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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.

Mr. J. A. Wilson to the Hon. the Natite Ministeb. Sic,— Auckland, 2Gth February, 1873. I have the honor herewith to enclose sixteen schedules, numbered from 17 to 32 inclusive, and to state that these schedules, coupled with those already forwarded, contain complete returns of all lands as yet surveyed in that district that are to be granted to Natives. These schedules have been detained by the protracted operations of the Surveyor, who has, I believe, had other Government work to attend to also. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Native Minister, "Wellington. J. A. Wilson.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 17, 1872. LOT to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein specified is to bo inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of Ngatira Hapu whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of Ngatira Hapu for whom the land described above is granted. Men. 1. HiraTePopo. 9. Holm Katupuku. 16. Maka Bangiihu. 2. Heromaia. 10. Hetaraka Kaubopc. 17. Kurei. 3. Maiiihera Taikehu. 11. Wi Hura. 18. Whakabu. 4. Pera Makau. 12. Tahckehekc. 19. Haturina. 5. Hane Tapatahi. 13. Pao Kuma. 20. Mehaka. 6. Kawiri Makawa. 14. Karawera. 21. Krakcwa. 7. Eawiri Mabanga. 15. Wharenui. 22. Tuhakia. 8. Paraharaha. Women. 23. Eiripcti Nobokupenga. 31. Maraea. 38. Eamari Noki. 24. Kuiha Koraba. 32. Hereana Tikapa. 39. Ani. 25. Heraaima. 33. Murata. Takutai. 40. Huriana. 26. Eiripeti Mauparai. 34. Whenuanui. 41. Eeihia. 27. Pine Patuaka. 35. Eiria Wbarenikau. 42. Tarata. 28. Eamaribi. 36. Hencrieta. 43. Ira. 29. Monika Übitere. 37. Eoka. 44. Tapui. 30. Eamari Herewaka.

Name of Tribe for certain of whose members Grant is made. Area. Names of Trustees. Sex. Rank. Address. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. Acres. fgatira Him Te Popo ... M. Pera Makau ... j M. Wharenui ... j M. Tuwhakia ... M. Maka Rangiihu ... M. Hane Tapatahi ,.. M. Hihaka Mataika ... II. Native Chief Native Opotiki 102 Bounded on the West, the North, and the East by the Eiver Otara; on the South by a line 2931 links separating it from the Town Belt Opotiki. >> n ••• j) ..•



Children. 45. Topeora. 52. Hikora. 59. Turuhira. 46. Maria. 53. Pano. . 60. Wharekiri. 47. Taki. 54. Matatuhi. 61. Taihuka. 48. Meri. 55. Pirihaki. .62. Wharekawa. 49. Kanaihi. 56. Kerekau. 63. Kora. 50. Mihaka. 57. Tapatahi. 64. Pakihi. 51. Naiere. 58. Tawhara.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 18, 1872. LOT to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein described is to be inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of Patutatahi Hapu whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of Patutatahi Hapu for whom Lot 38, Simpson's Survey, Rangitaiki, is granted. Men. 1. Matiu Pakiuru. 7. Haki Tukino. 13. Hoani Tuarakena. 2. Hoani Kauhoe. 8. Hoani Poururu. . 14. Eria Hakona. 3. Hoera Kohuka. 9. Marupo Hunia. 15. Hoani Kaehe. 4. Rewi Awatarereliika. 10. Horomona. 16. Wi Hanae. 5. Matiu Tarewa. 11. Kamu. 17. Karena Tamahou. 6. Himone Auru. 12. Tawhaki. 18. Kaniera. Women. 19. Kerira. 27. Mere Whareraupo. 35,. Kainui. 20. Kataraina Ngakuka. 28. Mere Pohoe. 36. Hopia Haruwai. 21. Tauwhara. 29. Poho Te Arawa. 37. Te Iwi. 22. Tini Moari. 30. Pirihita Koroiti. 38. Kauneke. 23. Maraea. 31. Maria Perepere. , 39. Harieta Keretu. 24. Mareta Waikorari. 32. Hao. 40. Haupuhia. 25. Wakata Peti. 33. Wikitoria. 41. Hera. 26. Kuru Whiu. 34. Miriama. 42. Amiria Whakaae. Children. 43. Ngamotu. 49. Marupo. 54. Erueti. 44. Hapini. 50. Boha. 55. Toenga. 45. Erueti. 51. Tamahou. 56. Eetimana. 46. Hinehou. 52. Eihari. 57. Hopa. 47. Ngawiwi. 53. Makarena. 58. Anuanu. 48. Tamahou.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 19, 1872. LOT to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein specified is to be inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of the Patutatahi Tribe whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of the Patutatahi Tribe for whom Lot No. 1, Parish of Eangitaiki, is granted.' Men. 1. Matiu Pakiuru. 7. Haki Tukino. 13. Hoani Tuarakena. 2. Hoani Kauhoe. 8. Hoani Poururu. 14. Eria Hakono. 3. Hoera Kohuka. 9. Harupo Hunia. 15. Hoani Kaehe. 4. Eewi Awatarerehika. 10. Horomona. 16. Wi Hanae. 5. Matiu Tarewa. 11. Kamu. 17. Karena Tamahou. 6. Himone Auru. 12. Tawhaki.

Name of Tribe for certain of whose members Grant is made. Names of Trustees. Sei. Eank. Address. Area. N"o. and Description of Lot. Locality. A. E. P. 'atutatalii Matiu Pakiuru ... Hoera Kohiika Hoani Kauhoe Matiu Tarewa M. M. M. U. Native Chief Rangitaiki 33 2 37 Lot 38, Simpson's Survey, Rangitaiki Matata. jj >> j) 3)

Tribe for certain of whose members Grant is made. Area. Names of Trustees. Sex. Bank. Address. A. R. P. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. 'atutatalii Matiu Pakiuru ... Hoera Kohuka ... Hoani Ivauhoe ... Matiu Tarewa Wiremu Whatam. H. M. Native Chief Native Native Native Native Chief Rangitaiki j) j) 154 1 18 1. Parish of Rangitaiki Rangitaiki j) n papa



Women. 18. Kerira. . 26. Kuru Whiu. 34. Kainui. 19. Amiria Whakaae. 27. Mere Whareraupo. 35. Hopia Harinvai. 20. Katarina Ngahuka. 28. Mere Poboe. 36. Pirihita Koroiti. 21. Tauwhara. 29. Polio Te Arawa. 37. Te Iwi. 22. Tini Moari. 30. Maria Perepere. 38. Kauneke. 23. Maraea. 31. Hao. 39. Harieta Eeretu. 24. Mareta Waikorari. 32. Wikitoria. 40. Haupuhia. 25. Wakata Peti. 33. Miriama. 41. Hera. Children. 42. Namotu. 48. Marupo. 54. Eaniera. 43. Hapini. 49. Eoha. 55. Toenga. 44. Erueti. 50. Tamahou. 56. Eetimana. 45. Hinehou. 51. Eihari. 57. Hopa. 46. Ngawiwi. 52. Makarena. 58. Anuanu. 47. Tamahou. 53. Erueti.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 20, 1872. LOT to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein described is to be inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of the Ngatirangihohiri Hapu whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of Ngatirangihohiri Hapu for whom Lot 40, Simpson's Survey, Kangitaiki, is granted. Men. 1. Te Metera Te Ti. 5. Whariki Te Pitoiwi. 9. Hoani. 2. Hura Umukobukohu. 6. Hakopa Mokoera. 10. Aka Otau. 3. Hamahona. 7. Hokoparaeketi. 11. Herewetere. 4. Tamahou. 8. Poriwira. Women. 12. Matahea Potae. 17. Timoho Turi. 21. Wiripini. 13. Merania. 18. Taea. 22. Hinehou. 14. Katarina Taiparoro. 19. Eahera Taipu. 23. Tatiana. 15. Tihi. 20. Tira Kaewa. 24. Eaukete Pareake. 16. Wahakana.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 21, 1872. LOT to bo granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein described is to be inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of Ngatirangihohiri Hapu whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of Ngatirangihohiri Hapu, for whom Lot 39, Simpson's Survey, at Eangitaiki, is granted. Men. 1. Moihi Paha. 6. Hoani Tuhawaiki. 10. Te Wano. 2. Hakaraia Tohora. 7. Tio Wahu. 11. Winiti Kahi. 3. Pukukau. 8. Warati Karu. 12. Hoani Hupe. 4. Eewi. 9. Hira Kingi. 13. Wiremu Korahi. 5. Oru Hopara. Women. 14. Harata. 20. Hape. 26. Miriama. 15. Eihi. 21. Arapara. 27. Titihuia. 16. Pona. 22. Hinehou. 28. Awhe. 17. Mere Peka Whakaputaputa. 23. Awaliou. 29. Werahika Matuku. 18. Uapora. 24. Merc Tahei. 30. Kerara. 19. Hamiora. 25. Nete.

Hapu for certain of whose members Names of Trustees. Grant is made. Sex. Bank. Address. Area. A. B. P. No. and description of Lot Locality. rgatirangihokiri To Metera Te Ti... M. I Native Chief Rangitaiki Whariki Te Pitoiwi M. | „ „ I 13 3 17 Lot 40, Simpson's Sur- OmaruTey, at Eangitaiki potiki.

Hapu for certain of wnose members Grant is made. Names of Trustees. Sex. Hank. Address. Area. A. E. P. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. "gatirangiholiiri Hoani Tuhawaiki M. Native Chief Rangitaiki Hakaraia Tohora... M. „ „ 13 3 17 Lot 39, Simpson's Sur- Omarupotiki vey, at Rangitaiki



BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 22, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." Each Lot herein described is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whose names are opposite to the same.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 23, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." Each lot herein described is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whoso names are opposite to the same.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 24, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." Each lot herein described is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whose names are opposite to the same.

No. Names of Grantees. Sex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Tleseription of Lot. Locality. Pene Tuno Peka... Kingi Tiakiawa Hokohoko Rameka Ripeka Maraea Tamahou Wiremu Kepa ... Meihana Ranapia Hohi Meretaka Kerara M. Bt Bt M. M. M. F. F. M. M. M. M. F. F. F. Native Torere 10 15, Simpson's Survey, at Kangitaiki Rangitaiki. Tauranga ... 17 18, Simpson's Survey, at Bangitaiki >» ,, ,) Rangitaiki... Lot 16, Simpson's Survey, at Eangitaiki; also, Lot 17, Simpson's Survey, at Rangitaiki ii 10 10 >> )> >, j,

No. Names of Grantees. Sez. Rank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. Wiremu Kepa Mcihana Eanapia Mihilii Taiparoro ... Tamahou Whioi To Wnvini Orono Paora Kahawai Patene Whakamatai ... Miriama Taumataoioi Tarutawhiti Katerina Pahewa M. M. M. F. F. M. M. M. M. M. F. F. F. Native )j ... ,, jj » Native Chief Native Rangitaiki... Eangitaiki... 20 Lot 19, Simpson's Survey, at Rangitaiki Lot 26, Simpson's Survey, at Kangitaiki Rangitaiki. 20 Eangitaiki. ,, ... ,, n jj ... j, ...

No. Names of Grantees. Sex. Bank. Address. Area. No. and Description of Lot. A. E. T. Locality. J L 2 j 3 j Te Wiwini Orono Paora Kahawai Patene Whakamatai Kepete Mariana Hineawe Maora Penehamene ... Harete Eangatai Aka Otau Herewetere Eaukete Pareake M. M. If. F. K. F. F. M. F. 1?. M. ML P. Native Chief Native j, j, ... ,, ... ,, ... Native Eangitaiki... Waiapu ... Tauranga Thames Eangitaiki... 17 0 0 No. 20, Simpson's Survey, at Eangitaiki No. 37, Simpson's Survey, at Eangitaiki Kangitaiki. 10 2 20 j» Native 10 0 0 No. 28, Simpson's Survey, at Eangitaiki 9} ii »



BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 25, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." Each lot herein specified is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whose names are placed opposite to the same.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 26, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." Each lot herein specified is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whose names are placed opposite to the same.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 27, 1872. LOTS to be granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1857." Each lot herein described is to be granted to the Aboriginal Natives whose names are placed opposite to the same.

No. Names of Grantees. Bex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. TeMeteraTeTi Matahea Potae Merania Katerina Taiparoro To Hura TJmukohukohu Tihi ... Wahakana Tamahou Hamahona Taea... Timoho Turi ... Whariki Te Pitoiwi Rahera Taipu ... Hokoparaekete M. F. P. f: M. P. M. If. jr. p. F. M. P. M. Native Chief Native u Native Chief Native jj ■•■ Rangitaiki... ii )) Rangitaiki... j> )> 20 20 25, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki 23, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki Rangitaiki )> j> Eangitaiki... A. E.P. 13 1 0 44, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki » i) Native Chief Native Rangitaiki.,. Acres. 20 27, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki n j> )j ii

No. Names of Grantees. Sex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. locality. 1 j 3t 4 j Moihi Paha Bihi ... Mere Tahei Hoani Hupe ... Awahou Pukukau Bewi... Hakaraia Tohora Winita Eahi ... Nete ... Hoani Tuhawiki Miriama Titihuia M. F. F. M. P. M. 11 M. 31. F. M. F. F. Native Native Chief Native Rangitaiki... j> Rangitaiki... Rangitaiki... Rangitaiki... in 10 10 32, Simpson's Surrey at Bangitaiki 34, Simpson's Survey at Bangitaiki 35, Simpson's Survey at Bangitaiki 33, Simpson's Survey at Bangitaiki Rangitaiki. jj 10 jj Native Chief Native Rangitaiki... 10 29, Simpson's Survey at Bangitaiki )» a ), si

No. Names of Grantees. Sex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. So. and Description of Lot. Locality. Hira Kingi Harata Uapora Hamiora Hape Oru Hopara ... Wiremu Kohari Arapara Hinehou TioWahu Warati Karu ... Werahika Matuku Kerara Pona Te Wano Here Peka Wbakaputaputa F. M". M. M. M. M. P. F. Bl M. P. F. F. M. F. Native Eangitaiki... ), Eangitaiki... Eangitaiki... » a 10 10 20 31, Simpson's Survey at Kaiigitaiki 36, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki 43, Simpson's Survey at Eangitaiki Eangitaiki. >> n Eangitaiki,.. 10 24, Simpson's Survey at Kangitaiki „ j, Eangitaiki... 10 30, Simpson's Survey at Eaugitaiki >j ;,



BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 28, 1872. LOT awarded by the Compensation Court to certain members of the Ngaitai Tribe whose names are included in the Schedule attached. The Grant to be in trust, and to be alienable with the consent of the Governor in Council. The right to take one or more lines of road is reserved.

"Names of certain Members of the Ngaitai Tribe to whom the land described above is granted. Men. 1. Wiremu Kingi. 9. Hamiora Tinohi. 17. Pohe. 2. Herewini Nohoaka. 10. Hahipene. 18. Puari. 3. Hohepa Kaitahi. 11. Mateno llukunga. 19. Hunia. 4. Honatana. 12. Naehe. 20. Hiniona. 5. Kahuka. 13. Wikiriwhi Eahui. 21. Hoera Manoro. 6. Maru. 14. Koha. 22. Paora Kehukehu. 7. Pohu. 15. Paekura. 23. Hemara Taiuru. 8. Eopata Papakore. 16. Parakaia. Women. 24. Huriata. 43. Kararaina. 61. Heni Taua. 25. Eia. 44. Eepeka. 62. Horiana. 26. Taia. 45. Pirihira. 63. Meriana. 27. Eiria. 46. Makurata. 64. Merekararina. 28. Kanarahi. 47. Pirihita. 65. Heni Dawson. 29. Amiria. 48. Kauia. 66. Maora. 30. Arapera. 49. Atareta. 67. Merokaro. 31. Manuka. 50. Amomako. 68. Miriama. 32. Hetera. 51. Hinekau. 69. Harata. 33. Mata. 52. Wikitoria. 70. Turukira. 34. Kuiha. 53. Makere. 71. Keita Pahi. 35. Ani. 54. Tapu. 72. Mihiterina Kohua. 36. Eaiha. 55. Eaima. 73. Maria Koara. 37. Areta. 56. Nahirata. 74. Kataraina. 38. Hariata. 57. Hiria. 75. Ara Tukutuku. 39. Eiripeti. 58. Merina. 76. Eiria Waipuhi. 41. Eawinia. 59. Katerina. 77. Mata Matihi. 42. Eamarihi. 60. Mata. Children. 78. Britana. 103. Takatu. 128. Maria Paku. 79. Manawa. 104. Mikapaku. 129. Horomona. 80. Tutorc. 105. Ngarama. 130. Meri. 81. Taku. 106. Tuwkatawhata. 131. Ihaia. 82. Piata. 107. Makoha. 132. Eangikapua. 83. Omonu. 108. Wipaku. 133. Toka. 84. Tautuhi. 109. Merata. 134. Makarini. 85. Heni. 100. Taumanu. 135. Pekamu. 86. Nawaliie. 111. Toetahuna. 136. Miria. 87. Makuini. 112. Taua. 137. Eitihia. 88. Mihiterina. 113. Heni. 138. Hapikara. 89. Eaina. 114. Te Hata. 139. Matuku. 90. Wharekohuru. 115. Hape. 140. Keritihana. 91. Awanui. 116. Tauheru. 141. Tane. 92. Te Whetu. 117. Mere Wakana. 142. Ereatara. 93. Tamahaua. 118. Pei. 143. Hinekupa. 94. Te Ara. 119. Taru. 144. Aramata. 95. Ani. 120. Karauria. 145. Mahurupaku. 96. Harawira. 121. Tepaia. 146. Matauuru. 97. Emere. 122. Erina. 147. Hakaliaka. 98. Hoera Paku. 123. Puroku. 148. Hinepuhi. 99. Maihi. 124. Kenehi. 149. Mio. 100. Timoti. ■ 125. Tino. 150. *Kawena Hako. 101. Nimerata. 126. Warakihi. 102. Pera. 127. Mita. * 'No. 150 is a woman.

Tribe for oertain of whose o members Grant is made. Names of Trustees. Bank. Address, Area. Acres. No. and Description. Locality. gaitai ... M. M. M. I Wiremu Kingi Tu- Native Chief Torere tehuarangi Hohepa Kaitahi ... Native Hoera Kalmtia Te Native Chief Eangi 9,458 Waiohoata and Hakuranui.



BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 29, 1872. LOT to be granted under the 3rd, 4th, and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The lot herein specified is to be assured by a Grant in trust to the members of the Pahipoto and Ngamaihi Tribes whose names are included in the Schedule attached, and may be alienable with the consent of the Governor in Council. The right to take lines of road is reserved.

Names of certain Members of Te Pahipoto and Ngamaihi Tribes for whom the land described above is granted. Men. 1. Rangitukehu. 11. Tamehana. 21. Ropiha Ikakoropeke. 2. Tiopira Hukeke. 12. Te Tutere. 22. Hohepa Pu. 3. Rota Napi. 13. Rama. 23. Ngapuni. 4. Paora Ko. 14. Awaha. 24. Ngakaho. 5. Hirini. 15. Honi. 25. Kawana. 6. Matutaera Wharau. 16. Uru. 26. Maka. 7. Kehu Pero. 17. Hohaia Tikera. 27. Hoani Tuhimata. 8. Wi Hunia. 18. Werahiko. 28. Marae Tukino. 9. Tanete Hiuurewa. 19. Reone Ngawhara. 29. Heremaia Otutara. 10. Kauri. 20. Hoera. 30. Ihaka. Women. 31. Makuini Tohunoa. 42. Heni. 53. Huhana. 32. Paranihia. 43. Meri. 54. Ripora. 33. Mata Tuaia. 44. Takirihau. 55. Nohokaho. 34. Tahurangi. 45. Tikialii. 56. Katerina. 35. Mere. 46. Riria. 57. Hariata Hiako. 36. Ruiha. 47. Atareta. 58. Tuiki. 37. Rupia. 48. Maramene. 59. Mahure. 38. Ngaliope. 49. Mahora. 60. Ka. 39. Namonika. 50. Pirihita. 61. Rangitakaharoa. 40. Tuhi. 51. Hara. 41. Puketapu. 52. Ema. Children. 62. Hinehou. 71. Erueti. 80. Wharepouri. 63. Hukiki. 72. Maria. 81. Te Pare. 64. Turuturu. 73. Minama. 82. Rangiwlrakawaitau. 65. Rangiwhakawaitau. 74. Arihia. 83. Hori. 66. Paihau. 75. Kuwaha. 84. Pepi. 67. Ranapia. 76. Rairino. 85. Ani. 68. Ngaheu. 77. Te Pori. 86. Kingita. 69. Pohoira. 78. Tanerau. 70. Raita. 79. Tiopira.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT.—SCHEDULE No. 30, 1872. LOT to be granted to claimants in the confiscated block. The lot herein specified is to be assured by a Grant in trust to members of the Pahipoto Tribe whose names are included in the Schedule attached, and is to be alienable with the consent of the Governor in Council. The right to take lines of road is reserved.

Tribes for certain of whose members Grant is made. Names of Trustees; Sex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. 'ahipoto and Ngamaihi Rangitukehu Hoani Tubiinata ... Tiopira Hukeke ... M. M. M. Native Chief Native Native Kokohinau Whakatane Kokohinau 12,710 Bounded on the North by Hunter's Survey; ontheEastbyRangitaiki River ; on the South by the confiscation boundary ; on the West by Tarawera River. Mount Edge' combe. %

Name of Tribe for certain of whose members Grant is made. Names of Trustees. Sex. Rank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. 'aliipoto Eangitukehu Matutaera Wharau TeTutere Tiopera Hukeko ... .M. 11. Native Chief Native )) ... j> ... Kokohinau » )> i) : 2,527 ; Bounded on the East by the Rangitaiki Kiver; on the South and West by Hunter's Survey; on the North-west by a line —links 20,460, bear- | ing 249° 20'. Rangitaiki.



Names of certain Members of Tc Pahipoto Tribe for whom the land described above is granted. Men. 1. Rangitukchu. 10. Kauri. 19. Reone Ngawhara. 2. Tiopira Hukeke. 11. Tamebana. 20. Hocra. 3. Rota Napi. 12. Te Tutere. 21. Ropiha Ikakoropeko. 4. Paora Ko. 13. Rama. 22. Hohepa Pu. 5. Hirini. 14. Awaba. 23. Ngapuni. 6. Matutaera Wharau. 15. Honi. 24. Ngakabo. 7. Kebu Pero. 16. Uru. 25. Kawana. 8. Wi Hunia. 17. llohaia Tikera. 26. Maka. 9. Taneti Hinurewa. 18. Werabiko Te Manihi. Women. 27. Makuini Tohunoa. 36. Tuhi. 45. Mahora. 28. Pavanihia. 37. Puketapu. 46. Pirihita. 29. Mata Tuaia. 38. Ileni. 47. Hara. 30. Taburangi. 39. Meri. 48. Ema. 31. Mere. 40. Takirihau. 49. Huhana. 32. Ruiha. 41. Tikiahi. 50. Ripora. 33. Rupia. 42. Riria. 51. Raiba. 34. JS'gabope. 43. Atareta. 52. Nohokabo. 35. Namonika. 44. Maramene. Children. 53. Paihau. 62. Maria. 69. Hori. 54. Ranapia. 63. Kingita. 70. Tanerau. 56. Ngaheu. 64. Minama. 71. Pepi. 57. Poboira. 65. Aribia. 72. Rangiwhakawaitau. 58. Raita. 66. Kuwaba. 73. Tiopira. 59. Ani. 67. Rairino. 74. Wharepouri. 60. Erueti. 68. Te Pori. 75. Te Pare. 61. Aratema.

BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 31, 1872. LOT to bo granted under the 4th and 6th clauses of "The Confiscated Lands Act, 18G7." The lot herein specified is to be inalienably assured by a Grant in trust to the members of Ngatira Hapu whose names are included in the Schedule attached.

Names of certain Members of Ngatira Tribe for whom the land described above is granted. Men. 1. Hira Te Popo. 9. Hoka Katupuku. 16. Maka Eangiiliu. 2. Heremaia. 10. Hetaraka Kauhope. 17. Kurei. 3. Manehera Taikehu. 11. Wi Hura. 18. Whakahu. 4. Pera Makau. 12. Tahekeheke. 19. Mehaka. 5. Hane Tapatahi. 13. Pao Kuma. 20. Haturina. G. Rawiri Makawe. 14. Karawera. 21. Erakewa. 7. Rawiri Mahanga. 15. Wharenui. 22. Xubakia. 8. Paraharaha. Women. 23. Riripcti Nohokupenga. 31. Maraea. 38. Ramari Noki. 24. Ruiha Koraha. 32. Mcreana Tikapa. 39. Ani. 25. Hcmaima. 33. Marata Takutai. 40. Huriana. 26. Riripeti Mauparai. 34. Whenuanui. 41. Reihia. 27. Pine Patuaka. 35. Riria Wharenikau. 42. Tarata. 28. Ramarihi. 36. Henerieta. 43. Ira. 29. Monika TJhitere. 37. Roka. 44. Tapui. 30. Ramari Herewaka. Children. 45. Topcora. 52. Ilikora. 59. Turuhira. 46. Maria. • 53. Pano. GO. Wharekiri. 47. Taki. 54. Matatuhi. 61. Taihuka. 48. Meri. 55. Pirihaki. 62. Wharekawa, 49. Ranaihi 56. Rerekau. 63. Pakihi. 50. Mihaka. 57. Tapatahi. 64. Kora. 51. Kaiere. ■ 58. Tawhara.

Name of Tribe for certain of whose members Grant is made. Names of Trustees; Sex. Bank. Address. Area. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. Acres. gatira HiraTePopo ... Pera Makau Wharenui Tuwhakia Maka Kaiigiihu ... Hane Tapatahi ... Mihaka Mataika ... M. M. M. M. M. If. M. Native Chief Native >i n Opotiki 300 Simpson's Survey at Waioeka Opotiki. )> ii jj



BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. —SCHEDULE No. 32, 1872. LOTS awarded to claimants in the Confiscated Block. Each lot herein specified is to be granted to the Aboriginal Native whose name is opposite to the same.

No. Names of Grantees. Bex. Bank. Address. Area. Acres. No. and Description of Lot. Locality. 1 2 3 4 5 Tiwai Piahana... Hana Arapeta... Mereana Hauauru Pene Huki Matiu Hautu ... M. F. F. M. M. Native Chief Native Opotiki Te Kaha ... Shortland... Whakatane 100 15 40 50 50 Simpson's Survey at Otara ... Simpson's Survey at Waioeka Simpson's Survey at Waioeka Not surveyed 17a Simpson's Survey at Whakatane, No. 1131 22, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki 21, Simpson's Survey at Rangitaiki Not surveyed Opotiki. M Whakatane. ,, )j 3) 6 1 Arama Karaka Mokonuiarangi Makuini Tohunoa M. F. Native Chief Native Richmond... Kokohinau 300 300 Omeheu. >j X Mereana Hauauru F. ,, Shortland... 20 Waiaua. N.B.—The order to survey Nos. 4 and 8 was given on 14th February, 1872, and 21i is given on 14th February, 1872, and 21st December, 1871. By Authority : George Didsbuet, Goyernment Printer, Wellington.—1874. ''rice, 9d.

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REPORTS ON SETTLEMENTS OF CONFISCATED LANDS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, C-03

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REPORTS ON SETTLEMENTS OF CONFISCATED LANDS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, C-03

REPORTS ON SETTLEMENTS OF CONFISCATED LANDS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1874 Session I, C-03

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