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EEPOET. PAdE. Departmental arrangements ... ... ... ... ... 5 Comparative Statement of the number of Letters and Newspapers received and despatched during 1864 and 1865 ... ... ... ... 5 Postal Staff ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Pranking ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Dead Letters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Registered Letters ... ... ... ... ... ... G Money Orders... ... ... ... ... ... ... G Post Office Savings Banks... ... ... ... ... ... G Steam Postal Services ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Intercolonial Steam Services ... ... ... ... ... 7 Interprovincial Steam Services ... ... ... ... ... 7 Revenue and Expenditure ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Panama Service ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 RETFBNS (Appendix). dumber and Value of Postage Stamps printed in 1862,1863, 1864, 1865 ... ... 8 Intercolonial Mail Steam Subsidies ... ... ... ... ... 9 Interprovincial Mail Steam Subsidies ... ... ... ... ... 9 Commission on Money Orders ... ... ... ... ... 9 Number and Amount of Money Orders issued ... ... ... ... 10 Number and Amount of Money Orders paid ... ... ... ... 10 Number of Letters Eeceived at the Chief Offices ... ... ... ... 11 Number of Letters Despatched from the Chief Offices ... ... ... 11 Number of Newspapers Eeceived at the Chief Offices ... ... ... 12 Number of Newspapers Despatched from the Chief Offices ... ... ... 12 Comparative Table of Revenue and Correspondence ... ... ...13,14 Expenditure, &c., of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Auckland ... ... 15 Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Hawke's Bay ... 16 Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of "Wellington ... 17 Expenditure, &c., of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Nelson ... ... IS Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Marlborough ... 19 Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Taranaki ... ... 19 Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Canterbury ... ... 20 Expenditure, &c., of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Otago ... ... 21 Expenditure, &c, of Inland Mail Services in the Province of Southland ... ... 22 Total Expenditure, <fcc, of Inland Mail Services in New Zealand ... ... 23


E.—No. 4.

o>' THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND, BY THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Sib,— General Post Office, "Wellington, 28th June, 1866. I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the Seventh Report on the Postal Service of New Zealand, being the Report for the year ended 31st December, 1865. I have, &c, To His Excellency Sir George Grey, X.C.8., James Pateeson, Governor of New Zealand. Postmaster-General. +. REPORT. Ih reviewing the history of the postal operations of New Zealand for the year ISGS, there appear no very marked features to call for special observations. Upon the whole the advance has been such as to indicate a healthy and steady progress, even though attended by many of the influences which marked the operations of former years. It is true there still may be found traces of these unpropitious influences, tending more or less to retard the development of the advantages derivable from an efficient postal service, fully adequate to the wants of the country ; but these obstructions may now be considered so far under control as to prevent any material interference with the working of the service; and, notwithstanding their felt influence, the advance made is such as plainly to indicate, that in this important test of prosperity, the Colony is in a satisfactory position. Departmental. The alterations effected during the year in the departmental arrangements have been found very materially to promote the efficiency of the various branches of the service, and the more effectual and thorough supervision of the whole. There is no district so remote as to be beyond control, and the smallest establishment, as well as the largest, is subject to the influence and direction of the central power. While thus a constant supervision is maintained, greater facilities are afforded for the discovery and reward of merit and good conduct; so that, by a system of general promotion, irrespective of more locality, opportunities are afforded of imparting to the service more of a Colonial than of a simply local character, which is much to be desired. The subjoined comparative statement will show the progress made by the Department during »the year. In 1864, the letters despatched were 2,120,849 ;in 1565, 2,235,188; being 5-39 per cent, increase. In 1864, the letters received were 2,112,771; in 1865, 2,208,285 ; being 452 per cent, increase. In 1864, the newspapers despatched were 2,546,846 ; in 1865, 2,397^409; being 623 per cent, decrease. In 1864, the newspapers received were 1,781,482 ; in 1865, 1,809,583 ; being T57 per cent, increase. , During the year five offices were closed, and twenty-five new offices opened. The total length of inland postal services is 3360 miles; in 1861, it was 3092 miles. The following is a table showing the postal staff in the years 1863, 1864, and 1865.

Franking. No attempt has been made during the year under report to amend the existing system of franking. The restrictions on the exercise of the privilege introduced at the close of the previous year tended very materially to cheek the abuses then so prevalent, but the evil has been only partially remedied, and a more extensive reform is still needed. To what extent the privilege is abused it is impossible to ascertain; but the accidental discovery occasionally of abuses leads to the conclusion that there maybe much more that is undiscovered. The subject has received a large amount of consideration, and it is possible that ere long the present mode may be entirely abolished, and a system of franking by means of official stamps introduced in its room. The details of it are not yet fully matured, but it is proposed that it should be somewhat as follows: — The frank or official stamp would be issued on requisition to the heads of Departments, whose knowledge of the correspondence of their different offices would prove a wholesome check on any other than the legitimate use of the stamps issued, and these, when accounted for, would show the 2



CniEF OFFICES. SECOND CLASS OFFICES. SUB-OFFICES. 1863. | 1864. I ! i 1865. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1863. 1864. 1865. Postmasters Clerks, &c. 9 78 9 77 9 76 10 7 12 7 16 IX) 257 274 299

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exact amount of postal accommodation each Department had received. So soon as the system is fully arranged, it will be submitted for approval, and no time lost in bringing it into operation should it be deemed advisable to do so. The following is a statement of the number and weight of franked letters which passed through the various post offices during the year, and the amount of postage which they represent: — Franked letters 187,222 Weight in ounces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 413,112 Postage value « * £8,678 Is. 2d. Dead Letters. As intimated in the Postmaster-Greneral"s Report for 1864, unclaimed letters, instead of being opened at the different Chief Post Offices, are now forwarded to the Central Office, and there disposed of according to the regulations i —During the six months ended 31st May, 1S6G, 22,758 letters, 245 of which had been registered, were received at the Dead Letter Office, of which 20,SG2, including 239 registered letters, were returned to the writers. Among those opened for the purpose of discovering the writers, 200 contained property representing £6,883 ; of which, property representing £1,902 has been claimed and delivered. A considerable portion of the property thus found in dead letters consists of bills of exchange and as these are issued in triplicate, (first, secondhand third of exchange), many of them, doubtless, are of no value, the amounts they represent probably having been paid. Still, there is reason to believe many remain unpaid ; and it is matter for consideration whether the Government as holders of these unpaid bills of exchange, &c, or the banks who issued them, are the proper custodiers of the value they represent on behalf of the parties interested. The beneficial results anticipated from the centralization of this Department have been fully realized. Not only are the supervision and inviolability more complete than when the duties were performed at nine different offices, but a useful check is provided for detecting and correcting irregularities occurring at the Provincial offices. During the period referred to, over a hundred letters, which, on account of indistinct and imperfect addresses, and, in some instances, irregularities at the Provincial offices, were sent to this Department as dead, have by this check been delivered to their proper owners. s Jtcgistered Letters. The system of compulsory registration of letters unquestionably containing coin, was introduced during the year, and so far as the short experience of its working indicates, the results have been satisfactory. To induce greater advantage being taken of the system of registration, the fee on registered letters for places within the Colony was reduced from one shilling to sixpence, on the 1st February, 1SG5. From the subjoined return it will be seen that while the number of registered letters for places beyond the Colony —the fees of which had not been reduced— decreased 30 per cent, during the year, those for places within the Colony increased 35 per cent.

Money Orders. This branch of the Department has continued to make steady progress during the year. The large extent to which the public avail themselves of its facilities shows that its advantages are highly appreciated. Notwithstanding that considerable reductions appear in the transactions between certain places, there is still, on the whole, such an increase as to warrant the conclusion that the system, as at present administered, works satisfactorily. The principal reductions have been in the transactions with Victoria, both as regards orders issued and orders paid. In 1864, the former were 3826, — £19,646 9s. 4d.; and the latter, 528,—£2805 4s. 9d. ; but in 1865 they were 2284,—£10,897 Os. Id., and 462, —£2498 lls. 5d., respectively. There has also been a reduction as regards South Australia and Western Australia. The principal advance lias been in the transactions between the various Provinces within the Colony. In 1864 these amounted to 4267,—£19,427 4s. 4d., orders issued; and 4245,—£19,417 Os. JfcL, paid. In 1865 there were 6292 orders issued, £29,742 15s. Id.; and 6177 orders paid, £29,128 19s. lOd. There has also been an increase as regards New South Wales and Queensland. In the transactions with the United Kingdom there haw been an increase in the number of orders paid, and a decrease in the number issued. The system was not in operation with the Colony of Tasmania till Ist June, 1865. The exchange against the Colony decreased from £52,079 ss. lid. in 1864, to £41,552 lls. Jd. in 1865. Post Office Savings Banks. This important subject made considerable progress during the year under report After mature deliberation a Bill was prepared, and introduced to the General Assembly during last Session, and was passed. This Act authorizes the establishment of Post Office Savings Banks, under the



i5. Without the Colony. ! Within the Colony. Total. Without the Colony. Within tlie Colony. Total. Auckland Tnvnnaki DTawke's Bay ... Wellington Nelson Marlborongh ... Canterbury Otago Southland 2,132 253 115 392 389 292 1,741 7,217 2,298 3,005 216 222 754 732 803 1.759 4,859 715 5,137 409 337 1,146 1,121 1,095 3,500 12,070 3,043 1,808 278 122 031 419 225 2,003 3,772 479 3,072 329 297 1,775 1,035 1,076 3,930 5,010 179 5,508 007 419 2,40(5 1,454 1,301 0,544 8,788 958 14,829 . 13,095 27,924 10,340 17.015 27,985

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direction of the Postmaster-General. It also provides tliat, with the concurrence of the Colonial Treasurer, the Postmaster-General should prepare such regulations as he should deem necessary for the carrying of the Act into operation : sucli regulations to be laid before both Houses of the General Assembly at the next ensuing session. The great: care necessary in the preparation of regulations for the conduct of such an important institution as the one referred to, so as to'preclude as much as possible any necessity for immediate alterations, in conjunction with other circumstances, has delayed the bringing of the Act into operation longer than was anticipated. These regulations, however, have now been prepared, under the able superintendence of Dr. Knight, who so successfully organized the Money Order system, and arrangements are in progress which will obviate further delay in introducing the provisions of the Act. It is proposed at first to restrict the operations to two or three of the largest of tlie Post Offices, so that their working may be fully tested before extending them to smaller and more distant districts. Steam Postal Services. The irregularities of the P. and 0. Company's steamers, in the performance of the" outward Mail Service, via Suez to Melbourne, have continued without improvement during the year, causing great dissatisfaction, and a large amount of extra expenditure, by the detention of the Inter-Colonial Steamers, waiting the arrival of those of the P. and 0. Company, with the European Mails. During the year no less than £5150 has been paid by the New Zealand Government for such detention. A new contract has lately been entered into between the Imperial Government and the same Company, for the performance of this service, but so dissatisfied are all the Colonies interested therein, not only with the manner in which the previous contract had been performed, but also with the action taken in regard to the new one —no time having been allowed for tenders from Colonial Companies to reach home, —that they have each given the two years' notice to terminate the contract, in accordance with the terms of agreement. It is understood that endeavours are now being made to establish a fortnightly service by the same route, but this Colony having undertaken the service, via Panama, which is expected, when fully established, to answer the same purpose, is not likely to be a party to such an arrangement. Inter-Colonial Steam Services. There has been no change in the Inter-Colonial Mail Services during the year, save in the matter of cost. The service betweeii Otago and Melbourne continued to be performed by the Otago Steamship Company, but at considerably reduced rates from those formerly paid. In 1865 the LiterColonial Services cost £28,163 6s. Sd., the only reduction being in the service between Otago and Melbourne ; and since the commencement of the current year this service has been still further reduced, the present cost being at the rate of £10,500 a year. No reduction could be effected in the rates for the Sydney and Auckland, and Sydney and Nelson services, performed by the P. N. Z. and A. R. M. Company, the terms of their contract extending beyond the close of 1865. A large reduction has now taken place in the Auckland and Sydney service, and the one to Nelson has been dispensed with. Inter-Provincial Steam Services. The Coastal Mail Services, throughout the Colony, in 1865, continued to be performed by the same Companies, and at the same rates as described in the last report, viz.,—two services from North to South, via the West Coast of the North Island, by the P. N. Z. and A. It. M. Company, and one by the New Zealand Company, and two via the East Coast, by the N. Z. Company, and one by the P. N. Z. and A. It. M. Company, at an aggregate cost of £31,52S per annum. At the expiry of these contracts the number of services was reduced from six each month to four; and as will be seen by the Return in the Appendix to this Report, these have been contracted for at the rate of £14,400 per annum. Considerable difficulty was experienced in adapting the dates in the Time Table to suit the arrivals and departures of the English Mails by the Suez and Panama routes, and it was found necessary to have two short supplementary services to meet requirements, caused by the new service via Panama, not previously necessarj-. These arrangements it is believed will afford sufficient postal accommodation, and ultimately lead to such further improvements in the service, in conjunction with the passenger traffic, as may greatly conduce to the permanent advantage of both. Revenue and Expenditure. The large disproportion existing between the revenue and expenditure of the Postal Service of the Colony presents an imperative necessity for the adoption of some means calculated to remedy this great evil. It is not to be expected that this can be accomplished all at once ; but every endeavour should be made with a view to the gradual reduction and ultimate extinction of this disparity. Considerable curtailment has already been made in the expenditure, and much more is in contemplation. An Order in Council was issued in December, 1861, imposing a penny postage rate upon all newspapers conveyed by post. 11 was found expedient at a later date to revoke the order and abolish the rate. But as the system of charging a small, postage on newspapers conveyed by post obtains in nearly every country where postal arrangements exist, it is proposed to re-establish it in New Zealand, as it is found that the number and bulk of newspapers passing through the Post Office causes, to a considerable extent, the large expenditure at present incurred on account of the transmission of mails inland. It is not considered that requiring prepayment by stamp of one penny upon each newspaper posted could be regarded either as unreasonable or as likely to press with any degree of severity upon the population generally ; it would, however, considerably increase the revenue, and so far reduce the disparity complained of. There can be no doubt that considerable postal expenditure is caused by the peculiar situation of the large portion of the population engaged in gold mining. The excessive charges made by contractors who carry mails by coach also tend greatly to



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augment the expenditure. It may be very fairly questioned how far it is proper to employ such conveyances for postal purposes when ilie sendee can be equally well performed by other means of a much less expensive description. Such conveyances are already in use in certain districts, and unless considerable modification of existing terms can be obtained, it may be necessary to substitute these in every case for the more expensive conveyances, the latter being not at all essential to the due performance" of the services. If it be found necessary or desirable to establish the means for carrying on a passenger traffic between certain districts of the country, there does not appear any reason why such should be made a charge upon, the postal service, with which it has no necessary connection. Another measure adopted with a view to reduce expenditure was the abolition of the commission of 5 per cent, allowed on the sale of postage stamps. This, from its nature, might be looked upon as a matter of very little consequence ; yet, small as some of the items were, they amounted in the course of the year to a sum exceeding oue thousand two hundred pounds. In other circumstances, it might not have been deemed advisable to disturb the arrangement; but, when the expense of the Department so greatly exceeds its revenue, it appears right and proper to embrace every legitimate opportunity of reducing the expenditure, that a more equable state of matters may be attained. The Postal revenue for the year, including commission on money orders, was £17,939 7s. 9d.; in 1SG4 it was £40,800 Os. 10d.; being 175 per cent, increase. The Postal expenditure for the year was £131,533 12s. 4d., and may bo classed under the following heads : — £ s. d. Salaries 24,S87 15 4 Contingencies 6,454 1 10 Conveyance of Inland Mails , 20,925 9 10 Inter-Colonial Mail Services 21,675 0 0 Inter-Provincial do. 29,669 13 4 Contribution to Suez Line 1(5.771 12 0 Demurrage 5,150 0 0 £131,533 12 4 Panama Service. This great undertaking may now be said to be accomplished, as before this Report will be submitted the first of the line of steamers in that service will have left our shores in prosecution of the enterprise. The Papers laid on the Table of the House will show the various steps that have been taken since last Report in furtherance of the scheme. The first vessel, the " Kaikoura," sailed from Sydney on the 15th, and from Wellington on the 24th of June. The second, the " Ruahine," will leave Sydney on the 15th, and Wellington on the 21-th of July. The " Rakaia" is to leave Panama for the first outward voyage on the 2 lili of June, and is expected to reach Wellington on the 21st of July, and to return with the August mails for Panama. After the month of July, the time of sailing will be changed to the 1st from Sydney, and the Sth from Wellington, which will afford a much more satisfactory division of the month betwixt this line and that via Suez. Some minor details have yet to be arranged between the Governments of New South Wales and New Zealand, but the leading features of the service have all been 'agreed to by both, so that no further difficulty is anticipated in regard to carrying out successfully and permanently this great work. The P.N.Z. and A.R.M. Company have gone into the measure with great energy and zeal, and have commenced to carry out their part of the service in the most satisfactory manner. The vessels provided seem to be every way adapted to the nature of the work they are required to perform, and all the arrangements of the Company seem to augur wel] for the success and prosperity of the undertaking. Further experience of its working may call for alterations in some of the details of operation, and should such be necessary they will doubtless tend to render more effective and complete what can only yet be regarded in the light of a great experiment. Two mail officers have been sent in the " Kaikoura" to Panama, one of whom, Mr. Eliott, the Secretary to the Department, will make arrangements lor the transit and distribution of the mails at Panama and Colon. J.vm'ES Pateksos", Postmaster-General.

RETURN showing the Number and Value of POSTAGE STAMPS printed during the Years 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865.



18 12. 1863. 1864. 8| si 1865. No. Value. No. Value. §8 No. Value. No. Value. At One Shilling Ai Sixpence At Fourpence . At Tliroi'jHMici'. At Twopence . At One Penny. 47,760 6G3.SK) £ 2,388 16,596 90,720 ■478,320 £ 4,536 11,958 143,280 950,400 £ 7,164 23,760 139,12(1 548.400 486,800 121,920 1,998,000 774,900 £ 7,956 13,710 1,524 16,650 3,229 120,000 819.120 148,080 1,500 6,826 617 1,710,240 ;i2i!,r.ii(.) 14,252 1,361 1,892,400 457,920 15,770 1,908 1,798,800 '£27,027 2,605,920 £32,107 14-96 3,444,000 £48,602 51-37 4,039,200 £60,849 36




TABLE showing the COMMISSION received on MONEY ORDERS from the Establishment of the Money Order System in the Colony (1st August, 1862,*) to 31st December, 1865, showing also the Centesimal rate of Increase or Decrease.



!OXTE.VCTS. Mileage tee Moxtii. Expense PEE Mile. Services. Annual Svbsidt. MOXTHLY Payments. How Oftex. Commence. Terminate. £ £ s. d. Otago to Melbourne (1) 4800 400 Julj 11 Deo. 31 Monthly 2GG6 3 0 Auckland to Sydney (2) 5700 475 June 1 Not. 30 do. 2630 3 Ik

Con:acts. Axyr.vL SUBSIDY. . Monthly Payments. How Often. Mileage Expense Services. pek MONTH. Mi i.e. Commence. Terminate. £ £ B. d. Auckland to Otago, East Coast (2) 3600 300 June 1 Nov. 30 Monthly 1990 3 0i Manakau to Bluff, West Coast (2) 3600 300 do. do. do. 1922 3 U Auckland to Otago, East Coast (3) 3G00 300 do. do. do. 1990 3 0i Manakau to Bluff, "West Coast (3) 3G00 300 do. do. do. 1922 3 1| Wellington to Napier («) ... (3) 1800 150 do. do. do. 401 7 5 Taranaki to Wellington (I) (3) 1800 150 do. do. do. 570 5 3 8798 3 4f £18000 •-E1500 (1) Otago Steamship Company. Zealand Steam Navigation Company Europe vid Suez, from Taranaki, Ne"ls< (2) Panti (a) Convi in, and Pictc ima, New Zeal 3ys the Panam >n, to Wcllingti land, and . la and Sue, Australian I{ 7, Mails to Ni ioyal Ma apier. (i til Company. b) Conveys t . (3) Nev :he Mails foi on. G. Eli [OTT El jiott, Seen etary.

1862. 18G3. INI ;i. 165. Amount. Amount. Centesimal rate of Increase. Amount. Centesimal rate of Increase. Amount. Centesimal rate of Increase or Decrease. £ s. d. & s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland ... a 17 14 6 13G 5 6 220 347 13 6 15515 333 3 6 4' dec. Taranaki 5 10 23 7 0 93-48 46 4 6 97-86 48 6 0 435 inc. Wellington ,.. 17 5 0 46 10 6 12-31 63 1 0 356 138 13 0 11905 inc. llawkc's Bay 3 3 G 18 10 0 142-78 29 13 6 60-3 36 11 0 2414 inc. Nelson 13 11 0 35 4 0 8-92 36 4 G 2-81 G5 4 0 80-55 inc. Marlborough 18 6 17 10 0 414-7 47 5 0 170 42 2 0 10-G2 dec. Canterbury ... 32 17 0 207 4 0 162-77 301 17 G 4575 321 17 6 7'61 inc. Otago 45 10 0 473 11 0 333-65 603 16 0 27-5 415 15 0 31-18 dec. Southland ... 7 9 0 96 3 0 438-65 125 15 G 30-8 59 3 6 52-8 dec. Totals 143 19 6 1054 5 0 2G513 1601 11 0 519 1403 18 6 8-62 elect * The Money Order System, as I'lir system was extended to Victoria Colony on the 1st of January, 1863. a These amounts are reckoned i •eceipts of the year are therefore taker t During the year the commissioi between the United Kingdom and the Cole on the 1st November, 1862, and between More recently still it has been extended to - for comparative purposes as representing i i to be £345 10s. ii on New Zealand Orders pavablo in the Co] J. We )ny, was estab' the several 11 New Soul li Wi only five-twelfl ilislied on 1st August, 1862. doney Order Offloes of the ales, Tasmania, &c. fths of the year. The total lony was reduc )0DWAHD,- As eed 50 per cent. ssistant Treasurer. 3


TABLE showing the NUMBER and AMOUNT of MONEY ORDERS Issued and Paid in NEW ZEALAND, during the Year 1865.



ID. On United Kingdom. On Victoria. On Iouth Wales. On Australia. On :ensland. On • Australia. On .SMANIA. (a) On Nev Places i bt ? Zealand. Pbovinoe New SOUT] QiWes: Totals. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. i , Auckland Takanaki wellington . ]!'. wke's Bay Nelson . Marleoeougii Canterbury . Otago . Southland 2051 205 721 169 318 99 1928 1992 273 £ s. d. 8647 9 5 965 7 6 2889 7 5 891 8 0 1483 18 10 604 13 9 8294 6 8 8553 2 9 1096 17 1 230 62 104 22 58 26 334 1260 188 £ s. d. 1277 16 G 218 9 6 424 0 10 103 13 0 224 12 10 99 19 0 1652 17 10 6094 1 4 801 9 0 271 21 89 18 103 9 73 84 8 £ 8. d. 1353 5 4 104 7 10 411 5 1 134 4 10 607 10 11 55 3 6 305 4 1 369 8 6 42 11 3 17 14 1 2 3 11 49 2 £ s. d. 101 3 0 18 0 0 63 2 6 1 12 0 15 0 0 22 0 0 57 12 0 272 7 10 7 9 11 10 1 1 1 6 9 5 7 1 £ s. d. 56 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 35 8 3 64 3 1 24 16 6 29 0 0 1 19 0 ... £ s. d. ... ... 10 2 9 3 1 17 28 7 £ s. d. 32 5 0 3 10 0 64 4 6 9 6 0 5 0 0 64 18 0 115 12 9 21 9 8 856 314 945 195 232 449 1884 1660 307 £ s. d. 5021 7 10 1359 7 6 3957 12 5 871 10 5 1137 9 1 2551 17 0 6508 1 9 7107 18 5 1217 10 8 3148 610 1883 406 722 598 3702 5081 786 £ b. d. 10489 17 1 2679 2 4 7829 12 9 2007 8 3 3513 5 11 3417 16 4 16907 17 4 22541 10 7 3189 7 1 ■ "a 15 0 0 ... l ... 0 5 0 I Totals 7756 : 33426 11 5 i [ 2284 10897 0 4 679 i 3383 1 4 104 558 7 9 41 316 5 11 29742 15 1 17236 23G 1G 10 15 5 0 77 6292 7857G 3 8 MONEY ORDERS PAID. • Issued in United Kingdom. Issued in victoria. Issued in New South Wales. Ii SOUTI ibttbd in : Australia. Issued in Queensland. Issued in West Australia. Issued in Tasmania. Is Nev IS1TED IN ' Zealand. Province Totals. VYiiERE Paid. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. I Amount. . i f I ! I i Auckland Taranakj . Wellington . Hawke's Bay Nelson . . . Marlborougii Canterbury . Otago . . . Southland 264 19 40 12 34 7 205 145 3G £ s. d. 1170 9 8 68 3 0 197 10 2 09 " 1 0 173 7 6 40 0 0 1078 7 8 644 5 0 127 11 10 47 8 27 1 12 4 41 276 46 £ s. a. 251 2 0 44 6 3 145 6 8 7 17 6 71 0 0 20 17 0 275 -4 10 1388 6 2 294 11 0 66 3 12 12 1 19 31 4 £ p. d. 324 6 8 16 18 0 62 10 0 47 2 6 1 19 6 101 0 9 166 7 4 1G 3 6 15 "i | ... 1 I £ p. d. 7S 18 9 8-0 0 I 13 3 5 1 5 3 7 £ s. d. 67 4 0 30 0 0 12 10 0 10 0 37 0 0 14 0 0 37 7 10 £ s. a. 5 0 0. 8 2 £ s. d. 26 4 2 14 0 0 1197 100 532 71 483 210 851 2301 429 £ s. d. 6074 8 4 382 16 2 2601 15 7 343 19 1 2419 18 2 1032 11 5 3714 6 6 10629 10 0 1929 14 7 1611 130 617 87 516 233 1130 2772 523 £ B. d. 7997 13 7 512 3 5 3059 2 5 420 17 7 2723 18 2 1096 7 11 5260 19 9 12928 5 6 2410 8 9 ... | I - 8 i 39 0 0 38 14 0 5 0 0 2 7 0 0 3 6 15 14 0 40 3 0 Totals 762 35C8 15 10 462 2198 11 5 148 ! 736 14 3 i i 169 12 9 37 12 0 0 i j 6177 29128 19 10 7639 36409 17 1 : 31 199 1 10 3 19 96 1 2 ! fa) This Return is for Seven Months only. The interchange of Money Orders with the Colony of Tasmania did not commence till the 1st June (b) 11ns lolal of Money Orders paid does not include 41 Orders, amounting to £153 14s., which was returned from Foreign Countries during the .865. year, aj id repaid to t' ie Drawers in New Zealand. Charles Kmght, uditor.


RETURN showing the Number of LETTERS despatched from the several Chief POST OFFICES in NEW ZEALAND for the Year closing 31ST DECEMBER, 1865.

RETURN showing the Number of LETTERS received at the several Chief POST OFFICES in NEW ZEALAND for the Year closing 31ST DECEMBER, 1865.



"Wmtoci TitE Colony. Within iue Colony. General Totals. • United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Total without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Total within the Colony. 1865. 1SG4. 18G3. Auckland New Ploioutu Wellington ... Napiek Neison PlCTOS DtTKEDIN ttfYEBCABGILL ... ...* 111,883 8,926 26.G6G 9,590 17,393 1,118 76,749 05,196 17,358 37,202 3,418 11,035 1,S79 8,844 2,021 27,581 10,823 5,901 40 164 19 378 5 160 5,286 217 153,986 12,390 37,865 11,488 26,615 2,477 104,763 165,568 28,398 96,-112 37,932 124,080 31,223 55,183 122,656 115,227 33,350 201,023 2,276 97,207 26,010 17,8.63 2G.791 211,805 307,750 31,612 1,018,127 3G0,435 40,208 221,287 57,233 73,016 56,030 367.521 J 1^,977 04,908 1,063,735 514,421 52,498 259,153 68,721 99,001 59,507 472,284 588.5 15 93,396 2,208,285 528,G33 42,274 139,717 58,915 75.S07 83,990 378,585 078,349 126,173 281,831 28,672 117.93G 43,342 63,356 40,967 317,011 693,496 100,331 301,209 0 13,308 2,112,771 1,689,946 1G8,1G5 12,176 5W,550

"Without the Colont. Within tee Colony. Uexebal Totals. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places: Total without the Colony. Oilier Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Total within the Colony. 1865. 1804. 1863. Auckland New Plymouth Weliihgton ... Nelson IjiVEKCABGlLL ... 111.,S82 12,428 40,887 9,866 4,800 70.737 17,137 38,792 4,126 13,103 2,132 12,106 8,876 30,3 12 67,207 12,405 182,649 3,7-10 636 1,177 160 360 122 917 5,346 453 151,111 17,185 55,117 12,158 36,341 7,298 107,996 167,050 29,995 111,033 33,6] ! 110,798 35,704 02,56 1 23,038" 122,913 131,062 28,695 203,002 1.283 71.092 23,624 27,238 32,330 255,098 209,889 43,031 988,153 874,096 34,897 182,790 59,388 89,802 55,37 1 378,011 400,951 72,320 1,647,634 528,509 52,082 287,907 71,510 1 26,143 62,672 4SO.OO7 508,001 102,321 2,235,188 581,279 43,620 139,551 60,685 93,715 70,978 400,838 638,792 135,491 322,595 32,701 113,888 48,717 83,601 34,007 312,212 660,889 100,705 391,988 12,917 2,120,849 1,715,435 587,551 659,481 Gh Ehott Eliott, Secretary.


RETURN showing the Number of NEWSPAPERS Received at the several Chief POST OFFICES in NEW ZEALAND, for the Year closing 31ST DECEMBER, 1865.

RETURN showing the Number of NEWSPAPERS Despatched from the several Chief POST OFFICES in NEW ZEALAND, for the Year dosing 31ST DECEMBER, 1865.



Without the Colont. Withih the Colony. Geneiml Totaxs. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Total without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within (lie Province. Total within the Colony. 1805. 1864. 18G3. Auckland New Plymouth Wellington ... Napier Nelson PlCTON Dfnedin ISYEBCABGHi ... &J ' 189,650 25,300 75,175 28,500 71,580 9,500 193,541-. 226,270 63,940 880,102 30,783 3,801 11,509 2,118 9,702 1,782 33,077 67,042 20,099 2,217 8 10 18G 228,650 29,109 87.O5S 30,928 84,408 11,282 227,315 . 297,042 84,180 15,221 37,145 99,552 25,646 41,026 1 1,128 85,347 56,180 23,182 44,698 194 19.956 88,144 2,823 6,502 08,698 86,511 4,298 89,919 37,339 119,508 63.790 43,849 50,930 154,015 142,091. 27,480 318,509 66,448 200,560 94,718 128,31 7 02,212 381,360 439,733 111,660 312.2 18 57,517 1 18,741 88,979 132,484 57,608 481,677 459,095 112,903 211,420 31,668 131,845 67,441 106,743 40,526 405,404 368,119 110,632 97 3,72 I 111 180,813 G,757 1,080,032 457,727 271,821 729,551 1,809,583 1,831,482 1,474,13

WlTIIOl'T THE CoiOXY. Within the Cotoxr. Gexeeal Totals. United Kingdom. Australian Colonies. Other Places. Total without the Colony. Other Provinces in New Zealand. Places within the Province. Total within (he Colony. 1SG5. 1864. 1863. New Plymouth Wellixoitos ... Nelson Chbistchuech Dim-din Ikteecabgili ... • 166,147 9,199 39,579 8,167 2.".. 707 4,543 109,135 115,144 10.7G5 13,010 2,315 10,030 1 ,58 1 10,212 2,121 20,896 57,856 8,647 3,781 310 733 120 321 5 1,482 2,295 192 213,538 12,124 50,318 9,821 36,240 6,009 131,513 175,295 19,60-1. 117,823 11,971 83,948 48,311 50,010 12,890 84,740 95,382 12,576 395,809 1,033 126,784 10,648 41.186 53.78!! 268,985 280,626 47,740 513,632 13,001210,732 58.959 94,196 66,685 3 18,725 370,008 60,316 727,170 25.128 261,080 fi8,780 130,130 73,854 4-80,238 551,303 79,920 813,452 22,654 210,553 6G,120 161,614 73,647 377,321 680,917 131,568 453,531 19,331 209,69! 56,77' 129,78' 87,261 362,15 549,86! 105,12 488,680 157,227 9,239 (155,152 517,057 1,224,600 1,742.257 2,397,409 2,546,846 1,923,5; Gr. ElilOTT Eliott, Secretary.


COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the POSTAL REVENUE and LETTERS and NEWSPAPERS Received at and Despatched from the several PROVINCES of NEW ZEALAND, from 1858 to 1865, both inclusive.



Let: ;ns. News: "APEES. Province. Eeyentte. Keeeived. Despatched. Eeceived. Despatched. Auckland— £ s. A. 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 f 1,978 1 7 2,521 16 7 3,079 1 5 3,679 16 4 4,045 5 3 5,254 10 10 8,507 13 1 11,548 4 5 65,874 82,678 122,807 170,065 185,755 284,834 528,633 514,421 67,447 90,595 125,535 177,070 196,282 322,595 531,279 528,509 104,379 108,523 133,367 157,017 179,256 211,426 312,248 318,569 114,988 136,789 177,839 238,642 302,815 453,535 813,452 727,170 Tabanaki— 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 274 17 8 300 0 2 506 11 1 528 16 0 463 0 2 498 2 1 818 19 5 984 14 3 14,017 15,676 31,100 33,120 22,227 28,672 42,274 52,498 14,554 16,223 33,781 35,110 23,195 32,701 43,520 52,082 19,142 18,474 26,834 29,599 24,818 31,668 57,547 66,448 9,812 10,720 21,549 23,948 14,341 19,338 22,654 25,128 Hawke's Bay— 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 153 6 11 296 6 7 444 17 10 505 7 11 593 9 1 679 10 10 889 17 4 1,107 13 7 14,228 19,006 38,516 36,116 43,342 58,943 68,721 12,507 18,109 36,895 38,847 48,717 60,685 71,546 15,037 21,261 27,885 35,434 67,441 88,979 94,718 7,018 10,472 13,245 39,512 56,777 66,120 68,780 Wellington— 1858 1859 I860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1,299 11 5 1,397 10 7 1,501 0 7 1,662 8 11 1,959 17 11 2,043 17 5 2,469 1 4 5,176 6 10 84,687 93,220 83,359 93,635 101,613 117,936 139,717 259,152 87,111 92,805 84,060 15,642 104,794 113,756 132,551 237,907 131,413 112,235 83,950 96,067 102,730 131,854 148,741 206,566 126,441 105,099 120,586 145,768 191,873 209,692 219,553 261,080 Nelson — 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 731 1 1 831 8 1 995 3 6 1,114 2 2 1,189 10 9 1,157 6 6 1,423 6 0 2,012 15 10 18,796 42,280 42,771 72,626 56,132 63,356 75,807 99,661 14,771 57,911 58,767 76,048 68,348 83,601 93,715 126,143 26,535 60,177 72,356 95,575 102,889 106,743 132,484 128,317 31,123 83,272 97,120 113,843 117,150 129,787 161,614 130,136




!) < &c. — continue^

Let' 'EES. Newspapers. Province. Revenue. Received. Despatched. Received. Despatched. Maeibobough— £ s. d. 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... •/ 20G 12 7 294 11 4 347 6 2 843 13 7 853 17 6 14,500 12,800 40,967 83,990 59,507 14,171 12,334 34,067 76,978 62,672 1G,4SO 7,895 40,526 108,658 62,212 5,591 10,289 37,268 67,778 73,354 Canterbury— 1858 ... 1859 ... 1860 ... 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 1,049 11 4 1,563 11 6 2,052 15 8 2,790 1 5 4,016 16 7 5,498 18 1 7,326 15 9 10,158 1 9 50,954 53,616 73,109 130,500 215,742 317,011 378,585 472,284 22,582 60,675 72,881 130,899 234,459 312,212 400,838 486,007 41,392 61,214 91,478 124,485 181,881 405,404 307,616 381,360 27,161 48,817 66,951 138,001 198,500 862,164 384,090 480.238 Otago— 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 546 8 8 902 7 5 1,489 3 10 3,508 11 5 9,319 9 2 14,324 2 7 14,273 0 7 12,611 18 1 20,477 36,249 62,168 153,354 360,246 693,496 678,349 588,545 21,786 39,207 62,916 154,201 389,231 660,889 638,792 568,001 23.742 30,902 42,418 69,692 187,132 368,449 459,095 439733 28.229 41^099 63,175 114,433 310,883 549,869 680,917 551,303 Southland— 1861 ... 1862 ... 1863 ... 1864 ... 1865 ... 112 11 3 828 14 0 2,482 7 5 2,741 17 10 2,012 7 4 13.500 31,104 100,331 126,473 93,396 14,796 33,007 106,765 135,491 102,321 13,636 32,751 110,632 142,903 111,660 4,444 23,947 105,124 ' 131,568 79,920 Chatham Islands— 1863 ... 1864 1865 3 0 0 7 19 5 9 9 8 TOTAIS — 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 6,024 5 8 7,812 19 1 10,068 13 11 14,108 8 8 22,710 14 3 32,329 1 11 39,302 4 4 46,475 9 3 254,605 337,947 434,320 603,209 1,021,735 1,687,945 2,051,265 2,208,285 228,251 369,923 456,049 633,559 1,100,497 1,715,303 2,099,877 2,235,188 346,603 406,562 471,664 630,436 851,786 1,474,125 1,758,271 1,809,583 337,745 182,828 557,692 797,915 1,209,337 1,023,544 2,547,746 2,397,409 G-. Eliott Eliott, Secretary, General Post Office.


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different INLAND MAIL SERVICES in AUCKLAND, during 1865.



3 Total Received a>-d Despatched. Mail Contracts. Expendituee. Totals. PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. o O d ft Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. ■ Trunk Lines, — I. Auckland to Mangapai (Northern) II. Auckland to Drury (Southern) Drury to Queen's Redoubt „ Raglan Main, Branches, — I. Auckland to Onchunga !!• !> Howick III. ,, Mangawhare Brandies, — I. Queen's Redoubt to the Bluff II. ,< Te AwamuUi (1) III. Newcastle to Cambridge (1) IV. Mangawai to Port Albert, Paparoa, and Matakohc V. Auckland to Wangarei (2) VI. „ Wangarei Heads (2) VII. Wangarei Heads and Waipii VIII. „ „ ParoaBay IX. Auckland to Russell (2) X. Russell to Hokianga XI. ,, Aliipara XII. Auckland to Mongonui (2) XIII. „ Coromandel (2) XIV. „ Port Fitzroy (2) XV. „ Mercury Bay (2) XVI. „ Taurariga (2) XVII. „ Poverty Bay (2) XVIII. „ Ksiwaii (2)' Suburlan Branches, — I. Auckland and Newton II. „ North Shore Special Services, — I. Auckland to Onchunga (3) II. „ Malakana (4) III. Iielcnsville to Port Albert and Paparoa (4) 13 4) 21,380 26,051 4,885 £ s d. 330 10 0 £ s. d. 80 0 0 £ a. d. 15 12 4 £ s. d. 426 2 4 £ s. d. 187 16 7 86 (24 ] 18 (46 Horse... Coach 1 12 6 2 £ 908 7 6 186,311 138,374 25,945 Horse and foot 252 15 6 13G 2 6 1,297 5 6 1,530 5 5 2 3 10 55,773 19,386 10,592 33,835 24,597 11,310 6,344 4,612 2,121 6i 12£ 104 Coach... Horse... Cart and boat 12 6 1 156 0 0 85 0 0 319 10 0 70 0 0 29 0 0 43 6 8 40 14 0 14 3 4 7 4 5 2G6 14 0 128 3 4 370 1 1 4G5 0 10 158 14 11 88 6 1 6 2 3 1 1 1 94,768 25,187 5,392 10,401 2,284 869 68,942 20,914 4,649 13,200 3,361 1,363 12,926 3,921 872 2,475 630 256 3i 70 25 37 96 80 12 4 140 51 77 185 47 71 121 195 375 36 Horse... „ & steamer Steamer Foot Vessel 6 6 1 191 0 0 70 1 8 22 14 4 20 0 0 ( 40 0 0 5" "o "0 69 4 9 19 7 2 4 0 6 7 11 11 1 13 4 0 12 8 191 0 0 139 6 5 42 1 6 139 0 6 790 9 2 209 19 8 44 19 1 115" o'"o I 30 0 0 j 70 5 3 105 1 2 Foot 31 4 0 20 16 0 40 0 0 67 4 0 90 0 0 f 15 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 0 -{300 40 0 0 5 0 0 L 2 0 0 36 16 8 20 16 0 4 9 10 1") 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 15,293 5,130 0,326 773 775 44,553 1,429 439 18,969 7,880 7,529 1,701 304 38,686 2,537 152 3,556 j 1,477 1,412 319 57 7,253 475 29 Vessel Horse and boat Vessel " " » »» ... ... {I O 3 25 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 I 11 3 6 3 15 1 4 12 3 0 11 4 0 11 4 32 9 1 10 2 0 6 4 273 7 G 38 15 1 19 12 3 3 11 4 3 11 4 109 4 9 11 0 2 2 6 4 127 9 11 43 15 5 52 14 10 6 8 11 6 8 11 371 8 10 11 1 10 2 5 0 36" 15 "8 5 0 0 1 1 16,788 3,231 8,758 7,105 1,642 1,388 3 Foot Boat 12 6 10 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 12 5 4 2 7 2 32 5 4 32 7 2 149 11 1 26 18 9 Coach... Vessel... 196 16 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 196 16 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 ... ,, Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Post Office, Auckland 71 1 527,080 515,850 440,507 605,232 82,595 113,481 1,927 2,769 7 6 774 13 10 3,344 7 10 4,119 1 8 3S3 8 6 559 7 10 3,929 9 10 3,903 15 8 4,383 6 3 7,164 18 2 Total for the Province ... 72 196,076 2,769 7 C 944 16 4 1,042,930 1,045,739 7,833 5 6 11548 4 5 (1) CYnveyed in Government Steamers from the Bluff to Alexandra and Cambridge respectively. (2) Despatched and received s opportunities occur. (3) For conveying (4) For conveying lea-borne Mai "e\v,-papers 01 s between Auckland and the Manaknu. ly.


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different INLAND MAIL SERVICES in HAWKE'S BAY, during 1865.



t/j Total Received and Despatched. Mail Contract**. Expenditure. Totals. PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY. O ft O 6 to Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers. in lbs. g 3 a 3 Mode of Conveyance. j Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lines, — I. Napier to Wairoa (Northern) Horse... £ s. d. 100 0 0 £ a. d. 18 0 0 £ s. d. 0 2 0 £ a. d. 118 2 0 £ B. d. 30 13 0 3 5,395 5,097 797 56 1 Wairoa to Tnranga 2 2,167 1,641 256 54 i 100 0 0 6 0 0 106 0 0 5 0 0 IT. Napier to Waipavra (Southern) ... 4 11,996 5,720 891 Hi Cart 1 223 10 0 25 0 0 0 5 0 248 15 0 92 9 6 Waipawa to Poratigahnu 3 8,654 7,043 1,101 33 Horse... 1 68 0 0 26 0 0 0 4 0 94 4 0 5G 0 0 Porangahua to Wainui, &c, &c. 1 683 4-12 69 21 >) .. • ... 1 77 10 0 6 0 0 0 10 83 11 0 0 10 0 Brandies, — 1,234 51 9 0 24 0 0 75 14 0 3 10 0 I. Napier to 'Waipunn 5 5,480 7,893 89 1 0 5 0 )j ... II. Clive to Pourererc 1 2,201 1,601 260 35 j) ... 1 GO 0 0 60 0 0 1 10 0 III. To Aute to Patangota 1 1,997 1,498 234 5 » 1 23 5 0 6 0 0 29 5 0 9 0 0 IV. Waipukurau to Gwavas 3 3,136 2,640 413 50 j) 1 G3 0 0 12 0 0 0 4 0 75 4 0 9 0 0 V. Havelock to Kereru 2 2,166 1,820 285 36 jj ... 1 51 10 0 12 0 0 0 3 0 63 13 0 GOO Town Branch Office 1 23,112 38,502 G,016 1 Cart 12 15 1 6 25 0 0 0 12 0 40 13 G 320 0 0 Country Mail Service —Tofals 11,559 373 I I 995 I" G 539 12 6 2G 66,987 73,957 833 5 G 160 0 0 1 1G 0 Chief Post Office, Napier 1 73,280 80,011 13,001 410 0 0 14G 15 0 556 15 0 568 1 1 Total for the Province - : I 27 25,550 373 833 5 6 570 0 0 148 11 0 1,551 16 6 1,107 13 7 140,267 163,498


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different INLAND MAIL SERVICES in WELLINGTON, during 1865.



O O Total Beceived and Despatched. Mail Contbacts. Expenditure. Totals. PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. 6 Letters. Neivspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. s 2 9 Mode of Conveyance. a* I Cost of Salaries. ontingencies Expenditure. Bevenue. Conveyance. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. A. £ s. d. I. North-Tvcstern, Wellington to AVanganui 10 108,786 94,824 17,780 118 Horse 1 349 0 0 271 17 2 15 15 7 636 12 9 1,330 4 11 II. North-eastern, Wellington to Castle Point „ „ Upper Hutt 3 23,336 18,022 3,379 16 Coach... 6 5 0 0 70 0 0 GOO 81 0 0 132 0 0 „ „ Masterton 4 31,225 29,032 5,433 64 Spring Cart ... 2 270 0 0 90 0 0 8 0 0 368 0 0 193 0 0 „ Masterton to Castle Point 2 4,848 4,458 836 45 Horse i 160 0 0 21 0 0 4 0 0 185 0 0 35 0 0 Suburban Line, — • Cart 10 0 3 10 0 Wellington to Karori 1,004 404 70 12 0 0 10 0 0 23 0 0 Country Mail Services —Totals 20 169,199 146,740 27,514 247 796 0 0 462 17 2 34 15 7 1,293 12 9 1,693 14 11 ... Chief Post Office, Wellington 1 327,860 320,906 60,170 1,071 6 8 205 1 6 1,276 8 2 3,482 11 11 Total for the Province 1,534 3 10 81 497,059 467,646 87,684 247 796 0 0 239 17 1 2,570 0 11 5,176 6 10


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different MAIL SERVICES in NELSON, during 1865.



— Total Received ai>*d Despatched. !ail Contracts. EXPESDITfliE. Tot, Ifl. PROVINCE OP NELSON. o Letters. Newspaper^.j Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. 111 Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. ! Trunk Lines, — £ s. d. & s. d. JE s. d. £ b. a. £ s. d. I. Nelson to Riwaka (North-western) 15,865 13,591 1,308 170 0 0 61 0 0 10 8 0 241 8 9 79 13 8 5 36 Coach 2 II. „ WakeneM (Southern) ... G 13,587 9,202 813 18 I j j ... . • • 3 200 0 0 67 0 0 5 14 0 272 14 0 61 1 10 Wakefield to Fox Hill 1 569 425 36 6 )) ... ■• i 1 10 0 0 0 8 7 10 8 7 0 6 7 Fox Hill to Tadmor 1 580 889 .. 83 20 Horse... a. 3 24 0 0 0 8 4 24 8 4 2 8 4 Branches, — 6,370 10,040 Coach 20 0 0 2 14 22 1 4 2 19 1 I. Nelson to Richmond 1 940 S C, II. „ Wakapuaka 1 1,176 2,264 212 12 Horse... 2 25 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 2 31 6 2 0 4 1 III. „ Havelock and Amuri ... 1 380 1,374 129 1 71 5 0 12 0 0 ■* 85 5 0 0 9 6 Sea-borne Mails, — 2,202 Vessel 17 0 0 1 15 6 18 15 6 7 8 1 I. Nelson to Motupipi II. „ Takaka 1 1 2 978 1,305 3,758 1,866 4,426 107 175 415 30 35 45 H ... )j ... ••• o o o 12 0 0 30 0 0 5 17 5 9 14 3 17 17 5 39 14 3 5 6 1 26 2 10 III. „ Collingwood IV. „ Buller 1 418 445 46 120 12 0 0 0 13 6 12 13 6 3 7 11 V. „ C'obden ... 1 118 25 1 180 j) i.. ... < 2 12 0 0 6 6 2 18 6 12 1 6 i I i i I Country Mail Services 22 45,101 47,000 4,355 510 520 5 0 219 12 0 37 14 4 777 11 4 201 9 6 Chief Post Office, Nelson 1 180,703 211,711 ; 13,363 1,039 11 9 419 10 0 1,459 1 9 1,811 6 4 • • Totals for the Province ... 23 225,804 258,753 17,718 510 520 5 0 1,259 3 9 457 4 4 2,236 13 1 2,012 15 10


TABLE of REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different MAIL SERVICES in MARLBOROUGH, during 1865.



u Total Received and Despatched. Mail Contbacts. ExrJJXBITUKE. Totals. PROVINCE OP MARLBOROtiaH. O O Weight of Newspapers in lbs. 1 o g a Letters. Newspapers. Mode of Conveyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. d Trunk Lines, — 26,474 32,020 5,005 £ a. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I. Picton to Blenheim (Southern) 2 20 Coach 6 221 18 10 270 9 0 30 11 3 531 19 1 224 4 10 Blenheim to A waters ... a 5,139 8,012 1,252 120 i Horse 1 „ Iliglificld i 422 10 0 35 0 0 5 10 0 463 0 0 17 0 0 II. Piclon to Havelock 3 15,382 0,470 1,481 ~25^ 20) )> 3 386 19 8 203 10 0 33 11 10 624 1 G 07 4 3 lluvelock to Forks 3 6,344 2,006 327 Branches, — .4,301 7,300 1,155 4 10 0 44 10 0 I. Blenheim to Wairau Valley 2 25 1 40 0 0 10 0 0 II. Wairau Valley to Birch Hill 1 317 586 02 18 jj ... 1 180 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 0 108 0 0 1 10 0 III. Blenheim to Benopai 1 1,170 702 110 35 )) 1 83 4 0 12 0 0 1 10 0 96 14 0 3 0 0 Country Mail Services —Totals ... 15 59,127 60,291 9,422 278 1,204 12 6 575 19 0 87 13 1 1,058 4 7 352 10 1 ' Chief Post Office, Picton 1 63,052 75,275 11,762 . C. 365 5 0 63 13 7 428 18 7 500 18 5 16 122,170 135,566 21,184 278 1,294 12 6 941 4 0 151 6 8 2,387 3 2 853 17 6 PROVINCE OF TARANAKI 101,580 , 01,570 14,309 984 14 3 401 19 0 148 3 5 550 2 5


TABLE showing the REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different INLAND MAIL SERVICES in CANTERBURY, during 1865.



i Total Received and Despatched. M.ur. Contracts. ExrEXDITFBE. Totals. PROVINCE OF CANTEBBTTET. o B — .5 rs 1 1 tS. ill O 6 Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. Trunk Lilies — I. Northern — Clirisf church to KowBl Kow'iil to JLurimui Hurumii to llawliswood II. Southern — Christ church (o Wail alii III. Western— Christchurch to Hokitiki I. Main Branch— Christchureh to Lyttelton 5 15 j 91,038 13,023 110,314 65,790 8,830 98.787 8,223 1,130 12,340 27 24 50 161 Coach Cart Coach 6] 1 3 £ s. d. 665 0 0 325 0 0 £ s. d. 277 15 0 £ s. d. 157 1 0 22 3 6 £ s. d. 1,099 16 0 347 3 6 £ s. d. 825 11 0 119 7 0 3,287 10 0 260 0 0 1G2 4 9 3,709 14 9 998 2 0 49,276 14,260 1,788 150 ii 2 697 10 0 585 2 7 160 16 2 1,443 8 9 278 0 0 4 124,219 45,722 5,715 8 12 500 0 0 535 7 9 169 2 8 1,205 10 5 1,041 15 0 Branches — I. Christchuivh to St. Alban's II. Christchurch to Addington " III. Selwyn to Snowdon ( Kaiapoi to Oxford ~\ IV. < Kaiapoi to Bangiora > Two contracts ... (. Rangiora to Oxford 3 V. Tcmpleton to Prcbbletoii VI. Weeden to Leeston VII. Ashburton to Mount Somers Vin. Tiinaru to McKenzie Plains IX. Lyttelton to Alcaroa X. Pigeon to Okain's Bay ... XI. Lyttelton to Port Levy ... ... ." XII. Lyttelton to Governor's Bay XIII. Hokitika to Waimea XIV. I [okit Oca to Ivanieri XV. Hokitika to Greenstone XVI. Hokitika to Totara XVII. Hokitika to Ross ... XVIII. Hokitika to Grey Boating Service at Lyttelton 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2,071 ' 784 7,058 30,590 499 2,233 4,912 19,8S3 7,122 1,046 1,920 5.795 0,686 1,710 672 3,027 7,085 806 24-7 6,921 50,582 230 1,497 3,406 20,826 6,179 1 ,681 3,088 442 1,031 117 33 174 871 100 36 805 6,385 ... 29 187 433 2,630 772 210 386 55 128 14 4 21 109 2 2 GO 28 8 20 4 G 40 50 30 10 9 10 14 3 28 13 16 23 Foot Horse... Cart Horse... - j» ..• Boat and Horse Horse... Boat and Horse Horse... 2 3 1 6 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 18 0 0 10 0 0 168 6 8 87 19 0 6 13 4 17 10 0 116 13 4 194 0 0 328 0 0 78 6 8 45 0 0 41 13 4 127 6 8 64 18 5 67 7 1 21 2 7 11 5 0 15 8 0 90 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 55 0 0 1 13 4 5 0 0 2 10 O 67 15 5 5 0 0 3 12 6 0 19 10 12 4 6 51 12 2 0 10 2 4 12 8 5 7 2 5 0 26 3 9 10 1 2 2 3 4 2 10 2 10 1 11 10 16 0 2 11 0 8 6 5 3 2 10 1 11 31 12 6 15 19 10 196 11 2 . 194 11 2 8 16 10 26 11 2 124 18 11 198 15 0 421 19 2 93 7 10 47 3 4 54 3 6 143 15 11 85 2 7 78 15 3 28 11 11 18 1 0 127 3 3 90 0 0 25 0 0 9 17 0 72 9 0 338 4 0 7 0 0 23 7 0 62 10 0 10 0 0 6 7 4 9 8 2 9 7 1 7 O 10 1 13 4 101 13 4 187 3 0 56 16 0 11 16 0 29 15 0 51 2 0 65 16 0 16 10 0 4 15 0 34 3 0 46 9 0 " tj • . • .. . Boat Country Mail Services —Totals Chief Office, Christchurch 65 1 I 499,963 458,328 331,583 530,015 I ! 41,554 107,836 796 6,984 10 1 1,970 14 2 1,850 5 6 834 10 0 1,258 0 7 9,789 14 3 3,108 6 1 ... I ■•■ 4,714 10 0 5,443 11 9 ... Totals for the Province i 6G 958,291 861,598 149,390 6,984 10 1 3,820 19 8 796 2,092 10 7 12,898 0 4 10,158 1 9





Total Received and Despatched. Mail Contracts. ExPENDITrEE. Totals. PROVINCE OF OTAGO. O o |.aj Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Mode of Oonreyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. I 'I £ s. d. 1,100 0 0 Trunk Lines, — I. Northern, Dunedin, and Waitaki II. South-western, Dunedin and Mataura ... In two Contracts —Dunedin to Iialclutha Balclutha to Mataura 7 13 104,539 109,480 62,660 79,608 10,651 13,533 89 55 56 Coach 3 6 2 1,000 0 0 400 0 0 £ s. d. 360 0 0 I 415 0 0 £ s. d. 17 17 0 £ s. d. 1,477 17 0 £ s. cl. 098 13 2 ... 23 2 6 1,838 2 6 718 18 4 ji " * I Main Branches, — I. Waitaki, Oamara to Morven Hills II. Waikouaiti to Queenstown In two Contracts —Waikouaiti to Clyde Clyde to Queenstown III. Clutha Valley, Tokomairiro and Clyde ... In two Contracts —Tokomairiro to Tuapelca ... Tuapeka to Clyde ... Branches, — I. Dunedin to West Taicri, with Branches... West Taieri to Waipori „ Lake Waipori ... North Taieri to Hindon II. Dunedin and Port Chalmers III. Balclutha und Ivaitangata IV. „ Port Molyneux V. Popotunoa and Pomahaka VI. Mataura and Switzer's VII. Kyeburn and Linburn VIII. „ Mount Ida IX. Blackstoue Hill and St. Bathan's X. Clyde to Nevis XI. Cromwell and Cardrona ... XII. Arrow Town and Twelve-mile Creek XIII. Queenstown and Maori Point XIV. „ Moke Creek XV. „ Kingston XVI. Athol and Nokomai XVII. Tuapeka and Sub-Offices XVIII. Waihola and Taieri Beach XIX. Waihimo and Macraes XX. Mataura and Menzies Town Tiinaru (Canterbury) 3 11 2,960 123,337 1,375 78,991 233 13,130 110 Horse 1 380 0 0 7 10 0 0 18 0 388 8 0 19 0 11 8 78,146 ... 46,885 ... 7,968 120 73 34 72 ... Coach Horse Coaeli Horse "a 3 6 2 1,150 o" 0 1,200 0 0 I 634 1 5 I 589 3 3 61 0 8 105 8 9 3,045 2 1 2,000 0 1 831 7 4 581 1 4 ... 610 6" 0 695 8 1 .. 6 39,510 31,804 5,406 18 29 11 26 9 10 19 30 55 26 10 8 22 38 20 30 11 30 10 3 9 13 16 j> 3 1 1 2 12 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 6 2 2 2 270 0 0 150 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 639 9 8 54 0 0 120 0 0 115 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 175 0 0 274 0 0 277 19 9 85 0 0 11 19 6 690 19 6 257 1 5 ... >> '"I ... 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 24,574 6,100 12,514 5,983 2,795 22,586 15,452 12,832 3,187 4,750 10,987 5,614 13,051 4,510 2,922 11,187 4,738 3,654 2,007 3,583 1,8(55 952 2,218 773 493 1,900 807 621 340 608 Steamer ... Horse jj "' >> "' 350 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 16 13 4 20 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 33 15 3 20 0 0 32 10 0 20 0 0 23 6 8 20 0 0 51 13 4 5 0 0 4 7 7 10 0 0 40 17 0 2 7 0 5 10 14 0 2 3 0 9 0 0 9 11 0 6 10 0 0 10 2 14 0 560 8 6 76 7 0 155 1 0 132 17 4 172 3 0 569 0 0 329 11 0 201 10 0 294 1 0 314 9 0 20 0 0 173 8 6 112 10 O 323 16 8 110 14 0 127 5 4 15 7 0 71 14 0 17 2 0 324 0 11 48 4 6 104 2 1 25 17 11 44 11 10 200 5 1 202 2 5 141 3 3 5 10 56 15 10 4,14,2 961 v 723 2,916 10,661 701 3,227 208 9,920 2,377 512 089 1,822 4,483 393 793 75 3,308 403 85 119 306 702 68 136 12 570 )j Steamer .,. Horse 140 0 0 92 10 0 300 0 0 90 0 0 69 0 0 10 0 0 65 6 5 7 2 0 o"l8"6 0 10 0 0 14 0 6 12 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 24 3 3 1 11 10 10 17 5 17 1 8 137 18 1 7 2 10 42 10 7 0 6 4 2 12 j) ■.. j) ■•• )> "' Coach '.'.'. Country Mail Services, Totals Chief Post Offices 76 1 602,213 554,333 1,156,546 378,124 612,912 991,036 64,259 f 104,193 1,062 10,514 15 11 2,868 0 10 5,734 6 5 310 15 11 1,019 19 4 13,693 12 8 6,754 5 9 4,502 6 6 8,109 11 7 12,611 18 1 Totals for the Province ... I. 77 I 168,452 1,062 i 10,514 15 11 ... 8,602 7 3 1,330 15 3 20,447 18 5


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the different INLAND MAIL SERVICES in SOUTHLAND during 1865.



PROVINCE OP SOUTHLAND. O o izi Total Received and Despatched. 0) Mail Contracts. III Expenditure. Totals. Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers. in lbs. Mode of Conveyance. Cost of Conveyance. Salaries. Contingencies Expenditure. Revenue. I Trunk Lines, — 2,016 Coach £ s. d. £ s. d. £ b. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I. Invercargill to Mataura Ferry (Western) 2 12,007 8,067 82 2 400 0 0 30 0 0 10 12 0 440 12 0 117 G 6 II. Invercargill to Campbelltown 2 8,602 4,011 1,002 18 6 1,023 7 0 175 0 0 6 4 0 1,204 11 0 83 12 7 Main Branches, — 20,888 17,898 4,474 1,200 0 0 40 0 0 16 17 4 1,256 17 4 203 1 6 I. Invercargill to Kingstown 0 '.'1 2 }! II. ,, Riverton ... 1 14,920 7,825 1,950 22 „ 3 300 0 0 175 0 0 12 6 3 487 6 3 145 1 1 Branches, — 1,531 1,375 Horse 50 0 0 2 13 G2 1 3 14 6 10 I. Mataura to Q-ore ... 1 343 S 2 10 0 0 II. Wallacetown to Waianiwa 1 1,833 1,760 440 6 ,) 2 55 0 0 10 0 0 2 10 0 67 10 0 17 16 5 III. Riverton to Mararoa ... 8 4,800 4,700 1,175 77 )j i 200 0 0 20 0 0 3 5 0 223 5 0 46 13 4 j IV. „ Gummy' s Bush... 1 2,166 2,032 508 8 a 75 0 0 10 0 0 2 5 0 87 5 0 21 1 2 Otago Branches, served from Southland, — 1,202 15 7 2 I. Mataura to Switzcr's 1,580 300 1 II. Athol to Nokomai ... 6,886 3,168 792 2 " 66 18 11 i i Country' Mail Services —Totals 17 75,273 265 3,303 7 0 731 4 6 52,038 13,006 470 0 0 50 0 10 3,829 7 10 Chief Post Office, Invercargill 1 120,444 139,642 34,910 1,023 4 3 313 13 10 1,336 18 1 1,281 2 10 Totals for the Province i i 18 195,717 47,916 265 i 3,303 7 0 191,680 1,493 4 3 369 14 8 5,160 5 11 2,012 7 4


TABLE showing REVENUE, EXPENDITURE, &c., of the POSTAL DEPARTMENT of the different PROVINCES of NEW ZEALAND in 1865.



- Total Received and Despatched. Expenditure. Tot. ALS. Names op Pkoyinces. s © ft Letters. Newspapers. Weight of Newspapers in lbs. Country Services. Salaries. Contingeno C3. Expenditure. Revenue. £ s. d. £ s. 4 £ s. a. £ s. d. I £ s. d. AUCELAND 72 1,042,930 1,045,739 196,076 2,769 7 6 4,119 1 8 941 16 4 7,833 5 6 11,548 4 5 Takanaki 3 104,580 91,576 14,309 401 19 0 148 3 5 550 2 5 984 14 3 Hawke's Bay... 27 140,267 1G3,498 25,550 833 5 6 570 0 0 148 11 0 1,551 16 6 1,107 13 7 Wellington ... 21 497,059 467,646 87,684 796 0 0 1,534 3 10 239 17 1 2,570 0 11 5,176 0 10 Totals fok Nobth Island 123 1,784,836 1,768,459 323,619 4,398 13 0 6,G25 4 6 1,481 7 10 12,505 5 4 18,816 19 1 ' NELSON 23 225,804 258,753 1,259 3 9 457 4 4 17,718 520 5 0 2,236 13 1 2,012 15 10 Maklbouocgh 16 122,179 135,506 21,184 1,294 12 6 911 4 0 151 6 8 2,387 3 2 853 17 G Cantkkijuky ... GO 958,291 861,598 149,390 6,984 10 1 3,820 19 8 2,092 10 7 12,898 0 4 10,158 1 9 Otago 77 1,156,546 991,036 168,452 10,514 15 11 8,602 7 3 1,330 15 3 20,447 18 5 12,611 18 1 Southland 18 195,717 191,680 47,916 3,303 7 0 1,493 4 3 369 14 8 5,166 5 11 2,012 7 4 Totals bob the Middle Island 200 2,658,537 2,438,633 ■104,660 22,617 10 6 10,110 18 11 4,401 11 6 43,136 0 11 27,649 0 6 Chath Ail Islands I I I 9 0 8 Commission on Money Oeders issued... 1,463 18 6 Totals ron the Colony 324 4,443,373 4,207,092 728,279 27,016 3 G 22,742 7 10 5,882 19 4 55,641 G 3 46,475 9 3 47,939 7 9 Q. Eliott Eliott, Secretary.

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SEVENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, E-04

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SEVENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, E-04

SEVENTH REPORT ON THE POSTAL SERVICE OF NEW ZEALAND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, E-04

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