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Note. — The merely formal letters advising the execution of the Orders for railway material have been omitted, but the details of the whole of the material arrived and on its way, are, for convenience, scheduled and inserted ivith the orders sent to the Agent-General in Parliamentary Paper E. No. 3.

No. 1. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, "Westminster, S.W., Sir, — 9th January, 1873. Though recovering from a severe illness, which has confined me to my bed ever since my return from Ireland, I am still suffering so much pain that I can only write very briefly and hurriedly by the present mail. While I deeply regret the delay in the arrival of railway plant and rolling stock should have caused the serious inconvenience mentioned in the Hon. Mr. Waterhouse's telegram received on the 30th November, yet it has been almost wholly unavoidable. In the uncertain state of the labour market, contractors will not be bound in penalties as to time. Even if they were bound, in the event of their failure to complete their contract within the specified time arising from strikes, no Government intending to appear again in the iron market would deem it politic to enforce payment of the penalties. There is seldom ready at any one time sufficient plant to load a ship for any one of the different ports at which the plant is to be distributed. To charter a vessel to two ports increases the freight very materially. Last month I chartered the " George A. Holt," to carry 1,550 tons of rails to Wellington and Port Lyttelton, and was obliged to pay at the rate of 425. Gd. a ton, instead of 255. a ton—the rate hitherto paid for rails sent out in emigrant vessels. In this case the freight was reduced to 355. 6d. a ton, by an allowance of 7s. Gd. a ton made by the contractors for putting the plant f.o.b. at Sunderlaud instead of at London. The insurance on railway plant shipped in vessels carrying only dead weight is also much higher. The rate hitherto paid on plant conveyed in emigrant ships has been 405., with conditional returns ; the rate demanded by all the insurance companies for the plant on board the " George A Holt " varied from £6 6s. to £8 Bs. per cent., and it was only in consideration of my having given it all the Government insurance business that the New Zealand Insurance Company ultimately agreed to take it at four guineas and a half per centum. The vessels taken up for carrying dead weight only are of an inferior class, and in the case of New Zealand would probably not make the voyage in less time than from four to six months. These are some of the difficulties which present themselves in the way of expediting the despatch of railway plant and rolling stock. At the same time, if the Government are prepared to pay a freight of from 425. to 70s. a ton for dead weight, the requisite tonnage can be procured ; but this, together with the increased rate of insurance above mentioned, will make a serious addition to the cost of the railways. The returns I have from time to time sent you of the quantity of railway plant despatched, will have satisfied you that I have been fully alive to the necessity of providing each line with a sufficient quantity of material; and having regard to the delay in arranging the Brogden contracts, I was in hopes that I should have succeeded in doing so. From the enclosed statement you will observe that, up to the 31st December last, there have been shipped 9,006 tons of rails (with the requisite fastenings), sufficient for 135J miles. I shall, of course, at once proceed to charter vessels for the conveyance of railway plant as fast as it is ready for shipment; but it will be extremely advisable that I should be kept fully advised from time to time as to the ports at which a supply is most urgently required. I. E. Eeatherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, Agent-General. , New Zealand. I—E. 4


Enclosure in No. 1. STATEMENT showing Quantities of Rails Shipped at 31st December, 1872.

No. 2. Cablegram from the Agent-General, London. London, 10th January, 1873. • • * 135 miles rails despatched. Featherston.

No. 3. The Aqent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Secretaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 24th January, 1873. I have the honor to enclose invoice and bills of lading for 12,602 iron rails shipped by the " George A. Holt " at Sunderland for Wellington and Canterbury, Now Zealand ; of these, 7,300 are to be delivered at Wellington, the remainder at Canterbury. This shipment forms part of the order forwarded under Public Works Memorandum No. 24, of the 23rd January, 1872. To avoid the delay arising by forwarding the rails in small shipments, the " George A. Holt," of 1,249 tons register, was taken up for an entire cargo. The rate of freight, 425. 6d. per ton, was reduced by an allowance of 7s. 6d. per ton received from the manufacturers for taking delivery at Sunderland. The insurance on this entire cargo was effected with great difficulty at four and a half guineas per cent. These rates compare unfavourably with the rates paid for past shipments by ordinary vessels. Owing to the severity of the weather, and to the large draught of water required by the " George A. Holt," she was detained at Sunderland some time after Bhc was loaded, and did not sail from that port until the 30th ultimo. I have, &c, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 4. Cablegram from the Agent-General, London. London, February, 1873. * * * Holt sailed December with 1,500 tons rails Canterbury, Wellington. Ships chartered fast plant ready. All orders in hand except two ; specifications not ready. Strikes continue. Featherston.

No. 5. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Secretaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 6th February, 1873. I have the honor to transmit herewith the enclosed tabular statements showing the quantities of railway materials forwarded to the several ports of New Zealand, and the quantities yet to be


Tic. roir id I1KIM. MakaWATTT. Auckland. IIawke's Bat. ElXe iO>\ an Bien: CaktekEUET. Ota lOO. ri(H). LINi JTON. Eails Tons Miles Rails Tons Mue8 711 m 91 ... 802 11| Rails Tons Miles Rails Tons Miles Rails Tons Miles Rails Tons Miles Rails Tons Milee Rails Tons Miles RaUs Tons Mil Mi! 301b. 27| 710 593 91 1645 26* 473 7^ 570 12 655 301b. 10| 187< 11* 120 800 64 17 'asteningB 122 285 85 33 87 89 3i 715 H 1930 26| 558 7i 603 12 1519 27^ 1957 27| 799 Hi 123i Aggregi ;ent-General ite—9,006 9th Janu; torn rail\ vj laterial; 135| miles. Office o: theAi iry, 873.


forwarded, ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 53, of the 25th November, 1871, and No. 24, of the 23rd January, 1872. -.'„«, ,• ■*. *j_ _v It will be observed that the number of miles of rails shipped is 119f, making with the shipment for the Dunedin and Clutha Eailway, completed in July last, 138 miles in all . Owin" to the difficulties experienced by manufacturers incident to the frequent strikes that have occurred amonf their workmen, and against which no provision can be made, the Engineers were unable to enforce my instructions to forward the requisite fastenings with each shipment of rails, but they lead me to suppose that the quantities sent will be sufficient to meet the necessary requirements. With regard to the rolling stock ordered under Memorandum 24, of the 23rd January, 1872, it will bo completed by contract time, and I hope to ship it in the course of this and the following The three locomotives that are being constructed by Messrs. Stephenson and Co. are in a forward state and the Consulting Engineers advise me that they expect them to be ready for shipment next month. They also report that Messrs. Neilson are not likely to be so prompt in the delivery of the 11 SOf the ninety-two miles of materials ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 78, 1872, dated 9th June 1872, 2,000 tons of rails are iv course of being rolled by Messrs. Wm. Whitwell and Co and 600 tons will be ready for shipment by the 28th of this month. To convey these to Lyttelton, and the balance of the 350 tons yet to be delivered by Messrs. Hopper, Eadcliffe, and Co., under Memorandum No. 24, I intend chartering a ship . , You have already been advised of the tenders I had accepted for the locomotives, switches, and crosses, and fastenings; and I beg to state that on the 18th instant I will decide the contracts for the carriages, waggons, &c. h^ The Hon the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, ' I E. Featherston, New Zealand. Agent-General. (For enclosed Tabular Statements, see pp. 4 and 5.)

No. 6. Cablegram from the Agent-Genebal, London. London, 7th February. Conteactobs wont be bound in penalties with strikes. They can complete within time. Full particulars existing contracts already sent. Instructions made absolute will be rigidly adhered to. All orders will be put in hand immediately, but Welsh ironmasters being prevented by strikes tendering Government will have to pay increased rates. Instructions respecting ordering one hundred thousand worth of Brogden's commission plant conflicting—your instructions order plant immediately, Wellington instructions execute order as early as state of market will permit: which instructions am Ito obey " Your instructions, by reason of absence of Welsh competitors, will probably entail loss of many thousands. Are three locomotives Waitaki cylinder sent in " Palmerston" to be ordered again ? Where are locomotives promised in contract in April, and other rolling stock, to be first sent to? # * * Featherston. i

No. 7. The Agent- Geneeal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetabt. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., SlB _ 21st February, 1873. Eeferring to Public Works Memorandum 130-72, of the 19th December, 1872, in which I am informed that from inquiry in various quarters, it is found that dead weight is brought out at lower rates than those paid to Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co., I have to thank the Government for calling my attention to it, of which I was not previously aware. . ; As regards direct shipments, whenever it is practicable 1 invariably send material in that way ; any exception has been when I could not ship other than indirectly. For the future, I shall comply with your wishes, and ship only in direct vessels, leaving it to the Government to tranship when the plant is required at an out-port. The rails ordered for Greymouth under Memorandum No. 53, of the 25th November, 1871, were forwarded in the ships " Asterope," " Chaudiere," " Joyce Philips," " Forfarshire," and " Echo." They were sent to Nelson, being the nearest port, as no vessel would discharge cargo at Greymouth. Insurances have been effected upon a standing order given during the tune Mr. Morrison acted for the Government in the Office of the New Zealand Insurance Company, and upon which order I have The rate of 40s. is nominal, for it is subject to a return of 9s. 6d. per cent, on direct, and 4s. 9d. per cent, on indirect shipments ; but with the view to obtain the best possible terms, I will institute inquiries as to securing more favourablo rates. _ I note that it is desired that the carriages and locomotives are to be insured against afi risks. lam doubtful whether it can bo done, unless by paying excessive premiums. I will, however, give attention to the subject, and use my best endeavours to comply with the instructions. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, L E. Featherston, Now Zealand. Agent-General.




TABLE showing QUANTIIES of MATERIALS ORDERED under Public Works Memorandum No. 53, dated 25th November, 1871, and QUANTITIES SHIPPED up to the 31st January, 1873.

No. and Quantities Estimated. Ship and Weights. Ship and Weights. Ship and Weights. Ship and Weights. :Ship and Weights. Ship and Weights. Ship and Weights. Quantities Shipped. Balance in course of Shipment. Auckland — Rails Fang Bolts ... Dog Spikes ... Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints Hawke's Bat — Rails... ... Fang Bolts ... Dog Spikes .., Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints Gbeymouth, via Nelson — Rails Fang Bolts ... Dog Spike3 ... Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints Wellington — Rails... Fang Bolts ... Dog Spikes ... Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints Tns. ct. errs. lbs. "Celestial Queen" 210 0 0 0 Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. "Countess Kintore" 202 11 3 11 Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. "City of Auckland" 153 10 0 17 Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. " Norham Castle" 28 16 3 10 24 0 0 0 1 15 0 0 |Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. ,"Rt. Henderson" Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. "Warwick" Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. " Woodlark " Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. 594 18 3 10 36 0 0 0 18 15 3 10 27 1 2 0 19 15 0 0 Tns. ct. qrs. lbs 593 36 18 27 20 5,305 15 0 3 10 27 1 2 0 19 15 0 0 12 0 " 0 0 2 0 0 0 " Ballarat" 250 2 0 23 "Norham Castle" 116 1 1 13 "Chile" 251 6 3 11 6 0 0 0 "Warwick" 68 12 3 20 8 1 0 19 2 17 0 0 23 0 0 0 19 16 3 8 2,000 " Echo" 25 6 1 0 2,000 1,886 1,419 711 43 22 32 23 6,360 2 19'" 3 0 4 14'" 2 14 3 5 0 0 10 0 " 0 0 711 9 2 11 14 1 0 19 12 17 0 0 30 14 1 14 23 1 3 8 3,887 28 18 3 i 9 3 0 ( 15 2 1^ 1,887 2,473 473 29 14 21 16 4,230 "Asteropo" 103 11 3 0 "Chaudiere" 139 19 1 3 20 0 0 0 6 5 0 0 10 10 0 0 9 0 0 0 " Joyse Phillips " 110 2 2 0 10 6 0 14 5 3 3 10 8 1 3 24 5 12 1 26 2,000 "Electra" 118 0 1 0 " Forfarshire " 57 5 3 0 " Echo" 49 8 3 24 "Excelsior" 460 8 0 27 30 6 0 14 14 2 3 12 20 19 3 24 16 4 3 16 4,300 2 14 0 2 2 8 0 0 1 12 1 18 2,300 " Forfarshire " 593 36 18 27 20 5,305 "Scliieballion" 153 19 3 1 " Hal'eione " 218 4 3 0 "Bebiiigton" 47 10 2 1 "Glenlora" 63 13 3 2 36 0 0 0 18 5 0 0 6 10 0 0 14 10 0 0 601 9 0 4 3G 0 0 0 18 5 0 0 27 1 0 0 19 10 0 0 5,337 19 5 " 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 5" 0 0 Via Otago. " Hydaspes " 72 17 0 25 5,337 Southland— Rails Fang Bolls ... Dog Spikes ... Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints OVAS* — Steel Rails ... Fang Bolts ... Dog Spikes ... Sole Plates ... Top Clips ... Joints 710 43 22 32 23 6,350 "Agnes Muir" 194 9 0 3 12 5 0 0 G 5 0 0 12 5 0 0 11 10 0 0 " Zealandia" 170 0 1 24 14 0 0 0 6 15 0 0 12 8 2 2 5 10 0 0 "Ch. Gladstone" 179 14 3 0 1" City of Bombay" 95 6 0 16 " Michael Angelo" 712 7 2 17 26 5 0 0 13 0 0 0 32 0 2 0 17 0 0 0 1,200 16 is" 0 ( 9 0 0 ( 7 7" 0 0 6 6" 0 ( 5,150 "Ch. McAusland" 175 0 0 0 " Ferndale" 130 1 0 26 7 17 0 0 3 19 0 0 6 4 0 0 4 6 10 "Beautiful Star" 111 13 3 16 "Ch. Gladstone" ' Lutterworth " 1,200 "Michael Angelo" 420 25 13 19 14 3,760 4 9" 2 14 6 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 5 0 416 15 0 14 24 17 0 0 12 19 0 0 19 13 2 14 14 6 1 0 1,500 2,260 ... ...



TABLES showing QUANTITIES of MATERIALS ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 24, January 23, 1872, and QUANTITIES SHIPPED up to January 31, 1873.

Description of Material. Quantities Ordered. Estimated by Engineers. Ships by which forwarded. Otago, for Dunedin and Clutha. Wellington: Wellington and Masterton ; Waitara and New Plymouth. Lyttelton, for Canterbury. Wellington, for Picton and Blenheim. Quantities yet to ship. Eemarks. Eails, 40 lbs. Fang Bolts Spikes Joints, Ibbotson's No. Tons. 800 40,000 22 67,000 17 6,500 34 "Naomi" and ... "Oberon" No. Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. ... 301 15 2 16 40,000 20 5 0 2 67,000 15 18 3 12 6,500 33 2 3 10 No. Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. No. Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. No. Tns. et. qrs. lbs. I No. Tns. ct. qrs. lbs. ... 498 4 1 12 ,, ... ... Eails, 40 lbs. ... 1,400 " G. A. Holt " and i " Wild Duck " j "St. Andrew's Castlo"... ... 1,052 10 1 12 ... 347 9' 2 16 Fang Bolts Spikes Bed Plates Clips Joints, Ibbotson's Bails, 40 lbs. Fang Bolts Spikes Bed Plates Clips Joints, Ibbotson's Bails, 301bs. Spikes Joints, Ibbotson's Eails, 30 lbs. 62J 28 1 34,440 55 £ 68,880 42 11,320 59} ... 1,000 44i 20i 24,560 39i 49,120 30 8,080 42i 950 39 10,200 34 570 » ••• "Forfarshire" " St. Andrew's Castle " ... "G.A.Holt" "Edwin Fox" ... ... 22,660 18 5 0 0 42,300 10 0 0 0 35,550 61 10 0 0 68,880 42 10 0 0 5,000 25 9 1 12 •• ... 654 18 0 24 50,000 41 15 0 0 84,000 21 10 0 0 12,000 20 15 0 0 24,000 15 15 0 0 5,000 24 14 0 26 ... 949 0 1 22 191,880 39 0 0 0 10,200 33 1 1 14 44 10 0 0 18 10 0 0 6,320 33 15 2 16 ... 343 1 3 4 2 10 0 0 18 15 0 0 15 5 0 0 3,080 16 15 3 2 Excess certified by Engineer as required. j) "JohnBull" '.'.'. '.'.'. Sundry ships " Crusader " and " Cissy " "Agra" Sundry ships "Jessie Eeadman," ~) " Celseno," and > "Forfarshire" J "Forfarshire" ... 570 11 2 3 Spikes 24 118,080 24 0 0 0 Joints, Ibbotson's 6,100 20J 5,623 18 6 2 9 477 2 3 1 19 STATEMENT showing Quantities of Rolling Stock ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 24, dated 23rd January, 1872, and Time contracted for Delivery. Description. Name of Contractors. For Auckland aud Mercer. For Napier and Paki Paki. For Picton and Blenheim. For Invercargill and Mataura. For Wellington and Masterton, Waitara and New Plymouth. Time contracted for Delivery. 3 Locomotives 1 set Duplicates 10 Light Locomotives 5 sets Duplicates ... 2 Carnages, 1st class ... 8 Carriages, 2nd class 13 Carriages, composite ... 25 Covered Goods Waggons 50 High sided Waggons ... 50 Low-sided Waggons ... 10 Cattle Trucks 6 Timber Trucks 13 Brake Vans 13 Waggon Weighbridges 96 Tarpaulins Stephenson and Co. Ncilson and Co. Gloucester Wagon Company a » » 3 2 3 3 10 20 20 10 6 3 3 36 2 1 set 1 2 3 6 6 2 1 set 1 2 3 6 6 2 1 set 1 2 3 6 6 "i 2 sets 2 4 6 12 12 1 Engine on Feb. 14,1873. 2 Engines on Mar. 14,1873. 1st Engine in Feb., 1873. 9 Engines in March, 1873. 16th March, 1873. »> a M It 2 2 12 2 2 12 4 crossings and switches 48 pairs 2 2 12 4 4 24 16th April, 1873. P. and w!'MoLellan >t j 1st November, 1872. 14th March, 1873. Switches and Crossings ... 420 pairs Wheels and Axles Eansome and Eapier The Staffordshire Wheel and Axle Company 48 pairs ( 40 lbs 11.1 in 17 switches & crossings, 6. 1 in 96 pairs 180 pairs 48 pairs



No. 8. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 21st February, 1873. I have the honor to invite your attention to the advertisement inserted in the Times newspaper and the Shipping Gazette, and also had placarded at Lloyds, the Jerusalem and Lombard Street Coffee Houses, inviting public tenders for a ship to convey 1,200 tons iron rails from Hartlepool or Sunderland to Port Lyttelton, New Zealand. In answer to it the tenders submitted were only two, — one from Messrs. Fletcher, Parr, and Co., offering, but not naming a ship, to take the plant at a freight of 70s. per ton, also stipulating that they reserved to themselves the right to make the shipment within seventy-five days,—and from Messrs. Bowden and Williams, whose offer was at the rate of 675. 6d. per ton. Considering these indefinite proposals to be of a speculative character, and the rates higher than should be given, I declined both. Since then, at an interview I had with Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co., I requested them to submit an offer, which they have done, undertaking to have a first-class ship at Sunderland, on or before the 10th March next, to load the rails in question at the rate of 555. per ton, and to sail from thence on the 31st proximo. As their proposal was lower by 15s. and 12s. 6d. per ton respectively than the public tenders, I had no hesitation in concluding the agreement with them. The cargo will consist of the balance of the forty-pounds rails, viz. 350 tons, ordered under Public Works Memorandum 24, of the 23rd January, 1872, and a portion of the thirty-pounds rails ordered under Public Works Memorandum 78-72, of the 9th June, 1872, with a proportionate quantity of fastenings, if possible. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 9. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetabt. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib— 21st February, 1873. Eeferring to Public Works Memorandum 131-72, of the 19th December, 1872, in which reference is made to the shipment of rails without a proportionate quantity of fastenings being sent with them, I have to state that the necessity of adopting this system has not escaped my attention. My practice has been, when ordering rails for shipment, to direct the Engineer to require that the necessary fastenings should accompany them. The observance of this rule, I regret to say, I have been unable to enforce owing to strikes among the workmen, and the manufacturers, on their part, absolutely refusing to tender under penalties of prompt delivery. Had I detained the rails until the fastenings were ready, it would have involved considerable difficulties with the makers, and would also have prevented me availing of such tonnage as offered. You may rest assured that every effort, as far as practicable, shall be made to comply with the wishes of the Government. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent- General.

No. 10. The Agent-General to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 21st February, 1873. With reference to Public Works Memorandum 132-72, of the 19th December, 1872, relative to the shipment of the rolling stock for the Auckland and Mercer Eailway, and the omission of drawings in reference to the rolling stock shipped by the " Christian McAusland " and the " Palmerston," I have to state that a large proportion of the rolling stock for the railway in question will be completed by the 16th proximo, and for the shipment of which I am now making the necessary arrangements. With respect to the drawings, they were forwarded as soon as they were received from the Engineers by the P. and O. steamer " Poonah," on the 22nd October last, and I trust that they have ere this been duly received. I have, &c, I. E. Featherston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, Agent-General. New Zealand.

No. 11. Cablegram from the Agent-General, London. London, 28th February, 1873. In answer to advertisements for conveyance twelve hundred ton rails for Canterbury, only two tenders ; one seventy shillings ton, other shillings sixpence. Arranged subsequently fiftyfive shillings. Auckland rolling stock be sent March. All orders in hands except plant to be ordered by Brogden. Trough promised in April. Featherston.



No. 12. The Agent- Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 21st March, 1873. I have the honor to transmit herewith tabular statements* of railway material and rolling stock forwarded to New Zealand up to the present date. The figures in red denote material in course of shipment. In consequence of the unsettled state of the labour market, Messrs. Neilson and Co. have failed to complete, at the stipulated time, the locomotives ordered under Memo. No. 24, 23rd January, 1872. The rolling stock is ready, and shipping arrangements are being made for it. The three locomotives for the Auckland and Mercer Eailway will be delivered next week, and I purpose shipping them, together with the large carriages, by the " City of Auckland." For the conveyance of the first delivery of rails, 800 tons, and the proportionate quantity of fastenings, ordered under Public Works Memorandum 78-72, 9th June, 1872, I have chartered the " Millwall," a vessel of 1,175 tons register, Aal, to sail from Sunderland to Canterbury direct. She is also to take the balance of the 40-lb. rails (345 tons), which completes the quantity ordered under Memorandum No. 24, 23rd January, 1872. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 13. The Agent-Genebal to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. (No. 197.) 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 18th April, 1873. Adverting to your letter of 18th December (P.W. 130), referring to the charge for insurances effected by this Office being in excess of that paid by persons in the Colony, and requesting that steps might be taken to obtain more favourable terms, I have now the honor to state that, after several applications to the Agents of the New Zealand Insurance Company (in which office all insurances have hitherto been effected, in conformity with instructions received from the Government during Mr. Morrison's tenure of office) for a reduction in the rates charged by them, I regret to state that I have been unsuccessful. The only reduction consented to was four guineas per cent, in place of four and a half guineas (first asked) for insuring the whole cargo of railway material being shipped by the " Millwall." The other rates to remain as before. In order, therefore, to conform to the instructions of the Government, I applied to another first-class office—the Universal Marine Insurance Company, Cornhill. The rates asked by this office are considerably lower, being 3 per cent, for the whole cargo by the " Millwall," and ss. per cent, less upon shipments in part. I have therefore deemed it advisable, in the interest of the Government, to accept the lower rates asked by the latter office for future shipments. I shall have the less hesitation in taking the Government business out of the hands of the New Zealand Insurance Company, because I have discovered that in the case of the " Millwall" they insured our shipments in the Universal at 245. per cent, under the lowest rate which they asked the Government. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington, N.Z. Agent-General.

No. 14 Cablegeam from the Agent-Genebal, London. London, 28th April, 1873. . . . . Mt telegram 10th January that one hundred and thirty-five miles rails had been shipped up to end December correct. Unfair that Government, in possession of that telegram, should lead Colony to believe that less than half that quantity shipped Since December, including Millwall's, two thousand five hundred tons rails and fastenings, three locomotives, fourteen carriages, ninety-six waggons, seven break vans, shipped. Not true that I have ever delegated to any person, or that illness has prevented me discharging my duties for single day since my arrival. Morrison left. Featheeston. * These statements are not printed, being already incorporated in the statement of railway plant and rolling stock attached to Parliamentary Paper E. 3.

The following Letters containing advices of the shipment of railway and other material were received on the 11th July, 1873, after the Paper E. No. 3, containing a " Statement of Shipments," had been printed. No. 15. Dr. Featherston to the Hon. the Colonial Secretart. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 6th May, 1873. I have the honor to enclose herewith invoice in duplicate, bill of lading, and schedule of shipment of cylinders for the Waitaki Bridge, shipped by the "St. Kilda," at Liverpool, for Otago. This shipment completes the order received under Public Works Memorandum No. 55, of 25th November, 1871. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. I. E. Featherston.

No. 16. Dr. Featheeston to the Hon. the Colonial Secretart. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 12th May, 1873. I have the honor to transmit herewith invoices and bills of lading for railway material, engines, and rolling stock, ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 24, 23rd January, 1872. The schedule annexed will show the vessels by which the materials were shipped, and the ports to which insurance has been effected, and the amounts insured. The detailed specifications attached to the invoices will give the numbers and contents of the packages. I much regret that in these shipments much inconvenience has arisen from some of the manufacturers giving delivery alongside at the time specified for the vessels receiving the material, while others who had received orders for the same ship have failed to do so. The consequence has been, that the vessels would not wait, and my endeavours to keep each shipment entire in itself have been frustrated by delays over which I had no control. The three engines, and the railway carriages and brake vans, have been insured against all risks, in accordance with your instructions. Two cases (portions of brake vans shipped in the " Countess of Klintore " were too large) for that vessel, and had to be shipped by the " City of Auckland." Messrs. Shaw, Saville, and Co. decline to undertake the transhipment of goods to ports to which the ship does not proceed, which will necessitate the Government making provision for forwarding such upon the arrival of the ship by which they are conveyed. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General. P.S. —I would beg leave to add that the engines have to be taken out of the " City of Auckland " by the Government.

No. 17. Dr. Featherston to the Hon. the Colonial Secretart. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sir,— 12th May, 1873. I have the honor to report that tenders for the supply of railway material and rolling stock indented for in Public Works Memorandum 123-72, of the 25th October, 1872, were invited for the 38th ultimo. Annexed is a schedule of the firms which tendered, and the prices. The tenders of the following firms I have accepted : — Messrs. Black, Hawthorne, and Co., for four engines. Eailway Carriage Company, for rolling stock. Messrs. Shaw, Johnston and Eeay, for 40flj. iron rails. Messrs. P. and W. MacLellan, for rail joints. The Patent Nut and Bolt Company, for bed plates. Messrs. Bayliss, Jones, and Bayliss, for fang bolts and spikes. The Staffordshire Wheel and Axle Company, for wheels and axles. I have also to state that Messrs. Black, Hawthorne, and Co.'s tender for the locomotive for the Dunedin and Clutha Eailway, ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 13G, 21st December, 1872, has been accepted at the price named in the schedule. The reports of the Consulting Engineer are enclosed. I have, &c, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.






No. 18. Dr. Featheeston to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 13th May, 1873. I have the honor to transmit herewith invoices and bills of lading, as per schedule annexed, of railway fastenings and tools ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 53, of the 25th November, 1871. The railway joints for Southland are insured to that port; but as the ship " St. Kilda," by which they are forwarded, only gives delivery at Otago, they will have to be transhipped to the former place by the Government. I have, Ac, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 19. Dr. Featheeston to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 15th May, 1873. I have the honor to transmit herewith invoices and bill of lading for railway material shipped by the "Millwall," Aal, 1,165 tons register, chartered by me for the conveyance of material to Canterbury, New Zealand, ordered under Public Works Memorandum No. 11, of the 20th January, 1872, No. 24, of the 23rd January, 1872, and No. 78-72, of the 9th June, 1872. The annexed schedule will show the quantities forwarded under each order, and the amount for which the whole is insured. The insurance is effected at £3 per cent. The second moiety of the freight is payable in the Colony, on true and complete delivery at Lyttelton. The " Millwall" sailed from Sunderland on the 12th instant. I have, Ac, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 20 Dr. Featheeston to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sib,— 12th May, 1873. I have the honor to state that tenders for the balance of the 301b rails for Canterbury Eailways, indented for under Public Works Memorandum No. 78-72, 9th June, 1872, were invited for the 22nd ultimo. The only firm which tendered was Messrs. Hopper, Eadcliffe, and Co., whose tender I have accepted; the price is £14 ss. per ton. A copy of the specification and tender, with the consulting engineer's letter, is enclosed. I have, Ac, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General.

No. 21. Dr. Featheeston to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., Sra,— 16th May, 1873. I have the honor to report that I have arranged for the conveyance of the Thames water trough, 1,100 tons, to Auckland, at a freight of 255. per ton. The first delivery made by the contractors, 250 tons, is being shipped by the " City of Auckland," to sail on the 30th instant. The next delivery, 300 tons, will be shipped by the " St. Leonards," to sail in June, and the balance is to be taken in July. A proportionate quantity of angle irons and fastenings will accompany each shipment. I have, Ac, I. E. Featheeston, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Agent-General. By Authority: Gjeobgb Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB73. [Price 9d.J

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CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL, LONDON. II.-LETTERS FROM THE AGENT-GENERAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-04

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CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL, LONDON. II.-LETTERS FROM THE AGENT-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-04

CORRESPONDENCE WITH AGENT-GENERAL, LONDON. II.-LETTERS FROM THE AGENT-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-04

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