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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by command of His Excellency. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 6th September, 1873. I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the Fourteenth Report on the Postal Service of New Zealand. I have, &c, His Excellency, Julius Vogel, The Right Honorable Sir James Fergusson, Baronet, Postmaster-General. Governor of New Zealand.

<• REPORT. It is gratifying to be again able to report that continued and steady progress has been made by the Department during the past year, as will be seen from the Tables appended to this Report. The revenue has more than realized expectations, while the expenditure has been considerably less than that estimated. Forty-three new Post Offices have been opened, and two have been closed; two receiving letter-boxes and pillars have been erected ; several new mail services have been established ; and postal communication, by four-horse coach, between Tauranga and Taupo is now an accomplished fact, thus completing a chain of postal communication from Tauranga to Wellington. To meet a longfelt want, a second weekly overland mail service has been established between Wellington and Napier. The inland mail services have been performed with remarkable regularity, considering the nature of the country in many cases. During the year, there were 223 inland mail services in operation; 66 being performed by coach and mail-cart, 102 on horse-back, 10 on foot, 38 by water, and 7 by railway. The aggregate of the distances to be travelled for the 223 services was 6,76S miles ; and the total number of miles travelled was 1,180,364, at a cost to the Department of £21,838 —an average of about 4-a-d. per mile.

DEPARTMENTAL. SCHEDULE of Post Offices in New Zealand in 1871 and 1872.

IS' '2. IS 1 1. Postal Districts. Head Offices. Post Offices. Sub-Post Offices. Totals. Head Offices. Post Offices. Sub-Post Offices. Totals. Auckland Thames Taranaki Hawke's Bay ... Wellington Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Westland Otago Southland Chatham Islands 1 l 1 l l 1 1 l l 1 I 1 3 "i i 2 t ;s 1 2 2 111 3 7 28 44 43 11 83 27 123 24 115 4 8 30 46 46 14 87 20 126 27 1 1 l 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 107 2 11 27 38 40 10 77 25 113 16 Ill 3 12 29 40 43 13 81 27 116 19 1 Totals ... 17 466 495 12 17 504 533 12 The Government buildings at Aucklan' which commenced in a private store ; but n all correspondence, transit mails, and eve buildings are now in course of reconstrm conducted in temporary offices. Post and Telegraph Offices have been ( Hurunui, and Boss ; and offices are in cour about being erected at Port Chalmers, L and Masterton. d were destroyed 01 vith the exception oi jrything of value, i ction; and meanwh completed at the foil •se of construction : lavvrence, Christchu: o, the 19th of November last, f a Dead Letter Mail from tin was saved from the Post Off iile, the business of the Post lowing places:—New Plymout at Milton and Clintou. New rch, Lyttelton, Te Asvamutu, ', , by a fire c Thames, ice. The ; Office is ;h, Waiau, offices are Hamilton,



Registered Letters. Thia class of letters is largely on the increase. The returns show that 39,707 letters, &c, were registered during 1872, against 34,679 in 1871. Postage Stamps. A halfpenny postage stamp was issued on the Ist of January last; and it may be of interest to state that the stamp is strictly a Colonial production. The order for the new postage stamp dies has been executed, and it is intended that the new issue shall be made on the 2nd January next. Newspaper Postage. On the Ist of January last, the postage on newspapers posted in the Colony for delivery within the Colony, was reduced to one halfpenny; but the reduction has not been taken advantage of to the extent that was anticipated. From the Ist January to the 30th June last, 390,80S halfpenny postage stamps, of the value of £814 3s. Bd., and 872,92G penny postage stamps, of the value of £3,637 3s. 10d., were sold. During the corresponding period in 1872, 1,068,823 penny stamps, valued at £4,453 Bs. 7d., were disposed of. Intercolonial Loose Letters. In accordance with a resolution passed at the Intercolonial Conference, ship letters, i.e. letters forwarded loose by ship, are delivered free of charge in any of the Australian Colonies, provided they bear the proper amount of postage stamps of the Colony in which they originate, inclusive of the usual late fee. Intercolonial Letters. The Conference also approved of one uniform rate of postage on letters and book packets addressed from one Colony to another ; and from the Ist of January next, the postage on Intercolonial letters will be reduced from threepence to twopence per half-ounce.

The following is a statement of the numbers of letters and newspapers received and despatched during 1872, compared with the numbers during 1871: — 1872. 1871. Increase. Letters—Received ... ... 3,588,073 ... ... 3,296,990 Despatched ... ... 3,370,470 ... ... 2,784,707 6,958,543 ... ... 6,081,697 876,846 Newspapers—Received ... ... 2,767,682 ... ... 2,308,634 Despatched ... ... 1,643,409 ... ... 1,871,150 4,411,091 ... ... 4,179,784 231,307 The revenue again shows a highly satisfactory increase, being £50,586 6s. 4d. for 1872, against £47,054 18s. 3d. for 1871. The following is a Schedule of Officers in the Postal Department in the years 1871 and 1872: — Officers. 1872. 1871. Postmaster-General ... ... ... ... ... .... 1 1 Secretary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 Inspector of Post Offices ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 Accountant, Money Order and Savings Banks ... ... ... ... 1 1 Clerks in General Post Office ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 Clerks in Money Order and Savings Bank Department ... ... ... 3 3 Mail Agents ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 Chief Postmasters ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 9 Postmasters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 19 Clerks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 54 Sub-Postmastera ... ... ... ... ... ... 504 466 Letter Carriers ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 27 Messengers ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 8 8 Shipping Officers ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 Totals ... ... ... ... 637 509 Dead Lettees. The unclaimed or dead letters passed through the Dead Letter Office during 1872 are slightly in ■excess of those dealt with in 1871. The following table shows the number vear by year since 1868:— Manner of Disposal. 18G8. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Opened and returned to the writers Returned unopened to other countries Re-issued Destroyed 17,884 12,365 90 2,733 33,072 16,453 10,074 87 2,717 17,516 6,688 63 2,960 17,106 6,192 97 2,173 17,707 5,512 85 2,884 Totals 29,331 27,227 25,568 26,188



Mail Seetices. Owing to the unexpected cessation of the Californian service, the contract with the New Zealand Steam Shipping Company, for the performance of the service between Manukau and Picton, was terminated on the 30th April last. Negotiations have been steadily in progress, not only for a new service via San Francisco, but also for the use of the Suez service after the termination of the existing contract, which expires at the close of 1873. But it is desirable that the general subject should not be discussed in this Report; for the results, up to a recent date, have been submitted to the Legislature, and the negotiations have not yet been concluded. Money Oedees. At the close of 1872, there were 92 Money Order Offices in the Colony, of which 11 were opened during the year, namely,—Mangapai, Pahi, Te Arai, Southbridge, Bulls, Grisborne, Reefton, Eangiora, Oxford, Waiau, and Richmond. The total number of Money Orders issued during the year was 44,660, for sums amounting to £191,009 2s. the increase for the year being 8,369 orders, and £33,611 Bs. 5d., or 3,942 orders and £15,890 95., in excess of the increase of the previous year. A more extensive use of the Money Order system for remittances within the Colony, is the principal cause of this large increase. The following table shows the number and amount of Money Orders issued and paid in the Colony during each of the last ten years, Monet Obdebs Issued in the Colony.

Of the Money Orders issued which were payable in the Colony, 4,503 for £21,GG9 18s. Bd. were transmitted by telegraph; the increase for the year under this head having been 2,018 orders and £10,337 17s. Bd. The system of transmitting Money Orders by telegraph at an increased charge, was commenced on the 15th June, 1870. It was made use of during that year for the transmission of 927 orders for £4,226 11s. 7d., and during 1871, for 2,469 orders amounting to £11,219 15s. Gd. The very large increase indicated by the above figures is doubtless in some degree due to the reduction in the commission which was made in June, 1872; but it is perhaps mainly due to a better public appreciation of the advantages afforded by the system. It will be seen from the above table, that the amount remitted from the Colony to offices beyond the Colony during the year, by means of Money Orders, was £70,883 7s. 4d., while only £13,883 3s. 7d was received in Money Orders from those offices. There was, therefore, a balance against the Colony, to be provided for by remittances, of about £57,000, of which upwards of £38,000 was sent to the United Kingdom.

Where Payable. TCTAL. In the Colony. Unil ;ed Kingdom. Austi •alian Colonies. No. Amount. No. Amount. Xo. Amount. Xo. Amount. 1863 1864 1865 1806 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 2,201 4,267 6,292 8,924 10,293 11,898 14,305 16,821 20,514 28,156 £ e. d. 9,613 11 11 19,427 4 4 29,742 15 1 42,823 4 7 49,496 13 0 54,342 18 6 63,897 1 10 73,344 11 9 88,546 9 7 120,125 14 8 4,740 7,700 7,756 9,238 9,242 9,241 9,263 9,024 10,407 10,619 £ s. d. 21,944 2 1 35,741 5 0 33,426 11 5 41,987 IS 0 40,998 14 11 40,581 13 9 39,939 8 6 41,472 3 7 44,197 18 3 44,535 9 9 4,615 4,625 3,188 4,548 4,938 4,715 4,859 5,419 5,370 5,885 £ s. d. 24,145 7 5 23,388 10 2 15,406 17 2 23,968 5 2 25,115 5 1 23,286 11 5 23,381 14 7 25,637 12 7 24,653 5 9 26,347 17 7 11,586 36,592 17,236 22,710 24,473 25,854 28,427 31,864 36,291 44,660 £ s. d. 55,703 1 5 78,556 19 6 78,576 3 8 108,779 4 9 115,610 13 0 118,211 3 8 127,218 4 11 140,454 7 11 157,397 13 7 191,009 2 O Total 123,666 551,360 5 3 87,830 384,825 2 3 48,192 235,331 6 11 259,693 1,171,516 14* 5 MON.E Ohdebs paid in tiie Colony. "Where Is! sued. Total. ■4 the Colony. TTnii ;ed Kingdom. Australian Colonies. No: Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1S68 1869 1870 1871 1872 2,067 4,248 6,218 8,886 10,353 11,903 14,250 16,798 20,514 27,983 £ s. d. 9,169 4 0 19,417 10 5 29,282 13 10 42,768 10 9 49,031 17 2 54,349 8 3 63,820 15 5 73,245 8 3 88,592 O 3 119,676 1 2 415 675 762 1,100 1,198 1,401 1,218 1,156 1,396 1,504 £ 8. d. 1,824 0 8 3,274 2 2 3,508 15 10 5,021 14 9 5,649 2 10 G,502 3 0 5,030 18 8 5,523 4 4 0,217 11 5 7,078 8 6 558 097 700 917 1,108 1,294 1,272 1,267 1,318 1,459 £ 8. d. 3,077 13 7 3,776 1 7 3,712 1 5 4,753 3 10 5,570 6 4 6,685 1 3 6,382 4 3 6,055 6 11 5,914 18 7 6,803 15 3 3,040 5,020 7,080 10,903 12,659 14,598 10,740 19,221 23,228 30,946 £ a. d. 14,070 18 9 26,467 14 2 36,563 11 1 52,543 9 4 61,151 6 4 67,536 12 6 75,833 18 4 84,823 19 6 100,724 10 3 133,558 4 11 Total 123,220 550,253 10 0 10,825 50,290 2 2 10,590 52,730 13 0 141,635 653,274 5 2



The increase of business has brought a corresponding increase in the revenue derived from the commission on Money Orders, the commission received during the year having amounted to £3,068 17s. 6d., or more by £460 14s. than was received during 1871. In one of the tables appended to this Report will bo found a statement of the commission received from Money Orders issued in the Colony during each year since the commencement of the Money Order system. Post Office Savings Bank. The business of the Post Office Savings Bank during the year was in every respect very largely in excess of that of 1871. The number of deposits increased from 24,042, amounting to £312,33S 18s. 4d., in 1871, to 31.681, amounting to £430,877, in 1872 ; the number of withdrawals from 14,773, for £261,347 16s. 3d., in 1871, to 17,254, for £313,176 7s. lid., in 1872; the number of new accounts opened from 4,615 in 1871, to 6,205 in 1872 ; and the number of accounts remaining open, from 10,549 at the close of 1871, to 13,566 at the close of 1872. The balance at the credit of depositors had risen at the close of the year to £490,066 7s. from £357,654 14s. 6d. on the 31st December, 1871; and the average amount at the credit of each account from £33 18s. Id. to £3G 2s. sd. The average amount of each deposit was £13 125., and of each withdrawal £18 3s. A sum of £14,711 os. sd. was credited to depositors during the year, on account of interest, making a total sum credited on that account since the establishment of Post Office Savings Banks in the Colony of £45,778 15s. sd. The cost of the management of the Department was £1,556 for the year, or at the rate of about 7i 7fd. for each deposit or withdrawal. Early in the year, the local Savings Bank in Wellington was closed ; and on the Ist March, its capital, amounting to £7,892 9s. 4d., was transferred to the Post Office Savings Bank. Appended to this Eeport will be found a tablo showing the business of the Post Office Savings Banks from the date of their establishment in the Colony, year by year, to the 31st December, 1872 ; also, a comparative statement of the Money Order and Savings Bank business transacted in the Colonies of New Zealand, Victoria, and New South AVales, during 1872.



Table No. 1. TABLE showing the NUMBER and AMOUNT of MONEY ORDERS ISSUED in NEW ZEALAND during the Year 1872.

Chief and Accounting Offices. Issued on New Zealand. Issued on United Kingdom. Issued on Victoria. Issued on S. Australia. Issued on New S. Wales. Issued on Queensland. Issued on Westebn austealia. Issued on Tasmania. rAL Issued. Per Post. Per Telegraph. I Amount. o Amount. o Amount. i Amount. d y. Amount. £ Amount. o Amount. ,° Amount. °" Amount. d ft Amount. Auckland New Plymouth Napier Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westland CunisTcnuECH ... DUNEDIN Inveecahgill ... 21 2 5 10 4 7 3 13 99 £ s. d.i 5561; 22612 12 3l 803 3786 9 9 787 3527 16 10 4030 11450 19 5 933 4745 13 6 1845: 8964 3 5 1547| 6570 18 8 2185! 9145 1 8 5273 21919 5 10 686 2732 14 8j 404 117 227 691 270 630 472 439 1150 103 £ 8. d.> 1819 15 11 702 1 5 1153 5 6 3400 9 8 1276 0 3 3211 10 5 2125 11 8 2072 6 10, 0392 3 8 510 13 4' 2230 127 390 1095 160 553 606 1 2346 '• 2768 ,j 344 £ s. d.i 9357 5 0 401 5 1 1868 13 3 4527 7 8 775 9 4 2437 6 10 1 2990 4 11 9538 9 11 11130 1 9 1509 6 0\ 458 48 119 I 453 i1 384 923 515 H082 223 £ s. dJ 2006 3 0 186 5 0 617 4 1 2010 19 10 251 16 7 1655 18 11 4389 18 11 2297 9 11 4601 2 10 913 3 8! 38 3 2 21 2 13 21 4, £ a. d.| £ s. d. , £ s. d. 163 19 5 395 1724 18 11 5 20 9 0 3 15 6i 7: 23 5 10 ... I 8 10 0 23 100 9 0 18 0 0 73 0 11 116 495 16 2 16113 6 4 6 3 0 20' 106 11 6 ... I 44 4 9 97 435 0 0 5 42 0 0 82 15 9 108 556 5 8 4 20 0 0 91 0 3 159 781 9 5 8 14 7 6 188 15 0 1241 603 12 8^ 11 26 10 0 9 0 0 17 G5 3 9 17 0 0 7 1 1 £ s. d. 41 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 58 1 39 3 16 50 54 75 18 £ s. d. 248 4 3 1 0 0 8 19 8 205 7 C 19 0 C 107 10 0 247 9 6 282 5 8 342 3 3 86 19 2 9159 1106 1551 6161 1419 3544 3737 5727 10525 139S £ ». d.' 37994 7 9! 5104 2 7 7292 18 4 25277 7 0 7180 14 2 16902 14 4 16988 5 1 24222 11 2i 44203 15 0 5812 6 7 -• 2"6 0 Totals in 1872 Totals in 1871 92 81 23653 98455 16 0 18029' 77214 8 7 4503 21669 18 248511332 1 i10619 H0407 11535 9 9, 41197 18 3 '4266 : 3942 18930 2 9 18082 16 7 175 178 [671 4 71066 4892 12 ll l 51251 12 10 732 2 I 1 943 1 4317 11 8 69 366 6 7 11 3 53 6 0 16 11 0 i 316 235 1518 18 6 1137 17 10 14660 36291 191009 2 0 157397 13 7 Increase dubing 1872 I 8369 33611 8 5' Table No. 2. TABLE showing the Number and Amotjnt of Money Oeders Paid in New Zealand during the Year 1872. Chief and Accounting Offices. Issued in New Zealand. jed in United Kingdom. Issued in YlCTOMA. Issued in S. Australia Issued in New S. Wales. Issued in Queensland. Issued in Western Australia. Issued in Tasmania. ■-■- - o o 25 O Per Post. Per Telegraph. foreign Issues Repaid. Total Paid. d Amount. I Amount. d Amount. d Amount. d Amount. 6 y. Amount. d y, Amount. °' Amount. d y Amount. 6 y Amount. d y. Amount. Auckland New Plymouth... Napibe Wellington Blenheim Nelson Westland ClIEISTCHUECH ... DUNEDIN INVEECARGILL ... 21 2 5 10 4 7 3 13 22 5 , £ s. d. 6415 24622 14 5 576 513 2320 16 1 51 373 1499 10 11 92 390717242 10 8 746 450' 1791 12 5 106 217110430 14 4 613 1312 5734 15 10 376 1949 7669 IS 8 631 5837 21199 6 11 1189 509 2266 0 3 96 23436 97778 0 6 4476 17976 77086 8 3'2469 £ s. d. 2865 6 6 273 12 4 509 16 0 3660 3 6 511 11 4 3073 16 7 1579 17 11 2S02 14 O' 5708 0 0 486 19 0' 9 3 3 10 12 23 £ s. d. 29 11 5 12 7 0 22 13 0 29 14 0 13 10 0 •80 2 0 44 15 0 101 4 1 110 474 43 22 149 40 71 58i 356 1 267J 24 £ s. d. 2023 2 8 161 5 4 107 8 10 796 15 7 199 9 10 343 6 10 \ 388 10 4 ' 1726 17 7 I 1197 0 10J 131 10 8 171 12 54 5 44 108 96 254 32 £ s. d.: 645 7 921 42 18 0 1 83 2 0... 260 17 112 35 0 0| 1 167 14 6 3 432 12 2 7 457 19 6 8 1125 0 919 133 13 10 9 3384 5 78l| 3316 16 080 I £ 8. d.j 114 0 9 1 I 5 O 0 72 14 0 4 0 0 25 O 0 34 5 0 47 0 0 1 94 4 0 60 13 0 221. 9 3 29 8 12 68 1 32 1 £ a. d.i 1014 17 6 27 0 4 14 18 10 148 10 4 72 0 0 61 18 9 318 19 11 1C3 3 7 243 11 0 5 0 0 I £ s. d. 17j 96 15 6 1 10 0 7 35 5 0 19 123 9 0 2 15 0 0 1 2 "l £ s. d.j 13 0 0 1! i i'"e o; i! t 2 10 ... 2 I £ s. d.i 86 17 9 - 32 0 0; 13 0 52 2 2 13 8 2 30 0 0 179 4 10 H42 9 8 > 51 9 7 7928! 63li 509 4913! 610 2919 1943 3124 7689 680 £ s. d. 31512 14 3 2874 19 1 2238 12 7 22261 15 4 2613 13 7 14129 9 2 8600 3 2 13216 18 2 32952 12 3 3154 7 4 : ... 2 I 3: 18 0 0 31 Totals in 1S72 Totals in 1871 92 81 21563 3 2 1 11229 15 6! s 334 17 6 275 16 6 1504' 1396; 1 7078 8 6 6217 11 5! 783 767 I 456 16 9 395 5 T |435 '307 2070 0 346 1 271 9 0 1321 17 5!64' 407 1 3 5 10 32 8 0109588 15 2 47 17 II 1 90 426 0 5 30946 23228 133558 4 11 100724 10 3 Inceease dueing 1872 7718 32833 14 8



Postal Districts. Number of Offices Open in 1872. 1862. Five Months. 1863. 1864. 1865. I860. 1867. 18G8. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. Total since Commencement. £ s. a. £ s. i. £ p. a. £ i. cl. £ s. a. £ s. cl. £ s. a. £ 9. Cl. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ 9. d. Auckland 21 29 10 0 | 151. 1 0 317 13 6 333 3 6 260 18 0 223 3 6 264 8 6 420 8 0 431 7 0 506 14 0 558 12 0 3,549 19 0 Taranaki 2 5 4 6 23 8 0 46 4 6 48 6 0 37 12 0 32 1 0 23 5 0 27 13 0 41 0 0 67 13 0 62 XI 8 415 4 8 IIawke's Bay... 6 G 14 G 17 9 0 29 4 6 36 14 0 42 12 0 42 9 0 35 16 6 46 10 0 78 13 6 91 17 6 122 3 2 550 3 8 Wellington ... 10 17 5 0 44 0 6 G7 1 0 138 13 0 210 13 6 223 7 0 209 1 0 204 6 6 258 19 0 302 8 0 398 7 10 2,074 2 4 Marlborouqh... 4 18 6 17 3 6 47 16 0 42 2 0 50 13 6 51 7 0 49 13 0 48 8 0 69 1G O 86 13 6 99 7 4 564 8 4 Nelson 7 13 11 0 33 4 0 44 14 0 65 4 0 106 7 6 105 1 0 151 8 0 135 7 6 173 13 6 175 9 6 256 18 0 1,260 18 0 Cantebbuby ... U 32 17 0 194 7 0 306 17 6 324 17 6 561 8 6 575 15 G 316 3 6 315 17 0 409 G 6 422 1 6 460 10 6 3,920 2 0 Wkstland 3 240 18 6 205 6 G 249 12 6 240 6 0 271 12 8 1,207 1G 2 Otago 22 45 10 0 ! 473 0 6 603 16 0 415 15 0 416 3 0 484 9 6 498 0 6 464 15 6 559 11 0 628 17 6 741 12 6 5,331 11 0 Southland 5 7 9 0 100 15 6 125 15 6 59 3 G 75 6 0 78 6 0 74 7 0 63 11 0 75 4 G 86 3 0 96 15 10 842 1G 10 Totals ... 02 159 9 6 1,057 9 0 1,619 2 6 1,463 18 6 1,761 14 0 1,815 19 6 1,863 1 6 1,932 3 0 2,367 3 6 2,608 3 6 3,068 17 6 19,717 2 0



Table No. 4. TABLE showing the NUMBER and AMOUNT of TRANSACTIONS at the several MONEY ORDER and SAVINGS BANK OFFICES in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1872.

MONEY >RDERS. savi: GS BANKS. OFFICES. Issued. Paid. Deposits. WITHDRAWALS. No. Amount. No. Amount. # to to No. Amount. No. Principal. Interest. Auckland Alexandra Cambridge Hamilton Kapanga Mangapai Mongonui Newcastle Onehunga Opotiki Otahuhu Pahi Port Albert Raglan ... Russell Tauranga Te Arai Waiuku... Wangarei Warkwortk 3,688 263 168 385 588 61 147 202 145 61 83 33 40 130 165 369 7 52 99 156 £ s. d. 15,723 9 5 1,133 12 7 700 3 0 1,488 10 5 2,388 18 2 161 10 4 607 0 11 720 16 8 556 9 6 288 3 8 313 4 2 176 0 7 137 0 9 519 13 6 605 6 5 1,715 2 10 18 13 0 197 13 10 376 5 3 1,127 14 6 5,363 148 52 149 246 24 12 133 158 31 87 3 25 66 55 148 8 40 98 23 £ s. d. 21,704 1 10 519 12 0 220 10 11 496 10 5 1,014 14 5 162 17 3 27 2 7 490 10 8 590 19 11 91 1 6 393 10 8 11 0 6 96 1 1 433 13 7 315 15 4 602 10 9 36 15 8 145 7 2 546 16 7 118 14 7 836 10 3 13 14 7 6 9 21 2 3 4,786 62 24 73 40 13 12 47 179 9 5 £ s. d. 50,833 19 0 485 9 0 285 13 0 755 7 0 110 9 0 178 0 0 300 15 0 515 15 0 1,637 4 0 513 5 10 38 16 3 3,189 19 9 32 16 5 8 20 46 8 2 £ s. d. 40,985 8 11 145 12 4 124 5 2 547 3 0 126 0 6 39 0 2 320 7 10 164 10 0 584 2 2 107 IS 7 70 0 0 £ s. d. 193 12 2 13 9 0 15 10 0 10 5 0 12 0 5 9 0 15 0 5 8 2 4 0 "l 4 44' 0 0 3 4 2 33 25 10 2 29 0 0 70 0 0 651 12 7 0 0 6 "5 17 2 10 73 6 1 34 15 214 0 0 1,182 8 0 101 17 0 8 10 0 122 13 0 266 7 0 o"4 8 6 2 3 12 6 26 3 540 2 6 21 1 6 2 9 3 0 5 2 Thames 2,317 9,038 18 3 1,059 3,494 6 10 311 1,578 22,126 6 3 1,169 14,868 10 4 55 0 5 New Plymouth ... Patea 765 341 3,396 9 1 1,707 13 6 480 151 2,041 9 11 833 9 2 66 13 575 76 7,184 14 0 1,057 19 0 423 39 8,103 17 9 1,106 15 2 31 1 7 7 5 0 Napieb Gisborne Port Ahuriri Waipawa Waipukurau 1,092 111 173 86 89 5,249 1 11 501 7 6 708 12 11 431 3 3 402 12 9 424 29 26 17 13 1,818 7 2 150 4 2 139 6 8 63 13 4 67 1 3 110 14 6 15 14 529 43 28 135 31 8,G70 18 10 292 9 0 249 16 0 292 11 0 494 12 0 311 4 4 7 1 6,643 3 2 30 12 0 35 0 0 69 0 7 35 0 0 30 10 7 0 0 1 0 5 6 0 2 4 Wellington Bull's Eeatherston Foxton ... Greytown Ilutt Marton ... Masterton Palinerston X. ... Wanganui 3,842 60 99 251 264 99 248 127 95 1,379 13,734 2 0 302 0 6 417 11 0 1,339 3 8 1,127 11 10 457 9 7 1,109 13 2 510 18 2 435 2 3 5,843 14 10 3,703 37 49 72 81 53 115 55 40 708 16,195 15 4 206 6 8 196 14 0 266 16 7 344 19 2 192 8 10 737 9 4 287 14 8 359 17 10 3,476 12 11 857 5 15 21 37 15 20 17 34 83 4,155 7 48 93 135 110 55 59 86 320 53,080 5 6 97 10 0 338 19 0 778 4 0 2,082 17 0 909 6 0 594 10 6 99R 9 0 1,339 9 0 3,398 5 0 1,818 8 5 24 36 20 11 10 45 125 30,858 3 0 44 19 0 33 0 0 195 19 0 635 5 0 614 14 1 345 14 7 257 13 7 626 9 6 3,012 14 7 134 16 11 0 0 6 12 0 0 0 3 1 17 11 0 7 3 6 11 2 13 14 10 Blenheim Havelock Kaikoura Picton ... 688 328 127 306 3,354 17 1 1,807 12 0 671 3 11 1,347 1 2 252 78 44 236 972 10 8 425 13 11 205 2 1 1,010 6 11 65 10 8 29 222 67 25 121 4,019 2 0 256 11 0 482 5 6 1,371 10 6 101 14 6 32 2.S81 4 1 234 7 6 59 16 9 1,244 17 2 15 12 4 0 2 8 0 15 13 17 6 Nelson , Collingwood Motueka 1,081 115 148 4,463 1 2 597 7 5 630 17 10 1,860 29 122 8,690 1 5 164 12 3 601 19 4 107 12 14 736 30 111 8,920 0 8 736 4 0 844 2 5 322 13 15 4,397 1 3 262 0 0 571 17 10 19 14 8 2 5 6 Westpobt Charleston Reefton 667 653 880 3,018 3 10 2,838 17 5 5,354 6 8 349 167 392 1,742 16 4 760 6 9 2,169 13 1 92 60 23 424 268 53 7,646 7 5 5,178 15 0 1,862 12 0 415 112 45 9,2G6 3 3 3,022 10 10 1,224 2 1 25 17 10 10 5 3 3 8 9 Greymouth 1,769 8,221 3 3 594 2,839 2 5 223 1,098 22,234 6 1 748 21,478 5 8 109 19 9 HOKITIKA Boss 1,562 406 7,106 4 3 1,660 17 7 1,137 212 4,823 18 4 937 2 5 157 28 734 157 14,3(55 7 0 1,698 1 0 487 56 9,228 13 9 1,055 9 9 42 16 8 1 15 2 CnKISTCHTJECH ... Akaroa ... Kaiapoi ... Kowai ... Lyttelton Oxford Rangiora Selwyn ... Soutbbridge Temuka Timaru ... Waiau ... Waimate *1—TV 3,208 141 271 79 • 436 39 74 42 32 211 840 67 287 13,507 17 5 476 2 5 1,179 5 3 338 14 3 1,792 16 6 143 15 11 395 9 0 205 2 6 139 7 9 907 2 4 3,626 8 3 413 14 5 1,096 15 2 2,020 91 142 36 311 11 35 7 7 77 331 14 42 8,506 7 10 359 15 7 603 17 7 181 14 1 1,329 17 2 62 12 9 141 11 1 22 19 0 26 19 9 301 11 1 1,444 0 7 91. 8 8 141 3 0 846 7 51 14 87 17 26 3 15 25 94 9 13 4,595 34 212 52 465 59 46 25 36 79 381 13 59 62,390 7 0 276 1 0 3,6<>2 12 0 299 18 0 3,761 3 0 234 12 0 1,824 7 0 •ISO 10 0 311; 12 0 4S4 16 2 5,n72 4 0 507 11 0 615 17 0 2,700 6 74 8 98 "l6 7 6 28 126 1 12 49,315 IS 11 48 13 9 940 7 3 269 14 0 1,382 12 2 721 15 2 91 0 0 144 0 0 333 15 9 2,075 13 7 6 10 0 236 V 6 201 8 2 0 12 9 4 4 2 5 2 9 4 1 4 1 11 7 2 13 5 13 0 7 Oil 3



Table No. 4. — continued. TABLE showing the Number and Amount of Teansactiojts at the several Monet Ordee and Sayings Bank Offices in the Colony of New Zealand during the Tear 1872.

Table No. 5. A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the MONEY ORDER and SAVINGS BANK BUSINESS of the Colonies of New Zealand, Victoria, and New South Wales, for the Year 1872.

MONET ORDERS. SAVINGS BANKS. OFFICES. Issued. Paid. "a 3 Dkposits. WlTIIDBAWALS. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Principal. Interest. DUNEDIN Arrow River Balclutha Clyde Hamilton Hatnpden Kakanui Kawarau Lawrence Manuherikia Mataura Milton Mount Ida Oamaru ... Otepopo Palmerston Port Chalmers ... Queenstown Switzers Teviot Waikouaiti WcstTaieri 4,069 270 338 291 98 216 277 337 541 156 143 440 263 l,O97j 89 167, 427 522 267 236 208 73 £ s. d. 17,531 7 3 1,203 13 4 1,298 8 10 1,004 15 4 561 11 10 910 4 6 1,459 18 7 1,530 14 8 2,007 6 4 569 15 8 631 2 11 1,658 18 11 840 6 8 4,697 17 2 410 3 4 585 19 2 1,806 9 1 2,205 0 8 1,486 0 8 799 19 5 739 1 2 264 19 6 5,565 27 175 84 11 55 19 69 288 49 24 208 98 327 12 92 273 137 36 24 80 36 £ s. d. 23,388 10 4 116 9 4 729 9 6 250 7 10 79 0 0 319 14 1 71 7 9 313 14 6 1,345 5 8 211 15 6 121 18 8 860 3 10 442 0 5 1,475 10 2 55 13 11 449 10 5 1,351 11 11 638 4 4 134 12 0 85 16 9 327 7 7 184 7 9 921 10 25 8 2 12 27 10 26 4,859 46 87 42 17 100 91 47 132 3 41 255 162 514 15 90 344 82 54 12 47 26 £ s. A. 75,517 15 4 1,877 0 0 1,486 14 0 443 12 0 458 0 0 351 5 0 677 4 0 1,321 15 6 1,551 4 0 27 12 0 212 9 6 2,436 14, 0 1,388 11 6 7,356 0 0 57 5 0 313 16 0 2,936 3 0 852 7 0 1,117 14 6 90 5 6 650 8 0 233 12 0 3,181 22 43 14 13 13 35 A. £ s. d. 62,156 17 4 1,218 0 5 1,395 7 3 639 10 5 874 14 7 177 1 5 370 14 10 75 9 8 1,206 11 10 23 10 0 133 2 0 1,492 6 3 653 8 4 2,883 16 7 £ b. a. 292 11 11 10 9 3 14 6 5 6 16 5 12 4 9 4 14 3 2 4 9 0 4 0 4 19 11 6 41 27 104 4 7 65 21 10 3 10 5 4 51 3 4 63 36 117 0 12 3 6 10 6 2 14 11 14 8 3 11 106 19 18 7 14 7 256 7 8 1,526 8 7 314 8 0 533 19 7 257 5 4 96 3 1 180 19 6 10 16 3 4 7 8 0 13 7 0 2 8 0 12 Invebcabqill ... Campbelltown ... Long Bush Riverton Winton 909 103 146 188 52 3,700 0 11 459 0 10 701 9 11 749 17 5 231 17 6 515j 66, 15 68 16 2,379 9 9 326 12 11 64 4 0 328 13 3 55 7 5 151 1 37 7 10 697 29 240 62 29 14,115 8 3 342 11 0 2,457 10 0 684 1 0 243 10 0 482 14 24 17 8 11,180 6 9 181 15 11 332 4 10 404 1 4 27 0 0 63 7 4 0 7 3 0 3 9 1 0 11 0 2 8 Totals 44,660 191,009 2 0 30,946 133,558 4 11 6,205 31,681 430,876 10 0 17,25 311,745 16 3 1,430 11 8

NAME OF COLONT. is] hi <2"| MONET o: 1DERS. Amount. - It =>° No. SAVINGS BANKS.* Accounts Open at close of 1«72. [SSUBD. 'AID. lEPOSITS. [DEAWAL3. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. ■KT- ITotal Amount iSo- I at Credit. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. £ B. a. £ a. d. New Zealand 279,560 44,660 191,009 2 0 30,9-46 133,558 4 11 M 31,681 430,877 0 0 17,254 313,176 7 11 13,566 490,066 7 0 Victoria 770,000 LM 113,050 341,976 6 10 105,084 328,138 16 3 ISO 74,843 521,978 6 10 26,400 318,314 15 7 30,128 513,430 7 3 New Sooth Wales ... 530,000 87,435 393,882 2 0 79,895 366,176 0 8 8,415 95,167 2 7 2,049 23,450 7 11 2,591 80,913 7 7 LS7 70 * The average amouni C18 3s. in New Zealand, rear, £36 2a. in New Zeali L of each Di £i v r>s. in md, JC18 in epoai Vict< Vicli it during the ypar wa3 J oria, and £13 17s. in ] oria, and £31 4a. in Ne1 31312s. in few Soutl y South V New Zealand, US i Wales ; and of i fales. L9s. in Vi< he am ou i itoria, and £11 6s. in N it standing to the Crci ew South Wale dit of each Ace »3; of ea' :ount opei ;h Withdrawal, i at close of th» Now.—Post Office Sav; ings Banks were > established in New Zoi iland on li li Bt February, 1867; it September, 1871, in Victoi ia on 11th September, ] L86G: and in Me ow South Wales on th»



Table No. 6. STATEMENT of the BUSINESS of the POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS in NEW ZEALAND, Year by Year, from the date of their establishment to the 31st December, 1872.

Postai Districts. to r"1 111 to p I -I I 1 g 8 l II 60 1-3 m to HI O en £ so H to Q I I IIS I 5 o 11 3 3 B-i hi ■si, ail o d © "to QJ O Six's 111 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ! £ s. d. Auckland 20 5,393 57,939 8 1 10 14 10 3,425 44,759 17 5 13 1 4 13,179 10 8 2,049 9 9 967 550 2,070 65,939 10 7 31 17 1 Thames 1 1,578 22,126 G 3 14 0 5 1,169 14,923 10 9 12 15 3 7,202 15 6 530 7 7 311 164 581 18,969 18 3 32 13 0 Tabanaki 2 651 8,242 13 0 12 13 3 462 9,248 19 6 20 0 4 1,006 6 6 3G3 2 4 79 73 288 10,059 5 6 34 18 6 Hawke's Bay ... 5 766 10,000 14 10 13 1 1 327 6,843 14 3 20 18 7 3,157 0 7 368 1 11 159 54 320 ! 11,915 12 0 37 6 7 Wellington 10 5,068 64,215 15 0 12 13 5 2,097 36,783 3 2 17 10 9 27,432 1 10 1,677 5 7 1,104 371 1,780 62,826 2 1 35 5 10 Maelbobotjqh ... 4 435 6,129 9 0 14 1 1 153 4,449 19 5 29 1 8 1,679 9 7 276 9 5 112 44 264 8,844 18 10 33 10 0 Nelson 4 877 10,500 7 1 11 19 5 350 5,242 19 3 14 19 7 5,257 7 10 395 2 10 133 39 457 14,116 19 4 30 17 9 Westpoet 3 745 14,187 14 5 19 0 10 572 13,552 8 0 23 13 10 635 6 5 428 5 0 175 122 382 14,607 14 1 38 4 9 HOKITIKA 2 891 16,063 8 0 18 0 6 543 10,328 15 4 19 0 5 6,734 12 8 607 1 8 185 107 405 19,859 5 4 49 0 8 Gbetmotjth 1 1,098 22,234 6 1 20 5 0 748 21,588 5 5 28 17 2 646 0 8 629 10 6 223 110 530 20,910 8 4 39 9 0 Cantebbtjby 13 6,056 80,006 10 2 13 4 2 3,082 56,409 3 1 18 6 1 23,597 7 1 3,135 5 0 1,207 531 3,138 j 102,885 6 5 32 15 8 Otaqo 22 7,066 101,387 7 10 14 6 11 3,781 76,855 1 7 20 6 6 24,532 6 3 3,571 12 6 1,344 911 2,810 116,281 7 2 41 7 7 Southland 5 1,057 17,843 0 3 16 17 7 545 12,190 10 9 22 7 4 5,652 9 6 679 6 4 206 112 541 22,819 19 1 42 3 7 Totals toe Colony in 1872 92 13 12 0 17,254 117,700 12 1 £ 1,556 s. d. 0 7A 14,711 0 5 6,205 I 3,188 I 13,566 490,066 7 0 36 2 5 31,681 430,877 0 0 313,176 7 11 18 3 0 1871 81 24,642 312,338 18 4 12 13 6 14,773 261,347 16 3 17 13 9 50,991 2 1 1,351 0 8f 11,291 10 10 4,615 2,383 10,549 357,654 14 6 33 18 1 1870 70 20,489 264, 328 5 7 12 18 0 11,934 209,509 13 2 17 11 1 54,818 12 5 1,264 0 9 T V 9,242 3 11 4,304 2,277 8,317 295,372 1 7 35 10 3 „ „ 1869 59 17,133 240,898 5 9 14 1 2 9,292 180,518 4 1 19 8 7 60,380 1 8 1,186 o lod 7,412 8 0 3,839 i 1,801 I 6,290 231,311 5 3 36 15 5 » i) 1868 55 13,014 194,535 11 6 14 18 11 6,365 107,094 17 3 16 16 6 87,440 14 3 789 0 9f 4,880 7 3 3,282 1,186 4,252 163,518 15 7 38 9 1 n n FROM 1st Feb. to 31st Dec. 1867 46 6,977 96,372 7 10 13 16 3 1,919 26,415 18 9 13 15 3 69,956 9 1 822 *1 10i 1,241 5 0 2,520 364 2,156 71,197 14 1 33 0 5 * The high cost of each transaction during 1867 is attributable to the payment durin| that year of char; :e? >ro] iei-1-beloni ini to the subsei HCllt ■ears.


Table No. 7. NUMBER and VALUE of POSTAGE STAMPS Printed during the Years 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872.


Table No. 9. TABLE showing the Number of OFFICERS employed in the respective POST OFFICE ESTABLISHMENTS in the Colony.


1868. 186! 187i 187: 187: Kates. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. £ 5,400 £ 5,904' £ £ 5,496 *... £ At One Shilling 108,000 119,280 480 24 109,920 At Sixpence 605,040 15,126 165,360 4,134 742,320 18,558 770,400 19,260 366,240 9,156 At Fourpence ... * # * 84,000 1,400 48,000 800 At Threepence... 412,800 5,160 9,360 117 480,000 6,000 216,240 3,078 474,000 5,925 At Twopence ... 1,668,000 13,900 1,212,960 10,108 2,556,000 21,300 1,620,000 13,500 2,898,000 24,150 At One Penny ... 1,869,600 7,790 1,616,160 6,734 2,070,000 8,625 3,172,320 13,218 2,046,000 8,525 At One Halfpenny 717,600 1,495 Totals 4,663,440 47,376 3,123,120 27,057, 5,848,800 54,507 6,002,800 55,952 6,549,840 50,051 * A large number of these Postage Stamps were in stock at the close of the previous year.

Con 1 TCACT. Sbbvici:. Annual Subsidy. How Often. Mileage every Month. Cost per Mile. Commence. Terminate. £ 720 £ s. d. Manukau and Picton 3,900 May 3, 1872 **On three months' notice. Once every four weeks. 0 8 4 * Contract was terminated on the 30th April, 1873.

Post Offices. I i i o ■ 1-1 E bo a CO I S3 O to 'B, Id 02 £ I I I A 8 I h3 e So d o 1 E 8 sa o H '3. 02 00 — o "3 J3 o 5 13 H Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wellington Wanganui Nelson Wcstport Charleston Blenheim Picton C'hristehureh Ljttelton Timaru Kaiapoi Uunedin Port Chalmers Oamaru Invereargill llokitika Greymouth Chatham Islands : 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 "i 10 1 4 2 2 1 2 i 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "i 1 1 18 6 a 2 9 3 5 2 1 3 2 16 3 2 2 17 3 3 4 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 12 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 i 9 1 1 4 2 2 2 i 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 19 6 2 3 10 3 5 2 1 3 2 15 3 3 2 17 3 3 4 5 3 1 11 i "i ii "i i 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Totals 53 28 6 112 22 55 8 I 22 27 3 115



Table No. 10. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the POSTAL REVENUE and NUMBER of LETTERS and NEWS-<*> PAPERS Received at and Despatched from the several POSTAL DISTRICTS, during each Year, from 1860 to 1872, both inclusive.

Let h;s. Newspapebs. Postal Districts. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Receired. Despatched. Auckland — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 £ s. d. 3,079 1 5 3,679 16 4 4,045 5 8 5,254 10 10 8,507 13 1 11.548 4 5 9,653 16 5 7,848 5 5 8,754 16 7 10,814 0 5 10,246 15 3 12.549 7 9 *10,950 12 11 122,807 170,065 185,755 284,834 528,633 514,421 438,945 379,254 461,861 578,471 653,700 692,462 627,212 125,535 177,070 196,282 322,595 531,279 528,509 440,613 . 361,362 411,812 495,315 619,466 603,928 584,915 133,367 157,017 179,256 211,426 312,248 318,569 327,937 254,973 293,742 396,232 436,809 515,532 524,094 177,839 238,642 302,815 453,535 813,452 727,170 561,148 179,049 130,546 166,928 262,471 227,121 243,543 Thames — 1872 2,063 15 7 134,905 112,469 61,661 42,666 Tabanaki — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 506 11 1 528 16 0 463 0 2 498 2 1 818 19 , 5 984 14 3 821 10 8 687 14 2 645 12 2 647 16 1 593 6 4 820 2 5 982 0 5 31,100 33,120 22,227 28,672 42,274 52,498 42,705 28,399 28,554 26,249 30,767 42,191 57,029 33,781 35,110 23,195 32,701 43,520 52,082 43,285 27,976 29,452 26,578 28,320 39,806 50,739 26,834 29,599 24,818 31,668 57,547 66,448 61,194 29,775 26,153 28,458 27,315 30,759 38,105 21,549 23,948 14,341 19,338 22,654 25,128 20,170 11,052 15,423 13,533 15,308 15,457 18,275 Hawke's Bat — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 444 17 10 505 7 11 593 9 1 679 10 10 889 17 4 1,107 13 7 1,372 7 8 1,431 9 8 1,390 0 4 1,481 17 4 1,476 14 2 1,569 13 2 1,789 14 4 19,006 38,516 36,116 43,342 58,913 68,721 88,599 71,353 62,539 67,907 72,744 85,003 99,016 18,109 36,895 38,847 48,717 60,685 71,546 88,134 74,993 73,216 65,967 76,553 92,297 109,083 21,261 27,885 35,434 67,441 88,979 94,718 82,945 56,760 50,198 67,239 61,963 63,339 64,315 10,472 13,245 39,512 56,777 66,120 63,780 81,922 58,475 52,572 38,684 54,157 67,293 72,628 Wellington— 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1,501 0 7 1.662 8 11 1,959 17 11 2,043 17 5 2,469 1 4 5,176 6 10 6.663 14 2 10,701 17 4 12,579 4 7 12,179 1 8 12,674 5 3 24,040 10 0 41,883 4 0 83,359 93,635 101,613 117,936 139,717 259,152 270,563 288,815 328,180 319,709 354,815 361,442 458,702 84,060 15,642 104,794 113,756 132,551 237,907 253,988 289,058 311,471) 302,209 336,375 369,343 472,016 83,950 96,067 102,730 131,854 148,741 206,566 210,306 159,238 179,923 225,867 262,631 283,917 315,314 120,586 145,768 191,873 209,692 261,080 286,889 178,765 179,042 217,126 216,621 216,181 236,486 Nelson— 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 995 3 6 1,114 2 2 1,189 10 9 1,157 6 6 1,423 6 0 2,012 15 10 2,012 4 9 2,880 8 8 3,651 12 8 3,380 11 9 3,093 5 8 2,556 9 6 3,004 17 6 42,771 72,626 56,132 63,356 75,807 99,661 104,282 142,697 203,537 180,827 188,860 205,159 266,774 58,767 76,048 68,348 83,601 93,715 126,143 115,829 143,374 200,665 176,903 185,179 208,766 263,147 72,356 95,575 102,889 106,743 132,484 128,317 126,047 102,809 135,027 143,694 191,671 154,687 190,304 97,120 113,843 117,150 129,787 161,614 130,43fi 158,877 83,252 112,948 105,830 123,821 133,805 157,988 lRLBOBOUQH M. * The Thames Returns haye been separated from i'nt ise of Aucklai id.



Table No, 10— continued. OMPABATTVE TABLE showing the Postal Bevenue and Ntjmbeb of Letters and Newspapees Received at and Despatched from the several Postal Disteicts, during each Tear, from 1860 to 1872, both inclusive.

Lk TEES. News: 'APEES. Postal Districts. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Received. Despatched. Maelbobough— 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 £ s. d. 206 12 7 294 11 4 347 6 2 843 13 7 853 17 6 794 4 0 838 19 6 1,048 2 2 896 11 4 1,099 16 7 1,201 14 11 1,317 0 4 14,500 12,800 40,967 83,090 59,507 64,117 47,890 48,391 54,812 87,174 62,647 75,067 14,171 12,334 34,067 76,978 62,672 57,430 47,215 48,428 53,562 92,124 58,003 67,928 16,480 7,895 40,526 108,658 62,212 78,335 45,477 43,592 57,796 71,467 54,948 55,264 5,591 10,289 37,268 67,778 73,354 65,419 34,204 35,635 38,611 72,202 36,279 36,585 Canterbury— 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 2,052 15 8 2,790 1 5 4,016 16 7 5,498 18 1 7,326 15 9 10,158 1 9 14,342 11 10 15,471 9 8 *8,525 19 4 8,857 8 10 8,905 19 6 9,072 1 10 10,324 5 1 73,109 130, 500 215,742 317,011 378,585 472,284 734,852 864,123 539,610 535,002 623,794 718,910 876,786 72,881 130,899 234,459 312,212 400,838 486,007 671,720 801,774 436,125 397,352 410,938 455,536 497,326 91,478 124,485 181,881 405,401 307,616 381,360 512,138 571,558 398,326 342,274 353,651 338,356 373,763 66,951 138,001 198,500 362,154 384,090 480,238 597,220 269,852 176,402 189,229 168, 686 179,077 195,346 Westland — 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 4,771 7 11 4,292 18 1 2,252 4 4 3,395 7 3 3,386 18 1 251,108 223,369 212,689 235,179 220,470 242,479 242,400 225,157 240,405 208,028 152,666 151,624 165,380 215,463 241,405 100,860 116,393 123,906 162,782 156,729 Otaoo — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1667 1S68 1869 1870 1871 1872 1,489 3 10 3,508 11 5 9,319 9 2 14,324 2 7 14,273 0 7 12,611 18 1 12,030 6 10 13,482 9 4 13,605 12 3 13,628 1 5 13,667 14 1 15,044 12 9 17,339 7 2 62,108 153,354 360,246 693,496 678,349 588,545 581,353 508,882 595,062 584,715 711,479 893,997 653,141 62,916 154,201 389,231 660,889 638,792 568,001 599,861 575,948 535,909 538,329 578,299 716,623 873,132 42,418 69,692 187,132 368,449 459,095 439,733 470,820 378,784 545,450 574,691 582,593 651,633 828,490 63,175 114,433 310,883 549,869 080,917 551,303 501,341 519,253 502,521 535,131 558,799 833,137 414,275 SoUTniAND— 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 112 11 3 828 14 0 2,482 7 5 2,741 17 10 2,012 7 4 1,894 17 1 1,970 12 2 2,106 1 6 1,805 18 11 1,758 15 2 1,696 5 10 1,691 19 3 13,500 31,104 100,331 126,473 93,396 79,372 76,918 84,235 71,414 82,910 92,903 118,941 14,796 33,007 106,765 135, -191 102,321 82,99(5 81,209 84,560 76,446 74, 536 91,657 131,687 13,636 32,751 110,632 142,903 111,600 89,806 71,146 82,232 89,017 113,454 83,616 74,877 4,444 23,947 105,124 131,568 79,920 80,525 56,406 64,357 64,790 26,808 58,328 68,888 Totals — 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 10,068 13 11 14,108 8 8 22,710 14 3 32,329 1 11 39,302 4 4 46,475 9 3 49,598 4 9 55,331 18 1 57,107 14 0 58,007 7 2 55,780 18 3 70,249 19 7 94,733 14 8 434,320 603,209 1,021,735 1,687,945 2,051,265 2,208,285 2,404,788 2,408,331 2,603,077 2,642,535 3,018,932 3,296,990 3,588,073 456,049 C33,559 1,100,497 1,715,303 2,099,877 2,235,188 2,353,856 2,402,909 2,374,122 2,374,060 2,626,947 2,784,707 3,370,470 471,664 630,436 854,788 1,474,125 1,758,271 1,809,583 1,959,528 1,670,520 1,907,309 2,076,89! 2,266,934 2,308,634 2,767,682 557,692 797,015 1,209,337 1,923,544 2,547,746 2,397,409 2,413,511 1,390,368 1,376,306 1,486,255 1,622,728 1,871,150 ],613,409 • The WeBtland Eeturns have been separated from thcee of Canterbsince the 1st Januar 1868.


Table No. 11. TABLE showing the NUMBER of LETTERS Received during the Year ended 31st December, 1872.

Table No. 12. TABLE showing the NUMBER of LETTERS Despatched during the Year ended 31st December, 1872.


Froji 'laces within the Colony. From 'laces wit: [OUT THE JOLONY. Postal Districts. Totals WITHOUT AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Auckland ... 58,717 41,409 7,712 107,838 200,667 318,707 519,374 627,212 Thames 10,281 10,281 107,705 16,919 124,624 134,905 Tabanaki ... 4,897 1,327 139 6,363 23,984, 26,682 50,666 57,029 Hawke's Bat 9,397 3,117 238 12,752 36,355 49,939 86,294 99,046 Wellington 31,151 22,091 1,200 54,442 196,434 207,826 404,260 458,702 Nelson 18,810 8,099 1,624 28,533 128,735 109,506 238,241 266,774 Marlborough 4,374 1.G30 68 6,072 33,614 35,381 68,995 75,067 Canterbury 72,340 25,405 803 98,548 160,469 617,769 778,238 876,786 Westland ... 14,586 35,701 20 50,307 83,970 86,193 170,163 220,470 Otago 65,055 45,393 4,418 114,866 126,746. 411,529 538,275 653,141 Southland 10,572 11,442 209 22,223 37,439 59,279 96,718 118,911 Totals ... 300,180 195,614 16,431 512,225 1,136,118 1,939,730 3,075,848 3,588,073

To P: .CES WITHI IUT THE Cl ilony. To P: .CES WITI Colony. tN THE Postal Districts. Totals without AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals •within the Colony. Auckland ... 64,711 42,182 11,194 118,087 193,580 273,248 406,828 584,915 Thames 2,258 2,258 99,952 10,259 110,211 112,469 Takanaki ... 1,919 72 1,991 24,961 23,787 43,748 50,739 Hawke's Bay 7,108 234 7,342 33,973 67,768 101,741 109,083 Wellington 29,269 21,929 1,976 53,174 241,086 177,756 418,842 472,016 Nelson 21,516 8,068 2,936 32,520 117,292 113,335 230,627 263,147 Maklborotjgh 3,816 1,109 190 5,115 28,238 34,575 62,813 67,928 Cantebbuby 53,223 20,515 2,496 76,234 143,424 277,668 421,092 497,326 Westland ... 7,059 34,837 79 41,975 97,077 68,976 166,053 208,028 Otago 70,892 41.56G 5,244 117,702 135,883 619,547 755,430 873,132 Southland ... 7,368 11,587 508 19,463 33,652 78,572 112,224 131,687 Totals ... 266,881 184,051 24,929 475,861 1,149,118 1,745,491 2,894,609 3,370,470 2—P. 1.



Table No. 13. TABLE showing the NUMBER of NEWSPAPERS Received during the Year ended 31st December, 1872.

Table No. 14. TABLE showing the NUMBER of NEWSPAPERS Despatched during the Year ended 31st December, 1872.

Fbom 'laces within the Colony. Fbom Places wit: (OUT THE !OLONT. Totals without Postal Distbicts. Other Districts in New Zealand. AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Auckland ... 161,016 42,532 9,614 213,162 102,072 208,860 310,932 524,094 Thames 26,187 26,187 32,965 2,509 35,474 61,661 Tabanaki ... 9,141 1,479 760 11,330 17,649 9,076 26,725 38,105 Hawkb's Bat 21,680 4,517 674 26,871 33,975 3,469 37,444 64,315 Wellington 112,782 21,948 2,721 137,451 101,855 76,008 177,863 315,314 Nelson 40,769 6,820 938 48,527 99,123 42,654, 141,777 190,304 Mablbobotoh 11,654 2,491 382 14,527 25,643 15,091 40,737 55,264 Cantebbuey 152,844 32,205 439 185,488 90,126 98,149 188,275 373,763 Wkstland ... 53,492 77,708 29 131,229 57,835 52,431 110,266 241,495 Otaoo 198,142 75,520 2,968 276,630 88,293 463,567 551,860 828,490 Southland ... 18,121 12,322 307 30,750 35,883 8,244 44,127 74,877 TOTAL3 ... 815,828 277,542 18,832 1,102,202 685,419 980,061 1,665,480 2,767,682

To P: ,CE3 WITH) Colony. [N THE To P: .CES WITIII >UT THE Cl iLONY. Postal Distbicts. TOTAIS WITHOUT AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Districts in New Zealand. Places within the District. Totals within the Colony. Auckland ... 58,316 29,243 12,380 99,939 100,562 43,042 143,604 243,543 Thames 1,546 1,546 40,061 1,059 41,120 42.CG6 Taeanaki ... 1,765 30 1,795 13,698 2,782 16,480 18,275 Hawke's Bay 6,450 454 6,904 14,971 50,753 65,724 72,628 Wellington 17,941 9,297 1,444 28,682 158,343 49,461 207,804 236,436 Nelson 15,132 3,403 2,003 20,538 77,862 59,588 137,430 157,988 MABLBOEOUaH 2,755 451 186 3,392 8,940 24,253 33,193 30,585 Canterbury 44,302 10,991 1,679 56,972 84,398 53,976 138,374 193,346 Wmtlakd ... 5,998 14,046 61 20,105 94,718 41,906 136,621 156,729 Otago 59,251 22,823 5,028 87,102 96,672 230,501 327,173 414,275 SOFTHlAlfD ... 4.04G 2,938 274 7,258 11,041 50,586 61,630 68,888 TOTAL3 ... 215,956 94,738 23,539 334,233 701,269 607,907 1,309,176 1,043,409



Table No. 15. RETURN of the NUMBER of LETTERS REGISTERED at the Post Offices in the different Postal Districts during the Years 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872.

Table No. 16. STATEMENT of CORRESPONDENCE received from the UNITED KINGDOM via San Francisco and via Suez during thE Year ended 30th June, 1873.

Table No. 17. STATEMENT of CORRESPONDENCE despatched to the UNITED KINGDOM via San Francisco and via Suez during the Year ended 30th June, 1873.

1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. ToP] Top: To Pi ToP; laces laces [aces laces Postal Disteicts. Totals. Totals. Totals. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Auckland ... Taranaki Hawke's Bay Wellington,.. Nelson Marlborough Canterbury... Otago Southland ... Westland ... 2,006 62 114 684 802 82 2,304 2,342 241 1,968 5,163 183 555 3,313 1,009 464 1,281 3,293 545 1,245 7,169 245 669 3,997 1,811 546 3,645 5,635 786 3,213 1,877 76 170 798 736 98 1,483 2,076 258 1,869 6,212 250 471 4,268 1,112 518 2,590 3,967 547 1,173 8,089 326 641 5,066 1,848 616 4,073 6,043 805 3,042 2,287 124 1G9 799 677 111 1,573 2,083 232 1,567 8,318 478 721 4,289 1,080 583 2,897 4,578 803 1,304 10,605 602 890 5,088 1,763 694 4,470 6,661 1,035 2,871 2,457 156 196 942 568 126 1,637 1,983 237 1,567 10,199 605 877 4,904 1,504 721 3,286 4,763 927 2,052 12,656 761 1,073 5,846 2,072 847 4,923 6,746 1,164 3,619 Totals ... 34,679 39,707 10,665 17,051 27,716 9,441 21,10S 30,549 9,622 25,057 9,869 29,838

Yi San Fkakci! ICO. Via Suez. Date op Receipt. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. 1872—July August September October November December 1873 —January February March April May June 18,691 17,973 14,100 19,428 20,309 21,178 39,798 19,512 20,239 2, 549 2,565 2,327 2,252 2,515 2,783 53 4,798 2,655 2,624 52,134 50,503 49,007 53,087 53,480 51,374 14,392 100,601 66,289 53,363 2,745 2,616 2,189 4,336 2,652 3,074 2,999 3,414 6,483 2,830 22,591 20,763 439 238 342 662 450 358 374 466 559 451 2,206 2,788 6,974 6,877 9,486 11,441 5,845 5,267 4,541 8,571 18,0fi5 9,591 62,229 85,258 Totals ... 191,228 25,121 534,230 76,692 9,333 234,145

Via San Feancii 100. Via Suez. Date op Despatch. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. 1872—July August September October November 19,435 18,251 13,176 17,344 20,191 17,657 588 303 531 508 597 421 18,790 13,467 12,833 14,242 15,587 15,357 4,325 6,332 4,352 2,462 1,969 322 204 77 66 12 1,180 4,302 3,253 883 425 December 1873 —January 11,168 15,302 21,705 20,906 13,225 424 445 340 418 328 9,547 13,772 16,002 16,680 9,616 7,394 1,933 "273 98 4,500 416 February March April May June 2,020 2,474 9,860 17,628 20,028 30 79 256 395 413 559 581 6,311 14,019 14,765 Totals ... 188,360 4,993 155,923 80,777 2,215 51,194 *2—F. 1.



Total Received and Dbspatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. si !5O Letters. ••Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. 31 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Revenue. Trunk Lines: I. Auckland to Mangatoroto II. Auckland to Cambridge 10 IS 18,201. 122,513 13,491 36,812 2,524 6,895 75 Horso Coach 1 3 £ s. d. 72 14 7 875 0 0 £ s. d. 61 0 0 192 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 133 14 7 1,067 0 0 £ s. d. 132 14 9 893 11 6 Branches : I. Auckland to Onehunga II. Auckland to Howick III. Papakura to Wairoa IV. Drury to Waiuku V. Drury to Pukekohe West VI. Pokeno to Tuakau VII. Newcastle to Raglan VIII. Wliata Whata to Alexandra ... IX. Hamilton to Alexandra X. Waitemata Mills to Orewa, via Wade ... XI. Waiwera to Orewa XII. Auckland to Lucas' Creek XIII. Wade to Parakakau XIV. Waiwera to Pulioi XV. Warkworth to Port Albert ... XVI. Port Albert to Te Ana XVII. Te Arai to North Oruawharo... XVIII. Te Kapa to Lower Matakana ... XIX. Hakaru to Waipu XX. Auckland to Eden Terrace XXI. Auckland to Devonport XXII. Auckland to Dedwood XXIII. Auckland to Ilenderson's Mill XXIV. Onehunga to Awitu XXV. Whau Bridge to Muddy Creek XXVI. Auckland to Riverhead XXVII. Waitemata Mills to Ilelensville XXVIII. HelensTille to Whapu XXIX. Helensville to Matakohe XXX. Pahi to Paparoa XXXI. Waitemata Mills to Kaukapakapa XXXII. Kauknpakapa to Komokoriki ... XXXIII. Wangarei Heads to Waipu ... XXXIV. Wangarei Heads to Paroa Bay XXXV. Limestone Island to Mangapai XXXVI. Russell to Hok ianga... XXXVII. Hokianga to Pakaia ... XXXVIII. Russell to Mongonui XXXIX. Mongonui to Ahipara XL. Tauranga to Opotiki... XLI. Tauranga to Taupo ... XXII. Gisborne to Waiapu... XLIII. Gisborne to Oraond 2 a 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 1 48,188 17,531 5,030 15,870 1,968 1,593 7,780 10,801 6,510 4,846 429 882 813 G,012 314 332 288 22,578 8,801 3,204 3,110 826 282 C.OOG 5,004 6,801 4,G27 1,055 3,399 633 3,466 11,880 4,815 2,509 8,703 781. 1,232 4,657 6,366 5,831 3,757 497 728 200 3,892 112 322 293 6,590 2,524 467 1,705 297 271 1,158 2,550 4,180 2,430 528 2,165 354 3,727 2,312 911 470 1,590 142 239 890 1,212 1,108 701 89 122 40 731 28 60 48 1,240 476 92 308 49 45 230 470 790 460 102 400 56 700 6 14 9 21 7 7 31 23 32 14 3 12 7 6 32 5 6 7 22 2 3 2 12 15 7 12 15 75 70 7 15 7 12 5 12 45 18 46 31 20 49 18 5 if Horse j> » H n n n n Foot Boat and Horse Horso Boat Horse n i) n n Steamer Cart Horse Boat 12 6 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 6 2 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fortnightly 95 0 0 120 0 0 32 0 0 72 0 0 30 0 0 15 0 0 180 0 0 90 0 0 39 0 0 •10 10 0 6 16 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 22 10 0 35 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 7 12 • 4 50 0 0 24 0 0 10 0 0 47 10 0 7 10 0 20 0 0 120 0 0 78 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 18 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 25 0 0 108 1 3 72 10 0 33 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 25 6 0 10 0 0 16 5 168 16 5 153 0 0 37 0 0 102 0 0 40 0 0 20 0 0 210 0 0 115 0 0 54 0 0 54 10 0 6 16 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 27 10 0 50 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 7 12 4 75 0 0 34 0 0 10 0 0 57 10 0 12 10 0 20 0 0 125 0 0 88 0 0 110 0 0 133 0 0 35 0 0 50 0 0 23 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 .123 1 3 351 7 5 127 16 7 36 13 6 115 14 4 14 7 0 11 12 3 56 15 2 78 15 1 47 9 4 31 15 10 3 2 6 6 8 7 5 18 6 43 16 9 2 5 9 2 6 9 2 2 0 193 15 11 64 3 11 23 7 3 22 13 6 6 0 3 2 11 36 10 0 36 9 9 49 11 9 33 14 9 7 13 10 24 15 0 4 12 3 25 5 5 10 0 0 5 0 0 H Steamer Horse Boat 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 13 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Horse »» 1 3 1 3 3 3 a i 3,242 10,828 33 13,350 2,9G4 10,504 3,112 3,691 1,613 5,071 6,212 8 8,867 1,632 4,695 1,189 3,412 809 920 1,102 2 1,600 300 860 240 602 150 Boat Foot Boat Horse Boat Foot 10 0 0 15 0 0 23 12 9 78 19 1 0 4 9 97 6 10 21 12 3 76 11 10 22 13 10 26 18 3 11 15 2 70 0 0 eo o o 33 10 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 21 0 0 o'"8 4 95 8 4 60 0 0 54 0 3 Horse 1 1 1 1 o'io 3 Horse Horse ... ...



Total Received and Despatched. Mail Sebvices. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. 5s letters. Weight of Books and Books and Newspapers. Newspapers in lbs. 5.3 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Timea Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Branches —continued. XLIV. Kapanga Wharf to Driving Creek XLV. Kapanga Wharf to Tiki XLVI. Kapanga Wharf to Tokatea ... XLVII. Auckland to Onehunga (ship mails) XLVIII. Chief Post Office to Queen's Wharf XLIX. Queen's Wharf and Vessels in Harbour... L. Lauding Service, Onehunga LI. Landing Service, Mahurangi ... LIT. Landing Service, Hussell LIU. Landing Service, Kawa Kawa... LIV. Auckland to Wangarei LV. Auckland to Great Barrier LVI. Auckland to Gisborne LVII. Auckland to Kawau... LVI II. Auckland to Euato ... LIX. Auckland to St. Andrew's LX. Auckland to Whitianga LXI. Auckland to Tauranga LXII. Auckland to Tairua LXIII. Auckland to Wliananaki 68,471 316 5,276 14,366 48 772 2,360 8 135 Coach Horso 6 3 3 As required £ s. d. 50 0 0 £ s. d. 50 0 0 £ s. d. 32 15 7 £ s. d. 132 15 7 £ s. d. 484. 13 8 2 6 1 38 9 5 2 1 1 3 3 3 6 i Coach Cart Boat 15 0 0 100 0 0 45 0 0 41 13 4 22 10 0 5 4 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 l'"o 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 45 0 0 41 13 4 22 10 0 5 4 0 57 19 4 20 0 0 25 1 4 5 0 0 20 1 0 ,, M 1 As required 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23,272 4,827 16,830 481 20,714 1,491 1,88-1 44 2,152 34,721 544 146 8,372 1,598 8,922 202 13,299 594 1,388 8 580 17,485 249 5 1,570 289 1,702 40 2,451 120 251 2 117 3,251 51 1 2 6 96 50 375 36 165 160 121 195 130 91 H Sailing Vessels " M M Steamer Sailing Vessels Uncertain Uncertain 1 1 Uncertain 40 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 5"'o 0 2 19 4 5 1 4 0 1 0 5 0 0 169 13 10 35 3 11 122 14 4 3 10 7 151 0 9 10 17 5 13 14 9 0 6 5 15 13 10 253 3 5 3 19 4 113 n 25"o 0 0 4 8 4 9 8 o'"4 8 29 9 8 M H 568,743 643,384 1,212,127 43,654 103, 289 2,381 j i i I 3,079 1 6 Country Hail Services- —Totals Chief Post Office, Auckland 115 1 235,610 532, 027 7G7, 637 892 10 0 2,569 17 5 47 16 7 753 13 4 4,019 8 1 3,323 10 9 4,161 12 0 6,789 0 11 ... Totals 116 146,943 2,381 3,079 1 6 ... ... 3,462 7 5 801 9 11 7,312 18 10 10,950 12 11 Table No. 19. :he Revenue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Thames in 1872. TABLE showing Total Received and Despatched. Mail Seevices. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. la 5.9 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. I. Thames to Hastings II. Thames to Tararu ... III. Thames to Pneroa ... IV. Lauding and Shipping Mails ... 1 1 1 3,083 5,067 1,094 1,283 731 456 220 127 86 1-1-2 4-9 Horse Horse Steamer Boat 3 6 Uncertain As required £ a. d. 45 0 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 £ 8. d. 55 0 0 35 0 0 10 0 0 34 0 0 £ b. d. 37 5 0 47 5 0 9 11 0 ... 34" 0 0 I I — 30 0 0 1,030 0 0 1,060 0 0 134 0 0 1,200 0 0 94 1 0 1,969 14 7 Country Mail Services —Totals Post Office, Thames... 4 1 9,244 238,130 2,470 101,857 433 18,969 56 104 0 0 170' 0 0 Totals ... 4 247, 374 104, 327 19,402 56 104 0 0 170 0 0 ... ... 1,334 0 0 2,063 15 7

Table No. 18 — continued. TABLE showing the Reyente, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Auckland in 1872.



MAIL SERVICES. t.,,.,. Books »nd Letter>- Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. 5.3 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Eipenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ b. d: £ s. d. £ a. d. £ e. d. Trunk Lines: I. New Plymouth to Okato ... II. New Plymouth to Patea ... III. New Plymouth to Waitara 1 4 2 143 48,520 1,380 50,043 57,725 676 10,606 570 84 1,326 72 16i 100 10 Horse Coach 1 2 2 12 10 0 600 0 0 17 10 0 20 16 8 5 0 0 12 10 0 620 16 8 22 10 0 3 16 207 1 9 7 6 0 7 1 11,852 44,528 1,482 5,566 I Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, New Plymouth 126* ... 630 0 0 25 16 8 340 0 0 76 5 10 655 16 8 416 5 10 217 9 3 764 11 2 ... " I ! I I I ! Totals 8 107,768 56,380 7,048 I 1261 i 630 0 0 365 16 8 76 5 10 1,072 2 6 982 0 5 Table No. 21. TABLE showing the Eevenue, Expend ittjre, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Hawke's Bat in 1872. Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. O " Letters. Weight of Books and Books and Newspapers. Newspapers in lbs. .1* R.S Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Trunk Lines: I. Napier to Wciroa Wairoa to Gisborne II. Napier to Waipukurau Waipukurau to Porangahau Porangahau to Castle Point III. Napier to Taupo 3 2 2 2 3 9,501 10,303 33,122 5,296 4,434 11,105 5,143 7,374 12,600 1,967 894 5,479 676 800 1,300 692 420 540 56 54 48 26 43 110 Horse n Coach 1 Fortnightly 2 2 1 2 115 0 0 90 10 0 ] 1 0 0 18 0 0 25 0 0 (59 0 O { 16 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 133 0 0 115 10 0 60 0 0 16 0 0 91 0 0 1,256 0 0 20 7 6 36 15 0 70 4 4 9 5 0 11 0 0 5 5 0 Horse Coach 85 0 0 1,250 0 0 Branches : I. Napier to Peka Peka II. Clive to Pourerere III. Te Aute to Patangata IV. Waipuknrau to Hnmpdcn ... V. Waipukurau to Tahoraiti ... VI. Havclock to Kereru VII. Napier to Port Ah uriri 5 1 1 3 1 2 1 14,188 2,386 2,069 2,349 2,292 3,686 16,976 5,967 2,308 1,736 2,381 563 2,954 4,856 704 508 548 592 380 610 680 24 35 50 35 36 1 Horse ,» 1 1 1 1 1 1 Daily. 26 0 0 49 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 23 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 12 0 0 40 0 0 21 8 6 21 8 6 49 0 0 49 0 0 31 0 0 52 0 0 5 0 0 56 0 0 79 19 6 16 2 6 10 1 0 5 10 0 7 14 0 4 10 0 9 0 0 92 13 0 Coach 44 0 0 39 19 6 Country Mail Service —Totals Chief Post Office, Napier 34 I 1 117,707 90,422 I 54,222 82,721 I 8,450 13,264 523 I 1,765 9 6 228 0 0 415 0 0 21 8 6 43 18 10 2,014 18 0 458 18 10 298 7 4 1,491 7 0 ... I ! ! ! I I ! I Totals 35 208, 129 136, 943 21,714 523 1,765 9 6 643 0 0 65 7 4 2,473 16 10 1,789 14 4



'otal Received and Despatched. Mail Sebvices. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. si Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. S.S Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I. NorthWesteru: Wellington to Patea 14 216,151 88,9S0 266,940 170 Coach 2 1,950 0 0 354 15 0 46 1 6 2,350 16 6 1,347 5 5 II. North. Western : Wellington to Porirua 4 7,107 1,737 5,211 12 n 6 20 0 0 25 0 0 0 7 6 45 7 6 15 8 0 III. North Eastern : Wellington to Upper ITutt... 3 25,485 6,909 20,727 19 N 6 0 2 6 45 0 0 10 9 46 3 3 146 18 11 IV. North Eastern : Wellington to Masterton 6 68,217 18,962 56,886 60 ,, 3 245 0 0 83 0 0 2 12 3 330 12 3 487 7 3 V. North Eastern : Masterton to Castle Point .,. 4 10,696 3,491 10,473 57 Horse 2 59 15 0 34 0 0 14 0 94 19 0 91 0 0 VI. North Eastern : Wellington to Taita 12 Coach 6 10 0 10 0 Branches: 1,647 301 903 Cart 2 19 10 0 I. Wellington to Makara 10 0 0 0 13 29 11 3 2 16 0 2 5 II. Wanganui to Turakina 2 5,530 2,242 6,726 14 Coach 6 48 10 0 25 0 0 0 18 0 74 8 0 36 0 0 III. Turakina to Marton 1 13,408 4,800 14,400 10 N 6 20 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 71 14 8 IV. Foxton to Palmerston North 2 6,203 1,623 4,869 25 Horse 2 61 0 0 20 0 0 0 12 3 81 12 3 30 15 6 V. Masterton to Alfredton 1 30 it Fortnightly 30 0 0 30 O 0 VI. Hutt to Wainuiomata 1 1,375 372 1,016 7 ,t 2 25 0 0 0 2 6 25 2 6 5 0 0 VII. Wellington to Ohariu 1 458 75 225 15 Coach 2 10 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 3 0 19 0 Country Mail Services —Totala I 41 356,277 129,492 388,376 436 2,464 17 6 631 15 0 53 0 3 3,149 12 9 2,235 4 9 Chief Post Office, Wellington 1 574,441 422, 308 1,277,024 1,216 7 9 435 9 6 1,651 17 3 39,647 19 3 I Totala 42 930,718 551,800 1,665,400 436 2,464 17 6 1,848 2 9 488 9 9 4,801 10 0 41,883 4 0



Total Received and Despatched. Mail Sehvices. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERTICES. §1 Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. (5.9 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Coat of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: I. Nelson to Riwaka II. Nelson to Foxhill III. Foihill to Wangapeka Branches: I. Lower Moutere to Ngatimoti II. Ngatimoti to Thorpe III. Spring Grove to Waimea West IV. Nelson to Wakapuaka V. Collingwood to Bedstead Gully 5 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 24,489 26,796 2,918 1,980 548 3,165 1,817 6,423 7,066 2,218 644 75 633 806 1,070 1,177 369 107 12 105 134 36 24 35 7 6 3 12 Coach " M Horse 2 6 2 2 1 3 2 1 £ s. d. 90 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 18 18 0 15 0 0 £ s. d. 47 0 0 75 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 £ b. d. 6 3 7 6 15 2 0 14 8 0 9 10 0 2 9 0 15 11 0 9 2 £ b. d. 143 3 7 181 15 2 75 14 8 25 9 10 15 2 9 32 15 11 25 7 2 25 0 0 £ s. d. 107 11 3 114 18 10 12 19 4 6 11 7 1 13 11 18 2 1 6 19 j) » >> Seaborne: I. Nelson to Golden Bay II. Westport, &c, and Brandies III. Greymouth Services 6 10 10 17,862 146,051 55,338 4,728 114,816 27,993 788 14,349 4,374 52 116 95i I M Vessel Coaeh,Boat&Foot Boat and Horse ■ t + 718 "o 0 337 9 6 47 0 0 525 0 0 76 13 4 4 10 3 210 10 8 4 8 0 51 10 3 1,453 10 8 418 10 10 78 12 4 1,034 11 1 176 0 0 Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Nelson ... 45 1 280,961 248,957 529, 921 105,402 182, 890 348,292 22,485 24,997 47,482 386* 1,389 7 G 45 0 0 823 13 4 875 0 0 235 0 0 82 18 8 2,448 0 10 1,002 18 8 1,557 2 2 1,447 15 4 ... I 38Gi Totals | 46 ... 1,434 7 6 1,698 13 4 317 18 8 3,450 19 6 3,004 17 6 * As opportunity offers. t Daily, bi-weekly, weekly, and fortnightly. t Daily, bi-weekly, and weekly. Table No- 24. TABLE showing the Keyenue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Marlboeough in 1872. Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SERVICES. Eh W Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. 3.2 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: I. Blenheim and Picton II. Picton and Havclock III. Havelock and Nelson IV. Blenheim and llawkswood V. Blenheim and Kcnwicktown VI. Blenheim and Wairau Valley 2 2 1 4 1 2 64,996 12,980 2,120 14,553 3,771 1,997 41,094 6,906 C99 12,374 1,417 1,518 3,8525 647* 65* 1,160 132 } 142* 20 25 36 140 7 25 Coach Boat Horse 3 3 Fortnightly 1 2 1 £ s. d. 74 0 0 120 0 0 63 0 0 320 0 0 15 0 0 45 0 0 £ s. d. 140 0 0 34 10 0 22 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 £ s. d. 18 15 4 0 7 6 4 10 6 0 8 0 0 3 6 £ s. d. 232 15 4 154 17 6 63 0 0 346 10 6 25 8 0 60 3 6 £ s. d. 209 1 1 123 2 7 89 8 11 16 0 0 7 0 0 Spring Cart a Branch Lines: I. Havelock and Deep Creek ... II. Havclock and Homevrood ... III. Blenheim and Wharf IV. Picton and Wharf 1 1 470 352 790 245 74 23 20 25 Horse Boat 1 Fortnightly As required 30 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 36 0 9 40 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 .. Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Blenheim 14 1 101,239 41,756 65,043 26,806 6,0971 2,513 298 729 0 0 227 10 0 378 1 7 24 5 7 34 2 0 980 15 7 412 3 7 444 12 7 872 7 9 Totals 15 298 605 11 7 58 1 7 1,392 19 2 1,317 0 4 142, 99i 91,849 8.610J 729 0 0



Total Received ahd Despatched. Mail Sbbvices. EXTEHDITCEE. Total. I MAIL SERVICES. o " Letters. , Book9 and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers iu lbs. 9 • 5.3 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Coat of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines: £ b. d. £ e. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I. Northern — Christchurch to Kowai Cliristchurch to Kaiapoi Kowai to Hurimni Hurunui to Hawkswood Kaiapoi to Raugiora ... II. Southern — Christchurch to Selwyn Selwjn to Waitaki III. Western— Christchureh to Hokitika IV. Main Branch — Christchurch to Ljttelton 5 2 2 2 4 11 34,132 60,507 9,881 9,864 36,005 21,663 135,038 6,401 10,306 2,238 3,644 8,174 4,013 55,105 1,200 1,934 225 570 1,532 753 8,610 27 12 25 50 6 23 122 Coach & Railway Railway Coach Railway 6 12 6 1 6 6 3 180 0 0 120 0 0 39 0 0 995" 0 0 30 0 0 185 0 0 12 0 0 32 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 270 0 0 I 415 0 0 152 0 0 79 0 0 } 1,353 8 6 762 2 6 71 1 0 262 5 0 1,042 15 4 Coach 11 53,627 28,920 5,424 150 2 1,250 0 0 25 0 0 1,275 0 0 385 3 4 2 80,996 13,467 2,550 9 Railway 12 385 0 0 388 0 0 606 4 6 Branches: I. Cliristchurch to Stanmore Road ... II. Chrislcliurch to Woolston III. Selwjn to Snovdon IV. Rangiora to Oxford V. Kaiapoi to Ky reton VI. Christchurch to Southbridge VII. Ashburton to Mount Somers VIII. Orari to Rangitata Upper IX. Timaru to Lake Tekapo X. Lyttelton to Akaroa XI. Duvauchello's Bay to Okain's Bay XII. Lyttelton to Port Levy XIII. Lyttelton to Governor's Bay XIV. Governor's Bay to Little River XV. German Bay to Le Bon's Bay XVI. Tiinaru to Temuka ... XVII. West Melton to Christchurch XVIII. Christchurch to Green Park XIX. Irwell to Brookside XX. Burke's Pass to Dr. Fisher's Station XXI. Selwyn to Killinchy XXII. Post Office to Railway Station XXIII. Lyttelton Post Office, Wharves, Station and Vessels 7 1 3 4 2 8 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 14,615 5,712 7,490 17,353 2,834 37,917 0,211 5,019 7,837 28,391 3,433 1,197 3,477 2,121 2,806 13,205 861 3,444 1,325 3,838 1,341 2,243 3,3I>5 718 8,968 3,323 1,447 2,208 7,894 923 382 900 1,583 1,196 1,933 307 1,026 430 599 252 421 632 135 1,684 396 272 414 1,480 173 72 169 297 224 462 58 194 80 2 3 37 24 8 29 45 13 70 30 10 9 10 22 11 9 7 17 8 20 9 1 Cart )> Coach Horse Coach Horso Boat and Horse Foot Boat and Horse Cart Horse Foot Coach Rail and Cart Cart Horse 6 6 1 6 2 6 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 As required 38 0 0 23 0 0 64 0 0 52 0 0 39 0 0 150 0 0 70 0 0 90 0 0 80 0 0 400 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 32 10 0 40 0 0 18 0 0 70 0 0 35 0 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 28 0 0 10 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 72 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 7 10 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 281 13 2 206 4 8 73 0 0 35 0 0 84 0 0 80 0 0 49 0 0 195 0 0 80 0 0 110 0 0 90 0 0 472 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 42 10 0 45 0 0 25 10 0 95 0 0 5 0 0 40 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 14 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 96 4 3 41 13 0 39 0 2 126 9 9 17 4 7 266 5 0 32 7 0 48 15 0 56 4 2 217 3 4 25 1 0 9 18 0 25 18 6 17 13 0 20 9 2 96 2 4 7 9 1 29 14 0 9 13 2 ljlOS " 185 40 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 9" 6 0 35 Cart Foot, Cart, and Boat n Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Christchurch 93 1 609,032 765,080 1,374,112 176,481 392,628 569,109 30,847 106,843 137,690 818 4,125 10 0 1,336 10 0 2,313 1 3 281 13 2 213 12 8 5,743 13 2 2,526 13 11 4,222 2 2 6,102 2 11 ... Totals 94! 818 1 8,270 7 1 10,324 5 1 ... ... 4,125 10 0 3,649 11 3 495 5 10



Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. ExPEXTHTIJBE. Total. MAIL SERVICES. si Letters. Weight of Books and i Books and Newspapers. Newspapers I in lbs. 5. a Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ 6. d. I. Hokitika to Greymouth 5 42,761 31,024 5,817 25 Coach 6 500 0 0 20 0 0 520 0 0 23 8 0 II. Hokitika to Christchurch ... S 40,409 25,114 4,709 150 2 1,250 0 0 1,250 0 0 16 18 0 III. Hokitika to Hunt's Beach ... 5 6,193 4,053 760 98 Horse Fortnightly 243 15 0 30 0 0 273 15 0 40 12 0 IV. Hokitika to Boss... 1 38,242 28,552 5,354 17 Coach 6 140 0 0 40 0 0 180 0 0 251 5 0 Branches : I. Hokitika to Ho Ho 7,623 3,876 727 Foot 3 45 0 0 30 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 3 5 II. Hokitika to Greenstone 3 28,452 15,292 2,867 24 Coach 3 100 0 0 36 5 0 136 5 0 188 0 0 III. Wairnea to Big Dam 1 424 228 43 2* Foot 3 24 5 0 5 0 0 29 5 0 2 8 0 IV. Grey mouth to Paroa 1 2,888 1,901 297 5h Coach 6 10 0 0 0 2 6 10 2 6 5 0 0 V. Greymouth to Arnold 1 4,672 2,531 395J 16 Horse 1 80 0 0 5 0 0 0 14 0 85 14 0 28 0 0 VI. Paroa to Clifton ... 3 7,172 4,037 630f 15 n 1 70 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 0 85 16 0 32 0 0 Country Mail Services —Totals 31 178,836 116,608 21,600i 358 191 5 0 637 11 0 2,453 0 0 1 12 6 2,645 17 6 Post Office, GreymoutU ... 1 157,533 174,587 27,279 640 0 0 168 6 3 808 6 3 1,282 8 4 Post Office, Hokitika 1 92,129 107,029 20,068 864 6 10 198 12 4 1,062 19 2 1,466 18 9 Totals 33 358 428,498 398,224 68,947i 2,453 0 0 1,695 11 10 368 11 1 ,517 2 11 3,386 18 1



Total Received aitd Despatched. Mail Sirtki-. Expenditure. Total. MAIL SEETICE9. Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. II 3.3 Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Dunedin to Waitaki... ,., II. Dunedin to Popotunoa, — Dunedin to Milton Milton to Balclutha Balclutha to Popotunoa ... Popotunoa to Mataura ... ... III. Palmerston to Queen stown, — Palmerston to Clyde Clyde to Queenstown 1Y. Milton to Clyde,— Milton to Lawrence Lawrence to Clyde V. Dunedin to Port Chalmers £ s. d. 600 0 0 £ s. d. 408 6 0 £ e. d. £ a. d. 1,008 6 0 £ b. d. 960 6 6 10 201,405 149,765 29,958 95 Coach 3 9 2 3 2 101,097 38,237 12,832 18,887 85,175 16,287 10,409 17,388 17,037 3,257 2,079 3,411 38 18 25 30 6 6 2 2 150 0 0 55 0 0 124 10 0 285 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 435 0 0 95 0 0 149 10 0 20 0 0 577 10 9 353 12 0 87 8 6 105 0 1 9 7 96,139 78,109 77,542 59,086 15,521 12,841 120 73 Coach 2 3 1,100 0 0 395 0 0 260 0 0 210 5 1 1,360 0 0 605 5 1 415 4 8 525 8 8 5 8 3 68,402 18,408 50,596 49,205 13,273 27,294 9,893 2,658 5,458 34 74 9 6 1 Steamer 12 100 0 0 190 0 0 500 0 0 230 0 0 66 0 0 197 0 0 330 0 0 256 0 0 697 0 0 558 5 11 77 1 2 297 8 7 Branches: I. Oamaru to Omarama and Marewheuua... IT. Green Island to Brighton ... ... III. East Taieri to West Taieri IV. West Taieri to Waipori V. West Taieri to Lake Waipori... VI. North Taieri to Hindon VII. Maheno to Kakanui ... ... VIII. Waihola to Taieri Beach IX. Lawrence to Blue Spur ... ... X. Beaumont to Welshman's XI. Switzer's to Waikaka XII. Tapanui to Maekay's XIII. liaiclnlha to Kailangata XIV. Balclutha to Port Molyneux ... 1 XV. Lawrence to Tuapeka Mouth ... XVI. Mataura to Waimahaka XVII. Waiherao to Macrae's XVIII. Kyebiirn to Hamilton's vim Hyde XIX. Hamilton's to Linburn XX. Mount Ida to Kyeburn Diggings XXI. Blackstone Hill to St. Bathan's XXII. Black's to Drybread XXIII. Kawarau to Neris XXIV. Kawarau to Cavdrona XXV. Arrow Kiver to Twelve-Mile Creek XXVI. Queenstown to Skipper's XXVII. Queenstown to Moke Creek ... XXVIII. Queenstown to Kingston XXIX. Queenstown to Glenorchy XXX. Portobello to Koik XXXI. Port Chalmers to Sawyer's Bay 3,779 465 25,462 10,071 3,039 706 4,490 856 5,389 10,027 1,463 7,300 6,405 13,558 868 2,599 7,350 9,272 1,658 829 5,457 8,626 2,334 9,280 965 2,223 961 542 289 1,437 1,453 915 15,389 9,573 4,093 2,383 1,691 f,493 5,497 11,093 837 4,983 6,311 15,h92 585 1,432 5,048 9,628 2,010 468 1,093 8,195 1,482 4,697 321 1,615 781 714 44 602 291 183 3,718 1,973 828 479 321 257 1,091 2,189 171 980 1,268 3,182 119 290 1.0S4 2,001 417 98 217 1,681 297 921 68 338 178 158 9 181 75 9 9 18 11 20 3 9 5 47 20 12 10 19 16 30 10 28 7 8 8 11 22 45 12 37 11 20 20 7 2 Coach 1 Horse 1 Coach 6 2 Horse 1 Cart 3 Horse 1 Coach 1 Horse 1 » 1 Horee 2 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ 1 „ Fortnightly „ 1 „ Fortnightly ,. 1 As opportunity offers 205 0 0 10 0 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 24 15 0 14 0 0 38 0 0 12 0 0 18 10 0 130 0 0 40 0 0 42 10 0 34 4 0 89 0 0 24 15 0 50 0 0 49 0 0 52 0 0 80 0 0 25 0 0 50 13 4 49 0 0 74 15 0 135 0 0 24 0 0 120 0 0 45 0 0 15 0 0 102 14 3 102 14 3 220 0 0 10 0 0 116 0 0 60 0 0 39 15 0 24 0 0 48 0 0 19 9 8 33 10 0 155 0 0 40 0 0 57 10 0 64 4 0 124 0 0 24 15 0 65 0 0 59 0 0 94 0 0 90 0 0 30 0 0 65 13 4 55 0 0 79 15 0 160 0 0 34 0 0 135 0 0 45 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 38 14 7 2 0 4 139 2 2 70 16 6 14 5 10 4 5 0 53 15 3 5 0 2 39 9 0 132 14 2 2 0 8 58 4 5 5 15 5 59 18 8 3 0 4 17 5 4 56 1 8 79 14 8 5 7 11 2 3 4 54 13 9 3 9 8 10 15 11 58 19 9 1 3 11 16 6 8 112 3 19 7 118 3 7 2 9 0 0 5 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 56 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 7 9 8 15 0 0 25 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 35 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 42 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 Horse 1 Foot 6 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 ...



Table No. 27— continued. TABLE showing the Eevenue, Expenditure, &c, of the Post Office in the Postal District of Otago in 1872.

'OTAL ;rceivkd AND 'ESPATCHED. 1ehvic;:s. IXPENDITURU. 'otal. MAIL SERVICE?. O u O tu too Letters. Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lba. 5. a Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Branches —continued. XXXII. Dunedin to Anderson's Bay ... XXXIII. Dunedin to Mornington XXXIV. Dunedin to Murrayville XXXV. Dunedin to Waikari XXXVI. Port Molynoux to Ownki XXXVII. Drybread to Tinker's XXXVIII. Dunedin to Mount Ida XXXIX. Milton to Adam's Flat XL. Kawarau to Carriekton XLI. Kaitangata to Wangaloa XLII. Dunedin to Catlin's River and Waikava... 1 1 1 1 2 1 3,943 3,414 5,432 2,011 676 557 6,232 6,643 358 T)5 251 4,333 2,980 2,720 2,509 179 271 3,765 7,316 142 50 162 877 574 541 498 31 54 753 1,491 29 12 38 2 2 3 2 13 7 91 4 8 5 101 Coach Foot ,, G 6 6 G 1 1 1 2 1 1 unity offers £ s. d. 15 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 0 0 £ s. d. 3 3 1 16 17 7 119 2 8 8 2 10 9 19 0 Horse 20 0 0 4 7 6 93 15 0 2 18 0 10 19 11 2 5 3 ... 20 0 0 4 7 6 93 15 0 7 18 0 10 19 11 2 5 3 ... 1 1 Coach Cart Horse 5*"o 0 G 1 0 3 4 0 10 0 2 0 2 Vessel, as opport Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office—Dunedin ... — 120 1 861,420 664,853 1,526,273 650,169 592, 598 1.242J765 132,007 118,939 250,916 ' 1,288 4,915 18 0 ... 2,163 0 9 3,002 13 10 102 14 3 602 5 10 7,181 13 0 3,604 19 8 4,959 6 8 12,380 0 6 Totals — 121 1,288 4,915 18 0 5,165 14 7 ... ... 705 0 1 10,786 12 8 17,339 7 2 Tl e Eevenue, Expenditure, &c, of ible ;he To. 28'ost Office in the Postal District of Southland in 1872. TABLE showing t) Total Received and Despatched. Mail Sebvices. Expenditure. Total. mail services. _\ O ft ; Letters. | AVeight of Books and ] Books and Newspapers, j Newspapers in lbs. Is 5. a Mode of Conveyance. Number of Times Weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines : I. Invercargill to Popotunoa ... II. Invercargill to Campbelltown III. Invercargill to Queenstown IV. Invercargill to Riverton S 3 7 1 19,828 11,812 32, G50 23,033 6,899 1,296 12,593 6,651 1,293 243 2,361 1,247 66 18 116 22 Coach Rail Coach 2 6 2 6 £ s. d. 365 0 0 76" 0 0 25 0 0 £ s. d. 5 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 £ b. d. £ s. d. 421 0 0 52 14 0 101 0 0 35 14 6 £ s. d. 104 4 6 66 13 0 218 5 3 168 1 10 ,, Branches: I. Invercargill to Flint's Bush II. Invercargill to Oteramika ... III. Mataura to Switzcr's IV. Riverton to Otautau V. Otautau to Bellmount VI. Otautau to Mararoa VII. Athol to Nokomai 3 1 4 4 1 2 1 5,080 1,496 9,116 . 4,212 5,672 3,349 5,174 6,432 1,071 3,567 3,243 3,142 2,094 4,877 1,206 200 668 680 2,356 387 914 17 11 40 22 60 40 10 Horse - l l l l l l l 25 0 0 25 0 0 85 0 0 20 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 5"'o 0 10 0 0 54 8 6 40 0 0 25 0 0 90 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 16 0 0 37 0 10 12 9 4 66 3 2 30 14 5 40 2 2 24 8 4 38 0 9 )J 5 0 0 n »j Country Mail Service —Totals Post Office, Invercargill 30 1 121,422 129,206 51.8G5 91,900 11,555 20,300 422 737 0 o 125 0 0 570 0 0 54 8 6 72 19 3 916 8 6 642 19 3 806 3 7 885 15 8 ... ... Totals 31 250,628 143, 765 31,855 422 737 0 0 695 0 0 127 7 9 1,559 7 9 1,691 19



Total Received and Despatched. EXPENDITCB3. Total. I MAIL SERVICES. si Books and Newspapers. Weight of Books and Newspapers in lbs. Cost of Conveyance. Letters. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. t 4 fell or o 3. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland 116 1,212,127 767,637 146,943 3,079 1 6 3,462 7 5 801 9 11 7,342 18 10 10,950 12 11 Thames 4 247,374 104,327 19,402 104 0 0 1,060 0 0 170 0 0 1,334 0 0 2,063 15 7 Taranaki 8 107,768 56,380 7,048 630 0 0 365 16 8 76 5 10 1,072 2 6 982 0 5 o G ■ o m Hawke's Bay 35 208,129 136,943 21,714 1,765 9 6 643 0 0 65 7 4 2,473 16 10 1,789 14 4 Wellington ... 42 930,718 551,800 1,665,400 2,464 17 6 1,848 2 9 483 9 9 4,801 10 0 41,883 4 0 i Totals for Nobth Island 205 | 2,700,116 1,617,087 1,860,507 8,043 8 6 7,379 G 10 1,601 12 10 17,024 8 2 57.6G9 7 3 1 Nelson 46 529,921 3,004 17 6 348,292 47,482 1,434 7 G 1,698 13 4 317 18 8 3,450 19 6 SIablbosotoh 15 142,995 91,849 8.610J 729 0 0 605 11 7 58 7 7 1,392 19 2 1,317 0 4 Cantfebuey ... • • • 94 1,374,112 I 569,109 137,690 4,125 10 0 3,649 11 3 495 5 10 8,270 7 1 10,324 5 1 Otago 121 1,526,273 1,242,765 250,946 4,915 18 0 5,165 14 7 705 0 1 10,786 12 8 17,339 7 2 Southland ... 31 250,628 143,765 31,855 737 0 0 695 0 0 127 7 9 1,559 7 9 1,691 19 3 Westland ... 33 428,498 398,224 68,947i 2,453 0 0 1,695 11 10 368 11 1 4,517 2 11 3,386 18 1 Totals fob Middle Island I 340 4,252,427 2,794,004 545,531 14,394 15 6 13,510 2 7 2,072 11 0 29,977 9 1 37,064 7 5 I I 8Totals Fon the Colony 545 6,958,543 20,889 9 5 *94,733 14 8 4,411,091 2,406,028 22,438 4 0 3,674 3 10 47,001 17 3 M * This includes postage on franked correspondence.

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POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, F-01

Word Count

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, F-01

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. (FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, F-01

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