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B.—No. 1.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71, Commencing 1st July, 1870, and ending 30th June, 1871.





GENERAL BALANCE SHEET:— page. Cash Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vi. Funded Debt and Sinking Fund Accounts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tin. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Summary oi? Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... ... x. Abstract op Disbursements, shewing the Financial Pebiod in bespect op which the same webe made ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi. Absteact op Disbubsements, shewing the Total Payments under each Vote, and distinguishing the Colonial pbom the Provincial Charges ... ... ~. ... ... xn. Statement 03? the Reserve Account op the Yeae 1869-70 ... ... ... ... ... xvn. Receipts op the Consolidated Fund in detail, — page. Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Stamp Duties ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Postal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Telegraphic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Judicial Fees and Fines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Registeation and other Fees ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Incidental Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Disbursements of the Consolidated Fund in detail, — Civil List ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Permanent Charges ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Appropriations,— Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings ... ... ... ... ... 31 II. —Public Departments ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 lll.—Law and Justice ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 IV.—Postal ... ... ... ... ... 51 V. —Customs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 Vl.—Native ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 VII. —Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 Vlll.—Defence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 Charges on Special Funds... ... ... ... ... ... ... 82 Supplementary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 Unauthorized Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 84 Refunds of Revenue ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 Payments to Provinces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 Tabular Statement op Receipts and Disbursements... ... ... ... 90 Statement shewing the Expenditure as compared with the Appropriations ... 98 Statement shewing the Capitation Money and Special Allowances credited, ass the Charges and Interest and Sinking Fund debited, month by month, to the sevebal Provinces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 Statement showing the Total Sums Credited, Debited, Payable, and Paid to the several Provinces, under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1870" ... 104 SPECIAL FUND AND PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNTS:— Account Current op Receipts and Disbursements op the Special Fund ... xxn. Account Current of Receipts and Disbursements of thb Public Works Account ... ... xxxn. LAND FUND :— Account Current op Receipts and Disbubsements ... ... ... ... xl. TRUST FUND:— Account Current of Receipts and Disbursements ... ... ... ... ... ... xltiii. Balance Sheet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements todeb "Trustees Reliep Act, 1862" ... ... li. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements or Trust Fund Investment Account li. ADVANCES :— Balance Sheet. iit. Consolidated, Land, and Trust Fund Advances—Miscellaneous. it. Special Fund Advances—Miscellaneous. lx. Public Works Account Advances—Miscellaneous. lxii. SINKING- FUNDS ACCOUNT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... exit.

B.—No. 1.



B—No. 1.



GENEEAL BALANCE SHEET op TRANSACTIONS CASH CONSOLIDATED FUND ACCOUNTS :— Consolidated Revenue Account Teeasuey Bills Account Bank oe Issue Account Reserve Account SPECIAL FUND ACCOUNTS :— "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" " Debbntukes Acts, 1864-65" ... "Public Debts Act, 1867" "New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66"... "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" " Temporaby Loan Act, 1870" ... "Defence Loan Act, 1870" PUBLIC WORKS ACCOUNT :— " Immigeation and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" I LAND FUND ACCOUNTS :— Chatham Islands Province op Auckland Taeanaki... Wellington Hawke's Bat ... ... ... .... Nelson Mablboeottgh Canteebuet County of Westland ... Peovince op Otago Southland PUBLIC TRUST FUND ACCOUNTS :— Miscellaneous Accounts Investment Account ... PUBLIC ACCOUNT :— Bank oe New Zealand ADVANCE ACCOUNTS :— Consolidated, Land, and Teust Fund Advances Special Fund Advances Public Woeks Account Advances SUMMARY OF Balances, Ce. £ s. d CASH ACCOUNTS : — Consolidated Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 89,278 18 7 Special Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33,462 7 11 Public Woeks Account ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,54.6 0 9 Land Fund ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 48 2 4 Public Teust Fund ... ... ... ... ' ... ... ... ... 63,934 2 4 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 197,269 11 11

B.—No. 1




Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. See! Pages Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 462 12 0 58,036 8 2 502,778 2 11 1,287,201 7 2 250,000 0 0 ll,245,606 17 8 200,000 0 0 550,000 0 0 462 12 0 461,183 13 5 58,036 8 2 558,499 0 2 502,778 2 11 550,462 12 0 461,183 13 5 X. 55,720 17 3 1,537,201 7 2 1,503,643 5 10 89,278 18 7 32,383 2 3 150 0 0 32,3S3 2 3 150 0 0 1,589 17 3 34,159 18 5 285,927 0 9 384,000 0 0 497,6:33 16 10 10,066 4 2 36,119 10 11 1,589 17 3 21,741 0 0 230,743 12 10 384,000 0 0 552,512 16 0 2,352 14 3 19,063 17 0 54,878 19 2 21,416 11 ',', XXX. 1,190,587 6 1 1,235,843 15 6 33,462 7 11 78,718 17 4 XXXVI. 10,54fi 0 9 _m,068 13 9 100,522 13 0 152 16 7 31,622 19 2 263 11 8 11,425 11 7 6,131 15 8 33,039 14 0 5,218 19 3 68,428 17 0 33,943 4 8 156,132 14 1 1,870 13 2 126 13 9 31,503 0 5 250 0 0 11,492 5 10 6,410 15 6 33,055 19 4 6,478 19 1 63,007 7 6 33,957 4 8 156,420 18 2 1,894 2 8 26 2 10 2 14 5 13 11 8 117 4 4 46 2 3 526 3 8 247 3 10 20 12 0 1,102 12 10 66 13 4 82 18 8 157 7 0 49 15 6 50 0 8 0 2 0 371 14 0 64 0 8 288 6 1 23 9 6 1,698 8 3 283 15 10 343,230 16 10 344,597 6 11 661 6 9 613 4 5 1,414 12 5 48 2 4 XLIY. 306,263 4 2 211,061 7 0 123,923 12 1 211,061 7 0 86,602 13 11 279,650 0 0 346,073 4 1 2,489 1 9 279,650 0 0 306,263 4 2 211,061 7 0 366,252 13 11 346,073 4 1 282,139 1 9 63,934 2 4 XLVIII. 95,201 17 2 334,984 19 1 175,599 0 5 2,798,321 15 7 2,775,591 17 1 152,869 1 11 77 12 1 10,947 14 4 44,587 1 6 3,592,570 14 2 1,972,039 14 8 239,701 0 3 3,599,091 9 6 1,948,419 18 8 245,743 7 2 17,390 17 7 ! 20,967 5 6 6,042 6 11 55,534 15 10 77 12 1 IIT. 55,457 3 9 5,804,311 9 1 5,793,254 15 4 44^400 10 0 ;ALA CES. Balances, De. £ s. d. CASH I ACCOUNTS :— Public Account, Bank of New Zealand Advances to be accounted iob 152,869 1 11 44,400 10 0 Total £197,269 11 11

B.—No. 1.




See Balances on 30th June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 31 ith June, 1871. Pages. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. £ s. a. £ s. cl. £ s. a. s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT :— Old Debenture Account Under "Loan Act, 1856" "Loan Act, 1860" "Loan Act, 1863 " "Debentures Acts, 1864-65" ... Treasury Bills Acts ... "Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" "Temporary Loan Act, 1870" ... "Defence Loan Act, 1870" 316 0 0-1 500,000 0 0 95,500 0 0 1,656,800 0 0 150 0 0 528,000 0 0 4,272,000 0 0 2,400 0 0 I 137,400 0 0 I 270,000 0 0 230,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 14,600 0 0 316 0 0 500,000 0 0 93,100 0 0 1,519,400 0 0 150 0 0 570,000 0 0 4,502,000 0 0 j 275,000 0 0 14,600 0 0 228,000 0 0 225,000 0 0 ... 17,052,766 0 0 592, 800 0 0 1,014,600 0 0 7,474,566 0 0 DEBENTURES ACCOUNT 7,052,766 0 0 1,014,600 0 0 592, 800 0 0 7,474,566 00 SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS :— Loan op 1856 Ditto 1860 Ditto 1863 Consolidated Loan, 1867 132,693 6 1 21,204 3 6 93,345 2 1 84,267 11 9 17,579 5 11 3,036 9 2 26,523 1 1 48,485 4 5 5,348 0 0 150,272 12 0 24,240 12 8 114,520 3 2 132,752 16 2 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS :— Trustees' Sinking Fund —Loan of 1856 Ditto 1860 Ditto 1863 Consolidated Loan, 1867 331,510 3 5 95,624 0 7 5,348 0 0 421,786 4 0 LXV. 132,693 6 1 21,204 3 6 .93,345 2 1 84,267 11 9 5,348 0 0 17,579 5 11 3,036 9 2 26,523 1 1 48,485 4 5 150,272 12 0 24,240 12 8 114,520 3 2 132,752 16 2 331,510 3 5 5,348 0 0 95,624 0 7 421,786 4 0 SUMMARY OF BALANCES. Balances, Ck. £ s. d. Balances, Dr. £ b. a. FUNDED DEBT AND SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS :— Debentures Account Sinking Fund Account ... j 7,474,566 0 0 421,786 4 0 FUNDED DEBT AND SINKING- FUND ACCOUNTS :— Public Debt Account Investment Account 7,474,566 0 0 421,786 4 0 :7,896, 352 4 0 Total | £ ;7,896,352 4 0 Total £' C. F. Batkin, Paymaster General and Accountant. Julius Vogel, Colonial Treasurer.

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CON S 0 L 11) A. TE I) _ U NI).


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r^ CO t* o i> to 00 efl OS f-t 8 I rH * CD W3 CO CO O CD S 8 CO 1O T—I CO Tp rH 00 <M oo oi rH T3 m «ft 00 rH i oo" IM O o s CO O CO 00 CO K5 C$ CO r-t r~l Tp i> rH -^ GO O5 CO 1O CO GO l£> <M Tji (M 00 1O rH t>O O O CO O O O CO O O O o o o o Ci CO O O ■^i CD O ON *>r-< H O GO ■to- O O O3 o"oT 0Q H si a p w p E i—t o to co »O 00 rH O CO OJ CO CO 3 a go Ill Wai's 9l5 O 3_s li 1! M »HHi>-joHto»o : • : r-t rH rH ... i—I rH t-H rH iH rH OH«lfli>0DO«lffll> O OlOCDi0^i>OJCOM cocoi>t^ioi>«OiHOi : : : Cico'coi>ifl1^coco'corH e^OCD^-^COOGO rH n h m Sg 111 I "I.! I iBihlElllli- &h it mftffii IK Shi HHkKHHH » & 2^ B §o S^ ill Ph 3 ft P< fe H <J •<l PPhPh ■^. : S3 cS ■ £*? ■Mi : CO uj oof3*-* <MOB 03 H g a | P s xn h-t R o I. H?i ilE 8-8 S ■■as DQ «fj rH rH CO 00 g rH rH <N CO J> r-i 00 rH CO O CO N CO CO co ia rH CO lO O (M *1 M3 OS h" «t3 I—I rH rH iH j>.cqoo^aiOvra oo WWCON H COOJ CD* ■^ 1O TH (M 05 N CO 1> <Ji <D O O CD 05 O O C<J T—I Oi O 00 O5 -^ O "^* i-l won i> o a CO GO CO o CO o •« 00 H •>S MOOO 00 I (OlOOO oo co in o o o I o^° o CO* QCDOO" 1O CD CD O t»os II m O P3 m I M . : : : : : w ; •-: i i iS : Us Jail ■• o g a 5 S § g H Ph ■ i : :| ;H| : S | -2 : &, : : : : : . . .1 Jg Jfi J .J js "S« "Sjs o J § -8.S :■§ § 5 I goBSrt m « m h a g-§ I B o Eg M p H O EH is § "g o ° a P tST3

.B.—No, J

ABSTRACT of DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, showing the FINANCIAL PERIOD in respect of which the same were made.



Reserve Account. Liabilities and Engagements. IS Service. Financial Year j 1870-71. Total. 1868-69. 1869-70. Total. Total. 1868-69. 1869-70. 1868-69. Total. I ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. 18 Civn List 2,093 15 0 2,093 15 0 26,214 6 8 28,308 1 8 Permanent Charges :— 2,807 7 6 2,807 7 6 358,507 18 11 | 19 Interest and Sinking Fund 361,315 6 5 22 Under Acts of G-eneral Assembly ... 3,416 9 6 3,416 9 6 31,792 4 1 I 35,208 13 7 Appropriations :— 1,406 18 5 I 1,406 18 5 4,934 12 1 4,934 12 1 9,300 14 3 31 Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings ... 2,959 3 9 32 II. —Public Departments III. —Law and Justice 40 6 8 663 8 0 703 14 8 15 14 0 3,717 6 6 3,733 0 6 48,865 2 11 53,301 18 1 41 10 0 0 627 0 6 637 0 6 20 16 0 1,583 13 1 1,604 9 1 61,512 0 4 63,753 9 11 51 IV.—Postal 373 7 6 11,788 18 2 12,162 5 8 11 5 3 10,253 15 4 10,265 0 7 125,338 G 4 147,765 12 7 62 V.—Customs 820 0 0 820 0 0 194 8 0 11 0 6 205 8 6 44,532 8 10 45,557 17 4 I 68 VI.—Native 200 0 0 2,765 0 1 2,985 0 1 59 1 11 356 7 8 415 9 7 31,397 14 2 34,778 3 10 j 74 VII.- —Miscellaneous 1,369 16 4 31,930 15 4 33,300 11 8 10,580 19 9 10,580 19 9 49,388 9 6 I 93,270 0 11 78 VIII.— Defence 800 0 0 4,010 17 2 4,840 17 2 1,679 0 4 55,706 17 1 57,385 17 5 21,767 3 11 83,993 18 6 Charges on Special Funds 1,200 0 0 i 1,200 0 0 1,965 ]5 3 | 1,965 15 3 3,165 15 3 Supplementary... 11,937 3 0 11,937 3 0 84 Unauthorized Expenditure I 28,977 5 0 28,977 5 0 88 Refunds oi Revenue 5,341 12 3 5,341 12 3 88 Payments to Provinces ... ... ... 132,594 6 8 182, 594 6 8 i ! I _ I ! Totals 5,400 8 11 52,635 19 3 1,980 5 6 97,427 19 3 I 99,408 4 9 1,031,125 6 4 1,188,569 19 3

B.—No. 1




For Details see Pake DlSBUKSEMENTS. Colonial Provincial Total. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. RESERVE ACCOUNT. 32,991 6 7 17,184 0 7 5,864 3 5 XVII XVII XVII Amount expended Returned to Revenue Repaid to Provinces 1,996 17 7 Total Reserve Accouut 50,175 7 2 7,861 1 0 58,03G 8 2 LIABILITIES AHD ESr&AGffiMENTS. 2,093 15 0 Permanent Charges : — Civil List Fund Account 2,093 15 0 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 Interest and Sinking- Fund, — "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863-65 " ... " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " "Public Debts Act, 1867 " ... " Treasury Bills Act, 1869 "... "Treasury Bills Act, 1869 (No. 2) " ... 31 10 0 1,426 5 0 285 0 0 47 17 6 3 0 8 1,013 14 4 Total Interest and Sinking Fund 2,807 7 6 22 22 22 22 23 23 25 23 25 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Undee Acts ot the General Assembly,— " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867 " "Bank of Issue Winding-lip Act, 1856" " Bankruptcy Act, 1867 " " Bartlcy Pension Act, 1867 " " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61"... "Justices of the Peace Act, 1866" " Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867 " " Lunatics Act, 1868 " " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858 " "Meredith and Others Pension Act, 1870" " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " ... " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " " Native Schools Act, 1867 "... "Pensions Act, 1856" " Provincial Audit Act, 1866" " Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858 " " Public Debt Sinking Funds Act, 1868 " " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1870 " " Waste Lands Act, 1858" ... " Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 " 3 0 0 2 0 0 61 9 6 75 0 0 93 8 8 1,164 17 10 50 0 0 83 6 8 41 3 4 101 5 4 612 8 7 541 9 8 100 0 0 75 6 3 54 13 4 37 10 0 183 6 8 41 12 8 32 10 0 37 1 0 25 0 0 Total under Acts of General Assembly... i 3,416 9 6 33 43 53 63 64 G9 79 80 80 t Appropriations : — Vote No. 1,— Services of 1868-69,— Item 1. Electoral „ 2. Coroners ,, 3. Maintenance of Telegraph Line ,, 4. Nugget Point Lighthouse ... ,, 5. Cape Campbell Lighthouse ... „ 6. Native Lands Court ,, 7. Militia and Volunteers „ 8. Armed Constabulary ,, 9. Militia and Volunteers' Capitation Grant ,, 18. Pay of East Coast Natives for services "in 1865 and 1866 97 16 4 96 11 8 15 14 0 20 16 0 11 5 3 59 1 11 85 6 9 527 7 8 164 5 11 80 902 0 0 Carried forward 9,859 4 10 438 12 8 66,354 0 2

B.—No. 1.



JBSTKA.CT of DISBURSEMENTS of the CO SOLID ATE 1— continue Fob Details SEE Page DlSBUESEMEUTS. Colonial Peovincial. Total. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 9,859 4 10 438 12 8 66,354 0 2 31 33 33 34 34 31 34 43 31 43 43 43 44 44 53 54 54 51. 53 54 55 64 76 80 83 80 80 Appkopbiations— continued. Vote No. 1— continued. Services of 1869-70, — Item 10. Domains and Buildings „ 11. Governor's Establishment „ 12. Legislative „ 13. Executive ,, 14. Registrars „ 15. Stamp ... „ 16. Electoral „ 17. Law and Justice ... „ 20. Government House and Offices „ 21. District Court Contingencies „ 23. Resident Magistrates' Court Contingencies ,, 24. Criminal Prosecutions „ 25. Coroners, &c. „ 26. Land and Deeds Contingencies „ 27. General Post Office „ 28. Postal, Auckland „ 29. Postal, Taranaki... „ 30. Postal, Wellington „ 31. Telegraph „ 32. Telegraph, Taupo Line „ 33. Telegraph ,, 34. Customs, Southland „ 35. Miscellaneous General .Charges „ 36. Defence Office ... „ 37. Confiscated Lands „ 38. Militia and Volunteers ,, 39. Armed Constabulary and Contingent Defence „ 40. Survey of Native Reserves, Southland ,, 42. Purchase of p. s. " Luna " ... 329 1 9 57 5 11 2,280 6 5 65 18 1 25 12 4 943 4 7 4,605 10 4 371 3 2 28 16 11 888 3 8 38 9 8 184 15 7 133 15 7 208 15 0 74 12 8 i" 7 6 186 19 10 20 14 5 833 9 2 2,398 14 8 5,503 0 2 1,306 9 7 11 0 6 3,580 19 9 49 12 9 1,965 15 3 286 3 6 69 76 55,371 0 10 356 7 8 7,000 0 0 Total Vote No. 1 ... 91,090 12 9 Total Liabilities and Engagements 94,396 2 10 5,012 1 11 CURRENT SERVICES. Civil List. 4,500 0 0 7,700 0 0 7,868 8 11 18 18 19 Fibbt Division : — His Excellency the Governor The Judges Establishment of General Government 19 Second Division i— Native Purposes 6,145 17 9 Total Civil List 26,214 6 8 PEEMANENT ChAP-GES. 30,000 0 0 10,353 10 0 82,529 19 0 5,680 5 0 194,420 11 9 4,740 0 0 10,493 4 9 2,501 0 0 8,811 8 5 8,530 14 4 194 0 0 253 5 8 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 Interest and Sinking- Fund : — "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856" ... "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860" ... "New Zealand Loan Act, 1863-65 " " Public Debts Act, 1867 " " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869 " " Temporary Loan Act, 1870 " "Treasury Bills Act, 1868 " " Treasury Bills Act, 1869 " " Treasury Bills Act, 1869 (No. 2) " " Treasury Bills Act, 1870 " " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870 " Total Interest and Sinking Fund 358,507 18 11 Carried forward 542,166 18 6 384,722 5 7

B.—No. 1



ABSTRACT of DISBUBSEMENTS o: ie C' 1— continue* Fok Details SEE Page DlSBTJBSEMENTB. Colonial. Peovinciai. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 384,722 5 7 542,166 18 6 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 2<; 26 30 30 26 80 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 29 29 29 80 29 2!) 29 80 30 80 80 80 TJndeij Acts of the Geneeal Assembly : — " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867 " " Armitago Pension Act, 1865" ... " Attorney-General's Act, 1866" ... "Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865 " " Bartley Pension Act, 1867 " " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61" " Civil Service Act, 1866 " " Commissioners Powers Act, 1867 " " Comptroller's Act, 1865 " " Crown Grants Act, 1870 " "Customs Regulation Act, 1868"... " Justices of the Peace Act, 1866 " "Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867" ... "Lunatics Act, 1868" ... " Martin's Annuity Act, 1858 " ... " Mayne Pension Act, 1865 " " Mereditli and Others Pension Act, 1870 " "Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862 " " Military Pensions Act, 1866 " ... " Native Schools Act, 1867 " " New Zealand Institute Act, 1867 " " Nixon Pension Act, 1865 " " New Zealand University Act, 1870 " "Pensions Act, 1856" ... "Provincial Audit Act, 1S66" " Public Revenues Act, 1867 " " Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858 " ... " Public Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868 "... " Walsh and Others Pension Act, 1869 ■" ... "Waka Neno's Annuity Ordinance, 1847" •■■ " Whiteley Pension Act, 1869 " ... "Weights and Measures Act, 1868 " "Waste Lands Act, 1858 " 52 17 5 159 7 6 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 4,611 14 2 3,321 5 0 3 13 0 800 0 0 12 1 0 3,233 6 8 333 6 8 100 0 0 292 15 0 832 5 6 2,624 3 7 1,822 7 10 800 0 0 112 10. 0 3,000 0 0 400 0 0 35 14 0 372 0 10 7 10 0 51 3 10 2,116 13 4 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 2,171 0 0 1 1 10 2,090 6 11 Total under Acts of General Assembly... 31,792 4 1 Appropriations. Class I. —Public Domains. 81 :t2 32 32 32 :i2 Vote 2. Government Domains ,, 3. Government Houses „ 4. General Assembly Buildings and Grounds ,, 5. Museum ... ,, 6. Colonial Architect. ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 950 0 0 400 0 0 87 8 2 518 5 10 700 0 0 303 14 "9 Total Class I. 2,959 3 9 Class II. —Public Departments. 1,579 19 0 12,609 4 0 8,920 14 0 1,001 13 5 5,599 13 0 2,678 10 6 35 36 36 86 87 37 37 87 88 38 38 41 Vote 7. Governor's Establishment ... ,, 8. Legislative Department ,, 9. Executive Department „ 10. Stamp Department „ 11. Printing Department „ 12. Geological Department „ 13. Receiver of Revenue, Westland „ 14. Registrars „ 15. Treasury Department ,, 16. Stamp Department ... „ 17. Electoral Department Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 100 0 0 2,378 19 3 2,528 9 11 1,667 16 10 3,884 14 8 2,896 5 8 3,019 2 8 Total Class IT. ... 48,865 2 11 Carried forward 452,295 3 4 16,043 13 0 j 625,783 9 3

B.—No. 1



.bst: :act of ibu: ,SE' 'S 0: 1— ct mtinuet Foe Details see Page DlSBUESBMENTS. Colonial. Pbovincial. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Brought forward 452,295 3 4 16,043 13 0 625,783 9 3 Class III.—Law ahd Justice. 7,296 2 4 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 Vote 18. Colonial Secretary's Office, &o. „ 19. Supreme Court „ 20. District Courts „ 21. Resident Magistrates' Courts „ 22. Petty Sessions Courts „ 23. Criminal Prosecutions „ 24. Coroners, &c. ,, 25. Land and Deeds Eegistry ... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 8,246 15 10 3,275 0 0 20,256 13 10 400 0 0 7,005 5 0 1,900 0 0 11,406 10 0 1,725 13 4 Total Class III. 61,512 0 4 Class IV. —Postal Sebvices. 3,597 17 9 38,613 3 8 55 55 55 56 56 66 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 58 G2 Vote 26. Postal Department, &c. „ 27. Conveyance of Mails by Sea „ 28. Auckland „ 29. Taranaki „ 30. Wellington „ 31. Hawke's Bay „ 32. Nelson ... „ 33. Marlborough „ 34. Canterbury „ 35. Westland „ 36. Otago ... „ 37. Southland „ 38. Telegraph Department „ 39. Telegraph Department Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 9,099 11 8 571 9 11 4,626 18 8 1,281 19 10 3,350 6 9 1,323 8 1 8,792 4 10 4,606 12 4 11,924 18 9 2,119 0 10 3,485 0 0 35817 7 31,586 15 8 Total Class IV. 125,338 6 4 Class V.—Customs Depabtment. 1,495 7 9 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 67 68 Vote 40. Inspector's Department and Chatham Islands ... „ 41. Auckland „ 42. Taranaki „ 43. Wellington ,, 44. Hawke's Bay „ 45. Nelson ... ,, 46. Marlborough „ 47. Canterbury „ 48. Westland „ 49. Otago ... „ 50. Southland ,, 51. Special Services, &c. „ 52. Distilleries ,, 53. Distilleries „ 54. Marine Department 7,333 14 6 444 10 6 3,846 15 5 1,088 12 7 3,504 12 3 774 1 10 3,832 7 10 3,530 2 4 6,372 2 5 1,669 0 0 443 3 8 416 15 5 9,124' 2 2 657 0 2 Total Class V. 44,532 8 10 Class VI. —Native. Vote 55. General Contingencies „ 56. Salaries of European and Native Officers ,, 57. Trustee of Native Reserves ... „ 58. Native Lands Court „ 59. Inspector of Survey's Department „ GO. Remission of Duty 9,706 10 11 11,902 10 6 954 14 4 70 73 73 74 74 74 5,434 7 7 3,359 10 10 40 0 0 Total Class VI. 31,397 14 2 Carried forward 539,246 5 9 191,873 0 3 888,563 18 11


B.—No. 1


.BSTEACT of DISBUESEMENTS of the CO solidate: FUND — continued. Fob Details SEE Pasb Disbursements. Colonial. Provincial. Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Brought forward Class VII. —Miscellaneous. 539,246 5 9 191,873 0 3 888,563 18 11 77 77 77 78 Vote 61. Miscellaneous „ 62. Bank Commission... ,, 63. Provincial Charges Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 44,282 14 9 3,501 9 1 183 6 0 Total Class VII. 1,420 19 8 49,388 9 6 Class VIII. —Defence. 1,470 0 0 3,458 17 3 62 11 10 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 78-82 82 Vote 65. Defence Office ... ... „ 66. Store Department... „ 67. Miscellaneous „ 68. Auckland „ 69. TaranaM „ 70. Wellington „ 71. Hawke's Bay „ 72. Nelson ... „ 73. Marlborough „ 74. Canterbury „ 75. Westland „ 76. Otago ... „ 77. Southland „ 78. Clothing... Expenditure in excess of Appropriation 3,855 14 6 518 19 6 4,313 16 2 640 10 2 833 10 9 139 8 0 1,535 17 0 280 10 6 2,042 0 6 183 0 1 241 10 0 1,967 1 8 223 16 0 21,767 3 11 Total Class VIII. ... Supplementary. 1,492 10 0 10,444 13 0 83 83 Vote 81. For Services not provided for, 1868-69 „ 82. For Services not provided for, 1869-70 11,937 3 0 Total Supplementary 86 87-88 88 Unauthorized Expenditure : — For Services not provided for Refunds op Revenue Payments to Pbovinces ... 28,977 5 0 4,243 10 9 1,098" 1 6 182,594 6 8 28,977 5 0 5,341 12 3 182,594 6 8 Total Current Services 628,854 11 9 402,270 14 7 Summary. Reserve Account ... Liabilities and Engagements Current Services ... 58,036 8 2 94,396 2 10 628,854 11 9 5,012 1 11 402,270 14 7 781,287 2 9 407,282 16 6 1,188,569 19 3 Advances for Public Works repaid Advances from Special Fund in London repaid Overdraft, Bank of New Zealand, repaid Treasury Bills redeemed 9,073 6 7 46,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 1,503,643 5 10 Total Disbursements

B.—No. 1




Amounts Reserved. Amounts Expended. Balances. Pabticulabs op Vote. Totals. Returned to Revenue. Repaid to Provinces. Totals. General. Provincial. £ s. d. General. Provincial. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. FINANCIAL YEAR 1868-69. Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings. New Government House and Offices 1,406 18 5 1,406 18 5 1,406 18 5 1,406 18 5 Class II. —Public Departments. Geological Survey Department Stamp Department: — Contingencies, — Auckland ... Wellington ... Nelson Canterbury... Westland ... 0 6 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 8 2 14 6 ... 7 5 6 10 0 0 10 3 6 0 0 1 12 6 0 6 8 10 0 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 1019 9 0 7 6 ... Class III. —Law and Justice. Travelling Expenses of Judges of the Supreme Court.., 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 Class IV. —Postal. Postal Contingencies Telegraph, Wanganui Line Marine Department, Salaries Farewell Spit Lighthouse... Flat Rock Beacon 16 4 4 233 3 2 10 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 16 4 4 233 3 2 10 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 14 2 35 10 6 15 0 2 197 12 8 10 0 0 16 4 4 233 3 2 10 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 50 0 0 5 7 9 58 12 3 Class VI. —Native. Native Department, Salaries of Officers 200 0 0 200 0 0 30 0 0 170 0 0 200 0 0 Class VII. —Miscellaneous. Compensation to Miss Briggs and others 1,369 16 4 1,369 16 4 617 7 7 752 8 9 1,369 16 4 Class VIII. —Defence. Armed Constabulary :— Pay Transport, Rations, &c. 300 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 255 3 6 500 0 0 44 16 6 300 0 0 500 0 0 Confiscated Lands ... ... ... .,, 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 ... 100 0 0 Wellington Debentures 1,100 0 0 1,100 0 0 5,400 8 11 100 0 0 ... 1,000 0 0 1,100 0 0 Carried forward 5,360 8 11 40 0 0 3,101 18 7 14 1 9 2,258 10 4 25 18 3 5,400 8 11

B.—No. I



STATEMENT of the RESERVE ACCOUNT of the Tear 1869-70— continued. Amounts Resebved. Amounts Expended. Balances. Pakticulaes of Vote. Totals. Totals. General. Provincial. General. Provincial. Returned to Revenue. Repaid to Provinces. £ a. d. 5,360 8 11 £ b. a. 40 0 0 £ s. d. 5,400 8 11 ! £ a. d. 3,101 18 7 £ s. d. 14 1 9 £ s. d. 2,258 10 4 £ s. d. 25 18 3 £ s. d. 5,400 8 11 Brought forward FINANCIAL YEAR 1869-70. Class II. —Public Depaetments. Printing Office ... Geological Surrey Department Paymaster's Department: — Auckland ... Canterbury 557 3 5 100 0 0 557 3 5 100 0 0 317 14 6 100 0 0 239 8 11 557 3 5 100 0 0 .. ... 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 2 12 9 3 2 4 0 9 6 3 2 4 3 2 3 Class III. —Law and Justice. Supreme Courts :— Contingencies, — Auckland ... Wellington ... Nelson Marlborough Canterbury... Westland ... Otago Southland ... Resident Magistrates' Courts :— Salaries, — Auckland ... Otago Contingencies,— Auckland ... Wellington ... Nelson Canterbury... Otago Marlborough Petty Sessions Courts :— Auckland Hawke's Bay Canterbury... Wellington... Southland ... 30 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 ! 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 14 11 8 30 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 j 15 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 14 11 8 ... 30 0 0 10 0 0 7 8 8 I 4,' 3 6 5 0 0 20 0 0 ... 13 15 0 14 11 8 i I ■ - ... 2 11 4 5 0 0 10 16 6 BOO 11 5 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 25 0 0 14 11 8 20 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 7 8 6 ... 8 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 ... ... ... 9 11 6 75 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 75 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 75 0 0 4 3 4 4 4 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 o"l6 8 I 15 16 0 75 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 ! 98 7 1 6,423 8 7 Carried forward 6,017 12 4 405 16 3 6,423 8 7 3,519 13 1 307 9 2 j 2,497 19 3

13.—Na 1



STATEMENT of the EESERVE ACCOUNT of the Tear 1869-70— continued. Amounts Rbsebyed. Amoukts Expended. Balances. Pakticulars of Vote. Totals. Totals. General. Provincial. General. Provincial. Beturned to Revenue. Repaid to Provinces. £ s. d. 6,017 12 4 £ s. d. 405 16 3 £ s. d. 6,423 8 7 £ s. d. £ a. d. 3,519 13 1 307 9 2 I £ s. d. 2,497 19 3 £ s. d. 98 7 1 £ s. d. 6,423 8 7 Brought forward Class III.— Law amd Justice — continued. Criminal Prosecutions :— Auckland ... Wellington ... Canterbury ... 11 14 3 98 17 3 12 14 0 11 14 3 98 17 3 12 14 0 11 11 3 98 17 3 12 14 0 0 3 0 11 14 3 98 17 3 12 14 0 Coroners :— Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington... Nelson Canterbury ... Otago Land and Deeds Registry :— Auckland ... 15 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 ... 15 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 44 3 4 44 3 4 41 13 4 ... 2 10 0 44 3 4 Class IV. —Postal. Conveyance of Mails by Sea Postal":— Hawke's Bay Wellington ... Nelson Marlborough Canterbury... Westland ... Otago Southland ... ... ... Telegraph Department, General Contingencies Marine Department, Lighthouses ... Class V. —CrsTOMS. Customs —General Auckland Hawke's Bay Wellington ... Nelson Marlborough Canterbury... 8,362 3 6 123" 4 6 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 173 10 2 100 0 0 20 0 0 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 10 0 0 8,362 3 6 200 0 0 173 10 2 100 0 0 20 0 0 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 10 0 0 123 4 6 1,000 0 0 1,366 8 0 I 180 0 3 173 10 2 100 0 0 20 0 0 586 4 6 600 0 0 200 0 0 10 0 0 123 4 6 550 19 1 ' 6,995 15 6 ... I 19 19 9 . - ... 413 15 6 ... ... 8,362 3 6 200 0 0 173 10 2 100 0 0 20 0 0 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 200 0 0 10 0 0 123 4 6 1 ,000 0 0 449" 0 11 I 100 0 0 400 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 2 1'2 0 I 400 0 0 25 0 0 23 2 6 0 12 9 10 0 0 15 12 0 97 8 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 25 0 0 75 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 ... 51 17 6 9 7 8 34 8 0 Carried forward 15,603 0 4 3,546 15 3 19,149 15 1 5,562 16 8 2,916 1 2 j 10,040 3 8 630 8 1 19,149 15 7

B.—No. 1



STATEMENT of the RESEEVE ACCOUNT of the Tear 1869-70— continued. Amounts Reseeved. Amounts Expended. Balances. Paeticulaks of Vote. Totals. Totals. General. Provincial. £ s. d. 19,149 15 7 General. Provincial. Returned to Revenue. Repaid to Provinces. Brought forward £ s. d. 15,603 0 4 £ s. d. 3,546 15 3 £ s. d. 5,562 16 8 £ s. d. 2,916 7 2 £ s. d. 10,040 3 8 £ s. d. 630 8 1 £ s. d. 19,149 15 7 Class Y.—Customs — continued. Customs — continued*. Westland ... Otago Auckland (protection of the Revenue, &c.) Distilleries —General Otago I 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 ... 1 12 9 11 1 6 25 0 0 23 7 3 13 18 6 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 25" 0 0 15 12 6 i 34." 7 6 ... 9 12 0 15" 8 0 Class VI.—Native. Native Department, Salaries of Officers Native Lands Court: — Auckland ... Wellington... 1,765 0 1 800 0 0 200 0 0 1,765 0 1 800 0 0 200 0 0 1,117 15 6 167 11 10 103 17 0 647 4 7 632 8 2 96 3 0 1,765 0 1 ... 800 0 0 200 0 0 Class VII. —Miscellaneous. Inspector of Surveys' Department: —- Auckland ... Wellington ... Advance, Province of Wellington ... Roads in North Island Advances to Settlers in Patea and Waitotara Districts 13,285 0 0 10,569 8 3 7,676 7 1 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 I 200 0 0 13,285 0 0 I 10,569 8 3 I 7,676 7 1 ... 8,882 9 1 j 10,569 8 3 5,656 15 9 I 161 12 1 4 0 0 4,402 10 11 38 7 11 196 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 13,285 0 0 10,569 8 3 7,676 7 1 2,019 11 4 Class VIII. —Defence. Militia Store Department Miscellaneous —Prizes, &c., &c. Militia and Volunteers :— Auckland Taranaki Wellington... Hawke's Bay Nelson Canterbury ... Westland Otago Southland ... 226 11 5 1,000 0 0 ... 1,366 8 5 25 0 0 602 17 4 50 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 230 0 0 40 0 0 j 226 11 5 1,000 0 0 1,366 8 5 25 0 0 602 17 4 50 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 230 0 0 40 0 0 186 8 10 1,000 0 0 1,366 8 5 10 0 0 482 9 11 50 0 0 197 13 8 225 2 7 . 47 11 0 44 3 6 40 0 0 40 2 7 lo" 0 0 120 7 5 226 11 5 1,000 0 0 1,366 8 5 25 0 0 602 17 4 50 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 230 0 0 40 0 0 2 6 4 24 17 5 2 9 0 185 16 6 ... Totals ... 50,175 7 2 [ I 7,861 1 0 i 5,864 3 5 17,184 0 7 1,996 17 7 58,036 8 2 32,991 6 7 58,036 8 2

B.—No. 1.



B.—No. 1




s. s. 8. (1 CUSTOMS. lUTIES :— AUCKLAND, — Auckland Thames Russell Mongonui Wangarei Hokianga 30 June 31 May 30 June 31 May 145,83S 8 4 9,338 4 10 1,652 13 6 653 18 8 1,833" 9 6 159,316 14 10 Tabahaki,— New Plymouth 30 June 5,566 5 2 Wellington,— Wellington Wanganui ... ,, 57,740 14 3 16,349 15 5 74,090 9 8 Hawse's Bay,— Napier 25,312 7 4 Nelson, — Nelson Westport G-rey mouth (Moiety) ... ,, ... ,, 27,917 11 0 20,184 15 3 20,828 5 11 68,930 12 2 Maklbokottg-h,— Picton Havelock Wairau Kaikoura 31 May 30 June 31 May 1,277 17 4 589 8 11 4,198 3 5 711 10 2 6,77-i 14 10 Canterbfby,— Lyttelton Aki:roa Timaru ... 30 June it ... ,, 85,477 6 8 174 8 7 11,809 17 2 97,461 11 5 WeSTIAN]), — Hokilika Grey mouth (Moiety) Okarito •... s> 31 May 45,447 4 2 20,828 5 11 1,809 1 9 68,084 11 10 OTAao, — Dunedin Oamaru Invercargill Bluff Harbour Ki verton 30 June ... 6 Oct. to 30 June „ to 31 May „ to 30 June 190,512 1 6 6,459 14 8 16,840 13 0 637 3 3 5,001 11 6 Souihiand,— Invercargill Blufif Harbour Eiverton 5 October 219,451 3 6 5,024 5 9 i 200 10 10 1,683 0 8 6,907 17 3 Chatham Islands 28 February 49 13 0 Carried forward 731,946 1 0 731,946 1 0



B.—No. l

EEOEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND or detaii,— continue* £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. CUSTOMS— continued. 731,946 1 0 Brought forward SEIZURES, RENTS, &c. :— Auckland, — Auckland Thames Mongonui Holrianga 30 June 31 May 43 17 10 12 18 6 6 2 8 41 13 7 I 104 12 7 Tabanaki,— New Plymouth 30 June 26 3 8 Wellington,— Wellington 3J 10 0 Nelson,— Nelson y) 110 184 1 1 MaBLBOBOUGH., — Picton 5) 8 18 6 Canterbury,— Lyttelton ... ... ' Timaru 8 0 0 5 12 0 13 12 0 Otago,— Dunediu Oamaru 22 8 4 6 5 0 28 13 4 ■ BONDED WAREHOUSE DUTIES :— Auckland, — Auckland Thames 30 -Tune | 1,359 10 11 25 19 11 1,385 10 10 L Taranaki, — New Plymouth 30 -June 50 0 0 Wellington,— Wellington ... ... ,.. Wanganui 450 0 0 125 0 0 j 575 0 0 Hawk's Bay,— Napier ;j 200 0 0 Nelson, — Nelson Westport j) 200 0 0 75 0 0 275 0 0 Maelbokottgh,1— Wairau 55 25 0 0 Canteebury,— Lyttelton Timaru 418 15 0 50 0 0 468 15 0 I Westland,- — Hokitika Greymouth Okarito 31 May I 275 5 5 175 0 0 25 0 0 475 5 5 Otago,— Dunedin Oamaru Invercargill Riverton ... ... 30 Juno I GOO 0 0 50 0 0 I 100 0 0 | 25 0 0 ; ! 775 0 0 FEES, &c. :— " Merchakt SHipn^a Act, 1858,"— Auckland Taeanaki Wbllixqton Hawke's Bay Nelson Mart/borough OANTEEJiUKY Wkstland Otago Southland n 231 14 0 1 11 3 98 16 6 9 6 9 34 6 0 i a 3 113 18 3 8 3 6 1(52 14 6 5 8 3 4,229 11 3 I 736,359 13 4 I 667 1 3 Carried forward ... 667 1 3 I

B.—No. 1.



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED 'UND IS" BET. .iii — continue< £ s. d. £ s. dt £ s. d. CUSTOM S— continued. Brought forward FEES, &C. — continued. "Asms Act, 1860-69,"— Auckland— • :■■ Auckland ... 30 Juno Hokianga ... 31 May Thames ... 30 June £221 1 0 8 2 0 283 13 0 667 1 3 736,359 13 4 512 16 0 Tabanaki — New Plymouth ... 30 Juno 17 0 0 Wellington— Wellington ... 30 June Wanganui ... ,, £89 13 0 28 11 0 118 4 0 Hawke's Bat — Napier ... 30 June 43 11 0 Nelson — Nelson ... 30 June Westport Collingwood ... 31 May £121 14 0 56 8 0 15 0 0 193 2 0 Marlborough— Pieton ... 30 June Havelock ... 31 May Wairau ... 30 June Kaikoura ... 31 May £4 10 0 19 15 0 25 0 0 7 10 0 56 15 0 Canteebury— Lyttelton ... 30 June Timaru ... ,, £138 14 0 35 15 0 174 9 0 Westland — Hokitika ... „ Greymouth ... ,, Okarito ... 31 May £132 5 0 66 19 0 7 5 0 206 9 0 Otago— Dunedin ... 30 June Oamaru ... „ Molyneux ... 31 May Invercargill 6 Oct. to 30 June £156 17 0 12 12 0 4 14 0 58 4 0 232 7 0 Southland — Inverciirgill ... 5 Oct., 1870 26 5 0 1,580 18 0 "Makine Act, 1866,"— Auckland — Lighthouse Dues ... ... 30 June Wellington— Lighthouse Dues ... ... „ Exemption from Pilotage Rates ,, Examination of Masters ... „ £849 5 9 87 3 0 110 1,273 18 11 937 9 9 Nelson— Lighthouse Dues ... ... „ Exemption from Pilotage Rates „ £645 14 5 5 5 0 £645 14 5 5 5 0 650 19 5 Maelboeougii— Lighthouse Dues ... ... „ 66 19 8 Canteebuby— Lighthouse Dues ... ... ,, Exemption from Pilotage Rates „ Change of Master ... ,, £1,024 17 8 11 11 0 110 1,037 9 8 Westland— Lighthouse Dues ... ... „ 39 1 2 Otago— Lighthouse Dues ... ... „ Exemption from Pilotage Rates „ £1,582 15 5 11 11 0 1,594 6 5 Southland — Lighthouse Dues ... 5 Oct., 1870 106 10 8 5,706 15 8 " Steam Navigation Act, 1866," — Auckland Wellington 30 June 167 9 6 109 4 0 Carried forward 276 13 6 7,954 14 11 736,359 13 4



B.—No. 1

EECEIPTS oi? the CONSOLIDATED 'TJND isr detail — continue) £ s. d. £ b. d. £ 6. d. CTJSTOHS— continued. Brought forward 276 13 6 7,954 14 11 736,359 13 4 PEES, &o. — continued. " Steam Navigation Act, 1866," — continued. Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 30 June Nelson ... ... ... ,, Canteebuey ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ 10 10 0 39 18 0 46 4 0 18 18 0 118 13 0 510 16 6 " Oystee Fisheries Act, 1866," — Wellington ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... ,, Maklboeough ... ... ... „ Canteebuey ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ Southland ... ... ... 5 Oct., 1870 0 2 6 8 0 0 2 0 0 15 0 1 17 6 1 17 6 15 2 6 "Distillation Act, 1868," — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Taeanaki ... ... ... ,, Wellington ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Maelbokouoh ... ... ... „ Canteebuey ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... „ .. Otago ... ... ,, Southland ... ... ... 5 Oct., 1870 84 0 0 7 0 0 71 0 0 35 0 0 75 0 0 15 0 0 101 0 0 72 0 0 172 0 0 10 0 9,113 13 11 6-J 0 0 Total Customs £745,473 7 3 STAMP DUTIES. Auckland : — Auckland Shortland | ... Wangarei Kussell Mongonui Raglan Tauranga . ... Newcastle ... 30 June 31 March 12,159 0 0 353 0 0 4 0 0 7 9 5 4 17 0 2 9 1 15 3 0 21 3 9 Tabanaki :— New Plymouth... 30 June 12,567 2 3 Wellington :-*- Wellington ... Wanganui Greytown Marton 31 March , ... ... ... j, . ... ... ... ,, 4,658 17 9 395 15 8 36 7 7 12 3 2 335 13 5 5,103 4 2 Hawke's Bay : — Napier Waipukurau 30 June 31 March 2,073 18 3 13 12 0 Nelson : — Nelson Collingwood Charleston Westporfc 30 June 31 March , ... ... ... jj 2,087 10 3 3,223 13 7 9 6 5 113 13 2 122 0 0 3,468 13 2 Maelbokough : —■ Kcton ... Havelock Kaikoura 30 June 31 March 28 February 631 4 5 14 3 10 2 17 0 648 5 3 Canteebtxey : — Christchurch ... Ly ttelton Kaiapoi Akaroa Timaru 30 June 31 March , ... ... ... ,, . ... ... ... j, „ 10,158 10 1 160 13 4 155 8 11 30 5 11 304 14 1 10,809 12 4 Carried forward 35,020 0 10

B.— No. 1.



RECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED TTND in detail — continue! STAMP DUTIES— continued. £ B. d. £ b. d. £ e. A. Brought forward 35,020 0 10 Westland :— Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 June G-reymouth ... ... ... ... 31 March 2,288 19 8 549 16 9 2,838 16 5 Otaqo :— Dunedin ... ... ... ... 30 June Oamaru ... ... ... ... 31 March Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 3s Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... 33 Tokomairiro ... ... ... ... ss Queenstown ... ... ... ... ;) Lawrence ... ... ... ... 3, Clydo .., ... ... ... » Balclutlia ... .., ... ... j> Naseby ... ... ... ... si Teviot ... ... ... ... ,3 Cromwell ... ... ... ... „ Invercavgill ... ... ... ... 6 Oct. to 30 June Campbelltown... ... ... ... „ to 31 Mar. Kiverton ... ... ... ... >s to „ 15,162 12 9 379 10 6 34 17 7 45 5 0 156 10 6 157 10 3 150 16 9 88 3 1 65 18 11 75 1 0 19 9 9 65 1 11 697 14 9 6 15 10 57 12 8 Southland: — Invercargill ... ... ... ... 5 October Campbelltown ... ... ... ... 33 Biverton ... ... ... ... » 17,163 1 3 564 0 1 3 14 8 19 6 11 .587 1 8 12 1 3 Chatham Islands ... ... ... 28 February Total Stamp Dtjties £55,621 1 5 POSTAL. Auckland : — Sales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commission on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... Miscellaneous 30 June ... ji j> ... ,, ... )> 8,211 1 8 191 17 9 467 6 0 138 10 0 12 6 Taeanaki : — Sales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commission on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... Miscellaneous ... 31 ... j) It ... ,, 9,009 17 11 372 1 0 7 12 8 53 17 6 16 0 O O lg 7 Wellington :— Sales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commission on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... Miscellaneous ... ... 3, )) ... „ ... 3) )3 450 4 9 4,026 4 2 100 17 9 300 16 6 124 0 0 2 4 0 4,554 2 5 '<y Hawke's Hay : — Sales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commission on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... Miscellaneous ... 33 ... 33 ... 33 ... 33 )3 1,278 6 0 21 3 10 69 0 6 37 0 0 0 2 0 1,405 12 4 Nelson : — S ales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commissions on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... Miscellaneous ... ... 33 33 ... 33 )) ?3 2,176 1 4 72 16 9 175 19 6 43, 10 0 2 13 0 2,471 0 1 Maklbobough :— Sales of Postage Stamps ... Collections of Unpaid Postage Commission on Money Orders Fees on Private Boxes ... ... 3) ... 33 ... 33 ... 33 582 13 11 19 0 11 82 7 6 17 10 0 701 12 4 Carried forward 18,592 10 4



B.—No. I

KECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED T7ND m de-'Aih-^continuei P 0 S T A It—continued. £ e. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 18,592 10 4 Cantekbttby :— Sales of Postage Stamps... ... ... 30 June Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... „ Fees on Private Boxes and Bags .., ... „ 7,182 11 6 211 5 0 435 11 0 209 0 0 8,038 7 6 Westland :— Sales of Postage Stamps... ... ... „ Collections of Unpaid Postage .... ... „ Commission on Money Orders ... ... „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... „ 2,543 0 5 85 7 11 251 19 0 77 0 0 0 0 2 Otaoo : — Sales of Postage Stamps... ... ... ,, Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... „ Commission on Mouey Orders ... ... „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ,, 2,957 7 6 11,879 10 8 187 11 5 684 4 6 338 0 O 0 10 13,089 7 7 SOUTHLAND : —■ Sales of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 5 October Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... ,, Commission on Money Orders ... ... „ Fees on Private Boxes ... ... ... „ Miscellaneous ... ... „ 366 19 8 9 3 7 18 15 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 398 0 3 Cjiatham Islands : — . Sales of Postage Stamps ... ... ... 28 February Collections of Unpaid Postage ... ... „ 11 0 5 0 15 11 1 10 Total Postal £4,3,086 15 0 TELEGEAPHIC. Auckland :— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June The Thames ... ... ... ... 31 May Onoliunga ... ... ... ... „ Jfgaruawahia ... ... ... ... 30 Jun# Mercer ... ... ... ... 31 May Cambridge ... ... ...' ... „ Alexandra ... ... ... ... „ Hamilton „.. ... ... ... ,, Grahamstown ... ... ... ... 30 June Tauranga ... ... ... ... 31 May Matetu ... ... ... ... „ 1,478 5 1 .310 19 2 24 17 3 49 9 5 35 16 8 47 10 0 41 1 II 65 8 1 997 16 0 33 12 8 18 0 6 Taranaki :— Patea ... ... ... ... 31 May 3,102 16 9 85 14 0 Wellington : — Wellington ... ... ... ... 30 June Government Buildings ... ... .... „ Grey town ... ... ... ... 31 May Featherston ... ... ... ... „ Castle Point ... ... ... ... ,, Masterton ... ... ... ... „ Wanganui ... ... ... ... 30 June Marton ... ... ... ... 31 May TheHutt Foxton ... ... ... ,.. „ 1,865 7 2 117 4 7 140 14 3 36 12 8 37 3 0 49 13 0 687 8 1 93 1 9 32 19 7 17 9 5 Hawke's Bat :— Napier ... ... ... ... 30 June Waipukurau ... ... ... ... 31 May The Spit ... ... ... ... 30 June Waipawa ... ... ... ... 31 May 677 3 5 113 7 5 215 6 8 72 2 1 3,077 13 6 Nelson : — Nelson ... ... ... ... 30 June Westport ... ... ... ... „ Charleston ... ... ... ... „ Brighton ... ... ... ... 31 May Cheviot ... ... ... ... „ 1,077 19 7 1,080 0 9 532 3 8 333 7 8 65 0 0 126 16 7 2,137 8 8 Carried forward 9,481 12 6


B.—No. 1


EECEIPTS or the CONSOLIDATED 'UND in detail — continue! £ s. d. £ e. a. £ b. d. TELEGKAPHIC— continued. Brought forward 9,481 12 6 Maklbohotjgh : — Picton ... ... ... ••■ 30 June Blenheim ... ... ... ••• » Haveloek ... ... ... ■•• 31 May Kaikoura ... ... ... ••• » 174 10 9 394 3 7 114 15 4 55 7 8 739 3 4 Cantekbttey : — Christchurck ... ... ... ... 30 June Lyttelton ... ... ... ••• » Kaiapoi ... ... ... ••• >j Timaru ... ... ... ••• » Bealey ... ... ... •■• 31 May Selwyn ... ... ■■• ••• » Temuka ... ... ... ■•• » Waimate ... ... ■■• ■■• » Ashburton ... ... ... ... a Leithaeld ... ... ... ■•• » 1,956 0 6 435 4 1 164 7 0 561 17 3 19 9 2 27 3 5 91 7 8 30 7 0 12 19 2 7 12 5 WESTLAND : — Hokitika ... ... ... ... 30 June Grreymouth ... ... ... ... >> 3,306 7 8 1,178 2 4 852 17 6 2,030 19 10 Otago : — Dunedin ... ... ... ■■• » Oamaru ... ... ... ■■• >> Tokomairiro ... ... ... ••• » Waikouaiti ... ... ... ... >> Balclutha ... ... ... •■■ » Port Chalmers ... ... ... ... 31 May Roxburgh ... ... ... ■■• 30 June Manuherikia ... ... ... -■- >> Cromwell ... ... ... ••■ 31 May , Lawrence ... ... ... ... 30 June Clyde ... ... ... ••■ 31 May Queenstown ... ... ... ... 30 June Palmerston ... ... ... ■•■ a Inycrcargill ... ... 6 Oct. to 30 June Bluff .. to 31 May Long Bush ... ... ... ... Dec. to Riverton ... ... ... ... April to 30 June Hampden ... ... ... ... 11 to 31 May JJaseby ... ... : .... ■•■ 20 to 30 June 3,675 18 11 605 7 5 186 19 7 92 0 8 155 12 4 155 15 1 66 0 1 84 14 10 207 18 0 218 14 6 229 5 1 327 13 1 91 18 4 530 2 5 91 16 7 72 10 7 28 12 8 1 13 0 3 14 2 : Southland : — Invercargill ... ... ... ... 5 October. Bluff ... ... ... ... » 6,826 7 4 126 0 10 35 4 10 161 5 8 Total Tele&eaphic £22,545 16 4 \ JUDICIAL— FEES AND FINES. SUPREME COURT:— Auckland ... ... ... ... 30 June TAJtANAKI ... ... ... ••• j) Wellinston ... ... .•• ••• » Hawke's Bat... ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... ... » maeleobouoih... ... ... ... » CaNTEHBUKY ... ... ■•• ■•• !) ' WESTLAND ... ... ... ■•• i! Gtago ... ... ■•• ••• » Southland ... ... ... ■•• 5 October Total Supreme Court 1,528 17 6 20 2 8 579 5 6 138 19 0 485 8 6 64 3 6 803 19 10 148 15 4 1,488 19 0 63 6 4 3,321 17 2 SHERIFFS' OFFICES :— Auckland ... ... ... ••■ 30 June TAKANAKI ... ... ... ... I) Wellington,—■ Wellington ... ... ... » Wanganui ... ... ... j> Wairarapa ... ... ... » 28 18 6 24 9 0 20 8 6 242 6 4 2 8 8 73 16 0 Carried forward 318 11 0 5,321 17 2


B.—No. 1


RECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in de' 'ail — continued. £ e. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. JUDICIAL—FEES AED FINES— continued. 5,321 17 2 Brought forward SHERIFFS' OFFICES— continued. Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 30 June Nelson, — Nelson ... ... ... ,, Westport ... ... ... „ 318 11 0 24 19 0 26 5 6 110 MaklboeotjGh: ... ... ... ,, Cantebbttby ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... „ OlAGO, — Dunedin ... ... ... >, Invercargill ... ... ... 6 Oct. to 30 June 27 6 6 3 15 0 41 14 0 38 16 0 157 8 6 4 9 0 161 17 6 Total Sheriffs'Offices 616 19 0 DISTRICT COURTS:— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Grrahamatown ... ... ... ,, 729 15 6 278 9 0 Tabanaki, — New Plymouth ... ... ... „ 1,008 4 6 30 17 0 Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... ... ... ,, Waipawa ... ... ... 1 to 31 March 130 0 0 3 18 0 133 18 0 Nelson, — Westport ... ... ... 30 June Charleston ... ... ... „ 43 7 0 30 2 0 73 9 0 Canterbury,— Timaru ... ... ... „ 102 16 0 Westland, — Hokitika ... ... ... „ Greymouth ... ... ... „ 261 9 0 257 6 0 518 15 0 Otago,— Lawrence ... ... ... ,, Qaeenstown ... ... ... „ Naseby ... ... ... ,, Clyde ... ... ... 31 May 109 6 9 37 10 9 15 18 6 70 6 0 233 2 0 Total District Courts 2,101 1 6 RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURTS -.— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Onehunga, Otahuhu, &c. ... ... 31 May Opotiki ' ... ... ... 30 April Shortland ... ... ... 30 June Coromandel ... ... ... ,, Papakura, Drury, and Pokeno ... 31 May Waiuku ... ... ... „ Wangarei ... ... ... „ Russell ... ... ... ,, Kaipara ... ... ... 30 June Mongonui ... ... ... 31 May "Waimate, Hokianga, &c. ... ... ,, Waikato District ... ... ... 30 June Raglan ... ... ... 31 May Tauranga ... ... ... „ Turanganui ... ... ... ,, Taupo ... ... ... 30 June 1,988 6 10 149 12 7 19 13 6 1,333 7 3 182 10 6 131 5 2 56 7 2 9 18 10 126 3 3 1 11 6 9 8 0 23 11 6 176 16 7 11 3 0 67 7 6 56 9 6 6 11 6 Taeanaki, — New Plymouth ... ... ... ,, Carlyle ... ... ... 31 May 4,350 4 2 217 6 2 83 7 6 300 13 8 Wellington,— WelKngton ... ... ... 30 June Otaki ... ... ... „ Marton ... ... ... 31 May Wanganui ... ... ... 30 June Wairarapa ... ... ... 31 May Upper Wanganui ... ... ... 30 June 860 14 0 22 0 0 153 2 0 641 12 0 197 14 1 20 0 0 Carried forward 1,895 2 1 6,545 19 11 8,039 17 8

B.—No. 1



EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED 'UND in detail — continue^ JUDICIAL-FEES AND FINES—stowed. £ s. d. £ b. a. £ s. d. Brought forward RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURTS— continued. Hawke's Bat, — Napier ... ... ... 30 June Wairoa ... ... ... 31 May Waipawa ... ... ... Jan. to 31 March 6,545 19 11 8,039 17 8 258 U 0 61 2 6 5 2 6 324 19 0 Neison,-*-Nelson ... ... ... 30 June Richmond ... ... ... ,, Spring Grove ... ... ... 31 May Collingwood ... ... ... „ Motueka ... ... ... ,, Westport ... ... ... 30 June Charleston ... ... ... ,, Cobden ... ... ... „ Amuri ... ... ... 31 May Ahauva ... ... ... 30 June Wangapeka ... ... ... Nov. to 31 May Matakitaki ... ... ... Dec. to 30 June 612 17 4 36 5 6 73 7 0 34 11 6 84 5 8 332 3 4 272 7 0 432 8 2 32 1 4 750 12 5 30 16 2 17 18 0 Maelbobough,— Blenheim ... ... ... 30 June Pieton ... ... ... „ Havelock ... ... ... 31 May 2,709 13 5 153 3 3 74 1 11 99 19 6 327 4 8 Cantbkbuey,— Christchurch ... ... ... 30 June Lyttolton ... ... ... „ Kaiapoi ... ... ... „ Rangiora and Leithfield ... ... „ Akaroa ... ... ... 31 May Timaru ... ... ... 30 June Arowhenua ... ... ... ,, Waimate ... ... ... 31 May Oxford ... ... ... 30 June 2,201 7 2 377 10 0 312 6 8 206 12 5 131 0 9 403 11 7 179 8 2 38 17 9 97 1 5 Westlakd, — Hokitika ... ... ... „ Greyrnouth ... ... ... „ Stafford Boss ... ... ... „ Okarito ... ... ... 31 May Pounamu ... ... ... 30 June 984 16 6 1,282 16 0 235 16 6 437 5 0 156 16 0 136 10 0 3,948 1 11 3,234 0 0 Otago,—■ Dunedin ... ... ... ,, „ (Mayor's Court) ... ... 31 May Port Chalmers ... ... ... ,, West Taieri ... ... ... 30 June Oamaru ... ... ... ,, Hampden ... ... ... ,, Tokomairiro ... ... ... ,, Hawkesbury ... ... ... ,, Palmerston ... ... ... ,, Molyneux ... ... ... ,, Queenstown ... ... ... „ Arrowtown ... ... ... ,, Clyde ... ... ... 31 May Cromwell ... ... ... ,, Alexandra ... ... ... 30 June Black's ... ... ... 31 May Naseby ... ... ... 30 June St. Bathan's ... ... ... 31 May Lawrence ... ... ... 30 June Waipori ... ... ... 30 April Switzera ... ... ... 31 May Roxburgh ... ... ... 30 June Invercargill and Riverton ... ... 6 Oct. to 30 June 1,520 1 5 268 2 6 212 4 6 56 8 4 559 3 2 40 15 2 223 8 11 125 15 1 55 0 0 127 16 0 250 2 10 123 15 6 196 13 7 212 0 0 100 8 0 55 16 0 144 1 2 40 1 0 427 13 0 42 16 6 187 9 6 105 2 6 264 1 9 Southland, — Invereargill and Riyerton ... ... 5 October Orepuki ... ... ... „ 5,338 16 5 124 14 0 3 2 0 127 16 0 22 12 10 Chatham Islands ... ... ... 28 February Total Resident Magistrates'Courts 22,579 4 2 PETTY SESSIONS COURTS :— Auckland, — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Mongonui ... ... ... 31 May Bay of Islands ... ... ... ,, 116 8 6 12 0 2 0 0 119 10 6 Carried forward 119 10 6 30,619 1 10


B.— No. l,


EECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED TTND ts detail — continue^ £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. JUDICIAL— FEES AND FINES— continued. Brought forward PETTY SESSIONS COURTS—continued. Hawke's Bay,— Ngaruroro ... ... ... 31 May Waipawa ... ... ... Jan. to March 119 10 6 30,619 1 10 100 0 7 14 2 11 114 3 6 Maelboeough, — Kaikoura ... ... ... 31 May 22 19 6 22 19 6 Cantbbbuey,—■ Ellesmere ... ... ... 30 June 158 17 5 Otago,— Naseby ... ... ... „ Lawrence ... ... ... ,, Oamaru ... ... ... „ Mataura ... ... ... 6 Oct. to 31 Dec. Taringatura ... ... ... „ 31 May; 30 13 11 9 6 6 10 11 8 2 15 6 5 3 10 Southland, — Taringatura ... ... ... 5 October Total Petty Sessions Court ... 58 11 5 6 14 6 480 16 10 Total Judicial—Fees and Fines ... £31,099 18 8 REGISTRATION AND OTHER FEES. Eegisteation ov Land : — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Wellington ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bat ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Cantehetjby ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... » 84 1 1 45 11 0 5 3 0 44 12 0 236 0 0 496 5 6 op Deeds : — Auckland ... ... ... „ Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... „ Hawkb's Bat ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Mablboeough ... ... ... ,, Cantebbukt ... ... ... ,, Westland ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ Southland ... ... ... 5 October, 1870 3,892 13 0 468 12 6 1,510 13 0 678 14 0 643 8 6 568 6 0 3,297 9 6 395 15 0 3,565 9 6 290 10 0 911 12 7 Eegisteation oe Bisths, &C.: — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Tabanaki ... ... ... 31 May Wellington ... ... ... 30 June Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 31 May Nelson ... ... ... „ Mablboeough ... ... ... „ Oanteebuet ... ... ... 30 June Westland ... ... ... 31 May Otaqo ... ... ... 30 June Southland ... ... ... 5 October, 1870 Chatham Islands ... ... ... 28 February 15,311 11 0 622 14 0 30 7 6 266 15 6 72 17 6 211 10 0 56 17 6 443 3 6 223 11 6 732 9 0 34 13 6 7 15 0 2,702 14 6 Eegisteation of Joint Stock Companies :— Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... 31 May Nelson ... ... ... 30 June Canteebukt ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... 31 May Otago ... ... ... „ 173 13 6 8 15 0 48 10 6 290 4 6 15 2 0 15 12 6 28 11 0 Issue oe Ceown Geants: — Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... „ 1,435 17 1 430 13 1 446 2 1 Carried forward 2,312 12 3 19,216 2 7

B.—No. 1



EECEIPT8 op the CONSOLIDATED 'TJND nr detail — continue! EEGISTEATION AND OTHER FEES-co^W. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. a. Brought forward 2,312 12 3 19,216 2 7 Issue op Cbown G-bants— continued. Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 30 June Nelson ... ... ... „ Maelboeough ... ... ... „ Canteebuey ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ Southland ... ... ... 5 October, 1870 369 1 2 421 16 7 213 16 9 1,958 17 0 300 11 6 1,948 18 9 113 4 6 " Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856 :"— Wellington ... ... ... 30 June 7,638 18 6 48 18 11 "Native Circuit Couets Act, 1858:" —■ Auckland ... ... ... „ Chatham Islands ... ... ... „ 9 7 6 2 4 0 11 11 6 "Medical Peactitionees Registeation Act, 1869:"— Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Wellington ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 31 May Nelson ... ... ... „ Canteebuey ... ... ... 30 June Westland ... ... ... 31 May Otago ... ... ... 30 June 4 10 0 3 5 0 15 0 10 0 4 0 0 2 15 0 1 10 0 18 5 0 "Patents Act, 1860-70:"— Auckland ... ... ... „ Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... ,, Hawke's Bay ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Canteebuby ... ... ... „ Westland ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ 13 11 0 110 151 11 0 20 0 0 2 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 22 10 0 "Aliens Act, I860:"— Auckland ... ... ... 30 June Wellington ... ... ... „ 236 3 0 2 0 0 68 1 0 70 1 0 "Lost Land Oedees Act, 1861:"— Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Canteebuey ... ... ... „ 6 0 0 0 10 0 6 10 0 " Lost Licenses and Leases Act, 1865:" — Cantebbuey ... ... ... „ 25 0 0 "Debtoes and Ceeditoes Act Amendment Act, 1865-66:"— Auckland ... ... ... 30 June 17 13 0 " Licensing Oedinancb Amendment Act, 1866 :"— Chatham Islands ... ... ... „ 25 0 0 " Aemed Constabulaey Act, 1867 :"— Fines ... ... ... 30 June 1,389 15 7 " Coeonees Act, 1867 :"— Wellington ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ 0 10 0 10 0 1 10 0 " Lunatics Aot, 1868 :"— Auckland ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Otago ... ... ... „ 14 15 6 13 3 1 20 0 0 47 18 7 " Weights and Measttees Act, 1868 :"— Auckland ... ... ... „ Taeanaki ... ... ... „ Wellington ... ... ... „ Hawke's Bay ... ... ... „ Nelson ... ... ... „ Maelboeough ... ... ... „ Cantebbuby ... ... ... 31 May Westland ... ... ... 30 June Otago ... ... ... „ Southland ... ... ... 5 Oct., 1870 7 15 0 0 16 7 1 1 10 0 2 0 1 6 11 16 0 4 11 13 9 12 11 7 0 7 1 51 15 1 Total Eegistbation and otheb Pees £28,805 2 9



B.—No. l,

RECEIPTS of the CONSOLIDATED 'TJND nf detaii — eontinn, £ s. d. £ s. d. £ >. d. INCIDENTAL REVENUE. \ Interest on Public Moneys : — On Credit Balance of Public Account for the half-year ended 30 September, 1870 ... On Deposits in London Banks On Waitotara Loans, to 31 March, 1871 ... On Advances to Province of Southland On Trust Fund Investments, viz., — On £(55,000 New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols, 3 months to 15 January, 1869 ... £812 10 0 On £65,900 New Zealand 5 per cent. Consols, 3 months to 15 July, 1870 ... 823 15 0 2,132 4 9 488 4 0 100 5 0 380 3 1 1,636 5 0 Miscellaneous : — Transfers from Trust Fund under the 18th section of " The Public Revenues Act, 1867,"— Intestate Estates ... ... ... £2,867 0 9 Estates of Deceased Soldiers ... ... 26 7 0 Patriotic Fund ... ... ... 1,059 9 2 4,737 1 10 Rent of Reserves, Akaroa ... ... £32 3 0 GodleyHead ... ... 6 0 0 3,952 16 11 £32 3 0 6 0 0 Native Lands, Duties on—Chatham Islands Storage of Powder, Auckland ... ... £42 15 8 Wellington ... ... 38 6 6 38 3 0 126 13 9 £42 15 8 38 6 6 Sales of Felons'Property Sale of Dr. Hochstetter's Work ... Profit on Investment of Trust Funds Sundries 81 2 2 61 18 0 2 10 0 420 0 0 135 18 9 Total Incidental Revenue 4,819 2 7 £9,556 4 5 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. CREDITS in Reduction of Expenditube ; — Liabilities of 1869-70,— Civil List, — Division II. Permanent Charges,— Interest and Sinking Fund, — " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867,"— Sinking Fund overpaid for, — Three months ended 15 July, 1868 Appropriations —Vote 1, — Item 7—Militia and Volunteers ... £228 10 7 Item 8—Armed Constabulary ... 78 18 2 Item 14 —Registration, — Otago ... ... ... 7 5 0 Item 23 —Resident Magistrate's Court, — Welling ton ... ... ... 6 17 0 Item 24 —Criminal Prosecutions, — Colonial ... ... ... 13 13 0 Wellington ... ... 1 15 0 Item 30—Postal,— Wellington ... ... ... 0 16 1 Item 31—Telegraph—G-encralContingencies 22 0 0 Item 32—Telegraph—Taupo Line ... 2,889 11 2 Item 33 —Telegraph, — Auckland ... ... ... 6 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... 263 0 0 Otago ... ... ... 98 17 0 Item 35—Miscellaneous ... ... 201 6 3 Item 38—Militia and Volunteers, — Hawke's Bat... ... ... 33 15 0 Item 39—Contingencies —Defence ... 9,653 12 11 128 7 0 2 5 0 13,505 17 2 13,636 9 2 Carried forward 13,636 9 2 4

B—No. 1



EECEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in Detaii,— continue, MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward CREDITS IN" Reduction oe Expenditube— continued. Financial Yeak 1870-71: — Civil List, — Division I. Permanent Charges, — "Civil Service Act, 1866" ... ... £10 0 0 "Native Schools Act, 1867" ... 18 15 0 "Military Pensions Act, 1866" ... 0 2 0 "Lunatics Act, 1868" ... £66 16 6 „ „ Otago 54 13 4 13,636 9 2 1,027 15 11 — 121 9 10 Appropriations,— Vote 11—Printing Department ... £55 17 0 Vote 17—Electoral,— Auckland ... ... £21 15 0 Wellington ... ... 17 10 0 Marlboeough ... ... 1 13 0 Canteebubt ... ... 17 13 0 Wbstland ... ... 3 14 0 Otago ... ... 39 3 0 150 6 10 101 8 0 Vote 18—Prosecutions for Treason ... 110 10 8 Vote 21—Eesident Magistrate's Court, — Auckland ... ... ... 3 13 0 Vote 23—Criminal Prosecutions, — Auckland ... ... £2 5 0 Canteebuey ... ... 3 0 0 5 5 0 Vote 26—Postal—General... ... 60 6 0 Vote 27 —Conveyance of Mails by Sea 121 7 0 Postal Department,— Vote 28—Auckland ... ... 331 5 0 Vote 29—Tabanaki ... ... 0 2 0 Vote 31—Hawkb's Bay ... 0 6 0 Vote 34—Canteebuey ... ... 41 13 4 Vote 35—Westland ... ... 12 8 1 Vote 36—Otago ... ... 175 0 0 Vote 37—Southland ... ... 0 3 0 Vote 39—Telegraphic,— Auckland ... ... £6 0 0 Wellington ... ... 5 0 0 Hawke's Bay... ... 26 13 4 Nelson ... ... 2 10 0 Maelboeouqii... ... 9 18 11 Canteebuey ... ... 7 0 0 Westland ... ... 1 18 6 Otago ... ... 227 18 6 r, . -n . 286 19 3 Customs Department, — Vote 45—Nelson ... ... 0 5 3 Vote 48—Westland ... ... 0 5 3 Vote 54—Marine, — Sale of schooner " Edith," &c. ... 1,279 15 10 Vote 55 —Native Contingencies ... 43 6 6 Vote 56—Salaries of Officers ... 15 0 0 Vote 57 —Trustee, Native Eeserves ... 105 4 6 Vote 58 —Native Lands Court, — Auckland, — Salary of Chief Judge ... £200 0 0 Contingencies ... 351 2 9 551 2 9 Vote 61—Miscellaneous, — Printing, &e. ... ... ... 692 18 8 Vote 02 —Bank Commission ... 19 1 Vote 77 —Militia and Volunteers,' — Southland ... ... ... 400 Supplementary, 1870-71 :■ —■ Advances, Province of Wellington £4,918 13 1 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 516 13 4 3,999 11 2 5,435 6 5 TREASURY BILLS :— Amount raised under " Treasury Bills Act, 1870" ... 10,613 0 4 24,249 9 6 50,000 0 0 SINKING FUND RELEASE ACCOUNT :— Sinking Fund of the Loan of 1863 released, viz., — Series, 1891 „ 1914 1,512 0 0 3,836 0 0 5,348 0 0 Carried forward 79,597 9 G



B.—No. 1

EBCEIPTS op the CONSOLIDATED TFND in detail — continue! MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT S—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 79,597 9 6 RECOVERIES :— On Account of Payments made from Revenue of previous Year, — Prom Public Worts Account, on account of Roads Prom Province of "Wellington, on account of Wanganui Bridge ... Prom Province of Southland, for Certified Debts in excess of Appropriation ... Unauthorized Expenditure of Years 18G8-69 and 1869-70, charged Provincially,— 1868-69—Wellington ... ... £1,492 10 0 1869-70—Auckland »... ... 1,388 12 8 „ Hawke's Bay ... 150 0 0 Nelson ... ... 393 11 8 „ Maelbobough 21 0 0 „ Canteebuey ... ... 342 13 0 „ Westland ... ... 97 15 6 „ Southland ... ... 8,051 0 2 24,754 4 2 15,000 0 0 2,028 5 4 11,937 3 0 Prom Provinces in respect of Balances at Debit of Accounts under " Public Revenues Act, 1867," — Auckland ... ... ... £3,183 10 0 Taeanaki ... ... ... 1,090 13 2 Wellington ... ... ... 4,506 8 10 Hawke's Bay... ... ... 1,627 11 6 Nelson ... ... ... 1,204 4 4 MaBLBOROUGH ... ... ... 430 15 4 Canteebuby ... ... ... 13,391 14 1 Westland ... ... ... 4,293 6 5 Otago ... ... ... 11,940 16 9 Southland ... ... ... 7,814 8 7 53,719 12 6 49,483 9 0 Prom Provinces in respect of Balances at Debit of Accounts under " Payments to Provinces Act, 1870," — Wellington" Hawke's Bay Otago southlasd 441 12 7 22 8 4 220 3 0 11,876 14 5 103,203 1 6 12,560 18 4 17,184 O 7 Balance of Reserve Account of 1869-70 returned to Revenue ... TRANSFERS from Special Fund undee Section 7 of " Appbopeiation Act, 1870 :"— Prom Loan of 1856 Prom Consolidated Loan of 1867 ... Prom Consolidated Loan ofl869 Prom Public Debts Act Account ... 132,948 0 5 32,383 2 3 19,478 15 1 1,000 0 0 237 1 0 53,098 18 4 Advances eoe Public Works Repaid Advances feom Special Fund in London Deficiency Bill under " Public Revenues Act, 1867," in Renewal of Overdraft Tebasuey Bills Renewed, under " Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870 " 9,073 6 7 66,295 6 6 60,000 0 0 265,644 8 3 200,000 0 0 335,368 13 1 Total Miscellaneous Receipts £601,013 1 4

B.—No. 1.



B.—No. 1




£ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. CIVIL LIST FUND ACCOUNT. First Division. I-enekal Expenses : — Passage of the Hon. F. D. Bell to Melbourne 12 0 0 Second Division. lATIVE PUBPOSES: — Salaries of European Officers Pensioners Travelling Expenses Food ... Clothing Miscellaneous ... 111 18 4 192 13 4 683 18 1 665 14 10 178 14 9 525 2 1 Less amount transferrea to Civil List, 1870-71 2,358 1 5 276 6 5 2,081 15 0 2,093 15 CIVIL LIST, 1870-71. Fiest Division. 4,500 0 0 Iis Excellency the Goveenob:— Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 'he Judges : — The Chief Justice,— Sir G-. A. Arney ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 The Puisne Judges, — A. J. Johnston, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,500 0 0 C. W. Eichmona „ „ to „ „ 1,500 0 0 H. B. Gresson „ „ to „ „ 1,500 0 0 H. S. Chapman „ „ to „ „ 1,500 0 0 1,700 0 0 6,000 0 0 ISTABLISHMEST OP THE GENERAL GOVEBNMEKT: — The Premier, — W. Fox, Uuly,1870,to30June,1871£l,000 0 0 The Colonial Secretary,— "W. Gisborne „ „ to „ „ 1,000 0 0 The Colonial Treasurer, — J. Vogel „ „ to „ „ 1,000 0 0 The Defence Minister, — D. McLean, (moiety of salary) to „ „ 500 0 0 The Minister of Justice, — H. Sewell „ „ to „ „ 1,000 0 0 7,700 0 0 The Attorney-General,— J. Prendergast, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... The Under Secretary,— G. S. Cooper " „ „ to „ „ £600 0 0 The Assistant Treasurer,— J. Wooaward „ „ to „ „ 600 0 0 The Under Secretary for Defence, — G. S. Cooper " „ „ to „ „ 100 0 0 The Secretary for Customs, — W. Seed „ „ to „ „ 800 0 0 4,500 0 0 200 0 0 2,100 0 0 Carried forward 6,800 0 0 12,200 0 0 2,093 15 0

B.—No. 1,





s B . a. £ s. d. £ s. d. CIVIL LIST. 2,093 15 0 Brought forward 6,800 0 0 12,200 0 0 Establishment op the Genebal Government — continued. The Agent of the General Government, Hawke's ISay,— J.D. Ormond, 1 July, 1870, to 25 January, 1871 Secretary to Cabinet „ „ to 30 June, 1871 The Commissioner of Armed Constabulary, —■ St. J. Branigan, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1S71 £525 0 0 On account of April ... ... 2 15 11 418 0 0 50 0 0 527 15 11 General Expenses,— Travelling Expenses of Ministers 72 13 0 7,868 8 11 Total First Division 20,068 8 11 Second Division. Native Purposes : — The Native Minister, — D. McLean (moiety of salary) ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 500 0 0 Native Minister's Department, — Salaries .., ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 1,466 19 10 Civil Commissioners, — Auckland ... ... ... £600 0 0 Taeanaki 650 0 0 1,250 0 0 Pensions, — Auckland ... ... ... £1,115 15 8 Wellington ... ... ... 235 1 9 Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 75 0 0 1,425 17 5 Medical Officers, — Auckland £208 6 8 Takanaki ... ... ... 150 0 0 Wellin&ton ... ... ... 375 0 0 Cantebbury ... ... ... 47 18 4 Southland ... ... ... 101 5 0 882 10 0 200 0 0 Native Agent, Wangaiiui ... ... ■ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... £144 4 1 Ditto Amount transferred from Civil List Fund Account ... ... ... 276 6 5 420 10 6 26,214 6 8 Total Second Division 6,145 17 9 Total Civil List, 1870-71 ... Total £28,308 1 8 i

INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. LIABILITIES OF 1869-70. COLONIAL CHAEQ-ES :— " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860," — Interest at 6 por cent., — On £1,800, 1 January to 15 April, 1870 31 10 0 "New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65," — Interest at 5 per cent., — On £66,300,15 Jan. to 15 April, 1870 £828 15 0 On £2,900, half-year ended 15 July, 1870 72 10 0 901 5 0 Interest at 6 por cent., — On £14,200, 15 March to 15 April, 1870 £71 0 0 On £12,000,15 Dec, 18G9, to 15 April, 1870 240 0 0 On £7,400 „ to „ 148 0 0 On £2,200, half-year ended 15 June, 1870 66 0 0 525 0 0 1,426 5 0 Carried forward 1,457 15 0

B.—No. 1



KECEIPTS oj? the CONSOLIDATED FUND m de< .IL — continuei PEEMANEKT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. 1,457 15 0 Brought forward COLONIAL OHAKG-ES— eonMmed. " Public Debts Act, 1867," — " Auckland Loan Act, 1863,"— Interest at G per cent., — On £5,850, 1 to 15 April, 1870 ... " Taranaki Loan Ordinance, 1863," — Interest at 7 per cent., — Two years, to 1 October, 1869 ... £7 0 0 Half-year, to 1 April, 1870 ... 26 5 0 14 12 G 33 5 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Interest at 5 per cent., — Three months to, — 15 July, 1868 15 October, 1868 15 January, 1869 15 April, 1869 15 July, 1809 15 October, 1869 15 January, 1870 15 April, 1870 15 July, 1870 2 10 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 11 5 0 11 5 0 11 5 0 43 15 0 197 10 0 47 17 6 " Teeasttrx Biels Act, 1809," — Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £100, for half-year to 31 March, 1870 285 0 0 3 0 8 " Theasuey Bills Act, 1869, No. 2,"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £1,600, 4 May to 30 June, 1870... On £33,100, half-year to 30 Jane, 1870 15 4 0 998 10 4 1,013 14 4 Total Liabilities of 18G9-70 ... 2,807 7 6 FINANCIAL TEAE 1870-71. COLONIAL CHARGES :— "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856," — Interest at 4 per cent., — On £75,000, one year ended 81 March, 1871 ... ... ... ... £3,000 0 0 On £425,000, one year ended 30 June, 1871 ... ..." ... ... 17,000 0 0 Sinking Fund, at 2 per cent., — On £75,000, one year ended 31 March, 1871 ... ... ... ... £1,500 0 0 On £425,000, one year ended 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... ... 8,500 0 0 20,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1860," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £600, 1 to 15 July, 1870 ... £1 10 0 Half-year ended, —- 30 June, 1870 ... ... 2,865 0 0 31 December, 1870 ... ... 2,832 0 0 30 June, 1871 ... ... 2,793 0 0 30,000 0 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £93,100, one year ended 30 June, 1871 ... 8,491 10 0 1,862 0 0 10,353 10 0 "New Zealand Loan Acts, 1863-65,"— Interest at 4 per cent., — On £500,000, one year to 1 May, 1871 Interest at 5 per cent., — On £524,300, half-year to 15 January, 1871 ... Interest at 6 per cent., —■ Half-year to, —■ 15 September, 1670 ... ... £122 19 0 15 December, 1870 ... ... 10,662 0 0 15 March, 1871 ... ... 6,462 0 0 15 June, 1871 ... ... 9,960 0 0 On £8,200, 15 March to 15 July, 1870 164 0 0 On £6,200, 15 June to 15 July, 1870 31 0 0 On £4,600, „ to „ „ 23 0 0 20,000 0 0 13,107 10 0 I 27,424 19 0 Carried forward 60,532 9 0 40,353 10 0 2,807 7 6

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail—cow* inued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. Interest and Sinking Fund— continued. 40,353 10 0 2,807 7 6 Brought forward 60,532 9 0 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. " New Zealand Loan Acts, 1363-65,"—-continued. Sinking Fund at 1 per cent.,- — On £501,900, half-year to 16 July, 1869 ... £2,509 10 0 Less charged in Accounts of 1869-70, page 9 1,183 0 0 1,328 10 0 On £501,900, half-year to 15 Jan., 1870 2,509 10 0 On £500,000, one year to 1 May, 1871 5,000 0 0 On £524,300, half-year to 15 Jan., 1871 2,62110 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £342,800, half-year to 15 June, 1870 ... £3,428 0 0 Less charged in Accounts of 18G9-7O, page 61 1,910 0 0 . 1,512 0 0 On £355,400, half-year to 15 Dec, 1870 3,554 0 0 On £215,400, half-year to 15 March, 1871 2,154 0 0 On £332,000, half-year to 15 June, 1871 3,320 0 0 21,997 10 0 " Public Debts Act, 1867," — " Auckland Loan Act, 1863,"— Interest at 6 per cent., — Half-year to 30 September, 1870 ... £1,162 10 0 On £1,300, 1 April to 15 July, 1870 22 15 0 Sinking Fund at 2 per cent., — On £38,750, one year to 30 June, 1870 775 0 0 On £31,600, one year to 30 June, 1871 632 0 0 82,529 19 0 " Taranaki Loan Ordinance, 1863," — Interest at 7 per cent., — Half-year to, — 1 October, 1870 ... ... £495 5 0 1 April, 1871 ... ... 477 35 0 2,592 5 0 973 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1862," — Interest at 8 per cent., — On £2,000, half-year to 30 June, 1871 £80 0 0 Sinking Fund at 4 per cent.,— On £2,000, half-year to 30 June, 1871 40 0 0 I I 120 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 18G6, No. 3,"— Interest at 8 per cent., — I On £13,500, half-year to 80 June, 1871 540 0 0 ', I "Wellington Loan Act, 18G6, No. 11,"— Interest at 10 per cent., —■ On £29,100, half-year to 30 June, 1871 1,455 0 0 5,680 5 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 18G7," — Interest at 5 per cent.,— 6 montha to,— 15 July, 1870 ... ... ... £823 15 0 3 montha to, — 15'October, 1870 ... ... 52,387 10 0 i 15 January, 1871 ... ... 53,710 0 0| 15 April, 1871 ... ... 55,107 6 9 Interest on Scrip issued in anticipation of Debentures, — 6 months to, — 30 September, 1870 ... ... £60 0 0 31 March, 1871 ... ... 60 0 0 162,028 11 9 120 0 0 Sinking Fund at 1 per cent., — 3 months to, — 15 October, 1870 ... ... £10,477 10 0 15 January, 1871 ... ... 10,742 0 0 15 April, 1871 ... ... 11,052 10 0 ,162,148 11-9 32,272 0 0 I 194,420 11 9 ' . I ■Carried forward ■*■ ■ 322,984 5 9 2,807 7 6 G

B—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont, ■mied. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Interest and Sinking "Fund—continued. 322,984 5 9 2,807 7 6 Brought forward COLONIAL CHABGKES— continued. " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869," — Interest at 6 per cent., — On £79,000, half-year ended — 31 December, 1870 30 June, 1871 2,370 0 0 2,370 0 0 " Temporary Loan Act, 1870," — Interest on Advances amounting to £423,617 Is. 10d., to 30 June, 1871 4, 740 0 0 10,493 4 9 " Teeast/ky Bills Act, 1868,"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £82,000, half-year to 30 September, 1870 ... 2,501 0 0 "Tbeasuby Bills Act, 1869,"— Interest at 3fd. per cent, per diem, — On £55,000, half-year to, — 30 September, 1870 ... ... £1,520 5 4 31 March, 1871 ... ... 1,511 19 9 Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £95,000, half-year to, — 30 September, 1870 ... ... £2,897 10 0 31 March, 1871 ... ... 2,881 13 4 3,032 5 1 5,779 3 4 "Tbeasuey Bills Act, 1869, No. 2,"— Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £300, half-year to 30 June, 1870 On £150,000, half-year to 81 December, 1870... On £130,000, half-year to 30 June, 1871 8,811 8 5 9 10 4,600 0 0 3,921 13 4 8,530 14 4 " Tehasuey Bills Act, 1870," — Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem., — On £12,000, 2G July to 31 October, 1870 194 0 0 " Teeasuey Bills Extended Cubeency Act, 1870," — Interest at 4d. per cent, per diem, — On £8,350, half-year to 31 March, 1871 253 5 8 Total Financial Year 1870-71 358,507 18 11 Total £361,315 6 5 UNDER ACTS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. LIABILITIES OF 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES:— "Armed Constabulaey Act, 1867," — Reward to Constable «* 3 0 0 "Bank oi? Issue Winding-up Act, 1856," — Notes redeemed 2 0 0 "Bankruptcy Act, 1867," — Clerical Assistance, &c. 61 9 6 "Baetley Pension Act, 1867," — T. H. Bartley ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 75 0 0 " Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61," — Allowances, — D. Berry ... ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 IE. Catchpool ... ... ,, to „ ,, E. Chapman ... ... 1 Jan. to ,, „ 18 1 3 68 6 3 127 19 6 Carried forward 214 7 0 141 9 6

B.—No. I



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND rs detail— cont; inued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ a. a. S a. d. Under Acts of General Assembly — continued. 214 7 0 141 9 6 Brought forward COLONIAL OHABGKES— continued. "Civil Service Superannuation Acts, 1858-61," — continued. W. Corbett ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 W. Culpan ... ... ,, to >! ,, D. S. Durie ... ... „ to „ „ J. G-. Johnson ... ... „ to ,, „ II. C. Lawlor ... ... „ to „ ,, C. H. Melntosh ... ... „ to „ „ J.Matthews ... ... April G-. M. Mitford ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 T. Outhwaito ... ... „ to „ „ K. F. Porter ... ... „ to „ „ T. Sanders ... ... ,, to „ „ W. Tidmarsh ... ... „ to „ „ A. W. Shand ... 1 July, 1868, to J.Watson... ... ... 1 May to „ „ J. White ... ... ... 1 April to „ „ W. Young... ... ... „ to „ „ 68 6 0 15 12 6 45 9 2 18 15 0 32 14 6 41 8 6 6 16 1 49 3 9 84 16 8 88 2 2 12 10 0 17 7 0 344 10 4 29 15 2 7 14 0 87 10 0 1,164 17 10 "Civil Service Act, 1866,"— J. Creamer 1 Dec. to 9 Dee., 1869 P. A. Deck ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 D. S. Durio ... ... „ to „ E. Lyle ... ... ... >, to „ „ J. Lynch ... ... •■• » to „ „ 3. Gillies ... ... ... „ to „ „ 14 8 11 19 11 7 0 2 22 0 0 17 17 3 33 6 8 "Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867,"— Officers of the House of Eepresentatives June, 1870 93 8 8 50 0 0 "Martin's Annuity Act, 1858," — Sir W. Martin ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 83 G 8 "Meredith and Others Pensions Act, 1870,"— Mary Collins ... 13 Nor., 1869, to 30 Juno, 1870 41 3 4 "Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862," — Pensions to Widows, — A. Herford ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 Compassionate Allowances, — K. T. Coad, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £2 10 0 J. H. Coad, 1 Oct., 1869, to „ „ 7 10 0 E. EVUoon, 1 Jan. to „ „ 25 0 0 J. W. Shaw, 1 April to „ „ 3 10 0 A. Herford „ to „ „ 10 0 0 32 10 0 48 10 0 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries, — W. Coady, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £4 11 0 B. Leaf, 12 May to „ 15 0 W. H. Skinner, 1 May to „ „ 7 12 6 W. Thompson, 1 April to „ „ 6 16 10 20 5 4 "Military Pensions Act, 1866,"— Pensions to Widows, — C. M. Buck, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £17 10 0 C. J. G-eary, 1 May to 12 May „ 13 2 E. McDonald, 6 June, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 38 10 0 C. McKenzie, 1 April to „ „ 4 10 0 A. Morrison „ to „ „ 9 0 0 M. Spain „ to „ „ 5 0 0 A. Von Tempsky „ to „ „ 30 0 0 Ditto (arrears) ... ... ... 034 Iritone Anita, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 3 0 0 Ditto (additional pension, from 8 Nov., 1868, to 30 June, 1869) ... ... 7 15 4 Parekuku Wiremu, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 3 5 0 Eepora, 1 March to „ „ 10 0 0 Eoka Hcnvi, 1 April to „ „ 6 10 0 Tarehira Kereti, 1 Jan. to „ „ 13 0 0 Tarehira Patu, 1 April to „ v 6 10 0 Wiki Manihera „ to „ „ 3 5 0 101 5 4 159 1 10 Compassionate Allowances, —■ H. E. and T. Garner, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £4 0 0 C. J. Geary, 1 May to „ 2 0 0 E. McDonald, 16 Sept., 1869, to „ „ 4 15 0 Meretiana & Xe Hira, 1 April to „ „ 4 0 0 Eepora, 1 March to „ „ 2 0 0 Carried forward 16 15 0 1,675 11 4 159 1 10

B.—No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND in detail — continued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 159 1 10 1,675 11 4 Brought forward £16 IS 0 COLONIAL OHABGKES— continued. "Militabt Pensions Act, 1866," — continued. Compassionate Allowances — continued. A. Von Tempsky (arrears) ... ... £0 18 A. Von Tempsky, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 15 0 0 A. Morrison „ to „ „ 6 0 0 C. McKenzie „ to „ 6 0 0 43 16 3 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries, — T. Adamson, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £6 1G 10 J. Or. Beamish, 1 Oct., 1869, to „ „ 18 11 9 J. Evans, 11 May to ., „ 15 6 L. Farrell, 1 April to „ „ 4 16 0 J. Fletcher, 1 Jan. to „ „ 27 3 0 M. Gibbons, 11 May to „ „ 5 10 6 E. L. Hope, 12 May to „ „ 3 15 0 W. Howard, 6 April to „ „ 8 8 8 L. Hyland, 1 April to „ „ 9 17 2 T. Kelly, 1 May to „ „ 6 12 2 P. Kershaw, 1 April to „ ,, 6 16 6 Gr. Lacey, 1 March to „ „ 13 3 7 W. McDonald, 1 April to „ „ 37 10 0 Gr. McKay, 26 Nov., 1869, to „ „ 21 14 0 J. A. Percy, 1 Jan. to „ „ 75 0 0 H. Koche, 1 May to „ „ 6 12 2 K. Shepherd „ to „ „ 9 3 0 W. C. Stewart, 1 June to „ ., 1 10 0 Gr. Tuffin, 1 April to „ „ 9 17 8 R. Vance, 1 May to „ „ 6 12 2 E. O. Wasley, 12 June to „ „ 2 12 J. Williams, 11 March to „ „ 11 4 0 E. Williamson, 1 April to „ 9 2 6 Apera Te Koenga „ to „ „ 11 8 1 Anara Patapu „ to „ „ 3 8 5 Ewita Kcpa, 4 Dec, 1868, to „ „ 14 ■ 6 6 Hemi Tonganni, 9 Nov., 1868, to „ „ 7 9 9 Ditto, 1 April to „ „ 3 8 5 liaraifciana, 11 March to „ „ 4 4 0 Pehira Turei, 1 April to „ „ 12 10 0 Pera Taituna, 12 Oct., 1869, to 30 April, 1870 7 10 9 Tamehana, 11 March to 30 June, „ 2 16 0 Te Poari, 13 March, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 17 16 3 Xamehana Te Awa, 1 April, 1869, to „ „ 11 8 1 Mauparoa, 1 April to 30 June... £310 Moriho „ to „ ... 3 10 £6 2 0 Less charged in Accounts of 1869-70 3 8 6 O TO Q Utulca, 11 March to 30 June, 1870 ... 4 4 0 Mcdicid Examinations... 406 7 1 3 3 0 612 8 7 "Native Schools Act, 1867," — Auckland, —■ Grants in Aid,- — Wesleyan ... ... £73 11 5 Koman Catholic ... ... 17 10 0 __! —— 91 1 5 Miscellaneous ,,. ... ... 70 10 0 161 11 5 WeMINGTOH", — Grants in Aid,— Boman Catholic ... ... ... £27 10 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... Ill 10 2 139 0 2 Hawke's Bat, — Grants in Aid, — Roman Catholic ... 120 9 9 * Cantebbitky,— Grants in Aid, — Church of England 45 0 0 Otago,— Miscellaneous • 35 8 9 Carried forward 501 10 1 2,287 19 11



B.—No, 1.

DISBURSEMENTS or tiie CONSOLIDATED FUND in vet ail—continued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. a. Under Acts of General A saemblj—continued. 501 10 1 2,287 19 11 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. " Native Schools Act, 1867,"' — continued. Southland, — Grant in Aid, — Ruapuke School ... ... ... £33 17 4 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 623 39 19 7 "Pension Act, 1856,"— W. Swainson ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 541 9 8 100 0 0 "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858,"— Taranaki Guarantee ... ... June, 1870 183 6 8 "Public Dkbts Sinking Funds Act, 1868," — Salary of Secretary ... ... ... 1 to 30 June, 1870 Legal Services 4 3 4 37 9 4 41 12 8 " Walsh and Othees Pension Act, 1869," — James Wilson ... ... 1 January to 30 June, 1870 M.A.Walsh ... ... 1 April to „ „ 25 0 0 7 10 0 32 10 0 " Waste Lands Act, 1858,"— Contingencies 37 1 0 "Whiteeey Pension Act, 1869," — M. Whiteley ... ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 25 0 0 3,248 19 11 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— "Peovincial Audit Act, 1866," — Welling ton, — Salary of Provincial Auditor ... 1 April to 30 June, 1870 37 10 0 "Justices of the Peace Act, 1866," — Taeanaki, — Conveying Prisoners to Gaol... ... £6 8 0 Nelson, — Conveying Prisoners to Graol... ... 3446 Otago,— Conveying Prisoners to Gaol... ... 34 13 9 "Lunatics Act, 1868," — Otago,— Solicitors'Fees and Expenses 75 6 3 54 13 4 167 9 7 Total Liabilities op 1869-70 3,416 9 6 FINANCIAL YEAK 1870-71. COLONIAL CHARGES :— " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867," — Rewards, &c. 52 17 5 "Aemitage Pension Act, 1865," — Widow of J. Arinitage 8 Juno, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 159 7 6 " Attorney-Geneeal's Act, 1866," — Attorney-General ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 1,000 0 0 " Audit Act Amendment Act, 1865," —■ Auditor-General ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 800 0 0 " Baetley Pension Act, 1865," — T. H. Bartley ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 300 0 0 " Civil Seevice Superannuation Acts, 1858-61," — Allowances, — D. Berry ... ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 S. Carkeek... ... „ „ to „ „ E. Catchpool ... „ „ to „ „ R. Chapman ... „ „ to 31 March „ J. R. Clendon ... „ . „ to 30 June „ W. Corbett ... „ > „ to 72 5 1 364 5 4 273 5 0 191 19 3 225 17 8 273 4 0 Carried forward 1,400 16 4 2,312 4 11 3,416 9 6 7

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT. ID FUND in detail — continued. PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ 6. d. £ s. d. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 1,400 IS 4 2,312 4 11 3,4,16 9 6 Brought forward COLONIAL CIIARGES— continued. " Civil Service Superahnuation Acts, 1858-61," — continued. Allowances — continued. W. Culpan ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 D. S. Durie ... „ " „ to 31 March „ B. Eglinton ... „ „ to 30 June „ H. B. Gouland ... „ „ to „ „ G. Hawkim ... „ „ to „ „ J. G-. Johnston ... „ „ to 31 March „ H. C. Lawlor ... „ „ to 30 Juno „ J. Matthews ... 1 May „ to „ „ a. M. Mitford ... 1 July „ to „ „ C. H. Mclntosh ... „ „ to „ „ T. Outhwaite ... „ „ to „ ,, Peri ICawau ... „ ,, to ,, ,, D. Poole ... „ „ to 31 March „ R. F. Porter ... „ „ to 30 June „ D. Ross ... ,, ,, to „ ,, D. Hough ... ,, ,, to „ „ J. Sanders ... ,, „ to 31 March „ A. W. Shand ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 J. G. Symonda ... 20 Jan., 1871, to 30 June, 1871 K. B. Strang ... 1 July, 1870, to „ „ W. Tidmarsh ... „ „ to „ „ John Watson ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 J. White ... „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 ■ W T. Young ... „ „ to 30 Juno ,, 62 10 0 136 7 6 71 7 4 85 8 8 83 6 8 56 5 0 130 18 0 95 5 7 196 15 0 165 3 G 339 6 10 31 17 4 41 5 0 352 8 5 66 13 4 277 1 8 37 10 0 88 2 8 89 19 6 303 11 0 69 7 3 89 5 1 23 2 0 350 0 0 4,641 14 2 " Civil Service Act, 1866," — Allowances, — G-. Bowron, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £89 18 3 C. A. Calyert „ „ to „ „ 148 19 6 P. A. Deck „ „ to „ „ 47 19 8 D. S. Durie „ „ to 31 March „ 21 0 6 W. Fitzherbert „ „ to 30 June „ 325 0 0 J. Plight „ „ to „ „ 175 0 0 John Gillies „ „ to „ „ 80 0 0 E. Lyle ,. „ to „ „ 88 0 0 J. Lynch „ „ to „ „ 71 8 7 C. Sharp „ „ to „ „ 204 15 4 B. Walmsley „ „ to „ „ 175 0 0 1,427 1 10 Compensation for Loss of Office, — Judicial Department,— S. Deighton, Wairoa ... ... £263 17 9 A. Shand, Chatham Islands ... G3 7 4 E. Clarke, Westland ... ... 253 12 6 W. E. Thomas, Chatham Islands ... 120 16 7 James Fulton, Taieri, Otago ... 258 5 8 Customs Department, — R. Coleman, Hokitika ... ... 67 7 6 Native Department, — W. Carpenter, Auckland ... ... 4115 10 1,069 3 2 Gratuities, — Widow of E. H. Davis, Assistant Geologist £150 0 0 E. Macalister, Chief Clerk, Post-master-General's Department. 300 0 0 ., W. Mason, Locker, Customs, Auckland ... ... 175 0 0 ,, A. Stewart, Locker, Customs, Dunedin ... ... 200 0 0 825 0 0 " COJIMISSIONEBS POWERS ACT, 1867," — Witnesses in Enquiry re Anne Norris ... 3,321 5 0 3 13 0 " Comptboller's Act, 1865," — Comptroller ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 800 0 0 " Cbowu Grants Act, 1870," — Costs, Recovering Fees on Crown Grants 12 1 0 "Legislative Officers Salaries Act, 1867,"— Salaries—1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Officers of Legislative Council „ House of Representatives ... 1,300 0 0 1,933 6 8 3,233 6 8 Carried forward 14,324 4 0 3,4,16 9 6

B.—No. 1



DISBUBSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATE ID ETIND is detail — continued. PERMANENT CHASGES. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ e. a. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 14,324 4 9 3,416 9 6 Brought forward COLONIAL CHABGKES— continued. "Maetin's Annuity Act, 1858," — Sir W. Martin ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 333 6 8 "Matot Pension Act, 1865,"— B. Mayne... ... ... 1 July to 31 Dec, 1870 100 0 0 "Mebedith and Othbks Pension Act, 1870," — E. Meredith ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 E. 13. Hamlin ... „ „ to „ ,, D. Monro... ... „ „ to 31 March „ Trustees of Mrs. H.Broughton ,, ,, to ., „ II. Deery ... ... „ ,, to 30 June ,, M.Collins ... „ ,, to 31 March „ 60 0 0 50 0 0 13 10 0 94 10 0 26 0 0 48 15 0 292 15 0 " Militia Act Amendment Act, 1862," — Pensions to Widows, — A. Herford, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 £97 10 0 K. Hnssey, 26 June „ to 25 March ,, 60 0 0 S. S. Passniore, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June ,, 46 0 0 L. Sarten „ „ to 31 March „ 27 0 0 230 10 0 Compassionate Allowances, — J. II. CoimI, 1 July, 1870, to 30Sept., 1870 £2 10 0 E. T. Coad „ " „ to 31 Mar., 1871 7 10 0 E. Fulloon „ „ to „ „ 37 10 0 A. Herford „ '. „ to „ „ 30 0 0 Iv. Hussey, 26 June „ to 25 March „ 12 0 0 L. Sarten, 1 July „ to 31 March „ 16 10 0 J. W. Shaw „ „ to ., „ 10 10 0 116 10 0 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries,— W. Bending, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £36 10 0 G-. Bentley „ „ to „ „ 54 15 0 D. Callaghan „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 W. Coady „ „ to 31 March „ 13 14 0 A. J. K. Duim „ „ to 30 June „ 36 10 0 J. Johnston „ „ to „ „ 39 10 10 E. Leaf „ „ to „ „ 9 2 6 W. Messenger „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 W. Oliver „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 W. Osenham „ „ to ., „ 27 7 6 If. Gr. Eawson ,. „ to 31 March „ 34 5 0 W. II. Skinner „ „ to „ „ 34 5 0 W. Thompson „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 13 14 10 W. Viekery „ „ to 30 June, 1871 36 10 0 J. S. Woolfo „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 485 5 6 "Military Pensions Act, 1866," — Pensions to Widows, — M. E. Brown, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Dec, 1870 £37 10 0 C. M. Buck „ ., to 31 Mar., 1871 52 10 0 A. Hart „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 L. Hastings „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 27 10 0 H. E. Hunter „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 45 0 0 C. McKenzie „ „ to 30 June „ 18 0 0 E. McDonald „ „ to 31 March ,, 27 0 0 A. Morrison „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 a. M. Palmer „ „ to „ „ 52 10 0 C. Russell „ „ to „ „ 27 0 0 M. Spain „ „ to „ „ 15 0 0 A.VonTcmpsky „ „ to 30 Juno „ 120 0 0 H. Ward „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 15 0 0 Arapera To Eei „ „ to „ „ 10 0 0 A. Ngengekore „ „ to „ „ 6 0 0 A. Puaharera ., ,, to ,, ,, 6 0 0 Hiitita '„ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 4 10 0 Intone Anita „ „ to 30 June ,. 12 0 0 Kuruwai . „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 10 0 0 HeraTapatu „ „ to „ „ 10 0 0 Maata Eiriwai „ ,, to ,, ,, 10 0 0 Makerita „ „ to „ 3 0 0 MaereiraRiakira „ „ to 30 June, 1871 36 0 0 Maria Eopata „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 10 0 0 ParekultuWiremu „ ,, to „ ,, 6 10 0 R. Te Kakahu „ „ to „ „ 6 0 0 832 5 6 Carried forward £621 0 0 15,882 11 11 3,416 9 C

B._No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE ID FUND in detail — con. 'inued. PERMANENT CHAEGES. £ s. d. £ s. <J. £ e. d. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 15,882 11 11 3,416 9 6 Brought forward £621 0 0 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. " Militaky Pensions Act, 1866," — continued. Pensions to Widows — continued. Repora, 1 Oct., 1870, to 31 Dec, 1870 7 10 0 Roka Hemi, 1 July „ to 30 June, 1871 26 0 0 Tarehira Kereti „ " „ to 31 March „ 19 10 0 TarehiraPatu „ „ to „ „ 19 10 0 Wild Manihera „ „ to „ „ 9 15 0 703 5 0 Compassionate Allowances, 1—■ H. E. and T. Garner, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 £10 0 0 C. J. Geary „ „ to 31 May „ 11 0 0 A. Hart ' „ „ to 31 March „ 18 0 0 L. Hastings „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 5 0 0 H. E. Hunter „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 7 10 0 E. McDonald „ „ to „ „ 4 10 0 C. McKenzie „ „ to 30 June „ 24 0 0 A. Morrison „ to 31 March „ 18 0 0 Gr. M. Palmer „ „ to „ 9 0 0 C. Russell „ „ to „ „ 18 0 0 A.VonTempBky „ „ to 30 June „ 60 0 0 H. Ward „ to 31 Dec, 1870 18 0 0 M. A. Heremia „ „ to 30 June, 1871 10 0 0 MeretianaandTe Hira „ to 31 Mar. „ 12 0 0 Ngatai Winiata „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Repora, 1 Oct. „ to 31 Dec, 1870 1 10 0 Maereira Riakira, 1 Jan., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 7 10 0 Parematou, 1 July „ to 31 Dec, 1870 5 0 0 246 10 0 Pensions for Wounds and Injuries, — T. Adamson, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 £24 7 4 J. G. Beamish „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 13 4 0 G. Corbett, 1 April „ to 31 Mar., 1871 36 10 0 C. F. Crawford, 1 July „ to „ „ 27 8 0 W. Crosby „ ' „ to „ „ 27 8 0 J. Evans „ „ to 10 May „ 7 17 0 L. Farrell „ „ to 30 June „ 27 7 6 J. Fletcher „ to 11 Not., 1870 20 2 0 M. Gibbons „ to 31 Mar., 1871 31 13 8 J. Hamblyn, 1 April „ to „ „ 27 7 6 T. J. Henshaw, 1 Jan. „ to 30 June „ 27 7 6 E. L. Hope, 1 July „ to 31 Mar. „ 20 11 0 W. Howard „ ' „ to „ „ 27 8 0 L. Hyland „ „ to „ „ 29 13 0 J. Kelly „ „ to 30 June „ 39 5 10 P. Kershaw „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 J. Lacey „ „ to „ „ 39 10 8 J. Langfred „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 34 5 0 J. Lydon „ „ to 2 Oct. „ 49 13 8 W. McDonnell ., „ to 30 June „ 150 0 0 G. McKay „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 27 8 0 T. MeMahon „ to „ „ 27 8 0 J. Monck „ to 30 June „ 18 5 0 J. A. Percy „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 112 10 0 D. Reid ' „ „ to 30 June „ 36 10 0 H. Roche „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 31 13 8 E. O. Ross „ „ to 30 June „ 75 0 0 J. Shanagan „ „ to „ „ 27 7 6 R. Shephard „ „ to 30 April „ 45 18 9 W. C. Stewart „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 9 2 6 W. Timms, 5 Not. „ to 31 Mar., 1871 11 2 4 G. Tuffin, 1 July „ to 30 June „ 39 10 8 R. Vance „ „ to „ „ 39 10 8 E. O. Wasley „ „ to „ „ 39 7 7 J. Williams „ „ to „ „ 36 10 0 F. Williamson „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 27 9 0 Anaru Taruke „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 4 11 3 Anata Patapu „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 10 5 3 AperaTeKoenga „ „ to „ „ 34 4 3 Atiki „ to 31 Dec, 1870 6 18 0 Ewita Kepa „ „ to 30 Sept. „ 2 6 0 Hemi Tonganui „ „ to 30 June, 1871 18 5 0 H. Korako „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 3 5 0 Karaitiana „ to 30 June, 1871 13 14 10 Carried forward £1,386 10 5 949 15 0 15,882 11 11 3,416 9 6



ft—No. 1.


PERMANENT CHARGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 949 15 0 15,882 11 11 3,416 9 6 Brought forward ... £1,386 10 5 IOLONIAL CHARGES— continued. " Military Pensions Act, 1866," — continued. Pensions for Wounds and Injuries, — continued. Morihi, 1 July, 1870, to 30 Sept., 1870 £4 12 0 Matiu „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 13 14 0 Mauparoa „ „ to „ ,, 13 14 0 Ngahuruhuru „ „ to „ „ 7 10 0 Pehira Turei „ „ to 30 June „ 50 0 0 Pera Taituna „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 13 14 0 Poia „ „ to „ „ 13 14 0 Te Poari „ „ to 30 Juno „ 13 14 10 Eopata Korakai „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 9 4 0 TamehanateAwa „ „ to 30 June, 1871 45 12 4 Tamehana „ to 31 Dec, 1870 4 12 0 Tariu „ „ to 31 Mar., 1871 19 10 0 Gratuities, — W. Thompson, in lieu of permanent pension £30 0 0 Family of Karauria... ... ... 20 0 0 1,596 1 7 50 0 0 Medical Examinations, — Pees 28 7 0 "Native Schools Act, 1867," — Auckland, — Grants in Aid, — Wesleyan ... ... £188 17 0 Eoman Catholic ... ... 26 8 8 Church of England ... 156 5 11 371 11 7 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 399 10 0 2,624 3 7 Wellington,— Grants in Aid, — Eoman Catholic ... ... ... £70 8 5 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 285 14 1 771 1 7 356 3 0 Hawke's Bat, — Grant in Aid, — Eoman Catholic ... 368 13 11 Otago,— Grants in Aid, — Euapuke School ... ... ... £76 0 4 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 250 9 0 326 9 4 "New Zealand Institute Act, 1867," — Directorof Geological Survey,! July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 1,822 7 10 800 0 0 "Nixon Pension Act, 1865," — Sisters of the late Col. Nixon, 29 May, 1870, to 28 Feb., 1871 112 10 0 "New Zealand Univeesity Act, 1870," — Annual Contribution 3.000 0 0 "Pensions Act, 1856,"— W. Swainson ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 400 0 0 "Public Eeventtes Act, 1867," — Deputy Auditor 51 3 10 "Public Debt Apportionment Act, 1858,"— Taranaki Guarantee, — On account of Annual Grant 2,116 13 4 "Public Debts Sinking Fund Act, 1868," — Secretary to Commissioners, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 50 0 0 Carried forward 26,859 10 6 3,416 9 6

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont, Inwed. PERMANENT CHAKGES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Under Acts of General Assembly— continued. 26,859 10 6 3,416 9 6 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. "Walsh and Othees Pensions Act, 1869," — Mary Ann Walsh ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 James Wilson ... „ „ to 31 Dec, 1870 E. A. Hewitt ... „ „ to „ „ 30 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 80 0 0 "Waka Nene's Annuity Ordinance, 1847," — T. Waka Nene ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 100 0 0 " Whiieley Pension Act, 1869," — MaryWhiteley ... 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 75 0 0 "Waste Lands Act, 1858," — Salaries ... ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Contingencies 1,727 7 6 362 19 5 2,090 6 11 Total Colonial Chaeges ... 29,204 17 S PROVINCIAL CHARGES:— "Customs Regulation Act, 1868," — Auckland, — Rewards ... ... ... ... £10 14 0 Otago,— Rewards ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 35 14 0 "Justices of the Peace Act, 1866," Conveying Prisoners to Gaol, — Auckland ... ... ... £46 16 2 Taeanaki ... ... ... 14 17 0 Wellington ... ... ... 980 Otago ... ... £285 12 8 Southland District ... 15 7 0 300 19 8 "Lunatics Act, 1868,"— Canterbury,—■ Paid Premium on Guarantee Policy ... £3 15 0 Otago,— Paid Premium on Guarantee Policy ... 3 15 0 372 0 10 7 10 0 " Peoyincial Audit Act, 1866," — Salaries, — Auoklahd, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £350 0 0 Taeanaki „ „ to 30 April „ 47 13 4 Wellington „ „ to 31 Mar. „ 112 10 0 Hawke's Bay „ „ to 30 June „ 150 0 0 Nelson „ „ to „ „ 250 0 0 Maelboeough „ „ to 31 May „ 45 16 8 Canteebuey „ „ to 30 June „ 500 0 0 Westland „ „ to „ „ 100 0 0 Otago,— 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £540 0 0 Southland District, — 1 Sept. to 31 Oct., 1870 ... 37 10 0 577 10 0 Southland, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... 37 10 0 2,171 0 0 " Weights and Measuebs Act, 1868," — Wellington 1 1 10 Total Provincial Chaeges 2,587 6 8 Total eob Yeah 1870-71 ... 31,792 4 1 Total £35,208 13 7

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND in detail — continued. APPROPKIATIO: s. £ B. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. CLASS I.-PUBLIC DOMAINS AND BUILDINGS. EESSEVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAR 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 3,— government house and offices, — Architect's Commission ... Salary of Clerk of Works, 1 July to 31 August, 1870... Contract, Government House „ Additions to Officea Advertising, &c. 41 6 6 44 5 6 1,299 7 8 12 10 0 9 8 9 APPROPRIATIONS OP 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS OF 1869-70. 1,406 18 5 COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 10, —■ Public Domains and Buildings,— Government House, Wellington,— Furniture and Repairs ... Government House, Auckland, — Furniture and Repairs ... ... £59 18 7 Gas ... ... ... ... 50 4 0 18 8 2 110 2 1 Ministerial Residence, — Furniture, Repairs, Labour, &c. ... Public Offices, Wellington,— Bells, Speaking Tubes, &c. ,.. Domains, Wellington,— Tools, &o. ... ... ... £8 3 6 Spring Cart, &c, for Lowry Bay ... 36 10 2 59 1 7 65 5 3 * 44 13 8 Domains, Auckland, — Plunta, &c. 31 4 6 329 1 9 Vote No. 1—Item 20, — Government House and Offices, — Clerk of Works' Salary, 1 Sept., 1870, to 7 May, 1871 Colonial Architect's Commission ... Contract, Government House „ Stables „ Fences ,, Paving Court-yard and Cellars Labourers in Grounds Insurance Cartage, &c. 179 16 6 43 7 3 3,690 17 4 178 18 3 172 0 0 127 0 0 76 13 0 67 10 0 69 8 0 4,605 10 4 4,934 12 1 FOE CUEEENT 8EEVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 2,— Government Domains, — Wellington,— Overseer's Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Gardeners and Labourers Auckland, — Gardeners and Labourers Contingencies 200 0 0 737 15 6 159 15 0 139 11 3 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,237 1 9 287 1 9 950 0 0 Carried forward 950 0 0 6,341 10 6

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. ,: Public Domains and Buildings— continued. 950 0 0 6,341 10 6 Brought forward COLONIAL CHAEGES— continued. Vote No. 3, — Government Houses, — Auckland, — Eepairs, &c. Wellington,— Eepairs, &c. Contingencies 162 2 10 67 1 7 187 8 7 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to S upplenientary 416 13 0 16 13 0 Vote No. 4,— General Assembly Buildings and Geounds, — Eepairs and Additions ... 400 0 0 87 3 2 Vote No. 5, — Museum, — Eepairs, &c. Grant under Section 14 "New Zealand Institute Act" 18 5 10 500 0 0 518 5 10 Vote No. 6, — Colonial Aeohitect, — Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 700 0 0 StTPPLEMENTAEY, — Expenditure in excess of Appeopeiations,— Vote No. 2—Government Domains, — Expenditure ... ... ... £1,237 1 9 Amount of Vote ... ... 950 0 0 287 1 9 Vote No. 3 —Government Houses, — Expenditure ... ... ... £416 13 0 Amount of Vote ... ... 400 0 0 16 13 0 303 14 9 Total, Class I. 2,059 3 9 £9,300 14 3 CLASS II.-PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL YEAR 1868-69. 'COLONIAL CHAEGES:— Vote No. 12,— geological suevey department,— Contingencies ... 0 6 8 PEOVINCIAL CHAEGES :— Vote No. 17, — Stamp Department,— Advertising,— Auckland ... ... £2 14 6 Nelson ... ... 10 19 9 Westiand ... ... 0 7 6 14 1 9 Unexpended Balances Eepaid to Provincial Accounts, 1—■ Auckland ... ... £7 5 6 Wellington ... ... 10 0 0 Nelson ... ... 10 3 Cantekbuey ... ... 6 0 0 Westland ... ... 1 12 6 25 18 3 40 0 0 40 6 8 Carried forward 40 6 8

B.—No. L



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID EITND is detail — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. :.}.', .,■ i APPK.0PBIAXI0NS. • Public Departmeats— continued. 40 6 8 Brought forward FINANCIAL TEAE 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 92, — Peintino Department,— Overtime ... ... ... £179 10 0 Type and Contingencies ... ... 138 4 6 £317 14 6 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 239 8 11 Vote No. 93, — Geological Suevey Depaetment,— Salary of Lithographer, June, 1870 £16 18 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... 10 19 7 Laboratory ... ... ... 12 8 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 59 14 5 557 3 5 100 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 96,— Tbeastjey Depaetment,— Cantebbuey,—■ Contingencies ... ... ... £2 12 9 Unexpended Balances Repaid to Provincial Accounts, — Auckland ... ... £3 2 4 Canteebuey ... ... 0 9 6 3 11 10 Total Resebve Account ... 6 4 7 663 8 0 703 14 8 APPKOPBIATIONS OP 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Teae 1868-69. PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 1, — Electoeal Department,— Auckland, — Advertising 15 14 0 Financial Ybab 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 12, — ' Legislative Depaetments,— Extra Clerks and Messengers ... £148 11 6 Sergeant-at-Arms, June, 1870 20 16 8 Clerk, Private Bills Office „ „ 16 13 4 Expenses of Members ... ... 954 0 0 Passages of Members ... ... 384 9 9 Reporters ... ... ... 66 10 0 Printing Mansard ... ... ■ 87 13 6 Librarian and Assistant ... ... 14 9 0 Liveries for Messengers ... ... 54 3 0 Furniture and Eittings ... ... 434 9 7 Contingencies ... ... ... 98 10 1 Vote No. 1 —Item 11, — Govebnoe's Establishment, — Contingencies ... 2,280 6 5 57 5 11 Vote No. 1—Item 13, — Executive Depaetments,— Colonial Secretary's Department,— Contingencies ... ... ... £10 7 0 Carried forward ... £10 7 0 2,337 12 4 15 14 0 703 14 8

B.—No. 1.



DISBTJBSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDAT iD FUND in detail — continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Public Departments— continued. 2,337 12 4 15 14 0 703 14 8 Brought forward ... £10 7 0 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 1—Item 13, — continued. Executive Depabiments— continued. Treasury,'— Salary, 6 to 30 June, 1870 £20 16 8 Contingencies ... ... 18 19 11 £39 16 7 Audit Department,— Contingencies ... ... ... 3 18 6 Registration of Births, &c, — Chatham Islands ... ... 10 0 0 General Contingencies ... ... 1 16 0 65 18 1 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Yote No. 1—Item 14, — Registkaes' Depaktments,— Births, Deaths, and Marriages, — Auckland ... ... £76 1 0 Taeanaki ... ... 17 6 Wellington ... ... 9 5 0 Hawke's Bay ... ... 14 16 0 Nelson ... ... 40 16 2 Maelborough ... 14 17 0 Canteebuby ... ... 39 6 0 WlSTLAND ... ... 32 14 6 Otago £98 6 0 Southland 11 15 0 —■—— 110 1 0 Southland ... ... 31 4 0 370 8 2 Joint Stock Companies, — Cantebbuey ... ... ... 0 15 0 COLONIAL CHARGES : Vote No. 1—Item 15, — Stamp Depaethent,— Contingencies ... 371 3 2 25 12 4 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 15, — Stamp Department,— Auckland, — Salaries —1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £14 14 5 Contingencies ... ... 3 13 0 18 7 5 Hawke's Bay,— Contingencies ... ... ... 400 Maelboeough,— Salary—1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £3 2 6 Contingencies ... ... 1 10 0 4 12 6 Canteebuey,— Contingencies ... ... ... 066 Otago,— Contingencies ... ... ... 1 10 6 28 16 11 Vote No. 1—Item 16, — Electoeal Depaetments,— Auckland, — Salary of Registration and Returning Officer, Mongonui, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £6 5 0 Travelling Expenses ... 11 15 0 Advertising and Contingencies ... ... 26 19 4 44 19 4 Taeanaki, — Advertising, &c. ... ... ... 136 Wellington,— Salary of Revising Officer, 1 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £75 0 0 Carried forward ... £75 0 0 £46 2 10 2,829 2 10 15 14 0 703 14 8

B.—No. 1,




APPROPKIATIONS. £ e. d. £ 8. d. £ a. d. Public Departments— continued. 2,829 2 10 15 14 0 703 14 8 Brought forward ... £75 0 0 £46 2 10 PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 1—Item 16— continued. Electokal Departments— contd. Wellington— continued. Travelling Expenses ... 20 2 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &o.... ... ... 56 9 6 151 11 6 Hawke's Bat, — Salaries, — Registration and Returning Officer, June, 1870 £4 3 4 Revising Officer, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... 6 5 0 £10 8 4 Travelling Expenses ... 6 4 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &c. 7 15 0 24 7 4 Nelson, — Advertising, Contingencies, &c. ... ... £66 3 9 Travelling Expenses ... 6 2 0 72 5 9 Maelbobough,— Salary of Revising Officer, 1 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £25 0 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &o. ... ... 36 8 9 61 8 9 Canteebuey,— Travelling Expenses ... £40 19 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &c.... ... ... 114 5 3 155 4 3 Westland, — Travelling Expenses ... £11 5 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &c.... ... ... 82 7 6 93 12 6 Otago,— Travelling Expenses ... £39 4 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &o. ... ... ... 140 15 9 179 19 9 Southland, — Salaries, — Registration andReturning Officer, Wallace, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £6 5 0 Registration and Returning Officer, Riverton, 1 January to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 12 10 0 Travelling Expenses ... 46 12 0 Advertising, Contingencies, &c. ... ... 38 4 0 103 11 0 888 3 8 Total Liabilities and Engagements 3,717 6 6 3,733 0 6 EOE CUEEENT SEEVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 7, — Governor's Establishment, — Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Forage Allowance Contingencies ... 1,168 5 0 300 0 0 111 14 0 1,579 19 0 Carried forward 1,579 19 0 4,436 15 2

B.— No.l.



DISBTTESEMENTS op the CONSOLLDAT: !D FUND in detail — com Hnued. £ : s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Public Departments — continued. 1,579 19 0 Brought forward 4,436 15 2 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued,. Vote No. 8,— Legislative Depaethents,— Legislative Council, —■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £300 0 0 Extra Clerks and Messengers during Session ... ... ... 127 10 0 House of Representatives, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £809 16 0 Extra Clerks and Messengers during . Session ... ... ... 626 4 0 427 10 0 1,436 0 0 General Expenses,— Passages of Members ... ... £927 14 9 Expenses of Members ... ... 6,141 0 0 Clerk, Private Bills Office ... 33 6 8 Library Attendant's Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 150 0 0 Eeporters ... ... ... 1,332 12 10 Printing of Mansard ... ... 1,589 12 0 Library ... ... ... 344 9 1 Contingencies ... ... ... 1,654 15 2 12,173 10 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 14,037 0 6 1,427 16 6 Vote No. 9, — Executive Depaetments,— Premier's Office, — Private Secretary and Clerk to Cabinet, —Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 12,609 4 0 250 0 0 Colonial Secretary's Office, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,022 10 8 Contingencies ... ... ... 34 8 6 Treasury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £3,373 1 3 Extra Clerical Assistance ... 566 3 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 71 8 8 1,056 19 2 4,010 12 11 Audit Office,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,451 5 2 Contingencies ... ... ... 10 11 9 2,461 16 11 Registry of Marriages, &c, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,170 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 62 9 6 1,232 9 G Chief Messenger and Housekeeper,— Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 180 0 0 Stationery and Store Department,— Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Lithographer and Assistant, — Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Printer of Postage Stamps, and Assistants, — Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 282 13 6 305 0 0 368 6 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary... 10,147 18 0 1,227 4 0 Vote No. 10,— Stamp Depaetment,— Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Contingencies ... 8,920 14 0 810 4 11 191 8 6 1,001 13 5 Vote No. 11,— Peinting Depaetment,— Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Extra Assistance during Session ... 4,301 12 6 606 11 10 Carried forward 4,908 4 4 24,111 10 5 4,436 15 2

B.—No. 1



DISBTJESEMENTS <ot the CONSOLIDATED FUND is detail— conk inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. A. Public Departments — continued. 4,908 4 4 24,111 10 5 4,436 15 2 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 11 — continued. Pbinting Depabtment— continued. Contingencies, Overtime, &c. 1,055 10 10 5,963 15 2 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 364 2 2 Vote Wo. 12,— GEOLOGICAL SuEYET DEPAETMENT, Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Eield Expenses, &c. Contingencies ... Meteorological Stations ... 1,286 7 4 537 6 6 437 15 11 417 0 9 5,599 13 0 2,678 10 6 PROVINCIAL CHARGES:— Vote Wo. 13, — Receiver of Revenue, Westland, — Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 100 0 0 Vote No. 14, — Registrars,— District Registrars of Births, Marriages, &c, — Salaries, — Auckland ... ... ... £532 1 6 Taeanaki ... ... ... 35 7 10 Wellington ... ... 176 10 2 Hawke's Bat ... ... 67 16 0 Nelson ... ... ... 185 14 4 Maklbobou&h ... ... 50 0 0 Canteebuet ... ... 321 19 0 Westland ... ... ... 179 14 10 Otago ... ... £614 4 5 Southland District ... 49 15 0 — 663 19 5 Southland ... ... ... 2 14 0 Registrars of Joint Stock Companies,— Fees retained, — Auckland ... ... ... £50 0 0 Taeanaki ... ... ... 8 15 0 Wellington ... ... 45 16 8 Canteebtjbt ... ... 14 7 0 Westland ... ... ... 15 12 6 Otago ... ... ... 28 11 0 2,215 17 1 163 2 2 Vote No. 15, —■ Teeasubt Depaetment,— Auckland, — Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £758 6 8 Contingencies ... ... ... 28 9 0 2,378 19 3 786 15 8 Taeanaki, — Proportion of Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 Wellington,— Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 225 0 0 Hawke's Bat, — Proportion of Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £75 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 840 83 4 0 Nelson, — Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 100 0 0 Maelboeottgh,-— Proportion of Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 Canteebuet, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £500 0 0 Office Rent and Contingencies ... 5403 554 0 3 Carried forward 1,798 19 11 34,868 13 2 4,436 15 2 10

B.—No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— contx Inued. APPEOPKIATIQNS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Departments — continued. 1,798 19 11 34,868 13 2 Brought forward 4,436 15 2 PKOVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 15— continued. Teeasury Department— continued. Westland, — Proportion of Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £275 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 4 10 0 Otago,— Proportion of Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £400 0 0 Southland District, — Salary, — 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 41 13 4 279 10 0 441 13 4 Southland, —- Salary ... ... 1 July to 31 August, 1870 8 6 8 Vote Wo. 16, — Stamp Department,— Auckland, — Salaries, — Auckland, —■ 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £404 3 4 Grahams town, — 1 July, 1870, to 31 October, 1870 100 0 0 Contingencies ... ... 24 7 5 2,528 9 11 Taranaki, — Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £25 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 5 11 5 528 10 9 30 11 5 Wellington,—■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £200 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 6 17 6 206 17 6 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 115 0 0 Nelson, — Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 MARLBOROUGH, — Salary ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 Canteebuey,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £250 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 6 11 6 256 11 6 Westland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £142 7 2 Contingencies ... ... ... 5 15 6 148 2 8 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £250 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 5 16 6 Southland District, — Salaries, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 62 10 0 Contingencies ... ... 16 6 319 13 0 Southland, — Salaries ... ... 1 July to 31 August, 1870 12 10 0 Vote No. 17, — Electoral Department,— Auckland, — Salaries,— 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Returning and Registration Officers, — Mongonui ... ... £25 0 0 Bay of Islands ... ... 25 0 0 Marsden ... ... 25 0 0 Northern Division ... 75 0 0 1 July, 1870, to 25 May, 1871,— Pensioner Settlements ... 67 14 9 Revising Officer, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 100 0 0 1,667 16 10 Carried forward ... £317 14 9 39,064 19 11 4,436 15 2

B.—No. 1.



DISBTTESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND nsr detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. a. Public Departments— continued. 39,064 19 11 4,436 15 2 Brought forward ... £317 14 9 PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 17 — continued. Electoeal Depabtiient— continued. Auckland — continued. Travelling Expenses ... ... 22 18 6 Printing Bolls and Advertising ... 666 3 7 Elections and Contingencies ... 491 13 11 1,498 10 9 Tabanaki, — Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Returning and Registration Officer £25 0 0 Revising Officer ... ... 25 0 0 £50 0 0 Printing Rolls ... ... ... 23 14 0 Elections and Contingencies ... 61 17 7 135 11 7 Wellington,— Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Returning and Registration Officers,— Wanganui, &o. ... ... £25 0 0 Porirua, &c. ... ... 25 0 0 Wairarapa ... ... 25 0 0 £75 0 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... 6 7 6 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 508 8 4 Elections and Contingencies ... 218 17 8 808 13 6 Hawke's Bat, —■ Salaries, — Returning and Registration Officer, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £50 0 0 Revising Officer, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 18 15 0 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 54 9 0 Elections and Contingencies ... 127 5 6 250 9 6 Nelsow, —■ Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 — Returning and Registration Officers, — Collingwood ... ... £25 0 0 Motueta ... ... 50 0 0 City of Nelson, &c. ... 75 0 0 Revising Officer ... ... 75 0 0 £225 0 0 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 113 17 11 Elections and Contingencies ... 168 14 6 507 12 5 MAELBOEOUem,— Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Returning and Registration Officer £25 0 0 Revising Officer ... ... 25 0 0 £50 0 0 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 42 0 11 Elections and Contingencies ... 85126 177 13 5 Cantekbtjey,— Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Returning and Registration Officers, — Cheviot... ... ... £25 0 0 Kaiapoi, &c. ... ... 70 0 0 Lyttelton, &c. ... ... 30 0 0 Akaroa ... ... ... 25 0 0 Selwyn, &c. ... ... 25 0 0 Timaru, &c. ... ... 25 0 0 Revising Officer ... ... 70 0 0 Carried forward ... £270 0 0 3,378 11 2 39,064 19 11 4,436 15 2

B.—No. 1.



DISBUBSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont; inued. APPKQPKIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Public Departments— continued. 3,378 11 2 39,064 19 11 4,436 15 2 Brought forward ... £270 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES—continued. "Vote No. 17 — continued. Eeectoeal Department— continued. Cantbebuey— continued. Printing Bolls and Advertising ... 281 9 2 Elections-and Contingencies ... 207 10 4 758 19 6 WESTLAND, — Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871,— Bcturning and Registration Officers £50 0 0 Be vising Officer ... ... 30 0 0 £80 0 0 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 189 11' 9 Elections and Contingencies ... 227 1 8 496 13 5 Otago,— Salaries, — 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 — Returning and Registration Officers, — City of Dunedin ... ... £97 7 2 Port Chalmers ... ... 25 0 0 Taieri ... ... ... 25 0 0 Bruce ... ... ... 25 0 0 Clutha ... ... ... 25 0 0 Hampden ... ... 25 0 0 Manuherikia ... ... 14 11 8 Oamaru ... ... 15 0 0 Waikouaiti ... ... 25 0 0 G-old Fields Towns ... 14 11 8 Q-old Fields ... ... 29 3 4 Revising Officer ... ... 100 0 0 £430 13 10 Travelling Expenses ... ... 62 17 4 Printing Rolls and Advertising ... 473 15 6 Elections and Contingencies ... 813 16 8 Southland District, — Salaries, —' Returning and Registration Officers, — Invercargill, &c., 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 18 3 1 Riverton, to 31 March, 1871 18 15 0 Wallace, to 30 June, 1871... 25 0 0 Revising Officer, to 30 June, 1871 50 0 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... 7 10 6 Printing Roll s and Advertising... 121 2 0 Elections and Contingencies ... 110 0 0 Southland, — Salary,— Returning and Registration Officer, — Invercargill, &c, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... ... £4 3 4 Printing Bolls ... ... ... 10 19 0 2,131 13 11 15 2 4 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 6,781 0 4 2,896 5 8 3,884 14 8 SUPPLEMEBTAKY : — EXPENDITUBE IH EXCESS OF ApPEOPEIATIONS,— COLONIAL CHARGES,— Vote No. 8, — Legislative Depaeiment,-— Expenditure ... ... £14,037 0 6 Amount of Vote ... ... 12,609 4 0 Vote No. 9,— Executive, — Expenditure ... ... £10,147 18 0 Amount of Vote ... ... 8,920 14 0 1,427 16 6 1,227 4 0 Carried forward 2,655 0 6 42,949 14 7 H.jj L5 1

B.—No. 1.



DISBUESBMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: !D FUND nsr detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Public De-gaxtments—ooniinned. 2,655 0 6 42,949 14 7 4,436 15 2 Brought forward Supplementary— continued. Expenditure in Excess op Appropriations— continued. COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 11, — Printing,— Expenditure ... ... £5,963 15 2 Amount of Vote £5,543 16 0 Credits (see page 14) ... 55 17 0 5,599 13 0 364 2 2 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 17, — Electoral, — Expenditure ... ... ... £6,781 0 4 Amount of Vote £3,783 6 8 Credits (see page 14) ... 101 8 0 3,884 14 8 3,019 2 8 2,896 5 8 Total Financial Year 1870-71 5,915 8 4 48,865 2 11 Total, Class II. ... £53,301 18 1 CLASS III.-LAW AND JUSTICE. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 18GS-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 21, — travelling expenses op judges,— Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... 10 0 0 FINANCIAL YEAE 1869-70. PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 110,— Supreme Court, — Contingencies, — Auckland ... ... £30 0 0 Wellington ... ... 10 0 0 Nelson ... ... 7 8 8 Canterbury ... ... 4 3 6 Westland ... ... 5 0 0 Otago ... ... 20 0 0 . 76 12 2 Unexpended Balances paid to Provincial Accounts, — Nelson ... ... £2 11 4 Marlborotoh... ... 5 0 0 Canterbury ... ... 10 16 6 Southland ... ... 5 0 0 23 7 10 100 0 0 Vote No. 117,— Resident Magistrates' Courts, Auckland, — Salaries, — Auckland, 1 May to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £5 0 0 Tauranga, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ' ... ... 6 5 0 Mongonui, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 2 10 0 13 15 0 Unexpended Balance paid to Provincial Account ... ... ... 11 5 0 25 0 0 Carried forward 125 0 0 10 0 0 11

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS ot? the CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail— continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 125 0 0 10 0 0 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— aontmued. Vote No. 125,— Resident Maq-istbates' Couets, Otago,— Salaries, — Molyneux and Tokomairiro ... June, 1870 14 11 8 Vote No. 127,— Resident Magistrates' Coubts, — Contingencies,— Auckland ... ... £20 0 0 Wellington ... ... 15 0 0 Maelbobouqh... ... 7 8 6 Canterbury ... ... 20 0 0 Otago ... ... 20 0 0 . 82 8 6 Unexpended Balances paid to Provincial Accounts, — Nelson ... ... £8 0 0 Marlborough ... ... 9 11 6 -ylj n Q 100 0 0 Vote No. 128,— Petty Sessions' Couets, — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... £72 2 6 Contingencies ... ... 2 17 6 75 0 0 Wellington,— Salary, 1 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... £6 5 0 Rent of Court House at Wharearna ... ... 3 15 0 10 0 0 Hawke's Bat, — Salary, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... 4 3 4 Canterbury,— Serving Summonses ... ... 4 4 0 | Southland, — Salary, 1 Oct., 1869, to 30 June, 1870 10 0 0 £103 7 4 Unexpended Balances repaid to Provincial Accounts, — Hawke's Bay... ... £0 16 8 Canterbury ... ... 15 16 0 16 12 8 i Vote No. 129, — Criminal Peosecutions, — Auckland ... ... £11 11 3 Wellington ... ... 98 17 3 Canterbury ... ... 12 14 0 120 0 0 ■ 123 2 6 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account, — Auckland ... ... ... 0 3 0 Vote No. 130,— CoKONJSRS, &C, — Pees and Expenses,— Auckland ... ... £12 18 0 Wellington ... ... 30 0 O Hawke's Bay ... ... 5 0 0 Nelson ... ... 8 13 0 Canterbury ... ... 15 0 0 Otago ... ... 110 123 5 6 ■ 72 12 0 Pees to Medical Witnesses, under Lunatics' Act, —■ Auckland ... ... £2 2 0 Nelson ... ... 11 7 0 Otago ... ... 13 19 0 27 8 0 100 0 0 Carried forward 582 17 2 10 0 0

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS oi- the CONSOLIDATED PUND in detail— cont, '.nued. APPROPKXATIONS. £ 6. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice—continued. 582 17 2 10 0 0 Brought forward PROVINCIAL OHAK0-ES— continued. Vote No. 131,— Land and Deeds Registry,— Auckland, — Salary ... ... June, 1870 £41 13 4 Unexpended balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 2 10 0 44 3 4 Total Reseete Account ... 627 0 6 637 0 6 APPROPBIATIONS OF 1870-71. FOB LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Teab 1868-69. PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 2, — coroners, &c., — Auckland Hawse's Bay ... Canterbury ... Otago 2 2 0 3 0 0 12 12 0 3 2 0 20 16 0 Financial Yeab 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 17, — Travelling Expenses of Judges, &c. ... £13 15 6 Prosecution of Persons charged with Treason, — Expenses of Witnesses ...£119 6 1 Pay of Guard ... ... 388 17 8 Clothing of Natives ... 203 14 2 Medical Attendance ... 37 10 0 Expenses of " St. Kilda" ... 140 7 7 Miscellaneous ... ... 35 18 7 925 14 1 Interpreter, Chatham Islands ... 3 15 0 943 & 7 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 21, — District Couets, — Contingencies, — Auckland ... ... ... £13 0 6 Nelson ... ... ... 686 Westland ... ... ... 10 7 8 Otago ... ... ... 8 13 0 38 9 8 Vote No. 1—Item 23,— Resident Magistrate's Courts, — Contingencies,— Auckland ... ... ... £11 14 10 Taeanaki ... ... ... 18 12 9 Wellington ... ... ... 13 18 0 Hawke's Bat... ... ... 37 0 5 Canterbury ... ... ... 69 13 6 Westland ... ... ... 2 11 0 Otago ... ... ... 31 5 1 184 15 7 Vote No. 1—Item 24, — Criminal Prosecutions, — Auckland ... ... ... £9 0 0 Taeanaki ... ... ... 8 9 6 Wellington ... ... ... 37 7 3 Hawke's Bay... ... ... 7 15 0 Nelson ... ... 10 10 0 Canterbury ... ... ... 19 10 0 Westland ... ... ... 10 0 0 Otago ... ... ... 23 4 6 Southland ... ... ... 7 19 4 133 15 7 Carried forward 1,300 5 5 20 16 0 637 0 6

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Law and Justiee— oontimed. 1,300 5 5 20 1G 0 637 0 6 Brought forward PROVINCIAL OHABGKES— oontimed. Vote No. 1 —Item 25, — Coroners, &c, — Auckland ... ... ... £54 0 6 ■Wellington ... ... ... 4 11 0 Hawke's Bat... ... ... 34 13 6 Nelson ... ... ... 10 15 0 Canterbury ... ... ... 43 15 6 Westland ... ... ... 990 Otago 45 10 6 208 15 0 Vote No. 1—Item 26,— Land and Deeds, — Contingencies,— Auckland ... ... ... £0 15 0 Wellington ... ... ... 17 1 5 Marlhorough... ... ... 31 5 0 Westland ... ... ... 17 2 3 Otago ... ... ... 8 9 0 74 12 8 Total Liabilities and Engagements 1,583 13 1 1,604 9 1 FOR CURRENT SERVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 18,— Colonial Secretary's Office (Judicial Branch), — Salaries... ... 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 | Travelling Expenses of Judges and Clerks on Circuit ■ ... £1,095 19 6 Salaries of Clerks to Judges,— 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 — Auckland ... ... £150 0 0 Wellington ... ... 150 0 0 Canterbury ... ... 150 0 0 Otago ... ... 150 0 0 1 July, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 — Westland and Nelson... 125 0 0 1,231 0 6 725 0 0 Court of Appeal,— Clerical Assistance ... £31 12 6 Messengers ... ... 40 16 0 Eurniture and Contingencies 78 17 0 151 5 6 , . Prosecution of Persons Charged with Treason, — Rations, &c £489 6 7 Pay of Guard ... ... ... 110 10 8 Professional Services ... ... 169 1 0 Medical Attendance and Medicine ... 13G 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 65 14 0 1,972 5 0 ■ 1 Wardens, Dunedin Gaol, in charge of Maori Prisoners Registry of Land and Deeds, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 Jane, 1871 £993 11 8 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 329 2 3 Travelling Expenses and Allowance to Special Commissioner from South Australia... ... ... ... 573 8 0 Office Eurniture and Fittings ... 26 2 8 970 12 3 1,200 0 0 1,922 4 7 PROVINCIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 19,— Supreme Court, — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,375 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 83 7 1 7,296 2 4 Taeanaki, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £250 0 0 Sheriff's Fees ... ... ... 308 Contingencies ... ... ... 1 12 0 1,458 7 1 254 12 8 Carried forward 2,241 9 7 1,712 19 9 7,296 2 4

B— No. 1



DISBUESEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUjSTD in detail— continued. APPKOPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 1,712 19 9 7,296 2 4 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL OHAEGBS— continued. Vote No. 19 — continued. Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £782 13 3 Sheriff's Fees, Wairavapa ... 20 8 6 „ Wanganui ... 14 12 0 New Court House, Wanganui ... 1,G72 18 10 Contingencies ... ... ... 133 5 2 Hawee's Bat, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £135 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 14 5 0 2,623 17 9 149 5 0 "IST'rt Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £330 0 0 Sheriff's Fees, Westport... ... 2G 1 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 103 357 1 3 Maklbokough,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 Juno, 1871 £50 0 0 Sheriff's Fees and Contingencies ... 12 10 0 62 10 0 Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,430 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... - 19 15 6 1,449 15 6 Westlabd, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £444 10 5 Contingencies ... ... ... 8 17 6 453 7 11 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,258 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 32 6 4 Southland District, — Salaries, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 108 6 8 Contingencies ... ... 20 12 4 Southland, — Salaries, 1 July to 31 August, 1871 £16 13 4 Contingencies ... ... ... 200 1,419 5 4 18 13 4 Vote No. 20, — District Courts, — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £256 5 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... 125 15 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 956 8,246 15 10 Taeanaki, — Salaries, 15 Dec, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £40 18 6 Contingencies ... ... ... 0 11 8 391 5 6 41 10 2 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £150 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 37 18 6 187 18 6 Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £376 5 9 Travelling Expenses ... ... 91 4 8 Contingencies ... ... ... 850 475 15 5 Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 Jan., 1871, to 30 June, 1871 £175 0 O Travelling Allowances and Expenses 103 3 9 Contingencies ... ... ... 49 10 0 327 13 9 Westlamd, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £849 0 8 Travelling Allowance and Expenses 206 19 10 Contingencies ... ... ... 32 14 6 1,088 15 0 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,100 0 0 Contingencies ... ... 41 11 6 1,141 11 6 Carried forward 3,654 9 10 15,542 18 2 2,211 9 7 12

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATE ID FUND in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 3,654 9 10 15,542 18 2 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 20— continued. Disteici Coukts — continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary... 379 9 10 3,275 0 0 Vote No. 21, — Resident Maghstbates' Coukts, — Auckland, — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,360 0 0 Onelmnga, &c., — Salaries, ljuly, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 332 12 1 Forage and Travelling Allowances 50 15 1 Papakura, &c, —■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 475 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 50 0 0 AVangarei,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 100 0 0 Russell, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 450 0 0 Kaipara,—■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871 45 16 8 Mongonui,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 275 0 0 Waimate, &c, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 29 3 4 Waikato, &c., — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 487 10 0 Travelling allowance ... ... 25 0 0 Tauranga, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871 114 11 8 £3,795 8 10 Bailiffs'Fees and Contingencies ... 245 13 6 Takanaki, — New Plymouth,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £160 0 0 New Court House, Patea ... 510 8 9 Contingencies ... ... 4 16 0 4,041 2 4 ■Wellington,— Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,089 3 2 Forage Allowance ... ... 54 12 0 Wanganui,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 825 6 10 Forage Allowance ... ... 79 12 0 Rangitikei,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 150 0 0 Wairarapa, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 575 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 54 12 0 £2,828 6 0 ! Bailiffs' Fees and Contingencies ... 172 12 9 Hawke's Bat, — Napier,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £520 0 0 Wairoa, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 45 16 8 675 4 9 3,000 18 9 2,241 9 7 £565 16 8 Bailiffs' Fees and Contingencies ... 35 8 8 601 5 4 Nelson, — Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £921 16 0 Travelling Allowance ... ... 50 0 0 Motueka, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 30 0 0 Amuri, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 45 10 8 Travelling Allowance ... ... 25 0 O Carried forward 1,072 12 8 9,391 3 10 18,817 18 2

B—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE ID FUND in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 9,391 3 10 18,817 18 2 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 21 — continued. Resident Magistrates' Coitets — continued. Makkbokough,— Blenheim and Picion, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £443 11 0 Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 30 0 0 £473 11 0 Travelling Expenses and Contingencies 63 10 6 537 1 6 Canteebury,— Christchurch, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,451 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 54 12 0 Rent ... ... ... 125 0 0 Lyttelton,— "Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 450 0 0 Rent ... ... ... 80 0 0 Kaiapoi, &c., — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 518 15 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 75 0 0 Akaroa, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 375 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 50 0 Q Timaru, &e., — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 550 0 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 75 0 0 Amuri, — Moiety of Travelling Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 £3,829 7 0 Bailiffs' Fees and Contingencies 396 10 1 Westlakd, — Hokitika, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,496 0 0 Bailiffs Fees and Contingencies 153 5 6 4,225 17 1 1,649 5 6 Otaoo,— Dunedln, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,930 15 0 Port Chalmers, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 24113 4 Oamaru and Hampden, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 400 0 0 Tokomairiro, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 625 0 0 Hawkesbury and Palmerston, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 450 0 0 £3,647 8 4 Bailiff's Fees and Contingencies ... 155 4 6 Southland District, — Invercargill, &e., — Salaries, 1 September, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 491 8 6 Travelling Expenses and Contingencies ... ... ... 69 4 7 Southland, — Invercargill,— Salaries, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 £88 6 8 Contingencies ... ... 1 13 4 4,363 5 11 90 0 0 Vote No. 22,— Petty Sessions Coukts, — auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £50 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 4 0 0 20,256 13 10 54 0 0 Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 £18 15 0 Rent ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 23 15 0 Carried forward 77 15 0 39,074 12 0 2,241 9 1

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT ID FUND is detail — eont inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Law and Justice— continued. 77 15 0 39,074 12 0 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CIIARQES— continued. Vote No. 22 — continued. Petty Sessions Courts — continued. Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 £47 ] 0 0 Bailiff's Pees ... ... ... 9 18 6 Marmorough,— Bailiff's Fees ... 57 8 6 7 7 0 Canterbury,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £50 0 0 Bailiff's Fees ... ... ... 55 15 6 105 15 6 Otaoo, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £67 13 0 Southland District, — Salaries, 1 June, 1870, to 25 April, 1871 30 9 8 Travelling Allowance ... ... 54 12 0 Bent ... ... ... 9 0 0 161 14 8 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation'transferred to Supplementary 410 0 8 10 0 8 400 0 0 Vote No. 23, — Criminal P-Rosecutions, &c, — Auckland, — Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £1,783 2 6 Payment of Jurors ... 103 2 0 Taeanaki, — Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £256 3 6 Payment of Jurors ... ... 25 6 0 1,886 4 6 281 9 6 Wellington,— Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £629 9 4 i'ayment of Jurors ... ... 37 1 0 666 10 4 Hawkb's Bay,— Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £202 5 4 Payment of Jurors ... ... 23 4 0 225 9 4 Nelson, — Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £211 5 0 Payment of Jurors ... 24 19 0 236 4 0 Marlboroug h, — Criminal Prosecutions 48 0 0 Canterbury,— Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £1,170 5 11 Payment of Jurors ... ... 109 9 0 1,279 14 11 Westland, — Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £817 14 8 Payment of Jurors ... ... 93 3 0 910 17 8 Otago,— Criminal Prosecutions ... ... £1,605 G 8 Payment of Jurors 56 12 0 Southland District, — Criminal Prosecutions... ... 70 2 2 Payment of Jurors ... 9 17 0 1,741 17 10 Southland, — Criminal Prosecutions 130 15 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary... 7,407 3 7 401 18 7 7,005 5 0 Carried forward 2,241 9 7 46,479 17 0




DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— confr imced. APPKOPBIATIQNS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Law and Justice— continued. 46,479 17 0 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— co»timei. Vote No. 24, — Cokonbbs, &c, — Fees and Expenses on Inquests,— Auckland ... ... ... £321 19 6 Takanaki ... ... ... 43 10 6 Wellington ... ... ... 169 19 0 Hawke's Bay... ... ... 54 9 6 Nelson ... ... ... 145 9 0 Maelboeotjgh ... ... ... 37 13 6 CANTEKEtTRY ... ... ... 283 3 6 Westland ... ... ... 205 6 0 Otaoo ... ... £337 17 6 Southland District ... 24 19 0 362 16 6 Southland ... ... ... 6 6 0 Fees to Medical Witnesses, under " Lunatics Act, 1868," — Auckland ... ... ... £105 0 0 Wellington ... ... ... 550 Hawke's Bay... ... ... 12 12 0 Nelson ... ... ... 9 12 0 Maelbokougii ... ... ... 330 Cantebbuby ... ... ... 73 7 0 Westland ... ... ... 70 7 0 Otago ... ... £56 6 6 Southland District ... 7 7 0 1,630 13 0 63 13 6 342 19 6 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 1,973 12 6 73 12 6 1,900 0 0 Vote No. 25, — Land and Deeds Eegistey,— Auckland, —■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,776 18 7 Contract Work... ... ... 436 16 1 Contingencies ... ... ... 51 6 4 £2,265 1 0 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 7 Jan. to 30 June, 1871 388 8 9 Contingencies ... ... 121 11 10 2,775 1 7 Tabanaki, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £265 11 3 Contract Work... ... ... 10 3 6 Contingencies ... ... ... 28 7 7 £304 2 4 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 15 March to 30 June, 1871 48 2 4 Contingencies ... ... 5 17 6 358 2 2 Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £796 10 0 Contract Work... ... ... 136 2 3 Contingencies ... ... ... 26 10 10 £959 3 1 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 1 Feb. to 30 June, 1871 315 13 2 Contingencies ... ... 35 1 11 1,309 18 2 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £350 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 31 5 7 £381 5 7 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 1 March to 30 June, 1871 116 13 4 Contingencies ... ... 5 17 6 503 16 5 Carried forward 48,379 17 0 2,241 9 7 4,946 18 4 13

B.—No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— eont; Inned. APPROPBIATIONS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ a. d. Law and Justice — continued. 4,946 18 4 48,379 17 0 2,241 9 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGffiS— continued. Vote No. 25— continued. Land and Deeds Registry— continued. Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £705 0 0 Arrears of Indexing ... ,.. 180 0 0 £885 0 0 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 15 Feb. to 30 June, 1871 272 14 2 Contingencies ... ... 33 17 3 Mablboboug-h,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £288 18 6 Contract Work... ... ... 53 18 6 Contingencies ... ... ... 26 7 7 1,191 11 5 £369 4 7 Introduction of Land Transfer Act,- — Contingencies ... ... 5 17 6 375 2 1 C"^ A WF"R'RT^TT"R"V - Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,424 4 5 Contract Work... ... ... 434 13 10 Contingencies ... ... ... 116 £1,859 19 9 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 1 Feb. to 30 June, 1871 392 5 2 Contingencies ... ... 49 9 4 2,301 14 3 Westland, —■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £322 12 5 Contrast Work... ... ... 3 10 Contingencies ... ... ... 26 7 8 £352 1 1 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 7 to 30 June, 1871 ... 12 16 0 Contingencies ... ... 5 17 6 £352 1 1 12 16 0 5 17 6 370 14 7 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,370 0 0 Contract Work... ... ... 372 4 4 Contingencies ... ... ... 19 16 0 £1,762 0 4 Introduction of Land Transfer Act,— Salaries, 1 January to 30 June, 1871 495 16 8 Contingencies ... ... 39 14 10 Southland District, — Salaries,lSept.,1870,to30June,1871 311 13 4 Contract Work ... ... 101 13 11 Contingencies ... ... 31 17 7 Introduction of Land Transfer Act, — Salaries, 1 March to 30 June, 1871 245 16 8 Contingencies ... ... 5 17 6 Southland, — Salaries, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 £58 6 8 Contract Work... ... ... 28 3 7 2,994 10 10 86 10 3 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary... 12,267 1 9 860 11 9 11,406 10 0 Supplement abt : — expenditure! in excess of appbopbiations,— Vote No. 20,— District Courts,— Expenditure .... ... ... £3,654 9 10 Amount of Vote ... ... 3,275 0 0 379 9 10 Carried forward 379 9 10 59,786 7 0 2,241 9 7

B.—No. 1



DISBTTESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont; Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Law and Justice— aontimed. 379 9 10 59,786 7 0 2,241 9 7 Brought forward Supplementary— continued. EXPENDITURE IN EXCESS OF APPROPRIATIONS — continued. Vote No. 22,— Petty Sessions Courts, — Expenditure ... ... ... £410 0 8 Amount of Vote ... ... 400 0 0 Vote No. 23,— Criminal Prosecutions, — Expenditure ... ... ... £7,407 3 7 Amount of Vote £7,000 0 0 Credits (see page 14) 5 5 0 7,005 5 0 10 0 8 401 18 7 Vote No. 24, — Coroners, &c, — Expenditure ... ... ... £1,973 12 6 Amount of Vote ... ... 1,900 0 0 73 12 6 Vote No. 25,— Land and Deeds Registry,— Expenditure ... ... ... £12,267 1 9 Amount of Vote £12,706 10 0 Less transferred to Vote 18, under Orders in Council ... 1,300 0 0 11,400 10 0 860 11 9 Total Financial Year. 1870-71 1,725 13 4 01,512 0 4 Total Class III. ... £63,753 9 11 CLASS IV.-POSTAL. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TBAE 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 31,— Postal Contingencies,— Amount transferred to credit of Advances £14 2 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 15 0 2 Vote No. 44, — Telegraph, Wanganui Line,— Material for Line ... ... £35 10 6 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 197 12 8 16 4 4 233 3 2 Vote No. 48,— Marine Department,— Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 10 0 0 Vote No. 52,— Farewell Spit Lighthouse,— Supplies for "St. Kilda" ... ... £35 0 0 Miscellaneous Expenses ... ... 15 0 0 50 0 0 Vote No. 54, — Plat Rook Beacon, — Oil, Paint, &c. ... ... ... £5 7 9 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 58 12 3 64 0 0 373 7 6 FINANCIAL TEAR 1868-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 143, — conveyance oe mails by sea,— Interprovincial Mail Service, June, 1870 £725 0 0 Carried forward £725 0 0 373 7 6

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FTJND ra detail— continued. APPEGPEIATIONS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postcll — continued. 373 7 6 Brought forward £725 0 0 COLONIAL OHABGKES— continued. Vote No. 143— continued. Conveyance op Mails by Sea — continued. Mail Agents' Salaries, May and June 81 8 4 ,, Passages, April and June 200 0 0 Conveyance of Suez Mails from Australia 178 4 8 Demurrage ... ... ... 58 0 0 Advertising and Contingencies ... 125 15 0 £1,366 8 0 UnexpcndedBalance returned to Revenue 6,995 15 6 Vote No. 154, — Telegraph Contingencies,— Provisions, &c, supplied to Men on Works 8,362 3 6 123 4 6 Tote No. 156, — Marine Department,— Salary, Acting Engineer, March, 1870 £11 0 7 Lighthouses, Salaries of Keepers, — Mana, 1 to 30 June, 1870 £28 6 8 Pencarrow, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 28 6 8 Dog Island, 3 to 15 Dec, 1869 ... ... 3 9 10 Farewell Spit, 1 May to 30 June, 1870 ... 23 6 8 Cape Campbell, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 11 13 4 Nugget Point, 24 to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 2 18 4 98 1 6 Oil and Stores, &c. ... ... 68 4 4 Travelling Expenses ... ... 79 9 6 Steamer " Sturt," — Wages ... ... £11 13 4 Stores ... ... 52 13 9 i 64 7 1 Steamer "St. Kilda,"— Wages ... ... £11 11 4 Stores ... ... 71 7 7 ■ 82 18 11 Contingencies ... ... ... 47 5 8 Marine Surveys, — Travelling Expenses and Contingencies ... £44 0 5 Stores, &c, Schooner "Edith" ... ... 55 11 1 ■ 99 11 6 £550 19 1 | Unexpended Balance returned toKevenue 449 0 11 ! PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 147,— Postal, Wellington,— Conveyance of Mails ... ... £22 8 9 Part Cost of Office, Wanganui ... 151 1 5 1,000 0 0 173 10 2 Vote No. 146,— Postal, Hawks's Bay,— Country Postmasters, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... ... £44 8 4 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 129 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 6 1 11 £180 0 3 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... ... 19 19 9 200 0 0 Vote No. 148.— Postal, Nelson, — Salary, 25 to 30 June ... ... £4 3 4 Salary, Country Postmasters, 1 January to 80 June, 1870 ... ... 12 3 0 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 58 9 5 Contingencies ... ... ... 25 4 3 100 0 0 Carried forward 9,958 18 2 373 7 6

B— No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE FUND is detail — cent; Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ a. d. Postal — continued. 9,958 18 2 373 7 6 Brought forward PBOVINCI AL OHARGKES— cowtmied. Vote No. 149, — Postal, Marlborough,— Salaries, Country Postmasters, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... ... £7 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 12 10 0 20 0 0 Vote No. 150,— Postal, Canterbury, — Christehurch, arrears of Salary, 1 Sept., 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £18 9 6 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 417 6 8 Bent of Kaiapoi and Christehurch Offices, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... 81 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 68 18 4 £586 4 6 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... ... 413 15 6 1,000 0 0 Vote No. 151 — Postal, Westland, — Hokitika, Salary, February, 1870 ... £6 12 3 Country Postmasters, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... ... ... 44 3 4 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 409 11 7 Gratuities and Contingencies ... 139 12 10 Vote No. 152,— Postal, Otago,— Conveyance of Mails ... ... £22 7 2 Gratuities and Contingencies ... 177 12 10 600 0 0 200 0 0 Vote No. 153,— Postal, Southland, — Contingencies 10 0 0 Total, Besebve Account ... 11,788 18 2 12,162 5 8 APPROPRIATIONS OP 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Yeab 1868-69. PEOVINCIAL CHAEGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 3, — Maintenance of Telegram Lines, —■ Auckland Nelson... 5 17 6 5 7 9 11 5 3 Financial Yeab 1869-70. COLONIAL CHABGES:— Vote No. 1—Item 27, — General Post Office, Contingencies 4 7 6 Vote No. 1 —Item 31, — Telegeapii Department, Genebal Contingencies,— Construction of Shortland and PukorokoroLine ... ... ... £663 12 1 Turrets at the Thames ... ... 177 19 7 Provisions for Labourers, Taupo Line 1,025 5 5 Freight and Carriage ... ... 159 19 5 New OfficeB and Fillings ... ... 93 4 2 Labour 164 13 0 Travelling Allowances and Expenses... 41 11 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 72 9 3 2,398 14 8 Carried forward 12,162 5 8 2,403 2 2 11 5 3 14

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont Inued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPBOPEIATIONS. Postal — continued. 2,403 2 2 11 5 3 12,162 5 8 Brought forward COLONIAL GIIA'Ra'ES—continued. Vote No. 1—Item 32,— Telegraph Depaetment, Tatteo Line, — Salaries of Inspector, Surveyor, and others £492 0 0 Travelling and Field Allowances and Expenses ... ... ... 270 6 7 Contract for Erection of Line ... 2,006 0 0 Labour ... ... ... ... 1,072 4 10 Carriage and Freight ... ... 512 16 2 Provisions, Forage, &c. ... ... 778 12 4 New Offices and Fittings ... ... 270 14 10 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 100 5 5 5,503 0 2 PROVINCIAL CHARG-ES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 28, — Postal, Auckland, — Salaries, to 30 June ... ... £12 16 4 Bent, 1 January to June ... ... 5000 Contingencies ... ... ... 124 3 6 Vote No. 1 —Item 29, — Postal, Takanaki, — Salaries, 1 Oct. to 31 Dec, 1869 ... £3 15 0 Bent, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... 10 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 6 19 5 186 19 10 20 14 5 Vote No. 1—Item 30, — Postal, Wellington,— Salaries, 1 April to 30 June ... £105 15 0 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 576 5 10 New Post Office, Wanganui ... Ill 18 7 Contingencies ... ... ... 39 9 9 833 9 2 Vote No. 1—Item 33,— Telegraph,— Auckland, — Salary, 1 to 30 May ... £10 1 7 Travelling Expenses ... 118 10 2 Labour and Material, &c. 41 7 10 Office Bent and Contingencies ... ... 146 10 11 316 10 6 Taeanaki, — Salary, 26 April to 30 June £14 6 0 Travelling Expenses ... 3 14 3 Office Rent and Contingencies ... ... 14 15 6 32 15 9 Wellington,— Salary, arrears ... ... £1 13 4 Travelling Expenses ... 86 10 6 Labour and Material ... 24 3 2 Office Bent and Contingencies ... ... 119 18 7 232 5 7 Hawke's Bay,— Travelling Expenses ... £5 3 0 Contingencies ... ... 0 13 6 5 16 6 Nelson, — Travelling Expenses ... £16 9 9 Labour ... ... 4 2 6 Contingencies ... ... 46 10 0 67 2 3 Maelboeougti,— Travelling Expenses, &c. £12 15 3 Labour and Material ... 7 16 Contingencies ... ... 26 9 9 46 6 6 Canterbury,— Travelling Expenses ... £49 7 4 Labour and Material ... 55 19 7 Office Bent and Contingencies ... ... 88 13 0 193 19 11 Carried forward ... £894 17 0 8,947 5 9 11 5 3 12,162 5 8

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont, inued. APPROPEIATIOMS. £ a. a. £ s. d. £ a. d. Postal — continued. 8,947 5 9 11 5 3 12,162 5 8 Brought forward ... £894 17 0 PROVINCIAL OHAEGKES— continued. Vote No. 1 —Item 33— continued. Telegraph— continued. Westland, — Salaries, 1 to 81 May ... £12 10 0 Contingencies ... ... 6 0 9 . 18 10 9 Otaqo,— Travelling Expenses ... £36 12 5 Labour and Material, &o. 211 2 2 Contingencies ... ... 77 14 5 . 325 9 0 Southland, — Travelling Expenses ... £2 6 6 Labour and Material, &c. 54 19 4 Contingencies ... ... 10 7 0 . 67 12 10 1,306 9 7 Total Liabilities and Engagements 10,253 15 4 10,265 0 7 FOR CURRENT SERVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES:— General Post Office, — Vote No. 26 — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Commission on Money Orders due to Foreign Offices Contingencies ... 2,991 6 0 447 8 0 159 3 9 3,597 17 9 Vote No. 27,— Conveyance of Mails by Sea, — Contribution to Suez Line Mail Agents' Salaries and Travelling Allowances Inter-Provincial Mail Services, — Contract Services, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... Demurrage Contingencies, — Gratuities and Bonuses ... £212 5 0 Exchange on Monev Order Remittances ... * ... ... 1,157 0 8 Landing, Shipping, and Conveying Mails 507 18 6 Passages of Mail Agents ... 382 4 0 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 505 0 6 Legal Services in connection with San Francisco Mail Contract... 273 4 10 Miscellaneous ... ... 230 1 6 5,000 0 0 826 13 2 7,075 0 0 1,276 0 0 San Francisco Service, — Contract with Mr. H. H. Hall ... £13,665 16 6 Contract with Messrs. Webb and Holladay ... ... .... 6,153 16 10 3,267 15 0 19,819 13 4 1,348 2 2 Service to Melbourne 38,613 3 8 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 28,— Auckland, — Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,860 5 10 Shortland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 1,090 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 880 6 0 Conveyance of Mails Rent, Auckland ... Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 4,830 11 10 3,425 6 9 55 15 2 787 17 11 9,099 11 8 Vote No. 29,— Taeanaki, — New Plymouth, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £315 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 19 15 6 334 15 6 Carried forward 22,427 6 3 334 15 6 51,310 13 1

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND xs vmAXL—eontmuei. APPEOPEIATIQNS. £ s. a, £ s. a. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 334 15 6 51,310 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 29— continued. TABANAKI — continued. Conveyance of Mails Office Rent Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 139 5 9 30 0 0 67 8 8 571 9 11 Vote No. 30,— Wellington,— Wellington,—■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,564 0 1 Wanganui, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 350 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 319 15 3 Conveyance of Mails Office Rent, Wanganui Half cost of New Office, Wanganui ... Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 2,233 15 4 1,911 2 6 30 0 0 71 14 3 380 6 7 4,626 18 8 Vote No. 31, — Hawke's Bat, — Napier, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £455 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 Mar., 1871 131 15 0 Conveyance of Mails Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 586 15 0 615 3 7 80 1 3 1,281 19 10 Vote No. 32,— Nelson, — Nelson, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £884 0 0 Westport,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 326 9 10 Charleston, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 180 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 365 10 6 Conveyance of Mails Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 1,756 0 4 1,392 5 4 202 1 1 3,350 6 9 Vote No. 33,— Mablbokough,— Blenheim, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £350 0 0 Picton, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 140 0 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 103 1 4 Conveyance of Mails Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 593 1 4 649 9 0 80 17 9 1,323 8 1 Vote No. 34,— Canterbury,— Chri8tchurch, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,331 9 1 Lyttelton,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 402 19 2 Timaru, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to- 30 June, 1871 316 13 4 Kaiapoi, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 192 16 8 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 599 5 5 Conveyance of Mails Half cost of New Office, Waimate Rent of Offices, — Christchureh, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... ... £203 5 0 Kaiapoi, 1 July, 1870, to 22 March, 1871 39 18 5 3,843 3 8 4,065 2 6 118 9 6 243 3 5 Carried forward 8,269 19 1 62,464 16 4 22,427 6 3

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATE !D FUND in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ e. d. Postal — continued. 8,269 19 1 62,464 16 4 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL 0HARGKE8— continued. Vote No. 34 — continued. Cantebbtoy— continued. Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 522 5 9 8,792 4 10 Vote No. 35,— Westland, — Hokitika, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £814 9 9 Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 31 August, 1870 ... ... 18 0 6 Greymouth,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 622 10 0 Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 31 August, 1870 ... ... 17 16 8 Country Postmasters, —■ Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 187 18 4 Conveyance of Mails Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 1,660 15 3 2,533 4 4 412 12 9 Vote No. 36,— Otago,— Dunedin, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,990 2 3 4,606 12 4 Oamaru, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 279 3 4 Clyde, &c — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 1,026 10 0 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 946 6 7 Conveyance of Mails Half cost of New Office, Queenstown ,, ,, Mount Ida... ,, „ Cromwell ... Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. 5,242 2 2 5,458 16 9 234 10 0 160 12 6 211 18 8 616 18 8 11,924 18 9 Vote No. 37, — Southland, — Otago,— Southland District, —■ Invercargill,— Salaries, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £446 13 10 Country Postmasters,- — Salaries, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 142 4 9 Conveyance of Mails ... ... 1,139 10 0 Half cost of New Office, Mataura 164, 13 10 Gratuities, Contingencies, &e. ... 110 0 7 SOUTHLAND,— Invereargill,'— Salaries, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 £90 16 8 Country Postmasters, — Salaries, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 4 3 4 Gratuities, Contingencies, &c. ... 20 17 10 2,003 3 0 115 17 10 COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 38, — Tekgeaph Department,— Head Office,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,167 10 0 White's Bay,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 722 6 8 2,119 0 10 2,889 16 8 Contingencies, — Mail Contract, Tauranga and Thames £360 0 0 Clerical Assistance ... ... 156 6 6 Repairs and Additions to Buildings 193 4 6 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 244 9 11 954 0 11 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary... 3,843 17 7 358 17 7 3,485 0 0 Carried forward 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 15

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATE: FUND IN DETAIL — COntA inued. APPROPKIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote Ho. 89,— Teleo-baph Depabtment,— Auckland, — Salaries, — Auckland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £575 12 10 Onehunga, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 140 0 0 Thames, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 558 4 6 Mercer, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 133 6 8 Newcastle, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 100 0 0 Hamilton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 140 0 0 Cambridge, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 105 0 0 Alexandra, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 100 0 0 Tauranga, 1 Dec, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 ... 68 6 8 Makotu, 1 Nov., 1870, to 30 April, 1871 ... 60 0 0 Rotorua, 1 Dec, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 ... 71 3 4 Taupo, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 160 0 0 2,211 14 0 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Inspector, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £400 0 0 Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 497 18 1 Travelling Expenses 595 14 3 Extra Labour & Material 268 0 8 1,761 13 0 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses, &c. 351 4 8 General Contingencies ... 27 16 0 4,352 7 8 Taeanaki, — Salaries, —■ Patea, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £175 12 6 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £89 10 0 Travelling Expenses ... 32 14 3 122 4 3 Miscellaneous, —■ Office Expenses £23 16 2 New Offices at Hawera and Opunake 125 0 0 148 16 2 446 12 11 Wellington,— Salaries, — Wellington, 1 July, 1870, to 30 Juno, 1871 £1,370 10 2 Government Buildings, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 149 6 2 Otaki, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 125 0 0 Marton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 134 11 8 Wanganui, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 305 0 0 Hutt, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 96 13 4 Featherston, 1 July,187O, to 30 June, 1871 ... 124 3 4 Greytown, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 140 0 0 Masterton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 110 0 0 Carried forward £2,555 4 8 4,799 0 7 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3

8.-No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— conh inued. APPKOPKIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. Postal — continued. 4,799 0 7 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 39— continued. Teieokaph Department— continued. Wellinghon— continued. Salaries — continued £2,555 4 8 Castle Point, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 125 0 0 New Stations, — Eoxton, 1 April to 30 June, 1871 ... 22 10 0 Cadets, 1 to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 33 13 4 2,736 8 0 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £363 13 8 Travelling Expenses ... 462 9 7 Extra Labour & Material 241 11 9 1,067 15 0 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... ... £305 14 8 New Office, Eoxton ... 122 17 6 Contingencies ... 38 8 9 467 0 11 Hawke's Bay,— Salaries, — Napier, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £409 16 8 The Spit, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 155 6 8 Waipukurau, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 90 0 0 Waipawa, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 110 0 0 Taupo, July and August, 1870 ... ... 26 13 4 4,271 3 11 791 16 8 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£343 15 0 Travelling Expenses ... 135 1 9 Extra Labour & Material 43 6 0 -. 522 2 9 Miscellaneous, —• Office and Travelling Expenses ... 132 9 3 Nelson, — Salaries, — Nelson, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £443 17 9 Cheviot, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 110 0 0 Brighton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1S71 ... 117 10 0 Charleston, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 138 6 8 Westport, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 199 10 4 1,446 8 8 ■ 1,009 4 9 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£277 0 1 Travelling Expenses ... 236 18 0 Extra Labour & Material 79 6 0 593 4 1 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... ... £196 6 6 General Contingencies... 70 15 6 — 267 2 0 1,869 10 10 Carried forward 12,386 4 0 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND ik detail — cont; inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 12,386 4 0 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL OHABGKES— continued. Vote No. 39 — continued. Telegkaph Department— continued. Marlbokough,— Salaries, — Blenheim, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£210 0 0 Kaikom-a, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 135 8 4 Picton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 126 0 0 Havelock, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 120 0 0 • 591 8 4 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£49113 4 Travelling Expenses ... 376 1111 Extra Labour* Material 477 17 7 1,346 2 10 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... ... £120 10 1 General Contingencies... 14 6 7 134 17 2 Canterbury,— Salaries,' — Christchurch, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £1,414 1 8 Lyttelton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 374 3 4 Kaiapoi, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 157 0 6 Timam, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 175 0 0 Temuka, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 116 5 0 Selwyn, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 125 19 7 Bealey, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 200 0 0 New Stations, 1 November, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 89 3 4 2,072 8 4 £2,651 13 5 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Inspector, 1 July, 1870, to 80 June, 1871 ...£375 0 0 Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 80 June, 1871 ... 545 0 6 Travelling Expenses ... 507 18 3 Extra Labour, Btaterials, &c. ... ... 1,453 11 1 2,881 9 10 Miscellaneous,— Office and Travelling Expenses ... ... £411 1 7 New Offices, Repairs, Alterations, &c. ... 475 11 4 886 12 11 Wbstiand, — Salaries, —■ Hokitika, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £534 8 4 G-reymouth, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 252 8 8 6,419 16 2 £786 17 0 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£135 8 4 Travelling Expenses ... 178 9 2 Extra Labour, Materials, &c. ... ... 127 19 0 441 16 6 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... 68 15 1 Carried forward 1,297 8 7 22,175 17 1 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3

B.~No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE FUND IN DETAIL — COtlt; ;ued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 22,175 17 1 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 39— continued. Telegbaph Department— continued. Ota&o, — Salaries, — Dunedin, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,442 15 5 Port Chalmers, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 313 6 8 Waikouaili, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 90 0 0 Oamaru, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 210 3 4 Tokomairiro, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 213 6 8 Lawrence, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 115 0 0 Eoxburgh, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 137 10 0 Balclutha, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 165 3 ,4 Palmorston, 1 July,187O, to 30 June, 1871 ... 130 0 0 Alexandra, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 125 0 0 Clyde, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 75 0 0 Cromwell, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 156 0 0 Queenstown, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 134 8 4 Hampden, Mav and June, 1871 ... 15 0 0 3,322 13 9 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Inspector, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ...£300 0 0 Linemen, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 429 14 1 Travelling-Expenses ... 605 2 6 Extra Labour and Materials, &c. 1,385 13 4 2,720 9 11 Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... ... £371 10 3 Half cost New Offices, — Q.ucenstowu ... 234 10 0 Naseby ... ... 149 12 6 Cromwell ... ... 205 0 9 Hampden... ... 123 10 0 Eepairs & Contingencies 106 10 2 1,190 19 8 £7,234 3 4 Southland District, — Salaries, — Invercargill, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £212 10 0 Bluff, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 206 13 4 New Stations, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1871 ... 82 10 0 501 13 4 Maintenance and Eepairs of Line, —■ Inspector, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £200 0 0 Linemen, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 234 17 7 Travelling Expenses 196 12 5 Extra Labour, Material, &c. ... 355 11 8 . 987 1 8 Carried forward £8,722 18 4 22,175 17 1 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 16

B.—No. 1.



DISBTTESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— conk Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Postal — continued. 22,175 17 1 93,392 13 1 22,427 6 3 Brought forward ... £8,722 18 4 PROVINCIAL CHAKQES— continued. Vote No. 39— continued. Telegraph Department— continued. OtaGO — continued. Southland District — continued. Miscellaneous, — Office and Travelling Expenses ... £116 2 0 New Offices, — Mataura ... 181 0 10 Riverton ... 122 5 3 419 8 1 Southland, — Salaries, — Invercargill, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... £39 3 4 Bluff, 1 July to 31 Aug., 1870 ... ... 37 10 0 9,142 6 5 76 13 4 Maintenance and Repairs of Line, — Inspector, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... £40 0 0 Linemen, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... 20 16 8 Travelling Expenses ... 80 10 0 Extra Labour, Material, &c. ... ... 41 14 0 183 0 8 Miscellaneous, — Office Expenses, &e. ... ... 8 18 2 268 12 2 Supplementary : — Expenditure in Excess op Appropriation,— Vote No. 38,— Expenditure ... ... ... £3,843 17 7 Amount of Vote ... ... 3,485 0 0 31,586 15 8 358 17 7 358 17 7 Total Financial Year 1870-71 125,338 6 4 Total Class IV. ... £147,765 12 7 CLASS V.-CUSTOMS. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES : Vote No. 157,— Inspector's Department,— Contingencies ... Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... 2 12 0 97 8 0 100 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 158,— Auckland, — Salaries, — Auckland, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... £55 6 0 Shortland, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... 9 0 0 Kaipara, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 12 10 0 New Custom House, Russell Contingencies 76 16 0 216 9 8 106 14 4 Vote No. 160,— Hawke's Bay,— Salary, 1 to 30 April, 1870 Extra Tidewaiter and Contingencies 400 0 0 10 12 6 14 7 6 25 0 0 Carried forward 525 0 0

8.-No. l.



DISBURSEMENTS op tiie CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail—continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. APPROPRIATIONS. Customs — continued. Brought forward 525 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 161, — Wellington,— Extra Tidewaiters Contingencies ... 12 o o 11 2 6 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... 23 2 6 51 17 6 75 0 0 Vote No. 162,— Nelson, — Contingencies ... Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... 0 12 9 9 7 3 Vote No. 163,— Maklbobough,— Rent and Contingencies ... 10 0 0 10 0 0 Vote No. 164,— Canterbury,— Extra Tidewaiters Painting Custom House, Timaru ... 3 0 0 12 12 0 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... 15 12 0 34 8 0 Vote No. 165, — Westland, —■ Contingencies ... Unexpended Balance repaid to County Account 50 0 0 1 12 9 23 7 3 25 0 0 Vote No. 166,— Otaoo, — Contingencies Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account 11 1 6 13 18 C 25 0 0 Vote No. 168,— New Pobts and Stations, &c, — Auckland, — Legal Expenses Contingencies ... 19 11 8 5 8 4 25 0 0 COLONIAL CHARG-ES:— Vote No. 169,— DlSTILLEBIES, Travelling Allowance and Expenses Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... 15 12 6 34 7 6 50 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 170,— DlSTILLEKIES, Ota<jo,— Travelling Expenses Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... 9 12 0 15 8 0 25 0 0 Total Resebve Account 820 0 0 APPROPRIATIONS OP 1870-71. FOR LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Yeab 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 4, — Nugget Point Lighthouse,— Balance due on account of Contract £59 0 0 Repairing Road ... ... 37 18 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 0 18 4 97 16 4 Carried forward 97 16 4 820 0 0

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT !D FUND m detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs — continued. 97 16 4 820 0 0 Brought forward COLONIAL CHAnGES—continued. Vote No. 1 —Item 5, — Cape Campbell Lighthouse,— Stores for " St. Kilda" ... ... £25 0 0 Wages of Fitters, &c. ... ... 67 2 8 Miscellaneons ... ... ... 490 06 11 8 Financial Ykab 1869-70. 194 8 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 34, — Customs, — Otaoo, — Contingencies ... Southland, — Salaries ... ... ... £7 10 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 220 18 6 9 12 0 Total Liauilities and Engagements 11 0 6 205 8 6 FOE CURRENT SERVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 40, — Inspector's Department,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Travelling Allowances and Expenses Contingen cies ... Passage Money, &c, on Removal of Officers Chatham Islands, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 28 February, 1871 "... ... ... £225 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 21 5 0 585 0 0 338 15 0 65 9 9 259 18 0 246 5 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 41,— Auckland, — Salaries, — Auckland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ' ... ... ... £4,172 17 1 Onehunga, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ..." ... ... 419 0 0 Shortland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 629 15 6 Mongonui, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 210 0 0 Russell, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 200 0 0 Wangarei, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 150 0 0 Wangaroa, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ..." ... ... 75 0 0 Kaipara, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 .".. ... ... 50 0 0 Hokianga, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 190 0 0 Tauranga, 1 July, 1870, to 7 November, 1870 ... ... ... 17 12 9 Maketu, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 25 0 0 Port Waikato, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 25 0 0 1,495 7 9 Rent, Custom House, Auckland Extra Tidewaitcrs Contingencies,— " Ringleader," Wages, Repairs, &0. £246 17 1 Extra Clerks and Lockers ... 352 17 6 New Custom House, Russell ... 67 17 9 Office Rent, Thames ... ... . 25 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 163 14 6 6,164 5 4 111 10 4 201 12 0 856 6 10 7,333 14 6 Carried forward 8,829 2 3 1,025 8 6

B.—No. 1



DISBTJESEMENTS or the CONSOLIDAT ID FUND IN detail — continued. APPROPKIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. Customs — continued. 8,829 2 3 1,025 8 6 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. "Vote No. 42, — Taeanaki, — Salaries, — New Plymouth, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Contingencies ... 440 0 0 4 10 6 444 10 6 Vote No. 43,— Wellington,— Salaries, —■ Wellington, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £2,763 12 6 Wanganui, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 670 0 0 Bent of Custom House, Wanganui ... New Custom House, Wanganui Extra Tidewaiters Contingencies 3,433 12 6 30 0 0 195 0 6 108 14 0 79 8 5 3,846 15 5 Vote No. 44, — Hawke's Bat, — Salaries, — Napier, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Extra Tidewaiters Contingencies 1,030 18 1 20 0 0 37 14 6 1,088 12 7 Vote No. 45,— Nelson, — Salaries, — Nelson, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,723 8 10 Collingwood, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 25 0 0 Westport, with Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 760 1 2 Greymouth, Moiety of Salaries, with Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 867 10 0 Contingencies, — Clerical Assistance and Messenger £50 3 4 Licensing Officer ... ... 14 10 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 63 18 11 3,376 0 0 128 12 3 Vote No. 46, — Mabxbokough,— Salaries, — Pieton, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £200 0 0 Hayeloek, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 140 0 0 Wairau, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 250 0 0 Kaikoura, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 125 0 0 3,504 12 3 Rent of Custom House, Kaikoura ... Contingencies 715 0 0 15 11 10 43 10 0 774 1 10 Vote No. 47, — Canterbttky,— Salaries, — Lyttelton and Christchurch, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £3,040 13 4 Kaiapoi, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 50 0 0 Akaroa, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 204 3 4 Timaru, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 507 3 3 Contingencies ... 3,801 19 11 30 7 11 3,832 7 10 Carried forward 22,320 2 8 1,025 8 6 17

8.-No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND if detail — con) >.ued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Customs — continued. 1,025 8 6 Brought forward 22,320 2 8 PROVINCIAL CIIAEG-ES— continued. Vote No. 48, — Westland, — Salaries, — Hokitika, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,925 13 9 Gold Fields' Allowance 352 18 1 2,278 12 4 Greymouth, Moiety of Salaries, with Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 867 10 0 Okarito, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... .., 280 0 0 Gold Fields Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 50 0 0 Contingencies 3,476 2 4 54 0 0 Vote No. 49,— Otago,— Salaries, — Dunedin, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... £4,648 3 11 Port Chalmers, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 715 0 0 Oamuru, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 495 0 0 Molyneux, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 50 0 0 3,530 2 4 Extra Tidewaiters Contingencies 5,908 3 11 413 4 0 50 14 6 Vote No. 50, — Southland, — Otago,— Southland District, — Salaries, — Invercargill, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £946 13 4 Bluff, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 241 13 4 Riverton, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... . 200 0 0 Contingencies ,.. ... 2 10 0 6,372 2 5 Southland, — Salaries, — • Invercargill, July and August, 1870 £188 6 8 Bluff, July and Auguat, 1870 ... 48 6 8 Eiyerton, July and August, 1870 40 0 0 Contingencies ... .,, ... 1 10 0 1,390 16 8 278 3 4 Vote No. 51, — Special Seevices in the Protection of the Eevenue, Expenses of New Ports, and unforeseen Contingencies,— Auckland, — Special Services, &c. Takanaki, — Salaries, 1 March to 30 June, 1871 Wellington,— Gratuity to E. Lysaght ... Hawke's Bay,— Erection of Searching Shed Nelson, — Erection of Searching Shed, Westport 32 3 8 46 5 0 1,669 0 0 67 10 0 129 5 0 168 0 0 443 3 8 Distilleries. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 52, — Salary of Inspector, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Travelling Allowance Contingencies 275 0 0 81 3 1 60 12 4 416 15 5 Carried forward 34,751 6 6 1^025 8 6

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE: FUND in" detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ 8. d. CustOMS — continued. 34,751 6 6 1,025 8 6 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 53,— Auckland, — Salary of Inspector, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... £87 10 0 Contingencies and Rewards ... 125 5 4 212 15 4 Cantekbuby,— Contingencies 4 4 0 Westland, — Rewards and Contingencies 72 10 0 Otago,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £366 13 4 Contingencies ... ... ... 0 17 6 307 10 10 657 '0 2 Marine Dbpabtment. COLONIAL CHARGES -.— Vote No. 54,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Expenses under " Enquiry into Wrecks Act, 1869 " Lighthouses, Salaries of Keepers,— Tiri Tiri, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... £340 0 0 Farewell Spit, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... " ... ... 346 13 4 Nelson, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 180 0 0 Mana, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 320 3 6 Penearrow, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 340 0 0 Capo Campbell, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 333 9 8 Godley Head, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 342 5 3 Tairoa Head, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 320 0 0 Nugget Point, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 364 18 5 Dog Wand, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 431 2 6 837 10 0 24 7 3 Cape Campbell Lighthouse, Pay of Fitters Nugget Point Lighthouse, Clearing and Fencing Ground, and Inspection of Lighthouse Pencarrow Lighthouse, Dwellings for Keepers ... Oil and Stores, &c, for Lighthouses Contingencies,— Salaries, — Marine Engineer, 22 May to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £22 0 10 Examiner of Masters, 18 February to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 109 16 5 Surveyors of Steamers, — Auckland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 112 10 0 Dtjnedin, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ' ... ... ... 100 0 0 Hokitika, July and August, 1870 8 0 0 Cantebbuey, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 25 0 0 Lightlicepers temporarily employed... 64 14 8 Travelling Allowances and Expenses... 274 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 204 3 3 3,318 12 8 37 3 0 100 7 0 764 9 0 1,984 10 1 Surveys, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... ... £752 7 7 Wages, Seamen, "Edith" £76 16 8 Eations, &c. ,, 19 9 4 920 5 2 96 6 0 Carried forward ... £848 13 7 7,987 4 2 35,408 6 8 1,025 8 6

B— No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS or the CONSOLIDAT ID FUND in detail — continued. APPB0PRIATI0NS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. Customs — co ntinued. 7,987 4 2 35,408 6 8 1,025 8 6 Brought forward ... £848 13 1 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 54 — continued. Contingencies — continued. Surveys— continued. Travelling Allowances and Expenses 93 19 2 Rations and Ration Allowances ... 91 16 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 102 9 3 1,136 18 0 Total Financial Yeae 1870-71 9,124 2 2 44,532 8 10 Total Class V. ... £45,557 17 4 CLASS VI.-NATIVE. KESEKVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 68,— Salaries of European and Native Officers, — Auckland ... ... ... £12 0 0 Hawke's Bat ... ... ... 18 0 0 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 30 0 0 170 0 0 200 0 0 FINANCIAL TEAE 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES : — Vote No. 172, — Salaries of European and Native Officers, — Auckland, — Resident Magistrates, 1 May to 30 June, 1870... £57 10 0 Clerks and Interpreters, 1 May to 30 June, 1870... 109 3 4 Assessors, 1 January' to 30 June, 1870 ..." ... 352 13 4 Police, 1 July, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 122 10 0 641 16 8 Tabanaki, — Assessor, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 12 10 0 Wellington,— Resident Magistrate, 12 April to 23 May, 1870... £11 9 2 Clerk, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 37 10 0 Assessors, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 207 18 4 Police, 1 December, 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... 67 0 0 323 17 6 Hawse's Bat, — Resident Magistrate, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 £12 10 0 Assessors, 1 Oct., 1869, to 30 June, 1870 ... 62 10 0 Police, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 ... ... 10 0 0 85 0 0 Canterbury,— Assessors, 1 April to 30 June, 1870 6 0 0 Otaqo,— Assessors, 1 January to 30 June, 1870 5 0 0 Carried forward ... £1,074 4 2 200 0 0

B.—No. l



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail— cont Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Native — continued. 200 0 0 Brought forward ... £1,074 4 2 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 172 — continued. Salaries of European and Native Officers — contd. Southland, — Assessors, 1 January to 30 June, 1870 35 0 0 Chatham Islands, — Assessors ... ... £2 4 0 Police ... ... 6 7 4 8 11 4 £1,117 15 6 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 647 4 7 1,765 0 1 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 173 — Natiye Lands Couet, — Survey Department,— Auckland, — Preparation of Crown Grants ... ... £24 1 4 Travelling Expenses ... 27 0 6 Map Case ... ... 41 0 0 PipesforTrigonometrical Stations ... ... 42 1 4 Messenger and Contingencies ... ... 33 8 8 167 11 10 Wellington,— Travelling Expenses ... ... 4 0 0 £171 11 10 Unexpended Balance paid to Provincial Accounts, — Auckland ... ... £632 8 2 Wellington ... ... 196 0 0 828 8 2 1,000 0 0 Total Reseeve Account ... 2,765 0 1 2,965 0 1 APPROPRIATIONS OF 1870-71. FOB LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Yeab 1868-69. PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 6, — Native Lands Couet, — Contingencies, — Auckland ... ... ... £2 10 0 Taeanaki ... ... ... 10 0 Canterbuey ... ... ... 20 0 0 Survey Department, — Auckland, — Office Furniture, &c. ... ... £5 4 5 Hawke's Bay,— Preparing Maps, &c. ... ... 30 7 6 23 10 0 35 11 11 UNAPPORTIONED :— Vote No. 1 —Item 40, — Southland, — Survey of Native Reserves 59 1 11 356 7 8 Total Liabilities and Engagements 415 9 1 Carried forward 3,380 9 8 18

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont; inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ 8. d. & s. d. Native — continued. 3,380 9 8 Brought forward FOE CURRENT SERVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 55, — Native Secketaky's Department,— General Contingencies,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,916 3 3 Provisions for Natives ... ... 1,489 13 9 Clothing ... ... ... 411 6 11 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 1,131 19 0 Medical Comforts and Attendance on Natives ... ... ... 175 15 8 Presents, Bonuses, Grratuitios, &c... 1,551 16 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 940 8 10 Aid to Settlement of Surrendered Rebels Maori Newspaper Expenses attending Sittings of Native Lands Courts, Chatham Islands 7,617 3 5 1,731 14 8 89 4 0 268 8 10 9,706 10 11 Vote No. 56 — Salaries of European and Native Officers, — Auckland, — Auckland, — Clerks and Interpreter, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £507 10 0 Hostelry Keeper, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 70 0 0 577 10 0 Mongonui,— Resident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £400 0 0 Clerk and Interpreter, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 100 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 155 0 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 53 15 0 708 15 0 Waimate, Hokianga, and Whangaroa,— Resident Magistrate, Waimate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... £204 3 4 Resident Magistrate, Hokianga, Salary/1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871" ... ... ... 32 13 10 Assessors, Hokianga, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 142 10 0 Assessors, Waimate, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 110 0 0 Police, Hokianga, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 67 10 0 Police, Waimate, Salaries, 1 July, . 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 60 0 0 Kororareka, — Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £87 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 15 0 0 616 17 2 102 10 0 Kaipara, — Resident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871 " ... £110 0 0 Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871... ... ... 91 13 4 Boatman, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871... ... ... 131 16 1 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 250 0 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 30 0 0 613 9 5 Carried forward 2, 619 1 7 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8

B.—No. I



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATE FUND is" detail — confr inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. a. £ a. a. £ s. d. Native — continued. 2,619 1 7 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES—continued. Vote No. 56— continued. Salaries of European and Native Officers — continued. Auckland — continued. Hauraki, — Native Officer, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £450 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 267 10 0 Boatman, Salary, 17 Jan., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 27 8 4 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 48 16 3 793 14 7 Waiuku, — Clerk and Interpreter, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ' ... £50 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 100 0 0 Police, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 15 0 0 165 0 0 Waikato, — Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £50 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 326 10 11 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 102 0 0 478 10 11 Baglan,— Clerk and Interpreter, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 £75 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 97 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 48 0 0 220 10 0 Tauranga,— Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871 £114 11 8 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ' ... 247 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 260 10 0 Maketu, — Besident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 ... £250 0 0 Native Clerks, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 75 0 0 622 11 8 325 0 0 Opotiki, — Resident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1S70, to 80 April, 1871 ... £29113 4 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 52 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 30 0 0 374 3 4 Waiapu, — Besident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 ... £333 6 8 Subsidy to Mailman between Waiapu and Turanga, December Qr. 11 8 1 Assessors, Salaries, 1 January to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 57 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 23 0 0 425 4 9 Taupo, Poverty Bay, and Wairoa, — Besident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £500 0 0 Clerks and Interpreters, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871... 14113 4 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 326 10 0 Carried forward ... £968 3 4 6,023 16 10 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDAT. ID FUND in detail — com 'inued. APPKOPKIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ). d. Native — continued. 6,023 16 10 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8 Brought forward ... £968 3 4 COLONIAL CHAEG-ES— continued. Vote No. 56— continued. Salaries of European and Native Officers — contd. Auckland — continued. Taupo, Poverty Bay, and Wairoa— contd. Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 78 18 0 Gisborne, — Clerk, Salary, March and April, 1871 1,047 1 4 25 0 0 Eussell, — Assessors, Salaries, 1 October, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... £87 10 0 Police, Salaries, January, 1871 ... 5 0 0 92 10 0 Whangarei,— Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ' ... 50 0 0 Tabanaki, — New Plymouth,— Clerk and Interpreter, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £335 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 420 0 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 264 0 0 Subsidy to Mailman, Taranaki and Patea ... ... ... 15 17 9 Hospital Steward, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 30 0 0 Hawke's Bat, — Napier,— Interpreter, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ' ... £300 0 0 Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 52 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 April, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 47 10 0 1,064 17 9 399 10 0 Wairoa, — Resident Magistrate, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 May, 1871 ... £183 6 8 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 97 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 30 0 0 Waipukurau,— Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... ... £67 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 20 0 0 310 16 8 87 10 0 Wellington,— Wellington,— Hostelry Keeper, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £100 0 0 Assessor, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 50 0 0 Boatman, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 50 0 0 Wairarapa, — Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871... 200 0 0 200 0 0 Otaki mid Eaugitiki, — Kesident Magistrate, Otaki, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £100 0 0 Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 " ... ... 112 10 0 Assessors, Otaki, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... 72 10 0 Police, Otaki, Salary, 1 January to 31 March, 1871 "... ... 49 8 11 Carried forward ... £334 8 11 9,501 2 7 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8

B.—No. 1.



DISBUBSEMEjSTTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND nr detail— eont, inued. APPKOPKIATIONS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Native — continued. 9,501 2 7 9,706 10 11 3,380 9 8 Brought forward ... £334 8 11 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 56 — continued. Salaries of European and Native Officers — contd. Wellington— continued. Otaki and Rangitikei— continued. Police, Rangitikei, Salary, 1 January to 31 March, 1871 ... ... 2 10 0 Wanganui,— Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £558 10 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 92 6 8 336 18 11 650 16 8 Upper Wanganui, —■ Eesident Magistrate, Salary and Travelling Allowance, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £333 17 4 Assessors, Salaries, 1 October, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 179 5 0 Police, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 78 0 0 Manawatu, — Assessor, Salary, March Quarter, 1871 ... 591 2 4 10 0 0 Nelson, — Commissioner, Native Eeserves, and Resident Magistrate for Natives, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 300 0 0 Canterbury,— Christchurch, — Interpreter, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £150 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 75 0 0 Otago,— Dunedin, — Interpreter, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £150 0 0 Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... 70 0 0 225 0 0 220 0 0 Southland, — Assessors, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 ... 67 10 0 11,902 10 6 Vote No. 57, — Trustee op Native Reserves, — Trustee, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Clerk, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Contingencies,— Plans and Maps Instruments ... Travelling Allowance ... Miscellaneous 600 0 0 150 0 0 111 0 0 5 7 6 82 19 0 5 7 10 954 14 4 Vote No. 58, — Native Lands Coukt, — Auckland, — Salaries, — Judges, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... £1,840 0 0 Clerks, Interpreters, Assessors, Policemen, and Messenger ... 1,642 3 9 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 858 12 1 Rations for Natives ... ... 182 19 1 Contingencies ... ... ... 125 9 11 4,649 4 10 Tabanaki, — Advertising 0 12 9 Wellington,— Salaries, — Jud«»e, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £600 0 0 Interpreter aiid Assessors ... 30 8 6 Carried forward ... £630 8 6 4,649 17 7 22,563 15 9 3,380 9 8 19

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLLDAT: ID FUND is detail — com Hnued. APPR0PEIATI0NS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Native — continued. 4,649 17 7 22,563 15 9 3,380 9 8 Brought forward ... £630 8 6 COLONIAL OEABG-BS— oonthwed. Vote No. 58 — continued. Natitb Lands Cotjet— continued. Wellington— continued. Travelling Allowances and Expenses 18 6 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 10 9 3 659 3 9 Hawke's Bat, — Expenses of Sittings of Court ... £104 17 6 Passage and Contingencies ... 19 13 9 124 11 3 Otago,— Preparing Plans 0 15 0 5,434 7 7 Vote No. 59, — Inspector oe Stteveys' Depaktment,— Auckland, — Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 £1,736 16 2 Labour ... ... ... 930 11 10 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 82 6 6 Eield Allowances, Equipment, &c. 148 17 6 Contingencies ... ... ... 140 8 1 Taranaki, — Travelling Expenses 3,039 0 1 4 0 0 Wellington,— Travelling Expenses ... ... £60 0 0 Preparing Plans ... ... 118 61 1 8 Hawke's Bay,— Salary, 1 July to 25 August, 1870... £30 2 2 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 120 9 6 Contingencies ... ... ... 104 12 5 255 4 1 Canterbuey,— Preparing Plan 0 5 0 Vote No. 60,— Auckland,— Remission of Duty on Conveyance of Native Lands ... 3,359 10 10 40 0 0 Total Financial Yeab 1870-71 31,397 14 2 Total Class VI. ... £34,778 3 10 CLASS VII.-MISCELLANE0U8. RESEKVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 70, — Compensation for Losses by Wreck of s.s. " Lord Worsley," in 1862 ... Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue 617 7 7 752 8 9 1,369 16 4 FINANCIAL YEAE 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 177 — Advances, Peovincb of Wellington,— Erection of Wanganui Bridge,— Payments on account of Contract £8,492 0 0 Salary of Superintending Engineer, 20 March, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 390 9 1 £8,882 9 1 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... ... ... 4,402 10 11 13,285 0 0 Carried forward 13,285 0 0 1,369 16 4

B.—No. 1



DISBITBSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATE ID FUND TS DETAIL — COnt inued. APPBOPEIATTONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. & s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 13,285 0 0 1,369 16 4 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 177a,— koads in noeth island, &c, Expenditure on account of Roads £10,569 8 3 Advances to Patea and Waitotara Settlers ... ... ... 5,656 15 9 £16,226 4 0 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... ... ... 2,019 11 4 18,245 15 4 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 176,— Advances to Native Lands Couets, — Auckland, — Salaries of Judges, 1 May to 30 June, 1870 £130 0 0 Travelling Allowance and Expenses ... ... 10 8 0 Contingencies ... ... 21 4 1 ■ 161 12 1 Wellington,—■ Salaries of Assessors and Interpreter, 1 to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £32 0 0 Travelling Allowance and Expenses of Judge and Assessor ... ... 31 15 0 Rent and Contingencies ... 40 2 0 103 17 0 £265 9 1 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Accounts, — Auckland ... ... £38 7 11 Wellington ... ... 96 3 0 • 134 10 11 Total Reseeve Account ... 400 0 0 31,930 15 4 33,300 11 8 APPK0PRIATI0NS OP 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Yeae 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 35, — Miscellaneous, — Stationery Binding Eurniture and Eittings, Public Offices „ ,, Government Houses Salaries Travelling Expenses Expenses Steamer " Luna " Subscriptions to Newspapers Expenses in connection with Elax Commission „ ,, Agricultural Statistics ... Compensation to Chatham Islands Settlers ... Rent of Ministerial Residences Rent of Government Offices Exchange, &e., on Bills Wages of Pilots at Tauranga Advertising and Printing ... ... ... Expenses re Hempelman's Claim ... Expenses, Removal of Imperial Troops Contingencies ... Pensions, — H. Deery, June Quarter, 1870 ... £6 10 0 Mrs. Ha'mlin „ „ ... 12 10 0 D. Monro „ „ 4 10 0 648 8 1 191 18 9 259 0 1 187 1 3 81 13 1 170 9 11 554 14 8 44 2 0 121 8 3 64 17 6 113 15 5 70 0 0 211 1 0 63 13 5 86 2 10 44 7 0 88 7 2 57 15 0 284 4 4 3,342 19 9 Carried forward ... £23 10 0 33,300 11 8

B.—No. 1.



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont, Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 3,342 19 9 33,300 11 8 Brought forward ... £23 10 0 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 1—Item 35— continued. Miscellaneous — continued. Pensions— continued. Mrs. Meredith, June Quarter, 1870 15 0 0 Mrs. Broughton, 1 July, 1867, to 31 October, 1868 ... ... 168 0 0 Mrs. Broughton, June Quarter, 1870 31 10 0 Vote No. 1 —Item 42, — Balance of Purchase Money of p.s. " Luna " 238 0 0 3,580 19 9 10,580 19 9 7,000 0 0 Total Liabilities and Engagements FOB, CTTEEENT SEEVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 61,— TraTelling Expenses of His Excellency the Governor and Suite Colonial Agent in London, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 Stationery,— Stationery ... ... ... £7,708 16 4 Binding, Ruling, &o. ... ... 3,592 1111 Freight, Cartage, &o. ... ... 19 9 9 781 14 7 450 0 0 11,320 18 0 621 9 3 417 10 0 Printing ... Insurances General Contingencies— Repairs to Offices, Furniture, &c. ... £168 10 3 Trayelling Expenses of Ministers and • Officers on Public Service ... 943 6 9 Fuel ... ... ... ... 271 0 3 Subscriptions to Newspapers ... 85 6 9 Advertising ... ... ... 40 14 9 Night Watchmen... ... ... 234 0 0 Freight, Charges, &c. ... ... 81 8 1 Salaries, — Clerk, Patents Act ... £25 0 0 Clerks toMinisterof Justice 31 18 3 Gaoler, Chatham Islands 25 0 0 Boys in Stamp Printing Office ... ... 30 0 0 Stereotyper ... ... 99 13 4 Pilots, Tauranga ... 97 16 1 Clerk to Civil Service Guarantee Board ... 10 2 9 Labourer engaged by Colonial Architect ... 125 4 0 Messengers at Wellington and Auckland ... 125 13 2 Chief Messenger and Gardener, — Annuallnerementsunder Civil Service Act ... 39 0 0 609 7 7 Telegrams ... ... ... 230 13 4 Clerical Work ... ... ... 128 15 4 Guard over Government House ... 146 14 0 Gas for Government House, Auckland 131 18 8 Postage and Revenue Stamps ... 73 5 0 Repairs to Tauranga Cemetery ... 165 4 5 Repairs to Tua Marina and Massacre Hill Monuments ... ... 45 8 0 Subsidy to Government Domain Board, Auckland ... ... ... 50 0 0 Removing Night Soil, Washing Rooms, &c. 115 6 10 Interest, — On Advances and Remittances on account of San Francisco Mail Service... £63 1 i On Advance to pay Interest on Treasury Bills ... 10 0 On Advance to complete purchase of " Luna " 9 7 11 73 19 3 Carried forward ... £3,594 19 3 13,591 11 10 43,881 11 5

B.—No. 1



DISBTJESBMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 13,591 11 10 43,881 11 5 Brought forward ... £3,594 19 3 COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 61 — continued. General Contingencies— continued. Grant to City Council of Wellington for Repair of Streets to which Public Buildings have frontage ... 140 0 0 Bonus to Mr. Batchelor for planting Mulberry Trees ... ... 100 0 0 Bonus to W. Buller for publication of Work on Birds of New Zealand on handing over his Collection of Birds to the Museum... ... ... 300 0 0 Compensation to W. H. Eevell for Costs incurred in defending Prosecution against him in Magisterial capacity 50 0 0 Charter of steamer " Tairoa," to Martin's Bay ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 557 10 7 4,892 9 10 Land Claims Commissioner, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Clerical Assistance to Agent, General Government, Auckland Clerk to Resident Agent of Government, Hawke's Bay, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Rent of Government Offices, — Auckland ... ... ... £55 15 2 Wellington ... ... ... 450 4 0 100 0 0 156 5 0 250 0 0 505 19 2 Rent of Ministerial Residences Ifurniture for New Government House Census, — Enumerators ... ... ... £107 10 0 Sub-Enumerators ... ... 6,437 17 0 Clerical Assistance ... ... 1,659 9 5 277 10 0 1,568 0 3 8,204 16 5 Balance of Expenditure of the late Medical Board Expenses of the Schooner " Daphne" to the Auckland Islands ... Half Expenses of Steamer " Luna " Expenses of Investment of Sinking Fund, Consolidated Loan Salary of Government Agent, Auckland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Additional Grant to County of Westland Expenses in connection with Flax Commission ... Expenses under " Arms Act, 1869" Rent of Sir Charles Clifford's House ... Purchase of Type and Material for Printing Office Compensation to John Runciman Compensation to William UTraaimoie ... Repairs of Government Buildings and Erection of New Offices ... Compensation to J. W. Witty for non-issue of Crown Grants Consolidation and Codification of Statutes Wellington Botanical Gardens 67 18 0 200 0 0 3,535 18 3 269 8 6 300 0 0 3,000 0 0 601 6 8 764 2 6 100 0 0 45 18 0 279 10 0 165 1 0 4,233 7 9 115 0 0 758 11 7 300 0 0 44,282 14 9 Vote No. 62,— Bank Commission, — Bank Commission on Remittances and Payment of Interest Crown Agents' Commission 4,270 11 9 651 17 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 4,922 8 9 1,420 19 8 3,501 9 1 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 63, — Auckland, — Refund of Money forfeited to the Crown 33 6 0 Maklborough,— Compensation to A. S. Dreyer 150 0 0 183 6 0 Carried forward 47,967 9 10 43,881 11 5 20

B.—No. 1



DISBUESEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— cont, inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miscellaneous — continued. 47,967 9 10 43,881 11 5 Brought forward supplementary : — Expenditure in Excess ob Appropriation,— Vote No. 62, — Expenditure Amount of Vote ... ... £3,500 0 0 Credits (see page 14) ... ...■ 19 1 4,922 8 9 3,501 9 1 TOTAL FINANCIAL YEAB 1870-71 1,420 19 8 49,388 9 6 Total Class VII. ... £93,270 0 11 CLASS VIII.-DEFENCE. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Armed Constabulary,'—■ Vote No. 75,— Pay, &e. ... ...£148 8 8 Compensation for Losses at Opepe ... ... 106 14 10 255 3 6 Unexpended Balance returned to Eevenue ... ... ... 44 16 6 Vote No. 78 — Transport ... ... ... £97 11 5 Rations ... ... ... 148 18 10 Clotliing and Equipment ... 168 15 2 Miscellaneous .., ... ... 84 14 7 300 0 0 500 0 0 FINANCIAL TEAE 1869-70. 800 0 0 COLONIAL CHARGES :— Militia and Volunteers, — Vote No. 179,— Store Department, — Salaries of Storekeepers to 30 June, 1870 ... ... ... £54 3 4 Travelling Expenses ... ... 36 3 0 Inspection of Stores ... ... 1456 Advertising and Contingencies ... 81 17 0 £186 8 10 Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... ... ... 40 2 7 226 11 5 Vote No. 180,— Miscellaneous, —■ Passages of Competitors and Pay of Markers ... ... ... £66 17 6 Arms and Ammunition ... ... 751 7 9 Carriage and Freight ... ... 53 10 10 Salary and Travelling Allowance and Expenses of Inspector... ... 80 13 4 Contingencies ... ... ... 47 10 7 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 182,— Auckland, — Pay of Staff, June, 1870... ... £62 13 4 Advertising and Contingencies ... 52 8 6 Capitation Grant ... ... 1,251 6 7 1,000 0 0 \ 1,366 8 5 Carried forward' 800 0 0 2,592 19 10

B.— No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail— cont; Inued. APPB0PKIATI0N8. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Defence — continued. 2,592 19 10 800 0 0 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 183,— Tabanaki, — Bent and Contingencies ... ... £10 0 0 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 15 0 0 Vote No. 185,— Wellington,— Pay of Staff, June, 1870 ... ... £29 6 8 Advertising, Rent, and Contingencies 50 2 3 Capitation Grant ... ... 403 1 0 25 0 0 £4S2 9 11 602 17 4 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 120 7 5 Vote No. 184,— Hawke's Bat, — Contingencies ... ... ... £8 11 10 Capitation Grant ... ... 41 8 2 50 0 0 Vote No. 186,— Nelson, — Contingencies, Advertising, &c. ... £13 18 8 Capitation Grant ... ... 183 15 0 £197 13 8 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 2 6 4 200 0 0 Vote No. 187,— Canteebuey,— Travelling Expenses and Contingencies £52 12 7 Capitation Grant ... ... 172 10 0 £225 2 7 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 24 17 5 Vote No. 188, — Westland, — Travelling Expenses ,\. ... £2 13 0 Capitation Grant ... ... 44 18 0 250 0 0 £2 13 0 44 18 0 £47 11 0 Unexpended Balance repaid to County Account ... ... ... 2 9 0 Vote No. 189,— Otago,— Advertising and Contingencies ... £44 3 6 Unexpended Balance repaid to Provincial Account ... ... 185 16 6 50 0 0 230 0 0 Southland, — Contingencies ... ... ... £4 6 6 Capitation Grant ... ... 35 13 6 40 0 0 Total Reseevb Account ... 4,040 17 2 4,840 17 2 APPR0PEIATI0NS OP 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Tbab 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 1—Item 7, — Militia and Volunteees, — Pay £72 9 0 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 12 17 9 85 6 9 Carried forward 85 6 9 4,840 17 2

B.—No. 1.



DISBTTESEMENTS or the CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail— cont; limed. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Defence — continued. 85 6 9 4,840 17 2 Brought forward COLONIAL CHARGES— continued. Vote No. 1 —Item 8, — Aemed Constabulaey,— Pay . ... ... £306 19 2 Clothing 6 10 0 Transport ... ... ... 117 16 6 Compensation for Losses ... 39 10 1 Miscellaneous ... .., ... 56 11 11 527 7 8 Vote No. 1—Item 18, — Pay of East Coast Natives, for Services in 1865 and I860 ... 902 0 0 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 7, — Militia and Volunteees, — Hawke's Bay,— Capitation Grant ... ... £163 5 11 Wellington,— Contingencies ... ... ... 100 164 5 11 Financial Yeae 1869-70. 1,679 0 4 COLONIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1—Item 36,— Defence Office, — Contingencies ... 49 12 9 Vote No. I—Item 39,— Aemed Constabulaey and Contino-ent Defence, — Pay and Allowances ... ... £43,031 15 10 Forage ... ... ... 750 6 6 Clothing and Equipment ... 1,102 11 1 Arms and Ammunition ... ... 519 2 3 Rations ... ... ... 5,670 7 1 Transport ... ... 1,660 13 0 Horses 350 5 0 Blockhouses, Buildings, &c. ... 593 10 9 Hospitals ... ... ... 250 0 9 Sea and River Service ... ... 725 9 11 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 716 18 8 55,371 0 10 PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote No. 1 —Item 38, — Militia and Volunteers, — Auckland, — Capitation Grant ...£175 10 0 Contingencies ... ... 3 17 0 179 7 0 Hawke's Bat, — Capitation Grant ... £102 12 6 Contingencies ... ... 19 0 104. 1 6 Nelson, — Contingencies ... ... ... 0116 Southland, — Salary, Drill Instructor, January to June, 1870 ... ... ... 2 3 6 55,706 17 1 286 3 6 Total Liabilities ahd Engagements 57,385 17 5 FOE CIJBEENT SEEVICES. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 65, — Defence Office, — Salaries, Uuly, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Draughtsman and Extra Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Contingencies ... 1,463 6 8 110 12 4 62 19 0 56 18 0 Carried forward 1,693 16 0 62,226 14 7



B.—No. 1.

DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDAT: ID FUND in detail — cont; Inued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. Defence — continued. Brought forward 1,693 16 0 62,226 14 7 COLONIAL CHAEG-ES— continued. Vote No. 65— continued. Defence Office— continued. Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 223 16 0 1,470 0 0 Vote No. 66,— Stoke Department,— Inspector, Storekeepers, and Clerks, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Armourers and Arm Cleaners, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ' Eent, Advertising, and Contingencies Travelling Expenses of Inspecting Officers ... Magazine Keepers, Auckland and Wellington, Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... 1,886 0 11 1,191 3 0 130 11 10 103 14 0 147 7 6 Vote No. 67,— Miscellaneous, — War Medal 3,458 17 3 62 11 10 Vote No. 78, — Clothing- fob Militia, — Cloth, &e. 1,967 1 8 PROVINCIAL CHAEGES :— Militia and Volunteers, — Vote No. 68,— Auckland, — Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Advertising and Contingencies Capitation Grant 2,189 0 9 56 18 10 1,609 14 11 Vote No. 69,— Tabanaki, — Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Advertising and Contingencies Blockhouse 3,855 14 6 482 10 0 11 9 6 25 0 0 518 19 6 Vote No. 70 — Wellington,— Pay and Allowances of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Eent, Advertising, and Contingencies Capitation Grant 2,305 10 9 134 0 6 1,874 4 11 4,313 16 2 Vote No. 71, — Hawke's 15ay,— Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Contingencies :.. Capitation Grant 507 19 0 0 17 8 131 13 6 640 10 2 Vote No. 72,— Nelson, — Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Forage Allowance Eent, Advertising, and Contingencies Capitation Grant 648 7 6 59 6 3 39 7 0 86 10 0 833 10 9 Vote No. 73,— Maelboeouo ii, — Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Kent and Forage Allowance 115 6 0 24 2 0 139 8 0 Vote No. 74, — Canterbury,— Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Forage and Travelling Allowance ... Advertising and Contingencies Capitation Grant 640 5 0 76 17 6 36 5 9 782 8 9 1,535 17 0 Vote No. 75, — Wbstland, — Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Travelling Allowances and Expenses Contingencies ... 234 10 0 23 2 0 22 18 6 280 10 6 Carried forward 19,076 17 4 62,226 14 7 21

B.—No. 1



DISBFESEMENTS or the CONSOLIDAT: !D FUND in detail — continued. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Defence — continued. 19,076 17 4 62,226 14 7 Brought forward PROVINCIAL OHABGES— continued. Militia and Volunteers — continued. Vote No. 76, — Ota&o, — Pay of Staff, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Travelling Allowances and Expenses Advertising and Contingencies Capitation G-rant 628 10 0 111 11 0 113 11 1 1,188 8 5 2,042 0 6 Vote No. 77, — Southland, — Otago,— Southland District, — Pay of Staff, 1 Sept., 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... £139 4 1 Forage Allowance ... ... 9 3 0 Contingencies ... ... 6 15 0 Southland, — Pay of Staff, 1 July to 31 August, 1870 ... ... ... £18 12 0 Forage Allowance ... ... 9 6 0 155 2 1 27 18 0 Vote No. 78, — Clothing eoe Militia, — Auckland Taeanaki Wellington ... 6 16 6 3 3 0 231 10 6 183 0 1 241 10 0 supplementary : — Expenditure in Excess of Appropriation,— COLONIAL CHARGES,— Vote No. 65, — Defence Ojtice,— Expenditure ... ... £1,693 16 0 Amount of Vote ... 1,470 0 0 223 16 0 Total Financial Yeae 1870-71 223 16 0 21,767 3 11 Total Class VIII. £83,993 18 6 CHARGES ON SPECIAL FUNDS. RESERVE ACCOUNT. FINANCIAL TEAE 1868-69. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Confiscated Lands, — Vote No. 82,— Compensation Agent, Salary, April, 1868 Survey of Compensation Awards, under "TaurangaDistrictLandsAct,1867" £351 2 9 Less charged to Vote for Liabilities 256 11 3 5 8 6 94 11 6 Wellington Debentures, — Vote No. 83,— Debentures Redeemed ... Unexpended Balance returned to Revenue ... 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 1,100 0 0 Total Reserve Account ... 1,200 0 0 Carried forward 1,200 0 0

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— continued,. APPROPRIATIONS. £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. d. Charges on Special Funds— continued. 1,200 0 0 Brought forward APPROPRIATIONS OF 1870-71. FOE LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Financial Yeab 1869-70. COLONIAL CHARGES :— Confiscated Lands, — Vote No. 1—Item 37, — Departmental Expendituee,— Auckland Taeanaiu and Wellim-ton Hawke's Bay ... 88 11 4 770 2 0 46 4 0 Contract Surveys ... Contingencies 904 17 4 845 14 2 215 3 9 1,965 15 3 Total Chaeges on Special Funds ... £3,165 15 3 SUPPLEMENTARY. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE OP PREVIOUS YEARS. (Now authorized by Section 6 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870." FINANCIAL TEAE 1868-69. PROVINCIAL CHARGES :— Vote Wo. 81,— Wellington,— Amount Awarded for Survey of Native Land, Wellington Fee to Referee ... 1,482 0 0 10 10 0 1,492 10 0 FINANCIAL TEAE 1869-70. PROVINCIAL CHARGES:— Vote No. 82,— Auckland, — Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, to 30 June, 1870 ... ... £25 0 0 New Stamp Office, Thames ... 129 5 0 Defalcations of A. Sharp, Customs Officer, Hokianga ... ... 291 4 6 Grant in Aid of Volunteer Hall, Shortland ... ... ... 250 0 0 Rent of Militia Office, Papakura ... 3 18 0 Expenditure on Thames Gold Fields 689 5 2 Hawke's Bat, — Purchase of Forty-Mile Bush 1,388 12 8 150 0 0 Nelson, — Expenses of Wangapeka Inquiry ... 393 11 8 Maelboeougui , — Militia and Volunteers' Travelling Expenses, &c. 21 0 0 Canteebuby,— New Post Oflice, Timaru 342 13 0 Westland, — Expenses of Inquiry, Judge Clarke 97 15 6 Southland, — Payment of Southland Debts 8,051 0 2 10,444 13 0 Total Supplementaey Expendituee £11,937 8 0

B—No. 1.



DISBIJESEMENTS op the CONSOLIDATED .FUND m detaii— continued. UNAUTHORIZED EXP! 1NDITUKE. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. FINANCIAL TEAE 1870-71. Fob Services not pboyided eok : — "Bankruptcy Act, 1867," — Accountant in Bankruptcy, Salary, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Travelling Allowance and Expenses Contingenccs 600 0 0 115 8 0 12 9 6 727 17 6 Geological,— Glass Globes, Vases, Chemicals, &c, June, 1870 15 9 0 Defence, — Supplies for Guard, Chatham Islands, in March and April, 1860 Flour, &c, sent to Wairoa, 1 August, 1868 „ „ „ 4 January, 1869 Gratuity to Charlotte Schafer Pensions and Allowances to Widows and Children, 1 July, 1869, to 31. December, 1870 23 4 0 22 10 3 74 13 4 30 0 0 40 0 0 190 7 7 Miscellaneous, — Entertainment of H.R.II. the Duke of Edinburgh ... j Compensation for Losses by Wreck of s.s. " Lord Worsley " Compensation to W. lion wood for Losses at Taranaki Inquiry—C. Heaphy,— Travelling Expenses of A. Domett, October, 1870, to January, 1871 ... ... ... ... ... Education Bill, — Travelling Expenses of J. Hislop, June, 1871 ... Trust Estates Commission, — Clerical Assistance, &c. Expenses of Lighting Government Buildings with Gas, Gas Fittings, &e. 930 15 9 1,088 13 10 56 5 0 96 5 0 G4 10 6 G 10 0 700 0 0 2,943 0 1 Interest, — On Treasury Bill for £12,000, issued under "Treasury Bills Act, 1870," from 1 November, 1870, to 31 March, 1871 £302 0 0 On Remittances to London and Sydney 54 0 5 On Deficiency Bill for £60,000, from 30 September," 1870, to 31 March, 1871 897 10 8 On Overdrawn Accounts, from 30 Sept., 1870, to 31 March, 1871... ... 57 7 2 1,310 IS 3 I 4,253 18 4 Confiscated Lands, — Surveys at Poverty Bay, Tolago Bay, and Wairoa, 1867 ... Compensation for Claims to Kati Kati Block Proportion of Subsidy for Conveyance of Mails between Wanganili and New Plymouth, 1 Jan. to 30 June, 1871 55G 0 10 50 0 0 750 0 0 1,356 0 10 Native Lands Couet, — Adjustment of the Expenses of the Native Lands Court, under a Resolution of the House of Representatives, dated 26 July, 1870,— Salaries, — Chief Judge, 1 July, 1867, to 30 June, 1870 Clerk... 2,400 0 0 1,000 0 0 Surveys,— Chatham Islands, 1 July, 1867, to 30 June, 1870 1,305 2 7 4,705 2 7 Auckland Gold Fields, — Survey of Native Reserves at Te Puna, &c., May, 1869 Plan of Gold Eields Boundary and Native Reserves, May, 1870 Passages of Mr. Puckey on Gold Fields Business, November, 1869, to February, 1870 25 4 0 12 0 0 61 14 0 24 10 0 Expenses oe Commission to England,—■ (Transferred to Consolidated Loan by credit at page 14, part of £516 13s. 4d.) ... ... 500 0 0 Carried forward 11,810 9 10

B.—No. 1



DISBTTBSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND m detail— continued. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. Brought forward 11,810 9 10 Fob Services not provided toe — continued. Tbeasttby,— Auckland, — Clerk to Paymaster, 1 March to 10 April, 1871 Hawke's Bat, — Clerk to Paymaster, 23 September, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 16 13 4 115 16 8 132 10 0 SuPBEME CoUET, — Auckland, — Fuel, to 30 June, 1870 ... 4 16 7 Wellington,— Painting Court House, February, 1871 £93 15 0 Contingencies, to 30 June, 1870 ... 15 13 0 109 8 0 Westland, — Sheriff's Fees, to 30 June, 1870 ... £36 3 6 Contingencies, to 30 June, 1870 ... 0 14 0 Otago,— Salary of Registrar, 25 to 30 June, 1870 ... ... ... £6 13 4 Advertising ... ... ... 050 36 17 6 6 18 4 158 0 5 Resident Magistrates' Cotots, — Wellington,— Commission on Plans, &c, Court House, Patea, June, 1870 25 0 0 Petty Sessions Coitbts, — Auckland, — Clerk to Petty Sessions Court, 25 January, 1869, to 25 January, 1870 Wellington,— Rent of Court House at Whareama, to 30 June, 1870 27 17 6 11 5 0 39 2 6 Postal, — Taeanaki, — Proportion of Subsidy for Conveyance of Mails between Wanganui and New Plymouth, 1 January to 30 June, 1871 ... New OiBce, Opunake and Hawora, June, 1871 150 0 0 125 0 0 Wellington,— First Instalment, Erection of New Post and Telegraph Office, Foxton ... £120 16 6 Proportion of Subsidy for Conveyance of Mails between Wanganui and New Plymouth, 1 January to 30 June, 1871 ... ... ... 100 0 0 220 16 6 Nelson, — Advertising and Contingencies, to 30 June, 1870 1 16 11 Maelbobough,— Porterage of Mails at Picton, to 30 June, 1870 3 3 6 Canteebuby,—■ Defalcations of A. Alexander, Kaiapoi £43 17 9 New Office, Leithfield ... ... 40 5 3 84 3 0 Westland, — Clerk, Hokitika, Salary, February, 1870 7 17 9 Otago,— Conveyance of Mails, December Quarter, 1869, and June Quarter, 1870 £227 12 10 Gratuities and Contingencies, to 30 June, 1870 .., ... ... 27 0 10 New Office, Hampdcn ... ... 13117 0 New Office, Riverton, February, 1871 119 15 3 Contingencies ... ... ... 028 506 8 7 1,099 6 3 Carried forward 13,264 9 0 22

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS op the CONSOLIDAT: !D FUND is detail — continued. UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 13,264 9 0 Foe Sebvices not peovided for — continued. Customs,— Auckland, — Bent, Custom House, Auckland, 1 January to 30 June, 1870... ... £100 0 0 Balance of Contract for New Custom House, Russell ... ... 60 12 7 Contingencies, to 30 June, 1870 ... 11 3 1 Hawke's Bat, — Salary, 1 May to 11 June, 1870 ... £20 18 7 Contingencies, May, 1870 ... 0 8 6 lyi 15 8 21 7 1 Mabebobough,— Eent of Custom House, Kaikoura, Balance to 30 June, 1871 ... 0 17 8 194 0 5 Militia and Volunteers, — Auckland, — Pay of Drill Instructor and Bugler, Thames, from 1 October, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 Eent at Papakura, to 26 March, 1871 Travelling Allowance, &c, of Drill Instructor, Papakura 121 12 0 11 14 0 13 2 6 146 8 6 Miscellaneous, — Auckland, — Land Purchase, Waiheke 150 0 0 Wellington,— Advances in Aid ... ... £14,566 17 5 Land Purchases, — Awahau Block ... £7 0 0 Eangitikei ... ... 30 0 0 Seventy-Mile Bush ... 15 0 0 52 0 0 Hawke's Bat, —■ Salary of Draughtsman ... 14,618 17 5 33 6 8 Otago,— Otago Hundreds Commission, — Honorarium... ... ... £389 10 0 Travelling Expenses, &c. ... 180 13 0 570 3 0 Total Unauthorized Expenditure... 15,372 1 1 £28,977 5 0 SUMMARY OF UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE. (Subsequently covered by Section 9, "Appropriation Act, 1871.") Fok Services not provided k>b (as above) ... Less Credits (see page 14) 28,977 5 0 5,435 6 5 23,541 18 7 Fok Services in Excess op Appropriation : — Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings (see page 32) ... II.—Public Departments (see page 41) 303 14 9 5,915 8 4 III. —Law and Justice (see page 51) 1,725 13 4 IV.—Postal (see page 62) ... 358 17 7 VII. —Miscellaneous (see page 78) ... VIII. —Defence (see page 82) 1,420 19 8 223 16 0 9,948 9 8 Total Unauthorized Expenditure ... 33,490 8 3

B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONS' ts detail — continue) REFUNDS OF REVENUE. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. FINANCIAL YEAK 1870-71. COLONIAL CHARGES:— Customs Drawbacks and Refunds Stamp Duties ... Postal Telegraphic Judicial Fees and Fines ... Registration of Land and Deeds ... ... ... ... Incidental 245 11 8 202 5 5 1 15 2 458 6 0 240 13 11 12 4 6 27 0 6 Refund to Credit of Public Debts Act Account of part of amount transferred therefrom under Section 13 of " The Appropriation Act, 1869 " Refunds to Provinces on account of Sums credited to Votes for Services charged Provincially,-— Auckland 'Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson Maklbokottsh Cantekbubt Westland Otago 1,187 17 2 1,352 16 3 586 11 9 69 3 9 350 17 4 60 8 4 2 10 0 8 13 11 58 17 4 12 8 1 553 6 10 1,702 17 4 PROVINCIAL CHARG-ES :— Auckland, — Customs Drawbacks Stamp Duties ... ... ... ... • Telegraph Porterage Judicial Fees and Fines Moiety of Fines under "Armed Constabulary Act, 1867," during three Financial Years ended 30 June, 1870 Miscellaneous 5 11 10 4 13 9 0 0 8 50 0 0 4,243 10 9 791 15 11 5 6 6 857 8 8 Taeanaki, — Telegraph Porterage ... ... 0 0 2 Wellington,— Stamp Duties ■ Judicial Fees and FineB Telegraph Porterage Miscellaneous 18 12 0 0 8 5 2 15 1 1 13 9 Hawke's Bat, — Judicial Fees and Fines Porterage on Telegrams 23 9 3 12 10 0 0 17 4 13 7 4 Nelson, — Porterage on Telegrams 1 11 11 Maelbokot/gh,— Porterage on Telegrams 0 2 3 Canteebuet, — Judicial Fees Porterage on Telegrams 0 7 6 3 7 6 3 15 0 Westland, — Porterage on Telegrams 0 9 9 Otago,— Customs Duties ... ... ... ... . ... Stamp Duties Porterage on Telegrams Miscellaneous 159 13 7 19 0 8 4 15 0 0 12 6 184 1 9 Carried forward 1,084 6 1 4,243 10 9

B.—No. 1.



DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND in detail— com 'inued. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ e. d. EEPUNDS OP REVENUE. 1,084 6 1 4,243 10 9 Brought forward PROVINCIAL CHAEG-ES— continued. Southland, — Stamp Duties Porterage on Telegrams 10 13 1 3 2 4 13 15 5 1,098 1 6 £5,341 12 3 Total PAYMENTS TO PROVINCES. TJndeb "Payments to Peovinces Act, 1870." Payments on Account oe Capitation Money and Special Allowances, — Aucexand 38,136 3 3 Tabanaki 4,763 12 1 Wellington ... 8,175 16 5 Hawse's Bay 2,085 12 4 Nelson 27,089 0 11 Maelboeoush... 3,605 10 9 Canteebubx ... 10,777 18 5 Westlakd 4,256 14 5 Otago 33,703 18 1 Payments to Eoad Disteicts Fund Accounts,— 132,594 6 8 Auckland 12,400 0 0 Tabanaki 960 0 0 Wellington ... 5,000 0 0 Hawke's Bay... 1,200 0 0 Nelson 4,800 0 0 Mablborough... 940 0 0 Cantebbuey ... 8,000 0 0 Westland 2,700 0 0 Otago 14,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 £182,594 6 8

B.—No. 1.




•rovinc: RECEIPTS. Auckland. Taeanaki. Wellington. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Customs : — Duties Seizures, Rents, &c Bonded Warehouse Duties Fees, &c.— " Merchant Shipping Act, 1858 " " Arms Act, 1860-69 " " Marine Act, 1866 " " Steam Navigation Aet, 1866 " " Oyster Fisheries Act, 1866 " "Distillation Act, 1868" ... 49 13 0 159,316 14 10 104 12 7 1,385 10 10 231 14 0 512 16 0 1,273 18 11 167 9 6 5,566 5 2 26 3 8 50 0 0 1 11 3 17 0 0 74,090 9 8 10 0 575 0 0 98 16 6 118 4 0 937 9 9 109 4 0 0 2 6 71 0 0 84" 0 0 7 0 0 Stamp Duties 12 1 3 12,567 2 3 335 13 5 5,103 4 2 Postal 11 1 10 9,009 17 11 450 4 9 4,554 2 5 Tele&eaphic ... 3,102 16 9 85 14 0 3,077 13 6 Judicial Fees and Fines : — Supreme Courts Sheriffs' Offices District Courts Eesident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts 1,528 17 6 242 6 4 1,008 4 6 4,350 4 2 119 10 6 20 2 8 2 8 8 30 17 0 300 13 8 579 5 6 73 16 0 22 12 10 1,895 2 1 Registration and Othee Fees: Registration of Land „ Deeds ,, Births, Marriages, &c. ... „ Joint Stock Companies Issue of Crown Grants " Land Claims Settlement Act, 1856 "... " Natiye Circuit Courts Act, 1858 " " Medical Practitioners Registration Act, 1869 " " Patents Acts, 1860-70" "Aliens Act, I860"... " Lost Land Orders Act, 1861" "Lost Licenses and Leases Act, 1865 " "Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Act, 1865-66" " Licensing Ordinance Amendment Act, 1866" ... " Armed Constabulary Act, 1867 " " Coroners Act, 1867 " " Lunatics Act, 1868 " " Weights and Measures Aet, 1868" ... 7 15 0 2 4 0 84 1 1 3,892 13 0 622 14 0 173 13 6 1,435 17 1 9 7 6 4 10 0 13 11 0 2 0 0 468 12 6 30 7 6 8 15 0 430 13 1 110 6 0 0 45 11 0 1,510 13 0 266 15 6 48 10 6 446 2 1 48 18 11 3 5 0 151 11 0 68 1 0 25 0 0 1,389 15 7 17 13 0 0 10 0 14 15 6 7 15 0 0 16 7 1 1 10 Incidental Revenue ... 9,497 16 5 12 0 0 Cbedits in reduction of Expenditure : Liabilities of 1869-70 Current Services 11,017 19 11 201,296 7 3 7,839 19 11 93,875 9 11 13,218 4 1 9,044 11 1 6 0 0 916 0 9 02 0 272 8 1 22 10 0 Teeasubt Bills, Amount raised... 50,000 0 0 Sinking Fund Release Account 5,348 0 0 ... RECOVEEIES :— On Account of Payments made from Revenue of previous Tear From Provinces, — Balances at Debit of Accounts, under "Public Revenues Act, 1867 " Balances at Debit of Accounts, under " Payments to Provinces Act, 1870 "... Balance of Reserve Account, 1869-70, returned to Revenue 53,719 12 6 3,183 10 0 1,090 13 2 4,506 8 10 441 12 7 17,184 0 7 Transfers eeom Special Fund, under section 7 of " Appropriation Act, 1870 " 53,098 18 4 Advances toe Public Woeks Repaid ... 9,073 6 7 Advances feom Special Fund in London 66,295 6 6 Deficiency Bill in renewal or Oveedbaft 60,000 0 0 Treasuby Bills renewed 200,000 0 0 547,999 19 7 Totals 205,401 18 0 8,930 15 1 99,118 9 5

B.—No. 1




peovincia: TOTALS. Hawke'sBay Neiscot. Marlboro'. Canterbury. "Wbstland. Otago. Southland. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. a. £ s. d. 25,312 7 4 68,930 12 2 110 275 0 0 6,774 14. 10 8 18 6 25 0 0 97,461 11 5 13 12 0 468 15 0 68,084 11 10 219,451 3 6 28 13 4 775 0 0 6,907 17 3 731,946 1 0 184 1 1 4,229 11 3 : 200 0 0 475 5 5 9 6 9 43 11 0 34 6 0 193 2 0 650 19 5 39 18 0 8 0 0 75 0 0 12 3 56 15 0 66 19 8 113 18 3 174 9 0 1,037 9 8 46 4 0 15 0 101 O 0 8 3 6 206 9 0 39 1 2 18 18 0 162 14 6 232 7 0 1,594 6 5 118 13 0 1 17 6 172 0 0 5 8 3 26 5 0 106 10 8 667 1 3 1,580 18 0 5,706 15 8 510 16 6 15 2 6 633 0 0 10 10 0 2 0 0 15 0 0 1 17 6 10 0 35 0 0 72 0 0 2,087 10 3 3,468 13 2 648 5 3 10,809 12 4 2,838 16 5 17,163 1 3 587 1 8 55,621 1 5 1,405 12 4 2,471 0 7 701 12 4 8,038 7 6 2,957 7 6 13,089 7 7 398 0 3 43,086 15 0 1,077 19 7 j 2,137 8 8 739 3 4 3,306 7 8 2,030 19 10 6,826 7 4 161 5 8 22,545 16 4 138 19 0 24 19 0 133 18 0 324 19 0 114 3 6 485 8 6 27 6 6 73 9 0 2,709 13 5 64 3 6 3 15 0 803 19 10 41 14 0 102 16 0 3,948 1 11 158 17 5 148 15 4 38 16 0 518 15 0 3,234 0 0 1,488 19 0 161 17 6 233 2 0 5,338 16 5 58 11 5 63 6 4 5,321 17 2 616 19 0 2,101 1 6 22,579 4 2 480 16 10 327 4 8 22 19 6 127 16 0 6 14 6 5 3 0 678 14 0 72 17 6 44 12 0 643 8 6 211 10 0 568i" 6 0 56 17 6 236 0 O 3,297 9 6 443 3 6 15 2 0 1,958 17 0 395 15 0 223 11 6 15 12 6 300 11 6 496 5 6 3,565 9 6 732 9 0 28 11 0 1,948 18 9 290 10 0 34 13 6 911 12 7 15,311 11 0 2,702 14 6 290 4 6 7,638 18 6 48 18 11 11 11 6 18 5 0 236 3 0 70 1 0 6 10 0 25 0 0 369 1 2 421 16 7 213 16 9 113 4 6 i"s o 20 0 0 i"o o 2 10 0 4 0 0 12 10 0 2 15 0 12 10 0 1 10 0 22 10 0 0 10 0 25 0 0 10 0 13 3 1 1 6 11 17 13 0 25 0 0 1,389 15 7 1 10 0 47 18 7 51 15 1 0 2 0 16 0 4 11 13 9 20 0 0 12 11 7 o"7 1 3 13 0 42 15 0 9,556 4 5 32,065 18 5 82,921 5 6 10,296 14 1 132,640 6 4 81,634 8 3 273,767 18 1 8,831 18 2 936,188 5 10 33 15 0 26 19 4 2" 15 3 11 11 11 69 6 4 18 5 10 106 2 0 500 17 10 13,636 9 2 10,613 0 4 50,000 0 0 5,348 0 0 53,719 12 6 1,627 11 6 1,204 4 4 430 15 4 13,391 14 1 4,293 6 5 11,940 16 9 7,814 8 7 49,483 9 0 22 8 4 220 3 0 11,876 14 5 12,560 18 4 17,184 0 7 53,098 18 4 9,073 6 7 66,295 6 6 60,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 33,776 12 7 84,128 5 1 10,739 1 4 146,101 6 9 85,946 0 6 286,535 17 8 28,523 1 2 1,537,201 7 2


B.—No. 1



'rovincia: DISBURSEMENTS. COLONIAL. Auckland. Taeanaki. Wellington. RESERVE ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. SERVICES oi? 1868-69 :— Public Domains and Buildings,— Government House and Offices 1,406 18 5 Public Departments,— Geological Survey Stamp ... 0 6 8 2" 14 6 Postal, — Postal Contingencies Telegraph, Wanganui Line Marine ... 14 2 35 10 6 55 7 9 Native,— Salaries of European and Native Officers 30 0 0 Miscellaneous, — Compensation for Losses by Wreck of s.s. " Lord Worsley" 617 7 7 Defence, —■ Armed Constabulary 755 3 6 Charges on Special Funds, — Confiscated Lands Wellington Debentures 100 0 0 100 0 0 SERVICES oe 1869-70 :— Public Departments,— Printing Geological Survey Treasury 317 14 6 100 0 0 Law and Justice, — Supreme Court Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions Coroners, &c. Land and Deeds Registry ... 30 0 0 33 15 0 75 0 0 11 11 3 15 0 0 41 13 4 10 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 98 17 3 30 0 0 Postal, — Conveyance of Mails by Sea Local Offices and Inland Mails, &c. ... Telegraph Marine 1,366 8 0 123 4 6 550 19 1 173 10 2 Customs, — Customs Services ... Distilleries 2 12 0 15 12 6 426 0 0 23 2 6 Native, — Salaries, European and Native Officers Native Lands Court 1,117 15 6 167"ll 10 4" 0 0 Miscellaneous, — Advances, Province of Wellington ... Roads in North Island Advances to Patea and Waitotara Settlers Advances to Native Land Courts 8,882 9 1 10,569 8 3 5,656 15 9 161 12 1 103 17 0 Defence, — Militia and Volunteers 1,186 8 10 1,366 8 5 10 0 0 482 9 11 Balances Returned to Revenue ... 32,991 6 7 17,184 0 7 2,330 6 5 10 0 0 950 16 10 Balances Repaid to Provinces 695 1 11 15 0 0 474 7 11 Totals 50,175 7 2 3,025 8 4 25 0 0 1,425 4 9



B.—No. 1

if the CONSOLIDATED 'FUND—continued. PROVINCIAL. TOTAL. Hawke'sBay Nelson. Maelbobo'. Cantebbttey. Westland. Otago. Southland. £ b. d. £ b. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ b. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. 1,406 18 5 1019 9 0 7 6 0 6 8 14 1 9 14 2 35 10 6 55 7 9 30 0 0 617 7 7 755 3 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 317 14 6 100 0 0 2 12 9 2" 12 9 4'"3 4 7 8 8 7 8 6 4 3 6 20 0 0 4 4 0 12 14 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 34 11 8 10 0 0 76 12 2 110 15 2 103 7 4 123 2 6 100 0 0 41 13 4 50 0 20 0 0 15" 0 0 18o'"o 3 100 0 0 20 "0 0 586' 4 6 600 "o 0 200 0 0 10 "0 0 1,366 8 0 1,869 14 11 123 4 6 550 19 1 25 0 0 0 12 9 10 0 0 15 12 0 1 12 9 11 1 6 9 12 0 514 13 6 25 4 6 1,117 15 6 171 11 10 8,882 9 1 10,569 8 3 5,656 15 9 265 9 1 50 0 0 197 13 8 225 2 7 47 11 0 44 3 6 40 0 0 3,649 17 11 264 3 7 336 14 10 37 8 6 885 13 4 654 11 3 334 8 8 60 0 0 38,855 10 0 17,184 0 7 20 16 5 23 5 2 14 11 6 506 2 11 27 8 9 215 3 0 5 0 0 1,996 17 7 285 0 0 360 0 0 52 0 0 1,391 16 3 682 0 0 549 11 8 65 0 0 58,036 8 2 24


B.—No. 1,



'rovincia: COLONIAL. DISBURSEMENTS. Auckland. Tabanaki. "Wellington. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ I a. d. £ s. d. LIABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 2,093 15 0 Divil List Fund Pebmanent Chabges : — Interest and Sinking Fund ... Under Acts of General Assembly " Provincial Audit Act, 1866 "... " Justices of the Peace Act, 1866 " " Lunatics Act, 1868 " 2,807 7 6 3,248 19 11 6" 8 0 37 10 0 iPPKOPBIATIONS : — Liabilities and Engagements, 1868-69, — Public Departments,— Electoral 15 14 0 Law and Justice, — Coroners ... ... .. ■ • ■ • 2 2 0 ... Postal, — Telegraph 5 17 6 Customs, — Marine 194 8 0 Native, — Native Lands Court and Survey Department 7 14 5 10 0 Defence, —■ Militia and Volunteers ... Armed Constabulary Pay of East Coast Natives for services in 1865-66 85 6 9 527 7 8 10 0 902 0 0 Liabilities and Engagements, 1869-70, — Public Domains and Buildings ... Government House and Offices 329 1 9 4,605 10 4 Public Depaetmbnts,— Governor's Establishment Legislative Executive Registrars Stamp Electoral 57 5 11 2,280 6 5 65 18 1 76 1 0 18 7 5 44 19 4 i"i 6 S>" 5 0 25 12 4 13 6 151 11 6 Law and Justice, — General Charges District and Resident Magistrates' Courts ... Criminal Prosecutions, &c. Land and Deeds Registry 943 4 7 24 15 4 63 0 6 0 15 0 18 12 9 8 9 6 13 18 0 41 18 3 17 1 5 Postal, — Postal Contingencies Telegraph 4 7 6 7,901 14 10 186 19 10 316 10 6 20 14 5 32 15 9 833 9 2 232 5 7 Customs Native, — Survey of Native Reserves, Southland 356 7 8 Miscellaneous ... Purchase of " Luna " 3,580 19 9 7,000 0 0 Defence, — Defence Office ... Militia and Volunteers ... Armed Constabulary and Contingent Defence 49 12 9 179 7 0 1,337 18 11 55,371 0 10 Confiscated Lands 1,965 15 3 Totals 94,396 2 10 942 3 10 90 11 5



B.—No. I

of the CONSOLIDATED FUND— continued. PROVINCIAL. TOTALS. Hawke'sBat Nekon. Maelboeo'. Canteebuey. Wbstland. OlAGO. Southland. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ B . a. £ s. d. 2,003 15 0 34 '4 6 3413 9 54 13 4 2,807 7 6 3,248 19 1] 37 10 0 75 6 3 54 13 4 15 14 0 3 0 0 12 12 0 3 2 0 20 16 0 5 7 9 11 5 3 194 8 0 30 7 6 20 0 0 59 1 11 163 5 11 249 12 8 527 7 8 902 0 0 329 1 9 4,605 10 4 14 16 0 4 0 0 24 7 4 40 16 2 14 17 0 4 12 6 61 8 9 40 1 0 0 6 6 155 4 3 32 14 6 110 1 0 1 30 6 179 19 9 81 4 0 57 5 11 2,280 6 5 65 18 1 371 3 2 54 9 3 888 3 8 72"5 9 93 12 6 103*11 0 37"'O 5 42 8 6 6'"8 6 27 5 0 69 13 6 63 5 6 12 18 8 19 9 0 17 2 3 39 18 1 68 15 0 8 9 0 7 19 4 943 4 7 223 5 3 342 10 7 74 12 8 31 5 0 5 16 6 67 2 3 46 6 6 193 19 11 18*1.0 9 325 9 0 67 12 10 1,045 10 11 9,208 4 5 18 6 9 12 0 11 0 6 356 7 8 3,580 19 9 7,000 0 0 104 " 1 6 0 11 6 2 3 6 49 12 9 286 3 6 55,371 0 10 1,965 15 3 222 2 8 99,408 4 9 429 3 8 254 1 5 158 9 9 555 2 8 194 7 8 827 19 11

B.—No. 1,




PROVINCIAL. DISBURSEMENTS. COLONIAL. Auckland. Taeanaki. Wellington. CURRENT SERVICES. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. !ivil List 26,214 6 8 'eemanp.nt Charges : — Interest and Sinking Fund ... Under Acts of the General Assembly ... " Provincial Audit Act, 18t>6 " " Customs Regulation Act, 1866 " " Justices of the Peace Act, 1866 " " Weights and Measures Act, 1868 " " Lunatics Act, 1868 " 358,507 18 11 29,204 17 5 350 0 0 10 14 0 46 16 2 47 13 4 112 10 0 14 17 0 9" 8 0 1 1 10 iPPEOPEIATIONS :— Public Domains and Buildings 2,959 3 9 Puhlic Departments :— Governor's .Establishment ... Legislative Executive Stamp ... Printing Geological Survey Receiver of Revenue, Westland District Registrars of Births, &e. Registrars of Joint Stock Companies Paymasters Electoral 1,579 19 0 14,037 0 6 10,147 18 0 1,001 13 5 5,963 15 2 2,678 10 6 528 10 9 3011 5 20617 6 532 1 6 50 0 0 786 15 8 1,498 10 9 35 7 10 8 15 0 25 0 0 135 11 7 176 10 2 45 16 8 225 0 0 808 13 6 Law and Justice : — Executive Department Supreme Court and Sheriffs' Offices ... Prosecution, &c, of Native Rebels ... District, Resident Magistrates', and Petty Sessions' Courts... Criminal Prosecutions, Coroners, &e. Land and Deeds Registry ... 1,231 0 6 1,972 5 0 2,170 12 3 1,458" 7 1 254 12 8 8,62817 9 1,922 4 7 4,486 7 10 2,313 4 0 2,775 1 7 716 14 11 325 0 0 358 2 2 3,024 13 9 841 14 4 1,309 18 2 Postal : — General Post Office, &e. ... Conveyance of Mails by Sea Local Offices and Inland Mails, &c. ... Telegraph Services 3,5S7 17 9 38,613 3 8 9,09911 8 4,352 7 8 57l'"9 11 446 12 11 4,626 18 8 4,271 3 11 3,843 17 7 Customs ... Marine ... 1,912 3 2 9,124 2 2 7,578 13 6 490 15 6 3,914 5 5 Native Native Lands Court and Survey Department ... 22,563 15 9 7,728" 4 11 4 12 9 720 5 5 Miscellaneous 49,205 3 6 33 6 0 Militia and Volunteers : — Defence Office, Store Department, &c. Staff 1'ay and Capitation Grants, &c. Clothing for Militia 5,215 5 1 3,855 14 6 6 16 6 51819 6 3 3 0 4,313 10 2 231 10 6 1,967 1 8 SUPPLEMENTAEY EXPENDITURE OP 1868-69 AND 1869-70 1,388 12 8 1,492 10 0 Iefunds of Revenue... 4,243 10 9 857 8 8 0 0 2 23 9 3 Inautiiorized Expenditure fob Services not provided fok 28,977 5 0 ldtances foe Public Woeks ... 9,073 6 7 ldvances i'eom Special Fund Repaid... 46,000 0 0 Jverdkaft, Bank of New Zealand Repaid 60,000 0 0 'reasuey Bills Redeemed 200,000 0 0 'atments to Provinces : —■ Capitation and Special Allowances Payments to Road Districts Eund Accounts 943,927 18 4 49,737 5 5 38,136 3 3 12,400 0 0 3,987 19 8 4,763 12 1 960 0 0 28,980 1 0 8,175 16 5 5,000 0 0 Totals 943,927 18 4 100,273 8 8 9,711 11 9 42,155 17 5 Summary. Ieserve Account 58,036 8 2 LABILITIES AND ENGAGEMENTS 94,396 2 10 942 3 10 90 11 5 1,337 18 11 !urkent Services 943,927 18 4' 49,737 5 5 3,987 19 8 28,980 1 0 'ayments to Provinces 1,086,360 9 4 50,679 9 3 50,536 3 3 101,215 12 6 4,078 11 1 5,723 12 1 30,317 19 11 13,175 16 5 Totals 1,096,360 9 4 9,802 3 2 43,493 16 4



B.—No. 1>

if the CONSOLIDATED FUND— continued. pkovincia: TOTALS. Hawke's Bat Kelson. Marlboro' Cakteebtjky. Westland. Otago. Southland. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ a. d. £ s. a. £ b. a. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. 26,214 6 8 150 "0 0 250 0 0 45 16 8 500" 0 0 100" 0 0 577 10 0 25 0 0 300 19 8 37 10 0 358,507 18 11 29,204 17 5 2,171 0 0 35 14 0 372 0 10 1 1 10 7 10 0 3 15 0 3 15 0 2,959 3 9 I 115 0 0 ... ae" 0 0 25 0 0 256 11 6 148" 2 8 100 0 0 179 14 10 15 12 6 279 10 0 496 13 5 319 13 0 12 10 0 1,579 19 0 14,037 0 6 10,14-7 18 0 2,669 10 3 5,963 15 2 2,678 10 6 100 0 0 2,215 17 1 163 2 2 2,528 9 11 6,781 0 4 67 ie 0 185 14 4 50 0 0 321 19 0 14 7 0 554 0 3 758 19 6 663 19 5 28 11 0 441 13 4 2,131 13 11 2 14 0 83 4 0 250 9 6 100 0 0 507 12 5 25 0 0 177 13 5 8 6 8 15 2 4 149" 5 0 357" 1 3 62" 10 0 1,449 15 6 453" 7 11 1,419" 5 4 18 13 4 1,231 0 6 10,219 0 10 2,170 12 3 846 12 4 292 10 10 503 16 5 1,548 8 1 391 5 0 1,191 11 5 544 8 6 88 16 6 375 2 1 4,659 6 4 1,636 5 5 2,301 14 3 2,738 0 6 1,186 10 8 370 14 7 5,666 12 1 2,168 7 10 2,994 10 10 90 0 0 137 1 6 86 10 3 24,321 4 4 9,380 16 1 14,189 6 4 1,281 19 10 1,446 8 8 3,350 6 9 1,869 10 10 1,323 8 1 2,072 8 4 8,792 4 10 6,419 16 2 4,606 12 4 1,297 8 7 13,928" 1 9 9,142 6 5 11517 10 268 12 2 3,597 17 9 38,613 3 8 47,596 11 8 35,430 13 3 1,217 17 7 3,672 12 3 774 1 10 3,836 11 10 3,602 12 4 8,130 9 11 278 3 4 35,408 6 8 9,124 2 2 379 15 4 0" 5 0 0 15 0 22,563 15 9 8,833 18 5 150 0 0 49,388 9 6 640 10 2 833 10 9 139" 8 0 1,535 17 0 280 10 6 2,197" 2 7 27 18 0 5,215 5 1 14,343 7 2 2,208 11 8 150 0 0 393 11 8 21 0 0 342 13 0 97 15 6 8,051 0 2 11,937 3 0 13 7 4 i 1 11 11 0 2 3 3 15 0 0 9 9 184 1 9 13 15 5 5,341 12 3 I 28,977 5 0 9,073 6 7 46,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 7,588 13 0 14,677 16 8 5,874 15 8 33,387 16 7 15,953 16 1 50,324 8 10 9,163 15 0 1,163,604 6 3 2,085 12 4 1,200 0 0 27,089 0 11 4,800 0 0 3,605 10 9 940 0 0 10,777 18 5 8,000 0 0 4,256 14 5 2,700 0 0 33,703 18 1 14,000 0 0 132,594 6 8 50,000 0 0 10,874 5 4 46,566 17 7 10,420 6 5 52,165 15 0 22,910 10 6 98,028 6 11 9,163 15 0 1,346,198 12 11 58,036 8 2 429 3 8 254 1 5 158 9 9 555 2 8 194 7 8 827 19 11 222 2 8 99,408 4 9 7,588 13 0 14,677 16 8 14,931 18 1 31,889 0 11 46,820 19 0 5,874 15 8 33,387 16 7 15,953 16 1 50,324 8 10 9,163 15 0 1,163,604 6 3 8,017 16 8 3,285 12 4 6,033 5 5 4,545 10 9 33,942 19 3 18,777 18 5 16,148 3 9 6,956 14 5 51,152 8 9 47,703 18 1 9,385 17 8 1,321,048 19 2 182,594 6 8 11,303 9 0 10,578 16 2 52,720 17 8 23,104 18 2 98,856 6 10 9,385 17 8 1,503,643 5 10 25

B.—No. 1.

STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPROPRIATED out of the CONSOLIDATED FUND, for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30 JUNE, 1871, as compared with the Expenditure charged thereon during the Year.



ft 6 o Description op Vote. Amount op Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Reserved to meet Liabilities. Total. Satins. Expenditure in Excess of Appropriations. ! £ s. d. 84,498 15 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. -I Services of the Years 1868-69 and 1869-70 £ s. d. 13,505 17 2 £ s. d. 98,001 12 8 £ s. d. 91,090 12 9 £ s. d. 6,913 19 11 £ s. d. 98,004 12 8 ... ... 2 3 4 5 Sektioes of the Yeab 1870-71. Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings. Colonial Charges — ■ Government Domains, Wellington and Auckland Government Houses, Wellington and Auckland G-eneral Assembly Buildings and Grounds Museum Colonial Architect 950 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 700 0 0 950 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 700 0 0 1,237 1 9 416 13 0 87 3 2 518 5 10 700 0 0 1,237 1 9 416 13 0 200 0 0 550 0 0 700 0 0 287 1 9 16 13 0 112 16 10 31 14 2 ... Total Class I. 144 11 0 3,103 14 9 303 14 9 2,800 0 0 2,800 0 .0 2,959 3 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 Class II. —Public Departments. Colonial Charges — G-overnor's Establishment ... Legislative Department Executive Department Stamp Department Printing Department Geological and Meteorological Department Provincial Charges — Receiver of Revenue Registrars Treasury Department Stamp Department Electoral Department 1,600 0 0 12,609 4 0 8,920 14 0 1,106 15 0 5,543 16 0 2,850 0 0 55 17 0 1,600 0 0 12,609 4 0 8,920 14 0 1,106 15 0 5,599 13 0 2,850 0 0 1,579 19 0 14,037 0 6 10,147 18 0 1,001 13 5 5,963 15 2 2,678 10 6 16 3 10 51 5 0 171 9 6 1,596 2 10 14,037 0 6 10,147 18 0 1,052 18 5 5,963 15 2 2,850 0 0 3 17 2 53 16 7 1,427 16 6 1,227 4 0 364 2 2 13 14 15 17 100 0 0 3,200 0 0 2,730 0 0 2,090 0 0 3,783 6 8 100 0 0 3,200 0 0 2,730 0 0 2,090 0 0 3,884 14 8 100 0 0 2,378 19 3 2,528 9 11 1,667 16 10 6,781 0 4 821 0 9 20 13 6 16 2 7 100 0 0 3,200 0 0 2,549 3 5 1,683 19 5 6,781 0 4 180 16 7 406 0 7 loi 8 0 ! 2,896 o 8 ... Total Class II. ... I 44,533 15 8 j 1 I 157 5 0 I I 44,691 0 8 48,865 2 11 1,096 15 2 49,961 18 1 644 10 11 5,915 8 4 18 Class III. —Law and Justice. Colonial Charges — Colonial Secretary's Office ... £6,756 4 0 Add amount transferred from Vote25,uuderOrdersiuCouncil 1,300 0 0 Provincial Charges — Supreme Court ... District Courts Resident Magistrates' Courts Petty Sessions Courts Criminal Prosecutions Coroners, &c. Land and Deeds Registry ... £12,706 10 0 Deduct amount transferred to Votel8,underOrdersinCouncil 1,300 0 0 8,056 4 0 110 10 8 8,166 14 8 7,296 2 4 870 12 4 8,166 14 8 19 20 21 22 23 25 8,508 0 0 3,275 0 0 20,340 8 0 400 O 0 I 7,000 0 0 1,900 0 0 8,508 0 0 3,275 0 0 20,344 1 0 400 0 0 7,005 5 0 1,900 0 0 8,246 15 10 3,654 9 10 20,256 13 10 410 0 8 7,407 3 7 1,973 12 6 127 9 1 8,374 4 11 3,654 9 10 20,344 1 0 410 0 8 7,407 3 7 1,973 12 6 133 15 1 379 9 10 3 13 0 87 7 2 10 0 8 401 18 7 73 12 6 ... 5 5 0 11,406 10 0 11,406 10 0 12,267 1 9 12,267 1 9 860 11 9 Total Class III. ... ! 60,886 2 0 1 I 119 8 8 1,725 13 4 61,005 10 8 61,512 0 4 1,085 8 7 62,597 8 11 133 15 1

B.—No. 1



.owing ic. — continues Description op Vote. Amount op Vote. Ckedits. Total. EXPENDITUKE. Eesekted TO MEET Liabilities. Total. Satins. Expenditure in j Excess op Appbopkiations. i £ s. A. j __ — £ b. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. | £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Class IV. —Postal Sebvices. Colonial Chai'ges — Postal Department Conveyance of Mails by Sea Provincial Charges — Auckland Taranaki ... ... Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson ... Marl'oorough Canterbury Westland Otago : .. Southland Colonial Charges — Telegraph Department Provincial Charges — Telegraph Department 3,860 0 0 47,200 0 0 9,195 0 0 875 0 0 5,465 0 0 1,570 0 0 3,831 0 0 1,370 0 0 9,706 0 0 5,035 0 0 12,574 0 0 I 2,230 0 0 60 6 0 j 121 7 0 j 331 5 0 0 2 0 "6 6 0 3,920 6 0 47,321 7 0 j 9,526 5 0 875 2 0 5,465 0 0 1,570 6 0 3,831 0 0 1,370 0 0 | 9,747 13 4 | 5,047 8 1 12,749 0 0 2,230 3 0 3,597 17 9 38,613 3 8 9,099 11 8 571 9 11 4,626 18 8 1,281 19 10 3,350 6 9 1,323 8 1 8,792 4 10 4,606 12 4 11,924 18 9 2,119 0 10 18 6 2 7,718 8 6 108 13 0 10 0 0 186 13 6 221 7 2 60 18 6 22 12 1 87 0 5 57 15 0 154 4 5 11 0 0 3,616 3 11 \ 46,331 12 2 9,208 4 8 581 9 11 4,813 12 2 1,503 7 0 3,411 5 3 1,346 0 2 8,879 5 3 4,664 7 4 12,079 3 2 2,130 0 10 304 2 1 989 14 10 318 0 4 293 12 1 651 7 10 66 19 0 419 14 9 23 19 10 868 8 1 383 0 9 669 16 10 100 2 2 41 13 4 12 8 1 175 0 0 0 3 0 38 3,485 0 0 3,485 0 0 3,843 17 7 3,843 17 7 358 17 7 39 34,553 0 0 140,949 0 0 286 19 3 ! 1,029 9 8 i 34,839 19 3 141,978 9 8 31,586 15 8 125,338 6 4 i 1,048 2 3 i I 9,705 1 0 j 32,634 17 11 135,043 7 4 2,205 1 4 7,293 19 11 358 17 7 Total Class IV. ... 40 Class V.—Customs Depabtment. Colonial Charges — Customs Offices and Services Provincial Charges — Auckland Taranaki ... ... ... ,., Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson ... Marlborough. Canterbury Westland Otago Southland For Special Services in the Protection of the Revenue Colonial Charges — Distilleries Provincial Charges — Distilleries Colonial Charges — Marine Department 1,535 0 0 1,535 0 0 1,495 7 9 ! 39 12 3 1,535 0 0 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 8,953 15 0 455 0 0 4,423 10 0 1,235 0 0 3,524 5 0 785 0 0 4,188 0 0 3,832 15 0 6,505 0 0 1,760 0 0 0 5 3 8,953 15 0 455 0 0 4,423 10 0 1,235 0 0 3,524 10 3 785 0 0 4,188 0 0 3,833 0 3 6,505 0 0 1,760 0 0 7,333 14 6 1,001 19 0 444 10 6 5 0 0 3,846 15 5 574 2 0 1,088 12 7 12 10 0 3,504 12 3 10 0 0 774 1 10 7 4 0 3,832 7 10 I 32 15 0 3,530 2 4 | 57 10 0 6,372 2 5 I 58 14 11 1,669 0 0 i 80 5 0 8,335 13 6 449 10 6 4,420 17 5 1,101 2 7 3,514 12 3 781 5 10 3,865 2 10 3,587 12 4 6,430 17 4 1,749 5 0 618 1 6 5 9 6 2 12 7 133 17 5 9 18 0 3 14 2 322 17 2 245 7 11 74 2 8 10 15 0 "o 5 3 ... _ 1,000 0 0 j • • 1.000 0 0 443 3 8 | 50 0 0 493 3 8 506 16 4 52 450 0 0 450 0 0 416 15 5 10 0 0 426 15 5 23 4 7 ... 53 1,000 0 0 ! ... 1,000 0 0 657 0 2 108 5 0 765 5 2 234 14 10 54 16,970 0 0 1,279 15 10 18,249 15 10 9,124 2 2 I 6,127 9 10 44,532 8 10 i 8,175 7 0 15,251 12 0 2,998 3 10 Total Class V. ... 56,617 5 0 1,280 6 4 57,897 11 4 52,707 15 10 I 5,189 15 6

B.—No. 1.



.owing ic.— continue! O K Description of Vote. Amount OS Vote. Credits. Total. Expenditure. Reserved to meet Total. Saving-. Expenditure in Excess of Liabilities. Appropriation. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. 55 56 57 Class VI. —Native. Colonial Charges — General Contingencies Salaries of European and Satire Officers Trustee of Native Reserves Provincial Charges — Native Lands Court Inspector of Surveys Department Remission of Duty 10,500 0 0 13,502 5 0 950 0 0 43 6 6 15 0 0 105 4 6 10,543 6 6 13,517 5 0 1,055 4 6 9,706 10 11 11,902 10 6 954 14 4 836 15 7 1,464 14 6 26 12 0 10,543 6 6 13,367 5 0 981 6 4 150 0 0 73 18 2 58 59 60 5,705 0 0 3,627 0 0 40 0 6 551 2 9 ... 6,256 2 9 3,627 0 0 40 0 6 5,434 7 7 3,359 10 10 40 0 0 442 5 4 267 9 2 5,876 12 11 3,627 0 0 40 0 0 379 9 10 "6 0 6 Total Class VI. ... 34,324 5 6 714 13 9 I 35,038 19 3 . 31,397 14 2 3,037 16 7 34,435 10 9 603 8 6 61 62 63 Class VII. —Miscellaneous, Special and Temporary Objects. Colonial Charges — Miscellaneous Bank Commission Provincial Charges — Auckland — Refund of money forfeited to the Crown, being property of a Convict ... ... £33 6 0 Marlborough — Compensation to A. S. Dreyer 150 0 0 44,627 9 0 3,500 O 0 692 18 8 19 1 45.320 7 8 3,501 9 1 44,282 14 9 4,922 8 9 1,037 12 11 45,320 7 8 4,922 8 9 ... 1,420 19 8 64 183 6 0 183 6 0 183 6 0 183 6 0 ... TTnapportioned — Advance for Expenditure in G-old Fields that may be discovered in Native Land (to be repaid out of Gold Fields Revenue) 1,200 0 0 49,510 15 0 1,200 0 0 50,205 2 9 250 0 0 250 0 0 950 0 0 Total Class VII. 694 7 9 49,388 9 6 1,287 12 11 | 50,676 2 5 950 0 0 1,420 19 8 Class VIII. —Defence Office, Militia and Volunteers. 65 G6 67 68 60 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Colonial Charges — Defence Office Store Department ... ... Miscellaneous Provincial Charges — Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson ... ... .... Marlborough Canterbury Westland Otago Southland Unapportioned — Clothing Capitation Arms for Cadeta ... 1,470 0 0 3,557 7 6 620 0 0 i 6,874 15 0 726 10 0 5,681 12 6 1,187 10 0 1,524 10 0 312 10 0 2,746 10 0 523 15 0 3,784 15 0 517 10 0 ... ... 1,470 0 0 3,557 7 6 620 0 0 6,874 15 0 726 10 0 5.681 12 6 1,187 10 0 1,524 10 0 312 10 0 2,746 10 0 523 15 0 3,784 15 0 521 10 0 1,693 16 0 3,458 17 3 62 11 10 3,855 14 6 518 19 6 4,313 16 2 640 10 2 833 10 9 139 8 0 1,535 17 0 280 10 6 2,042 0 6 183 0 1 98 10 3 557 8 2 1,918 2 5 57 10 6 1,367 16 4 352 18 8 275 6 10 173 2 0 771 19 10 243 4 6 751 18 6 338 9 11 1,693 16 0 3,557 7 6 620 0 0 5,773 16 11 576 10 0 5,681 12 6 993 8 10 1,108 17 7 312 10 0 2,307 16 10 523 15 0 2,793 14 0 521 10 0 ... 1,100 18 1 150 0 0 194 1 2 415 12 5 223 16 0 438 13 2 ... ... 991 1 0 "i 0 0 78 79 80 3,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,208 11 8 791 8 4 192 17 5 1,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 192 17 5 1,000 0 0 30,657 12 7 807 2 7 ... Total Class VIII. 34,527 5 0 4 0 0 4,097 8 5 223 16 0 34,531 5 0 21,767 3 11 8,890 8 8

8.-No. 1.



STATEMENT showing the SUMS APPEOPRIATED, &c— continued. fcC Amount Reserved Sating Expenditure in 01? Credits. Total. Expenditure. TO MEET Total. on Excess oe Vote. Liabilities. Appropriations. Appropriations. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. SUMMARY. Liabilities and Engagements of 1868-69 and 1869-70 84,498 15 6 13,505 17 2 98,004 12 8 91,090 12 9 6,913 19 11 98,004 12 8 Services or the Year 1870-71: — 303 14 9 Class I.—Public Domains and Buildings 2,800 0 0 2,800 0 0 2,959 3 9 144 11 0 3,103 14 9 II. —Public Departments 44,533 15 8 157 5 0 44,691 0 8 48,865 2 11 1,096 15 2 49,961 18 1 644 10 11 5,915 8 4 III. —Law and Justice ... 60,886 2 0 119 8 8 61,005 10 8 61,512 0 4 1,085 8 7 62,597 8 11 133 15 1 1,725 13 4 IV. —Postal 140,949 0 0 1,029 9 8 141,978 9 8 125,338 6 4 9,705 1 0 135,043 7 4 7,293 19 11 358 17 7 V.—Customs ... 56,617 5 0 1,280 6 4 57,897 11 4 44,532 8 10 8,175 7 0 52,707 15 10 5,189 15 6 VI.- —Native 34,324 5 6 714 13 9 35,038 19 3 31,397 14 2 3,037 16 7 34,435 10 9 603 8 6 VII. —Miscellaneous 49,510 15 0 694 7 9 50,205 2 9 49,388 9 6 1,287 12 11 50,676 2 5 950 0 0 1,420 19 8 VIII. —Defence ... 34,527 5 0 4 0 0 34,531 5 0 21,767 3 11 8,890 8 8 30,657 12 7 4,097 8 5 223 16 0 Supplementary Expenditure authorized by Sec. 6 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " ... 11,937 3 0 11,937 3 0 11,937 3 0 11,937 3 0 Unauthorized Expenditure... 5,435 6 5 5,435 6 5 28,977 5 0 28,977 5 0 23,541 18 7 Totals I 520,584 6 8 22,940 14 9 543,525 1 5 517,765 10 6 40,337 0 10 558,102 11 4 18,912 18 4 33,490 8 3

B.—No. 1




July. August. September. October. November. Decembee. CAPITATION MONEYS, &c, CREDITED. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson ... Maelborough Canterbuey Westland Otago Southland 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 10,208 6 8 1,458 6 8 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 10,208 6 8 1,458 6 8 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 10,208 6 8 1,458 6 8 10,583 6 8 841 13 4. 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,431 9 1 235 4 3 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,581 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 Totals 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 CHAKG-ES DEBITED. Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson ... Mablborough Canteebtjry Westland Otaqo ... Southland 563 15 4 22 4 2 1,324 2 1 67 7 2 116 1 11 29 9 3 325 2 6 68 14 5 559 8 10 209 12 8 2,964 15 6 256 16 10 1,499 15 8 436 14 5 953 1 0 382 8 2 2,222 11 11 1,133 13 1 3,075 3 2 541 7 2 3,979 13 7 342 18 11 1,988 6 0 539 2 6 964 14 8 507 3 3 2,542 5 0 1,601 0 3 3,767 6 10 572 18 2 4,247 17 8 258 9 6 2,549 5 6 991 3 7 1,470 16 5 639 16 4 2,938 5 2 1,479 7 0 5,352 7 4 10 19 6 4,240 2 6 221 15 3 1,646 3 0 596 10 0 1,239 19 2 398 1 5 2,527 14 7 1,247 5 11 3,188 1 2 5,714 7 9 289 12 6 3,119 7 11 741 7 1 1,401 14 5 491 7 1 3,509 11 0 1,215 18 2 4,211 9 4 8,051 0 2 Totals 13,466 6 11 16,805 19,938 8 0 15,305 13 0 28,775 15 5 3,285 18 4 9 2 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND DEBITED. Auckland Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bay Nelson ... Maelboeough Canterbury Westland Otaso ... Southland 3,166 9 4 135 0 0 1,031 10 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 3,166 9 4 135 0 0 1,031 10 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 3,166 9 4 135 0 0 1,031 10 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 3,166 9 4 3,166 9 4 135 0 0 135 0 0 1,031 10 0 1,031 10 0 435 0 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 398 10 0 3,166 9 4 135 0 0 1,031 10 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 3,162 19 4 135 0 0 2,110 0 0 435 0 0 398 10 0 3,053 9 7 845 15 4 2,595 0 0 2,246 5 0 3,053 9 7 845 15 4 2,595 0 0 2,246 5 0 13,906 19 3 3,053 9 7 845 15 4 2,595 0 0 2,246 5 0 3,053 9 7 3,053 9 7 845 15 4 845 15 4 4,478 19 0 4,841 5 0 362 6 0 j 3,053 9 7 845 15 4 4,841 5 0 3,099 9 7 845 15 4 5,201 15 0 Totals 13,906 19 3 13,906 19 3 13,906 19 3 I 13,906 19 3 I 15,388 9 3 STATEMENT of the ACCOUNT wit Public Revenues Act, 1867," ;h the P: section 10 A. TNCES for f. {See Public . ie Month of June, '. iccounts, 1869-70, p, .870, under "The ige 151.) IE. De. PROVINCES. Moiety o: in Consolida f Keceipts ito ited Fund. Payments on Account of Services Provineially Charged. Interest and Sinking Fund on Portions of Loans Charged against Provinces. Balances. Auckland ... Taeanaki Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson Maelboeough Canterbuey Westland ... Otago Southland ... £ s. d. 8,722 14 6 418 7 8 4,062 10 2 1,178 18 1 2,887 6 2 373 14 4 5,192 19 7 3,567 14 8 9,272 2 7 1,414 15 10 £ s. a. 10,586 6 7 859 12 1 6,299 5 1 1,309 9 0 2,630 19 8 809 18 0 6,818 19 2 2,836 4 11 8,440 16 2 1,373 7 11 £ s. d. 1,427 17 0 649 8 9 2,269 13 11 1,510 7 3 1,460 10 10 7 17 0 8,951 13 9 5,895 13 6 8,441 14 5 1,893 5 11 £ s. d. Dr. 3,291 9 1 „ 1,090 13 2 „ 4,506 8 10 „ 1,640 18 2 „ 1,204 4 4 „ 444 0 8 „ 10,577 13 4 „ 5,164 3 9 „ 7,610 8 0 „ 1,851 18 0 Totals 37,091 3 7 41,964 18 7 32,508 2 4 Dr. 37,381 17 4 .LANCES. On Account; to 31 May. On Account for June. Totals. Dr. Dr. Dr. Cr. Auckland Taranaki Wellington Hawke's Bat Kelson Marlborough ... Canterbury "Westland Otago Southland £ s. d. 2,814 0 9 1,040 14 5 4,330 8 9 5,962 10 7 14,147 14 6 TM 11 1 £ s. d. 107 19 1 13 6 8 13 5 4 £ s. d. 3,291 9 1 1,090 13 2 4,506 8 10 1,6-10 18 2 1,204 4 4 444 0 8 10,577 13 4 5,164 3 9 7,610 8 0 1,851 18 O £ 8. d. 3,183 10 O 1,090 13 2 4,506 8 10 1,627 11 6 1,201 4 4 430 15 4 13,391 14 1 6,204 18 2 11,940 16 9 7,814 8 7 Deduct Credit Balances 37,381 17 4 51,395 0 9 Totals 14,013 3 5

B.—No. 1

the CHARGES and INTEREST and SINKING FUND DEBITED, Month by Month, to the several FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71.

STATEMENT showing the LOANS in respect of which the foregoing CHARGES for INTEREST and SINKING FUND have been made.



Jahuabt. Fbbeuaet. March. Apeil. May. June. Total to 30 June. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,5S3 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 10,583 6 8 841 13 4 4,291 13 4 1,250 0 0 4,000 0 0 783 6 8 6,666 13 4 2,531 5 0 11,666 13 4 127,000 0 0 10,100 0 0 51,500 0 0 15,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 9,400 0 0 80,000 0 0 30,375 0 0 135,389 15 9 4,610 4 3 42,614 11 8 1 511,375 0 0 I 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 42,614 11 8 3,726 17 0 280 0 7 2,372 2 11 781 11 6 1,658 7 2 563 3 3 3,119 7 0 2,000 17 5 5,087 0 10 3,262 7 4 270 10 4 2,023 13 4 526 12 4 999 12 2 533 17 5 2,033 15 7 1,026 18 4 3,523 1 6 5,032 16 0 239 12 11 2,577 9 4 568 19 1 1,138 10 3 411 3 10 3,733 4 3 1,282 19 7 3,354 14 8 3,824 15 2 346 11 10 2,489 16 11 749 16 9 1,463 16 5 559 1 0 2,949 19 9 1,522 12 7 4,805 11 5 4,143 12 11 241 1 9 2,561 1 10 617 19 11 1,018 5 6 495 11 7 2,747 0 4 1,232 15 11 4,026 3 9 8,978 8 6 1,308 16 6 6,166 15 5 1,400 12 4 2,506 19 0 1,022 2 10 5,294 2 2 2,338 1 1 10,171 19 11 50,679 9 3 4,078 11 1 30,317 19 11 8,017 16 8 14,931 18 1 6,033 5 5 33,942 19 3 16,148 3 9 51,152 8 9 9,385 17 8 19,589 7 8 14,200 8 4 18,339 9 11 18,712 1 10 17,083 13 6 39,185 17 9 224,688 9 10 3,162 19 4 135 0 0 1,505 0 0 435 0 0 433 10 0 3,162 19 4 135 0 0 1,505 0 0 435 0 0 403 10 0 3,162 19 4 135 0 0 1,505 0 0 435 0 0 403 10 0 3,162 19 4 135 0 0 1,368 4 2 577 5 10 403 10 0 4,932 6 0 375 0 0 2,172 4 2 577 5 10 451 0 0 3,304 8 8 171 5 9 2,177 13 8 602 14 1 470 0 4 8 5 5 3,171 0 4 946 3 9 5,428 18 8 39,883 18 0 1,896 5 9 17,500 12 0 5,672 5 9 4,956 0 4 8 5 5 37,077 11 6 10,721 1 8 54,855 17 8 7,101 1 0 2,925 15 9 1,019 9 2 5,076 15 0 3,064 11 2 880 13 9 5,076 15 0 3,064 11 2 880 13 9 5,076 15 0 3,064 11 2 880 13 9 5,076 15 0 3,420 4 5 1,038 15 6 6,813 0 0 14,693 9 3 14,663 9 3 14,663 9 3 14,668 19 3 19,779 15 11 16,280 10 8 179,672 19 1

Loan Act, 1856. Consolidated Loan Act, 1867. Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869. Defence Loan Act, 1870. Provincial Loans Unconverted. Totals. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland Taeanaki Welungton Hawke's Bat Nelson ... Mablboeoug-h Canteebuey Westland Otago ... southland 4,818 11 4 6 5 9 1,695 8 11 1,645 15 5 2,766 10 4 8 5 5 3,180 6 2 1,431 13 0 4,802 13 4 284 10 4 30,706 10 0 1,620 0 0 8,504 9 4 3,947 4 1 2,189 10 0 4,32o" 0 0 1,950 0 0 270 0 0 765 0 0 2,408 16 8 2,215 13 9 79 6 3 39,883 18 0 1,896 5 9 17,500 12 0 5,672 5 9 4,956 0 4 8 5 5 37,077 11 6 10,721 1 8 54,855 17 8 7,101 1 0 33,897 5 4 9,289 8 8 47,868 17 3 6,705 17 9 309 7 1 110 12 11 1,875 0 0 Totals 20,640 0 0 144,729 2 5 4,740 0 0 4,860 0 0 4,703 16 8 179,672 19 1

B.—Mo. 1.

STATEMENT showing the TOTAL SUMS CREDITED, DEBITED, PAYABLE, and PAID to the several PROVINCES under "The Payments to Provinces Act, 1870," during the FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71.



Sums Credited. Sums Debited. Transfers to this Account to cover Debit Balances arising during the Year. Payments on Account of Services charged Provincially. Payments to Road Districts Fond Accounts. Suits Payable to Provincial Accounts. Total. Capitation Money. Special Allowance. Grants to Road Districts. Total. Total. Interest and Sinking Fund. Total. Auckland Taeanaki Wellington ... I-Iawke's Bay Nelson Maelboeotjgh Canterbury ... Westland Otago Southland ... £ s. a. 124,000 0 0! 9,600 0 o' 50,000 0 0 12,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 9,400 0 0 80,000 0 0 27,000 0 O! 135,389 15 9 4,610 4 3 £ s. d. 3,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 £ s. a. 12,400 0 0 960 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,200 0 0 4,800 0 0 940 0 0 8,000 0 0 2,700 0 0 14,000 0 0 £ s. a. 139,400 0 0 11,060 0 0 56,500 0 0 16,200 0 0 52,800 0 0 10,340 0 0 88,000 0 0 33,075 0 0 149,389 15 9 4,610 4 3 £ s. a. 441 12 7i 22 8 4| £ s. d. 139,400 0 0 11,060 0 0 56,941 12 7 | 16,222 8 4 | 52,800 0 0! 10,340 0 0 88,000 0 0 | 33,075 0 0! 149,609 18 9 16,486 18 8 £ s. d. 39,883 18 0 1,896 5 9 17,500 12 0 5,672 5 9 4,956 0 4 8 5 5 37,077 11 6 10,721 1 8 54,855 17 8 : 7,101 1 0i £ s. a. £ s. cl. £ s. d. 50,679 9 312,400 0 0102,963 7 3 4,078 11 1 960 0 0 6,934 16 10 30,317 19 11 5,000 0 0j 52,818 11 1] 8,017 16 8 1,200 0 0 14,890 2 5 14,931 18 1] 4,800 0 0 24,687 18 5 6,033 5 5 940 0 0 6,981 10 10 33,942 19 3 8,000 0 0 79,020 10 9 16,148 3 9 2,700 0 0 29,569 5 5 51,152 8 914,000 0 0J120, 008 6 5 9,3S5 17 8 ... I 16,486 18 8 £ s. d. 36,436 12 9 4,125 3 2 4,123 0 8 1,332 5 11 28,112 1 7 3,358 9 2 8,979 9 3 3,505 14 7 29,601 12 4 £ s. d. 139,400 0 0 11,060 0 0 56,941 12 7 16,222 8 4 52,800 0 0 10,340 0 0 88,000 0 0 33,075 0 0 149,609 18 9 16,486 18 8 3,375 0 oi 220 3 o' 11,876 14 5; ... Totals 500, 000 0 0 11,375 0 0l 50,000 0 0 561,375 0 0 12,560 18 4573,935 18 4 179,672 19 1 224,688 9 1050,000 0 0454,361 8 11119,574 9 5 573,935 18 4-1 Sums Payable to Peotikces j (as above). Sums Paid to Provinces. Balances Dr. Balances Ce. I j Auckland Taeanaki Wellington ... Hawke's Bay Nelson Maelboeough Canteebuby ... Westland Otago Southland ... Totals £ e. a. £ s. a. ... 36,436 12 9 38,136 3 3 4,125 3 2 j 4,763 12 1 4,123 0 8 ! 8,175 16 5 ... i 1,332 5 11 j 2,085 12 4 ... I 28,112 1 7 ' 27,089 0 11 ... I 3,358 9 2 : 3,605 10 9 8,979 9 3 ] 10,777 18 5 ... I 3,505 14 7 ! 4,256 14 5 ... 29,601 12 4 I 33,703 18 1 ... 119,574 9 5 132,594 6 8 £ s. a. 38,136 3 3 4,763 12 1 8,175 16 5 2,085 12 4 27,089 0 11 3,605 10 9 10,777 18 5 4,256 14 5 33,703 18 1 £ s. d. 1,699 10 6 638 8 11 4,052 15 9 753 6 5 £ s. d. 247" 1 7 I 1,798 9 2 750 19 10 4,102 5 9 1,023 0 8 14,042 17 11 1,023 0 8

B.—No. 1.



B.—No. 1




EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ | s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 •!'— Receipts—Nil. " New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66 :"— Sales of Confiscated Lands Eents of Confiscated Lands l,6S0 10 4 48 10 0 Recoveries to Credit of Vote No. 83, — Salary of Draughtsman, &c, refunded ... Proceeds of Treasury Bills renewed under Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act ... ... ... ■ 1,709 0 4 31 19 8 20,000 0 0 21,741 0 0 " Debentttees Acts, 1864-65 :" — Eeceipts—Nil. " Public Debts Act, 1867 :" — Amount transferred from Consolidated Fund to provide for Refunds to Provinces on account of Interest and Charges recovered in excess, — Taeanaki... Hawke's Bay Cantekbuby 112 14 9 169 2 0 1,070 19 6 Amount recovered from Province of Otago, to adjust over-pay-ment on account of sum raised ... 1,352 16 3 1,589 17 3 237 1 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 :"— Amount of Debentures issued in Conversion and Consolidation of Loans Amount raised by Sales of Debentures Discount thereon 15,019 0 0 81 0 0 214,900 0 0 15,100 0 0 Accrued Interest received on New Zealand Government Bonds converted Eecoveries from Provinces on account of Capitalized Debt, — Interest and Charges,— Auckland Nelson... Cantebbtjey Westland 90 6 G 68 1 7 470 5 7 78 1 8 36 17 6 706 15 4 230,743 12 10 Carried forward 254,074 10 1


B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ e. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 :" — Amount transferred to Consolidated Fund, under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " 32,383 2 3 " New Zealand Settlements Acts, 1863-65-66 -."— Vote No. 83,— Management and Survey of Confiscated Lands, — Auckland, — Salaries, Uuly, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Extra Clerical Assistance, Preparing Crown Grants, &o. Surveys Compensation Awards for Land, &c. Land Purchase —Kati Kati and Te Puna ... Travelling Allowances and Expenses Office Bent and Contingencies 1,386 19 6 676 5 0 594 1 C 75 11 8 441 0 0 49 12 6 134 4 9 Hawke's Bay,— Salary of Draughtsman ... Surveys 3,357 14 11 33 6 8 49 15 0 83 1 8 Taeanaki and Wellington,— Salaries, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Extra Clerical Assistance Surveys Compensation Award Travelling Allowances and Expenses Office Bent and Contingencies Proportion of Mail Service between Patea and Wangan ui ... .. . 1,452 18 4 12 10 0 4S0 4 0 50 0 0 82 0 6 104 9 0 500 0 0 Expenditure in excess of Appropriation transferred to Supplementary 2,682 1 10 6,122 18 5 2,090 18 9 Supplementary, — Expenditure (as above) Amount of Tote ... ... ■•• £4,000 0 0 Credit (as per contra) ... ... 3] 19 8 6,122 18 5 4,031 19 8 4,031 19 8 2,090 18 9 Refund of purchase money of land at Patea Redemption of Treasury Bills, issued under "The Confiscated Land Revenue Appropriation Act " 6,122 18 5 37 0 0 28,000 0 0 " Debentures Acts, 1864~f!5 :"— Amount transferred to Consolidated Eund, under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " 34,159 18 5 150 0 0 " Public Debts Act, 1807 :" — Refunds to Provinces of amount overcharged in respect of Interest and Charges on Temporary Loan, — Tahanaki Hawke's Bay Balance due to Province of Canterbury on adjustment of account of sums raised 112 14 9 1G9 2 0 1,070 19 6 Amount transferred to Consolidated Fund, under section 13 of " The Appropriation Act, 1869 " 1,352 16 3 1,589 17 3 237 1 0 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 :"— Amount transferred to Consolidated Fund, under section 7 of " The Appropriation Act, 1870 " Amount refunded to Province of Southland, on adjustment of account Amount applied to the Redemption and Conversion of Debentures, — Colonial, — " New Zealand Loan Act, I860,"— £2,400 Debentures ... ... £2,724 0 0 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863,"— Series, March, 1891,— £24,900 Debentures ... ... 28,140 5 0 Series, June, 1891 — £19,900 Debentures ... ... 22,511 0 0 Series, December, 1891, — £12,400 Debentures ... ... 14,058 0 0 Series, July, 1914 — £80,200 "Debentures ... ... 79,795 5 0 20,628 15 1 45 4 4 Carried forward ... £147,228 10 0 -20,673 19 5 68,282 17 11

B.—No. 1.




EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 251,074 10 1 254,074 10 1 Carried forward

B.—No. .1



IPECIAL FUND— continued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ 8. d. £ e. d. £ b. a. Brought forward ... £147,228 10 0 20,673 19 6 68,282 17 11 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " — continued. Amount applied to the Redemption and Conversion of Debentures — continued. Colonial — continued. " Taranaki Loan Ordinance, 1863," — £100 Debentures ... ... 106 10 0 Auckland, — " Auckland Loan Act, 1863,"— £7,150 Debentures 147,335 0 0 7,793 10 0 Wellington,— " Wellington Loan Act, 1862,"— £7,600 Debentures ... ... £8,968 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866,"' —■ £1,000 Debentures ... ... 1,000 0 0 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866,"— £29,100 Debentures ... ... 29,100 0 0 Nelson, —■ " Nelson Waterworks Loan Act, 1864,"— £3,200 Debentures ... ... £3,818 0 0 Less Amount already charged in June, 1869 ... ... ... 30 0 0 39,068 0 0 3,788 0 0 ClNTEBEimY, — " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1856," — £9,700 Debentures ... ... £10,573 0 0 "Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1860," — £10,200 Debentures ... ... 11,118 0 0 " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862," — £900 Debentures ... ... 981 0 0 22,672 0 0 Otaqo,— " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62," — £1,000 Debentures ... ... £1,110 0 0 " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862," — £27,800 Debentures ... ... 30,302 0 Oj " Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862, — £2,550 Debentures ... ... 2,868 5 0 " Otago Public Buildings Loan Ordinance, 1862," — £375 Debentures ... ... 425 5 0 £34,705 10 0 Add Amount credited to this Account in September, 1869, in respect of Bonds for £325 converted ... ... 30 0 0 34,735 10 0 Amount applied in payment of accrued Interest on Provincial Bonds converted, — Wellington,— " Wellington Loan Act, 1862,"— On £7,600 at 8 per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1870 ... ... £177 6 8 " Wellington Loan Act, 1866,"— On £1,000 at 8 per cent., 1 July, 1869, to 15 April, 1870 ... ... 63 6 8 255,392 0 0 240 13 4 Cantekbttky,— " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1856," — On £9,700 at 8 per cent., 1 Jan. to 15 April, 1870 ... ... ... £226 6 8 " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1860," — On £2,200 at 6 per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1870 ... ... 38 10 0 On £8,000 at 6 per cent., 1 to 15 July, 1870 ... 20 0 0 " Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862," — On £500 at 6 per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1870 ... ... 8 15 0 On £400 at 6 per cent., 1 to 15 July, 1870 10 0 294, 11 8 Carried forward 68,282 17 11 535 5 0 276,065 19 5

B.—No. 1.




EECEIPTS. £ b. a. £ 8. a. £ a. d. Brought forward 254,074 10 1 " TE3KPOBAKY LOAN ACT, 1870:"— Amount raised by hypothecation of Debentures Amount raised by Sales of Debentures 354,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 384,000 0 0 " DbPENCB AND OlHBB PtTBJOSES LOAN Ad, 1870:" — Amount transferred from Temporary Loan Act Account Amount raised in London to repay amount advanced under Temporary Loan Act ... 273,500 0 0 204,000 0 0 Carried forward 477,500 0 0 638,074 10 1

35-—2_ 2.



IPECIAL FUND— continued. Ob. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. a. £ a. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 535 5 0 276,065 19 5 68,282 17 11 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 " — continued. Amount applied in payment of accrued Interest on Provincial Bonds converted — continued. Otago,— " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1861-62,"' — On £1,000 at 8 per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1870 ... ... £23 6 8 " Otago Loan Ordinance, 1862," — On £8,600 at 6 per cent., 1 January to 15 April, 1870 ... ... 150 10 0 On £19,200 at 6 per cent., 1 to 15 July, 1870 ... ... ... 48 0 0 " Otago Harbour Loan Ordinance, 1862," — On £1,250 at 8 per cent., 1 November, 1868, to 15 January, 1869 ... 16 13 4 On £1,300 at 8 per cent., 1 November, 1869, to 15 April, 1870 ... 47 13 4 " Otago Public Building6 Loan Ordinance, 1862,"— On £75 at 8 per cent., 1 October, 1868, to 15 January, 1869 On £300 at 8 per cent., 1 to 15 April, 1870 ... ... ... 10 0 £287 3 4 Less refund on £300 at 8 per cent., 6 months, to 1 May, 18*0 ... 12 0 0 275 3 4 Discount on Debentures for £1,000, sold a,a per contra Charges and Expenses attending the Redemption and Conversion of Debentures, — Discount on Debentures for,' — £3,600 sold, as per contra ... ... £26 0 0 £10,500 sold, as per tontra ... 32 10 0 810 8 4 22 10 0 Stamp Duty Printing Bonds Supervising Printing of Bonds Advertising Printing Books and Eorma Cancelling and Binding old Bonds Freight and Charges on old Bonds Commission and Brokerage ... Proportion of Expenses of Commiasioners in England 58 10 0 461 17 6 181 13 8 19 2 0 397 4 9 30 6 6 18 10 0 2 16 0 1,090 0 0 500 0 0 Apportioned thus, — Colonial £1,779 7 6 Provincial, — Auckland ... ... £96 16 6 Wellington ... ... 124 2 7 Nelson ... ... 47 3 5 Cantebbuey ... ... 281 15 7 Otago ... ... 430 14 10 2,760 0 5 . 980 12 11 Amount transferred to Province of Wellington to adjust amount Capitalized ... Tinder " Consolidated Loan Application Act, 1869," — Wellington,— Balance paid to extinguish Loan raised under " Harbour Reserves Amendment Act," Session III., No. 14 Amount paid to redeem Debentures issued under " The Wanganui Bridge Act," Session X., No. 6 ... 2,760 0 5 18 2 7 6,000 0 0 6,250 0 0 250 0 0 "Tbmpobaey Loan Act, 1870:" — Amount transferred to Defence Loan Act Account ... Amount transferred to Public Works Account 285,927 0 9 273,500 0 0 110,500 0 0 384,000 0 0 " Defence and Otheb Pubposes Loan Act, 1870:"— Amount applied in part repayment of Amount borrowed under " Temporary Loan Act" 204,000 0 0 Carried forward 204,000 0 0 738,209 18 8

B.—No. 1




RECEIPTS. £ s. a. £ s. a. £ a. d. Brought forward 477,500 0 0 638,074 10 1 " Defence anj) Othek, Purposes Loan Act, 1870 " — continued. Amount raised by Sales of Debentures Befund of Advance made to the Consolidated Fund in London Eeceipts under Schedule I., — Recoveries to Credit of Expenditure for Colonial Defence, — On account of Pay Rations and Forage ... ClothiDg Arms, &c. ... Ammunition Miscellaneous 2,534 18 8 6,695 3 8 1,552 18 11 98 10 5 344 1 11 3,123 0 5 14,600 0 0 46,000 0 0 Receipts under Schedule II., — Recovery from Province of Taranaki, to adjust Payment made under " The Loan Allocation Act Repeal Act, 1867 " ... 14,348 14 0 64 2 0 552,512 16 0 Carried forward 1,190,587 6 1

B— No. i



iPECIAL 'FUND—continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 204,000 0 0 738,209 18 8 "Defence and Otheb Ptjeposes Loan Act, 1870" — continued. Charges and Expenses, — Lithographing Debenture Forms Stamp Duty Brokerage Proportion of Salary of Agent Telegrams ... ... ... .... 26 15 0 281 9 2 510 0 0 187 10 0 25 3 6 Commission to England,— Salaries ... ... ... £2,370 1 5 Travelling Allowances and Expenses 3,082 10 2 Rent and Attendance, Telegrams, Stationery, Printing, and Contingencies ... ... ... 838 2 0 1,030 17 8 £6,290 13 7 Less charged to " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867" ... ... 500 0 0 £5,790 13 7 Less moiety charged to " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870" ... ... ... 2,895 6 9 2,895 6 10 Schedule I., — Defence Services, — Armed Constabulary,— Salaries, — Commissioner's Office ... ... £927 15 11 Depot ... ... ... 250 0 0 Pay and Allowances ... ... 101,002 13 3 Contingent Expenditure, — Rations ... ... ... 5,546 2 10 Clothing ... ... ... 4,333 9 11 Purchase of Horses ... ... 41200 Forage ... ... ... 2,880 8 8 Saddlery and Repairs ... ... 76 9 9 Arms, Ammunition, &e. ... 563 15 3 Travelling Expenses ... ... 506 17 5 Transport ... ... ... 1,044 13 8 Building and Repairs ... ... 409 13 6 Hospitals ... ... ... 172 2 5 Miscellaneous ... ... 1,168 11 7 3,926 4 6 Miscellaneous, — Prizes for Rifle Shooting ... £1,971 5 3 Passages, &c, for Competitors ... 866 14 9 Pay of Markers ... ... 77 10 9 Purchase of Arms ... ... 948 19 6 Purchase of Ammunition ... 593 6 6 Targets ... ... ... 61 1 6 Carriage and Frsyght ... ... 227 15 7 Insurance ... ... ... 150 0 0 Repair of Arms ... ... 21 13 6 Inspector of Militia and Volunteers 500 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 526 0 2 119,294 14 2 5,944 7 6 Steamer " Luna," half amount of running expenses, — Wages ... ... ... £1,239 1 6 Ration Allowances ... ... 521 9 3 Coal ... ... ... ... 1,172 13 5 Stores ... ... ... 234 18 9 Repairs ... ... ... 314 3 1 Contingencies ... ... ... 66 10 11 Contingent Defence, — Pay and Allowances ... ... £31,700 15 4 Rations ... ... ... 3,116 12 0 Clothing ... ... ... 324 13 6 Purchase of Horses ... ... 21 0 0 Forage ... ... 14 0 6 Saddlery and Repairs ... ... 55 17 0 Ammunition and Accoutrements ... 4,697 19 0 Travelling Expenses ... ... 646 14 2 Transport ... ... ... 711 6 7 Buildings and Repairs ... ... 215 16 9 3,548 16 11 Carried forward ... £41,504 14 10 128,787 18 7 207,926 4 6 738,209 18 8 II

B.—No. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. Brought forward 1,190,587 6 1 Total Receipts 1,190,587 6 1 Balance on 30th Juhb, 1870 :— Bank of New Zealand Advances unaccounted for 34,131 15 10 44,587 1 6 78,718 17 4 Total 1,269,306 3 5

B.—No. 1;



IPECIAL FUND— continued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ a. d. Brought forward ... £41,504, 14 10 128,787 18 7 207,926 4 6 738,209 18 8 " Defence and Othee Pubposes Loan Act, 1870 " — continued. Schedule I.— continued. Defence Services — continued. Contingent Defence— continued. Hospitals ... ... ... 46 9 2 Miscellaneous ... ... ... 795 10 0 42,346 14 0 Schedule II.,— Auckland, — For a payment to be made by the Province of Auckland to James Busby, Esq. ... ... ... £19,898 12 6 Balance due by the Province under " The Loan Allocation Act Repeal Act, 1867" ... ... ... 27,873 5 0 171,131 12 7 Tabanaki, — Balance due by the Province under " The Loan Allocation Act Repeal Act, 1867" 47,771 17 6 5,786 14 6 Wellington,— Balance due by the Province under "The Loan Allocation Act Repeal Act, 1867" ... ... ... £1,180 19 5 Amount advanced for the erection of the Wanganui Bridge... ... 15,000 0 0 Otago,— Amount due by the late Province of Southland to the New Zealand Government ... ... ... £21,323 8 4 Other Debts due by that Province... 27,500 0 0 16,180 19 5 48,823 8 4 118,572 19 9 497,633 16 10 » Total Disbursements 1,235,843 15 6 Balance on 30th June, 1871: — Bank of New Zealand ... Advances unaccounted for 12,495 2 5 20,967 5 6 33,462 7 11 Total 1,269,306 3 5

B.—No. 1




EECBIPTS. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. " IMMIGRATION AND PUBLIC WOEKS LOAN ACT, 1870 :"— Amount transferred from Temporary Loan Act Account Becoveriea to credit of Expenditure, — Eoads in North Island Immigration, —■ Passages of Immigrants Telegraph ... 110,500 0 0 436 1 5 101 3 0 31 9 4 568 13 9 111,068 13 9 k t Carried forward 111,068 13 9

B.—No. 1.




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 :"— Departmental Expenditure, &c, — Immigration and Public Wobks Department,— Salaries, 1 October, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... ... I Travelling Expenses New Offices Contingencies 1,630 14 11 557 5 0 652 15 10 142 8 2 Agent-Genebal in England,— Salary, 25 March, to 30 April, 1871 ... 2,983 3 11 153 4 6 Agent negotiating Loan,— Proportion of Salary, 1 January to 30 June, 1871 312 10 0 Commission to England,— Salaries Travelling Allowances and Expenses ... Eent and Attendance, Telegrams, Stationery, Printing, and Contingencies 2,370 1 5 3,082 10 2 838 2 0 Less charged to Consolidated Loan Act 6,290 13 7 500 0 0 Less Moiety charged to " Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870" 5,790 13 7 2,895 6 10 2,895 6 9 Roads in North Island, — Manawatu Wanganui Patea Taranaki ... Napier Opotiki Tauranga ... ... ... ... ... Poverty Bay Taupo Waikato ... Forty-Mile Bush Raglan ... ... ... ... 5,875 2 2 558 9 3 4,724 9 10 2,213 12 4 9,405 9 3 1,052 7 3 2,220 1 5 5 0 0 1,167 11 5 331 6 0 28 12 1 9 11 0 6,344 5 2 Repayment to Consolidated Fund of amount expended therefrom 27,591 12 0 24,754 4 2 52,345 16 2 Railways,— Middle Island Railway Fund, — Nelson, — Nelson and Foxhill Railway,— Survey 60 0 0 Canterbury, — District Engineer, — Salary, 12 January to 30 June, 1871 £282 5 2 Waitaki Railway Bridge,— Travelling Expenses, &c. (moiety) 76 18 9 Timaru and Temuka Railway,— Preparation of Plans, Wages, and Expenses ... ... ... 118 7 0 Great Northern Railway,— Surveyor and Assistants... £73 12 0 Taking Levels, &c. ... 183 0 0 Travelling Expenses, &e.... 27 9 3 281 1 9 Great Southern Railway,—; Survey Work —New Line from Rakaia to old Line near Ashburton, &c. 100 0 0 861 12 8 Westland, — Roads —Travelling Expenses 51 6 3 Otago,— Waitaki Bridge, — Travelling Expenses, &c. (moiety)... £76 18 9 Dunedin and Clutha Railway,— Salary of Agent negotiating with Landowners ...£318 0 0 Paroliase Money and Compensation for Land ...3,030 0 0 Carried forward £3,348 0 0 £76 18 9 972 18 11 58,690 1 4

B.—No. 1.




EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 111,068 13 9 111,068 13 9 Carried forward

B.—No. 1



'TTBLIC "WOEKS ACCOUNT— continued. Ck. DISBURSEMENTS. i | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward £3,348 0 0 £76 18 9 972 18 11 58,690 1 4 " Immioeation and Public Woeks Loan Act, 1870 " — contd. Railways— continued. Middle Island Railway Fund— contd. Otago— continued. Dunedin and Clutha Railway— contd. Surveyor and Inspector,- —■ Salaries, March to June, 1871 ... ... 166 15 0 Survey Expenses, &c. ... 384 5 6 Contract for Survey of Line 400 0 0 Plans ... ... 138 14 6 Works executed ...1,500 0 0 Rent and Advertising ... 44 8 4 5,982 3 4 Invercargill and Malaura Railway, — Plans and Sectional Survey ... 654 1 3 6,713 3 4 7,686 2 3 Peeliminaey Sueveys, Noeth Island i— Auckland to Tuakatt, — Surveys 920 0 0 Wellington to Seventy-Mile Bush ; thence to Napiee,— Wellington.— Surveying Trial Line ... £40 0 0 Labour ... ... 39 18 0 Travelling Expenses ... 32 3 6 Engineer, — Salary, 29 September to 3 December, 1870 ... 46 10 9 Survey party ... ... 110 5 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 90 9 7 Contract for Survey ■ ...1,200 0 0 . 1,559 6 10 Hawke's Bay,— Engineer,'— Salary, 5 October, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... £202 8 11 Labour ... ... 481 3 6 Cartage and Miscellaneous 23 15 0 707 7 5 2,266 14 3 New Plymouth to Wanganui, and thence to Wellington and Naples Line, — Taeanaki, — Assistant Surveyor,— Salary, 9 March to 31 May, 1871... ... £98 0 0 Chainmen and Labourers 122 4 0 Tents 15 11 6 235 15 6 Wellington,— Engineers and Surveyors, — Salaries, Jan. to June, 1871 ... ... £322 6 8 Forage Allowances ... 8 18 6 Travelling Expenses ... 34 0 6 Labour ... ... 241 11 0 Miscellaneous ... ... 62 10 5 669 7 1 m 905 2 7 4,091 16 10 11,777 19 1 Wateewoeks on Gold Fields : — Auckland, — Thames Water Supply Survey ... 180 0 0 Westland, — Plans, &c, Mokonui and Kanieri Water-races Travelling Expenses 220 0 0 9 0 0 229 0 0 409 0 0 Carried forward 70,877 0 5.

B.—No. 1.




RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 111,068 13 9 0 • Total Beceipts 111,068 13 9 Baianob ok 30 Svss, 1870:— Nil. Total £111,068 13 9

B.—No. 1



'TJBLIC WOEES ACCOUNT— continued. DISBURSEMENTS. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 70,877 0 5 "Immigration and Public Wobks Loan Act, 1870" — contd. Purchase op Land in Nobth Island : — Auckland, — Wharoa Blocli (on account) ... 150 0 0 Hawke's Bat, — Seventy-Mile Bush (on account) 80 0 0 230 0 0 immigbation : — Wellington, — Introduction of Immigrants, — Passages, &c, to the Colony Gratuities to Masters and Officers of the Ships " Celceno " and " England " ... Miscellaneous Expenses ... Location and Settlement, — Miscellaneous ... Advances to Immigrants recoverable 1,658 12 6 120 5 0 170 11 4 107 19 3 682 2 4 Cantekbuey:— Introduction of Immigrants,— Passages to the Colony, &c. 2,739 10 5 59 5 0 2,798 15 5 Telegraph : — Extension or Lines, — Salaries and Allowances .... Travelling Expenses Forage Material and Contracts for Construction Labour Transport... G-ratuities for Services and Compensation Buildings and Office Fittings Miscellaneous Purchase of Lines in Otago ... 756 8 4 494 5 8 145 11 8 14,814 7 5 2,606 19 6 2,144 11 11 270 0 0 305 11 9 646 19 7 4,432 1 4 26,GIG 17 2 Total Disbursements 100,522 13 0 Balance on 30 June, 1871: — Bank of New Zealand Advances unaccounted for 4,503 13 10 ! 6,042 6 11 10,546 0 9 I Total £111,068 13 9 K

8.-No. 1.




B.—No. 1



RECEIPTS. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. Chatham Islands : — Native Lands Acts, — Pees and Duties 152 16 7 Auckland : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... „ to ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ••■ » to » 256 5 0 50 0 0 65 0 0 371 5 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights ... ... ... » to « Business Licenses ... ... ... „ to „ Water-races, Sluices, &c. ... ... ,, to „ G-old Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties „ to „ Registration Pees ... ... ... ,, to „ Pees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... „ to „ Survey Fees ... ... ... „ to „ Memorial Deposits of Companies ... „ to „ Depasturing Licenses and Assessments ,, to „ Publicans'and other Licenses ... „ to „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ,) to „ 4,721 13 0 58 0 0 239 9 6 1,224 13 11 440 4 0 235 19 9 314 11 0 204 4 0 5 5 0 36 0 0 299 7 0 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... „ to „ Native Lands Acts, — Pees and Duties ... ... ... » to „ Transfer from Consolidated Fund to balance expenditure 7,779 7 2 20,259 1 8 3,145 6 1 67 19 3 Tabanaki, — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Transfer from Consolidated Fund to balance expenditure 31,622 19 2 55 5 0 208 6 8 263 11 8 Wellington : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 Jane Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... 10,270 13 9 198 4 6 Native Lands Acts, — Pees and Duties ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June 10,468 18 3 956 13 4 11,425 11 7 Hawse's Bay : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments 960 6 0 788 4 6 1,748 10 6 Native Lands Acts, — Fees and Duties ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Recovery of half salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, for December, 1870 4,374 18 6 8 6 8 6,131 15 8 Nelson : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... Rents under " Crown Lands (Nelson) Leasing Act, 1865 " Miscellaneous 1,615 10 6 1,050 8 2 3,390 2 5 76 7 7 6,132 8 8 Gold Fields Revenue,— Miners'Rights ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Business Licenses ... ... ... „ to ,, Water-races, &c. ... ... ... ,, to „ Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties „ to „ Registration Fees ... ... ... „ to „ Pees and Pines, Wardens' Courts ... „ to „ Memorial Deposits of Companies ... ,, to ,, Withdrawals of Leases ... ... „ to „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... ,, to ,, 4,487 17 6 3,718 0 0 231 12 6 1,579 16 6 744 0 6 294 0 0 4 17 6 102 0 0 150 13 0 11,312 17 6 Carried forward 17,445 6 2 49,596 14 8


B.—No. 1



DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Chatham Islands : — Amount received under the Native Lands Act, transferred to Consolidated Fund, for credit of Incidental Receipts 126 13 9 126 13 9 Auckland :— Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July to 31 December, 1870 Furniture for Commissioner's Office Refunds of Revenue 100 0 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 18 1 9 26 14 3 31,503 0 5 Payments to Provincial Account ... 694 16 0 30,808 4 5 Tabanaki : — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 250 0 0 Wellington : — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Refunds of Revenue Transfers to Consolidated Fund ... ... £1,100 4 5 Transfers to Separate Account ... ... 4,356 3 11 75 0 0 300 0 0 38 3 0 5,456 8 4 11,492 5 10 Payments to Provincial Account ... 5,869 11 4 5,622 14 6 ■v Hawke's Bay : — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 June, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 June, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 December, 1870, to 30 April, 1871 Refunds of Revenue Transfers to Consolidated Fund ... ... £677 2 7 Transfers to Separate Account ... ... 642 8 2 45 16 8 183 6 8 83 6 8 41 16 10 1,319 10 9 Payments to Provincial Account ... Nelson : — Charge3 on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Refunds of Revenue 150 0 0 1,673 17 V 4,736 17 11 6,410 15 6 400 0 0 228 0 0 Charges on Grold Fields Revenue, — Moiety of Salary of Resident Magistrate and Warden, 21 September, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... Refunds of Revenue 77 15 6 34 5 1 778 0 0 112 0 7 32,165 18 9 33,055 19 4 Payments to Provincial Account ... Carried forward 82,838 14 10





RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 17,445 6 2 49,596 14 8 Kelson— continued. Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Transfer from Consolidated Fund to balance expenditure 15,251 18 6 342 9 4 33,039 14 0 Iarlboeough : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments Miscellaneous 571 9 2 4, 126 4 5 8 0 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners'Rights ... ... ... 1 July to 31 May Business Licenses ... ... ... ,, to „ Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties „ to „ Registration Fees ... ... ... „ to ,, Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... ,, to ,, Publicans' and other Licenses ... „ to ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to „ 4,705 13 7 182 0 0 20 0 0 17 0 0 19 2 6 3 6 0 20 0 0 12 6 Gold Duty ... ... ... „ to „ 262 11 0 250 14 8 5,218 19 3 lANTEEBTTBT : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... „ to „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to ,, 29,166 2 5 34,200 10 8 30 3 11 Native Lands Acts, — Fees ... ... ... ... 1 July to 30 Juno 63,402 17 0 26 0 0 63,428 17 0 V^STLAND : — Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... ,, to „ Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to ,, 2,595 16 2 233 15 0 40 15 0 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners'Rights ... ... ... 1 July to 31 May Business Licenses ... ... ... „ to ,, Water-races, &c. ... ... ... „ to „ Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties ,, to „ Registration Fees ... ... ... ,, to ,, Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... „ to ,, Survey Fees ... ... ... „ to ,, Publicans'and other Licenses ... „ to ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to „ 2-, 870 6 .2 3,737 1 0 3,074 0 0 129 14 6 581 2 10 419 4 6 280 12 0 439 8 0 5,365 0 0 36 2 0 Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June 14.062 4 10 17,010 13 8 33,943 4 8 ITAGO :■— Land Revenue, — Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... „ to ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to „ 47,816 8 3 67,650 5 4 1,532 11 3 116,999 4 10 Gold Fields Revenue, — Miners'Rights ... ... ... 1 July to 31 May Business Licenses ... ... ... „ to „ Water-races, Sluices, &c. ... ... „ to ,, Gold Mining Leases, Rents, and Royalties „ to „ Registration Fees ... ... ... ,, to ,, Fees and Fines, Wardens'Courts ... „ to „ Survey Fees ... ... ... „ to „ Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... „ to „ Withdrawals of Leases ... ... „ to ,, Miscellaneous ... ... ... „ to „ 5,395 0 0 1,585 0 0 149 15 0 6,465 9 6 402 0 0 286 19 6 253 11 0 2,373 6 7 12 10 0 57 2 3 16,980 13 10 Carried forward 133,979 18 8 185,227 9 7


B.—No. I


iAND FUND— continued. Cb. DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. 8. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 82,838 14 10 MABLBOIiOUGII : — Charges on Laud Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30'June, 1871 Payment to Province of Nelson of amount due for Interest and Sinking Fund, to 30 June, 1870... Payment to Education Board, under " Maryborough Waste Lands Act, 1867 " 50 0 0 320 0 0 1,134 3 0 52 19 4 Payments to Provincial Account ... 1,557 2 4 4,921 16 9 6,478 19 1 Canterbury : — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner of Crown Lands, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Engineer employed temporarily by Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works Refunds of Revenue Transfers to Consolidated Fund ... 280 0 0 400 0 0 26 19 1 377 10 5 3,131 12 0 Payments to Provincial Account ... Payments to Timaru and Gladstone Board of Works 57,496 7 5 1,294 18 7 4,216 1 6 58,791 G 0 63,007 7 6 WESTLAMS :— Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Chief Commissioner, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Chief Surveyor, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... Fees attending Sittings of Board, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Refund of Revenue ... Transfers to Consolidated Fund ... 50 0 0 75 0 0 425 0 0 , 67 4 0 94 11 8 91 16 0 Payments to County A.ceount 803 11 8 33,153 13 0 33,957 4 8 Otago : — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, Otago, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871... Salary of Receiver, Southland, 1 October, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Salary of Commissioner, Southland, 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Refunds of Revenue 400 0 0 37 10 0 350 0 0 205 2 1 Charges on Gold Fields Revenue, — Travelling Expenses, &c. Payments to Provincial Account ... 992 12 1 13 3 1 155,415 6 3 156,421 1 5 Carried forward 342,703 7 6


B.—No. 1.



RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 133,979 18 8 185,227 9 7 Otago— continued. Gold Duty ... ... ... ... 1 July to 30 June • 22,148 15 5 Native Lands Acts, — Fees ... ... ... ... „ to „ 4 0 0 156,132 14 1 Southland: — Land Revenue,— Land Sales ... ... ... 1 July to 5 October Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... Miscellaneous 1,225 6 0 7 10 0 104 0 0 1,336 16 0 Grold Fields Revenue, — Miners' Rights 1 November, 1868, to 5 October, 1870 Business Licenses ... Water-races Registration "Sees ... Pees and Pines, Wardens' CourtB Depasturing Licenses and Assessments... Publicans'and other Licenses Miscellaneous 265 0 0 25 0 0 5 12 6 19 12 6 8 5 0 11 5 0 55 0 0 0 10 Q-oldDuty ... ... ... ...1 July to 5 October 389 16 0 144 1 2 1,870 13 2 Total Receipts 343,230 16 10 Balance on 30 June, 1870: — Cash, Bank of New Zealand Less Adyances, Or. 5,078 14 3 3,664 1 10 1,414 12 5 Total 344,645 9 3

B.—No. 1



,AND FUND— continued. Ce. DISBURSEMENTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. Brought forward 342,703 7 6 \ Southland: — Charges on Land Revenue, — Salary of Receiver, 1 July to 30 September, 1870 Kefunds of Revenue Transfers to Consolidated Fund ... 12 10 0 259 0 8 734 18 9 Charges on Gold Fields Revenue, — Salary of Warden, 1 July, 1869, to 31 March, 1870 Payments to Provincial Account ... 1,006 9 5 225 0 0 662 10 0 1,893 19 5 Total Disbursements 344,597 6 11 / Balance on 30 June, 1871: — Cash, Bank of New Zealand Less Advances, Cr. 1,836 14 6 1,788 12 2 48 2 4 Total ... .... £344,645 9 3 V.

B.—No. 1.



B.—No. 1




RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Intestate Estates Fund Account... 11,357 11 5 Intestate Estates Expenses Account 598 15 1 Real Estate Administration Account 136 19 4 Estates of Deceased Soldiees Account 120 14 1 Trustees Relief Act Account 1,446 12 1 Unclaimed Dividends Account ... ... ..; 67 16 7 Unclaimed Balances Closed Account 32 15 0 "Merchant Shipping Act, 1858," Account 7 0 2 1,281 5 8 Lunatics' Estates Account Monet Oeder Account : — Amount transferred hereto from the Account of the PostmasterGeneral, in terms of Section 3 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1868," 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 ... Amount recovered from Vote Wo. 26, Item 8, — Commission on Post Office Money Orders paid to Foreign Offices, and heretofore charged to Trust Eund Amount of Defalcation in Money Order Account, Postmaster, Kaiapoi, recovered 52,500 0 0 447 8 0 •1.3 17 9 52,991 5 9 Post Oeeice Savinss Bank Account : — Amount transferred hereto from the Account of the Postmaster-G-eneral, in terms of Section 3 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1868," 1 July, 1870, to 30 June, 1871 Pass Boots issued to Depositors ... Eines, under Clause 59 of Savings Bank Regulations... 43,500 0 0 9 0 0 5 9 0 43,514 9 0 Unclaimed Propeety Account ... 686 17 1 Land Assueance Eund Account ... 239 2 10 Government Annuities Act Account 7,088 11 2 Military Savings Bank Deposit Account :— Receipts—Nil. Patriotic Fund Account : — Receipts —Ml. Waieaeapa Five Per Cents. Account 74 Id 7 Native Reseeves Account : — Auckland Taeanaki Wellington ... Nelson Westland 45 6 3 3 10 8 256 15 0 1,229 10 5 2,743 19 11 4,279 2 3 Trust Fund Investment Account 211,061 7 0 Total Receipts 334,984 19 1 Balance on 30 June, 1870 : — Bank of New Zealand Advances unaccounted for 95,166 2 10 35 14 4 95,201 17 2 Total £130,186 16 3

B.—No. 1




DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Intestate Estates Fund Account... 14,321 13 8 Intestate Estates Expenses Account 532 0 0 Eeal Estates Administration Act Account 28 8 8 Estates <w Deceased Soldiers Account 370 2 6 Trustees Relief Act Account 527 15 10 Unclaimed Dividends Account, — Disbursements —Nil. Unclaimed Balances Closed Account, — Disbursements —Nil. " Merchant SnirpiNO Act, 1858," Account, — Disbursements —Nil. Lunatics Estates Account 289 18 3 Monet Ordee Account :— Remittances to Great Britain Eemittances to Australian Colonies 42,234 4 4 19,025 11 3 • Amount of Defalcation in Money Order Account, Postmaster, Kaiapoi, (received as per contra?) paid over to PostmasterGoneral 43 17 9 61,303 13. 4 Post Office Savings Bank Account, — Disbursements—Nil. Unclaimed Property Account 511 18 11 Land Assubakce Fund Account, — Disbursements —Nil. ... ... ■■■ ■■■ •'■ Government Annuities Act Account 800 0 0 Military Saving, s Bank Deposits Account 51 10 11 Patriotic Fund Account, transferred to Consolidated Fund, under Section 18 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1867 " 1,059 9 2 Wairarapa Five Pee Cents. Fund Account 2,000 0 0 Native Reserves Account 4,806 3 1 279,650 0 0 Trust Fund Investment Account... Total Disbursements 366,252 13 11 Balance on 30 June, 1871 :— Bank of New Zealand ... Less Advances, Or. 63,962 14 2 28 11 10 63,934 2 4 Total ■» £430,186 16 3

B.—No. 1.




Balances on 30th June, 1870. Tkansactions. Balances on 30th June, 1871. Dr. Or. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. I £ a. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ a. d. Auckland 10 per cent. Refunds to Natives Estates of Deceased Soldiers Grovermnent Annuities Act Account... Intestate Estates Fund Account Intestate Estates Expenses Account Land Assurance Fund Account " Lunatics Act, 1868," Account " Merchant Shipping Act, 1868," Account Military Savings Banks Deposits Account Money Order Account Native Reserves Account ... Natives at Wellington Deposits Account Patriotic Fund Account Post Office Savings Banks Account ... Real Estate Administration Act Account Supreme Court Account Trust Fund Investment Account " Trustees Relief Act, 1862," Account Unclaimed Balances Account Unclaimed Dividend Fund Account... Unclaimed Property Account Wairarapa 5 per cent. Refunds to Natives 4,662 18 8 1,576 19 9 354 6 9 29,330 6 10 383 5 0 115 9 11 904 1 3 207 15 8 5,823 5 10 5,064 7 1 370 0 0 1.059 9 2 251,363 10 9 1.060 14 9 110 10 8 370 2 6 800 0 0 14,321 13 3 532 0 0 289 18 3 51 10 11 61,303 13 4 4,806 3 1 120 14 1 7,088 11 2 11,357 11 5 598 15 1 239 2 10 1,281 5 8 7 0 2 52,991 5 9 4,279 2 3 2,489 1 9 4,662 18 8 1,327 11 4 6,642 17 11 26,366 5 0 250 0 1 354 12 9 1,895 8 8 7 0 2 156 4 9 4,537 6 3 370 0 0 1,059 9 2 43,514 9 0 136 19 4 294,877 19 9 1,169 5 5 110 10 8 28 8 8 211,061 7 0 279,650 0 0 527 15 10 211,061 7 0 1,446 12 1 32 15 0 67 16 7 686 17 1 74 14 7 279,650 0 0 748 2 0 106 1 4 271 12 2 504 7 11 2,445 18 8 ! 1,666 18 3 138 16 4 339 8 9 679 6 1 520 13 3 511 18 11 2,000 0 0 Totals Deduct Dr. Balances 306,263 4 2 211,061 7 0 95,201 17 2 366,252 13 11 334,984 19 1 346,073 4 1 282,139 1 9 Balances, Cr. m ' 63,934 2 4

B.—No. 1.

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended the 30th JUNE, 1871, under "The TRUSTEES RELIEF ACT, 1862;" with particulars of the Balance at credit in the Public Trust Fund on that date. (Published pursuant to Section 5 of "The Trustees Relief Act, 1862.")



Balance on 30th June, 1870 £ s. d. 748 2 0 DlSBUESEMENTS DUBING THE YeAE 1870-71 :— Estate of W. MeCormicb ... Estate of D. Mason £ s. d. 417 12 10 110 3 0 Cash received per D. Pollen, Auckland :— From E. E. Hunt to credit of J. W. Bain 1,446 12 1 Balance on 30tii June, 1871: — Estate of J. W. Bain Estate of D.'Mason £1,446 12 1 220 6 2 1,666 18 3 2,194 14 1 2,194 14 1 'ATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS in the TETJST FUN INVESTMENT ACCOUNT during the Teak ended the 30th Ju: e, 1871. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. 1870. July Amount received in anticipation of sale of £65,900 New Zealand Consols 55,000 0 0 Balance on 30th June, 1870: — Held in the following Securities, — New Zealand 5 per cent. Consolidated Bonds ... Treasury Bills Cash 65,000 0 0 146,000 0 0 61 7 0 Sept. Amount received for Treasury Bills issued under " The Treasury Bills Act, 1868," due 30th September, 1870 ... 146,000 0 0 211,061 7 0 Nov. Purchase of Treasury Bill,' issued under " Treasury Bills Act, 1870 " i Balance on account of sale of £65,900 New Zealand Consols (amount realized, £64,136 15s.) 9,136 15 0 1870. July. 38,000 0 0 1871. June Amount transferred hereto in adjustment of account on purchase and sale of Securities Sept. Purchase of Debentures, issued under " The Temporary Loan Act, 1870 " 885 10 0 30,000 0 0 Travelling Expenses of Comptroller, charged hereto in June, 1870, transferred to Consolidated Eund... • Purchase of Treasury Bills, issued under " The Treasury Bills Extended Currency Act, 1870" ... 39 2 0 211,061 7 0 211,650 0 0 Balance on 30th June, 1871 :— Held in the following Securities, — Treasury Bills, as per contra Debentures „ Treasury Bills ,, j i i 279,650 0 0 38,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 211,650 0 0 279,650 0 0 490,711 7 0 490,711 7 0

B.—No. 1.



B.—No. 1.




Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Or. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Or. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s.- d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Consolidated, Land and Teust Fund Advances :— Imperial Government ... 87 12 10 278 6 6 148 13 11 217 5 5 Provinces —Sepaeate Accounts :— Auckland Taranaki ... Wellington Hawke's Bat Nelson Marlboeough Canterbuey Westland Otago 446 2 0 766 10 0 11 14 0 77 12 1 10,102 13 6 20 18 11 8,632 17 7 1,468 7 6 384 12 10 10 12 2 38 12 4 4 11 1 2,308 11 10 10,533 2 6 20 1 11 5,842 13 3 1,117 13 5 80 6 10 10 12 2 38 12 4 4 11 1 442 6 11 15 13 0 0 17 0 3,556 14 4 273 2 0 316 0 0 45 13 10 1,911 18 9 Paymastee-Geneeal ... 2,082,138 0 1 2,082,138 0 1 Miscellaneous (see following pages) 9,590 1 8 1,493,703 5 2 1,492,193 19 9 11,099 7 1 * Consolidated Fund ... £19,208 1 7 Less Credit Balances :— Land Fund ... £1,788 12 2 Trust Fund ... 28 11 10 10,947 14 4 77 12 1 3,599,091 9 6 3,592,570 14 2 *17,390 17 7 1,817 4 0 17,390 17 7 Special Fund Advances : — Provinces under Loak Allocation Act Repeal Act, — Auckland Taranaki... Wellington Hawke's Bay 27,873 5 0 5,796 14 6 1,180 19 5 195 6 9 ... ... 27,873 5 0 5,796 14 6 1,180 19 5 195 6 9 Auckland Reserves Act 2,101 3 0 2,101 3 0 Bay or Islands Settlements Act 7,439 12 10 7,439 12 10 Paymaster-General ... 745,654 7 10 745,654 7 10 Miscellaneous (see following pages) 44,587 1 6 ~ 1,202,765 10 10 1,191,339 1 2 11,426 9 8 1,948,419 18 8 1,972,039 14 8 20,967 56 Puelic Woeks Account —Advances :— Paymaster-General 133,128 6 11 133,128 6 11 ... Miscellaneous (see following pages) 112,615 0 3 106,572 13 4 6,042 6 11 : I -. 245,743 7 2 239,701 0 3 6,042 6 11


B,— No. 1



Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Or. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Or. Paymasters :— Abbot, B. Paymaster, Hokitika Alexander, A. do. Charleston Allen, J. do. Picton ... Andrews, H. F. do. Greymouth Barbor, H. W. do. Hokitika Barr, A. do. Dunedin Best, W. do. Wellington Bourke, P. do. Napier ... Calcutt, T. do. Dunedin Catley, J. T. do. Nelson ... Chilman, E. do. New Plymouth Cooper, C. E. do. Timaru ... Elles, A. J. do. Invercargill Fitzgerald, G-. G-. do. Hokitika Hamilton, J. W. do. Christchurch Hammcrton, K. C. do. New Plymouth Hill, T. do. Dunedin Kenny, H. E. do. New Plymouth Lubecki, A. D. do. Dunedin . .., Moule, W. do. Tauranga Muller, S. L. do. Blenheim Munday, W. S. do. Westport McBeth, J. do. Gtreymouth Parker, T. W. do. Oamaru... Parris, R. do. New Plymouth Patten, E. do. Hokitika Pollen, D. do. Auckland Eevell, W. H. do. Grreymouth Eoberts, J. M. do. Tauranga Smith, A. W. do. Dunedin Scaly, H. B. do. Napier ... Sterenson, A. do. Hokitika Stunner, S. Ton do. Hokianga Tabuteau, J. M. do. Napier ... Townsend, W. do. New Plymouth Ward, E. F. do. Dunedin Winstanley, T. B\ do. West Port Woolcombe, B. do. Timaru ... ... i ... £ s. d. 72 2 5 0 10 0 0 10 0 107 17 7 £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 6 0 0 12 6 3,925 0 0 1,200 1 0 2,230 0 0 2,172 11 0 3,911 4 10 12,383 10 0 697,736 14 6 1,780 0 0 10,740 0 6 21,957 10 6 5,001 15 2 3,921 0 0 13,368 13 3 3,320 16 0 43,194 17 8 450 0 0 24,053 2 0 1,286 11 6 11,957 17 7 6,884 18 4 5,425 0 0 1,795 0 0 1,555 0 0 1,125 0 0 4,507 8 4 5,685 17 6 130,388 12 6 444 5 0 1,166 4 7 3,290 0 0 5,821 0 0 825 0 0 1,888 5 1 31,181 15 7 1,118 7 3 6,102 17 11 1,025 0 0 1,597 0 0 3,925 0 0 1,205 6 1 2,230 0 0 2,172 11 0 3,915 1 10 12,352 7 0 697,726 6 2 1,780 0 0 10,740 0 6 21,955 3 2 5,001 14 10 3,921 0 0 13,368 13 3 3,239 18 4 43,190 9 8 418 15 0 24,066 2 0 1,287 1 6 11,957 5 1 6,884 18 4 5,425 0 0 1,795 0 0 1,555 0 0 1,114 13 6 4,507 8 4 5,685 17 6 130,368 12 6 444 5 0 66 17 4 31 3 0 10 8 4 2 7 4 0 0 4 79 11 8 4 8 0 31 5 0 3 17 0 13 0 0 10 6 6 20 0 0 3,290 10 0 5,821 0 0 790 0 0 1,975 11 1 31,181 15 5 1,118 7 3 6,102 17 11 1,025 0 0 1,597 0 0 1,166 4 7 35 0 0 20 11 7 0 0 2 Sub-Paymasters, &c. :— Andrews, W. D., Mail Agent to San Francisco Aubrey, H. K., Resident Magistrate, Wangarei 30 0 0 468 19 10 468 19 10 30 0 0

_.—No. 1



B' iel: .NE< S— continuet Balances on 30 June, 1870. Teansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. O. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Or. Stjb-Paymastebs, &o. — continued. Baker, J. H., Chief Surveyor, Southland... Bank of New Zealand, London ... Barstow, R. C, Resident Magistrate, Russell Bell, F. D., Commissioner to England Biss, S. B., Chief Postmaster, Auckland ... Blake, W., Telegraph Surveyor Bold, E. H., Telegraph Surveyor Booth, J., Resident Magistrate, Patea Branigan, St. J., Commissioner of Armed Constabulary Brodie, Gr., Accountant in Bankruptcy ... Broham, T., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Auckland Bower, M. N., Quarter-Master, Napier ... Brookfleld, F. M. P., Crown Prosecutor, Auckland Buller, W., Resident Magistrate, Wanganui Carrington, O., Taranaki Cass, T., Otago Hundreds Commissioner... Clare, W., Major, Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Wairoa Clarke, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland Commissariat Pensions Commissioners in England Cooper, Gr. S., Under Secretary Native Department Cooper, I. R., Major, Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Thames ... Crown Agents, London Gumming, J. Gr., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Te Wairoa Davis, E. H., Assistant Greologist Didsbury, Gr., Gtovernment Printer Duncan, G-., Provincial Treasurer, Otago... East, A. W., Mail Agent, San Francisco Line Edwin, R. A., Nautical Examiner Eliott, M. H., Mail Agent, San Francisco Line Eliott, Gr. E., Secretary, G-eneral Post Office Fail-child, J., Commander, Government Steamer " Luna "... Featherston, 1. E., Land Purchase Commissioner ... Featherston, I. E., Commissioner to England Fenton, F. D., Chief Judge, Native Lands Court ... Ferris, C. W., Armed Constabulary Force, Wellington Field, H. E., Surveyor, Taupo Roads Fitzgerald, M., Surveyor, Public Works Department Fitzgibbon, J. J., Postmaster, Thames Fox, E., Private Secretary to Colonial Treasurer ... Fraser, W., Captain, Resident Magistrate, Thames Furby, W. S., Telegraphist, Hokitika £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 176 14 5 6 3 0 25 0 0 10 18 0 316 8 2 1,000 0 0 1,108 3 7 1,655 3 0 7,416 0 0 1,717 2 6 2,024 9 2 14,758 14 6 3,702 7 6 65 0 0 95 10 9 142 9 0 12 12 0 3,369 9 7 685 16 1 168 0 0 8 11 0 10,607 13 1 9,128 8 9 5,950 19 9 1,000 0 0 81 9 2 2,349 0 2 61 19 2 64 2 6 3,295 0 0 1,541 17 0 32 3 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 5,209 17 10 2,447 10 8 316 8 2 975 0 0 1,108 3 7 1,761 19 2 7,416 0 0 1,893 16 11 2,080 6 6 14,658 12 5 3,787 2 1 65 0 0 35 14 4 142 9 0 12 12 0 3,369 12 7 685 16 1 168 0 0 8 11 0 10,506 14 11 9,128 8 9 6,266 14 9 1,019 0 0 76 14 2 9,143 13 8 31 2 7 64 2 6 3,295 0 0 1,541 17 0 45 17 10 10 0 0 25 0 0 5,208 17 10 2,449 2 6 100 2 1 59 16 5 106 16 2 66 15 4 84 14 7 137 2 10 128 1 4 315 15 0 60 0 0 238 1 0 128 1 4 41 0 0 4 15 0 3,236 10 3 3,558 3 3 17 3 0 i3 13 7 13 14 10 2 18 0 10 0 4 9 10 2,662 8 2 2,662 8 2 1,375 12 4 151 16 6 10 0 0 1,375 12 4 151 16 6 10 0 0 40 13 3 9 4 6 1,743 17 6 40 13 3 9 4 6 1,743 17 6 150 0 0 150 0 0 225 19 8 64 18 0 222 2 8 64 18 0 3 17 0


B.—No. I.


CONSOLIDATED LAND AND TRUST FUND ADVANCES-MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. *t Dr. Or. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Op. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. Sub-Paymasters, &e. — continued. Gill, E. J., Clerk, Native Office Gisborne, W-, Commissioner of Government Annuities Goodall, J., Postmaster, Kaikouras Gordon, W., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Auckland Gray, W., Inspector of Post Offices Green, E. L., Curator of Intestate Estates, Napier Grubb, J., Acting Chief Postmaster, Christchurch ... Haast, J., Provincial Geologist, Canterbury Hales, W. II., Boad Surveyor, Wanganui Halse, H., Assistant Native Secretary Hardie, G., Armed Constabulary Force ... Hare, J., Clerk to tlie Bench, Napier Harsant, W., Eesident Magistrate, Raglan Harington, P., Inspector, Militia and Volunteers ... Harvey, G. W., Crown Prosecutor, Hokitika Heale, T., Inspector of Surveys, Auckland Hector, J., Government Geologist Hempton, T., Captain and Paymaster, Defence Force Hill, T., Collector of Customs (Acting), Auckland ... Hoggard. J". F., Cliief Postmaster, Wellington Holdsivorth, J. &., Wellington ... Humphries, T., Eoad Survey, Taranaki ... Johnston, D., Collector of Customs, Nelson Johnston, J. G., Surveys, Native Lands Act Jordan, J., Captain, Eangitikei... Kaye, E., Mail Agent, San Francisco Line Keddell, J., Eesident Magistrate, Coromandel Kemp, H. T., Native Department Kennedy, J., Telegraph Inspector, Southland District Kirk, T., Assistant Geologist ... Knowles, J., Secretary to Commissioners to England Laing, E. B., Customs, Eussell ... Land Purchase Commissioners ... LaNauze, E. J., Collector of Customs, Chatham Islands Lemon, C., General Manager, Telegraph ... Lewis, T. W., Clerk, Defence Office "... Lockett, J., Captain and Adjutant, Nelson Militia... Locke, S., Eesident Magistrate, Wairoa, &c. Logan, J. K., Inspector of Telegraphs, Otago Ludlam, A., Major, Hutt Lyon, W. C, Lieut.-Colonel Commanding, Waikato Macalister, E., Clerk, Postal Department • 800 0 0 310 0 0 20 14 4 5 18 5 0 10 0 2 19 7 521 10 2 164 11 6 1,255 0 0 705 3 6 300 0 0 669 1 0 26 11 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 158 4 0 121 10 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 157 10 0 70 0 0 2,900 1 3 350 0 0 655 14 10 425 0 0 700 0 0 800 0 0 319 12 0 15 0 0 600 0 0 55 0 0 705 3 6 300 0 0 979 1 0 6 11 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 158 4 0 139 4 4 10 0 0 15 0 0 157 10 0 40 1 7 0 10 0 2,918 6 10 i 350 0 0 134 4 8 425 0 0 700 0 0 800 0 0 319 12 0 : 15 0 0 1,564 3 10 90 0 0 35 0 0 2,070 0 0 263 19 0 35 15 2 552 17 9 127 10 0 558 4 9 1,346 13 4 2,000 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 35 16 10 17 12 0 30 0 0 0 0 6 35 13 0 312 15 0 435 8 6 15 6 0 17 12 0 1,564 0 10 120 0 0 35 0 6 2,070 0 0 263 19 O 39 11 8 552 17 9 127 10 0 0 3 0 3 16 6 35 13 0 312 15 0 558 4 9 1,220 0 0 "o 12 4 126 13 4 0 12 4 436 7 3 3,550 2 11 3,412 0 6 114 0 0 79 1 0 4 5 0 3,770 14 10 3,391 3 6 112 16 0 79 1 0 4 5 0 215 15 4 20 17 0 14 0


B.— Mo. 1


CONSOLIDATED LAND AND TEUST FUND ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Cr. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sub-Paymasters, &o. — continued. Macdonald, A. C. P., Colonial Secretary's Office ... McDonough, T., Postmaster, Wanganui ... Mackay, A., Commissioner, Native Reserves, Nelson McKellar, H. S., Collector of Customs, Auckland ... McKellar, H. S., Acting Collector of Customs, Dunedin McLean, Honorable D., Native Minister ... McLean, W. K., Defence Office... Mair, W. G-., Major Commanding, Opotiki Maning, P. E., Judge, Native Lands Court Maning, H. H., Interpreter, Civil Commissioner's Office Mantell, W. B. D., Dunedin Native Reserves Mason, J. W., Telegraphist, Christchurch Mateni, Wirihana, Inspector of Survey's Department, Auckland Meddings, W. G., Inspector of Telegraphs, Canterbury Mellsop, C., Resident Magistrate, Papakura, &c. ... Monro, H. H., Judge, Native Lands Court Moorhouse, W. S., Registrar General of Land Morrison, John, Agent for the Colony, London ... ... " Munce, J. M., Telegraphist, Bealey Native Secretary's Department ... Native Crown Grants ... Nancarrow, J., Nautical Assessor Noake, M., Major and Paymaster, Wanganui Ormond, J. D., General Government Agent, Napier Parris, R., Civil Commissioner, Taranaki... Pitt, H. D., Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor Pollen, D., Paymaster, Auckland, Mail Service Pollen, D., Agent, G-eneral Government ... Pollock, R., Curator of Intestate Estates, Nelson ... Porter, T. W., Captain, East Coast Expeditionary Corps Puckey, E. W., Native Agent, Thames Reader, H. E., Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Wellington ... ... ... ... Revell, E. H., Sergeant-Major, Armed Constabulary Force ... Rice, H. E., Native Interpreter... Richardson, M. A., Captain, Hawke's Bay Rochfort, J., Survey or Rogan, J., Judge, Native Lands Court St. John, J. H., Inspector of Roads, North Island ... Searaneke, W. N., Resident Magistrate, Waikato ... Sheath, A., District Inspector, Telegraph, Auckland Skey, W., Geological Department 8 11 11 10 0 0 400 0 0 3,950 0 0 321 17 9 375 15 3 0 0 6 34 16 2 16 13 4 457 14 4 3,170 1 6 4,388 3 0 5,701 13 0 146 1 5 801 9 10 0 0 6 0 10 0 300 0 0 34 10 0 105 2 0 849 8 0 524 6 0 120 0 0 12,257 2 6 200 0 0 2 10 0 25 0 0 2 12 9 3,625 9 3 317 10 0 600 0 0 535 5 2 750 0 0 50 0 0 5,115 1 6 120 0 0 16 13 4 457 14 4 3,170 0 0 4,396 14 11 5,701 13 0 99 18 5 146 1 5 368 1 7 10 0 0 300 0 0 105 2 0 849 8 0 524 6 0 120 0 0 15,651 19 8 200 0 0 76 7 0 25 0 0 8 12 10 2,227 18 3 317 10 0 516 8 7 535 5 2 750 0 0 49 3 6 228 16 0 90 0 0 6 1 6 57 13 0 0 10 0 400 0 0 ... 34 10 0 ... 555 2 10 248 0 9 99 18 5 34 16 2 20 0 0 6 0 1 1,417 11 0 83 11 5 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 16 6 4,886 5 6 30 0 0 126 18 6 10 0 0 126 18 6 W 0 0 71 10 0 71 10 0 63 19 3 63 19 3 41 15 0 47 19 2 "6 8 0 50 0 0 1,198 3 4 20 0 0 1,784 15 6 921 3 10 41 14 6 50 0 0 1,084 18 4 67 19 2 1,603 10 0 904 8 10 41 14 6 155 0 0 180 17 6 16 15 0 ...

E.—No. 1.



ADVANCES -MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 Juke, 1870. Tkansactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Cr. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. | Cr. Sub-Paymasters, &c. — continued. Skinner, W. H., Militia Pensioner Smith, J. V., Major, Militia and Volunteers, Wairarapa, &c. Smith, T. H., Judge, Native Lands Court Stapp, C, Major Commanding, Taranaki... Stewart, J. T., Engineer of Roads, Manawatu Surcharges Suspense Account Taui, M. P., Native Office Thomson, J. B., Inspector, Armed Constabulary ... Thomson, H., Clerk to the Bench, Wanganui Tipa, H., Native Tisdallj W. St. Clair, Store Department, Auckland Tupper, H. L., Captain, Hawke's Bay Turner, H. P., Commanding, Wanganui ... Thomas, W. E., Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands Vickers, S. C. G-., Native Department Vogel, Honorable J., Colonial Treasurer ... Walker, G-. P., Captain, Militia, Opotiki... Walmsley, B. W., late Postmaster, Nelson Ward, J. N., Paymaster's Office, Auckland Wardcll, II. S., Resident Magistrate, Wairarapa ... Westrup, C, Major, Poverty Bay White, W. B., Resident Magistrate, Mongonui White, J., Interpreter, Auckland Williamson, J., Curator of Intestate Estates, Auckland Withers, E., Major, Hawke's Bay Woods, Gr. A., Marine Surveyor Woodward, J., Assistant Treasurer Wray, C. A., Survey, Patea Wright, I\ E., Chief Postmaster, Christehurch Woon, R. W., Resident Magistrate, Upper Wanganui Woon, J. Gr., Collector of Customs, Wanganui Whhvhi, M. Te, Otaki Young, T. E., Native Office £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 41 17 6 197 3 4 189 4 4 120 8 6 83 19 6 3 13 3 915 10 9 1,262 12 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 250,355 16 5 247,073 10 5 31 10 0 31 10 0 50 0 0 5 16 6 10 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 12 13 0 : 12 13 0 55 8 6 495 4 7 i 490 10 9 131 0 0 131 0 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 123 6 4 £ s. d. : £ s. d. 91 7 6 49 10 0 7 19 0 210 9 4 5 19 11 174 0 4 9 13 2 347 1 4 5 0 6 3,706 9 5 ... 5 0 6! 424 3 5 44 3 6 ... ... 10 0 0 4 0 0 55 8 6 4. 13 10 123 6 4 I ... 3 15 0 3 15 0 0 19 10 67 13 8 j 15 0 0 37 9 5 1 0 0 i ... 30 0 0 30 0 0 1,214 10 5 1,214 19 3 457 9 0 458 4 6 1,306 8 0 1,374 18 4 10 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 18 1 4 10 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,221 6 8 1,221 6 8 6,824 19 10 6,824 19 10 5 0 0 5 0 0 150 0 6 167 10 6 6 ii o 30 0 0 19 8 1 0 15 6 0 16 8 ... ... ... ... 1 11 10 "i 11 10 17 10 0 Deduct Debit and Credit Balances 14,360 13 7 16,216 0 9 4,770 11 11 5,116 13 8 Total 9,590 1 8 ... " 1,493,703 5 2 1,492,193 19 9 11,099 7 1

B.—No. 1




Baiances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Cr. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Cr. Paymasteks :— Best, W. Paymaster, Wellington Chilman, E. do. New Plymouth ... Hill, T. do. Dunedin Moule, W. do. Tauranga Parris, E. do. New Plymouth ... Pollen, D. do. Auckland . Roberts, J. M. do. Tauranga Tabuteau, J. M. do. Napier ... Townscnd, W. do. New Plymouth ... £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ... ... ... 140,803 3 6 490 0 0 17,500 0 0 1,392 16 0 470 0 0 27,971 16 2 2,452 8 10 9,238 10 5 268 12 11 140,803 3 6 490 0 0 17,500 0 0 1,385 0 0 470 0 0 27,971 16 2 1,955 19 0 9,238 10 5 268 12 11 7 16 0 , 496 9 10 Sub-Paymastem, &c. :— Agents for the Consolidation of the Loans, London Atkinson, J. J., Captain and Adjutant, Militia and Volunteers, Dunedin Baillie, W. D. H., Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Marlborough Bold, B. H., Telegraph Surveyor, Hawie's Bay Bonar, J. C, Captain, Militia and Volunteers, Hokitika Booth, J., Eesident Magistrate, Patea Branigan, St. J., Commissioner, Armed Constabulary Force... Bower, M. N., Commissariat, Hawke's Bay Carrington, O., Superintendent, Taranaki Clarke, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland Cooper, I. E., Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Thames Crown Agents, London Duncan, &., Provincial Treasurer of Otago Fairehild, J., Commander, Government p.s. "Luna" Fox, E., Private Secretary to Hon. Colonial Treasurer Fox, J. G-., Chief Clerk, Armed Constabulary Office Gill, E. J., Chief Clerk, Native Office ... Gordon, W., Major Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Auckland ... Hardie, G., Armed Constabulary Force ... Harington, P., Inspector, Militia and Volunteers ... Harvie, J., Captain Commanding, Invercargill Heale, T., Inspector of Surveys, Auckland Lewis, T. W., Chief Clerk, Defence Office Lockett, J., Adjutant, Militia and Volunteers, Nelson Lusk, D. H., Major Commanding, Waiuku Lyon, W. C, Lieut.-Colonel Commanding, Waikato McKellar, H. S., Collector of Customs, Acting, Dunediu McLean, W. K., Accountant, Defence Office Morrison, J., Agent for the Colony, London Ormond, J. D., Agent of the General Government, Hawke's Bay Paeke, &., Lt.-Colonel Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Christchurch ... 220, 357 0 0 143 0 0 46 0 0 163 0 0 82 12 0 1,.517 7 6 58 17 6 132 5 0 707 1 0 218,501 15 9 26,737 5 8 1,238 1 5 50 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 97 0 0 2 5 3 ],675 8 4 46 0 0 253 3 7 751 16 3 53 0 0 58 0 0 121 0 0 10,000 0 0 596 1 5 17,392 12 5 26 7 6 108 0 0 220,357 0 0 143 0 0 46 0 0 84 15 0 46 0 0 21 14 6 1,419 13 2 58 17 6 132 5 0 648 1 0 4 15 0 214,995 18 6 26,737 5 8 1,342 3 0 - 200 0 0 64 11 6 97 0 0 2 5 3 1,720 8 4 46 0 0 211 13 7 609 12 11 46 0 0 58 0 0 104 6 3 10,000 0 0 146 1 5 8,199 11 7 26 7 6 108 0 0 78 5 0 36 12 0 97 14 4 59 0 0 3,508 17 3 50 0 0 21 14 6 4 15 0 104 1 7 185 8 6 ... ... ... 45 0 0 ... 41 10 0 142 3 4 7 0 0 16 13 9 450 0 0 9,193 0 10 ...

B.—No. 1



SPECIAL FUND ADVANCES—MISCELLANEOUS— continued. Balances on 30 June, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Or. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Cr. ' ' £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Stjb-Paymastebs, &c. — continued. Pitt, C. D., Inspector, Armed Constabulary, Poverty Bay ... Porter, T. W., Captain, East Coast Native Expeditionary Force Header, H. E., Lieut.-Colonel Commanding Militia and Volunteers, Wellington Kevell, F. H., Sergeant-Major, Arined Constabulary Searancke, W. N., Resident Magistrate, Waikato ... Smith, J. V., Major Commanding, Wairarapa Stapp, C, Major Commanding, Taranaki Stevens, P., Clerk, Militia and Volunteer Office Suspense Account Tisdall, W. St. C, Major, Store Department, Auckland Turner, H. F., Major Commanding, Wanganui Vogcl, Honorable J., Colonial Treasurer ... Westrup, C, Major Commanding, Poverty Bay Withers, E., Major Commanding, Napier Willis, W. J., Major Commanding, Rangitikei Woon, J. G\, Collector of Customs, Wanganui Wray, C. A., Eoads, Patea 18 15 0 4,544 18 8 114 0 0 46 0 0 46 0 0 10 0 0 493,094 14 11 18 15 0 4,651 12 2 114 0 0 10 0 0 74 7 6 53 16 0 46 0 0 10 0 0 496,665 8 0 4 0 0 46 0 0 ... 106 13 6 10 0 0 74 7 6 7 16 0 3,570 13 1 4 0 0 46 0 0 1,000 0 0 329 9 O 75 0 0 64 0 0 678 5 6 742 19 4 329 9 0 70 0 0 64 0 0 678 5 6 742 19 4 1,000 0 0 '500! ... ... Deduct Credit Balances 15,375 10 10 ... Totals 11,426 9 8 ... 1,202,765 10 10 1,191,339 1 2 I

B.—No. 1.




Balances on 30 Jote, 1870. Transactions. Balances on 30 June, 1871. Dr. Or. Advances. Accounted for. Dr. Cr. Patmastees :— Best, W. Paymaster, Wellington Catley, J. T. do. Kelson ... Chilman, R. do. New Plymouth Hamilton, J. W. do. Christchurch Hill, T. do. Dunedin Moule, W. do. Tauranga Parris, R-. do. New Plymouth Pollen, D. do. Auckland Roberts, J. M. do. Tauranga Tabuteau, J. M. do. Napier ... Townsend, W. do. New Plymouth £. £ i s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 9. d. £ 8. d. 38,721 19 0 300 0 0 140 0 0 1,190 0 0 4,610 0 0 3,300 7 6 2,785 0 0 3,969 15 4 3,186 19 0 14,886 7 6 2 16 10 38,721 19 0 100 0 0 140 0 O 1,194 8 0 4,617 0 0 3,270 0 0 2,785 0 0 3,969 15 4 30 7 6 "4 8 0 7 0 0 3,186 19 0 14,886 7 6 2 16 10 ... Sub-Paymastees, &c. :— Blake, W., Telegraph Surveyor ... Bold, E. H., Telegraph Surveyor, Hawke's Bay Booth, J., Resident Magistrate, Patea Clarke, H. T., Civil Commissioner, Auckland Drummond, J., Surveyor, Roads, Hawke's Bay Floyd, W. H., Electrician, Telegraph, Tauranga Gill, R. J., Chief Clerk, Native Office Halcombe, A. E., Provincial Treasurer, Wellington Hales, W. H., Wanganui Bridge Inspector Kennedy, J., Telegraph Inspector, Southland Lemon, C, General Manager, Telegraph Department Lewis, T. W., Chief Clerk, Defence Office Locke, S., Resident Magistrate, Wairoa, Taupo, &c. Logan, J. K., Inspector, Telegraphs, Otago Hair, W. G., Major Commanding, Opotiki Morrison, J., Agent for the Colony, London Ormond, J. D., Agent of the General Government, Hawke's Bay Rochfort, J., Surveyor, Railways, Wellington Sheath, A., District Manager, Telegraph, Auckland. St. John, J. II., Lieut.-Colonel, Inspector of Roads, North Island Stewart, J. T., District Engineer, Roads, &c, Wellington Suspense Account Turner, A. C, Surveyor, Tauranga Tickers, S. C. G-., Native Department, Auckland ... Warbrick, A., Telegraph, Thames Weber, C. H., Surveyor, Hawke's Bay Woon, J. G., Collector of Customs, Wanganui Wray, C. A., Roads, Patea Wrigg, H., Railway Engineer, Auckland ... I 2,951 13 0 3,181 9 6 220 0 0 646 3 0 132 0 0 1,100 10 0 250 0 0 765 14 10 12 1 0 81 19 0 4,155 2 5 1 18 0 400 0 0 263 19 5 392 7 0 1.663 9 8 745 0 0 663 0 6 2,951 13 0 3,189 13 6 180 4 0 517 8 0 382 7 1 788 16 7 9 11 0 81 19 O 4,155 2 5 1 18 0 283 16 5 392 7 0 1,508 9 8 39 16 0 128 15 0 132 0 0 718 2 11 250 0 0 "2 10 0 400 0 0 8 4 0 23 1 9 19 17 0 155 0 0 745 0 0 35 0 0 5,581 7 0 10,979 11 3 133 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 861 10 0 1,892 15 2 2,457 4 4 100 0 0 663 0 6 16 15 0 14 0 0 5,529 16 0 10,755 10 6 133 0 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 51 11 0 224 0 9 16 15 0 861 9 6 1,892 15 2 2,450 14 4 100 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 6 6 10 0 ... I Deduct Credit Balances ... ! 6,121 12 8 Totals 112,615 0 3 106,572 13 4 6,042 6 11

B.—No. 1.




B.—No. 1



EECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. "New Zealand Loan Act, 1856":— Balance at credit on 30 June, 1870 Contributions at 2 per cent., — Series B and E, — On £75,000, 6 months to 1 October, 1870 Ditto ditto 1 April, 1871 Series A, C, D, F,— On £425,000, 6 months to 1 July, 1870 Ditto ditto 1 January, 1871 ... 750 0 0 750 0 0 132,69,'i 6 1 4,250 0 0 4,250 0 0 Interest received on Investments .•. 10,000 0 0 7,579 5 11 17,579 5 11 150,272 12 0 "New Zealand Loan Act, 1860": — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1870 Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £93,100, 6 months to 30 December, 1870 ... Ditto ditto 30 June, 1871 31,105 9 8 931 0 0 931 0 0 Interest received on Investments ... 1,862 0 0 1,174 9 2 3,036 9 2 34,231 18 10 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 ": — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1870 Series 1891 — Contributions at 2 per cent., — On £342,800, balance to 15 June, 1870 £1,512 0 0 On £332,000, 6 mos. to 15 Dec, 1870 3,320 0 0 On £203,000 „ 15 March, 1871 2,030 0 0 On £329,900 „ 15 June, 1870 3,299 0 0 93,345 2 1 i £10,161 0 0 Interest received on Investments ... 1,976 10 0 12,137 10 0 Series 1914,— Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £501,900, balance to 15 July, 1869 £1,326 10 0 On „ 6 months to 15 January, 1870 2,509 10 0 On £193,500 „ „ „ 1871 2,460 0 0 On „ „ 15 July, 1871 7 10 0 £6,303 10 0 Interest received on Investments ... 1,730 13 4 8,034 3 4 Series 1915,— Contributions at 1 per cent, — On £500,000, 6 mos. to 1 November, 1870 £2,500 0 0 On „ „ 1 May, 1871 2,500 0 0 £5,000 0 0 Interest received on Investments ... 1,351 7 9 6,351 7 9 26,523 1 1 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 ": — Balance at credit on 30 June, 1870 Contributions at 1 per cent., — On £4,346,000, 3 months to 15 July, 1870 On £4,410,500 „ 15 October, 1870 On „ „ 15 January, 1871 On £4,421,000 „ 15 April, 1871 10,865 0 0 11,026 5 0 11,026 5 0 11,052 10 0 84,267 11 9 119,868 3 2 Interest received on Investments 43,970 0 0 4,515 4 5 48,485 4 5 132,752 16 2 £437,125 10 2


B.—No. 1


FUNDS ACCOUNT during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 30 JUNE, 1871. CR.

DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. a, £ s. d. £ s. d. " New Zealand Loan Act, 1856 ":— Disbursements—Nil. Balance on 30 June, 1871 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. Canada Government Bonds 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds ... 127,700 0 0 35,000 0 0 150,272 12 0 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment 162,700 0 0 81 15 0 162,781 15 0 '•' New Zealand Loan Act, 1860 ":— Amount of Sinking Fund released (credited to Revenue in Account of 1868-69) ... Balance on 30 June, 1871 ... ... Held in the following Securities, viz., — New Zealand Government Treasury Bills 5| per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds 150,272 12 0 9,991 6 2 24,240 12 8 21,150 0 0 3,070 0 0 34,231 18 10 Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment 24,220 0 0 2 12 4 24,222 12 4 " New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 ": — Amount of Sinking Fund released in respect of Debentures converted under " The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867," — Series 1891 Series 1914 1,512 0 0 3,836 0 0 Balance on 30 June, 1871 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds ... Balance in hands of Trustees awaiting Investment 5,348 0 0 114,520 3 2 122,300 0 0 182 2 0 122,482 2 0 119,868 3 2 " Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 ": — Disbursements —Nil. Balance on 30 June, 1871 Held in the following Securities, viz., — 5 per cent. New Zealand Government Bonds ... Balance in the hands of Trustees ... £805 16 2 Less, in Suspense... ... ... 53 0 0 132,752 16 2 132,752 16 2 132,000 0 0 752 16 2 132,752 16 2 £437,125 10 2 C. T. Batkin, master-General and Accountant. LIITS VOQEL, Colonial Treasurer. Pa

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71, Commencing 1st July, 1870, and ending 30th June, 1871., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-01

Word Count

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71, Commencing 1st July, 1870, and ending 30th June, 1871. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-01

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEALAND, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1870-71, Commencing 1st July, 1870, and ending 30th June, 1871. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1872 Session I, B-01

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