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(Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 7th day of August, 1873.) " That there be laid upon the Table copies of all Correspondence and Telegrams received by or despatched by the Government in connection with the purchase by tho Government of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. Also, copies of any Documents and Papers in connection with the said purchase. Also, copy of Report, if any, on the estimated cost of present line to date of purchase, and cost requisite to render the line thoroughly efficient."— (Mr. Murray) No. 1. His Honor the Superintendent of Otago to the Provincial Engineer. Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 18th November, 1872. Memorandum for Provincial Engineer. Be good enough, together with Mr. Brunton, C.E., to report upon the Port Chalmers Railway, on behalf of the Colonial Government, with a view to purchase. Mr. Brunton has been furnished with a list of the information required. J. Macandrew. Superintendent.

No. 2. The Provincial Engineer, Otago, to His Honor the Superintendent. Provincial Engineer's Department, Dunedin, Sir,— 29th November, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Memorandum of 18th instant, instructing me to report upon the Port Chalmers Eailway, with a view to its purchase by the Colonial Government, and regret that my absence in the interior prevented my replying to it before this. I now beg to submit the following report upon the main features of the line : — The length of the line between termini is 7| miles. The gauge is 3 feet 6 inches, the sharpest curve is of 8 chains radius, and the steepest gradient 1 in 60 for a length of 17 chains. There are two tunnels on the line, one between Blanket and Sawyer's Bays, 330 feet in length, and lined with stone walls and brick arching for a length of IGS feet; the other is at Port Chalmers, and is 622 feet iv length, and lined at either end as above for a length of 4 chains. The cross section of each is 13 feet wide, 16 feet high to keystone, and 9 feet 6 inches to springing of arch. There are seven timber bridges on the line, the longest being 150 feet in length at Pelichet Bay, where there are two others of 15 feet each. The piles are of manuka timber, and the superstructure of Oregon. Shorter bridges of similar construction are at the other bays. The total length of bridges is 285 feet. There are thirty culverts upon the line, built of stone and arched of brick, or with the rails carried upon strong Oregon beams. The pier at Port Chalmers is designed to be 800 feet in length, whereof an extent of 720 feet is already executed. The breadth is 36| feet. The piles are of jarrah timber, with the exception of a few in the shallow water at the shore end, which are of manuka. The bearing beams arc of Oregon, and the planking of totara. The earthworks generally arc 18 feet 6 inches wide at formation level, and are completed throughout, though some slips will require removal, and the slopes dressing up. The line has been laid out through its entire length with prudence, by Mr. Simpson, who has avoided heavy earthworks, except where unavoidable at the tunnels already referred to. He has placed the line I—E. 7a.



to skirt the shore line as near as possible with regard to suitable curves ; and where the exterior side of line is exposed to the wash of the waves, the earthwork is protected by substantial stone pitching, founded upon shingle and broken stone. Two hundred and forty-one chains of the line are ballasted with good bluestone ballast: the work of ballasting the remainder is being vigorously proceeded with. The sleepers are of black pine, totara, and jarrah, spaced 2 feet 6 inches between centres except at joints of rails, where they are 1 foot 3 inches. The rails are of the Vignoles type, 55 lbs. to the yard, and secured to the sleepers with dog spikes. They are generally well laid upon the ballasted part, but of course are not permanently placed upon the remaining portion. The station buildings at Dunedin consist of passenger station, goods shed, engine shed, and offices; and at Port Chalmers, of passenger station, carriage shed, and store. They are substantially built of timber and covered with iron roof. In the event of a general station for this line and the Southern Trunk being provided at Dunedin, some alterations in the position of the buildings would be necessary; but so far as the traffic of this line alone is concerned, they are in every way suitable. An intermediate station between Dunedin and Port Chalmers will be required. The whole of the works, so far as executed, are done with the best material of the several kinds, and the workmanship well performed. There are 540 chains of fencing executed, leaving little more fencing to be done. As I understand the Government has already been furnished with a list of the rolling stock, I need not repeat that enumeration, but will remark generally that it is all of superior class, being built with due regard to lightness and strength. The engines are of the Fairlie type, which appears to have been successfully tried in other countries. The chief features of these engines, as now well known, consist of the utilization of the whole of the weight for traction purposes, and the mounting of the engine body upon bogie frames for the purpose of facilitating their passage round curves; and seeing these two principles of construction, when tried separately, successful in every way, we may anticipate satisfactory results from their combination. The engines have been provided of weights equal to 28 tons when in working order, which is more than sufficient for the weight of trains which will require to pass over the gradients for some time. The carriages are first and second class, fitted with central buffers and radial drawbars, but not with bogie frames, which I think would have been better and more in keeping with the character of the engines. As the proper valuation of the works would involve a careful calculation of the quantities of earthwork, and as to do so would probably delay this report longer than the Government would desire, I shall not attempt such at present unless I receive further instructions. I have, however, formed an approximate estimate of the probable cost to complete the line, stations, &c., and would place that at £5,900. I have, &c, G. M. Barr, His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. Provincial Engineer.

No. 3. His Honor the Deputy Superintendent of Otago to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. (No. 13,105-48.) Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 16th January, 1873. I do myself the honor to inform you that the Provincial Government, with a view to giving effect to the arrangement entered into with the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, has agreed to recommend the General Government to offer the promoters of the Port Chalmers Bailway to take over the undertaking completed, for the sum of £150,000. The promoters have been informed accordingly, and that the Government is not prepared to recommend any augmentation of those terms. I have, &c., H. A. Tolmie, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, (in absence of Superintendent). Wellington.

No. _. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary to bis Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 20th January, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 13105-48, 16th January, 1873, addressed to the Minister of Public Works, in which you state that the Provincial Government of Otago has agreed to recommend the General Government to offer the promoters



of the Port Chalmers Railway to take over the undertaking completed for the sum of £150,000. I beg to thank you for this communication, and shall be glad if your Honor will communicate the answer of the promoters as soon as possible. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. John Hall.

No. 5. The Hon. Mr. Bathgate to Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph. Gentlemen, — Dunedin, 11th February, 1873. I am authorized by the General Government to make an offer to purchase, on behalf of Her Majesty, the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Eailway, with all the land, plant, and works of every kind appertaining thereto, including the rolling stock, at the sum of £150,000, free of all encumbrances, or at £50,000, the Government taking the liability of the debentures, amounting to £100,000, subject to your granting a good and valid conveyance of the same, when the price will be payable. This offer is made subject also to the proper completion of the wharf or jetty at Port Chalmers, and to the line, works, and plant generally being in sufficient and good working order. This offer is made without prejudice. I have, &c, Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, Dunedin. John Bathgate.

No. 6. Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, to the Hon. Mr. Bathgate. Sib,— Dunedin, 13th February, 1873. We have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 10th instant, offering, without prejudice, £50,000 for the purchase of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway over and above the £100,000 worth of debentures issued by the Company. Whilst we are quite willing to treat with the Government for the sale of the line, we must decline altogether the offer now made, as it is utterly inadequate to the value of the concern. We have, &c, Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph. The Hon. John Bathgate, Minister of Justice.

No. 7. His Honor the Superintendent of Otago to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 2nd March, 1872. Referring to various conversations which I have had with members of the Government on the subject of the purchase, on behalf of the Province, of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, I have now formally to call your attention to the expediency of at once entering into arrangements for purchasing the line. There can, I think, be no question but the line must sooner or later be taken over by the Government, and that a saving of many thousands of pounds would be effected by taking it over now. lam of course aware that nothing definite could be done without the sanction of the Legislature; at the same time, preliminary arrangements might be made. The agreement with the promoters is that they are compelled to sell at the expiration of five years, at the option of the Government, at the then value. Could the Provincial Government have anticipated the action of the Colonial Legislature with respect to railways, and the comparatively favourable terms upon which such works are being constructed by the Colony, no doubt the railway in question would have been allowed to remain in abeyance. As it is, however, the arrangement for its construction was the best that could have been made at the time. It is an undertaking which will undoubtedly yield a very handsome profit to the promoters —a profit which is certain to increase from year to year. It is surmised that negotiations are pending in England for the purchase of the undertaking, on terms very favourable to the promoters. Probably on the arrival here shortly of Mr. Oliver, one of the promoters, now on his way from England, I shall have more definite information as to this. In the meantime lam persuaded that in the public interest it is in every respect desirable that the Government itself should be the purchaser at first hand. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. J. Macandrew.

No. 8. His Honor the Superintendent of Otago to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 4th April, 1873. The Superintendent of Otago hereby assents to assignment of the Port Chalmers Railway agreement to the Railway Company, and by them to the Mercantile Loan Company, and also



to the assignment to the General Government conditionally upon the General Government retaining, say, £10,000 of the purchase money till the proprietors of the railway complete all their legal obligations to owners of land and district Road Boards along the line, adjust question of interest and jetty dues with Provincial Government, and cancel lease of jetties. J. Macandrew, Hon. E. Richardson, AVellington. Superintendent of Otago.

■■_____■________---------------_---___■■-■_________- No. 9. Port Chalmers Railway—Deed of Purchase. [Already printed, vide E. No. 7.]

No. 10. Mr. Oliver to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway Company (Limited), Sir,— 9th April, 1873. In pursuance of the arrangement which has been made, I now beg to hand you possession of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway and its equipments, as per agreement signed to-day, bearing your signature on behalf of the Governor, and the signatures of Messrs. J. L. Murdoch, D. Proudfoot, and myself. I am, &c, Richard Oliver, The Hon. E. Richardson, Minister of Works. Manager.

No. 11. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to Mr. Oliver. Sir,— 10th April, 1873. I have to request that, on behalf of the Government, you will continue to act as manager of the Port Chalmers Railway till the end of the month, pending the necessary arrangements for proper transfer of the working of the traffic. I understand that the remuneration you have up to the present received is at the rate of £1,000 per annum, and I propose that you should be continued at the same rate. I have, &c, R. Oliver, Esq., E. Richardson.

No. 12. Mr. Oliver to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway Company (Limited), Sir,— 10th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of to-day's date, in which you request me to continue to act as manager of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway till the end of the month, pending the necessary arrangements for proper transfer of the working of the traffic. In reply, I beg to say that I shall have pleasure in complying with your request. I have, &c., The Hon. Edward Richardson, Minister of Works. Richard Oliver.

No. 13. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Sir,— Dunedin, 10th April, 1873. I have the honor to request that you will inform me whether you will allow one of your police force to be employed immediately as night watchman at the Dunedin station of the Port Chalmers Railway. A very large quantity of valuable goods arc continually iv the goods sheds, and it is imperatively necessary, as protection against fire and robbery, that a reliable watchman be appointed. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Edward Richardson.



No. 14. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to Mr. D. L. Murdoch. Sir,— Dunedin, 12th April, 1873. I have the honor, in accordance with your request, to forward you herewith a tracing showing the land which is referred to in the agreement entered into between the Queen, yourself, and the Contractors for the Port Chalmers Railway Station, coloured red, and for which the Queen has, under the above-named agreement, the right, on or before the 9th proximo, to substitute other land of similar dimensions, and equally easy of access from the railway wharves at Port Chalmers. I have, &c, D. L. Murdoch, Esq., Edward Richardson. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company.

No. 15. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Otago Railways — Dunedin to Port Chalmers. Sir,— Dunedin, 12th April, 1873. I have the honor to inform you that the negotiations for completing the purchase of the Port Chalmers Railway are so nearly brought to a conclusion, that the General Government are in a position to deal definitely with the future working of the railway. The General Government propose, as the interest on the cost of this railway immediately becomes chargeable against the Province, to place the working of the traffic on the railway under the control and in the hands of the Province, subject to certain detailed conditions which I shall be glad to meet your Honor and agree upon. Your Honor is doubtless fully aware that for the present the only power the General Government have of transferring the working of any railway is that conferred by clause 34, " Immigration and Public AVorks Act, 1872," which enables them to lease from year to year. I shall be glad of an early answer from your Honor, as the whole working staff of the railway has to be immediately transferred; and you will doubtless agree with me, that if the Province consents to take in hand the working of the railways within its limits,it is much better that there should only be one transfer of staff, &c. I have, &c, Edward Richardson, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. (for Colonial Secretary). No. 16.

His Honor the Superintendent oi Otago to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 14th April, 1873. In reply to your letter of 12th April, 1873, I have the honor to state that the Provincial Government is prepared at once to undertake the management of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, upon terms similar to those which have been arranged in respect of the Canterbury Railways. I shall be glad to meet you whenever it is convenient, with a view of putting the matter into definite shape. I have, &c, J. Macandrew, The Hon. E. Richardson (for the Colonial Secretary), Superintendent of Otago. Custom House, Dunedin.

No. 17. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Sir, — Dunedin, 15th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 14th April, on the subject of the transfer of the Port Chalmers Railway. I now have the honor to state that on the following terms the General Government are prepared to let on lease the above-named railway to your Honor on behalf of the Province, that is to say : — The Provincial Government to become responsible for the due and proper working of the railway from the morning of the 10th instant. That the railway is to be worked under by-laws aud regulations approved by the Governor, as stipulated in the Immigration and Public Works Act. That the Provincial Government makes its own arrangements with the Customs Department for the proper working of goods traffic. That all works of the railway, the rolling stock, stations, and buildings be kept in good order and condition at the expense of the Provincial



Government. That the Province sets aside annually a sum equal to 5 per cent, of the gross earnings of the railway, as a depreciation fund, for renewal of rails and rolling stock, etc., such sum to be paid into separate account, to be dealt with hereafter as may be mutually agreed upon between the General and Provincial Governments. That the materials imported by the General Government for railway extension be carried over the railway at half the rates charged to the public, this being the estimated actual cost to the Provincial Government. That the officers of the Public Works Department be allowed to travel free on the line. That Her Majesty's mails be carried free of charge by ordinary trains, and, if demanded, that an officer travel free in charge of same, the Provincial Government not being responsible. That free access to such parts of the line as may be found necessary, be given to the officers of the Public AVorks Department, and contractors working under them, to enable them to complete the works now in contemplation : all such officers and contractors, and their workmen, to be obliged to conform to the rules and regulations for the working of railways, as far as practicable, not to interfere with the carrying on of the traffic of the railway. That the accounts be audited by the Provincial Auditor, and published in Gazette quarterly, showing the traffic on the line. The guarantee provided by the hypothecation of the jetty dues, as enumerated in agreement dated 25th January, 1870, between your Honor and the late contractors, to continue in force unaltered. That the following agreements which have been made by the late owners of the Port Chalmers Railway be carried out:— 1. Free pass for one year be granted to any persons who may build a house at St. Leonard's township ; and that during the same period, building materials be carried to St. Leonard's for any such buildings at half the rates to be charged to the public. 2. That a berth be provided at the wharf, Port Chalmers, for Messrs. McMeckan and Blackwood's steamers, and all their freight to be carried at 4s. 6d. per ton, less 5 per cent., for twelve months, ending 31st December, 1873. 3. Contract with Messrs. Scoular and Co. to carry their goods at 4s. 6d. per ton to 31st December, 1873. 4. Oliver and Ulph, carry ordinary goods at 4s. 6d. per ton, and bar iron at 4s. per ton, to 31st December, 1873. 5. Contract with George Proudfoot to carry stone to Port Chalmers at Is. per ton, to Dunedin at 2s. 6d. per ton, to 28th February, 1874, from his quarry on the line. The above terms being agreed to by your Honor, all earnings from the railway and wharves attached thereto, and jetties in Dunedin and Port Chalmers, to be Provincial revenue, subject to the appropriation of the Superintendent and the Provincial Council of Otago. I have, &c., E. Richardson, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago, Dunedin. (for Colonial Secretary).

No. 18. His Honor the Superintendent of Otago to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Sir,— Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 16th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date, specifying the terms and conditions upon which the General Government is prepared to let to the Province on lease the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. In reply, I have to state that the Provincial Government accepts the lease upon the conditions specified, with the exception of that which provides for the carriage of Her Majesty's mails free of charge. This is a point which I would wish you to reconsider. Although not of material importance in itself, still it involves a principle which —now that the postal service throughout the Colony is colonially charged—would place this Province at a disadvantage as compared with others. I have, &c., The Hon. E. Richardson (for the Colonial Secretary), J. Macandrew, Custom House, Dunedin. Superintendent.

No. 19. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Sir,— Dunedin, 17th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 13105-85, and in reply, have to state that, for the reasons urged by you, I am prepared, on behalf of the General Government, to waive the condition named by mc in my letter of the 15th instant as regards the carriage of Her Majesty's mails free of charge. I would now suggest that a sum be fixed for such service at once, calculated on the cost price, say, not exceeding £300 per annum. I presume that I may now consider that the Port Chalmers Railway is under the control and management of the Provincial Government. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Edward Richardson, (for Colonial Secretary).



No. 20. His Honor the Superintendent of Otago to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 17th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this day's date, in which you agree to waive the condition as to the free carriage of Her Majesty's mails on the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, and suggest that a sum of not exceeding £300 a year should be fixed as a fair equivalent for the service. In reply, I have to state that the Provincial Government agrees to carry the mail along the railway for the sum named, and will at once assume the control and management of the railway. I have, &c, The Hon. E. Richardson, J. Macandrew, (for the Colonial Secretary.) Superintendent of Otago.

No. 21. Mr. Calcutt to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Dunedin, 19th April, 1873. Beferring to your statement to me, intimating that I had been appointed, jointly by yourself and Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, to assess the amount sufficient to settle outstanding land claims on the above line, and in conformity with your instructions requesting me to confer with those gentlemen thereon, I have the honor to state that the under-mentioned names comprise, as I am informed by Mr. Proudfoot, the whole claims not completely settled, namely:— Mr. Wickens, absent from the Colony. Mr. Smith. Mr. Macredie, ditto. Mr. Peters, ditto. The Misses Carter, ditto. Mrs. Ritchie. Miss Carter, ditto. Mr. Pollock, ditto. Municipal Section. In company with Mr. Proudfoot, and with plans of the pieces of lands required, I inspected the different properties, and, after taking the whole matter into careful consideration, have arrived at the conclusion (excepting for the moment the municipal section) that the sum £273 10s. will be a sufficient amount to enable the Government to settle with the claimants themselves. To this amount must be added a sum of £70 at least, chargeable by the Crown Solicitor in the preparation, execution, and registration of the various deeds and other legal documents necessary to properly transferring the properties, together with fees chargeable by the claimants' solicitors for costs of perusal, &c., and a further sum of £5 for the time necessary for some one to give in discharge of many duties which inevitably arise in such matters. I therefore name the sum of £348 10s. as the total amount I think is just and fair for Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph to pay for a complete clearance in the cases above set forth. At the same time I beg to explain that I have no certain means of ascertaining whether every other individual land case on the line is actually settled and the deeds signed. Mr. Haggitt informs me that he did not prepare the whole of the deeds, therefore he is not in a position to assist me; and the only gentlemen who really have the information are the late proprietors of the line, one of whom (Mr. Proudfoot) informs mc these are the only cases. If, therefore, any cases should arise hereafter, I trust to be held blameless. With respect to that portion of the municipal section required for the railway, and as now fenced off, all that is necessary is for the lessees (Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph) to assign their lease over that portion free from any annual rental or compensation. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington. Thomas Calcutt.

No. 22. Mr. Calcutt to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Sir,— Dunedin, 19th April, 1873. I have the honor to inform you that I have seen several of the proprietors of the various sections in Port Chalmers pointed out to me recently, and have in every instance obtained full permission for the removal, by your direction, of any earth or stones therefrom required for public purposes. I will see the owners of the remaining sections at the first opportunity. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Thomas Calcutt.



No. 23. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to Messrs, Proudfoot and Co. Gentlemen, — DuncdiD, 22nd April, 1873. I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Calcutt has furnished me with his valuation of the outstanding land claims on the Port Chalmers Railway, in accordance with the terms of his appointment, a copy of which is enclosed, amounting to £273 10s. I have to request that you will pay the above sum to Mr. Hill, the Collector of Customs here, on behalf of the General Government, and presume his receipt will be sufficient. I have, &c., Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Co., Dunedin. E. Richardson.

Enclosure in No. 23. Memorandum for the information of the Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. Showing how the sum of £273 10s. is arrived at: — Mr. "Wickens .. .. .. .. .. £50 0 0 Mr. Smith (in addition to sum already received) .. .. 20 0 0 Mr. Macredie .. .. .. .. .. 500 Mr. Peters .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 The Misses Carter .. .. .. .. .. 13 10 0 Miss Carter .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Mrs. Ritchie .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Mr. Pollock (section close to station. Port Chalmers) .. 100 0 0 £273 10 0

No. 24. The Hon. Mr. Richardson to Messrs. Proudfoot and Oliver. Gentlemen, — Dunedin, 22nd April, 1873. The enclosed is a copy of a letter I have addressed to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago, the tenor of which I hope may be satisfactory to you. I have, &c, Messrs. Proudfoot and Oliver, Dunedin. Edward Richardson.

Enclosure in No. 24 The Hon. Mr. Richardson to His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. Sir,— Dunedin, 22nd April, 1873. I have the honor to inform you that, after careful inquiry made by me, at request of all parties concerned, into the matter of interest claimed to be due to Messrs. Proudfoot and Oliver and the Port Chalmers Railway Company, amounting to £726 Os. Id., being balance of interest guaranteed by Provincial Government of Otago on the sum of £70,000 for construction account of the Port Chalmers Railway, I consider that this sum is justly due to the late contractors, and have to request that you will cause it to be paid to them at an early date, as it was one of the conditions attached to the deed of sale that this claim was to be settled on handing over the railway. I have, &c, Edward Richardson, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago. (for Colonial Secretary). Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 2_. Provincial Government of Otago in Account with Messrs. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, Promoters of Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. Dr. £ c. d. To Tlireo Months'lnterest on £70,000 at 8 per cent. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,400 0 0 Cr. By Cash from Jetty Dues on account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 673 19 11 Dunedin, 9th April, 1873. £726 0 1



Account of Receipts and Expenditure of Jetty Dues Account No. s— Piles and Driving. for the Half-year ending 31st March, 1872. £ b. d. Dr. Mar. 31. 90 feet Mauuka Piles, Old Jetty, 1871. £ s. d. 2s. 6d. ... ... ... 11 5 0 Oct. 31. To receipts for month ... ... 310 12 9 Labour, driving ditto ... ... 911 6 Not. 30. „ ~. ... 33G 14 5 Dec. 31. „ ... ... 348 10 10 £20 16 6 1872. Jan. 31. „ ... ... 391 210 Feb. 29. „ ... 350 0 4 Account No. 6—Oil, Gas, &c. Mar. 31. „ ... ... 601 3 4 1871. £ s. d. Balance, being deficiency ... ... 415 5 1 Oct. 14. Thomson Brothers ... ... 3 5 0 Dec. 6. McHerras and Co. ... ... 5 4 6 £2,753 9 7 „ W.Elder, Gas Pipes and Fittings ... 8 0 0 Gas Account for 3 months to 21st Cr. November, 1871 ... ... 10 0 0 1871. £ s. d. 1872. Mar. 31. By Progressive Interest at 8 per Mar. 4. Turnbull, Kerosene ... ... 6 0 0 cent, on Monthly Expenditure, 31. Elder, 3 months Gas Account to 21st amounting at this date to £60,196 1,993 17 6 February, 1872 ... ... 10 0 0 Salaries for Half-year ... ... 354 2 4 Paid for Timber for repairs ... 222 6 6 £42 9 6 „ Laying same ... ... 74 4 8 „ Piles and driving same ... 20 16 8 „ Kerosene Oil and Gas, and Account No. 7 — Splices, Nails, S(c. Gas Fittings at Port Chalmers 42 9 6 1871. £ s. d. Leather Hose, Spikes, &o. ... 32 1G 1 Oct. 7. Oliver and Ulph, Nails ... ... 7 7 0 Sundries ... ... ... 12 16 4 Nov. 17. „ Hose, Old Jetty ... 9 6 0 Dec. 6. „ Spikes ... ... 4 12 0 £2,753 9 7 1872. Jan. 23. „ „ ... ... 2 10 8 1872. £ s. d. Mar. 16. „ „ ... ... 518 8 Mar. 31. By Balance (deficiency) ... 415 5 1 31. Thomson Brothers ... ... 2 12 5 Pboudfoot, Oliteb, and TJipn. £32 16 1 30th April, 1872. Account No. B— Sundries. Appendix to Income and Expenditure Account of 1871. £s. d. Dunedin and Poet Ciialmees Jetties for Half-year Dec. 4. H. "Wise, Stationery ... ... 017 0 ending 31st March, 1872. 11. How, Repairing Crane ... ... 12 6 Account No. I—lnterest Account, Jan. 5. Graham, Notice Board 3 5 0 On Capital Expended and Employed in construction of 9. Repairing Crane (Hull) ... ... 0 6 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway. 18. Livingston,Stationery ... ... 110 & £ s. d. 22. Coals, Secretary's Office ... ... 14 1 1871. October ... ... 25,950 ... 239 13 4 Feb.s. Hull, repairs ... .. ... 112 9 „ November... ... 41,200 ... 274 13 4 Mar. 4. Appleby, Cartage ... ... 38 0 „ December ... ... 48,350 ... 322 6 9 1872. January ... ... 55,885 ... 372 11 4 £12 16 4 „ February ... ... 57,250 ... 383 6 9 „ March ... ... 60,196 ... 401 6 0 £1,993 17 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers Jetties. Account No. 2 — Salaries. £ s. d. „.-,,, ~ T. Battson ... ... 106 0 0 For "1X Months ending 30th September, £ s. d. Grant, jr., to 21st Nov., 1871 '.'.'. '.'.'. 2119 0 1872 ... ... ... 2,308 3 5 C. Hamilton, 15th Jan., 1872 ... ... 20 16 8 H. Christie, 31st Mar., 1872 ... ... 22 6 8 Expenditure. J. Faulds ... ... ... ... 2 0 0 Salaries at Dunedin and Port £ s. d. W. Carter ... ... ... ... 53 0 0 Chalmers 334 12 8 McMillan ... ... ... ... 53 0 0 Repairs, Lighting, &c. ... 360 1 8 G. Grant, Collector 75 0 0 694 14 4 £354 2 4 £1,613 9 1 „ wo m- z j • t. • ~T~TZ Dunedin, 30th September, 1872. Account 2so. 3— Timber used in Repairs of Jetties. lliin^c^L%, ::: ::: il\l\ ?™aa™™*o^o, Dr. to. Proudfoot, Olitee, and TJiph. Feet. Interest on £65,000 for one £ s. d. Rattray Street ... ... ... ... 832 month at 8 per cent. ... 433 6 8 Jetty Street ... ... ... ... 9,245 Interest on £70,000 for five Stuart Street ... ... ... ... 16,6705 months at 8 per cent. ... 2,333 6 8 Steamboat Jetty ... ... ... 1,2392 Pelichetßay ... ... ... ... 500 £2,766 3 4 Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 11,71Op5 Cash paid McDermid for Timber, omitted in previous account 11 2 0 40,197 2,777 15 4 Account No. 4. £ s. d. Cr. Mar. 31. Jenkins, Laying Timber on Dunedin By Timber overcharged in pre- £ s. d. Jetties ... ... ... 59 0 11 vious account 43 18 1 Paid Jackson for Laying Timber at Cash received from Jetty Dues 1,613 9 1 Port Chalmers ... ... 15 3 9 1,657 1 2 £74 4 8 £1,120 8 2 2—E. 7a.



Dunedin and Poet Chaimees Jetties. Account of Income and Expenditure of Dunedin Expenditure for Half-year ending 30th September, 1872. Jetties for Six Months ending Salaries. 30th September, 1871. £ s. d. £ s. d. Income. For month ending 30th April 55 10 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. „ „ 31st May 57 10 0 By Collections in April, 1871... 41318 2 „ „ 30th June 41 13 4 „ May „ ... 2CB 110 31st July 51 5 0 „ Juno „ ... 196 811 „ „ 31st August 50 11 0 „ July „ ... 324 310 „ „ 30th Sept. 54 3 4 „ Aug. „ ... 267 6 6 310 12 8 „ Sept. „ ... 329 310 Timler and Laying. -^ . » T _, ~, *»f» J ' , , n ■• 13alance ot Income over .Expenditure m „,..,.. oe ,8A n S> account rendered to 31st March, 1871 ... 28 910 Guthne and Asher 25 10 0 % X I £1,827 12 11 Expenditure. £80 13 0 £ 8. d. Jenkins, Labour 9 14 To Progressive Interest, on ,j ... ... 22 10 7 Monthly Expenditure, per 112 4 11 Account No. 1 ... ...1,01115 0 Sundries. » Salaries, per Account No. 2 380 810 g -, „ Timber and Jetty Office, per Oliver and Ulph, Nails, &c. ... 84 8 T Ac. co™? N.°- 3•■ ■ ._ ••: ™G a 3 g 1 ' qjj ' 912 0 " mSTimber,AccountNo. 4 86 10 2 " Nails Ac q -it » Ironmongery, Oil, Cartage, CartingEubbish ' Z 3lg 0 &c, per Account No. 5 ... 3311 6 Oliver and Ulph, Kerosene Oil, i 'UJB J v Nails, &c 6 10 0 „ , Petty Disbursements 413 8 «. .. . . . . ,„ ._ . , » _ or /7 o Of which m hands of Provincial *° ' J Government ... ... 72 15 9 Fort Chalmers Jetty. Of which in hands of Lessees ... 56 8 2 £ s. a. E. Thompson, Salary 24 0 0 £129 3 11 Timber and Piles, as per account 124 14 6 Jackson Brothers, Labour ... 68 9 6 McGregor, Ironwork 6 15 0 Lighting 10 0 0 Nails 1 10 0 £235 9 0 Appendix. £694 14 4 Account No. 1. Inteeest Account on Capital Expended and Emploted in Coksteuction of Dunedin and Poet Chalmees . „ -„ , ~, „ x _ Eailwat and Works for six Months ending 30th Account of Eeceipts and Expendituee of Jetty Line q sn t» m i,». is'7i for naif-year ending 31st March 1873. September, 1871. (Interest at 8 per cent.) ■E>r- On Amount of £ S. d. Capital. Interest. To Cash received at Dunedin and Port £ £ b. d. Chalmers ... ... ... ... 2,274 2 7 From Ist April to Ist May 1871 10,870 132 9 0 „ May „ June „ 21,450 143 0 0 tr- „ „ June „ July ~ 23,650 157 12 0 -n <si•» srs A' a " July " Au S- » 26 >320 175 9 ° By Salaries .. ... 368 13 4 A g t _ 29100 lg4 Q Q „ Eepairs, Lighting, &c. ... 98 8 9 Sept. to3oth Sept. „ 31,580 209 5 0 „ Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, arrears of Interest 1,133 0 7* Amount of Interest ... £1,01115 0 „ Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph 673 19 11 ' 2,274 2 7 Dunedin, 9th April, 1873. Account No. 2. I certify that I have examined the above Accounts, and Salaey Account for Six Months, compared them with the books and vouchers, and find & 8- d. them correct. F. Battson ... ... 105 6 8 J. Sfening. George Grant, jun. ... 75 0 0 15th April, 1873. W. Carter 54 16 8 A. McMillan ... ... 49 5 6 E. Gibson, Port Chalmers ... 12 10 0 E. Johnston, temporary ... 8 10 0 Accounts of Eeceipts and Expendituee of Jetty Dues Mr. Grant, Collector of Dues 75 0 0 for Half-year ending 31st March, 1873. Dr £380 8 10 £ s d To Cash received at Dunedin and Port Account No. 3. Chalmers 2,274 8 f ' " _. . . * 6- <*. Total Quantity of Timber used m Eepairs of "" Jetties during Six Months ending 30tli ___, . ~ o ,Sl d; September was 22.209J feet, at 16s. ... 177 13 G By Salaries ... ... 368 13 4 „ Eepairs, Lighting, &c. ... 98 8 9 And used on various Jetties as under :— „ Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, Jetty Street Jetty ... ... 12,322J Interest, arrears of ...1,133 0 7 Stewart Street Jetty ... ... 7,602J „ Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, Port Chalmers Jetty ... ... 1,000 Interest, arrears of ... 673 19 11 Eattray Street Jetty ... ... 775 i 2,274 2 7 Pelichet Bay Jetty ... ... 457 Dunedin, 9th April, 1873. Steamboat Jetty ... ... 52 * This amount has been drawn in error. It should have ben A l J?oo onoi JC1.120 Bs. 2d. There is therefore a balance due to the Jetty Guarantee aDOVe ... ... */^4,^UJ 2 Account by us of £12 12s. sd.—P., 0., and U.



Account No 3—continued. Account No. 6. £ s. d. & s. d. Expended on Ironmongery, Oil, Cartage, &c, as under: — Brought forward 177 13 G 1871. £s. d. Timber, Doors, and Windows for May 15. H. Appleby, Carting Sweepings ... 2 2 0 Clerks' Room at Rattray Street June 14. Oliver and Ulph, Nails, Spikes, &c. 6 13 <J Jetty ... ... ... 600 22. Jackson, P. C, Repair of Trucks ... 215 10 Contract for putting up' samo ... 210 0 26. McKerras, Kerosene for Lamps ... 8 8 0 810 0 Aug. 8. MeKerras, Kerosene for Lamps ... 440 Sept. 9. McKerras, Keroseno for Lamps ... 216 0 £186 3 6 9. H. Appleby, Carting Sweepings ... 316 0 Sept. 30. Hull and Co., Iron Bolts ... ... 24 3 Account No. 4. „ „ „ Repairing Crane, &o. 0 11 8 Paid, Laying Timber on various Jetties, as ~~e~o above, and for Inspecting and Repairing *33 11 0 Jetties for period ... ... ... £86 10 2

No. 25. Mr. Higginson to the Engineer-in-Chief. Sir,— Dunedin, 28th April, 1873. I beg to forward herewith a list of contractors' plant and material lying on Port Chalmers Bailway, as valued by Henry Driver, Esq. I also hand in another list, showing the quantity handed over to the Provincial authorities, and taken charge of by Mr. Simpson on their behalf, on Saturday, the 26th instant. Another list of articles and plant belonging to the Port Chalmers Railway I handed over to Mr. Rolfe, the Traffic Manager, at the request of His Honor the Superintendent. That gentleman has received them, and signed the list on behalf of the Provincial Government. I have, &c, H. P. Higginson, John Carruthers, Esq., Engineer-in-Chief. Superintendent Engineer.

Enclosure 1 in No. 25. Particulars of Valuation of Plant and Materials, Port Chalmers Railway, 22nd April, 1873. Twelve wheelbarrows, 12 parts of do., 1 set points complete, 1 stone breaker 20 x 9 complete, 1 do. do. 15 x 7 do., 3 complete sets of plate-layer's tools with 4 small trucks, 1 steam crane complete, 3 ballast boxes, 6 water tanks fixed for watering engine with hose and 400 feet piping, 1 dobbin cart, 1 do. broken, 1 portable forge, 1 pair 36-in. blacksmith's bellows, 1 vice (1201b.), 2 anvils, 25 pairs smith's tongs, a lot of bolts and nuts (325 lbs.), 4 cwt. scrap iron, 320 lbs. cast steel, 3j cwt. bar iron, 24 driving picks, 230 lbs. mason's picks and jumpers, 31 punches and setts, 24 bolsters and punches, 1 drill brace, 1 pair 12-in. callipers, 12 lbs. horse shoe nails, 1 pair farrier's pinchers, 4 files and 1 rasp, 1 coupling screw, 8 pairs hinges for waggons, 25 gals. coal, tar, 3 water casks, 1 blacksmith's bench, 1 set truck wheels and axles, 24 shoes for piles, 1 waggon axle, 5 cwt. scrap iron, 6 pile rings, 20 cwt. 3 qrs. 12 lbs. coil chain, 14 cwt. bolt ends, 6 barrow wheels, 10 empty oil drums, 42 kegs spikes (1 cwt.), 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 15£ casks Portland cement, 25 gals, coal tar, 1 half-bar. Stockholm tar, 1 keg anti-friction grease, 3 cwt. 1 qr. 11 lbs. bar and rod iron, 5 cwt. 1 qr. pile rings, 2 cwt. bolts and nuts, 20 cwt. 3 qrs. pedestals and tipplers, 2 pairs waggon hinges, 4 picks, 3 sledge hammers, 1 axle, 2 hydraulic rail benders, 5 crowbars, 65 lbs. bolts, 360 lbs. coil rope, 1 sledge hammer, 11 picks, 2 pairs timber dogs, 6 tar brushes, 20 empty oil drums, 1 drum Colza oil, 1 wheelbarrow (damaged), 1 grindstone and frame, 1 carpenter's bench, 1 vice (25 lbs.), lot tools, spirit level, 6 tower bolts, &c.; 2 boxes screws, 3 cwt. 3 qrs. 8 lbs. springs, 2 ladders, 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 56 lbs. C S clout nails (galvanized), 25 lbs. glue, 12 picks, 7 lbs. lamp black, 3 lamp glasses, 50 coils fuse, 100 feet 25-in. rubber belting, 4 bass brooms, 2 kegs cut nails, 12 lbs. Manila rope, 10 lbs. hemp rope, 1 office desk, 2 sets blast furnaces with horse power, 4 cwt. bolts and nuts, 79 cwt. 3 qrs. bar and rod iron, 4 kegs spikes, 86 lbs. chain, 10 cwt. bolt ends, 3 gross 1-in. washers, 2 stable lanterns, 1 crowbar, 5 cwt. ironwork for waggons, 3 cwt. scrap iron, 1 level, 1 old wheelbarrow, 5 cwt. cast steel, 35 dozen cast steel picks, 150 ft. 6-in. rubber belting, 3 cwt. 2 qrs. rod iron, 1 cwt. 2 qrs. bar steel, 27 quarry hammers, 50 lbs. bolts and nuts, 3 coupling chains, 3 tail chains, 9 stove rakes, 2 cwt. scrap iron, lot screws, nut-moulds, &c.; 7 cwt. 3 qrs. coil chain, 10 gross 22-in. screws, 6 cwt. iron, lot tools, plate dies, brands, &c, &c.; 1 vice (35 lbs.), 1 pair 30 in. bellows, 2 crowbars, 1 anvil, 1 iron block, 100 coils chain, 4Jj cwt. steel jumpers, 41 picks, 3 wooden levers, 2 hand carts, lot galvanized roofing iron, 2 iron tanks, 60 feet rubber hose, 1 2^-in. brass tap, lot harness, 1 coupling chain, 2 cwt. bolts and dogs, 1 cart, 1 crowbar, 2 cwt. 3 qrs. 16 lbs. tallow and cask, 1 stove and piping, 1 office table, 1 paper case, 1 copying press, 1 tin case, 1 stove, office fittings, 1 large iron shaft and 2 iron wheels, 1 Milner's safe, 2 chains (surveyor's), 1 small level, 1 7-ton crane incomplete, 1 5-ton do. complete, 1 2-ton do. complete, 1 pile driver with monkey and treble crab complete, 1 do. do. complete, 1 do. do. complete, 1 spare monkey, iron house at Port Chalmers, framed small house do., stable do., offices and shed at Dunedin, blacksmith's shop, chimney, &c, Port Chalmers; stable at Blanket Bay, 9 old boxes,



1 ballast screen, 20 tressals, lot oats, bran, chaff, hay, and straw; 6 spring bars, 1 sledge, 3 feed boxes, lot cart harness, 1 bay gelding " Star," 1 black do. " Champion," 1 do. mare " Nelly," 1 grey horse " Jack," 2 extra gates with 4 wickets, 2 pairs 10 x 12 sashes, 2 do. gates, 2 wheels and axles for contractors' trucks, 5 contractors' waggons, 2 wheels and 3 axles do., 1 old frame, 3 pairs wheels and axles (5 ft. 9in. gauge), 1 broken trolly, 1 wheel and axle, 4 contractors' trucks, 7 do. do., 5 do. do., 1 do. do., 2 do. do., 1 do. do., 4 do. do., 2 truck bodies, parts of 3 trucks, 14 wheels, 5 axles, 3 truck bodies, 1 pair wheels, &c, &c.; 1 punt, dismantled steamer, 4 punts (Oregon timber), 1 boat, 1 dingy, 50 tons 8 cwt. 2 qrs. 20 lbs. contractors' rails, 36,908 feet red pine (Ist), 15,470 feet black pine (Ist), 22,470 feet do. do. (2nd), lot do. do. (inferior quality), 9,639 feet blue gum (market cut), 38,797 feet do. (large), 17,090 feet Oregon (Ist), lot of do. (damaged), 13,617 feet sawn Jarrah (Ist), 490 pieces foundation blocks, 1,649 feet Jarrah piles (lineal), 2,782 feet blue gum piles (do.), 7,787 feet iron bark do. (do.), 400 dressed pickets (5£ feet), 25 manuka posts, 1,000 feet sup. T and G white pine (lin.), 1,000 feet do. do. black do., 1,000 feet do. do. Oregon, 78,000 bricks, 18 tons coals, 2 staffs, 1 theodolite, 1 large level. The foregoing is a list of the plant and material, &c, pointed out to me, all of which I have valued separately; and I hereby certify the total to amount to the sum of £9,500. The timber and bricks I have had measured and counted by Mr. Peter Seith, an authorized measurer. It was impossible personally to get correct count of the contractors' rails and the coals within the time allowed, and I had to take the statements of the contractors' foreman. I however believe them to be correct, but the Government should, if it thinks proper, satisfy itself as to the quantity in these two items, and if it should prove incorrect, I can add or deduct from the item as the case may be. If any item is objected to as a whole, I can at mutual request, deduct it from the whole. £ s. d. Valuation commission .. .. .. .. .. 237 10 0 Expenses measuring, &c. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 £277 10 0 Deduct one-half .. .. .. .. .. 138 15 0 £138 15 0 Dunedin, 22nd April, 1873. £ s. d. Amount of award as above .. .. .. .. 9,500 0 0 Less amount value of water tanks, pipes, &c, at St. Leonard's 60 0 0 £9,440 0 0 Henry Driver. Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph, 26th April, 1873.

Enclosure 2 in No. 25. Memorandum of Plant and Materials, Port Chalmers Railway, April, 1873. Twelve wheelbarrows, 12 parts ditto, 1 set of points complete, 1 stone breaker 20 x 9, 1 ditto 15 x 7, 3 complete sets of plate-layer's tools with 4 small trucks, 1 steam crane complete, 3 ballast boxes, 6 water tanks fixed to water engine with hose and 400 feet piping, 1 dobbin cart (broken), 1 pair 36-in. smith's bellows, 1 vice (120 lbs.), 2 anvils, 25 pairs smith's tongs, iron bolts and nuts (325 lbs.), 4 cwt. scrap iron, 320 lbs. cast steel, 3y cwt. bar iron, 24 driving picks, 230 lbs. mason's picks and jumpers, 31 punches and setts, 24 bolsters and punches, 1 drill brace, 1 pair 12-in. callipers, 12 lbs. horse shoe nails, 1 pair farrier's pinchers, 4 files and 1 rasp, 1 coupling screw, 8 pairs hinges for waggons, 25 gallons coal tar, 3 water casks, 1 blacksmith's bench, 1 set truck wheels and axles, 24 shoes for piles, 1 waggon axle, 5 cwt. scrap iron, 6 pile rings, 20 cwt. 3 qrs. 12 lbs. coil chain, 14 cwt. bolt ends, 6 barrow wheels, 10 empty oil drums, 42 kegs spikes (1 cwt.), 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 15| casks Portland cement, 25 gallons coal tar, I^-barrel Stockholm tar, 1 keg anti-friction grease, 3 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs. bar and rod iron, 5 cwt. 1 qr. pile rings, 2 cwt. bolts and nuts, 20 cwt. 3 qrs. pedestal and tipplers, 2 pair waggon hinges, 4 picks, 2 sledge hammers, 1 axle, 2 hydraulic rail benders, 5 crowbars, 65 lbs. bolts, 360 lbs. coil rope, 1 sledge hammer, 11 picks, 1 pair timber dogs, 6 tar brushes, 20 empty oil drums, 1 drum Colza oil, 1 wheelbarrow (damaged), 1 grindstone and frame, 1 carpenter's bench, 1 vice (25 lbs.), lot tools, spirit level, 6 tower bolts, &c.; 2 boxes screws, 3 cwt. 3 qrs. 8 lbs. springs, 2 ladders, 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 56 lbs. C S clout nails, 25 lbs. glue, 12 picks, 7 lbs. lamp black, 3 lamp glasses, 50 coils fuse, 100 feet 2^-inch rubber belting, 4 bass brooms, 2 kegs cut nails, 12 lbs. Manila rope, 10 lbs. hemp ditto, 1 office desk, 2 sets blast furnaces with horse power, 4 cwt. bolts and nuts, 79 cwt. 3 qrs. bar and rod iron, 4 kegs spikes, 86 lbs. chain, 10 cwt. bolt ends, 3 gross 1-in. washers, 2 stable lanterns, 1 crowbar, 5 cwt. ironwork for waggons, 3 cwt. scrap iron, 1 level, 1 old wheelbarrow, 5 cwt. cast steel, 35 dozen cast steel picks, 150 feet 6-in. rubber belting, 3 cwt. 2 qrs. rod iron, 1 cwt. 2 qrs. bar steel, 27 quarry hammers, 50 lbs. bolts and nuts, 3


E.~- 7a,

coupling chains, 3 tail chains, 9 stove rakes, 2 cwt. scrap iron, lot screws, nuts, moulds, &c.; 7 cwt. 3 qrs. coil chain, 10 gross 2|-in. screws, 6 cwt. iron, lot tools, plates, dies, brands, &c.; 1 vice (35 lbs.), 1 pair 30-in. bellows, 2 crowbars, 1 anvil, 1 iron block, 100 lbs. coil chain, 4| cwt. steel jumpers, 41 picks, 3 levers (wooden), 2 hand carts, lot galvanized iron roofing, 2 iron tanks, 60 feet rubber hose, 1 25-in. brass tap, lot harness, coupling chain, 2 cwt. bolts and dogs, 1 cart, 1 crowbar, 2 cwt. 3 qrs. 16 lbs. tallow and cask, 1 stove and piping, office table, paper case, copying press, tin case, 1 stove, office fittings, 1 large iron shaft and 2 wheels, 1 Milncr's safe, 18 tons coal, 1 theodolite, 1 large level, 2 staffs, 2 chains (surveyor's), 1 small level, 1 7-ton crane (incomplete), 1 5-ton ditto complete, 1 2-ton ditto complete, 1 pile driver with monkey and treble crab, 1 ditto ditto, 1 ditto ditto, 1 spare monkey, iron house at Port Chalmers, framed small ditto ditto, stable ditto, offices and shed, Dunedin; blacksmith's shop, chimney, &c, Port Chalmers ; stable at Blanket Bay, 9 old boxes, 1 ballast screen, 20 tressals, lot oats, bran, chaff, hay and straw; 6 spring bars, 1 sledge, 3 feed boxes, lot cart harness, 1 bay gelding "Star," 1 black ditto "Champion," 1 black marc "Nelly," 1 grey horse "Jack," 2 extra gates with 4 wickets, 2 pairs 10 x 12 sashes, 2 pairs gates, 2 pairs wheels and axles for contractors' trucks, 5 contractors' waggons, 2 wheels and 3 axles for contractors' trucks, 1 old frame, 3 pairs wheels and axles (5 ft. 9 in. gauge), 1 broken trolly, 1 wheel and axle, 4 contractors' trucks, 7 ditto ditto, 5 ditto ditto, 1 ditto ditto, 2 ditto ditto, 1 ditto ditto, 4 ditto ditto, 2 truck bodies, parts of 3 trucks, 14 wheels, 5 axles, 3 truck bodies, 1 pair wheels, 1 punt, dismantled steamer, 4 punts Oregon timber, 1 boat, 1 dingy, 50 tons 8 cwt. 2 qrs. 23 lbs. contractors' rails, 1 dobbin cart, 1 portable forge.

Enclosure 3 in No. 25. Memorandum, Plant and Materials, Port Chalmers Railway, April, 1873. Twelve wheelbarrows, 12 parts of wheelbarrows, 1 set points complete, 1 stone breaker complete (20 x 9), 1 stone breaker complete (15 x 7), 3 complete sets plate-layer's tools with 4 small trucks, 1 steam crane complete, 3 ballast boxes, 1 dobbin cart, 1 portable forge, 1 dobbin cart (broken), 1 pair 36-in. smith's bellows, 1 vice (120 lbs.), 2 anvils, 25 pairs smith's tongs, lot bolts and nuts (325 lbs.), 4 cwt. scrap iron, 320 lbs. cast steel, 3£ cwt. bar iron, 24 driving picks, 320 lbs. mason's picks and jumpers, 31 punches and setts, 24 bolsters and punches, 1 drill brace, 1 pair 12-in. callipers, 12 lbs. horse shoe nails, 1 pair farrier's pinchers, 4 files and 1 rasp, coupling screw, 8 pairs hinges for waggons, 25 gallons coal tar, 3 water casks, 1 blacksmith's bench, 1 set truck wheels and axles, 24 shoes for piles, 1 waggon axle, 5 cwt. scrap iron, 6 pile rings, 20 cwt. 3 qr. 12 lbs. coil chain, 14 cwt. bolt ends, 6 barrow wheels, 10 empty oil drums, 42 kegs spikes (1 cwt), 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 15^ casks Portland cement, 25 gallons coal tar, 1 Stockholm tar, 1 keg anti-friction grease, 3 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs. bar and rod iron, 5 cwt. 1 qr. pile rings, 20 cwt. 3 qrs. pedestal and tipplers, 2 cwt. bolts and nuts, 2 pair waggon hinges, 4 picks, 2 sledge hammers, 1 axle, 2 hydraulic rail benders, 5 crowbars, 65 lbs. bolts, 360 lbs. coil rope, 1 sledge hammer, 11 picks, 1 pair timber dogs, 6 tar brushes, 20 empty oil drums, 1 drum colza oil, 1 wheelbarrow (damaged), 1 grindstone and frame, 1 carpenter's bench, 1 vice (25 lbs.), lot tools, spirit level, tower bolts, &c.; 2 boxes screws, 3 cwt. 3 qrs. 8 lbs. springs, 2 ladders, 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 56 lbs. CS. clout nails, 25 lbs. glue, 12 picks, 7 lbs. lamp black, 3 lamp glasses, 50 coils fuse, 100 feet 25-inch rubber belting, 4 bass brooms, 2 kegs cut nails, 12 lbs. Manila rope, 10 lbs. hemp rope, 1 office desk, 2 sets blast furnaces with horse power, 4 cwt. bolts and nuts, 79 cwt. 3 qrs. bar and rod iron, 4 kegs spikes, 86 lbs. chain, 10 cwt. bolt ends, 3 gross 1-in. washers, 2 stable lanterns, 1 crowbar, 5 cwt. ironwork for waggons, 3 cwt. scrap iron, 1 level, 1 old wheelbarrow, 5 cwt. cast steel, 35 dozen cast steel picks, 150 feet 6-in. rubber belting, 3 cwt. 2 qrs. rod iron, 1 cwt. 2 qrs. bar steel, 27 quarry hammers, 50 lbs. bolts and nuts, 3 coupling chains, 3 tail chains, 9 stove rakes, 2 cwt. scrap iron ; lot screws, nuts, moulds, &c.; 7 cwt. 3 qrs. coil chain, 10 gross 2^-in. screws, 6 cwt. iron; lot tools, plates, dies, brands, &c.; 1 vice (35 lbs.), 1 pair 30-in. bellows, 2 crowbars, 1 anvil, 1 iron block, 100 lbs. coil chain, 4-\ cwt. steel jumpers, 41 picks, 3 levers (wooden), 2 hand carts, lot galvanized roofing iron, 2 iron tanks, 60 feet rubber hose, 1 2^-in. brass tap, lot harness, coupling chain, 2 cwt. bolts and dogs, 1 cart, 1 crowbar, 2 cwt. 3 qrs. 16 lbs. tallow and cask, 1 stove and piping, office table, paper case, copying press, tin case, 1 stove, office fittings, 1 large iron shaft and 2 wheels, 1 Milner's safe, 18 tons coals, 1 theodolite, 1 large level, 2 staffs, 2 chains (surveyor's), 1 small level, 1 7-ton crane incomplete, 1 5-ton crane complete, 1 2-ton crane complete, 1 pile driver with monkey and treble crab complete, 1 pile driver with monkey and treble crab complete, 1 pile driver with monkey and treble crab complete, 1 spare monkey, iron house at Port Chalmers, framed small house at Port Chalmers, stable at Port Chalmers ; offices and shed, Dunedin; blacksmith's shop, chimney, &c, Port Chalmers ; stable, Blanket Bay ; 9 old boxes, 1 ballast screen, 20 trcssals; lot oats, bran, chaff, hay, and straw ; 6 spring bars, 1 sledge, 3 feed boxes, lot cart harness; 1 bay gelding, "Star;" 1 black gelding, "Champion;" 1 black mare, "Nelly;" 1 grey horse, "Jack;" 2 extra gates, with 4 wickets; 2 pairs 10 x 12 sashes, 2 pairs gates, 2 pairs wheels and axles for contractors' trucks, 5 contractors' waggons, 2 wheels and 3 axles for contractors' trucks, 1 old frame, 3 pairs wheels and axles (sft. 9in. gauge), 1 broken trolly, 1 wheel and axle, 4 contractors' trucks, 7 contractors' trucks, 5 contractors' trucks, 1 contractors' truck, 2 contractors' trucks, 1 contractors' truck, 4 contractors' trucks, 2 truck



bodies, parts of 3 trucks; 14 wheels, 5 axles, 3 truck bodies, 1 pair wheels, &c.; 1 punt, dismantled steamer, 4 punts (Oregon timber), 1 boat, 1 dingy, 50 tons 8 cwt. 2. qrs. 23 lbs. contractors' rails. The above handed over to Mr. Simpson on behalf of the Provincial Government, with the following exceptions : — 24 Shoes for piles, 6 pile rings, 42 kegs spikes, 6 cwt. bolts and nuts, 3 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs. bar and rod iron, 5 cwt. 1 qr. pile rings, 4 cwt. bolts and nuts, 79 cwt. 3 qrs. bar and rod iron, 10 cwt. bolt ends, 3 gross 1-in. washers, 3 pile drivers monkeys and crabs complete, 1 spare monkey, sufficient chain for the above pile drivers, 4 punts, 1 boat, 1 dingy. Plant, Temporary use of which only required. 1 5-ton derrick crane, 24 contractors' waggons, 20 tons service rails. H. P. Higginson, D. L. Simpson. 26th April, 1873. Stationery. 3 ledgers, 2 cash books, 2 journals, 2 foolscap books, 6 press copy books, 2 quarto guard books, 1 diary, 1 copying book, 12 demy Bvo. memorandum books, 4 Norie's measurement books, 2 gross pen-holders, 12 gross pens, 1 gross pencils, 3 dozen pencils, each red and blue; 6 boxes elastic bands, 2 eyelet presses, 3 boxes eyelets, 1 box paper fasteners, 1 dozen binding studs, each 2, 3, 4; 2 portfolios, 1 dozen erasers, 2 black notice boards, 2 damping wells, 2 damping brushes, 3 lbs. red wax, 1 lb. green wax, 6 porcelain slates; No. 1, 5,000 luggage labels, D to PC; No. 2, 5,000 luggage labels, PCtoD; No. 3, 4 goods cash books; No. 4, 12 collecting books ; No. 5, 6 train books; No. 6, 6 parcel cash books ; No. 7, 500 pay bills; No. 8, 6 passage cash books; No. 9, 4 order books; No. 10, 1,000 parcels tickets—up; No. 11, 1,000 ditto ditto, down; No. 12, 6 parcels receipt books; No. 13, 4 goods ditto ditto; No. 14, 2 train time books —up; No. 15, 2 ditto ditto, cash —down; No. 16, 4 parcels receipt books ; No. 17, 2 goods warehouse ditto; No. 18, 80 books excess luggage; No. 19, 5,000 statements daily receipts; No. 20, 4 books advice of goods; No. 21, 1,000 telegraph forms; No. 22, 2,000 memorandum forms; No. 23, 12 books parcels invoices; No. 24, 2 books receipt for Company; No. 25, 2 ditto for public; No. 26, 20,000 receipt forms; No. 27, 2,000 ditto ditto, Port Chalmers; No. 28, 6 books goods received; No 29, 25,000 parcels way-bills; No. 30, 5,000 goods ditto; No. 31, 5,000 consignment notices; No. 32, 3,000 goods invoices, assorted, small and middling; 1 dozen ink stands; 4 dozen oil sheets; 2 ditto ditto foolscap; 4 ditto drying ditto; 2 ditto ditto ditto foolscap; 2 gum bottles; 3 reams note paper, headed; 3 ditto ditto large; 5 ditto letter ditto; 1 ditto superfine ditto; 3 ditto large cream note; 1 ditto bank post; 10,000 No. 6 envelopes; 5,000 cream ditto; 1,000 official ditto; 500 bank ditto, No. 2; 500 official ditto, No. 2; 1 quire demy carbonized paper; 1 ditto semi ditto ditto; 1 ream pink blotting; 2 dozen foolscap letter clips ; 1 case, 6 gross, cardboards for tickets; 20,000 tickets, first class, Dto PC; 20,000 ditto, second class, ditto ditto; 20,000 ditto, first class return; 20,000 ditto, second class, ditto ditto; 20,000 ditto, first class, PC to D; 20,000 ditto, second class, ditto ditto; 20,000 ditto, first class return; 20,000 ditto, second class ditto; 6 dating presses; 4 upright issuing cases; 16 bottles, pints, black ink; 16 ditto ditto copying ditto; 4 ditto ditto red ditto; 4 ditto ditto blue ditto; 1 shifting date stamp; 1 D and Pli stamp; 1 dozen ink for ditto; 9 Clark's patent hand tricolor signal lamps; 200 insulators; 200 galvanized bolts and sockets for insulators ; 1 dozen ticket plyers ; 1 dozen door keys; halfdozen spanners for fish bolts ; half-dozen tallow kettles ; 4 traversing screw jacks, 10 tons each; 1 kip chamois; 4 English clocks for stations; 6 sponges; 1 dozen locomotive buckets; 8 coils wire rope for signals, 10 cwt. 12 lbs.; 19 ditto telegraph wire, 8-ing., 30 cwt.; 1 ditto ditto ditto, 16-ing.; half-dozen stoking pans ; 2 wood callipers to take in 4£ feet; 6 sets distant signals, ironwork; 6 winchers for ditto; 2 sets station ditto ditto; 6 dozen galvanized pulleys; 6 ticket collectors' lamps; 2 guage lamps; 2 head lamps; 2 tail ditto; 12 platform ditto ; 6 lbs. wick ; 6 pairs buffers for terminals ; 2 locomotive wheels and axles ; 2 ditto ditto ditto; 1 complete set axle-box brasses; 4 glands and brushes for piston rods; 8 ditto and 4 ditto for valve rod; 6 stuffing boxes and 4 glands for regulators; 1 set of 8-pt. straps for connecting rods; 1 ditto 8 ditto coupling rods; 4 slide valves; 2 break screws and nuts; 1 righthand injector; 1 left ditto ditto; 500 brass tubes ; 100 ferrules; 4 window glasses ; 1 set of 4 conical drag springs; 8 brass rings for pistons; 4 bearing springs, with links, nuts, washers, pins, and VR springs; 4 vobite springs for bogie frame; 1 ton fire bar iron; 49 tarpaulin waggon covers; 6 sets ironwork for 30 cwt. wood cranes; 2 Avery's platform weighing machines, 20 cwt.; 1 ditto 10-ton waggon ditto ditto; 1 wrought double ended screw key, each 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18-inch; 2 copying presses, 18 x 12; 1 Guest and Chimes' stand pipe; 1 hand pipe; 1 f-inch jet; 1 2^-inch hose coupling; \ dozen f-inch bit cocks; 1 4-inch T-pipcs; 1 4-inch elbow ditto; 1 4-inch sluice valve; 1 4-inch bend; 2 4-iuch pipes, 4 feet long; 6 locomotive spring oil cans; 2 Liemin's telegraph dial instruments; 1 ticket-numbering machine ; 1 cutter. Received above on behalf of Provincial Government, Samuel Rolfe, Manager, Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway.



No. 26. Mr. Knowles to Mr. Murdoch. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1873. I am directed by the Hon. Mr. Richardson to forward to you the enclosed three copies of a deed of covenant for purchase of shares in the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, which be good enough to sign and seal with the seal of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), and return to me for completion. I have, &c, John Knowles, D. L. Murdoch, Esq., Auckland. Under Secretary.

No. 27. Mr. Murdoch to Mr. Knowles. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), Sir,— Auckland, 12th July, 1873. I beg to acknowledge your letter dated 21st June, No. 868, enclosing three copies of a deed of covenant for purchase of shares in the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, for execution by this Company, and I now beg to return them to you (duly executed) for completion. I shall be glad to receive one copy for this Company when in order. I have, &c., D. L. Murdoch, John Knowles, Esq., Under Secretary, Managing Director. Public Works Office, AVellington.

No. 28. Mr. Proudfoot to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway Company (Limited), Sir,— 23rd July, 1873. As promised by telegram, I herewith forward you copies of all the drawings of the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway I at present can find, but which I trust will be ample for your purpose. They comprise longitudinal section, cross sections, culverts, bridges, Dunedin station buildings, goods sheds, line through wharves and quays' reserve, transverse formation section, seven tracings parliamentary preliminary traverse of line, section of tunnel. Plan of rolling stock I could not get ready in time for this mail, but will let you have them complete by next steamer. Any further information you may require I shall be happy to give AVishing you every success, I have, &c, The Hon. E. Richardson. David Proudfoot. P.S. —Is there any probability of a good length of line being out soon. I regret I sold Dunedin aud Port Chalmers Railway. However, under the circumstances, I could scarcely do otherwise, too much power and interest having been given away in London.

No. 29. Under Secretary, Public Works, to Mr. Proudfoot. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 26th July, 1873. I am directed by the Hon. Mr. Bichardson to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 23rd instant, and the plans of Port Chalmers Railway therein mentioned as having been forwarded, and to express Mr. Richardson's thanks for the same. I have, &c, John Knowles, David Proudfoot, Esq., Dunedin. Under Secretary.

No. 30. Messrs. AVebb and Fulton to the Hon. Mr. Bichardson. Sir, — Dunedin, 7th April, 1873. AYe have the honor, as agents for responsible persons who are desirous of leasing the Port Chalmers and Clutha Bailways, to inquire whether the Government will entertain proposals in this direction. A negotiation which was pending between the Port Chalmers Eailway Company and ourselves has been closed by the sale of this line to the Government. AYe desire to repeat the pro-



posals made to the Company, the tenor of which has probably been made known to you, and to add to them an offer to work the Clutha line as fast as it is completed. We trust that the Government will be disposed to give fair consideration to these proposals, even though the suggested transactions should be of a character not hitherto contemplated. Your early reply will be a favour. We are, &c, The Hon. E. Richardson, Minister of Public Works. Webb and Fulton.

No. 31. Messrs. Webb and Fulton to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Sir, — Temple Chambers, Dunedin, 10th April, 1873. Referring to a conversation had with you by our Mr. AVebb, we now beg to state, for your information, the nature of the proposal for leasing certain lines of railway in this Province, which we are prepared to make to the Government. We lately made the following offer to the Port Chalmers Railway Company, viz.:—To lease the line from them for fourteen years, at a rental of £13,500 per annum, taking from them at a valuation (and paying cash for) the rolling stock, stores, and moveable plant connected with the line. The conditions to this offer were, that the railway pier should be completed according to the original design for it, and that the Company should expend at least £20,000 on further wharfage accommodation at the port, on plans to be agreed upon, and that the rolling stock, &c, should be taken off the hands of the lessees at the end of the term at a valuation. The lessees would undertake to maintain the line, buildings, &c, in good order, to the satisfaction of the Provincial Engineer, and leave them thus at the end of the term, depositing, as a guarantee for performance of their part of the contract, £5,000 in the hands of the Company during the whole term. This offer we are prepared to repeat to the Government, subject to the position of the lessees, in regard to exemption from jetty dues, being the same as that hitherto enjoyed by the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway Company; or, in case these privileges cannot be given, we will submit a modified offer; and we are generally empowered to treat with the Government for a lease of the Port Chalmers line, should the terms now suggested not meet the views of the Government. We are also prepared, in the event of a lease of the Port Chalmers Railway being granted to our constituents, to lease the Dunedin and Clutha and the Tokomairiro and Tuapeka Railways, and from time to time, as portions of these lines are completed, to enter upon them, and work them at a proportionate rental to that which may be agreed upon for the whole. For these railways we should suggest that the rental should be seven per cent, per annum upon the ascertained actual cost of the lines, with conditions as to rolling stock, &c, similar to those offered in the case of the Port Railway. Should the Government entertain the proposal to let these lines, we feel sure that we shall be able to negotiate with you a contract which will be satisfactory as to details; also, that we shall be able to provide every guarantee that the public interest can demand, and to disclose principals who will be acceptable to the Government as competent and responsible lessees. We are, &c., The Hon. E. Richardson, Minister of Public Works. Webb and Fulton.

No. 32. Hon. Mr. Bichardson to Messrs. Webb and Fulton. Gentlemen, — Dunedin, 15th April, 1873. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 10th instant, on the subject of leasing certain lines of railway, and referring to our interview on 12th instant. I beg to state, with regard to the Dunedin and Port Chalmers Railway, it is now in the hands of the Superintendent of Otago. I also have to state that, under the existing state of the law, I am informed that the General Government have no power to lease any of the railways constructed by the Government except to the Superintendent of the Province in which they have been constructed, and that only from year to year. AVhilst thanking you for your offer, and being fully satisfied with the bond fides of the same, I beg to state that I shall take an early opportunity of laying it before the Government in Wellington, in order that, as you suggest, they may be informed that did the law admit of it there are persons here willing to lease the Government railways on fair terms. I have, &c., Messrs. Webb and Fulton, Temple Chambers, Dunedin. Edward Richardson.



No. 33. Messrs. Webb and Fulton to the Hon. Mr. Richardson. Sir,— Dunedin, 26th April, 1873. We are obliged by your letter of 15th instant, the tenor of which has caused us much disappointment, as we had hoped that an offer to lease the Port Chalmers, Clutha, and Tuapeka Railways would have been deemed of sufficient importance to lead you to abstain from actually concluding any arrangement with the Provincial Government until it had been considered by the Cabinet. It was in this view, and not merely, as you suggest, that the Government might "be informed that there are persons here willing to lease the railways on fair terms," that we asked that our letter might be placed before your honorable colleagues. We shall take it as a favour if, when you lay our offer before the Government, you will also submit the inquiry which we now make, viz.:—Whether, in the event of the Provincial Government consenting, the General Government will be prepared to seek powers from the Assembly to enable them to grant to our constituents a lease of the lines indicated, on such terms as may in such case be arranged. We are, &c, The Hon. E. Richardson, Minister of Public Works, AVebb and Fulton. Dunedin.

No. 34. Under Secretary, Public Works, to Messrs. Webb and Fulton. Gentlemen, — Public Works Office, AVellington, 9th May, 1873. I am directed by the Hon. Mr. Bichardson to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th April, relative to leasing the Dunedin Railway from the Government, and in reply, to inform you that Mr. Richardson will have much pleasure in complying with the request contained in the last paragraph of your communication. I have, &c, John Knowles, Messrs. AVebb and Fulton, Dunedin. Under Secretary.

No. 35. DuNEDIN AND POKT CIIALMERS RAILWAY. 1. Amount paid for line to Messrs. Proudfoot and Oliver, &c, £ s. d. £ s. d. Cash for line .. .. .. .. 75,000 0 0 Debentures ditto .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 Cash additional locomotives, rolling stock, &c. .. 2,500 0 0 177,500 0 0 2. Amount paid for extras and to whom paid,— Plant and material extra, Proudfoot, Oliver, and Ulph .. 9,440 0 0 3. Names of valuators and amount of remuneration paid,— H. Driver, one-half charges .. .. .. .. 138 15 0 4. Any moneys paid to other parties than those already referred to, stating the services rendered for such payments, — Travelling allowances, Hon. Mr. Bathgate .. £4 4 0 Travelling allowances and expenses, Mr. Higginson .. .. .. .. 18 0 9 Clerical assistance, Mr. Logic .. .. 4 0 0 Legal charges, Mr. Haggitt .. .. 1 2 10 27 7 7 £187,106 2 7 Public Works Office, 13th September, 1873. > By Authority: Geokgb Didsbtjxy, Government Printer. "Wellington. [Price Is.]

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DUNEDIN AND PORT CHALMERS RAILWAY, (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE PURCHASE OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-07a

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DUNEDIN AND PORT CHALMERS RAILWAY, (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE PURCHASE OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-07a

DUNEDIN AND PORT CHALMERS RAILWAY, (CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO THE PURCHASE OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1873 Session I, E-07a

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