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G-.-No. 30.


Customs Department (Marine Branch), Wellington, 28th August, 1872. Sik, —■ I have the honor to submit the following Eeport on the Marine Department for the year ended on the 30th June, 1872 :— ' 2. The usual returns and tabular statements are appended hereto, which furnish detailed particulars of the cost of the Department, and of the cost of the maintenance of the several lighthouses in the Colony during the period referred to, and which show also the amounts collected for pilotage, port charges, light dues, and fees for survey of steamers, &c. 3. Lighthouses. —Inspections of the lighthouses have been made from time to time during the year by one or other of the officers of the Department who could be most conveniently spared for the purpose, as opportunities of visiting the various stations occurred. The whole of the lights have been properly maintained throughout the year ; they are at the present time amply supplied with oil and other requisite stores, and the buildings arc all in good order. Allusion was made in my last report to the defective condition of the Dog Island Lighthouse tower, and to the necessity that existed for having it strengthened and repaired without delay. The plan designed by Mr. Blackett, the Marine Engineer, for effecting this object by means of a strong framework of durable hard wood, encircled by stout wrought-iron bands, has been successfully carried out; the work, which was superintended by Mr. B. "Whiting, was completed at a cost of £978 4s. 3d.* The cost for materials, &c, was £487 os. 3d., and for labour £49145.; the latter item was considerably increased through the prevalence of wet and inclement weather during the progress of the work. The only other repairs of any importance which had to be made during the past year have been to the tower of the Cape Campbell Lighthouse (an open-framed wooden structure), which, owing to faulty work in its construction, required wedging up and fastening throughout. Whilst these repairs were being executed, the opportunity was taken to have the lighthouse painted ; it was, when built, painted white and red in alternate bands ; it is now coloured white on the upper and red on the lower half, which enables it to be seen distinctly at a greater distance than formerly. 4. Owing to the isolated position of the Farewell Spit Light, it has been found necessary to appoint a third Lightkeeper at that station. This I believe was the original intention, but a trial was made with two Keepers only when the light was first exhibited. It soon became evident, however, that a Second Assistant Keeper was required, both on account of the distance that has to be travelled by the Keepers to procure fresh provisions, and of the heavy work entailed on them in conveying the oil and other stores to the lighthouse from the place where these stores are landed from the steamer that takes them to the Spit. The Lightkeepers' dwellings not affording sufficient accommodation for three Keepers, a cottage had to be provided for the Third Keeper ; the timber, &c, for it, and for a staging to be erected between the Keepers' dwellings and the lighthouse tower, was provided by the Government at a cost of £131 Is., and the building and staging were constructed by the Keepers, under the direction of the Principal Keeper, who is a carpenter, and who has industriously occupied himself since his appointment to Farewell Spit with work of various kinds about the lighthouse and dwellings, and has thus saved considerable expense to the Department. 5. In consequence of a want of harmony between the Keepers at Mana Island Lighthouse, it was found necessary in December last to transfer the Assistant Keeper to Cape Campbell. Soon afterwards the Principal Keeper there preferred several charges against this Assistant. These charges, after careful investigation on the spot by an officer sent from this Department, were found to be entirely without foundation. As this Principal Keeper had already quarrelled several times with other Assistants who had been stationed with him, and had on more than one occasion made groundless or frivolous charges against them, evidently with the intention of getting them removed or dismissed, and as considerable expense was caused in conducting inquiries into these alleged grievances, it was felt that a person of this kind could not any longer be trusted to have charge of a lighthouse, and that his unworthy conduct merited severe punishment. He was accordingly reduced to the rank of Assistant Keeper, and was transferred to another station. His place at Cape Campbell was filled by promoting the Assistant Keeper at Pencarrow, who was the senior on the list of Assistant Keepers, and who, since his promotion, has carried on his duties satisfactorily. * Of tills sum only £552 19s. Id. appears in this year's accounts, —the balance, £425 ss. 2d., having been paid during the current year.

Q— No. 30,



G. Through the courtesy of the Trinity Board in England, arrangements have been made for the oil required for our lighthouses to be purchased by that Board along with its own annual supplies, and to be supplied to the New Zealand Government at contract price. This arrangement is a most satisfactory one, as it insures a supply of oil of the best quality and at the lowest price at which it can be purchased in England in large quantities. Of the last annual supply of 5,000 gallons, the largest portion was ordered in casks similar to those in which lighthouse oil is supplied to the Trinity Board instead of in five-gallon drums as heretofore, whereby a saving of £70 was effected ; the remainder was in strong tin-lined drums, fitted with large screw bungs, and are intended to be used for distributing oil to the lighthouses, so that in future the whole annual supply of oil can be procured in casks, and afterwards repacked into these drums for conveyance to those stations where it is difficult to land oil in larger packages. 7. From particulars given in a correspondence printed and laid before the Imperial Parliament, it appears that a very considerable saving could be effected, and at the same time a more brilliant light produced, by using kerosene instead of colza oil. I have therefore been making inquiries of the lighthouse authorities in various places where I understand mineral oil is used, with the object of seeing whether the same kind of oil could not with advantage be made use of in New Zealand. As great attention is now being devoted in Great Britain and other parts of the world to the improvement of lamps for burning mineral oil in lighthouses, I have little doubt that the Department will at an early date be in possession of such full and reliable information on this subject as will enable it to take steps for adopting the use of kerosene. 8. The cause of the delay in erecting the small light which had been procured for the Manukau Heads was explained in last year's Eeport. Pending the construction of a road from the landing-place near the Heads to the signal station on the top of the hill, by which the apparatus and the materials required for the construction of the tower, &c, were to be carried up, the cases containing the apparatus and lamps, &c, were sent on to Onehunga, and were there stored in the Custom House, a stone building, which, along with several others, was burned down in December last, when the apparatus was unfortunately destroyed. This loss, much as it is to be regretted, has however had the good effect of causing steps to be taken for providing a larger and more suitable light. Orders have been sent home for a dioptric apparatus and lantern of the third order for a fixed light to illuminate an arc of 180°, and strengthened at the most important seaward section by a dioptric glass mirror of 90°. 9. The Light Dues collected during the year amounted to £5,904, being £328 13s. Bd. in excess of the amount collected in the previous year. The cost of maintenance, exclusive of superintendence, amounted to £5,759 6s. 7d. ; but as the services of the " Luna " were obtained on several occasions to convey stores to the lighthouses, and to shift keepers and their families from one station to another, this sum does not represent the actual total cost, which would have been about £500 more than the amount stated if private steamers had been chartered for carrying out the services that were performed by the " Luna." The expenses last year were increased by the cost of repairs at Dog Island, and the cost of materials for Keepers' dwellings, &c, at Farewell Spit. Taking one year with another, it may be considered that the light dues will about pay for the cost of maintaining the lights. 10. JPlat JRocJc Beacon. —A contract was taken in March last for the erection of a new beacon on Mat Kock, off the Island of Kawau, to replace the one that was swept away in the previous March, just a year after it was completed. The new beacon is to be a pyramidal structure of dressed stone, strengthened and cramped together with iron, and is to be surmounted by an iron cage ; the design was by Mr. J. Stewart, C.E. ; the amount of the contract was £1,084; it has been stipulated that the work is to be finished early in December next. 11. Examinations of Masters, Hates, and Engineers.- —Regulations for these examinations were made by an Order in Council, dated the 4th January last, and promulgated in the New Zealand Gazette; they were also printed in pamphlet form, and forwarded to the various Custom Houses throughout the Colony for distribution to candidates for examination. These Begulations are almost identical with those now in force in the United Kingdom, and were so framed with the object of insuring that certificates issued under them should be recognized as of the same value as those issued by the Board of Trade, so as to enable the holders of them to command British ships in any part of the world. The Eegulations were forwarded to the Board of Trade in a letter from this Department, dated the 13th April last, copy of which is appended hereto, and in which will be found described in detail the several steps that have been taken for carrying out the conditions imposed by the Board of Trade with regard to certificates to bo issued in accordance with the provisions of " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 18(59." I fully expect to hear in the course of the next two months that an Order in Council has been issued by Her Majesty, declaring that certificates of competency issued in New Zealand under the Eegulations referred to shall be of the same force as those issued by the Imperial Government. It will be advisable, I think, when that intimation reaches the Colony, that those clauses of" The Merchant Shipping A.ct, 1854," now in abeyance, that make it compulsory on Masters and Mates to have certificates, should be brought into operation, by Order in Council, under " The Merchant Shipping Acts Adoption Act, 1869." No reasonable objection can be urged against this course, as Masters and Mates who have served in those capacities before the Ist January, 1871, and have had their usual place of residence in New Zealand for a period of not less than three years then next preceding, if they are unwilling to undergo examinations, can now obtain certificates of service. With regard to this point, it will be remembered that I took occasion in last year's report to represent the hardship that would result to a large number of Masters and Mates who had commanded vessels in these Colonies for a number of years, but who were not possessed of certificates of competency, if they were required to pass examinations; and I suggested that the authority of the Legislature should be obtained for issuing " Certificates of Service," on conditions relatively the same as those laid down in the 135 th section of the Imperial "Merchant Shipping Act, 1854." The Government were pleased to entertain this suggestion favourably, and soon afterwards, with a view of giving effect to it, introduced a Bill (" The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act Amendment Act, 1871,") into the Assembly,



a.— No. 30.

■which was subsequently passed. A considerable number of these certificates have already been issued tinder authority of this Act, and applications for them continue to come in from all parts of the Colony. I should here observe that when certificates of service for foreign-going ships are issued, the persons to whom they are granted are informed that such certificates have not the same force as certificates of service issued in the United Kingdom; that they are not recognized by the Board of Trade, and that they are only valid in New Zealand and in New South Wales; but that it is probable that the other Australian Colonies will also recognize them. 12. Wrecks and Casualties. — The number of casualties to shipping that occurred on the coasts of the Colony in 1871-72, was 88, of the aggregate tonnage of 3,10 i, being considerably in excess both in numbers and tonnage of the casualties of the previous year, during which there were 27 casualties, of 2,173 tons ; but the loss of life was less, being only 11, against 27 in 1870-71. Of these six belonged to the unfortunate schooner " Rifleman," which sailed from Lyttelton on the 10th October last, never afterwards to be heard of; and three comprised the crew of the schooner " Ocean Bird," which vessel capsized off Stevens Island in April last. The severe gale which was experienced at Taranaki, Nelson, and Wellington, on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of November last, added several to the list of casualties for the year. 13. The usual return of wrecks from the Wreck Register will be found with the Appendices hereto ; together with a Wreck Chart, showing the places at which the several casualties occurred. In the return of casualties will be found particulars of two wrecks which took place at a distance from New Zealand—viz., the " Indiaman," a Swedish vessel of 1,200 tons, which was totally lost at Easter Island, latitude 27° 9' 30" S., longitude 109° 25' 20" W.; and the " Sea Breeze," belonging to Auckland, of 70 tons, totally lost at Star-book Island, in latitude 5° 24' S., longitude 155° 50' W. The Master "who was in command of the " Sea Breeze " when she was lost, was the same person who had his certificate cancelled in Auckland in February, 1870, for stranding the cutter " Harwell," on a rock off the Island of Tiri Tiri. This circumstance shows the necessity that exists for bringing into force the Regulations above referred to of requiring that vessels shall be commanded only by Masters holding certificates; for if Masters can be appointed to vessels after having had their certificates cancelled, it is obvious that the prospect of punishment for neglect, by the suspension or cancellation of certificates, ■will soon be regarded with indifference, and that one of the main objects of holding official inquiries into wrecks will thus be defeated. 14. Corrections of Charts. —Representations reached the Department lately from various sources that Cape Turnagain was about six miles to the southward of the position assigned to it on the Admiralty Chart and in the New Zealand Pilot. Being aware that a trigonometrical survey of the Province of Hawke's Bay had lately been made under the directions of the Inspector of Surveys, I wrote to that officer requesting him to be good enough to furnish such information as he was able respecting this error in the chart, in order that I might forward the particulars to the Hydrographical Department of the Admiralty, for the purpose of having the chart corrected. Captain Heale at once responded by sending the true latitude of the Cape (40° 29' 47", instead of 40° 22', as given in the New Zealand Pilot), which was forthwith published in a " Notice to Mariners." He has since forwarded a tracing from the Trigonometrical Survey Map, showing the coast from Black Head to Castle Point, together ■with an Admiralty Chart on which the true position of Capo Turnagain is given, and with the coast line corrected; these corrections will be transmitted to the Admiralty as soon as I receive a corrected outline of the coast from Castle Point to Port Nicholson, which the Chief Surveyor of the Province of Wellington has kindly promised to supply as soon as the topographical map of that part of the Province, now being compiled, is completed. 15. The only Marine Surveying done during the past year has been the fixing of the position of the " Ahuriri Reef," near Waikouaiti Bay. A plan of this reef, together with all necessary information to enable mariners to avoid the dangerous ground in its vicinity, has been forwarded to the Hydrographer of the Admiralty. I have, &c, William Seed, The Hon. the Commissioner of Customs. Secretary of Customs.

(Enclosure.) Customs Department (Marine Branch), Sir,— Wellington, New Zealand, 13th April, 1872. Referring to the Despatches of the Eight Honorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies of the 26th August, 1869, and the 25th May, 1871, relative to "The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) &.ct, 1869," and in obedience to the direction contained in the last-named Despatch, that all correspondence arising out of the instructions enclosed therein should be carried on direct with the Board of Trade, I have now the honor to report the steps that have been taken in this Colony for carrying into effect the provisions of section 8 of the Act in question. 2. The Act was proclaimed in New Zealand on the 4th of May, 1870. Copy of Proclamation enclosed herein.* 3. An Act was passed by the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act, 1870." Under this Act, regulations for the examination of masters, mates, and engineers for certificates of competency, were made on the fourth of January last, and were at once promulgated in the New Zealand Gazette. Copies of these regulations are enclosed herein.t It will be seen that they are almost a literal transcript of the Board of Trade Regulations. 4. Examination papers, specimens of which are forwarded herewith, have been prepared on the model of those issued by the Board of Trade. * New Zealand Gazette, 1870, p. 25. f Neio Zealand Gazette, 1871, p. 32.

G.— No. 30.



5. Examiners are appointed by the Governor in Council. 6. Two officers of this Department have been appointed Examiners in Seamanship and Navigation, namely, Mr. Robert Johnson, formerly a master in the Mercantile Marine, the number of whose certificate of competency ia 4002. and Kobert Atherton Edwin, a retired Commander of the Royal Nary. Should any additional Examiners be required, they would have to satisfy the present Examiners of their fitness for the office. 7. The Examiner of Engineers, Mr. Joseph. Nanearrow, holds also the office of Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor in this Department. When additional Examiners of Engineers are required, they will be selected in the same manner as such officers are selected by the Board of Trade. 8. Certificates will only be granted to persons who have been domiciled in New Zealand, or who have served in ships registered in the Colony, or in ships employed in the coasting trade for at least three years immediately preceding their application to be examined. Ever}' precaution will be taken to prevent persona who from want of necessary service, or from incompetency or misconduct, have failed in obtaining certificates in any other Colony or in the United Kingdom, from obtaining certificates in New Zealand. 9. The certificates to be issued have not yet been printed: they will have the name of the Colony prominently printed on the face and back, and they will be as nearly as possible similar in shape and form to the certificates issued by the Board of Trade. They will be numbered consecutively. Specimens of the.certificates, and the number of copies on paper required by the Board of Trade, will be sent as soon as they are printed. 10. The names of all persons who pass their examinations, with the number, description, and date of their certificates, and also the names of those who apply to be examined, and who fail to obtaia certificates, and the cause of failure, will be duly and promptly reported to the Board of Trade by this Department. 11. By " The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act Amendment Act, 1871," certificates granted in New Zealand are subject to the provisions respecting cancellation and suspension contained. in sections 241 and 242 of the Imperial " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," and in sections 11 and 23 of the Imperial " Merchant Shipping Act Amendment Act, 1862." 12. Copies of the Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act of 1870, and of "The Merchant Ships Officers Examination Act Amendment Act, 1871," are transmitted herewith. 13. I trust that the arrangements reported herein will be considered satisfactory by the Board of Trade, and that it will be good enough to advise that Her Majesty's Order in Council under " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869," may take effect with respect to all certificates of competency that may be granted in New Zealand after the Ist of May next. I have, &c, William Seed, The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department, Secretary of Customs. Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens.



G.—No. 30.

RETURN of the Total Expenditure of the MARINE DEPARTMENT for the Financial Year 1871-72.

RETURN showing the Cost of Maintenance of the NEW ZEALAND LIGHTHOUSES during the Financial Year 1871-72.

RETURN of the AMOUNT COLLECTED during the Financial Year 1871-72, as FEES under the Steam Navigation Act, the Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act, and for SALE of CHARTS, &c.

Vote 53. Details of Expenditure. Total Amount Expended. Total Amonnt Voted. Item. Nature of Expenditure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to 18 19 20 21 Marine Engineer Inspector of Steamers and Nautical Assessor Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor Examiner of Masters and Mates in Navigation Clerk Local Inspectors of Steamers Expenses under " Enquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869 " Lightkeepers' Salaries ... Beacon on Flat Rock, Hauraki Gulf Repairs to Dog Island Tower Repairs to Lighthouses Additions to Houses ; Tools and other permanent Lighthouse Stores ... Lighthouse Contingencies—including the Payment of temporary Keepers, Freight, &c. Greneral Lighthouse Contingencies, Oil, &c. Lightkeepers' Travelling Expenses Departmental Travelling Expenses Local Officers' Travelling Expenses Departmental Contingencies C i i arts Buoys and Beacons £ s. d. £ s. d. 200 0 0 380 0 0 380 0 0 300 0 0 175 0 0 250 0 0 26 4 0 3,288 18 5 39 18 6 552 19 1 £ s. d. 200 0 0 380 0 0 380 0 0 300 0 0 175 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 3,690 0 0 500 0 0 750 0 0 76 8 1 320 7 5 313 2 6 487 11 1* 29 0 4 308 12 3 12 10 0 82 12 9 34 1 3 51 0 4 1,715 6 0 3,500 0 0 Totals '7,308 6 0 10,175 0 0 * In adi lition to this there is a liability of about £720, being bi ilanee of cost of oil shipped from London, the invoice of

Name of Lighthouse. Kepairs and Stores of a Permanent Nature. Oil and other Annual Supplies and Contingencies. Keepers' Salaries. Total Expenses for the Year. TiriTiri Farewell Spit Nelson Mana Island .., Pencarrow Head Cape Campbell G-odley Head... Tairoa Head ... Nugget Point Dog Island ... £ s. d. 20 19 8 171 8 . 0* 28 12 8 15 5 3 46 11 8 66 6 7 7 18 27 18 0 £ s. d. 161 7 0 144 2 7 30 12 6 177 15 1 219 8 0 153 19 2 177 9 0 104 10 5 190 12 4, 151 17 6 £ s. d. 340 0 0 397 9 11 180 0 0 324 11 10 340 0 0 331 12 2 315 4 6 320 0 0 310 0 0 430 0 0 £ s. d. 522 G 8 713 0 6 239 5 2 517 12 2 605 19 8 551 17 11 499 15 2 452 8 5 506 12 4 1,150 8 7 565" 11 1 Totals ... 9-19 14 7 1,520 13 7t 3,288 18 5 5,759 6 7 * Includes the cost of] t This sum includes £' irrived. naterials for Second Ass' '20, the estimated balam iistant Keeper's house, ee of the cost of oil shii ipod from London, the invoice of which lias not

Nature of Receipt. Amount Collected. £ a. d. Fees under Steam Navigation Act Pees under Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act Sale of Charts, &c. ... 511 7 0 8 0 0 72 6 6 Total for 1871-2 ... 591 13 6

&,— No. 30.



RETURN of the AMOUNT received for PILOTAGE, PORT CHARGES, &c. (being Provincial Revenue), at the various Ports of New Zealand, during the Financial Year 1871-72.

RETURN showing the QUANTITY of OIL consumed at the New Zealand Lighthouses, during the Financial Year 1871-72.

Name of Province and of Port. Amount Received for Pilotage. Amount Received for Port Dues, &c. Totals. Auckland — Auckland ... Thames Onehnnga ... Kaipara Russell Monsonui ... Hokianga ... £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 1,138 13 4 429 7 5 99 17 9 74 1 2 18 12 5 5 4 5 *1,568 0 9 99 17 9 128 6 2 55 13 7 51 12 7 8 6 10 84 19 6 54 5 0 37 1 2 46 8 2 8 6 10 84 19 6 1,369 14 0 627 3 2 1,996 17 2 Taranaki — New Plymouth 39 0 4 17 0 1 56 0 5 Hawke's Bay— Napier 461 8 10 100 0 9 561 9 7 Wellington—. Wanganui... Wellington 63 16 4 798 15 8 55815 5 63 16 4 1,357 11 1 1,421 7 5 862 12 0 558 15 5 Nelson — Nelson 21 13 2 652 5 2 630 12 0 County of Westland —■ Hokitika ... Okarito 32 11 4 2 6 6 32 11 4 2 6 6 34 17 10 34 17 10 Canteebttky— Lyttelton ... Timaru 1,350 0 1 816 19 1 9 13 9 2,166 19 2 9 13 9 1,350 0 1 826 12 10 2,176 12 11 Otaoo —■ Oamaru Dunedin ... Invercargill Bluff Riverton ... 0 16 3 1,622 12 7 200 15 4 859 10 8 53 7 2 55 8 2 1 18 6 201 11 7 2,482 3 3 53 7 2 291 1 3 39 14 6 235 19 1 37 16 0 1,897 3 11 1,170 19 10 3,068 3 9 Totals, 1871-72 6,645 9 0 3,322 5 3 3,261 15 9 9,967 14 3 9,873 14 3 Totals, 1870-71 6,611 19 0 * Paid to Auckland Hi irbour Board. «

Name of Lighthouse. Quantity of Oil consumed. Grallons. TiriTiri Farewell Spit Nelson Mana Island Pencarrow Head Cape Campbell Grodley Head Tairoa Head Nugget Point Dog Island ... 469 427 120 595 670 439 525 400 688 609 Total 4,942



a.—No. 30.

RETURN showing AMOUNT of LIGHT DUES collected during the Financial Year 1871-72.

RETURN of MASTERS, MATES, and ENGINEERS, who have been Examined under the Regulations issued under "The Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act, 1870," during the Financial Year 1871-72.

RETURN of MASTERS and MATES to whom CERTIGICATES of SERVICE have been Granted under "The Merchant Ships Officers' Examination Act Amendment Act, 1871," during the Financial Year 1871-72.

Port at which Collected. Amount. Auckland Russell Hokianga Wangarei New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Napier Picton Haveloek Kaikoura Nelson Westport Grcymouth. llokilika Lyltelton Akaroa Ximam Oaraaru Dunedin Inrercargill Bluff KiTerton £ s. d. 1,197 5 0 45 0 7 4 8 1 7 19 3 17 0 5 20 10 5 732 2 1 39 17 2 49 16 6 11 18 3 2 10 3 530 19 5 83 15 6 6 13 0 33 2 5 1,084 13 11 22 1 11 52 9 7 74 15 3 1,482 7 3 18 18 4 378 4 4 7 11 1 Total for 1871-72 Total for 1870-71 5,904 0 0 5,575 6 4

Names. Rank for which Passed. Date of Examination. Thomas Edward Simms ... Arthur Irvine ... Charles Lloyd ... William James Jobson ... Archibald Kelly Daniel Smith ... Alexander Crawford Master, Home Trade Master, Homo Trade Master, Home Trade First Class Engineer Second Class Engineer Second Class Engineer Second Class Engineer 5 March, 1872. 12 April, 1872. 11 May, 1872. 8 June, 1872. 11 June, 1872. 25 June, 1872. 29 June, 1872.

Names. Rank for which Certiiicate lias been Granted. "Whether the Certificate Granted for Home or Foreign Trade. Date of Issue of Certificate. N"o._ of Certiiicate. James Dillon John Bain Hugh Falconer Anderson Stephen Tall James Edie Michael Carey Master ... Master ... Master ... Master ... Master ... Master ... Home ... Foreign... Foreign... Home ... Home ... Home ... 25 June, 1872 25 June, 1872 25 June, 1872 29 June, 1872 29 June, 1872 29 June, 1872 2,001 2,002 2,003 2, 004 2,005 2,000 3


G.—No. 30.


RETURN of GENERAL PILOTAGE EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES issued during the Financial Year, 1871-72.

o! Names of Masters to whom Certificates have been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates have been issued. Ports included on Certificate. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124, 125 John McKenzie William A. Payne William Davidson Gordon McKinnon Gilbert Harrison James Smith Peter Matzen John Paterson Joseph Trenear George A. Phillips William Dyson John Harrison John R. Gourlay John McColl Daniel Brent Colin Chadwick Benjamin Jenkins William Hopkins Donald Sinclair Peter Toomey James Fox ... -Lhomas Blake William Gathercole ... John McLean Flirt Elizabeth Curie Tell Ahuriri Frowning Beauty ... Flirt Golden Isle Emulous ... Derwent ... Chanticleer & Glencoe Briton Prince Alfred Natal Queen Indus Gazelle ... Aberdeen ... John Knox Glencoe G-eelong ... Rifleman ... Camille Adeline Burke Enterprise Albion, Alhambra, Claud Hamilton, Gothenburg, Omeo, Rangitoto, Tararua. Fanny City of Adelaide Eleanor ... Samson Lisinore ... Hero Ottawa Prima Donna Crest of the Wave ... Auckland, Kaipara, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timavu. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarito, Hokitika, Greymouth, Westport. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akavoa, Timaru, Dunedin. Napier, Wellington, Ljttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Ranedin, Bluff Harbour, Riverton. Auckland, Wellington. Auckland. Russell, Auckland. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Picton, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika. Auckland. Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Dunedin, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton. Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin. Dunedin, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Ctreymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Wellington. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellin 0 ton, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. > Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Dunedin. Auckland. Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Russell, Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Wellington, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito, Nelson. Auckland, Lyttelton. Wellington. Russell, Auckland, Mongonui, Kaipara, Manukau, Wa.itara, New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika. Auckland, Taranaki, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Oainaru, Dunedin. Auckland. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarito. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Auckland. Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Nelson. Auckland, Kaipara. Lyttelton, Dunedin. Dunedin. 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 Jeremiah Downing David Walker Archibald Black Lawrence Stevens John Dunn ... Thomas Logan Edmund J. Tooker Gregory S. Norris Archibald Bell 135 136 137 138 Alexr. D. McGillivray Griffith Brans Francis Ruwald John Austin... Go-ahead Ben Nevis Cyrus Chary bidis 139 140 141 William Rouse Hugh Paterson John Bain ... Claud Hamilton Jane Anderson Esk, City of Newcastle 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Joseph Pallant Benjamin B. Creagh ... Robert Hilton Patrick Cooney Daniel Walkley James Dillon Michael Yates Charles Hodge James Edie ... Wave Kennedy ... Centaur Hercules ... Stranger ... Wallace ... Jessie Niccol Medea

G.-No. se.

RETURN of MASTERS and ENGINEERS to whom CERTIFICATES of COMPETENCY, under "The Steam Navigation Act, 1866," have been issued during the Financial Year 1871-72.



Name. Name and Position of the Examining Officer. Nature of Examination. Class of Certificate. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. ° o Remarks. Peter Doile Gr. McKinnon... J. McDowall ... F.Williams ... S. Stevens H. H. Tizard ... A. D. McGillivray W. G. Kirkpatrick Peter Seaton ... P.Duffy A. Milne J. H. Davidson Not again examined ... Captain Gibson, Licensed Examiner, LyHelton ... Captain Thomson, Licensed Examiner, Otago Captain Richards, Licensed Examiner, Auckland... Not again examined ... Captain Richards, Licensed Examiner, Auckland... Master >y )> jj jj j) Coasting Service only River Service only Extended River Service only Coasting Service only River Service only Coasting Service only ... ... River Service only Extended River Service only Non-condensing Engines, River Service Condensing Engines, Extended River Service... Condensing Engines, Coasting only... Go-ahead Ahuriri Tuapeka Clyde Samson Effort Go-ahead Waipa Result Devonport Moa Samson July 28, 1871 Aug. 12, „ Dec. 19, „ Jan. 5, 1872 Feb. 1, „ April 6, „ Dec. 14, 1871 Jan. 24, 1872 April 10, „ 218 219 220 22L 222 223 224 225 226 208 209 210 In lieu of No. 125. In lien of No. 208. In lieu of No. 214. In lieu of No. 175. )> 3) J. Stewart, Licensed Examiner, Auckland Not again examined ... Engineer In lieu of No. 144. In lieu of No. 120. a 3)

©.—No. 30.

RETURN of WRECKS on which INQUIRIES have been held under "The Inquiry into Wrecks Act," or for which Casualty Returns have been received, between 1st July, 1871, and 30th June, 1872.



Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Big. U 0 Number of Crew. Number of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. Finding of tlie Court of Inquiry. Name of Master of Vessel, Direction. Force. 1871. June 11 Brothers and Sister, 20 years. Ketch 21 3 Ballast Stranded ; total loss. N.E. Moderate Mooring lines chafed by rocks, a heavy sea coming into the bay. Edward Perkins. July 20 Waterman, 4 years. Brigantine 113| 8 General a About three miles North of Hokitika River. W. Fresh breeze Error of judgment on part of master, in running in too close to the land in bad weather, with glass very low. John Le Brun. „ 31 Premier, 9 years. Barque 11 Coal jj Oamaru Bay, South side. N.N.W. Fresh and unsteady. No blame whatever attributed to the master or his officers ; and that all "was done that possibly could be done to save the ship. H. J. Bowan. 296 Aug. 9 Canterbury, 8 years. Schooner Greneral Stranded ; partial loss. Bar of Buller River. Moderate Master exonerated from blame. J. Ruxton. w 6 ;n.n.e. „ 13 Dunedin » 66 5 Produce Loss of life. 2 Fifty miles East of Flat Point. s.s.w. Strong gale James Stuart. „ 30 Peter Craeroft, 9 years. Cutter 19 2 Firewood Stranded ; total loss. Four miles South of East Cape of Great Barrier Island. s.s.w. Whole gale Stress of weather. Samuel Bolt. „ 30 Rifleman, 9 years. Schooner (3-masted.) 81 6 2 Greneral Stranded ; partial loss. Okapu Bay, Great Barrier Island. s.s.w. 3) Miscalculation of the vessel's position when laid-to. Joseph Hobbs. Sept. 9 Murray, s.s., 8 years, and Charles Edward, p.s., 7 years. Schooner 57 12 2 » 1 Collision ; partial loss of Murray. Light ■{ Master of Charles Edward blamed for causing collision by want of care, and for going to sea without inquiring whether Murray wanted assistance. Abraham Palmer. a 90 .. h }" Bar of Buller River. N.E. Thomas Holmes, J „ 13 Tell Barque 302 9 Ballast Stranded; partial loss. Steeple Rook, Wellington Harbour. S.S.E. Fresli to moderate & squally. Neglect of master in not having shortened sail in time. William Davidson. ., 14 Lyttelton, p.s., 13 years. Schooner 86. General )> South of entrance of Buller River. S.E. Strong breeze Vessel was accidentally caught on a sunken anchor. William Scott. „ 21 Lady Bird, 20 years. Schooner (3-masted.) 303 10 5 Ballast >> South end, Barrett's Reef, Wellington Harbour. Variable. Light Accident caused by change of wind whilst vessel in stays. Ferdinand Holm. „ 30 Zephyr Brigantine 8 General )i North Spit of the entrance to the Hokitika River. s.w. Fresh breeze Accidental. No blame attributed to master. Thomas Hughes. 135

Q.— No. 30.



hecks on wl iid Inquiries have bee: held, &c. — continuet Date of Casualty. Kame of Vessel; also, Age and Class ■when known. Big. Number of Crew. .Number of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. Finding of the Court of Inquiry, Name of Master of Vessel, Direction. Foroe. 1871. Oct. 5 Midlothian Ketch IS 2 General Stranded; total loss. Bar of the Wairoa River. S.E. Fresh gale Master obliged, by weather, to take bar at unfavourable time of lide. John Wilson. „ 14 Leonidas, 14 years. Schooner 79 5 » i) Rock in entrance of Wangape Harbour. S. to S.W. Moderate breeze Want of proper knowledge of Wangape Harbour, of which place there appears to be no chart. William Norris. Sea Breeze, 10 years. Schooner 6 1 Guano i) None Reef at N.W. end of Staarbuck Island. 5 John Austen. t) 25 70 E.S.E. Master blamed for wreck. Loss believed to have been caused either by drunkenness (as in case of Marwell, lost by him on Tiri Tiri about 3 years ago, and for which hia certificate of service was taken away,) or from a desire to show off the capabilities of his vessel, which had the reputation of a smart Bailer. Blackwall, 5 yeai-B. Not. 9 Barge 26 4 1 Ballast Stranded; partial loss. £ mile N. of Fox's River, Middle Mand. Calm. Wind dying away ; vessel became unmanageable in break. Ak'xnnfU, Munro. „ 10 Waihopi, 5 years. Schooner 4 1 >i Stranded; total loss. Entrance to the Wairarapa Lake, Palliser Bay. S.E. Whole gale Driven on a lee shore by stress ol weather. Charles Evans. )J 10 Mo-quiio, 9 years. Ketch 16 2 General Stranded ; total loss. North end of Kapiti Island. S.E. Whole gale Vessel was lost through thickness of weather and strength of ebb tide, for which it does not appear that sufficient allowance was made. Henry Pierce. » 10 Alert, 16 years. 28 3 Timber Stranded; partial loss. N.W. point of Worser's Bay,Wellington Harbour. S.E. » Unavoidable accident; cable parted during heavy S.E. gale. John A. Scott. )) 11 Angelina, 3 years. j) 22 3 1 )) Stranded; total loss. Bill's Cove, Port Underwood. S.E. n Vessel was apparently not well found in anchors or cables. William A. Payne. » 17 Collingwood, 5 years. j) 3 Malt Stranded; partial loss. Dorset Point, Wellington Harbour. N.W. Strong gale Accident, which would probably have been avoided had the master been provided with a chart of the harbour. James Pilkington. 15 Ahuriri, s.s., 7i years, Al for 9 years. Schooner 13 General Stranded; total loss. On a sunken rock near Jones' Head, Waikouaiti Bay. Fresh Gordon McKinnon. „ 22 131 16 S.W. Master blamed for being too close to land ; also for allowing sluice valves to remain open; certificate not suspended because danger not on chart.

G.—sTo. 30.



JtE< :cks on ty hie NQTT IKIES ave >een e.~continuei Date of Casualty. Ifame of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Eig. ■§J§ Number of Crevr. Number of Passengers. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Wind. Finding of tlie Court of Inquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Casualty took place. Direction. Force. Nov. 25 Apai'ima Ketch 30 3 Ballast Stranded ; total loss. Mataura River; 500 yards west of the entrance. Calm Loss result of circumstances altogether beyond the control of parties concerned. Edward Kerns. Deo. 14 Midge, 13 years. Schooner 9 General 3} mile S. of Ponto Point, Kaipara. s.w. Moderate tn*eeze h Error of judgment on part of pilot in charge. David Arthur Stuart. 92 „ 28 Golden Crown, p.s., 1 year, and Avon, 7 years. 3} 208 19 116 Ballast^ I Collision ; with but little damage. ■ r Between Pomii Island and the Sandspit, Tehmaki Strait. n George Baker, mate of the Golden Crown, did not properly comply with articles 15 and l<i of the Re- - gulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Joseph Ellis. 3 ■I „ ] Cutter 19 w.s.w. William Lombard. L Supposed S.E. L Not Rifleman, 9 years. Schooner (3-rnasted.) SI 6 j) Supposed foundered. Supposed; 6 Last seen off Cape Campbell. Supposed Heavy gale. Supposed to have foundered at sea during heavy S.E. gale. Peter Toomey. known. 1872. Feb. 20 Heathcote, 5 years. Ketch 3 General Stranded; total loss. South Head of West Wanganui Inlet, Middle Island. S.E. "Whole gale Heavy gale caused vessel to drag anchor; no blame attached to master. James Moore. 22 „ 24 Onehunga Schooner 6 !> Oamaru Bay N.E. Gale Casualty unavoidable ; master not to blame. R. P. Crouch. CI H Mar. 13 Pilot, 6 years. Cutter 10 3 1 Stranded ; partial loss. Scotia Rock, Bluff Harbour. N.B. Light breeze Not sufficient allowance made for strength of tide. Roger Owen. „ 15 Huntress Schooner 75 6 Ballast Stranded ; total loss. 21 miles south of Cape Brett. E.S.E. Strong Error of judgment in not having steered a more weatherly course. H. D. Bower. „ 16 Indiaman, 17 years. Ship o o o OS 18 Ballast, and 35 tons potatoes. H Easter Island "W. In absence of master and officers, no conclusion can be arrived at; but if men's account is to be relied on, vessel should not have been taken from Melbourne without docking and thorough repair. It seems a most extraordinary proceeding to strand a ship on the rocks —after being at anchor for several days — kedged ashore in order to " break her up to save what material they could." Assistance at the pumpwas obtained from the Island, and there is nothing to show that any inAlbert Miltopseus.

&.— K®. 3&



ecks on w ilCl NQX'IKIFS ave >een .el iC.— -COlT, inuei Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel; also, Age and Class when known. Kg. ■a a ; Number of Crew. Number of Passengers. Nature of Cargo., Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives Lost. Place where Casualty took place. Wind. »f the Court of Inquiry. Name of Master of Vessel. Direction. Force. 1872. crease of danger necessitated the ca>ting of her ashore. It appears only reasonable to suppose that, by shipping some of the Kanakas and dividing the watches, the vessel might have been navigated in safety to Callao, seeing that at the time of anchoring the ordinary crew had been able to pump the vessel almost clear of water. Mar. 30 . Mahia, 8 years. Cutter 19 3 2 General Stranded, total loss. Bar of Wairoa River, Hawke's Bay. S.W. Moderate David Hamilton. Ocean Bird, 1 year. Schooner 33 3 Produce Supposed capsized; partial loss. I Supposed 3 I Supposed near Jack- 1 son's Head. S.E. Supposed gale This vessel was found bottom up off D'Urville Island. R. Judge. May 4 Woodstock Cutter 31 3 Timber i : Stranded ; partial loss. Whakafane River, Bay of Plenty. Calm Master attempted to take vessel over bar while there was a heavy fresh in the river, and insufficient wind to give proper steerage way. Thomas Jackson. Maori, s.s., Al 10 years, age 4 years, and Coronet, age 10 months. Schooner 15 Greneral j Collision, "with partial loss. Seven or eight miles east by north from Oainaru. Light } Master of Maori acted with promptitude and judgment, but mate (James Leys) could not be acquitted of carelessness. James Malcolm. J) 5 118 16 Brigantine 95 6 J... W. by K". James Robinson. Nautilus, 6 years. Cutter 3 2 Timber Stranded ; ■partial loss. On a small rock 50 or 60 feet south of Flat Rock, off Kawau Island. S. Moderate Want of judgment on part of Robert Foreman, in charge, in attempting to weather the Flat Rock. Matthew Hooper » 26 30 Edward, If year. Schooner a Dismasted ; partial loss. Off Kaikoura Peninsula. Moderate gale Accident of the seas. Or. Dalmer. „ 27 32 4 S.W. „ 30 Caledonia, 8 years. j) 5 ;> Stranded ; total loss. On upper rocks south side of Catlin's River. s.w. Fresh "Vessel would not answer her helm, owing to strong current. William Walker. GO June 19 Kate j) 3 j) About four milea south of bar of Wanganui River. Gale Vessel having lost, sails, had to be beached to save life. Phillip Jenkins. 27 j)

&.—No. 30.

RETURN of STEAM VESSELS to which CERTIFICATES have been issued in New Zealand, during the Financial Year 1871-72.



Name of Vessel. Tom Kegister. Horse Power of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Clas3 of Certificate. Nature of Engine8. Remarks. Blue Nose Waipa Enterprise No. 1 Enterprise No. 2 Gemini Lady Bowen Duke of Edinburgh Royal Alfred ... Lalla Rookb. Devonport Challenger Golden Crown ... Napier Comerang Star of South ... Effort Result Fairy Lily Una Southern Cross ... Phcebe Taraiiaki Wellington Rangatira Go-Ahead Ahuriri Keera ... Wanganui St. Kilda Pioneer Tongariro Osprey Halcyon: ... Novelty Clyde ... Miillogh Gazelle Moa ... Pioneer Pretty Jane Beautiful Star ... Maori... Geelong Wallace Golden Age Peninsula Lady of the Lake Samson Tuapeka Clutha Antrim Storm Bird Wai para Lioness Dispatch Wallabi Lyttelton LadyBarkly ... Charles Edward Murray Kennedy 42 30 22 40 11 29 54 89 23 23 26 207 44 152 147 13 13 30 30 14 Si 7 34 35 60 14 12 30 140 24 60 50 12 10 Paddle Biver Non-condensing j) j> )J Extended River River Extended River Sea-going JJ Twin Screw Paddle jj Condensing w n >> Extended River River Extended River Non-condensing j> ii Screw Paddle ScrewPaddle Sea-going Condensing Non-condensing Condensing }j River Extended River River Non-condensing » Screw 11 >» Steam Launch. Ditto. Ditto. >} ?7 a 65 416 298 261 184 83 130 158 165 91 18 39 28 24 43 27 46 47 50 40 120 90 80 50 30 50 60 50 30 10 9 10 25 30 32 15 30 25 it Sea-going Condensing )> jj )> ii it ii jj Twin Screw Screw » jj j) Non-condensing Condensing Wrecked. jj jj » )t it }j ii Paddle Paddle Twin Screw Paddle II Kiver Extended River River Extended River River Extended River River Extended River ii Non-condensing Condensing Non-condensing ii ii Screw ii ii ii ii jj River Sea-going ii Condensing Non-condensing 90 126 118 108 56 79 32 57 111 24 21 36 67 48 26 38 101 86 30 89 56 125 35 30 60 70 40 60 20 25 70 60 20 30 30 30 60 40 25 25 25 60 18 36 a Steam Launch. Condensing ii j> Paddle jj ii )» )J »j River Non-condensing )J jj ii JJ Stern'Vheel Paddle Sea River if Condensing Non-condensing jj a >J Screw Twin Screw Paddle Sea-going Condensing jj a jj a Screw Paddle a j> a Extended River Sea-going ii ■J a Screw Twin Screw ii jj n jj )>

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SEVENTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1872., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-30

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SEVENTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1872. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-30

SEVENTH REPORT OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1872. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-30

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