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AVellington, 21th July, 1872. "THE CIVIL SERVICE ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1871." Sir, — I have the honor to submit the result of my computations of "the exact amount which every person whosfs rights, claims, or interests are preserved in the second section of this Act, would be entitled to receive for any right, claim, or interest up to the date of the passing of this Act, but no further," setting forth, so far as my information extends," the name, rate of pay, and length of service of every person entitled to receive compensation, together with the amount in each case." Further, I beg to state, in compliance with the Act, that " the principle on which the said amounts have been computed " is in accordance with the Carlisle Tables of Mortality., reckoning interest of money at five per cent., and taking as a basis the average rates of pay of each officer for the three years ending 30th June, 1872 ; or, where the officers are not of three years' standing, on the average rates received by them respectively since their appointments. The computations have been worked upon a table of logarithms to three places of decimals, and are therefore correct, within farthings. Upon this it will appear (Summary A.) that the present value of the interests of officers under "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," and "The Civil Service Act Amendment Act, 1861," amounts to two hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred and fifty-six pounds eighteen shillings and threepence (£243,856 18s. 3d.) j equivalent to 22101 months' purchase on their pay for the year ending 30th June, 1872, provided these gentlemen remain in the Government service for the full term of their employ ; that is to say, for thirty-one years' service, or until they shall have attained the full age of sixty years : the total amount on which this sum is computed being -£69,122 19s. 3d. But many of these officers are entitled to avail themselves of a Retiring Allowance without serving for thirty-one years, or without having attained the age of sixty; it is therefore necessary in each such case to state a second equation, the result of which computation will be found (Summary B.) to amount to the sum .£164,470 Bs. 5d., and thus to bring up the present value to .£296,691 2s. 3d., a sum equivalent to 26-888 months' purchase on the present pay of the officers under the Acts of 1858 and 1861. The total amount on which this sum is computed is £63,862 16s. 3d. The following officers under the Acts of 1858 and 1861 having attained, or who will have attained, the full age of sixty years, not having been ten years in the service, cannot have their interests computed,- such cases not being provided for by the Acts :— Goring, Forster; Gray, Wilson; Greenwood, J. D.; Hogan, David; Mailing, Frederick Edward; Marshall, Charles; and Murdoch, John Wallace.

G.—No. 10,



The present value of the interests of officers coming under " The Civil Service Act, 1866," amounts to forty-five thousand five hundred and sixty-five pounds one shilling and threepence (£45,565 Is. 3d.); being equivalent to 7- 707 months' purchase on their pay as a whole for the year ending 30th June, 1872; the total amount on which this value is computed being £31,502 2s. 9d. Consequently, taking the interests of the officers under the Acts of 1858 and 1861 at £243,856 18s. 3d., the present value of the interests of the whole service equals 17-084 months' purchase on their pay for the year ending 30th June, 1872. The following officers under the Act of 1866 having attained, or who will have attained, the full age of sixty years, not having been ten years in the service, cannot have their interests computed, such cases not being provided for by the Act : — Bamford, John Dean; Blackett, John; Bray, AVilliam Bayley; Dorset, William; Green, Joshua; Hickson, AVilliam; Kennedy, James; Kingdon, Samuel; Ollivier, John; Powditch, William; Rochfort, Singleton; Sampson, Gerard; Wakefield, Felix. For want of necessary information, the interests of the following officers cannot at present be computed:— Carrington, Nelson; Carrington, Octavius; Heaphy, Charles; Holdsworth, Joseph Godfrey; Northcroft, George Andrew; Stewart, John Tiffin; Thomson, John Turnbull. Upon completion, I shall have the honor to forward you a Supplementary Return thereof. . Considerable difficulty has been experienced in ascertaining the correct dates of appointment of some officers, more particularly with regard to those who have been in the service of Provincial Governments ; it is to be understood that the rights of the officers now valued and the dates of appointment are subject to verification; every care has been taken to prevent error, and in this and in all other respects I have had the cordial co-operation of the heads of Departments. In two or three instances, officers not having furnished returns, the computations have been worked upon information derived from the heads of their respective Departments. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, Charles AVhite, The Hon. William Gisborne, Actuary, "Civil Service Act Amendment Act, 1871." Colonial Secretary, &c, &c.

G-No. 10.

Officers of the Civil Service on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," and " The Civil Service Amendment Act, 1861."



NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present If ate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amouut on which P.Y. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Alexandeb, Andrew Allan, Alexander Sutherland Allen, James Edward Allen, John Allwright, William Bright ... 1 May, 1863 6 Sept., 1858 1 Jan., 1866 29 Feb., 1860 1 Aug., 1863 32 29 25 41 18 Postal Judicial Native Customs Postal T. M. 8 7 13 3 5 11 11 9 8 4 £ 280 400 275 350 155 £ 260 400 275 350 155 £ 120 • 714 200 150 • 594 125 98 • 797 £ 291 ■ 966 547 • 89 201 • 141 644-4 104 • 951 £ £ 1 May, 1891 6 Sept., 1889 1 Jan., 1901 1 Mar., 1879 1 Aug., 1905 1 Aug., 1894 16 July, 1887 15 Dec, 1895 15 Dec, 1892 10 Nov., 1888 10 Nov., 1884 1 Mar., 1889 1 July, 1895 13 April, 1906 13 April, 1894 1 Aug., 1908 1 Aug., 1895 1 Aug., 1879 1 Aug., 1871 Mar., 1894 10 Feb., 1892 { 77:777 134-243 . _ _..... 16 July, 1862 15 Dec, 1861 35 26 Audit Postal 9 4 9 11 350 225 330 216 • 666 For 31 years' service. Anderson, John Graham Andrews, Alfred 141 • 427 116 • 071 439 ■ 784 208 • 19 Andrews, Henry Freeman 10 Nov., 1853 15 Customs 18 1 400 400 266 • 666 1,090 • 086 ( ... ( 108 • 333 (.200 264-811 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. 1 Mar., 1860 1 July, 1865 13 April, 1863 31 30 17 Postal Customs Customs 95 ■ 239 100 ■ 06 96 ■ 428 1,126-532 Andrews, William Dolling ... Atkinson, Alfred Atkinson, Robert 11 9 6 5 8 8 200 215 150 200 205 150 260 • 902 190-4 96 • 843 16 U f ... { 65 • 277 226 • 816 For 31 years' service. Atkyns, Mensdorff Coningsby Wynyard Aubrey, Harcourt Richard ... 1 Aug., 1864 Customs 7 4 141 • 666 130 • 555 85 • 482 76-772 29 Judicial 191 • 565 For 31 years' service. 1 Aug., 1848 23 4 300 290 193 • 333 966 • 67 ;l,848 '• 373 I Mar., 1865 10 Feb., 1862 31 30 165 ■ 714 For age 52. Austin, John Charles Quiunell Aylmer, Justin John ... Native Judicial 6 9 9 10 200 500 200 500 95 ■239 244 • 048 192 ■ 312 554 ■ 20 Back, Alexander Bacon, Thomas 1 May, 1858 9 July, 1859 52 21 Judicial Customs 13 7 12 5 500 126 500 126 125 70 • 5 970 • 625 134 ■ 09 1 May, 1871 9 July, 1895 9 July, 1890 28 Nov., 1902 28 Nov., 1890 1 June, 1881 25 Jan., 1890 June, 1886 June, 1876 1 Nov., 1886 1 Nov., 1881 7 Oct., 1878 1 Oct., 1871 15 June, 18S1 15 Feb., 1901 15 Feb., 1893 17 Feb., 1892 17 Feb., 1890 1 June, 1882 1 June, 1872 14 July, 1901 14 July, 1895 For 31 years' service. Baddeley, Henry Clinton Salkeld' Bailey, Henry... Bagge, John ... Bailey, Benjamin 28 Nov., 1859 17 Judicial 12 2 300 340 218• 571 275 • 295 C ... I 63 f ... 1170 197-935 1 June, 1864 25 Jan., 1860 June, 1855 43 29 Postal Postal Customs 644 • 764 For 31 years' service. 7 6 11 10 16 5 115 250 255 115 250 237 • 333 38•333 122 • 023 158 • 222 174 ■ 31 313 • 971 524 • 371 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. For age 50. Baker, Ebenezer 1 Nov., 1855 24 Judicial 16 1 320 290 193 • 333 772 • 252 ( ... 1 129• 967 f ... (176 • 072 (199-666 1,092 Balneavis, Henry Colin 7 Oct., 1856 38 Judicial 15 2 575 575 321 • 726 1,768 • 362 1 Feb., 1848 15 Feb., 1862 18 21 Paymaster '... Postal 21 6 9 9 2,174 ■ 762 For age 53. For 31 years' service (out of service 2 yrs. 4 mos.) For 31 years' service. Bannister, Robert English ... '■ Barbor, Harry William 250 400 250 400 166 ■666 257 • 1-13 1,011 ■ 127 343 • 453 Barleyman, John Barnard, William Hooper ... 17 Feb., 1859 1 June, 1857 27 35 Customs Customs 12 9 14 6 265 150 255 150 133 • 571 89 • 284 303 ' 325 381 ■ 371 ( ... }. 200 1127' 5 ( 50" { 94: 5 577 • 972 357 • 736 For 31 years' service. Barnes, George Henry 14 July, 1864 23 Judicial 7 4 547-64 For age 50. 189 189 108 144 • 25 228 • 59 For 31 years' service.

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ff: :CER8 OF THE !IYIL iERYU !E— contim Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. ;NAME. 1 July, 1857 35 Postal ... ... T. M. 14 5 500 £ 500 £ 297 • 618 £ 1,271 • 256 £ f ... (. 166 . 666 | £ 1,825' 461 1 July, 1882 1 July, 1872 8 Jan., 1881 1 Oct., 1890 18 Sept., 1884 18 Sept., 1874 1 Mar., 1904 1 Mar., 1895 17 Mar., 1871 12 Feb., 1900 12 Feb., 1897 8 Oct., 1897 8 Oct., 1893 16 Nov., 1901 16 Nov., 1894 25 May, 1879 1 May, 1880 15 June, 1871 Sept., 1902 Sept., 1896 1 Oct., 1896 1 Oct,., 1893 1 Mar., 1903 1 Mar., 1890 20 April, 1902 20 April, 1897 1 Sept., 1893 25 Oct., 1886 3 Sept., 1899 3 Sept., 1896 7 April, 1882 1 Jan., 1897 1 Jan., 1892 9 Nov., 1882 15 June, 1878 31 Dec, 1871 April, 1884 Barr, Archibald For age 50. Barstow, Robert Clapham ... Barton, Andrew T. ... Batkin, Charles Thomas 8 Jan., 1859 1 Oct., 1862 18 Sept.. 1853 38 32 29 Judicial Colonial Secretary ... Treasury 12 11 9 2 18 2 325 100 700 325 100 633 • 333 127 • 678 46 ■ 429 422 • 222 579 • 252 119 • 464 1,589 • 473 ... . - 1 I I For 31 years' service. For age 50. Baynes, Matthias William ... 1 Mar., 1864 20 Postal 7 9 110 110 66-785 75' 046 ( 346 • 825 f ... ( 55 3,347'• 911 29 26 Judicial Treasury 31 9 5 10 750 175 750 158 • 333 500 84 • 821 4,470 120 • 085 142 • 393 For 31 years' service. Beckham, Thomas Bedford, Henry 17 Mar., 1840 12 Feb., 1866 f ... ( 79-166 ). 254 • 166 ( 90-833 For 31 years' service. 152 • 848 Beetham, Richmond ... 8 Oct., 1862 25 Judicial 9 2 475 508 • 333 ! 278 • 372 470 • 697 645 ■ 636 133 ■ 537 For 31 years' service. Bertrand, James Robert 16 Nov., 1863 22 Customs 8 0 195 181 • 666 106 ■ 022 226 ■ 71 For 31 years' service. Best, William Bicknell, Frederick ... Bennett, John Boyle ... Birch, Paul Adolphus Frederick 25 May, 1861 1 May, 1864 15 June, 1853 Sept., 1865 42 44 44 23 Treasury Postal and another ... Reg.-Gen., B., M., D. Judicial 10 6 7 7 18 5 6 2 350 261 600 250 341 • 666 261 600 250 117 • 956 65 • 25 307 • 142 142 • 857 608 • 085 315 • 78 2,606 • 713 179 • 931 I I ... | ... ( ... (183 • 333 (200" f ... I 62-5 285 "-14 For 31 years' service. Bird, George ... 1 Oct., 1862 26 Telegraph 9 2 375 366 • 666 196 • 428 352 • 323 448 • 15 For 31 years' service. Biss, Samuel Birt 1 Mar., 1859 16 Postal 12 9 400 400 261 ■ 904 311' 433 777 "■ 106 For 31 years' service. Black, John ... 20 April, 1866 24 Telegraph 5 7 125 125 69-94 j 88 ■ 091 ... 130 • 006 For 31 years' service. Blake, Walter Blomfield, James Blundell, William Alfred 1 Sept., 1862 25 Oct., 1861 3 Sept., 1865 29 35 26 Telegraph Inspector of Stores ... Customs 9 3 10 1 6 3 300 170 150 300 163 ■333 141 • 666 150 70 75 • 892 321 ■534 231 • 99 114 ■ 057 ( ... I 70-833 145-078 For 31 years' service. Booth James ... Borrie, John ... 7 April, 1865 1 Jan., 1861 43 24 Native Customs 6 8 10 11 350 370 350 356• 666 116 • 666 199• 563 498 • 332 336 • 633 k ... (178 • 333 For 31 years' service. 496-851 Borton, Joseph Barnes Boughton, Adins Bourke, Peter... Bowen, Charles Christopher... 9 Nov., 1861 15 June, 1863 31 Dec, 1852 Mar., 1851 39 45 41 20 Judicial Defence Postal Judicial 10 1 8 5 18 11 18 8 400 200 300 600 400 200 300 600 152 • 38 50 157 • 142 400 650 • 882 274 • 825 1,300 ■ 122 1,917 • 148 For 31 years' service (out of service 2 yrs. 1 mo.) For age 50. Brandon, Henry E. de Bathe Sept., 1865 25 Stamps 6 3 300 283• 333 155 ■158 219 • 664 (. 378 • 572 ( ... 141 ■ 666 2,343 • 893 April, 1881 Sept., 1900 Sept., 1896 30 Aug., 1873 12 July, 1901 12 July, 1890 301 • 505 I For 31 years' service. Brewer, Henry Newson Brewer, Henry William 30 Aug., 1858 12 July, 1859 45 18 Customs Customs 13 3 12 5 290 270 290 256• 666 145 161 ■866 1,114 • 881 215-7 i - ( ... 1128 • 333 477 ■ 203 For 31 years' service.

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Bridson, William 1 Nov., 1862 27 Native 9 1 225 225 117 • 857 224 ■ 264 (112 '■ 5 263"- 888 1 Nov., 1895 1 Nov., 1893 3 June, 1871 22 Aug., 1888 16 Nov., 1900 16 Nov., 1895 13 Dec, 1892 1 Oct., 1899 1 Oct., 1896 10 Feb., 1894 2 June, 1876 1 Sept., 1907 1 Sept., 1897 12 Mar., 1890 27 Nov., 1900 27 Nov., 1892 Brittan, William Guise Broad, Charles Broad, Lowther 3 June, 1853 22 Aug., 1863 16 Nov., 1863 43 35 23 Land and Deeds Judicial Judicial 18 6 8 3 8 0 400 500 400 400 500 425 204 • 762 214 ■ 285 237 • 797 1,783 • 886 625 • 36 429 • 969 For 81 years' service. |212 -5 ... 497-19 Out of service 1 year. For 31 years' service. Broadfoot, James Brodie, David Anderson 13 Dec, 1862 1 Oct., 1865 30 26 Postal Customs 9 0 6 2 130 150 130 136-5 63-453 73 • 125 136 • 015 109-9 , ... t 68-25 Brodie, George Bromley, William Brown, George 10 Feb., 1866 2 June, 1862 1 Sept., 1866 32 46 19 Judicial Customs Native 5 10 9 6 5 3 600 215 170 600 205 170 278 • 57 51-25 105 • 24 562 • 516 321 • 092 99 • 946 139-788 For 31 years' service. I ... For 31 years' service. [ 85" 206 : 993 Brown, Wm. Robert Edward Browne, George Joseph 12 Mar., 1863 27 Nov., 1861 33 21 Secretary to Premier Postal 8 8 10 0 300 200 283 ■ 333 186 • 666 128 • 256 110 ■ 855 329 • 25 148 ■ 069 ... { 93-333 ... For 81 years' service. 269 : 719 Buchanan, John Buck, Levi Bull, Edward Bull, George ... Bull, John 2 Oct., 1857 12 May, 1854 1 Nov., 1863 25 Dec, 1863 18 39 29 23 Postal and another,.. Customs Postal Telegraph ... 14 2 17 7 8 1 7 11 275 185 150 225 275 185 150 216• 666 183 • 333 101 ■307 75 131 • 51 706 • 513 678• 608 151 • 447 147 • 776 2 Oct., 1889 12 May, 1875 1 Nov., 1894 25 Dec, 1900 25 Dec, 1894 1 Sept., 1889 1 Sept., 1886 1 June, 1895 1 June, 1892 14 Nov., 1898 14 Nov., 1896 1 Sept., 1886 12 Nov., 1888 Buller, Walter Lawry 1 Sept., 1855 16 16 3 600 500 333 • 333 1,284 • 568 ( ... (. 108 • 333 f ... (.250 (.102-5 ( 60" 287-004 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. Judicial 1,230 '• 541 Burgess, Alexander ... 1 June, 1861 26 Customs 10 6 215 205 109 • 821 208 • 973 ... 265-2 For 31 years' service. Burke, James ... 14 Nov., 1865 27 Judicial 6 1 120 120 62 ■ 857 100 • 205 117-909 Burns, James ... Butts, Edward Drury 1 Sept., 1864 12 Nov., 1861 38 33 Printing Postal 7 3 10 1 200 325 193 • 333 325 75 • 952 147 • 024 251 • 716 429 -[068 For 31 years' service. Calctjit, Thomas 1 April, 1861 24 Judicial 10 8 350 350 195 • 833 331 • 132 (175" f ... I 76-666 487 • 565 1 April, 1897 1 April, 1892 1 Oct., 1908 1 Oct., 1897 1 Jan., 1890 3 Nov., 1879 3 Nov., 1872 24 June, 1884 24 June, 1874 23 July, 1881 Nov., 1892 9 Jan., 1885 1 Aug., 1905 1 Aug., 1896 13 Mar., 1903 13 Mar., 1896 Mar., 1876 Mar., 1873 18 Mar., 1877 1 June, 1903 1 June, 1895 For 31 yearB' serviee. Calders, Hugh 1 Oct., 1866 18 Telegraph ... 5 2 155 153 ■ 333 102 ■ 222 91' 806 191-695 Caldwell, William Campbell, Alexander Le Grand 1 Jan., 1863 3 Nov., 1855 33 36 Customs Judicial 8 11 16 1 235 80 223 ■ 333 80 101 • 03 46 ■ 666 259 • 956 191 ■093 For 31 years' service. . - ... Campbell, Francis Edward ... 24 June, 1853 29 General Assembly ... 18 5 600 600 400 1,505 • 817 { 40" ( 328• 571 408-626 For 17 years' service. 3,171-7 For age 50. Campbell, James Hunter Campbell, John Carew, Edgar Hall Carter, Richard 23 July, 1863 Nov., 1864 9 Jan., 1864 1 Aug., 1865 42 33 39 20 Native Customs Judicial Customs 8 4 7 1 7 10 6 4 400 115 400 215 400 113 • 333 356 • 666 198• 333 138 ■ 095 52 • 619 135-872 120 • 412 626 ■ 511 119 • 492 478 • 818 127 • 913 ... Out of service 3 yrs. 6 mos. I ... Casey, John 13 Mar., 1865 22 Defence 6 8 125 118 • 166 68-93 81 • 965 { 99-166 f ... I 59-083 (.150 248 '• 365 139 : 221 For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. Catley, James Thomas Mar., 1856 40 Cm. Lands and others 15 9 300 300 160 • 714 1,006 • 907 1,280 • 753 Chalklin, Charles Chamberlain, Charles Wilfred Seymour 18 Mar., 1864 1 June, 1864 47 21 Inspector of Stores... Customs 7 8 7 6 150 240 158 • 708 230 39 • 667 127 ■ 3S6 [ 232 • 089 151 • 127 For 17 years' service. . - f - (115 295-873 For 31 years' service.

G.—No. 10.



'EFICERS OP THE _YIL Service — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Kate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Amount Value of ™S h,.ch Annuity. _ * j computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. T. M. 8 3 £ 150 £ 150 £ 87-5 £ 116 • 869 £ £ Chapman, George Carr 1 Sept., 1863 22 Postal f ... I 73 • 333 198-503 1 Sept., 1901 1 Sept., 1894 1 July, 1905 1 July, 1893 12 May, 1890 1 July, 1893 1 July, 1907 1 July, 1893 1 Mar., 1872 14 Feb., 1892 18 Nov., 1880 May, 1876 May, 1874 1 Dec, 1882 1 July, 1882 Feb., 1883 10 Oct., 1900 10 Oct., 1890 5 Feb., 1880 3 Sept., 1888 3 Sept., 1887 22 April, 1880 10 Sept., 1903 10 Sept., 1891 16 Sept., 1884 Cheesman, Alfred Maurice ... 1 July, 1862 i 17 Customs 9 5 150 146 • 666 94 • 285 100 • 158 For 31 years' service. Cheesman, William Fox Cherrett, Jason John... Chilman, Edward 234-583 For 31 years' service. 12 May, 1859 \ 1 July, 1864 1 July, 1862 29 31 14 Land and Deeds Inspector of Stores... Customs 12 6 7 5 9 5 230 225 150 226 ' 666 216 ; 666 143 • 333 113 • 333 103 ■ 173 95 • 555 291 • 612 221 • 158 95 • 418 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. ( ... I 71-666 245 • 639 Chihnan, Richard Chitty, John Christie, William Clarke, Henry Tacy ... 1 Mar., 1841 14 Feb., 1863 ! 18 Nov., 1862 ! May, 1843 24 31 42 17 Customs and another Customs Land and Deeds Native 30 8 8 9 9 0 28 6 370 175 250 600 356 • 666 165 241 • 666 600 237 • 737 78 • 571 83 ■ 432 400 2,303 • 533 178 • 426 379 • 389 3,399 • 248 Clarke, Hopkins Clarke, John ... Cole, John Camden ... Coney, James Emilius 1 Dec, 1861 1 July, 1863 ! Feb., 1861 10 Oct., 1859 39 41 38 19 Judicial Customs Treasury Postal 10 0 8 6 10 10 12 2 200 240 127 ■ 283 275 200 240 123 • 427 266 • 666 76 • 1S9 85 ■ 714 48 • 49 165 • 078 (.300 2,993-91 For age 50. For 31 years' service. 366 ■ 132 194 • 51 233 • 708 ( 133 '• 333 484-365 For 31 years' service. Connolley, Philip Augustus ... Cook, Edmond 5 Feb., 1863 3 Sept., 1857 43 20 Judicial Postal 8 10 14 3 150 235 170 235 56 • 666 156 • 666 274• 237 624 ■ 558 For 31 years' service. For age 50. 22 April, 1863 10 Sept., 1860 43 17 f ... (. 153 • 87 655 ' 612 Cook, John Cook, Robert Clifford Postal Customs 8 7 11 3 130 205 130 200 43 • 333 128 • 571 209 • 711 152 • 533 Cooper, Charles Edward 16 Oct., 1849 17 Customs 18 2 340 320 213 ■ 333 1,048 • 2 f ... (.100 ( 205 • 716 (.362-5 358 • 07 1,200 • 647 16 Sept., 1882 1 June, 1876 1 June, 1872 July, 1886 1 April, 1886 1 Aug., 1892 5 Jan., 1877 14 July, 1902 14 July, 1904 1 Jan., 1905 1 Jan., 1895 23 June, 1903 23 June, 1897 For 31 years' service. For 31 years (out of service 3 years 11 months). For age 50. For age 50. For 31 years' service. Cooper, George Sisson 1 June, 1841 15 Colonial Secretary ... 30 6 800 725 483 • 333 4,574 • 052 Cosgrove, Michael Costal!, James... Cowie, William Crawford, James Coutts Crawford, William Patrick ... July. 1866 1 April, 1865 1 Aug., 1863 5 Jan., 1864 14 July, 1863 40 39 31 47 21 5 4 6 9 8 4 7 10 8 4 109-2 235 130 575 225 109-2 235 130 575 225 4,242-767 General Assembly ... Printing Postal Judicial Stamps and Deeds ... 40-3 89 • 523 61 • 905 143 • 75 133 • 928 133 ■ 56 296 • 692 140 ■ 579 843 ■ 245 168 • 685 (112-5 (no" ( 8o" 306 '■ 58 For 31 years' service. Creswell, Albert Edwin 1 Jan., 1864 19 Postal 7 11 220 220 136 • 19 144 • 341 Cribb, Charles Thomas 23 June, 1866 23 299• 632 For 31 years' service. Telegraph ... 5 5 160 160 91 ■ 428 108• 718 172 • 287 Cross, James Thomas... Crow, Alexander Cuddy, John ... Cunningham, Joseph... 21 Dec, 1865 1 July, 1863 15 April, 1857 46 38 27 Inspector of Stores... Land and Deeds Judicial 5 11 8 5 14 7 160 350 290 153• 333 350 290 For 31 years' service. 38 • 333 137-5 193 • 333 185 ■ 513 485 • 672 013 ■ 29 21 Dec, 1879 1 July, 1885 15 April, 1888 15 April, 1880 22 Feb., 1878 f ... i 165 ' 714 1,093 • 35 For age 50. Cunningham, Peter ... 22 Feb., 1865 ! 47 Customs 6 9 190 190 47-5 261• 083

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I Curry, Hugh ... 20 Jan., 1S65 42 Postal 6 10 125 125 43 • 155 172 • 711 20 Jan., 1883 ... Daktell, Henry Cooper 1 Aug., 1843 25 Crown Lands 28 4 400 400 266 • 666 2,202 • 181 f ... i 252 • 381 (137 ■ 5 2,748-94 1 Aug., 1878 1 Aug., 1871 1 Out., 1895 1 Oct., 1892 5 Aug., 1892 9 June, 1877 9 June, 1872 8 Mar., 1890 1 April, 1899 1 April, 1895 14 Mar., 1911 14 Mai-., 1897 29 Jan., 1895 29 Jan., 1892 11 Nov., 1835 16 May, 1837 Davies, John ... ,., ... 1 Oct., 1861 26 Printing 10 2 275 275 147• 321 280 • 33 For age 53. Davis, James ... Davis, John 31 38 8 4 16 5 355-751 For 31 years' service. 5 Aug., 1863 9 June, 1855 Audit Land and Deeds 290 195 283 • 333 190 134 ■ 92 106 • 31 306 • 383 623 • 62 I f ... (. 95 920 • 34 For 17 years' service. Davis, Richard Day, David 8 Mar., 1863 1 April, 1864 33 25 Judicial Customs 8 9 7 8 250 150 250 138 • 333 113-1 75 ■ 753 291-012 113 • 84S . - Day, Henry John 14 Mar., 1866 13 Telegraph ... 5 8 125 125 83 • 333 69 • 793 f ... ( 69 • 166 f ... (.62-5 (. 141 • 666 156-15 174 - 873 For 31 years' service. For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Denham, Edward 29 Jan., 1861 26 Deeds 10 10 290 283 • 333 151-785 288 • 165 Dick, Sydney Johnston Dickey, Adam James... 36 20 366 ■ 53 For 31 years' service. 11 Nov., 1861 16 Jan., 1855 Postal Native 10 1 15 6 300 300 300 300 125 200 441• 52 823 • 418 (192 • 857 f ... (185 I 75 For 31 years (out of service 1 year 4 months). For age 50. Didsbury, George 1 Aug., 1864 25 Printing 7 4 370 370 202 • 62 304 • 516 941 ■ 003 16 Mav, 1885 1 Aug., 1899 1 Aug., 1895 17 Aug., 1901 17 Aug., 1897 Sent., 1876 1 Jan., 1895 8 .. ay, 1897 1 July, 1907 1 Julv, 1894 3 Feb., 1871 417 ' 684 For 31 years' service. Dixon, John James ... 17 Aug., 1866 25 Deeds 5 3 150 150 82 • 143 109 • 714 150 ■ 4S5 Donald, William Dow, Robert ... Dower, George Downes, Frederick George ... Sept., 1861 1 Jan., 1864 8 May, 1866 1 July, 1863 45 29 29 16 Judicial Postal Customs Postal and another... 10 3 7 11 5 7 8 5 330 120 118 • 625 265 330 120 118-625 260 165 60 59 • 312 170 • 238 1,033 • 75S 114-171 100-291 161 ' 303 For 31 years' service. ( ... (130 403 • 42 For 31 years' service. Durbridge, Charles ... 3 Feb., 1849 41 Judicial 22 10 140 133 • 333 74 • 601 616 • 054 Edwards, J. T. Eliott, George Eliott ... Eliott, Huntley John H. 12 Oct., 1862 12 Mar., 1841 1 Oct., 1858 35 23 15 Judicial Postal Public Works 8 0 30 8 13 2 325 600 300 325 600 300 154-762 400 200 481• 251 4,150-387 237 ' 822 12 Nov., 1887 12 Mar., 1872 1 Oct., 1903 1 Oct., 1889 8 July, 190f> 8 Julv, 1904 21 Jan., 1877 21 Jan., 1873 1 Oct., 1911 1 Oct., J 897 1 Oct., 1906 1 Oct., 1897 Out of service 1 yr. 2 mos. C ... (150 (100 (291 ■ 666 I 50 (. 58-333 630"-013 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Eliott, Meldrum Whitcomb ... 8 July, 1863 17 Postal 8 5 200 200 129 ■ 572 130 • 13 Elles, Andrew Jamieson 302" 422 For 31 years' service. 21 Jan., 1856 39 Customs and another 15 10 550 583 • 333 318-444 1,863 ■ 714 2,570 ■ 3 Eyes, George ... 1 Oct., 1866 13 Customs 5 2 100 100 66 • 666 55 • 834 139 • 898 For 17 years' service. For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Eyes, William Henry, junior... 1 Oct., 1866 20 Judicial 5 2 150 116 • 666 70 ■ 833 71' 138 138 ■ 122 Falck, Ferdinand Fannin, George 1 April, 1863 1 Jan., 1866 31 24 Postal and another... Crown Lands 8 8 5 11 225 190 225 183 ■333 107 ' 143 102 • 577 243 • 31 129• 198 For 31 years' service. 1 Farquhar, Henry Blount Farrell, Peter .,. ■ Fenton, Francis Dart... 1 April. 1854 1 Aug., 1864 June, 1853 20 33 29 Customs Judicial Native 17 8 7 4 18 6 250 175 800 250 175 800 166 • 666 79 ■ 166 533 ■333 793 ■ 47 191 ■ 475 2,012 • 383 \ 91 • 666 190-674 1 April, 1892 1 Jan., 1902 1 Jan., 1897 1 April, 1835 1 Aug., 1891 June, 1884 June, 1874 For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. ( 438 • 096 4,228 - 957 For age 50. k— —

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Officers or the Ciyil Serytce — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment, Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of . Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. T. M. 8 6 8 9 9 9 6 4 6 0 £ 200 220 300 170 190 £ 200 213 • 333 300 170 156 • 666 £ 97-62 106 • 666 150 72 • 855 83 ■ 927 £ 209 ■ 254 215 • 39 321 ■ 535 187 • 792 118 • 82 £ £ Ferguson, James Ferguson, Neil Field, Richard Edward Fielder, Edward Fielder, John Beckett FitzGerald, Gerard George ... FitzGerald, John FitzGibbon, James John Fletcher, John Fountain, Robert George 7 June, 1863 1 Mar., 1863 2 Mar., 1862 7 Aug., 1865 1 Dec, 1865 1 July, 1865 Jan., 1865 9 Nov., 1854 13 July, 1863 May, 1855 30 29 29 35 26 35 32 35 24 22 Postal Judicial and others... Judicial Customs Deeds and another... Judicial Colonial Secretary ... Postal Postal Colonial Secretary ... 6 5 6 11 17 1 8 4 16 7 650 140 • 45 400 150 400 - 650 130• 133 393 • 333 150 400 278 • 572 60 ■417 234 • 126 83 • 927 266 • 666 716 • 781 129• 507 1,206 • 962 126• 134 1,132 • 711 ... ... . - r ... (. 78-333 ... ... f ... (. 196 • 666 [ 75" (. 252- 38 (.206" ... ... 151 '• 24 ... 2,193" 612 186 • 152 7 June, 1893 1 Mar., 1894 2 Mar., 1893 7 Aug., 1890 1 Dec, 1899 1 Dec, 1896 1 July, 1890 Jan., 1893 9 Nov., 1879 9 Nov., 1871 13 July, 1899 13 Julv, 1894 May, 1886 May, 1833 23 Aug., 1895 23 Aug., 1893 14 Oct., 1886 Jan., 1896 Jan., 1894 May, 1885 1 June, 1900 1 June, 1896 1 Oct., 1909 1 Oct., 1896 For 31 years' service. For 17 years' service. For 31 years' service. 1,384" For age 50. Fox, James Graham ... 23 Aug., 1862 27 Defence 9 3 400 400 204 • 761 389-63 469-134 : France, William Frazer, John Dawson... 14 Oct., 1864 Jan., 1863 38 27 Customs Postal 7 l 8 10 295 140 281 • 666 140 110 • 653 73 • 333 366 • 716 131 ■ 533 . - f ... I 70 For 31 years' service. 154" 771 Friend, George Freeth, Joseph John ... May, 1854 1 June, 1865 19 25 HouseRepresentatives Judicial 17 7 6 6 450 175 433 • 333 166 • 666 288 ■ 888 91-27 1,409 • 565 129 • 215 (. 83-333 f ... 1 104 ■ 166 177-357 For 31 years' service. Furby, William Stafford 1 Oct., 1865 16 Telegraph ... ... 6 2 225 208 ■ 333 136 • 408 115• 86 289-1 For 31 years' service. Gavin, James Clark 1 Mar., 1860 23 Treasury ... ... 11 9 450 445 • 833 254 • 764 430 • 779 (.222-916 ( 95" 682-652 1 Mar., 1897 1 Mar., 1891 1 Jan., 1898 1 Jan., 1896 27 Feb., 1890 25 Oct., 1886 11 July, 1884 12 Dec, 1879 12 Dec, 1876 1 Dec, 1902 1 Dec, 1892 1 Feb., 1889 23 Dec, 1904 23 Dec, 1894 1 Oct., 1890 1 Sept., 1900 1 Sept., 1893 4 April, 1871 30 Julv, 1898 30 July, 1894 For 31 years' service. Gibson, Alexander Uan., 1865 27 Customs 6 11 190 190 99 • 523 158-659 186 ; 689 For 31 years' service. Gibson, Frederick Denham ... Gill, Bichard John Gillard, Joseph Henry Gisborne, William 27 Feb., 1864 25 Oct., 1864 11 July, 1865 12 July, 1847 34 38 41 21 Marine —Customs ... Native Treasury Comm. of Annuities 7 9 7 1 6 5 23 10 25 300 250 700 25 266 • 666 250 700 11 • 022 104 • 72 89 ■ 285 466 ■ 666 28-36 347 • 057 336 • 117 3,064 • 777 ... Out of service 1 yr. 6 mos. For age 50. Glasgow, William Thompson 1 Dec, 1861 19 Customs 10 0 285 271 • 666 163 • 175 199 • 978 ( 441 • 666 1 135 ■ 833 3,753-33 1 Feb., 1865 23 Dec, 1863 36 19 Judicial Postal 6 10 7 11 180 220 178 • 333 220 74 • 305 136 • 194 203 • 554 144 • 345 414-176 For 31 years' service. Goodall, Joseph Goodman, Russell James f ... (110 299-633 For 31 years' service. Gordon, Colin McKenzie Gore, Richard Benjamin 1 Oct., 1864 1 Sept., 1862 34 22 Judicial Geological Survey ... 7 2 9 3 250 300 250 300 110 • 118 175 283 • 34 247 • 755 (150" For 31 years' service. 421-118 Goring, Forster Gorton, Edward 4 April, 1862 30 July, 1863 51 25 Clerk to Ex. Council Inspector of Stores... 9 8 8 4 250 500 250 500 273 • 81 436-504 ... ... (25o" 598-725 For 31 years' service.

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Grant, William Nelmes 24 Dec, 1862 18 Customs 8 11 250 200 126 • 19 134• 051 f ... (.100 (.258-333 (125" 295-75 24 Dec, 1904 24 Dec, 1893 Sept., 1879 Sept., 1872 1 Feb., 1905 1 Feb., 1895 7 June, 1873 1 Oct., 1889 2 April, 1892 9 Jan., 1871 10 Feb., 1886 23 June, 1903 23 June, 1894 5 Dec, 1904 5 Dec, 1896 12 May, 1871 1 Aug., 1899 1 Aug., 1894 3 Mar., 1895 24 May, 1902 24 Mav, 1895 Gray, William Sept., 1855 36 Postal 16 3 550 516 • 666 301 • 388 1,553 • 7 For 31 years' service. 2,639-038 For 17 years' service. Gray, William, junior 1 Feb., 1864 19 Postal 7 10 250 250 154 •762 164 • 403 340-491 For 31 years' service. Gray, Wilson ... Green, Edward Lister Greenway, James Hamlyn Greenwood, J. D. Gregory, John... Grey, Walter ... 7 June, 1864 1 Oct., 1866 2 April, 1862 9 Jan., 1866 14 Feb., 1865 23 June, 1863 51 37 30 64 39 20 Judicial Judicial Judicial House Representatives Customs Native 7 6 5 2 9 8 5 11 6 9 8 5 800 300 150 250 200 210 800 300 150 250 200 210 121-428 73-214 332 • 645 166 • 261 ... For 31 years' service. 76" 189 127-5 252-501 151-611 . - Grey, William John ... 5 Dec, 1865 21 Customs 6 0 185 171 • 666 102 ■ 18 108 • 545 f ... (.105 f ... (. 85 • 833 294-37 197-281 For 31 years' service. Grover, Henry ... ... Grubb, John ... 2 Mar., 1855 1 Aug., 1863 45 24 Judicial ... ... Postal 16 8 8 4 170 275 170 258 • 333 85 144 • 543 740 ■ 52 217 • 231 f ... ) 129 ■166 For 31 years' service. 319-856 Gunn, Donald... Guy, Duncan ... 3 Mar., 1864 24 May, 1864 29 22 Customs Judicial 7 9 7 6 170 220 170 234 • 166 85 136 • 597 159-919 172 • 047 ( ... (. 117 • 083 292 • 229 For 31 years' service. Hacewoeth, James ... 6 Aug., 1857 29 Customs 14 4 500 500 333• 333 972 • 785 ( 273 '• 81 2,048-985 6 Aug., 1888 6 Aug., 1878 30 Dec, 1894 1 Mar., 1889 Aug., 1905 Aug., 1897 1 June, 1911 18 June, 1877 18 June, 1871 11 Mar., 1888 11 Mar., 1878 26 Dec, 1876 1 Mar., 1894 1 Mar., 1892 4 April, 1899 4 April, 1893 1 Jan., 1884 24 Julv, 1900 24 July, 1896 1 Oct., 1911 1 Oct., 1897 1 Nov., 1895 1 Nov., 1892 22 Dec, 1891 23 May, 1910 23 May, 1886 1 April, 1897 1 April, 1892 4 June, 1891 For age 50. Hales, AVilliam Henry Halliday, Charles Halliday, Charles John 30 Dec, 1861 1 Mar., 1859 Aug., 1866 29 30 21 Public Works Postal Judicial 9 11 12 9 5 4 400 130 250 400 130 250 200 63 • 452 148 • 808 428 • 713 173 • 823 158 • 078 f ... (125 287-303 For 31 years' service. For 45 years' service. Halliday, Henry Holden Halse, Henry ... 1 June, 1866 18 June, 1846 11 26 Telegraph ... Native 5 6 25 5 90 500 81 • 666 500 54 • 444 333 • 333 49 • 719 2,198 ■ 472 ( ... \ 297 • 616 ( ... j.142 • 38 3,395 • 8 For age 51. Hamilton, Murray 11 Mar., 1857 29 Deeds 14 9 280 260 173 • 333 505 ■ 847 1,065 • 462 Hamilton, Wm. J. Warburton Hamlin, Francis Edward 26 Dec, 1843 1 Mar., 1861 18 27 Paymaster, &o. Native 25 11 10 9 600 300 600 300 400 157 • 142 3,125 • 458 317-316 For age 50. Out of service for 2 years. Hammerton, Robert Chisenhall 4 April, 1865 26 Judicial 6 8 275 271 ■ 666 145 ■535 218 • 723 (150" (135-833 372• 518 For 31 years' service. 278-21 For 31 years' service. Hand, George Smyth Hand, James ... 1 Jan., 1865 24 July, 1865 41 25 Customs Customs 6 11 6 4 190 127 • 75 190 127-75 67" 856 69 • 958 255 ■ 447 99 ■ 042 . - C - C 63-875 f ... (. 34-333 C ... (.150 Hanna, James... 1 Oct., 1866 10 Telegraph ... 5 2 80 68 • 666 45 • 777 43 • 497 135 • 944 101-683 For 31 years' service. For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Hardcastle, Edward ... 1 Nov., 1861 26 Judicial 10 1 300 300 160 • 714 305• 814 388 • 092 For 31 years' service. Hare, John Harrington, Henry William... 22 Dec, 1862 23 May, 1865 31 14 Judicial Telegraph ... 9 11 6 6 325 140 325 138-333 154 • 76 92 • 222 374-311 77 • 891 ! ( 69-166 1 140 • 833 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. 200 ■ 519 Harris, George Frederick 1 April, 1861 24 Customs 10 8 295 281 • 666 157 ' 598 266 • 481 392-373 For 31 years' service. Harrison, Wright 4 June, 1864 33 Audit 7 6 225 220 99 • 525 240 ■ 717 ... ...

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'FFICEHS OF THE !iyil Service — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Harsant, Walter Hart, Andrew... Hart, James Tyeth Hartnett, Francis, Grimley ... Hartwright, Henry ... Harvey, Arthur David Haselden, Charles John Allen 8 Feb., 1854 25 Jan., 1865 11 Nov., 1861 April, 1865 8 April, 1864 1 Mar., 1862 27 July, 1863 42 29 35 36 40 38 25 Judicial and others... Customs Customs Stamps Audit Judicial Judicial Y. M. 17 10 6 10 10 1 6 8 7 8 9 9 8 4 £ 160 185 300 120 260 300 275 £ 160 175 300 116-5 260 300 248 ■ 333 £ 81 ■ 904 87-5 128-571 48 - 541 95-95 117-857 136 £ 677 • 637 156 • 944 425• 123 132 • 728 361-212 443 • 678 216-81 £ £ 8 Feb., 1872 25 Jan., 1896 11 Nov., 1886 April, 1889 8 April, 1384 1 Mar., 1884 27 July, 1898 27 July, 1894 4 May, 1909 1 May, 1897 Haselden, William Reeve 17 Judicial 5 7 \ 124 • 166 { 90" 297' 365 For 31 years' service. 4 May, 1866 180 180 115 • 714 98•282 230 • 185 Heaphy, Charles Heaps, Wilson 20 April, 1864 _'i Customs i'"i 300 278" For 31 years' service. 155"- 547 220"-215 f ... (.139 I 400 20 April, 1900 20 April, 1895 April, 1894 April, 1893 1 April, 1893 15 Aug., 1886 1 Feb., 1893 10 April, 1890 1 Oct., 1885 1 Oct., 1875 28 June, 1905 28 June, 1896 25 Nov., 1894 25 Nov., 1892 1 Aug., 1878 24 Oct., 1885 24 Oct., 1881 22 Oct., 1889 1 Mar., 1898 1 Mar., 1891 Hector, James... April, 1862 28 Geological Survey .'.. 9 7 800 325 ■ 22 For 31 years' service. 800 409 • 523 826 ■ 95 898 ■ 082 Heddell, Peter Helps, Alfred Hendle, William Hewlings, George Freeman ... Hewson, Richard 1 April, 1864 15 Aug., 1859 1 Feb., 1865 10 April, 1862 1 Oct., 1854 31 33 32 32 29 Customs Judicial Customs Judicial Customs 7 8 12 3 6 10 9 8 17 2 131 • 666 180 190 200 240 127• 775 176 • 666 190 200 230 60 • 855 79 • 923 83•214 92 • 856 153 • 333 130 ■ 446 264 - 876 189 • 092 238 • 923 541 ■ 596 For 31 years' service. Hickson, Charles Alfred St. George Hill, Francis John 28 June, 1865 20 27 Stamps 6 5 200 191 • 666 116 • 368 123 ■ 617 ( ... 1 125 • 952 < ... ( 95 • 833 ( ... I 75 1,140-764 240- 017 For age 50. For 31 years' service. 25 Nov., 1861 Customs 10 0 150 150 78 • 571 149• 527 Hill, John Hill, Thomas ... 1 Aug., 1863 24 Oct., 1854 45 23 Customs Customs 8 4 17 1 118-625 550 118 • 625 550 175 • 925 For 31 years' service. 29 • 656 366 ■ 666 163 • 004 1,606 ■ 118 For 31 years' service. For age 50. Hinchliff Thomas Hodge, Charles James 33 22 r ... ( 340 • 477 2,111 • 63 22 Oct., 1862 1 Mar., 1860 Judicial Customs 9 1 11 9 250 260 233 • 333 246-666 105' 555 143 • 888 283 • 162 228 • 857 Hogan, David ... 53 f ... (123• 333 388• 723 For 31 years' service. May, 1863 Customs 8 7 100 100 Hoggard, John 1 Jan., 1864 15 Postal 7 11 200 186 ■ 666 124 • 444 105 • 697 I 93 • 333 f ... ( 53 • 333 i ... I 51-666 280 • 091 1 Jan., 1909 1 Jan., 1895 6 Jan., 1902 6 Jan., -1897 7 Feb., 1910 7 Feb., 1897 1 Jan., 1883 1 Mai-., 1892 30 July, 1895 15 Jan., 1884 June, 1887 1 April, 1879 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Holden, Thomas 6 Jan., 1866 24 Postal 5 11 110 106 ■ 666 59-68 75 ■ 168 Holdsworth, William Godfrey 7 Feb., 1866 16 Treasury 5 10 120 110-938 For 31 years' service. 103 • 333 67•658 54 • 349 135 ■ 614 Holmes, William Honywill, John Howley, Thomas Huetf, Jesse ... Humffreys, Thomas Mostyn ... Huntley, Robert Henry 1 Jan., 1865 1 Mar., 1863 30 July, 1866 15 Jan., 1859 June, 1864 1 April, 1865 42 31 31 35 37 46 Recvr. Land Revenue Postal and another... Judicial Judicial Provincial Audit ... Registrar-General ... 6 11 8 9 5 4 12 10 7 6 6 8 75 250 250 159 • 375 50 182-5 75 250 233 • 333 153 ■ 876 50 194 • 166 25 • 892 119-05 111-111 65-941 20 ■ 237 48 ' 541 103 • 861 270 • 35 211 • 427 248 • 26 62 • 784 250 • 24 For 31 years' service.

Ot.—Sh. IO!



ImheS, George 1 Mar., 1866 26 Telegraph ... 106-181 f ... i 70 135 • 151 139-962 f ... { 106 • 666 349 • 243 321-363 252-271 f ... 1 150 372• 304 155-787 f ... I 98-333 230-071 535 2,017 -044 1 f .'.'. ..'. ! (. 296 • 527 3,383 ■ 373 164- 351 if ... (107 ■ 5 384• 925 152-976 ( ... I 95 194-577 146-285 f ... ( 100 200 ■ 646 5 9 140 140 75 1 Mar., 1900 1 Mar., 1897 1 June, 1906 1 June, 1893 Inwood, Daniel Newman 1 June, 1862 16 Telegraph ... 9 6 220 213-333 139 • 683 For 31 years' service. Jackson, Harry Douglas Jackiuan, Samuel James Provincial Audit ... Customs 9 6 8 6 250 300 250 300 110-118 167 ■ 857 For 31 years' service. ! 7 June, 1862 ' j 10 June, 1863 j 34 24 7 June, 1888 10 June, 1899 10 June, 1894 16 Feb., 1900 16 Feb., 1895 10 Nov., 1886 5 Dec , 1877 5 Dec, 1870 1 Jan., 1903 1 Jan., 1891 14 May, 1899 14 May, 1896 23 May, 1901 23 May, 1897 22 April. 1883 For 31 years' service. Jago, Sydney James ... | 16 Feb., 1864 ' 24 Postal 7 9 210 j 196 • 666 110 • 039 Johnson, Robert Johnston, David 10 Nov., 1861 5 Dec, 1846 35 27 Customs Customs 10 1 25 0 380 525 | j 3/6 ' 6C>6 \ 508• 333 161 ■ 423 338 • 888 For 31 years' service. Johnston, David, junior 1 Jan., 1860 17 Customs 11 11 225 215 For 31 years' service. For age 51. 138 • 214 Johnston, Samuel 14 May, 1865 26 Postal and another... 6 6 205 190 101 • 785 For 31 years' service. Joyce, Alexander 23 May, 1866 25 Telegraph ... 5 6 200 200 250 150 180 200 173-3 j 250 1 150 180 109 • 526 For 31 years' service. Judd, Andrew 22 Oct., 1855 33 Customs 7 6 90 • 792 387-812 For 31 years' service. For 19 years' service (out of service 8 yrs. 6 mos.) Kay, Robert 1 Dec, 1860 | 17 Postal 11 0 180-592 If ... { 125 422 1 Dec, 1903 1 Dec, 1891 13 Dec, 1885 5 May, 1898 5 May, 1893 1 Dec, 1901 1 Dec, 1896 11 Dec, 1906 11 Dec, 1893 Mar., 1892 30 Mar., 1894 9 Oct., 1896 1 Jan., 1907 1 Jan., 1897 7 Sept., 1886 14 Feb., 1874 1 Mar., 1885 31 Dec, 1896 31 Dec, 1895 13 Nov., 1871 1 Jan., 1905 1 Jan., 1895 22 Jan., 1887 160 • 714 For 31 years' service. Kelly, George ... Kelly, James Denis ... 13 Dec, 1860 5 May, 1862 1 June, 1863 35 28 22 Native Deeds 11 0 9 7 64 ■286 96 • 427 213-053 172-956 f ... { 90 220-001 280-246 f ( 187 ' 5 413 • 585 145-793 f ... ( 117 • 5 364 • 63 Kenny, Harry Eyre ... Judicial 6 0 209 • 82 For 31 years' service. 425 375 Kenny, William Jennings ... 11 Dec, 1862 16 Treasury 9 0 153 • 869 Out of service 2 yrs. 6 mos. Kenrick, Harry Kenriek, Tom... Kiclson, John ... Kensington, William Charles , I Mar., 1865 30 Mar., 1865 9 Oct., 1865 1 Jan., 1866 33 31 29 19 Judicial Judicial Customs Native 6 9 6 9 6 2 5 11 240 340 250 180 225 235 340 250 180 225 153 • 81 119 • 048 90 139 • 285 349-286: 240-45 161-431 | 132-28 ! f ... (112-5 273-962 For 31 years' service. King, Alfred Hassan ... King, Philip Hansen ... Kirton, Robert Kissling, Theoplnlus ... 7 Sept., 1859 14 Feb.. 1862 1 Mar., 1854 31 Dec, 1864 j 33 48 17 28 Judicial Native Postal Laud and Deeds 12 3 9 9 17 9 6 11 250 175 260 450 241 • 666 166 • 666 j 260 j 383 • 333 109 • 325 41•666 173 ■333 196 • 229 For 31 years' service. 362-32 298-732 751 • 533 | 130 661 ■ 92 331-802 if ... | ( 191" 666 360 • 338 For age 50. Knight, Charles Knight, Charles Godfrey 13 Nov., 1845 j 1 Jan., 1882 I 37 17 Audit Annuities 25 0 7 11 800 350 800 316 • 666 447 • 615 196 • 03 3,696-4 208-482 f ... (158 • 333 431 • 29 For 31 years' service. Out of service 1 year. Out of service 2 years. For 31 years' service. Knocks, John Anthony I 22 Jan., 1863 36 Native 8 10 150 150 62-5 194-355 Laino, Edward Binney 5 June, 1862 24 Customs 9 6 215 205 114 ■ 708 182-866 r (102-5 269 ■ 866 5 June, 1898 5 Juno, 1893 20 Jan., 1S93 1 Sept., 1886 For 31 years' service. Laing, William Lakeman, Archibald Heber ... La Nauze, R. J. ... ___ Customs Telegraph ... 20 Jan., 1862 1 Sept., 1866 29 40 9 10 5 2 255 180 j 245 i 173 ■ 333 122-5 63 • 967 262-587 211 • 996 ! ... ... I -

G.—So. 10.



'FFICERS OF THE !IYIL Ieryice — continued. _ TAME. Date of Age at Appointment. tha*Date, Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Amount _„„„„„. Rate of Pay on which 5 r fsent f last P.Y. is Three Years, computed. Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Leadam, Herbert Edward ... Leef, George ... 28 Aug., 1864 15 Mar., 1866 30 26 Crown Lands Native T. M. 7 3 5 9 £ 160 90 £ 160 90 £ 78•096 48 • 214 £ 157-7 68 • 258 £ £ 28 Aug., 1894 15 Mar., 1900 15 Mar., 1897 1 Aug., 1893 22 July, 1901 22 July, 1894 1 Mar., 1871 1 Oct., 1889 1 Nov., 1892 11 Oct., 1893 11 Oct., 1889 1 April, 1879 26 Dec, 1874 25 Sept., 1904 25 Sept., 1896 22 Aug., 1891 1 Mar., 1908 1 Mar., 1897 1 Oct., 1874 1 Jan., 1901 1 Jan., 1897 1 Feb., 1888 1 Dec, 1899 lDec, 1893 ( 45" 86-883 Lemon, Charles Lewis, Thomas William 1 Aug., 1863 22 July, 1863 30 22 Telegraph ... Defence 8 4 8 4 550 300 550 283 • 333 268 • 453 165 • 277 575 • 446 220 • 752 For 31 years' service. Lamming, George Charles Lincoln, Robert Samuel Livingston, Alexander Livingston, Henry ( 141 • 666 374 • 948 For 31 years' service. 1 Mar., 1854 1 Oct., 1861 1 Nov., 1863 11 Oct., 1858 47 32 25 Customs Postal Postal Land 17 9 10 2 8 1 13 2 320 120 200 450 310 120 200 416 • 666 155 55 • 714 95 • 238 228 • 174 1,242 • 478 152 ■ 625 216 • 277 489 • 106 Lockett, Jonas Lodge, William Francis Logan, James K. 1 April, 1859 26 Dec, 1861 25 Sept., 1865 40 47 21 Customs Judicial Telegraph ... 12 8 9 11 6 2 141• 666 320 300 137 • 777 320 300 f ... (. 208 ■ 333 670-867 For 31 years' service. 50 • 845 80 178 • 571 262 • 115 535 • 882 200 • 658 Logic, Alexander William ... Longuet, Thomas Walter 22 Aug., 1862 1 Mar., 1866 31 18 Customs Telegraph ... 9 3 5 9 200 155 1 f ... (.150 364 • 69 For 31 years' service. 200 148 • 333 95 • 239 93 • 666 230 • 35 84 • 122 f ... ( 74-166 185" 444 For 31 years' service. Loand, Thomas Lubeeki, Alois Duffus 1 Oct., 1861 1 Jan., 1866 47 25 Judicial Telegraph ... 10 2 5 11 13 ■ 333 300 17 • 778 291 • 666 4 • 444 159 • 722 31 • 862 218 • 302 Lundon, David Lynskey, Martin f ... i 145 • 833 292 • 61 For 31 years' service. 1 Feb., 1863 1 Dec, 1862 35 23 Customs Judicial 1 8 10 9 0 265 300 260 216 • 666 111 ■ 428 123 ■ 81 325 • 187 175 • 283 (. 108 • 333 277-95 For 31 years' service. Macaiister, Robert Macalister, Sutherland 3 Jan., 1865 1 Oct., 1866 26 18 Audit Telegraph ... 6 11 5 2 160 150 160 141 • 666 85 • 714 89•385 128 ■ 819 80 ■ 681 3 Jan., 1899 1 Oct., 1908 1 Oct., 1897 1 April, 1894 24 April, 1885 1 Mar., 1886 1 Mar., 1884 17 Aug., 1894 3 Aug., 1896 8 Feb., 1877 July, 1884 6 Mar., 1891 20 Mar., 1897 20 Mar., 1896 8 Nov., 1873 1 May, 1902 1 May, 1896 1 Jan., 1871 24 Oct., 1905 24 Oct., 1895 f ... (. 70-833 177" 11 For 31 years' service. Macarthur, John Macdonald, Alex. Chas. Phipps MacDonnell, Randall Thomas 1 April, 1863 24 April, 1854 1 Mar., 1855 29 19 21 Customs Colonial Secretary ... Customs 8 8 17 7 16 9 260 400 175 255 390 166 • 666 127-5 260 111• 111 257 • 46 1,268 • 61 485 • 449 For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For age 50 years. \ 107 • 143 554 • 646 Mackay, Alexander ... Mackintosh, James Mclienzie Maclean, Benjamin ... Mair, William Gilbert Maitland, James Pillans Malet, Frederick de Cartaret 17 Aug., 1864 3 Aug., 1865 8 Feb., 1862 July, 1863 6 Mar., 1862 20 Mar., 1865 30 29 45 39 31 28 Native Customs Provin cial Audit ... Native Judicial Judicial 7 3 6 4 9 10 8 4 9 9 6 8 400 215 300 360 375 300 400 205 300 360 375 300 195 • 238 102-5 75 137 ■ 142 178 • 571 153 • 571 394 ■ 246 183 • 85 439 • 954 516 • 28 431 • 902 259 • 672 f ... (150 282-004 For 31 years' service. Maning, Frederick Edward ... Marchant, John Wm. Allman 8 Nov., 1865 1 May, 1865 52 23 Native Crown Lands 6 1 6 5 600 350 600 350 200" 251-904 (175" 399-196 For 31 years' service. Marshall, Charles Mason, John William 1 Jan., 1864 24 Oct., 1864 63 19 Native Telegraph 7 11 7 1 150 275 160 275 170-238 180-427 f ... (137-5 374-541 For 31 years' service.

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Masters, Henry James, William ... McBeth, John Francis McCarthy, Stephen McColl, Ewen McCulloch, Henry ... McDonald, James McDonogh, Thomas Francis... McDowell, Atkinson ... McHutcheson, William McKellar, Dugald McKellar, Henry Scott McNamara, John Scott MePherson, Donald Grant ... Meech, William Meikle, Andrew Mitchell Mellish, George Lilly Miliar, George Miller, Frederick 14 Jan., 1858 3 July, 1863 1 Aug., 1864 1 April, 1833 7 Feb., 1866 31 Jan., 1862 1 Nov., 1863 1 Oct., 1863 3 Nov., 1863 15 June, 1866 1 Jan., 1859 1 Sept., 1853 June, 1865 1 Dec, 1864 12 Mar., 1863 1 Mar.. 1862 11 Jan., 1865 16 Dec, 1861 1 Oct., 1864 27 18 22 37 42 41 31 35 20 15 22 19 46 26 49 34 30 35 27 Crown Lands ,.. 13 10 Postal j 8 5 I Postal j 7 4 Telegraph ... ... 8 8 General Assembly ... 5 10 Judicial 9 10 Customs ... ... 8 1 Postal \ 8 2 Customs ... ... 8 1 Telegraph ... ... | 5 5 Customs j 12 11 Customs ... ... 18 3 Native 6 6 Customs 7 0 Customs ... ... I 8 9 Customs ... ... j 9 9 Judicial ; 6 11 Postal ; 9 11 Customs ; 7 2 Customs ! 10 3 300 145 300 170 150 500 118-625 250 150 100 - 300 550 100 140 150 260 300 130 175 300 145 300 166 • 666 150 470 • 834 118 • 625 250 150 93•333 286 • 666 550 100 140 146 • 668 i 240 300 130 165 200 596 • 294 91-5 97-2 175 220 • 416 67 • 459 223 ■ 57 51-785 194-946 168 • 153 764 • 634 56•488 128• 278 107 • 143 312 • 681 91 • 071 108 • 291 i 62 ■ 222 47 • 266 167 ' 222 { 282 ■ 756 1 366-666 1,898-552 25 128 • S3 75 112-717 36•666 \ 262• 883 105 ■ 714 ! 308 ■ 511 146-43 ; 278-634 55 • 714 i 173 ■ 25 86•427 i 146 ■ 14 f ... 1 171• 428 I 72- 5 f ... (.150 f ... I 75 f ... I 46-666 f (143• 333 f ... I 70 f ... (82-5 f ... (87-5 I j 14 Jan., 1889 1,063- 118 14 Jan., 1881 13 July, 1905 214 ■ 419 ; 3 July, 1894 | 1 Aug., 1902 374-385; 1 Aug., 1895 I 1 April, 1886 7 Feb., 1884 31 Jan., 1881 1 Nov., 1892 II Oct., 1888 ! 3 Nov., 1903 210 • 2S4 ! 3 Nov., 1894 I 15 June, 1911 125 • 251 ; 15 June, 1897 j 1 Jan., 1897 478 ■ 83 j 1 Jan.. 1890 j 1 Sept., 1884 June, 1879 j 1 Dec, 1898 143 • 372 1 Dec, 1895 i 12 Mar.. 1874 ; I Mar., 1888 i 11 Jan., 1895 : 16 Dec, 1886 ! 1 Oct., 1897 171 • 96 j 1 Oct., 1895 j 20 Aug., 1905 303 • 027 \ 20 Aug., 1892 16 April, 1871 28 April, 1892 9 Sept., 1898 345 • 67 9 Sept., 1892 1 July, 1888 June, 1885 1 July, 1886 1,461 ■ 475 1 July, 1879 1 Mar., 1895 152 ■ 469 1 Mar., 1893 29 April, 1901 256-004 29 April, 1894 24 Jan., 1901 152 • 156 24 Jan., 1897 1 Jan., 1901 170-949 1 Jan,, 1896 1 May, 1893 1 Jan., 1893 11 Mav, 1911 185 ■ 061 11 May, 1897 1 Sept., 1899 272 • 193 1 Sept., 1893 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. Mills, John 20 Aug., 1861 16 185 175 114• 584 121 ■442 Mills, William Millward, Charles Mitchell, George Broad 16 April, 1846 28 April, 1864 9 Sept., 1861 36 32 23 Customs ... ... j 25 7 Judicial j 7 7 Customs ... ... i 10 3 Judicial ... ... 11 5 Native 14 6 Customs ... ... 16 5 Postal 9 9 600 150 240 600 150 240 357-142 3,111-421 69 • 642 15S • 15 137 ■ 142 218 • 63 For 31 years' service. Molloy, James Monro, Henry Alfred Home... Monson, John Robert 1 July, 1860 June, 1857 1 July. 1855 32 32 26 131 • 25 600 370 131 ■ 25 600 356 • 666 60 ■ 945 177 ' 86 378 • 57 1,337 • 138 237 ' 777 887 • 711 (.120" For 31 years' service. ( 208 • 055 ( 65" ( 105 • 833 I 75-833 f ... (.77-5 For 31 years' service. For age 50. Moore, William George 1 Mar., 1862 27 130 130 68 ■ 095 129 • 574 Morpeth, William Johnston... 29 July, 1863 22 Defence ... ... | 8 7 250 211• 666 I 120 • 952 j 161 • 55 Morrow, Hugh 24 Jan., 1866 25 Postal ] 5 10 175 151• 666 83 ■ 055 110 ■ 932 For 31 years' service. Morshead, Edward T. 1 Jan., 1865 24 Postal I 6 11 175 155 86 -.726 115-835 For 31 years' service. Moss, William Alfred Muir, Alexander Muir, Thomas Mintars Bailey 1 May, 1864 1 Jan., 1864 11 May, 1866 31 31 14 Customs j 7 7 Customs ... ... ] 7 11 Telegraph ... ... 5 7 Telegraph 9 3 215 195 140 205 181 ■666 135 1 97 • 621 209 • 257 86 ■508 185 ■ 435 90 71 • 887 For 31 years' service. f ... I 67-5 ( 106" For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Munce, John McKenny 1 Sept., 1862 23 200 200 114 ■ 285 171 • 758

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'fficers of the Ciyil Service-— continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Muuday, William Sydney 1 Aug., 1859 21 Customs Y. M. 12 4 £ 300 £ 291 • 666 £ 173 • 611 £ 276 • 767 £ f ... 1 145 • 833 £ Murdoch, John Wallace Murphy, J. 15 Sept., 1862 60 Judicial 9 2 375 375 503-015 1 Aug., 1898 1 Aug., 1890 15 Sept., 1871 For 31 years' service. Nakcae"ROW, Joseph Nation, George Miehell Uan., 1863 Dec, 1863 46 16 Customs Postal 8 11 8 0 380 195 376 • 666 191 • 666 94 • 166 125 ■ 57 552• 383 112 ■ 775 1 Jan., 1877 Dec, 1907 Dec, 1894 1 Dec, 1888 Mar., 1895 Norris, Edwiu Faulkner Nuttall, James 1 Dec, 1863 Mar., 1865 35 30 Colonial Secretary ... Postal ... " ... 8 0 6 8 ( 95" 833 281 ■236 For 31 years' service. 220 110 213 • 333 103 • 333 91 • 428 50 • 436 250 • 462 93 • 824 O'Beien, Laughlin 1 Jan., 1855 34 Judicial 16 11 550 550 333 • 928 1,518 • 461 f ... [275 f ... ( 83-333 f ... ( 55 2,948 • 235 1 Jan., 1881 1 Jan., 1872 11 May, 1902 11 May, 1896 22 Aug., 1899 22 Aug., 1892 Mar., 1878 12 Dec, 1910 12 Dec, 1896 14 Dec, 1894 14 Dec, 1890 For 17 years' service. O'Connor, Robert 11 May, 1865 23 Audit 6 6 170 166 • 666 95 • 237 120 • 066 O'Malley, Charles 22 Aug., 1861 22 Judicial 10 3 110 110 64 • 166 190 • 092 For 31 years' service. 96 • 434 163 • 422 Osborne, Thomas O'Sullivan, Timothy ... Mar., 1858 12 Dec, 1865 40 13 Gardener Telegraph ... 13 9 6 0 138 90 136 85 72 • 857 56 • 666 400 • 458 47 ■ 458 For 31 years' service. O'Toole, Christopher Francis de Salis 14 Sept., 1858 24 Customs 11 11 290 290 158 • 81 320• 685 f ... (.42-5 f ... ( 145 118-914 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Out of service 1 yr. 3 mos. For 31 years' service. 1 Aug., 1865 14 Telegraph ... 439 • 862 Park, Gavin M 6 4 110 110 73 • 333 61•937 f ... ( 55 f ... ( 60 159 '• 448 1 Aug., 1910 1 Aug., 1894 22 Feb., 1905 22 Feb., 1896 15 Aug., 1876 1 June, 1876 12 Jan., 1897 12 Jan., 1895 1 June, 1897 1 Oct., 1897 1 Oct., 1890 Feb., 1881 1 Mar., 1883 1 Jan., 1892 May, 1886 May, 1878 11 June, 1895 4 Feb., 1894 4 Feb., 1892 Sept., 1879 Sept., 1877 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Parker, Henry 22 Feb., 1865 20 Customs 6 9 120 120 72 • 857 77 ' 395 Parker, Thomas Windle Parris, Robert... Pasiey, Edward William 15 Aug., 1861 1 June, 1857 12 Jan., 1864 45 41 27 Judicial and another Native Customs 10 3 14 6 7 11 475 600 215 475 600 205 237 ' 5 314 • 285 107 • 38 150'-272 For 31 years' service. 1,487' 988 1,969 • 062 181 • 568 Patieson, Edward William ... Patten, Edward 1 June, 1866 1 Oct., 1859 29 22 Customs Customs f ... 1 102 • 5 213-646 For 31 years' service. 5 6 12 2 I 185 425 175 425 87-5 247 ■ 916 147 • 953 419 ■ 201 Pauling, George William Payne, George Peacock, William Pickett, Robert Feb., 1863 1 Mar., 1883 1 Jan., 1863 May, 1855 42 40 31 27 Deeds Postal Customs Deeds 8 10 8 9 8 11 16 7 f ... I 212 • 5 712• 025 For 31 years' service. 180 130 137 • 75 230 180 130 137 • 75 230 62 • 141 47 ■ 976 65-6 153 • 333 282 • 572 192 • 44 148 • 97 551 • 607 Pilliet, Walter Hyppolyte ... Pinwell, Andrew 11 June, 1864 4 Feb., 1861 29 27 Judicial Deeds 350 190 350 190 f ... (131 • 428 983 • 507 For 31 years' service. For age 50. Out of service 1 year. 7 5 10 10 170 • 894 99 • 523 325 • 185 200 • 966 Pitt, Henry Sept., 1846 17 Customs 25 3 125 125 83 ' 333 585 ■ 37 f ... I 95 ( 62" 5 235 ■ 928 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. 515-571 I

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— 268• 941 2,867 • 872 119-81 i 1,396 • 8 148 • 528 778• 854 I 129-44 Plimpton, Richard E. Earlom Pollen, Daniel... Power, Robert Henry Wilson Prendergast, James ... Price, John 5 Aug., 1861 26 Nov., 1856 14 Jan., 1861 April, 1863 23 July, 1863 31 43 33 33 27 Audit Treasury and another Customs Judicial Inspector of Stores... 10 4 15 0 7 10 8 8 8 4 225 800 109-5 1,200 160 220 800 109-5 1,200 160 104 ■ 763 400 49 ■ 536 542 - 856 82 • 808 j 5 Aug., 1890 26 Nov., 1873 14 Jan., 1891 April, 1890 23 July, 1896 23 July, 189-4 8 Aug., 1878 18 Sent., 1900 18 Sept., 1894 1 July, 1889 1 Jan., 1898 1 Jan., 1394 26 May, 1887 Price, Matthew Price, William Henry 8 Aug., 1859 18 Sept., 1863 41 23 12 4 8 2 500 160 i - ( 80 ... 176 • 882 | For 31 years' service. Judicial Postal 410 • 416 160 141-7 91 • 429 ... ... | f - ( 80 205 '• 265 For 31 years' service. Provis, John ... ... ... Puckey, Edward Walter 1 July, 1864 1 Jan., 1863 35 25 Customs Native 7 5 8 11 150 450 140 450 60 246 • 428 164 • 368 392 • 852 j ... f ... (225 538- 852 j For 31 years' service. Pyke, Vincent... 26 May, 1862 35 Judicial 9 6 450 516 • 666 j 221 • 426 688 • 551 RawSOJT, Charles Edward ... 1 Mar., 1865 28 Judicial J ... 6 9 185 176 • 666 90 • 417 152 ■ 835 ( 88 • 333 166-069 1 Mar., 1397 1 Mar.. 1896 25 May, 1891 1 Oct., 1893 24 May, 1894 1 April, 1895 1 April, 1880 21 June, 1890 1 Dec, 1884 4 Feb., 1895 1 Feb., 1893 5 Oct., 1888 1 Mar., 1890 1 Aug., 1888 1 Aug., 1884 31 July, 1882 31 July, 1872 17 Sept., 1900 17 Sept., 1889 28 Aug., 1908 26 Aug., 1894 21 Sept., 1879 For 31 years' service. Rayer, John William... Rayner, George Rennell, Wilfrid Revell, William Horton 25 May, 1866 1 Oct., 1866 21 Mav, 1864 1 April, 1854 35 33 30 24 Survey Telegraph ... Native Judicial 5 6 5 2 7 6 17 8 150 125 185 462-5 150 121• 333 180 454• 166 64 ■ 285 54 • 888 87 • 858 302 • 777 155 • 483 117 • 655 177 ■ 411 1,286 • 621 ... i For 31 years' service. For age 50. f ... (. 275 • 746 1,819-33 Rich, Edwin Francis ... Richards, Henry Richardson, George E. Gordon 21 June, 1862 1 Dec, 1860 4 Feb., 1862 32 36 27 Customs Judicial Provincial Auditor... 9 5 11 0 9 10 280 150 150 266 • 666 150 150 123 ■ 809 62-5 78 • 571 318 • 567 j 220-76 ! 149-51 Robertson, James Robinson, Henry Wirgman ... Rodgerson, William James ... 5 Oct., 1861 1 Mar., 1863 1 Aug., 1857 33 33 23 Customs Judicial Customs 10 2 8 9 14 4 235 475 270 f ... I 75 175 ■ 52 For 31 years' service. 223 • 333 508 • 333 256 • 666 101 • 031 229 ■ 96 171 • 111 294 • 845 591-7 625 • 78 For 31 years' service. For age 50. Slogan, John ... Rose, Alexander 31 July, 1854 17 Sept., 1858 32 18 Judicial Customs 17 4 13 2 600 360 600 340 378 • 572 214 • 522 1,617 • 047 303 • 709 f ... ( 158• 888 (.307-142 f - (170 822 • 703 3,364 • 06S For age 50. Roskruge, Louis Charles 15 8 3 150 670 • 522 For 31 years' service. 26 Aug., 1863 Audit 160 100 89 • 810 237-992 Rouse, Alfred William 21 Sept., 1863 44 Customs 8 2 120 • 666 117-111 29 ■ 277 150 • 928 For 31 years' service. Sastpsou, Gerard William ... 27 Aug., 1866 13 Telegraph ... 5 3 90 90 60 50 • 251 f ... ( 45 f ... ( 78-333 f ... (197 • 0 125: 909 27 Aug., 1911 27 Aug., 1897 20 Nov., 1894 20 Nov., 1893 1 Sept., 1885 1 Sept., 1875 8 Oct., 1871 Feb., 1878 Feb., 1877 20 June, 1910 20 June, 1896 1 July, 1878 1 July, 1835 11 April, 1908 11 April,1896 For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Schrader, James 20 Nov., 1882 28 Postal 9 0 160 156 • 666 80-2 152 • 608 Sealy, Henry Bowman 24 165-728 For 31 years' service. Out of service 7 yrs. 2 mos. For age 50. 1 July, 1349 Judicial 15 3 450 377 ' 222 242-5 856 • 55 l,789"-091 Searancke, William Nicholas... Seed, William... 8 Oct., 1858 Feb., 1846 49 18 Judicial Customs 15 2 25 9 400 800 400 779-3 200 519 • 533 1,603 ■ 2 3,837 ' 8 For age 50. For 31 years' service. For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Shalders, T. W 20 June, 1865 11 Telegraph ... 6 5 100 93 • 333 62 • 222 60 • 066 I 389 ■ 65 f ... ( 46-666 3,165-95 Sheath, Abraham Brentnall ... Sheath, Alfred Sheath, James Howard 1 July, 1862 1 July, 1862 11 April, 1865 44 37 17 Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... 350 400 165 341 • 666 400 155 85 • 416 161 • 904 99 • 642 469 • 49 571' 87 89 • 489 143- 41 9 5 9 5 6 8 ( 77" 5 209-592 For 31 years' service.

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tp: :CERS OF THE tv: iErvic: :— com 'in. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. ■ Short, Christopher John Shrimpton, Jonah 18 Jan., 1862 14 July, 1864 33 24 Postal Postal Y. M. 9 10 6 0 £ 170 140 £ 170 135 £ 76 • 904 73 • 928 £ 210 • 674 104• 663 £ £ 18 Jan., 1889 14 Nov., 1900 14 July, 1896 17 Dec, 1909 17 Dec, 1896 25 Sept., 1902 25 Sept., 1896 6 Feb., 1898 6 Feb., 1894 June, 1883 1 July, 1895 1 July, 1893 1 Oct., 1895 1 Oct., 1892 5 May, 1877 1 Jan., 1897 1 Jan., 1894 29 June, 1876 29 June, 1874 13 Jan., 1872 9 Mar., 1879 9 Mar., 1875 1 Feb., 1910 1 Feb., 1896 5 Dec, 1888 28 Aug., 1884 1 Dec, 1892 1 Dec, 1890 6 Feb., 1894 6 Feb., 1893 24 Jan., 1895 24 Jan., 1894 June, 1890 30 June, 1893 1 July, 1903 1 July, 1893 25 Jan., 1901 25 Jan., 1891 11 Oct., 1891 23 Sept., 1887 16 May, 1897 16 May, 1895 1 Feb., 1906 1 Feb., 1894 Shrimpton, Sidney Mark Simpson, James 17 July, 1865 25 Sept., 1865 16 23 Telegraph ... Judicial 5 11 6 2 130 275 130 266 • 666 85 • 119 152 • 38 72 ■ 130 191 • 926 f ... (67-5 f ... i 65 f ... (.133 ■333 (250 143-659 180-398 Out of service 1 yr. 4 mos. For 31 years' service. Out of service 5 months. For 31 years' service. 304 • 148 For 31 years' service. Simpson, William Lawrence... 6 Feb., 1863 25 Judicial 8 10 450 500 273 • 81 436 • 504 598-725 Sinclair, Andrew Skey, William June, 1852 1 July, 1862 19 27 Native Geological Survey ... 19 6 9 5 450 300 450 300 300 157 • 142 1,648 • 931 299 • 017 For 31 years' service. Slater, Joseph... 1 Oct., 1881 26 Customs ... ... j 10 2 260 253 • 333 135 • 713 258 • 242 (150 f ... 1 126• 666 351-85 For 31 years' service. 327 ' 72 For 31 years' service. Smith, Alfred William Smith, Henry Frederick 5 May, 1864 1 Jan., 1863 47 26 Land and Stamps ... Telegraph ... 7 7 8 11 650 250 650 250 162-5 133 ■ 928 953 • 234 226 • 445 Smith, John Elisha ... 29 June, 1843 17 Land and Deeds 28 5 700 650 433 • 333 3,682 • 516 (125" (32.' 288 ■ 048 For 31 years' service. For age 50. For 31 years' service. 3,243 • 403 Smith, John Stephenson Smith, Thomas Henry 13 Jan., 1859 9 Feb., 1842 | 47 17 Crown Lands Native 12 10 23 9 I 250 600 250 600 62-5 400 517 • 097 2,558 • 836 Out of service 6 yrs. 1 mo. For age 50. Smith, William 1 Feb., 1865 I 15 Telegraph ... 6 10 135 128 ■ 333 85 • 555 68 • 726 f ... { 371' 429 f ... ( 64• 166 3,364 • 088 Snoswell, Thomas Snow, Charles Hastings Somerville, William ... 5 Dec, 1859 28 Aug., 1860 1 Dec, 1859 6 Feb., 1862 24 Jan., 1863 June, 1860 30 June, 1866 1 July, 1862 25 Jan., 1860 11 Oct., 1865 23 Sept., 1862 16 May, 1864 31 36 27 28 28 30 33 19 19 34 35 27 182 • 118 For 31 years' service. Customs Audit Judicial 12 0 11 3 12 0 138 280 275 138 273 ■ 333 275 65 • 714 113 • 888 144 • 047 180 • 078 428 ■ 736 308 ■774 f ... (137-5 (15o" f ... (150 363 • 32 For 31 years' service. Stevens, Francis Militia 9 10 300 300 153 • 571 310 • 106 336 • 78 Stevenson, Alexander C. Postal i \ 8 10 300 300 153 • 571 292 • 222 For 31 years' service. 317-354 For 31 years' service. Stevenson, John Pitcairn Stewart, James Stoney, James Butler... House Representatives: Customs ... ... | Judicial ... ... ! I 11 6 j 5 5 : 9 5 350 125 175 333 • 333 116 • 666 175 162 • 698 52 • 777 108 • 333 418 • 605 113 • 131 128 • 82 (87-5 f ... I 75 266 ■801 For 31 years' service. Stockman, George Native ... ... j ; 11 10 150 150 92 • 856 124 • 023 256-86 Stowe, Leonard ... ,,. Stratford, Henry Aldborough Stratton, Frederick Young ... Legislative Council... Judicial ... ... i Postal i ; 6 2 ' 9 2 7 6 400 310 150 400 323 • 333 150 176 • 19 138 ■ 57 78 ■ 571 426 • 143 430-9 132 • 855 For 31 years' service. 8 10 I 75 (118-333 156-327 For 31 years' service. Street, William Parker 1 Feb., 1863 17 Judicial 270 236• 666 152 • 142 152 • 797 357 • 042 For 31 years' service. I

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Strode, Alfred Rowland diet- 1 Jan., 1843 ham Stuart, William 13 Sept., 1866 Tabuteav, Joseph Molierc ... 16 Feb., 1857 Tait, Andrew 22 Oct., 1858 Tait, Robert 16 Aug., 1866 Tanfield, Samuel 1 Oct., 1866 Taylor, George ' 16 June, 1859 Taylor, Richard 16 Aug., 1864 league, William Edward ... 3 Sept., 1863 Tennant, John ... ... 1 May, 1859 20 32 29 30 22 25 29 37 49 24 Judicial 28 11 750 Judicial 5 2 400 Customs 14 10 450 Customs 13 1 150 Postal 5 3 110 Telegraph 5 2 125 Postal 12 5 180 Postal ' 7 3 150 Registrar-General ... 8 3 295 Customs 12 7 340 Customs ... ... 6 5 150 Customs 8 8 200 Customs ... ... 9 0 270 Customs ... ... 7 11 160 Telegraph 7 7 225 Judicial 10 8 350 716-666; 477-777 408 ■ 333 ! 189 ■ 835 433 • 333 j 288 ■ 888 150 73 • 214 110 64 ■ 166 121 • 666 j 66 • 626 180 90 148• 333 60 • 04 291 • 666 72 • 916 326 • 666 182 • 777 146• 666 83 ■253 236 • 666 95 • 792 270 99 • 642 ' 160 53 • 333 216• 666 \ 136 ■704 350 : 183 • 333 4,518 • 538 382 • 825 843 • 08 213 • 664 72 • 102 88 • 989 231 • 575 186• 701 522 • 784 347 • 797 f ... (.469-246 4,826-612 (.237" 301 1,775-781 (.55" I 122-47 f ... I 60-833 122-06 I 1 Jan., 1874 For 31 years' service.] 1 Jan., 1873 For age 50. 13 Sept., 1894 16 Feb., 1888 16 Feb., 1878 For 31 years' service. 22 Oct., 1888 16 Aug., 1904 16 Aug., 1897 For 31 years' service. 1 Oct., 1901 1 Oct., 1897 For 31 years' service. 16 June, 1890 16 Aug., 1887 3 Sept., 1874 1 May, 1895 j 1 Mav, 1890 I For 31 years' service. 1 July, 1901 1 July, 1896 j For 31 years' service. 10 April, 1886 1 Dec, 1882 j 27 Dec, 1880 1 May, 1906 1 May, 1895 For 31 years' service. 5 April, 1894 5 April. 1892 For 31 years' service. 1 July,'1900 1 July, 1894 For 31 years' service. Thomas, George White ... 1 July, 1865 Thomas, William Esdaile ... 10 April, 1863 Thompson, Robert 1 Dec, 1862 Thomson, George ... ... 27 Dec, 1863 Tipping, Charles Augustus ... 1 May, 1864 24 37 40 43 18 111 • 196 317 • 468 399-7 242 • 52 137 • 293 f ... ( 163 • 333 512 • 102 ( 73-333 161-757 f z '." 1 108• 333 302 ■907 f ... (.175 | 434-605 (. 59-166: 151-809 Tizard, Edward Fawconer ... 5 April, 1861 27 370 • 204 Tovey, John Henry 1 July, 1863 23 Postal 8 5 120 118 • 333 67 • 618 95-73 Townsend, James Townsend, AVilliam 6 Jan., 1882 Towsey, AVilliam Charles ... ; Jan., 1864 42 18 Customs "... ... 911 240 Postal and another... 7 11 162 240 82 ■ 856 162 102 ■ 213 400 : 984 102 • 653 6 Jan., 1880 Jan., 1906 Jan., 1895 For 31 years' service. j (.81 226-481 Tresider, Peter ... ... j Tucker, William i 11 May, 1863 27 Telegraph" j 8 7 225 22S" 117-857 211-394 11 May', 1896 11 May, 1894 For 31 years' service. 7 May, 1888 (II2" 5 : 248" 74 Turnell, Henry AVidowson ... j 7 May, 1864 36 Judicial and others... 7 7 225 225 93 • 75 273 • 596 i :,:... Veal, John j 1 Mar., 1864 Veale, Joseph Stephen ... | 26 Aug., 1862 Vickers, Samuel Crispe Gace... ; 1 July, 1864 Van Dadelszen, Edward John I 1 Jan., 1863 47 32 30 17 Customs 7 9 118-625 Customs 9 3 118-625 Native 7 5 250 Registrar-General ... 8 11 ! 190 118 • 625 29 ■ 656 118-625 55-075 241 • 666 117 • 956 ! 186 • 666 120 173 • 963 141 ■711 238 ■ 185 120 ■ 517 I 1 Mar., 1877 26 Aug., 1890 1 July, 1894 1 Jan., 1906 1 Jan., 1894 i For 31 years' service. 17 April, 1885 f ... '( 93 ■ 333 ; 282 • 26 Von Sturmer, Spencer William j 17 April, 1862 37 Customs and another 9 7 290 i 252 • 222 102 • 09 360-6 • AVadie, Henry 1 1 Feb., 1864 Wakefield, Edward I 1 May, 1865 47 19 Judicial 7 10 150 Customs 6 9 250 150 37 • 5 250 154 • 761 219 • 977 155 • 428 (125 321-906 1 Feb., 1887 1 May, 1906 1 May, 1896 For 31 years' service. Wakefield, P | j AValker, AValter George ... 1 Aug., 1864 23 Judicial '".- 7"4 18o" 173-333 99-046 132-291 i ( 86-666J 209- 64 { 65-833 j 164-61 1 Aug., 1901 1 Aug., 1895 For 31 years' service. 15 June, 1908 15 June, 1897 For 31 years' service. Walmesley, S. B. H 15 June, 1866 IS Telegraph 5 5 135 i | 131 • 666 83 • 075 74-61

G.—No. 10.



Officers of the Civil Service — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service, PresentRate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years. Amount on which PY. is computed. Present V Talue of Annuity. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Warburton, James Kemmis ... 11 Mar., 1862 18 Post Office Y. M. 9 9 £ 250 £ 230 • 833 £ 145• 644 £ 163 • 658 £ (.115"- 416 (152-777 £ 11 Mar., 1904 11 Mar., 1893 1 May, 1877 1 Mav, 1871 1 Jan"., 1888 1 Aug., 1894 1 Aug., 1893 17 Sept., 1886 17 Sept., 1880 1 Dec, 1894 1 Dec, 1893 23 Jan., 1882 20 Jan., 1884 20 Jan., 1874 20 June, 1901 20 June, 1897 lFcb., 1909 1 Feb., 1895 1 Nov., 1884 April, 1876 April, 1872 4 June, 1891 1 Jan., 1874 1 April, 1897 1 April, 1893 5 April, 1909 5 April, 1896 1 June, 1875 1 Dec, 1878 28 Dec, 1895 28 Dec, 1890 22 Nov., 1882 361 '• 076 For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For age 51. Ward, Charles 1 May, 1846 26 Customs 25 7 260 256 ■ 666 171 • 111 1,128 ■ 549 1,743-2 Ward, Charles Dudley Robert Warde, Charles ... 1 Jan., 1864 1 Aug., 1862 36 28 Judicial Customs 7 11 9 4 900 215 900 198 • 333 375 101 • 526 1,094 • 381 205 • 011 Wardell, Herbert Samuel 17 Sept., 1855 25 Judicial 16 2 450 433 • 333 288 • 888 1,116 • 674 (. 99" 166 (257 -938 ( lOo" 222 • 648 1,701-828 For 31 years' service. For 31 years' service. For age 50. Watson, Rohert 1 Dec, 1862 28 Customs 9 0 200 200 102 • 38 194• 365 211 '■ 569 Watt, Isaac Newton ... Wayland, John Muir... 23 Jan., 1863 20 Jan., 1855 41 31 Judicial ... ... Judicial 8 10 16 10 550 350 550 350 196 ■ 428 225 839 • 03 847 • 022 For 31 years' service. Weetman, Sydney 20 June, 1866 25 Survey 5 5 250 250 136• 904 182 • 856 (183-333 (125 1 4_" 5 1,769-718 250 ■ 808 For age 50. For 31 years' service. For 45 years' service. For 31 years' service. Out of service 8 months. For 3 1 years' service. For age 50. White, Charles 1 Feb., 1864 13 Telegraph ... 7 10 90 85 56 • 666 53 • 062 132 • 954 White, Charles Loynes AVhite, AVilliam Bertram 1 Mar., 1861 April, 1845 37 23 Customs Judicial and another 10 1 26 8 120 600 120 600 48-571 400 182 • 847 3,094 • 4 f ... ( 371' 43 4,068 "• 203 AVhitehori), AVilliam ... Wilkin, Jas. Thos. Wellington AVilkin, John Winstanley 4 June, 1864 1 Jan., 1856 1 April, 1862 33 42 25 Customs and others Postal Postal 7 7 15 11 9 8 200 250 190 200 250 181 • 666 90 • 475 127 ■ 976 99 • 483 218 • 828 917 • 547 168 ■ 215 ( 90-833 f ... ( 63-333 230 • 735 For 31 years' service. Wilkinson, Walter George ... 5 April, 1865 16 Deeds 6 8 130 126 • 666 82 • 937 70 • 443 175 : 771 AVillcocks, Edward Smyth ... Williams, Edward Marsh Williams, Henry Woodward... 1 June, 1861 1 Dec, 1861 28 Dec, 1859 46 43 24 Judicial Judicial Customs 10 7 10 0 11 11 450 400 265 450 400 215 112-5 133 • 333 120-3 753 ■ 584 687 • 357 215 ■ 776 For 31 years' service. AVilliams, Samuel Johu Williamson, John AVilmot, John.., AVilson, William Wallace Winstanley, Thomas Francis Wood, John Nugent ... Woodwai-d, Jonas AVoolcombe, Belfield ... AVoon, James Garland AA roon, Richard Watson Worthington, John Scott 22 Nov., 1861 1 Jan., 1859 1 Jan., 1858 12 Sept., 1863 21 Oct., 1861 25 Aug., 1855 27 July, 1857 21 Sept., 1858 1 Dec, 1853 Jan., 1863 39 40 32 30 34 45 41 32 19 25 Customs 10 0 12 11 13 11 8 3 10 1 16 3 14 4 13 2 18 0 8 11 215 270 150 225 450 700 400 360 350 300 205 257 150 225 483 • 333 650 400 340 316 • 333 300 78 • 094 94•845 94 ■ 643 109 • 821 212 • 896 325 209 • 523 157 • 854 210 ■ 888 164• 285 313 ■ 262 487 • 82 313 • 66 235 • 409 660 • 503 2,831 • 4 1,312 ■ 706 523 ■ 151 1,026 ■ 614 261• 901 (107-5 318 • 437 1 Jan., 1879 1 Jan., 1886 12 Sept., 1893 21 Oct., 1887 25 Aug., 1871 27 July, 1876 21 Sept., 1886 1 Dec, 1884 Jan., 1898 Jan., 1894 3 Aug., 1890 For 31 years' service. Customs Customs Postal Judicial Treasury Judicial Customs Native Judicial For 31 years' service. Out of service 9 months. ... ... (150" 359• 235 Wright, Fortunatus Evelyn ... 3 Nov., 1858 29 Postal 13 1 500 500 250 684 • 845 Yoriret, Thomas Edward 1 Mar., 1863 1G Native 8 3 350 325 • 666 213 • 234 202 • 508 (162-833 1 Mar., 1907 1 Mar., 1894 505- 31 For 31 years' service.

G.—Kb. 10.



14th NOVEMBEE, 1871,






GK—No. 10.


Officers of the Civil Service on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Act, 1866."

NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount _, on which | r,esen' P V 7 is Value of computed. Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Abell, Henry John ... Allard, Charles Allen, E.J Anderson, Sam Cosgrave Arnot, Archibald Kernedy ... Arrow, Henry ; ,. Atkinson, James Henry Austin, Albert Duncan 25 May, 1867 1 May, 1871 10 Jan., 1871 28 Oct., 1868 Nov., 1869 27 Mav, 1869 17 Aug., 1869 27 Mar., 1871 29 14 18 26 27 19 15 31 Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Defence Judicial Judicial Postal Land Transfer Y. St. 4 6 0 7 0 11 3 1 2 1 2 6 2 3 0 8 £ 300 40 76 250 25 80 75 100 £ 316 ■ 666 40 76 250 25 80 61 • 666 100 £ 163 • 611 26•666 50 • 666 141 • 666 13-75 14 ■ 666 41 111 48 • 333 £ 260 • 826 14 • 497 34 • 423 178 • 431 17 • 318 70 • 977 26 ■ 417 68 • 427 25 May, 1898 1 May, 1917 10 Jan., 1913 28 Oct., 1902 Nov., 1902 27 May, 1880 17 Aug., 1914 27 Mar., 1900 Babington, George Matthew Bailie, Frederick Baird, Borthwick Robert Baker, George John ... Ballard, James G. Ballard, Thomas Edward Bamford, John Dean ... Barraud, S. C. Barron, Clarke C. Netterville Barton, AVilliam Alfred Batham, James Meacham Bay ley, Reginald Beale, Joseph ... Benzoni, diaries Thomas Berry, Charles John ... Beswick, William AVhitwell ... Black, AVilliam Blackburn, George H. Blackett, John Blair, William Newsham Boardman, Abraham ... Bodman, AValter AVilliam Boers, Peter ... Bold, Edward Henrv... Booth, Richard Booth, Thomas Boughton, Thomas H. Bowen, Charles Hugh Webb... Bowen, Edw. R. Courtenay ... Brabant, Herbert AVilliam ... Bradburn, George Henry Bray, William Bayley Brewer, Henry Clayton Bridge, Cyprian AVynyard ... 16 Sept., 1871 12 Feb., 1869 27 April, 1870 1 May, 1970 14 Dec, 1866 6 July, 1868 7 June, 1871 1 Nov., 1869 9 July, 1867 June, 1867 22 June, 1871 8 July, 1871 1 Jan., 1870 21 Jan., 1870 16 Feb., 1869 1 Aug., 1867 1 June, 1871 11 Nov., 1870 1 Oct., 1870 1 May, 1871 1 Nov., 1870 1 Nov., 1866 24 Oct., 1870 1 Aug., 1867 Sept., 1870 13 July, 1868 1 Jan., 1869 8 July, 1867 21 Sep't., 1869 1 July, 1867 8 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1871 20 Feb., 1868 1 July, 1867 41 35 40 20 15 15 53 16 32 15 31 27 18 34 29 19 18 19 51 29 46 22 35 25 34 14 37 31 27 29 58 18 21 Public AVorks Postal Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Telegraph ... GovernmentReporter Judicial Judicial Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Inspector of Stores... Telegraph ... Postal and another... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Public Works Public AVorks Treasury Postal " Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Telegraph ... Treasury Judicial Customs Judicial Customs Public AVorks Judicial Judicial and another 0 2 2 9 1 7 1 7 4 11 3 5 0 6 2 1 4 5 4 5 0 5 0 5 1 11 1 10 2 9 4 4 0 6 1 - 1 1 2 0 7 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 4 2 11 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 11 0 11 3 9 4 5 300 135 300 100 155 110 275 100 500 52 400 100 40 200 150 130 76 90 800 600 250 150 125 350 100 80 185 315 150 300 109-5 600 175 175 135 300 95 • 333 153 • 333 110 90 500 52 40 192 • 666 133 • 333 130 63 85 800 95 56-25 100 63 ■ 555 102 • 222 73 • 333 60 233 • 333 34 • 666 193 ■ 333 55 26 • 666 83 • 488 68 • 888 86 • 666 42 56 • 666 244 • 44 113 • 585 257 ' 305 51 ■ 053 73 • 266 49 • 824 40 ■ 765 444 24 • 846 273 • 71 61 • 803 19 • 112 149 • 748 97' 528 77 ■ 835 28 • 535 43 ■ 046 16 Sept., 1890 12 Feb., 1894 27 April, 1890 1 May, 1910 14 Dec, 1911 6 July, 1913 7 June, 1878 1 Nov., 1913 9 July, 1895 June, 1912 22 June, 1900 8 July, 1904 1 Jan., 1912 21 Jan., 1896 16 Feb., 1900 1 Aug., 1908 1 June, 1913 11 Nov., 1911 1 Oct., 1879 1 May, 1902 1 Nov., 1884 1 Nov., 1904 24 Oct., 1895 1 Aug., 1902 Sept., 1896 13 July, 1914 1 Jan., 1892 8 July, 1896 21 Sept., 1902 1 Julv, 1898 8 Jan., 1902 1 Jan., 1873 20 Feb., 1910 Uuly, 1906 250 150 125 350 100 68 • 666 171 • 666 310 150 300 109-5 310 58 ■ 333 95 52 • 083 204 ■ 166 43 • 333 45 • 777 65 • 805 149 • 833 82-5 155 62 ■ 05 390 • 452 219 • 597 106 • 75 99 • 106 257 • 151 77 ■ 724 29 • 416 149 ■ 435 268 • 748 103 • 91 247-1 78 • 153 171-666 175 114 • 444 113 • 75 91 • 932 114 • 24

G.—No. 10.



Off: :cers of the Ciy: x Service — continued. NAME. . D» t?of . thttDate, Appointment. £ _. ' Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay la_t Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Bridge, H. B. Broadfoot, James Hope Brookfield, Frederick AVilliam Brooking, George H. ... Brown, Thomas Buck, Eli Buckham, George Bundle, AVilliam Bunny, Edward William Bunny, Frederick John Burn, John ... Bush, John Logan Bush, Robert Smelt B iitterworth, William 18 July, 1871 1 Nov., 1866 7 Nov., 1871 1 Nov., 1869 8 Aug., 1870 1 Nov., 1867 15 July, 1868 1 Mar., 1870 27 Mar., 1871 17 Mar., 1869 1 Aug., 1868 19 June, 1867 29 Jan., 1870 1 Nov., 1869 22 25 16 15 14 35 29 18 -19 21 42 16 23 30 Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Telegraph and anr. Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Customs Telegraph ... Native Judicial Y. M. 0 4 5 1 0 1 2 1 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 9 0 8 2 8 3 4 4 5 1 10 2 1 £ 76 125 50 40 40 110 110 105 350 120 50 125 150 50 £ 121-666 40 40 110 110 95 • 333 350 100 50 116-666 150 50 £ 48 • 133 70 • 971 33 • 333 26 ■666 26 • 666 45 ■ 833 56 • 833 63 • 555 64•166 65 15 77 • 777 80 20 £ 40 ■ 882 94 • 792 20 • 262 17 ' 135 15•342 140 ■ 082 85 ■ 414 45 • 552 274 • 085 58 • 377 49 • 712 59 • 082 100 • 762 42 • 871 18 July, 1909 1 Nov., 1901 7 Nov., 1915 1 Nov., 1914 8 Aug., 1916 1 Nov., 1892 15 July, 1899 1 Mar., 1912 27 Mar., 1882 17 Mar., 1908 1 Aug., 1886 19 June, 1911 29 Jan., 1902 1 Nov., 1893 Caidees, James Cameron, George Douglas Cameron, John Campbell, Robert Andrew ... Campbell, Robert James Capper, H. H. Carrington, John Carroll, John ... Carruthers, John Cheeseman, George Henry ... Cherry, George Thomas Christian, Thomas Knolles ... Cimino, Salvatore ... .:. Clare, Henry ... Clark, Alfred Clark, George S. Sutherland... Clark, James ... Clark, James ... Clayton, Henry Richard Clayton, William Henry Coates, Augustus John Ligar Cochrane, Joseph Coffey, Stephen Coop, Thomas Corbet t, John Glasford Corbett, J. William Corliss, Mortimer C. ... Cowper, Henry Adolphe Crapp, Sidney Cecil ... 1 Mar., 1869 1 Dec, 1869 1 Mar., 1871 1 Jan., 1870 5 Mar., 1870 14 July, 1871 1 Oct., 1868 12 Feb., 1871 29 June, 1871 8 Aug.. 1870 12 Sept., 1870 15 Jan., 1867 1 Aug., 1871 1 June, 1868 3 April, 1871 1 June, 1868 1 May, 1867 1 Sept., 1868 1 June, 1871 1 April, 1869 1 Sept., 1867 7 Aug., 1869 26 Nov., 1868 3 Aug., 1868 25 Aug., 1870 16 Aug., 1870 1 Nov., 1869 15 June, 1869 Mar., 1870 18 22 31 19 35 18 13 20 36 42 24 18 27 19 15 29 39 15 45 18 46 17 29 40 21 J7 22 27 Telegraph ... Postal Customs Postal Customs Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Public Works Postal Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Customs Judicial Telegraph ... Colonial Architect ... Customs Judicial Audit Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph Telegraph Public Works 2 9 2 0 0 9 1 11 1 2 0 4 3 2 0 10 0 5 1 4 1 2 4 10 0 4 3 6 0 8 3 6 4 7 3 3 0 6 2 8 4 3 2 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 5 1 8 100 110 30 100 140 80 50 50 1,000 125 110 200 50 125 40 90 180 80 40 700 120 200 72 125 145 125 100 140 183 100 110 30 86 • 666 140 50 50 125 110 200 125 40 81 ■ 666 170 70 40 533 • 333 101 • 666 183 • 333 72 125 140 125 90 133 • 333 183 66 • 666 69 • 666 14-5 57•777 58• 333 53 • 333 33 - 333 33 • 333 400 37-5 66 70 33 ■ 333 68-75 26 • 666 54 ■ 444 87 ■ 833 25 26 • 666 133-333 67 • 777 42 • 777 48 64 • 583 46 • 666 81-25 60 84 • 444 100 • 65 50 • 642 62 • 423 20 • 528 43 ■ 89 111 36 • 235 20 • 262 25 ■ 321 761 ■ 14 109 • 438 66 • 284 204 ■ 285 22 ■ 647 91 • 826 19 • 112 36 -99 140 • 022 68•486 15 • 342 501 • 94 57 ' 567 171 • 593 36 • 462 97 • 061 119 ■ 798 69-01 43 • 004 80 • 196 119 ■ 684 1 Mar., 1911 1 Dec, 1907 1 Mar., 1900 1 Jan., 1911 5 Oct., 1895 14 July, 1913 1 Oct., 1915 12 Feb., 1911 29 June, 1895 8 Aug., 1888 12 Sept., 1906 15 Jan., 1888 1 Aug., 1913 1 June, 1901 3 April, 1912 1 June, 1913 1 May, 1898 1 Sept., 1889 1 Juno, 1916 1 April, 1884 1 Sept., 1909 7 Aug., 1883 26 Nov., 1911 3 Aug., 1899 25 Aug., 1890 16 Aug., 1909 1 Nov., 1912 15 June, 1907 Mar., 1903 Out of service 7 months.



a—No. 10.

Crawford, Henry Cross, Henry ... Cross, Philip D. Gumming, Duncan Cunningham, James ... Cunningham, William Curry, John ... Curtis, Paul ... Cusack, James Cuthbert, Edwin Cnthbertson, Henry ... Cuthbertson, AVilliam Fawcit 1 May, 1870 6 Feb., 1870 1 Nov., 1869 1 Dec, 1869 3 Dec, 1869 5 Nov., 1866 26 Oct., 1871 1 June, 1871 26 Aug., 1868 1 Mar., 1871 17 Jan., 1870 lDec, 1869 20 20 15 25 20 43 10 12 25 15 17 Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Treasury Customs Customs Inspector of Stores... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Postal Postal 1 7 1 10 2 1 2 0 2 0 5 1 0 1 0 6 3 3 0 9 1 10 2 0 120 85 100 175 100 170 120 80 60 175 85 110 120 76 ■ 666 88 • 666 165 100 160 80 51 • 111 59-111 96-25 66 • 666 106• 666 34 43 • 333 37 • 777 102 • 084 51-111 73 • 333 64 • 263 41 • 056 37 • 974 102 ■ 246 42 • 839 106 • 879 99 • 224 26 • 341 21 • 735 102• 524 31• 069 49 • 824 1 May, 1910 6 Feb., 1910 1 Nov., 1914 1 Dec, 1904 3 Dec, 1913 5 Nov., 1906 26 Oct., 1888 1 June, 1915 26 Aug., 1916 1 Mar., 1906 17 Jan., 1915 1 Dec, 1912 65 56 • 666 175 76 • 666 110 Davie, John Campbell Davis, Thomas Joseph Davy, George Boutflovver Dawson, Thomas Dean, Oliver ... Dearsley, Joseph Henry DeCastro, Charles Daniel Delaney, James Delancy, John... Dillon, Jchn ... Dobson, Robert Dodd, Frederick Dohert.y, Frank Donne, William Dorset, William Dougherty, Daniel Douglas, Allan Shaw Douglas, A\ 7illiam Reid Douglas, AA illiam St. George Downes, AValter Gregory D'Oyley, Robert AVm. Charles Drake, AVilliam Duffus, John AVilliam Duigan, James Duncan, AValter 12 Nov., 1870 25 May, 1869 19 Aug., 1869 1 July, 1871 1 Sept., 1871 12 July, 1867 26 Mar., 1868 5 Dec, 1870 22 Mar., 1870 15 Sept., 1870 1 April, 1868 12 May, 1870 18 Aug., 1867 1 June, 1867 1 July, 1867 2 May, 1870 15 Mar., 1871 1 Nov., 1869 25 Mar., 1869 8 Feb., 1870 1 Feb., 1871 June, 1869 12 June, 1871 17 July, 1867 1 Aug., 1870 41 16 33 20 15 14 20 10 10 14 31 49 69 18 24 44 19 14 42 21 29 24 12 Treasury Treasury Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Treasury Telegraph and anr.... Postal Native Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Provincial Audit ... Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Customs Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Government Reporter Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... 1 0 2 6 2 3 0 5 0 3 4 4 3 8 1 0 1 8 1 2 3 8 1 6 4 3 4 6 4 4 1 7 0 8 2 1 2 8 1 10 0 10 2 6 0 5 4 4 1 4 175 75 700 76 40 50 265 100 100 60 100 40 135 150 150 90 300 100 160 100 450 250 100 200 40 162-5 67 ' 333 700 5o" 255 100 100 60 100 40 131 • 666 160 150 76 • 666 300 100 141 • 666 80 450 189 51 • 457 44 ■ 888 315 50 ■ 666 26 ■ 666 33 • 333 102 66 • 666 66 • 666 34 66 • 666 26 • 666 63-64 29 • 333 140 • 934 30 • 497 565 38•488 15 • 342 22 • 647 231 • 631 53 • 552 50 • 642 38 • 205 47 ' 782 15 • 342 114 • 147 161 • 229 12 Nov., 1889 25 May, 1913 19 Aug., 1896 1 July, 1911 1 Sept., 1916 12 July, 1913 26 Ma*r., 1892 5 Dec, 1910 22 Mar., 1911 15 Sept., 1904 1 April, 1912 12 May, 1916 18 Aug., 1896 1 June, 1878 1 July, 1871 2 May, 1912 15 Mar., 1907 1 Nov., 1885 25 Mar., 1910 8 Feb., 1916 1 Feb., 1889 June, 1908 12 Juno, 1902 17 July, 1903 1 Aug., 1918 Out of service 1 year and 2 months. 51 • 111 180 26 ■ 666 94 • 444 53 ■ 333 135 122 • 85 51 • 666 120 26 ■ 666 36 ■ 633 170 ■ 946 94 • 188 75 • 866 30 • 685 369 • 825 110 • 332 65 • 074 142 • 693 13 • 736 200" Eaele, Joseph Edgcumb, Edward Mortimer Edwin, Robert Athorton Ellaby, Charles Henry Elliott, Alfred Elliott, Samuel Ensor, James ... Eva, Arthur Richard... Ewart, George William . 12 Nov., 1866 1 Mar., 1871 18 Feb., 1871 28 July, 1868 1 Sept., 1867 21 Aug., 1867 14 May, 1870 11 June, 1867 3 Jan., 1870 34 23 32 22 19 30 34 16 17 Printing Public Works Customs Postal CustOHlB Telegraph ... Post Office Telegraph ... Stamps 5 0 0 9 0 9 3 4 4 3 4 3 1 6 4 5 1 11 245 150 300 140 130 140 110 140 80 241 • 666 125 300 140 128-333 135 110 135 65 104 • 722 77 • 083 140 88 • 666 85 * 555 67-5 47 • 666 90 43 • 333 237 • 265 69 • 228 210 • 405 89 • 048 76 • 838 114-135 85•496 63 • 367 29 • 441 12 Nov., 1892 1 Mar., 1908 18 Feb., 1899 28 July, 1906 1 Sept., 1908 21 Aug., 1897 14 May, 1896 11 June, 1911 3 Jan., 1913 Fabian, Charles Fabian, Joseph 24 Feb., 1870 20 April, 1871 16 27 Telegraph ... Telegraph ... 1 9 0 7 50 110 46 • 666 110 31 • 111 60-5 19 • 991 67 • 983 24 Feb., 1914 20 April, 1904

O—No. 10.



Off: :cers of the Civil Service — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay Amount „ last Three on which £ r fsen *. Years, or P.Y. is 7alu< r of since date of computed. Annuity. appointment. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Fannin, Eustace Fearon, Charles Devey Filleul, William Gabriel Finch, Richard Edward Finch, Thomas AV. Fitchett, Arthur Fleming, Patrick Finigan Floyd, William Henry Fooks, Charles Oompton Fox, Ebenezer... Frazer, Alexander Fraser, AVilliam Frazer, David ... Fulton, James... Furby, George Frederick 1 April, 1871 1 Feb., 1867 1 Nov., 1869 27 Dec, 1867 29 Feb., 1868 1 Feb., 1871 25 April, 1871 1 Oct., 1869 14 May, 1869 6 June, 1870 1 Oct., 1871 26 Oct., 1869 1 May, 1867 14 Nov., 1870 17 Feb., 1870 16 23 38 31 26 22 34 28 17 43 30 42 34 40 15 Telegraph Telegraph Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph Sec. to Treasurer ... Public AVorks Judicial Customs Judicial Telegraph Y. M. 0 8 4 10 2 1 3 11 3 9 0 10 0 7 2 2 2 6 1 11 0 2 2 1 4 7 1 0 1 9 £ 50 160 200 140 125 100 25 300 120 300 235 600 131 • 666 125 90 £ 50 153 • 333 200 140 125 100 25 300 106 • 666 300 £ 33 • 333 94 • 555 73 • 333 67 • 666 70 • 833 63 ■ 333 10 • 833 160 71 ' 111 85 117-5 180 53 • 685 33 ■ 333 54 ■ 666 £ 20 • 262 106 • 25 177 • 367 114 ■ 415 89 • 216 53 • 792 18-317 213 • 704 50 • 967 264• 316 156 ■ 94 559 • 732 114• 977 85 ■ 767 33 • 231 1 April, 1915 1 Feb., 1904 1 Nov., 1891 27 Dec, 1896 29 Feb., 1902 1 Feb., 1909 25 April, 1897 1 Oct., 1901 14 May, 1912 6 June, 1887 1 Oct., 1901 26 Oct., 1887 1 May, 1893 14 Nov., 1890 17 Feb., 1915 600 123 • 888 100 82 Gam a way, John AVilliam ... Garvey, John Francis Gell, John Gibbes, Edward Osborne Giles, Joseph ... Gill, Alfred Hogarth Gore, Charles Gordon Ralph... Graham, George Henry Grange, James Grant, James ... Grant, Peter ... Gray, David Sutherland Gray, George ... Green, Joshua... Grcensill, John A. Robert ... Gresson, John Beatty Groves, Henry Gudgeon, John Basil... Guinness, Benjamin ... 2 May, 1870 10 May, 1870 1 June, 1871 15 Feb., 1871 10 Oct., 1867 22 May, 1867 8 Sept,1869 6 Sept., 1870 1 Nov., 1871 1 Jan., 1869 1 Jan., 1870 15 April, 1867 24 July, 1867 3 May, 1871 1 April, 1871 1 July, 1869 6 May, 1869 1 Nov., 1869 Aug., 1867 18 24 16 20 35 37 19 40 15 13 34 15 21 54 30 20 37 15 15 Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph Public AVorks Judicial Judicial Customs Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Deeds Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... 1 7 1 7 0 6 0 9 4 2 4 6 2 3 1 3 0 1 2 11 1 11 4 7 4 4 0 7 0 6 2 6 2 7 2 1 4 4 90 150 76 90 537-5 100 91•666 50 40 50 25 140 170 150 90 150 125 100 90 76 • 666 170 63 85 545 • 833 100 82 ■ 111 50 50 25 140 160 150 90 150 125 88 • 666 63 • 333 51 • 111 102 42 56 • 666 227 • 43 38 ■ 333 54-74 33-333 26 • 666 33 • 333 10 • 833 93 ■ 333 104 36 • 633 102-44 25• 531 43 • 046 516 • 47 98 • 633 43 ■ 982 42 • 985 15 ■342 19 • 178 19-43 66 • 895 104 • 446 2 May, 1912 10 May, 1906 1 June, 1915 15 Feb., 1911 10 Oct., 1892 22 May, 1890 8 Sept., 1910 6 Sept., 1890 1 Nov., 1916 1 Jan., 1916 1 Jan., 1896 15 April, 1912 24 July, 1906 3 May, 1877 1 April, 1901 1 July, 1909 6 May, 1892 1 Nov., 1914 Aug., 1912 45 100 47-916 59 - 111 42 • 222 60 • 104 84 • 936 108 • 812 37 • 984 30 • 262 Hac_:worth, James Brooks ... Hall, John Hall, Thomas Sidney... Halliday, Charles J. ... Halse, John Henry ... Hamlyn, Henry Martin Hammond, Christopher Hammond, Edward ... 14 Feb., 1870 15 July, 1867 1 Feb., 1871 11 Mar., 1867 1 Feb., 1867 15 Feb., 1870 1 Feb., 1871 6 Oct., 1868 15 26 16 16 32 33 36 Colonial Secretary ,.. Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Customs Native Judicial Native 1 9 4 4 0 10 4 9 4 10 1 9 0 10 3 2 70 160 250 135 121 • 666 300 15 200 60 153 • 333 250 135 110 ■ 555 300 15 200 40 102 • 222 141 • 666 90 73 • 704 140 6 • 75 80 25 • 703 73 • 266 150 • 491 63 • 367 55 • 988 223 • 186 10-76 181 • 671 14 Feb., 1914 15 July, 1912 1 Feb., 1905 11 Mar., 1911 1 Feb., 1911 15 Feb., 1898 1 Feb., 1898 6 Oct., 1892


G.—No. 10,


Haszard, Sidney Hawke, C. II. McL Hawley, John Edward Heale, Theophilus Healey, John ... Heaphy, Richard Hebberley, James Hemus, Alfred Hemus, Henry Henderson, Arthur Chillas ... Henderson, William ... Henn, John Henry, John ... Hester, Thomas Hickson, AVilliam Hikairo, AViremu Mita Hill, Charles Hill, Charles John Hill, George Cole Hill, John Hogg, James ... Holden, George Holdsworth, Erederick Dunn Holdsworth, J. G. Hollis, James ... Houlihan, Richard Francis ... Howe, Charles Edward Hughes, John... Hulme, Charles Francis Humphrey, George ... Hunter, Peter... Hursthouse, Charles Wilson... Hutton, Frederick AVollaston Hutton, John A. 22 May, 1871 1 Jan., 1870 10 Dec, 1868 1 Jan., 1867 1 June, 1871 28 Aug., 1867 6 May, 1869 1 April, 1871 29 Nov., 1869 Dec, 1870 9 Mar., 1869 17 Oct., 1869 1 April, 1870 5 April, 1867 2 June, 1870 15 Feb., 1869 11 June. 1867 1 Nov., 1870 16 Oct., 1871 1 Feb., 1870 May, 1870 14 Nov., 1870 1 July, 1868 15 15 17 50 20 16 27 16 17 27 13 45 28 14 55 36 13 21 18 13 40 33 17 Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Native Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Postal Native Telegraph Telegraph ... Public Works Telegraph ... Public Works Public AVorks Telegraph ... 0 6 1 11 5 0 4 11 0 6 4 3 2 7 0 8 2 0 0 11 2 9 2 1 1 8 4 8 1 6 2 9 4 6 1 1 0 1 1 10 1 8 1 0 3 5 40 26 170 500 76 120 125 40 100 100 60 100 120 60 150 120 76 80 52 45 365 208 125 40 26 166 ■ 666 500 76 120 125 40 90 133 • 333 53 • 333 83•666 120 53 • 333 150 120 62 80 26•666 17-333 111-111 83 • 333 50 ■ 666 80 68-75 26 • 666 60 73 • 333 35 - 555 21 • 686 64 35 ■ 555 48 41 • 333 52 34 • 666 27 • 777 121 ■ 666 93-6 81 • 111 15 • 342 10 • 536 89 • 255 488 ■ 835 38 • 488 60 • 771 86 • 592 16-21 40 ■ 765 82 ■ 403 20 • 456 81 • 562 80 • 609 24 ■ 156 102 • 891 26-56 44 • 166 23 • 553 15 • 101 312-333 158 • 267 61 ■ 615 22 May, 1916 1 Jan., 1915 10 Dec, 1909 1 Jan., 1877 1 June, 1911 28 Aug., 1911 6 Mav, 1902 1 April, 1915 29 Nov., 1912 Dec, 1903 9 Mar., 1916 17 Oct., 1884 1 April, 1902 5 April, 1913 2 June, 1875 15 Feb., 1893 11 June, 1914 1 Nov., 1909 16 Oct., 1913 1 Feb., 1917 May, 1890 14 Nov., 1897 1 July, 1911 41 • 666 365 208 121 • 666 11 April, 1870 1 Nov., 1870 1 Nov., 1868 1 Aug., 1867 Feb., 1870 20 Aug., 1868 24 Oct., 1868 9 Mar., 1871 Aug., 1867 28 Feb., 1870 14 16 17 35 28 11 28 31 35 23 Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Stamps Judicial Native Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Public AVorks Geological ... Telegraph ... 1 8 1 1 3 1 4 4 1 10 3 3 3 1 0 9 4 4 1 9 40 90 90 200 150 40 125 312 350 180 40 85 80 200 150 40 125 312 350 180 26 • 666 56 • 666 53 • 333 83 • 333 80 26 • 666 66 • 666 150-8 140 111 15 • 342 36 • 413 40 • 514 189 • 24 100 • 762 14 ■ 497 94 ■ 382 213 • 494 317 • 924 105 • 416 11 April, 1916 1 Nov., 1914 1 Nov., 1911 1 Aug., 1892 Feb., 1902 20 Aug., 1817 24 Oct., 1900 9 Mar., 1900 Nov., 1892 28 Feb., 1907 Out of service 1 year and 3 months. Ingpen, Edward Lockyer ... 1 July, 1869 34 Judicial 2 5 110 107 46 • 366 88 • 227 1 July, 1895 Jackson, Wilfred Jaggar, Arthur Henry James, AVilliam Pattison Johnson, James William Johnson, Robert Johnston, Adam Jordan, Gibbes AA^alker 1 July, 1870 1 Aug., 1870 Aug., 1867 15 April, 1870 1 June, 1868 22 May, 1871 19 Oct., 1868 17 15 14 32 35 32 30 Telegraph ... Postal Judicial Customs Telegraph ... Public AVorks Legislative Council... 1 5 1 4 4 4 1 7 3 6 0 6 3 1 40 40 115 140 125 300 300 40 40 103 • 333 140 120 300 266 • 666 26 ■ 666 26 ■ 666 68 • 888 65• 333 50 140 133 ■ 333 18 • 117 16-21 46 • 804 104 • 153 107 • 175 210 • 405 212 • 557 1 July, 1913 1 Aug., 1915 Aug., 1913 15 April,1898 1 June, 1893 22 Mav, 1899 19 Oct", 1898 Kane, Henry John ... Keary, Isaac ... Keddell, Jackson Kelling, Ernest Charles Kennedy, James Kenny, Willoughby M. Giles 1 Mar., 1870 1 Oct., 1869 8 Jan,, 1871 1 Feb., 1870 26 Mar., 1870 1 Oct., 1870 18 47 29 24 60 25 Telegraph ... Postal Judicial Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... 1 9 2 2 0 11 1 10 1 8 1 2 90 110 470 225 240 125 85•333 110 475 191• 666 240 125 56 • 888 23 • 833 245 ■ 416 115 40 • 68 101• 801 309 • 107 115 • 5 1 Mar., 1912 1 Oct., 1882 8 Jan., 1902 1 Feb., 1906 26 Mar., 1871 1 Oct., 1905 72" 916 77 • 458

Gk—No. 10.



Officers of the Civil Service — continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service, Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay Amount last Three on which Years, or P.Y. is since date of computed. appointment. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Kerr, William Keys, Benjamin Khull, Thomas A Kilgour, Martin James King, Charles Bingley Kingdon, Samuel Kirker, James... Knowles, John 1 Aug., 1867 1 April, 1870 18 May, 1871 2 Mar., 1867 22 Oct., 1870 9 Feb., 1871 8 Nov., 1870 3 Dec, 1869 12 13 15 25 56 13 45 Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Land Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Public Works Y. M. 4 4 1 8 0 6 4 9 1 1 0 10 1 1 2 0 £ 50 76 110 110 125 450 50 600 £ 50 76 110 100 125 450 45 477 • 777 £ 33 ■ 333 50 • 666 44 66 • 666 72 • 916 £ 20 • 262 27•546 83 • 725 47 • 782 77 ' 458 1 Aug., 1915 1 April, 1917 18 May, 1895 2 Mar., 1912 22 Oct., 1905 9 Feb., 1875 8 Nov., 1917 3 Dec, 1884 30" 119 • 444 16-31 421 ■ 895 Lanauze, George Clarke Lawson, Henry Lecknor, Alfred Linstrom, G. A. Little, John Alphonse Lloyd, Robert... Lock, Edwin Adolphus Locke, Samuel Lockwood, AVilliam Hannah... Lodge, Thomas George Moore Logan, AVilliam Logic, Herbert Lomax, Henry Alfred Long, Joseph Francis... Louisson, AVilliam Wright ... Lumsden, AA'illiam Lunn, William Green Lusher, Randall A. ... 4 Oct., 1870 14 Oct., 1869 11 Aug., 1870 1 Feb., 1870 11 Dec, 1866 23 Mar., 1870 1 Oct., 1871 9 Sept., 1869 1 Feb., 1868 25 Aug., 1869 1 Dec, 1870 1 June, 1871 19 May, 1870 2 May, 1870 24 Sept., 1868 29 July, 1870 1 May, 1869 1 Nov., 1866 16 43 13 30 18 34 45 32 46 17 20 19 24 22 13 11 29 30 Postal Public Works Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Public Works Native and another Postal Postal Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 10 5 0 1 8 0 2 2 3 3 10 2 3 1 0 0 6 1 6 1 6 3 2 1 4 2 7 5 1 60 300 50 125 145 175 208 400 100 85 125 80 156 100 50 50 50 160 60 278 • 27 50 123 • 333 143 • 333 175 400 100 76 • 666 125 78 156 92 50 50 50 156 • 666 40 78-84 26 • 666 61 • 666 95 - 555 75 ■ 833 52 186 ■ 666 23 ■ 333 51 ■111 83 • 333 52 93-6 58 ■ 286 26•666 33 ■ 333 25•833 78 • 333 25 • 703 261 • 287 14 ■ 497 87•303 85 • 818 136-018 172 ■335 315 • 632 99 ■ 665 36 • 633 63 • 303 37-27 94 ■ 003 52 • 329 16-21 16 • 308 36•573 140 ■ 501 4 Oct., 1914 14 Oct., 1886 11 Aug., 1917 1 Feb., 1900 11 Dec, 1908 23 Mar., 1896 1 Oct., 1886 9 Sept., 1897 1 Feb., 1882 25 Aug., 1912 1 Dec, 1910 1 June, 1912 19 May, 1906 2 May, 1908 24 Sept., 1915 29 July, 1919 1 May, 1900 1 Nov., 1896 Macaiister, Jas. D. Dugald... Macandrew, Colin Mackenzie, D. L. J. Murdoch Maclean, Charles Lendrick ... Maginnity, Andrew Thomas... Main, David Forsyth Mainwaring, Eugene G. Henri Malley, Thomas Marehbanks, David ... Marks, E d ward Martin, Benjamin Nevin Martin, George Martin, AValter Matthews, AVilliam ... ..'. McAnallv, George McCaull," Henry Michael 19 Feb., 1867 14 Sept., 1869 28 Dec, 1870 2 July, 1868 26 Nov., 1869 1 Jan., 1871 7 Feb., 1871 1 Aug., 1869 20 Mar., 1871 16 April, 1870 1 Dec, 1868 1 Dec, 1869 1 Feb., 1870 1 Oct., 1871 10 Aug., 1870 16 Oct., 1871 15 20 13 37 21 40 29 41 49 16 15 24 18 44 39 43 Postal Stamps Postal Judicial Treasury Deeds Land Transfer Registrar-General ... Public Works Postal Telegraph ... Postal Judicial Public Works Telegraph ... Public AVorks 4 9 2 2 0 11 3 5 2 0 0 11 0 10 2 4 0 8 1 7 3 0 2 0 1 10 0 2 1 4 0 1 140 200 50 250 140 700 200 109-5 235 120 105 100 50 234 110 275 110 200 50 233 • 333 121 ■ 666 700 200 109-5 235 85 90 100 50 73 ■ 333 133 • 333 33 ' 333 89 • 444 79 • 085 233 • 333 96 • 666 34 • 675 43 • 082 56•666 60 60 33 • 333 62-4 38-5 77 • 916 52 • 561 113 • 247 17-17 216 ■ 334 67' 171 564-353 121 • 753 101 • 194 184 • 022 36 • 413 38• 555 60 ■ 258 23 • 891 194 ■ 04 93 • 118 227 ■ 386 19 Feb., 1912 14 Sept., 1909 28 Dec, 1917 2 July, 1891 26 Nov., 1908 1 Jan., 1891 7 Feb., 1902 1 Aug., 1888 20 Mar., 1882 16 April, 1914 1 Dec, 1913 1 Dec, 1905 1 Feb., 1912 1 Oct., 1887 10 Aug., 1891 16 Oct., 1888 110



G.—No. 10.

McCredie, Matthew McGlllivray, James L. McGowan, John Mclntyre, George McKellar, Archibald McKnight, Robert McLean, AA rilliam Kentish ... McLeod, Angus McMaster, David Meddings, AVilliam George ... Messiter, Frank Mills, Charles AVebb Milnes, Samuel Mitchell, Williato ... ... Morrow-, George Mottram, Charles Henry Moule, AVilliam Mountfort, Julian Cyril Mountfort, Wilfred Louis Mountier, Ernest James Mulholland, James ... Murphy, John Murphy, Thomas 11 April, 1867 24 Sept., 1870 18 Feb., 1867 9 Julv, 1868 10 Jun'e, 1867 1 Sept., 1871 19 July, 1869 July, 1867 1 Mar., 1870 1 Nov., 1867 25 Jan., 1871 1 Oct., 1871 14 Mar., 1867 July, 1867 19 May, 1868 1 June, 1871 20 May, 1870 6 July, 1868 14 June, 1867 1 April, 1871 1 Sept., 1869 5 July, 1870 1 Nov., 1866 25 24 17 24 27 38 35 13 38 26 15 13 29 31 - 20 23 45 15 16 13 21 33 25 Treasury Defence Treasury Registrar-Gen. Land Telegraph ... Judicial Defence Telegraph ... Treasury Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Government Reporter Postal Telegraph ... Commiss. A. C. Force Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Stamps Customs Customs 4 8 1 2 4 9 3 5 4 6 0 3 2 4 4 5 1 9 4 1 0 11 0 2 4 8 4 5 3 6 0 6 1 6 3 5 4 5 0 8 2 3 1 5 5 1 215 160 190 350 125 175 300 76 250 180 50 40 125 200 140 76 600 100 140 36 150 140 109-5 205 133 • 333 171 ■ 666 279 • 166 125 283 ■ 333 58 • 666 250 173 • 333 50 125 200 140 119 • 583 80 114 ■ 444 167-5 68-75 64 ■166 118 ■ 055 39 • 111 91 • 666 98•218 33 • 333 26 ■ 666 64 ■ 583 93•666 93 • 333 46 • 866 54 • 444 66 • 666 87 • 777 24 86 • 666 63 63 • 875 150 • 624 80 • 344 91 ■ 932 188 ■ 217 97 • 332 137 • 544 238 • 388 25 • 132 208 ■ 163 131 ■ 185 19 • 178 13 • 736 192 • 957 173 ■ 385 83 • 823 41 • 911 192 • 304 45•294 66 • 679 12 ■ 362 77 • 835 106 ■ 526 85 • 315 11 April, 1902 24 Sept., 1906 18 Feb., 1910 9 July, 1904 10 June, 1900 1 Sept., 1893 19 July, 1894 July, 1914 1 Mar., 1892 1 Nov., 1901 25 Jan., 1916 1 Oct., 1918 14 Mar., 1898 July, 1896 19 May, 1908 1 June, 1908 20 May, 1885 6 July, 1913 14 June, 1911 1 April, 1918 1 Sept., 1908 5 July, 1897 1 Nov., 1901 233 ■ 333 100 131-666 36 133 • 333 140 109-5 Nelson, James Nicholas, Charles Edmund ... Nicholls, AVm. Henry Sinderby Nicholson, George Alexander Nicholson, Thomas Renwick... Northcroft, Ernest Northcroft, Leonard ... Norton, James 8 Dec, 1870 1 Nov., 1870 23 Feb., 1870 1 June, 1871 21 May, 1867 17 April, 1871 20 May, 1870 1 Nov., 1870 30 19 . 24 16 15 17 18 37 Customs Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Customs 1 0 1 1 1 9 0 6 4 6 0 7 1 6 1 1 140 90 110 40 110 76 90 140 140 83 106 • 666 40 108 • 666 76 80 ■ 666 140 70 55 • 333 64 26 • 666 71-111 50 ■ 666 53 • 777 53 • 666 93 • 495 42 • 033 64 • 275 16-21 50 • 968 32 • 557 38 • 544 115 • 036 8 Dec, 1900 1 Nov., 1911 23 Feb., 1906 1 June, 1915 21 May, 1912 17 April, 1914 20 Mav, 1912 1 Nov., 1893 O'Bbien, Francis O'Connor, Charles Y. O'Halloran, B. Ollivier, John ... O'Neill, J. M ... 1 May, .1870 15 July, 1871 1 May, 1870 Nov., 1866 4 Mar., 1868 43 29 19 59 50 Native Public AVorks Telegraph ... Provincial Auditor... Telegraph ... 1 7 0 4 1 9 5 2 3 9 52 450 90 500 125 52 85 500 116-666 14 • 733 232-5 56 • 666 45 • 814 292 • 839 43 • 045 1 May, 1887 15 July, 1902 1 May, 1911 19 • 444 106 "-873 4 Mar., 1878 Palaieet, Gwalter Palmer, Thomas Park, Robert ... Parker, AVilliam Parkerson, Burrell, junior Parsonage, Douglas ... Pattle, Frederick William ... Petrie, James ... Pharazyn, Robert Phillips, Charles Pollen, Charles Robert Porter,'Alexander 22 Oct., 1866 3 April, 1867 7 Dec, 1870 9 Aug., 1869 8 Dec, 1866 14 Oct., 1867 26 April, 1S70 13 July, 1867 13 April, 1870 15 Dec, 1869 14 Dec, 1870 1 April, 1869 29 28 19 18 35 14 24 27 37 30 14 34 Stamps Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Telegraph ... Survey Judicial 5 1 4 8 1 0 2 4 5 0 4 1 1 7 4 4 1 7 1 11 0 11 2 8 200 145 110 75 180 50 125 150 350 100 50 150 191 • 666 135 105 59 ■ 666 180 50 125 150 350 100 50 150 99 • 027 72 70 39 ■ 777 75 33 ■ 333 75 82-5 134 • 166 50 33 • 333 167 • 444 108 ■ 208 53 • 174 30 • 216 170-316 22 • 647 75 ■ 323 116-8 287 ■ 593 70 ■ 787 18 • 122 123 • 685 I 22 Oct., 1897 3 April, 1899 7 Dec, 1911 9 Aug., 1911 8 Dec, 1891 14 Oct., 1913 26 April, 1906 13 July, 1900 13 April, 1893 15 Dec, 1899 14 Dec, 1916 1 April, 1895

a.— No. 10.



Officers of the Ciyil Service — continued. NAME. Date of tt A f T ;a' Appointment. t^Date, Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Average Present ° f.Pa 3 r Amount p resent Rate of la?* Three on which VaSe of p„_ Years, or P.Y. is . ..OI ray- since date of computed. Annuity. appointment. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Powditch, William ... Powell, Daniel Proctor, Alexander 1 May, 1867 14 April, 1870 1 April, 1869 74 18 Provincial Auditor... Judicial Telegraph ... Y. M. 4 7 1 7 2 8 £ 50 60 110 £ 50 60 106 • 666 £ 16" 71 • 111 £ 53 • 026 54 • 018 14 April, 1886 1 April, 1911 Ramsbottom, William Barker Ratcliffe, Alfred Peter Reader, Henry Elmhirst Regnart Charles Hunter Reid, AValter Scott Renner, George Renner, AVilliam Henry Reynolds, Edward Brown Rice, John Mulholland Riddiford, Richard ... Riemenschnider, Fred. AVm Roberts, Thomas Robertson, Charles Calder ... Robinson, Thomas Joseph Robson, Charles Hepburn ... Roehfort, Singleton ... Rodger, William Scott Rogers, Henry ... Rolfc, Daniel ... Ross, Donald ... Rowe, Charles... Rowley, Charles Rowley, Skelton George Russell, William 1 Mar., 1871 8 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1868 1 May, 1870 1 May, 1871 4 June, 1867 1 Mar., 1870 1 Nov., 1866 2 Aug., 1867 29 May, 1871 1 Mar., 1867 1 Oct., 1871 1 Jan., 1867 18 Feb., 1870 Jan., 1868 1 June, 1870 1 Nov., 1869 21 Dec, 1866 1 Sept., 1870 May, 1871 5 May, 1867 1 Mar., 1870 28 Aug., 1868 1 Mar., 1871 15 30 45 32 31 15 16 34 19 18 29 18 35 37 53 30 41 40 38 27 35 39 31 Telegraph ... Customs ... " ... Inspector of Stores... Customs Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Customs Judicial Judicial Public AVorks Telegraph ... Judicial Customs Judicial Postal Judicial Judicial Public AVorks Customs Postal Judicial Deeds and Stamps ... 0 9 3 11 3 11 1 7 0 7 4 6 1 9 5 1 4 4 0 6 4 9 0 2 4.11 1 9 3 11 1 6 2 1 4 11 1 3 0 7 4 7 1 9 3 3 0 7 40 75 ■ 100 150 600 135 90 125 150 80 150 312 180 100 150 500 170 100 250 450 125-6 109-8 225 475 40 75 100 146 • 666 600 135 85 • 333 121 • 666 150 80 116• 666 170 100 150 500 160 171• 666 250 407-5 121• 533 109-8 225 475 26 • 666 37-5 25 68 • 444 290 90 56 ■ 888 81 • 111 65 53 • 333 77 • 777 161-2 113 • 333 41 ■ 666 57-5 15 • 342 59 • 782 100 • 284 109 • 112 410 ■ 566 64 • 506 36 • 472 77 • 031 139 • 331 38 • 226 66-06 203 • 035 96-26 79 • 284 139 • 073 1 Mar., 1916 8 Jan., 1898 1 Jan., 1883 1 May, 1898 1 May, 1900 4 June, 1912 1 May, 1914 1 Nov., 1907 2 Aug., 1893 29 May, 1912 1 Mar., 1909 1 Oct., 1902 1 Jan., 1909 18 Feb., 1895 Jan., 1891 1 Jan., 1877 1 Nov., 1899 21 Dec, 1885 1 Sept,1890 May, 1893 5 May, 1900 1 Mar., 1895 26 Aug., 1889 1 Mar., 1900 80 54 ■362 83 • 333 149 ■ 416 66 • 843 45-75 78-75 245 • 416 120 • 231 180 • 163 214 ■ 42 254 • 411 94•632 87 • 055 215 • 731 347 • 447 Sampson, Gerard Schroder, George William ... Scully, AValter Thomas Seagar, Henry Fowle ... Sealev, AVilliam George Sibbald, William Silvius, Henry Simpson, George Gilbert Simpson, Norman Sinclair, AA rilliam Skipworth, Frederick Green... Smith, Amelius Morland Smith, Archibald Smith, Harry Stephenson Smith, John ... May, 1871 1 Sept., 1869 16 June, 1863 1 Nov., 1869 30 Oct., 1868 1 Sept., 1869 17 Jan., 1870 13 Feb., 1871 1 May, 1867 25 Mar., 1869 Oct., 1868 1 Nov., 1866 Oct., 1869 1 July, 1869 1 Oct., 1871 59 49 10 16 20 21 30 26 24 14 30 21 39 24 28 Native Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Customs Telegraph ... Public AVorks Customs Telegraph ... Judicial Colonial Secretary ... Customs Postal Public AVorks 0 7 2 3 1 11 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 10 0 9 4 7 2 8 3 2 5 1 2 2 2 5 0 2 110 75 40 100 125 111-666 110 200 180 90 150 280 109-5 140 208 110 62-5 46 ■636 90 119-327 87 ' 888 106 • 668 200 170 85 • 333 150 286 • 666 109-5 140 11-457 31-111 60 79 ■ 551 57 • 141 53 • 333 113 • 333 102 56 • 838 75 186 • 333 38 ■ 324 84 110-933 55 • 319 16 • 025 40 • 765 71 • 445 51 • 318 75 • 506 120 ■ 393 121 ■ 289 34 • 502 119 • 564 197 ■ 941 98 ■609 89 • 233 131 ■ 608 1 Sept., 1880 16 June, 1918 1 Nov., 1913 30 Oct., 1908 1 Sept., 1908 17 Jan., 1900 13 Feb., 1905 1 May, 1903 25 Mar., 1915 Oct., 1898 1 Nov., 1905 Oct., 1890 1 July, 1905 1 Oct., 1903 Out of service 1 year and 6 months.



G.—No. 10,

Smith, Montague Fitzroy Smith, Stephenson Percy Smith, AVilliam Smith, AVilliam'Digby Snow, Rochfort South, Marcus Furlong Stafford, Edward Stanton, Thomas Campbell ... Stedman, Silas James... Stevenson, James|Jackson St. George, Douglas ... St. George, Louis Edwin Stringer, William J. ... Styles, Forester AVilliam Swingland, Philip 4 Mar., 1871 Feb., 1870 17 Nov., 1866 1 Jan., 1871 13 Dec, 1868 26 Mar., 1867 2 Feb., 1871 19 Aug., 1870 1 April, 1871 1 Nov., 1871 1 May, 1870 17 Feb., 1868 1 April, 1868 1 July, 1871 30 May, 1867 37 36 21 25 17 17 25 18 24 31 18 17 16 14 28 Customs Native Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Customs ... ... Judicial Land and Deeds Telegraph Judicial ... ... Defence Telegraph ... Treasury Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Customs 0 9 1 10 5 0 0 11 2 11 4 8 0 10 1 3 0 8 0 1 1 7 3 9 3 8 0 5 4 6 140 300 225 250 111-666 200 400 80 50 200 100 120 110 40 140 140 300 216 • 666 250 103 • 888 200 400 60 50 53 • 666 120 130 145 • 833 69 ■ 258 133-333 233 • 333 40 30 96 • 666 59-111 68 ■ 888 71-111 26 • 666 72 • 533 108 • 365 242 • 316 163 • 738 146 • 461 49-64 107 • 105 234 • 338 28-67 28 • 491 136-854 42 • 367 52-33 50•968 14 ■ 497 109 • 01 4 Mar., 1894 Feb., 1894 17 Nov., 1902 1 Jan., 1906 13 Dec, 1911 26 Mar., 1910 2 Feb., 1906 19 Aug., 1912 1 April, 1907 1 Nov., 1900 1 May, 1912 17 Feb., 1911 1 April, 1912 1 July, 1917 30 May, 1899 88 • 666 103 • 333 106 ■ 666 136 Tabtjteau, Joseph Moliere ... Tancred, Thomas Selby ... Taylor James ... Taylor, Walter Brooke Teesdale, Frank Thompson, John ... ... Tisdall, William St. Clair ... Titchiner, Albert Alfred Tole, Daniel Austin ... Toole, Edward Townsend, Charles Tresider, Peter Triphook, Thomas Dawson ... Truman, Thomas Turnbull, John James Turner, Archibald Campbell... Turton, Hanson Tylee, John Thomas ... 1 Dec, 1870 1 Aug., 1871 1 May, 1867 9 Map., 1869 7 Oct., 1868 1 Oct., 1869 4 Mar., 1869 1 May, 1870 1 Dec, 1868 1 Oct., 1871 1 July, 1871 10 Oct., 1871 16 Aug., 1870 1 July, 1870 10 Jan., 1868 1 May, 1869 1 Mar., 1871 1 Mar., 1871 17 31 25 16 17 33 37 14 30 18 14 39 42 40 37 33 27 43 Postal Public AVorks Telegraph and another Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Inspector of Stores... Telegraphy ... Crown Lands Postal Postal and another ... Land and Deeds Public Works TreasuryJudicial Public Works Land and others Crown Lands 1 0 0 4 4 7 2 9 3 2 2 2 2 7 1 7 3 0 0 2 0 5 0 1 1 3 1 5 3 11 2 7 0 9 0 7 75 250 150 100 120 150 300 40 400 50 26 250 400 175 146 400 450 50 75 150 92 116 • 666 170 266 • 666 40 366 • 666 50 120 • 833 87-5 61 • 333 77 • 777 76-5 102 • 222 26•666 183 • 333 33 • 333 17 • 333 87-5 120 54• 166 55 • 966 150 247-5 14 • 166 32 • 125 171 ■ 07 110 ■ 208 41• 671 59 • 082 137 • 214 232• 135 15 • 342 275 • 53 22 • 647 9-423 198 • 703 350 • 203 139 • 372 135 • 362 269 • 047 278 ■ 113 41 • 341 1 Dec, 1913 1 Aug., 1900 1 May, 1902 9 Mar., 1913 7 Oct., 1911 1 Oct., 1896 4 Mar., 1892 1 May, 1916 1 Dec, 1898 1 Oct., 1913 1 July, 1917 10 Oct., 1892 16 Aug., 1888 1 July, 1890 10 Jan., 1891 1 May, 1896 1 Mar., 1904 1 May, 1888 400 162-5 146 333 • 333 450 50 Vause, Walter Wilshire Vigers, AVilliam Vincent, Reginald Heath Arincent,^Richard Von Rotter, Louis 1 Mar., 1868 21 Jan., 1869 16 Jan., 1871 1 Feb., 1868 16 May, 1870 20 31 20 31 36 Telegraph ... Judicial Govt. Annuities Telegraph ... Postal 3 9 2 10 0 10 3 10 1 6 150 120 120 125 200 141 • 666 120 100 125 200 94 • 444 58 66 • 666 60 ■ 417 80 84-82 92 • 463 50 ■ 642 102 • 158 161 • 544 1 Mar., 1908 21 Jan., 1898 16 Jan., 1911 1 Feb., 1897 16 May, 1894 AVakeeield, Felix AVakefield, Oliver AA^allace, William AVard, Edward ffraneis AA Tard, Garner... Ward, Harland AVard, Joseph George Ward, Josiah ... ... Ward, Robert... Ward, AVilliam Thomas 2 June, 1870 9 Mar., 1867 1 Jan., 1871 25 June, 1870 25 Aug., 1869 1 Nov., 1869 1 July, 1871 15 Feb., 1868 1 Dec, 1868 1 June, 1870 64 23 18 40 14 18 15 19 28 17 Postal Crown Lands Telegraph ... Judicial Public Works Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Treasury Judicial Telegraph ... 1 6 4 9 0 11 1 5 2 3 2 1 0 5 3 9 3 0 1 5 250 200 40 400 50 90 50 120 150 60 250 200 40 400 50 82 123 • 333 26 • 666 133 • 333 33 • 333 54 ■ 666 33 ' 333 68 • 888 80 35 ■ 555 138 • 269 18 • 117 343 • 073 20 • 262 41 • 526 19 • 178 58-51 106 • 852 24 ■ 156 9 Mar., 1904 1 Jan., 1913 25 June, 1890 25 Aug., 1915 1 Nov., 1911 1 July, 1916 15 Feb., 1909 1 Dec, 1900 1 June, 1913 103 ■ 333 150 53 • 333

a—No. 10.



Off: :cers of the Ciyil Service— continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Eate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. AVarren, AVilliam Henry Weaver, J. H.... AVebb, Peter ... "... ... AVebb, AVilliam Henry Werry, Nathaniel William ... Wheeler, John Richard White, Charles White, Percy P. ... '.. White, Robert White, William Whitefoord, Caleb Whitehead, George James ... Whitehead, AVilliam, junior ... Wilkie, William Wilcox, Henry Wilcox, John Reynolds Williams, Frank Williams, George Phipps Williams, George AVatkin ... Williams, Joshua Strange ... Williamson, John Thomas ... Willis, William Jarvi's Wilmer, Henry Chudleigh ... Wilson, Joseph L Wilson, Louis H. Balfour ... Wilson, Robert AVoodhouse, Edwin Walter Wray, Charles Allen Wrigg, Henry Chas. Wm. ... AVright, Charles Allard Wright, James Wyatt, Percy ,['. Wylde, George 27 Dec, 1867 1 Mav, 1868 1 Aug., 1869 1 Jan., 1868 8 Oct., 1870 3 Nov., 1870 8 Mar., 1870 7 Nov., 1870 16 April, 1868 1 Jan., 1868 1 April, 1868 20 May, 1867 4 Aug., 1868 1 Jan., 1868 1 Nov., 1870 19 July, 1867 12 April, 1871 Oct., 1871 Jan., 1871 1 Feb., 1871 11 April, 1870 25 April, 1870 4 Oct., 1870 1 Dec, 1866 1 July, 1867 2 July, 1867 1 Nov., 1867 1 Dec, 1869 1 Sept., 1871 1 June, 1871 1 Aug., 1870 6 Jan., 1871 11 Feb., 1871 31 25 15 13 23 31 29 17 26 33 34 34 24 27 16 17 16 24 25 33 20 30 28 20 18 42 24 28 29 16 16 15 12 Treasury Telegraph and another Treasury Telegraph ... Public Works Customs Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Postal Customs Telegraph and another Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Public Works Native Land and Deeds Telegraph Native Judicial Postal Customs Customs Postal Inspector of Stores... Public Works Telegraph ... Telegraph and another Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Y. it. 3 11 3 7 2 4 3 11 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 7 3 11 3 8 4 6 3 4 3 11 1 1 4 4 0 8 0 2 0 11 0 10 1 8 1 7 1 2 5 0 4 6 4 5 4 1 2 0 0 3 0 6 1 4 0 11 0 9 £ 265 135 90 50 200 180 110 90 150 125 500 135 60 160 80 130 40 250 300 700 120 100 150 55 175 150 110 200 250 76 40 40 40 £ 246 ■ 666 135 70 50 183 • 333 156 • 666 110 85 141 • 666 125 456 • 25 135 60 155 78 120 40 £ 119 • 222 78-75 46 • 666 33 • 333 113-055 75 • 723 56 • 833 56 • 666 80 ■ 277 56-25 197 • 709 58-5 36 85-25 52 80 26 • 666 150 175 315 80 50 80 35 ■ 277 106 • 888 45 66 95 ■ 166 . 129 • 166 50 • 666 26•666 26• 666 26 • 666 £ 201 • 591 93 • 642 29-918 20 • 262 107 • 368 113 • 803 75•909 38-5 101 • 11 107 • 035 399 • 23 125 • 4 40 • 452 113-864 33 • 414 64 • 263 16-21 142 • 455 175 • 754 502 • 17 64 ■ 263 70 • 787 100 ■ 762 33 • 497 90 • 786 158 • 947 78 • 481 119 • 863 162 • 313 30-8 17 • 135 15 • 342 13 • 046 27 Dec, 1896 1 May, 1903 1 Aug., 1914 1 Jan., 1915 8 Oct., 1907 3 Nov., 1899 8 Mar., 1901 7 Nov., 1913 16\ApriI,1902 1 Jan., 1895 1 April, 1894 20 May, 1893 4 Aug., 1904 1 Jan., 1901 1 Nov., 1914 19 July, 110 12 April, 1915 Oct., 1907 Jan., 1906 1 Feb., 1898 11 April, 1910 25 April, 1900 4 Oct., 1902 1 Dec, 1906 1 July, 1909 2 July, 1885 1 Nov., 1903 1 Dec, 1901 1 Sept., 1902 1 June, 1915 1 Aug., 1914 6 Jan., 1916 11 Feb., 1819 300 700 120 100 150 52-916 160 • 333 150 110 179 • 666 76 40 40 40 Wellington, 24th July, 1872. Charles White, Actuary, il Service Act Amendment Act, 1871." "Ci-

G.—No. 10.

APPENDIX A. Officers of the Civil Service on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," and "The Civil Service Amendment Act, 1861." Returns received since the foregoing went to press.



NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Avera.e Amount Rate of Baie Qf Pay on which p last P.Y. is 1 y ' Three _"ears. computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Bell, Francis Dillon (a) Buchanan, John Dec, 1839 1 April, 1863 4 July, 1861 17 48 ... Geological Survey ... Y. M. 23 2 8 8 £ 300" £ 800 300 £ 458 • 571 75 £ 4,716 • 808 502 • 39 £ £ Dec, 1872 1 April, 1875 For age 50. La Natjze, R. J. 25 Customs 10 5 200 226 • 666 124 ■123 222 • 633 1.113 "-333 484 4 July, 1896 4 July, 1892 For 31 years' service. McLean, Donald (b) ... Mail-, Gilbert April, 1844 17 Sept., 1866 23 23 Native 19 1 5 2 266-166 533 • 333 266 • 166 279 • 364 152 • 094 3,059 • 81 180 • 44 C ... (. 133 • 083 286-607 April, 1871 17 Sept., 1903 17 Sept., 1897 For age 50. For 31 years' service. Taui, Mitai Pcne Jan., 1862 28 Native 9 11 150 150 76 • 785 155 • 051 C ... i 75 168-39 Jan., 1894 Jan., 1893 For 31 years' service. Wakeeield, Percy ... 16 July, 1866 19 Judicial 5 4 250 223 ■ 333 138 ■253 131-3 f ... (111• 666 271-931 16 July, 1907 16 July, 1897 For 31 years' service. APPENDIX B. Officers of the Civil Seryice on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Act, 1866." Return omitted in the foregoing. NAME. D^ite of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay Amount last Three on which Years, or P.Y. is since date of computed. appointment. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Mooehouse, Wm. Sefton 1 Oct., 1870 45 Land Transfer Y. M. 0 10 £ 1,000 £ 900 £ 225 £ 794 • 37 J 1 Jan., 1886 Out of service 3 months. (a) This service extends from December, 1839, to April, 1864, with an intermi (o) This service extends from April, 1844, to 1 ssion of one year and three months; the " average rate of pay " 1 lay, 1863 ; the " average rate of pay " being for the three years ei ieing for the three years ending 1864. iding 1863.

(J.—No. 10.



SUMMARY. "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," and "The Civil Service Act Amendment Act, 1861."

P.AGE. Present Rate of Pay. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. B. Present Value of Annuity. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.Y. is computed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 £ 7,836-666 9,391 8,950 7,646 • 483 8,058-625-8,155-45 7,937-75 6,747-166 8,180 7,905 8,044-875 6,025-75 11,027-666 7,983 6,959-25 10,390 £ 4,131-47 4,925 • 091 4,475 • 033 3,864-649 4,590 • 419 4,303 • 671 4,391 • 781 3,335-549 4,258-462 3,877-861 4,238 • 704 3,140-446 5, 541 • 941 4,125 • 74 3,481-749 5,136 • 205 £ 12,983-309 20,486-034 13,033-767 18,144-83 18,412-905 12,788 • 63 13, 965 • 568 8,866-963 12,756-192 10,065-657 13,454-479 10,421-987 20,950-049 14,676-131 11,688-075 20,987 ■384 £ 1,902-806 2,461-226 2,135 • 902 1,943-632 2,520 • 831 2,465-293 2,503 ■ 261 1,702-093 2,239-025 1,513-807 1,718-648 1,561-427 2,369-858 2,471 • 427 1,965-877 2,022 • 059 £ 9,613-739 11,745-891 : 9,502 • 03 12,485-945 14,835-562 j 11,361-689 I 13,045-904 6,334-564 8,667-882 j 4,040 • 889 i 6,080-603 I 7,615-173 i 13,777-493 ! 11,038-641 ' 9,863-74 12,051-492 I Allwright, W. B., add difference erroramount, 134 • 243, should be 230 • 026 Bailey, B., omitted dark, Hopkins, omitted... Appendix A. .., 131,238-681 67,818 • 771 234,582-86 33,497-172 162,061-227 95 • 783 1,102-503 1,166-166 1,304-19 305-62 8,968-432 443-082 1,210-928 Deduct present value A. Add present value B. ... Deduct amount ... 69,122-961 243,856-912 164,470-421 111,636-223 39,190-401 52,834" 198 On account of Computation B. added ... 29,932-56 33,930 • 254 296,691-11 33,930-254 52,834-198 132,404-847 63,862-814 :'The Civil Si srvice Act, 1 166." Pagb. Present late of Pay. .mount on which computed. '.V. is Present Value. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 £ 6,948 • 5 6,111 6,831 6,118-5 6,475 6,558-5 7,125-5 6,431-566 7,873 • 666 5,256 £ 3,483-609 2,706-546 3,476-961 3,011-55 3,121-222 2,763-158 3,367-066 2,195-803 3,865-16 2,711-061 £ 4,955-431 4,246 • 538 4,424-587 4,300 ■ 794 4,456 • 644 4,497 • 832 4,656-17 4,479 • 015 5,295-308 3,458 ■ 372 Appendix B... 69,954-233 •1,000 30,702 ■ 136 800 44,770 • 691 794 • 37 SO, 954•233 31,502-136 45,565 ■ 061 # Ch. Actuary, " Civil Ser arles White, ■vice Act Amendment Act, 1871.' ellington, 24th July, 1872.

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REPORT OF ACTUARY UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE ACTS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-10

Word Count

REPORT OF ACTUARY UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE ACTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-10

REPORT OF ACTUARY UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE ACTS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, G-10