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Q.—No. U.





G.--Nd. U.



Edwards, James Thomas, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Newland, George S., Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Etherington, George, Private, Patea Rangers Newland, William, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary. Evans, Herbert L., Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Nicholas, Constantine, Private, Armed Constabulary. Evans, Robert, Volunteer Officer, East Coast Expeditionary Orr, James, Private, Napier Militia. Force Orr, John, Private, Napier Rifle Volunteers. Gilbert, John James, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Palmer, Charles, Private, Napier Militia. Parmer, George, Private, Hutt Militia Paul, William, Private, Taranaki Militia. Piatt, Joseph Haslip, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Peacock, David, Private, Napier Militia. Poster, Frederick W., Private, Forest Rangers Peacock, Hector S., Private, Napier Militia. Fraser, William, Private, Colonial Defence Force PiUatt, David, Sergeant, Wanganui Rangers. Fulton, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Perry, Francis Thos., Private, Tar.maki Military Settlers. George, Robert, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Peet, George, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment. Gilbert, John James, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Phillips, George, Private, Hutt Militia. Goldsmith, diaries George, Trooper, Poverty Bay Mounted Phillips, George Samuel, Private, Wellington Defence Force. Volunteers Plummer, Albert, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers. Gossling, George Johnson, Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Price, Samuel, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment. Settlers Purnell, James, Corporal, Tarantiki Light Infantry Volunteers. Graham, Andrew, Private, Napier Militia Pye, Charles, Captain, Colonial Defence Force. Grant, David, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Rabone; Edward, Private, Napier Militia. Guthrie, William, Private, Patea Rangers Raithby, Richard William, Corporal, Colonial Defence Force. Hamlin, 11. M., Interpreter, Colonial Forces Reid, John, Private, Wanganui Rangers. Hammond, Thomas Charles, Private, Taranaki Militia Renouf, John, Private, Napier Militia. Hamon, Joseph, jun., Private, Napier Militia Reynolds, James, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers. Harvey, John, Private, Napier Militia Reynolds, John Cullen, Private, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers. Healey, Thomas, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Richardson, William A., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary. Hecker, Henry Charles Teuscli, Sergeant, Napier Militia Rivers, Edward, Private, Forest Rangers. Hennessy James, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Roberts, John, Private, Ist Waikato Rangers. Henry, Joseph, Assistant-Surgeon, Ist Waikato Regiment Roberts,'John Mackintosh, Inspector, Armed Constabulary. Henry, Patrick, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Robertson, William Edward, Volunteer, Taranaki Rangers. Higginson, William, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Boss, James, Private, Napier Militia, Hill, E. Arnold, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Rouse, William Hurst, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers. Hill, Mathew, Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Rush, John, Private, Hutt Militia. Hill, Rowland, Private, Napier Militia Ryan, Daniel,.Constable, Armed Constabulary Hollis, Edwin, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Sampson, Gerard, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hunter, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Sargent, Henry, Private, Napier Militia Hursthouse, Flinders, Private, Taramiki llush Party Sanderson, John, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Hutchinson, Alfred, Sergeant, Colonial Defence Force Scholes, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hatchings, Edward, Trumpeter, Colonial Defence Force Scott, George, Private, Petane Militia Ibbotson. Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Selby, William, Private, Forest Bangers Ingram, Harry S., Private, Napier Militia Sharly, Joseph, Private, Napier Militia Jeffares, Isaac, Private, Napier Rifle Volunteers Sherrill', Bedford, Trumpeter, Wanganui Cavalry Volunteers Jeffares, Richard, Sergeant, Clivc Mil tia Shirley, Benjamin, Private, Napier Militia Johnson, Benjamin Baily, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Shuker, William, Private, Forest. Bangers Jupp, George, Sergeant, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Sissons, Charles, Private, Military Settlers Kells, William, Ensign, Wanganui Veteran Volunteers Skene. George, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Kelly, John. Lieutenant, Taranaki Military Settlers Skipworth, Frederick Green, Lieutenant, Poverty Bay Mounted} Kinross, John Gibson, Private, Napier Militia Volunteers Kraeff, Henry, Private, Napier Militia Smith, Arthur Edwin, Private, Auckland Eifle Volunteers Ladley, Albert, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Smith, Frank Stephenson, Private, Parnell Billes Laird, James, Sergeant, Taranaki Militia Squihb, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary Lakin. John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Stark, Winslow, Sergeant, Military Settlers Lander, John, Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Steven, John, Private, Napier Militia Langdale, Frederick, Trooper, Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry Stevens, George, Private. Napier M lit in. Liebig, Carl, Corpnral, 2nd Waikato Regiment Strong, George, Petty Officer, Auckland Naval Volunteers Little, Henry J.. Private, Wanganui Militia Sutherland, James G., Private, Taranaki Hifle Volunteers Liverton, John, Private, Taita Militia Swan, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary Lc.eridge, Samuel, Private, Taranaki Militia Tcbbetf, Alfred, Private, Colonial Defence Force Lowes, William, Private, Napier Rifle Volunteers Thompson, William, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Lynast. Frederick, Private, Wanganui Rangers Thorp, Alfred Joshua, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Lyttelton, Edward, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Thorp, Edward Joseph, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Mace, P., Captain, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Thorp, George Frederick, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteers Mace. Thomas Win., Private, Taranaki Cavalry Volunteers Thorp, William Hampton, Private, Wairoa Rifle Volunteer* Mackie, George, Private, Wanganui Rangers Tola, Daniel Austin, Captain, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Mahoncy, Stephen, Private, Forest Rangers Trask, John Henry, Private, Napier Militia Malcolm, Peter, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Tuely, Cornelius, Private, Napier Mililia Marshall, James, Private. Petane Mililia Tulloch, Robert, Private, Wanganui Rangers Marshall, John Private, Napier Militia Turner, William, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Marshall, Robert William, Private, Napier Military Settlers Viekars, William, Private, Napier Mililia Massey, John, Privale, Napier Militia Villars, Edmond, Constable, Armed Constabulary Millar, Thomas, Private, Napier Mililia Wadman, George, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Mdne, W. S., Private, Wellington Militia Walker, Daniel, Privale, 2nd Waikato Regiment Milner, William, Private, Hawke's Bay Military Settlers Walker, Isaac, Private, Colonial Defence Force Molloy, William, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Ward, Charles E., Private, Taramiki Bushrangers Morle.v, George, Private, Tar.inak; Bushrangers Ward, Frederick W., Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Morrison, George Thomson, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Watluns, William, Sergeant, Taranaki Rifle Volunteers Morrison, 11. ft. Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Watts, William Thomas, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Moverly, Henry Jeremiah, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Welsman, John S., Private, Auckland Bille Volunteers Mullins, John Henry, Sergeant, Auckland Bifle Volunteers West, James, Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment Monday, Walter, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers White, John, Native Commissioner, Taranaki Field Forco Monday, William James, Privale, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Whiteman, George, Private, Wellington Militia Myles, Edmond, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment William*, George Watkin, Lieutenant, New Zealand MilitiaMeCaulev, James, Private, Patea Rangers Willison, George, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary McG'leary, David, Private, Napier Militia Wilson, Peter, Private, Napier Militia McClymont, Andrew Galbrnith, Private, Forest Rangers Windsor, Frederick, Private, Taranaki Volunteers McC'rea, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Withers, Thomas, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary McDonnel1, J'Mwanl, Ensign, New Zealand Militia Witty, .lames Williams, Lieutenant, New Zealand Militia McGillivray, Samuel, Private, Auckland Militia Wright, Samuel, Constable, Armed Constabulary McGiulhcr, Robert, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Wyllie, .Fames, Interpreter, Colonial Forces MeKnin, Isaac Septimus, Corporal, Petane Militia Yates, William Ward, Private, iSapier Mililia McLeod, John, Private, B ly of Islands Mililia Young, David, Privale, Ist. Waikato Regiment Neil, Robert, Private, Forest Rangers Young, James, Private, Taranaki Military Scttlcre

a.— No. ia.

PROGRESS REPORT OF THE WAR MEDAL COMMISSIONERS. To His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G., &c, &c. Mat it please Your Excellency,— We, the undersigned Commissioners appointed on the Ist day of July, 1871, under the hand of your Excellency and the Seal of the Colony, to examine and report on all claims for the New Zealand War Medal, which shall from time to time be referred to us by tho Hon. the Colonial Secretary, do now submit the following Holla, which contain the names of those applicants whose claims we have heen able to determine. Eoll A contains the names of those officers and men of the Colonial Forces who are entitled to receive the Medal for services performed during the various military operations in New Zealand in the years 1845, 1816, and 1847, and from the year 1860 to the year 1866, inclusive. Eoll B, the names of those who have established their claims to the Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866. Eoll C, the names of such friendly Natives as have been referred to us and are entitled to receive the Medal. Eoll D contains the names of those applicants whose claims wc have rejected; and in each case we have specified the reason for such rejection. We further transmit a Eoll, marked E, containing the names, rank, and corps, &c, of the officers and men of the Colonial Forces who have been killed in action, or have died from wounds received in action prior to the 11th July, 1868—a list of all such casualties as occurred subsequent to that date having been furnished by the late Commissioners. We also attach lists of officers aud men who were awarded Medals by the late Commissioners, but whose names appear in the New Zealand Gazette of the 31st May, 1871, as having been granted Medals by tho Imperial Government for services performed whilst in the Imperial Commissariat Transport Corps. And we respectfully submit this as a Progress Eeport for your Excellency's consideration. T. M. Haultain. Donald H. Mcßarnet. Wellington, 2nd September, 1871.

Eoll A. Nominal Eeturn of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal for services rendered prior to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims have heen admitted by the Commissioners. Adams, Robert Albert, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment I Campbell, Peter, Private, Wanganui Rangers Aitkin, John, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment I Carson, Gilbert, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Allan, John, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment I Chalmers, Robert, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Allen, Thomas W., Private, Forest Rangers | Clare, Thomas, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Ames, Joseph, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force j Clarkson, David King, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers Arden, Hamar, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Clayton, Henry, Private, Napier Militia Arthurs, John, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Cleary, Joseph, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Ashcroft, William Thomas, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Clime, James, Private, Taranaki Militia Atkinson, 11. A., Major, Taranaki Militia Cockerton, Levi, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Atkinson, William Smith, Private, Taranaki Militia Combos, Frederick, Petty Officer, Naval Volunteers Atkins, Richard, Private, Forest Rangers Condie, David, Private, Petane Militia Ayers, George, Private, Napier Volunteers Copeland, John, Auckland Naval Volunteers Barry, Daniel, Private, Napier Militia Cunningham, James, Sergeant, Forest Rangers Beamish, George, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers i Cunningham, John, Private, Napier Militia Bennett, John, Private, Napier Militia I Curley, John, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Black, Hugh, Lanec-Sorgeant, Colonial Defence Force Curtis, George Newsham, Private, Taranaki Militia Bowden, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment '■ De Norville, Alfred, Sergeant, Military Settlers Boylan, Michael, Sergeant, Napier Militia j Dont, Mark, Sergeant, Volunteer Artillery Company Bousfield, O. L. W., Private, Napier Militia De Thierry, George, Sergeant, Bay of Islands Volunteers Brathwaite, Robert, Private, Napier Militia De Thierry, Richard, Privale, Auckland Militia Brooking, John, Trooper, Hawke's Bay Defence Forco Dick, James, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Brown, Charles Stewart, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Dolbcl, Charles, Private, Napier Militia Brown, Thomas, Trooper, Colonial Defence Force Dowlo, Albert, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Brown, William, Private, Taranaki Military Settlers Dribery, William Thomas, Private, Napier Militia Burdett, Charles W., Sergeant, Auckland Volunteer Engineers Drory, Henry, Private, Taranaki Mililia Burns, Andrew, Private, Auckland Rifle Volunteers DufEn, John, Private, Taranaki Volunteers Callaghan, Joseph, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Dunckley, William, Private, Forest Rangers Cambie, D. S., Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment Dunn, Arthur J. N., Corporal, Colonial Defence Force Cameron, Colin, Private, Taranaki Militia ' Edwards, B. F. J., Colour-Sergeant, Ist Waikato Regiment




G.—No. U.

Eoll B. Nominal Eeturn of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for tho New Zealand Medal for services performed subsequent to the 31st December, 1866, and whose claims are admitted by the Commissioners. Adamson, Thomas, Private, Wanganui Rangers Lemon, George, Bugler, Ist Waikato Regiment Addis, Daniel, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Leslie, A. J., Assistant-Surgeon, Armed Constabulary Addis, Thomas, Bugler, Ist Waikato Regiment McCartney, Arthur, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Beatty, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary MeFarlane, P., Constable, Armed Constabulary Beauchamp, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary McLachlan, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Bennett, Charles D., Sergeant-Major, Armed Constabulary MeLauchlin, Dugald, Constable, Armed Constabulary Biddle, Benjamin, Constable, Armed Constabulary McLean, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary Bill, David, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment McManus, Michael, Private, Carlyle Volunteers Blake, George, Farrier-Sergeant, Armed Constabulary McNeill, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary Blyth, Donald, Constable, Armed Constabulary Maher, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Broughton, Edward, Captain, Wanganui Militia Mair, Henry Abbott, Captain, Opotiki Volunteer Rangers Brown, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Maling, Christopher, Sergeant, Corps of Guides Burns, Henry, Constable, Armed Constabulary Mason, George Henry, Private, Ist Waikato Regimont Capel, Sydney A. 8., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Mason, William Thomas, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Carlyon, Percy Frederick, Lance-Corporal, Armed Constabulary Morley, George, jun., Private, Taranaki Bushrangers Carroll, James, Trooper, Kai Iwi Volunteer Cavalry Moynahan, Patrick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Carson. Robert, Private, Wellington Rangers Murphy, Richard Thornton, Constable, Armed Constabulary Carey, Henry, Private, Patea Rifle Volunteers Myhea, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary Carter, Harcourt C, Constable, Armed Constabulary McCarthy, Maurice, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Chalklen, William Waller, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Neale, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary Collinson, Joshua B. Rdey (late James), Private, Wellington Nolan, Michael, Constable, Armed Constabulary Rangers North, Thomas, Private, Patea Militia Craig, Andrew, Trooper, Armed Constabulary O'Brien, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Craig, Charles F., Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Palmer, Alfred, Constable, Armed Constabulary Crapp, Sydney, Private, Auckland Volunteer Engineers Pearson, Alfred, Lance-Corporal, Armed Constabulary Cullen, Patrick, Private, Wellington Rangers Philippe, George, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Day, J. W., Constable, Armed Constabulary Pilkington, Hamlet, Constable, Armed Constabulary Davics, Sydney 11., Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Power, John, Constable, Armed Constabulary Doyle, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Reed, Frederick Benjamin, Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Dougherty, Patrick, Private, Wanganui Rangers. Reed, Bernard, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Dunn, John. Constable, Armed Constabulary Robinson, William George, Private, Wairoa Mounted Scouts Edge worth, Robert, Corporal, Armed Constabulary Rowan, Frederic Charles, Lieutenant, Taranaki Volunteers Elliott, Frederick, Constable, Armed Constabulary Savage, James, Trooper, Armed Constabulary Fahey, David, Constable, Armed Constabulary Scott, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Flyger, William Henry, Private, Wanganui Militia Scott, George Johnston, Sergeant, Wanganui Militia Gibbes, John Murray, Assistant-Surgeon, Napier Militia Scott, Nixon, Constable, Armed Constabulary Goldsmith, J. N. P., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Seown, William, Privale, Wanganui Militia Hardy, John Thomas, Private, Patea Rifles Skinner, William Henry, Private, Forest Rangers Harper, Ralph, Private, Tauranga Volunteers Small, Charles, Private, European Contingent Hearle, Edward, Constable, Armed Constabulary Smith, George Steer, Sergeant, Ist Waikato Rogiment Herrick, Jasper L., Lieut. Colonel, .New Zealand Militia Stone, Charles, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Hesketh, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Tinims, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary Hickman, Jeremiah, Private, Wellington Rangers Torre}-, James, Constable, Armed Constabulary Horsford, Samuel, Sergeant-Major, Armed Constabulary Turner, Thomas, Constable, Armed Constabulary Ingwcrsen, Marl US, Constable, Armed Constabulary Thomson, Robert MeG , Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Isherwood, James C. R., Ensign, Patea Field Force Teague, William Alexander, Private, Wanganui Cavalry Johnson, Alexander, Constable, Armed Constabulary Vance, Robert, Constable, Armed Constabulary Johnson, James Woodbine, Private, Poverty Bay Volunteers Walden, James, Corporal, Wellington Rifles Jones, Edward, Bugler, Patea Rifles Warhurst, Solomon, Lance-Corporal, Taranaki Volunteers Jones, Lloyd, Private, Wanganui Militia Waters, George, Constable, Armed Constabulary Keene, Lawrence, Constable, Armed Constabulary Waters, Thomas, Sergeant, Wanganui Militia Kelly, Michael, Sergeant, Taranaki Volunteers Whelan, William, Private, Patea Rifles Kelsall, William, Constable, Armed Constabulary White, Alfred, Constable, Armed Constabulary Laeey, Garrett, Constable, Armed Constabulary Woodruil'e, Ueneagc S., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary Ladley, Albert, Private, Nelson Volunteers Worthinglon, A., Sergeant, Armed Constabulary

Eoll C. Nominal Eoll of Friendly Natives whose claims to the New Zealand War Medal have been admitted by the Commissioners. Mokena Kohere, Waiapu Henare Tomoana, Pakowhai, Napier Hotene Porourangi, Tuparoa, Waiapu Wi Te Wheoro, Kohekohe, Waikato Ropata Wahawnlia, Major, Tuparoa, Waiapu Poia, Matata Henare Potae, Te Mawbai, Poverty Bay Wepil a Apanui, Ngatiawa, Whakatano Poihipi Tukairangi, Tapuaeharuru, Taupo Te Hata Hokopaura, Ngaitawarere, Bay of Plenty Hohepa Tainamutii, Oruanui, Taupo Otene, Ngaitai, Bay of Plenty Hare Tauteka, Tokanu, Taupo Wiremu Kingi Te Kawau, Ngaitai, Bay of Plenty Reweti Te Kiime, Orakeikorako, Taupo Hori Kerei Kawakura, Ngatiawa, Whakatane Paora Parau, Poverty Bay Kaperiera Tamaiarahi, Ngatipukeko, Whakatano Henare Kakapango, Poverty Bay Mafenga Peraro, Ngaitawarere, Bay of Plenty Wikiriwhi, Hicks Bay, Waiapu Te Tatana Ngalawa, Te Whanau Apanui, Bay of Plenty Renata Kawepo, Omahu, Napier William Marsh, Te Rangi Kaheke, Maketu TJrupene Puhara, Pakipaki, Napier Heternka. Maketu Pene Te Ua, Pakipaki, Napier Tamati Waka Nene, Russell, Bay of Islands Ihaka Whaanga, Nuhaka, Wairoa Mohi Tawhai, Ilokianaa Ihaka Makahua, Mahia Aperahama Taonui, Kaipara Paora Rerepu, Mohaka Wiremu Uopihona Te Talma, Utakura, Hokianga Tehu Kupa, Mohaka Hetarnka Te Ngo, Wailou, Hokianga Toha, Wairoa Tamati llapimana Ngere, Okaihau Hapimana Tunupama, Wairoa . Hare Wirikake, Wainmte Wiremu Kingi, Torere, Bay of Plenty Taiapo, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Hapuku, Hauke, Napier Hori Haupapa, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Tarcha Te Moananui, Wai-o-Hiki, Napier Ngahuruhuru, Ngaiiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Paora Te Apalu, Wairoa Paora Te Ainohau, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Karaitiana Takamoana, Pakowhai, Napier Petcra Pukuatua, Ngatiwhakaue, Makctu and Rotorua

G.—No. la.



Henare Pukuatua, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu aud Rotorua Taupo Te Huia, Ngatikercru and Kopako Rotohiko Haupapa, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Kiharoa, Ngatikereru aud Kopako Retireti Tapihana, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Wi Kepa Rangipuawhe, Tuhourangi Te Warihi, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Hohua, Tuhourangi Okiw-i, Ngatiwhakaue, Maketu and Rotorua Pauro, Tuhourangi Ropata Horokai, Ngatiwhakaue, Makotu and Rotorua Waretini, Tuhourangi Te Pokiha Taranui, Ngatipikiao Aporo, Tuhourangi Te Waata Taranui, Ngatipikiao Arama Karaka, Rangitikei Matene Te Huaki, Ngatipikiao Nihita, Rangitikei Rewiri Manuarihi, Ngatipikiao Henare, Rangitikei Hercmaia, Ngatipikiao Huta, Rangitikei Matene Haki, Ngatipikiao Mekaere Te Kati, Rangitikei Wiremu Kepa Ngawhau, Ngatikereru and Kopako Hamiora To, Tauranga Kereopa Nehemia, Ngatikereru and Kopako Ramira Te Hiahia, Tauranga Hoani Ngamu, Ngatikereru and Kopako

Eoll D. UTominal Eeturn of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have made application for the New Zealand War Medal, but whose claims have been rejected by the Commissioners; with the reasons for rejection. Burns, John Herbert, Carpenter on board " Koheroa " steamer. Martin, Edwin, No. 5 Division, Armed Constabulary. DisDoes not appear to have been under tire, or to have con- qualified. Belonged to and was serving with sth Division, spicuonsly distinguished himself. Armed Constabulary, when disbanded for mutinous conduct Gray, Roderick, Lieutenant, Ist Waikato Regiment. Does not in the field before the enemy, 29th September, 1868. appear to have been under fire, or to have conspicuously Maunder, George, No. 5 Division, Armed Constabulary. Disdistinguished himself. qualified. Belonged to and was serving with sth Division, Morrow, Hugh, Captain, Auckland Militia. Does not appear Armed Constabulary, When disbanded for mutinous conduct to have been under fire, or to have conspicuously distin- in the Held before tlie enemy, 29th September, 18G8. guished himself. Yeaman, William, No. 5 Division, Armed Constabulary. DisPritchard, John James, Corporal, Napier Militia. Does not qualified. Belonged to and was serving with sth Division, appear to have been under lire, or to have conspicuously Armed Constabulary, when disbanded for mutinous conduct distinguished himself. in the field before the enemy, 29th September, 1888. Birmingham, William Curtis, No. 5 Division, Armed Con- Gibbons, John, Private, No. 2 Company, Taranaki Volunteers, stabulary. Disqualified. Belonged to and was serving with Disqualified, having been expelled from the Volunteers for 6th Division, Armed Constabulary, when disbanded for leaving the battle field at Waireka when engaged in front mutinous conduct in the field before the enemy, 29th of the enemy. September, 1868.

Nominal Eeturn of Officers and Men included in the Eolls formed by the late Commissioners, whose Names also appear in the Lists of those who have been granted Medals by the Imperial Government. Armstrong, John n., Private, Commissariat Transport Corps Hope, Edwin Lewis, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Beet ham, Wellesley, Trooper, Colon-al Defence Force Joyce, William George, Private, Mauku Volunteers Birmingham, Robert, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment Kinsley, Joseph. Privale, Ist Waikato Regiment Brown, Daniel, Constable, Armed Constabulary Lockie, G. S., Quarle.master-Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Burgess, Alexander, Private, Taranaki Militia Corps Callaghan, Daniel, Private, 3rd Waikato Regiment Lusk, D. 11., Major, Mauku Volunteers Casey, Patrick, Private, 2nd Waikato Regiment McAuliff, James, Privale, 2nd Waikato Regiment Chitty, Charles, Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Corps Moir, William, Captain, Ist Waikato Regiment Clarke, H. M., Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Perry, Cranley L., Ensign, 2nd Waikato Regiment Cummins, Matthew, Lance-Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment Phillips, Windham F., Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Dette, Charles, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Rayner, Alfred, Private, Auckland Volunteers Donnelly, John, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Reede, Cavendish Henry, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Edmonds, Thomas, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Rolfe, Charles W., Private, Ist. Waikato Regiment FitzGerald, Edward, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment R.Ve, Lewes, Lieutenant, 2nd Waikato Regiment FitzGerald, Patrick, Private, Ist. Waikato Regiment Spiller, Harvey, Sub-Inspector, Armed Constabulary Goring, F. Yelverton, Ensign, Ist Waikato Regiment Slyak, William, Ensign, Commissariat Transport Corps Grant, William, Sergeant, Commissariat Transport Corps Watson, William, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Green, J. H, Corporal, Ist Waikato Regiment Watt, Robert, Private, Ist Waikato Regiment Harding, Charles, Constable, Armed Constabulary Yeates, George William, Captain, 2nd Waikato Regiment



G.-No. U.

ROLL E. NOMINAL RETURN of Officers and Men of the Colonial Forces who have been Killed in Action or who have Died of Wounds prior to the 11th July, 1868.

Name. Eank. Corps. When Killed. Where Killed. Remarks. larten, John Edmund rahev, 3rown, Francis Sdgecoinbe, Henry ... 'erceval, John Spencer Gorman, Thomas )'Born, George tlcGillavray, Farquhar ... 'ovrer, M. Jeysiek, W. iVilliamson, W. Vorthington, William fixon, Marmaduke George... Private Sergeant Private ditto Lieutenant ditto Private ditto Corporal Private ditto ditto Colonel Taranaki Militia ditto d^tio ditto Auckland Militia ditlo 1st Waikato Eegt. ditto ditto ditto ditto Muuku Volunteers Auckland Militia 26 March, 1860 28 ditto 6 Nov., 1860 ditto 23 October, 1863 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 21 February, 1864 Waitara Wairiki Mahoetahi ditto Mauku ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Eangiawhia Died from wounds. Late 58th Regiment. Died subsequently from wounds. Llexander, H. kittle, Thomas Corporal ditto Col. Defence Force ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto. ilcllale, Edward Lppleby, James lerford, Walter Vernon ... Private Sergeant Major ditto Tar. Mil. Settlers 3rd Waikato Eegt. ditto 25 March, 1864 lor 2 April, 1864 ditto Kaitake Orakau Died from wounds. Died subsequently from wounds. Pay lor, William Sergeant No. 2 Co. Forest Bangers ditto 2 April, 1864 ditto ditto ditto. }oghlan, Charles Private ditto Lrmstrong, John Alexander jecky, John 3anks, John Jallagher, John hartley, Charles beagle, James .Vhitfield, Eobert ilcBean, John Corporal Private Corporal Private ditto ditto Ensign Private 3rdWaikatoEegt. 2nd ditto Tar. Mil. Settlers ditto ditto ditto 2nd Eegt, Waikato Militia, attached to For. Hangers No. 1 Co. Forest Rangers Hawke'sBayMil. Suttlers No. 2 Expeditionary Forco ditlo No. 4 ditto Hawke's Bay Mil. Settlers ditto ditto 31 March, 1864 6 April, 1864 ditto ditto ditto 13 May, 1865 ditto ditto ditto Alui-ahu ditto ditto ditto Kakaramea ditto Died from wounds. ireaves, Charles Marmaduke ditto 3 October, 1865 Pukemaire 'arsons, Patrick ditto 5 October, 1865 Opotiki Died subsequently from wounds. latsey, Charles Brown, Thomas Melville 3orlh\vick, Christopher ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 4 October, 1865 ditto ditto )eerlove, ... ... Tussey, William Augustus... )oonan, William Lance-Corporal Captain Sergeant Tar. Mil. Settlers llnwke's Buy Mil. Settlers ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto 11 October, 1865 25 Dec,1865 18 Nov., 1865 Hungahunga-to-roa Wairoa Waeranga-a-hika Jorthwii'l;, David ... (fartin, Robert Vilkie, James Iworcls, Edward 3ierson, William Private ditto ditto ditto Lance-Corporal ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Died subsequently from wounds. Died from wounds. ditto. ditto. ditto. )uff, Francis DeCourcy 3-reen, Wright, Morrison, Henry I pain, Ucnis Seonemoili's, Hercules N&rd, Dennis Augustus Stevenson, William ... £mus, Henry Sergeant Pri vate Volunteer Private ditto ditto ditto ditto Sergeant-Major Wang. Yeo. Cav. W. Eangers 2 October, 1866 ditto ditto 26 October, 1866 2 August, 1866 3 November, 1866 23 January, 1867 ditto Pungarehu ditto ditto Omarnmii Pokaikai Tiro Tiro Moana Irihanga ditto Potariwhi Napier Ride Vol. Tar. Mil. Settlers Wanganui Rang. 1st Waikato Eegt. ditto ditto Died subsequently from wounds. 18 January, 1867 rordan, Thomas Edward ... refFs, Henry ... ... iast, Francis Eldred Private Volunteer Private Engineer Vol. Late 1st W. Reg. Forest Rangers 15 February, 1867 ditto 14 May, 1865 Whakamaraina ditto Kakaramea

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FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01a

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FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01a

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ISSUE OF THE NEW ZEALAND WAR MEDAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, G-01a

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