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GK—No. 10.


Officers of the Civil Service on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Act, 1866."

NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount _, on which | r,esen' P V 7 is Value of computed. Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Abell, Henry John ... Allard, Charles Allen, E.J Anderson, Sam Cosgrave Arnot, Archibald Kernedy ... Arrow, Henry ; ,. Atkinson, James Henry Austin, Albert Duncan 25 May, 1867 1 May, 1871 10 Jan., 1871 28 Oct., 1868 Nov., 1869 27 Mav, 1869 17 Aug., 1869 27 Mar., 1871 29 14 18 26 27 19 15 31 Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Defence Judicial Judicial Postal Land Transfer Y. St. 4 6 0 7 0 11 3 1 2 1 2 6 2 3 0 8 £ 300 40 76 250 25 80 75 100 £ 316 ■ 666 40 76 250 25 80 61 • 666 100 £ 163 • 611 26•666 50 • 666 141 • 666 13-75 14 ■ 666 41 111 48 • 333 £ 260 • 826 14 • 497 34 • 423 178 • 431 17 • 318 70 • 977 26 ■ 417 68 • 427 25 May, 1898 1 May, 1917 10 Jan., 1913 28 Oct., 1902 Nov., 1902 27 May, 1880 17 Aug., 1914 27 Mar., 1900 Babington, George Matthew Bailie, Frederick Baird, Borthwick Robert Baker, George John ... Ballard, James G. Ballard, Thomas Edward Bamford, John Dean ... Barraud, S. C. Barron, Clarke C. Netterville Barton, AVilliam Alfred Batham, James Meacham Bay ley, Reginald Beale, Joseph ... Benzoni, diaries Thomas Berry, Charles John ... Beswick, William AVhitwell ... Black, AVilliam Blackburn, George H. Blackett, John Blair, William Newsham Boardman, Abraham ... Bodman, AValter AVilliam Boers, Peter ... Bold, Edward Henrv... Booth, Richard Booth, Thomas Boughton, Thomas H. Bowen, Charles Hugh Webb... Bowen, Edw. R. Courtenay ... Brabant, Herbert AVilliam ... Bradburn, George Henry Bray, William Bayley Brewer, Henry Clayton Bridge, Cyprian AVynyard ... 16 Sept., 1871 12 Feb., 1869 27 April, 1870 1 May, 1970 14 Dec, 1866 6 July, 1868 7 June, 1871 1 Nov., 1869 9 July, 1867 June, 1867 22 June, 1871 8 July, 1871 1 Jan., 1870 21 Jan., 1870 16 Feb., 1869 1 Aug., 1867 1 June, 1871 11 Nov., 1870 1 Oct., 1870 1 May, 1871 1 Nov., 1870 1 Nov., 1866 24 Oct., 1870 1 Aug., 1867 Sept., 1870 13 July, 1868 1 Jan., 1869 8 July, 1867 21 Sep't., 1869 1 July, 1867 8 Jan., 1868 1 Jan., 1871 20 Feb., 1868 1 July, 1867 41 35 40 20 15 15 53 16 32 15 31 27 18 34 29 19 18 19 51 29 46 22 35 25 34 14 37 31 27 29 58 18 21 Public AVorks Postal Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph Telegraph ... Land and Deeds Telegraph ... GovernmentReporter Judicial Judicial Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Inspector of Stores... Telegraph ... Postal and another... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Public Works Public AVorks Treasury Postal " Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Telegraph ... Treasury Judicial Customs Judicial Customs Public AVorks Judicial Judicial and another 0 2 2 9 1 7 1 7 4 11 3 5 0 6 2 1 4 5 4 5 0 5 0 5 1 11 1 10 2 9 4 4 0 6 1 - 1 1 2 0 7 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 4 2 11 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 11 0 11 3 9 4 5 300 135 300 100 155 110 275 100 500 52 400 100 40 200 150 130 76 90 800 600 250 150 125 350 100 80 185 315 150 300 109-5 600 175 175 135 300 95 • 333 153 • 333 110 90 500 52 40 192 • 666 133 • 333 130 63 85 800 95 56-25 100 63 ■ 555 102 • 222 73 • 333 60 233 • 333 34 • 666 193 ■ 333 55 26 • 666 83 • 488 68 • 888 86 • 666 42 56 • 666 244 • 44 113 • 585 257 ' 305 51 ■ 053 73 • 266 49 • 824 40 ■ 765 444 24 • 846 273 • 71 61 • 803 19 • 112 149 • 748 97' 528 77 ■ 835 28 • 535 43 ■ 046 16 Sept., 1890 12 Feb., 1894 27 April, 1890 1 May, 1910 14 Dec, 1911 6 July, 1913 7 June, 1878 1 Nov., 1913 9 July, 1895 June, 1912 22 June, 1900 8 July, 1904 1 Jan., 1912 21 Jan., 1896 16 Feb., 1900 1 Aug., 1908 1 June, 1913 11 Nov., 1911 1 Oct., 1879 1 May, 1902 1 Nov., 1884 1 Nov., 1904 24 Oct., 1895 1 Aug., 1902 Sept., 1896 13 July, 1914 1 Jan., 1892 8 July, 1896 21 Sept., 1902 1 Julv, 1898 8 Jan., 1902 1 Jan., 1873 20 Feb., 1910 Uuly, 1906 250 150 125 350 100 68 • 666 171 • 666 310 150 300 109-5 310 58 ■ 333 95 52 • 083 204 ■ 166 43 • 333 45 • 777 65 • 805 149 • 833 82-5 155 62 ■ 05 390 • 452 219 • 597 106 • 75 99 • 106 257 • 151 77 ■ 724 29 • 416 149 ■ 435 268 • 748 103 • 91 247-1 78 • 153 171-666 175 114 • 444 113 • 75 91 • 932 114 • 24