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a—No. 10.



Off: :cers of the Ciyil Service— continued. NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Eate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay last Three Years, or since date of appointment. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. AVarren, AVilliam Henry Weaver, J. H.... AVebb, Peter ... "... ... AVebb, AVilliam Henry Werry, Nathaniel William ... Wheeler, John Richard White, Charles White, Percy P. ... '.. White, Robert White, William Whitefoord, Caleb Whitehead, George James ... Whitehead, AVilliam, junior ... Wilkie, William Wilcox, Henry Wilcox, John Reynolds Williams, Frank Williams, George Phipps Williams, George AVatkin ... Williams, Joshua Strange ... Williamson, John Thomas ... Willis, William Jarvi's Wilmer, Henry Chudleigh ... Wilson, Joseph L Wilson, Louis H. Balfour ... Wilson, Robert AVoodhouse, Edwin Walter Wray, Charles Allen Wrigg, Henry Chas. Wm. ... AVright, Charles Allard Wright, James Wyatt, Percy ,['. Wylde, George 27 Dec, 1867 1 Mav, 1868 1 Aug., 1869 1 Jan., 1868 8 Oct., 1870 3 Nov., 1870 8 Mar., 1870 7 Nov., 1870 16 April, 1868 1 Jan., 1868 1 April, 1868 20 May, 1867 4 Aug., 1868 1 Jan., 1868 1 Nov., 1870 19 July, 1867 12 April, 1871 Oct., 1871 Jan., 1871 1 Feb., 1871 11 April, 1870 25 April, 1870 4 Oct., 1870 1 Dec, 1866 1 July, 1867 2 July, 1867 1 Nov., 1867 1 Dec, 1869 1 Sept., 1871 1 June, 1871 1 Aug., 1870 6 Jan., 1871 11 Feb., 1871 31 25 15 13 23 31 29 17 26 33 34 34 24 27 16 17 16 24 25 33 20 30 28 20 18 42 24 28 29 16 16 15 12 Treasury Telegraph and another Treasury Telegraph ... Public Works Customs Telegraph Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Judicial Postal Customs Telegraph and another Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Public Works Native Land and Deeds Telegraph Native Judicial Postal Customs Customs Postal Inspector of Stores... Public Works Telegraph ... Telegraph and another Telegraph ... Telegraph ... Y. it. 3 11 3 7 2 4 3 11 1 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 7 3 11 3 8 4 6 3 4 3 11 1 1 4 4 0 8 0 2 0 11 0 10 1 8 1 7 1 2 5 0 4 6 4 5 4 1 2 0 0 3 0 6 1 4 0 11 0 9 £ 265 135 90 50 200 180 110 90 150 125 500 135 60 160 80 130 40 250 300 700 120 100 150 55 175 150 110 200 250 76 40 40 40 £ 246 ■ 666 135 70 50 183 • 333 156 • 666 110 85 141 • 666 125 456 • 25 135 60 155 78 120 40 £ 119 • 222 78-75 46 • 666 33 • 333 113-055 75 • 723 56 • 833 56 • 666 80 ■ 277 56-25 197 • 709 58-5 36 85-25 52 80 26 • 666 150 175 315 80 50 80 35 ■ 277 106 • 888 45 66 95 ■ 166 . 129 • 166 50 • 666 26•666 26• 666 26 • 666 £ 201 • 591 93 • 642 29-918 20 • 262 107 • 368 113 • 803 75•909 38-5 101 • 11 107 • 035 399 • 23 125 • 4 40 • 452 113-864 33 • 414 64 • 263 16-21 142 • 455 175 • 754 502 • 17 64 ■ 263 70 • 787 100 ■ 762 33 • 497 90 • 786 158 • 947 78 • 481 119 • 863 162 • 313 30-8 17 • 135 15 • 342 13 • 046 27 Dec, 1896 1 May, 1903 1 Aug., 1914 1 Jan., 1915 8 Oct., 1907 3 Nov., 1899 8 Mar., 1901 7 Nov., 1913 16\ApriI,1902 1 Jan., 1895 1 April, 1894 20 May, 1893 4 Aug., 1904 1 Jan., 1901 1 Nov., 1914 19 July, 110 12 April, 1915 Oct., 1907 Jan., 1906 1 Feb., 1898 11 April, 1910 25 April, 1900 4 Oct., 1902 1 Dec, 1906 1 July, 1909 2 July, 1885 1 Nov., 1903 1 Dec, 1901 1 Sept., 1902 1 June, 1915 1 Aug., 1914 6 Jan., 1916 11 Feb., 1819 300 700 120 100 150 52-916 160 • 333 150 110 179 • 666 76 40 40 40 Wellington, 24th July, 1872. Charles White, Actuary, il Service Act Amendment Act, 1871." "Ci-