243 411,767 28,121 10 o ",043 3 9 39,164 13 9 22,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 32,452 9 4 423 „ ,, 1873 +2,356 93 485,507 83,453 568,960 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 o 50,786 o 9 27,040 18 10 9,479 5 4 36,520 4 2 4 1 11 I „ ,, 1874 l|2,53o 105 645,067 107,832 752,899 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 15,021 17 n 53,823 17 3 6 3 11 From 1st Nov. 1873, address and signature given in free. * Prom this mileage 78 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. t Prom this mileage 42 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. t Prom this mileage 32 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. || Prom this mileage 106 miles to be deducted before computing tho cost per mile for maintenance.



Table F. COST of MAINTENANCE of TELEGRAPH LINES for the Financial Year ended 30th June, 1874.

Section. Number of Miles. Salaries of Linemen and Inspectors. Travelling Expenses of Linemen and Inspectors. Extra Labour. Cost of Material used for Repairs. Total Cost of Maintenance. Cost per Mile. Riverton to Balclutha, including Winton Line Tokomairiro to Queenstown Balclutha to Waitaki, including Naseby Line ... Waitaki to Christchurch, including Akaroa Line Christchurch to Greymouth, including Ross Line from Hokitika ... Greymouth to Westport, including Reefton and Ly ell Line Christchurch to Blenheim, including Rangiora Lino (8 miles) and Wairau Line (37 miles) ... Blenheim to Nelson, including White's Bay Line Nelson to Motueka Wellington to Opunake and New Plymouth ... Wellington to Napier Napier to Tauranga Tauranga to Grahamstown ... Auckland to Coromandel aud Alexandra, including Manukau Line... 152 140 210 198 196 149 £ s. d. 489 11 8 450 15 3 476 5 7 642 2 o 430 16 8 461 1 8 £ s. d. 144 19 3 232 2 11 208 8 7 255 11 2 569 6 o 380 1 8 £ s. d. iS 9 6 83 18 o 46 2 1 115 16 3 143 4" 95 15 10 £ s. d. 14 11 8 84 14 4 29 10 8 199 4 3 59 15 9 46 1 o £ s. d. 664 12 1 851 10 6 760 611 1,212 13 8 1,203 3 4 983 o 2 £ s. d. 4 7 S 617 3 12 5 626 629 6 11 11 253 92 32 242 221 200 73 266 857 10 6 307 12 9 150 o o 593 10 8 553 2 7 506 7 8 278 6 8 1,188 8 8 630 11 1 208 19 6 15 14 6 323 10 6 35o 19 7 150 1 7 217 8 6 656 2 10 237 17 o 193 9 2 176 9 8 134 18 1 13 12 o 478 2 1 33i 11 8 86 13 7 73 10 9 050 112 10 2 58 11 6 32 13 3 213 11 11 214 7 10 1,226 1 8 1,812 12 2 783 12 2 165 19 6 1,206 1 o 7 3 3 8 10 4 5 3 9 4 19 8 4 19 3 3 10 3 16 S 4 8 19 8 1,097 n 9 702 14 6 1,187 9 2 2,390 11 o 2,424 7,38S 12 4 4,343 17 8 2,066 6 3 15,021 17 II 6 3 11* Note. —Tapanui and Switzers Line, 48 miles; Maketu to Opotiki Line, 54 miles; Wellington Signal Station Line, 4 miles —not included in this Table. * To >tal average cost per mile, £6 3s. lid. Table G. Inshlation Tests of the Cook Strait Cable for the Years ended 30th June, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874, resp. per Knot after Two Minutes' Electrification in Millions of Ohmads (British Association Units of Resista ectively, showing the Resistance ,nce). Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date, No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. _l I r I I I I I I l 1867— September i ... September 30 October 14 November 1 ... November 14... December 2 ... 1868— June 7* ' September 11 September 17 1869— March 27 April 19 May 11 May 17 June 22 July 27 473 634 547 598 574 608 93o 630 697 71 102 179 326 io'6 10-5 5'5 22-5 63'5 SS4 ! 634 620 667 643 709 1,094 946 1,000 1869— August 24 September 27 October 1November 8 ... December 3 ... 1870— January 22 ... February 22 ... March 18 March 20 April 26 May 31 June 26 July 16 August 16 September 17 October 20 667 754 582 638 526 417 442 344 430 456 35S 5i7 473 508 47i 7 13 S 2'5 2 3 3'4 3'o6 8'6 •446 2'3 '393 i'7 8-7 S'S 1,200 1,275 1,253 1,159 865 707 967 619 812 871622 893 763 1,108 1,069 1870— November 21 ... December 21 ... 1871— January 21 ... February 21 ... March 23 April 24 May 23 June 24 July t August 25 September 25 October f November 23 ... December 28 ... 1872— January 27 ... SOS 480 574 565 497 508 489 717 IO'2 77 6-7 2'0 2'39 i'85 2-08 1-28 1,149 1,121 1,312 1,173 I,l66 I,O03 9S5 1,288 1872— February 27 ... March 31 April 25 May 28 June 22 July 23 August 19 September f ... October 22 November 20... December 30 ... 1873January 24 ... February 24 ... March 25 April 23 May 23 596 676 S53 649 687 826 818 709 763 867 9'5 i8'5 39' 1 44'4 49-6 656 88-5 173 208 220 1,073 938 979 H73 1,146 1,476 i,73S 1873June 23 July 24 August 23 September 23... October 21 November 22... December 24 ... 1874— January 24 ... February 24 ... March 25 April 24 May 23 June 27 6n 628 7i7 609 569 695 554 592 SSi 559 579 SSi 607 50-0 613 683 S7'2 182-1 347'5 389'S 3if3 280-7 356-4 398-0 961 1,203 1,159 1,564 1,193 1,214 1,429 1,312 1,438 1,217 1,106 1,303 1,115 1,227 75i 5i7 1-36 i'3i i,444 1,123 i,33i i,5S6 i,5 6 i 467 483 562 S3 1 522 649 26 30 31 14 15 9 729 748 950 963 93i 1,104 ... 641 S?o 265 998 1,481 1,079 642 578 611 585 S°5 103 181 24-8 21-0 1,307 1,271 1,420 1,272 1,231 579 829 981 297 * This test was taken with zinc to earth; all the others with co] 'er to earth. t No test taken.


Table H. TOTAL COST of the LINES of TELEGRAPH throughout New Zealand and of the Cook Strait Cable.


Section of Line. Length of* Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Total Cost of Poles for Section, including Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c, including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. £ •■ d. £ 8. d. 547 2 10 £ s. d. 96 10 11 £ s. d. 262 12 7 812 15 6 469 11 o 1,720 13 3 3,760 19 o 3,661 6 o 503 12 6 800 o o 3,808 o o 3,019 17 9 U 906 6 4 P 812 15 6 2,407 12 4 13,108 19 o 13,743 1 2 14,057 6 7 503 12 6 800 o o 3,808 o c 7,002 17 o £ B. d. 37 15 3 42 15 (ta 75 4 9 69 70 63 o 1b 58 6 oc 71 18 lid 100 o oe 21 12 9/ 104 10 5 Eiverton to Invercavgill Bluff to Invercargill ... Invercargill to Mataura Mataura to Waitaki Waitaki to Hurumii ... JIurumii to Nelson White's Bay Line Port Chalmers Line Christehurch to Grreymouth Greymouth to Westport Blenheim to Woodend, reconstruction, including White's Bay Line (194 miles) Palmerston to Naseby... Tokomairiro to Queenstown Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Third Wire from Dunedin to Oamaru (including Loop Line to Kakanui, 4 miles), 94 miles Christehurch to Hokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles ... Christehurch to Akaroa Nelson to Motueka Greymouth to Beefton Leithfield to Waiau Invercargill to Winton Hokitika to Boss Kaiapoi to Bangiora ... Grreymouth to Westport, reconstruction, 67 miles ... Havelock to Nelson, reconstruction, 25 miles Invercargill to Balelutha, reconstruction, 70 miles ... Third Wire, Oamaru to Christchurch, 161 miles Second Wire, Christehurch to Hokitika, 146 miles ... Second and Third Wires, Hokitika to Greymouth, 60 miles ... Fourth Wire, Palmerston to Dunedin, 33 miles ... Tapanui and Switzers Line from Clinton Eeefton to Lyell Fourth Wire, Blenheim to Christchurch, completed from Christchurch to Leithfield, 29 miles... Eailway Wires, —■ Dunedin to Tokomairiro, 33 miles Hampden to Waitaki, 35 miles 24 19 32 189 218 241 7 8 176 67 54 140 4 5° 32 S° 37 14 20 8 1,229 3 3 i.9Si 7 6 100 o o 65 10 o 10 10 o 2,649 ° ° 401 3 o 1,199 o o 8,353 18 o 6,554 8 8 5.213 14 o 1,070 16 5 5.136 12 5 754 14 10 264 12 o 1,881 16 ( 805 2 6 872 13 2 1,440 14 o 801 12 4 29S 2 o 172 12 6 207 o o 739 1 4 3,°34 7 9 3,427 13 6 3.953 3 4 960 15 4 2,022 15 4 247 2 2 830 16 11 446 13 5 721 S 8 375 S 8 1,101 6 7 688 2 5 156 4 11 208 11 6 48 2 8 3,484 12 o 435 >9 9 4,432 1 4 2,247 3 10 426 15 9 873 12 11 817 18 5 321 11 2 i,795 9 11 847 4 6 209 1 o 200 12 6 37 17 6 10,743 19 9 i,437 16 9 4,432 1 4 2,247 3 10 1,522 4 8 3,202 2 9 2,409 16 7 1,580 o e 6,986 10 6 2,336 19 3 660 7 11 982 19 6 293 o 2 55 7 7 26 12 6 31 '3 2S 16 1 o 16 3 10 21 18 8 48 3 11 49 7 6/1 139 14 7 63 3 2 47 3 5 49 2 11 36 12 6 675 14 3 69 16 9 1,216 9 1 1,962 o 1 29 5 8 379 18 6 17 15 o 144 5 2 541 18 8 21 13 6 1,221 3 9 "3 15 5 706 12 3 2,041 11 5 29 3 3 936 2 10 i,935 7 2 1,077 10 8 3,949 o 8 24 10 6 290 6 o 1,286 7 o 518 13 6 2,095 6 C 14 7 o 499 7 ° 216 2 5 7i5 9 5 11 18 5 15 o o 335 M 3 212 13 10 563 s 1 17 1 4 48 32 3,863 3 6 615 13 4 898 5 6 669 9 5 799 15 9 393 13 4 503 11 o 1,678 16 1 6,064 IS 9 34 19 6 189 10 5 286 9 7 131 17 6 418 7 1 14 8 6 104 12 2 66 o o 522 2 9 190 12 4 231 9 10 I3S 11 10 858 4 9 392 4 2 26 o 1 11 4 1 Totals, South Island 1,470 10,269 17 3 40,774 8 5 25,784 8 1 40,437 18 7 117,266 13 1 79 IS S Lyell's Bay to Wellington Wellington to Patea ... Wellington to Masterton Masterton to Castle Point Castle Point to Porangahau Porangahau to Napier... Napier to Tauranga Auckland to Alexandra Auckland to Newcastle, reconstruction, 70 miles, including new line from Hamilton to Cambridge, 12 miles Mercer to Thames, including four towers for spanning Thames and Piako Rivers Second Wire, from Napier to Tauranga, 200 miles 4 180 60 36 53 68 200 152 67'i8 6 264 4 6 22 15 1 176 9 4 74 o o 153 18 6 123 S 8 4.647 I2 7 2,362 10 o 2.459 IS c 9,404 12 6 104 6 o 2,3iS 9 S 839 4 4 388 18 6 722 18 6 918 9 8 S.763 13 7 57 '5 o 3,062 n 9 2,357 6 3 1,267 9 : 1,105 16 IO 1,252 IO 2 5.767 18 5 3,256 o o 285 6 o 10,093 12 3 3,460 15 1 1,679 2 8 4.367 14 8 4.7O4 15 4 21,090 3 o 3,256 o 0 71 6 o 56 1 6 57 18 4 46 19 6 82 8 2 69 3 9 105 9 o 21 8 s 1..393 H 6 841 IS .9 1.453 3 8 3.688 13 11 44 19 8 12 36 2,158 8 10 1,386 13 10 1.492 7 5 S,°37 i° 1 139 18 7 793 19 9 31 17 o 2,607 9 1 880 11 1 4.313 16 11 21 11 4 Carried forward 801 1,553 5 8 22,581 15 11 15,888 18 8 21,953 9 8 6i,977 9 « a Purchased from Southland ( tate cost of poles, &c. e Purchase rovernment; total cost includes &', Jovernn ■A from 2,017 11 tent, b Inclui private firm, is. lOd. for ne< les £450, pun f Purchased r material. I mase of Lytte] from Canterb 1 6 per cent, ini lton line. 0 Aiury Governme tercst guarante pproximato cost ;nt. g Purchasi ;ed on this line. ;. d Approxied from Otago


Table I. CASH VALUE of Shipping Telegrams and Amounts chargeable to each Department of the General Government for Telegrams transmitted during the Year ended 30th June, 1874.


Section of Lino. Length of Section in Miles. Cost of Clearing Bush. Total Cost of Poles for Section, including Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c, including Carriage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. £ s. d. £ »- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ »■ d. £ s. d. Brought forward tauranga to Kati Kati Cati Kati to Grahamstown Lhird Wire, from Auckland to Mercer, 40 miles -bird Wire, from Auckland to Grahamstown, 76 miles .hird Wire, from Wellington to Masterton, 60 miles, and from Napier to Waipukurau, 42 miles Grahamstown to Coromandel . atea to New Plymouth, 90 miles, less 28 miles not yet erected ... )nehunga to Junction, reconstruction, 5 miles -bird Wire, Napier to Grahamstown, 270 miles .lanukau Heads Lino ... .ambridgo to Alexandra, reconstruction, 50 miles ... ilakctu to Opotiki Vellington Signal Station Line and Lunatic Asylums lecond Wire, Wellington to Wanganui, completed from Wanganui to Bull's, 26 miles tailway Wires, — Auckland to Penrose, 8 miles,.. 30 62 801 30 43 i,553 5 8 1,584 1 3 1,108 13 6 22,581 15 11 1,041 3 o 2,521 19 5 173 1 6 146 17 6 605 6 3 4,026 17 10 40 5 o 15,888 18 8 530 5 9 1,461 8 6 234 o 9 816 9 7 188 17 2 414 6 9 i,i44 11 3 460 2i,9S3 9 8 1,266 O IO 1,482 15 3 383 18 S 1,136 6 11 1,020 11 10 2,076 12 o 2,002 5 9 36 19 10 6i,977 9 11 2,837 9 7 7,050 4 5 617 19 2 2,125 18 o 1,356 6 6 4,204 18 6 7,i73 14 10 81 IO IO 94 11 8 163 19 2 IS 9 o 27 19 S 13 S 10 140 3 3 115 14 1* 16 6 2 "36 37 18 8 833 17 8 3,680 10 4 34o 5 8 1,844 11 4 1,057 15 7 S,S63 o 4 2,231 18 11 20 12 o 61 19 11 54 844 7 6 1,959 8 3 349 S 8 1,238 9 10 643 4 7 1,301 4 6 1,836 17 9 4,499 2 7 ..6 14 9 83 6 4 4 62 6 o 90 9 8 34 18 6 187 14 2 46 18 6 54 o o 38S 4 3 202 16 6 642 o 9 24 13 10 33 13 11 43 19 6 77 13 5 9 14 2 Totals, North Island Totals, South Island 1,060 1,470 4,246 o 5 10,269 17 3 i4,5iS 17 8 34,929 4 6 40,774 8 5 26,801 3 9 25,784 8 10 36,487 11 o 4o,437 18 7 102,463 19 8 117,266 13 1 96 13 3 79 i5 5 '00k Strait Cable, including freight from London and expense of laying 2,530 75,703 12 11 52,585 12 7 76,925 9 7 219,730 12 9 29,864 o o 'otal expenditure (exclusive of lines in progress) 249,594 12 9 Total number o: * This cost per mile incl f miles of Line, 2,530. Total ludes poles and material for p< number of mil. .rtion of line (2I •a of Wire, 5,182. S miles) yet to be erected.

Colonial Secretary Crown Lancia Customs Defence Judicial Marino Native Postal Public Worts Kegistrar-G-eneral Registrar of Land Treasury Shipping £ s. d. 1,500 6 o 101 1 o 353 9 o 1,186 17 o 77i 4 o 13 12 o 2,111 3 o 1.57i S o 2,786 3 6 179 13 o 49 7 o 689 11 o 1,305 o o £12,618 11 6

Total Cost of the Lines of Telegraph, &c. — continued.




Dr. To Total Cost of Maintenance of Stations ' To Total Cost of Maintenance of Lines To Commission on Java Cable Telegrams £ s. d. £ s. d. Cb. By Cash Receipts, as under:— Ordinary, Press, and Provincial Government Telegrams* By Incidental Receipts, hot included in Tables: — Excess on Ordinary Telegrams By Collections for copies of Telegrams By amount collected by the Postal Department for Money Order Telegrams ... £ s. d. £ B. d. 38,801 19 4 46,508 18 10 15,021 17 11 24 17 8 57 '8 10 11 5 6 46,978 4 2 Total Disbursements To balance to credit of the Department 53,848 14 11 400 1 o 6,026 6 o By value of General Government Telegrams By amount due by Provincial Government of Nelson, being guarantee on Motueka and Richmond Line ... 12,618 11 6 278 5 3 £59.875 o " £59,875 o 11 *' Of this amount, £531 12s. 7d. was collected in Postage Stamps. Price 9c..] By Authority : George Didsbtjey, Government Printer, Wellington.—1871.

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TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (TENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, F-01a

TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. (TENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, F-01a

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