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Office of the Commissioner of Telegraphs, g IB _ Wellington, 24th July, 1872. I have the honor to submit to.Tour Excellency a report as to the operations of the Telegraph Department of New Zealand during the year ended 30th June, 1872, being the Eighth Annual Eeport of the Department. I have, &c, Julius Vogel, His Excellency Sir George Eerguson Bowen, Commissioner of Telegraphs. K.C.M.G., &c, &c, &c, Governor of New Zealand.

EEPOET. The progress made during the past year in the extension of the Telegraph has been greater than in any former year ; tho larger increase to the business of the Department through the introduction of the Is. tariff becoming more apparent every day, and having already rendered it necessary in some places to increase the number of wires. The great increase in business may also be attributed in a measure to the opening of the line to Auckland, and also to the general revival of trade throughout the Colony. With the exception of New Plymouth, every town of any size is now included in the Telegraph System. EXTENSION OE LINES. The lines which were in course of construction at the date of the last report have been completed. They are as follow : — Tauranga to Kati Kati. This line was completed on the 30th January, and telegraphic communication was established with Wellington on the same day. The length of the line is thirty miles, and it runs round tho harbour from the town of Tauranga to Kati Kati. tip to the time when the extension was commenced, there had been no survey for a through road from Tauranga to Kati Kati. Travelling along the proposed line was therefore extremely difficult, as may be judged from the fact that there are thirteen tidal creeks, several patches of mudflats, and many narrow deep swamps within the thirty miles. By careful examination of the ground, a good and straight line has been secured. Care has also been taken to provide for the future rapid repair of the lino in case of casualties ; and, except the Wainui Eiver, there is nothing on the route to prevent, under ordinary circumstances, the quick completion of repairs. The single difficulty, it is to be hoped, will shortly be overcome, for it is understood that the road works now in progress between Tauranga and Kati Kati include a bridge across tho Wainui. As a protection against fire, fern ground in which it was necessary to place poles has been trenched, and rye grass and clover seed, mixed, have been sown round each pole, to a radius of 10 feet Patea to New Plymouth. This line still remains incomplete, there being twenty-five miles north of Opunake unfinished. During the year, the line has been extended twenty-two and a-half miles —from Now Plymouth to a point two and a-half miles south of Stoney Eiver, between which places communication was established on the 13th April; generally the line follows the road. In order to render communication between Stoney Eiver and Opunake as complete as possible, a telegraph mail service has been established, which leaves each place at noon daily, Sundays excepted, and arrives about 4 p.m. It is to be hoped that during the present year the Native opposition will be so far overcome as to permit of the line being finished. Akaroa Line. This line was completed on the 20th January, and communication was established on the same day. The length of the line is about fifty miles, and it runs, for the most part, along the coach-road between Akaroa and Christchurch. The line has been made as permanent as possible ; where it passes through. bush, additional clearings have been made, and only totara timber has been used for poles.


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Office accommodation at Akaroa was provided by adding three rooms to the buildings used as Eesident Magistrate's Court and Post Office. The cost of the line has been £2,409 16s. 7d. Details wiU be found in Table A. LINES PROJECTED AND FINISHED DURING THE YEAR. Third Wire, Dunedin to Oamaru. Owing to the great increase of business between Oamaru and Dunedin, and at intermediate stations, it was deemed prudent to run a third wire between the two places ; and the work was completed about the middle of April. It is intended, when necessary, to continue this wire to Christchurch. The length already in place is ninety-seven miles, including a branch wire to Kakanui. Details as to the cost of material and erection (including the insertion of new poles where necessary) are given in Table A. Kakanui Line. This branch runs from the main trunk line, about four miles south of Oamaru, and connects the township of Kakanui with the telegraph system. The length of the line is three and a half miles. The station was opened under a guarantee given by the New Zealand Meat Preserving Company. Nelson to Motueka. This line of twenty-two miles was erected at the request of the Provincial Government of Nelson, under guarantee. Starting from Nelson, the line skirts the msin road to Motueka as far as the foot of the Moutere Hills. Across those hills the line is not at any point out of sight from the road ; and from Moutere to Motueka it again ruus along the roadside. The bush clearings did not exceed a mile. The construction was commenced early in March last, and was completed on the 9th May ; communication being established on the 27th May. Pending the completion of the office at Motueka, premises have been rented. Since the line was started, the Nelson Government have made a further request for a station to be opened at Eichmond, about half way between Nelson and Motueka, and steps have been taken to comply with the request. It is intended to combine the duties of Postmaster and Telegraphist at Motueka and at Eichmond; and by one of the officers the duties of Lineman will also be performed. The construction was superintended by Mr. Walter Blake. The cost, &c, is stated in Table A. Second Wire between Napier and Tauranga. When it became certain that the line between Kati Kati and Grahamstown could be carried through without Native opposition, it was determined—in order to provide for the great increase of work likely to result from Auckland being brought into communication with the rest of the Colony — to add a second wire between Napier and Tauranga. The work between Tauranga and Taupo (110 miles) was commenced near the close of December, and was finished on the 13th Eebruary. The section between Taupo and Napier (ninety miles), was not completed until the end of May, partly owing to the line having to be shifted in many places to the road as now completed, which entailed extra clearing of bush to secure the wires from falling timber. The bush at many points was unusually heavy and dense, and the work generally was retarded by wet weather, as well as by the roughness of country through which it was necessary in places to go. Kati Kati to Grahamstown. This line was commenced on the Ist January, and communication between Auckland and Wellington, via Grahamstown, was established on the 12th April. The length of the line between Kati Kati and Grahamstown is forty-three miles. Erom Kati Kati the wires are carried along the coast, well back from the sea. After crossing the range at Waihi, it runs parallel with the coast through Mataora and Parakiwai to the main dividing range. This is crossed so that the line strikes the valley of the Thames at the Hikutaia Eiver. Thence to Omahu, flats and low hills only are crossed; and from Omahu the wires run near the Gold Eields line, until meeting the posts of the Auckland and Thames line, they are carried on them to the office at Grahamstown. The total length of bush clearing on this line is over seven miles and a half. Great care has been taken to make the line as strong as possible. The posts are of kauri and totara, the latter being used wherever practicable. Precautions against fire have been adopted as on the Tauranga and Kati Kati line. To facilitate the work of repair and inspection, side cuttings have been made over steep hills; across some of the creeks, bridges have been thrown; and swamps have been rendered passable for horsemen. The bush clearings are two chains wide, and trees that might, by falling, interrupt the working of the line, have been removed from each side of the cuttings. The carrying out of this most important line was intrusted to Mr. W. H. Eloyd, Electrician to the Department, whose constant and zealous attention to the work no doubt contributed greatly towards its completion eighteen days within the contract time. LINES IN OOUESE OF CONSTRUCTION. Waiau Line. This will be a branch from the main trunk line between Leithfield and Cheviot. It will start from Leithfield on the present poles, to the north bank of the Waipara; thence by new poles, along the Great North Eoad, through a fine, flat, and gently rolling country, to Waiau. The estimated distance from the Waipara to Waiau is about thirty-seven miles, or from Leithfield forty-three miles. Contracts have been entered into for the cartage of the poles and other material, and the erection is being carried on under the supervision of Mr. Blake. It is expected the line will be completed about the middle of July. Two stations are being erected, one at Hurunui, the other at Waiau. At each, the duties of the Postal and Telegraph Departments will be combined.


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Eeefton Line. This line will start from Greymouth ; follow the eastern bank of the Grey Eiver; cross the Ahaura, at which place a Post and Telegraph Station will be opened; and thence to Eeefton. The Grey will again be crossed about three miles eastward of the junction of the Mauhuariti. The estimated length of the lino is fifty miles, nearly forty miles being through bush. The construction, &c, is being carried on under the supervision of Mr. Bird ; and it is expected that the line will be completed about August. The station at Eeefton will be combined with the Post Office. COROMANDEL LINE. When the erection of this line was first contemplated, two routes were said to bo available for tho carrying of the wires between Grahamstown and Coromandel — one by the ranges, following the present bridle-track, and the other by the sea beach, or in close proximity to it. On inspection, so far as the actual examination of the country was possible, it was found that the route by the ranges would not only be most difficult, but very expensive. It was therefore determined to examine the beach route, which was found to be the better, not only on account of its being more accessible, but also as being seven miles shorter. The line, as projected, follows the coast, but cuts across any projections where it can be done with advantage. The line will probably be completed early in July : its estimated length is twentj^-eight miles. A site for a Telegraph Station at Kapanga, the terminus of the line, has been kindly placed at the disposal of the Department by Mr. N. Glover, of that place; and a building on tho allotment, has been purchased from Mr. Glover, and is being altered to render it convenient as a Post and Telegraph Office. The examination of the routes in this case was intrusted to Mr. Alfred Sheath, District Inspector, under whose supervision the works are being carried on. Invercargill to Winton. The wire for this line will be carried on the poles used for the Eiverton line, to a point about five miles from Invercargill, where the railway line to Winton crosses; and it will then run alongside the railway to Winton. A tender for tho supply and delivery of all-heart of totara poles has been accepted, and it is expected tho line will be opened about October. The estimated length of wire is nineteen miles, the new poles extending over fourteen miles. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. Blufe to Balclutha. The line from Bluff to Invercargill has not given trouble during the past year. An inspection made during December showed that it would be necessary to re-pole the line between Invercargill and Balclutha. Tenders, to be delivered not later than January, were at once called for ; and it was found that between Invercargill and Mataura tho cheapest plan would be to supply the poles from Wellington, those needed from Balclutha to Mataura being supplied by contract from Balclutha. Tho re-poleing has been completed from Invercargill to Otaria; and it is expected that the remainder of the distance will shortly be completed. Only heart of totara poles are being used, and where possible the route of the line will be altered so as to increase its stability. Balclutha to Waitaki. Between Balclutha and Tokomairiro, a few repairs have been made during the year. A severe storm on the 23rd December, did some slight damage to the wires on the ranges near Balclutha. Between Tokomairiro and Dunedin, one hundred and thirty-five new poles have been inserted in place of decayed ones which, when the line was reconstructed, were allowed to remain as good for another year's service. Dunedin to Waitaki: When the third wire was being run to Oamaru, one hundred and ten new poles were inserted in place of the old round ones first used, which, from their decayed state, and the additional weight of wire they would have to carry, it was not advisable to allow to remain. Between Oamaru and Waitaki there are fourteen miles of old poles, which were shortened early in 1869 ; and which it will be advisable, during next summer, to provide for replacing, as, if allowed to remain during another year, they would probably cause serious interruption. Palmerston to Nasebt. This line, which was finished in June, sustained considerable damage during August, the wires being broken in several places through the weight of snow that accumulated on them. Otherwise, only ordinary repairs have been required. Tokomairiro to Queenstown. About one hundred new poles have been erected between Tokomairiro and Waitahuna, replacing the poles first erected by the Provincial Government of Otago. There still remain about thirty-six miles of the original poles, many of which will have to be replaced within the next eighteen months. This line has suffered very little from casualties. Waitaki to Christchurch. The casualties on this length have been nearly all confined to the neighbourhood of large rivers, across which the wires are carried. The old poles between the Eakaia and the Eangitata —already lowered onee —will probably have to be replaced during the summer. 2


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Chbistchhhch to Hokitika abd Gretmouth. This line has been reconstructed during the year. Between the Bealey and the Selwyn, new poles cut from heart of totara have replaced the old ones, which had once been lowered since the lino was purchased from the Provincial Government of Canterbury. Eleven sets of tube poles have been fixed at tho crossing of the Waimakariri, where great expense and trouble were formerly caused by floods. Between thc^Bealey and Hokitika, fifteen miles of new totara poles have been erected. l'rom Hokitika to Greymouth the line has been repoled nearly throughout, and two additional wires are beino- put up on'the same poles. The three wires were necessary to provide for the increased work that will result from the completion of the lino between Greymouth and Eeefton. Jt is anticipated that this line will require very little beyond ordinary expenditure during the year. The section suffers severely at times from snow storms, owing to the high country through which it passes on the west of the Bcaloy. During June, interruptions from that cause were frequent. Greymouth to Westbort. This section is being thoroughly repaired. Where new poles are required, they are procured from the bush through which the line passes ; but in some places near Brighton, where it was possible to convey built poles, made of heart of totara, it was deemed advisable to use them. The repairs have been completed as far as Charleston. Christchurch to Blenheim. Only a little trouble, except from ordinary casualties, has been caused during the year, but the Hapuka north of Kaikoura, through a very heavy flood, caused some damage to the line. It is intended shortly to remove the line so as to reach a crossing-place some half-mile further up stream, as on the south bank, where the wire now crosses, the river has encroached sufficiently to imperil the safety of the line should another heavy flood occur. Blenheim to Nelson. Between Blenheim and a point four miles north of Havelock, only slight repairs have been needed; but from that point to Nelson, the poles will require to be renewed this summer. Totara poles will be used wherever possible. Wanganui Line. This section, which embraces all the line north of Patea to Opunake, remains in first-class condition Durin"- the summer, steps have been taken to protect from fire the poles from Bull sto Opunake ' Between Bull's and Wanganui, the line runs alongside the road, which is in many places fenced with corse hedges. Erom the neglected state of those hedges the gorse is m many places gradually oversowing the road. At one point, during the summer, a fire originating in one of those hedges destroyed four or five poles, and interrupted communication for a short time. To prevent a similar occurrence tho gorse surrounding poles has been cleared away; but it is not fair that the Department should have to incur such an expense, as it might have been saved by attention on tho part of the proprietors on whose lands the hedges are. Wellington to Napier. This section has not caused trouble, except on a few occasions. Should the business of the Department continue to increase at the present rate, it will be necessary, during the next season, to run a third wire between Wellington and Masterton, and between Napier and Waipukurau By this plan, there will be two through wires to Napier without any intermediate station on them _ with the exception of Castle Point. The increased accommodation will prevent overcrowding, which would certainly result with only the present wires. Napier to Tauranga. Except that severe damage was done near Maketu by lightning during the autumn, nothing worthy of note has occurred in this section. The running of a second wire on the present poles has already been referred to. Auckland Lines. The third wire which, at the date of the last report, was being erected between Auckland and Mercer, has been completed, and it has proved a great relief to the pressure occurring during the great excitement which at times prevails on the Thames Gold Eields. It is anticipated that a fourth wire as far as Mercer will shortly be required, as well as a third wire from Mercer to Grahamstown, should the Coromandel Gold Fields, with which Grahamstown will shortly be in communication, continue to give indications of increasing richness. The Waikato lines continue in good repair, except that between Cambridge and Alexandra, which, being merely a branch, it was deemed advisable not to repair permanently when the Auckland lines were being reconstructed. The question of renewing this branch must however be considered, as it will soon, be impossible satisfactorily to maintain communication, owing to the rottenness of the poles. The branch is of little value as a revenue-yielder; but Alexandra is a place of importance as regards Native matters, and if that consideration renders an efficient line desirable, the branch must be wholly reconstructed. The cost of maintenance of the several sections is stated in Table B ; and the yearly records of the tests for insulation of the Cook Strait Cable are given in Table C. Each of the three wires in the cable remain in as good condition as ever.


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MISCELLANEOUS. During the year, 3,036 money order telegrams, representing £13,930 Os. 5d., have been transmitted ; the joint revenue to the Postal and Telegraph Departments being £504 lbs. 6d Of t^ amort, £151 16s. was collected by the Post Office for tho Telegraph Department the balance £353 os. 6d being for commission. This shows a profit of over two and a halt per cent, to the Post Office on the Ws transactions. It will be seen from Table G, that Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedni, including their respective sub-offices, issued and paid the largest number of orders. Not one mistake has occurred in the transmission of these telegrams, a fact which evidences the care and attention bestowed on this branch of the service. . i-_ m „ m „j -_ Forty-two complaints have been made in writing during the year. Of those, sixteen proved not to involve fault on the part ofthe Department, some ofthe errors complained of being caused by indistinct writing. In the twenty-seven other cases, the officers in fault were fined or severe y reprimanded. The number of telegrams of ail codes transmitted during the year was 411,79,, which exceeds those of the previous year by 98,893, or au increase of nearly 32 per cent _ After making all deductions for salaries, maintenance of line, _c, there remains to the credit of the Department for the year, £6,614 10s. 2d. (Table X.) _ . Although the length of line maintained during the year has been m excess of that during the previous year, the cost of maintenance has been reduced by £2,485 4s. Id P Eighteen cadets have been trained in the learners' gallery, and have during the year been drafted off to various stations. Nine new offices have been opened. The usual statistics, in addition to those referred to, are appended hereto.

SCHEDULE OE TABLES. Table A.—Total Cost of Lines. ]3.—Cost of Maintenance of Lines. " O—lnsulation Tests, Cook Strait Cable. „ D.—Cash Revenue and Expenditure, Signals Department. E.—Comparative Quarterly Return, Years ending June, 1871 and 187^. JJ, —Number of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. " G-.—Numbcr of Telegraph Money Orders issued and paid. ',' IL—Annual Comparative Progress of the Department. „ I. —Value of G-overnment Telegrams. „ X —Debtor and Creditor Statement.


CL—No. 31



Table A. TOTAL COST of the LINES of Telegraph throughout NEW ZEALAND, and of the Cook STRAIT CABLE.

Total number of miles of Line, 2,135. Total number of miles of Wire, 3,823. There are fifty miles of line (from Patea to Opunake) included in Maintenance Table which are not shown in this table, the New Plymouth lino not being completely finished yet. a Purchased from Southland Government. b Includes £450, purchase of Lyttelton line, c Approximate cost. d Approximate cost of poles, &c. c Purchased from private firm, f Purchased from Canterbury G-overnrnent. g Purchased from Otago Government; total cost includes £2,047 18s. lOd. for new material, h 6 per cent, interest guaranteed on this line, i Average cost per mile, South Island. Tc Includes cost of exploration of three routes : one by Waipukurau and Wanganui ; one by Masterton and Wanganui; and one by Wellington and Wanganui (present route). I Supply of poles included in cost of erection, mOf this amount £2,276 was paid to tho Imperial Government for purchase of the lino ; the balance, £980, is tho cost of extension from Ngaruawahia to Hamilton, and from Alexandra to Kihi Kihi. n Includes alteration of line and bush clearing ; nearly all material packed on horseback, o Average cost per mile, North Island, p Total average cost per mile.

Suction of Line. to.SrS M0Q Cost of Clearing Bush. Total Cost of Poles for Section, including Delivery. Cost of Wire, Arms, Insulators, &c. including Cartage. Cost of Erection. Total Cost of Section. Cost per Mile. Riverton to Invercargill Bluff to Invercargill Invercargill to Mataura Mataura to Waitaki Waitaki to Hurumu Hurunui to Nelson White's Bay Line Port Chalmers Line Christchurch to Greymouth Greymouth to Westport ... Blenheim to Woodend, reconstruction, including White's Bay Line (194 miles) Palmerston to Naseby Tokomairiro to Queenstown Tokomairiro to Queenstown, reconstruction, 140 miles Third Wire from Dunedin to Oamaru (including loop line to Kakanui, 4 miles), 94 miles ... Christchurch to Hokitika, reconstruction, 146 miles ... Christchurch to Akaroa Nelson to Motueka 24 19 32 189 218 241 7 8 176 67 £ s. d. 1,229 3 3 £ s. d. 547 2 10 1,199 0 0 8,353 18 0 6,554 8 8 5,213 14 0 £ s. cl. 96 10 11 739 1 4 3,034 7 9 3,427 13 0 3,953 3 4 £ s. d. 262 12 7 812 15 6 469 11 0 1,720 13 3 3,760 19 0 3,661 6 0 503 12 6 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 3,019 17 9 £ s. d. 906 6 4 812 15 6 2,407 12 4 13,108 19 0 13,743 1 2 14,057 6 7 503 12 6 800 0 0 3,808 0 0 7,002 17 0 £ s. d. ! 37 15 3 i 42 15 6a 1 75 4 9 > 69 7 0 63 0 11 58 6 0c 71 18 lid 100 0 Oe 21 12 9/ 104 10 5 l,95l". 7 6 1,070 16 5 960 15 4 54 140 100 0 0 5,136 12 5 754 14 10 2,022 15 4 247 2 2 3,484 12 0 435 19 9 4,432 1 4 10,743 19 9 1,437 16 9 4,432 1 4 55 7 7 26 12 6 31 13 2g 2,247 3 10 2,247 3 10 16 1 0 264 12 0 830 16 11 426 15 9 1,522 4 8 16 3 10 4 50 32 65" 10 0 10 10 0 1,881 16 5 805 2 6 872 13 2 446 13 5 721 5 8 375 5 8 873 12 11 817 18 5 321 11 2 3,202 2 9 2,409 16 7 1,580 0 0 21 18 8 48 3 11 49 7 6/i Totals, South Island... 1,261 3,356 10 9 32,654 11 3 16,855 11 4 31,859 2 9 84,725 16 1 67 3 di Lyell's Bay to Wellington ... Wellington to Patea Wellington to Masterton ... Masterton to Castle Point... Castle Point to Porangahau Porangahau to Napier Napier to Tauranga Auckland to Cambridge, via old line to Alexandra, including branch line to Hamilton Auckland to Newcastle, reconstruction, 70 miles, including new line from Hamilton to Cambridge, 12 miles Mercer to Thames, including four towers for spanning Thames and Piako Rivers Second Wire from Napier to Tauranga, 200 miles Tauranga to Kati Kati Kati Kati to Grahamstown Third Wire from Auckland to Mercer, 40 miles 4 180 60 36 53 68 200 67 18 6 264 4 6 22 15 1 176 9 4 74 0 0 153 18 6 123 5 0 4,647 12 7 2,362 10 0 2,459 15 6 9,404 12 6 104 6 0 2,315 9 5 839 4 4 388 18 6 722 18 6 918 9 8 5,763 13 7 57 15 0 3,002 11 9 2,357 6 3 1,267 9 1 1,105 16 10 1,252 10 2 5,767 18 5 285 6 0 10,093 12 3 3,460 15 1 1,679 2 8 4,367 14 8 4,704 15 4 21,090 3 0 71 6 0 56 1 6k 57 18 U 46 19 61 82 8 2 69 3 9 105 9 0 152 3,256 0 0 3,256 0 0 21 8 5«» 12 1,393 14 6 841 15 9 1,453 3 8 3,688 13 11 44 19 8 36 2,158 8 10 1,386 13 10 1,492 7 5 5,037 10 1 139 18 7 30 43 793 19 9 1,584" 1 3 31 17 0 1,041 3 0 2,521 19 5 2,607 9 1 530 5 9 1,461 8 6 880 11 1 1,266 0 10 1,482 15 3 4,313 16 11 2,837 9 7 7,050 4 5 21 11 4» 94 11 8 163 19 2 234 0 9 383 18 5 617 19 2 15 9 0 Totals, North Island ... Totals, South Island ... 874 1,261 3,137 6 11 3,356 10 9 26,144 18 4 32,654 11 3 18,114 13 8 16,855 11 4 25,086 4 2 31,859 2 9 72,483 3 1 84,725 16 1 82 18 80 67 3 9i 2,135 6,493 17 8 58,799 9 7 34,970 5 0 56,945 6 11 157,208 19 2 73 12 8p Cook Strait Cable, including freight from London and expense of laying... Total expenditure (exclusive of lines in progress) 29,864 0 0 187,072 19


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Table B. Cost of Maintkn. .NCE of Te: .egbaph Lines for the Financial ear ended 30th TINE, 1872. Biverton to Balclutha Tokomairiro to Queenstown Balclutha to Waitaki, including Naseby Line... Waitaki to Christclmrcb, including Akaroa Line Cliristehurch to Greymouth Greyniouth to Westport Christchurch to Blenheim ... Blenheim to Nelson, including White's Bay Line Nelson to Motueka Wellington to Opunake Wellington to Napier Napier to Tauranga Tauranga to Grahanistown... Auckland to Grahamstown and Alexandra Section. Number of Miles. 138 140 210 198 176 67 208 92 32 230 221 200 73 200 Salaries of Linemen and Inspectors. £ a. d. 490 0 0 548 6 8 177 1 8 419 4 8 402 1 8 150 0 0 480 2 3 292 10 0 Travelling Expenses of Linemen and Inspectors. £ s. d. 114 2 6 149 9 2 202 0 0 188 1 9 338 15 11 100 10 9 193 5 0 151 1 7 Extra Labour. £ s. d. 26 14 0 7 5 6 81 13 2 64 6 10 62 13 7 16 6 0 72 3 9 73 18 6 Cost of Material used for Repairs. £ a. d. 15 17 0 18 5 0 63 17 1 50 2 6 103 16 0 29 0 6 29 7 3 10 6 Total Cost of Maintenance. £ s. d. 646 13 6 723 6 4 524 11 11 721 15 9 907 7 2 295 17 3 774 18 3 518 10 7 Cost per Mile. £ s. d. 4 13 9 5 3 4 2 9 11 3 12 11 5 3 1 4 8 4 3 14 6 5 12 9 473 1 0 507 18 4 354 16 8 36 13 4 645 0 0 256 0 1 259 14 10 200 18 7 23 6 11 408 16 6 165 2 7 46 15 6 45 15 6 5 0 0 212 5 5 11 3 6 26 17 0 47 14 0 905 7 2 841 5 8 649 4 9 65 0 3 1,285 1 0 3 18 8 3 16 1 3 4 11 0 17 10 6 8 6 1819 1 2,185 4,976 16 3 2,586 3 7 880 0 4 415 19 5 8,858 19 7 4 2 3t * No cost for maintenance 'et inci irred. Line opened oi i28tl h May, 1872. f Total average COi it per mile. Insulation Tests of the Cook Steait Cable for the Tc after Two Minutes' Blectri TaW( e C. , 1869, 187i .ads (Britisl i, 1871, and 187: Association Un respective of Eesis sars e: ided 30th June, 1 m in Millions of ( 868, 3hm .its ilj, shi tance) wing the Resistance per Knot Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire.: Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 | Wire. | No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. Date. No. 1 Wire. No. 2 Wire. No. 3 Wire. 1867— September 1 ... September 30 October 14 November 1 ... November 14... December 2 ... 473 634 547 598 574 608 71 102 179 326 10-6 10-5 554 634 620 667 643 709 1869— March 27 April 19 May 11 May 17 June 22 July 27 August 24 September 27 October f November 8 ... December 3 ... 467 483 562 531 522 649 667 754 26 30 31 14 15 13729 748 950 963 931 1,104 1,200 1,275 1870— January 22 ... February 22 ... March 18 March 20 April 26 May 31 June 26 July 16 August 16 September 17 October 20 ... 526 417 442 344 430 456 355 517 473 508 471 334 306 86 •446 2-3 ■393 1-7 8-7 5-5 865 707 967 619 812 871 622 893 763 1,108 1,069 1870— November 21... December 21... 505 480 102 7'7 1,149 1,121 1871— Julyf August 25 September 25 ... October f November 23 ... December 28 ... 751 517 1-36 131 1,444 1,123 1871— January 21 ... February 21 ... March 23 April 24 May 23 June 24 574 565 497 508 489 717 6-7 20 239 1-85 208 1-28 1,312 1,173 1,166 1,003 955 jl 1,288 641 570 265 998 1,481 1,079 1868— June 7 * September 11 September 17 930 630 697 55 22o 635 1,094 946 1,000 582 638 625 1,253 1,159 j 1872— January 27 February 27 ... March 31 April 25 May 28 June 22 579 596 676 553 649 687 829 9-5 185 391 44-4 49-6 981 1,073 938 979 1,173 1,146 * This teBt was taken with zinc to earth; all the others with cc ipper to irth. fNote est taken a.


G.—Ko. 31


Table D. Return for the Tbab ended 30 th June, 1872, of the Cash General Government Telegrams ; the Numb RjETENTTE deri :r of Message ived from Pei es transmitted :vate, Press, and Provincial Government Messag: L by each Station, and the Working Expenses of eac is, and of the Yalue of sh Station. I Name op Station. Total Cash Revenue derivedl from Private, Press, and Provincial Government Messages. Yalue of G-eneral G-overnment Messages. Total Value of Messages of all Codes. Total Number of Private, Press, and Provincial G-OTernment Messages. Total Number of General Government Messages. Total Number of Messages of all Codes. Amount paid for Salaries. Contingencies. Total Cost of Maintenance of each Station. REMAKK3. Head Office Akaroa Alexandra, Otago Alexandra, Auckland Arrow Ashburton* Auckland... £ s. a. 72 12 G 77 1 0 68 16 0 37 0 0 56 9 0 2,581 5 3 £ s. d. 14 7 0 3 7 0 149 0 0 1 19 0 2 15 0 392 9 3 £ s. d. 83 19 6 SO 8 0 217 16 0 38 19 0 59 4 0 2,973 14 6 I 975 1,060 929 422 678 34,231 ! I 233 45 781 24 23 2,203 I I 1,203 1,105 1,710 446 701 36,434 £ s. d. 1,902 14 5 S3 6 8 125 0 0 100 0 0 16 13 4 £ s. d. 286 1 3 16 2 11 35 13 8 18 6 4 53 4 7 18 15 2 176 10 11 £ s. d. 2,188 15 8 49 9 7 160 13 8 118 6 4 69 17 11 18 15 2 1,166 1 0 Includes cost of alterations of office, £20. Includes fittings for new office, £31 10s. 8d. Includes alterations to office, £47 19s. 6d. Includes alterations to office, £85 15s. lid. 989 10 1 Balclutha... Bealey Blenheim... Bluff Brighton ... Bull's Cambridge Castlepoint* Charleston Cheviot ... Christchurch Clyde Cromwell... Dunedin ... Featherston Foxton Grahamstown Greymouth Grey town Hamilton... Hampden Havelock ... Hawera* ... Hokitika Hutt Invercargill ICaiapoi ... Kaikoura ... Kakanui ... 165 15 9 26 0 0 349 17 0 432 11 3 60 6 9 79 6 6 49 9 6 37 15 0 262 3 3 79 3 0 1,874 1 6 196 18 0 221 2 0 3,752 7 0 42 -15 0 118 9 9 2,162 5 9 932 4 6 94 16 0 85 17 6 40 13 0 132 5 0 36 19 9 1,302 16 6 53 4 6 693 15 6 171 4 0 60 14 3 125 0 6 21 4 0 2 10 6 60 10 6 56 9 6 2 6 9 14 13 3 28 12 0 2 16 0 28 16 6 2 19 0 583 2 6 17 17 6 9 14 0 712 7 6 19 13 0 92 4 0 91 8 6 194 1 6 13 6 6 104 13 9 4 18 6 12 17 6 17 4 6 316 8 3 6 16 6 120 4 6 14 5 0 12 16 0 13 0 186 19 9 28 10 6 410 7 6 489 0 9 62 13 6 93 19 9 78 1 6 40 11 0 290 19 9 82 2 0 2,457 4 0 214 15 6 230 16 0 4,464 14 6 62 8 0 210 13 9 2,253 14 3 1,126 6 0 108 2 6 190 11 3 45 11 6 115 2 6 54 4 3 1,619 4 9 60 1 0 814 0 0 185 9 0 73 10 3 126 3 6 2,215 343 4,719 3,998 840 1,026 657 408 3,627 620 22,281 2,540 2,948 44,396 647 1,481 30,122 10,346 1,391 1,176 571 2,008 519 12,629 698 8, 517 2,433 775 1,603 160 19 693 825 12 88 146 23 379 14 2,934 215 136 4,735 185 464 647 1,547 127 883 53 169 124 2,036 52 1,054 130 104 18 2,375 362 5,417 4,823 852 1,114 803 431 4,006 634 25,215 2,755 3,084 49,131 832 1,945 30,769 11,893 1, 518 2,059 624 2,177 643 14,665 750 9,601 2,563 879 1,621 223 10 0 200 0 0 210 0 0 280 0 0 80 0 0 55 0 0 105 0 0 155 10 11 37 10 9 48 15 0 75 16 3 17 5 2 30 4 5 49 7 2 39 7 11 40 8 3 29 16 8 311 19 1 25 5 2 27 14 2 119 4 8 9 6 2 16 15 8 124 5 1 61 18 3 24 13 5 42 12 0 43 9 2 7 7 2 23 5 2 85 4 6 15 2 2 51 13 3 25 2 3 60 19 7 28 19 0 379 0 11 237 10 9 258 15 0 355 15 3 97 5 2 85 4 5 154 7 2 39 7 11 187 1 7 139 16 8 1,751 9 0 100 5 2 172 14 2 1,530 11 0 99 6 2 138 9 0 1,103 18 9 352 11 7 196 6 9 181 18 8 134 5 10 117 6 4 23 5 2 572 6 2 105 18 10 368 5 1 172 15 7 142 6 0 96 9 0 Includes £11 0s. 6d. for office fittings. 146 13 4 110 0 0 1,439 9 11 75 0 0 145 0 0 1,411 6 4 90 0 0 121 13 4 979 13 8 290 13 4 . 171 13 4 139 6 8 90 16 8 109 19 2 Includes rent, £175. Includes office fittings, £37. 487 1 8 90 16 8 316 11 10 147 13 4 81 6 5 67 10 0 * Operator also Lineman.

a— No. 31.




Kati Kati... Kekerangu* ... ... Lawrence... ... ... Leithfield... ... ... j Longbush... Lyttelton... Maketu Marton Masterton Mataura*... Mercer Motueka ... Napier Naseby Nelson Newcastle New Plymouth ... Oamaru ... Onehunga Opunake ... Otaki* Palmerston Patea Picton Port Chalmers ... Queenstown Riverton ... Rotorua ... Roxburgh Selwyn Spit Tarawera* Taupo Tauranga... Temuka ... Timaru ... Tokomairiro Waikouaiti Waimate ... AVaipawa ... Waipukurau Wanganui Wellington Government Buildings ... Westport... White's Bay 8 2 6 26 19 0 193 7 3 63 0 9 102 6 9 526 4 6 39 6 0 85 12 9 73 4 3 79 16 6 25 10 0 8 7 6 631 10 0 159 2 6 1,093 13 9 63 16 0 35 0 0 677 5 3 46 7 6 157 17 9 43 19 0 116 6 0 113 6 9 186 1 3 281 16 9 335 9 0 164 0 3 18 2 0 69 7 6 38 18 6 193 4 3 54 5 6 72 8 0 188 9 9 102 15 0 559 18 3 194 9 6 88 2 6 55 18 3 72 0 3 98 19 9 691 11 6 2,812 18 9 361 1 3 569 6 9 9 16 7 17 6 12 18 6 3 7 0 15 0 207 17 6 181 11 0 77 8 0 33 9 0 7 8 0 20 10 0 0 4 0 1,012 13 0 24 19 6 241 6 9 45 16 6 13 4 0 61 7 6 19 16 0 85 8 6 30 2 0 17 14 0 135 6 0 46 0 3 213 8 0 51 19 0 13 5 6 139 14 6 5 2 6 3 6 6 94 14 6 123 6 6 306 8 0 461 11 0 12 11 6 94 17 0 19 15 0 7 12 0 4 11 6 31 3 0 37 14 6 438 5 6 928 3 3 2,508 15 0 129 11 3 0 10 16 0 0 26 19 0 206 5 9 66 7 9 103 11 9 734 2 0 220 17 0 163 0 9 106 13 3 87 4 6 46 0 0 8 11 6 1,644 3 0 184 2 0 1,335 0 6 109 12 6 48 4 0 738 12 9 66 3 6 243 6 3 74 1 0 134 0 0 248 12 9 232 1 6 495 4 9 387 8 0 177 5 9 157 16 6 74 10 0 42 5 0 287 18 9 177 12 0 378 16 0 650 0 9 115 6 6 654 15 3 214 4 6 95 14 6 60 9 9 103 3 3 136 14 3 1,129 17 0 3,741 2 0 2,869 16 3 698 18 0 9 2 6 97 304 2,690 827 1,3S9 7,630 575 1,264 1,041 1,032 379 136 7,113 2,119 13,224 927 480 8,870 727 873 589 1,456 1,680 2,739 4,206 4,119 2,205 249 931 548 2,281 765 839 1,766 1,490 7,332 2,778 1,238 779 961 1.088 8,989 29,096 3,358 7,378 108 11 125 32 25 2,773 602 486 196 86 96 2 4,022 205 2,487 356 97 818 298 391 140 112 933 633 3,472 573 125 430 88 27 847 489 1,111 2,071 133 948 210 75 48 168 158 2,450 5,669 10,736 1,202 1 108 304 2,815 85,9 1,414 10,403 1,177 1,750 1,237 1,118 475 138 11,135 2,324 15,711 1,283 577 9,688 1,025 1,264 729 1,568 2,613 3,372 7,678 4,692 2,330 679 1,019 575 3,128 1,254 1,950 3,837 1,623 8,280 2,988 1,313 827 1,129 1,246 11,439 34,765 14,094 8,580 109 43 6 8 115 0 0 92 10 0 147 4 10 358 0 0 107 10 0 135 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 7 10 0 413 17 0 140 0 0 490 10 0 105 0 0 27 6 8 201 0 0 140 0 0 91 13 4 130 0 0 236 0 0 126 0 0 277 10 0 157 10 0 157 0 0 176 0 0 135 0 0 115 0 0 160 16 8 34 19 2 35 0 1 22 9 3 10 10 8 30 12 2 34 2 3 30 4 8 17 10 5 7 3 2 30 2 11 21 14 2 20 12 6 95 3 6 110 18 3 44 19 9 26 8 8 31 4 11 52 1 3 6 9 8 44 4 2 40 1 2 43 11 2 16 12 8 9 6 1 67 19 7 68 11 8 20 5 2 15 5 8 23 10 5 15 0 9 28 1 8 10 14 2 49 14 10 19 19 2 47 2 6 45 5 9 13 9 8 6 12 8 8 0 2 12 19 2 11 10 2 128 8 0 219 5 4 56 0 8 84 12 9 231 6 10 78 5 10 35 0 1 137 9 3 103 6 8 177 17 0 392 2 3 137 14 8 152 10 5 117 3 2 30 2 11 121 14 2 28 2 6 539 0 6 250 18 3 535 9 9 131 8 8 58 11 7 253 1 3 146 9 8 135 17 6 40 1 2 173 11 2 252 12 8 135 6 1 345 9 7 226 1 8 177 5 2 191 5 8 158 10 5 130 0 9 188 18 4 10 14 2 209 14 10 210 12 6 171 7 6 220 5 9 138 9 8 94 19 4 108 0 2 122 19 2 104 0 2 482 17 0 1,671 16 2 196 0 8 283 12 0 919 18 6 160 0 0 190 13 4 124 5 0 175 0 0 125 0 0 88 6 8 100 0 0 110 0 0 92 10 0 354 9 0 1,452 10 10 140 0 0 198 19 3 688 11 8 t Includes rent of ground, £30. Includes alterations to office, £50. 28,121 10 0 11,043 3 9 344, 524 67,243 411,767 19,359 11 1 4,233 18 8 23,593 9 9 Total 39,164 13 9 * Operator also Lineman.

G.—No. 31.



Table E. Oedinaey, Peess, and Peoyincial GtOVEbitmeut Telegeams despatched during each Quaeter of the Years ended 30th June, 1871 and 1872, respectively, and the Revenue derived from each Class. 1870-71. Septembeb Quarteb, 1870. Decehbeb Qtjaetee, 1870. Maeoh Quaktee, 1871. June Quaeteb, 1871. Totals. No. of Telegrams. Revenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Eevenue Derived. No. of Telegrams, j Revenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Eevenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Amount. " Ordinary Telegrams Press Telegrams Provincial Government Telegrams 48,173 2,474 1,929 52,576 £ s. d. 3,886 13 3 559 16 0 280 15 6 51,629 3,349 1,778 £ s. a. 4,096 8 0 759 2 6 261 12 9 £ s. d. 60,652 4,857 9 3 5,141 803 4 0 1,824 246 6 0 67,617 5,906 19 3 70,914 3,767 1,952 £ s. d. 5,591 15 6 623 17 0 252 16 0 231, 368 14,731 7,483 253,582 £ s. d. 18,432 (! 0 2,745 19 6 1,041 10 3 Totals 4,727 4 9 56,756 5,117 3 3 76,633 6,468 8 6 22,219 15 9 I i 1871-72. Septehbek Quarter, 1871. Dbcembee Quaetee, 1871. Maech Quaktee, 1872. June Qttaeteh, 1872. Totals. No. of Telegrams. | Revenue Derived. Wo. of Telegrams. Eevenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Revenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Eevenue Derived. No. of Telegrams. Amount. Ordinary Telegrams Press Telegrams Provincial Government Telegrams 75,662 3,734 1,971 £ s. a. 5,724 6 6 692 12 0 270 11 6 76,058 3,746 1,885 £ s. d. 5,842 10 0 710 18 0 267 7 6 79,581 3,046 2,128 £ s. d. 6,041 18 6 436 17 0 278 7 9 89,821 5,247 1,645 i £ s. d. 6,909 2 9 727 19 0 218 19 6 321,122 15,773 7,629 344, 524 £ •■ d. 24,517 3 7 9 2,568 6 0 1,035 6 3 Totals 81,367 84,755 6,757 3 3 96,713 7,856 1 3 28,121 ]0 0 6,687 10 0 81,689 6,820 15 6

&.— No. 31



Table P. umbee of Inteeprovincial Letiees forwarded during the Number of Teleoeams despatched in each Pbovince duri: and proportion of Telegeams to every 100 Lettees ; to{ previous Tear. Tear ended 31st December, 1871; ag the Tear ended 30th June, 1872 ; ■■ether with a similar Eeturn for the 1871-72. 1870-71. Pbotiscte. Number of Letters. Number of Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Number of Letters. Number of Proportion of Telegrams sent for every 100 Letters. Telegrams. Telegrams. Wellington Marlborough Nelson Canterbury Westland Otago Southland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Auckland 318,497 52,802 161,309 375,467 182,915 644,536 77,866 82,740 34,755 487,134 70,604 12,258 29,921 52,616 26,558 22-16 23-21 18-54 1401 14-51 336,375 92,124 185,179 410,938 225,157 578,299 74,536 76,553 28,320 619,466 51,360 10,682 29,111 41,486 25,188 79,117 13,203 14,025 2,490 46,212 1526 11-59 15-72 1009 11-18 13-68 17-71 18-32 8-79 7-45 ] 114,512 15-85 [ 16,638 5,097 83,563 20-10 14-66 17-15 1871-72. 1870-71. 1869-70. 1868-69. 1867-68. Total Number of Letters 2,418,021 2,626,947 2,374,060 2,749,488 1,938,578 ?otaiS:rofTe£ra mS 411,767 312,874 185 423 146167 106104 Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Lettere 1702 11-91 7'S1 612 5 47 Table Qt. Eetuen of the Number and Amount of Telegbaph Monet Obdebs Issued and Paid at the Post Offices in the several Postal Districts in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year ended 30th June, 1872. Issued. Paid. Postal Pistbicts. No. Commission. Amount. No. Amount. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Auckland Thames New Plymouth Napier Wellington ... Blenheim Nelson Charleston ... Westport Greyrnouth ... Hokitika Christchurch Dunedin Invercargill ... 165 61 86 158 432 192 70 123 111 188 108 339 895 108 26 9 6 12 2 G 17 6 6 28 12 0 74 10 6 29 2 6 14 8 0 23 4 0 16 19 6 27 9 6 18 7 0 55 2 0 143 8 6 17 14 6 703 9 3 206 8 3 508 13 6 800 7 4 2,086 4 0 873 12 8 437 0 1 661 4 10 466 14 0 719 2 0 524 5 5 1,521 0 0 3,917 3 9 510 15 4 228 21 29 53 585 78 234 15 42 73 200 459 883 120 1,030 0 0 99 2 2 18G 0 4 276 16 9 2,763 15 5 311 8 2 1,048 0 4 85 7 6 155 3 6 321 19 0 702 4 0 2,111 16 10 4,103 11 4 664 3 1 Totals 504 16 6 13,936 0 5 3,020 13,859 8 11 3,036

O.—No. 31,

Table H. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Progress of the Telegraph DEPARTMENT during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872.



Year ended. Number of Miles of Line. of Stations Open. Number ol Telegrams forwarded .uring Year. and Provincial Government Messages, and Incidental Receipts. Revenue derived from rv • t_ T> Value of General Government Messages. Total Value of Business done during the Year. Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Cost of Maintenance of Lines. Total Expenditure. a jj *c3 P-i Tariff in Operation. Private, Press, and Provincial Government. General Government. Total. 27,237 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 30th June, 1866 699 13 24,761 2,476 5,561 19 2 483 3 2 6,045 2 4 3,934 3 4 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 3 3 9 10 Mileage tariff. „ „ 1867 757 21 55,621 15,331 70,952 9,070 10 1 3,770 4 8 12,840 14 9 8,017 14 7 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 3 7 1 j? j? „ „ 1868 1,110 31 72,241 26,244 98,485 11,652 3 7 6,672 0 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 10 5,406 7 3 14,896 5 1 4 17 4 » >) „ „ 1869 „ 1870 1,329 1,661 45 56 106,070 122, 545 50,097 62,878 156,157 185,423 18,520 10 4 17,218 1 4 13,430 11 9 12,252 6 0 31,951 2 1 29,470 7 4 14,266 12 7 16,417 7 4 8,547 4 9 14,120 4 10 22,813 17 4 30,537 12 2 6 8 6 8 9 11 Mileage tariff in operation up to 1st Sept., 1869; uniform 2s. 6d. tariff from 1st Sept., 1869, to 31st March, 1870 ; and present Is. tariff from 1st April, 1870. » ,. 1871 *1,976 72 253,582 59,292 312,874 22,419 8 8 9,876 17 6 32,296 6 2 21,254 4 3 11,344 3 8 32,598 7 11 5 19 6 „ „ 1872 f2,185 81 344, 524 67,243 411,767 28,121 10 0 11,043 3 9 39,164 13 9 23,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 32,452 9 4 4 2 3 • From this mileage 78 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance. t Prom this mileage 32 miles to be deducted before computing the cost per mile for maintenance.


G.—No. 3L


!ash Value of Shtpp: Government, i am Teiegeams : ibr Telegrams tri Table I. ,nd Amounts Chai .nsinitted during •geable to each Department the Tear ended 30th June, if the General L872. Depaetment. September Quarter, 1871. December Quarter, 1871. March Quarter, 1872. June Quarter, 1872. Totals. Colonial Secretary Crown Lands Customs Defence ... Judicial ... Marine ... Native Postal ' Public Works ... Registrar- General Registrar of Land Treasury Shipping Reports £ s. d. 284 2 0 11 7 6 49 10 0 540 9 0 169 8 3 10 1 0 376 4 3 220 4 0 352 13 6 40 18 0 13 4 0 140 19 6 191 3 6 £ s. d. 344 14 3 12 10 0 49 4 6 590 15 6 173 3 9 6 4 0 360 4 3 224 11 G 418 8 0 15 8 0 16 7 0 165 18 6 216 0 0 £ s. a. 520 9 6 11 15 0 52 15 0 659 13 3 198 9 6 8 2 0 338 4 3 225 8 6 903 7 3 18 9 0 25 16 6 139 7 9 223 3 0 S s. d. 393 4 6 17 5 0 58 2 0 445 13 0 189 12 0 3 17 6 306 13 0 279 19 0 644 5 6 10 13 0 18 1 0 144 4 0 213 0 0 £ s. d. 1,542 10 3 52 17 6 209 11 6 2,236 10 9 730 13 6 28 4 6 1,381 5 9 950 3 O 2,318 14 3 85 8 0 73 8 6 590 9 9 84,3 6 6 Totals 2,400 4 6 2,593 9 3 3,325 0 6 2,724 9 6 11,043 3 9 Tab! :toh and Cue i K. De: iitoe Statement. Dk. To total cost of maintenance of Stations... To total cost of maintenance of Lines To refunds to Press, 25 per cent, on value of Interprovincial Telegrams ... Total Disbursements ... £ s. d. £ s. d. Cs. By Cash Receipts aa under, viz. : Ordinary, Press, and Provincial Government Telegrams* ... Incidental Receipts, not included in Tables, viz.: Profit on San Francisco Telegrams Excess on Ordinary Telegrams ... Deficit between Eeceipts and Expenditure paid by Guarantors of Longbush Station for Year ending December, 1871 Amount collected by PoBt Office for Telegraph Department on Money Order Telegrams £ s. d. £ s. d. 23,593 9 9 8,858 19 7 28,121 10 0 312 9 0 32,764 18 4 18 5 4 25 16 2 18 17 3 To balance to the credit of the Department ... 151 16 0 Total Cash Eeceipts ... Value of General Government Telegrams ... 28,336 ,4 9 6,614 10 2 11,043 3 9 £39,379 8 6 £39,379 8 6 * Of this amount, £228 4s. 9d. was collected in Stamps.

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EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OS THE WORKING AND PROGRESS OF THE NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-31

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EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OS THE WORKING AND PROGRESS OF THE NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-31

EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OS THE WORKING AND PROGRESS OF THE NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-31

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