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(Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency.) (In continuation of Papers presented 16th July, 1872.—G.—N0. 1.)

No. 1. PROGRESS REPORT OF WAR MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency Sir Geoecie Feechtson Bowen, G.C.M.G., &c, &c. May it please Voue Excellency,— We, the Commissioners appointed by Commission dated the 3rd day of September, 1872, to inquire into and report on applications for the New Zealand War Medal referred to us, have now the honor to submit for Tour Excellency's consideration the enclosed Rolls A, B, and C. In Roll A are included the names of applicants for the War Medal for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866, whoso claims have been admitted by the Commissioners since their appointment; Roll B contains the names of those applicants who are entitled to the distinction for services rendered subsequent to the 31st December, 1866 ; and in Roll C, the names of deceased members of the Colonial Forces whose relations have made application for the War Medal; and we therefore respectfully submit this as a Progress Report. James Paul. Wellington, 11th September, 1872. Donald H. Mcßaenet.

Roll A. Nominal Retuen of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services performed prior to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims have been admitted by the Commissioners since the publication of the last Report, dated 17th May, 1872. Allan, Andrew J., Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Gordon, Thomas Edward, Captain, Hawke's Bay Cavalry Allen, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Volunteers Andrews, William, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Graham, Samuel, Private, Napier Militia Ashton, Edward, Private, Napier Militia Gray, Charles, Private, Taranaki Militia Atkinson, Arthur Samuel, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Hamblyn, Charles, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Bainbridge, Henry, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Hamilton, Dv Pre Alexander, Trooper Colonial Defence Force Banks, Alfred, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Harkness, Thomas, Private, Otahuhu Militia Banks, George, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Harrison, Job, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Barriball, Henry, Private, Taranaki Militia Hart, George, Private, Auckland Militia Batten, James, Private, Taranaki Militia Hawke, Joseph, Private, Taranaki Militia Bertrand, George, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Henry, Robert, Private, Wairoa Volunteers Bishop, A. E., Staff Bugler, Napier Militia Hill, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Bolton, Charles Edward, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Hodges, F. O. Douglas, Sergeant, Hawke's Bay Volunteers Bolton, Hallowes Henry, Lance-Sergeant, 3rd Waikato Regi- Huckell, John, Lance-Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers nient Hunt, Henry, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Boggs, George, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Hurry, John Robert, Lance-Corporal, Colonial Defence Force Brooking, R., Private, Napier Militia Jones, Frederick, Private, Ist and 2nd Waikato Regiments Brooking, William Francis, Taranaki Militia Jones, John P., Lance-Corporal, 2nd Waikato Regiment Brosnan, Patrick, Private, Auckland Militia Judd, Henry, Lance-Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers Bullen, John, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Keelan, Thomas, Private, Napier Volunteers Carran, Henry, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Kenriek, Orlando Lionel, Lance-Sergeant, Colonial Defence Catanach, John, Private, Napier Militia Force Connell, Maurice, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry King, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Crichton, William John, Corporal, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry McGuire, James, Lance-Corporal, Auckland Militia Constable, William Samuel, Sergeant, Patea Rangers Mclntyre, Charles, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Coombes, James, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Moore, Henry, Private, Taranaki Militia Cunningham, James, Private, Napier Militia Mahoney, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Cunningham, Robert, Private, Forest Rangers Morelli, Joseph, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Curtis, Charles, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Moriarty, Timothy, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Davis, James Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Mungeam, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Deerness, William, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Neil, George, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Decry, David, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Northcott, John, Private, Taranaki Militia Ensor, Thomas, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Norton, John, Private, 2nd Waikato Begiment Fairchild, John, Captain Commanding Colonial Steamer Nowlan, G. D. 8., Ensign, Wanganui Bangers Fletcher, Henry, Private, Napier Militia Payne, John Joseph, Private, Auckland Rille Volunteers Gallagher, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Penncfather, Daniel, Captain, Taranaki Military Settlers


Pellew, Israel, Private, Taranaki Militia Smith, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Purdey, George Burton, Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers Steed, John, Private, Napier Militia Rogers, William, Private, Taranaki Militia Strode, Alfred Chetham, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Roose, Elijah, Private, Pukekohe Rifle Volunteers Swan, George H., Private, Napier Militia Russell, Frederick N., Private, Forest Rangers Turner, Henry, Private, Taranaki Militia St. Clair, John, Trooper, Colonial Defence Forco TJssher, Henry, Private, Wanganui Rangers Scott, Matthew, Acting Assistant-Surgeon, East Coast Expe- Walker, Benjamin, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers ditionary Force. Waters, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Shanaghan, William, Sergeant, Auckland Militia Westrup, Charles, Major, Forest Rangers

Roll B. Nominal Retuen of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims have been admitted by the Commissioners since the publication of the last Report, dated 17th May, 1872. Barry, David, Private, Armed Constabulary Jefferies, Walter, Private, Armed Constabulary Bradley, George, Private, Armed Constabulary Keys, George, Private, Armed Constabulary Bluett, Henry P., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary King, Robert James, Private, Armed Constabulary Crosswell, George, Private, Opotiki Rangers Linton, William, Private, Wellington Rifles Dore, George Henry, Private, Wellington Rangers Madden, Michael, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment East, Charles, Private, Armed Constabulary Milmoe, Lawrence, Private, Armed Constabulary French, William, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Skinner, W. A., Private, Armed Constabulary Froggatt, Henry, Private, Armed Constabulary Swindley, Fred., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Geary, Hamilton, Private, Wellington Rifles Thomas, Benjamin, Private, Armed Constabulary Hanhan, James, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Wakeford, Alfred, Private, Armed Constabulary

Roll C. Nominal Retuen of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have been killed in action or died of their wounds during the late war, and whose relatives have claimed the Medal to which they would have been entitled, and which claims have been admitted by the Commissioners since their appointment. Morrison, Henry, Private, Napier Rifle Volunteers.

No. 2. PROGRESS REPORT OF WAR MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency Sir Geoege Feeguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., &c, &c. May it please Tour Excellency,— We, the Commissioners appointed on the 3rd September, 1872, to examine and report on all applications for the New Zealand War Medal, which have been referred to us from time to time by the Colonial Secretary, have now the honor to respectfully submit for Tour Excellency's consideration our Progress Report, with the accompanying Rolls, which contain the names of the officers and men of the Colonial Forces whose claims have been admitted since the publication of our last Report. In Roll A are the names of those officers and men who have proved their claims to the decoration for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866. Roll B contains the names of those applicants who have established their claims for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866. Roll C contains the names of deceased officers and men of the Colonial Forces, on whose behalf application for the New Zealand War Medal has been made by their relatives, and to which they would have been entitled. James Paul. Wellington, New Zealand, 11th February, 1873. Donald H. Mcßaenet.

Roll A. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces whose claim to the New Zealand War Medal for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866, have been admitted by the Commissioners since the publication of their last Report. Ballard, William, Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers Dybell, Alfred, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Baskerville, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Early, Hugh, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Billing, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Felgate, John Charles, Private, Taranaki Militia Birch, Azim S., Captain, New Zealand Militia Flanigan, Michael, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Briggs, Thomas, Sergeant, Auckland Militia Ford, Harris, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Bullot, Henry, Volunteer, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Galway, Theophilus, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Butt, William Alfred, Lance-Sergeant, 2nd Waikato Regiment Garrod, William, Sergeant, Taranaki Military Settlers Cameron, John, Captain, Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers Hamilton, Samuel Hunter, Sergeant, Auckland Militia Cass, Thomas, Chief Mate, Colonial Brig " Victoria " Hirst, Israel, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Chilman, John, Corporal and Bugler, 2nd Waikato Regiment Holt, James, Captain, 2nd Waikato Regiment Clarke, William Charles, Lance-Corporal, Taranaki Military Hooker, Nathaniel, Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Settlers Hoskin, Arthur John, Private, Taranaki Militia Clarkson, John, Private, Mauku Rangers Johnson, Edward, Private, Wanganui Bangers Codling, Elijah, Private, Forest Rangers Johnson, William, Private, Wanganui Rangers Cook, George, Private, Auckland Militia Kelly, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Cummings, John, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Settlers Kelly, William, Private, Anckland Milritia Curtis. Samuel, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Kirkpatrick, Robert, Private, Napier Militia Cost, Kobcrt, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Lamb, James, Corporal, 3rd Waikato Regiment Darling, Robert, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Lander, Richard, Private, Taranaki Militia




Le Nord, John, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Robinson, Charles, Second Engineer, H.M. Colonial Gunboat Mackintosh, James M. G., Private, Taranaki Military Settlers "Koheroa" Maxwell, William, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Sands, William, Private, Taranaki Militia Moyle, Edward, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Savage, Richard, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Murphy, Burges C, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Scott, Joseph, Private, Pukekohc Rifle Volunteers McDonald, George R., Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment 1 Smith, James, Corporal, Taranaki Military Settlers McGuinness, Thomas, Lieutenant, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Smith, William Alfred, Captain, Ist Waikato Regiment McKenzie, Peter, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Snape, Joseph, Assistant-Surgeon, 2nd Waikato Regiment McKinlay, George, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Standish, Arthur, Ensign, Taranaki Militia O'Donnell, John, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Stevens, Walter Vere, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Olliver, William, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Tait, James, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Paynter, William, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Watt, Isaac Newton, Captain, New Zealand Militia Rawson, Thomas Edward, Surgeon, Taranaki Militia Wheeler, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Rhodes, Joseph, Captain, Napier Militia Whitcombe, William Eustace, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Richards, John, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Williams, Samuel John, Lieutenant, Auckland Naval Volunteers Richardson, George, Trooper, Wanganui Cavalry Wilson, William, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers.

Roll B. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces whose claim to the New Zealand War Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, have been admitted by the Commissioners since the publication of their last Report. Bergin, William, Private, Wellington Rifles Largo, John, Sub-Lieutenant, Ngatiporu Contingent Bertie, John, Private, Wellington Rifles Larritt, Philip, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Brooking, Henry L. S., Constable, Armed Constabulary Leslie, James S. C, Private, Wanganui Militia Delany, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Love, Robert, Private, Armed Constabulary Eberle, Peter, Constable, Armed Constabulary MeGoldrick, Henry, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Ellis, William, Private, Wanganui Militia Solomon, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hagan, Patrick, Private, Wellington Rifles Whiting, John, Private, European Contingent Jenkinson, Samuel, Corporal, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Young, Thomas, Private, Armed Constabulary Keen, Constantino, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Zornig, Henry, Private, Armed Constabulary. Langridge, Matthew, Constable, Armed Constabulary

Roll C. Nominal Retuen of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces whose relatives have made application for the New Zealand War Medal, and whose claims have been admitted since the publication of their last Report. Cole, George L., Private, Forest Rangers I Scandlyn, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia. Harris, Corbyn, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers

No. 3. PROGRESS REPORT OF WAR MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir James Feegusson, Baronet, &c, &c. May it please Toue Excellency,— We, the undersigned Commissioners, in accordance with the instructions conveyed to us by Commission dated 3rd September, 1872, have now the honor to report, that we have examined all cases laid before us at our present sitting, and forward herewith for Your Excellency's consideration the enclosed Rolls A, B, and C, containing the names of those officers and men of the Colonial Forces w rhom we consider entitled to the New Zealand War Medal. Roll A contains the names of those officers and men who have proved their claim to the Medal for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866. Roll B shows the names of those entitled to the decoration for services rendered at a subsequent date. Roll C contains the names of those officers and men whose relations have made application for the Medal, the original claimants being dead, and which claims are now admitted by the Commissioners. James Paul. Wellington, 6th September, 1873. Donald H. Mcßaenet.

Roll A. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims have been admitted by the Commissioners since the publication of their last Report. Anderson, David, Sergeant-Major, Defence Force Lewis, E. S., Private, 4th Waikato Militia Arden, Francis Hamer, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Mather, John, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Arden, Henry, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Murant, Henry, Private, Colonial Defence Force Atkinson, Decimus, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Mundell, David, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Badderly, John F., Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Pearn, William Henry, Private, Taranaki Militia Carey, John P., Private Taranaki Military Settlers Pugh, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Churchouse, W. R., Sergeant-Major, Taranaki Military Settlers Redely, John, Private, Taranaki Militia Clark, J. H., Captain, Taranaki Military Settlers Robinson, George F., Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Coulter, Robert John, Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Militia St. George, Edwin, Private, Taranaki Militia Davies, James Caddy, Cornet, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Seeombe, William Henry, Trooper, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Dean, Edward, Corporal, Auckland Engineers Smaller, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Dorsey, Victor, Private, 3rd Waikato Militia Smart, William, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Drake, William, Trooper, Colonial Defence Forco Smith, Ezra, Private, Forest Rangers Durbridge, Henry, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Smith, Peter J., Private, Forest Rangers Foreman, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Militia Smith, William, Trooper, Poverty Bay Mounted Rifle VolunGeorge, James C, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers teers Haggart, William Ramsay,. Private, Ist Waikato Militia Spencer, T. H., Interpreter, Field Force Halse, William, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Stuart, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Hamilton, Jas. Stewart, Private, Auckland Militia Trainer, Henry, Trooper, Colonial Defence Forco Hawes, Robt. S., Private, Napier Militia Trent, Frederick Frank, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Hector, Geo. Nelson, Volunteer, Field Force Turner, Henry John, Trooper, Colonial Defence Forco Herbert, Patrick, Corporal, Ist Waikato Militia Veal, Thomas, Sergeant, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Hoskins, Josias, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Ward, James, Private, Taranaki Ritle Volunteers Jarman, Sidney, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Worms, Joseph, Private, Ist Class Auckland Militia Kelly, Richard, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Wright, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers. Tr T..1... "D-: i~ m 1.: lr:i:t:.



Roll B. Nominal Return of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims are admitted by the Commissioners since their last Report. Barry, John, Private, Wellington Bangers Lupton, Isaac, Private, Wairoa Volunteers Carroll, James, Private, Native Contingent McArthur, David, Constable, Armed Constabulary Grey, Wm. Geo., Private, Taranaki Volunteers Milne, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Cumming, Geo. Imlay, Inspector, Armed Constabulary Force Sedgwick, Henry, Private, Wellington Rangers Halloran, Richd., Constable, Armed Constabulary Thornton, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hanson, Carl, Constable, Armed Constabulary Wakeford, Alfred, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hay, Charles, Private, Ist Waikato Militia Walton, Thos. Fellows, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hughes, W. F., Constable, Armed Constabulary Whelan, Thomas, Constable, Armed Constabulary King, James, Corporal, Wellington Rifles

Roll C. Nominal Return of Deceased Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces whose claims for the New Zealand War Medal have been admitted by the Commissioners since their last Report. Allen, John, Private, Taranaki Militia I Crisp, Thos. H., Private, Hawke's Bay Militia Brown, Henry Handley, Private, Taranaki Militia | Fuller, Wm. Edward, Private, Wanganui Cavalry

By Authority: Geoiige Didsbdey, Government Printer, Wellington. Price 3d.~\

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NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-16a

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NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-16a

NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. (FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, H-16a

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