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G.—No. 10.

APPENDIX A. Officers of the Civil Service on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Superannuation Act, 1858," and "The Civil Service Amendment Act, 1861." Returns received since the foregoing went to press.



NAME. Date of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Avera.e Amount Rate of Baie Qf Pay on which p last P.Y. is 1 y ' Three _"ears. computed. Present Value of Annuity. Amount on which P.V. is computed. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Bell, Francis Dillon (a) Buchanan, John Dec, 1839 1 April, 1863 4 July, 1861 17 48 ... Geological Survey ... Y. M. 23 2 8 8 £ 300" £ 800 300 £ 458 • 571 75 £ 4,716 • 808 502 • 39 £ £ Dec, 1872 1 April, 1875 For age 50. La Natjze, R. J. 25 Customs 10 5 200 226 • 666 124 ■123 222 • 633 1.113 "-333 484 4 July, 1896 4 July, 1892 For 31 years' service. McLean, Donald (b) ... Mail-, Gilbert April, 1844 17 Sept., 1866 23 23 Native 19 1 5 2 266-166 533 • 333 266 • 166 279 • 364 152 • 094 3,059 • 81 180 • 44 C ... (. 133 • 083 286-607 April, 1871 17 Sept., 1903 17 Sept., 1897 For age 50. For 31 years' service. Taui, Mitai Pcne Jan., 1862 28 Native 9 11 150 150 76 • 785 155 • 051 C ... i 75 168-39 Jan., 1894 Jan., 1893 For 31 years' service. Wakeeield, Percy ... 16 July, 1866 19 Judicial 5 4 250 223 ■ 333 138 ■253 131-3 f ... (111• 666 271-931 16 July, 1907 16 July, 1897 For 31 years' service. APPENDIX B. Officers of the Civil Seryice on the 14th November, 1871, under "The Civil Service Act, 1866." Return omitted in the foregoing. NAME. D^ite of Appointment. Age at that Date, L.B. Present Department of Service. Length of Service. Present Rate of Pay. Average Rate of Pay Amount last Three on which Years, or P.Y. is since date of computed. appointment. Present Value of Annuity. Date of Retirement. Remarks. Mooehouse, Wm. Sefton 1 Oct., 1870 45 Land Transfer Y. M. 0 10 £ 1,000 £ 900 £ 225 £ 794 • 37 J 1 Jan., 1886 Out of service 3 months. (a) This service extends from December, 1839, to April, 1864, with an intermi (o) This service extends from April, 1844, to 1 ssion of one year and three months; the " average rate of pay " 1 lay, 1863 ; the " average rate of pay " being for the three years ei ieing for the three years ending 1864. iding 1863.