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E.— No. 1.




APPROXIMATE Cost of Return.

Detailed Pabtictjlaes. Amount. Cost of preparation Printing (1,200 copies) £ a. d. Not given. 32 0 0 Total ... 32 0 0

D.—sro. i

Sin,— General Post Office, Wellington, 12th July, 18G9. I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the Tenth Eeport on the Postal Service of NewZealand, being the Eeport for the year 1868. I have, &c, JuLirs Vog-eij, To His Excellency Sir George Eerguson Bowen, K.C.M.G., Postmaster-General. Governor of New Zealand.

EEPOET. No very important changes have taken place in the Postal Service of the Colony during the last year, beyond those necessary to be made in order to provide for the increasing requirements of the Colony, and some reductions in the Staffs of a few of the Post Offices. lam happy to be able to state that, notwithstanding the continued depression of the Colony, the amount of business both in the Post Offices, the Savings Banks, and the Money Order Departments, shows that this depression has not materially affected these branches of the public service. The Postal Eevenue has remained very nearly the same as last year, while the expenditure, after deducting the payment of balance due for the New Post Office at Duncdin, shows a considerable decrease ; this decrease has arisen from reductions in the working staff, and from some of tho inland mail contracts being performed at cheaper rates. Depaetmental. The new Post Office lately erected at Dunedin having been found to exceed tho requirements of the Department, an arrangement was effected with the Provincial Government to have it transferred to them, in exchange for which they undertook to erect another building to accommodate the Postal, Telegraph, Eogistrar of Deeds, and Duty Stamps Departments, at a cost not to exceed £4,500, for which a design was accepted and tenders called for its erection. Since then, however, the Provincial Government have proposed, instead of carrying out this design, to provide accommodation for these Departments in the Provincial Government Buildings. The Chief Post Office at Napier has been removed from the Spit to a central position in the town itself, an office at the Spit being still continued in the same building as formerly, under the name of Port Ahuriri. In consequence of the rapid development of the Thames Gold Eields, it has been necessary to establish a second-class Post Office at Shnrtland, as well as several sub-offices in the district; and as the present Post Office at Shortland was found to be inconveniently situated, steps have been taken to have it removed to a more central position. A new Post and Telegraph Office is now being erected at Timaru, the building which these Departments formerly occupied having been burned down. An addition has also been made to the Office at Oamaru, which will now accommodate the Post, Telegraph, and Customs Departments. To facilitate public business, it has been found desirable at Telegraph Stations to appoint the Telegraphist to be Postmaster as well, and this has been done in all cases where practicable. The total amount of business transacted at all the Post Offices in the Colony, is shown by the following statements :— The number of letters despatched have been 2,603,077 in 1868, against 2,402,909 in 1867. The number of letters received have been 2,374,122 in 1868, against 2,408,331 in 1867. The number of newspapers despatched have been 1,376,316 in 1868, against 1,390,368 in 1867. The number of newspapers received have been 1,907,369 in 1868, against 1,670,520 in 1867. Erom the Ist January to 31st December, 1868, twenty-seven new Post Offices have been opened, and three offices have been closed. The total number of offices and officers on the Postal Staff on 31st May, 1869, is shown by the annexed table : — Numbee or Posx Offices and Postal Ofeicees at the date of the Postmaster-General's Eeports in the years 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, and 1869.


!hie: PO! it Oeeicei Post >FEI0I ». ■PosOeiioes. OlTICEES. 'ostmasters Jlerks, &c. 1864; 9 78 1865; 9 77 1866 9 76 18671868 9 9 68 60 77 69 1869 9 57 1864 10 7 1865 1866 12 16 7 10 19 26 1867 17 12 1868 18 13 1869 20 9 1864 257 1865 274 1866 299 186718681869 306 358 382 306 358 382 Totals 87 86 85 66 17 31 29 257 274 299 29

E.—No. 1



Notwithstanding that twenty-seven new Post Offices have been added to the number which were open last year, by departmental arrangements the Staff of Clerks required to carry on the duties has been decreased by five. The Inland Mail Services have been generally punctually performed at a reduced cost of nearly £5,000 from that of the previous year, although both the number of services and the mileage performed have been increased. Apart from the ordinary inquiries for missing correspondence —and these have materially decreased ■ —no serious complaints affecting the conduct of the Postal Officers have been received, proving that the Department generally is attaining a greater degree of efficiency, which is doubtless to be attributed to the more frequent inspection of the various Offices than formerly. Dead Lettees. During the year 1868, 33,072 letters, including 446 registered letters, were received at the Dead Letter Office. Of these, 30,269, including 405 registered, were despatched from the Office by post, and 99 letters were delivered to personal applicants; 2,732 have been destroyed, as neither the writers nor the persons to whom they were addressed could be found. Of the above dead letters, 17,844, including 135 registered, originating in New Zealand, were opened in the Dead Letter Office and returned to the writers; and 12,365, including 270 registered, originating in places beyond the Colony, were returned unopened to the several Offices from whence they reached this Colony. The following Beturns show the work performed in this branch of the Department: —

Return of Letters Received at the Dead Letter Office in the years 1866, 1867, and 1868, showing the manner in which they were disposed of.

Return of Property found in Dead Letters during the years 1866, 1867, and 1868.

Return of Property found in Dead Letters and Claimed during the years 1866, 1867, and 1868.

18i 16. 1867. 181 18. Ordinary Letters. Registered. Ordinary -n ■ , j T .. J Kegistered. letters. b Ordinary Letters. Registered. Received at the Office Opened in the Office Despatched to places beyond the Colony Despatched to places within the Colony Delivered Destroyed 46,172 22,750 14,367 22,750 100 9,000 521 227 267 227 37,628 16,829 13,170 16,829 79 7,550 518 200 285 200 33,072 17,884 12,365 17,819 90 2,732 446 135 270 135

Description of Peopektt. 1866. 1867. 1868. Bills of Exchange Bank Notes Money Orders ... ... ••• , Coin Postage Stamps ... Cheques Orders ... ... ... Promissory Notes Bank Receipts Letters of Credit Warrants ... Rings, Lockets, Brooches, Chains, &c. £ a. d. 5,642 4 4 168 0 0 177 13 4 4 17 0 1 16 2 190 6 11 56 9 7 1,516 13 4 55 17 6 £ s. d. 4,214 6 2 128 0 0 188 3 6 5 5 6 £ s. d. 3,640 18 0 116 0 0 205 18 0 6 12 4 0 5 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 121 8 10 69 19 0 35 1 0 52 0 2 3 0 0 8 15 0 Five. Ten. Pour. Total 7,822 13 2 4,695 15 4 4,271 2 2

Description oe Peopeety. 1866. 1867. 1868. Bills of Exchange Bank Notes Money Orders Coin Promissory Notes, Acceptances, &c. ... Bank Receipts Orders ... Cheques Postage Stamps ... Warrants Rings, Lockets, &c. £ a. d. 1,460 7 10 56 0 0 126 11 0 3 0 0 1,365 4 3 41 0 0 6 5 7 59 3 10 0 12 0 8 15 0 Two. £ s. d. 2,541 13 10 63 0 0 127 13 6 2 12 6 52 0 2 £ s. d. 546 16 9 61 0 0 144 5 0 5 0 0 24 0 0 30 0 0 32 16 10 s" 0 0 22 0 0 One. Totals 3,126 19 6 2,849 16 10 808 1 9

E.— No. 1

NEW ZEALAND POSTAL SEEVICE. v. Eegisteeed Lettees. This branch of the business of the Post Office shows, as will be seen by the following comparative Eeturn, a slight decrease in the number of letters registered during the year as compared with the previous year. This may possibly be accounted for by the general commercial depression prevailing throughout the Colony.

Return of the Number of Letters Registered at the various Post Offices in the different Provinces in New Zealand during the years 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1868.

Monet Oedees. By Tables Nos. 1 and 2, appended, it will be seen that the number of Money Orders, both issued and paid during the year, have slightly increased, the greatest increase being on the number of Orders paid in the Colony. The following is an analysis of the transactions in this branch of the service:—The amount of Orders issued in New Zealand on offices in the Colony during the year is £54,342, and of these the amount paid is £54,139. The amount of Orders issued on the United Kingdom is £40,581, and the amount paid in New Zealand of Orders issued in the United Kingdom is £6,502, showing that remittances to the amount of about £34,000 were required to be made to the Imperial Post Office to balance the account. In like manner remittances were made to the several Australian Colonies to the amount of upwards of £16,000. Savings Banks. Considerable progress has also been made during the year in this branch of the Department. The interesting Tables appended, Nos. 3, 4, 5,6, and 7, show in great detail the various transactions at each Post Office Savings Bank throughout the Colony. The aggregate amount deposited has increased from the sum of £167,157 12s. 6d., on the 31st May, 1868, to £378,663 Bs. 10d., on 30th April, 1869. Arrangements have been effected during the year whereby the control of the money transactions, both in Money Order and Savings Bank business, have been transferred from the Treasury to the Postmaster-General's Department. Steam Postal Seevices. After a period of two years and a half, during which the Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Eoyal Mail Company performed with considerable regularity the important service between Panama and New Zealand, the Company, through adverse circumstances, was compelled to give notice in December last that the " Eakaia," which had then just left Wellington for Panama, would be the last boat despatched under their contract, and that the service would cease with the mails which would arrive from England in February last. The stoppage of this important service is not in any way attributable to deficiency in the arrangements of the Company, but is entirely owing to the unremunerative nature of the service itself. So soon as it was definitely ascertained that the Company would really cease its operations, steps were taken to obtain tenders for an Intercolonial Service between New Zealand and Victoria, with the view of re-establishing the postal communication with Great Britain via Suez. The Steam Mail Service between Great Britain and Australia via Suez is now, and has been for some time past, performed with great regularity. During the existence of the Panama Service, the contribution paid by New Zealand to the Suez line was very much decreased in consequence of the bulk of the correspondence having been sent and received via Panama ; but as the whole of the correspondence is now forwarded by the Suez route, the annual contribution to this line will consequently be largely increased. In September 1868, the contract for the conveyance of the Suez Mails between New Zealand and Victoria was terminated ; but in consequence of the cessation of the Panama Service, a fresh contract was entered into in April last with McMeckan, Blackwood, and Co., of Melbourne, to convey mails by this route between Victoria and New Zealand once every four weeks. In the interval between September and April, the European mails via Suez were conveyed between Victoria and New Zealand by unsubsidized vessels.


1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. ToP laces ToP: Laces To PI laces To Pi laees Peotinces. Totals. Totals. Totals. Totals. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Co ony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Without the Colony. Within the Colony. Auckland taranaki lawke's Bay iVellington ... kelson ktarlborough Canterbury ... )tago louthland ... iVestland 1,806 278 122 631 419 225 2,608 3,772 479 3,702 329 297 1,775 1,035 1,076 3,936 5,016 479 5,508 607 419 2,406 1,454 1,301 6,544 8,788 958 1,309 232 165 988 572 170 6,217 2,960 329 5,190 327 363 2,604 841 565 6,302 5,711 483 6,499 559 528 3,592 1,413 735 12,519 8,671 812 850 168 157 916 811 124 5,467 2,810 422 4,048 210 444 3,088 1,191 435 5,565 4,761 832 4,898 378 601 4,004 2,002 559 11,032 7,571 1,254 1,175 93 127 839 1,430 117 1,286 2,734 303 2,602 4,248 167 532 3,280 1,029 446 2,307 3,279 704 1,445 5,423 260 659 4,119 2,459 563 3,593 6,013 1,007 4,047 Totals 10,340 17,645 27,985 12,942 22,386 35,328 11,725 20,574 32,299 10,706 17,437 28,143

E.~Wo. 1

Since the cessation of the Panama Service, the Interprovnicial Services have been of necessityaltered to four-weekly, to correspond with the Suez route. There are two Interprovincial Services between Auckland and the Bluff, and one short service between "Wellington and Napier. The following tables show the subsidies for Intercolonial and Interprovincial Services during the past seven years:— Eates or Subsidies per Annum payable under Contracts for Intercolonial Mail Services, at the date of the Postmaster-General's Eeports, from 1863 to 1869. £ s. d. 1863 ... ... ... 26,000 0 0 1864 ... ... ... 36,000 0 0 1865 ... ... ... 35,116 13 4 1866 ... ... ... 21,675 0 0 1867 ... ... ... 11,700 0 0 1868 ... ... ... 6,000 0 0 1869 ... ... ... 7,800 0 0 Eates op Subsidies per annum payable under Contracts for Interprovincial Mail Services, at the date of the Postmater-General's Eeports, from 1863 to 1869. £ s. d. 1863 ... ... ... 23,300 0 0 1864 ... ... ... 27,328 0 0 1865 ... ... ... 33,729 0 0 1866 ... ... ... 29,669 13 4 1867 ... ... ... 31,000 0 0 1868 ... ... ... 8,400 0 O 1869 ... ... ... 10,650 0 0




E.—No. 1


Table No. 1. TABLE showing the Number and Amount of MONEY ORDERS ISSUED in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1868; also during 1867.

Table No. 2. TABLE showing the Number and Amount of MONEY ORDERS PAID in the Colony of New Zealand, during the Year 1868; also during 1867.

Peotinces. Ph g o S go . CO O PI fc ° Issued on New Zealand. Issued on United Kingdom. ISUED ON ICTOBIA. Issued on South Austealia Issued on N. S. Wales. Issued on Queensland. Issued on W. Austealia. Issued on Tasmania. Total Issued. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. I Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. Auckland Tabanaki Hawke's Bat Wellington ... Maelboeough Nelson Westland Oanteeisuey ... Otago Southland ... 13 1 2 3 3 5 3 6 16 3 2205 .' 274 274 1503 620 1173 1170 1298 3021 360 £ s. d. 9516 13 11 1214 15 8 1254 9 8 6679 12 11 3384 15 7 5770 13 7 5933 3 9 5612 16 10 13455 1 2 1520 15 5 1407 117 191 1050 146 583 753 1940 2572 372 £ s. d. 5979 17 0 396 13 5 822 8 6 4427 10 1 844 3 1 2733 14 4 3896 11 5 8795 15 7 11104 2 4 1580 18 0 117 23 28 246 46 364 1082 192 1038 203 £ s. d. 479 9 10 51 6 4 103 15 3 1266 3 5 225 7 0 1827 8 2 5740 3 1 874 14 6 4837 19 2 927 9 0 5 3 12 1 15 49 2 43 3 £ s. d. 18 17 0 4 0 0 36 7 0 110 58 18 0 258 18 7 5 12 6 183 10 0 3 16 0 173 7 17 189 10 116 169 66 105 20 £ S. d. 826 3 3 14 11 0 94 1 2 943 10 0 47 9 9 545 0 1 864 18 6 304 15 0 528 4 1 97 12 0 7 1 2 10 £ s. d. 43 5 0 4 0 0 11 0 0 36 1 0 ] 1 £ s. d. ... ... 5 0 0j 23 2 1 30 £ s. d. 114 13 6 3 0 0 3 0 0 154 1 6 3937 427 513 3041 823 2287 3307 3643 6877 999 £ s. d. 16978 19 6 1688 6 5 2288 14 7 13548 5 11 4502 16 5 11181 6 8 17200 2 4 15814 0 8 30696 6 8 4312 4 6 17 27 9 34 2 119 2 6 174 3 6 49 10 6 222 14 6 14 0 0 "k, 14 13 0 19 53 36 64 29 126 10 0 317 10 6 170 15 9 364 15 5 167 14 1 55 46 54342 18 6 49496 13 0 I ... Totals in 1868 Totals in 1867 11898 10293 9241 9242 40581 13 9 40998 14 11 3339 3479 16333 15 9 17392 18 5 — 133 142 571 0 1 757 5 7 872 994 4266 4 10 5317 4 1 — 109 110 673 17 0 561 0 2 5 3 19 13 OJ 14 0 0 257 210 1422 0 9 1072 16 10 25854 24473 118211 3 8 115610 13 0

Peovinces. ¥h ft O i? ° m Issued in New Zealand. On Foreign Offices Repaid. ed in United Kingdom. Issued in Victoeia. Issued in S. Austealia. Issued in N. S. Wales. issued in Queensland. Issued in West Austealia. Issued in Tasmania. Total Paid. No. Amount. £ s. d. 12545 18 2 1010 15 2 424 11 7 6636 0 4 1327 5 3 6002 17 6 3757 11 8 6487 13 8 14820 1 1 1126 18 4 No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount, No. Amount. 6 Amount. No. I £ s. d. 32 3 6 10 0 10 0 0 33 5 0 6 0 0 15 0 0 31 19 0 15 0 0 31 8 0 34 0 0 ! I i £ s. d. 714 1 3 49 16 6 14 10 0 233 5 9 52 5 0 304 3 7 950 15 9 214 0 9 1296 17 10 195 3 8 Amount. No. Amount. Auckland ... Tabanaki Hawke's Bay Wellington... Maelboeough Nelson Westland ... Canteebuey... Otago Southland ... 13 1 2 3 3 5 3 . 6 16 3 2744 235 116 1561 304 1150 759 1500 3231 247 11 1 2 6 1 4 10 4 12 5 621 38 14 119 10 56 30 309 183 21 £ s. d. 2749 1 1 163 8 5 60 17 6 510 13 8 33 5 0 300 16 10 167 10 0 1485 7 11 944 6 9 86 15 10 140 10 2 53 6 59 166 49 253 40 9 4 £ s. d. 60 10 0 3 2 2| 179 6 1 40 £ s. d. 815 17 1 36 12 0 5 0 0 243 16 8 20 £ s. d. 136 10 0 £ s. d. 10 0 0 16 1 £ s. d. 95 9 5 0 12 6 3741 295 135 1806 325 1296 1018 1921 3737 324 £ s. d. 17159 10 6 1265 6 9 514 19 1 7819 12 5 1441 7 3 6740 2 7 5229 19 1 8500 8 7 17360 1 9 1505 4 6 1 7 4 1 10 9 12 34 5 6 22 12 0 4 0 0 82 10 0 31 18 0 58 1 6 14 25 37 22 3 63 11 8 135 3 2 203 1 7 101 19 0 30 0 0 ii 7 12 1 5 92 "4 0 30 0 0 62 2 0 4 0 0 21 9 0 9 5 6 12 19 8 36 "l 6 19 13 0 42 7 6 59 6 8 85 18 7 32 6 8 ... ... Totals in 1868 Totals in 1867 55 46 I 11847 10353 I , |54139 12 9 49931 17 2 56 i . 209 15 6 1401 1198 6502 3 0 5649 2 10 [ 778 638 4025 0 1 3342 2 5 56 39 296 19 2, 167 18 l; 327 327 1635 1 2 1487 8 11 56 43 371 15 10 249 4 9 14598 12659 67536 12 6 61151 6 4 ... ... 346 5 0 271 10 2 1 6 10 0 0 52 2 0 76 55

E.—Bo. 1.

Table No. 3. TABLE showing the Number, Amount, &c., of Savings Bank Transactions in the several Provinces in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1868. Also, Summary of Transactions during 1867, and Total Transactions since commencement.

Table No. 4. TABLE showing the Monthly Transactions with the Post Office Savings Bank in the Colony of New Zealand during the Year 1868. Also, the Total Transactions during the Year 1867, and the Increase during 1868.



DEPOSITS. WITHDRAWALS. Balance of Peincipal PROVINCES. Nos. OF Banks. New Accounts Opened. Additions to Open Accounts. Total Deposits. No. oe Accts. WITHDEAWN : UPON. No. oe Withdrawals Amount oe Peincipal withdeawn. Inteeest Paid dueing the Yeae on closed Accounts. Accounts Closed. REMAINING AT Credit of No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. Open Accounts. Auckland Taeanaki Hawke's Bay Wellington ... Maelboeough Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland ... 13 1 2 3 3 5 3 6 16 3 541 89 38 269 45 268 413 662 797 160 £ s. d. 14,818 10 1 2,945 8 0 790 6 0 6,896 5 7 1,434 12 0 9,080 16 0 16,564 19 0 18,710 12 0 24,039 13 4 4,886 1 0 100,167 3 0 63,768 9 1 1,294 172 68 852 91 716 1,147 1,736 3,074 582 £ s. d. 12,047 8 0 1,949 14 0 463 10 6 7,667 2 0 606 17 0 8,153 0 2 14,701 0 6 15,157 16 0 28,191 5 4 5,430 15 0 1,835 261 106 1,121 136 984 1,560 2,398 3,871 742 £ s. d. 26,865 18 1 4,895 2 0 1,253 16 6 14,563 7 7 2,041 9 0 17,233 16 2 31,265 19 6 33,868 8 0 52,230 18 8 10,316 16 0 1,151 137 27 489 30 369 671 852 1,361 260 1,382 166 30 572 33 459 801 951 1,674 297 £ s. d. 20,401 12 3 1,890 10 3 303 17 6 9,349 10 1 467 18 5 7,442 17 5 16,948 11 11 14,811 18 4 2,8,440 15 1 6,509 14 10 106,567 6 1 26,344 18 2 £ s. d. 150 1 3 7 10 9 14 8 48 1 6 3 2 4 38 17 9 83 15 9 64 14 1 88 19 5 41 3 8 312 25 10 100 11 102 214 200 158 54 £ s. d. 8,745 8 2 444 1 5 147 8 6 2,730 8 11 165 2 3 3,033 3 7 7,900 10 2 5,436 2 1 5,015 5 4 2,295 15 5 £ s. d. 6,464 5 10 3,004 11 9 949 19 0 5,213 17 6 1,573 10 7 9,790 18 9 14,317 7 7 19,056 9 8 23,790 3 7 3,807 1 2 All New Zealand in 1868 1867 55 46 3,282 2,520 9,732 4,457 14,189 94,368 8 6 32,603 18 9 126,972 7 3 13,014 6,977 19,991 194,535 11 6 96,372 7 10 290,907 19 4 5,347 1,592 6,365 1,919 527 11 2 71 0 7 1,186 364 35,913 5 10 8,183 13 6 87,968 5 5 70,027 9 8 157,995 15 1 All New Zealand since commencement 55 5,802 163,935 12 1 I 6,939 i 8,284 1,550 44,096 19 4 132,912 4 3 598 11 9

DEPOSITS. WITHDRAWALS. No. OE New Accounts Opened. Additions to Open Accounts. Total Deposits. No. OF Accts. WITHDRAWN Accounts Closed. REMAINING at MONTHS. Offices. No. OF Withdrawals Principal Withdeawn. Interest Paid on Closed Accounts. Ceedit oe Depositoes. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. UPON. £ s. d. 5,997 5 0 7,631 19 9 7,215 2 11 7,688 10 10 9,286 12 9 10,270 14 2 9,546 14 9 11,135 0 9 10,395 11 7 8,097 9 1 9,227 14 8 10,074 9 10 No. Amount. £ s. d. 7,486 12 0 6,526 12 3 7,053 10 0 8,239 7 0 8,317 1 0 8,427 11 7 8,138 15 0 10,309 15 6 7,971 15 4 7,808 6 6 10,419 17 0 9,467 19 10 £ s. d. 6,153 18 1 6,267 14 1 6,244 5 4 7,099 9 0 7,418 1 0 8,187 2 6 7,236 10 6 7,875 13 6 8,890 5 6 10,157 6 8 8,183 2 4 10,655 0 0 £ s. d. 13,640 10 1 12,794 6 4 13,297 15 4 15,338 16 0 15,735 2 0 16,614 14 1 15,375 5 6 18,185 9 0 16,862 0 10 17,965 13 2 18,602 19 4 20,122 19 10 f £ s. d. January February March April May June July August September ... October November December 46 46 46 46 46 48 49 51 52 53 55 55 255 245 277 264 271 271 290 296 290 281 263 279 658 705 696 717 742 855 811 870 916 983 878 901 913 950 973 981 1,013 1,126 1,101 1,166 1,206 1,264 1,141 1,180 326 325 378 419 426 437 492 472 535 493 493 551 386 396 439 503 513 540 574 556 645 584 580 649 10 7 8 16 10 8 23 19 0 37 12 6 45 19 0 53 18 7 74 19 11 81 3 9 45 5 7 65 7 8 72 6 10 69 97 109 96 116 117 107 102 104 84 93 92 £ s. d. 2,524 0 5 3,462 13 1 2,932 16 6 2,382 11 3 3,363 10 11 3,485 6 11 3,230 11 6 3,934 10 8 3,535 7 4 1,700 6 8 2,690 10 1 2,671 0 6 £ s. d. 7,643 5 1 5,162 6 7 6,082 12 5 7,650 5 2 6,448 9 3 6,343 19 11 5,828 10 9 7,050 8 3 6,466 9 3 9,868 4 1 9,375 4 8 10,048 10 0 Totals during 1868... „ 1867... 55 46 3,282 2,520 762 100,167 3 0 63,768 9 1 9,732 4,459 5,273 94,368 8 6 32,603 18 9 61,764 9 9 13,014 6,979 6,035 ■194,535 11 6 96,372 7 10 5,347 1,592 6,365 1,919 106,567 6 1 26,344 18 2 527 11 2 71 0 7 1,186 364 35,913 5 10 8,183 13 6 87,968 5 5 70,027 9 8 Inceease during 1868 9 36,398 13 11 I 456 10 7 I 822 I 98,163 3 8 3,755 4,446 80,222 >7 11 27,729 12 4 17,940 15 9

E.—No. 1.

TABLE No. 5. TABLE showing the Monthly Transactions with the Post Office Savings Banks in the Colony of New Zealand, from 1st January to 30th April, 1869. Also the Total Transactions during the Years 1867 and 1868, and since the commencement of the System on the 1st February, 1867.

TABLE No. 6. TABLE showing the Post Office Savings Bank Transactions at the several Savings Bank Offices in the Colony during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.



DEPOSITS. WITHDRAWALS. Balance oe No. OF No. OE ACCNTS. WITHDRAWN remaining to Credit of Depositoes, PERIODS. Banks open. New Accounts Opened. Ai Opi editions to m Accounts. Total Deposits. No. of drawals. Amount of Principal Amount oe Interest paid on Closed Accounts. Accounts Closed. withdrawn. on 30th Apeil, 1869. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. UPON. No. Amount. January, 1869 Febeuary „ March „ Apeil „ 55 55 55 55 377 330 330 278 £ s. d. 14,461 14 6 10,407 0 10 11,291 11 6 7,726 11 0 941 1,092 1,130 967 £ s. d. 9,311 6 6 11,948 15 8 12,089 12 0 10,518 17 6 1,318 1,422 1,460 1,245 £ s. d. 23,773 1 0 22,355 16 6 23,381 3 6 18,245 8 6 587 538 667 578 676 630 764 660 £ s. d. 15,144 17 2 11,227 8 7 17,679 13 11 16,230 19 0 60,282 18 8 106,567 6 1 26,344 18 2 193,195 2 11 £ s. d. 5 15 0 12 8 0 54 14 10 76 19 1 126 117 162 152 £ s. d. 6,627 9 9 4,199 8 6 8,420 3 2 6,468 1 2 £ s. d. 8,628 3 10 11,128 7 11 5,701 9 7 2,014 9 6 27,472 10 10 87,968 5 5 70,027 9 8 185,468 5 11* Totals during 1869 Totals dueing 1868 Totals dueing 1867 55 55 46 1,315 3,282 2,520 7,117 43,886 17 10 100,167 3 0 63,768 9 1 4,130 9,732 4,459 43,868 11 8 94,368 8 6 32,603 18 9 5,445 13,014 6,979 87,755 9 6 194,535 11 6 96,372 7 10 2,370 5,347 1,592 2,730 6,365 1,919 11,014 149 16 11 527 11 2 71 0 7 557 1,186 364 25,715 2 7 35,913 5 10 8,183 13 6 207,822 9 11 18,321 ! 170,840 18 11 ' J25.438 378,663 8 10 9,309 748 8 8 2,107 69,812 1 11 Total since Commencement 55 * The Interest added to Open Accounts for the Years 1867 and 1868 was £5523 0s. 6d. The total Balanci due on 30th April is therefore £190,991 6s. 5d.

DEPOSITS. WITHDRAWALS. OFFICES. New Accounts Opened. Additions to Open Accounts. Total Deposits. Transactions at Twopence each. No. oe Accts. WITHDRAWN UPON. No. OF drawals. Amount of Interest paid on Accounts Closed. Transactions at Twopence. Balance due to Peincipal withdrawn. Deeositoes. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. Accounts. No. Amount. No. Amount. £ s. d. 13,343 7 6 52 18 6 86 8 0 96 10 0 33 19 0 £ s. d. 10,449 13 0 162 11 0 25 18 6 34 19 6 2 3 0 110 135 5 0 155 1 0 7 15 0 130 0 0 555 7 0 263 4 O 124 10 0 £ s. d. 23,793 0 6 215 9 6 112 6 6 131 9 6 36 2 0 110 183 17 10 179 1 0 13 13 3 182 0 0 1,396 17 0 438 4 0 182 16 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 126 4 5 0 0 7 0 0 8 £ s. d. 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 4" 8 y 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 2 2 £ s. d. Auckland Alexandra Cambridge Hamilton, A. Mongonui Newcastle Onehunga Otahuhu Raglan ... Russell... Shortland Tauranga Wangarei 433 6 5 5 6 1,056 16 17 12 3 1 38 14 4 13 64 22 34 1,489 22 22 17 9 1 48 17 6 16 112 30 46 22 22 17 9 1 48 17 16 0 3 8 0 3 8 0 2 10 0 16 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 2 10 0 10 0 2 8 998 2 5 1,217 2 5 £ s. d. 18,107 9 8 78 8 1 32 17 9 262 2 1 £ s. d. 7,785 15 7 78 8 1 1 17 9 "2 5 10 3 2 3 48 8 12 48 12 10 24 0 0 5 18 3 52 0 0 841 10 0 175 0 0 58 6 0 27 4 3 12 80 13 7 28 4 3 13 90 13 7 163 9 2 180 11 5 51 0 6 228 9 10 1,294 17 3 195 2 1 69 6 6 0 16 5 5 8 0 2 3 0 10 9 16 15 3 0 17 10 0 2 4 5 3 3 2 21 6 7 9 3 2 180 11 5 51 0 6 15 9 10 500 13 3 103 2 1 19 6 6 28 4 3 13 6,464 5 10 30 46 0 5" 0 0 7 8 13 7 0 2" 2 I 0 1 2J

E.—No. 1.

TABLE No. 6—(continued). TABLE showing the Post Office Savings Bank Transactions at ther several Savings Bank Offices in the Colony during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.



» DEPOSITS. WITHDRAWALS. OFFICES. Balance New Accounts Opened. Additions to Open Accounts. Total Deposits. Teansactions at Twopence. No. of Accts. WITHDRAWN UPON. No. of DEAWALS. Amount of Intebest PAID ON Accounts Closed. Teaitsactions at Twopence. due to Depositors. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. WITHDEAWN. Accounts. No. Amount. I I No. 1 Amount. New Plymouth ... Napier ... Waipukurau Wellington Greytown Wanganui Blsnheim Havelock Pictou ... Nelson ... Collingwood Motueka Charleston Westpoet Gbeymouth Hokitika... Ross Cheistchueoh Akaroa... Kaiapoi Lyttelton Timaru... Waimate Dunedin ... Arrow River Balelutlia Clyde ... Hamilton's Kawarau Lawrence Manuherikia Mount Ida Oamaru Port Chalmers ... Queenstown Teviot ... Tokomairiro Waikouaiti West Taieri Inveecaegill Campbelltown Riverton 89 38 £ s. d. 2,945 8 0 790 6 0 172 68 £ s. d. 1,949 14 0 463 10 6 261 106 £ s. d. 4,895 2 0 1,253 16 6 ■ £ s. d. 137 27 166 30 £ s. d. 1,890 10 3 303 17 6 £ s. d. 7 10 9 14 8 25 10 I £ s. d. 444 1 5 147 8 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,004 11 9 949 19 0 ... ... 192 5,073 11 7 655 6,162'"9 0 847 11,236 0 7 401 481 7,047" 1 10 37 2 1 "67 1,848" 7 11 77 28 7 10 69 3 1,822 14 0 1,082 11 0 4 15 0 347 6 0 1,880 9 0 95 0 0 197 40 9 42 224 1,504 13 0 357 18 0 2 5 0 246 14 0 1,972 10 2 274 68 16 52 293 3 3,327 7 0 1,440 9 0 7 0 0 594 0 0 3,852 19 2 95 0 0 "88 15 15 134 91 17 "l6 154 2,302 8 3 235 0 6 232"l7 11 2,893 9 11 10 19 5 0 18 4 2 "i 0 16 5 2 33 3 "8 36 ... 882 1 0 82 8 6 82 13 9 1 1,052 16 5 I - = .! 5,213 17 6 1,573 10 7 1,054 9 3 76 120 198 195 20 509 11 19 56 55 12 544 12 20 15 14 4 24 2 17 44 55 21 3,080 1 0 4,025 6 0 7,954 16 0 8,234 1 0 376 2 0 14,353 7 0 82 0 0 821 13 0 1,674 16 0 1,776 9 0 2 7 0 16,341 3 6 993 8 0 690 6 4 985 0 0 434 14 6 32 13 0 656 1 0 105 0 0 490 16 0 914 7 0 1,111 12 0 871 2 0 180 312 455 633 59 1,296 23 38 204 95 80 2,165 13 86 74 24 2 87 17 22 118 201 124 2,622 4 0 3,558 6 0 6,714 6 6 7,550 6 0 436 8 0 12,090 9 6 88 10 0 418 3 6 1,764 17 0 788 15 0 7 10 20,590 19 10 934 6 0 555 18 8 1,416 8 0 176 12 0 107 o o 708 13 9 82 0 0 373 6 6 821 0 0 1,093 13 0 738 8 0 256 432 653 828 79 1805 34 57 260 150 92 2,709 25 106 89 38 6 111 19 39 162 256 145 5,702 5 0 7,583 12 0 14,669 2 6 15,784 7 0 812 10 0 26,443 16 6 170 10 0 1,239 16 6 3,439 13 0 2,565 4 0 9 8 0 36,932 3 4 1,927 14 0 1,246 5 0 2,401 8 0 611 6 6 139 13 0 1,364 14 9 187 0 0 864 2 6 1,735 7 0 2,205 5 0 1,609 10 0 79 92 0 13 2 0 15" 4 73 162 280 383 8 69 8 12 8 75 57 2 1,113 5 15 19 8 91 214 331 462 8 790 12 8 80 59 2 1,419 5 15 20 8 1,617 6 5 2,932 1 1 6,850 8 5 9,964 7 6 133 16 0 11,326 11 11 163 2 10 224 3 0 1,645 5 10 1,452 8 11 0 5 10 22,980 16 8 190 13 9 309 10 11 477 8 4 216 0 0 11 14 4 10 18 3 41 18 11 41 10 2 0 6 8 45 7 5 2 9 4 0 16 1 5 2 4 9 18 1 1 0 10 80 3 1 0 13 9 0 16 6 3 5 6 1 0 10 14 52 80 129 5 148 6 2 18 25 1 130 1 5 5 1 644 1 7 1,336 5 7 2,830 9 10 4,980 4 4 89 16 0 3,898 12 6 113 2 10 18 3 0 671 5 10 734 17 11 4,547" 5 5 0 13 9 63 O 8 57 9 0 8 "2 1 0 l" 4j i - I 0 0" 4J 4,084 18 7 4,651 10 11 7,818 14 1 6,498 13 6 19,056 9 8 25 0 i" 2 I ... i 5 0 0 10 1 38 6 0 64 0 10 "8 0 i" 4 t 19 39 0 3" 2 0 6 6 15 1 4 53 79 26 16 1 4 54 82 26 506 0 0 37 0 0 139 0 0 908 5 1 1,362 3 3 711 15 4 1 2 5 I 4 19 0 0 186 14 6 10 10 0 i 4 ... I 0 0 2! 0 0 8 J 23,790 3 7 2 "4 11 I 0 6 8 16 4 5 126 18 16 342 0 0 34 5 0 37 5 0 4,336 16 0 116 0 0 433 5 0 70 20 51 421 128 33 546 16 2 31 6 5 14 17 0 4,821 18 0 374 15 0 234 2 0 86 24 56 547 146 49 888 16 2 65 11 5 52 2 0 9,158 14 0 490 15 0 667' 7 0 56 0 9' 4 15 7 1 222 18 20 16 7 1 259 18 20 494 11 0 88 9 10 19 0 0 6,086 4 8 190 14 9 232 15 5 0 "8 2 40 8 6 "4 1 47 3 4 ... Ill 12 0 I 19 0 0 2,223 14 11 25 4 9 46 15 9 1 0 6" 2 J ... ? 49 0 8" 2 0 is 2 20 0 3" 4) 3,807 1 2 Totals foe the Yeae 3,282 100167 3 0 i 9,732 94,368 8 6 13,014 194,535 11 6 638 5 6 4 5,347 35,913 5 10 — 87,968 5 5 6,365 106,567 6 1 527 11 2 1,186 124 10 8

E.—No. 1.

Table No. 7. TABLE showing the proportion of Post Office Savings Bank Depositors in the Colony of New Zealand, during the Year 1868, as compared with the Population; the Average Amounts of Deposits and Withdrawals remaining to credit of Depositors, &c., for the same year; with a similar Average of the Total Transactions for 1867, and for all New Zealand since the system commenced on 1st February, 1867.



c/i 35 Deposits. WlTHDEAWALS. Peovinces ant Accounting Oefces. fi Ph O Ph PI n p fc Population as per Census of Dec, 1867. CM--O CO Q, ir co ,a.33 co fl £ GO flow B Br cm E4 o.3n co .Q cfi CD H O CO rnP Number of Depositors in 1868, as compared with the Population, is as 1 to Amount of Deposits during 1868. Average amount deposited to each Accountin 1868. ■Average amount i of each Depositin 1868. Number of Accounts remaining open on 31 Dec, 1868. Amount at credit of the Fear's Accounts on31 Dec, 1868, including interest for the year. Average amount at credit of each open Account in the Colony on 31 Dec, including interest. fl er, « IN Amount of Withdrawals in 1868, including Interest paid on closed Accounts. Average Amount of each Withdrawal in 186S. Percentage of Accounts closed in all New Zealand since commencement of the system is Remaeks. 48,321 541 1,835 £ s. d. 49 13 3 £ s. d. 14 12 3 £ s. d. 7,227 9 2 £ s. d. 36 13 9 1,882 20,552 £ S. d. 14 17 5 26 f cent. Auckland 13 89 26,866 229 Nine new offices were opened in the course of the year, viz., — Auckland 1 Hawke's Bay 1 Wellington 1 Nelson 2 Otago 3 Westland 1 Taranaki 1 4,359 89 261 49 4,895 55 0 0 18 2 10 64 3,076 13 6 39 16 9 166 1,898 11 8 8 27 „ Hawke's Bay 2 5,283 38 106 136 1,254 33 0 0 11 16 7 28 973 18 5 25 7 8 30 305 10 3 4 24 „ Wellington ... 3 21,950 269 1,121 81 14,563 54 2 9 12 19 10 169 5,571 5 6 31 10 11 572 9,398 16 8 7 24 „ Marlborough 3 4,371 45 136 97 2,141 47 11 6 15 14 10 34 1,637 1810 34 1 2 33 471 14 5 5 IV „ Nelson 3 18,059 72 296 250 3,948 54 16 8 13 6 9 36 1,163 17 8 42 3 7 154 2,910 18 17 11 30 „ to ■| g Westport PI o r g O j Q-reymouth H l^Hokitika 1 4,255 76 256 56 5,702 75 0 0 22 5 5 62 4,130 0 3 60 9 3 91 1,629 17 18 0 42 „ 1 1,500 120 432 12 7,584 63 4 0 17 11 1 68 4,710 3 5 45 13 1 214 2,943 13 15 0 18 „ 1 6,473 198 653 34 14,669 74 1 9 22 9 3 118 8,101 11 8 68 13 3 331 6,892 21 1 1 33 „ 2 9,060 215 907 42 16,597 76 14 7 18 5 11 81 6,740 13 9 57 10 10 470 10,140 21 11 6 47 „ Canterbury ... 6 38,310 662 2,398 58 33,869 51 9 3 14 2 6 462 19,877 13 1 36 9 3 951 14,877 15 15 0 24 „ Otago 16 48,569 797 3,871 67 52,231 65 10 9 13 9 9 639 25,047 16 2 35 9 7 1,674 28,530 17 0 10 12 „ Southland ... ... ! 3 7,943 160 742 49 10,317 64 9 8 13 17 6 106 4,061 17 4 33 0 0 297 6,550 22 1 1 19 „ All New Zealand in 1868 All New Zealand in 1867 55 218,443 3,282 13,014 66 194,536 59 5 6 14 11 3 2,096 92,320 18 9 44 0 11 6,365 107,095 16 16 6 36 f. cent. 46 218,443 2,520 6,977 S3 96,372 38 4 10 13 16 3 2,156 71,197 14 1 33 0 5 1,919 26,345 13 14 6 14 „ i All New Zealand since the commencement 55 218,443 5,802 19,991 50 2 9 8,284 133,440 15 19 2 38 290,908 15 0 0 4,252 163,518 1210 38 9 2 26 f- cent.

B.—No. 1



Table No. 8. TABLE showing the Commission received on Money Orders during the Years 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1868; also the Centesimal rate of Increase or Decrease.

Table No. 9. RETURN of the Number and Value of Postage Stamps printed during the Years 1864, 1865 1866, 1867, and 1868.

Table No. 10. RETURN of Intercolonial Mail Steam Subsidies, June, 1869.

1864. 18. ;s. 186i 186 1 186! Peovinces. Amount. "9 „; s s £ a g § CD ,Dh O Amount. r-< P. 9% CD g i g § § CD c-J Q Amount. rH f-C eel o qJ ■ CJ cj « -2 -s P s C g 53 Q • OQ O rH H Amount. rH CH o o 5 ■r CO O JOCJ J 12 i § Q r3 fi Amount. ° rD S o o « ■ h v en H ss g g agSS 6 A* Auckland ... £ s. d. £ s. d.| £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 347 13 6 155-15 333 3 6; 4" dec. 260 18 0 21-17dec. 223 3 6 16-02dec. 264 8 6 18-48inc. Taranaki ... 46 4 6 97-86 I 48 6 Oj j j 4'35inc. 37 12 0 22-2 dec. 32 1 0 14-76dee. 23 5 0 27-45dec. Wellington 63 1 0 35-6 138 13 0 119-05inc. 210 13 6 51-7 inc. 223 7 0 6'04inc. 209 1 0 6-40dec. Hawke's Bay 29 13 6 60-3 36 14 0 24-14inc. I 42 12 0 I I 16- inc. I 42 9 0 •35dec. 35 16 6 15-60dec. Nelson 36 4 6 2-84 65 4 0 80'55inc. 106 7 9 I 6319mc. 105 1 o l-25dec. 151 8 0 44-07inc. Marlborough 47 5 0 170 42 2 0 10-62dec. 50 13 6 20-36inc. I 51 7 0 l-33inc. 49 13 0 3-31dec. Canterbury 301 17 6 45-75 324 17 6 7'64inc. 561 8 6 72-8 inc. 575 15 6 2'55inc. *316 3 6 3-22dec. Otago 603 16 0 27-5 415 15 0 31-18dec. 416 3 0 O'l inc. 484 9 6 16-41inc. 498 0 6 2-79inc. Southland ... 125 15 6 308 59 3 6 52-8 dec. 75 6 0 27-25inc. 78 6 0 3-96inc. 74 7 0 5-04dec. Westland ... 240 18 6 14-1 dec. Totals ... 1601 11 0, 20-34inc. 1815 19 6 I 51-9 1463 18 6 8-62dec. 1761 14 3 308inc. 1863 1 6, 2-528inc. *The estland Returns tave been re: idered sepi irately from those of Ohristchurch since 1st January, 18i !8.

18618( 186i 186' 1861 Rates. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. £ £ £ £ £ At One Shilling 143,280 7,164 159,120 7,956 # * 108,000 5,400 At Sixpence ... 950,400 23,760 548,400 13,710 242,880 6,072 714,240 17,856 605,040 15,126 At Fourpence 436,800 7,280 ifc At Threepence 121,920 1,524 * 1,059,120 13,239 412,800 5,160 At Twopence... 1,892,400 15,770 1,998,000 16,650 1,989,840 16,582 1,600,080 13,334 1,668,000 13,900 At One Penny 457,920 1,908 774,960 3,229 714,000 2,975 1,315,920 5,483 1,869,600 7,790 Totals 3,444,000 48,602 4,039,200 50,349 2,946,720 25,629 4,689,360 49,912 4,663,440 47,376 * A large m iber of these postage stamps r ere in stocl at the close of thi previous year.

CON' reacts. Seevice. Annual Subsidy. How OETEN. Mileage eveey eoue WEEKS. Expense pee Mile. Commence. Terminate. £ s. d. * Wellington to Melbourne via, Hokitika 7,800 April, 1869 August, 1869 Once every four weeks 3,172 3 9-4 *Mc: leckan, Blackwi >od, and Compai 'J-

E.—No. 1.

Table No. 11. RETURN of Interprovincial Mail Steam Subsidies, June, 1869.

Table No. 12. STATEMENT of Correspondence received from London, &c., via Panama and Suez, during the Year 1868.

Table No. 13. STATEMENT of Correspondence despatched to London, &c., via Panama and Suez, during the Year 1868.


Conteacts. Seevices. Annual Subsidy. How OETEN. Mileage eveey 4 Weeks. Expense pee Mile. Commence. Terminate. * Manukau to Bluff and back £ 5,000 Jan. 1869 Dec. 1869 Once every 4 weeks. do. 1,790 s. d. 4 3-568 * Manukau to Bluff and back 5,000 Jan. 1869 Dec. 1869 1,790 4 3568 * Wellington to Napier and back ... 650 April 1869 Aug. 1869 do. 404 2 5-702 Totals 10,650 3,984 4 1-349 * Circular Saw Steam Navigation Company.

Via Panama. Via Suez. Date oe Receipt. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Januaey 24,871 2,014 8,311 3,017 233 60,592 Febeuaey 27,574 2,449 8,002 3,036 282 67,017 Maech 29,993 2,334 8,667 3,110 275 64,545 Apeil 20,722 1,557 6,049 2,012 160 62,328 May 26,300 2,045 5,844 3,117 1,198 64,915 June 25,069 1,980 9,268 1,906 184 50,135 July 24,435 1,786 9,847 2,073 209 58,007 August 24,210 2,139 8,571 2,284 213 56,516 September 31,107 2,508 10,768 2,080 238 51,204 OCTOBEE 19,917 1,782 9,946 2,252 211 56,082 November 25,900 2,375 8,181 2,233 138 56,980 Decembee 29,482 2,327 9,613 2,490 139 53,270 Totals ... 309,580 25,296 103,067 29,610 3,480 701,591

Via Panama. Via Suez. Date oe Despatch. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Letters. Books. Newspapers. Januaey 19,409 315 12,703 4,981 38 4,958 Febeuaey 21,586 185 13,864 4,947 62 7,391 Maech 24,237 302 17,579 4,609 57 5,499 Apeil 24,125 194 18,077 3,558 7 3,305 May 24,311 191 17,560 3,140 33 4,418 June 23,125 183 16,042 3,194 35 2,735 July 25,220 196 17,089 1,946 198 2,986 August 24,277 274 19,649 1,912 41 3,446 Septembee 24,604 380 19,198 913 27 769 OCTOBEE 20,388 25,429 251 18,101 2,254 40 2,714 November 312 18,146 1,198 19 2,430 Decembee 24,007 230 24,325 7,139 89 6,345 Totals ... 280,718 3,013 212,333 39,791 646 46,996

E.—No. 1

Table No. 14. COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Postal Revenue and Letters and Newspapers Received at and Despatched from the several Provinces of New Zealand, from 1858 to 1868, both inclusive.



Let'EES. New! ■apees. Province. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Received. Despatched. Auckland — £ s. d. 1858 ... 1859 ... 1860 ... 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 1,978 1 7 2,521 16 7 3,079 1 5 3,679 16 4 4,045 5 3 5,254 10 10 8,507 13 1 11,548 4 5 9,653 16 5 7,848 5 5 8,754 16 7 65,874 82,678 122,807 170,065 185,755 284,834 528,633 514,421 438,945 379,254 461,861 67,447 90,595 125,535 177,070 196,282 322,595 531,279 528,509 440,613 361,362 411,812 104,379 108,523 133,367 157,017 179,256 211,426 312,248 318,569 327,937 254,973 293,742 114,988 136,789 177,839 238,642 302,815 453,535 813,452 727,170 561,148 179,049 130,546 Tabanaki—■ 1858 ... 1859 1860 ... 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 274 17 8 300 0 2 506 11 1 528 16 0 463 0 2 498 2 1 818 19 5 984 14 3 821 10 8 687 14 2 645 12 2 14,017 15,676 31,100 33,120 22,227 28,672 42,274 52,498 42,705 28,399 28,554 14,554 16,223 33,781 35,110 23,195 32,701 43,520 52,082 43,285 27,976 29,452 19,142 18,474 26,834 29,599 24,818 31,668 57,547 66,448 61,194 29,775 26,153 9,812 10,720 21,549 23,948 14,341 19,338 22,654 25,128 20,170 11,052 15,423 Hawke's Bay— 1858 ... 1859 ... 1860 ... 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 153 6 11 296 6 7 444 17 10 505 7 11 593 9 1 679 10 10 889 17 4 1,107 13 7 1,372 7 8 1,431 9 8 1,390 0 4 14,228 19,006 38,516 36,116 43,342 58,943 68,721 88,599 71,353 62,539 12,507 18,109 36,895 38,847 48,717 60,685 71,546 88,134 74,993 73,216 15,037 21,261 27,885 35,434 67,441 88,979 94,718 82,945 56,760 50,198 7,018 10,472 13,245 39,512 56,777 66,120 68,780 81,922 58,475 52,572 Wellington— 1858 ... 1859 ... 1860 ... 1861 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 1,299 11 5 1,397 10 7 1,501 0 7 1.662 8 11 1,959 17 11 2,043 17 5 2,409 1 4 5,176 6 10 6.663 14 2 10,701 17 4 12,579 4 7 84,687 93,220 83,359 93,635 101,613 117,936 139,717 259,152 270,563 288,815 328,180 87,111 92,805 84,060 15,642 104,794 113,756 132,551 237,907 253,988 289,058 311,476 131,413 112,235 83,950 96,067 102,730 131,854 148,741 206,566 210,306 159,238 179,923 126,441 105,099 120,586 145,768 191,873 209,692 219,553 261,080 286,889 178,765 179,042 Nelson — 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 731 1 1 831 8 1 995 3 6 1,114 2 2 1,189 10 9 1,157 6 6 1,423 6 0 2,012 15 10 2,012 4 9 2,880 8 8 3,651 12 8 18,796 42,280 42,771 72,626 56,132 63,356 75,807 99,661 104,282 142,697 203,537 14,771 57,911 58,767 76,048 68,348 83,601 93,715 126,143 115,829 143,374 200,665 26,535 60,177 72,356 95,575 102,889 106,743 132,484 128,317 126,047 102,809 135,027 31,123 83,272 97,120 113,843 117,150 129,787 161,614 130,436 158,877 83,252 112,948



E.—No. 1.

Table No. 14 — continued. COMPARATIVE TABLE, &c.

iT.r ?ees. "ewspapees. Peovince. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Received. Despatche .AELBOEOUGII — 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... £ a. d. 206 12 7 294 11 4 347 6 2 843 13 7 853 17 6 794 4 0 838 19 6 1,048 2 2 14,500 12,800 40,967 83,990 59,507 64,117 47,890 48,391 14,171 12,334 34,067 76,978 62,672 57,430 47,215 48,428 16,480 7,895 40,526 108,658 62,212 78,335 45,477 43,592 5,591 10,289 37,268 67,778 73,354 65,419 34,264 35,635 ;anterbo"by— 1858 ... 1859 ... 1860 ... 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 1864 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 1,049 11 4 1,563 11 6 2,052 15 8 2,790 1 5 4,016 16 7 5,498 18 1 7,326 15 9 10,158 1 9 14,342 11 10 15,471 9 8 *8,525 19 4 50,954 53,616 73,109 130,500 215,742 817,011 378,585 472,284 734,852 864,123 539,610 22,582 60,675 72,881 130,899 234,459 312,212 400,838 486,007 671,720 801,774 436,125 41,392 61,214 91,478 124,485 181,881 405,404 307,616 381,360 512,138 571,558 398,326 27,161 48,817 66,951 138,001 198,500 362,154 384,090 480,238 597,220 269,852 176,402 itago— 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1807 1868 546 8 8 902 7 5 1,489 3 10 3,508 11 5 9,319 9 2 14,324 2 7 14,273 0 7 12,611 18 1 12,030 0 10 13,482 9 4 13,605 12 3 20,477 36,249 62,168 153,354 360,246 693,496 678,349 588,545 581,353 508,8S2 595,062 21,786 39,207 62,916 154,201 389,231 660,889 638,792 568,001 599,861 575,948 535,909 23,742 30,902 42,418 69,692 187,132 368,449 459,095 439,733 470,820 378,784 545,450 28,229 41,099 63,175 114,433 310,883 549,869 680,917 551,303 561,341 519,253 502,521 lOUTHLAND — 1861 ... 1862 1863 1864 1865 ... 1866 ... 1867 ... 1868 ... 112 11 3 828 14 0 2,482 7 5 2,741 17 10 2,012 7 4 1,894 17 1 1,970 12 2 2,106 1 6 13,500 31,104 100,331 126,473 93,396 79,372 76,918 84,235 14,796 33,007 106,765 135,491 102,321 82,996 81,209 84,560 13,636 32,751 110,632 142,903 111,660 89,806 71,146 82,232 4,444 23,947 105,124 131,568 79,920 80,525 56,406 64,357 'estland — 1868 ... 4,771 7 11 251,108 242,479 152,666 106,860 Ihatham Islands— 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 1866 ... 1867 1868 ... 3 0 0 7 19 5 9 9 8 12 11 4 18 12 2 29 4 6 'OTALS— 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 6,024 5 8 7,812 19 1 10,068 13 11 14,108 8 8 22,710 14 3 32,329 1 11 39,302 4 4 46,475 9 8 49,598 4 9 55,331 18 1 57,107 14 0 254,605 337,947 434,320 603,209 1,021,735 1,687,945 2,051,265 2,208,285 2,404,788 2,408,331 2,603.077 228,251, 369,923 456,049 633,559 1,100,497 1,715,303 2,099,877 2,235,188 2,353,856 2,402,909 2,374,122 346,603 406,562 471,664 630,436 854,788 1,474,125 1,758,271 1,809,583 1,959,528 1,670,520 1,907.309 337,745 432,823 557,092 797,915 1,209,337 1,923,544 2,547,746 2,397.409 2,413,511 1,390,368 1,376,306 * The Westland Returns have bee: separated from tin ise of Cantorb try since the 1st of January, 1868. 3

E.—No. 1

Table No. 15. RETURN showing the Number of Letters received by the different Provinces of New Zealand, during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.

Table No. 16. RETURN showing the Number of Letters despatched from the different Provinces of New Zealand, during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.



Feom 'laces wit: Colony. :in the Feom Places wp :hout the !olony. PROVINCES. Totals without AND within the Colony. IJnited Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Total without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Total within the Colony. Auckland 22,607 4,714 92,454 71,970 297,437 369,407 461,861 65,133 Taranaki 4,865 1,433 94 6,392 16,412 5,750 22,162 28,554 Hawke's Bay 10,299 2,322 15 12,636 29,365 20,538 49,903 62,539 Wellington ... 39,631 16,882 1,229 57,742 131,326 139,112 270,438 328,180 Nelson 20,449 12,567 150 33,166 103,157 67,214 170,371 203,537 Marlborough 4,713 1,123 5,836 20,686 21,869 42,555 48,391 Canterbury ... 75,102 17,465 1,553 94,120 112,261 333,229 445,490 539,610 Otago 82,070 46,934 7,683 136,687 93,180 365,195 458,375 595,062 Southland ... 13,407 8,543 303 22,253 22,358 39,624 61,982 84,235 Westland 17,775 53,575 71,350 106,325 73,433 179,758 251,108 Totals 707,040 333,444 183,451 15,741 532,636 1,363,401 2,070,441 2,003,077

To P: jAces with: Colony. :n THE To P: rACES WITHl )UT THE Ci ilony. Totals without PROVINCES. Total without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Total within the Colony. AND WITHIN th: Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Auckland 59,889 22,633 3,854 86,376 71,849 253,587 325,436 411,812 Taranaki 4,126 987 64 5,177 16,267 8,008 24,275 29,452 Hawke's Bay 9,722 2,009 214 11,945 27,197 34,074 61,271 73,216 Wellington ... 40,784 18,597 1,749 61,130 140,380 109,966 250,346 311,476 Nelson 19,356 8,657 417 28,430 104,210 68,025 172,235 200,665 Marlborough 3,945 763 18 4,726 18,537 25,165 43,702 48,428 Canterbury ... 70,221 16,394 2,126 88,741 90,343 257,041 347,384 436,125 Otago 78,213 44,843 7,102 130,158 92,834 312,917 405,751 535,909 Southland ... 12,310 8,325 520 21,155 20,848 42,567 63,405 84,560 Westland ... 16,831 51,704 22 68,557 104,164 69,758 173,922 242,479 Totals 1,867,727 315,397 174,912 16,086 506,395 686,629 1,181,098 2,374,122



E.— No. 1.

Table No. 17. RETURN showing the Number of Newspapers received by the different Provinces of New Zealand, during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.

Table No. 18. RETURN showing the Number of Newspapers despatched from the different Provinces of New Zealand, during the Year ended 31st December, 1868.

Feom Places wit: Feom 'laces wit: Colony. [IN THE [OUT THE !olony. Totals without PROVINCES. AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Totals within the Colony. Auckland 95,509 22,583 2,876 120,968 33,832 138,942 172,774 293,742 taranaki 11,367 2,281 71 13,719 12,081 353 12,434 26,153 lawke's Bay 24,846 2,790 3 27,639 20,898 1,661 22,559 50,198 Vellington ... 76,079 15,320 1,073 92,472 60,071 27,380 8 7,451 179,923 kelson 48,561 12,878 62 61,501 53,208 20,318 73,526 135,027 darlborough 10,311 2,408 12,719 20,595 10,278 30,873 43,592 Canterbury ... 223,950 19,821 1,164 244,935 57,826 95,565 153,391 398,326 )tago 231,026 73,600 5,188 309,814 41,125 194,511 235,636 545,450 louthland ... 39,703 13,458 122 53,283 20,098 8,851 28,949 82,232 Vestland ... 9,248 59,435 ... 68,683 67,616 16,367 83,983 152,666 Totals 770,600 224,574 10,559 1,005,733 387,350 514,226 901,576 1,907,309

To P: -aces witi Colony. [N THE To P: .ACES WITHt )UT THE Cl )LONY. PROVINCES. Totals without AND within the Colony. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Totals without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Totals within the Colony. Auckland 14,941 2,925 64,334 34,290 31,922 66,212 130,546 46,468 Taranaki 3,365 690 93 4,148 4,978 6,307 11,285 15,423 Hawke's Bay 7,442 1,606 131 9,179 15,402 27,991 43,393 52,572 Wellington ... 28,621 9,161 1,376 39.,158 86,194 53,690 139,884 179,042 Nelson 16,561 4,164 269 20,994 59,200 32,754 91,954 112,948 Marlborough 3,183 287 20 3,490 5,561 26,584 32,145 35,635 Canterbury ... 52,421 9,492 1,742 63,655 62,455 50,292 112,747 176,402 Otago 73,493 29,600 6,773 109,866 52,618 340,037 392,655 502,521 Southland ... 8,652 3,727 375 12,754 10,653 40,950 51,603 64,357 Westland 14,742 20,072 15 35,829 50,928 20,103 71,031 106,860 Totals 254,948 94,740 13,719 363,407 382,279 630,630 1,012,909 1,376,316

E— No. 1.

Table No. 19. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Auckland, in 1868.



PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. Q FH O O 6 Total Received and Despatched. <H <Tj I 0,2 Mail Sebvices. EXPENDITUEE. Totals. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. 20,590 51,472 21,856 12,001 14,183 13,601 2,250 2,660 2,550 80 39 67 £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Trunk Lines — I. Auckland to Mangaturoto (Northern) II. „ Mercer (Southern) ... III. Drury to Raglan 12 8 4 Horse and Foot Coach ... Horse and Foot 1 6 2 238 10 0 450 0 0 140 8 0 61 0 0 97 0 0 50 0 0 299 10 0 547 0 0 190 8 0 171 11 8 428 18 8 182 2 8 Brandies — I. Auckland to Onehunga II. ,, Howick III. ,, Helensville .. IV. Papakura to Wairoa V. Mercer to Newcastle VI. Newcastle to Alexandra VII. „ Cambridge ... VIII. Alexandra to Cambridge ... IX. Whau Bridge to Muddy Creek ... X. Kaukapakapa to Komokoriki XI. Helensville to Mangawhare XII. „ Matakohe XIII. Auckland to Wangarei XIV. ,, Wangarei Heads XV. Wangarei Heads to Waipu XVI. „ Paroa Bay ... XVII. Auckland to Russell XVIII. Russell to Hokianga XIX. „ Ahipara XX. Auckland to Mongonui XXI, „ Hastings 2 3 6 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 44,192 15,831 8,197 3,722 13,481 8,878 21,655 3,921 274 567 3,948 7,962 10,706 3,660 11,371 3,457 4,790 2,087 2,104 4,218 8,818 2,961 318 491 1,612 4,817 4,014 1,175 2,132 648 900 392 393 790 1,653 555 60 92 302 904 753 220 6 15 38 9 36 35 26 30 7 10 75 70 96 80 f 12 140 45 77 185 50 Coach ... Spring Cart ... Horse and Foot Horse ... Horse and Foot Boat 12 6 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Uncertain 120 0 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 37 0 0 192 0 0 117 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 24 0 0 80 0 0 70 0 0 70 0 0 33 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 25 0 0 45 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 29 0 0 (20 0 0 5 0 0 190 0 0 133 0 0 135 0 0 42 0 0 222 0 0 142 0 0 135 0 0 70 0 0 20 0 0 24 0 0 90 0 0 99 0 0 368 5 4 131 18 6 76 12 10 31 0 4 111 18 6 73 19 8 180 19 2 32 13 6 2 5 8 4 14 6 32 18 0 66 7 0 ( 89 4 4 i 30 10 0 ] 19 2 10 Sailing Vessel... | 17 8 2 | 37 8 2 5) ,, ■ • • „ . }> 1 2 5 1 1 2,297 25,783 6,668 3,425 8,551 7,257 1,900 12,522 2,756 2,396 6,128 823 357 2,348 517 450 1,144 155 ] Foot Sailing Vessel... Horse and Boat ■.{ Uncertain 1 Fortnightly Uncertain 20 16 0 20 0 0 18 10 2 60 0 0 95 0 0 6 17 7 3 16 21 13 4 15 0 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 5 0 0 25 16 0 20 0 0 40 3 6 75 0 0 110 0 0 26 17 7 8 16 204 17 2 55 11 4 23 10 10 71 5 2 60 9 6 Sailing Vessel... Steamer and Sailing Vessel Steamer 5) XXII. „ G-rahamstovrn XXIII. „ Shortland XXIV. Shortland to Grahamstown XXV. „ Hastings XXVI. Auckland to'Kapanga XXVII. „ Port. Fitzrov XXVIII. „ St. Andrews XXIX. „ Whitiangi XXX. ,, Tairua XXXI. „ Tauranga XXXII. Tauranga to Maketu XXXIII. Auckland to Opotiki XXXIV. „ Poverty Bay XXXV. „ Kawau XXXVI. Wangarei to Mangapai 1 1 18,047 141,056 1,822 15,595 342 2,925 54 56 1 12 47 71 100 121 130 195 25 240 375 36 12 Daily ... | 144 0 11 C 8 5 0 { 220 0 0 ] 372 5 11 ( 150 7 10 (1,175 9 4 Foot 8 0 0 40 0 0 3 4 9 0 2 9 0 2 9 0 12 9 0 10 7 4 10 32 10 0 2 0 11 2 5 9 0 18 4 20 0 0 8 0 0 40 0 0 18 4 9 0 2 9 0 2 9 0 12 9 0 10 47 4 10 37 10 0 17 0 11 12 5 9 0 18 4 30 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,719 175 175 642 121 19,059 2,168 3,357 10,097 874 3,012 1,049 211 12 130 16 11,074 924 3,173 6,968 425 2,733 197 40 2 25 3 2,064 174 595 1,138 80 512 Sailing Vessel... 3 Uncertain 15 "o 0 30 19 10 19 2 19 2 5 7 0 10 2 158 16 6 18 1 4 27 19 6 84 2 10 7 5 8 25 2 0 ., » ... .. „ • •• ), 3, JJ )) .. 40 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 Horse and Boat Sailing Vessel... 'i Uncertain .; .; ,. Horse and Foot "l io"o 0

E.—No. 1.

Table No. 19— continued. TABLE showing the REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Auckland, in 1868.

Table No. 20. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Taranaki, in 1868.



E/3 rH Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. EXPENDITURE. Totals. PROVINCE OF TARANAKI. O O fc Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. "33 HH "-H rTJ ft Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines, — 982 12,184 430 6,230 71 1,024 Horse 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11 3 6 139 2 10 I. New Plymouth to Clifton II. „ Patea 5 7 30 100 120"'0 0 17 0 0 137 0 0 Country Mail Services —Totals ... Chief Post Office, New Plymouth 6,660 34,916 1,095 4,851 5,946 l 137 0 0 458 17 0 150 6 4 495 5 10 12 1 13,166 44,840 130 120 0 0 17 0 0 343 15 0 115"2 0 — 58,006 41,576 130 Totals for the Province 13 ... ... 120 0 0 360 15 0 115 2 0 595 17 0 645 12 2

PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. O ft O d fc Total Received and Despatched. P3 m •a' % ft Mail Services. EXPENDITUEE. Totals. Letters. Newspapers.! Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Branches —continued. XXXVII. Mangapai to Mangakaramea XXXVIII. Onehunga to Awitu XXXIX. Te Arai to Port Albert ... XL. Auckland to Eden Terrace XLI. „ North Shore ... XLII. North Shore to Takapuna ... XLIII. Auckland to Onehunga* ... 1 1 2 1 1 513 718 23,615 6,616 759 284 5 ',578 1,568 143 54 1,045 294 7 20 11 2 3 4 Foot ... Boat ... Foot ... Horse ... Boat ... Foot ... 1 1 1 12 6 2 16 0 0 20 0 0 22 0 0 36 10 0 24 0 0 8 0 0 96 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 2 10 0 16 0 0 20 0 0 22 0 0 61 10 0 34 0 0 10 10 0 96 0 0 4 5 6 5 19 8 196 15 10 55 2 8 Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Auckland 88 1 528,857 344,816 170,864 253,424 31,858 47,696 2,655 2,574 6 2 67 15 6 952 8 4 2,392 8 1 3,526 14 6 2,627 13 3 4,400 1 2 4,354 15 5 167 9 8 ... Totals for the Province 89 873,673 424,288 79,554 i 1 2,655 2,642 1 8 3,344 16 5 8,754 16 7 ... 167 9 8 6,154 7 9 * For conveying Sea-borne Mails to and from the Manukau.

E.—No. 1.

Table No. 21. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Hawke's Bay, in 1868.

Table No. 22. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Wellington, in 1868.



CD 3 ft fc 6 Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expend itttbe. Totals. PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAT. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. CD jflrl Mode of Conveyance, Number of times ■weekly. Coat of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Trunk Lines, — I. Napier to Wairoa (Northern) ... Wairoa to Mahia II. Napier to Waipawa (Southern) Waipawa to Porangahau Porangahau to Wainui ... 3 1 5 3 1 9,703 331 16,524 9,970 185 7,597 191 3,744 4,797 81 953 24 449 576 10 56 54 43 31 15 Horse Coach. 1 2 2 1 142 0 0 100 16 8 145 0 0 66 0 0 60 0 0 18 0 0 6 0 0 28 0 0 26 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 10 160 3 0 106 17 2 173 7 0 92 2 0 66 1 0 ] 51 2 0 70 1 6 ,j } 51 3 0 Branches, — I. Napier to Peka Peka II. Clive to Pourerere III. Te Aute to Patangata ... IV. Waipukurau to G-wavas... V. Havelock to Kereru Town Branch 4 1 1 3 2 1 8,882 2,070 1,981 3,056 1,910 36,315 6,445 1,441 1,520 2,625 1,211 32,361 774 173 182 315 145 3,882 22 35 5 50 36 1 j. j) ■ * * I l l l l l 24 51 0 0 60 0 0 26 0 0 52 16 0 48 0 0 36 11 6 18 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 25 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 6 0 16 0 10 0 4 0 69 2 6 60 0 0 32 0 6 64 17 6 60 1 0 61 15 6 } 13 1 2 12 4 4 4 2 0 2 0 6 553 5 6 Cart Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Napier 25 1 90,927 44,828 62,013 40,757 7,483 5,095 348 788 4 2 157 0 0 490 0 0 13 0 156 12 10 946 7 2 646 12 10 757 0 0 633 0 4 ... — 135,755 102,770 12,578 Totals for the Province ... 26 348 ... ... 788 4 2 647 0 0 157 15 10 1,593 0 0 1,390 0 4

CO g ft m ft o Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Totals. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. CD Mode of Conveyance. .Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines — I. North-western —Wellington to Wanganui II. North-eastern —Wellington to Upper Hutt ... III. ,, Wellington to Masterton IV. „ Masterton to Castle Point ... 12 3 7 3 134,064 25,319 56,592 6,702 57,289 7,060 12,078 4,223 11,458 1,412 2,416 844 120 19 64 34 Coach j) 2 6 2 3 £ s. d. 1,282 0 0 95 0 0 395 0 0 69 0 0 £ s. d. 481 19 5 75 0 0 102 10 0 21 0 0 £ s. d. 104 14 2 6 0 0 14 0 0 6 0 0 £ s. d. 1,868 13 7 176 0 0 511 10 0 96 0 0 £ s. d. 1,322 17 5 116 10 0 315 15 0 28 15 0 Horse Suburban Lines — I. Wellington to Karori II. ,, Makara ... 1 1 1,244 261 394 26 79 5 4 7i Cart 2 1 15 0 0 4 3 4 7 10 0 2 18 4 2 0 0 2 0 0 24 10 0 9 18 2 10 0 10 0 27 1 j, 1,860 3 4 690 17 9 1,543 15 0 2,234 12 9 : Country Mail Services —Totals... Chief Post Office, Wellington 224,182 415,474 81,070 277,895 16,214 55,579 248| 134 14 2 267 18 3 2,685 15 3 1,811 13 3 1,787 7 5 10,791 17 2 ... ... Totals for the Province ... 28 I 248i 1,860 3 4 639,656 358,965 71,793 402 12 5 4,497 8 6 12,579 4 7

E.—No. 1.

Table No. 23. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Nelson, in 1868.

Table No. 24. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Marlborough, in 1868.



as S R h ft o Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Services. EXPENDITURE. Totals. PROVINCE OF NELSON. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. CD d fl^ ~£-M^fl 5 s Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance, Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines — I. Nelson to Riwaka ... II. „ Foxhill Spring Grove to Waimea West ... Foxhill to Tadmor... Branches — I. Hurunui to Hawkes wood ... II. Nelson to Wakapuaka III. „ Havelock Sea-borne Mails — ■ I. Nelson to Motupipi II. ,, Takaka ... III. „ Collingwood IV. „ Westport, &c. ... 5 6 1 1 2 1 17,515 21,697 3,368 1,261 1,956 909 6,375 7,482 942 1,153 '"770 472 1,062 1,247 156 192 130 80 36 24 3 20 64 12 32 Coach Horse ,, Mail Cart ... Horse 2 6 3 1 1 2 3 £ s. d. 145 0 0 100 0 0 19 0 0 30 0 0 183 6 8 33 0 0 52 10 0 £ s. d. 69 0 0 75 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 22 0 0 6 0 0 £ s. d. 6 3 2 7 14 1 12 0 14 0 1 "2 6 £ s. d. 220 3 2 182 1 4 32 12 0 36 4 0 205 6 8 40 2 6 52 10 0 £ s. d. 169 12 2 205 6 2 31 1 3 12 12 6 19 18 4 9 6 2 1 2 2 10 1,485 2,254 5,139 176,198 946 1,261 1,576 76,384 158 210 262 10,912 35 38 52 175 ) 72 j Vessel ,j '" „ CO co 3 a Ph Ph O 1,013 13 5 17 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 885 15 4 111 0 2 7 0 5 7 1 05 15 3 18 11 0 17 7 0 35 7 1 1,965 4 0 14 1 2 21 3 2 50 4 6 1,351 6 8 3) ■ ■ • Country Mail Services —Totals ... Chief Post Office, Nelson 31 1 231,782 172,420 97,361 150,614 14,409 25,102 39,511 563 ! 1,576 10 1 200 0 0 1,136 15 4 865 0 0 92 3 4 43 18 7 2,805 8 9 1,108 18 7 1,884 12 1 1,767 0 7 3,651 12 8 Totals for the Province 32 | i I | 404,202 | 247,975 563 I I 1,776 10 1 2,001 15 4 136 1 11 3,914 7 4 I ... I I ... I

fi B B 2 o Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Sekvtces. Expenditure. Totals. PROVINCE OF MARLBOROUGH. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. 3'* Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines — I. Blenheim to Picton II. „ Awatere III. ,, Hawkeswood IV. ,, Renwicktown V. „ Wairau Valley Branch Lines — I. Picton to Havelock II. Havelock to Deep Creek ... 2 1 4 1 1 31,651 1,232 5,745 2,730 1,684 30,284 1,509 6,813 1,470 1,011 2,839 142 639 138 94 20 15 140 7 25 Coach Horso Spring Cart ... 3 1 a i i £ s. d. 200 0 0 20 16 0 185 0 0 23 8 0 65 0 0 £ s. d. 177 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 £ s. d. 26 4 6 0 19 12 1 0 6 0 0 3 6 £ s. d. 403 4 6 30 17 9 197 2 1 43 14 0 80 3 6 £ s. d. 264 15 1 3 10 0 44 5 0 13 0 0 7 0 0 3 1 8,670 66 5,337 164 500 15 25 20 Boat Horse 3 1 200 0 0 52 0 0 44 0 0 6 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 244 8 0 58 0 9 70 4 4 1 10 0 Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Blenheim i 13 1 51,778 45,041 l I 46,588 32,639 I 4,367 3,060 252 746 4 0 283 0 0 387 10 0 28 6 7 109 16 6 1,057 10 7 497 6 6 404 4 5 643 17 9 Totals for the Province 14 252 746 4 0 670 10 0 138 3 1 1,554 17 1 1,048 2 2 96,819 79,227 7,427 I I ... I

E.—No. 1.



Table No. 25. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Canterbury, in 1868.

as ft a ft ft O Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Revenue. PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. I fl-2 Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines, — ■ £ s. d. I. Northern — Christchurch to Kowai Kowai to Hurunui Hurunui to Hawkeswood II. Southern — Christchurch to Selwyn Selwyn to Waitaki III. Western— Christchurch to Hokitika £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 2 2 90,323 9,789 8,630 21,326 6,648 1,947 3,999 1,246 365 27 25 49 Coach ,, 6 3 1 I 366 13 4 302 0 0 13 17 4 632 10 8 932 9 6 3 11 12,407 132,619 2,265 42,823 425 8,029 23 134 Railway Coach 6 3 Prov. Govt. 2,000 0 0 45 0 0 385 0 0 1 0 10 12 1 6 46 0 10 2,397 1 0 106 3 9 1,143 15 0 9 15,781 4,780 896 150 ,, 2 2,000 0 0 25 0 0 0 15 0 2,025 15 0 136 10 1 Branches, — 24,266 1,817 1,387 5,236 8,592 2,285 807 4,160 2,867 925 702 451 4,422 940 911 1,572 4,550 341 260 982 1,611 428 151 780 537 173 132 84 829 176 171 295 Railway Horse Coach Horse Coach Cart Horse Coach Horse 12 6 3 1 6 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 Prov. Govt. 65 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 70 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 110 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 31 4 0 350 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 123 0 0 70 0 0 490 0 0 30 0 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 40 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 72 0 0 10 0 0 7 2 9 0 2 6 0 10 9 905 7 5 77 17 10 51 0 5 64 18 11 308 12 10 113 3 1 21 5 0 196 18 10 41 5 6 36 15 7 22 9 4 17 15 0 227 1 2 29 7 0 7 13 9 53 17 7 I. Christchurch to Lyttelton II. „ Addington III. „ Ferry Road IV. Selwyn to Snowdon V. Kaiapoi to Rangiora VI. Rangiora to Oxford VII. Kaiapoi to Eyreton VIII. Christchurch to Southb ridge IX. Ashburton to Mount Sorners X. Orari to Upper Rangitata XL Timaru to Lake Tekapo XII. Christchurch to TaiTupu(lately called Clanricarde) XIII. Lyttelton to Akaroa XIV. Pigeon Bay to O'Kain's Bay XV. Lyttelton to Port Levy XVI. „ Little River XVII. Boating Services at Lyttelton XVIII. Railway „ Christchurch 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 5 1 1 2 2 5 2 1 3 104,973 9,032 5,916 7,531 35,987 13,123 2,466 22,835 4,845 4,153 2,605 2,058 27,535 3,403 891 6,251 9 2 43 6 22 12 32 40 10 70 12 30 10 9 32 0 10 6 0 2 6 1 10 3 497 2 9 95 2 6 52 10 9 120 0 0 110 0 0 65 10 6 45 2 6 66 10 3 115 0 0 120 0 0 170 0 0 41 4 0 423 17 0 50 12 3 50 0 0 105 13 3 123 0 0 70 0 0 ,, ... Coach Boat and horse Foot Boat and horse Horse 117 0 0 12 3 25 0 0 0 13 3 Country Mail Services —Totals ... Chief Office, Christchurch 68 1 523,152 452,583 141,129 433,599 26,460 81,299 749J 5,880 17 4 1,551 0 0 2,241 2 1 40 16 5 429 3 4 7,472 13 9 2,670 5 5 4,494 7 7 4,031 11 9 Totals for the Province 69 975,735 574,728 107,759 749J 5,880 17 4 3,792 2 1 469 19 9 10,142 19 2 8,525 19 4



E.—No. 1,

Table No. 26. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the County of Westland, in 1868.

Table No. 27. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Otago, in 1868.

Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Seevices. Expenditure. Totals. ex B " o COUNTY OF WESTLAND. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. 0 fl § Number of times weekly. Letters. Newspapers. Mode of Conveyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines, — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,243 11 8 373 13 4 12 0 0 16 5 0 52 0 0 322 17 0 266 15 6 I. Hokitika to G-reymouth, &c. II. „ Christchurch III. „ Hoho IV. „ Kanieri V. „ Okarita VI. „ Ross VII. ,, Waimea 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 210,691 43,564 3,417 5,855 6,025 29,692 26,633 91,976 44,078 1,145 2,389 2,891 7,935 6,664 15,329 7,346 143 299 362 991 883 26 150 6 4 58 18 17 Coach Foot ... 5j ... Horse 6 2 2 3 Jt 3 3 702 0 0 2,000 0 0 99 10 0 64 5 0 182 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 839 2 0 10 0 0 | 20 0 0 20 0 0 25 16 8 20 0 0 139 11 0 1,680 13 0 2,000 0 0 109 10 0 84 5 0 202 0 0 175 16 8 120 0 0 j j Branches, — ■ I. Six-mile to Chesterfield ... II. Teremakau to Greenstone 1 1 1,668 877 394 151 49 20 5 12 Foot Boat 3 1 75 0 0 8 15 0 83 15 0 8 7 6 16 4 0 ... ... Country Mail Services —Totals Post Office, Hokitika — 296 ! ! 3,372 15 0 943 13 8 1,092 0 0 i 4,455 19 8 1,171 6 3 5,627 5 11 2,311 14 0 2,459 13 11 17 1 328,422 165,165 157,623 101,903 25,422 14,558 139 11 0 79 6 3 ... ... ... Totals for the County ... 18 296 3,372 15 0 2,035 13 8 218 17 3 4,771 7 11 493,587 259,526 39,980 ... ...

4 DO O Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expend itvee. Totals. PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. d rn g-a Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines, — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I. Northern : Dunedin to Waitaki II. Southtern: Dunedin to Mataura, — Dunedin to Tokomairiro Tokomairiro to Balclutha Balelutlia to MJataura 9 141,026 84,858 16,971 92 Coach 3 1,300 0 0 360 0 0 20 8 4 1,680 8 4 1,711 1 6 8 2 3 82,439 28,650 16,458 83,725 11,737 14,170 16,745 2,347 2,834 3S 17 56 „ 6 6 2 500 0 0 150 0 0 239 0 0 300 0 0 47 10 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 14 9 803 0 0 198 14 9 259 0 0 980 10 0 312 10 0 201 13 4 Coach and horse

X—No. 1



Table No. 21 — continued. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of otago, in 1868.

CS PS w o Totals Received and Despatched. Mail Services. Expenditure. Totals. PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. CD s ° Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. III. Palmerston to Queenstown — Palmerston to Clyde ... Clyde to Queenstown ... IV. Tokomairiro to Clyde — ■ Tokomairiro to Lawrence Lawrence to Clyde Branches, — I. Oamaru to Omarama II. East Taieri to West Taieri III. West Taieri to Waipori IV. „ Lake Waipori ... V. North Taieri to Hindon VI. Waihola to Taieri Beach VII. Balclutha to Kaitangata VIII. ,, Port Molyneux IX. Longford to Switzers X. Lawrence to Weatherstones via Blue Spur ... XI. Beaumont to Tapanui ... XII. Waihimo to Macrae's ... XIII. Kyeburn to Hamilton's XIV. Hamilton's to Linburn ... XV. Kyeburn to Mount Ida ... XVI. Blackstone Hill to St. Bathan's XVII. Black's to Drybread XVIII. Clyde to Nevis XIX. Kawarau to Cardrona ... XX. Arrow River to Twelve-mile XXI. Queenstown to Skipper's XXII. „ Kingstown XXIII. Athol to Nokomai XXIV. Dunedin to Anderson's Bay XXV. ,, Mornington XXVI. „ Waikari XXVII. „ Port Chalmers, including Sea-borne Mails XXVIII. „ North-east Harbour and Portobello Waikari to Catlin's River 6 6 3 6 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 53,490 43,272 48,958 29,578 3,844 21,217 9,625 2,670 1,036 920 7,020 12,610 9,159 8,342 6,508 6,978 11,442 1,320 16,248 7,526 2,038 1,387 6>517 38,562 33,836 26,147 17,820 810 15,271 10,010 2,627 1,818 1,001 5,052 11,324 7,099 4,978 4,114 2,949 9,526 2,348 9,661 5,822 727 911 5,223 7,712 6,767 5,229 3,364 162 3,054 2,022 525 363 200 1,010 2,264 1,419 995 863 589 1,905 469 1,932 1,164 145 162 1,044 120 73 34 74 78 10 18 11 20 9 10 19 52 5 20 13 28 7 10 8 11 22 45 12 37 30 10 2 2 2 Coach j, ... ,, „ and horse Horse 3) )J *" J) " " )) " ' )> "* 2 2 6 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 6 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Fortnightly £ s. d. 1,567 0 0 385 0 0 288 0 0 379 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 115 0 0 35 0 0 16 0 0 24 0 0 45 0 0 80 0 0 86 0 0 99 0 0 120 0 0 163 0 0 150 0 0 80 0 0 78 0 0 78 18 6 75 0 0 90 0 0 150 0 0 £ s. d. 258 1 1 238 10 0 255 0 0 88 0 0 15 0 0 56 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 42 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 15 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 £ s. d. 41 18 0 35 17 6 16 12 6 £ s. d. 1,866 19 1 659 7 6 559 12 6 467 0 0 265 0 0 156 0 0 135 0 0 50 0 0 26 0 0 34 0 0 65 0 0 110 0 0 96 0 0 129 0 0 125 0 0 173 0 0 192 0 0 90 0 0 98 0 0 93 18 0 81 0 0 100 0 0 175 0 0 10 0 0 135 0 0 105 0 0 70 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 £ s. d. 650 10 0 530 10 0 550 10 0 328 15 0 32 10 0 212 1 0 120 4 1 25 12 0 12 10 0 11 5 0 87 10 0 150 0 0 112 15 0 102 0 0 81 0 0 87 5 0 142 10 0 15 0 0 201 10 0 93 15 0 24 18 0 15 5 0 77 0 0 JJ )» "' » '" J' 2,162 292 694 3,844 2,261 1,532 1,202 378 1,360 3,559 1,077 1,036 240 78 272 712 215 207 Boat Horse Coach Foot Horse 1 1 1 6 6 6 120 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 15 0 0 25 12 6 3 2 6 8 15 0 49 10 0 32 10 0 18 15 0 1 2 2 24,116 2,133 735 14,907 2,621 282 2,981 544 56 9 12 Steamer Boat 12 2 520 10 0 200 0 0 16 0 0 3 16 6 724 6 6 16 0 0 301 0 0 25 0 0 9 3 9 ... Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Dunedin — 89 1 618,047 512,924 i 438,548 609,423 1,047,971 87,561 121,884 209,445 1,016 7,458 8 6 2,205 1 1 3,134 3 10 122 17 7 9,225 0 6*, 9,786 7 2 12,359 4 4 22,145 11 6 7,343 18 8 6,261 13 7 13,605 12 3 ... Totals for the Province 90 ! 1,130,971 1,016 9,347 18 1 ... 7,458 8 6 5,339 4 11 * This sum includes ■ments made on account of new Post Office.

E—No. JL

Table No. 28. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the Province of Southland, in 1868.



Q Total Received and Despatched. Mail Services. EXPENDITLTBE. Totals. PROVINCE OF SOUTHLAND. O O 6 rA Letters. Newspapers.! Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Distance in Miles. Mode of Conveyance. Number of times weekly. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. 20,394 13,138 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Trunk Lines — I. Invercargill to Mataura 3 2,589 35 Horse 2 270 0 0 23 15 0 3 7 10 297 2 10 251 11 0 II. „ Campbelltown 1 7,465 1,551 292 18 Railway 6 400 0 0 25 0 0 14 11 0 439 11 0 92 3 3 Branches — 15,347 10,142 1,902 91 Coach 325 0 0 35 0 0 13 7 361 3 7 189 6 6 I. Invercargill to Kingston ... 6 1 II. ,, Riverton ... 2 18,114 8,090 1,517 22 !) 2 90 0 0 45 0 0 4 0 3 139 0 3 226 19 9 III. „ Flint's Bush 2 4,362 4,207 788 17 Horse 1 25 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 4 35 3 4 53 16 1 IV. Mataura to Core ... 1 5,073 3,566 668 8 ,, 1 35 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 0 40 3 0 I 62 11 6 V. Bridge Inn to Oteramika ... 1 1,426 1,138 214 6 .5 1 30 0 0 5 0 0 0 10 35 1 0 17 11 9 VI. Riverton to Mararoa 3 5,483 5,527 1,036 77 !, 1 80 0 0 17 10 0 0 3 0 97 13 0 67 12 7 Otago Branches served from Southland — 2,202 2,361 443 38 1 I. Gore to Switzers II. Athol to Nokomai ... 807 495 93 10 ,} 1 I ... Country Mail Services —Totals _ 19 80,673 50,215 9,542 322 1,255 0 0 166 5 0 23 13 0 1,444 18 0 961 12 5 Chief Post Office, Invercargill 1 88,122 96,374 18,070 654 0 7 38 4 0 692 4 7 1,120 8 9 I I Totals for the Province 20 168,795 146,589 27,612 322 1,255 0 0 820 5 7 61 17 0 2,137 2 7 2,082 1 2

E.—Fo. 1.

Table No. 29. TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the Postal Department in the different Provinces of New Zealand, in 1868.



w Ph Totals Received and Despatched. EXPENDITUEE. Totals. PROVINCES. O o f=H Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Country Services. Salaries. Contingencies. Expenditure. Revenue. • 873,673 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. AUCKLAND ... 89 424,288 79,554 2,642 1 8 3,344 16 5 167 9 8 6,154 7 9 8,754 16 7 Tabanaki ... 13 58,006 41,576 4,154 120 0 0 360 15 0 115 2 0 595 17 0 645 12 2 Hawke's Bay 26 135,755 102,770 12,578 788 4 2 647 0 0 157 15 10 1,593 0 0 1,390 0 4 Wellington 28 639,656 358,965 71,793 1,860 3 4 2,234 12 9 402 12 5 4,497 8 6 12,579 4 7 Totals toe Nobth Island 156 1,707,090 927,599 168,079 5,410 9 2 6,587 4 2 842 19 11 12,840 13 3 23,369 13 8 Nelson 30 404,202 247,975 39,511 1,776 10 1 3,914 7 4 3,651 12 8 2,001 15 4 136 1 11 Maelboeough 14 96,819 79,227 7,427 746 4 0 670 10 0 138 3 1 1,554 17 1 1,048 2 2 Canteebuby 69 975,735 574,728 107,759 5,880 17 4 3,792 2 1 469 19 9 10,142 19 2 8,525 19 4 Otago 90 1,130,971 1,047,971 209,445 7,458 8 6 5,339 4 11 9,347 18 1 22,145 11 6 13,605 12 3 Southland 20 168,795 146,589 27,612 1,255 0 0 820 5 7 61 17 0 2,137 2 7 2,106 1 6 Westland ... 18 493,587 259,526 39,980 3,372 15 0 2,035 13 8 218 17 3 5,627 5 11 4,771 7 11 Chatham Islands ... 1 29 4 6 Totals job Middle Island 242 3,270,109 2,356,016 431,734 20,489 14 11 14,659 11 7 10,372 17 1 45,522 3 7 33,738 0 4 Totals fob the Colony 398 3,283,615 599,813 25,900 4 1 21,246 15 9 11,215 17 0 58,362 16 10 57,107 14 0 4,977,199

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Bibliographic details

TENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, BY THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-01

Word Count

TENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, BY THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-01

TENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, BY THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, E-01

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