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The Native Reserves in this Province have been set apart in the following manner :— 1. By contract made with the native sellers of the land. 2. By the voluntary action of the Governor in setting apart Crown lands as hostelry and school sites, and lands for the endowment of such institutions. 3. By agreement with fiieudly and loyal natives in lands taken under " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863." 4. By appropriation out of confiscated blocks for surrendered rebels. 5. At the instance of the natives ; and by the Governor, on the recommendation of the Judges of the Native Land Court. Several of the Reserves shewn under the first two heads had been entirely lost sight of until search was made for the purpose of compiling the attached schedules. In order to show the degree of responsibility attaching to the Government in respect to these reserves, I have classified them as follows :— Class A. —Trusts under provisions of Crown Grants or legislative enactment, — 1. With a distinct and specified purpose. 2. For the benefit of natives generally. Class B.—Reserved Lands, not under enactment, — 1. For a specified person or purpose. 2. For the benefit of natives generally. Class C. —Reserves under or to be brought under Native Lands Acts, — 1. Grant with limitations. 2. Land which should be made inalienable. 3. Granted lands re-conveyed to trustees. Under Class A will be found the Hostelry sites in Auckland and Onehunga, with the Hostelry Maintenance Reserves at Medianics' Bay and St. George's Bay. The particulars of rents, &c, of these reserves will be found under the head of " Utilization." In this class will, also, be found a large number of reserves made for surrendered rebel natives under the provisions of " The Confiscated Lands Act, 1867." The schedule shows 57 of these, comprising about 2,744 acres, as having been surveyed and allotted, and a further liability in land for 1900 natives, equal to 90,145 acres. In most cases certain named chiefs or heads of families hold possession of these lands in trust for their people. Provision will have to be made for the survey of these reserves. The schedules show that the period of probation of eighteen returned rebels, who are entitled to 727 acres of land at the Bay of Plenty, has expired. The conditions under which land was allotted to them appear to have been that the respective native, or " his heirs and assigns," should " continue loyal" till the Ist January, 1870, when he would become entitled to receive a Crown Grant. These grants should be issued with as little delay as possible to such of the natives as have fulfilled the conditions. It is necessary to draw attention to the character of several of the Crown Grants made to friendly natives under "The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863," and "The New Zealand Settlements Amendment and Continuance Act, 1865." The grant of Te Akau, on the West Coast, near Waikato Heads, of 90,360 acres, of date 13th March, 1867, has the following Baben/rum : —" To hold unto the said Tamiliana Tunui" and 12 others, their heirs and assigns for ever, in trust for and to divide the same among themselves and the loyal natives of the tribes Ngatitahinga and Tainui, with power to the said grantees to lease the same for any period not exceeding thirty years." Power is thus given to the native trustees to decide as to who is and who is not loyal, in so far as participation in the estate in virtue of loyalty is concerned. The grant does not set forth whether loyalty at date was essential, or would be sufficient at some subsequent period. There are grants in trust for the benefit of the Ngatimahanga, the Ngatihaua, and the Ngatihorua tribes of the same nature. By Section 5, "Confiscated Lands Act, 1867," it is provided (hat the subdivision of such an estate may be referred by the Governor in Council to the Native Land Court. It is desirable that these grants should be brought before the Court, and a definite partition of the land made as soon as possible, as on the death of any one of the grantees, the heh's, whether loyal or rebellious, become trustees to hold or divide the estate. Another class of deeds is represented by that dated 21st October, 1865, by which an estate at Waiuku is granted " to Riporaha Taranga and her heirs, and after her death to Aihepene Kaihau and Hore Tauroa, in trust for the tribe called Ngatiteata." Also in the Grant to Piti Katipa, of 21st October, 1865. Jn these cases it is desirable, I think, that the land should be conveyed to the Queen before, if possible, the death of the first-named grantee, and fresh Crown Grants issued of a simpler character, as it is evident that after the death of the grantees their heirs and the named successors would, by the terms of the present Grant, have conflicting interests.




Certain of the returned rebels settled in the confiscated blocks have asked to be allowed to lease or sell the land allotted to them. Except in extreme cases, as, for instance, where the land is unsuitable for the native mode of cultivation and an exchange might be desirable, compliance with such request ought not, I think, to be conceded. If surrendered natives could lease or sell their allotments, or if their residence on them were not made indispensable, the act of submission might be resorted to for purposes of gain only. It is desirable that natives who come in should experience the advantages of civilisation—of roads and markets in settled districts —and that their improvement in circumstances should be apparent to those who hold themselves aloof. This can only be effected by making the lands inalienable, and by issuing Crown Grants to those who have improved their holdings, and fulfilled a prescribed term of residence. When their holdings are made secure it does not appear objectionable that they should become liable to contribute, in money or labor, to the improvement of the roads in their districts.

UTILIZATION OF RESERVES. By the action of the Native Land Court the great mass of the Native Reserves in the Province of Auckland have been granted to the natives for whose benefit they were originally set apart. Schedule C—l shows that 207 deeds, conveying 258,735 acres, have so issued. These reserves are either grants! in trust, or with restrictions that prevent the grantees mortgaging or selling the land absolutely, or letting it for more than 21 years without the Governor's consent. These lands are of course removed from the immediate control of the Government, but a responsibility rests with the Governor in regard to them that entails the necessity of a supervision, as frequent applications are made to alter the terms or remove the restrictions contained in the grants. Mr. John White states that at the West Waiuku the native trustees have sold to white people some of the land granted to them in trust for themselves and relations in perpetuity. The following Native Reserves are let : — £ s. d« Part of Allotment 19, Section 9, City of Auckland, at per annum ... ... 75 0 0 Allotment 89, Section 1, Suburbs of Auckland 13 0 0 I.EASIS OR AGRKEMENTS SIGNED DURIXG 1871. Part of Allotment 4of Section 12, City of Auckland, at per annum ... ... 14 0 0 Subdivision 1, Allotment 11, Section 20, Town of Onehunga, at per annum ... 3 0 0 Do. 2, Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 3 0 0 Do. 5, Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 3 0 0 Do. 6, Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 5 0 0 Do. 7, Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 310 0 Allotments CO4 to 613 inclusive, Town of Tauranga, Do. ... 2 0 0 Allotments 714 and 715 Do. Do. ... 0 10 0 Allotments 702 and 708 Do. Do. ... 0 10 0 Allotment 50, Suburbs of Tauranga Do. ... 012 0 Total per annum £123 2 0 The above rates of the Tauranga lands are for the first seven years of the term, of twenty-one years. These lands had been for some time under agreement for lease, but owing to the existence of doubts as to powers under the respective Acts, they could not, until the present month, be definitely let. The Hostelry Maintenance Reserve No. 4, of Section 12, City of Auckland, has, until this year, remained unused. The footpath in common use from Auckland to Mechanics' Bay traversed its length, and access had to be free to a spring of water in the centre of the allotment. Upon offering, publicly, a portion of this land in March last for lease, objection was taken by the trustees of the adjoining estate of Hone Ropiha's to its probable enclosure. It appeared that the Crown had conveyed away a small street that had formerly given access (on paper) to Hone Ropiha's land in the rear of the hostelry reserve, which was then Crown land. The trustees claimed a right of way through the land, and as it appeared that they would suffei an injustice if the reserve were enclosed, a lano 12 feet wide was set out along the western end of the reserve to afford the required access. The ground lying between this lane and the spring was then offered at public auction on lease for 2L years, and let to Mr. J. T. E. Rogan for £14 a year. The Municipal Council have commenced the construction of a path outside of the reserve, it having already been intimated that rent would be required for the further use of the land. When completed this path will afford good frontage access to the remaining part of the reserve, which I estimate may yield about £15 a year on a2l years' lease. I propose that the sum of £40 shall be appropriated out of the proceeds of the hostelry lands for the purpose of leading the water from the spring to a fountain, to be constructed on the flat near the hostelry, where the water will be of benefit to the natives and the inhabitants of the neighl ourhood generally. The lease of the part let contains a provision to prevent the contamination of the water. At Tauranga four additional allotments may be expected to be let, and at Onehunga one lot, yielding together about £9 a year additionally in the course of the next year. The lease of the hostelry maintenance land at George's Point, Allotment 89, Section 1, will ex pire on the 9th June, 1573. Six and a quarter acres are here let for £13 a year. [ propose to divide the land into four building lots, which I estimate would yield an aggregate of £40 a year. The local authorities have lately taken down the native market sheds at the entrance of Queen-street Wharf. The hostelry site in Mechanics' Bay is too far from the centre of population of the city for the convenience of purchasers at a market. T therefore rcom.nend that a quarter of an acre of the reserve at Point Britomart, near the Breakwater, should be set apart for a native produce market site. The surface of the reserve is now 40 feet above the beach, but earth is required for filling the intake, and the alteration of level for as much space as will be required at first will present no great difficulty.



Tt is observed by the trustees of private trusts in Auckland that 21 years is too short a term to be attractive to good tenants. I respectfully recommend to the consideration of the Government the propriety of making 40 years the maximum period in all future grants of beneficial trusts to European trustees.* The foregoing sums, at their highest estimate, constitute, however, but a small income in relation to what is necessary for the legitimate—-I do not allude to the political—government of the Natives. Educational and industrial institutions for their benefit arc necessary, as well as hospital and luuaticand other asylums. All these expenses, which, whether borne by the Provincial or General Governments, must be heavy, might be met by landed endowments. I would, therefore, recommend a very considerable addition to be made to the reserves in confiscated blocks for such purpose, and append a list (list E.) of convenient lands. It is proper, however, to contemplate the arrival of a time when no distinction of race will exist as far as these purposes are concerned, and I would recommend that the terms of the tn'S* should not be of such a nature as to make the revenue available exclusively for the benefit of the Maoris, t By Schedule A—l it appears that there are 1,022,GG9 acres held in trust for the benefit of the Natives of the Province. By Schedule C—l it will be seen that there have been reserved for Natives, by means of restrictions in Crown Grants issued under the Native Land Court, an area of 258,735 acres, and by Schedules B 1, and 2it appears that in other ways 2G,5G8 acres have been set apart for their benefit. This aggregate area of 1,307,973 acres, together with the large area of unceded land which is still available for them, appears a tolerably sufficient provision for the future wants of a people that does not appear to be increasing in numbers. It is possible, however, that there may be some tribes that have sold recklessly, and are in danger of becoming paupers. The ramifications of famil}' and hapu make it a very difficult thing to arrive at the precise extent of land held by any one tribe, but a careful collation of the schedules with the map, aided by what information is available as to the numbers of the respective tribes, indicate the .Rarawa of Mongonu', the - Ngatiwhatua of Auckland, and the Patukirikiri of Coromandel, as those that have the least extent of land left in proportion to what they have sold. The schedules show that there are about 24,290 acres reserved for the Rarawa. The population of that tribe is estimated at 1,275 souls, thus the average is 19 acres per head. The Ngatiwhatua tribe comprises about 254 souls, and has 10,251 acres reserved, or 40 acres per head. The Patukirikiri. of Coromandel, have about 100 acres of cultivable land for a fast-diminishing population of 29 souls. This area would have been less, but for the reservation in 1857, at the instance of Mr. Commissioner McLean, of the Tsland of Motu Tapere, which is fertile, and in the midst of good fisheries. All their other land fit for cultivation at Coromandel the Patukirikiri have sold. They, however, have possessions by collateral relationship at Koputawake and Whaugapoua, so that there is no present danger of their becoming destitute. The extent, however, of the land they have sold within the last six years, amounting as it does to 6822 acres, shows that the temptations presented by the high value of land near a goldfield will induce natives to sell recklessly that which should be held sacred for their children. J Having regard, then, to the circumstances of these tribes with low areas of land, I would recommend that none of the cultivations of the Rarawa or Ngatiwhatua tribes should be allowed to be sold ; that an area of GCO aura should be made inalienable at Koputawake, and 600 acres lying immediately south of the Pungapunga stream, for the future wants of the Coromandel hapus. I also recommend that 1000 acres at Waitaia, Mercury Bay, should be reserved for the future wants of the Natives of that place, and 444 acres at Opito Point for the Natives of Otama. I would draw attention to the fact that there exist lar^e tracts of land at Hokianga and Bay of Islands that have reverted to the Crown as "surplus land," on old land purchases. To the sale and Crown Granting of this in the ordinary manner, as waste lands, there exist acknowledged difficulties — such, indeed, as to prevent their settlement These difficulties would not exist, however, in many cases if the lands were appropriated as endowments towards the support of Natives in local hospitals, and I think an arrangement might be made between the General and Provincial Governments, by which a lai-ge estate might thus be utilised, and the local revenue relieved of a liability that presses heavily. Schedule D shoivs lands granted to friendly Natives, in which no provision has been made for necessary roads. These lands have been allotted, apparently, under the provisions of " The New Zealand Settlements Act, 18G3," and Crown Grants issued under "The Friendly Natives Contracts Coiifirmation Act, 1866." Agreement was made, I believe, with the Natives to whom the land was allotted that necessary roads should within five years be taken, but no provision was made in the Crown Grants to that effect. The period for taking such roads expires on the Ist August, IS7I, and I thought it my duty to draw the attention of the agent of the General Government at Auckland to the circumstance, and to the desirability of taking the roads before the expiration of the term. At the suggestion of that officer I have drawn on the maps the several lines of road that appear necessary, and the Native grantees have been informed of the roads being required. * See Reports of Native School Trustees to the Diocesan Synod of Auckland, 1870. + The Endowment for the Hostelries ia " for Natives and other poor persons visiting Auckland." £ The Coromandel Native population in 1858 was 351 souls, in 1870 it appears to have been 280, showing a decrease of 71 souls in l'J years. — Pub Mr Fenton's compilation of Census Returns, 1859, and " Return of the Names of the Tribes of the North Island, &c," in Appendix to Journals, 1870.



Lying between the settlement of Eaglan and the "Waikato is an endowment estate of 10,000 acres for a Colonial University, and contiguous to it a grant in trust of 3,000 acres to the loyal chief Wiremu Nera, for the JSTgatimahanga tribe. As the main road from the Waikato to the West Coast would have to go in this direction, I was ordered by the Hon. the Native Minister, in February last, to report on the most suitable line for such road. I ex mined four different passes, and crossed the dividing range eight times, through a densely-wooded and mountainous country, and at length found a pass with easy gradients, and by which a road two miles and sixty chains shorter than the present mail track could be carried. The Natives, who are anxious to work-in the formation of this road, do not object to its being taken in part over their land. I have prepared a separate report and plan on the subjectof this road that will lie available for the information of the Assembly. CHARLES HEAPHY, Trustee of Native Reserves. Auckland, 19th July, 1871.




District. No. Date of Grakt. Date of Certificate. Name op Reserve. Area. Gbameb. Nature of Trust or Limitation. 1 A. K. P. 14 0 10 Hauraki " Gth Dec, 1869 ... No. 1242a Te Karaka Ttaika Whakarongotai Governor may consent to let for 21 years; otherwise inalienable do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 2 3 4 5 6 22nd Nov., 1869 ... Do. 26th Dec, 1869 ... 22nd Nov., 1869 ... Do. Do. No. 1243 Tapuae No. 1244 WhaUaupapa No. 1245 Whakaupapaite No. 1246 Te Tapuae- ouenuku No. 1247 Hangaruru No. 1248 Whakaharatau A ... 2 2 20 13 3 26 0 3 20 5 0 25 C 2 6 Hoani Nahe Wit-ope Hotereni Taipari Mereinana Ngamahinga Konu Itaika Whakarongotai Banana Maunganoa ... Iiaika Whakarongotai and three others ... Turetiu te Kupcnga ... ITohepa Toa Taterei Karewa Hona Tiaiwa ... . . Wiremu te Aramoana... Ngakapa Whar.aunga .. Reihana iota U'awira te Wahapu Perewhatu Te Urawhare Utuku Kopa Matin Kaimafce and two others ... Nikorima Poutotara ... Kitahi te 'I aniwha Nepia te Kakahi Hera Puna and another Tul? araniaina Weka Toheriri Fvenata Tekiore Ripeka Anderson (wife of W. Anderson) Matenga Ngaupara Wiremn te Aramoana Wharaunga Epanaia Motukokai ... Keihana Roto and another To Koki ... Ngakapa Whaaaunga .. Hotereni Taepari Hotereni Taipari and two others ... Kapaua Maunganoa ... II ohepa Paraone Tara Piri Patene Raukura and two others ... Hotereni Taipari and two others ... Rapana Maunganoa ... Hotereni Taipari and another Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Gth Dec, 18G9 ... 22nd Nov., 1869 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 6th Dec, 1869 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 22nd Nov., 1869 ... Do. 6th Dec, 1869 ... No. 1249a do. B No. 1 No. 1249b do. B No. 2 No. 1249c do. B No. 3 No. 1249d & 1249k do. B No. 4 No. 1249f do. B No. 5 No. 1250 & 1250a do. C No. 1251 & 1251a do. D No. 1252a do. B No. 1 No. 1252b . do. E No. 2 No. 1252c do. E No. 3 No. 1252d do. E No. 4 No. 1253 Nokonoke A No. 1254 do. B No. 1255 Rangariri A No. 125G do. B No. 1257 do. 0 No. 1258 do. D No. 1259 do. E No. 1260 do. F No. 1261 do. G 2 3 23 0 2 9 0 0 29 0 3 20 0 2 27 0 0 26 0 2 21 0 2 21 2 0 Hi 0 0 27 0 0 27 0 1 26 8 0 24 12 3 39 4 5 35 1 1 36 1 0 5 3 3 35 0 0 13 1 0 26 1 4 27 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Do. Do. 22nd Nov., 18G9 ... Gth Dec, 18G9 ... 22nd Nov., 1869 ... Do. Do. 6th Dec, 1SG9 ... 22nd Nov., 1869 ... 6th Dec, 1869 ... Do. No. 1261 do. II No. 2 No. 1262 do. H No. 1 No. 12G3 do. I No. 1264 & 1264a do J No. 1265 do. K No 1266 do. L No. 1207 Wbakaruaki o. 1268 Kauaeranga S No. 28 No. 1209 Whanaupo No. 127"a Koromawhiti A . . No. 1270b Karomawhiti B 0 0 20 1 3 34 0 0 20 0 0 33 1 0 4 1 3 30 5 0 24 27 0 0 9 1 11 1 2 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. 38 39 40 41 No. 1277 Waitangirua No. 1278 I'ukerahiu No. 1279a TeA rapaparahi No. 1 6 1 7 141 0 14 57 2 15 a l 13 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. 22nd Nov., 18G9 .. Do.



Schedule — continued. Class C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.

District. No. Date of Grant. Date or Certificate. Name ob Reserve. Ap.ea. Grantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation-. Hauraki 42 22nd Nov., 1869 .. No. 1279b TeArapaparahi No. 2 A. K. P. 4 3 28 Matenga Ngaupara and three others ... Wiremu to Oka and four others j Henare te Paura and nine others ) Ihaka Tarawhiti and three others.. Government may consent to let for 21 years ; otherwise inalienable Grantees cannot alienate, except by unrenewable lease for not exceeding 21 years or by settlement Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent ol Governor Subject to Gold Fields Acts Do. Do. Do. 43 44 45 27th June, 1868 ... Do. 31st March, 1870 .. No. 397n Mataitai No. 1 No. 400n Wharekawa No. 1... No. 497n Kauaeranga No. 9 ... 2312 0 0 6430 0 0 0 2 32 Do. Do. 46 47 6th July, 1870 .. 4th August, 1870.. No. 1132 Moanatairai No. 1 ... No. 1675 Nga Putaka 1 1 10 91 0 S Maraea Purewa and two others ... Wiropi Hotereni Taipari and four others ... Nikorima Poutotara and two others Ngakuti Paraia and two others ... Pita te Heihei and three others ... Patara Pake and eight others Raika Whakarongotai and five others .. Wiropi Hoter3ni Taipari & another Do. do. and five Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 48 49 50 51 52 Do. Do. 29th August, 1870 Do. Do. No. 1741 Maketawa No. 1761 Ngutukiore No. 1760 Pakituri No. 1676 Poho ... No. 1821 Tongarewa 112 3 30 3 0 36 4 1 34 191 2 0 319 0 0 do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, gift, or mortgage Subject to Gold Fields Acts do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. 53 54 Do. Do. No. 1591 Te Upokohaunui No.l No. 1600 Parawai No 3 8 1 8 13 0 19 do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, gift, or mortgage others ... Wiropi Hotereni Taipari and four others John Maxwell and five others Wiremu Paka te Whau and two others .. Pahau Ngatawa and eight others... Hamiora te Rangituatea and eight others ... Harata Patene and four others ... Hori te Whetuki and two others.. Hohepa Toa and two others Do. and three others Eruera te Ngahue and nine others. Reihana Poto and eight others Ngakapa Whanaunga and four others Ngakapa Whanaunga and eight others ... Whareoneone and five others Tamati Waaka and nine others ... Pahau Ngitawa and ten others Do. do. Te Koroneho Kotia and six others do. do. do. Do. 55 26th Sept., 1870 ... No. 1592 Te Upokohaunui No. 2 26 2 19 do. do. do. Tenants in common, not as joint tenants Do. «... Do. 56 57 24th August, 1870 17th February, 18GS 374lc Motu Tapu Island 356n Te Paeroa ... 2200 0 0 165 0 0 Do. Do. 58 59 Wharepoha Ornahu Opita 3181 0 0 1576 0 0 Absolutely inalienable 50 acres, inalienable to any person, save Her Majestj 4th August, 18CG... 1st May, 1869 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Do. 3rd Nov., 1869 . 24th March, 1870... Do. 6th April, 1870 ... Do. Do. Te Huruhi Maraetai Panipehi Te Raho Wainui ... Tapuaeharuru Taratu ... 2100 0 0 1376 0 0 10 3 3 9 0 6 490 0 6 655 0 0 434 0 0 Tenants in common do. do. Inalienable except amongst members of the tribe Subject to Gold Fields Acts do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. 67 Do. Pukewhau 301 0 0 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 68 69 70 71 72 Do. 22nd July, 1870 ... Do. Do. 18th October, 1870' Te Kapua Whakatete No. 1 Do. No. 2 ... Vo. No. 3 O wharoa 12 0 0 253 0 14 39 0 2 75 1 9 155 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Subject to agreement made between native owner! and Mr. Mackay for the Government Subject to the Gold Fields Acts Inalienable by sale, gift, mortgage, or lease, for 2] years, until sub divided Do. Do. 73 74! 9th February 1871' Do. Te Poka No. 3 Waipatakahu No. 1 4 1 6 10 3 10 Hunia te Weu and another Tanumeh.-i te Mananui and nine others



S ciiEDtTL e— con tinned. Class C. 1. —Grants with Limitations.

District. No. Date of Grant. Date of Certificate. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation. Hauraki Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 75 76 77 78 so 81 9th February, 1871 Paingakino Do. ... Hakaimango Do. ... llauwai No. 1 Do. ... Te Kohe No. 2 ... Do. ... Kangitoto 14th Febnmy, 1871 Whakairorahi No. 1 Do. ... Ohoupu No. 1 a. K. P. 5 1 30 2 0 30 2 0 17 1 2 27 3 0 37 33 3 10 8 1 13 Tinipoaka Ahcrata teMihiruiand two others Te Tahana Potiki Haora Tareranui Hohepa Paraone and another Hera Ngahuia and six others Perika te Riupoto and six others. Subject to Gold Fields Acts do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, gift, mortgage or lease, for more • than 21 years do. do. do. Also subject to Gold Fields' Acts Subject to Gold Fields Acts do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale,, gift, mortgage, or lease, for more than 21 years Subject to Gold Fields Acts 1 rood 5 perches to be inalienable by sale, gift, &c. Part set apart as a road, to be inalienable to anyone save Her Majesty Iii.-ilienabe by sale, lease, &c, without consent oi Governor do. do. do. do. do. do. Grantees cannot alienate except by unvenewable least for 21 years (not more) or by settlement Do. 82 Do. ... TeReureu 105 2 0 Karaka and nine others f Pirika te Ronpoto and six others. Akuliata te Poro Nepia te Karamihi and eight others Ernera te Ngahni Hawira te Wahapu and six others Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. B3 84 86 86 87 Do. ...I Te Kapua No. 1 ... Do. .. | Do. No. 2 ... 20th February, 1871 Taumatini Do. ...! Haiiwaiki Do. ...j Papakitatahi 5 2 28 5 1 12 57 2 0 31 3 21 11 0 0 Do. Do. Do. 88 89 90 10th May, 1871 ... Tangonoa Do. ... TePokaNo. 1 ... Do. .. Waipatukahu 1 70 0 0 31 0 0 I 3 30 Te Kiaki te Pukeroa and another Tamati Kaiuta and four others ... Ereatara Taria and another Auckland Do. Do. Do. 91 92 93 94 18th March, 1868.. Do. Do. Do. No. 390n Te Karaka No. 1 ... No. 391n Do. No. 2 ... No. 892k Do. No. 3 ... No. 393.N Te Wharu 100 0 0 Te Hapimsna Te Keene Tangaroa ... Ileta te Tihi Te Keeno Tangaroa and another ... 2G7 0 0 Do. 95 27th June, 1868 ... Nos. 415 and 416n Te Karaka No. 4 No. 254n Eereteti No. 256n Aroha ... No. 256 n (Jrapa ... No. L'57n Kauri .. No. 258.V Naturahi No. 25i)N Waimangaro NO. 2til)N Tauranga-Kawau ... No, 2SKi.v Wharengaere ' No. 313m Patukauae No. 314s Te Wai-taraire No. 316n Kapurahoru No. 317n Ngawhitu No. 3J8.V Maramatautiui No. 319» Kaiwhakairi , No. 320n Kowhatuhuri 276 0 0 Wirihana Takaanini and another Inalienable by sale, lease, &c., except with consent oJ Governor Bay of Islands .. 96 28th March, 1807.. 104 0 0 Te Kooti Tuawharerangi and five others Tango Hikuwai Arama Karaka Pi and six others.. J'iiini te Riwha and another Makareta Whatonga ... lloniria Utu and five others Te Harawene and two others Te Tari and six others Moko Te Raka and two others ... Te Whare Tnhituhi ... Pene Tani and eight otheis ) Haiki Taipa and three others \ Karena te Puhi and six others ... Kahi and four others ... Hemi te Tatari ami another Inalienable by sale, &c, without consent of Governor do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, lease, &e., to any persons whomsoevei do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. Absolutely inalienable, but lawful for grantees tc lease for any term not exceeding 21 years Absolutely inalienable Absolutely inalienable, grantees can lease for 21 years Inalieuablo by sale, lease, &c, to any persons whomsoevei Do. Do. Do. ... D< Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... Dm. Do. Do. Do. Do 97 its 09 1(10 1101 102 103 105 100 107 108 109 110 Do. Do. 28th March, 1867.. 3Jtii March, )867.. Do. Do. 4th June, 1867 ... 21st August, 1867.. 19th August, 1867 Do. 3.-d -ept., 1867 ... Do. Do. 30 0 0 311 0 0 115 0 0 11 0 0 193 0 0 124 0 0 401 0 0 216 0 0 130 0 0 492 0 0 1903 0 0 92 0 0 265 0 0 53 0 0



! .. I Date or Certificate. Area. Grantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation. District. No. Date of Grant. Name of Reserve. Bay of Islands ... Ill 21st Sept., 1867 ... No. 325n Rahui Kotuku No. 2 A. K. p. 7 0 0 Hare Wirihake Inalienable for sale lease, &c , without consent of Governor do. do. do. Do. Do. 112 113 Do. 22nrl October, 1867 No. 326* Rahui Kotuku No. 344* Tarakihi 25 0 0 10 0 0 Tamati Rukututu Wiremu Waka Turau and three others Hori Mailii Wehiwhehi and three others ... Hori te Ngeri and two others Koniria Hurakiri and three others Te Tane Taakahi and six others ... Tatnehana Ngawaka and another... Wiremu Pepene Tani and two others . . Marara Ruku Pita Tunua and five others Te Ngaro te Ro and another Pekama Titari Joseph and Peter Tapia & another do. do. do. Do 114 17th February, 1868 No. 377n Te Wai o-Rakau ... 12 3 16 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 115 110 117 us 119 18th March, 1868.. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 380n Te Rua-tahi No. 381n Te Moke No. 382x Otarare No. 383 s- Waipuna No. 384x TaumataMakuku... 2542 0 0 302 0 0 20 0 0 379 0 " 402 0 0 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 120 121 122 123 124 125 31st August, 1868 Do. 8th July, I860 ... Do. 1st January, 1870.. No. 413n Okaurau No. 4S3n Oriwa ... No. 523 tf Waitata No. 525n Taimimiti No. 529n Tokakopuru No 552s Kamore 106 0 0 415 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 175 0 0 7 0 0 Wiremu Hongi Te Ripi do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. May lease for 21 years, but cannot alienate by sale until 15 years from date of Crown Grant Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent of Governor do., for 21 years from date of Grant do., lease, &c, without consent of Governor Absolutely Inalienable by sale, lease, &c. Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent of Governor Do. Do. 126 1-27 18th Dec, 1889 ... 21st January, 1870 No- 55t>tf Te Uwhi No. 559s Turuki 15 0 0 2 1 32 John Shoemaker ... Hoterene Tawatawa & nine others Eo. Do. 128 129 1st January, 1870 21st January, 1870 No. 614x Taumaharau No. 622k Te Riu 19 0 0 43 0 0 Hirino Keno Henare Hemi and another Do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 130 131 132 133 134 135 Do. Do. 31st March, 1870 .. 21st January, 1870 Do. Do. No. 623s Pokangahere No. 2 No. 624n Otaere No. 627s Tangatapu No. 1 ... No. 644x Kainga Pokanoa ... No. 645s Ngateri No. 648s Umuliapuku 32 0 0 25 0 0 91 0 0 107 0 0 13 0 0 139 0 0 Maraea Te Hemo Awatea and another ... Pehimana Pou and another Tipene Ruwhenua and three others Te Aputahi and three others Hopa Puhipi Hikitene Tamati Hapimana and another ... do., do., do. do., do., do. do , do., do. do. do. do. by sale, for 21 years from date of Grant Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent of Governor do. do. do. Inalienable for 21 years from date of Grant do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, &c, without consent of Governor Inalienable, but owners can lease for 21 years from date of Grant Subject to right of roads Inalienable for 21 years and right of road Subject to right of road do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 136 137 138 139 140 Do. 1st Sept.. 1S68 ... Do. 4th Dec, 1868 ...| 2nd February-, 1869, No. 65In Te Komiti Te Uwhi No. 1 . . Otara... Maungataurnru ... TeUwhi No. 2 ... 170 0 0 15 0 0 386 0 0 51 0 0 259 0 0 Ani Taiuru (female) ... John Shoemaker (half-caste) Mohi Kaingaroa and seven others Hakiaha and three others John Shoemaker (half caste) and two others Wiremu Hongi Te Pipi Wirenui te Whiu and three others Anakuku' and another KahiteHeira Do. Do. Do. Do. 141 142 143 144 5th March, 1870 .. Do. ...' Do. Do. Te Totara Huria... .. . ... Tiikanga-o-Mohi ... Cruhua 77 0 0 25 2 36 11 1 17 18 0 0

Scheotle — continued. lass C. I.—Grants with Limitations.



District. No, Date of Grant. Date of Certificate. Name of Reserve. Area. Gkantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation. Bay of Islands ... Do. 145 146 7th March, 1870... Oth Do., 1870... Waikahikatea Ke-a-te-Kahu a. e. p. 24 0 0 39 0 0 Heta te Haara and another Wiremu Kaitara and another Subject to right of road Inalienable for 21 years from date of Grant, and righi of road 567 acres inalienable, and right of making roads Inalienable for 21 years from date of grant Subject to right of road Inalienable, except by lease for 21 years Inalienable Inalienable, except 3 acres alienable ; right of road Inalienable Inalienable for 21 years from date of Grant Inalienable Subject to right of road do. do. do. Inalienable for 21 years, and right of road Subject to right of road Inalienable and right of roads do. for 21 years from date of order do. do. and right of road Subject to right of road Inalienable do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mongonui Do. Do. Do. Do. 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 150 157 158 159 160 101 162 163 104 105 166 107 168 Do. 2Cth May. 1870 ... Do. Do. Do. 23rd May, 1870 ... Do. Do Do. 22ml July, 1S70 ... Do. 10th August, 1870 6th October, 1870 9t!i February, 1871 Do. Kith May, 1871 ... Do. 130th April, 1S67 .. Do. Do. Do. 19th Nov., 1807 ... Te Porotu Kairawaru Tapuaetahi Taimaro Tia Kapara Herepoho Kakamatenga No. 2 Whatitiri Te Tainga No. 2 ... Hekeinaumiunu ... Pakonga Waiwhariki Rei Whatua Tuataranui Ngamokooneone ... Ohawini . . Parahiki Paekotare Hauturu Maugataiore Waimanoni Matarua GOO 0 0 500 0 0 38 0 0 3990 0 0 71 0 0 66 0 0 10 0 0 47 0 0 2 1 4 486 2 0 30 0 0 868 0 0 219 0 0 12 3 0 137 0 0 83 3 0 2188 0 0 8 0 0 151 0 0 381 0 0 185 0 0 147 3 2 Tau Whiorau and seven others ... Natamahira te Pona ... Ringi Hori Kora Tamati Werihu and nine others . . Tamati Pukututu Tamati Hapimana and fcur others Tamati Pukututu Tipene Ruwhenua and five others Tamati Pukututu Hemi Marupo and another Heta te Haara and three others ... Kahi Whiti and seven others Hokianga and four others Honihana M auparaoa ... Nikora Mokohore and two others Hori Wehiwehi Hoterene Tawata wa ... Rihari te Kuri and another Hohepa Poutama and nine others Heinite Pau and nine others Hohepa Poutama and nine others Hetaraka Taumataite and nine others ... Wiremu Pikahu and seven others Do. do. and four others... Hare Reweti and nine others 15th July, 1807 ... 10th July, 1807 ... 15th July, 1807 .. Da 27th June, 1808 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 109 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 27th August, 1808 Do. Do. 4th January, 1870 Do Do. 23rd May, 1870 .. 22ud July, 1870 ... Te Ahua Te Hororoa Kouoti Otaharoa Pakautararua No. 1 Do. No. 2 Te Wainui Putiki... 624 0 0 41 0 0 2674 0 0 241 0 0 180 0 I 22 0 0 1355 0 0 4007 0 0 Tipene te Toha and two others ... Tehu Ngawaka and two others Nopera Puru and four others Hone Ritotahi and nine others ... Hare Reweti Hikatere and eight others .. Reihana Kiuwi and two others ... Moka Tutangiora and nine others Wiremu Pikahu and five others .. Puhipi te Ropi and another Hehi te Pa and eight others Tamaho te Huhu and eight others. Ramiera Whaerau avd seven others Rawhiri te Whau and eight others Inalienable by sale, &c., without consent of Governor Inalienable do! No part to be alienated by sale, gift, &c., except b} lease for 21 years, until it shall be subdivided The part set forth as a road to be a public road do. do. do. do. do. . do. Tenants in common, not as joint tenants Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Hokianga Do. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Do. Do. Do. Do. Taumatapukapuka Te Wairoa Whakapapa Te Neke Okahu Kaitaia Te Aute Otarihau 1430 0 0 1 0 8 470 0 0 26 2 0 540 0 0 11026 0 0 763 0 0 1170 0 0 Subject to right of roads do. do. do. Inalienable by sale. &c., without consent of Governor Subject to right of roads Inalienable Inalienable for 21 years from date of grant Southern portion of 5,220 acres inalienabe for 21 yean Inalienable by sale, &c., to any persons whomsoever Absolutely inalienable 1st January, 1870 Do. 22nd Ma/, 1807 ... 18th Dec, 18C7 ... - -

Schedule — continued. Class C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.



District. No. Datk oj Grant. Date of Certificate. Name or Reserve. Area. Grantee. Nature of Tbust or Limitation. I Hokianga 185 19thNovemberlS6S[ Mangawhero a. r. r. 1402 0 0 Wiremu Titori and seven others ... Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for 21 y rs from dato of Giant do. do. o. J)o. no. 186 187 Do. Do. Oue ... Mangapupu 1348 0 0 890 0 0 Heta Moka and six others Te Malcariui Te Wenehi and seven others ... Aperatiaina and three others Do. Do. 18S 189 22nd Nov., 18G9 ... 1st Jan., 1S70 Potaka Mauiui 17 0 0 6 1 10 Arama Karakato Hinaki do. do. do. Inalietion by sale, lease, &c, for 21 years without consent of Government Inalienable by sale, lease, c, for 21 years from date of Grant do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 190 191 192 193 Do. Do. Do. Tai whakapiki Te Tauwai Te Ruaki l'akia ... 4 0 0 288 0 0 28 0 0 12 2 8 do. do. Te Keene and three others Jame Boue Wiremu Tohana Tirarau and two others . . 28th February 1870 Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for 21 years from date of Certiticate [nalienable by sale for 21 years, and right of road do. do. do. Inalienable by sale for 21 years from date of Certificate Subject to right of road do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale for 21 years ; grantees can lease do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. and right of road do. do. do. Inalienable by sale for 21 years, until sub-divided Do. Do. Do. I).). Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1941 196 197 193 199 200 201 202 203 204 31st March. 1870... Do. Do. 9th February, 1S71 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Te Pikinga Te Totara H unoke Te K/iwakawa Otautu TePuke OpukaNo. 2 Moetangi Taikaraua Waiwhatawhata ... ... 30 0 0 100 0 0 25 :; .";> 109 3 20 316 0 0 96 1 0 . 70 2 0 534 3 0 345 3 0 686 1 0 2114 0 0 Rangatira Moetara and five others Mohi Wikirahi and two others ... Tiopira Rehi and six others Te Whin and three others Charles Bryers (half-caste) Tui Pehiriri and three others Makarena Te Waharoa and another Pako and nine others ... Rikihana Toheroa and nine others Kaperiere Te Iluhu and six others Tahana Marnpo and seven others Do. Do. Du. 205 206 207 Do. Do. 14th February, 1S71 Wairan ... Maungaroa Wbakakoro 2539 0 0 100 0 0 2647 0 0 1 Hapukuku Moetava & eight others: Hangatira Moetara and eight othersj Wiremu Tana Papahia and nine) others ... Manihera Makoare Kaipara .208 30th April, 1S67... Takatamr.anawha 10 0 0 do. do. grantees can lease Inalienable by sale, lease, &c., for 21 yeaTS from date of certificate Inalienable by sale, lease, ic., to any persons whomDo. 209 10th July, 1807 ... Te Kohekohe Taarua 10 0 0 To Puhi-liihi-o-tote and another ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 22nd Sept., 1808 ... 24th October, 180S 18th March, 1S69... - 10th May, 1871 ... Do. " Do. ...I Do. Do. liaekau Te Tanoa OhMiroa Te A Tgaere Pukemokimoki ... I'rurua Wlienuanui Paekawan 95 0 0 30 0 21 412' 0 0 330 0 0 58 0 0 56 1 11 S91 2 0 1259 0 0 73 3 23 Mereana Hauhnpai and six others Paikea te iTekeno and another ... Herini Te Awe and four others ... Te Reti Papahia and three others... Hamuera Te Rakato and another... Wiremu Pungaro f'aora Tuhacre and nine others ... Waaka Tuaea and eight others Katene Nguhaki soever Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for 21 years without consent of Governor do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. -

Schedule — continued. Class C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.




Schedule — continued. ( lass 0, 1.—Grants with Limitations.

District. No. Datk of Gkant. CKUTnaCATR. NaM of Area. Grantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation. Kaipara ... 219 10th May, IS71 ... Mararoa A. R. P. 28 0 34 Kataraina Takutai and three others Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for 21 years without consent of Governor do. do. do. Do. Do. ... 220 ... 221 Do. ... Kaihu Do. ... Motutara 43700 0 0 93 0 0 Tiopira Hinaki and nine others .. Hori Winiata Nopera and two others ... Te Otene Kikokiko and eight others Maata Tira Koroheke and four others ... Nopera Te Waitaheke and six others ... Hori Te Faerimu and six others ... Hepi Mouariki and another Reka and another Te Pina and another ... Ngarino and another . Tuna and two others .. Kapanga te Arakuri and another... Do. Do. ... 222 ... 223 Do. ... Papurona Do. ... Paueka 1220 0 0 1425 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. ... 224 1293 0 0 do. do. do. Do. ... Muriwai do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable Grantees may sell, lease, &c, the land to any persons Grantees not to convey, &c, their interest to anyone but the Queen Inalienable by sale Inalienable by sale, gift, mortgage, ftc, for more thai 21 years, until subdivided Part set apart as a road, to be inalienable to anyone but the Queen Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent oi Governor Inalienable by sale, lease, or mortgage for 21 years Absolutely inalienable Inalienable, except to Government, either by sale oi lease Inalienable for 21 years from date hereof Absolutely inalienable Inalienable for 21 years from date hereof do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, except with Governor's consent do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable for 21 years by sale, &c. , from date hereof do. do. do. Do. Whangarei Do. Do. Do. Mahurangi Coromandel ... 225 ... 226 227 ... 228 . 229 ... 230 ... 231 ICth Nov., 1867 ... llthFebruary,1868 18th Dee., 1869 ... 31st March, 1870... 23rd February,18(i6 liitli January, 1866 Do. .. Kopironui — Whau Whau Founamu — Tautouwai No. 2 — Parahaki — Te Kohoao — Opahi — Parangu 904 0 0 49 0 0 47 0 0 256 0 0 170 0 0 123 0 0 0 1 8 Do. Do. ... 232 . 233 28th June, 1870 ... — Hoehoeawaka 9th February, 1871 Owmort No. 2 .. 33 0 0 5093 0 0 Kitahi Te Tanewha and two others Reupena Tahura and four others... Waikato ... 234 2nd August, 1866... Waimate 39 0 0 Waata Hukutai Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 235 .. 236 . 237 ..| 238 11th February, 18(57 1 — ! No. 2 Allotment, Parish of Pepepe 3rd November, 1308 Urenui 10th Nov., 18(18 ... Te Tapui \ 16th Nov., 1S68 ... Konehu ... ... 100 0 0 138 0 0 105 0 0 278 0 0 Heta Tarawhiti Ilakiriwhi and two others Puma and three others Piripi Matewha and three others... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 239 ... 240 ... 241 ... 242 .. 243 21st January, 1870 9th May, 1870 .. 20th January, 1870 Tee Awapikopiko — W hareraurekau ... 24th March, 1870.. 1'uahoe ... ...j Do. ...I Taburoa No. 2 — I Pakarau Pa 101 0 0 275 0 0 8612 0 4080 0 0 1846 0 0 Tuwhenua and two others Te Pina and another Te Reweti Waikato and nine others Eruete Ranginiui and seven others Te llaihi Torotai and five others ... Do. Do. Poverty Bay Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 244 ..! 245| .. 246 •••! 247 i ... 24S| .. 249 ... 250 ... 251 ... 252 6th July, 1870 ... 4th August, 1870... 9th October, 1868 24th do. do... — Te Tapui — Pukekura i — Puatai — Mangatuna 9th February, 1871 Te Poho Do. ... Tuamotu Do. ... Puketapu 5033 0 0 8395 0 0 28U5 0 0 447 0 0 34 1 0 8 0 0 127 2 0 Penetiti and nine others Te Waata Tahi and nine others ... Apiata Parihuia and nine others ... Poana Tu and seven others Noko and seven others Hirini Te Kaui and nine others ... Rapata Whakapuhia and eight others ... Noko and seven others do. and five others ... Do. ... Te Ruaohinetu .. 14th Feb , j Te Hhvera 317 0 0 3 1 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

F.—No. 4



Schedule — continued. Class C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.

District. No. Date of Grant. Date of Certificate. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee. Mature of Trcwt or Limitation. _ Poverty Bay Do. Do. 253 254 255j 20thFcbruary.l871 Do. Do. Te Kopuni Mangarara Mangapeka ... A. R. P. 454 0 0 7 3 22 10 0 0 Karaurea Pahura and another do. do. and nine others Henry Glover (half-caste) and another .. Kerehona Piwaki and nine others Hirini Te Kani and Dine others .. Atareta Miromiro and nine others Hepeta Maitai and nine others ... do, do. do. Hamiora Te Rangituatia and nine others ... Harata Patene and four others ... Hori te AVhetuki and two others... Inalienable for 21 years by 3ale, &c., from date hereof do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Hauraki 256 257 258 259 2C0 261 Do. Do. 27th Febrnary,1871 28th Fel>ruary,1871 17th March, 1871 .. 1st May, 1869 ... Whangara Pouawa ... Mangaheia No. 2 Do. No. 1 Paremata Opita ... 21450 0 0 19200 0 0 9972 0 0 18442 0 0 9426 0 0 1576 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Bay of Islands ... Do. DoDo. 262 263 264 265 266 267 Do. 3rd Nov., 1869 ... 23rd May, 1870 .. Do. 26th May, 1870 ... 9th February, 1871 Te Huruhi' Maraetai Kakamatenga No. 2 Te Tainga No. 2 Tia Kapara Tutara Niu 2100 0 0 1376 0 0 10 0 0 2 14 71 0 0 12 3 0 Tanate Pukututu do. and another do. Honihana Mauparoa ... As tenants in common do. do. Inalienable by sale, mortgage, or lease, except by oni or more Grantees to another or others of them Inalienable do. do. do. _ Total ... 258735 0 36 Schedule of Native Keseryes in the Pbovince of Auckland. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Trusts. District. No. Date or Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Graviee or Owner. Nature of Trust, Object, and Utilization. A. jr. p. !ity of Auckland. 10th October, 18G7 Hostelry Reserve, No. 19, section 9, Mechanics' Bay 2 0 14 Vests in the Queen by '' Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelry Act, 1867" Do. Do. Hostelry Maintenance Reserve, No. 4, section 12, near Mechanics' Bay 0 2 15 For construction and maintenance of lodging house, stores, market for Natives and other poor persons Vests in the Queen by " Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelry Act, 1867" Site of hostelry ; unoccupied ground let to Archard & Brow for 21 years at £75 a year

X.—No. *



District. No. Date of Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Nature of Trust, Object, and Utilization. Subs, of Auckland .3 A. E. P. — Hostelry Maintenance Reserve, lot 89, section 1, Blackett's Point 6 1 0 6 1 0 Colonial Secretary, Colonial Treasurer, and Attorney Guneral aud their successors ... ... Towards maintenance of Native hostelry in Mechanics' Bay ; let to J. C. Black ett for 21 years, from 9th June, 1852, at £13 a year Vests in the Queen by " Auckland and Onehunga Native Hostelry! Act, 1867' ... ... For the construction and maintenance of lodging houses, stores, and market places for Natives and other poor persons visiting Onehunga ; site of an hostelry and Native grain store Town of Onehunga 10th October, 1867 Hostelry Reserve, lot 11, section 20, Beach 2 0 9 2 0 9 Tauranga 3rd Nov., 1866 . Allotment 9, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's County Do. ... Allotment 8, Parish of Te Puna, Cook'sj County ... ... ...| Do. ... Allotment 169, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's. County ... ... ...| — Allotment 211, Parish of Te Puna. Cook'si County ... ... ...| Do. ... Allotments 16 and 293, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's County 100 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 343 0 0 5 Do. C Te Kuka te Mea and 1 other ... In trust for the Ngaituwhiwhia tribe ; grant absolute Hori Tupaea and 1 other .. Do. Ngaitauwhao tribe ; do. Do. 7 Do. 8 Hamiora Tangiawa and another ... Do. Ngatiirauwharo tribe ; do. Do. 9 Pererika Taratoa and another ... Do. Tengare tribe; do. Waikato Maungapohaki and another ... Do. Pirirakau tribe ; inalienable 10 — Allotment 173, Parish of Kuramu, County of Rutland 3000 0 0 Wirimu Nera te Awaitaia and 10 others ... ... ...j Do. loyal Natives of the Ngatimahanga tribe; Governor may take roads, grant otherwise absolute Tauranga 18th Nov., 1866 ... Allotments 21, 107, and 108, Parish of Te Papa, Cook's County ... 21st Nov., 1866 ... Allotments 156, 174, and 184, Parish of Te Puna. Cook's County ... .. j Do. .. Allotment 1.37, Parish of Te I'uua, Cook's County Do. ... Allotments Parish of Te Papa, Cook's County 28th Nov., 1866 .. Allotment 103, Parish of Te Papa, Cook'si County S4 3 21 230 0 0 203 0 0 88 0 0 110 0 0 11 Hori Ngatai and another ... In trust for the Te Matewaitai tribe ; absolute .. j 12 Louis Pedois ... ... Do. Pierre Bedois aud 10 other half-castes; absolute Do. 13 Do. 14 Oharlee Potier- ... ... Do. Charles Potier and 3 do. do. John Lees Faulknor ... ... Do. J. Faulknor and 11 do. do. Do. 1.1 Hori Tupaea and another ...I Do. the Ngaitauwhao, Patatohora, and Papaunabi tribes Do. 110th July, 1866 .. Allotment 1, Pariah of Kati Kati, Cook's County Do. ... Allotment 3, Parish of Kati Kati, Cook's County .... Do. .. Allotments 33, 35, 46, and 47, Parish of Te Mania, Cook's County 68 0 0 32 0 0 500 0 0 Jii Te Patu and 2 others ... ...'■ In trust for the Ngaitauwhao tribe ; absolute Do. 17 Do. ... Te Patu and 2 others ... ... Do. do. do. do. 18 Te Kuka aud another ... ... Do. Ngaituwhiwhia tribe do.

Schedule — continued. Class A. l.--With a Specified Purpose- —Trusts.

F_y,, i



District. Date of Grant. No, Name of Reservk. Area. Grantee or Owxer. Nature of Tbobt, Object, and Utilization. Nature of TboBT, Object, and Utilization. Tauranga ... | A. R. P. Do. Do. 10th July, I860 ... Do. Do. 19 20 21 19 Allotments 49 and 50, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's Couuty 20 Allotments 1S7 and 188, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's County 21 Allotments 56, Parish of Te Puna, Cook's County 22 Allotment 61, Parish of Tamahere, Banks' County 202 0 0 67 0 0 Te Raihi and another ... ... . Do. Ngatihaua tribe ; inalienable, &c. Te Makaka and another.. ...I Do. Ngatetokotoko tribe ; do. 38 0 0 Te liaihi and another ... . Do. Ngatihaua tribe: absolute Waikato 13th March, 1867... 22 11 3 35 Te Raihi and 2 others .. .. Do. said loyal Ngatihaua tribe, their heirs and assigns for ever ; inalienable West Coast Do. 23 2.3 Te Akau Block, No. 3, Putataka, and No. 1 Tainui Parishes 90360 0 0 Tamihaua Tunui and 12 others ... In trust for, and to divide the same among, themselves and the loyal Natives of the tribes Ngatitahinga and Tainui, with power to the said grantees to lease the same for any period not exceeding 30 years, any sub-division made to be subject to any Iea3e previously executed ; Governor may at any time take roads. Paora Katipa and another ... On behalf of grantees and all surviving descendants of Papai, deceased Auckland 11th February, 1867 24 Ihnmatao, County of Eden ... 25 0 0 24 Do. Do. 25 25 Allotment 10, Mangere, County of Eden 3 0 0 Honana Maioha and "2 others . On behalf of themselves and the others named, and as trustees of a Church of England reserve as a site for church, school, and burial grounds ; absolute Waikato 13th March, 1867.. 26 26 Allotments 271 and 272, Parish of Puketi, County of Waikato 11 3 0 ■ Matutaera te Kaniwhaniwha and 3' others .. ... ...j In trust for the loyal Natives of the Ngatihorua tribe ; inalienable, &e. D... Do. ... 27 Allotment 273, Parish of Puketi, County of Waikato •-'7 13 1 34 Do. 8fch October, 1867.. Matutaera te Kaniwhaniwha and 3 others ... ... ... Do. do. do. do. 28 Puhitahi, near Patamahoe, County of Eden 50 3 4 150 2 0 Paora Te Iwi and 3 others ... In trust for grantees and Te Wirihana Takaanini and another ; minors Paora te Iwi and 3 others .. Originally reserved in cession of block ; in trust for grantees and 2 others Henere Pukuatua and 2 others ... In trust for grantees and 8 others Taiapo te Waiatua ... .. Do. Eetirati Tipihana and 5 others Aperaniko and another... ... Do. the Ngatemanawa tribe Do. 9th October, 1867.. I 29 I Whatapaka Rotorua Do. Tauranga 14th October, 1868. Do. ... 18th Nov., 1S68 ... 30 Allotment 239, Town of Richmond 31 Do. 294, Do. 32 i Do. 17, section 2, Town of Tauranga 33 Harataunga No. 3, Queen's County .. j 34 Do. No. 2, Queen's County 35 Tahuroa No. 1, at Pukemoremore 36 ! Orakei Block, County oE Eden 37 I Katikati, Cook's County 0 10 10 0 0 1 0 Coromandel [... Do. 22nd July, 1868 ... 20th August, 1868 59 0 0 546 0 0 Ropata Ngatai and 3 others ... Do. grantees and 11 others Raniera Kauhia and 2 others ... Do. all the members of the tribes Ngataweri, Whananairi, Nga te hoko, Ngatirau, Itangamate, Whauanarua Aowera, and Whanauarakai Penetito and 9 others ... ... In trust for grantees and 5 others A pihai Te Kawau ... ... In trust for himself and 12 others, as tenants in common, not as joint tenants ; trustee dead Te Patu Turere and Niniwhi ... In trust for the Ngaitauwhao tribe Waikato Auckland 13th Nov., 1868 ... 10th February, 1869 8912 0 0 689 0 0 Tauranga 68 0 0

Schedule — continued. Class A.. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Trusts.



F.— So. 4

District. No. Date op Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Name or Tribe, Hapc, Allotee. Remarks. A. R. P. Waikato 1 Lot 21, Parish of Pepepe, shore of Wahi Lake ,,, 22 do. do. 23 do. do. 23a do. do. 26 do. do. 27 do. do. 38 do. do. 40 do. do. do. do. 46 do. do. 47 do. do. 48 do. do. 35 do. do. Motukaraka Tangipahu Kaihere do. Wairenga do. do. ... .;; do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. NGATIMAHUTA TRIBE. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. •Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 S3 36 :jg 37 38 40 41 42 43 50 0 0 51 0 0 57 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 52 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 35 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 125 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Eruera Matewhitu Te Watene Miraka Paora Puni ... Paora Tarapatiki Harawira Tamaha Neha Ngarahu Tuawa Himiona Taiki Harawira te Parara Reweti Nga Mohi Patara te Rangi Katene Nepe Mereama te Materau Mere Pihopa Ani Pingoingoi Ani Papaonanihi Mirana Mere Patawhira Tarita Pirihira Hinikaka Turuhira and 1 child Karo paiura Hepi te Wana Kara Himiona and 4 children TariRewiti Maraea Tuawa and 2 children Mata Tarapatiki Pahi Pani Paiura Peti Mihamiha Mata Takerei te Rau Raihia Takerei Hohana te Rau Tawera Potatau Timoti te Ngaware Hairuha Wi te Hipu and family Tanoti Paiture Takerei te Rau Wiremu Komiti Raniera Tukumaru Piritoka Te Kimaru Tukumaru ... Male— The lands particularised in this Schedule have been do. appropriated at various times to the surrendering do. rebel Natives. Where the allotment is not do. specified, a block (in most cases) has been approdo, priated to the hapu, and the subdivision left until do. the exact requirement of the hapu shall be known do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wahi do. do. ... ;;; ;;; Ongaonga .. ., '" Manga whara Waipa Wairenga do. do.

ProTinco of Auckland. Lands Allotted to Retitbned Eebels, todeb Section 4, Confiscated Landb Act, 1867. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose.

F.—No. 4



Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. So. Datk of Grant. Kamb of Reserve. Area. Name of Tribe, Hapu, Allot ee. Rkmarks. aikato Do. Do. 45 46 Wairenga A. R. P. 250 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Mata Takerei te Rau ... Hoana te Rau Raiha Takerei Female do. doDo. Do. Do. Do. 47 48 4!) 51) N.E. Shore of Wahi Lake, No. 2 parish of Pepepe Lot 39, Mangaowhi, Waipa ... 50 0 0 100 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 NGAUNGAU TRIBE. Hone Haki ... Rawiri Motutarata Maraia Miraka Riria Reroa and 2 children Male do. Female do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 N.E. Shore, Wahi Lake, 24, Parish of Pepepe do. do. 29 do. do. do. 30 do. do. do. 31 do. do. do. 32 do. do. do. 33 do. do. do. 34 do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGAT1PIKE TRIBE. Reihana Rawiti Hona te Powhai Kerei te Neke Ngarua Totohia Paramene Toti Wiri Warihi Ngatimo ... Te Aria Male do. do. do. do. do. do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do 58 5!) CO 02 o:s 04 do. do. 28 do. Kaihere Wairenga Kaihere Ruahine do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 NGATIHINE TRIBE. Hori te Whana Aperahama ... Peraniko Rakuraku Ponui te Wharepu and family Huna te Rakuraku »Ema Peraniko Rahere Potepote do. do. do. do. Female do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 66 6(3 67 68 0!) 70 71 72 7;i 74 75 70 77 7S Wahi Lake, S.E. shore of No. 45, Pepepe Tikotiko, Whangape do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATEPOU TRIBE. Hunia te lhu Warana te Puhi Taate Kapatahi Nepi Kero ... Te Whakahau Potu Keka ... Hohaia Nehamaia Tauteka Taraiti Tamaranga ... Ngarepo Te Raiwanaki TeToiki Hepapara Rangimoewaka ; Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do



*\-No. i

District. No. Date of Grant. Name or Reserve. Area. Name or Tkiijf, Hapu, Allotee. Rkmakks. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107, 108! 109 1 no; 112 113 114' 115: 117i Tikotiko, Whangape do. do. do. do. da do. do. do. do. do. do. Awaroa, Whangape do. do. do. do. do. do. A. R. P. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 187 0 0 157 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 (50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 140 2 0 Pirimona Rangimoewaka Hemi do. Papaka Parawhau Heihana Manga Taati Hira Kerei Hohua Tangatakino Nikorima Kiwani Te Korairai ... Tlone Pirihi .. Thaka Mangakahia Ihaka Taitani Pira Kiharoa Inoko Takitan a Te Waakatawi Ihaka Moehaka Wirimu Tupara Eatapatiti and family ... Here Mokena and family Tari Tangatakino Wakaua Ngahuka Iraia Taitu ... Hone Kau and 2 children liiko Ngawhare Pati Waata te Kaui Tamihana Pehimana Hamnera Pehimana Telhi Mihaka Ruainano Tangata Ware TeTo Kehata Tana Tamate Tana Hoe Tana Pita Tana ... Wiremu Tana Te Hemara Reke Taati Kapatahi, Parawhau, Taraiti Ihaka Moehaka, Here Mokena and Pera Kiharoa, in trust for the ex-rebels of the Ngatipou tribe; inalienable Rora Reweti Wanekau Male do. do. do. do. do. do. dodo, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. dodo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Mangapiko, Whangapo do. do. do do. do. do. do. Wnirenga or Kaihere Awaroa, Whangape do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Dr. 118 119, 30 0 0 30 0 0 do. Female

Pchelttle — continued. Class A. 1.—Wibli a Specified Purpose —Province of Aucklaud.


F.- No. 4


Schedule— continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

'ISTRICT. No. Datk op Geant. Namb ok Reserve. Area. Name op Thibr, Hapu, Allotee. Hkmabxi Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. To. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Waiuku Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 120 121 122 123 124 126 120 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 136 130> 137 13S 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 14f> 147 148 149 150 151 125 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Tikotiko, Whangape do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Awaroa, Whangape do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 55 Waiuku Weat... 56 <io. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. R. P. 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 106 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 Mokowhiti ... Rehara Taati Piriliira Ngakei Raima te Raumahoe Piribipa Pakapaka Turuhira Peti Taraite ... Rehara Nehamaia Ripika te Rangimoowaka Moki Nitiniti Mere Turi Kira Katua ... Kira Kuao ... Pariturere ... ... Tamirangi Miriama Rangipuao Roka Taue ... Ripeka Ngamako TeWailmi ... Huhana Moehaki Te Ohu Pipi te Pohonga Hana Hokai Patawhira ... Mata Meihana anil family Mata Ripeka Tana Hera Tana ... Mere Tana ... Ane Tana TiniTana ... Ripeka Tautara Riria Tamate Mita Oteni and family, Ngatiteata .. Hariata Paikau and family do. Waata to Koi do. Epiha Kaihau do. Karena te Rangi do. Erueti Pororangi do. Awhitu Warihi do. Pokaiaka Tainoa do. Kinomairoto do. Kamariera do. Rawiri do. Hori Tau do. Te Tup do. Tumure do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Male do. do do.' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.



F.~No. 1

District. No. Date op Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Xame of Tribe, Hapct, Allotee. Remarks. I Waiuku Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 165 166 1 167: 168 169 170 171| 172 173! 174 175 1 176 177 178; 179! 180; 181 Waiuku do. do. do. do. Wairenga Waiuku do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. E. P. I 40 0 0 ! Te P.uki, Kgatiteata ... 40 0 0 1 Kakiwhiti do. 40 0 0 Te Kepa Tupako do. 40 0 0 Terekammku do. 41) 0 0 Eiioka Pane do. ... ... 50 0 0 i Anaru te Anaua do. 30 0 0 Riripeti Tipene and 3 children do. ... 25 0 0 Raiha Paora Taui 25 0 0 ; Men Paora do. 25 0 0 I Karoraina do. 25 0 0 Raiha Mutumutu 25 0 0 Hini Matin 40 0 0 Mibi Poata and 3 children 40 0 0 Kipika Xaihau 25 0 0 Tarati 25 0 0 PetiPakia ... 25 0 0 Ihipira Male do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. • 182 184! 185 186 187' 188 1 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 j 198 1 199 1 200 201; 202: 203 204 1 205, 206! 2071 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Marnmarua do. do. do. do. do. do. do. .Kailiere do. Manmiarua do. Kailiere do. do. Tangipahn ... KGATITEATA TRIBE. 25 0 0 Tanu 25 0 0 Itipora 25 0 0 HeoiPani 25 0 0 Hera Hani 25 0 0 J'sika 25 0 0 Ptmi 25 0 0 I Tamara 25 0 0 Taruke 25 0 0 Pitite 25 0 0 Maanga 50 0 0 Hemi Ngamanu —N^atinaho 50 0 0 : Tipeni 1 aikawa ' do. 50 0 0 Te Wiriroiri do. 50 0 0 Paraone Pukekura do. 50 0 0 Matena Pukekura do. 50 0 0 HoneTaikawa do. 50 0 0 Katipa te Ano do. 50 0 0 Matiu Taiko do. 50 0 0 Wirinm Taka ' do. 50 0 0 Hapimana Hamaka do. 50 0 0 Hori Herewliini do. 50 0 0 Matinga Parea do 30 0 0 Tarati Kaumanu do. 30 0 0 Raiha Wareware do. 30 0 0 Eakira Pumipi do. 100 0 0 Ngahuia ... do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do.

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

k\— .No. 4



Schedtjle — continued. Class A. 1.—"With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. No. Date or Grant. Name or Resebvb. Area. Name or Tribe, Hapf, Allotee. Remark? Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 Tangipahu Kaihere do. do. do. Waikiekie Whangamarino .. Motukaraka A. R. P. 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 Mata haereiti— Ngatinaho .. Female Ani Paengaingae do. ... do. Ruta Ringawera do. ... do. Onehunga do. ... do. Hoana Waiaro do. ... do. Mere te Wheora do. ... do. Mereana Kaumanu do. ... do. Tauroa do. ... do. Hira te lnaki do. ... do. Eruera Matu, Ngapuhi ... Male George Skidmore, half-caste, Ngapuhi do. Henare Tawhai, Te Whetui a piti ... do. Hipurona Apa, Ngatiraparapa ... do. Himiona Wakatere Raku, NgatituPara •■■ ... ... do. Tame Kairangi, Ngatitupara ... do. Nehana Wangai do. ... do. Henare Paura do. ... do. | Himi Kare do. ... do. Ramika Raku do. ... do. Kuki do. ... do. Nihara Tamaiwi do. ... Female IRaiha te Kunekune do. ... do. Wirimu Tuanui— Ngatiriwha ... Male Taraipina te Rangi do. ... do. Taniora te Au do. do. Taraipina te Rimu do. ... do. Haimona do. ... do. Ahi Tukawau do. do TeWhitu do. ... do. Wirimu te Rangi do. ... do. Tuhakaraina do. ... do. Nikora te Matiane do. ... do. Porera Iki do. ... do. Moepapa and 1 child do. ... Female Watana and 2 children do. ... do. Hamo Kura do. ... do. Maata Taihuri do. ... do. Peti Poruru do. ... do. Mahora do. ... do. Miriama Haimona & 2 children do. ... do. Mata Hiki do. .. do. Ropiha te Whare do. ... Male Pori Rapa do. ... do. Te Rongo do. ... do. Tangipahu Mangapiko Tangipahu do. Auckland 221: 27 and 29 Mangere 7 0 0 Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do: Do. Do. Do. Do. ; Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... ::: 222! 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 Kaihere do. do. do. Wairenga do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wairenga do. do. do. do. do. do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0



#.—No. 4

District. No. | Date of Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Name or Tribe, Hapu, Allotee. Remarks. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Auckland Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do; 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Wairenga do. do. do. do. do. Kaihere Tangipahu Wairenga do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Tangipahu Wairenga Mangere Meremere A. R. P. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 o 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 51 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 Nga Huka —Ngatiamaru Patoroma te Tatau do. Tapahi do. Tingatinga do. Riwai do. Karepe do. Te KihiriniParaure do. Hone Potene - Ngatehape Wetini Kohaka do. Rawiri Kore do. Wiremu Wharehau & 2 children do. ', \'. Rere Matehaere do. '. Taate te Raoka do. Nera te Pouroa do. Hone Poteni do. Penehamene Ngapekoi do. .". Wira te Painga do. Hajie do. TeWera do. ... Hoani te Hamonui do. Riwi te Rapoutu do. .'. Peti Painga and 2 children do. ' Te Kiri Rakau do. " Te Rauna do. Ngatiti do. ,". Tiepa and 2 children do. ". Mere Ngamako do. do. Nga Kariko do. Hori Wharerarauhe— Kgatekiore .. Kiki te Rakimatai do. Mahora Tauta do. Pete Hakopa do. Karo Hore and 3 children do. Hohi Tnhia— Ngatihaua ... Hiria te Urutariwa do. ... Raiha Taituka do. Hana Mireka do. Harawira do. Taituwha do. Tarika te Hura do. lhimaera —Ngatikarewa Pana Tihirua do. Do. do. '..'. Kima do. Do. do. .'„ Male do. do. do. do. do. do.' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. Male do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Ohotu do. Tamahere Ohotu Huarau Ohotu Huarau Ohotu

Schedvle — continued. Class A. 1.—"With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland

F.—No. 4



Scheltjle — con tinued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. No. Date of Grant. Name op Reserve. Area. Name or Tribe, Hapu, Allotee. RbMARKK. _____ I Waikato Bo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. DoDo. 289 29.t| 291; 292: 293 294 295 29(i 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 ■ 306 307 308 309 310 311 312: 313' :;i4 .sir. 316 317 318 319! 3-20 321 322 Haurau Oliotu Huarau Ohotu Huarau Kuarau Ohotu Huarau do. Ohotu Haurau Ohotu Haurau Ohotu Haurau Ohotu Huarau Ohotu Huarau Ohotu do. Ohairoa do. do. Te Riparoa 14, Kihikihi 36, Wahi N.E. Shore Ohairoa . . do. do. do. do. do. A. R. P. 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 8 0 0 42 0 0 50 0 0 60 0 0 GO 0 0 GO 0 0 25 0 0 7t> 0 0 51 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 CO 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 Pokohuia —Ngatikarewa do. do. Parani do. do. do. Kapuanui do. do. do. Ropata do. do. do. Mere Ngataru do. Hara Tikirua do. do. do. Heuhuiora do. do. do. Tamara do. do. do. Kaiwaka do. do. do. Miriama do. do. do. Mere Ngahuia do. do. do. Te Paea do. Te Paea Ngawhara —Koheriki ReporaTotaraifc family do. Te Paea Hauparua & family do. Pipi te Ngahuru —Ngatitamaho Waana Gage —Ngatimaniapoto Te Kanihi do. Kaihania Kahui —Ngatirangi Miriama Rangihina do. MihiHeraRangikaraihe do. Ramarihi Kahui do. Tamara Kahui & family do. Miriama Putoitoi and family— Ngatekaiana Te Paea Kotaratara —Ngatekaiana ... Kouiria Kitokiwaho do. Wirimu Hauparua do. Erueti Minarapa—Ngatitangiaro ... Niha te Amarua do. do. do. do. Totaia Miuarapa do. do. do. do. Pukenui —Ngatiparewehi do. do. Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Male do. Female do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Po. Do. 323 i 324, 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 do. do. do. do. Otaua Ohairoa Otaua Ohairoa Otaua Ohairoa 60 0 0 50 0 0 GO 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 do. Male do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.



P.—No. i

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. No. Date op Grant. Name or Keseeve. Area. Name of Tribe, Hapu, Allotee. Remarks. A. R. P. Waikato Do. Do. 338 334 335 Mangatangi do. do. 75 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 NGATIWHANAUNGA TRIBE. Tukaramaina Hemi Ahipo ... Wirimu te Aramoana Male do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ., 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 352 Pirocgia do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 75 U 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 NGATIHIKAIRO TRIBE. Hone Mapi .. Peni Tuaea ... Patoroma Haereiti Te Wirihana Piripi Te Hotene ... t'araone Poi ... Waata, half-caste Piripi Huirangi Pihopa Huirangi Rilnpeti Mapi Mere Mapi ... Rahera te Bo Kararaina te Ahepari Mere Puku ... Hoana Poi ... Rahera Men Puku TeRoiateAki do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. Male Do. 353 Te Karaka, To Akau 50 0 0 NGATIKOFRA TRIBE. Hami Hokianga do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 O 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 NGATITAHINGA TRIBE. Hori Tote ... Hemi Pae ... ... . ... Hone Waikare Te Watarauhe Terei Taliinga Meihana Tongariro Hemi Tuari ... Pene te >>aue Rawiri te Anau Kipa te Ruakeripo Tupara te Aho Te Ropiha te Kuta Honi te Rau ... Mere Tataua and three children Te Paea Hariata Tikapu lhipara te Anau do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do.

k'.—No. 4



District. No. Datk or Grant. Name oe Reserve. Area. Name of Tribe, Hapct, Allottee. [Remarks. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 Te Karaka, Te Akau do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A. R. P. 50 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 Haimata Tuari and three children ... Mere te Ruakiripo and two children... Hera Tuuara and two children Huiana Tongariro Kati te Rua ... Paora Pipi ... Tamihana Pipi Parihina Repeka Rangiawatea and two children Miriawa te Rua Emiri Hunia... Female do. do. do. do. Male do. Femal do. do. do. Do. 382 Wairenga 50 0 0 NGATEMANGO TRIBE. Pita tePau ... Male Do. 383 do. ., ■ 50 0 0 NGATIWHAWAKIA TRIBE. Reihana te Runga do. Do. 384 do. 50 0 0 NGATETAMAINU TRIBE. Keru Tohewhare do. Do. do. 50 0 0 NGATITAPA TRIBE. Taata Riri ... do. 385 Do. Do. Do. Do. 38G 3S7 388 389 do. do. do. do. 55 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGITTITAI TP.IBE. Miriama te Rawhiti and four children. Ngarama Parerahui Eina Kupa and three children Te Wihona Toitoi Female do. do. Male Do. N.E. Shore of Wahi Lake, 16, Parish of Pepepi N.E. Shore of "Wahi Lake, 17, Pariah of Pepepi N.E. Shore of Wahi Lake, 18, Parish of Pepepi N.E. Shore of Wahi Lake, 19, Parish of Pepepi NGATIPIKI TRIBE. 390 50 2 0 Pvetimana Matura do. Do. 391 Do. 392 50 0 0 AnaruKupe... do Do. 393 50 0 0 Kareni Oteni do. 50 0 0 PairataPeki.. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ... 394 395 396 397 Motukaraka do. do. do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATIMAHUTA TRIBE. Paratene Tarahawaiki ... Pakururu Karupuha M arena Akeake do. do. do. do.

S chedttl E— continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.



I'.—JN'o. 4

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. No. Date or Grant. Name or Resbrve. Area. Name op Tribe, Hapij, Allotee. Remarks. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. 398 399 400 401 402 Motukaraka do. Maramarna do. Wairenga A. K. P50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 Hori Patawhira Tamehana Tarahawaike... Manahi flokai Anatipa te A ho Pcti Mihamiha Male do. do. do. Female Do. Do. 403 404 Maramarua do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGAT1NAH0 TRIBE. Hone Taikawa Katipa te Aino Male do. Do. Do. 405 406 Kaihere do. 30 0 0 30 0 0 NGATEE1WHA TRIBE. Mata Poto ... Ngamako Female do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Hikurangi, Waipa Part of lot 12, Horotiu Lot 35, Mang&whe, Pariah of Waipa Lot 42, do. do. Lot 34, do. do. Lot 36, do. do. Lot 37, do. do. Lot 38, do. do. Lot 40, do. do. Lot 41, do. do. 23 0 0 27 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATIMOENOHO TRIBE. Male " do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 407 408 409 410 41ll 412! 413 414 415 416 Panapa do. Eruete Taiporeri Te Retnene Tarengatahi... Ivuira te Whare Horomona Wahanui Merekai Rihia Aporo ... Haimona te Tuhi Wiremu te Tuhi Thames Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 Pukorokoro do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 75 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATEPiOA TKIBE. Aperahama Pokai Ngatai Epiha te Koiwi Hohepa te Ruinga Anaru te Whetu Maaka Haimona Ikahaere Timoti Tamaunia Wiremu Koroi Tuheka Tarahawaika and 7 others... do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.—These people are with the friendly chief, Honan; do. Maioha ; lands not yet allotted. Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do 427 428 429 430 431 432 No. 105, Mangarata, Parish of Pepepe .. No. 106 do. do. Wainnga do. do. do. 52 0 0 52 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATTWHAO TRIBE. Mohi te Taniwha Wiriana te Reo and another Rapata Hakopa Hone Reo Hoani Ngapora Paora Ngama Male do. do. do. do. do.

¥.— No. 4



District. No, Date of Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Name of Tribe, Happ, Allotee. Remarks. raikato Do. Do. 433 434 435 Wairenga do. do. A. R. P. 50 0 0 35 0 0 60 0 0 Te Paki Rebara Rapata and 1 child Makareta Akarauti and 4 children... Male Female do. Do. Do 432, Moerangi 433, do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 NGATEPANGO TRIBE. Male do. 436 437 Mita Piriki Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 43S 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 Te Karaka, Te Akau do.' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 TAINUI TEIBE. Henri Ponui... Maihe te Kara o te Rangi Te Wetini Kapana Patara Tahuri Rora Ponui Makareta Maehi Mi Tuperi Hana Ngatai Emiria Tahuri Miriama Paiari Taitu Hana Poti Waka and 2 children Kataraina Rakaraka and 4 children.. Newa Watarauhe Honana Rihari do. do. do. do. Female do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Male Do. Do. Do. 452 453 454 do. 261, Horatiu 262, do. 50 0 0 53 0 0 40 0 0 NGATITIRAU TRIBE. Timoti Maumati Hua Tikitini and relatives do. do. do. do. do. Do. Pukeiahua Lots 202, 205, 215, 216, 226, 187, and part of 227, Pukekura ) 300 OOj ) 500 0 0 ( NGATIKOROKI TRIBE. 455 I Ihaia Tioriori te Kapatahi and 10 others In trust for 13 men, 7 women, and 10 children of thi jSgatikoroki tribe ; to be inalienable. Do. Part of 137, Parish of Komakorau 100 0 0 NGATIRANG1HEREHERE. Harete Hikaero To be inalienable 456: Do. Do. 457 458 176, 177, 178, 199, 200, 201, and 214 .. Parts of Lota 164, 227, and 139 350 0 0 100 2 0 NGATIUWEROA TRIBE. Ropata Mold and 3 others Parakai te Korau In trust for 4 men, 5 women, and 2 children of that hapu To be inalienable Do. Do. 459 460 Parts of 143, 143a, and 210, Pukekura .. 145, Pukekura ... 48 0 0 50 0 0 NGATIHINEWERA TRIBE. Tuhua Tamate Turoa . do.

I Chedull — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose— Province of Auckland,

F._No. *



DlSTKlCT. No. Date of Grant. .Name of Resebve. Akea. Namk or Tribe, Hapu, Alotee . Remarks. A. R. P. Waikato 461 Not yet surveyed ...i 890 0 0 NGMIHaPE (Ngatihana). Karauria Ngamu and 7 others In trust for 12 males and 9 females of that hapu ; to b< inalienable Do. 402 do. 550 0 0 NGATIHUAKATOA TRIBE. Piripi Whanatangi and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 5 females of that hapu ; to b< inalienable Do. do. 330 0 0 NG mPUKUUAI TRIBK. Raiiiera te Kanara and 2 others In trust for 3 males and 6 females of that hapu ; to b< inalienable 463! Do. do. 400 0 0 NGATIHINEUIRA TRIBE. I'oukawa Tukati and 4 others In trust for 5 males and 5 females of that hapu ; to bi inalienable Do. '" do. 530 0 0 NGATIWEBEWERE TRIBE. Porokoru Kiwitahi and G others In trust for 7 males and 6 females of that hapu ; to be inalienable 4651 Da do. 320 0 0 NGATIMaINGAKO TRIBE. Rihia te Kanai and 3 others In trust for 4 males and 4 females of that hapu ; to b< inalienable. Inalienable. 466 Auckland 467 Mangarei . . "'I 10 0 Rihia te Kauai Waikato 468 Not yet surveyed 580 0 0 NGATITAMANGA TRIBE. Paraniko te Pahu and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienabli Do. 469 470 471 472 do. "1 500 0 0 TRIBE. Honatana te Hamanu and 6 others ... In trust for 7 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. 250 0 0 EUARANGI TRIBE. Rewiti te Aho aud another ... In trust for 2 males and 4 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. 600 0 0 NGATIRURU TRIBE. Rewete Waikato and 8 others In trust for 9 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. • 770 0 0 NOATIPURANGATAUA TRIBE. Aremeti te Waharoa and 9 others .. In trust for 10 males and 10 females of that hapu ; inalienable do. Do. 473 do. 640 0 0 NGATIPAR1HUIA TRIBE. Reki Matitokoroa and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 8 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 474 do. 410 0 0 NGAT1PIHERE TRIBE. Te Ngatata, aud 6 others In trust for 7 males and 2 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 475 do. 360 0 0 NGATITIKAHURANGI TRIBE. Tame te Kaka and 2 others In trust for 3 males and 7 females of that hapu ; inalienable

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—"With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date or Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Name or Tribe, Hapu, Allotee. Remarks. a. k. p. VVaikato 47fi| Not yet surveyed 840 0 0 NGATIPARTHIAWE TRIBE. Ratima Poukawa and 10 others In trust for 11 males and 8 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. • 450 0 0 NGATIRANGIHEREIIERE. Piripi Matewha and 5 others In trust for 6 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienable 477 Do. 478 do. 270 0 0 NGATITIORO TRIBE. Kereama Tauwhare aud 2 others ... In trust for 3 males and 4 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. 520 0 0 NGATIWHAEARUA TRIBE. Hamiora te Ahuroa and 4 others ... In trust for 5 males and 9 females of that hapu ; inalienable 4791 Do. 480 do. 4G0 0 0 NGATITIOHINGA TRIBE. Ngataru te Parahu and 5 others In trust for 8 males and 7 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 4S1 do. 610 0 0 NGATIWAENGANUI TR[BE. Tuaniwa Poraka and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 7 females of that hapu ; inalienable 482 do. 290 0 0 NGATITAPAEA TRIBE. Te Katuhi and 3 others ... In trust for 4 males and 3 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 483; do. 460 0 0 NG ATIM ANUWH AKAAWE AWE. Te Pake Whareturere and 4 others... In trust for 5 males and 7 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. »»' 660 0 0 NGATIRANGI TRIBE. Panapa te Pea and 8 others In trust for 9 males and 6 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 485: do. 690 0 0 NGAT1H0URUA TRIBE. Wiremu Hunia te Ngakau and 8 others In trust for 9 males and 8 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 486 1 do. 930 0 0 NGATIPIKIAHI TRIBE. Hori Wirihana and 10 others In trust for 11 males and 11 females of that hapu; inalienabli Do. 487; do. 410 0 0 NGATIHINEPARE TRIBE. Winiata Poutu and 3 others In trust for 4 males and 7 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 488! do. 440 0 0 NGATIKOURA TRIBE. Warena te Titi and 3 others In trust for 4 males and 8 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. 4891 do. 580 0 0 NGATITIORO TRIBE. Wiremu Tutere and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 6 females of that hapu ; inalienable Do. do. i i 380 0 0 NGATIPAREKIRANG1 TRIBE. Mohi Rahiri and 3 others In trust for 4 males and 6 females of that hapu ; inalienable 490 1

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.




District. Xo. Date or Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Name of Tribe, Hapu, Allotke. Remarks. A. R. P. Waikato Do. 491 492 Not yet surveyed do. 610 0 0 240 0 0 NGAT1WAIKAI TRIBE. Iraia Papoto and 8 others Raiha Tuwheiiua, female, and 3 others In trust for 9 males and 7 females of that hapu ;~inalienable Alienable Do. do. 450 0 0 NGAT1KAHUKURA TRIBE. Wera J) aihi and 5 others In trust for 6 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienable 493 Do. do. 480 0 0 NGATITEMIHI TRIBE. Rapata Paoa and 5 others In trust for 6 males and 6 females of that hapu ; inalienable 494 To. do. 800 0 0 NGATIKAHUTAK1RI TRIBE. Te Ropiha te Waha and 9 others ... In trust for 10 males and 10 females of that hapu ; inalienable 495! Do. do. 770 0 0 KGATIKURA TRIBE. Tanatiu and 9 others In trust for 10 males and 9 females of that hapu ; inalienable 496 Do. do. 4G0 0 0 NGATIWAIRERE TRIBE. Pirihi Tomouui and 7 others In trust for 8 males and 2 females of that hapu ; inalienable 497| Do. do. 490 0 0 NGATIRANGITURUTURU. Pakaroa and 4 others In trust for 5 males and 8 females of that hapu; inalienable 498 Do. do. 820 0 0 KGATIAPAKURA TRIBE. Hori te Waru and 10 others In trust for 11 men, 8 children, and 9 women of that hapu ; inalienable 499. Do. do. 200 0 0 NGATIHINITA TRIBE. Timoti te Wharaupo and 3 others ... In trust for 4 males of that hapu ; inalienable 500 Do. Bay of Plenty ... 5fi] 502 do. Opape Reserve 450 0 0 20787 0 0 NGATIKURU (Taukau) TRIBE. Hitikia Matariki and 5 others Crown ; for the Whakatohea tribe. — The area shown in the last colum is the minimum required, the additional area for chiefs not being known In trust for 6 males and 5 females of that hapu ; inalienable Reserved under provisions of Confiscated Lands Act, 1867 For Ngaitamahana hapu land is required for 27 men, 30 women, and 44 children ; for Ngatere, 14 men, 11 women, and 9 children; JSTgatipatu, 15 men, 11 women, and 19 children; Ngatenahere, 20 men, 20 women, and 26 children; Ngaterua, 55 men, 50 women, and 39 children— in all, 10,895 acres For the loyal natives & returned rebels of the Upokorehe hapu For 14 men, 18 women, and 10 children of that hapu ; in all, 1,290 acres. Minimum is required Ohiwa, Hokianga Island do. Hiwarau Crown ; for Upokorehe, hapu do. do. Do. Do. 503 604 13 2 12 1073 0 0

8 c h edu le— con tinucd. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

F.—No. t



Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland.

District. No. Date of Grant. Name oe "Reserve. Area. Name of Thibe, Hapu, Allottee. Remaiiks. Bay of Plenty ... 505 Ohope, Parish of Waimana ... a. e. p. 1575 0 0 Crown ; for Te Whanni Apanui Tribe ; area insufficient Land required for 28 men, 29 women, and 31 children ; in all 2,425 acres, minimum Land required for 88 men, 81 women, and 86 children ; in all, 7,260 acres minimum Do. 506 Whakatane Reserve 7260 0 0* Crown ; for Ngatepukeko Do. 507 Mount Edgecombe Reserve ... 10490 0 0 do. Patupoto, Ngaitamaoke, Ngaraaehi, and Ngatiatu liapus ... Land required for 44 men, 49 women, and 41 children; in all, 4,075 acres, minimum Land required for 12 men, 10 women, and 4 children ; in a'l, 920 acres, minimum For a mill site do. For returned rebels of that tribe Do. Orini Reserve 920 0 0* Crown ; for Ngatiawa Tribe 508 ■ Do. Do. Do. Do. 509 51i: 511 512 No. 5 Pokerekere No. 22, do. No. 308, Parish of Waioeka ... No. 21, Pokerekere 5 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 0 1890 0 0 do. Tawera Tribe do. Ngatipukeko Tribe do. Whakatohea do. Tawera, Waitaha, and Ngapotiki... Do. Land required for 25 men, 27 women, and 35 children ; in all, 2,235 acres, minimum 513 Pokapoka, Rangitaiki 18 0 0 Crown ; for Te Whanau 0 Taiwhakaaea Tribe Do. Amongst 25 men, 18 women, and 16 children ; in all, a minimum area of 1,870 acres required 514 Reserves Nos. 1 and 2 2965 0 0* Crown ; for Te Whauau 0 Taiwhakaaea Tribe Land required for 38 men, 31 women, and 27 children; in all, a minimum of 2,965 acres ( For returned rebels of the 3 hapus named j For 9 men, 10 women, and 10 children -j For 8 do. 7 do. * 5 do. I For 4 do. 6 do. 10 do; a minimum area of I 1,S65 acres required For returning rebels and others do. do. Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Do. Te Kopua, Ureparawei a 1865 0 0* ( Crown ; for Ngatirangihohiri < do. Ngatihikakino ( do. Ngapotiki 515 Tauranga Waikato . . Bay of Plenty .. 516 517 518 Orope Reserve, West of Timaru Creek, Waipa .. Whakatane, No. 1, eastern middle portior 2500 432 0 0 20 0 0 do. do. do. Te Meiliana Hoata Do. 519 do. do. portion 20 0 0 do. Kapereerote Matearehe Do 520 Ohiwa, No. (5, Pitcairn's Survey 40 0 0 do. Wiremu te Pierieri Do. Do. 521 522 do. 7, do. Island of Ohakano ... ... ...[ Ohiwa, No. 2, Pitcairn's Survey, Island of Himarau ... ... ..' Tarawira, 10, Simpson's survey ... do. 11, do. 102 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 do. Te Hepa Toehau do. Huriana, a female Crown Grauts promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Do. 523 do. Paora te Rautaha Do. 524 do. Pita

F.—No. 4



District. >'o. Date or Grant. Name of Reserve. i Area. i Name of Tribe, Hapc;, Allotee. Remarks. I I Bay of Plenty ... 525 Tarawira, 12, Simpson's Survey A. R. P. 50 0 0 Crown ; for Harepi Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1S70 Crown Grants promised to such as shall have continued loyal until 1st January, 1870 Do. 526 do. 6, do. 50 0 0 do. Hapimana ... Do. 527 do. 7, do. 50 0 0 do. Utuwai Do. 528 do. 8, do. ... 50 0 0 do, Eiria, a female Do. 529 do. 2, do. 50 0 0 do. Hamuera ... Do. 530 do. 3, do. 50 0 0 do. Te Kamu ... Do. 531 do. 4, do. 50 0 0 do. Huriana, a female Do. 532 do. 5, do. 50 0 0 do. Pikao Do. 533 Rangitaiki, Island of Omarupotiki 21 2 16 do Te Metera te Ti Do. 534 Whakatane, No. 5, Military Town 0 1 0 do. Hori Hawakura Do. 535 do. 36, do. 0 10 do. Mita te Whetu Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose- —For Loyal Natives. District. No. Date of Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Remarks. W. Waiuku 536 1st October, 1865... 4, in red, Marairoiha a. r. p. 269 0 0 Aihepene Kaihau and Hori Tauroa; in trust for the Ngatiteata Tribe, with full power and authority to sell or lease the said land for the benefit of the said Tribe Do. Do. 6, do. W. Waiuku 800 0 0 Sold to Edward Constable, 25th January, 1868, subject to lease of portion at the point to R. Grahame 537 Huarau Paingahounui, Paora te Koi, and 6 others; in trust for the Ngatiteata Tribe

c chedule — con tinued. Class A. 1.—With a Specified Purpose —Province of Auckland,

E. No. 4



S c h edule — con tinned. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —For Loyal Natives.

District. No. Datb of Grant. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee oe Owner. Remarks. W. Waiuku 53S 1st October, 1865... 3, do. Pehiakura A. R. P. 1000 0 0 Aihepene Kaihau and 4 others ; in trust for the Tribes Ngatiteata, Ngatiwhatua, and Ngatitamaoha... Do. Do. 16a ... 8 2 0 No disposition of the land shall be made by sale, mortgage, lease, or otherwise Awhitu W. Waiuku Do. 539 540 541 542 Do. Do. Do. 24, in red, Awhitu, Native Reserve 26, do. 22, do. I 159 0 0 5 0 0 17J0 0 0 Hori Tauroa and 3 others ; in trust for the Ngatiteata and Ngatitamaoha Tribes Paora te Iwi and 6 others ; in trust for the Ngatiteata and Ngatitamaoha Tribes Aihepene Kaihau and 5 others; similar trust as preceeding Aihupenc Kaihau and 10 others ; in trust for the Ngatiteata Tribe .. Riporaha Paranga and her heirs, and after her decease unto Aihepene Kaihau and Hori Tauroa ; in trust for the Tribe called Ngatiteata ... Piti Katipa aud her heirs, and after her decease to Erueti Ponui and his heirs, and after the decease of Erueti Ponui to Hori Tauroa and his heirs aud assigns ... Side of Otamatearoa Lake Without power to sell or lease do. do. do. do. Do. 543 Do. 23, in red 29 0 0 Do. Do. 29, do. 31 0 0 This trust will, apparently, require review 544 do. do do. Class A. 1.--Trusts with a Spe< :ified Purpose —Educational, &c. i District. So. Date of Grant. Name or Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. Auckland Do. Do. Do. ...j 545 546 547 548 7th October, 1844 1st April, 1845 ... 16th June, 1848 ... 20th Sept., 1848 ... Lot 20, of section 3, Auckland Suburbs..: Lot 80 and 92, Waitemata Parish ... Lot 3 of section 12, Auckland Uity Maketu a. R. p6 3 0 192 3 12 0 2 3 10 0 0 Rev. Walter Lawry do. do. do. do. Archdeacons H. Williams, W. Williams, and Brown ; lievs. R. Maunsell, R. Taylor, R. Burrows, G. A. Kissling, O. Hadfield, R. Davis, J. Hamlin, T. Chapman, J. Matthews, and W. Colenso [... In trust for general purposes of Wesleyan Institution do. do. do. In trust as a site for a Native or Maori Church In tiust for Church Mission Society as a Mission Station, siti for place of worship, school, burial ground, or in any othei manner for benefit of Native race

f.—Xc 4



Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .uckland District. 503 562 5C1 560 559 558 557 55G 555 554 553 552 551 550 549 No. 5th Nov., 1853 ... Do. Do 29th October, 1853 19th June, 1852 ... Do. Do. Do. 15th October, 1850 23rd Sept., 1850 ... Do. Do. I 23rd Sept., ISoO .. 31st \ugust, 1850.. 19th August, 1850 Date of Grant. Lot 15, of section 8, Auckland Suburbs .. Pepepe Kohanga (Waikato) North Bank River, Punui Lot 119, of section 10, Auckland Suburbs Lot-. 14, of section 13, Waitemata (Three Kings) Lot 87, Titirangi Lot 124, of section 10, Parish of Waitemata Otawhao Lots 15, 1G, ' 17, Auckland Suburbs (Taurarua) Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, Auckland Suburbs (Taurarua) Lot 23a, Auckland Suburbs (Taurarua).. Lot 23, of section 2, Auckland Suburbs (Taurarua) Lot 93, of section 10, Auckland Suburbs Lot 22, Takapuna Name or Reserve. 4 .3 0 133 3 0 2S0 0 0 870 0 0 19 1 G 227 0 0 2S0 0 0 20 0 0 173 0 38 18 0 0 23 0 21 4 2 30 12 1 0 20 0 0 a. K. :'. 19 3 33 Area. Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland. do. do. do. do. Bishop of New Zealand Superintendent of Wesleyan Minion in New Zealand Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in New Zealand Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in New Zealand Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in New Zealand Archdeacons William Williams and Brown ; Revs. R. Maunsell, R. Taylor, R. Burrows, G. A. Kissling, 0. Hadfield, R. Davis, J. Hainlin, T. Chapman, J. Matthews, and W. Colenso Bishop of New Zealand do. do. do. do. Bishop of New Zealand Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in New Zealand Roman Catholic 3ishop of Auckland Gi'.ANTEE Oil OWN Ml. In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children ui both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children oi both riices, and poor people, being inhabitants of .New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitii its of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, ami poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand Object, Trust, ok Utilization.

'lass A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Pur| ScheduIiK — continued. pose —Educational, &c.

K.~ No. i



District. No. Date of Grant. Namk oe Reserve. AltEA. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. Auckland 564 29th Dec , 1853 ... Kohanga (Waikato) a. r. p. 470 0 0 Bishop of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor people, being inhabitants of New Zealand Do. 565 22nd June, 1854 ... Lots 118, 122, 123, of section 10, Auckland Suburbs ... 65 1 6 Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission Do. 21st ?ept., 1854 .. In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor and destitute people, being inhabitants of New Zealand 566 Rotorua Lake 31S 2 10 Q-eorge A.Kissling, John A. Wilson, ami Robert Vidal In trust as a Mission Station, for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and poor and destitute people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust for a School for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute people, being inhabitants of New Zealand In trust as a site for a Native or Maori Church Do. 567 15th Dec, 1853 ... Pepepe (Waikato) 1385 0 0 Bishop of New Zealand Do. 568 14th April, 1851 .. Lot 9, of section 2, Auckland Suburbs ... 9 2 5 do. do. Do. Do. 569 570 16th Sept., 1852 ... 24th October, 1850 Lot 10, of section 25, Auckland City Lot 1, of section 10, Auckland City 0 12 3 0 0 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being Do. Lots 11, 12 13, 14, of section 9, Auckland City In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races who inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same Do. 571 0 1 36 .1. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being Lots 2c, 2?, 2k, 2f, Auckland Suburbs .. 16 0 20 In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races who inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same Do. 572 Do. A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. .^heppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races who inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same Do. Lots, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, of section 22, Auckland City... Do. 573 1 1 20 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Shepphere (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races who nhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same

Schedule— continuei 'U, lass A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purp [)OSC- — Educational, &i

F—No. 4>



Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —Educational, &c.

District. No. Date of Grant. Name ov Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. a. e. p. j Auckland 5741 24th October, 1850 Lots 18 19, of section 4, Auckland Suburbs 14 1 27 14 1 27 j A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General.) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being Do 575 Do. Lot 59, Pakuranga 155 0 0 55 0 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh< inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenonci of same Do Do. Lot part 17, Pakuranga 53 0 0 In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh( inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same 576 53 0 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh( inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same Do. 577; 28th October, 1850 Lot 9, of section 95, Auckland Suburbs... 9 10 9 1 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being Do. Do. Lot 23a, 23b, of section 6, Auckland Suburbs In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh( inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenanci of same 578 19 2 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh< inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenanci of same Do. 579 Dc. Lot 20, of section 2, Takapuna 5 0 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being D.. 14th April, 1851 ... Lot 2, of section 15, Auckland Suburbs... In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh< inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenanc< of same 580 3 0 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races wh( inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenanci of same L2ii9

F.—No. 4



District. So. So. Bate of Grant. Name of Eeseeve. Area. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. _ . __ I I Auckland 581 581 29th Dec, 1853 ...[ A. K. P. Lots 20, 21, of section 9, Auckland City... 4 0 0 A. Sinclair (Colonial Secretary,) W. Swainson (Attorney General,) and A. Sheppherd (Colonial Treasurer,) for the time being Orakei ... ... ... 4 0 3G In trust for a College and Grammar School for all races who inhabit this Colony, and as an endowment for maintenance of same Do. 582 28th June, 1859 ... Bishop of New Zealand In trust as a site for Church and Burial Ground, and an endowment for schools for Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand 582 Do. 583 Do. 58:3 Papakura ... ... ... 5 0 0 do. do. In trust as a site for Church and Burial Ground, and an endowment for schools for Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand Do. 584 584 Do. Aotea ... ... ... 402 0 0 Thomas Buddie, Wesleyan Minister In trust for site and endowment of a school for education o f Aboriginal Natives and Half-castes of New Zealand of Wesleyan Methodist's Society Do. 585 585 21st July, 1859 .. Kawhia ... . . ... 1G9 0 0 do. do. In trust for site and endowment of a school for education of Aboriginal Natives and Half-castes of New Zealand of Wesleyan Methodist's Society Do. 586 7th May, 1860 ... Te Wairengahika ... 593 3 0 Bishop of Waiapu In trust for site and endowment of school for Natives and Half-castes of Church of England and Ireland ; and, upon further trust, to convey same to trustees as may be named by General Synod of Church of England and Ireland in New Zealand, provided that some of the said trustees be of the Aboriginal Tribe called Te Whanaw-o-Taupara 587- 24th July, 1857 ... Near Rangiawhia... ... ... 191 0 0 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland Do. 587; Upon Trust as a site and endowment for school for Natives and Half-castes of Roman Catholic Church < 106360 2 13 " i

Sched¥LE — continued. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —Educational, &c,



K—\i». %

District. No. Date op Grant. Name of Reskrvb. Area. Geantee or Owner. Remarks. Auckland Do. Do. Bay of Islands ... Coromandel Tauranga 1 3 4 5 G 8th April, 1S61 ... Do. Do. Lot 9, Parish of Waitara Lot 6a, do. do. Lot 8a, do. do. Lot 4, Waimate ... Moki Taupere Lots 2, 8, 6, and 7, section 1, Town of Tauranga Lots 42 and 43, Village of I'urapura Piha Waitakerei ... Paeoterangi Waitakerei Opito North do. Middle do. South Pukekaikutu, Tamaterau Waimahanga Kahuetieke Taranui, Pataua River Pataua Reserve ... Kahakaha, Pataua River Taiharuru do. Pokopu Totara, Mangapai Kopuawaiwaha, Ruakaka Waiwerawera do. Tainarikirau Pukekaroro l'uiitahi, Tauhoa ... Mangaiti do. Papakaimi do. Waikiekie, No. 123 Otai, Waiherunga Panjzatntu, Paparoa Te Kanae, Matawhero Wahitapu, Wairoa River Primanawa, Kawa Kawa Purchase Reserve, East side Kawakawa Creek ... Te Wharau do. Kaiwaka <lo. Reserve do. Te Mairi <lo. Tirohanga, on Kawa Kawa River Pukete, centre of Block Otao, Kawa Kawa Reserve in George Clarke's grant do. H. Williams' do A. B. P. 50 0 0 Crown 15 0 0 do. 20 0 0 do. 0 1 11 do. 40 about do. Situated in the Ramaroa purchase Landing place on Manukau Harbour do. Rangiriri Creek Native Runanga House For Patukirikiri Tribe ; residents 16th October, 1867. ] 6th October, 1866. Waiuku Manukau Do. Coromandel Do. Do. Whangarei Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Kaipara Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Bay or Islands ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 9th Dec, 1858 ... 18th March, 1854.. Do. 8th June, 1867 ... 2nd February, 1858 Do. Do. Do. 26th February, 1854 21st July, 1859 ... 0 18 do. 0 2 14 do. 2263 0 0 Kawarau 2475 0 0 do. 454 0 0 Enoka and others 167 0 0 do. do. 444 0 0 do. do. 411 0 0 TeTawhera... 414 0 0 Parawhau ... 35 3 0 Sellers of the Mata block 34 0 0 Residents ... 339 0 0 503 0 0 369 0 0 36 2 0 39 0 0 i 1588 0 0 1-227 0 0 Po and resident Natives 215 0 0 53 0 0 Settlersof Pukekaroro, AramaKaraka 852 0 0 do. Tauhoa 300 0 0 do. do. 20 0 0 51 0 0 36 1 0 78 0 0 Te Uri 0 Hau 24 0 0 53 0 0 30 0 0 112 0 0 For Pomare .. 3 3 0 19 0 0 4 0 0 For Hori Wineata 11 0 0 65 0 0 1032 0 0 Te Uriongongo .. 411 0 0 For Ngatihao For Native Hostelry site do. do. 232 acres of original Reserve ; granted 24th December, 1866 These blocks were retained by the sellers of the land aboul Opito Point for their own use Near Village of Mangapai Cultivation Cut out of W. S. Grahame's grant 23rd Dec, 1858 ...j 2nd June, 1859 ... S. W. side of Block Near Waimate, Whakanekeneke At Pakaraka

iCHEDULE OF NATIVE KeSEBVES IN THE Pbovince of A lUCKLAND, Class B. 1. —Reserves for a Si ccified Purpose.

IT.-No I



Schedit le— so;; tinuecl. Class B. 1.—Eeservea for a Specifbd Purpose.

District. No. Date of Grant.1 Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Remarks. Bay of Islands ... Do. ongonui Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Whangaroa Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mongouui Do. Do. Raglan Do. Do. Do. Do. Mokau Do. Do. Awakino Do. Do. Do. Do. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5-2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 8th Dec, 1858 ... 29tli August, 1859. 3rd February, 1858 22nd Dec, 1856 ... Do. Do. 3rd February, 1858 7th Sept., 1856 ... Do. i Manginangina Purchase .„ Okaihau Paewhenua Island, East side Hostelry Keserve Kohumaru, No. 49, Part of .. Wairoa, Ahipara ... Waiawa, Doubtless Bay Otengi Pukepoto, Puhepi's Village .. Taimaru Motukahaka Taupo Kaio, next lot 49 . Kaio, North side... Orotere, Taraire .. Tauuke, do Tauapuku, Taraire Reserve, Horaliora River Lanching Reserve, Oruru do. do. Woody Head, West Coast No. 79a, Parish of Whaingaroa No. 50a, do. do. No. 77a, do. Karioi Waitetuna Uku ... Te Kauri, North bank of River Te Mahoe, do. do. do. 1'urapura Awakino Piripiri, Awakino River Maniaroa, AwakiDo River ... Otiau, Rauroa Keihana, Awakino River A. R. P. 200 0 0 122 0 0 8 2 0 2 3 0 157 1 0 25 0 0 144 0 0 79 0 0 600 about 77 0 0 480 0 0 1800 about 35 about 20 about 82 0 0 63 0 0 488 about 100 0 0 O 1 0 0 1 0 600 0 0 340 about 38 about 309 about 59 about 73 about 38 about 330 about 220 about 6 1 0 130 about For the Ngatihao Crown, n^ed as a Hostelry Site Residents Nopera Panakareao Ngaituponga do. Opposite W. side Paewhenua 4 acres allowed for road Residue of Whaingatahatia Reserve On Taipa Road For Puhepi and residents For the benefit of sellers of adjacent blocks A Wahitapu A Burial Ground 98 acres on general plan do. 77 do. do. 103 acres of Original Reserve, granted 13th November, 18G6 Cut out of Murihiku Block Paraone 2nd Marsh, 1851... Do. 5th Nov., 1855 ... 2nd March, 1851 1st May, 1854 ... Do. Do. 1st January, 1855.. Do. Do. 4th July, 1854 ... 1st January, 1855.. S Sellers of Whaingaroa block being ) the Ngatiraahanga and Ngati- > hourounga ... ... ) On coast Called Ohiopopoko Adjoining Ohiopopoko On road to Aotea Made by Mr. Ligar, on purchase of block ( Sale of Mokau block disputed by ) < certain Natives ... ... > ( Ngathnaniapoto .. ... ) For Taniora ... These 3 Preserves are merely dotted on plan For Takerei ... On Takereis Block On Turnatamaire Slock On Takereis Block 50 0 0 ForTakerei ... The last 8 Reserves are not surveyed. The areas are approii mations only 20981 2 33

F.— No. >



District. No. Datk of Grant. Name oe Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Remarks. Auckland Do. 1 2 16th May, 18G5 ... Do. Pukaki, part of lot 157 Mangere A. R. P. 19 3 0 488 about Crown do. Confiscated land Originally given by Sir G. Grey to certain Natives of the Ngatematuta Tribe. Confiscated 16th May, 1865. 167 acres sold ; about 136 acres allotted to friendly Natives and returning rebels ; about 488 acres remain, some of this will be required for public purposes The Natives of Mangere, as above, were allowed the use oi this until they went into rebellion Do. 18CG .. Waikomiti, parts of lots 242 and 244 .. 1G4 0 0 do. S Do. 4 18CG .. Maori Bay, Great Barrier ... 3510 0 0 Natives of Great Barrier and Tutukaka Crowu Waikato Do. 6 0 1866 ... 186G ... Lot 21, Parish of Waipa ... Lot 573, Town of Newcastle 5 0 0 Reserved for Native Hostelry, not yet used One rood and 20 perches granted recently to Tamati Tangiruru Tauranga Do. Do. 7 18G6 .. 18G6 ... 18G6 ... Lot 72, do. Tauranga . , Lots 140 and 141, Town of Tauranga ... Lots 604 to 613 inclusive 0 2 23 0 1 24 10 0 0 do. do. do. Let to Rev. T. S. Grace for 21 years, from 1st July, 1871 ; a( 5s. per acre for 1st 7 years, 10s. the 2ud 7 years, 20s. the 3rd 7 years Let to Rev. T. S. Grace for 21 years, from 1st July, 1871; a) 5s. per acre for 1st 7 years, 10s. the 2nd 7 years, 20s. the 3rd 7 years Let to Rev. T. S. Grace for 21 years, from 1st July, 1871; at 5s. per acre for 1st 7 years, 10s. the 2nd 7 years, 20s. the 3rd 7 years Do. 10 18G6 ... Lots 702 and 703 2 0 0 do. Do. 11 18CG ... Lots 714 and 715 .. 2 0 0 do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 12 IS M 15 1806 ... I860 .. 1SG0 ... 1S0G ... Lot 114, Parish of Te Papa ... Lots 3 and 4, Town of TauraDga Lot 193, Town of Tauranga ... Lot 50, Parish of Te Papa ... 103 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 5 0 0 do. do. do. do. Let to H. L. Skeet for 21 years, from 1st July, 1871 ; at 2s. 6d. per acre for 1st 7 years, 5s. the 2nd 7 years, 10s, the 3rd 7 years Do. Do. Bay of Plenty ... Do. Do. Do. Whangarei Do 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 18G6 ... 18G8 ... Lot 14, do. do. Lot 8, Parish of Katikati Lot 269, Town of Opotiki ... 270, do. do. Lot 272,. do. do. Lot 273, do. do. Matapouri Reserve Tatolianga Reserve 56 2 20 357 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 [800 0 0 62 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. ■ do. Resident Natives do. Not appropriated to any special purpose do. do. dodo, do. do. do. do. do. Exception to Matepouri Block, sold do. do. do. 18G9 .. 18G9 ... 5587 0 27

iCHEDTJLE OF NATIVE KeSEBVES IN THE PbOYINCE OP Al .UCKLAND. Class B. 2.— For Benefit of Natives generally.

F.— So 4



xs. Schedule of Grants to Friendly Natives at "Whata Whata and other Places, without Road Clauses.

District. No. Datk of Grant. Name of Grant. Area. Grantee. Grantee. How Granted. Remarks. Whata Whata .. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6th June, 18G6 ... 161 N 2nd August, 1866. 162 N Do ... 163 N Do. ... 169 N Do. ... 170 N Do. ... 171 N 3rd \ugust, 1866... 172 N A. R. P. 100 0 0 338 0 0 108 0 0 551 0 0 455 0 0 632 0 0 332 0 0 Eliza Dickey Hemi Matiui to Puke Hone Perihi Hami Ngaropi and 3 others Hetaraku Otene te Bin Te Aho of Actea Matutaera Kaniwhauiwa ... Absolute ... Do. ... Do. ... T) o . ... Do. Do. ... Do. Granted by Sir G. Grey Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. 2516 0 0 List E. Lands that may advantageously be proclaimed as Endowments for support of Natives in Luuatic, Hospitals, and other Charitable Institutions. District. Auckland Waiuku Waikato Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Tauranga Do. Do. Bay of Plenty ... Do. Do. No. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Maketu, No. 136 ... Waipipi, No. 200 ... Ngaruawahia, Nos. 543 to 548 (16 Allotments) Cambridge East, Nos. 435 to 442 (8 Allotments) Hamilton East, Nos. 93 to 97, inclusive .. Do. West, Nos. 229, 232, 234, 236, 277 Alexandra West, Nos. 83 and 84 Do. do. Nos. 230, 231, 233, 247, 248, 250, 251 Tuakau South, sections 13 and 14 Ijo. Rural Lot 34 Pokeno, Nos. 467 to 481, inclusive, (15 Allotments) ... Harapipi, Nos. 73 to 79 (7 Allotments) Section 2, Town of Tauranga, Nos. 77, 78, 89, 90 ... Town Belt, part of Greerton. Nos. 233 to 238 (6 Allotments) Opotiki, Town of, Nos. 168 to 172, 212 to 216 Do. Island, West of lot 129 Town of Kichmond, Nos. 195 to 203, 206 to 214 (18 Allotments) Name. Akea. Remarks. A. R. P. 5 0 0 Suburban 89 0 0 Rural 5 0 10 ! Block in Waipa River 8 0 0 ; Town 5 0 0 | do. 5 0 0 do. 2 0 0 do. 7 0 0 do. 1 3 8 Village 316 0 0 do. 3 3 0 do. 7 0 0 j 10 0 Next Church of England Purchase 9 3 16 West of Block 34 6 0 0 2 2 0 10 lots in Civil Town 33 0 0 2 2 0 509 1 34 • ! 1 \


F.—No. 4


District. ,No. Date of Certificate or Grant. Name of Beseevb. Area. Remarks. Auckland Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Mahurangi Kaipara Do. Do. 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17th March, 1866.. 24th Dec, 1866 ... 2<)tli Dec., 1864 .. Do. Do. 16th May, 1865 ... Do. 1870 ... 1855 .. 5th Sept., 1866 ... Grant, May 10,1871 Certificate, 13th October, 1869 ... Puketotara, Waitakerei .. Maraetai, in several grants Pukekohe Tuimata I'atamahoe .. Mangare Fukaki Waikomiti middle part of No 6, l'arish of Kourawliero ■ Paraheke, Oruawharo ... Ohutu Keserve, Whakapirau A. K. P. 232 0 0 4452 i. 1 10 5381 0 0 640 0 0 701 0 0 167 about 587 3 30 50 0 0 40 0 0 1090 0 0 9S 0 0 Confiscated 18C4, and since granted in detail Do. do. do. Do. do. do. Do. 1865, about 167 acres sold, and 136 acres allotted Do. do. 19 j acres remaining, see B. 2 Bought by Te Kiri for cash ; issue of grant doubtful Do. Mongonui 13 14 Mataia, Tauhoa Waiharakeke, Waioneke 3100 0 0 81 3 11 Bought by Government Certificate, 30th April, 1807 ... Maxwells, Rangaaunu ... Whangatihatia, Ahipara 185 0 0 37 1 0 Called Waimanoni Do. Do. 15 16 Certificate, 19th February, 1866.. Certificate, 9th October, 1866 ... Do. 17 Peria, Oruru 1130 0 0 Do. Bay of Islands ... 18 19 Taheke, Kaiaka Noble's Reserve, Oruru .. 484 0 0 213 0 2 Bought by Government Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Co. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Whangarei Do. Do. Do. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Certificate, 31st January, 1866 ... Certificate, 11th September, 1866 Certificate, 13th September, 1867. 1st August, 1868... 11th June, 1867 Do. 1st February, 1869. 16th June, 1868 ... 12th April, 1866 .. 13th January. 1S67 12th April, 186fr... 11th Sept , 1866 .. 2nd February, 1869 Te Raupo, Kawa Kawa ... Kakamatenga Temoke Tipa Tipa, Kawakawa ... Kahui Kotuku, No. 1 Kawakawa ... do. No. 2 do. Te Wharau Kawakawa... Te Papa do. ■ Awshe do. Naturahi do. Te Kapo do. Kuranui do. ... Te Maroro do. Te Whangae do. Taurauga Kawau, Faiapekapeka ... Kahuikuri, Parua Eukuai, No. 1, Parua ... do. No. 2, Paraa ... Waitaiki, Parua 66 0 0 65 0 0 302 0 0 323 0 0 25 0 0 7 0 0 54 1 0 16 0 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 13 0 0 243 0 0 124 0 0 138 0 0 40 0 0 590 0 0 115 0 0 Formerly known as Renata's do. do. 30th January, 1867' 4th April, 1S66 . . 19th Nov., 1867 9th Dec, 1867 ... 4th April, 1866 ... Bought by Government

Schedule of former ] Native ] Eeseetes granted by the Crown, without restriction, or otherwise disposed of, since Date of Last Eeturn.

F.—No. 4



District. So. Date of Certificate or Grant. Name op Reserve. Area. Remarks. Whangarei Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 17th August, 1868 21st August, 1868. 27th June, 1867 ... 10th Nov., 1865 ... 25th Nov., 18G5 ... 4th April, 1866 ... Grant, Dec. 23,1865 Certificate, 16th August, 1867 ... 17th August, 1868. Grant, 2nd January, 1857 Kohinni, Parua Parua Tariapuia Motukiwi ... ... Motu o taua Taikawiwi ... Matakohe Island A. K. P. 54 0 0 394 0 0 100 0 0 11 2 0 2 1 11 100 0 0 93 0 0 Do. Do. 46 47 Parahake, 4 grants Waiparera, I'ataua 456 0 0 29 0 0 Do. 48 Mahakitahi ... Mangatapere, Tirarau's Reserve 130 0 0 1000 0 0 Walton's Block, granted 23185 2 24 An Account of all Monies received and expended by the Tbustee op Native Reserves, in respect of Native Reserves in the Province of Auckland, from 15t' July, 1871, to 7th October, 1871. Dr. Cr. Date. Particulars of Receipts. Amounts. Date. Particulars or Payments into BiNK. Amounts. 1871. July 15th To cash, 1 year's rent from J. 0. Blackett (per Walter Grahaine) for Native Hostelry "Reserve, Blackett's Point, due 9th June, 1871... To cash deposit half-year's rent from S. Cochrane & Son, for Native Hostelry Reserve at Auckland and Onehunga To cash half year's rent from Archard & Brown, for part of Allotment 19. Native Hostelry Maintenance Keserve, Mechanic's Bay, due 1st January, 1S71 .. To cash, half-year's rent from Mr. Rims, for sub-division 7, Native ' Hostelry Reserve, Onehunga paid in advance, due 1st Jan., 1872 To cash from Mr. Richmond to C. Heaphy, as fee on Subpcena to attend Supreme Court To cash, half-year's rent from Archard & Brown, for part of Allotment 19, Native Hostelry Maintenance Reserve, Mechanic's Bay, due 1st July, 1871 £ s. d. 1871. July 15th Do. 22nd August 3rd Do. 23rd September 25th ... October 7th By cash paid into Public Account do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. £ s. d. 13 0 C 7 11 4 37 10 0 1 15 0 1 1 0 37 10 (i 13 0 0 Do. 22nd 7 11 4 August 3rd Do. 22nd 37 10 0 1 15 0 September 23rd ... 1 1 0 October 7th 37 10 0 £98 7 4 £98 7 I Auckland, 7th October, 1871. Chakles Heapht, Trustee of Native Keserves. Note.— The sum of £13, on the 15th of July, 1871, was the first sum received by the Trustee of Native Reserves.

Schedule — continuet



R—No. 4

REPORT ON THE NATIVE RESERVES IN THE PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. CHiEITABLE TRUSTS. Theeb is so much of Native interest and Governmental responsibility attaching to the Trust Endowments at Wellington that, though not strictly within my cognisance, 1 have included them in the accompanying schedules. These lands were originally amongst the reserved " tenths," selected as Native Reserves in pursuance of the contract between Col. Wakefield and the Native sellers of the Port Nicholson Block ; they were subsequently granted in trust for various religious, educational, and charitable purposes, from which Natives, in common with Europeans, might derive a benefit. Other lands belonging to the " tenths" have been appropriated by the Government to purposes conducing to the welfare of the Natives, but not so exclusively for their benefit as not to leave cause for dissatisfaction on their part. The Native office and hostelry, the Governor's stables, ard a part of the Te Aro barrack sites were among these appropriations. While the Natives participated in the advantages which such institutions as the college and grammar school, hospital and cathedral church conferred, the Europeans did so equally, or. from their larger numbers, to a greater degree. In the terms of the trusts no provisions exist by which the Natives are to enjoy peculiar advantages or a preference at these institutions, although the sites, and in some cases the endowments, are taken from lands which, by agreement, were to be inalienable as reserves for the maintenance of the Natives. It was declared by the Secretary of the New Zealand Company that the reserves were to be " held in trust for the l'esidium and proper maintenance of the chiefs, their tribes and families." * The purposes to which seventeen reserves have been appropriated are-— A cathedral church site A civil hospital site and endowment A grammar school endowment A Church of England school endowment A military barrack site, and A Native departmental office and hostelry site. It is impossible reasonably to aver that these purposes and uses are consistent with either the letter or spirit of the declaration above alluded to. The natives state that they have not a right to free access to the hospital, but admit that they obtain admission, the Government, or some one, paying the charges. As far as I am able to obtain information on the other side, it appears that a provision having been made in the terms of each trust deed to the effect that the Natives shall participate in the charity equally with Europeans, it was not thought unfair that some few of the Native reserves should be so appropriated. It is easy to understand how health and education were considered as indispensable to the well-being of the Maori as the "fitting maintenance" which the New Zealand Company's Agent had promised, f It is necessary, now, to ascertain how far the compact regarding the tenths was adhered to by both parties. In the first place it was broken by the Company in their Agent selecting the 11th, 22nd, and 33rd sections, instead of the 10th, 20th, and 30th, so causing the proportion to be an eleventh instead of a tenth. X Some additional land may have been given as an equivalent to the deficient area, but the whole of the reserves were of lesss value from the order of choice on which they were selected, being moved back. But the compact was broken in a more serious manner by certain of the Natives—those, noteably, of the south side of the harbour—omitting to give possession of the land to the Company when the reserves were ready for their occupation. It is no part of the present consideration as to whether it was wite to require or expect that the Natives would remove from their pas and cultivations; it is sufficient that they sold such places, and then, in many cases, declined to give them up. I am aware that it may be said that certain of the Natives had never received any payment for the land until the time of Col. McCleverty's enquiry. This may be true in exceptional instances, but not extensively, and such Natives received awards of land of far improved value. The manner in which Col. McCleverty himself viewed the ownership is shewn in the wording of his deeds, which, in nearly all, are as follow : —" These lands are given in lieu of lands on settlers' sections," or " belonging to settlers." * £cc also terms of sale of New Zealand Company's land, Ist May, 1839.—"110 sections will be reserved by the Company, who intend to distribute the same as private property amongst the chief families of the tribe from which the land shall have been originally purchased."— Vide " Supplementary Information relative to New Zealand," page 167. t It is provided in the terms of the cathedral site grant that the Native patients of the civil hospital shall have free sittings in the cathedral church. + The words used were—"Of the land ceded by the chiefs, a portion equal to one-tenth of the whole will be reserved and held in trust by the New Zealand Company for the future benefit of the said chiefs, their families and heirs."

I\—No. 4



The refusal of the Natives to vacate the pas and cultivations led to a compromise ; certain of the reserves were conveyed to the Natives respectively, and other lands, to the extent of about 12,205 acres in the Town and Town Bolt of Wellington aud the rural districts, made over to them in perpetuity. In addition to these the Government purchased several sections of rural land, and handed them over to the Natives for their sole use and benefit. It thus appears that the Natives received, outside the scheme of the "tenths" as much as 12,509 acres of suburban and rural land. Under these circumstances the morality of the appropriation of certain of the reserves for charitable trusts in which the Natives would fully participate cannot, I think, be reasonably impugned. But it is difficult or impossible to cause the Natives to understand that their own act was the occasion of the scheme of reserves being altersd. "We never goc any of the additional land awarded by Col. McCleverty"—some of them will argue—"others received that land, give us, as you promised, the rents of the reserves at Thorndon and Te Aro." To very many of the Natives this claim appears just, and in places far beyond the limits of the Wellington Province the misapplication of the reserves has for several years been the subject of discussion and censure. It may be wise, therefore, for the Government to make a concession—at the present time it could not be considered a sign of weakness. I would respectfully recommend — Ist. That payment of rent—the amount to be settled by arbitration—should be made by the Government for tiie reserves used for the Native office and Government stable 3, and for the site of the barracks at Te Aro. 2nd. And in consideration of the site and endowment 1-md of the civil hospital being original Native reserves, to make provision to secure to the Natives free admission to, and medical assistance at that institution. If this proposition, ox a reasonable modification of it be not agreed to by the Natives, the only course open that I could recommend would be to suffer an appeal from them to the Supreme Court. * The schedules for the Province of Wellington give the following areas, viz. :— A. R. P. Class A. I—Charitable and Religious Reserves .. ... 2,101 3 25 Class A. I—With a Specified Purpose ... ... ... 8,661 3 33 Class A. I—Reserves under Native Lands Acts ... ... 1,110 0 0 Class B. I—McCJeverty's Awards ... ... ... 18,153 0 23 Class B. 2—General Reserves ... ... ... 37,435 2 8 Class C. I—Grants with Limitations ... .. ... 105,904 225 Total ... 173,366 334 By " A Return giving the names of the tribes in the North Island," presented to General Assembly, 1870, the following appears to be the approximate Native population of the Province of Wellington: — Otaki District ... ... ... ... ... ... 740 Wairararapa District ... ... ... ... ... 850 Rangitikei and Manawata Districts ... ... ... ... 1091 Whanganui and Upper Whanganui ... ... ... ... 2641 Total souls ... 5322 This shows a present reservation of 31J aci'es, on the average, per head, for the Native population of the Province of Wellington, independent of purely Native territory. There have been made the following maps and tracings of Native reserves since the date of the last report:— Lithographs. Maps. Tracings. Auckland ... ... 15 ... 19 ... HI Wellington ... ... 2 ... 15 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 4 17 ... 33 ... 141—196 The account of receipts and expenditure of the Auckland Native Reserve Trust is made from 15th July, 1871, as on that day the first monies were received by the Trustee. C. Heapht. sth May, 1871. * An appeal to the Supreme Court has been for some time threatened by the Natires, wbo have paid, t am informed, £50 to a solicitor at Wellington for a legal opinion to guide them.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date. .Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. Wellington 1 28th Dec, 1850 ... Porirua Harbour ... a. r. p. 500 0 0 Bishop of New Zealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand Do. 5th February, 1852 Otaki... 396 0 0 Archdeacons Wm. Williams, 0. Hadrield, and Rev. It. Taylor In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and ot poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand ■ Do Do. do. ... 68 2 35 Archdeacons Win. Williams, 0. Hadfield, and Rev. I!. Taylor In trust for a school f.r education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand Do. 16th March, 1852.. Lot 38, Porirua Road 108 0 0 j Roman Catholic Bishop of NewZealand In trust for a school for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Do. 21st February, 1852 Lot 5f>9, Wellington City ... 10 0 Roman Catholic Bishop of New Zealand Do. 13th October, 1852. Whangan>.i 250 0 32 | Bishop of New Zealand Female school for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand School for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand 6 Do. 7 27th October, 1852 Wellington City .. 73 1 22 i James Watkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions Shool for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand College for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of .New Zealand ColUge for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand Do. 8 14th June, 1853 ... Wuirarapa Valley 190 0 0 Bishop of New Zealand Do. 9 Do. do. do.... 400 0 0 | do. do. De. 10 18th June, 1853 ... Otaki ... 33 3 0 Archdeacons Wm. Williams, 0 Hadtield, and Rev. E. Taylor School for education of children of both races and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand Do. 11 16th July, 1853 . . do. ... 62 0 0 Archdeacons Wm. Williams, 0. Hadiield, Rev. R. Taylor Do. 20tk July, 1853 .. School for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand 12 Lot part of 457, Wellington City 0 10 James Watkin, Superintendent of ; Wesleyan Missions .. Industrial school and college for education of children uf both races, uad of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand Industrial school and college for education of children of both races, and of poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of New Zealand College and grammar school for all claBses or races who inhabit New Zealand ; in trust as endowment for maintenance of same l)o. 13 5th October, 1853.. Lot part of 488, do. Wellington City ... .... 1 0 0 22] Roman Catholic Bishop of Wellington 10 3 17 i Trustees, as specified in the grant ... Do. 7th October 1853 14

Schedule or Native Eeseetes in the Peovince or VVelliitgcon. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —Eeligious and Charitable,

*'.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name oji' Kesekve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. Wellington 15 20th July, 185.J ... Lot part of 542, Wellington City A. R. p. 0 0 17 Bishop of New Zealand In trust as a site for church wherein patients of colonial hospital of Wellington shall always have free sitting, of all races In trust as endowment for hospital, for persons of all races Do. Do. 16 17 6th October, 1853.. Do. Lot 515 to 521, 526 to 533, Wanganui ... Lot 474, 475, 480 to 490 4 0 0 3 10 Trustees to be appointed do. do. 2101 2 25 Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose. District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Aeea. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, oe Utilization. A. R. P. Otaki 18 Certificate, 9th August, 1867 .. 2 3 7 Whanganui Kiharoa No. 1 Kiharoa Mahuariki and 2 others Held in trust by grantee for benefit of Mera Hakaraia Tuatate and 2 others ; inalienable, &c. 19 Certificate, 9th September, 1867.. Ruatangata 8650 0 0 Aperahama Tipae In trust for Aperahama Tipae and the whole of the Ngatiapa tribe, no disposition of the land or any part of it to be made except by the Governor's consent iu Council Otaki Certificate, 19th November, 18G7 Whakarangirangi... 9 0 20 Hemi Kuti and Ruita Kuti 20 In trust for the benefit of the grantees, Harote Kuti and 2 others, half-castes ; inalienable, &c. 8661 3 33 Schedule op Native Fesebves in the Province or Wellington. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —Lands brought under Native Eeserves Acts, 1850, 1858, aud 1862, by consent of Xative Oivners. District. No. Date. Namf. of Reserve. Area.. Grantee or Owner. Remarks. Porirua 15a 18th Nov., 1835 . Subdivision A of No. 15 a. e. p. 300 about In trust under clauses 9 and 15, Native Reserve Act, 1856 ; Hohepa Tamaihengia and others entitled to proceeds ... ... Let by commissioner to Major Edwards for 14 years from July, 1865, at £60 a year

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose —Religious ami Charitable.

P.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee oe Owner. Remarks. Porirua 15c 18th Nov., 18G5 .. Sub-division C of No. 15 A- K. P. 300, about In trust for Ngatitoa Natives, Horomona Do. Do. 15d 15h 23rd February, I860 6th October, 1866.. do. D do. do. H do. 60 do. 150 do. In trust for Horomona .. Let by commissioner to Fisher and Whitehouse, at £50 a yea: for 14 years, from December 1st, 1865 Let by commissioner to Major Edwards, at £12 a year Let by commissioner to John Arthur, at £20 a year, leasi transferred to Messrs. Frazer Do. 16a 15th Nov., 1864 ... do. A of No. 16, being sections 102, 103, and 104 300 do. In trust for Wi Parata and Ngahuki Tungia In trust for Ngatitoa Natives Do. 16b 18th Nov., 1865 ... Sub-division B of No. 16 In deference to the wish of the occupying Natives, this hai not been let 1110, about I , Schedule of Native Kesebves in the Pboyince op "Wellington. Class B. 1.—Lands Eeserved for a Specified Purpose. —Col. McCleverty's Awards. * District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Dtilization. City ofWellington Grants, 19th Nov., ]867, and 23rd April, 1870 A. R. P. Town acres 659 and 660 2 3 19 Ngatetama Natives, by deed from, Col. McCleverty on behalf of Governor ... ... ... Do. Town acre 542, S. Western, part of t ... About 3 roods Middle part included in McDonald's^ (Tod's) grant; south-west part granted to Bishop of Wellington as a site of a church ... Let by Natives, who receive the rent; crown grant issued under Native Lands Act, see class C, No. I Do. Grant, 3rd January, 1868 do. pastern part t 0 0 274 17 perches, as a site for a church in which patients of adjacent civil hospital may have free sittings. Porutu, by Crown Grant, under Native Land Acts ... ...I For Porutu and family, see class C, No. 1 * It is doubtful whether Col. McCleverty's Awards, having been granted absolutely, can be now looked upon as Native Reserves. ircumstances are so interwoven with those of reserves contigucus to them that no lists would be complete without a description of them. + The sections marked thus are original reserves. They are, however, included in these schedules, as theii

Schedule — continued. Class A. 1.—Trusts with a Specified Purpose. —Lauds brought under Native Eeserves Acts, 1856, 1858, and 1862, by consent of Native Owners.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, oe Utilization. i City of Wellington 5 Town acre 633, 634, 635, and 637 A. R. P. 4 2 16 Pipitea Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Do. do. 487* ... 10 0 Partly occupied and partly let by Natives, who receive the rent ; three first granted under Native Lands Act, see class C, No. 1 6 19th July, 1853 ... William Tako, by deed from Col. MeCleverty Let by grantee who receives the rent Do. 7 Town acres 1 to 16, 18, 19, 20, 22 to 28, 37, 39, 45 to 49 29 0 0 Do. Do. ...! Town acre 549 ... Town acres 593 and 594, part of* 1 0 0 13 0 Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty ... Pipitea Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty l'ipitea Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Let by Natives, who receive the rent Part of 594 is the site of civil hospital, part is taken foi Moturoa Settlement, and part is granted to Ropihc Moturoa and others ; of 593, part is taken for Moturos Settlement, and part granted to Hare Parata and others, under Native Lands Acts Pipitea Pa 3 0 6 Pipitea Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Do. Sub-divided and granted in 1867-8, under Native Land Acts, see class C. 1, No. 1 Do. Te Aro Pa 2 1 34 Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Town Belt Block near Wordsworth Street 4 1 29 Sub-divided and granted in 1867-8, under Native Land Acts. see class C. 1, No. 2 ; area awarded 2 acres 1 rood 1J perches, area granted 2 acres 1 rood 34 perches Do. Do. 15 15a 15b do. Epuni Block next gaol reserve 36 1 24 18 2 25 Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Pipitea Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Sub-divided and sold by original owners Do. 16 do. of 96£acres at Tinakore 96 0 0 Let by Natives to Mr. Rainnie ; this block is set forth as being 80 acres in Col. McCleverty's award, but appear! as 96 acres in Mr. Commissioner Swainson's Register oi Native Reserves 1867. Ohiro Section 15, with 32 acres of town belt ... 146 2 0 Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty 22nd March, 1847. Let by Natives to F. E. Wright, for £30 a year Suburbs of Wellington 11th July, 1846 .. Block immediately west of Kaiwharawhara Stream ... 204 0 0 The Kaiwharawhara and Ohariu Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Not let * The sections marked thus are orii lal reserves.

Schedule — continued. Class B. 1.—Lands Eeserved for a Specified Purpose. —Col. McCleverty's Awards.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name oe EeserveJ Area. Grantee or Owner. Trust, Object, or Utilization. A. R. P. Suburbs of Wellington ... 4 11th July, 1846 ... Block to the west^of preceeding 244 0 0 Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Makara ... 6 Block at Opau, Oharhf Coast 1300 2 0 Let on lease by Ngatitama Natives to J. Norris, for £25 a year Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Sub-divided into 23 pieces, and allocated after arbitration, March, 1867 Do. ... 6i 6a Section 98, part of Ohariu Bay 79 0 0 Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Do. ... 6] Sections 37, and 39* 229 0 0 Included in allocation of 6, above ; part to Wi Pakata, and part to Aperahama te Puhe Ohariu ... 7 6b 7 Sections 77, 88, and 97 351 2 7 Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Let by Natives to J. Barnes Harbour District 8, 8. Sections 1, 4, Harbour District, Kaiwharawhara Let by Natives to W. B. Ehodes for 14 years, from 1868 Do. 200 0 0 Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Do. . 8i Do. Kaiwharawhara Pa site 1 rood 19 perches, and 9 perches ... 1 let on lease by Natives to J. Chapman, and 4 to J. Hall and others 8a 0 1 28 Ngatitama Natives, by deed from Col. McClevertT Petooni Natives, for whom it was purchased by the Crown Do. .. 9 13;h October, 1847 Let to B. Ling, for £30 a year 9 Section 5, Kaiwharawhara ... 104 1 0 Do. ... 10 Do. ... 11 10 11 4th October, 1847 Do. Section 6, Kaiwharawhara ... Old pa site and cultivations at Ngahauranga being parts of sections 7, 8 and 9 112 0 0 Let on lease to J. Hall Ohariu ... 12 Section 91 110 0 0 139 2 26 Te Manihera and 22 others, by deed from Col. McCleverty Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Porirua ... 14 1st Nov., 1847 Sections 8 and part of 7 150 2 0 Te Aro Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Pipitea Natives, by deed from CoL McCleverty Taringa Kuri, Ngatetama Waiwhetu Natives Land scarcely fit for cultivation, should be sold and other land bought Sections 9 and part of 7 221 0 0 Upper Hutt .. 21 Hutt ... 22 30th August, 1847 Sections 98 and 102* Sections 57 and part of j58* ... 200 0 0 140 0 0 Special reserve for Taringa Kuri 57, let by Natives to E. Johnson for £30 a year for 14 years, from May 23, 1856, with power of renewal Do. ... 23 13th October, 1847 Sections 42 and part of 58* .. 243 2 2 Petooni Natives, by deed from Col." McCleverty ... ... ' 42, Special reserve for Honiana Te Puni; let for 21 years at £12 10s. first 7 years, £25 second, and £50 third seven years HorokiwiEoad... 24 Do. Sections 1. 2, 3, 16 part of 20a, and large block,* Lower Hutt 1771 1 18 Petooni Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Chiefly occupied by Natives, part let for £10 a year as site of Percy's Mill * Sections marked thus are original reserves of the New Z«alaud Company, selected iu 1840-1.

Schedule — continued. Class B. 1. — Reserves for a Specified Purpose. —Colonel McCleverty's Awards.

F.—No. I



District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, or Utilization. I Horokiwi Road... 13th October, 1847 Section 11, Horokiwi Road District a. r. p. j 102 2 16 i Petooni Natives, by deed from Col. McCle verty Bought for Waiwhau Natives by Sir George Grey Waiwhetu Natives, by deed from Col. McOleverty Petooni Natives, by deed from Col. McCleverty Pipitea Natives, [by deed from Col. McCleverty Lower Hutt 30th May, 1847 ... Section 19 106 0 0 Occupied by Native owners 25 Occupied by Natives Do. 2(i 30th August, 1847 Waiwhetu Pa site 3 2 27 do. do. Harbour 29 13th October, 1847 Wainui-o-mata block at lighthouse 5004 0 0 Cook Strait 30 Orongorongo, C. Turakirae ... 6990 0 0 ! Let as a sheep run by Natives, who receive the rent 1st Nov., 1847 ... do. do. do. do. 18153 0 23 The awards of Col. McCleverfcy were made in consequence of the local Natives persistently occupying, in addition to the reserved elevenths, certain lands, chiefly their pas and cultivations, that had been selected by settlers under the New Zealand Company's scheme of settlement. In answer to a Memo, of Mr. Commissioner Swainson's, of April 21st, 1865, stating that the Resident Magistrate at Wellington considered the titles derived from Col McCleverty's deeds questionable, if not invalid, Mr Attorney-General Sewell wrote -■" I understand that this land formed part of the tract included in the grant of the Port Nicholson District to the New Zealand Company. On the dissolution of the Company it reverted to the Crown. Col. McCleverty, as the authorized agent of the Crown, agreed with certain Natives to grant them the pieces of land in question. Under such agreement the natives have a good equitable title, which the law would, no doubt, enforce, and which the Crown is prepared to maintain." —See Mr. Swainson's Memo, to Hon. Native Minister, of 2lst April, 1865. ■ • Mr. Attorney-General Whit.tker was of opinion that Col. McCleverty's reserves must be considered, for all practical purposes, as Native territory, not subject to the provisions of Native Reserves Act, 1850. Note.- -The following awards of Col. McCleverty's have been sold by the Natives, viz.: —Wellington Town Acres Nos.'40, 42, 44, 46, 109, 111, 113, to John Martin ; No. 31, containing 456 acres, at Waiariki, C. Terawiti to D. McLean, for the Crown, and 50 acres of section 26, Ohiro to George Hunter, on 26th March, 1863. Schedule op Geneeal Native Besebves in the Peovince op Wellington. Class B. 2. District. No. Datk. Name of Reserve. Area. Grhntee oi; Owner. Trust, Object, or Utilization. City of Wellington I Town acres 972 to 989 a. r. p. 18 0 0 Crown ; Native reserve fund Let on lease to W. B. Mantell, for 21 years, from 1st January, 1865, first 7 years at £24, second £32, and third £36 a year Lately let on lease to Hemi Parae, at £1 6s. a year, on condition that horses of Native travellers should be grazed on it; lease expired, but occupation continued Do. do. 995 to 1005 11 0 0 do. do. do. 10

Schedvle — continued. Class B. 1.—Reserves for a Specified Purposes. —Col. McCleverty's Awards.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Trust, Object, or Utilization. City ofWellington Do. Do. Do. Ohiro 11 12 13 14 1 Town acre 864 ... do. 893 ... Town acres 1081 and 1082 ... do. 1098, 1099, and 1100 ... Sections 19, and 21, parts of Ohiro Valley a. it. p. 10 0 Crown ; Native reserve fund 10 0 do. do. do. 2 0 0 do. do. do. 3 0 0 do. do. do. 175 0 0 Heme Parai ... Unlet; requires improved access do. do. do. do. At extreme south end of City Part let at £30 a year to J. & W, S'mith, for 14 years, from 18th April, 18G4 ; 25 acres occupied by Natives Makara 5 Sections 22, and 24 200 0 0 , No documentary evidence as to Native ownership Let on lease by Wi Pakata and Parata te Kiore to P. Trotter, for 20 years, from May, 1860, at £30 a year. Wi Pakata is dead, and Parata is alleged to be in rebellion with Matutaera ; Trotter objects to pay rent under the circumstances 25 acres occupied by Paiura ; 27 acres by T«r» te Whetu ; 108 acres, western part, let on lease by Commissioner to W. France for 21 years, , at £14 14s. a year Do. Sections 12, an 13 200 0 0 Native reserve fund ... 13 Porirua 15 Block at Titahi Bay, and Porinia Harbour 565 0 0 Ngatitoa Natives; reserved in deed of cession ... Do. Do. Block west side Porirua Harbour Pukirua large block Block at Paekakariki 300 about 7000 about Ngatitoa Natives; reserved in deed of cession ... 136 0 0 Tipene Paremata and others Sub-divided, and greater part brought under Native Reserve Act, 1856 Sub-divisions A and B brought under Native Reserve Act, 1850 10 17 Wainui Do. 18 18 1st June, 1859 Ramaroa block 149 0 0 Ropata Heremutu Let by Natives on lease to A- Wall and others Let on lease to F. W. Smith, for 14 years, from 1st July, 1805, at £13 a year Let on lease to Alexander Mackay, for 21 years, from 1st January, 1865, at £15 a year Do. Hutt 1!) Sections 2, 3, 4, Pakuratahi • 300 0 0 Occupied by Ngatetama Natives, to whom 50 acres are to be alloted ... Do. Harbour ■20 27 Section 132,"Mangaroa Section 22, Wainuiomata, near Lighthouse 100 0 0 Waiwhetu Natives Unlet Inaccessible, and valueless as a Native reserve Do. Wairarapa Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 28 29 30 31 33 34 Sections 23, 24, and 25, Wainuiomata ... Kopuranga, Manawatu block do. do. Waingawa, Kohangawariwari block ...I Te Kopi Maungaraki, Tauheru "River... Sections 131, and 185, Taratahi and! Kikawera ... ... ...! Whareama, No. ?, Waipupu... ... Whareama, No. I ... ... Turaehaohao, KaiwLata Waipuna, do. ... ... Ngapuketurua, do. ... ...i 300 0 0 Titoone Natives 200 0 0 Wiremu Waka, Hamuera 200 0 0 lloropapera and others ... 300 0 0 lletiraaiiii Inia and others 100 0 0 : Maika Purakau 50 0 0 Tangahoia 416 0 0 Xgatekahunqunu 64 0 0 do. 608 0 0 do. 388 0 0 do. 64 0 0 do. 22 0 0 do. Taken in exchange for section 39, and given by Sir George Grey to Waiwhetu Natives Given by Sir George Grey to Pitoone Natives In handi of Natives Do. Do. Do. Do. J _ Do. 36 36 37 38 39 Original Reserve 1,992 acres, of which 1,970 acres have been granted absolutely on 13th May, 1870, under 1 ative Lands Acts

'CHEDULE — continue) Class B. 2.

F— No. 4



Ichebttle — continuet Class B. 2.

District. v o. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Trust, Object, or Utilization. tTairarapa Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Eo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 4(1 41 44 45 46 47 4S 4:i 50 53 T)4 55 56 ■57 58 .V.I Ahirara Unuunu, Wereta Pahaua Waikekeno, do. Wharaurangi, do. Hahaia, do. Koangahipu, do. Pahaua, do. Rerewhakaiti, do. Pukeroro, Te Awaite Huariki, do. Awaite Taimanuka Mangaroa Hoera Oroi, Awhea Pirinoa Kahoruru, east side of lake Manawatu, Waipoua River ... Maungaraki, Tauheru River... Otauhao, Purapura Whareama Akitio, Turangawailio River, Puketoi Block Ohanga, Puketoi, Castle Point Puketoi do. Pcrokauau do. Puketoi, Takupou Oaea, Castle Point Ngatahuna do. Kopuranga, Manawatu Block do. do. Waingawa River, Koliangawariwari Te Kopi Manawatu, W,aipoua River ... Taugohia, Maungaraki Tauheru, do. Purapura, Otauhao Section 131, Taratahi and 185, Kikawera Tupurupuru Puna Kotukutuku, Tupapakura Whareama Whareama, No. 1 Whareama, No 2, Waipupu... do. Motu Waireka ... Maungapiu, Whareama Eparaima, Waikaraka A. K. P. 41 3 0 1775 0 0 1660 0 0 220 0 0 375 0 0 130 0 0 510 0 0 200 o 0 70 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 2280 0 0 485 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 Ngatekahungunu do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Te Marutuna Ropiha and others Ngatikahungunu For Ngatikahungunu Natives For 11 do. do. For Hare Papera 500 0 0 do. 9th January, 1855. 386 3 14 250 0 0 5 0 0 390 0 0 94 0 0 20 0 0 118 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CO 62 63 (i4 65 66 07 (is 69 70 7! 72 73 74 75 70 77 78 79 SO SI 82 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 11th January, 1854 8th October, 1858 10th Dec, 1856 ... 24th March, 1858.. 14th February, 1855 Do. 24th March, 1858 .. 28th January, 1859 1st January, I860.. 9th Dec, 1853 ... 12th Dec, 1853 ... 9th January, 1856 Do. Do. 2nd Noy., 1859 ... Crown do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. For Wiremu Waka, Hamuena For Horopapera and others For Retimana, Inia, and others For Maika Purukau For Ropiha and others For Ngatikahungunu Natives do. do. 416 0 0 397 0 0 050 0 0 500 0 0 508 0 0 64 0 0 630 0 0 175 0 0 695 0 0 do. do. For Wairua and others For Piripi and others For Ngatikahungunu Natives do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.

F.—No. 4



District. No. Date. Name op .Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Trust, Object, or Utilization. Wairarapa 83 11th January, 1855 Ngapuketurua, Kaiwhata ... A. K. P. 22 0 0 Crown For Ngatikahungunu Natives ; this is the balance of orignal reserve of 1,992 acres, remainder granted 13th May, 1870, under Native Lands Acts For Ngatikaliungunu Natives do. do. > do. ' do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. A large portion has passed Native Land Court ; Natives receive rents, about £294 per annum Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Whanganui 84 85 SO S7 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Do. Do. Do. 10th October, 1859 Do. 29th October, 1853; 11th January, 1855 Do. Do. Do. ...I 11th January, 1854 29th May. 1848 ..: Tutaehaohao, Kaiwhata Waipuna do. Ahirara do. Unuunu, Pahaua..., do. .. Wharaurangi, Wereta's Pahaua Hahaia, do. Koangahipu, do. Pahana, do. Eerewhakaite, do. Te Awaite, Pukeroro Putiki and P. VVharanui 388 0 0 C4 2 0 41 3 0 1775 0 0 1660 0 0 220 0 0 375 0 0 130 0 0 510 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 1083 0 34 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Crown ; for Native allotees ; see C. 1 Do. 96 Waiknpa See C. 1 ; Natives want to be allowed to sell See 0.1 .. ... ' ... do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 97 98 99 100 101 102 Do. Waipakura Upokongaro Kaiwhaiki Tuketuke Arainoho Kaiiwi Leased to McNeil, 21 years at £120 a year Leased to Kells Let to Captain Iveson, at £33 a year, for 21 years Let to B. Campbell, for 21 years, at £120 and £150 a year 374 acres, let to C. Smith, for 18 years, at £60 per year 240 0 0 do. Part lot to Moore and Currie, at £150 ; part to Kidd at £40 ; part to Moore ai £100 a year Passing through Native Lands Court; various portions let for £368 2s. 6d. per annum Let to Kells, 21 years, at £60 a year Do. 103 26th Nov., 1858 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Wangaehu do. Waitotara Do. Do. Do. Do. . Do. 104! 105 106 107 108 109 Auroa .. . Ohie ... Kaipo... Ihupuku Manene Pakaraka 137 0 0 700 0 0 201 1 0 29 0 0 58 1 0 957 0 0 Crown; for Haata Rio ... do. do. do. do. Crown; see C. 1; originally 4348 acres SeeC. 1 See C. 1; Te Puru and Te Kopiro ... Passing Native Land Court Do. Raugitikei Do. 110 111 112 Do. 5th May, 1849 ... Karaka Turakina south side Ruatangata (Wangaehu, Turakina) Let to Alexander, at £150 a year, for 21 years Let for 21 years, at £10U a year 677 0 0 37435 2 8 Leased to Owen, for 18 years, at £300, £400, and £500 !

Schedule — continue) Class B. 2.


F.-No. I



District. No. Date of Certificate. Name ok Reserve. Area. Grantee. Nature of Trust or Limitation. Whanganui Do. Do. Do. Do. 1a 2a 3 4 5 1st March, 1867 ... 13th April, 1867 ... Do. Do. 11th July, 1867 ... Te Korito (at Kaipua) Waipukura West Mangawhero East do. Upokongaro A. R. P. Ill 2 0 2358 0 0 594 0 0 1151 0 0 1355 0 0 Te Ote Takarang and 2 others Te Tehana Turoa and 6 others Hunia te Ike and 5 others Epeha Taika and 10 others Te Paina te Tawaruangahau and 4 others Eraua Paitaha and another Petera te Naihe and 5 others Paora te Ritni and 2 others Te Puna Tao and another Tamati Terangi Punaiura Karena te Maua a Tawhaki and another Te Paora te Rimi and 2 others Paora Kuramate and 3 others Taimona Tamaihuka Reupena te Tauria Poari Kuramate and 3 others Te Peina Tao and 3 others Te Kepa Rangihiwinui and another . lhakara Rangiahua and 7 others Hemara Raukawa and 9 others Mata Hihina and 8 others Aperahama Tipae Aperahama Tahunui-a-rangi and 7 others Hori te Moana and another do. do. (minors). Te Tarawira Turangapito and 4 others (minors) Hoani Meti ... Rahera Hautukua and 9 others Ruihi Wunu and another Hori te Moana ami another Te Ratana te Urumingi and 0 others. Mete Kingi Paetahi Wiremu te Tairi and another do. do. do. Kawana Paipai Hori te Moana and another Hakaraia Korako and 2 others Rahira Kuramate and 10 others Te Kepa te Rangihiwinui Horopapera Pukeke and another ... Pehira Turu and another Reserved on cession of Whanganui Block Reserved in deed of cession Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for more than 21 years do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 6 7 8 9 10 11 10th Oct ,1867 ... Do. Do. 19th Nov., 1867 ... 14th February, 1867 19th Nov., 1867 ... Ngaparaoa (at Putiki Wharanui) East Waipuna Whakamaru No. 1 Kopuaruru Ngaturi Te Kopiro (at Turakina) 5 0 22 59 2 0 1 2 11 57 0 32 128 3 26 30 2 19 770 acres 1 rood, to be inalienable by sale, &c. Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for more than 21 years Reserved in deed of cession do. do. Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent of Governoi do. do. do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23rd Nov., 1867 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. 26th Nov., 1867 ... 9th Dec, 1867 ... 1st February, 1868. 7th February, 1868 Do. 10th March, 1868... 16th March, 1868... Te Riri a te Hori No. 1 do. do. No. 2 do. do. No. 3 Ngatarua No. 1 ... Whakamaru No. 2, and Ngatarna No. 2.. Te Riri a te Hori No. 4 Kohipo Tawaroa Te Pura (at Turakina) N'ukuraaru (at Waitotara) Rapaki (at Turakina) Buwaka (at Mangawhero) ... 12 0 20 62 1 0 25 1 0 20 0 25 4 1 7 24 1 20 161 0 20 409 0 0 72 0 32 1244 0 0 120 0 0 708 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. 24 25 26 Do. Do. Do. Paranui-a Mata No. 1 Te Kirikiri (at Put'ki) The Store Block (at Ranana) 2 2 0 24 0 30 1 0 36 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Do. Do. 16th June, 1868 ... 6th January, I860. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 16th Jan., 1869 ... Manawakawara No. 1 (at Pntiki) Pakaraka (at Waitntara) Te Kopiro No. 2 (at Turakina) Waitahanui No. 3 (at Putiki) TTpokongaro Xu. '2 Puma Manawakoaro No. 2 do. No. 3 Waitahanui No. 2 (at Putiki) Kaiate No. 1 do. do. No. 2 do. Wharepapa do. Te Kahu do. NgaturuaNo. 3 do. do. No. 4 do. 95 2 32 3391 0 (I 1 2 13 fiO 3 25 1406 0 0 2 0 0 34 2 23 58 1 2 12 0 24 21 0 28 26 3 34 0 1 18 6 1 31 5 0 29 2 0 28 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.



F.—No. *

Ichkdulf. — continue* Hi. ■I .PnoTl + fl nr-tl-'U T T.—tyrants wirh li

District. No. Path ok Certificate. Name of Kkskrve. Area. Grantee. Nvtube of Trust or Limitation. Do/ Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. DoDo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 43 44 45 47 48 49 SO si 52 54 55 5ti 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 16th Jan., 1869 .. 6th Jan., 1S69 ... Do. Do 16th Jan., 1SR9 ... lith Jan ,1869 ... Do. Do. 16th Jan., 1869 .. 6th Jan., 1869 ... 13th October, 1869. 19th Jan., 1869 ... Do. Do. Do. 13th October, 1839. Do. Do. Do. 9th Nov , J869 ... 3rd Dec, 1869 ... Do. Do. Do. Ngaturua Xo. 5 (at Putiki) Te Opearourou Waitahanui No. 1 (at Putiki) do. No. 4 do. do. No. 5 do. Whakamaru No. 3 do. do. No. 4 do. Paramuimata No. 2 do. do. No. 3 do. do. No. 4 do. Pareatumaunga No. 1 do. do. No. 2 do. Te Aunui (at Turakina) Te Kumuiti (at Whangaehu)... VVaipu (at Turakina) Matapohe No. 1 (at Putiki) ... Pourewa Whataroa (at Upokongaro) ... Kaiwhaiki Kai lwi ... ... , Rakautana (at Whangaehu) ... Te Karaka A (at Waitotara)... do. B do. do. C do. Wnikupa (between Whanganui and Whangiahu River) Tnkituki Wharekauwai No. 3 Matangiowhea (at Upokongaro) Te Uaua (at Turakina) A. R. P. 16 3 10 1 0 30 4 3 24 13 2 15 9 0 16 11 1 3S 1 0 34 15 3 27 13 0 3 2 2 0 49 lH 23 2 5 306 0 0 256 0 0 4390 0 0 0 3 39 44 0 0 236 0 0 1945 0 0 12434 0 0 3415 0 0 187 2 0 386 0 0 736 2 8 Wiremu te Tauri and 2 others Hoani Parao and 2 others Hareta Keru Te Kepa te Rangihiwinui Wiremu te Tauri and 2 others Utiku Mohuia and 4 others Hoani Parao and 2 others Te Kepa te Rangihiwinui Kingi te Rangieranga and 2 others ... Wiremu te Tauri and 2 others Hoani Ngapuhi and another Wiremu te Tauri and 2 others Aperab;ima Tipae and 4 others Hoani Maka Rangataua and 5 others Eleupena Kewetone, and 8 others ... Pchira Turei and another Te Katana te Urumingi and 6 others. Kpiha Patapu and 3 others Karehanua Tahau and 8 others Wikitoria Katikara and 9 others ... Aperahama Tipae and 6 others Te Herewini Whiro and 9 others ... Tamati Kahukaka and 9 others Hare Tipene Whakapae and 9 others Inalienable by sale, lease, 4c, without consent of Governoi do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Certain other persons registered as owners do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, lease, 4c, without consent of Governor do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 67 68 69 70 24th March, 1870. 18th June, 1870 ... 22nd July, 1870 ... 22nd July, 1870 ... 2272 0 0 374 0 0 2 2 3 1 2 21 2<5 3 0 Aperahama Tipae Keihana Perekuku and 3 others Te Mokena Kaiatua and another ... Wiari Turoa and 4 others K arena te Mana Tawhaki and 4 others Mata Kaurihau and another Mere Hirakanara and anotrer Hoani Mete .. Fiatana Ngahina and another Erina Ratana and another ..j Tamehana te Kahu and another Te Mawae and 2 others... Rewiti Pokura Erina Ratana and another Reupena Kewetone and 3 others Erina Ratana and 3 others Utiku te Angi and 2 others do. do. do. do. do. do. Subject to public right of way Inalienable by sale, &c, without consent of Governor Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. taki 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Do. 9th Sept., 1870 ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ]<'th Sept , 1870 ... 18th October. 1870. 10th Sept. 1870 ... Do. 12th Sept., 1870 .'.. 20th Jan., 1868 ..." Naawhite o Tipare (at Turakina) Te Hi urai No. 1 (at Parewanui) ' ... do. No. 2 do. Te Kapakapa Te Eapa Tahuuatara Riri a Te Hori No. 5 (at Putiki Wharanui) Patiki No. 1 (at Turakiua) .. do. No. 2 (at Parewanui) Takahanga Pounaam do. Te Kaumanga do. Tongowhiti Mangapouri (lot 185, Township of Hadfield) ... ...J 9 2 12 8 0 0 5 1 26 56 1 (I 4 1 31 7 0 4 36 3 8 3 3 29 1 2 IS 634 2 35 7 2 13 7 0 5 do. do. do. Subject to public right of way, and inalienable do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Subject to right of way half-chain wide ; inalienable, 4c. do. as shewn on plan do. do. 1 chain wide do. do. 4 do. do. do. 1 do. do. 0 0 32 Matarena Ngareti and 2 others ... Inalienable by tale, 4c, for more than 21 year*

X.-No. 4



ScHEDtrtE-— continued. Class C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.

District. No. j Date iw „ . ., (JKKT1KICATK. NAME 0F KESEEVE. Name of Reserve. Akea. Ci:an tkk. Nature or Trust ok Limitation. ! Nature of Trust ok Limitation. i Inalienable by sale, &c, without consent of Governor Mere Hakaraia Kiharoa... ... do. do. do. Mihi Peka Pareturere ... ... do. do. do. Te Rei Parewhanake ... ... do. do. do. Hapeta te Rangikutukua ... do. do. do. Weneta Harua ... ... do. do. do. Paranihia Whawha and another .. do. do. do. I'irihira tc Aim and 2 others ... do. do. do. j Horomona Tarini and 2 others ... Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for more thau 21 years Hoaui Taipua and 2 others ... do. do. &c., without consent of Governor Haimoua Rauapiri . ... do. do. do. ) Ururoa Ripia and 4 others ...j Tenants in common ; not as joint tenants Hemi Kuti and another... ... do. do. do. P«ne te Ruapuia and 2 others ... do. do. do. Taumanu te Uruti and another ... do. do. do. Rangihoua Maehe Te Ngaru and another ... ... .. do. do. do. Renata Faehora and 9 ethers ... Tenants in common, and road to be inalienable to anyone but the Queen Rina Purua te Akau and another ... Tenants in common Tamehana te Hoia and 2 others ... do. do. Te Wfttene te Wliena and 3 others ... do. do. Wiiemu Hapihona and 3 others ... Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for more than 21 years ■ Otaki Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Da ... 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 92 941 96 97 98 ! 99! [ 15th Jure, 1868 .. Takapnotoiroa No. 1 > 16th June, 180S ... LuteoK, r>4, and 65 of Otaki Town > Do. ... Lot 44 o< Otaki Town Do. ...Lota 155 and 170 of Otaki Town I Do. .. Te Waeranga No. i A i IV. ... do. No. 2 U Do. ... Pahianui No. 3 ... Do. ... Piritali* Do. ... Te Rotonhakahokiriri Do. ... Lots 89, 01 and 98 of Otaki Town I Do. ... Te Whakahokiatapanga No. 2 2nd February, 1869 Te Tahuna Do. ... Maringiawai No. 2 Do, ... Hurihangataitoko No. 4 Do. ... Sections 9.") and 96 (Otaki Town) Do. ... Section 85 do. 9lh February, 1809 Ngawhakaraua ... 12thFebruary,18f>9 Waeranga Weat ... 13th February, 1869 Section 61 (Otaki Town) Uo. ... Tutangatakino No. 1 13th October, 1809. Section* 102, 104 and 106 (Otaki Town).. Do. ... Sections 101, 103, 105, and 107 (Otaki Town A. K. P. 4 2 27 (I 3 11 0 1 3 0 1 28 1 0 31 0 2 39 38 0 0 1 3 20 16 0 0 0 2 18 3 1 29 8 3 11 6 0 30 1 0 21 0 1 28 0 0 33 Do. I 100J 76 0 0 Do. Do. Do. Otaki Do. ... 101 102 103 104 105 5 2 21 0 1 2 2 2 S 0 2 16 0 3 IS Karanaima te Kapukaiotu and 7 others .. ... ... do. do. do. Kararaina Whawha and 3 others ... do. do. do. Mere Karuinatua and another ... Inalienable, except by consent of Governor ; subject to right of road Matene te Whiwhi ... ... Inalienable, except by consent of Governor ; for more than 21 Do. Do. 106 .07 3rd Now, 1869 . Otnxoa 9th Sept., 1870 ... Ngawhakarangirangi Do. ... Te Keke Keke No. 2 1014 0 0 1 3 2S Do. 108 33 0 24 Do. Do. Do. Do. 109 110 111 112 113 10th Sept., 1S70 .. Te Rerengaohau ... 18th October, 1870. Ngawhakaraua No. 2 Do. .. Allotments 182 and 190 (Otaki Town) ... 9th February, 1871 Waiariki No. 2 ... 1226 0 0 10 1 16 0 1 :i 8 0 5 88 0 0 years Rakara Tukumaru and 2 others ... Inalienable, except by consent of Governor ; for more than 21 years Hoani Meihana and 2 others .. Inalienable, except by consent of Governor ; subject to right of way Tienii I'anapiri ... ... Subject to right of way, i chain wide Kipa te Whatanui and 4 others ... Inalienable by sale, &c, for 21 years, without consent of Governor Parakai a te Ponepa ... ... Inalienable by sale, &c, for 21 years, without consent of Governor Te Ranginui te Katene and 3 others Tenants in common Wi Waka Kahukura and 7 others ... Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, for more than 21 years Matiaha Mokai and 7 others ... do. do. do. Matire Piripi and 3 others ... do. do. without consent of Governor Wiremu Tinitara te Kaewa ... do. do. do. Manawatu 3rd February, 1869 Paretao Do. Wairarapa Do. Do. Do. "" 114 115 116 117 118 6th February, 1869 Parikawau 19th Nov., 1867 ... Mairiirikapua 17th Jan., 1868 ... Maramamau West 12th October, 1868., Tahorahuia 14th October, 1868., Taumatawhakapono West ... 79 1 10 835 0 0 1910 0 0 522 0 I) 944 0 (/

v— No. 4



District. No. No. Date of Certificate. Name oe Reserve. Area. Gkantee. Nature ok Trust or Limitation. Wairarapa Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .. 119 ... 1201 .. 121 ... 122 ... 123 ... 124 .. 125 ... 126 127 ... 128 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 14th October, 1868 Te Whiti North ... Do. ... do. South ... Do. ... do. West 3rd Nov., 1868 .. Te Waihinga East Do. ... do. West Do. ... do. Middle 26th Nov., 1868 ... Powhatu East ... 23rd March, 1869.. Ngatahmia No. 2 24th March, 1869.. Waipapa 13th October, 1869 Hupenui No. 1 ... ■ ' a. r. p. 1177 0 0 1151 0 0 417 0 0 2J5 2 38 432 2 2 150 0 0 81 0 0 67 0 0 422 0 0 530 0 0 Ngatuere Tawhao and 9 others Hamuera Pakaiahi and 9 others Namata te Ruke and 9 others Matiri Piripi and 2 others ' .. Matiaha Mokai and 8 others Wiremu Tutere and 9 others Riwai Tamati and 4 others Ihaia Whakamairu and 9 others Hirini Herewiui and 7 others Wiremu Kingi Tutepakihirangi and 3 others Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without consent of Governor do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, gift, &e., for more than 21 years do. do. do. do. do. do. Inalienable by sale, gift, &c, without consent of Governor Inalienable by sale, gift, &c, for more than 21 years do. do. do. Do. Do. Do. DoDo. Do. Do. Do. Do. Whanganui Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .. 129 .. 130 ... 131 ... 132 ... 133 ... 134 .. 135 ... 136 ...i 137 ... 138 ... 139 ... 140 .. 141 ... 142 ... 143 Do. ... Te Para Do. ... Opuakiao Do. ... Mataikona No. 1 Do. ... do. No. 2 Do. ... do. No. 3 3rd Nov., 1869 ... Okoura 22nd July, 1870 ... Ngapukiturua 12th Sept., 1870 ... Matakitaki 9th Feb., 1871 ... Te Kawakawa ... 13th April, 1867 .. Waipakura 9th Sept., 1870 ... Riri a te Hori No. 5 16th March, 1808.. Banana (Store Block) 24th March, 1870.. Tukituki 22nd July, 1870 ... Matangiawhia ... Do. ... Te Uaua ... "I 660 0 0 273 0 0 8318 0 0 8128 0 0 1685 0 0 310 0 0 1970 0 0 4910 0 0 17790 0 0 2358 0 0 36 3 8 0 1 35 374 0 0 1 2 21 2(5 3 0 Hoani RangitaUaiwaho and 4 others... Ngatuere and 7 others ... Hoera Rautu and 9 others Kataraina te Whakarato and 9 others Hemi Potangaroa and 9 others Apiata Hakiaha and 8 others Te Waka Tainakiuruhau and 7 others Piripi te Maari and 9 others Hemi te Miha and 8 others Te Tahana Turoa and 6 others Te Mawae and 2 others ... Te Harauria Turangapito and 4 others Reihana Terekuku and 3 others Wiari Turoa and 4 others Karena te Mana 0 Tawhaki and 4 others Mata Kaurihau and another Mere Hira Kaaara and another Hoani Mete ... Te Mokena Kaiatua and another ... Katana Ngahina and another Erina Ratana and another Tamehana Te Kahu and another ... Reupeua Kewetone and 3 others Erina Ratana and 3 others Dtiku Te Angi and 2 others Erina Ratana and another Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, without the consent oi Governor Inalienable by sale, gift, &c, for more than 21 years do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Subject to public right of way do. do. do. do. Inalienable do. Inalienable, except with consent of the Governor do. do. do. Inalienable, and public right of way Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. " Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ...1 144 ... 145 ... 146 ...| 147 ... 148 ... 149 ... 150 .. 151 ...! 152 ... 153 . . 154 Do. ... Ngawhiti o Tipaie 9th Sept., 1870 .. Te Haumi No. 1 Do. .. do. No. 2 Do. . Wharekawa No. 3 Do. ...I Te Kapakapa T)o. ...! Te Rapa Do. ... Tahumatara 10th Sept., 1870 ..: Takahansa Pounamu Do. ...! Te Raumanga 12th Sept, 1870 ... Tougawhiti 18th October, 1870; Patiki No. 2 • 1 9 2 12 8 0 0 5 1 26 2 2 3 5(> 1 0 4 1 31 7 0 4 634 2 35 7 2 13 7 0 5 1 2 23 do. do. do. 1 chain wide do. do. do. do. Inalienable do. Inalienable, and right of way 1 chain wide Inalienable Inalienable, and right of way £ chain wide Inalienable Inalienable, and right of way 1 chain wide do. do. \ do. do. do. 1 do. do. do. 105904 2 25 ,

Schedule— continued. Classs C. 1.—Grants with Limitations.

X —No. 4



REPORT ON THE NATIVE RESERVES IN THE PROVINCE OF HAWKES BAY. The Schedules appended show the aggregate area of the Native Reserves *o lie as follows :— A. R. P. Clan- A. I.—Trusts under Crown Grant, 4c. ... ... 8,304 119 Class B. I. — Reserves for a Specified Purpose .. ... BS7 2 17 Class C.l.— Grants with Limitations ... ... ... 135,532 0 0 ( lass C. 2.—Land to be made Inalienable. ... ... 2,100 0 0 Class C. 3.—Granted Lands conveyed in Settlement* ... 18,132 0 0 105,105 3 3G According to the enumeration in a "Return of the names of tribes in the North Island," published in the last Blue Book, the Native population of Hawkes Bay consists of 1,897 souls. + These numbers show a proportion of about 87 acres of reserved land to each Native. In my Report of last year I stated that I had prepared thirteen deeds that wei'e either executed or in course of execution by Natives who had obtained grants to their estates through the Native Land Court, and were desirous to put the properties into trust to prevent the land from being alienated away from their children. I also drew attention to the desirability of altering, in the case of Trusts, that pait of the Native Lands Act, I^o9, which provides that no conveyance shall be valid that is not consented to by a majority, in value, of the co-grantees. The Crown Grants to Natives, issued under the Native Lands Acts, are generally to groups of ten persons, and that provision, although a salutary one in respect to ordinary sales, is an obstacle to placing the separate shares or interests of individuals in trust. It was found, practically, that as soon as three or four owners of an estate expressed a desire to place their lands in trust, there were, if the land were attractive, influences brought to bear from outside to prevent the eonenrrsnee of the remaining Natives, whose interests were immediately secured by European purchasers paying deposits of part, if not the whole of the purchase money. In this way the intention of several of those who desired to settle their lands on their children has been frustrated; and, in other cases, where the majority in value have signed the trust deed, the estate will be broken up between Natives and white men. Ot course the restriction applies equally where the majority in value are against selling, but an action at law would be necessary to prove the proportion of the relative interests. Anew Native Land Act is, I believe, likely to be introduced during the forthcoming session of Parliament. I would recommend the alteration of this law in as far as Trusts are concerned. By the 14th clause of the Native Lands Act, 1809, it is enacted that in respect to past transactions the proportions of shares or interests of any Natives in a group in i Crown Grant shall be considered to be equal. The Natives state that the effect of this is in some cases very unfair, and that in one case the smallest interests in a very valuable suburban estate —improved and *itli a mill worth ,£l,OOO upon it— were bought by white men whose interest, properly one twentieth each, became increased to one eigtht each by the enactment, the shares of tin- remaining co-grantees, who had not sold or moved their interests, being diminished eommensurately. This law, 1 respectfully suggest, should also lie amended or repealed. In order to ascertain how far it is wise further to reserve lands for the Natives of Hawkes Bay, 1 have prepared a return from the records of the Native Land Court of all lands in that Province granted with limitations (i.e., Native Reserves, class (!. 1) showing alphabetical!}* the names of the Natives for whom the reserves were made, and, as far as possible, their respective interests in detail and aggregate. The figures of this return considered in reference to the amount of land over which the title is not extinguished, and the extent and condition of the Native population will afford fair means of determining in future what land the Natives may safely be allowed to part With, and what should be made inalienable. By the sth section of the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870, it is mado the duty of the Trust Commissioner, appointed under the provisions of that Act, to certify before any native land can become alienated "that sufficient land is left for the support of the Natives interested in such alienation." I bAVe supplied that offioer with a copy of the return above mentioned, and of all the information L was in possession of that would facilitate his work. •J'liis area cannot be accurately stated until the extent of cacli individual interest is defined by action of the Native I,and Court. ■(•This is, perhaps, below tlie amount. The Superintendent of Hawkes Bay estimates the number at 3,000, which would give an area of 55 acrrs to each Native.

F.—No. 4



The average proportion of 87 acres of reserved land to each Native, as shewn by the returns ; or, accepting the highest estimate of the Native population—3,ooo souls— ss acres is not of a character to cause much apprehension of the Natives having a scarcity of land for their future wants. The Auckland Provincial Government offered 40 acres for each adult immigrant, and 20 acres for each child ; or, roughly, 30 acres per head, as an inducement to persons to settle. By the New Zealand Settlements Act the General Government were enabled to offer 50 rural acres to each military settler, which, as nothing was given to the children, was not a higher rate than that of the Provincial Government. With these the amount of Native reserved land does not compare disadvantageously. But at Hawkes Bay much of the land is fit only for pasturage, and, relatively, a much higher rate ought to rule. It is, therefore, necessary that each individual transaction of Natives in selling their land should be watched by the Commissioner, especially as some of the Natives have but a very small area of their once large possessions left for their own and their children's uses. I have reccommended that the Trust Commissioner should be instructed to bear in mind the circumstances of the following Natives in respect to the sufficiency of land that is to be reserved for them, viz.:—the chief Te Heketa, who has no land reserved for him ; he is desirous of having Pohirau made inalienable. Paora Kaiwhata has no land reserved for him, he is desirous of having Otukarara. Paora Korokoro has no reserve ; he requires Pukehou to be secured in trust. The chief Noa Huke has nominally 262 acres reserved at Ngatarawa; he is desirous of having Te Torohanga reserved for his children ; and the chief Tareha te Moananui indicates Tutake Opake and Te Koau as proper to be made inalienable. There are 150 acres already reserved for Tareha, but, considering that chiefs position, I beg to recommend that these places be excluded from the possibility of alienation, and placed in trust as soon as possible. Charles Heathy, Trustee of Native Reserves. Auckland, 31st July, 1871

¥.~ -V«. I

SCHEDULE OF NATIVE RESERVES IN THE PROVINCE OF HAWSES BAY. Class A 1.— Trusts with a Specified Object, 1871. (In continuation of Schedule in Appendices to Journals D., No. 16, 1870.)



District. No. Date. Name or Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Object, Trust, ok Utilization. lawkes Bay Do. Do. 2 3 4 10th June, 1857 ... Ahuriri Do. ... do. 7th July, 1857 ... do. 1st February, 1861. Napier Town a. r. p. Brought forward... 997 0 0 ... 1745 0 0 ... 1408 0 0 ... 4244 0 0 ... 4 1 19 8394 1 19 Bishop of New Zealand do. do. In trust as endowment for school at Te Aute, for benefit of aboriginal natives of New Zealand In trust as endowment for school at Te Aute, for benefit of aboriginal natives of New Zealand In trust as endowment for school at Te Aute, for benefit of aboriginal natives oi -New Zealand Do. 5 Thomas H. Fitzgerald, Superintendent of Hawkes Bay ... In trust for site for emigration barracks and native hostelry Schedule or Native Beseetes in the Peovince of Hawkes Bat. Class B 1.—Reserves for a Specified Person or Purpose, 1871. (In continuation of Schedule in Appendices to Journals D., Xo. 1(5, 1S70.J District. Xo. Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Purpose. Remarks. Hawkes Bay ... 27 Waikokopu Brought forward... a. r. p. 194 1 20 693 0 37 887 2 17 Ihaka Whanga .. Cut out of two blocks " Kopuawhara" and Nuhaka purchase by the Government Schedule of Native Eesehves is the Province of Hawkes Bay. Class B. 2.— For the benefit of Natives generally. District. No. Date. HawkesBay .-. 1 ; 10th March, 1858 .. Do. ... 2 17th Nov., 1851 ... Date. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Remabks. " Makahua," Porongahau " Puketitiri" Bush, Ahuriri block a. r. p. 15 0 0 Crown 500 0 0 | do. ...



JT—No. 4

Schedule — continued. Class B. 2.

Hawkes Bat. Class C. 3.— Granted Land subsequently conveyed to Trustees in Settlement. Lands conveyed to C. Heaphy and S. Locke, in Trust for grantees, under Native Land Court awards, say .. .. ... ... 18,132a. Or. Op. Note - The above area is necessarily an approximation only. The grantees hold their lands, generally, in groups of ten in a Crown Grant, and, as each individual interest is not defined, it is impossible, where only a portion of the grantees convey, to determine what their interests amount to, making allowance for those grantees who have sold their interests or have not conveyed, the above area is considered a fair estimate.

District. No. Date. Name of Preserve. Area. Grantee or Owner. Remabks. Hawkes Bay Do. Do. 3 4 5 10th March, 1858.. Do. Do. "Manukaroa," Porongahau ... "Aorangi," Ngaruroro " Awaanga," Maraetotara ... a. r. p. 38 0 0 813 0 0 11 0 0 Crown do. do. ... Sold, or otherwise disposed of 1377 0 0 ' Schedule op Native Eeseetes in the Peotikce of Hawkes Bay. — continued. Class C, No, l.--Grants with Limitations, 1871. (In continuation of Schedule in Appendices of Journals D., No. 16, 1870.) District. No. Date of Certificate. Name of Reserve. Area. Grantee. Nature of Trust, or Limitation, Ahuriri Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 71 72 74 70 27th February, 1871 17th March, 1871 .. 27th February, 1871 17th March, 1871... Do. Do. Te Waiongakohanga J'e Aute No. 2 .. do. No. 3 ... do. No. 4 Waihengahenga ... Waoku No. 2 A. K. P. C6 2 0 258 0 0 157 0 0 124 0 0 237 0 0 63 0 0 Aihipene Te Tawa and 5 others Arihi te Nahu and 8 others Tleneipaketia and 8 others Keremeneta Tuakere and 4 others ... Te Hapuku and 6 others Karaitiana Te Kahiurangi and 5 others Mangai Uhuuhu and 9 others Paramena One One and 8 others ... Urupena Puhara and 5 others Henare Matua and 9 others Otene Matua and 8 others Karaitiana Takamoana and 9 others.. Inalienable by sale, lease, &c, except with consent of Governoi do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- do. do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Napier 77 78 81 SI Do. 10th May. 1871 ... 17th March, 1871... Do. Do. Do. Whakawiringa Eaukawa No. 2 ... do. No. 3 . Manawaangiangi} .. Mangaorapa Te Puninga j 248 0 0 198 0 0 145 0 0 12070 0 0 16761 0 0 622 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 30849 2 0

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REPORT FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, F-04

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REPORT FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, F-04

REPORT FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF NATIVE RESERVES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, F-04

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