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G.—No. 10.



Off: :cers of the Ciy: x Service — continued. NAME. . D» t?of . thttDate, Appointment. £ _. ' Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay la_t Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Bridge, H. B. Broadfoot, James Hope Brookfield, Frederick AVilliam Brooking, George H. ... Brown, Thomas Buck, Eli Buckham, George Bundle, AVilliam Bunny, Edward William Bunny, Frederick John Burn, John ... Bush, John Logan Bush, Robert Smelt B iitterworth, William 18 July, 1871 1 Nov., 1866 7 Nov., 1871 1 Nov., 1869 8 Aug., 1870 1 Nov., 1867 15 July, 1868 1 Mar., 1870 27 Mar., 1871 17 Mar., 1869 1 Aug., 1868 19 June, 1867 29 Jan., 1870 1 Nov., 1869 22 25 16 15 14 35 29 18 -19 21 42 16 23 30 Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph ... Telegraph and anr. Land and Deeds Telegraph ... Customs Telegraph ... Native Judicial Y. M. 0 4 5 1 0 1 2 1 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 9 0 8 2 8 3 4 4 5 1 10 2 1 £ 76 125 50 40 40 110 110 105 350 120 50 125 150 50 £ 121-666 40 40 110 110 95 • 333 350 100 50 116-666 150 50 £ 48 • 133 70 • 971 33 • 333 26 ■666 26 • 666 45 ■ 833 56 • 833 63 • 555 64•166 65 15 77 • 777 80 20 £ 40 ■ 882 94 • 792 20 • 262 17 ' 135 15•342 140 ■ 082 85 ■ 414 45 • 552 274 • 085 58 • 377 49 • 712 59 • 082 100 • 762 42 • 871 18 July, 1909 1 Nov., 1901 7 Nov., 1915 1 Nov., 1914 8 Aug., 1916 1 Nov., 1892 15 July, 1899 1 Mar., 1912 27 Mar., 1882 17 Mar., 1908 1 Aug., 1886 19 June, 1911 29 Jan., 1902 1 Nov., 1893 Caidees, James Cameron, George Douglas Cameron, John Campbell, Robert Andrew ... Campbell, Robert James Capper, H. H. Carrington, John Carroll, John ... Carruthers, John Cheeseman, George Henry ... Cherry, George Thomas Christian, Thomas Knolles ... Cimino, Salvatore ... .:. Clare, Henry ... Clark, Alfred Clark, George S. Sutherland... Clark, James ... Clark, James ... Clayton, Henry Richard Clayton, William Henry Coates, Augustus John Ligar Cochrane, Joseph Coffey, Stephen Coop, Thomas Corbet t, John Glasford Corbett, J. William Corliss, Mortimer C. ... Cowper, Henry Adolphe Crapp, Sidney Cecil ... 1 Mar., 1869 1 Dec, 1869 1 Mar., 1871 1 Jan., 1870 5 Mar., 1870 14 July, 1871 1 Oct., 1868 12 Feb., 1871 29 June, 1871 8 Aug.. 1870 12 Sept., 1870 15 Jan., 1867 1 Aug., 1871 1 June, 1868 3 April, 1871 1 June, 1868 1 May, 1867 1 Sept., 1868 1 June, 1871 1 April, 1869 1 Sept., 1867 7 Aug., 1869 26 Nov., 1868 3 Aug., 1868 25 Aug., 1870 16 Aug., 1870 1 Nov., 1869 15 June, 1869 Mar., 1870 18 22 31 19 35 18 13 20 36 42 24 18 27 19 15 29 39 15 45 18 46 17 29 40 21 J7 22 27 Telegraph ... Postal Customs Postal Customs Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Native Public Works Postal Telegraph ... Judicial Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Customs Judicial Telegraph ... Colonial Architect ... Customs Judicial Audit Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Postal Telegraph Telegraph Public Works 2 9 2 0 0 9 1 11 1 2 0 4 3 2 0 10 0 5 1 4 1 2 4 10 0 4 3 6 0 8 3 6 4 7 3 3 0 6 2 8 4 3 2 4 3 0 3 4 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 5 1 8 100 110 30 100 140 80 50 50 1,000 125 110 200 50 125 40 90 180 80 40 700 120 200 72 125 145 125 100 140 183 100 110 30 86 • 666 140 50 50 125 110 200 125 40 81 ■ 666 170 70 40 533 • 333 101 • 666 183 • 333 72 125 140 125 90 133 • 333 183 66 • 666 69 • 666 14-5 57•777 58• 333 53 • 333 33 - 333 33 • 333 400 37-5 66 70 33 ■ 333 68-75 26 • 666 54 ■ 444 87 ■ 833 25 26 • 666 133-333 67 • 777 42 • 777 48 64 • 583 46 • 666 81-25 60 84 • 444 100 • 65 50 • 642 62 • 423 20 • 528 43 ■ 89 111 36 • 235 20 • 262 25 ■ 321 761 ■ 14 109 • 438 66 • 284 204 ■ 285 22 ■ 647 91 • 826 19 • 112 36 -99 140 • 022 68•486 15 • 342 501 • 94 57 ' 567 171 • 593 36 • 462 97 • 061 119 ■ 798 69-01 43 • 004 80 • 196 119 ■ 684 1 Mar., 1911 1 Dec, 1907 1 Mar., 1900 1 Jan., 1911 5 Oct., 1895 14 July, 1913 1 Oct., 1915 12 Feb., 1911 29 June, 1895 8 Aug., 1888 12 Sept., 1906 15 Jan., 1888 1 Aug., 1913 1 June, 1901 3 April, 1912 1 June, 1913 1 May, 1898 1 Sept., 1889 1 Juno, 1916 1 April, 1884 1 Sept., 1909 7 Aug., 1883 26 Nov., 1911 3 Aug., 1899 25 Aug., 1890 16 Aug., 1909 1 Nov., 1912 15 June, 1907 Mar., 1903 Out of service 7 months.