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SELWTN B: ilDGE. No. 1 1871. March 24, Mr. Blackett Hon. Col. Secretary... Report on site and mode of construction suggested by Provincial Engineer approved. Examination by Mr. Bray corroborates report. Report mentioned in No. 1. Approval mentioned in No. 1. Agreeing with Mr. Thornton's plan and report. 8 3 4 March 6 March 13 March 22 Mr. Thornton Mr. Blackett Mr. Bray Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... Hon. Col. Secretary... 5 April 21 Superintendent Canterbury Mr. Bray of Hon. Col. Secretary... Can the cost of bridge be paid for out of the £7,000 voted by Provincial Council ? Tenders for bridge will be sent in on 8th.* 6 April 28 Mr. Blackett * The lowest of twelve ai :cepted (£4,680). RAKAIA BR] :dges. 1871. March 2 Mr. Blackett Mr. Gisborne Iron railway bridge and wooden bridge for ordinary traffic would cost £43,000; a wooden bridge for both purposes, £32,000; alterations to present structure, about £9,000. Requesting assurance that Government will recommend cost of railway bridge to be refunded as part of cost of Southern Hallway. Mr. Blackett reports that tender for alterations is £8,564, and may be accepted. Government will recommend to the Assembly to take over bridge as part of Southern Railway, and redeem the tolls. March 14 Superintendent Canterbury of Hon. D. BeU March 14 Hon. D. Bell Superintendent Canterbury of WAITAKI B: ilDGE. 1(1 1871. Feb. 21 Messrs. Blackett,Bray, Tancred, and Millar Hou. W. Fox Hon. Col. Secretary... Report on site. Crossing at telegraph line recommended. Forwarding above report. 11 March 30 Superintendents of Canterbury & Otago Hon. Col. Secretary... 12 11 April 24 April 27 Superintendent of Canterbury Superintendent of Otago Mr. Blackett Hon. Col. Secretary... Acknowledging receipt. Acknowledging receipt. U March 31 Hon. Col. Secretary... At a Conference of Ministers, Superintendent, and others, it wus decided to have a wooden bridge of jarra and totara, with iron girders. Estimate of quantities; iron girders required for present and future orders. To execute order enclosed for iron girders if Hon. Mr. Vogel has returned to England. Letter for Mr. Vogel enclosed. Mr. Cooper's letter has been brought under Hon. Mr. Vogel's attention. He is still in England. Suitable totara timber can be obtained in the Waimate Bush ; recommends it in preference to jarra timber, as only half the cost. Mr. Bray "will prepare estimate of quantities and plans. Forward quantities. Inquiry whether the line of railway is laid out to a different site than that decided by Engineering Commission (No. 10). Line has been laid with reference to site, but, from observations made during last three months, thinks an alteration desirable. Question can be considered by Commissioners when they meet in Wellington. Has made survey of shingle beds. The above should be communicated to the other members of the Commission. Forwarding copy of Mr. Millar's telegram. 15 April 1 Mr. Bray Hon. Col. Secretary... 16 April 3 Mr. Cooper Mr. Morrison 17 June 1 Mr. Morrison Hon. Col. Secretary... 18 May 13 Mr. Blackett Hon. Col. Secretary... 19 20 May 16 July 10 Mr. Bray Mr. Blackett Mr. Blackett Mr. Millar ■ii July 11 Mr. Millar Mr. Blackett Mr. Blackett Hon. Col. Secretary... n July 11 23 July 12 Mr. Blackett Messrs. Tancred and B ray Hon. Col. Secretary... 34 July 17 Mr. Millar Detailed explanation relative to the second site proposed. Result of borings taking by Mr. Forester in Waitaki River, and of lock spitting completed. Memorandum on borings. Pending arrival of promised tracings of site from Mr. Millar, bridge plans cannot be prepared. u July 17 Mr. Millar Mr. Blackett M 11 Mr. Blackett Mr. Bray Hon. Col. Secretary... Mr. Blackett July 21 PLANS. Plans 1 and 2, illustrating Commissioners' Report on site of Wi litaki Bridge No. 10.

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No. 1. From Mr. Blackett to the Hon. W. Gisbokne. Public Works Office, Sib,— Dunedin, 24th March, 1871. I have the honor to forward telegrams from "W. B. Bray, Esq., having reference to a proposed wooden bridge over the river Selwyn, on the line of the Eolleston and Southbridge tramway. During my stay in Christchurch, the report of the Provincial Engineer on this bridge and its site, was laid before me, and I made a memo, on the report approving of the site and the manner of building the bridge; such approval to be contingent on Mr. Bray's inspection of the site, and confirmation of the report. It will be seen by his telegram that he has found everything as described in the report, and the Provincial Government will now be at liberty to construct the bridge (suitable for future railway traffic) and the roads leading to it. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. the Minister of Public Works, Acting Engineer in Chief. Wellington.

E n closure to No. 1. (Telegram). Christchurch, 23rd March, 1871. I have just returned from Selwyn Bridge. I found all correct as stated in report, which I shall appWjve to-morrow. W. B. Beat.

No. 2. Mr. Tiiobnton' to the Hon. W. Gisboeue. Sib,— Christchurch, Gth March, 1871. Erom the data furnished me by Messrs. Triphook and Crawford, and the detailed survey of the locality of the present bridge over the Selwyn, on the line of the Leeston road, I am now enabled to report that, keeping in view the desirability of adapting the bridge for both railway and ordinary traffic, the combined advantages would be met by constructing the bridge on the line marked A.B. on tho accompanying plan. Being situated only 8 chains distant from the line of tramway selected by the Chief Surveyor, as indicated by the blue line, It can be easily connected with it by curves of 40 and 10 chains radii, as colored brown. It also agrees in direction with the road on the south bank of the river. It will require a new road on the north bank of the river; also, a small bridge of 40 feet long over creek at D on plan. This road.will be perfectly safe from the effects of freshes, and the length of bridge will occupy the whole of the the river bed at such times, and will be placed at right angles with the stream, which is here confined between safe banks. A comparison of the 3 sections taken across the river, as shown on drawing, gives the following lengths of bridging necessary. On tramway line ... ... ... ... 1023 feet Line A.B. " ... ... ... ... ... 900 „ Present road ... ... ... ... ... 1716 ~ "Whilst the line A.B. is shorter for bridging, it possesses the further advantage of being readily connected with existing lines of main roads, and is quite safe from scour or inundation. The increased distance by the deviation of the road, as compared with the present road from Christchurch to Leeston, is 47 chains ; but this would be compensated by the shortening of the route to Burnham Station by about the same distance, which could then become the outlet for the Leeston traffic. With reference to the existing bridge, supposing this route to remain open for traffic during all freshes, as in former case, it will be necessary to construct an addition to the present bridge of 1716 feet, besides strengthening and adapting it to the altered traffic. As the land south of the bridge to the terrace at L is liable to inundation during ordinary freshes, whilst it is certainly unsafe to embank any portion of the river bed so as to diminish the water way. The description of bridge that I would reeommend is an ordinary timber structure, sufficiently rigid to carry a railway train, with spans of 15 feet wide, and with a roadway that can be adapted when required for the railway, and made available for both by packing between the rails to bring the planking level with them, the underside of griders being kept well above flood level; the planking being carried by cross joists, in order to prevent the girders being injured by direct contact with it.


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The following is the estimated cost of bridges, &c, on the several lines referred to. On Line A.B. 900 feet lineal of bridge ... ... ... ... £4,500 0 0 Eoad formation and metalling on north bank, 55* chains ... 329 0 0 „ on south bank, 31* „ ... 90 0 0 40 feet of bridging over creek at D. ... ... ... 160 0 0 Land purchase of freehold, leasehold and severance, 3 acres, 3 roods, 6 perches ... ... ... ... ... 61 15 6 £5,140 15 6 Estimate of Bridge on present road. 1,716 feet level of bridge ... ... ... ... £6,864 0 0 Strengthening, &c, of present bridge ... ... ... 750 0 0 £7,614 0 0 Estimate on Chief Surveyor's line. 1023 feet level of bridge ... ... ... ... £5,115 0 0 Eoad formation and metalling on north bank, 60£ chains ... 340 10 0 „ „ „ on south bank, 41 „ ... 115 10 0 Land purchase of freehold, leasehold and severance, north bank 66 15 6 £5,037 15 G I have, &c, — Geobgb Tiiobntost, The Secretary for Public "Works. Railway Engineer.

No. 3. Mexioeaxdtjm: by Mr. Blackett. I should agree with Mr. Thornton's proposal for building tho bridge on the line A.B. on the plan, provided that after Mr. Bray has examined the place he also agrees with it. I also approve of the proposed mode of construction. John Blackett, Christchurch, March 13, 1871. Acting Engineer-in-Chief.

No. 4. Memoeaitduji by Mr. Beat. llayixg examined the site for the proposed bridge and road, I quite agree with Mr. Thornton's plan and report. W. B. Beat,

22nd March, 1871. District Engineer. No. 5. Hon. "W. BoiiLESxox to Hon. "W. Gisbobne. Superintendent's Uffice, Sib,— Christchurch, 21st April, 1871. In the Eesolution of the.Provincial Council, with reference to the extension of railways, copies of which have been already forwarded to you, it is proposed that if the General Government will undertake the construction of the Rolleston and Southbridge Line, under the " Public Works and Immigration Act," the Province will contribute a sum of £7,000 towards the cost of the same. It is presumed that no decision can be arrived at with regard to the whole line before the mooting of the General Assembly; but in the meantime, it would be most desirable to erect a bridge at the point whore the line crosses the River Selwyn, for the purposes of ordinary traffic, the bridge being so constructed as to be available for railway traffic. Mr. Blackett and Mr. Bray have both approved of tho site of the bridge, and the mode of its construction ; and now the Provincial Government desiro to obtain the assurance of the General Government that, should the terms contained in the above mentioned Resolutions be accepted by the General Assembly, the cost of tho bridge, which will be adapted for railway traffic, will be taken as part payment of the contribution of £7,000 which it is proposed the Province should provide under tho terms already stated. I have, &c, W. Bolleston. The Hon. the Minister for Public "Works, Superintendent. Note —The tender of Mr. Edward G. "Wright, being flie lowest of the twelve tenders received,

has been accepted. ___^^____^^^^^^^^^^^ No. 6. Mr. Bbay to Me. Blackett. (Telegram). Christchurch, 28th April, 1871. Theke has been no delay respecting the Selwyn Bridge. The plans have been before contractor since Monday, 24th inst. To-morrow's coach will take tracings to Dunedin for contractor there to see. Tenders are to be in on the Bth of May. J. Blackett, Esq., Dunedin. W. B. Beat.

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No. 7. Mr. Blackett to the Hon. W. Gisboeke. Sir,— Christchurch, 2nd March, 1871. I have already reported on the Eakaia Bridge to the Superintendent of Canterbury to this effect, viz.: —That I could not accept it with the alterations, as proposed (assumed to cost £5,000), as fit for railway purposes, but that if certain other additions were made to the alterations, it might be accepted as fit for railway traffic. The additions I proposed were joists between the main bearing beams and the floor planks, at an approximate estimated cost of £1,750. At this time the real cost of the first intended alterations had not been worked out, nor, it appears, had I rightly estimated the cost of the second additions ; the estimate was made out yesterday for all the additions, and came to a total of £5,942, or close on £9,000. Supposing thus, that within two yeara the bridge be used for railway purposes, and taken out of the contractor's hands, paying him at the schedule rate for the redemption of his tolls, the total cost of the bridge will stand thus : — Original payment cost ... ... ... ... ... £10,000 Contemplated additions ... ... ... ... ... 9,000 Bedernption of tolls, £11,000, but more probably greater on account of delay to contractors, say ... ... ... ... 13,000 Total ... ... ... ... ... £32 ; O00 (It would be a question as to how much of this sum could, or would be charged to railway account). We should then have a wooden bridge, not of the most approved form, but capable of carrying railway traffic a certain but indefinite number of years, and to be used also for ordinary traffic as well. The Superintendent and Executive appear to regard this as the only way in which practically, for financial reasons, a railway bridge cau be secured to the Province ; but Mr. Bray and myself think that before any decision is arrived at, it should be considered in another light. We estimate that by adopting 20 feet spans (the same as proposed for the wooden bridge) we could erect apart, and at a short distance from the other, an iron bridge, that is with iron piers and iron girders, for a sum not exceeding £19,000 or £20,000 complete, and thus supposing that the wooden bridge shall be completed on its original design, for ordinary traffic, the comparative cost would stand thus, viz. : — New iron railway bridge, say ... ... ... ... ... £20,000 Original cost of wooden do ... ... ... ... ... 10,000 Eedemption of tolls as before ... ... ... ... ... 13,000 (This is included in equity as White's income would practically cease on opening a railway bridge.) Total ... ... ... ... ... £43,000 For -which sum we should have a separate railway bridge, and a bridge for ordinary traffic, as compared with (according to the first estimate) a wooden bridge for combined traffic at cost of £32,000. Making a difference of £11,000. I beg to Submit the above for your consideration, and meanwhile will inform His Honor that, until you have considered it, no orders should be given to proceed with the alterations. I have, <fcc, John Blackett, C.E.

No. 8. Mehobandttm by His Honor W. Eollestoit for the Hon. D. Bell. The attached letter from Mr. Blackctt gives the Engineer's approval of the plans for the conversion of the Rakaia Bridge into a railway bridge. The approval of the Minister for Public Works is required, to enable the Province to go on with the work, with the assurance that the bridge will bo recommended to the General Assembly, to be taken over as a railway bridge by the Colonial Government on its being required to be used for railway purposes, as part of the Southern Eailway. The co3t will then be refunded to the Province on the same terms as the cost of the Northern Eailways, the work having been certified by the Eesident Engineer of the General Government to be in accordance with the plan now approved. It is understood that the cost of the bridge so to be refunded will include the redemption of the tolls and additions, as estimated by Mr. Blackett in his letter of 2nd March, amounting in round numbers to £32,000. W. EOLLESTON, 14th March, IS7I. Superintendent. 2


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Enclosure to No. 8. Mr. Blackett to His Honor W. Bolleston. Sib, — . h March, .... I have the honor to inform you that I have, in conjunction with }Ir. Thornton, estimated the cost of converting the Bakaia Bridge into a structure lit to carry railway traffic, embodying those alterations assented to by Mr. Bray, as well as those which I have pointed out as being necessary before it can be accepted for railway purposes : and that I consider Mr. "White's tender for all the additional work is reasonable, and may be accepted. Amount of tender—Eight thousand five hundred and sixty-four pounds. I have, &c, John Blackext, His Honor the Superintendent, Canterbury. Acting Engineer in Chief.

No. 9. Memoeasetjm by the Hon. F. D. Bell, for His Honor W. Bolleston. Me. Rolleston, — Christchurch, 14th March, 1871. Adverting to your Honor's minute of this date, on the subject of completing the present wooden bridge over the Eakaia liiver so as to make it a railway bridge, I have communicated to the Minister of Public Works the substance of what took place between your Honor and myself with the Acting Engineer, Mr. Blackett; and Mr. Gisborne having signified his concurrence therein I have now to convey to you the approval of the General Government to the proposal for executing the work. The Minister for Public Works will accordingly recommend to the General Assembly to take over the bridges as part of the Southern Eailway, and redeem the tolls according to the estimate made by Mr. Blackett. P. D. Bell, In the absence of Mr. Gisborne.

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Messrs. Blackett, Brat, Taxcbed & Millae, to the Hon. W Gisbobne. Sib,— Christchurcb, 21st February, 1371. Having been instructed by the General Government to determine what point on "the Waitaki was most suitable for the erection of a bridge, for a railway from Christchureh to Dunedin, which bridge might be used for ordinary traffic as well as for the railway. We met on 1st January, at the Waitaki, and proceeded to examine the river in the vicinity of the proposed railway, and to decide what sections of the river would be requisite for our guidance, when we could meet with Mr. Blackett to consider the several lines, and determine on the best. The general character of the Waitaki is the same as most of the rivers on the East Coast, frequently varying its channel over a wide shingle bed, the whole of which is liable to be flooded in high freshes, though the width occupied by these flood waters in the vicinity of the sea is less than higher up. As far as we have been able to ascertain, the river is free from large drift timber, the passage of which has not to be provided for in constructing the bridge. The several sites which we have found it necessary to consider more particularly are a,s follows: — 1st. At 9f miles from the sea, at the outcrop of a thin bed of stone, opposite Mr. Buckley's. 2nd. At 6£ miles from the sea, at Brown's ferry, where the coach road now crosses. 3rd. At 2| miles from the sea at the Telegraph line. The bridge at the upper site, section No. 1, would be 4,276 feet long, and estimating it at £10 per lineal foot would cost £42,760. This site requires the railway to make a detour which lengthens the line 5y miles at an expense, say of £28,750, exclusive of land purchase. The bridge at Brown's ferry, section No. 2, would be 0,930 feet long, costing at £'10 per lineal foot, £09,300. The railway on this line would not be lengthened, but land would have to be purchased in Otago. The bridge near the telegraph line, section No. 3, would be 3630 feet long, costing at £10 per lineal foot, £36,300. The railway would be most direct on this line, and owing to the reserves made in both Provinces, no land would require to be purchased. The site at the telegraph line is therefore, estimated at £33,000 less than the bridge at Brown's ferry, and £35,210 less than the bridge and extra length of railway at the upper site, or £6,4G0 less than the bridge alone at that site. We therefore recommend the telegraph line, as the most direct and economical for a railway bridge for the Christchurch and Dunedin Kailway. By adopting short spans of say 33 feet, and a narrow roadway of about 18 feet for the railway, but available for ordinary traffic, except at train times, the cost of the bridge may be brought within the sum allotted to the work, viz., £35,000. But as there can be no doubt that it would be better to adopt larger spans and separate platforms for the railway and ordinary traffic, fenced off from each other, which form of construction would be more costly and would probably exceed the allotted sum, unless the most recent improvements in iron bridge building be adopted. We arc of opinion that it would be wise to obtain in England plans and tenders for the construction and erection of such a bridge, adapted to light railway traffic, designed in the cheapest and plainest form, compatible with the necessary strength, as by such proceeding we may obtain the improved construction, possibly even within the allotted sum. We therefore recommend that accurate plans and sections of the site for the proposed bridge be forwarded to England, with description of the nature of the ground, for the purpose of obtaining designs and tenders for such work. We have, Ac, John Blacketx. W. B. Beat. T. S. Tancbed. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. J. Millae.

No. 11. The Hon. W. Fox to Superintendents of Canterbtjby and Otago. Colonial Secretary's Office, g IE Wellington, 30th March, 1871. I transmit herewith for your Honor's information the accompanying copy of Eeport by Messrs. Blackett, Bray, Tancred and Millar on the Waitaki Bridge, and also a tracing relating to the same. I have, &c, William Fox, His Honor the Superintendent, Canterbury. In the absence of Mr. Gisborne. Note.—A similar letter -was forwarded, with Enclosures, to His Honor the Superintendent oi Otago. __________________—_


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No. 12. His Honor W. Roxlestok to the Hon. W. Gisboe>"e. Superintendent's Office, .s lE] — Christchurch, Canterbury, N.Z., 24th April, 1871. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, No. 76, dated 30fch March, 1871, and to thank you for the copy of the Report by Messrs. Blackett, Bray, Tancred and Millar on the Waitaki Bridge, and the tracing relating to the same transmitted therewith. I have, &c, W. Roilestox, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Superintendent.

No. 13. His Honor J. Macakdeew to the Hon. W. Gisbobxe. Province of Otago, N.Z., Si R) — Superintendent's Office, Dunedin, 27th April, 1871. I have the "honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th March, 1871, enclosing copy of Eeport by Messrs. Blackett, Bray, Taucred and Millar, on the Waitaki Bridge, and also tracings relating to same. I have, &c, J. Macatjdeew, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 1d... Mesioeasdoi by Mr. Blackett. Public Works Office, Dunedin, 31st March, 1871. At a meeting in Danedia, on the 22ud March, at which were present the Hon. Mr. Gisborne, the Hon- Mr. Bell, His Honor the Superintendent of Otago, the Hon. Mr. Holmes, and myself, the question was considered as to whether the Waitaki Bridge might not be constructed entirely of wood, say Jarra and Totara, a quantity of the former wood being at once available for purchase in the Province ; and the latter, it was averred, could be obtained in any quantity at Waimate, about twelve miles from the Waitaki. It was urged by Mr. Holmes that much time would be saved by building a wooden bridge, and that much unnecessary delay would be caused by adopting the suggestions of the Commissioners who reported on the bridge, viz., that designs for an iron bridge should be obtained from England before proceeding with the work. The Ministers present expressed their, willingness to sanction a wooden bridge, provided a favorable expression of opinion was received from the Engineers who reported on the bridge, as to the use of wood in its construction. I was therefore instructed to confer with Messrs. Bray, Tancred, and Millar on this subject, and ascertain their opinion on this point, and also as to the minimum width of spans to be adopted. Mr. Millar oiFercd no objection to the erection of a wooden bridge, with spans not less than thirty-three feet. Messrs. Bray and Tancred agreed on thirty-three feet as a minimum span, and that the piers should be of iion, as being much more safe and permanent, and capable of being erected as q\iickly as if of wood. In this I concurred, expressing a strong opinion that this would make an excellent bridge, and infinitely preferable to one entirely of wood, and I pointed out that if iron girders were sent°for at once they would be out in time to make little or no difference in the time the bridge might be opened for traffic. The Hon the Minister for "Works thereupon decided that the Waitaki Bridge should be built with wooden piles and iron girders ; and I was instructed to prepare a list of iron girders and the necessary fittings in time to be sent by the first English mail, leaving Dunedin on the Ist April. The entire number of girders required for a compound bridge, as described in " The Public Works Act, 1870," would be 330, which would cost, landed in New Zealand, the sum of £12,375, but by arranging that while the whole number of piers should be driver, the superstructure should for the present be completed for ordinary traffic only. It would be sufficient to send for two-thirds of that number of girders immediately. I was accordingly instructed to order the less number only at first, viz., 220, at a probable cost of £8,250. I have, &c, John Blackett, Acting Engiueer-in-Chief,

No. 15. Memokandum by Mr. Beat on Waitaki Bridge. The bridge to be erected across the Waitaki is to consist of a railway 12 feet wide and a cart road 18 feet wide. These together will form a platform 30 feet wide and 3,G30 feet long, on joists supported by 3 lines of iron girders, resting on piers of timber piles and capsills. The girders are to be 33 feet long and 2 feet G inches deep, similar to those designed by Mr. Hemans for the Canterbury Northern Railway, omitting the iron eross girders.



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The present order is to include only two lines of girders to support the cart road. These ara to be 15 feet 4 inches centre to centre, resting on cast-iron bed plates, secured to the capsills with bolts 18 inches centre to centre, so as to clear the heads of the piles. As the roadway lies on the tops of these girders, they will require lateral bracing from the bed plates, and the horizontal bracing must be attached to the top web rather than the bottom. The joists, 5 x 12 inches, and 29 inches centre to centre, are to be secured to the girders by f inch clip bolts. For convenience of erection, the girders are to be connected in lengths of three, before being rolled to their place, and these lengths may then be joined by coupling plates with oblong holes to allow for contraction and expansion. The 3rd line of girders and its horizontal bracing will form a subsequent order, but provision must now be made for attaching the bracing of this 3rd lino of girder, which will be 7 feet 8 inches ceutre to centre from the middle line. Each line of girders will consist of 110 spans of 33 feet, that is 220 girders under the present order. The erection will be commenced from the South end, and the 3rd line of girders will be placed to the East of those now ordered. Schedule for one pair of Girders, 33 feet span, 14ft. Bin. centre to centre. Tons cwts. qrs. lbs. 2 wrought iron plate girders ... ... ... 4 7 1 14 Horizontal bracing ... ... ... ... 0 2 2 8 Lateral bracing to the ends ... ... ... 0 0 1 12 4 connecting plates ... ... ... ... 0 2 0 14 2 cast iron bed plates ... .... ... ... 0 5 0 22 Bolts, viz.—4 bed plates to capsill, 1-7 xl^ — 374 lbs. 8 girders to bed plates 5^ x ■£ = 14J 14 horizontal bracings to girders 2| x $• = 18J 2 bracings to each other If x -f- = 2 Lateral bracing to girders 2f x -f = 4 72 to coupling and bearing plates 2f x f= 97 12 to girder ends 2-J- x £ = 15 188 lbs. = 0 1 2 20 24 clip Bolts to secure joists to girders 0 0 2 0 Extra Bolts ... ... ... 0 0 0 22 Weight per pair of Girders... ... ... ... 5 0 0 0 110 Spans at 5 Tons each ... ... ... 550 0 0 0 Note.—2 extra cast iron bed plates and holding-down bolts will be required with the last pair of girders. TV. B. Beat, Ist April, 1871. District Engineer.

Enclosure 1 in No. 15. TVaitaki Bridge. Present Order. Estimate of Cost of Iron Girders for cart bridge. 110 Spans at 5 ton per Span=sso tons at £13 ss. ... ... £7,287 10 0 Freight on 550 tons at 30s. ... ... ... .. 825 0 0 £8,112 10 0 Future Order. Estimate of 3rd line of Girders for Bailway. 110 Spans at 2 tons 10 cwt. 3 qrs.=279 tons 2 cwts. 2 qrs. Say 280 tons at £13 ss. ... ... ... ... £3,710 0 0 Freight on 280 tons at 30s. ... ... ... ... 420 0 0 £4,130 0 0 The weights of the above ironwork are the same as in the particulars furnished us of the iron work sent per " Crusader," omitting the cross girders and bolts not required, and adding to the weight where required for the TVaitaki bridge. TV. B. Beat, Ist April, 1871. District Engineer. 3

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* See No. 15, Enclosure 1.

Enclosure 2 in No. 15. Waitaki Beidse. Schedule for 3rd line of Girders for 1, 33 feet spau, 7ft. Sin. east of former line. Tons cwt- qi*3. lbs. 1 wrought iron plate girder ... ... ... ... 2 3 2 21 Horizontal bracing ... ... ... ... 0 1 3 0 Lateral bracing to the ends ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 20 2 connecting plates ... ... ... ... 0 1 0 7 1 cast iron bed plate ... ... ... ... 0 2 2 11 Bolts, viz.—2 bed plates to capsills ... 17 xl|= 19 lbs. 4 girders to bed plates ... ... 5| x f- = 7 14 horizontal bracing to girders ... 2i x i = 18 2 bracing to each other ... ... lfx 1= 2 Lateral bracing to girders ... 2| x | = 2 36 to coupling and bearing plates ... 2£ x 1= 49 6to girder ends ... ... 2£ x 1 = 7 104 lbs. =0 0 3 20 24 clip bolts to secure joists to girders ... ... 0 0 2 0 2 10 2 23 110 spans at 2 tons 10 cwt. 3 qrs. ... ... 279 2 2 0 1 extra cast iron bed plate and holding-down bolts will be required with the last pair of girders.

No. 16. Mr. Coopee to Mr. Moeeisos'. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 3rd April, 1871. I have the honor by direction of Mr. Gisborne to transmit to you the enclosed copy of a memorandum from the District Engineer in Canterbury,* shewing the quantity and description of iron girders required in the construction of the Waitaki Bridge, and to request you to be good enough, in the event of the Hon. J. Vogel having left England to return to New Zealand, to take the necessary steps for the. execution of the order in accordance with the instructions contained in a letter addressed to Mr. Vogel, a copy of which I enclose. Before payment is due, Dr. Eeatherston, Agent-General, will have taken steps for providing the funds. . 1 have, &c, G. S. Coopeb, J. Morrison, Esq., 3 Adelaide Place, Under Secretary. King William Street, London.

Enclosure in No. IG. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sib,— Wellington, 3rd April, 1871. The Government Lave determined to proceed without delay in the construction of the Waitaki Bridge, as a wooden bridge, with iron girders, and I enclose a copy of a memorandum from the District Engineer in Canterbury, showing the quantity and description of the girders required ; and I have to request you to be good enough to procure them, in accordance therewith, for the Government. Similar girders have been provided to the Canterbury Government for the Waimakariri Bridge, under the inspection, and subject to the approval of Mr. G. W. Hemans, C.E., No. 1, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, S.W., and I am informed that they have proved to be suitable, and satisfactory in every respect. It would, therefore, be advisable that the iron girders which you procure should be also subject to the inspection and approval of that gentleman. The girders should be procured as soon as possible, and sent, after inspection and approval, by the first opportunity, to the care of Mr. W. B. Bray, District Engineer, Christchurch, with a letter of advice, stating that they are for the Waitaki Bridge. The Colonial Treasurer addresses you by this mail as to the provision of the necessary funds for meeting the cost of these girders, which is estimated at about eight thousand five hundred pounds, (£8,500), including freight, and Mr. Heman's commission. In the event of your absence, the AgentGeneral will receive instructions to provide these funds. I have, &c, The Hon. J. Vogel, W. G-isbobsk, Care of John Morrison, Esq., 3 Adelaide Place, King William Street, London, E.C. P,S.—The makers of Canterbury girders are Kennard, Brothers. —_________— W. G.


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No. 17 Mr. Mobeison to Hon. Mr. Gisboene. Office of the N.Z. Government Agency, 3, Adelaide Place, King William Street, Sie, — London, Ist June, 1871. With reference to your letter No. 21, of the 3rd April, 1871,1 do myself the honor to inform you that immediately on its receipt it was brought under the notice of the Hon. Mr. Vogel, who is still in England, and I beg to state should that gentleman see fit to direct me on the subject I shall be prepared to carry out your instructions. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. John Moeeison.

No. 18. Mr. Blackett to Hon. W. Gisboene. Public Works Office, Siß,— Christchurch, 13th May, 1871. I have the honor to address you in reference to the Waitaki Bridge. I have ascertained that excellent totara timber can be obtained in any quantity and of almost art}' size in the "Waimate bush, and that it could be delivered, cut to the sizes required, on the site of the bridge at the rate of 12s to 12s Cd per 100 superficial feet; at this rate the piles would cost only about one half of the price at which we might expect iron bark timber to be supplied. I have therefore, no hesitation in recommending the use of totara, and further, I should recommend that the necessary quantity should be cut during the ensuing winter, and delivered at the proposed site. Also, that as soon as arrangements can be made for the supply of the timber, and a certain quantity delivered, tenders should be invited for the erection of the piers in anticipation of the arrival of the iron girders already ordered from England. I have already instructed Mr. Bray to prepare a plan of the bridge and to make a list of the timber and smaller iron work required, with an estimate of the cost of each, which I shall submit to you so soon as they are ready. I have, &c, John Blackett, The Hon. ¥m. Gisborne, Acting Engineer in Chief. Minister for Works, Wellington.

No. 19. Mr. Beat to Mr. Blackett. Sib,— Christchurch, 16th May, 1871. I hasten to forward you the quantities for 110 spans of Wataki Bridge. I have shewn them to Mr. Thornton, who observes that the pile shoes at the Eakaia Bridge are 70 lbs., and the steel pointed shoes he drove at the Hurunui were 68 or 70 lbs. I have not time before the mail closes to prepare any drawings. I have, &c, J. Blackett, Esq. • W. Beat.

Enclosure to No. 19. Waitaki Beidqe. Quantities of Timber. 110 spans of 33 feet. c. ft. ft. in. Piles, No. 666 30-0 x 14 x 14 ... ... ... 27,19-5 Capsills 111 29.0x14x12 ... ... ... 3,755 Walings 222 32.0 x 9 x 4-1 ... ... ... 1,998 Braces 333 8.0 x 12 x 4 ... ... ... 888 Joists 954 20.0 x 12 x 4 ... ... ... 6,360 do. 478 92.0 x 12 x 4- ... ... ... 3,505 Posts 956 4.6 x 5 x 5 ... ... ... 747 Strutts 956 3.6 x 4 x 3 ... ... ... 279 Top rails 239 16.0 x 5 x 5 ... ... ... 664 Middle do. 239 16.0 x 6 x 3 ... ... ... 478 Planking 2970 33.0 x 8 x 3£ ... ... ... 19.057 64,926=779112 At 12s. per 100=£4,674 13 6 Carry forward ... ... ... ... ... £4,674 13 6


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Brought forward ... ... ... ... ... £4,074 13 6 Pile Shoes CG6 at 401b. 26,640 lbs. Spikes to do. 1&03 lbs. * in. Wale Bolts GGG at 8* 2,198 f bolts to raking pile heads 222 at 6 1,332 3 11 in. wale straps 11 at 13 1,443 Spikes to do. Ill 3 x I in capsill straps 666 at 7| 4,995 Spikes to do. 1332 at f 666 Spikes to braces 1332 at J 666 Spikes to posts and strutts 6956 at i 1,912 Spikes to planking 12,870 Pile Shoes, Bolts and Straps ... ... 36,608 & 18,323 lbs. Spikes Tons 8 3 2 11 say at 10s. ... 81 16 0 If 70 lb. Pile Shoes add 19,980=56,5881bs. 25 5 20 0 say at 14s. ... 353 12 G Total say ... ... ... ... £5,110 2 0

No. 20. Mr. Blackett to Mr. Millab. (Telegram). Wellington, 10th July, 187). It is reported by Mr Tancred that your surveyors have not laid out the line of railway from Moeraki to Waitaki to meet the exact crossiug place for a bridge selected by the Commissioners on that river, and that the line as lockspitted is about 25 chains too high up the river, being above a branch stream or storm-river, instead of below it. The gravel discharged by this stream formed a mound or foreshore, which offered a natural protection to the bridge site which was thus fixed to be below it. Please see to this, if statement is correct your line may easily be made to join by producing straight part of line from the South, and using a smaller curve. J. Millar, Esq., C.E., Dunedin. John Blackett.

No. 21. Mr. Millab to Mr. Blackett. (Telegram). - Dunedin, 11th July, 1871. In reply, scrupulous nicety was observed in laying off the railway line in immediate connection with the site for bridge. Crossing over the river Waitaki iu order to rigidly comply with the unanimous report agreed to by the Commissioners on the 21st February, and as shown upon a tracing of the boundaries of Cauterbury and Otago, posted by myself to Mr Bray, with duplicate, to the Chief Surveyor of Canterbury, on the 10th March, whilst you were at Christchurch. From mature study of the shingle beds, founded upon repeated observations during and since three months residence in the locality of the river, and'whilst it was at its lowest level, I am, in consequence, now of opinion that the site as agreed upon is too far East, i.e., not high enough up the river by five chains. This I propose bringing before you when all the Commissioners meet, as doubtless they will at Wellington, in September. In the meantime, in accordance with last paragraph of our joint report, which see, "We recommend that an accurate plan and section of the site for the proposed bridge, with description of the nature of the ground be made." This I have had done by a careful traverse of the shingle bed, whilst exposed, their position fixed, together with course of the deepest stream so as to incontrovertably prove that my modified and more mature opinion is correct. Of this survey, since I had your telegrams, I am having a tracing make for your inspection, showing first Messrs. Paterson's and Dobson's ; second, the Commissioners'line as laid off; third, the line as it ought to be. This tracing with record of borings will bo forwarded to Wellington by the first mail hence, together with further explanations. Come what may, your suggestions simplify the matter, as thereby the bridge site may be moved up or down the river, by simply increasing or reducing the radius of joining curve. N.B.—By Mr Tancred's recent idea of 25 chains further down the river, the length of bridge would be increased 455 feet, at a cost of £1,550. Patersou's and Dobson's site 924 feet, at an increased cost of £9,210. J. Blackett, Esq., Wellington. J. Millar, F.S.A.

No. 22. Memorandum by Mr. Blackett on Mr. Millar's Explanations respecting his reasons for changing the site of the Waitaki Bridge. It will lie necessary to send a copy of Mr. Millar's telegram to Messrs. Tancred and Bray for thei r consideration, in order that they may confirm or otherwise Mr. Millar's altered opinion on the subjectThe receipt of Mr. Millar's plans of the Moeraki and Waitaki Eaihvay will assist them in forming an opinion, as a tracing of the new section of the river may be supplied to them from these plans. The alteration of site will not affect the cost of the railway itself (only the bridge) aa the ground is almost quite level, and the line of railway, as laid out on a curve, can be made to adapt itself to the site, if altered by reducing the radius of the curve.



D.—No. 6c.

With reference to that portion of the telegram recommending that an accurate plan should be made of the site of the proposed bridge, I find that Mr. Millar has made the survey proposed in joint Eeports of Commissioners, without any special authority. This, I suppose', will be granted, as his impromptu survey will save time if his new site should he adopted. 11th July, 1871. J. Blackett, C.E.

No. 23. Mr. Blackett to Mr. Tanceed and Mr. Bhay. Public Works Office, Sm ,— Wellington, 12th July, 1871. I have the honor to forward for your information and remarks a copy of a telegram received from J. Millar, Esquire, C.E., in reference to the site he has chosen for the Waitaki Bridge ; and in answer to a telegram from me informing him of your statement, that his surveyors had marked off the railway line about twenty-five chains above the site fixed on by the Commissioners. Mr. Millar informs me that he has taken correct sections and other information connected with the site of the bridge, as we suggested in the Commissioners' Report should be done, and that he will forward tracings of these to me. When received copies will bo taken and sent to you for your further information, and it will be better to withhold any remarks until you have received these tracings. I have, &c, J. Blackett, T. S. Tancred, Esq., Geraldine, near Temuka. Acting Engineer-in-Chief. Note. — A letter similar to the above was also forwarded to Mr. Brav.

No. 24. Mr. Miixab to Hon. Mr. Gisbokxe. Sin— Dunedin, 17th July, 1871. In acordancc with my telegram of the 1 lth instant, to the Acting Engineer in Chief, and in replyto his of the previous day touching upon Mr. Tancred's report: " That the line as lock-spitted is about 25 chains too high up the river, being above a branch stream or storm river, instead of below it. The gravel discharged by this stream formed a mound or fore-shore, which offered a natural protection to the bridge site which was thus fixed to be below it." I have now the honor to enclose you herewith tracings of my survey of the Waitaki river bed and banks in both Provinces, and for half a mile east, and half a mile west of the crossing place selected and reported on on the 21st February last, by the Commissioners consisting of Messrs. Blackctt, Bray, Tancred and myself. The traced map now submitted is, as I conceive, in accordance with that report, as, likewise, in accordance with a tracing of the boundaries (duplicate herewith) of Canterbury and Otago submitted by me on tho 10th March to Mr. Bray, for the mutual inspection of himself, Mr. Tancred, and Mr. Blaekett, the Engineer in Chief being in Christchurch upon that date. Upon that tracing (a duplicate of which was forwarded to the Chief Surveyor for Canterbury) I depicted tho railway lines since laid off, a portion of which (the 800 chain radius curve) has been partially lock-spitted. It will be observed that in laying down the lino I took advantage of the railway reserves within the Province of Canterbury. The map survey of river bed now sent, shows, in addition to the line recommended by the Commissioners, the line surveyed in ISG-1 by Messrs. Patcrson and Dobson, together with the improved electric telegraph line as now existing, and also the position of the original telegraph posts in the vicinity of the river, several of which were abandoned upon the reconstruction of those now across the river. Having had frequent opportunities during tho months of February, March and April, whilst the river was at its lowest level, of inspecting the shingle beds and numerous courses of the several streams, I embraced the opportunity whilst my survey party were in the locality, to traverse the same, and the department have now the result on the tracings alluded to. During the time named I should mention that I had advantages for observation never afforded to my colleagues Messrs. Bray and Tancred, I therefore considered it my duty towards those gentlemen, as brother professionals, to turn those advantages to account by making the subject a study with a view of reporting such to them and to Mr. Blackctt, which I now do through tho head of the department. Tho result of my observations is, that the bridge site should bo shifted five chains west of that formerly reported on, i.e. five chains higher up the river, for the reasons which I now adduce : AVhen the river ebbed—as it did—to an tinusually low level during my repeated inspections, it exposed the principal and deepest stream —tinted a deeper bluo on the map—as running from north to south, that is, almost parallel to the proposed line, thereby bringing the strongest forco of the river athwart, i.e. at right angles with the piers of the proposed bridge. Moreover, the line continued, struck the Canterbury High Terrace, within a chain or so of the Bluff, which Mr. Blackett will recollect my pointing: out to him whilst on the ground, and marked in the accompanying pencil sketch by tlfe letter M. This line, when continued in a northerly course, ran across an open gully of considerable extent, evidently subjected to be periodically torn up by heavy floods, the banks upon the eastward rapidly eroding, and evidently considerably so during tho":last seven years, since Messrs. Paterson and Dobson completed their survey (a copy of which I hold), inasmuch as that the banks as plotted by them are washed away, and what then was terrace is now a portion of the boulder creek bed of a periodic torrent which would wash over any light railway line constructed there (except at an unadvisable expenditure). These practical evidences to me, as doubtless they will be to Messrs. Blackett. Bray, and Tancred, are indisputable evidences that the site should be slightly shifted 4


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somewhat westward in preference to eastward, as affording a preferable site, all things considered, for the bridge, and where the stream would be in a direct line with the piers, having a clear uninterrupted run at right angles with the longitudinal line of the bridge. The 5 chains westward sought for can be obtained by increasing the curvature to a 1000 chain radius, instead of 800 chains, still keeping the tangent line as at present, which line continued northward into the Province of Canterbury would avoid the Moraine gully described and shown on tho sketched map herewith. I have, &c, J. Millab, F.S.A., To tho Hon. the Minister for Works. Consulting Engineer.

No. 25. Mr. Millar to Mr. Blackett. Sie, — Dunediu, 17th July, 1871. I have the honor to enclose the result of the borings taken in the bed of the river Waitaki. I may add for your information that the report of Mr. Forrester (the Clerk of Eecords of Boring Work, whom I engaged under authority from you) is quite trustworthy, he being a very painstaking and reliable man. I have, &c, John Blackett, Esq., Engineer-in-Chief. J. Millar, F.S.A. N.B. —The work has cost the Contractors quite double their contract, even with allowance for the extra bores. Certificates next mail.

Enclosure 1 to No. 25. Mr. Fobkestee to Mr. Millar. Sie,— Oamaru. 2Gth June, 1871. I have the honor to report the completion of borings, &c, at Waitaki River, as test for foundations of railway bridge. I herewith send you Schedules of Borings, as check upon Contractor's record, together with memorandum of lock-spitting completed to date. As you will further gather from my notes no correct sample of strata could be got on account of great influx of water. I have, nevertheless, kept such samples as could bo procured for your use or reference, and which I will leave at your office in Oamaru, together with Provincial Government boring rods, as per list. I have, &c, Tnos. Forrester, J. Millar, Esq., F.S.A. ________________ Clerk of Eecorcl of Borings.

Enclosure 2 to No. 25. Notes of Observations on Boeings. No. 1. Is situated on first island on Otago side, and daring winter can be approached by land. Is near peg marked 91.00, and was originally intended to be finished at the depth of 21 feet, being subsequently carried to the depth, as stated in schedule annexed (by your instructions). The material in its boring is very uniform and compact in alternate beds of shingle and gravel and sand, to the depth scheduled. The rock found appears to be of a gritty nature, as it wore the side of chisel bit rapidly, without blunting edge. I enclose sample of rock, which I found sticking in valve of sludge pump during my endeavors to find portions of rock ; these samples aro quite unlike any of the stones composing shingle bed of river. No. 2. Is situated on second island from South or Otago side of river, at peg 10 on lino of curve. (South), top of boring being at winter level of river. This boring was carried to the depth of IS feet 5 inches, with 3-16 tubing, which at this depth got burred up at bottom upon what seemed large shingle. As the tube could not be driven in further, the boring was completed with "gad 11 to the depth stated in schedule. No. 3. Is situated at peg 30, North, on 800 chains curve, and is at top about G feet above level of river in winter (lower level), was sunk to the depth of 21 feet, and subsequently by your instructions sunk to the depth of 30 feet 3 inches, tubing £ inch in thickness was used for the lower lengths, which got burred at the depth of 24 feet, and could be driven no further. To ascertain whether rock could be found at full depth required, an inch round iron "gad" of required length was procured and driven to the depth stated in schedule, the gad being left in boring. The material in this boring exhibited a marked difference in condition from other borings, the upper layers of shingle being loosely bedded in sand mixed with vegetable soil, the whole material of boring being more easily penetrated than on Otago side. In this boring, occasional pieces of thin pare or crust of cemented shingle were broken by the chisel, but as they were very thin and presented no material resistance to the boring tools I have not scheduled them separately. No. 4. Is situated on low middle spit of river, and in ordinary circumstances (say summer level i will be under water. Consists of the largest class of shingle in this part of the river, closely packed together, as stated in schedule. An unsuccessful attempt was made to sink with 3-1G inch plain tubes, which was followed by a trial with steel-pointed tubes with same result. At length, by repeated trials a tube was got to the depth of nearly nine feet, and the boring was continued to a depth of 17 feet 6 inches with "gad" only, at which point the "gad " got so stiff to work that it had to be suspended, and at this depth it remains. No. 5. Is situated on large island next to Canterbury shore, top of boring being about summer level of river, was also the scene of failure with thintubes (3-1G inch), both plain and pointed with steel.

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The material in this boring being mixed shingle and gravel (shingle of medium size) was very compact and uniform, and with i or f inch tubes might have been bored to full depth. After repeated ■withdrawals, the tube was driven to the depth of 14 feet, the remaining depth being easily penetrated ■with " gad " only. No. 6. Is situated on Canterbury shore near edge of boring, and was, as may be seen from schedule, composed of sand and shingle and gravel, loosely compacted and easily penetrated. The tube (3-16 inch) was driven to the depth of 14 feet, the remaining distance being tried with "gad" only. No. 7. Is represented by shallow borings placed as you directed, with flag staves fixed in them, and having 5 feet of cast iron tube inserted to retain flag staves.

Enclosure No. 3 to No. 25. SCHEDULE of Borings at Waitaki River, being test of Foundations for Railway Bridge.

i pq 6 Date. Stratification. Chisel. Chisel. Shell. Iron Tube. Depth of Strata. Depth of Bore. Total Depth of Bore. Eemarks. 1871. May 10 3 inch diani. f wrot. ft. in. ft. in. 4> 0 ft. in. No. 1 Shingle and sand Star On line of borings laid off on 27th April, and near peg 9400. „ 11 Gravel ... Sand ... Coarse sand ... Fine Shingle and sand )) J> M }) G 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 2 3 2 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 2 3 2 6 1 0 2 2 1 6 2 10 3 6 1 6 1 6 0 8i 0 61 0 5| 0 2 n H jj ]) tj M „ 13 „ 15 „ 22 „ 24 11 ,, ... »■• n u M H June 16 ,, 11 ... ... 12 noon, shingle and sand ... 5 p.m., „ „ Gravel and sand Shiuglo and sand n jj M )> » }} io'"o 3 6 j) S) ,, 17 1) ii 3 "o ,, h ... ... 11 a.m., came on rod 12 p.m., rock ... 2 p.m., „ ... 5 p.m., „ ... n i) a it H n M j» l'iof :27 "4| No. 2 May 22 Sand ... Shinglo ... Gravel and sand N )> 1 6 3 0 1 6 3 0 0 4 1 G 4 0 3 9 0 6 3 19 2 7 Situated on Bccond island from south, or Otago shore, summer level, and at peg 10, south on 800 chain curve. )) )> „ 24 „ 30 j, ,, •■• ••• Shingle and sand Shingle and gravel Gravel and sand Shingle and sand ... With }) H II || )) j> I 10 4 0 3 9 0 6 )) jj June 1 „ 13 i) j) n gad only jj 6 "5 2l'"o Situated main terrace at peg 30 on 800 chain curve, North, or Canterbury shore. No. 3 May 23 ,, „ ... Sand ... Fine shingle and sand n i wrot. 6 0 1 C 6 0 1 G 4 6 9 0 4 G 4 0 H jj „ 25 June 15 „ 18 tt it » ••• •*• I) jj With gad H jj H 22 0 29"'G ,, „ ., ... ... No. 4 .. 2 „ 3 „ 13 June 3 „ 6 „ 7 >. 8 » I3 jj a a ••■ ••• Shingle and sand Heavy shingle Shingle and sand Made an attempt to bore withou Shingle, sand, and gravel Shinglo and gravel With t succe gad SB 7 0 1 9 8 9 7 0 1 9 ] 8 9 8 9 3 3 2 0 6 9 h'"g Situated on spit in middle of river on line of borings, and is second boring on that line. Situated on large island, next to Canterbury shore, on line of borings, and is third on that line. No. 5 8'"9 With gad 12 "0 20 9 ,, ,, ... ... No. 6 June 13 )> it Sand and gravel Sand and iooBe shingle Cemented Shingle Shingle and sand 3 0 10 0 0 6 7 6 3 0 10 0 0 6 7 G Situated on North, or Canterbury eide of line of borings,being fourth on that line. *) 1) 2l'"o >> )J No. 7 May 19 Shallow borings for flag staves Shingle No. 10, South „ No. 20, , „ No. 0, „ „ No. 10, North „ No. 20. , „ No. 10, South, on 1,000 chain curve. „ No. 20, „ at 10 chains, pegs cstiron across 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 river. 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 Placed to indicate line of curvo in flood time. H II ., 20 11 }t a >, 27 >> 1} H 4 0 4 0 28 0 Tnoa. Foeb: :stee, Eecord Clerk. 27th Jum !, 1871.

D.—No. Cc



No. 26. Memorandum by Mr. Blackest on the Borings taken in the bed of the River Waitaki. Eesvlt is satisfactory. The depths of the seven borings being respectively, and apparently all through, ordinary river drift or shingle. £ r ft. in. •S 27 4^ g 21 0 & , 29 6 S 1 17 8 g 20 9 S 21 0 M ,28 0 22nd July, 1871. ** j omr Blackett, C.E.

No. 27. Mr. Bray to Mr. Blackett. _ .. . , . xl . Christchurch, 21st July, 1871. 1 EiTDnra the arrival of the promised tracings of the "Waitaki Bridge site from Mr. Millar, the bridge plans cannot be definitely settled. ****#*#*' I have, &O., J. Blackett, Esq. w . B. Beat.

Enclosure No. 4 to No. Loc :-SrrTiixo completed by Messrs. Mackay and Coxno: on North' srn Trunk Railway. Date. Number and Position of Pegs. Canterbury. Otago. Total. 1871. 3bd Mile South—Southwards. May 8 From 50, commencement of 800 chain curve ... 600 3kd Mile South—Noetiiwakds. ,- 8 From 50, commencement of 800 chain curve ... 500 » 12 At 40 and half of 50, 1st mile 150 „ 18 „ half of 50, 60, 70, and 80, 1st mile j and 20 and 30, 2nd mile ... 650 ,, 19 „ 20 and 30 let mile; 40, 50, and 60, 2nd milo 500 „ 20 „ 70 and 80, 2nd mile; 10, 20, 30, and 40, 3rd mile ... 600 „ 27 From peg 30 on 1000 chain carve, in continuous line ... 823 Juno 2 At peg 80 1st mile, and 80, 2nd mile, 1000 chain curve ... .,, 240 From 30 to 40, 1st mile, 800 chain curve in continuous line 350 Cross trenches on 800 chain curve 60 At Jarrah post, between 30 and 40, 1st mile ... 4,475 May 17 CO „ 23 „ 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80, 1st mile; 10 and 20, 2nd milo 480 „ 25 „ 30, 40, 50, 60 70, and 80, 2ud mile ; 70 and lOto 80, 3rd mile... 840 „ 26 Continuous from Terrace to peg 40, 1st mile ... 700 June 9 From 50 towards 70, 1st mile 1640 „ 18 Circle at 50, 3rd mile, end of 800 chain curve ... 60 8,780 Total—Noeth axd South 8,255 .nd circL The 800 chain curve is lock-spitted at every 10 chain ; at South end, besides pieces of continuous line from rivi )eg, with cr< !r, North am Titos. iss trenches at mile peg: I South, as Scheduled. FOEEESTEH, Eecord Clerk. 27tl June, 1871.

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PAPERS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAYS. IV. RAILWAY BRIDGES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, D-06c

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PAPERS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAYS. IV. RAILWAY BRIDGES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, D-06c

PAPERS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAYS. IV. RAILWAY BRIDGES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1871 Session I, D-06c

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