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No. Date. Prom. To. Subject. 1 2 Dec. 4, 1871 Dec. 4, 1871 Hon. W. Gisborne ... Ditto Superintendents, &e. Ditto Circular, forwarding copy of " Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," and calling attention to provisions thereof. Requesting to be informed as to amount of subsidy it is desired should be allotted under section 28. Advising amounts of subsidy paid into "Road Board Accounts," and detailing mode to be adopted for applying same. 3 Dec. 20, 1871 Ditto Ditto AUCKLAND. 4 Dec. 18, 1871 His Honor the Superintendent Ditto Hon. W. Gisborne ... Proposed classification of Road Boards. 5 Dec. 18, 1871 Ditto Proposed application of subsidy for permanent works, under section 28. Remitting amount of subsidy required for permanent works and balance to Road Boards. 6 April 23, 1872 Hon. W. Gisborne ... His Honor the Superintendent TARANAKI. ; 7 Jan. 8, 1872 Paymaster-General... 8 Feb. 8, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Provincial Treasurer Hon. J. D. Ormond Remitting amount of subsidy required for permanent works. Stating proposed mode of distributing Road Board subsidy. HAWSE'S BA" 9 Feb. 28, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent 10 Feb. 29, 1872 Under Secretary ... Undersecretary His Honor the Superintendent Proposed application of subsidy for permanent works under section 28, and distribution to Road Boards. The same assented to. WELLINGTO 11 Dec. 19, 1871 His Honor the Superintendent 12 Jan. 3,1872 Hon. W. Gisborne ... 13 Jan. 4, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... Proposed application of subsidy for permanent works, under section 28. The same assented to. Proposed classification of Road Boards. NELSON". 14 j Jan. 20, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent 15 Jan. 23,1872 Hon. W. Gisborne ... Hon. W. Gisborne ... His Honor the Superintendent. Schedule of Road Boards and proposed application of subsidy* for permanent works. The same assented to. MARLBOROU H. 16 Jan. 17, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... Hon. W. Gisborne ... Proposed application of subsidy for permanent works. 17 Jan. 23, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... The same assented to. 18 Jan. 17, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... Proposed Road Board distribution. 19 Jan. 30, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Gisborne ... Further explanation required. 20 Jan. 31, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Ditto Hon. W. Gisborne ... Explanation forwarded. 21 22 Feb. 1, 1872 Feb. 17, 1872 Ditto His Hoi or the Superintendent. Ditto. Instructions how to proceed in certain cases.

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o. Date. From. To. Subject. i I ~ I ~ His Honor the Super- Hon. W. Reeves ... Proposed Eoad Boards distribution, and application intendent of subsidy for permanent works, under section 28. Hon. W. Eeeves ... His Honor the Super- The same assented to. intendent From. I 23 Dec. 29, 1872 24 Jan. 4, 1872

25 Aug. 22, 1871 26 Jan. 18, 1872 27 Jan. 30, 1872 28 Mar. 23, 1872 29 Mar. 27, 1872 County Chairman ... Ditto Hon. W. Gisborne ... Ditto Hon. W. Gisborne ... Ditto County Chairman ... Hon. AV. Reeves Proposed distribution of Eoad Board subsidy. Explanation in reference to above. The same assented to. Has arrangement been agreed to as to proposed appli cation of subsidy for permanent works, undei section 28 ? Stating arrangement agreed. Hon. W. Reeves Hon. W. Gisborne ...

April 9, 1872 Hon. W. Reeves Hon. W. Gisborne ... Forwards correspondence with Provincial Treasurer, relative to the distribution of Road Boards subsidy. Proposed application of portion of subsidy for permanent works, under section 28. Proposed application of balance of above subsidy. March 8, 1872 Mr. Maude Mr. Knowles 12 Mar. 13, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent Hon. W. Reeves Hon. W. Gisborne ... 13 April 2, 1872 His Honor the Superintendent. The same assented to. lums paid to " I lums paid to " C STATEMENT! 3. load Boards Account," -rants for Public Work from 1st July, 1871, to I i Accounts," from 1st Ji 10th June, 1872. dy, 1871, to 30th June, 1872.

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1.-CIRCULARS RELATIVE TO BRINGING THE ACT INTO OPERATION. No. 1. Circular to their Honors the Superintendents of Provinces and the Chairman of County Council of Westland. (No. 64.) Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 4th December, 1871. I transmit, for your Honor's information, a copy of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." The Government have decided at once to pay for the two quarters ending 30th September and 31st December, 1871, at the rate of one-half of the amount allotted to each Province out of the total sum of £100,000, reserving the other half until your Honor and the Minister of Public Works shall have decided, in conformity with the provisions of the 28th section of the Act, what portion of the reserved half is to be devoted to permanent public works within the Province, authorized by an Act of your Honor and the Provincial Council. I would direct your Honor's special attention to the 19th section of this Act, which renders it imperative that you should hold in reserve one-tenth of the sum allotted to the Province for Eoad Boards not yet in existence, but which may be established before the Ist July next. I have further to call your Honor's attention to the 13th section, which provides for the classification of districts, and 1 shall be glad to receive an early intimation of the action taken by your Honor under this section. I have, &c, W. Gisborne.

Note. —In letter to Superintendent of Nelson, add at end "as well as to the reservation of three-elevenths directed by section 29 to be made for Road Boards hereafter to be established in the Nelson South-west Gold Pields." In letter to Westland, second paragraph, last line but three, for " within the Province," read " within the County," omitting the remainder of the paragraph.

No. 2. Circular to their Honors the Superintendents and Chairman of the County Council of Westland. (No. 65.) Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 4th December, 1871. Adverting to my Circular No. 64, of this day's date, enclosing a copy of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871/ I have to request your Honor to be good enough to inform me whether you wish any part of the amount available for the Province of to be allotted to permanent works, in terms of section 28, and, if so, to propose such allotment for the consideration of the Government. I have to call your Honor's attention to the part of the clause requiring the works to be sanctioned by the Provincial Legislature; and I have to add, that the Government feel disposed to favourably consider works, such as roads and bridges, which facilitate communication and open up the country. I have, &c, W. Gisborne.

Note. —ln letter to County Chairman, Westland, second paragraph, omit all the words before " I have " in the second line.


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No. 3. Circular to their Honors the Superintendents of Provinces. (No. 67.) Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 20th December, 1871. I have the honor to inform you that the Treasury has paid in the sum of (for amounts see margin) to the Road Board Account of your Province, at the Bank in which the Provincial Account is kept, being two quarterly instalments of that moiety of the grant to Road Boards, which is to be expended by them in such works as are prescribed by the 15th section of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." It now devolves on me to call your Honor's attention to that which will require to be done to make this grant available to the Road Boards in your Province. The Act directs that you shall divide the Province into districts (section 13), and then (having deducted one-tenth in terms of section 19) the grant will have to be allotted to the several Boards according to the classification of the districts, and "in proportion to the amounts respectively raised by such Boards by local rates," (a copy of which allotment should be furnished to the Provincial Auditor). ' When this has been done, and each Board advised of the amount allotted to it, the Boards can , proceed with their works, and the money will be obtained in the following way : —The voucher for payment for any work or portion of a work must be transmitted to the Provincial Treasurer, accompanied by such certificate as will satisfy you " that the work has been satisfactorily performed," and that it is in accordance with the 15th section of the Act. The Provincial Auditor will be required to certify that the amount is within the sum allotted to the particular Board, and then such amount will be authorized by your Honor's warrant. After this, the Provincial Treasurer will draw a cheque upon the Road Boards Account, present it to the Provincial Auditor for his signature, and then forward it, with the voucher, to the Chairman of the Road Board, who will hand it to the claimant and obtain his receipt, having first completed the cheque by adding his own signature. Your Honor will perceive that as the Act requires the signature of the Chairman of the Board it will be necessary to furnish the Bank with the names and signatures of each Chairman, so that it may be able to recognize those signatures when cheques are presented. The signature of the Provincial Auditor has been required to make sure that every amount drawn is in conformity with the warrant to which he has certified, and thus to enable him to render that account of withdrawals from the Road Boards Account, which is required by the 24th section of the Act. The Treasury is addressing the Provincial Auditor on his subject, and I now enclose copies of circular to Chairmen of Road Boards, which I will thank your Honor to forward to each of them in your Province. I beg to add that I think that payments for tools or materials may be taken as included within the terms of the 15th section, provided it be shown that the articles purchased are for a work that is within the provisions of that clause. I have, &c, W. Gisborne. Note. —A letter to similar purport, omiting the third paragraph, was addressed to the Chairman of the County of Westland.

Auckland — £6,081 4b. 6d. Taranaki — £437 Is. Id. Wellington — £2,341 9s. sd. Hawke'B Bay — £591 2s. Od. Nelson — £2,195 2s. Bd. Marlborough — £510 14s. 3d. Canterbury— £4,565 15s. 6d. Otago— £6,779 6s. lOd. Westland — £1,498 3s. 9d.

Enclosure in. No. 3. Circular to Chairmen of Road Boards. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 21st December, 1871. I have the honor, by direction of Mr. Gisborne, to call your attention to the mode in which the grant to Road Boards for the present year will be made available for the service of the several Road Boards in each Province. His Honor the Superintendent will inform you of the amount allotted to your Board; but that sum will not be paid over to you, but will remain in the Road Boards Account until withdrawn by cheques of the Provincial Treasurer, which cheques are to be issued only for payments for work performed, or for tools or materials purchased. The whole of the grant is to be expended " exclusively on the formation of new roads, bridges, and culverts, and in the maintenance thereof for one year after completion, and in the completion of such works commenced last year as are not yet finished." When such a work, or any portion thereof, has been completed, a voucher is to be prepared and forwarded to the Provincial Treasurer, accompanied by such certificate as may satisfy the Superintendent that the work has been satisfactorily performed. When the voucher has been approved, and the amount placed in warrant, the Provincial Treasurer will return you the voucher with a cheque signed by him and by the Provincial Auditor. This cheque you will then have to sign and pay to the claimant, obtaining his receipt for the amount. The receipt will be your voucher, but the Provincial Treasurer will probably require some acknowledgment from you that you have received the amount of his cheque on account of your proportion of the Road Board grant. I have, &c., G. S. Cooper, The Chairman of the Road Board, . Under Secretary.


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IL-ATJCKLAND. No. 4 His Honor T. B. Gillies to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, —■ Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 18th December, 1871. Referring to your Circular No. 64, I have the honor to annex schedules of classifications of Road Boards in this Province, made by me in conformity with section 13 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." I may remark that this classification works out practically as follows : — Class 1, have raised last year £3,952 4s. 6|d.; Class 2, have raised £3,624 175.; and Class 3, £4,002 17s. 7^d.; which will give in the distribution of one-half the amount allotted to Road Boards in this Province, less one-tenth retained for new Boards, as nearly as possible Bs. per £to Class 1; 16s. per £to Class 2; and 325. per £to Class 3. I shall be glad to be advised of the payment into the Bank of New Zealand here, to the Road Board Account, of the sum of £12,162 9s. being one-half of the share of this Province in the fund. I have, &c., Thomas B. Gillies, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

Class 1. Road Boards, Province of Auckland, classified as Class 1 under Section 13 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." 1. Dedwood. 5. Kauaeranga. 9. Parnell. 2. Devonport. 6. Newmarket. 10. Remuera. 3. Grafton Road. 7. Newton. 11. Town of Onehunga. 4. Karangahape. 8. Parawai. 12. Waiotahi.

Class 2. Road Boards, Province of Auckland, classified as Class 2 under Section 13 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." 1. Cambridge. 9. Mount Eden. 17. Papakura. 2. East Tamaki. 10. Mount Roskill. 18. Papatoitoi 3. Hamilton. 11. Mount Wellington. 19. Pukekohe. 4. Howick. 12. North Shore. 20. Raglan. 5. Hunua. 13. One Tree Hill. 21. Tamaki West. 6. Karaka. 14. Otahuhu. 22. Wairoa. 7. Mangarei. 15. Pakuranga. 23. Waiuku. 8. Mount Albert. 16. Panmure. 24. Whau.

Class 3. Road Boards, Province of Auckland, classified as Class 3 under Section 13 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." 1. Ahipara. 19. Mangawai. 37. Ruatangata. 2. Albertland North. 20. Matakana. 38. Titirangi. 3. Albertland South. 21. Matakohe. 39. Turanga. 4. Arai. 22. Maungakaramea. 40. Upper Mahurangi. 5. Ararimu North. 23. Maungatawhiri. 41. Waikomiti. 6. Ararimu South. 24. Mongonui. 42. Wainui. 7. Eastern Mahurangi. 25. Newcastle. 43. Waipipi. 8. Kaio. 26. Omaha. 44. Waipu. 9. Karioi. 27. Paparata. 45. Wairau. 10. Kaukapakapa. 28. Paparoa. 46. Waitakerei East. 11. Kaurihohori. 29. Paparoa (Pakuranga). 47. Wangarei. 12. Kirikiriwa. 30. Pirongia. 48. Wangaroa North. 13. Komokoriki. 31. Pokeno. 49. Whaingaroa. 14. Lake. 32. Pollock Settlement. .50. Whangaparaoa. 15. Maketu. 33. Pukekaroro. 51. Wharehine. 16. Manaia. 34. Pukekura. 52. Whareora. 17. Mangapai. 35. Rangiaowhia. 53. Whau Whau. 18. Mangapiko. 36. Ruarangi. 2

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No. 5. His Honor T. B. Gillies to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sjr,— Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 18th December, 1871. Referring to your Circular No. 65, I have the honor to inform you that the Provincial Government "desire to take advantage of section 28 of the Payments to Provinces Act to the extent of .£7,718. This is some £4,500 less than the half of the Road Board amount; but the Provincial Government desire to trench as little as possible on the Road Board vote, consistently with their being able to carry out other necessary works. The permanent and public works, repayment of which to the above extent is desired, are as follows : — £ s. d. Water supply to Grahamstown and Shortland, just about completed. Amount voted by Provincial Council in Schedule of Appropriation Act, 1871. (Considerably greater amount spent.) .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 Tokatea Tramway, completed and in work. Amount voted as above. (Considerably greater amount spent.) .. .. 2,500 0 0 Expended during past year in erection of Sandspit and Bean Rock Lighthouses, under vote of Appropriation Act, 1870, and renewed in 1871 under the head of liabilities for 1870. The original vote was £2,500, but of this is only claimed what was actually spent during the current year .. 1,800 0 0 Henderson's Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. 395 4 0 Kumeo Bridge .. .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 (The two last items are included in the vote of Appropriation. Act, 1871, Roads and Works North of Auckland.) Botany Bridge .. .. .. .. 117 0 0 Mungamungaroa Bridge . . .. .. .. 275 16 0 (These two items are included in the vote for Roads and Works South of Auckland.) £7,718 0 0 There are some £6,000 or £8,000 more of similar works which might be fairly claimed, but as the foregoing undoubtedly come within the definition in section 28, and are sufficient to place the Provincial finances in a proper position, I trust there will be no difficulty in at once allowing these amounts. I have, &c, Thos. B. Gillies, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 6. The Hon. W. Gisborne to his Honor T. B. Gillies. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 23rd April, 1872. I have the honor to inform you that the sum of £7,718 has this day been remitted to the credit of the " Grants for Public Works Account," in compliance with the recommendation made in your Honor's letter of the 18th December last; and that, out of the balance of the moiety due for permanent public works, the sum of £1,403 16s. 9d. has been remitted to the Road Boards Account ; while the remainder, £3,040 12s. 3d., will be placed to that account on the 30th June next. These amounts would have been remitted at an earlier date but for the impression that the Colonial Treasurer had made some other arrangement during his visit to Auckland at the early part of the year. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland. W. Gisborne.



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lIL-TARANAKI. No. 7. Paymaster-General to the Provincial Treasurer, Taranaki. Sir, — Treasury, Wellington, Bth January, 1872. I have the honor to advise you that a draft for £874 2s. 2d. has this day been remitted to the Bank of New Zealand, Taranaki, for credit of an account to be called " The Grants for Public Works Account." The sum in question represents the amount payable to the Province under section 28 of Waiongana " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," towards the cost of permanent works, and is applicable Bridges, £250; to the several works specified under the head of public works in the Schedule of the Appro- ??^jUtal^g*2 - priation Ordinance passed by the Provincial Council, Session 22, No. 2. Tikorangi Road, The account to which this money is paid is to be operated on by cheque signed by yourself £25; FateaFerryand countersigned by the Provincial Auditor. J.olll^* 3?; „„„„ y Ihave,&c, Bu B hßo a ds,£B7o. The Provincial Treasurer, Province of Taranaki. C. T. Batkin.

No. 8. His Honor F. A. Carrington to the Hon. J. D. Ormond. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, Bth February, 1872. Adverting to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary's letter, 72-43, Bth January, 1872, I have the honor to forward a classification of the Road Boards in the Province of Taranaki for your approval. The sums proposed for distribution to the Road Boards in the different classes may not be in the exact proportion required by the 4th clause of "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," but as the appropriation is in general accordance with the spirit of the Act, I hope the Government will be able to give consent to the proposal. I have, &c., Fred. A. Carrington, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 8.

Name of District. Acreage. RateRaised 1871-2. (Proposed Distribution, Observations. Class I.— Henui Lower Mangorei Carrington Road Frankley Eoad Barrett Eoad Hurford Eoad Omata Eoad Elliot Eoad Clifton 923 2,446i 3,820| 3,769 2, 533 2, 049 2,972 1, 072^ 4,381 2d. 6d. 3d. 4d. 2d. 3d. 2d. 3d. 8 26 26 26 18 26 18 8 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Patea 50 0 0 District unoccupied since White Cliff's massacre. No Road Boards in existClass II. — Bell Tataraimaka Hui rangi Waiwakaiho Tikorangi ... Oakura Urenui Hua Mataitawa ... "Waitara West 4, 554 5, 573 5,452 \ 9,239 5,400 7,539 3,920 5,625 6,356i 2,259 2d. 3d. 3d. 6d. 2d. 3d. 2d. 6d. 2d. 2d. 18 35 46 80 50 56 35 75 46 31 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ence. Class III.-— Upper Mangorei Tururutangi Okati 3,322 7,853 7,750 Id. 3d. Id. 46 80 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 £874 2 2

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IT-HAWKE'S BAY. No. 9. His Honor J. D. Ormond to the Under Secretary for Public Works. (Telegram.) 28th February, 1872. Road Board Fund distribution submitted to Mr. Gisborne on 26th was prepared in error as to amount available. I desire to consider same withdrawn, and this substituted. Request clause 13, Payments to Provinces Act, may be waived, and distribution arranged under clause 12, as better suited to circumstances of districts. £2,346 os. 4d. whole sum appropriated, less one-tenth to be reserved, leaving £2,111 lis. Bd. available. Under clause 28, I request £911 lis. Bd.* may be applied to Havelock Bridge and Main South Road, leaving £1,200 to be distributed as follows : — Redcliffe, £53 6s.'Bd.; Heretaunga, £53 6s. Bd. ; Te Mata, £26 13s. 4d.; Puketapu, £53 6s. Bd.; Kereru and Aorangi, £26 13s. 4d.; South Ruataniwha, £53 6s. Bd.; East Waipawa, £53 6s. Bd.; Oero, £53 6s. Bd. ; Tamumu and Pourerere, £53 6s. Bd.; Waipukurau West, £53 6s. Bd.; Seventy-Mile Bush, £53 6s. Bd. ; Mohaka, £26 13s. 4d.; Kaurauaki, £26 13s. 4d. ; Papakura, £53 6s. Bd. ; Clive and Hikutoto, £26 13s. 4d. ; Havelock and Paikahu, £53 6s. Bd.; Tutaekuri and Okawa, £53 6s. Bd.; North Ruataniwha, £53 6s. Bd. ; Raukawa, £26 13s. 4d.; West Waipawa, £53 6s. Bd. ; Patangata, £53 6s. Bd.; Waimarama, £53 6s. Bd.j Waipukurau East, £53 6s. Bd.; Wainui and Porangahau South, £26 13s. 4d.; Pekapeka and Patoka, £53 6s. Bd. ; Turiroa, £26 13s. 4d.; West Waikora, £26 13s. 4d. This distribution being recommended by Provincial Council, I concur and ask Government assent. J. D. Ormond.

*The sum of £119 9s. Bd., in addition, applied to same works.

No. 10. The Under Secretary for Public Works to His Honor J. D. Ormond. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 29th February, 1872. To His Honor the Superintendent, Napier. Your Road Board scheme assented to and clause waived. J. Knowles.

V.-WELLINGTON. No. 11. His Honor W. Fitzherbert to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 19th December, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular letters of the 4th instant, Nos. 64 and 65. In compliance with the invitation therein contained, I recommend that the amount available for the Province of Wellington be allotted to the following permanent works within the Province, viz., Hutt Bridge, Tauherenikau Bridge. Referring to that part of the clause which requires the works to be sanctioned by the Provincial Legislature, I enclose copy of the estimates for the current year, as passed by the Wellington Provincial Council, by reference to which it will be seen that the works now specially recommended have been voted. I have, &c, William Fitzherbert, The Hon. W. Gisborne, Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 12 The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor W. Fitzherbert. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 3rd January, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter of the 19th December, in which you recommend that the amount available for the Province of Wellington, under the 28th section of "The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1871," be allotted to the following public works, viz., the Hutt Bridge and the Tauherenikau Bridge, and enclosing copy of the estimate for the current year, in satisfaction of that portion of the section which requires the works recommended to have received previously the sanction of the Provincial Legislature. In reply, I have to state, on the part of the Minister for Public Works, that the Government agree to the expenditure of the amount available on the two bridges above-mentioned. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Wellington. W. Gisborne.



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No. 13. His Honor W. Fitzherbert to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Wellington, 4th January, 1872. Herewith I forward you the classification of road districts in this Province, as required by 13th section of "Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." I trust that the General Government will authorize me to pay over to each Board the moiety of the amount allotted under such classification, as was done last year to the satisfaction of all the Boards. "The District Highways Act, 1871," comes into operation on the Ist July next, which will very much simplify the distribution in this Province of any moneys voted by the Assembly for Road Boards in future years. This arrangement is, in my opinion, the nearest compliance with the Act that it is in my power to propose. I have, &c., William Fitzherbert, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

VI.-NELSON. No. 14. His Honor 0. Curtis to the Hon. W. Gisboene. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Nelson, 20th January, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th December last, forwarding a copy of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," and informing me that the Government had decided to pay, for the two quarters ending 30th September and 31st December, 1871, at the rate of one-half the amount allotted to each Province out of the total sum of £100,000, reserving the other half until the Minister for Public Works and myself should have decided, in conformity with the provisions of the 28th section of the Act, what portion of the reserved half is to be devoted to permanent public works within the Province, authorized by an Act of the Superintendent and Provincial Council. You proceed to direct my special attention to the 19th section of the Act, which renders it imperative that I should hold in reserve one-tenth of the sum allotted to the Province for Road Boards not yet in existence, but which may be established before the Ist July next, as well as to the reservation of three-elevenths, directed by section 29, to be made for Road Boards to be hereafter established in the Nelson South-west Gold Fields. 3

Amounts allotted to Road Boards for Year i Provinces snding 30th June, 1872, under "Payments to Act, 1871. Foxton Lower Eangitikei Upper Rangitikei Kakauraponga North Makirikiri South Makirikiri Turakina Valley Matarawa Kaitoke Tunahaere Matuongaonga Brunswick Masterton Taratahi Carterton .. Greytown Featherston Lower Valley Moroa Whareama.. £ s. d. 47 15 3 88 19 6 340 17 6 73 19 9 37 9 4 35 11 11 44 19 3 249 2 0 11 4 10 82 8 4 25 5 10 40 5 7 111 8 0 481 7 5 108 12 9 515 1 0 134 17 2 79 16 0 79 16 2 117 1 2 Brought forward Mungaroa Stokes Valley Upper Waiwetu Middle Waiwetu Lower Waiwetu Belmont Western Hutt Upper Wainuiomata. . Lower Wainuiomata.. East Harbour Takapu Kaiwarra Rhodes Highway Karori Makara Ohario Pahautauui Horokiwi Hutt District No. 6 .. £ s. d. .. 2,705 18 9 294 1 0 68 7 5 8 8 6 13 2 4 31 17 0 118 0 0 146 1 10 206 19 0 86 4 0 39 6 10 45 17 8 42 3 0 164 16 6 274 8 0 166 II 0 107 14 0 152 13 0 10 6 0 Carried forward .. .£2,705 18 9 Total .. £4,682 18 10


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In reply, I have to thank the Government for the promptitude with which the remittance of the amount distributed among Road Boards for the six months ending 31st December last, has been made, and to assure you that the provisions of sections 19 and 29, to which you call my attention, shall be strictly complied with. In reference to the last paragraph of your letter, in which you draw my attention to the 13th section, which provides for the classification of districts, and express a desire to receive an early intimation of the action I may take under that section, I have to inform you that I have classified the various Road Boards of this Province as follows :— Class I. —W'aimea. Class II. —Suburban North; Motueka; Riwaka. Class lll.—Moutere; Pangatotara; Takaka; Upper Motueka; Collingwood; Amuri. I now forward, for the consideration of the Minister for Public Works, a list of certain permanent public works, duly authorized by Act of the Superintendent and Provincial Council, which have been executed in this Province during the present financial year, and to request that the proportion of one-half of the money to be allotted to this Province for the year ending 30th June, 1872, for the six months ending 31st December last, may be remitted, with as little delay as possible, to the credit of the Provincial Account, in repayment of the cost of such works. I have, &c, Oswald Curtis, The Hon. The Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.-

List. £ s. d. Foxhill Bridge .. .. ..... 995 2 5 Main South Road .. .. .. .. .. 196 6 6 Collingwood Gold Fields .. .. .. 356 14 6 Moutere Bridge .. . . . . .. .. 194 0 0 Road —Charleston to Westport via Addison's Flat .. .. 1,579 4 6 Dray Road, twelve miles to No Town .. . . .. 765 9 0 Protective Works, Westport .. . . . . .. 200 0 0 Road—Totara Flat to Half-Ounce .. .. .. 388 6 6 £4,675 3 5

No. 15. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor O. Curtis. Sir,- — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 23rd January, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, in which you forward a list of the permanent public works authorized by the Provincial Legislature of Nelson to be undertaken, and recommend the same for the consideration of the Hon. the Minister for Public Works as works on which the amount allocated to that Province, under the 28th section of the Payments to Provinces Act, may be expended. In reply, I am to inform you, on behalf of the Minister for Public Works, that the objects on which you recommend the above expenditure are approved, and that the sum of £2,195 2s. Bd. will be paid to the Bank of New Zealand to the credit of the Grants for Public Works Account, Nelson Province, being the amount due for the two quarters ending 31st December last. In so doing, I have taken it for granted that the item Collingwood Gold Fields applies to the roads in those districts, and, if not, I shall be obliged by your informing me definitely what are the works proposed therein. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Nelson. W. Gisborne.



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YXI.-MARLBOROUGH. No. 16. His Honor A. P. Seymour to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Blenheim, 17th January, 1872. In reference to your circular letter No. 64, of the 4th December, 1871, in which you inform me that you have reserved the other half of the Road Board allowance until the Minister for Public Works and I shall have decided what portion of the reserved half is to be devoted to permanent public works within the Province, authorized by an Act of the Provincial Council, I have the honor to recommend that the money should be devoted to the following works, which have been authorized by Act of the Provincial Council. 1. Road to Top House. By this it is proposed to connect the Provinces of Marlborough and Nelson by a line of road fit for cart traffic. 2. Construction of a wharf at Picton. 3. Viaduct, south side of Opawa River. These are all most necessary works, and with the assistance of this sum of money the Province will be able to complete them. I have, &c, A. P. Seymour, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 17. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor A. P. Seymour. Sir,- — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 23rd January, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th instant, in which you forward a list of the permanent public works authorized by the Provincial Legislature of Marlborough to be undertaken, and recommend the same for the consideration of the Hon. Minister for Public Works, as works on which the amounts allocated to that Province, under the 28th section of the Payments to Provinces Act, may be expended. In reply, I beg to inform you, on behalf of the Minister for Public Works, that the objects on which you recommend the above expenditure are approved, and that the sum of £510 14s. 2s. will be paid to the Bank of New Zealand to the credit of the " Grants for Public Works Account, Marlborough Province," being the amount due for the two quarters ending 31st December last. I have, &c., His Honor the Superintendent, Marlborough. W. Gisborne.

No. 18. His Honor A. P. Seymour to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Blenheim, 17th January, 1872. Referring to your circular letter No. 67, of the 20th December, 1871, I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to cause His Excellency the Governor, under the powers given by clause 14 of "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," to make an exception in the distribution of the Road Board allowances for the Province of Marlborough, for the following reasons: — The whole of the Province is divided, by Act of the Provincial Council, into five Road Board counties, viz., Kaikoura, Awatere, Wairau, Pelorus, and Picton, each containing lands of the description comprised in the three classes in clause 13 of the Act referred to; it is therefore unnecessary to retain one-tenth of the money for any portion wherein no Road Board is now in existence. That, owing to the said Provincial Act having but recently come into operation within the Province, and other insurmountable difficulties, the County Boards in most cases have as yet been unable to collect the full amount of their rates, and that if the present mode of distribution as provided by the Act is insisted upon, some months will elapse before any payments can be made under it. That, in the present dry season of the year, it is desirable that the necessary works should be prosecuted with the utmost vigour before the winter sets in, when the money could not be economically or efficiently spent, and a much larger sum would not procure the same satisfactory results. For these reasons, I would recommend that the Provincial Treasurer be authorized to pay over to the Chairman of the County Boards in proportion to the rates levied in each county, exceptions being made in the Pelorus and Picton Counties, wdiich should be credited in proportion to twice the amount of rates levied. I have, &c., A. P. Seymour, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

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No. 19. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor A. P. Seymour. (Telegram.) Wellington, 30th January, 1872. I do not quite understand your letter of 17th January, with respect to Road Boards. In the first part you seem to wish for waiver of that condition which requires contribution to be paid proportionate to road rates levied, but at the end you recommend payment in proportion to rates levied. As whole Province is divided by law into specified road districts, and presuming that law will not be altered this year, I do not think one-tenth need be reserved for new districts. Classification clause requires districts to be classified as they are comparatively more or less populous; cannot, therefore, all the districts except Pelorus and Picton be put into Class 1, and those two districts in Class 2. This will secure the exact relative proportionate distribution which you recommend. Let me know your views at once by telegraph, as I am, with you, anxious that road funds should be utilized during the dry season. W. Gisborne. His Honor the Superintendent, Marlborough.

No. 20. His Honor A. P. Seymour to the Hon. W. Gisborne. (Telegram.) Blenheim, 31st January, 1872. Road Boards, Pelorus and Picton Counties, can be placed in Class 1, rest in Class 2. Can money be handed to Road Boards at once, notwithstanding clauses 17 and 18 of Act? A. P. Seymour, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 21. His Honor A. P. Seymour to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, —- Superintendent's Office, Blenheim, Ist February, 1872. Referring to your telegram of 30th January, in the matter of the Road Board allowances, there would appear to be no objection to placing the counties of Pelorus and Picton in Class 2, and those of Wairau, Awatere, and Kaikora in Class 1. Clause 12 of the Payments to Provinces Act provides that the amount to be allotted to each Board shall be in proportion to rates raised, but I am anxious that the distribution should be authorized in proportion to rates levied. The Boards are now using their utmost diligence to collect their rates, but it will be very difficult at any given time to ascertain exactly what amount has been actually raised by them; and lam of opinion that substantial justice will be done in all cases if the amounts are calculated on the rate roll, and this course will admit of an earlier application of the money to the works most needed whilst the fine weather lasts. Again, must the provisions of clause 18 be strictly enforced ? It would be far more satisfactory if the amount which can be paid to each Board could be at once handed over to the different Chairmen for disposal without constituting the Superintendent, as it were, a general overseer of works undertaken by bodies who are in no way responsible to him, either in their constitution, the rates they may choose to levy, or the character and the extent of the works they construct. I have, &c, A. P. Seymour, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 22. The Hon. W. Gisborne to His Honor A. P. Seymour. (Telegram.) Wellington, 17th February, 1872. In answer to your letter of Ist February, re allowances of certain Road Boards in Marlborough Province, the proportion of payment should be as much as possible according to the rates raised; but if you are satisfied that every effort is made to raise the rates levied, and that only slight balance of rates levied remains unraised, you might exercise your discretion as to calculation on basis of rate roll. If necessary, I could hereafter advise Governor to waive condition to that extent. All that is intended by section 18 is the Superintendent should be satisfied before he signs warrants that the expenditure is bona fide on the objects specified in the 15th section. W. Gisborne. His Honor the Superintendent, Marlborough.



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VIII.-CANTERBURY. No. 23. His Honor W. Rolleston to the Hon. W. Reeves. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Christchurch, 29th December, 1871. In reference to the circular letters of the Hon. Colonial Secretary, of the 4th December, 1871, and to what has passed in conversation between us on the subject of the apportionment of the sums payable to this Province, under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," I have the honor, after conference with Members of the Provincial Executive, to make the following proposals for your consideration : — 1. That the conditions prescribed in sections 12, 13, and 14 of the Act be waived in the case of the Province of Canterbury. As I had the honor of explaining to you personally, the provisions as to local rating do not apply in several of the cases where the moneys available would be most advantageously expended. I may instance specially the main lines of communication with the West Coast and with Akaroa, where the roads skirt or pass through several Road Boards which are not so largely interested in their construction and maintenance as the districts at the extremities of the lines of road, and where there is in some of the districts no population capable of being rated. The provisions of section 13 are inapplicable to a large number of districts, for reasons which will occur to you from your personal acquaintance with the circumstances of the country; and I may remind you that it was in a great measure on account of the impossibility of adapting those provisions to the circumstances of Canterbury, that the power of waiving them was given by the Legislature in the proviso to section 14. 2. That of the total amount of £18,260 payable to Canterbury, one-half, viz., £9,130, should be distributed among the several Road Boards in accordance with the recommendations previously made by me in my letter dated Ist July, 1871, which were submitted to the Provincial Council at its last session. It is presumed that in the term " new roads," in section 15 of the Act, roads hitherto not metalled will be included. 3rd. That the remaining £9,130 be appropriated, as provided in section 28, for repayment to the Province of the cost of the following works for which appropriations have already been made by the Superintendent and Provincial Council, viz : — £ s. d. Rangitata Bridge .. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Road approaches to Waimakariri Gorge Ferry .. .. 500 0 0 Timaru Roads south of Rangitata .. .. .. 875 0 0 Le Bons Bay Road, Banks' Peninsula .. .. .. 100 0 0 Timaru Gaol .. .. .. .. .. 1,550 0 0 Road to Malvern Hills (coal road) .. .. .. 150 0 0 Harbour Works .. .. .. .. .. 5,355 0 0 jg9,130 0 0 I have named these appropriations —for which votes have already been sanctioned by the Council, and for which moneys will have to be provided—in order that the Province may have it in its power, out of the moneys thus set free for further appropriation, to provide for such other works as it may determine upon. Among other works I may mention that it is my intention to recommend an appropriation of half cost of repairs necessary to the Hurunui Bridge, in accordance with an understanding which was entered into between the Colonial Government and myself when in Wellington. As there is no portion of the Province in which Road Boards are not established, I presume that the provisions of section 19 do not apply; but as it is possible that changes may be made in existing boundaries of the Road. Boards before July next, I would suggest that a re-adjustment of the votes in accordance with the change of the districts might, if thought advisable, be made in any case, with the approval of the Resident Minister, and that this should be a condition attached to all the appropriations. Trusting that the above proposals will meet with your favourable consideration, I have, &c., W. Rolleston, The Hon. the Resident Minister for the Middle Island. Superintendent.

Brinted in Paper O. No. 22 of 1871.




No. 24. The Hon. W. Reeves to His Honor W. Rolleston. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir, — Christchurch, 4th January, 1871. I have the honor to .acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 107, 29th February, 1872, on the subject of the sums payable to the Province of Canterbury. With reference to the first proposal, I have to inform you that His Excellency the Governor has been recommended to waive sections 12, 13, and 14 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," in favour of the Province of.Canterbury, on condition that the expenditure of the grant be made in accordance with the scheme proposed by your Honor, in a letter addressed to the Hon. Colonial Secretary, under date the Ist July, 1871. The term " new roads " in the 15th section of the Act will be interpreted to include roads not hitherto metalled. I have to acknowledge the receipt of the list of works set out in your Honor's letter now under reply, towards which the remaining half of the money due under the Act is wished to be appropriated, and to state that the Government will be prepared to pay the money as desired, on production of the customary vouchers for its expenditure. In contemplation of the possibility pointed out by your Honor, of changes in boundaries of Road Boards, the Government thinks that it will be advisable to attach a condition to all appropriations which will allow a re-adjustment of the votes in accordance with the alterations that may arise. I have, &c, His Honor the Superintendent, Canterbury. W. Reeves.

IX.-WESTLAND. No. 25. Mr. H. H. Lahman to the Hon. W. Gisborne. (No. 728.) Sir,- — County Chairman's Office, Hokitika, 22nd August, 1871. Referring to your circular No. 34, 21st June, 1871, requesting me to propose a scheme for the division among the Road Boards of the sum payable to them for the current year, under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1870," I have the honor to submit the following plan of distribution for your consideration, which I consider to be based upon the equitable requirements of the districts, viz.:— Paroa Road Board, twelve-sixtieths. Arahura Road Board, twelve sixtieths. Kanieri Road Board, eleven-sixtieths. Totara Road Board, fifteen sixtieths. Okarito Road Board, ten-sixtieths. I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, H. H. Lahman, Wellington. Chairman of the County Council.

No. 26. Mr. H. H. Lahman to the Hon. W. Gisborne. (No. 67.) Sir,- — County Chairman's Office, Hokitika, 18th January, 1872. Referring to your circular No. 64, of 4th December, 1871, drawing my attention to the 19th section of "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," which renders it imperative that I should hold in reserve one-tenth of the sum allotted to the County for Road Boards not yet in existence but which may be established before the Ist July next, I have the honor to inform you that the Road Boards in the County are incorporated under the County of Westland Act, which at the same time enacts the number of these bodies which shall exist within the County. You will therefore notice that, without further legislation, no new Road Boards can be formed in the County, and under these circumstances it will be unnecessary to make the reservation. Upon carefully considering the instructions conveyed in your letter No. 67, of 28th December, 1871, as well as the provisions of the Act relating to the distribution amongst the Road Boards of the sums accruing to them, I am of opinion that, in order to render the money immediately available, some modification of the restrictions imposed by the Act is necessary. For this reason I have the honor to request that you will move His Excellency the Governor to exercise the

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powers vested in him by the 14th section of the Act, and to waive the conditions set forth ir sections 12 and 18. The grounds upon which I base my request are as follows :—Section IS prescribes that the amount to be received by each Board shall be in proportion to the sum raisec by such Board by local rates. This makes it imperative that each Board, before being admitted tc any participation of the Road Board Fund, should levy and collect a rate. It has been shown to me by deputations from several Boards, that the strict enforcement of this condition would be verj prejudicial to them, as in some cases no rates have .ever been levied, and therefore much time would elapse before the rateable property could be assessed and the rate collected, which in the case of a first rate being enforced is reasonable. In addition to this it is urged that the rateable property consists chiefly of mining claims and plant, and against the rating of these properties many objections are raised and great difficulties are encountered. lam aware that the policy of this portion of the Act is to encourage the imposition of local rates, as is shown by section 14, and my desire is not to interfere with this, but to make the distribution without being obliged to divide it in proportion to the rates raised by each Board, making it essential that rates should be levied before any money is given to any Road Board, in accordance with the 15th section of "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." With reference to the classification of the County into districts, as required by the Act, I have the honor to inform you that I cannot see any reason why I should make any distinction amongst the Road Boards in the County. The population of each road district, in nearly all cases, bears the same proportion to the extent of the district and the relative value of the rateable property, while their requirements are very similar. The only exception to this is the Okarito Road Board, and in that district the population is scattered and the rateable property consists almost entirely of mining claims and appliances. As a set-off against this, the County Council have lately constructed nearly all the tracks and roads that were much required, and have, in addition, lately entered into contracts for bridges over the principal streams. In conclusion, I would beg to refer you to my letter No. 729, of the 22nd August, 1871, forwarding a scheme for the distribution of the grant among the Road Boards, and I am certain that if this scheme be adopted it will give general satisfaction, and deal equitably with each Road Board. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, H. H. Lahman, Wellington. Chairman of the County Council.

r i , See No. 10. O. 22 L 1872. L

No. 27. The Hon. W. Gisborne to Mr. H. H. Lahman. (Telegram.) Government Buildings, 30th January, 1872. Received your letter of 18th January about Road Board money. Governor waives condition prescribed by 12th section of "Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." If you think road districts all belong to one class, you need not act on the 13th section. The condition prescribed by 14th section should be observed. As road districts cannot be increased in Westland, except by legislation of Assembly, you need not reserve for new road districts one-tenth. Distribution should be according to plan forwarded by you on 22nd August last. W. Gisborne. H. H. Lahman, Esq., Hokitika.

No. 28. The Hon. W. Gisborne to the Hon. W. Reeves. (Telegram.) Wellington, 23rd March, 1872. Have you arranged as to payment to be made to County Westland for permanent works under 28th section of Act ? Chairman wants payment made. Please say what has been done, or is to be done. W. Gisborne. The Hon. W. Reeves.

No. 29. The Hon. W. Reeves to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir,— Christchurch, 27th March, 1872. Referring to the Payments to Provinces Act, and your telegram No. 152, of 23rd instant, Mr. Lahman, the Chairman of the County of Westland, expressed his desire to me, when in Hokitika, that the money payable under section 28 of the Act should be appropriated to the construction of the Arnould Road.



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I shall be glad, therefore, if the sum of £1,498 3s. 9d. now due is remitted to the " Grants to Public Works Account " accordingly. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. W. Reeves.

X.-OTAGO. No. 30. The Hon. W. Reeves to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir,— Christchurch, 9th April, 1872. Referring to a letter from the Provincial Treasurer, Otago, of the 25th January, I have now the honor to forward you further correspondence on the subject of the Road Boards subsidy for the Province of Otago. It appears that, in anticipation of the arrangement for payment of Road Board grants of last year being of a similar kind to that now in force, the Provincial Government made advances to Road Boards, expecting to recoup itself when the payments to the Provinces were made. A reply was sent on the 28th February to the Provincial Treasurer, showing that the moiety already paid, viz. £6,779 6s. lid., to the Road Boards Account could not be touched except in accordance with law, and it was suggested that the only way of getting the money repaid was by an arrangement between the parties who could operate on the account. The Province, having already advanced the money, is fairly entitled to be repaid, and it would be very desirable to endeavour to meet the request of the Provincial Government, and if possible to devote the moiety not yet paid to the Road Board Account, to recoup the Provincial chest the sums already advanced by it to the Road Boards. The arrangement proposed by the Paymaster-General is, in the mind of the Provincial Government, one which they do not see their way to effect. I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. W. Reeves.

Enclosure 1 in No. 30. Mr. J. B. Bradshaw to the Hon. W. Reeves. Sir, — Provincial Treasury, Dunedin, 25th January, 1872. With regard to our conversation in respect to Road Board payments, I have the honor to inform you that, on the 21st December last, I received a verbal notice from the Manager of the Bank of New Zealand here, that a sum of money, amounting to £6,779 6s. 10d., had been paid into the Bank to the credit of the " Road Boards Account" of this Province by the Colonial Government, through the Manager of the Bank at Wellington. The amount was paid in under " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," for a period of six months of the present financial year, ending 31st December, 1871. The conditions imposed on drawing out the money from the Bank are, " That the Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Auditor shall sign cheques, to be countersigned by Chairmen of respective Boards, or persons appointed by subscribers." As Provincial Treasurer I objected to the conditions, and notified to the Bank, verbally, that I declined at present to " act (see clause 17 of Payments to Provinces Act)." My reasons for declining to act are, that the signing of cheques by the Provincial Auditor is unnecessary, and the Payments to Provinces Act is silent in respect to that condition. That the amount paid to the credit of the Road Board Account is very little more than sufficient to repay the Province the amount advanced to Road Boards by the Province up to present date. The Provincial Government, on the faith of a continuation of the Road Board subsidy by the Colony, has been paying subsidy to all Road Boards at the rate of £1 for £1 rates collected, and in some instances £2 to £1, and paid into the Treasury. The sum thus paid amounts to £6,412 10s. 10d., and if the Colonial Government insists on the payment of the £6,779 6s. lOd. to Road Boards, the Provincial Treasury will be deficient the amount it has advanced, and the Road Boards will have received more than the amount they are entitled to. Under the circumstances, I have the honor to request you will be so good as to cause a refund to be made to the Provincial Treasury (equal to the amount advanced by it to the several Road Boards) out of the £6,779 6s. lOd. now in the Bank to the credit of Road Boards Account. The advances made by the Provincial Treasury to the respective Road Boards can be proved by vouchers certified by the Provincial Auditor, and which vouchers can be audited by an officer of the Colony. I have, &c, J. B. Bradshaw, The Hon. W. Reeves, Resident Minister. Provincial Treasurer.



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Enclosure 2 in No. 30. Memorandum by Mr. C. T. Batkin. The signature of the Provincial Auditor to cheques drawn on the Road Boards Account is a condition which has been imposed in the interest of the Road Boards as a whole, and is necessary to enable the Provincial Auditor to exercise that effectual control which the Act evidently intended he should have, but for which it made very insufficient provision; for, while the Act imposes on the Auditor a penalty of £500 for wilfully certifying any warrant except in accordance with its provisions, it permits the Road Boards Account at the Bank to be operated on by the cheque of the Provincial Treasurer, countersigned by the Chairman of any one Road Board. The Provincial Treasurer states, in the concluding paragraph of his letter, that the advances made by the Province to the respective Road Boards can be proved by vouchers certified by the Provincial Auditor. This being the case, there would probably be no objection on the part of that officer to certify accounts in favour of the Provincial Treasurer for reimbursement of the sums advanced, and to sign the corresponding cheques. These cheques would require, under the Act, the counter-signature of the Chairman of the respective Road Boards, who could scarcely object to refunding to the Province sums which had been paid to them in anticipation of the amounts accruing to them under the Payments to Provinces Act. The question as to the refund appears to me to rest entirely between the Provincial Government, the Provincial Auditor, and the Chairman, of the Board to whom the advances were made. The Provincial Treasurer states that, on the faith of a continuance of the subsidies paid to the Road Boards by the Colony, the Province has made certain advances which it desires to recover through the intervention of the Colonial Government. Those subsidies have been continued, but neither under the former nor under the present Act could they be expended without the certificate of the Provincial Auditor; for, whatever expenditure that officer could certify, he could not reasonably refuse to countersign a cheque, and thus the condition imposed creates no additional difficulty. The counter-signature of the Chairman is a requirement of the Act, and the Colonial Government has no power to authorize its being dispensed with, or to interfere in any way in the withdrawal from the Bank of the moneys passed to the credit of the Road Boards Account. C. T. Batkin, Treasury, Wellington, Ist February, 1872. Paymaster-General.

Enclosure 3 in No. 30. Mr. J. B. Bradshaw to the Hon. W. Reeves. Sir, —■ Provincial Treasury, Dunedin, 30th January, 1872. With reference to my letter of the 25th instant, in respect to Road Boards subsidy, I have now the honor to request that you will be good enough to cause the conditions prescribed in " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," in so far as Road Boards in this Province are concerned, to be waived, in accordance with the 14th clause of the said Act. "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," provides that Road Boards shall be divided into classes. This cannot be done without considerable difficulty and delay. The Provincial Government, believing that the Road Board subsidy would be paid by the Colony to the Province in the usual manner, made advances to existing Road Boards, amounting to over £6,000. The Boards held their annual meetings about the Ist of July last; and precepts are issued for raising rates on the understanding that £1 for every £1 raised by the respective Boards would be paid by the Government by way of subsidy. Any alteration in the amount of subsidy would be a breach of faith, and cause considerable annoyance not only to the Provincial Government but to the country districts generally. I would, therefore, suggest that the present mode of payment and subsidy to Road Boards be continued till the year ending 30th June, 1872; and that, if it be found practicable, the classification be introduced after that date. I have, &c, J. B. Bradshaw, The Hon. W. Reeves, Resident Minister. Provincial Treasurer.

Enclosure 4 in No. 30. Mr. T. W. Maude to Mr. J. B. Bradshaw. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir, — Dunedin, 13th February, 1872. I have the honor, by the direction of Mr. Reeves, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo, in which you refer to the payment by the Government of a sum of £6,779 6s. lOd. to the credit of the " Road Boards Account," the account indicated in section 16 and 17 of " The Payments to Provinces, Act, 1871," and setting forth that, owing to certain previous arrangements, the Road Boards have already received a sum of £6,412 10s. lOd. from the Provincial chest, in anticipation of a grant from the Colony for that purpose, and that, therefore, under the circumstances, you request that a refund may be made to the Provincial Treasury 5

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of the sum so advanced by it out of the £6,779 6s. 10d. now at the credit of the "Road Boards Account." I am directed to reply that the money in question having been paid away in accordance with the provisions of the Act, it is beyond the power of the Government to recall it; but lam to. suggest that the object you have in view may probably be effected by an arrangement between yourself, the Auditor, and the Chairmen of Road Boards. The advances made by the Province being proved by vouchers certified to by the Provincial Auditor, there would probably be no objection on the part of that officer to certify accounts in favour of the Provincial Treasurer for reimbursement of the sums advanced, and to sign the corresponding cheques. These cheques would require, under the Act, the counter-signature of the Chairmen of the respective Road Boards, who could scarcely object to refunding to the Province sums which had been paid to them in anticipation of the amounts accruing to them under the Payments fo Provinces Act. For the reasons already stated, Mr. Reeves regrets his inability to assist the Provincial Government out of a difficulty which can only be arranged between the parties most interested. I have, &c., Thomas W. Maude, The Provincial Treasurer, Otago. Secretary.

Enclosure 5 in No. 30. Mr. T. W. Maude to Mr. J. B. Bradshaw. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir,— Christchurch, 26th February, 1872. I am directed by Mr. Reeves to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, and to inform you that, in the case of the Province of Otago, His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to waive the conditions prescribed in " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." I have, &c., Thomas W. Maude, The Provincial Treasurer, Otago. Secretary.

Enclosure 6 in No. 30. Memorandum for the Provincial Treasurer. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Christchurch, 28th February, 1872. Payments to Provinces Act, 1871, Province of Otago. The following I understand to be the action, in respect to the Province of Otago, that has already been taken. Of the sum of £27,117 7s. 6d., the proportion of subsidy payable under sections 11 and 28, £6,779 6s. lid. has been placed to the credit of the "Road Boards Account" (sections 11 to 16), and that the Governor has waived the operation of sections relating to a classification of Boards. That £6,779 6s. lid., less an advance of £2,000 on account of the Oamaru Dock Trust, is now ready to be paid under section 28. This sum will be paid to an account called the " Grant to Public Works Account," from which moneys will be withdrawn by cheque of the Provincial Treasurer, countersigned by the Provincial Auditor, satisfactory vouchers being produced for the expenditure of the money. But before lodging the money, the specific works to which it is intended to be appropriated should be designated by his Honor the Superintendent. These are to be "permanent public works" authorized by an Act of the Superintendent and Provincial Council now in force (see section 28). His Honor the Superintendent's telegram of 6th December, applying for £5,000 for Oamaru Dock Trust, is on record; but in order to be more explicit, will you be so good as to move his Honor to specify to what works, and how much to each, it is proposed to devote the moiety of the subsidy applicable under section 28. Thomas W. Maude, Secretary.

Enclosure 7 in No. 30. Memorandum by Provincial Treasurer, Otago. Payments to Provinces Act, 1871. Provincial Treasury, Dunedin, 12th March, 1872. Referring to your memorandum of the 28th ultimo, respecting the action that has been taken in reference to the Province of Otago, I note, 1. That the sum of £6,779 6s. lid. has been placed to the credit of the " Road Boards Account," and that the Governor has waived the operation of sections relating to a classification of Boards.


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The above sum, although standing to the credit of the " Road Boards Account," is not yet made available to the Province : I have therefore to request that you will be good enough to move the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer to issue instructions which will enable the Provincial Treasurer to recoup to the Provincial Account the sum already advanced to Road Boards. 2. That the sum of £6,779 6s. lid., less an advance of £2,000 on account of the Oamaru Dock, is now ready to be paid under section 28. That this sum will be paid to an account called the " Grant to Public Works Account," from which moneys will be withdrawn on satisfactory vouchers being produced for the expenditure, and that the specific works to which the money is to be appropriated should be designated by His Honor the Superintendent, in accordance with section 28 of the Act. Vouchers for this expenditure have already been forwarded to you, and I trust that on your representations the Hon. the Colonial Treasurer will refund the amount. His Honor the Superintendent will by this mail advise the Government of the works to which it is proposed to devote the remainder of the moiety of the subsidy accruing to this Province under section 28 of the Act. D. Reid, Provincial Treasurer.

Enclosure 8 in No. 30. Mr. T. W. Maude to Mr. Livingstone. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir,— Christchurch, 24th April, 1872. Referring to "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," the sum of £6,779 6s. lid. was paid to the " Road Board Account " for the Province of Otago, as the portion of the subsidy due up to the 31st December last. I am now directed by Mr. Reeves to inform you that, in view of recouping to the Provincial Government advances made by it to the Road Boards in anticipation of the Colonial contribution, the General Government will take the responsibility of directing a portion of the amount now to the credit of the " Road Board Account" in the Bank, to be withdrawn in favour of the Provincial Government. The amount represented by the Provincial Treasurer (Mr. Bradshaw), in his letter of the 25th January last, as having been advanced by the Province, is £6,412 10s. lOd. To this extent, therefore, I am to inform you that the Government is prepared to arrange for withdrawal from the " Road Board Account " in favour of the Provincial Government. But it will be necessary for the Provincial Government to produce vouchers and to satisfy you of the amount bond fide advanced in anticipation of the Colonial contribution. Such amount is not to exceed that above mentioned, viz., £6,412 10s. lOd. As soon, therefore, as satisfactory vouchers to this amount have been submitted to you, you are requested to report, and upon receipt of your certificate showing the sum repayable, further action will be taken to liberate a corresponding amount from the " Road Board Account" in favour of the Provincial Account. I have, &c., Thomas W7 Maude, The Provincial Auditor, Dunedin. Secretary.

Enclosure 9 in No. 30. Mr. T. W. Maude to Mr. J. B. Bradshaw. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 3rd May, 1872. Respecting your telegram of 30th ultimo, Hon. Mr. Reeves directs me to say that action will be suspended as to proposal for releasing moneys from Road Board Account in favour of Province, but I am to point out that it was entirely at the instance of the Province that the Government endeavoured to make such arrangement. The Provincial Auditor will be communicated with. Thomas W. Maude.

Enclosure 10 in No. 30. Mr. T. W. Maude to Mr. Livingstone. (Telegram.) Christchurch, 3rd May, 1872. Hon. Mr. Reeves desires that no further action be taken in reference to the Road Board Account. See my letter, 24th ultimo. Thomas W. Maude.

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Enclosure 11 in No. 30. Mr. D. Reid to Mr. T. W. Maude. (Telegram.) Dunedin, 4th May, 1872. The great delay in obtaining the release, putting a stop to payments of works done by Road Boards, compelled us to adopt course prescribed by the Act; this having now been adopted, it is satisfactory that you see your way not to interfere. Will you instruct the Auditor accordingly ? D. Reid, Provincial Treasurer.

No. 31. Mr. Maude to Mr. Knowles. Mr. Knowles, — Resident Minister's Office, Christchurch, Bth March, 1872. Will you ask the Hon. Mr. Gisborne to direct payment of £5,262 10s. 6d. to the Grants for Public Works Account for Otago. The money to be applied as follows :— £ s. d. £ s. d. 1. Oamaru Dock Trust . . . . .. 3,000 0 0 2. Sundry works authorized by Provincial Ordinance, viz. :■ —■ Clutha to Mataura .. .. 450 0 0 Tokomairiro to Tuapeka .. .. 1,474 0 0 Roxburgh to Campbell's .. .. 35 2 6 Trunk Road to Ferry .. . . 283 8 0 Mataura Bridge to Switzers.. . . 20 0 0 2,262 10 6 £5,262 10 6

This, with the advance already made '"to Oamaru Dock Trust of £2,000, will make £7,262 10s. 6d. out of £13,558 13s. 9d. payable to Otago under section 28 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." Original papers are sent, which please return, when done with, to this office. I have, &c, Thomas W. Maude, Secretary.

No. 32. His Hon. J. Macandrew to the Hon. W. Gisborne. Sir, — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 13th March, 1872. Enclosed herewith is a list of variousnncr works of a permanent nature, which the Provincial Government is desirous of at once completing. These works were authorized by the Provincial Council at its last Session, at a cost of £7,250. I have the honor to request that this sum may be paid out of the amount allotted to this Province under the provisions of section 28 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871." I have, &c., J. Macandrew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

Enclosure in No. 32. Proposed New Works. Bridges. £ s. d. £ s. d. Oamaru .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Paiwata .. .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Tokomairiro . . . . .. .. 200 0 0 Kakaho .. .. .. 430 0 0 West Taieri .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 Waihopai.. .. .. .. .. 600 0 0 Pomahaka .. .. .. .. 250 0 0 2,580 0 0



D.—No. 2

£ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. 2,580 0 0 Metal and Road Formation. Metal,— Dunedin to Waikouaiti .. . . .. £1,028 0 0 East Taieri to Tokomairiro .. .. .. 200 0 0 Tokomairiro to Clutha .. . . .. 400 0 0 Waikouaiti to Palmerston .. . . .. 315 0 0 Tokomairiro to Tuapeka . . .. . . 752 0 0 Palmerston to Eweburn .. .. .. 1,500 0 0 4,195 0 0 Southland Railways .. .. .. 475 0 0 £7,250 0 0

No. 33. The Hon. W. Reeves to His Honor J. Macandrew. Office of the Resident Minister for the Middle Island, Sir,— 2nd April, 1872. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, which has been referred to me by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, enclosing a list of works of a permanent nature authorized by the Provincial Council at its last session, and to which your Honor requests that the remainder of the subsidy payable, to the Province under section 28 of " The Payments to Provinces Act, 1871," may be applied. I understand that of the sum of £13,558 13s. 9d. the sum of £10,65.2 3s. lid. has been paid at various times to the Province. There remains, therefore, yet to be paid, £2,906 9s. lOd. I have to convey my approval of the works to which your Honor desires the money to be applied. I have, &c, To His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. W. Reeves.


D.—No. 2.


STATEMENT of SUMS PAID to ROAD BOARDS ACCOUNTS, from 1st July, 1871, to 30th June, 1872.

STATEMENT of SUMS PAID to "GRANTS for PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTS," from 1st July, 1871, to 30th June, 1872.

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PAPERS RELATING TO THE PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES ACT, 1871., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, D-02

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PAPERS RELATING TO THE PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES ACT, 1871. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, D-02

PAPERS RELATING TO THE PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES ACT, 1871. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, D-02

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