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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency,

No. 1. Mr. G-. S. Coopee to Mr. W. J. W. Hamilton. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 4th February, 1873. I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to transmit to you the enclosed Commission under the hand of His Excellency the Governor in Council and the Seal of the Colony, appointing you to be a Commissioner under " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872," a copy of which I transmit for your information. I am to request you to be good enough to proceed to New Plymouth by the first opportunity, for the purpose of carrying out the intention of the Legislature as expressed in the second section of the Act. I have, &c., G. S. Coopee, W. J. W. Hamilton, Esq., Picton. Under Secretary. G. F. Bowen, Governor. To William John Waebueton Hamilton, of Christchurch, in the Province of Canter* bury, Esquire,—Greeting. Whereas by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872," it is enacted that it shall bo lawful for the Governor to issue to any such claimant as in the said Act mentioned, land orders in the form in the Schedule to the said Act, which shall authorize such claimant to purchase, to an amount to be fixed in each case by a Commissioner or other officer, not being a resident in the Province of Taranaki, to be appointed by the Governor in Council, any of the lands of the Crown in the said Proviuce open for sale or selection, subject to the terms aud conditions in the said Act set forth: And whereas for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of the said Act, it is desirable and expedient that such Commissioner should be appointed : Now therefore, I, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, reposing full confidence in your integrity, skill, and ability, do hereby, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, and in exercise and in pursuance of every power or authority enabling me in this behalf, appoint you the said William John Warburton Hamilton, not being a resident in the said Province, to bo the Commissioner under the said Act, with all the powers, duties, and authorities by the said Act conferred or imposed on, or to be exercised by, such Commissioner. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the same, at the Government House at Wellington ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, this twenty-ninth day of January, iv the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. G. M. Wateeuoitse, Presiding. Approved in Council, Forstee Goeinu, Clerk of the Executive Council.

No. 2. Mr. J. W. Hamilton to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir— Wellington, 24th March, 1873. In reference to your letter quoted in the margin, enclosing commission of His Excellency the No. 55, Feb. 4, Governor in Council, of 29th January last, issued to mc under " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's 1873. I—U. 8.


Land Claims Act, 1872," I have the honor to enclose, for presentation to His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, my report of proceedings and award of this day's date, made in accordance with clause 2 of tho Act. I have, &c., J. W. Hamilton, Commissioner under " The Taranaki N.Z. Company's The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Land Claims Act. 1872."

To His Excellency Sir George Aeney, Knight, Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand, and the Officer Administering the Government, and Vice-Admiral thereof. May it please Youe Excellency,— Having been appointed by commission bearing date the 29th of January, 1873, under tho Seal of the Colony and the hand of His Excellency the Governor in Council, to be the Commissioner under "The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872," to fix the amounts up to which Edward John Sartoris and Edwin Henry Downe, and all other holders of unsatisfied New Plymouth land orders, should be allowed to purchase Crown lands open for sale in the Province of Taranaki, I have the honor to submit for your Excellency's consideration the following Eepoet and Awaed. On receipt of my commission, at Picton, on the sth February, I took passage by steamer via Nelson, arriving at Taranaki on the Bth. On the Monday following (10th February), the Commissioner of Crown Lands, J. Stephenson Smith, Esq., supplied me with a schedule of the New Plymouth land orders—fifty-seven in all—appearing by the records in his office to bo still unsatisfied. A copy of the schedule is appended. It shows the name of each original holder, the number of his land order and of tho section of land originally selected by him, as set out on the authenticated maps of the New Zealand Company's Settlement of New Plymouth, the name of the district in which the land is situated, and whether from such returns as are in the Commissioner's possession any scrip has been issued or exercised on account of such land orders. I found that His Honor Frederick Carrington, Superintendent of Taranaki, represented by power of attorney the claimants under quite one-half of the land orders; only one claimant was represented by a resident at New Plymouth holding distinct power of attorney; for only two others could I discover attorneys, one of whom resides at Wellington, the other at Bangiora in Canterbury. I have made out and appended for future reference a statement showing, as far as could be ascertained, where inquiry would probably be successful in finding; out the representatives of the original holders of the orders. To avoid unnecessary delay and expense, I did not undertake the task of verifying any powers or titles of persons claiming now to exercise privileges which the present award may concede to original holders. It seemed that this duty would more properly devolve on tho local Crown Laud officers. The Act seems to aim at shutting out all claims whatsoever at the end of two years from the date of the award. Some of the original holders of the land orders are dead, others left the Colony long ago; within the two years, their representatives over seas may hardly have had time to learn that rights of fresh purchase have accrued to them. To prevent these persons bringing forward claims at too late a date, it would probably be only fair to them that the Crown Land officers at Taranaki should be instructed to make diligent inquiry, by letter and otherwise, to trace out such representatives, and to call upon them at once to exercise their rights. It is possible, though the Commissioner of Crown Lands thinks it hardly probable, that some two or three land orders may still be outstanding and unsatisfied, of which there is no record cither in his office or in the Chief Surveyor's. Should any such order be forthcoming at a future date, I think I shall be fully able to make an award upon it, if called upon to do so. To meet a case of this kind, I am keeping by me all the memoranda of information obtained during the present inquiry. I found that I should at first after arrival at Taranaki bo somewhat dependent on His Honor Mr. Carrington (as tho only resident attorney, but one for the bulk of the claims) for the earliest information by which to guide myself in forming any plan of proceedings. His Honor was at this time much engaged with the Hon. tho Native Minister, and in preparations for a special meeting of the Provincial Council. After this he was obliged to be absent at Auckland for a few days. The Chief Surveyor and two or three residents who were able to afford much valuable information were also absent. These circumstances rendered my stay at Taranaki somewhat more protracted than could have been anticipated. Some plans also required a little time for preparation. In the meanwhile, seeing that largo amouuts in the aggregate were involved in my decision, I embraced every opportunity of becoming personally acquainted with the districts in the vicinity of the town, and thence to the Waitara, and with the values of property as given by those persons who might be considered the most reliable and competent authorities. The Act of 1872, under which my commission was drawn, seems in the preamble so distinctly to include the Sartoris and Downe and other outstanding Taranaki claims in the same category as those provided for by the Carrington Land Grant Act of 1871, that I could only infer that tho intention was that compensation should be adjusted on the same principle. A careful perusal of the Sartoris and Downe correspondence, and of the records connected therewith, upon which the Carrington Land Grant Act of 1871 is based, indicates that the compensation value rested in the main on the existing values in 1870 and 1871 of the lands which the claimant held under the original selection made some twenty-eight or thirty years ago, but which holding was determined when Governor Fitzroy disallowed Mr. Commissioner Spain's Taranaki award. The basis, therefore, on which my present award rests is mainly, but not solely, the present estimated selling cash value of the sections as originally chosen, and taking them as unimproved at this




date. The recorded transfers of property being so very few, and transactions mostly extending over such limited areas, and opinions of value varying so widely, no current market price of hind could be said to exist at the present date. It was requisite, therefore, to take some time over cautious inquiry, and comparison of the views of those whose estimate was very low, as of those whoso enthusiasm and perhaps speculative hopefulness led them to gauge values by a high standard, especially about Waitara, as a great port of the early future. Before forming a final opinion, I found it desirable that I should acquire some general knowledge of the southern portion of the Province. I therefore returned to Wellington by coach. To the southward of tho Mount Egmont Ranges 1 passed through an open belt of land, abundantly grassed and well watered, and apparently very fertile. This belt has varying breadths of six, eight, and thirteen miles back from the beach to the forest, and stretches along the coast as far as Waitolara. It seems impossible to escape the conviction that tho declaring this rich tract open for purchase and settlement must to some extent affect values in the northern portion of the Taranaki Province. In fact, portions of this tract are at present under settlement, and are being rapidly stocked with both sheep and cattle, while the near completion of a very fine coach road is rendering it every day more accessible. I have not lost sight of the advantage which the claimants will enjoy, of being able to defer making choice of their new land for a period of two years to come ; for during this interval, owing to the increase of population and to the peaceful condition of the country, it can hardly be disputed that the area of choice open to the claimants will have acquired an improved and more definite value, while it will then be far more certain which would be the most promising district to select from. It should be stated that each original New Plymouth land order entitled the holder to select a fifty-acre section of rural land. It contained, however, provisions specially guarding the Company who issued it from being held answerable to the holder for their inability to give him possession and occupation, in consequence of any Act of the Colonial Government. Besides the points I have mentioned, several considerations which it would be difficult to give in writing with reasonable brevity, have weighed with me in arriving at the values set out in the award against individual claims. After all, and whatever care and pains may be bestowed on it, an award in such a case as the present one can at best be only arbitrarily arrived at. The award is intended to be in full satisfaction of all claims, but is not intended to interfere with any scrip now afloat and unexercised in respect of the original land orders. It seems very doubtful if any such scrip is now outstanding; if it is so, it was in all probability a subject of sale and transfer long ago, and there are no means of arriving at any information respecting it until it may be presented for credit in some future purchase of Crown land. , It is my duty to acknowledge the courtesy and kindness of His Honor Frederick Carrington, Esq. the Superintendent, of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, the Collector of Customs, the District Registrar of Land and Deeds, the Chief Survey ror, and of a great number of private gentlemen of experience and long residence at Taranaki, all of whom most readily gave mo every assistance in their power in facilitating my inquiries. The enclosed award I beg humbly to submit to your Excellency, trusting that it may meet with your approval and confirmation. I have, &c, J. W. Hamilton, Wellington, 24th March, 1873. Commissioner.



Enclosure 1 in No. 2. LIST of Unexercised Original Land Orders, Suburban and Rural, showing the Numbers of the Sections as first selected, District in which situated; with remarks whether Scrip has been exercised or not.

Name of Original Owner. No. of Land Order. No. of Section District whoro chosen. situated. Remarks on Scrip. Brown and Goodall Subu: 51 rban. 128 Waiwakaio No return of scrip having beon issued. Everingham, J. F. Gover, Emily Gover, Wm. Glegg 5 20 37 38 48 40 131 144 99 124 114 80 jj jj >j jj jj jj ,, »> jj Marshall, Edward St. Aubyn, Edmund Edward :j jj *j Scrip not exercised. No return of scrip having been issued. jj Ru: ral. Bulkeley, John Jesse 72 73 74 75 76 258 276 422 276a 322 Waiongona Scrip not exercised. j, jj n jj jj JJ JJ J) "•■ jj u JJ II JJ Barrow, John jj Waitara jj No return of scrip having been exercised. Birch, Richard William 53 54 187 145 128 129 13 91 117 70 92 115 138 55 130 131 36 37 5 326 327 # u jj jj jj r> ••• Bateman, Robert... Bulteel, John Croker Gutch, George # jj # # jj jj jj 266 267 631 300 212 218 454 257 214 321 316 317 330 333 318 Waiongona jj ,, „ ... Hales, Edward Lewthwaite, John jj Waitara jj jj jj Mangoraka jj ,, j» jj »» » jj Waitara Mangoraka jj >l !> >» »> » j> J! >> Hnghlings, Harry Morgan Joseph ... jj Waitara Waitara j> jj Scrip not exercised. ,, ,» Marshal], Edmund jj jj u jj Ogilvey, Alexander Charles jj jj jj No return of scrip having been exercised. Scrip not exercised. No return of scrip having been exercised. Parker, Charles Thomas Singlehurst, Robert 84 170 315 # jj # Tunno, Edward Rose 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 124 125 126 127 139 279 2S0 281 282 323 312 269 270 271 272 273 250 253 252 249 294 293 255 250 337 338 312 341 236 Waiongona jj j, jj jj J) jj jj jj jj JJ >j ,j jj j» t JJ Waitara »j jj » i) jj j, jj jj jj Waiongona jj JJ JJ >! j> JJ JJ JJ jj !> JJ J J JJ j» JJ J, JJ JJ j> JJ !> )> JJ jj JJ JJ JJ JJ jj JJ JJ JJ JJ ••• jj J» JJ JJ JJ jj J) JJ JJ JJ •■• jj JJ JJ JJ JJ jj JJ JJ JJ JJ jj J! JJ JJ JJ j» JJ JJ JJ JJ Wells, John _ jj Waitara JJ Scrip exercised. ,j u JJ jj jj jj JJ jj jj jj Weir, Nicholas JJ Mangoraka jj No return of scrip being exercised. J, Stephenson Smith, Commissioner, Crown Lands,



* Note. —Each of theso land orders represents a purchase of the right to select fifty acres of land. No selection was made in virtue of land orders Nos. 187,115,170, belonging to R. Bateman, J. C. Bulteel, and R. Singlehurst, respectively. It has been assumed that, as the district most coveted at the time the Taranaki settlers first made their selections was the Waitara, these three gentlemen or their agents would naturally, had a choice been made, have selected as near as might be to the Waitara, and to the sections of those persons who hold the next preceding orders of choice. Values have accordingly been assigned to their land orders as if they had so chosen their sections of land. The list shows all the unexercised land orders of which the Commissioner of Crown Lands has any records m his possession, J. W. Hamilton, Commissioner, March, 1873. " Taranaki N.Z. Co.'s Land Claims Act, 1872." Claim of Sir Edward St. Aubyn, by Ids Attorney, Michard Chilman, under " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872." The claimant purchased two suburban land orders from tho New Zealand Company in October, 1840, for one of which he selected suburban section No. 80, near the Waikakaiho River, within two miles of the town. This land is a portion of the Pukutotara Reserve, given to the Natives by Governor Fitzroy. It was a very valuable section, partly fern and partly bush. The present value is about £6 (six pounds) per acre, but at tho time the claimant was dispossessed of it, it was worth a great deal more, owing to its proximity to the town, and to the circumstance that there was then very little land in the market. No compensation has been received by the claimant from the New Zealand Company on account of non-possession. Richard Chilman, New Plymouth, 19th January, 1873. Attorney for Sir Edward St. Aubyn. Claim of liobert Bateman under " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872.'' The claimant purchased a suburban land order from the New Zealand Company on the 21st December, 1813. No selection was made under it, owing to his agent not having a power of attorney. The land selected for land orders issued at the same date was in the Mangaraka District, near what is called the Railway Reserve, and adjoining land granted to the late Colonel Leppcr, the present value of which is about £2 per acre. Richard Cuilman, New Plymouth, 19th February, 1873. (for Robert Bateman). Mr. W. Halse to Mr. J. W. Hamilton. Sir,— New Plymouth, 3rd March, 1873. I have the honor to state that I am instructed by Mr. Cutfield, the mortgagee, to submit the claims of Mr. John Lewthwaite, the holder of six rural land orders, for settlement under " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872." Mr. Lewthwaite was for some years a resident in the Province, having arrived out in the year 1841; but being unable to deal with the land selected for his land orders, he returned to England some years since, after mortgaging the land orders to Mr. Cutfield. I understand that Mr. Lewthwaite signed the agreement made by the New Zealand Company with their resident purchasers ; but he did not avail himself of its provisions, or subsequently of the Land Act of 1858, from the inability of the authorities to offer him land in any way equivalent to the original selections. These were made at Waitara, Waiongona, and Mangoraka districts—as regards position and quality of soil, not equalled by any other in the Province. The Act does not provide for holders of land orders appearing and urging their claims, and in this respect contrasts unfavourably with " The Carrington Land Act, 1871," dealing with claims in no respect differing from Mr. Lewthwaite's, by giving a rate of compensation already assented to by the claimant. It will therefore, I trust, not be deemed out of place to ask on behalf of a claimant absent from the Colony that his land orders may be dealt with at not less than £5 the acre. I have, &c, W. Halse. Mr. C. W. Pembeeton to Mr. J. W. Hamilton. Sir,— Office, Rangiora, Bth February, 1873. As I have been informed that you have been appointed Commissioner to investigate the claims of original holders of New Zealand Company's land ordcr3 in certain books in the Province of Taranaki, I beg to inform you that I hold, under power of attorney from Robert Pemberton, Esq., land order No. 5, order of choice No. 3G. This land was selected near the town of New Plymouth, and subsequently taken possession of by tho Natives. I believe it is situate on the Devon Road. I shall feel greatly obliged if you inform me what steps it will be necessary to take in the matter. I have, &c, W. J- AY- Hamilton, Esq. C, W. Pemberton,



Enclosure 2 in No. 2. Statement showing the Names of Persons claiming to be Attorneys under regular Power of Attorney, or to be Authorized Agents for Original Holders of New Plymouth Land Orders, or claiming to be interested, as having some lien over such Orders, so far as could bo ascertained in February and March, 1873.

Name of Original Holders. Names of Agents, so far as ascertained. Brown and Goodall ... No representative found; Mr. Brown stated to have gone to Adelaide, Mr. Goodall to have died—supposed at Sydney. Mr. Hirst, of Taranaki, most likely person to find out claimants' heirs. Everingham, T. F. ... Claimaut stated to be dead. Land order said to have been purchased for benefit of claimant's daughter, Mrs. Holton, who was, with her husband, Mr. Holton (once a resident near Rangiora, Canterbury), residing in March, 1873, on the south side of tho Devon Road, just beyond the tannery or fcllmonger's, past tho Henui Bridge. Mr. C. F. Pcmberton, of Rangiora, formerly on the Provincial Government Survey Staff at Canterbury, claims, in February, 1873, to hold power of attorney from Mr. Robert Pemberton, and also the land order itself, No. 5. Gover, Emily ... His Honor Frederick Carrington most likely person to find out repre- „ Mrs. Glegg ... sentatives. Marshall, Edward ... His Honor F. Carrington. St. Aubyn, Edward ... Mr. Richard Chilman, power of attorney. Bulkeley, John Jesse ... Mr. Standish, solicitor, would, on behalf of Captain King, be able to find out representatives. Barron, John ... Not known. Birch, Richard William ... This holder supposed to belong to Yorkshire. Mr. Hirst, of Taranaki, might be able to find out his representative. Bateman, Robert ... Mr. Richard Chilman would be able to obtain power. Gutch, George ... Mr. Cook, a tailor, residing on the Beach Road, Wellington, between Allan the chemist's and the corner of Government House fencing, holds power of attorney. Hales, Edward ... Mr. W. W. Taylor, of Wellington, said to hold power of attorney. Lewthwaite, John ... Mr. W. Halse, solicitor, of New Plymouth, a solicitor for Mr. George Cutfield, mortgagee of the land orders, claims a beneficial interest in these orders. Hughlings, Harry* ... His Honor Frederick Carrington, power of attorney. Morgan, Joseph* ") Do. do. do. Marshall, Edmund > Theso holders' rights seem to have been purchased by Mr. Edwin Henry ) Downe. Ogilvy, Alexander Charles Mr. W. Halse, solicitor, would find out representatives or heirs. Parker, Charles Thomas* His Honor Frederick Carrington, power of attorney. Tunno, Edward Rose ... Do. do. do. Wells, John ... Do. do. do. Weir, Nicholas ... Mr. George Cutfield supposed to be able to find representative. * In the award, the four sections 315, 316, 317, 321, belonging to Harry Hughlings, Joseph Morgan (two sections), and Charles Thomas Parker, all in tho site laid out as tho Raleigh Township, at Waitara, were valued in one lot, Mr. Carrington stating that they all now belonged to the heirs of E. Henry Downe, who had purchased them. J. W. Hamilton, Commissioner, " Taranaki N.Z. Company's Land Claims Act, 1872." Wellington, 24th March, 1873.

Enclosure 3 in No. 2. " The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872." Ln the matter of Sartoris and Downe, and other Holders of unsatisfied New Plymouth Land Orders, Award with Schedule attached. I, the undersigned, Commissioner appointed under the above Act, by Commission bearing date 29th day of January, 1573, under tho hand of His Excellency tho Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, and under Seal of tho Colony, do hereby, under the powers, duties, and authorities by the said Act conferred or imposed on or to be exercised by me as such Commissioner, declare that I have fixed the amount to which each claimant or holder of any unsatisfied New Plymouth land order shall be authorized to purchase lands of the Crown in the Province of Taranaki, as prescribed by clause 2 of the said Act, and that such amounts are set out in the Schedule hereunto annexed, and against the respective names of the original holders of such land orders ; and that the total sum thereof amounts to £17,060, as shown at the foot of the said Schedule. And Ido declare this, together with the said Schedule, to be my award under the said clause 2 of the said Act. Given under my hand, at Wellington, this 24th day of March, a.d. 1873. W. J. W. Hamilton, Commissioner as aforesaid.



SCHEDULE showing Names of Original Holders of New Plymouth Land Orders certified by J. Stephenson Smith, Esq., Commissioner of Crown Lands for Taranaki; the Numbers of the Sections originally chosen by such Holders, as set out on the authenticated Map of the New Zealand Company's New Plymouth Settlement, and the Amounts awarded by the Commissioners appointed under clause 2 of "The Taranaki New Zealand Company's Land Claims Act, 1872."

Names of Original Holders. No. of Section. Acres. Claim Value at per Acre. Amount of Commissioners' Award. Brown and Goodall IHveringham ... lover, Emily jovcr, Wm. Glegg Ditto Marshall, Edward Edmond it. Aubyn, Ed. Bulkelcy, John Jesse ... Ditto Ditto Ditto Barrow, John ... Birch, Richd. Wm. Ditto Bateman, Robert, Land Order No. 187 ... Bulteel, John Crocker, Land Order No. 145. No selection made 3utch, Geoge Ditto Hales, Edward Lewthwaite, John Ditto ... Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto ... Marshall, Edmund Ditto ... 3gilvy, Alexander Charles Singlehurst, Robert, Land Order No. 170. No selection made runno, Edward Rose ... Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto ... Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Wells, John ... Ditto ... Ditto Ditto vVeir, Nicholas 128 131 144 99 124 114 80 258 ") 270 f 422 C 276a J 322 326 | 327 j 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 £ s. d. 3 5 0 4 10 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 4 10 0 4 10 0 £ s. d. 162 10 0 225 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 225 0 0 225 0 0 200 3 0 0 000 0 0 50 4 5 0 212 10 0 100 4 5 0 425 0 0 50 2 0 0 100 0 0 128 ") 129 ) 631 300 ") 454 j 212 ) 214 [ 257 ) 218 330 ") 333 j 318 50 2 10 0 125 0 0 100 3 5 0 325 0 0 50 1 10 0 75 0 0 100 3 0 0 300 0 0 150 3 0 0 450 0 0 50 3 15 0 187 10 0 100 3 10 0 350 0 0 50 4 5 0 212 10 0 • 279 280 f 281 { 282 J *312 269 270 271 272 273 249 250 252 253 255 256 293 \ 294 j 323 337 ■} 33S ( 342 f 341 ) 236 50 2 0 0 100 0 0 200 3 10 0 700 0 0 *50 4 10 0 225 0 0 550 3 10 0 1925 0 0 400 0 0 100 4 0 0 50 2 0 0 100 0 0 200 3 10 0 700 0 0 50 3 4 0 100 0 0 In all 53 sections, com irising each 5' acres=2,6; 10 acres . £9,000 0 0 * Note. —The greater portion of this section No. '. [aid out for the township of Raleigh, on the Waitara R; 112, is included in the hack and least valuable part of the site no vcr.



The four following sections are entirely situated within the present site of the town of Raleigh and on the west bank of the River Waitara. A great portion of them are in the most valuable positions in the township. They are valued in one lot, as all belong to the heirs of Edwin Henry Downe.

Names of Original Holders. No. of Section. Acres. Claim Value Amount of Conimispcr Acre. sioners' Award. taker, Chas. Thos. lorgan, Joseph Ditto [ughlings, Henry 315 310 317 321 } 200 i £ 8,000 s. d. 0 0 Gross total of award 17,060 0 0 Seventeen thousand and sixty pounds sterling. I have, i Commissioner appointed Lam Wellington, 24th March, 1873. I have, &c., J. W. Hamilton, Commissioner appointed under " Tho Taranaki N.Z. Company's Land Claims Act, 1872." tfarch, 1873. By Authority: Geobgh Didsbvby, Government Printer, "Wellington.—1873. Price Gd.

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TARANAKI NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S LAND CLAIMS ACT, (REPORT OF COMMISSIONER UNDER)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-08

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TARANAKI NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S LAND CLAIMS ACT, (REPORT OF COMMISSIONER UNDER). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-08

TARANAKI NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S LAND CLAIMS ACT, (REPORT OF COMMISSIONER UNDER). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-08

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