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Sic,— General Post Office, Wellington, 21st June, 1869. I have the honor to lay before your Excellency the Annual Beport of the Colonial Marine Engineer for the year 1868-9, on the conduct of the business of his Department, including the administration of the Marine and Steam Navigation Acts. A considerable amount of extra labour has been thrown upon the Marine Department during the past year by the preparation of the plans and designs for the lighthouses at Cape Campbell, the Nuggets, and Cape Farewell. These works are now in progress, and your Excellency will be glad to learn that Mr. Balfour anticipates that these important aids to the navigation of the New Zealand coast will bo completed by the beginning of the year 1870. The issue of an uniform set of Harbour and Quarantine Begulations for the whole Colony, and the introduction of one general code of danger signals for the whole of the New Zealand Coast, in lieu of the great variety of regulations and signals which were previously in use in different ports of the Colony, has been found a very great convenience to masters of vessels frequenting New Zealand ports. The Beport of the Marine Surveyor, which is appended to that of Mr. Balfour, shows at once the necessity for the resurvey of a considerable portion of the coast line, and also that an important part of this resurvey has been accomplished by Mr. Woods in a satisfactory manner. The funds provided by Parliament for this work are now exhausted, and its further progress must therefore depend upon the willingness of the Legislature to make further provision for the necessary outlay. I have much pleasure in acknowledging the satisfactory manner in which the duties of Mr. Balfour's department have been conducted by him during the past year. I have, Ac, To His Excellency Sir G-. P. Bowen, K.M.G., E. W. Staefoed, Governor of New Zealand. Postmaster-General.

Marine Department, Sic,— Wellington, 18th June, 1809. I have the honor to forward herewith a Eeport on the working of the Marine Department for the year 1868-9. I have, &c, The Hon. the Postmaster-General, James M. Balfoue, M.1.C.E., Wellington. Colonial Marine Engineer.

EEPOET. 1. During the past year no change has been made in the organization of the Marine Department, and I am glad to he able to report that the present staff still continues to overtake the duties intrusted to it in a satisfactory manner; at the same time, it is only due to the officers under me to state that their time is, as a rule, most fully occupied, and that they are often required to work beyond the usual hours —and this is always most cheerfully done when any necessity for it arises. There being no draftsman attached to the Department, and my other duties leaving but little time for drawing, I have however required to employ a temporary draftsman on several occasions to make drawings to scale from my sketches and dimensions, as well as to make tracings of working drawings. 2. As the duties of the Department are all more or less directly connected with shipping, it would be convenient if the office were near the wharf, and I have consequently prepared a sketch plan, showing how suitable accommodation could be provided by building over the yard in which the telegraph material is stored. If some such design be carried out, the office will be in close proximity to the shipping, and it would include under the same roof a store for lighthouse supplies and similar goods ; so that much time, now unavoidably lost in going to and fro between the office and the wharf for the purpose of surveying steamers and of superintending the landing and shipping of the oil, &c, for the lighthouses, would be economized. 3. " The Steam Navigation Act, 1866," as amended in 1867, continues to work satisfactorily, and in the meantime it seems unnecessary to suggest any further alterations in its provisions. Perhaps one of the most important clauses of the Act is that which stipulates that "in the case of sea-going vessels the declaration of the Inspector shall contain a statement that he is satisfied the compasses have been properly examined and adjusted by some person holding a license from the PostmasterGeneral to examine and adjust such compasses " (" The Steam Navigation Act Amendment Act, 1867," section 3) ; and I have consequently devoted much time during the past year to the collection of information on the subject of compass adjustment, and to the preparation of a code of "Instructions to Licensed Adjusters of Ships' Compasses," a copy of which I append (Appendix B). In framing these Instructions, which do not touch on the theory of compass errors, but explain as simply aa possible the practical methods usually adopted for ascertaining and tabulating them, I have consulted the Admiralty Compass Manual, the writings of Staff-Captain Evans (Superintendent of the


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Admiralty Compass Department), and other works, and have also enjoyed the great advantage of discussing the whole question very fully with several of the officers of Her Majesty's ships when in port, and I am in hopes that they will he found accurate and at the same time simple and intelligible. Loose copies of the Deviation " Diagram," in the form which I have adopted on account of its simplicity (a copy of which is appended to the Instructions), will be issued to all licensed Adjusters, and they will be required to forward to the Marine Office a filled up diagram for every compass they correct. These will afford me a ready means of ascertaining, almost at a glance, whether the work has been properly done, and, when collected and filed, will form a most valuable and reliable record of the magnetic condition of all the steamers in the Colony. 4. " The Marine Act, 1867," also continues to work well on the whole; and though a few minor improvements might certainly be suggested, it will probably be better to give the Act as it stands a more extended trial —especially as it will in all probability be considered necessary ere long to consolidate all the laws which refer to shipping, and to frame a Mercantile Marine Act, as suggested in my Beport for 1867. 5. " The Inquiry into Wrecks Act, 1863," which was simply an adaptation of the provisions of the Imperial " Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," which referred to the same subject, having become incomplete, in so far as it did not include the provisions of more recent Imperial enactments in regard to such investigations, an amended " Inquiry into Wrecks Act " has been drafted, in accordance with the present state of the English law. When this amended Act has become law, the decisions of Courts of Inquiry into the causes of wrecks will be much less liable than they at present are to be informal, and consequently void. As many of these inquiries as now conducted are very incomplete, the evidence taken being insufficient to enable any one to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion as to the true cause of the accident, it has been considered advisable to prepare a set of Instructions for the guidance of officers conducting inquiries into wrecks. These Instructions, which are now under consideration in draft, will lay down general rules for the guidance of Officers of Customs, and explain, so far as practicable, the nature of the important duties devolving on the Nautical Assessor ; they are based on the provisions of the Act, and in framing them the clauses of " The Queen's Begulatfons and the Admiralty Instructions for the Government of Her Majesty's Naval Service," which refer to similar investigations, have been closely followed. 6. The " Harbour and Quarantine Begulations for the Ports of New Zealand," which have been in force since the first of last September, are, I understand, giving satisfaction—especially to shipmasters, as they now, after visiting any one port in this Colony, know what rules they have to conform to at any port they may subsequently visit. The " General Signals," introduced, by the Begulations, having necessitated an alteration on long-established local signals at several ports, were naturally at first received with some dissatisfaction ; but now that their novelty has to a great extent worn off they are better appreciated, and the convenience of having but one simple code of danger signals for the whole Colony is every day becoming more obvious, and will, I think, be acknowledged to more than counterbalance the temporary annoyance caused by necessary changes on old and wellknown systems of conveying information to people on shore. 7. The Lighthouse buildings throughout the Colony have continued in good order throughout the year, and the amount expended on repairs has been almost nominal. The only station where repairs have been required is Godley Head (which would seem to suffer more during gales than any other lighthouse), where a small outhouse has been twice unroofed—the repairs costing in all £10. The work is now, I believe, of a very substantial character (though I have not yet had an opportunity of examining it personally), and there seems little reason to fear that such an accident wil again occur. The dwelling-houses at Pencarrow are now much decayed; they may last one or two years longer with trifling repairs, but the time is fast approaching when it will be more truly economical to build new and more substantial houses rather than to attempt to patch up the old ones at a constantly increasing annual cost. 8. There have been no changes in the staff of Lightkeepers during the year, a fact which iv itself shows that the service has been conducted in a satisfactory manner. At one station the keepers have not been on the best of terms with each other, and at another one of the keepers has had some disagreement with the officers of another branch of the public service; but I am in hopes that in each of these cases experience will convince all parties that mutual forbearance and a conciliatory disposition is the best policy, and that there will be more harmony in future, as in both instances the men are excellent lightkeepers. lam not aware that any of the lights have been extinguished during the year; and only one complaint, which could not however be sustained, has been made of the non-efficiency of any of them. 9. After considerable though unavoidable delay, tenders were advertised for for the erection of new Lighthouses on Parewell Spit, Cape Campbell, and Nugget Point, and of a Beacon on the Flat Bock, off Kawau. A satisfactory number of tenders were received, which were opened on the 9th of March last, and after due consideration the lowest tenders were accepted, as follows: — £ s. d. Farewell Spit —Samuel Brown, Wellington ... ... ... 2,496 0 0 Cape Campbell—H. Carter and Co., Wellington ... ... ...1,960 0 0 Nugget Pomt —W. P. Pearce, Dunedin ... ... ... 2,577 5 10 Flat Bock Beacon—E. W. Mills, Wellington ... ... ... 390 0 0 All the tenderers for the lighthouse works have made considerable cash deposits, and have (with sureties) executed bonds for the due completion of their several contracts, which they are so far carrying on in an energetic and satisfactory manner; so that there seems good reason to expect that the work will be well done, and completed in good time. The apparatus and lantern for Nugget Point are in store at Dunedin; the lanterns for the other stations have arrived in Wellington, and I expect by next mail to be informed of the shipment of the optical apparatus. All the lights should be ready for permanent exhibition, and the Flat Bock beacon erected, early in 1870; and a preliminary Notice



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to Mariners to that effect has been published and circulated through all parts of the world from which there is any trade to this Colony. 10. A small lantern and apparatus, intended to be erected on one of the beacons on the South Head at Manukau, has recently arrived, and has been placed in store in Wellington until arrangements can be made for its erection. When this light was first ordered, I thought (on insufficient information) that arrangements could be made for the signalman to take charge of it, assisted by one of the pilot boat's crew; but I have since learned that there is no accommodation for the boat's crew on the South Head, and that days often pass without their landing there at all. Under these circumstances, it would not be safe to intrust the light to the solitary signalman, as he could not possibly attend' to it and also perform his day duty properly, and I should recommend, as upon the whole the best practicable arrangement, that the signalman's house should be enlarged, and an assistant appointed; if this were done, they could divide both the day and the night work between them, and thus ensure the more satisfactory and safe working of both services, to the manifest advantage of the harbour, as nearly all danger of a serious accident, such as might any day occur if the one signalman were suddenly taken ill, would then be removed. 11. When H.M.S. "Blanche" visited the Auckland Islands in March last, I was, at the request of the Government and by the courtesy of Commodore Lambert, granted a passage in her—the object being to examine the Snares, with a view to the possible erection of a lighthouse there. Unfortunately, the weather was so unfavourable that we did not even sight the group either in going or returning • and the only practical results of the trip, as regards the Lighthouse question, have been to render It more clear that, if a lighthouse is to be erected at all to the southward of Stewart Island, one of the Snares would be the best site, provided it be moderately easy (as all the information I possess would lead me to believe) to effect a landing on it; and that Enderby's Island (the most northerly of the Auckland group) would not be a good site for a lighthouse, as there are outlying dangers which would prevent any shipmaster from running for it with the confidence which such a light should always inspire. 12. The small beacon on Bichmond Bock, Pelorus Sound, having been carried away some time in September last, another was prepared, and I took advantage of a recent favourable opportunity to erect it. It is well secured, and will, I have no doubt, last many years, unless knocked over by some smah craft at high water —an accident which might easily occur in a dark night; indeed an examination of its remains proves beyond doubt that such was the fate of the original beacon. On the same trip, the beacon and buoy at French Pass were overhauled and painted; and I also examined Hapuka Beef, at the entrance to Astrolabe Boads—an awkward danger, which is barely awash at lowwater neap tides, instead of at high-water spring tides as stated on the chart, and on which I have since been authorized to erect a small beacon (similar to that at French Pass) for the benefit of the coasting craft, by which Astrolabe Boads are frequented as a refuge harbour. The drawings for this beacon have been prepared. When the French Pass buoy-moorings were lifted, the chain was found to be so very much wasted as to make me hesitate to use it again; it was carefully cleaned and coated with coal tar by the Harbourmaster at Nelson, and I shifted it end for end in relaying it. and in this way I think it will be safe for another year. Next season, however, it will be absolutely necessary to provide new moorings. I should recommend that several sets of moorings be procured from the makers to the English Trinity House ; and at the same time it would be well to order a number of iron buoys, in segments, so that they would cost comparatively little for freight. These segments would be sent out ready fitted and marked, and with all the rivet-holes punched, so that they could be easily put together at any time as required. If this suggestion be acted upon, the operation of overhauling and repairing existing buoys will be greatly facilitated, as a spare buoy and mooring would be laid down at once and the old ones carried into port and examined at leisure; and as there will always be a reserve in store, any newly discovered danger could be buoyed off without any loss of time. 13. I have had under consideration the possibility of erecting a beacon of some description on Cook's Bock—the greatest danger in the Strait; and have great hopes that some modification of the elegant and satisfactory design of the Provincial Engineer of Nelson for the French Pass Beacon (which is simply laid on the rock and moored in a most ingenious manner) might be made to answer. I shall prepare drawings, and take the first opportunity of examining the rock minutely,—should there seem a reasonable prospect of success, I should be glad to be permitted to attempt this difficult but most useful work. 14. I am glad to be able to report that the Wreck Eecord for the current year shows a much smaller number of casualties than that of last year. Up to the end of June, only 'thirty-three wrecks have been recorded, as against a total of fifty-five reported casualties in the year 1867-8. The above total of thirtythree includes, moreover, the "Thane of Fife," a schooner of 121 tons, which was wrecked at Fiji; the "Bittern," cutter, of 40 tons, wrecked in New Caledonia; and the "Florence," ketch, of 51 tons, stranded by the Hauhaus at the time they escaped from the Chatham Islands : thus, in effect, the number of casualties on the New Zealand Coasts is only thirty. Of the total recorded number of thirty-three, four casualties occurred in July, three in August, five in September, eight in October, one in November, two in December, five in February, one in March, three in May, and one in June; no accidents having been reported during the months of January or April. The gross tonnage injured during the year is 4,254; but eight vessels, of an aggregate of 518 tons, are known to have been recovered with comparatively slight damage; and deducting these, and also the " Thane of Fife," the " Bittern," and the " Florence," there remains a total of 3,524 tons register of shipping which have been totally destroyed during the year, whereas 5,514 tons of shipping were totally destroyed in 1867-8. The Wreck Eecord, unlike that of last year, does not prove the occurrence of any very remarkable gale; but when it is compared with the returns for former years, it would seem to point to the conclusion that westerly gales may be looked for in September, October, and November, and that easterly and south-easterly gales may be expected in February. 15. The number of lives lost, according to the Casualty Beturns, is twenty-eight; of these, twenty perished in the " St. Vincent," when she went on shore in Palliser Bay. 2 J

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16. I have the honor to forward herewith the Chief Marine Surveyor's Beport. During the past year, the operations on the west coast of the Middle Island were confined to the determination of the true positions of a number of important headlands, and the connection of these with each other and with the Trigonometrical Stations established by the Westland Survey Staff, by angular observations. No actual traverse of the coast line was required or attempted, as the County surveys furnished all necessary information. Thus, the marine surveys and the district surveys have been carried forward together, to the manifest advantage of both; inasmuch as the marine surveys have on the one hand been advanced very much more rapidly than would otherwise have been possible, and the land surveys, on the other hand, are satisfactorily checked, and their accuracy is established by their coincidence with the points fixed by independent observations. The disjunct survey of Otago Bar, and the examination of certain dangers in the Bay of Plenty and the vicinity of Auckland, which were undertaken at the instance of Commodore Lambert, form no unimportant part of the year's work; as they prove that not only do the bar harbours (even on the East Coast) require occasional resurvey, but also that the more permanent portions of the coast line are in many places inaccurately represented, in regard to details at least, and that man)'' important dangers have entirely escaped the notice of the original surveyors. Indeed, proof is accumulating from all quarters, day by day, that the present Admiralty charts of New Zealand are far from being minutely accurate; and it is gradually becoming more clear that not one district only or two require examination, but that all the charts of the Colony ought to be checked and corrected. The favourable report of Commodore Lambert as to the quality of the Marine Surveyors' work can only be looked upon as highly satisfactory, and I am glad to bear witness to their energy and zeal. The attempt to carry on the shore work of the survey without the aid of a steamer has been successful as regards economy up to a certain point, though it has exposed the surveyors to many hardships and dangers: but it must be obvious that only a portion of the work could possibly be done in that manner. As the cost of maintenance of a steam vessel is however a very heavy item, it is proposed to make use of a sailing craft in future if the surveys are to be continued. I have carefully calculated the saving which would result from the substitution of a schooner of from fifty to seventy tons for a steamer, and find that it cannot be less than £2,000 per annum. To carry on the surveys with the " St. Kilda," an expenditure of £5,500 to £6,000 per annum would have to be provided for; while if a sailing craft were procured, nearly the same amount of work would be done at an annual cost of £3,500 to £4,000 at most. 17. The accompanying Appendices C. to S. show the annual expenditure of the Department; the cost of the marine surveys; the cost of maintenance of existing lighthouses; the amounts already expended, the liabilities incurred, and the further estimated sum required to complete each of the new lighthouses ; the amount of light dues, survey and other fees collected during the year ; the pilotage collected at each port in the Colony ; a return of the steamers surveyed during the year; an abstract of the Wreck Beturns, &c. The Beturns are all brought up to the latest practicable date; and the tables of receipts and expenditure are completed, by estimate where necessary, to the close of the financial year. James M. Balfour, Colonial Marine Engineer.

Appendix A. Eepoet by Mr. George Austin Woods. Sic,— Marine Office, Wellington, June, 1869. I have the honor to forward for your information the following Beport on the progress of the Marine Survey during the present financial year. The necessity for the strictest economy being observed in the service placed under my charge, caused me, in the latter paragraph of my last annual Beport, to suggest the propriety of carrying on the geographical work for determining the true position of the principal headlands on the coast with a boat's crew only, instead of the steam sloop " St. Kilda ;" and the Government having signified their approval, I proceeded at the latter end of July on this service. Our first point of landing was in the neighbourhood of Point Arnott, on the West Coast of the Middle Island; and having carefully determined the latitude of this station, and obtained the true bearing to Jackson's Head, a position that we had previously fixed astronomically, we derived from these data our first base line, and erected a trigonometrical station for the major triangulation. We afterwards proceeded northwards to the point fixed upon for the end of the second base, and thus worked up the coast towards Cape Farewell, closing our out-door work at the end of December at Cape Foulwind. At each station our observatory has been erected, and careful transit observations taken for determining the differences of meridian with Greenwich, —the transit blocks being left in the ground, and large trigonometrical stations erected over them, for the purpose of carrying out the major triangulation. The survey boat's crew were discharged immediately after the close of the out-door operations, and the office work, viz., calculation and plotting, was proceeded with at the commencement of the year, and continued until the examination by Commodore Bowley Lambert, C.8., and the officers under his command, into the general sj'stem practised in carrying out the work, and its accuracy. This examination having satisfied the Commodore of the correctness of the system on which the surveys were conducted, and of the accuracy of the calculated results, a notification of the important errors which have been proved to exist on the Admiralty charts has, at his request, been published for general information. Immediately after the approval of the work in progress, we proceeded, under instructions from the Government, to make a careful but partial survey of the entrance to Otago Harbour, returning



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from that service on the 3rd April. Our office work was resumed until the 6th ultimo, when, on the request of the Commodore, I was directed by the Government to join H.M.S. " Blanche,"'for the purpose of examining certain parts of the coast in the Province of Auckland, and to have certain portions pointed out which the Commodore considered dangerously inaccurate and necessary to be resurveyed. This service has been performed with the assistance of Her Majesty's ships and boats ; and I have the honor to report that the inaccuracies referred to are of serious importance, and that a resurvey of portions of the Hauraki Gulf, of D'Haussez's Group, and of the islands and shoals in the Bay of Plenty, is much required. Having thus reported the outline of our duties during the year, I would draw your attention to the exact position of the work in progress on the West Coast, independent of the disjunct surveys, &c, on other portions of the coast line of the Colony : in the first place remarking upon the cordial co-operation and valuable assistance that we have received from Malcolm Fraser, Esq., the Chief Surveyor of the County of Westland, and the officers of his department, whose zeal and energy in carrying out the trigonometrical survey, for the purpose of checking our astronomical and coast line work, have assisted very materially in reducing our expenditure, and greatly facilitated our operations, enabling us to complete a far larger amount of work than we could reasonably have expected to overtake; and I would also report, that when we were associated in the work at Hokitika, notwithstanding these officers had their own duties during the day, they were always ready and did assist at all hours of the night in taking time when we were engaged upon lunar and stellar observations. The geographical work on the West Coast, with the exception of an intermediate station at Perpendicular Point, is now completed from Jackson's Head to Cape Foulwind, a distance of 180 nautical miles ; five true bases have also been obtained while the work was in progress, extending over a distance of 130 nautical miles ; and I have to report that although the observations of moon culminating stars have been few, on account of the heavy gales and the bad weather experienced, yet the means of the longitudes obtained from them agree in all cases within a few seconds of arc with the longitudes obtained from the difference of latitude and true bearing: thus the two methods have checked each other in a very satisfactory manner. The results, as I have stated previously, show considerable errors in the Admiralty charts : and in accordance with your instructions a reduced plan of the coast line, as shown by them and as recently surveyed, is herewith appended, in order that the Government may see at a glance the errors to which I allude. The sea traverse for soundings was completed last year from Cascade Point to Otorokua Point, and we are now prepared to proceed with the same to the Grey Biver, should the Government so desire, before proceeding further with the geographical work. I would respectfully urge upon the consideration of the Government the propriety of my being allowed a small schooner in lieu of the " St. Kilda," on account of the great expense in working the latter vessel for surveying purposes : in illustration of which I would refer the Government to the printed Beturn of Expenditure for the Marine Survey, published in the Beport of the Marine Department for the years 1867-8, from which it will be observed that her maintenance and coal consumption amounted together to £3,147, out of a total expenditure of £4,347. I herewith append the usual return of survey. I have, &c, James M. Balfour, C.E., Colonial Marine Engineer, G. A. Woods, Wellington. Colonial Marine Surveyor. Betuen of Suevey, Coast of New Zealand, year ending 30th June, 1869. Surveyor —George Austin Woods. Assistant Surveyor —Chaeles Or. Knight. 1. Nature and extent of coast line surveyed, j lgo mQeg of coagt Qn whether open-sea coasts, triths, rivers, or harbours, ) 2. Was the triangulation executed by the sur- ~) y veyors ? ) 3. Has a series of tidal observations been made ? Yes, when engaged on disjunct surveys. 4. Number of officers employed in the survey. Two. 5. State nature and amount of work by each j E gW wQrk all ouicer engaged r ) woA Date ° f b6ginning and endillg ° f out - door ] Commenced 26th July; ended 31st December. 7. Number of days prevented working abroad 1 by rain, wind, and other unforeseen circumstances. ) 8. Nature of vessel and number of crew. Six-oared whaleboat; six men, one boy. 9. Opinion as to the scale on which the surveys | p ort & 3 inches th coag . h should be published, having reierence to the >■ ~ '■] ' general wants of navigation. ) 10. When will fair copy of work be lodged with ( Fa , ir ?? Py w of / BJ ' "TT rw&rded the Government? j to the Hydrographer for the Admiralty ; coast I general survey m course of progress. 11. Are the sailing directions in course of pre-") „ . . paration, and when will they be ready ? j Yes ' on c ° m pletion of survey.

Appendix B. Marine Department, New Zealand, 1869. Instructions to the Licensed Adjusters of the Compasses of Steam Vesseis. 1. By " The Steam Navigation Act, 1866," it is provided that " in the case of sea-going vessels

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" the declaration of the Inspector shall contain a statement that he is satisfied the compasses have " been properly examined and adjusted by some person holding a license from the Postmaster- " General to examine and adjust such compasses." The power of issuing licenses having (with other powers) been delegated to the Colonial Marine Engineer, the following Instructions have°been framed for the guidance of Licensed Compass Adjusters, and for the information of those who desire to become licensees. 2. The "adjustment" of compasses, as at present practised in New Zealand, generally consists merely in " swinging " vessels in a careful manner, in order to ascertain and tabulate the errors of their compasses, so that the navigator may allow for them when shaping courses. It is not usual to attempt to correct or diminish the errors in any way; should, however, any Licensed Adjuster find that the errors of any compass are excessive, especially if they are irregular, it will be his duty to call the attention of the master of the vessel to the facts in writing, and to recommend him to take steps to get the errors reduced to a more moderate amount, by the use of fixed correcting magnets or other approved means. 3. All vessels, even those in which the compass errors have been almost entirely removed by magnets or otherwise, are to be swung periodically; it being the opinion of the highest authorities that "no vessel can be said to have her compasses properly examined and adjusted unless she has been swung and her compass errors carefully ascertained."* 4. Previous to swinging any vessel, the compasses must be examined, the needles tested for magnetism,! the agates examined with a magnifier to see whether the hollow be smooth and in good condition, and the pivots tested with a file to see that they are of the proper hardness. J The Adjuster should sharpen the pivots to fine points on a hone before he swings any vessel, so as to increase the delicacy of the cards to be examined as much as possible. When the operation has been completed, the extreme points of the pivots should be slightly rounded, to increase their durability, and moderate the vibration of the compass cards in rough water. The Adjuster should recommend the master to keep a spare pivot-point on board for each compass in the vessel, and the spare point may with advantage be made somewhat blunter than the other, and substituted for it in stormy weather. It is also a wise precaution to keep an extra heavy spare'card on board for use in very rough water. 5. Should the compasses prove in any way defective when examined in the manner described in the last article, the Adjuster is to inform the master and to instruct him to get them put in order. On no account is the Adjuster to swing a vessel when her compasses are out of order. 6. All steamers with sea-going certificates should have at least two compasses fitted—a standard and a steering compass. There may be cases, when the vessels are very small, in which it is impossible to find a proper place for fitting up a second compass ; but such cases are rare, and even then there ought to be a spare compass on board, ready for use, in the event of any accident to the other. 7. Should the Adjuster find that the errors of any compass are very great, he should endeavour to ascertain whether they are not produced by some accidental and removable cause; and if it be a standard compass, he must alter its position till he finds the point where the local attractions of the vessel are reduced to a minimum. It is impossible to give minute instructions for the guidance of Adjusters in altering the positions of compasses, but the following two general rules may always be acted on with advantage§ : ■ (a.) As much as _ possible avoid placing a compass near the ends of long vertical or horizontal masses of iron, such as the spindle of a capstan or of a steering wheel, iron masts or funnels, the stern-post or rudder-head. If, however, it be found impossible to place the compass at a proper distance from any such mass—fourteen feet is the distance specified in the " Admiralty Begulations," but very few of the steamers plying in New Zealand are large enough to allow of the compasses being kept so far from all vertical is of consequence to remember that by a judicious selection of a position, the action of the on the compass may sometimes be made corrective and beneficial instead of injurious. (5.) When the standard (or any) compass is fitted on a bridge, it should not be near iron stanchions or rails, especially if covered with brass ; and a compass in such a situation may often be rendered very greatly more accurate by simply substituting wooden (or brass) rails for any iron ones which may happen to be near it. _ Should, however, it be impossible to find any site for the standard compass in which its deviations, shall be regular and moderate in amount (certainly not exceeding three points as a maximum), or should the steering compass in any small vessel which cannot carry a standard, have excessive errors, the special attention of the master should be called to the facts in writing, and he should be recommended to endeavour to get the errors reduced to a more moderate amount in terms of Article 2. When, notwithstanding every precaution, any compass does not give the same readings every time the vessel is headed in a given direction, whichever way she is swung, either the pivot or the cap must be faulty, or the needle must be deficient in directive force, and the compass should be sent to the instrument-maker for examination. 8. Adjusters are instructed in all cases to remind masters of vessels that the results obtained by

* Vide " Correspondence between the Eoyal Society, the Board of Trade, the Admiralty, and the Committee of Lloyd's Register, with respect to the Deviation of Compasses;" being a Return to an Order of the House of Commons dated 6th March, 1866. ' t A moderately well magnetized needle should have attractive force sufficient to suspend a piece of soft iron of the same size or weight as itself; a superior needle will do much more ; but none should be passed unless they come nearly up to this standard. ' J A file should barely scratch a pivot near the point. If it be rehardened, a pivot will be of the proper temper if brought back to a dark straw colour. (Vide " Correspondence " above quoted.) § Vide " The Queen's Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions for the Grovernment of Her Majesty's Naval Service ; " also the " Journal of the Royal United Service Institution," vol. 9.


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swinging are not to be implicitly relied upon, and that the fact of a vessel having been swung cannot in any way relieve her officers from the responsibility they are under of ascertaining the absolute errors of her compasses by actual observation when at sea. It is well known that a compass often gives different readings in smooth water from those it gives when the vessel is in a sea-way ; and it is also well known that in most vessels compass deviations vary more or less as the vessel heels over, so that she may require to be steered on a very different apparent course, in order to make the same true course, according as she is heeling to starboard or to port.* Observations in harbour are the only means which can be adopted under Government supervision for ascertaining the compass errors of vessels, and the deviation cards so obtained are valuable, especially for new vessels or such as have undergone repairs, as showing approximately both the direction and amount of the compass errors ; but it is the duty of every master to verify or correct his deviation cards by careful and repeated observations at sea. 9. Well-found vessels can when necessary be swung on their own moorings, with the aid of hedges and warps; but at all the larger ports it is proper to have permanent fittings for facilitating the operation. These fittings vary in detail, but all comprise efficient moorings or other arrangement for holding the vessel herself, and means for warping her head round in all directions and for steadying her at any desired point. For vessels of all sizes usually swung in New Zealand, a central dolphin, with five or six warping buoys disposed at equal distances apart on the circumference of a circle of about 600 feet in diameter, is the most convenient and easily-worked system which can be adopted; but where, owing to the depth of water or any other cause, it would be difficult or impossible to erect a dolphin, a strong chain on span moorings (or, better still, on a screw mooring) may be substituted for it. If the vessel be held by a chain, and especially if the chain be attached to an iron buoy (which however is not recommended —a small wooden buoy on a light chain shackled to the end of the mooring chain is much better), she should be swung twice at least —once with the chain on the starboard side, and once with the chain on the port side; and the mean of the results (if there be any difference) should be taken as the correct result. On no account should the buoy be taken inboard ; the vessel should be made fast by a hawser secured to the chain as low down as possible, and the whole of the iron on board the vessel (such as chain cables, &c.) should be as nearly as possible in the usual sea-going positions. In the event, however, of extended experience proving that shifting the mooring chain from one side of the vessel to the other makes no appreciable difference in the results, vessels may be swung with the chain always on one side or other, as may be found most convenient; but they should still be taken twice round, though only four or eight principal points need be examined on one of the rounds, to make sure that the deviations are always the same. Steamers have occasionally been swung with steam up, their engines being employed to bring them round. This is objectionable, as it exposes the dolphin or moorings to unnecessarily heavy strains, which are certain to be injurious in the long run. It must be distinctly understood that the operation of swinging can only be satisfactorily performed if done slowly and carefully, the vessel being thoroughly steadied by warps on each bearing observed. This must be explained to shipmasters, as they are too apt to endeavour to hurry the process by every means in their power. 10. The vessel being moored in any satisfactory manner, it is necessary to be able to ascertain with accuracy the direction of her head, in any position, in terms of a correct magnetic compass. This may be done by simultaneous reciprocal bearings from the ship and from the shore—a spot being selected on shore which is unaffected by local attraction ; or the points of a correct magnetic compass may be staked out on shore in a few favourable situations where a perfectly land-locked basin is available for swinging purposes; or the direction of the ship's head may be referred to a near or distant mark, the correct magnetic bearing of which from the swinging place has been accurately ascertained. This last method, which is at least as accurate as any other, is generally the most convenient and expeditious. When the vessel is fitted with a proper azimuth compass, it may be used as the standard of comparison; the difference of the bearing of the mark, as observed by the azimuth compass when the ship heads to any given point, from its known correct magnetic bearing, being recorded as the Deviation of the Compass for that point. The observations may be conveniently recorded in the following Form: — Observations for determining the Deviations of the Standard Azimuth Compass of the ; the correct magnetic bearing of Peak A. from the ship being N.W. by N. f N., distant 11 miles.

The deviations having been thus ascertained and tabulated, the deviation curve can be protracted with facility by the Graphic Method, a copy of which is appended.

* "As the amount of disturbance on heeling varies under the various conditions of direction of build, height of compass, and breadth of ship or distance of top-sides, added to the prevailing permanent or inductive magnetic condition of the latter and the deck beams, each ship must have an individual character, to be determined only by experiment at sea. There are, however, strong grounds for inferring that by a judicious position of the compass, so as to ensure small errors while on an even keel, the errors arising from the ship's keel will be so proportionally reduced as not practically to affect the navigation of the ship in the hands of a prudent seaman." —Report to the Hydrographer of the Admiralty, by


When the Ship heads by her Standard Compass. Peak A. bears by the same Compass. And the Deviation of tho same Compass is. North N. by E. N.N.E. &c. N.W. by N.iN. N.W. by N. N.W.iN. &c. i point E. 1 point E. 1 point E. &c.


E.—No. 4,


11. As, however, many vessels are not provided with a proper compass fitted with azimuth sights, it is a common practice to make use of a dumb compass as the standard of comparison—the card of the dumb compass being adjusted in reference to a well-defined mark, of which the correct bearing is known. 12. A distant mark —say not less than five or six miles off—is to be preferred for the standard of reference, provided it be distinct and well-defined; as in that case the parallax due to the change of position of the vessel while she is being swung may be safely neglected, as practically inappreciable, especially when she is made fast to a dolphin abreast of her standard compass; as in that case the amount of parallax will only be that due to the breadth of the vessel. If it be absolutely impossible to select a well-defined distant object, it will be necessary to erect a pair of near marks ; but in that case, the vessel requires to be manoeuvred by the head and stern lines, so as to keep the two marks always in one, as seen from the dumb compass —and this is troublesome and takes time. When the situation is favourable and surrounded by easily distinguished objects, it is always convenient to ascertain the correct bearings of several from the swinging dolphin, so that a nearer or more distant mark may be selected as the standard of reference, according to the state of the atmosphere, &c. ; and it is always well to erect a pair of near marks which may be reverted to in the event of the more distant objects being obscured by fog. Compass Adjusters will, of course, understand that it is quite immaterial what the actual bearing of any object selected as a standard mark may be, provided it has been accurately ascertained; the mark being merely used to set the dumb compass by, so that it may always represent a correct magnetic compass card. 13. A dumb compass, adapted for swinging operations, should comprise the following essentials, though many differences of detail and style of finish will be found in the works of different makers :— A compass card or brass plate, not less than six inches diameter, accurately divided to and quarters, or eighths, and truly centred, turning with moderate stiffness on a lower plate, on which a line (corresponding to the " lubber's" point of an ordinary compass) is cut in such a manner as to read the divided card with accuracy: the lower plate, which represents the ordinary compass box or binnacle, should turn on an axis on a stout tripod stand of convenient height, and must be fitted with a clamp for holding it firmly in any required position. A pair of sight-vanes, like those of an azimuth compass,, must be fitted to the divided card or plate of the dumb compass ; they may either be jointed to a bar revolving on the common centre and capable of being clamped to the card in any position so as to move along with it, or they may be separate, and made to screw into holes tapped for them in the plate at each end of the bearing lines to the several standard marks. The correct bearings of all marks which are intended to be used as standards of reference should be laid down on the divided plate, the name of each object being engraved on the proper line, and, when there are several bearing lines, it is useful to cut an arrow-head on each, to show the direction in which the sight should be taken. If the sightvanes are made to screw, holes must be drilled and tapped to fit them at each end of every bearing line. Though not essential, it is very convenient to have a ball and socket-joint on the axis of the lower plate of the instrument, as it greatly facilitates the operation of levelling the dumb card. 14. A dumb compass somewhat as described being provided, it is to be set up near the principal compass to be tested, sufficiently on one side of the keel line to allow of an unobstructed view fore and aft, and properly levelled; and the sight-vanes are to be screwed into the holes at each end of the bearing line corresponding to the most distant swinging mark which can. be distinctly seen in the existing state of the weather. Then, to set the " lubber's" point parallel to the keel line, —first, turn the dumb card till the " lubber's" point coincide with the bearing line to which the sights are adjusted, so as to make the line of sight coincide in direction with the " lubber's" line ; then unclamp the lower plate and turn it (carrying the card and sights along with it) until the sights are in line with a boat-hook or pole, or similar object, which is to be held up (vertically) as far forward as possible, and exactly the same distance on the same side of the vessel from the centre or keel line as the centre _of the dumb compass has been placed; when the pole is bisected, the centre of the dumb compass and its " lubber's" point, or reading line, must be parallel to the keel line of the vessel, and the lower plate is to be clamped, and must not be shifted till the operation of swinging is completed. The instrument is then in adjustment, and its " lubber's" point will read the correct magnetic bearing of the ship's head in any position, so long as the sight-vanes of the dumb card are kept in line with the proper bearing mark. 15. The dumb compass having been adjusted as described, the vessel may have her compasses tested with ease and expedition on either of the following systems : — («.) The dumb card being set so that the " lubber's" point of the instrument exactly coincides with any point on the card, the vessel is to be warped round till the sight-vanes are in line with the proper swinging mark, and the actual reading of the compass or compasses under examination is to be noted after the vessel has been steadied on the proper line and the compass cards have come to rest; the dumb card being thus shifted a point or more, the vessel is to be again warped round, checked, and her compasses are to be read as before—and so on until the operation is completed.. For the second series of observations the vessel should be warped round the reverse way, the operation being otherwise performed precisely as before; but only a few points need be examined on one of the rounds, as

Ered. J. Evans, Esq., Staff Commander, R.N., Superintendent of the Compass Department of Her Majesty's Navy. Published in the " Pliilosophical Transactions," Part 11., 1860. Note. —The theory and practice of compass adjustment have been so greatly improved since 1860 that it is now possible to determine the heeling error from observations made with the ship upright, and such observations are now a regular part of the complete series of magnetic observations made in the principal iron ships of Her Majesty's navy. Her Majesty's ships, however, present peculiar facilities for such observations from their standard compasses being all of the same pattern, and it would, besides, be unreasonable to expect such high scientific attainments in the Compass Adjusters in the Colonies as are possessed by the officers of the Admiralty Compass Department, The above quotation is still practically correct as regards merchant vessels in New Zealand, if not in England also, especially as the heeling error is seldom excessive except in iron-clads.



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explained in Article 9. The results should be recorded in the following form (Form A. of the Graphic Method) :— Becord of Observations for determining the Deviations of the Compass of the swung at on

This plan has advantages as being more certain of detecting the extreme deviations, which are generally at or near the N.E., S.E., S.W., and N.W. points of the vessel's own compass ; and it is equally convenient with the first method when only one compass requires to be examined. 16. In wooden vessels, or iron vessels with very small deviations, it is not necessary to ascertain by observation the errors for every point of the compass. Where time is an object, the eight principal points may first be examined, and if the deviations prove slight (say not more than half a point anywhere), the steering courses, &c, for the intermediate points may be interpolated. When the deviations are larger, as is usually the case in iron vessels, at least every alternate point should be examined; and as a rule it is better to test every point. 17. When only a certain number of points are actually examined, and the steering courses, &c, for the intermediate points are interpolated, the deviation cards issued to the shipmaster must be filled up in such a manner as to show clearly the points which have actually been tested ; the courses corresponding to all actually tested points being filled in in Mack, and the interpolated courses in red. 18. When the vessel has been swung and cheek-swung (Articles 7, 9, and 15) with satisfactory results, the deviation curve should be laid down on the diagram of the Graphic Method, in the manner explained in the notes (a copy of the Graphic Method is appended hereto, and Compass Adjusters will have a number supplied to them) ; and the Adjuster may then fill up the usual " Steering course" and " Deviation" cards to be issued to the shipmaster, in doing which he will find the curve a great assistance. 19. Since the navigator shapes his courses from charts on which a correct magnetic compass is shown, it is obvious that the steering-course card should have correct magnetic courses in the first column, and opposite to them the course that the vessel must be steered by her own compass, in order that she may actually make the required magnetic course. ...From this it follows, that when the vessel has been swung on the system A. (Article 15), the steering-course card will be a simple transcript of the Becord of Observations, the courses for any points not actually observed being interpolated by measurement from the deviation curve; but when the vessel has been swung on the system B. (Article 15), all the steering courses must be measured from the curve. 20. As, however, " deviations" are of comparatively little practical use, except for the purpose of correcting bearings taken to headlands or other extraneous objects (for, though the steering courses may be worked out by applying the proper correction for deviation to the correct magnetic courses, it is not the usual practice to do so, as the steering-course card gives the same results directly), it must be obvious that the deviation card should be filled up with the deviations corresponding to the points of the vessel's own compass, and not with the deviations corresponding to the points of a correct magnetic compass. When the vessel has been swung on the method 8., and headed to every point of her own compass, the deviation card can be filled up directly from the Becord of Observations, but not so where the method A. has been adopted; and in any case it is better to measure the deviations from the curve, as by so doing at least equal accuracy will be attained, and all possibility of error in filling in the directions of the deviations will be avoided. 21. Since Deviation Tables are always filled up with reference to the direction in which a vessel is heading, it cannot be too strongly impressed upon Shipmasters that where bearings are taken to any

Ship's Head by a correct Magnetic Compass. Ship's Head by her Compass. Ship's Head by a correct Magnetic Compass. Ship's Head by her Compass. North. N. by E. N.N.E. &c. South. S. by W. S.S.W. &c. This system is the most convenient when it is desired to ascertain the deviations of more than one :ompass by a single operation. (6.) The vessel may be warped round, and checked when she is heading to the several points of ler own compass; the corresponding readings of the dumb compass, when its card has been turned :ill the sight-vanes are in line with the proper mark, being recorded as under (Form B. of the Graphic Method) :— Record of Observations for determining the Deviations of the Compass of the swung at on Ship's Head by her —— Compass. Ship's Head by a correct Magnetic Compass. Ship's Head by her Compass. Ship's Head by a correct Magnetic Compass. North. N. by E. N.N.E. &c. South. S. by W. S.S.W. &c

18,.—N0. 4.



not right ahead, it is essential to note at the same time the direction of the ship's head, as otherwise the correct bearings of the objects can never be properly ascertained: all such bearings requiring to be corrected for the deviation of the compass at the moment of observation, which is clearly the deviation due to the direction of the vessel's head. So important, indeed essential, is this precaution, that the fact of the deviation of the ship's head being noted may be considered as a very reliable proof that bearings are to be depended on ; and, on the other hand, if any bearings are entered in a vessel's log without the corresponding direction of the vessel's head being noted, they must always be considered untrustworthy, and the officer in charge of the log will be exposed to suspicions of carelessness or of incompetency. 22. As it has in some instances been the custom in New Zealand (and elsewhere) to fill up the Deviation Table in terms of a theoretical or correct magnetic compass, instead of in terms of the vessel's own compass, as directed in Article 20, an example may be useful to show the errors which may result from so doing. The following is a portion of an imaginary " Deviation and Steering Course" card of the old form :—■

_ Thus when the ship is heading North, correct magnetic, her compass has half a point of westerly deviation ; and in order to make a course North, correct magnetic, she must be steered by her compass: again, when she is heading N.N.E., correct magnetic, her compass has a deviation of two points westerly, and so on. This is perfectly true; but the information, in this form, is more likely to mislead than to be of service. For instance, if the master of the vessel, of which the above is supposed to represent the steering card, were to take any cross bearings when she was heading N.N.E. by her compass, and were to correct these bearings for two points of westerly deviation, as he would be most apt to do (especially if pressed for time) when provided with a card of the above form, his corrected bearings would be as far wrong as the original sights, but on the other side of the correct bearings. But an examination of the form will show that when the vessel is heading N.N.E. by her own compass, she is really heading N. by E., correct magnetic, and the deviation corresponding to that point is one point westerly; and IW. is the proper deviation to enter opposite N.N.E. for all practical purposes, as all bearings taken when the vessel is heading N.N.E. by her compass must be corrected for one point of westerly deviation, and not for two, as a glance at this form of card might lead one to_ suppose. The deviations corresponding to any point of the ship's compass may no doubt be ascertained more or less accurately, as above illustrated, even from cards filled up in this manner; but the operation frequently involves complex fractions of points, and takes time when time cannot well be spared. By filling up the deviation card in terms of the vessel's own compass, as prescribed in Article 20, this complication is avoided. 23. Every steamer which is allowed by Inspectors plying limits of such extent as to make a compass a necessary part of her equipments, is to be considered a sea-going vessel, in so far as regards the provisions of the Steam Navigation Act respecting the examination and adjustment of her compasses; and Inspectors are to satisfy themselves that every iron steamer is swung at least once a year, and also after undergoing any considerable repairs. Wooden vessels do not require to be swung so often, but even they should have their compasses examined after either the boiler or engines have undergone any extensive overhaul. 24 Every Licensed Adjuster is to forward to the Marine Department, Wellington, as soon as possible after he has swung any vessel, the following documents, in order that they may be examined and registered:— (a) Copy of any letter he may have written to the master relative to the state of the vessel's compasses. (Articles 2 and 7.) (5) The originals or copies of the rough "Becords of Observations," to show how the deviations agree on the first and second operations. (c) A deviation curve for each compass laid down on the diagram of the Graphic Method; all actually observed points being marked by small ink crosses, so that it may bo seen at a glance how nearly the curve coincides with the observations. (d) Copies of the steering-course and deviation cards actually issued to the shipmaster. 25. Any Adjuster who may be proved to perform his work in a careless manner, or who may omit to comply with the provisions of Article 24 or of any preceding article, will be liable to have his license withdrawn. James M. Balfoue, M.1.C.E., Wellington, June, 1869. Colonial Marine Engineer.

Deviation. For Magnetic. Steer. iw. 1 w. 2 W. 21 W. Ac. North. N. by E. N.N.E. N.E. by N. &c. N.1E. N.N.E. N.E. N.E. by E.iE. &c.



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Appendix C RETURN of the actual Cost of the Marine Department for the Financial Year 1868-9, including Maintenance of Lighthouses, Expenses of "St. Kilda" (so far as charged against the Department), but exclusive of all expenditure charged against Schedule B., Public Debts Act.

Note. —The Return includes all Accounts certified during the Financial Year, and also all sums believed to have been paid for stores in England. Some of the amounts may not have been actually paid before 30th June, or charged to the Financial Year in the Treasury Books.

Appendix D. RETURN of Amounts expended by the Marine Department during 1868-9 charged against Schedule B., Public Debts Act.

Vote 27. Nature of Expenditure. Details of Expenditure. Amount Expended. Amount Voted. Remarks. Item 1 2 Marine Engineer... Inspector of Steamers and Nautical Assessor Inspector of Steamers and Engineer Surveyor Clerk and Bookkeeper ... Lightkeeper's salaries £ s. d. £ a. d. 700 0 0 375 0 0 £ s. d. 700 0 0 375 0 0 3 375 0 0 375 0 0 4 5,6,7, 8,9, 10,11 12,13 100 0 0 2,430 0 0 100 0 0 2,430 0 0 Payments to and travelling expenses of non-salaried officers 325 8 2 Officers acting for the Department at outposts, who are only paid for a portion of their time, are termed Non-salaried Officers, to distinguish them from the full-paid Staff. Bepairs to lighthouses ... Oil and other stores from England, including carriage and all charges. 10 0 0 817 16 0 This item should be increased by about £45, being amounts due for freight, the accounts for which have not yet been rendered. 0) Tools and other more permanent lighthouse stores Lighthouse contingencies, including payment of temporary keepers, paint, fuel, freights, &c. Departmental contingencies Departmental travelling expenses Eepairs to " St. Kilda," and stores for ditto Expended on search for Hydra Bock, near Cape Saunders Beacon forBichmondBock, Pelorus Sound 61 17 7 3) This item should be increased by about £77, being amounts due for freight in New Zealand, the accounts for which have not yet been rendered. 186 4 9 120 14 10 460 9 4 )) JJ J) 643 18 5 38 10 0 The saving on Items 12 and 13 is due partly to the non-payment of certain freight accounts during the financial year, owing to the long passages of the vessels which brought the lighthouse oil from England; partly to the exceptionally small charges for lighthouse repairs during the year; and partly to the fact that the expenses of the " St. Kilda" have been borne by the Defence Department during the greater part of the year. ;) 16 5 6 2,681 4 7 4,000 0 0 Totals expended and voted 6,661 4 7 7,980 0 0

Nature of Expenditure. Amount. Remarks. Nugget Point Lighthouse £ s. d. 427 4 7 Eirst progress payment to contractor on account of the works, and Inspector's salary to 30th June. Cost of lantern as delivered in Wellington, Inspectors salary to 30th June, advertising. Cost of lantern, Inspector's salary, advertising. Cost of apparatus in England, also freight of ditto and of lantern to Wellington. Copies of drawings, advertising. Cape Campbell Lighthouse ... 709 8 5i Earewell Spit Lighthouse Manukau Light 779 14 4 59 0 9 Plat Bock Beacon Cost of Marine Survey as detailed in Appendix E. ... "... 19 0 6 2,144 11 7 Total 4,139 0 2i

E.—No. 4.



Appendix E. RETURN showing Cost of Maintenance of the existing New Zealand Lighthouses during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Appendix F. RETURN of Amount expended on Marine Surveys during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Note. —The travelling expenses and allowances incurred in connection with the disjunct survey of Otago Bar, and the examination of the Hauraki Gulf, &c, which were undertaken at the express request of Commodore Lambert, C.8., were defrayed from the vote for Marine Contingencies, and arc separately entered below.

Name of Lighthouse. Spent on Repairs and Stores of a permanent nature. Oil, Paint, and other Annual Supplies and Contingencies. Keepers' Salaries. Totals. Totals during the Year 1867-8. Remarks. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. TiriTiri 40 3 6 151 9 7 340 0 0 531 13 1 582 7 3 The expenditure on repairs and permanent stores during 1868-9 is exceptionally small. As explained in Appendix C. there are certain sums for freight which ought to be included to show the true expenditure for the year : a debt of £16 5s. has also been incurred (in Auckland) for oil for Tiri Tiri, owing to the non-arrival of the " Moss Trooper." The true total cost of the Lighthouse establishment for tho past year may be estimated at £3,650 to £3,700. Nelson 12 6 48 19 1 180 0 0 230 1 7 334 0 9 Mana 14 2 7 174 3 9i 340 0 0 528 6 4i 544 12 10 Benearrow ... 6 3 0 216 18 0 340 0 0 563 1 0 607 5 6 Godley Head 10 6 0 111 3 7i 350 0 0 471 9 7i 582 10 0 TairoaHead... 75 5 4 350 0 0 425 5 4 539 18 2 Dog Island ... 200 15 7 530 0 0 730 15 7 753 17 1 Totals ... 71 17 7 978 15 0 2,430 0 0 3,480 12 7 4,456 14 6 Totals for year 1867-8 ... 827 17 4 1,231 17 2 2,397 0 0 4,456 14 6

Nature of Expenditure. Amount. Remarks. Salary, Chief Surveyor ,, Assistant Surveyor ... Wages of survey party Travelling allowances to officers and rations of men Purchase and repairs of instruments Steamer and other fares Eepairs to boats, packing stores along the coast, and sundries Eepairs to "St. Kilda" £ s. d. 620 0 0 350 0 0 235 1 7 Including a bonus of £200, as explained in last report (Appendix D.) 338 11 73 0 0 160 4 0 282 15 9 85 9 2 Charged to Schedule B., Bublie Debts Act. Total Total for Year 1867-8 2,144 11 7 4,747 5 10 Total as above Travelling allowances Steamer fares Sundries 2,144 11 7 68 11 1 3 4 0 6 12 8 ") Expenditure in connection with the examination of > Otago Bar, Hauraki Gulf, &c, charged against J Marine Contingencies. Total ... £2,222 18 8 Total expended on Marine Surveys during 1868-9.



E.—No. 4.

Appendix G. Cost of Lighthouses and other Works in Progress, actual and estimated.

* This amount was paid (as a refund to the Provincial Grovernment of Otago) in 1865. As it is not charged against Schedule B, Public Debts Act, it is kept separate from the other items. f These amounts are partly estimated. j The estimate for fitting up Manukau Light does not include any allowance for providing accommodation for a light-keeper. § By adding the price of the lantern and apparatus, £2,296 19s. 6d. (as stated in the first line), to £3,895 15s. 10d., it will bo seen that the total cost of Nugget Point Lighthouse, complete, will be £6,192 15s. 4d. || On the assumption that an amount of £4,000, which has been placed to credit of Lighthouses, has been disbursed. 1" On the above assumption, that £4,000 has been paid in England already.

Appendix H. STATEMENT of Moneys received by salaried Officers of the Marine Department, during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Appendix I. STATEMENT of Moneys received by non-salaried Officers of the Marine Department (i.e., such Officers as are only paid for a portion of their time, and who have other occupations) during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Nature of Expenditure. Farewell Spit Lighthouse. Cape Campbell Lighthouse. Nugget Point Lighthouse. Manukau Light. Flat Rook Beacon. Totals. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. Price of apparatus and lantern as stored at Dunedin 2,296 19 9* Balance price of apparatus, &c., paid in 1867-8 Clerical assistance, surveys, &c., paid in 1867-8 Cost of lanterns and apparatus in England... Contract price of buildings, &c. Estimated cost of fitting up lanterns and apparatus and completing the works, including freight from England and to the sites, Inspector's salaries, and all contingencies 24 15 0 2,311 17 7f 2,496 0 0 17 5 0 2,242 8 3f 1,960 0 0 250 0 0 139 10 0 2,577 5 10 132 11 5f 390 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,181 0 0 929 0 0 130 0 0J 105 0 0 Approximate total cost Amount of original estimates 6,332 12 7 5,400 13 3 3,895 15 10§ 262 11 5 495 0 0 16,386 13 1§ 6,500 0 0 5,500 0 0 4,000 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 16,750 0 0 Approximate amounts already disbursed ... Approximate balances required during 1869-70 2,250 0 0 2,200 0 0 816 14 7 150 14 8 19 0 6 5,436 9 9|| 4,082 12 7 3,200 13 3 3,079 1 3 111 16 9 475 19 6 10,950 3 4T

Nature of Service. Amount Received. Remarks. Surveys of Steam Vessels ... Examinations of Masters and Engineers ... Pilotage Exemption Certificates ... Sale of Admiralty Charts, &e. £ a. d. 414 15 0 12 12 0 113 8 0 37 17 0 / Paid into the Bank of New Zealand on Government > Account in Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Cantor- \ bury, Otago, and Westland. Total 578 12 0 Total for 1867-8 532 0 2

Nature of Service. Amount Received. Remarks. Surveys of Steam Vessels ... Examinations of Engineers Pilotage Exemptions £ s. d. 136 10 0 9 9 0 26 5 0 Note. —There are other unpaid officers in connection with the Department (such as licensed Examiners of Masters and Adjusters of Compasses), who retain the fees in payment of their services. Such fees do not appear in this Beturn. Sale of charts. Sale of empty oil drums. Sundries 4 5 0 Total 176 9 0 Note. —The total amount collected during the year, taking the totals in Appendices H. and I. together, is £755 Is., as against £720 Is. 8d. collected during 1867-8. Total for 1867-8 ... 188 1 6

E.—No. 4.



Appendix K. RETURN of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Appendix M. RETURN of Pilotage and other Charges on Shipping (exclusive of Light Dues, Appendix K.), so far as they can be ascertained, collected at the under-mentioned Ports during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Port at which collected. Amount. Remarks. Auckland Bussell Wellington Wanganui Nelson ... Westport Greymouth Hokitika Picton Havelock Lyttelton Akaroa Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff Invercargill Biverton £ s. d. 1,310 2 9 30 0 10 1,122 8 4 22 2 1 585 17 0 124 3 6 38 10 1 62 18 1 44 1 3 7 13 11 958 15 0 16 15 4 Eeturns incomplete; presumed to be nil. when not sent in. 1,456 0 1 543 4 9 10 11 4 6 16 9 Total Light Dues for the Colony ... 6,340 1 1 Total Light Dues collected during 1867-8 6,117 0 4

Province and Port. Pilotage. Port Dues. Other Charges. Totals. Remarks. Auckland — Auckland ... Onehunga... Bussell Tauranga ... Kaipara ... Hokianga ... Mongonui... £ s. d. 1,411 5 2 133 9 7 118 11 2 54 15 8 89 14 4 50 0 0 37 5 6 £ s. d. 427 0 4 93 10 9 £ s. d. 183 16 2 £ s. d. 2,022 1 8 227 0 4 118 11 2 54 15 8 89 14 4 50 0 0 37 5 6 No returns of wharfage and other local dues. Eeturns for Tauranga incomplete. Assumed to be nil for last quarter. Only one return received for Hokianga. The total is estimated. Totals ... 1,895 1 5 520 11 1 183 16 2 2,599 8 8 Taranaki — New Plymouth ... 72 18 0 72 18 0 Estimated. No returns for the last two quarters. No information as to local charges, if any. JTawke's Bay — Napier No return of local charges. 109 3 9 109 3 9 Wellington — Wellington Wanganui 743 3 10 624 6 0 743 3 10 024 6 0 Wharf is leased, local charges. No return of Totals ... ' ... 1,367 9 10 1,367 9 10 Nelson — Nelson 806 16 8 Wharf believed to be leased. No return of local charges. 52 12 5 859 9 1 Marlborough — Nil. Canterbury — Lyttelton ... 1,186 15 8 121 18 3 1,308 13 11 No return of wharfage dues or other local charges. Otago — Dunedin ... 2,958 10 5 72 9 0 3,030 19 5 No further returns. Southland — Bluff Invercargill Biverton ... 415 19 4 37 7 6 17 16 6 4 4 0 2 2 0 420 3 4 39 9 6 No further returns. Totals ... 471 3 4 0 6 0 477 9 4 County of Westland — Hokitika ... Okarita 197 11 8 1 16 0 197 11 8 1 16 0 No further returns. Totals 199 7 8 199 7 8 Totals fob New ") Zbalahd j Ditto foe Teae ) 1867-8 j 9,067 6 9 520 11 1 404 11 9 437 1 10 10,024 19 8 9,126 6 3 310 19 5 9,841 17 5

E.—No. 4.

Appendix L. RETURN showing the Rates of Light Dues, Pilotage, Port Charges, and other Charges on Shipped (with the exception of Wharfage Dues on Vessels, which are Charges of a purely local nature), at present levied or proposed to be levied in the several Ports of the Colony.



"ote. —The majority of these Charges are at present leviei facilitate reference. ., and all are in accori .ance witl e wis! .es am approval oi e local authorities. It is proposed to re-impose them in this tabular form to Wheee to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Pokt Chaeges. Shifting oe Haebouehastees' Fees. Pees eoh Boat Licenses. Pees eoe Licenses to Boatmen and Wateemen. V\ Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. 8 o Charged both Inwards and Outwards. O G> Classes of Vessels which pay Port Charges, and how levied. Services for which Shifting Pees are charged. u o IS -3 (5S Classes of Boats to which Licenses are Issued. d Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. a d. d. d. d. £ s. d. 1 0 0 | £ s. d. 10 0 Auckland ... Auckland Sailing vessels from Ports beyond the Australian Colonies All steam vessels from ports out of the Colony, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Note. —Vessels plying in that part of Hauraki Gulf south of Bangitoto and Waiheki Islands are exempt from light dues. Sailing vessels of and under 100 tons Sailing vessels over 100 tons, first 100 tons Sailing vessels over 100 tons, every ton over 100 Steamers of and under 100 tons Steamers over 100 tons, first 100 tons Steamers over 100 tons, every ton over 100 Into or out of any outer roadstead, all vessels to be charged half the above rates only. Same as Auckland, except that the additional charge per ton for vessels over 100 tons is to be— Sailing vessels Steamers Into or out of any anchorage below Puponga, half pilotage only to be charged. f> 6 Vessels or boats plying within the port, or employed in coasting only, quarterly Vessels not plying within the port, or not employed in coasting only, on arrival Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. For each time the Harbourmaster or his deputy goes on board to appoint the place of anchorage of any vessel or to remove her from one place of anchorage to another Watermen's boats Water tank boats, cargo boats, ballast boats, per ton Watermen Masters of water tank boats, cargo boats, ballast boats, each 1 10 0 2 0 2 G 2 ■1 4 1 4 1* Vessels or boats plying within the port, or employed in coasting only, quarterly Vessels not plying within the port, or not employed in coasting only, on arrival Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. Same as Manukau. Nil. Nil. Nil. Ditto Manukau Nil. Watermen'sboats 1 0 o! Watermen 1 0 0 3 2 Kaipara Hokianga Tauranga Eussell Nil. Nil. Nil. Vessels from Ports beyond the Australian Colonies All vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Note. —These dues are only leviable on vessels making use of or passing TiriTiri or other lights on the coasts of the Colony. 3 Same as Manukau. Ditto. Same as Auckland. Ditto. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 1 1 1 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. 2 0i

E.—No. 4.

Appendix L. — continued.



TO BE LEVIED. Light Dues. Pilotage. Poet Chabges. Shifting or Haeboubmastees' Fees. Fees foe Boat Licenses. Fees fob Licenses to Boatmen and W^ateemen. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. p -; o oi s'§> Charged both Inwards and Outwards. p 5CO CO Classes of Vessels which pay Port Charges, and how levied. to • O 03 <D -H tH CD Port Services for which Shifting Fees are charged. JH - Ml 2 OlH Ph<< Classes of Boats to which Licenses are Issued. CO* tOO Oh "ett 33 03 03 Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. Jh — IS a d. d. d. d. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland — continued. Ha wee's Bat Mongonui Nil. Same as Auckland. Same as Manukau. Same as Auckland. Nil. Nil. Napier Nil. Into or out of Inner Harbour, — Sailing vessels Steamers To or from Boadstead, — Sailing vessels over 100 tons, first 100 tons ... Every ton over 100 ... Steamers, first 100 tons... Every ton over 100 ... Vessels or boats plying within the harbour, or engaged in coasting only, quarterly... Vessels not plying within the harbour or not engaged in coasting only, on arrival Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. Vessels from beyond the Australian Colonies, on arrival (including use of Government moorings) Same as at Napier. Ditto 1 Water tank boats, per ton Cargo boats, per ton Ballast boats, per ton Watermen's boats 0 10 Masters of water tank boats Masters of ballast boats Masters of cargo boats Watermen 2 2 0 4 3 0 10 2 2 0 0 10 0 10 0 2 2 0 10 0 6 2 3 1 Taeanaki ... Wairoa New Plymouth Nil. Nil. Same rates as for Inner Harbour, Napier. On vessels of all sizes (but not to exceed £3 each way in any case) ... On all vessels piloted by signals only ... Same as Patea. All vessels, per quarter (payable on the first trip of each quarter) All vessels quarterly *Ditto Ditto 1 1 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Patea Nil. 3 1 3 Ditto Nil. Nil. Wellington Oi 1 Waitara Nil. Same as at Patea. Ditto 1 Nil. Nil. Wellington ... Sailing vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All steam vessels from ports out of New Zealand, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Sailing vessels over 500 tons, first 500 tons Sailing vessels for every ton over 500 tons Sailing vessels of 500 tons and under Steamers of all sizes twothirds of the rates for sailing vessels. Coasters under 50 tons to be exempt from pilotage unless they employ a pilot. Vessels or boats plying within the port, or employed in coasting only, quarterly, in advance ... Vessels not plying within the port, or not employed in coasting only, on arrival Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. Ditto 1 Cargo boats, ballast boats, water tank boats, per ton Watermen's boats Masters of cargo boats Masters of ballast boats Masters of water tank boats Watermen 0 0 10 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 10 0 b 10 o 6 b 10 o 0 10 0 4 1

E.— No. 4.

Appendix L.— continued.


Wheee to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Poet Charges. Shifting oe Haeboubmastees' Fees. Fees foe Boat Licenses. Fees foe Licenses to Boatmen and "Wateeman. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. ri to O 00 EH 3hK Charged both Inwards and Outwards. H Oh" o co EH^ (HfA Classes of Vessels which pay Port Charges, and how levied. gd SeS IHrl Services for which Shifting Fees are charged. Sd pp'S Classes of Boats to which Licenses are Issued. CO tOO 43 03 Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. Fh -rt d. d. d. d. 1 £ s. d. ! £ s. Wellington — continued. Wanganui ... Vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Note. —Light due s only to be levied at Wanganui on vessels arriving from the eastward. Nil. 3 All vessels when piloted by signals from the staff only Biver pilotage ... Nil. Same as Auckland. Same as Wellington. Same as Wellington. 2 3 3 Oi All vessels Nil. Ditto Manawatu ... Same as Wellington. Watermen' s boats Cargo boats Ballast boats ... Water tank boats Same as Wellington. Nelson Nelson Sailing vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All steam vessels from ports out of New Zealand, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Sailing vessels from 50 to 250 tons Sailing vessels from 250 to 400 tons ... Sailing vessels over 400 tons Vessels towed in or out by a steamer, half the above rates oniy. Steamers of and under 150 tons Steamers from 150 to 250 tons, first 150 tons For every ton over 150... Steamers from 250 to 400 tons, first 250 tons For every ton over 250... Steamers over 400 tons, first 400 tons... For every ton over 400... The above rates of pilotage for steamers are charged the first time of entering and leaving in each year ; but for every time of entering and leaving after the first in each year, only half the above rates are charged. Nil. Ditto, for vessels from 50 to 200 tons Ditto, over 200 tons... Watermen, Masters of cargo boats, ballast boats, water tank boats, each ... 4 1 0i 0 10 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 5 6 1 o 4 1 4 4 2* 3i 2 3 li

X—So. 4,

Appendix L.— continued.



SlIIETING OE Haebottrmastees' Fees. Fees foe Boat Lici 1NSES. Fees foe Licensi Boatmen and Wai is TO EEMEN. "Wheee to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Post Chaeges. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. &H "en Ph -^ Charged both Inwards and Outwards. fl to O COEH m 03 "oo CO o. Sd SeS Classes of Vessels -g which pay Port Charges, '5b g and how levied. & % Services for which Shifting Fees are charged. Eon •a. a tH CD Classes of Boats to which Licenses are Issued. CD bD Q P ■ fl •3 Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. (H rrt < a. d. d. d. !£ s. d. £ s. d. 10 0 Nelson — continued. Westport Sailing vessels from beyond the Colony, coming from any port to the eastward of New Zealand Steamers from beyond the Colony, coming from any port to the eastward of New Zealand Steam or sailing vessels coastwise from any part of Stewart Island or Middle Island to the eastward of Solander Island on the South and Separation Point on the North, and from any part on the EastCoast of the North Island between Kapiti on the South and Auckland on the North Those light dues are only chargeable at the first port on the WestCoast at which any vessel liable thereto shall call on any voyage or trip. Same as at Westport, provided the vessel has not previously (on the same trip) called at any other port on the West Coast where these dues are levied. Same as Greymouth. Nil. Nil. Nil. Watermen's boats,! cargo boats, ballast boats, each 10 0 Watermen Westland ... Greymouth ... Nil. Nil. Nil. Cargo boats Watermen's boats All boats plying for hire are classed either as cargo or watermen's boats. Cargo boats Watermen's boats All boats plying for hire are classed either as cargo or watermen's boats. 1 1 0 110 Masters of cargo boats Watermen 110 110 Hokitika Sailing vessels ... Steamers Nil. Nil. Masters of cargo boats Watermen 3 2 110 110 110 110

E.—No. 4.

Appendix L.— continued.




"Whebe to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Poet Chaeges. Shifting or Harbourmasters' Fees. Fees foe Boat Licenses. Fees foe Licenses to Boatmen and Watermen. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inw r ards only. fl oP e?| &i a co co PHP3 Charged both Inwards and Outwards. fl rU EH-g oo'a co co Sato ° Classes of Vessels -£ -^ which pay Port Charges, 'a a and how levied. piP P OH g Services for which Shifting Fees are charged. Jh - o fl "1=1 HH 12 c3 Ph-5 Classes of Boats to whioh Licenses are Issued. 9 is, Fh rd fl fl fl Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. 03 of rt r^ o Til 1 d. d. 3 2 d. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. Westland — continued. Marlborough Okarita Same as Greymouth. Sailing vessels ... Steamers Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Picton Vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Same as Picton. 3 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. ' Havelock 2 Nil. Canterbury Oi Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Lyttelton Sailing vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All steamers from ports beyond New Zealand, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Sailing vessels over 500 tons, for the first 500 tons Every ton over 500 Sailing vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies of 500 tons and under Colonial sailing vessels of 500 tons and under Steamers of all sizes two-thirds of the above rates for sailing vessels. Nil. Vessels plying within the port, or employed in coasting only, per quarter, in advance Vessels not plying within the port, or not employed in coasting only, on arrival ... Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. Nil. For each time the Harbourmaster or his deputy goes on board to appoint the place of anchorage of any vessel, or to remove her from one place of anchorage to another ... Nil. All masters of or persons in charge of any vessel or boat used or employed in landing or embarking cargo, luggage, passengers, ballast, or water, within the port 0 4 4 0 1 4 Vessels from beyond the Colony, not having paid light dues at any port in New Zealand previously (on the same voyage or trip), to be charged same rates as Lyttelton. Same as Akaroa. Nil. |2 2 0 Otago Akaroa Timaru Nil. Nil. As at Lyttelton. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Dunedin Sailing"vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies All steamers from ports beyond New Zealand, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise ... ... Sailing vessels without a tugSteamers Sailing vessels with a tug 4 3 3 All vessels or boats plyin g for hire within the port, half-yearly All vessels trading beyond the limits of the port and exempt from pilotage, halfyearly ... For each time the Harbourmaster or his deputy goes on board to appoint the place of anchorage of any vessel or to remove her from one place of anchorage to another Ballast and water tank boats to be charged halfyearly per registered or measured ton Masters or persons in charge of all vessels or boats plying for hire within the port 2 2 3d. 4" 1

E.—No. A.



Appendix L. — continued.

Wheee to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Poet Chaeges. Shifting oe Haeeotjemasteks' Pees. Fees for Boat Licenses. Fees for Licenses to Boatmen and W t atebmen. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. 03 tJ o a Charged both Inwards and Outwards. fl c O coSH "g 53 a CD o, Sd Classes of Vessels -£ n-t which pay Port Charges, 'a ® and how levied. t^ o. CO sa Services for which Shifting Pees are charged. ¥d •U tH Is Classes of Boats to which Licenses are Issued. q < Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. to ett -a "Po 33 03 fl HI a. d. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. Otago — continued. Dunedin All vessels trading beyond the limits of the port, and exempt from pilotage, halfyearly ... All vessels, half-yearly Oamaru Vessels from beyond the Colony, not having paid light dues at any port in New Zealand previously (on the same voyage or trip), to be charged same rates as at Dunedin. Nil. 2 4 Same as Dunedin. Nil. Same as Dunedin Southland... Moeraki Waikouaiti ... Molyneux Kakanui Same as Oamaru. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Same as Oamaru. Ditto. Ditto.Ditto. 4 4 4 4 Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Bluff Harbour Sailing vessels from ports beyond the Australian Colonies ... .., All steamers from ports beyond New Zealand, and sailing vessels from the Australian Colonies Steam and sailing vessels coastwise Sailing vessels ... Steamers Half the above rates only to be charged on vessels going no further than the " outer anchorage." Vessels under 50 tons exempt. 3 2 All vessels or boats under 50 tons, plying within the port, or engaged in coasting only, half-yearly All vessels or boats under 50 tons not plying within the port, or not engaged in coasting only, on arrival ... For each time a vessel makes fast to and lies at the Government moorings None of the above charges, whether separately or together, to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. For each time the Harbourmaster or his deputy goes on board to appoint the place of anchorage of any vessel, or to remove her from one place of anchorage to another ... Water tank boats Ballast boats ... Cargo boats Watermen's boats 10 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 10 0 Masters of tank boats Masters of ballast boats Masters of cargo boats Watermen's boats 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 10 4 1

B.—No. 4.

I : : —. . r = 1 Note.—No pilotage shall be charged for New River (Invercargill) unless the Pilot Establishment is in proper working order, or a Pilot is taken round from Bluff Harbour.

Auckland ; and at Otago, Wellington, and Nelson, special conveniences for swinging vessels have been fitted. The authorized scale of fees is as follows :— For vessels under 50 tons ... ... £3 3s. „ from 50 to 100 tons ... ... £4 4s. „ from 100 to 300 tons ... ... £5 ss. „ from 300 to 500 tons ... ... £6 6s. „ over 500 tons ... ... £7 7s. 4. By the Harbour and Quarantine Regulations for New Zealand it is provided (Clause 21) that " vessels in distress, and whaling vessels, putting into any port through stress of weather, or for water or provisions, or to refit, are to be exempt from all port dues and from pilotage, except where the services of a pilot are actually made use of."

Appendix L. — continued.

Notes.—1. In addition to the Pilotage rates in the above Schedule there is a charge of 15s. per day for the first three days, and 10s. per day after the first three, for any period that a Pilot may be detained on board any vessel, whether by stress of weather, quarantine, or otherwise. (See " Harbour and Quarantine Regulations for the Ports of New Zealand," Clause 13, in New Zealand Gazette for 1868, p. 279.) 2. Where Municipal Corporations have been established under " The Municipal Corporations Act, 1867," and have adopted section 3 of Part X. of the thirteenth Schedule to the said Act (referring to boats and boatmen) the provisions of the Harbour Regulations regarding boats and boatmen, and the foregoing scale of License Pees, are by the said Act superseded. 3. There are licensed Adjusters of Compasses at Otago, Lyttelton, Wellington, Nelson, and



"VVheee to be Levied. Light Dues. Pilotage. Poet Chaeges. Shifting or Haeboubmastees' Eeei Fees foe Boat"=Licenses. Fees foe Licenses to Boatmen and Wateemen. Province or District. Port. Charged at each time of entering Inwards only. EH | rt OJO co co FhPh Charges both Inwards and Outwards. a a' 0. too PHP? Classes of Vessels which pay Port Charges, and how levied. co EH 'a a Ph3 Services for which Shifting Fees are charged. ©J Classes of Boats for which Licenses are Issued. a. ba fl Classes to whom Licenses are Issued. CD ca Q q a. a. 6 4 a. a. !£ s. a. £ s. d. Southland — continued. Invercargill ... Bates the same as at Bluff Harbour, but no vessel is to be charged light dues for Dog Island at more than one port on any one voyage or trip. Sailing vessels ... Steamers Vessels under 50 tons exempt. All vessels plying within the port, or engaged in coasting only, half-yearly, in advance ... All vessels not plying within the port, or not engaged in coasting only, on arrival Not to exceed sixpence per ton in any one half-year. Port charges to be the same as at Bluff Harbour. Same as at Bluff Har-" bour i Same as at Bluff Harbour. Same as at Bluff Harbour. Bates the same as at Bluff Harbour, but no vessel is to be charged light dues for Dog Island at more than one port on any one voyage or trip. Sailing vessels ... Steamers Vessels under 50 tons exempt. Ditto. Ditto. Eiverton 6 4 Ditto

E.— No. 4.



Appendix N. APPROXIMATE RETURN of the Cost of the several Harbour and Pilot Establishments of the Colony during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Appendix P. RETURN of Local Pilotage Exemption Certificates issued during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Approximate Total Cost of Harbour and Pilot EstaPjlishments. Province or District. Remarks. Auckland Taranaki Hawke's Bay ... Wellington Nelson Marlborough ... Canterbury Otago Southland Westland £ s. a. 2,976 16 8 491 0 0 744 0 0 2,605 17 0 3,430 15 0 305 0 0 2,461 5 0 4,473 13 6 2,338 11 8 2,300 0 0 With the exception of Westland (the information as regards which was received from the Chairman of tho County Council), these amounts are taken from the Appropriation Acts and published Estimates for the several Provinces ; the necessary fractions being taken in order to bring the amounts as nearly as possible correct for the year commencing 1st July, 1868, and ending 30th June, 1869. The amount for Wellington includes £341 5s. for maintenance of Somes Island Light, and £220 for tho Beacon Hill and Mount Victoria Signal Stations. The amount for Nelson includes £1,438 for the Gold Fields Harbours. Approximate Total for the Colony Approximate Total in 1867-8 22,126 18 10 22,656 12 6

Province. Name of Master to whom Certificate has been issued. Name of Vessel for which Certificate has been granted. Ports included in the Certificate. Date of Issue of Certificate. Auckland ... J. McDougall Daniel Sellars A. Earquhar Dukeof Edinburgh... Tauranga ... Boyal Alfred Auckland ... „ Manukau, Kaipara, Port Waikato „ Manukau... 24 July, 1868 27 July, 1868 Charles Watson J. C. Norton D. McKenzie J. McKenzie G. Short Wm. Cooper Wm. E. Stephenson Hannibal Marks J. McKenzie J. Logan B. Martin John Calder John Howard J. McKenzie Prince Alfred Excelsior ... Huntress Duke of Edinburgh... Fiery Cross... Kate Tell Dukeof Edinburgh... Aurora Hero Isabella Island City... Lion... Herald ,, ,, „ Bussell ... ,, Bussell ... 14 August, 1868 17 August, 1868 28 August, 1868 31 August, 1868 7 September, 1868 10 September, 1868 16 September, 1868 18 September, 1868 21 September, 1868 17 October, 1868 20 October, 1868 26 October, 1868 12 December, 1868 7 January, 1869 „ Bussell ... ,, Hokianga... „ Manukau, Bussell, and Tauranga Canterbury... Otago J. McDonald G. Davies ... Wm. Harris James Biddle A. Chambers F. Ohlson D. H. McKenzie ... F.W.Fletcher ... J. Chadwick J. Malcolm C. Hodge J. Falconer... C. Osborn ... H. Bobinson H. Henton ... Wm. Walker H. Patching Wm. Simpson Wm. Best J. W. Cumming ... ,1. Jameson... B. M. Jackson Golden Isle... Little Fred Huntress Eucalyptus... Huntress ... ... Dukeof Edinburgh... Flirt Success P.C.E Wallace Indus Jane Anderson Elizabeth Curie Free Trader Indus Onehunga ... Omega Becord Emulous Hydra Bengal Indus Auckland ... ,, Manukau, Kaipara... „ Bussell Lyttelton ... Dunedin 9 January, 1869 25 January, 1869 27 January, 1869 15 February, 1869 20 February, 1869 3 June, 1869 7 June, 1869 17 June, 1869 29 June, 1869 29 December, 18G8 6 July, 1868 10 July, 1868 18 August, 1868 7 September, 1868 22 September, 1868 29 October, 1868 3 November, 1868 18 December, 1868 21 December, 1868 19 February, 1869 3 March, 1869 4 April, 1869 17 May, 1869

E.—N?. 4.



Appendix O. RETURN of General Pilotage Exemptions, for Ports of more than one Province, which have been issued during the Financial Year 1868-9.


•h „■ oS <D O ,'.:■■■;-.; P CJ Karnes of Masters to whom Certificates have been issued. Names of Vessels for which Certificates have been issued. I Ports included in Certificate. Remarks. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 u 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 William B endall ... W. Seymour Charles Ifworsen ... Daniel Brown James Stewart John Baterson W. H. Bax M. Carey... W.E.Williams ... A. Martin William Black William Kiddey ... GeoKge Mundle John Paton William Johnston ... E. H. Ferguson John Christian James Hagley A. Black... F. Hepburn Star of the South ... Storm Bird Cleopatra Annie Brown Dunedin ... Queen of the Isles... Eangitoto John Penn Anne Melhuish Lady Don Crest of the Wave ... Princess Alice Go-ahead Summer Cloud Challenge Tararua ... Bruce Eangitoto Cantero ... Beautiful Star Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, and Bluff. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Bluff, Taranaki, Manukau Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, Kaipara, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, and Greymouth. Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth, Picton. Wellington, Lyttelton, Otago. Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson, Manukau. Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth, Picton. Auckland, Lyttelton. Eussell, Auckland, Wellington. Auckland, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Nelson, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson, New Plymouth Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Manukau ... Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff, Hokitika, Nelson. Bussell, Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Manukau. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, Lyttelton. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Okarita. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Wellington, Lyttelton, Bort Chalmers, and Bluff ... Eussell, Auckland, Lyttelton, Manukau, Kaipara. Manukau, New Plymouth, Wellington. Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Manukau ... Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Picton, Nelson, Taranaki, Manukau Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson, New Plymouth Dunedin, Bluff, Now Biver, Biverton, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth. Auckland, Lyttelton... Benewal on change of ship. * Eenewal on change of ship. Ditto. 57 James McKenzie ... Herald ... 58 T. B. Greig James Paxton 59 James Leys Wainui ... GO 61 G. Exans... A. D. McGilivray ... Ben Nevis Murray ... G2 George Calder Omeo 63 Hugh Mackie Eangitoto 64 W. Meiklejohn Twilight ... Benewal on change of vessel. 63 66 T. Linklater E. Griffiths Wanganui Eifleman... 67 J. Hagley Tararua ... Ditto. OS T. Morton Lady Don 69 F. Benner Eangatira Ditto. 70 John Christian Beautiful Star Charles Frazer Crest of the Wave... Ditto. 71 72 Bobert Thomson ... Southern Cross This Certificate has not been taken up. Benewal on change of vessel. 73 74 W.E.Williams ... F. Hepburn Haversham Bruce Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin... Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin, Bluff, Okarita, Hokitika, Greymouth, Nelson Bussell, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Akaroa, Timaru, Dunedin T. Chrisp Comerang Ditto. 75 Ditto.

E.—]Sio. 4. 26


Appendix Q. RETURN of Masters and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency have been issued during the Financial Year 1868-9.

Name. Name and Position of Examining Officer. Nature of Examination. Class of Certificate. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. CO Cm "$3 O CO fc 'S O Remarks. Joseph Ellis Coleman Phillips Henry Worsp H. B. Macmeikan William Lindsay Andrew Cunningham Peter Morris Captain Eichards, Licensed Examiner, Auckland... ,, ,, ,, Captain Johnson, Marine Department, Wellington Not again examined Captain Eichards For Master... ,, ,, Extended river Biver Sea-going ... Extended river Eiver Extended river Clyde Blue Nose Lord Ashley Lioness Enterprise No. 1... Lady Bowen Woodpecker July 8, 1868 JJ July 23, 1868 Aug. 3, 1868 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Issued without charge in lieu of No. 61. Not again examined Aug. 13, 1868 Issued free in lieu of No. 144. Captain Morris is qualified to receive a Coasting Certificate without further examination. Issued free in lieu of No. 59. Captain Farquhar is qualified for a Sea-going Certificate. Alexander Farquhar ... ,, Coasting Boyal Alfred Aug. 28, 1868 155 George Mundle Charles Philpot James Ferguson Captain Johnson Not again examined Captain Thomson, Harbour Master and Licensed Examiner, Otago Not again examined Captain Thomson Not again examined Captain Johnson Not again examinea Captain Eichards Captain Thomson Not again examined Captain Thomson ... ... Not again examined Captain Gibson, Harbour Master and Licensed Examiner, Lyttelton 00 Sea-going ... Biver Go-ahead Gemini Aug. 31, 1868 Sept. 22, 1868 156 157 Issued in lieu of No. 83. 00 Abraham Palmer William N. Thorn ... George Wilson William D. Hargreaves Francis Hepburn William Farquhar John Christian Hannibal Marks Gordon McKinnon ... John Christian John Cameron J) 30 0) 03 JJ )J ,, ... ... Coasting „ Biver Coasting ... Extended river Biver Coasting Lady of the Lake Charles Edward ... Bob Boy Lioness Lady Bowen Beautiful Star ... Maori Chief Bruce Duke of Edinburgh Tuapeka Beautiful Star ... Oct. 3, 1868 Oct. 27, 1868 Jan. 6, 1869 Jan. 13, 1869 Jan. 27,1869 Jan. 30, 1869 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Free, in lieu of No. 133. Free, in lieu of No. 97. Free, in lieu of No. 145. )> JJ Feb. 5, 1869 June 11, 1869 June 12, 1869 Free, in lieu of No. 45. i) t) JJ William Cameron Thomas Chrisp Frederick Ohlson Francis Hepburn John Darling Wiiliam Sharpe JJ Eiver Mullough Novelty Comerang Duke of Edinburgh Bruce Geelong June 15, 1869 169 170 171 172 173 153 Free, in lieu of No. 117. Not again examined Captain Eichards Not again examined 00 00 „ Coasting Extended river Coasting Condensing engines, river service ... Non-condensing engines, extended river service Condensing engines, coasting service Condensing, river Condensing, extended river Condensing, coasting June 29, 1869 0) JJ James Stewart, Engineer Surveyor, Auckland For Engineer July 4, 1868 Free, in lieu of No. 163. Issued free, iu lieu of No. 40. Hamilton McBride ... E. J. Smythe Samuel McCoskie John Morton Daniel Smith J. Nanearrow, Engineer Surveyor for the Colony... 0. JJ ,J James Stewart Not again examined j, Enterprise No. 2... Lyttelton Favorite Duke of Edinburgh Star of the South Wallace July 31, 1868 JJ Aug. 3, 1868 Aug. 15, 1868 Aug. 18, 1868 154 155 156 157 158 159 Free, in lieu of No. 130. Free, in lieu of No. 103. jj jj ,, jj jj jj

E.—No, 4.

Appendix Q. RETURN of Masters and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency have been issued during the Financial Year 1868-9— continued.



Nature of Examination. Vessel for which Certificate has been issued. Date of Issue of Certificate. CO HO -rt ° CO rt=S PS to CH q, Name. Name and Position of Examining Officer. Class of Certificate. Remarks. William Brown Not again examined ... For Engineer Non-condensing, extended river Woodpecker Aug. 18, 1868 160 Free, in lieu of No. 88. Qualified for a Condensing Coasting Certificate. Free, in lieu of No. 82. Archibald Donald Frederick Snowling ... Samuel Erdis J. D. Beith Henry McGregor Thomas Byan William Dean Edward Williams Alfred Bach jj James Stewart Not again examined James Stewart J. Nancarro'.v ... Condensing, coasting Non-condensing, river ... Non-condensing, coasting Non-condensing, extended river Condensing, extended river Condensing, coasting ... Condensing, extended river Non-condensing, extended river Non-condensing, river ... Boyal Alfred Maori Chief Go-ahead Lalla Bookh Moa Wanganui Lady Bowen Lalla Bookh Gemini Aug. 28, 1868 Aug. 31, 1868 Nov. 3, 1868 Jan. 14, 1869 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Free, in lieu of No. 74. James Stewart ... j, Jan. 30, 1869 Free, in lieu of No. 124. Qualified for a Condensing Coasting Certificate. Free, in lieu of No. 144. Qualified for a Non-con-densing Extended Eiver Certificate. Free, in lieu of No. 54. jj Not again examinea ,j Feb. 5, 1869 Henry Ballans jj jj jj j* ••■ Enterprise No. 1... JJ 170 John Coppell John Lamburn A. Cameron J. Casley William Butler David G. Donald jj J. Nancarrow ... jj ... ,, Condensing, coasting Condensing, sea-going ... Non-condensing, river ... Tauranga John Penn Alexandra Enterprise No. 1... Yarra Go-ahead Feb. 8, 1869 April 8, 1869 171 172 173 174 175 176 jj J. Stewart J. Nancarrow ... Not again examined jj jj jj Non-condensing, extended river Non-condensing, coasting May 31, 1869 June 16, 1869 Free, in lieu of No. 109. Qualified for a Condensing Coasting Certificate.

E<—No. 4.

Appendix R. RETURN of Steam Vessels to which Certificates have been issued in New Zealand during the Financial Year 1868-9.



Name of Vessel. CD Si oo -Oj ett "S fl ■ag fH ffl . £ <D °v e-fl Sea M° Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. d . r-Hg, 02 HH O 6 £ 15 OCG Trade in which Vessel is engaged, and General Remarks. Enterprise No. 1 22 10 Paddle Eiver Noncondensing Enterprise No. 2 Blue Nose Waipa ... Maori Chief ... Gemini... Clyde Tauranga 43 42 30 15 10 27 67 32 30 25 26 7 32 40 jj jj jj jj Twin screw Paddle Twin screw Extended river Biver jj jj Extended river Sea-going Condensing 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 Plies in Auckland Harbour. Auckland to Thames. Waikato Eiver. Laid up part of year. Waikato Biver. Laid up at Manukau. Tender to larger vessels at Shortland. Auckland Harbour. Auckland to ports in Hauraki Gulf. Part of the year laid up. Auckland, Bussell, and Tauranga trade. Has been altered to a sailing vessel. Not plying. At present engaged in shifting buoys in Manukau Harbour. Auckland to Shortland. Has recently been classed as a highpressure boat, and will be surveyed four times a year in future. Midge 56 24 Screw jj jj 2 1 Favorite 38 45 Paddle Extended river jj 2 2 Lady Bowen ... 26 34 jj jj jj Duke of Edinburgh ..,; Eoyal Alfred .. i Lalla Bookh ... 51 89 23 35 60 14 jj jj Sea-going Extended river jj 2 2 4 2 2 3 Auckland to Shortland. Auckland to Shortland. New vessel. Auckland to Shortland. Auckland and Bussell trade most of the year. At present laid jj Noncondensing Go-ahead 70 30 Twin screw Sea-going 4 4 John Bonn ..: 122 50 jj Condensing 2 2 up. Formerly in West Coast trade; now Auckland to Shortland. Coasting trade, mainly between Auckland, Bussell, and Napier. At present in the Auckland local trade. Waikato boat. Laid up. Star of the South 147 40 Screw 2 2 Comerang .., 152 60 Paddle ,j 2 2 Bangariri .. ; about 48 261 220 20 Stern wheel Eiver Noncondensing Condensing 4 2 Wellington Lady Bird 80 70 Screw Sea-going Eiver 2 2 2 1 Coasting trade. Long laid up. Until thoroughly repaired is only allowed a Biver Certificate. Coasting trade. jj Eangatira Storm Bird Ahuriri Phoebe Airedale Lord Ashley ... 144 67 130 417 286 296 50 30 50 120 60 80 Sea-going jj jj jj jj 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 » jj JO JJ jj JJ JJ Wanganui Halcyon 164 24 50 25 jj Twin screw jj jj jj Extended river jj Noncondensing 2 4 4 1 Coasting trade. Surveyed once in Sydney. Coasting trade. Surveyed once in Sydney. Becently removed from Auckland to Lyttelton. Lyttelton and Pigeon Bay. Now laid up. Steam lighter, Lyttelton. Betsy Douglas... 14 18 Paddle Eiver jj 4 4 Novelty Mullough Gazelle Moa ... Maid of the Avon 42 41 47 47 12 30 15 30 25 10 Screw j. jj Extended river jj jj jj Condensing Noncondensing Condensing 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 Lyttelton local trade. Paddle jj Eiver, jj ,j Lyttelton Harbour. Has been dismantled. Coasting, Dunedin and West Coast trade principally. Coasting: Dunedin, Lyttelton, and intermediate ports. Coasting. . Becently laid on between Wanganui and Manukau. Coasting : Dunedin and Oamaru. Coasting : Dunedin and neighbouring ports. Employed as a tug in Otago Harbour. Plies in Otago Harbour. Beautiful Star... 125 30 Screw Sea-going 2 2 Wainui 87 25 jj jj jj 2 2 Keera ... 146 50 jj jj jj 2 2 Wallace Tairoa ... 56 51 40 30 Paddle Screw jj Noncondensing Condensing 2 4 2 4 Geelong 137 70 Paddle 2 2 Golden Age 78 60 JJ Biver Noncondensing 4 4 Peninsula 24 20 )J jj 4 4 jj jj jj

E.— No; "4.

Appendix R. — continued. RETURN of Steam Vessels to which Certificates have been issued in New Zealand during the Financial Year 1868-9— continued.



Name of Vessel. u be (D rt ~£ « ■■H fl Of-t -H j; is 0=0.00 .03 SW hO'o. M Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Nature of Engines. d • P-H" h IS -3 CO £ o co e*H O © co 'A ft 15 oca Trade in which Vessel is engaged, and General Remarks. Lady of the Lake 56 24 25 60 Paddle Stern wheel Eiver Noncondensing 4 4 4 4 Blies in Otago Harbour, steam lighter. Plies on Clutha Biver. Tuapeka >j jj Antrim Expert 6 7 30 8 Paddle Screw Paddle jj » jj 4 4 2 1 1 2 Lake Wakatip. Official Surveyor inspects once a year. Lake Wakatip. Official Surveyor inspects once a year. Hokitika and West Coast Ports. Mainly employed as a tug. Hokitika. Tug and Bteam lighter. Lioness 60 00 Sea-going Condensing Yarra... 32 35 Biver Noncondensing 4 4 Persevere Bruce... Dispatch 27 83 38 25 40 40 ,, jj Sea-going jj Condensing 4 2 2 4 2 2 ,j jj jj Hokitika and West Coast trade. Grey Eiver. Tug and steam lighter. West Coast trade. ,, jj jj Waipara Wallabi 47 100 30 25 Twin screw Screw jj Noncondensing Condensing 4 2 4 2 Buller and general West Coast trade. Nelson to Blenheim, and general coasting. Nelson and Blind Bay, and Massacre Bay. Nelson and West Coast. jj Lyttelton 49 25 Paddle Sea-going jj 2 2 Lady Barkly ... 30 25 » Extended river jj 2 2 Charles Edward Murray Kennedy Moutoa 89 57 110 60 60 25 36 16 Screw Twin screw Paddle Sea-going » » JO 2 2 2 4. 2 2 2 1 JJ jj jj Eiver JJ Noncondensing JJ JJ Laid up at Nelson. Woodpecker ... Eob Boy 24 199 8 50 JJ Screw jj Sea-going Condensing 4 2 2 1 Wrecked at Patea. General coasting. Only a short time in the Colony.

E.—No. 4.

Appendix S. RETURN of Wrecks on which Inquiries have been held under "The Inquiry into Wrecks Act, 1863," or which have been reported between 1st July, 1868, and 30th June, 1869.



Date of Casualty, Name of Vessel, also Age and Class, when known. Big. Jh M .22 S O Is sa so <-H OT rC CD Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. HJ o g Direction. "Wind. Place where Accident occurred. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Remaeks. Force. 1868. July 2 Flore nee Ketch ... 51 General... Stranded On shore Fresh Waitangi Beach, Chatham Islands That the vessel had been taken possession of and run on shore by the Hauhau prisoners. The accident was caused by the tow-line slipping ; how, there is no evidence to show. No blame attached to the master or any one on board. Wreck caused by stress of weather, and vessel missing stays. Wreck caused by stress of weather. The mate in charge committed an error of judgment in not letting go the second anchor earlier than he did. She was afterwards repaired, but before she was ready for launching, a heavy sea carried her off the ways, and she became a total wreck. The vessel broke up. Believed to have become a total wreck. Total wreck. ,j 15 Bat the Bover, 7 years, not classed Brig ... 79 Colonial produce Stranded Westerly Fresh and squally North Beach, entrance to Grey Biver Bittern, 3 years Cutter ... Ballast ... Stranded Not stated Noumea, New Caledonia Shag Beef, within Lyttelton Harbour 19 40 5 JJ 23 Daniel Watson, 7 years, not classed Brig ... 143 10 Ballast ... Dragged her anchors, drove on shore, and became a wreck. N.E. ... Gale Aug. 11 Annie, li year Schooner 16 General... Foundered N.W. ... Strong Off Cape Kidnappers, Hawke's Bay An accident of the sea. No grounds for attributing blame or suspicion to any one. The wreck must have been caused by an unusual eddy tide. Master and erew exonerated from all blame. Wreck caused by the master attempting to sail across the Grey bar when it was impassable. The master exonerated, as he was compelled to run in, from there being neither water nor provisions on board. Accidental. No blame attached to the master. Accident due to an error of judgment on the part of the master of the schooner "Morea," in mooring outside of so small a craft as the " Clyde." The master of the " Clyde " not blamed. Foundered in deep water. In rounding Cape Kidnappers she was kept rather near the shore, and struck the end of the reef. Measures are now (July, 1869) being taken by the purchasers of this wreck with a view to her recovery. She lies in about 17 fathoms. The Nautical Assessor was of opinion that the true cause of this wreck was not clearly brought out at the inquiry. The vessel is believed to have become a total wreck. The vessel was got off but slightly damaged. Total wreck. The accident mainly due to some misunderstanding of the orders of the Harbour Master. The " Clyde " had a berth at the wharf, and the " Morea" claimed it, and hauled alongside but outside the "Clyde." When the tide ebbed, the " Morea " grounded and fell over on the " Clyde." Taranaki, 3 years, AI S.S. General... Ban on BoatBock and afterwards foundered in deep water in Worser's Bay. Ban on shore. Baffling... Light Tory Channel, Cook Strait JJ 19 298 32 84 Jane Elkin Ketch ... 28 Partly laden, general s.w. Moderate North Spit, entrance to Grey Biver »» 22 Mary Cumming, 7 years Clyde, 10 years General... Stranded Light Hokitika Bar Sept. 5 Brigantine 106 7 » 6 Cutter ... 14 2 General... Collision Light Alongside Auckland Wharf

E.—No. 4.

Appendix S. — continued.



Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class, when known. co 5 HO 00 .2 03 a.o co crt o e a 'S H 0. SO a s fl rt Nature of Cargo. Oo "£' Nature fe en of f g Casualty. Direction. r-H "Wind. Place where Accident occurred. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Remarks. Rig. Force. 1868. Sept. 7 Zephyr, 2 years Brigantine 134 General... Stranded From eastward, and off the land N.E. ... Moderate Hokitika Bar The accident resulted from the bad state . of the bar. After being discharged she was got off, only slightly damaged. 18 Thane of Eyfe Schooner 121 General... Stranded Strong Lanthala Island, Fiji, bore N.E. by E., distant 6 miles from place of accident Moeraki Bay No report. Total wreck. Not sufficient evidence as to the causes of the accident. on a sunken reef a 27 Alice, 2| years Schooner 22 General... Drove ashore from her anchors Stranded S.E. ... Gale Accident caused by stress of weather. Master exonerated from all blame. Was afterwards got off and taken round to Port ChalGeneral... N.N.W... Strong Boulder Bank, near entrance to Nelson Harbour mers. Oct. 8 Folly, 8 years ... Ketch ... 17 Casualty due to stress of weather, and the vessel not answering her helm. Master exonerated from blame. Believed to have been recovered. The evidence goes to show that the weather was not so bad as represented, and that the vessel could not have been well handled. Total wreck. The evidence would lead to the inference that she was somewhat overladen. The proximate cause of the casualty was the fouling of the paddle shaft by a hawser which was washed out of the fore part of the ship by a heavy sea which broke on board. Broke up. Only one man succeeded in getting on shore. After seven days' exposure he was rescued by Captain JohnFalconer, of the schooner " Jane Anderson, " whose kindness deserves the highest approbation. This vessel had lost her (apparently only) anchor and cable off Hokitika on October 2nd, and the master beat about the roadstead waiting for a chance to enter the river till the 15th, when some of her sails being blown away in a heavy gale, she became unmanageable and drove ashore. She became a total wreck. She became a total wreck. Had the master used the lead from time to time, he would have found that he was much nearer a lee-shore than he imagined, and he might, perhaps, have been able to work her off. Nelson, 5 years Moderate Entrance to West Wanganui Wreck attributed to accident. Master and crew appear to have done all they could to save the vessel. JJ 12 P.S. 83 15 11 General... Stranded and beN.W. ... came a total wreck JJ 12 Fancy Schooner 23 Colonial produce Total N.W. ... Heavy gale ... Bocks at entrance to Greville Harbour, D'Urville's Island The wreck was accidental, and caused by stress of weather. wreck Elizabeth, 3 years One mile to the northward of Totara Biver, West Coast, Middle Island The wreck was unavoidable, and caused by stress of weather. » 15 Cutter ... 33 General... Stranded Westerly Heavy gale ... Half a mile north of Totara Eiver The wreck was caused by stress of weather. There was no want of care on the part of the master. jj 16 Satellite, 1 year Cutter ... 27 Colonial produce Stranded N.W. ... Strong and squally

E.—No. 4.

Appendix S. — continued.



Big. eo 03 m pj GO CH O tH £ £ HO W O Oh w CJ oO CO fl 03 or. -co! Wind. Date of Casualty. Name of "Vessel, also Age and Class, when known. Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. S.-5 Place where Accident occurred. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Remarks. Direction. Force. 1868. Oct. 16 Brigantine General... Stranded N.W. Strong and squally Three miles north of Hokitika Casualty unavoidable, and not caused by neglect of master and crew. This vessel was employed to lighter ocean steamers. Her moorings parted during the gale; she lost some sails, and could not keep to sea. Apparently she was not sufficiently well found in ground tackle for her peculiar work. She became a total wreck. She was recovered and repaired. Isabella, 3 years 82 Buller Bar The accident was caused by the parting of the tow-line, mainly through the bad handling of the towing steamer. The master of the "Ceres" was blamed for not anchoring when the tow-line parted. The master of the towing steamer was censured for continuing his voyage without rendering so much assistance to the " Ceres" as he might have done. The wreck can only be accounted for by supposing that the steersman, the only person on deck, had fallen asleep, and that the vessel drove before the wind on to the rocks. » 24 Ceres, 5 years... Brigantine 91 Ballast . Stranded S.W. ... Moderate ») 27 Crest Ketch ... 22 Telegraph poles Total wreck Light Near Akaroa Heads Vessel broke up. In consequence of J. B. Barker, a seaman and part owner of the craft, having run away with the only boat, the master and the passenger lost their lives. An attempt was afterwards made to rescue them, but the sea had increased so much that nothing could be done. She was abandoned and sold, but has since been repaired, and is now running. The vessel broke up in a few days. She had no flags on board for making the usual signals of distress. Nov. Deo. 19 6 Yarra, 4 years Tyne, 18 years P.S. ... Schooner 32 33 18 Wool ... Stranded and abandoned Total wreck N.W. N.W. Moderate Strong Hokitika Bar Within the entrance to Wellington Harbour Accident caused by the vessel attempting to enter the river rather late on the tide. Master exonerated from blame. The vessel was lost through her missing stays when too near the lee-shore to wear round or anchor. The Court could not agree with the Nautical Assessor as to whether the master was or was not to blame. She sprang a leak, and was necessarily run on shore to save life. 8 Clarendon, 21 years Brig 157 Ballast ... Stranded S.W. Strong Six miles north of Hokitika Believed to have become a total wreck. 1869. Feb, 14 St. Vincent, 4 years, AI Ship Ballast ... Stranded S.E. Gale Balliser Bay, Cook Strait Wreck due to an error in judgment on the part of the master, in attempting to work to windward against a southerly gale, instead of either standing into Cloudy Bay or running back to Wellington. Wreck due to the vessel being supplied with inferior cables, and to an error of judgment on the part of the Harbour Master. Had the master, who was quite unacquainted with the coast, taken refuge in Cloudy Bay, this lamentable wreck would in all probability have been avoided. The "IdaZeigler" had her own starboard cable shackled to the Government mooring. Her cable parted, and she drove on shore and became a total wreck. 834 21 20 JJ 27 Ida Zeigler, 14 years, 3-3 in French Lloyd's Ship 878 29 Wool threefourths loaded Stranded Easterly Gale Meanee Spit, Hawke's Bay

E.—Ko. 4.

Appendix S.— continued.



Date of Casualty. Name of Vessel, also Age and Class, when known. Rig. CO .2 fl o rQ * a cd C tH Pi 0 u be rO tu fl rt Nature of Cargo. Nature of Casualty. rt -o CO m OO co s.s Wish. Place where Accident occurred. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Remarks. Direction. Force. 1869. Feb. 27 FieryCross,lyear Schooner 72 Timber ,.. Stranded West Strong Within Mangrove Eiver, Mercury Bay She drove from her anchors through stress of weather. No blame attaches to the master. Not known whether she was recovered. It may be inferred from the whole evidence that she was insufficiently found in ground tackle. JJ 28 Little Fred, 21 years Schooner 131 Partially laden, general merchandise Stranded s.w. Gale Five miles north of Kaipara Harbour The loss was caused by stress of weather. No blame attaches to the master. Became a total wreck. Woodpecker, 2 years P.S. ... Stranded Strong Mouth of Batea Biver During a heavy freshet a drift log caught the vessel on the bow and caused her anchor to come home. No blame attached to the master. Total wreck. Seeing that drift wood was coming down the river, the master would have shown more judgment had he taken extra precautions to secure the vessel, instead of trusting to a single anchor. She was probably under-bal-lasted. She was afterwards recovered. JJ 28 21 ... Westerly Black Hawk, 3 Oyster Bay, Tory Channel An accident. Judging from the evidence, every ordinary care and precaution was taken by the master, and all on board are exonerated from all blame. The accident was unavoidable, and the master was justified in beaching the vessel to save life. March 26 years Schooner 44 Ballast ... Capsized W.N.W. Fresh and squally May 14 Necromancer, 17 years Schooner Coals ... Sprang a leak, and was run on shore Drove on shore from her anchors N.N.W. Fresh Farewell Spit Broke up. She was old, and perhaps rather heavily laden. 10 24 Susan Jane Barque ... Timber ... Calm Timaru Heads Collingwood, 20 years Barque ... 180 10 Wheat ... Calm Timaru Heads A casualty of the sea. No one to blame. Ditto. Believed to have broken np. A . heavy swell was rolling into the roadstead, and there was not wind enough to work the vessel. Ditto. 24 June 19 Grayling, 5 years Cutter ... 400 12 Stores ... Drove on shore from her anchors Supposed to have foundered S.E. ... About four miles south of Wairoa Biver, Hawke's Bay Supposed to have foundered. The bodies of the drowned men, and portions of the wreck and cargo were washed up on the beach. 13 Gale



General Remarks. mmmMPmm th. renvult should' b. recordrf „„ For„ j3 are flYd"*""examml.., wj.h th. actual result, obtained in swinging™. "IhTriri "an" the " Jane respectively, for compaa. .lamination.) " un " »° d Explanation of the Diagram p=.o^frs. d '!n:cot„tn- *.. dS?," 'V.Jmeram; wuile the dotted lines, which are to represent oTtne" d,.°g r r™. """ , "■"'"" °" d ° f "» ""»'. » """-ft- the or .a 4" Wm "*" bT bxspeotion, the oontinuon. lines and the dotted lines of the same.nam, interaect on th. c.ntr. lin., or "lin. of no d.,SiioT" but owing to the inclination of the lines, any deviation of four p" Z'or less, anther to the east or west can be ranmu.W o. ... a:.~ ~ v .? intentions of th. continuous auTdotteoS.. " "» "" To draw the Deviation Curve. ....^i? ml r■.T M *^k.- 0,, the .■^■e™ l b y a penoil cross the point of intersection! of the oontinuou. line representing any point (or fr«tiou) of a correct magnetic compass and the dotted line representing the oorreJfoSfrS Tn'b'" t ? Mi "" ■ hi ■ , ■• °w» compa". «iund?"th, Keco„a of Obe.rvat.oru," (Form Aor B). Bepeet thi. process for ™S BfS ° b .t_!' >d ' "a™ ,b i? n *b 'b« «ro«« so .narked draw .panel, !3r ,". ,t *"? J*" 4 ' I 1? ' ,n ™ ,, "booJti be inked in when Kal°j adjusted to the satisfaction of the operator ""any It ahould be noted that when tne veaael ha. be.n .wung to th. poinU of a correct compass, „ d th. result, recorded in the Form A Jl the »"«•—» «»" „f . eorrrei corapua,; and all fractional readmgs mu.t be on (or b.tV.™ if the oard hsss been read to Bths) the dotted line.. ™w,«t v tne . . Wlhen, however, the results have been recorded in the Form B all the interactions must be on the thiol, dolled Ii„„ reprinting ,c£i. of the c0n,,»="»..." d "" *"*"~» -** °»" f be on erU„»e Z .. . t^^^o?*"" T o oonatrnct the curve for the binnacle oompaas of the r>rnr!ih" (, IV U " D i. Br T N , 0 'v l), . Tr "" , b««bickcontfo„;,fr„„ Kortlh on the right side of the diagram downward, tow.rd. th. left and trrae. the dottiS line from H.J«. on the left side of the dtgraru' which"ark "" P °'" t ° f ">"»•«*»>« hi tSaud. Traace the thick continuous line from N. by E. on the right of the ™XT Jo-Pward. toward, the l.ft. and th. .lotted lin. from if. by E.Jis on the Heft of the diagram downward, toward, th, right, till their inter, section is found; mark as before, and so on Wbhen a reading i. given to Sths, the intersection will fall half-way ™ m."*" of 'blotted line,. The., in oon.truoting the •" huriri" J v^S"' 1 . fe m " d ? °" ,h " oontinuon. lin. repre.entiug correct mag. N.K. by H. fcattwta, between the dotted line representing nSn^a.,.7"*b",N 7 H -*"' ""' "» iMM "» "presenting ship! e»ily bJeiiKy 1 "" "'*""" M "°° »' «"° ''«• — Uses of the Curve. to iftSlvlrf™ ."° id complication, uo aUu.ion h» been mad. at , ,? i** ,boT " ojrection, for drawing the curve , when the reasel .""own"'„"„ d ,± W ''' t d " i " i °°» '?' • correct, „ r fo, the vessel , own compass can be measured from the diagrarS with ample 52' " ,d "">" *~*e«. with crt.iai, by simple C shin^ I "™™.''.* 1 " 0 *","» ble 'o' S»*ug the corre.ponding correct and ac uallTteste? TSn'.S' ""'"Z' fr "' i °° " hioh h " "* b ~n S JZ ,,'!'?. „ i„" "" over, g„. . good approximation to the deviation, and at any part of the oard from observation, on a comparatively em.ll n.nmber of points. Should, however, th. ye.,,1 not be,»one to every p.oint, ,t „ eeeentid that th. N.E, 8 S., B.W , and N W po°X It SnL™."nS"n'i*°„ U , ld ,.c c , »"■ ', S. P ..'X°J cour^=h^^ d . b if y n,2. U rr,or;T.Sr;r k, '" "" ob ""* U °™ Examples. X. To fflnd the deviation for any point. RUILE— On the dotted line representing the point if it be a shin', compel, point, or if it b, a correct compu. point on the continuousSe meuure, the distance from the intersection ofth. curve to Centre hi whM ,il. ih^""' o ,' V""' 1 ' ~ t ° nt "» »™ber of on. «,.p„°n, , S which errc, th, given line between the centre line and the curvi (makiuu attowaucM, for any fraction), mdthe sum »IU be the d™.tion-S»r ? tf th. curve be to th.r(e«< of the e.ntr. line, „,„„',, SUtfl ,b.|pLVk-Kn l {eo h rr,t.t^V h '^^^^^ Zl^,ZotL^4i.>E (b '° m ' """ ofth. centre line , Inn n.-Wbat is th. dsviation of the " Ahuriri'a •■■ comnass when sh. ..hewing N.E. 4, Wow,, cc™,o,,f compus ,h. d„.. j r"" ,h * c""? i" on the right of the centre line, and it intersects £ E clrr™? ™P'«"»'">» "* on the ship's comp„. oi th. line o'Te 1 point B "Wtei. or one point from the centre. The answer is im^^'•"" W^o.^^'T Sx quarter,)| from th. centre line. Th. answer con«,,ie„tly I, fjjoin'tw ing rSrf~" T ''" P ° i °" """* '""""' U"" ou " e "" a >"W oorr«rpondfor the"™lVo !X;~ a °PPO" —>J »™ry eecond point to have been observed No 21 „ 0 ? mi "S". <V'v 'be Point, lettered to the left of Di.gran. -™. cornS ?""* "' "" "" * "" "™ ~»5-. th. S'.!.b^„7.a i °'"™;•°' , dotted line of E. by N. Jth, of a point to the Boutbh of the continnou, line of Eaat i the an.wer therefore i, E |S •h. «yz. •" b.7te.7,7f t0 """' ""■• w - 00 ""' m >*"> a °' h ™ »»" ..■ T h h .". o "'"*.l°'T eot i t .b"oontrnuousline of W. correct mermetic half. r,tT.""'N*|» "°' W ' b) ' "' ""' W '"'W.. •ootb. answer •w'°*™ l °" wbiob i« th. .am. a. Form A but diff.rently he.ded, is the SS™f-™°V" """■ *" d ro "° D " lh « ticriation oafd used in New *"""?' A » "°* r "" »" usually taken from a chart on which correct magnrtm eeereee are ,hown, it „ convenient to have correct magnetic courees nn the first column of the Bteering Table; but inasmuch as 'hi-!™,; are ..ldorn need except to correct th. observed bearing, of :fa.,v,"t?o™ p T e .b'£. h,re "" "*'' "~ ""•""• ~»~ " "» «« ~ S ™ r,coSio ?m i. th F , ~a h ".a be ™."' n ; nB * 0O "~' "«P- •»» «■. result. ™Siil li A ! "" •t.' card i, a simple oopy of the Jtf °SS"■"!■»• (*?T omitted ooiut. being «U,d in with the Hd of the curve). tWhen she ha, been heeler! to the point, of her own eompa,., and St.Tr? re °S d ' d ° n F -°™ B . 'b« -bole ofth, steering con™ m„.7 he taken ffrom the curve in the manner of Example V When, the observation, have been recorded in th. Form A, the hjThafT ™*»» <"•<»,'•; ,f"" d °P "I meunrement from th. digram n th. nunnner of Example 111. When the Form Bi. adopted, th, de.ieruvria "*.. J B °'i r S d ', reo . U J'. but there is much leas Vi.k of error in noting the, direction of the deviation if the diagram is used. Obaenrve. -The Deviation Table, Form D, i. alwao, to be filled up from meaeiurement, on the dotUdlin.t, aa in Example Hi: d«i l i r ° te, .;~ l , n °J"foting bearings of objects for deviation, it is the deviation , due to in, direction of the ve„el , be.d which must be applied, ao. the dewiation corresponding to the actual hearing Marimer, should consequently observe that it Is a.nlial to note the direction oftli. „ th , ti m, that the bearing of any object i, taken, audi both should be recorded in the log.

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FIFTH REPORT ON THE MARINE DEPARTMENT, FOR YEAR 1869., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-04

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FIFTH REPORT ON THE MARINE DEPARTMENT, FOR YEAR 1869. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-04

FIFTH REPORT ON THE MARINE DEPARTMENT, FOR YEAR 1869. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-04

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