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Return to an Order of the Souse of Representatives, dated 29th July, 1873, " That there be laid upon the Table a Return of all Travelling Allowances, Residence Allowances, House Allowances, and Other Allowances received by Ministers during each of tho Four Years ended 30th June, 1873, and the sources from which such Allowances were paid ; and in connection with tho Travelling Allowances, the Nature of the Service, and the Period during which it was performed, be laid upon the Table." — {Mr. Johnston.)

RETURN showing all TRAVELLING ALLOWANCES, RESIDENCE ALLOWANCES, HOUSE ALLOWANCES, and OTHER ALLOWANCES received by MINISTERS during each of the Four Years ended 30th June, 1873, and the sources from which such Allowances were paid; and in connection with the Travelling Allowances, the Nature of the Service, and the Period during which it was performed. FINANCIAL YEAR 1869-70.

Minister to whom Paid. Nature of Allowance. Nature of Service. Period. Ami mnt. Source from which Paid. Hon. W. Fox Travelling allowance Accompanying H.E. the Governor to Patea and Wanganui Attending Session November, 1869 £ s. d. 28, 0 0 £ s. d. Consolidated Fund. jj it )> 29 June, 8 Sept., 1869 January, 1870 ... 72 0 0 )» ji )> n Wellington to Waihi, 16 days' service, not named In Auckland 32 0 0 J» n tt >> 9 Feb., 28 Mar., 1870 13 April, 19 May, 1870 56 12 0 tt 3) tt t, To Southern Provinces 74 10 0 tt Wellington to Auckland and back, attending meeting of Executive Council, &e. 263 2 0 Hon. W. Gisborne It 27 October to 19 Nov., 1869 43 0 0 tt tt tt ■•» Rent allow2 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 149 12 0 it ance 192 12 0 Hon. D. McLean Travelling allowance Visiting Native Districts ... 14 Sept., 1869, 5 June, 1870 29 June, 8 Sept., 1869 542 6 0 M a a » Attending Session 72 0 0 tt 614 6 0 Hon. J. Vogel n Postal Conference, &c. 15 October, 1869, 21 Jan., 1870 329 4 5 tt it j> ••■ n Auckland to Wellington and back Attending Session 15 Mar., 1 April, 1870 29 June, 8 Sept., 1869 22 to 24 April, 1870 12 May, 13 June, 1870 86 11 7 26 14 0 Special Fund. Consolidated Fund j> ti it n 71 0 0 tt >y Auckland to Thames 6 6 0 it tt it ••• » In Wellington 63 15 0 tt 583 11 0 Hon. I. E. Featherston i> Mission to Melbourne for detention of 18th Rogt. Attending Session July and August, 1869 29 June, 8 Sept., 1869 125 18 9 n Hon. F. D. Bell it 72 0 0 )1 1,851 9 9



Eetukn s' towing all Travelling Allowances, :. — continue! Financial Tkae 1870-71. Minister to whom Paid. Nature of Allowance. Nature of Service. Period. Ami mnt. Source from which Paid. £ a. d. 10 0 0 £ b. d. Hon. W. Fox Travelling allowance 5 days on West Coast October, 1870 ... Consolidated Fund. JJ tt ••• i» Wanganui and West Coast 15 days Wellington, Taranaki, and Wanganui On West Coast ... 5 to 14 Dec, 1870 January and February, 1871 12 April, 9 May, 1871 20 0 0 30 0 0 >} 11 it •" D j) It 1} ••• H 24 0 0 a In Wellington ... 84 0 0 Hon. J. Yogel II 14 June, 19 Sept., 1870 28 and 29 Oct., 1870 26 Nov., 1870, 1 Jan., 1871 109 4 0 a II To Thames 4 4 0 it it >t n Between Auckland and Otago 66 12 0 ii 180 0 0 Hon. "W. Gisborne tt jt ••• », n Public Works in New Plymouth and Wanganui Telegraph case in Dunedin, &c. Public Works 4 to 13 Dec, 1870 20 Feb., 2 April, 1871 19 3 0 41 9 0 a ii it >j ••• ii Rent allow1 July, 'l87O, 30 June, 1871 41 9 0 150 0 0 Public Works. Consolidated Fund. t* a ••• ance 252 1 0 Hon. D. McLean Travelling allowance On Native and Defence Services 7 Nov., 9 Dec, 1870 3 to 31 Jan., 1871 1 Feb., 30 April, 1871 1 June, 31 Dec, 1870 69 6 0 ii >! 9 ••• n n ii 55 7 0 186 18 0 Defence Loan. it it n ii ii ••• it it Rent allowance 87 10 0 Consolidated Fund. In Canterbury and Westland 399 1 0 Hon. H. Sewell Travelling allowance Rent allowance 11 April, 8 May, 1871 13 June, 30Sept., 1870 53 5 0 )) » it 45 0 0 n Mission to England 98 5 0 Public Works. Hon. I. E. Featherston Travelling allowance Dec, 1869, to Dec, 1870 888 17 0 n it ii ii 888 17 0 1,997*14 0 Defence Loan. n it Hon. F. D. Bell it ii ii 17 Nov., 1869, 2 Feb., 1871 930 6 0 j» ii ii ••• n ii ii 930 6 0 1,860 12 0 4,651 13 0 Public Works. ti Financial Yeab 1871-72. Hon. W. Fox 11 » Travelling allowance ii On West Coast, Middle Island Public Works and Native Service 3 Feb., 8 April, 1872 Dec, 1871, Jan., 1872 138 12 0 24 0 0 Consolidated Fund. ii 162 12 0 Hon. J. Vogel ii In Wellington 21 Aug., 27 Dec, 1871 1 Jan., 20 Aug., 1871 270 18 0 ii it it M Mission to England 718 0 0 ii if it II ii ii )) 430 10 0 Defence Loan. it it If ii iy It 1,075 18 0 PublicWorks. n it II Mission to Australia 27 Dec, 1871, 10 May, 1872 402 0 0 Consolidated Fund. Special Fund. it 1* II ii ii ••■ 165 0 0 » 3,062 6 0 Carried forward



Eetuen s' Lowing all Travelling . Lllowances, &c :. — continuei Financial Yeae 187 -72— continued. Minister to whom paid. Nature of Allowance. Nature of Service. Period. mnt. Source from which Paid. £ b. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Hon. D. McLean Travelling allowance On Native and Defence Services 27 Nov., 4 Dec, 1871 1 Mav to 15 July, 1871 5 Jan., 25 Feb., 1872 29 Feb., 22 Mar., 1872 April, May, June, 1872 1 Jan., 1871, to 30 June, 1872 16 16 0 Consolidated Fund. Defence Loan. j, jj ••* jj jj jj 157 15 0 jj jj jj jj jj 109 4 0 Consolidated Fund. jj jj •" jj jj 42 0 0 JJ jj jj jj ••• jj jj jj 189 0 0 J) jj jj Rent allow225 0 0 JJ ance 739 15 0 Hon. F. D. Bell jj 1 Jan., 1871, to 30 June, 1871 1 July, 1871, to 30 June, 1872 March, 1872 ... 75 0 0 JJ Hon. W. Gisborne jj 150 0 0 .J jj jj Travelling allowance On Public Works Service ... 3 14 6 Public Works. jj jj jj Visiting Lighthouses 23, 24, and 26 March, 1872 0 15 0 Consolidated Fund. Hon. W. Reeves On Public Works Service ... 154 9 6 jj 25 Nov., 13 Dec, 1871 8 Jan., 5 Feb., 1872 20 Feb., 13 Mar., 1872 10 May, 15 June, 1872 37 16 0 Public Works. jj jj •■■ jj jj jj •■• 76 7 0 jj jj jj jj jj jj ••• 48 6 0 jj jj jj ■•• jj jj 74 0 0 j> 236 9 0 Hon. J. D. Ormond ... jj On Public Works Service, North Island 6 to 18 Dec, 1872, and 30 Dec, 1872, to 20 Feb., 1873 131 4 0 JJ 4,561 15 6 Financial Year 1872-73. Hon. J. Vogel Travelling allowance Conference in Sydney 23 Dec, 1872, 1 April, 1873 14Aprilto9May, 1873,lessl0days 420 0 0 Consolidated Fund. jj jj ••• »j San Francisco Mail Service 26 4 0 jj Hon. D. McLean On Native and Defence Services 446 4 0 1 to 4 July, 1872 8 8 0 jj jj jj ••• jj jj jj ••• 4 Nov., to 10 Dec, 1872 8 Jan., 29 Feb., 1873 1 July to 10 Sept., 1872, and 12 Oct., 1872, to 26 April, 1873 77 14 0 Defence Loan. jj jj 3J jj jj ••• 109 4 0 Confiscated Lands. Consolidated Fund. jj jj Rent allowance 110 11 3 Hon. W. H. Reynolds Travelling allowance Conference in Sydney 305 17 3 21 Dec, 1872, 24 March, 1873 9 to 11 Nov., 1872 26 Oct., 1872, to 30 June, 1873 394 16 0 jj jj jj »" it Visiting Scandinavians 6 6 0 Immigration. jj jj •■• Rent allowance 102 8 4 Consolidated Fund.. 503 10 4 Hon. W. Gisborne jj UulytolOSept., 1872 1 to 25 March, 1873 8 to 10 April, 1873 29 3 4 it Hon. Wi Parata Travelling allowance On Native Serrico 12 10 0 it jj jj ••• jj jj ••• 1 10 0 ..*i 11 jj Carried forward



:tuen s lowing all Travelling . Allowances, &c. — com hnuet Financial Yeae 187: !-73 — continued. Minister to whom Paid. Nature of Allowance. Nature of Service. Period. Ami rant. Source from which Paid. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward Hon. Wi Parata Travelling allowance On Native Service 10 to 15 June, 1873 23 Mav to 4 June,'1873 1 to 28 Feb., 1873 3 0 0 Consolidated Fund. »j jj ■•** jj jj jj 6 10 0 jj ii ii jj On Confiscated Lands Service 14 0 0 Confiscated Lands. ii jj jj jj jj 9 to 31 Jan., 1873 8 Jan. to 25 Mar., 1873 11 10 0 26 10 0 jj j> jj ••* jj jj jj 75 10 0 jj Hon. J. Bathgate jj On Postal, Judicial, and Public Works Services 26 to 30 April, and 9, 10, and 20 May, 1873 12 Oct., 1872, to 30 June, 1873 16 16 0 Consolidated Fund. jj jj Rent allowance 108 1 3 JJ 124 17 3 Hon. F. D. Bell jj 2 July, 1869, to 14 Aug., 1873 29 July to 10 Sept., 1872 20Julytol0Sept., and 12 to 28 Oct., 1872 11 Sept. to 11 Oct., 1872 60 12 2 JJ Hon. H.J.Miller jj 17 17 6 Hon. J. Hall 28 7 2 JJ Hon. H. Sewell jj 12 15 5 JJ Hon. E. W. Stafford ... Hon. T. B. Gillies ... Hon. O. Curtis Hon. W. Fitzherbert... jj ■ ijj JJ JJ 12 15 5 12 15 4 12 15 4 12 7 3 J» JJ Hon. G. M. O'Rorke... jj jj 11 Sept. to 10 Oct., 1872 24 Oct., 1872, 30 April, 1873 9 to 11 Nov., 1872 78 4 7 11 It JJ j> jj Travelling allowance Visiting Scandinavians 6 6 0 Immigration. 84 10 7 Hon. D. Pollen Rent allowance Travelling allowance 12 to 31 May, 1873 7to27May,1873, and 3 July, 31 August, 1872 1 to 9 Sept., 1872 12 to 28 October, 1872 8 13 Consolidated Fund. Public Works. Hon. J. D. Ormond ... On Public Works Service ... 162 14 0 jj *j ••• jj jj ... 18 18 0 35 14 0 jj JJ jj j, jj ?j 217 6 0 Hon. D. Reid Attending Session 11 Sept., 11 Oct., 1872 30 Oct., 13 Nov., 1872 19 Nov., 10 Dec, 1872 18 Jan., 2 Feb., 1873 21 to 29 Feb., 1873 17 to 25 March, 1873 5 April, 18 May, 1873 26 Oct., 30 Nov., 1872 January to June, 1873 65 2 0 ii Hon. E. Richardson ... On Public Works Service ... 27 16 0 ii jj jj jj jj 38 16 0 ii jj j» jj jj 20 13 0 ii jj jj jj jj 15 4 0 a it it jj jj 15 4 0 ii it a jj jj 88 14 0 a jj jj Rent allow14 18 4 it ance 75 0 0 JJ JJ jj "J Hon. W. Reeves Travelling allowance On Public Works Service ... 296 5 4 27 June, 31 Aug., 1872 1 to 10 Sept., 1872 136 15 0 11 jj jj jj jj 21 0 0 11 jj 157 15 0 2,484 7 11 ByAul thority : Giossb Didsbubx, Government Printer, Wellini m— 1873. Price 3d.

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TRAVELLING AND OTHER ALLOWANCES RECEIVED BY MINISTERS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-35

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TRAVELLING AND OTHER ALLOWANCES RECEIVED BY MINISTERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-35

TRAVELLING AND OTHER ALLOWANCES RECEIVED BY MINISTERS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-35

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