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D.—No. 3A.



D.—No. 3A.




NAME OF OFFICER. OFFICE. NAMES OF SURETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which each Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bond. Customs. £ £ £ Aubrey, Harcourt Richard Collector Henry Halse John Robertson. John Henry Dalton ... William Jeffrey. John Frederick Lloyd Frederick Duke Yonge. William S wainson Thomas Outhwaite. John Alexander Charles Petley Samuel Evinson. Robert McDonnell Wynyard... Frederick Duke Yonge. James McCosh Clarke John Probert. John Mclntoch George Blaker. William Hickson Charles William Schultze. John Stephenson Smith William Dean Lysnar. European Assurance Society ... G-eorge Crawford Richard Septimus Ledger. John Salmon ... Thomas Macky. John Adam Sims John Butt, Charles Henry Moffit... Thomas Redwood. G-eorge Graham Samuel Jackson. James Baine James Wilkie. European Assurance Society... nenry Govett ... Thomas Ring. Donald Gollan... John Davies Ormond. Dennis Bevin Cochrane John Salmon. George Williamson Hall Edward Cardale. Henry Parker ... George Sisson Cooper. Charles Banington Robinson... James William Earle. James Clapham Paton John Charles Bell. MathewHill Alexander Grant. William Lyon ... Joe. Dranslleld. William Barnard Rhodes John Martin. Thomas Drew Drury ... Llewellyn Price Tuherne. William Fisher William Rayner. John Herman Cook George Blaker. William Holmes William Frederick Mason. William Hogg Watt William Fairweather Russell. John Healey William Thomson. George Taylor... Henry Dunsford. William Hunter Rej'nolds ... Thomas Burns. European Assurance Society ... William Moore Biss Alfred Heeps. William Sefton Moorehouse ... Thomas Smith Duncan. Henry John Lebren Edward Alkin Hargreaves. Samuel John Stuart Walter Grey. 1,000 1,000 1,000 Allen, John Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Andrews, H. Freeman Chief Clerk 500 500 500 Atkinson, Alfred Tlurd Clerk 200 200 200 Atkinson, Robert Clerk 200 200 200 Andrews, James Frank... Clerk 200 200 200 Brown, Stephen Pain Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Bannister, Robert Elijah Clerk 300 300 300 Bromley, William Acting Second Locker... 200 200 200 Brewer, Henry William 1.. Warehouse Keeper 200 200 200 Burgess, James ... Burgess, William Blandford ... Locker ... First Locker "2OO 200 200 200 200 Bull, Edward Locker 200 200 200 Bury, Daniel Locker 200 200 200 Burleyman, John Clerk 200 200 200 Barber, Joseph Arthur... Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Borril, Jolm Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Bertrand, James Robert Chilman, Richard Clerk Collector 2,000 200 2,000 200 2,000 Catehpool, Edward Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Clendon, James Ready... Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Cooper, Charles Edward Sub-Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Curtis, Robert James .... Clerk 500 500 500 Carver, William Robinson Second Landing Waiter 500 500 500 Chamberlain, Charles Wilford Leyman Carfield, Alfred Downie First Clerk 500 500 500 Clerk 500 500 000 Cole, Pigott Ncedham I Boarding Officer 200 200 200 Cheeseman, Alfred Maurice ... Extra Clerk 200 200 200 Carter, Richard... Locker 200 200 200 Carder, Joseph ... Extra Locker 200 200 200 Cook, Robert Clifford Locker 200 200 200 Chitty, John Third Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Daine, Clmrles Alfred ... Clerk 200 200 200 Dale, Percival Haxel ... Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Drew, William Hoskin... Locker 200 200 200 Elles, Andrew Jamieson Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Ellesdon, Edward Sallows Farquhar, Henry Blunt Locker ... Second Clerk 200 200 200 200 200 Fyeh, James Henry Locker 200 200 200 Greaves, Robert... Sub-Collector ... 800 800 800 G•rev, William John Third Landing Waiter 300 300 300

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS or o EI C E R S — continued. OFFICE. NAMES OF SURETIES. Amount "or which the Officer is liable. Amount "or which each Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bond. >'AME OF OFFICER. Customs — continued. & £ £ Grant, William Nelnus Clerk Henry Dunsford John Smith Willcox. Edward Cephas John Stevens William Rayner. Sydney Evelyn Wright Thomas WrightJohn Davies Ormond John Davis Canning. Henry Ridings Richard Ridings. George Henry Luxford John Martin. Charles Stichbury Walter Combes. Robert Hcaton Rhodes William Reeves. John Hyde Harris James Bannatyne Gillies. Charles Dudley Robert Ward John Jones. Thomas Cawthorn Jonathan Livick. Samuel Hewlings Charles Dudley. Samuel Kingdon Maxwell Bury. Thomas Taylor William Thomson. Henry Godfrey Gouland James Smith Cross. James Mackay, junior Henry Willowson Turnell. David Hay Frederick Augustus Krull. European Assurance Society... Henry Parker ... James Lawrence. William Hunter Reynolds ... James Adan. John Hyde Harris Alfred Chetham Strode. Philip Lloyd Francis ... William Henry Aylmer. William King Hulk ... Henry Handley Brown. James Mackay, junior Joseph Webb. Thomas Redmayne Malcolm Graham. James Morrii-on Alexander Miller. Robert Farmer Joseph King. European Assurance Society ... George Allen ... John William Smith Coward. Thomas Maeky Patrick Dignal. John Duncan ... James Adam. Henry Govett John Henry Armstrong. William Henry Eyes ... Charles Henry Moifit. William Douglas Hall Bailie... William Pickering. William Thomson Colin Allan. European Assurance Society... George Allen John Parker. John Moore John Moore, junior. William Williams John Alfred Chadwick. Josiah Buttress John Beaton. James Mackay... Charles Stiehbury. 300 300 300 Goddard, John ... Locker and Tallyer ... 200 200 200 Gillespic, William Tide waiter 200 200 200 Harris, George Frederick Landing Waiter 500 500 500 Hill, Thomas Landing Surveyor 500 500 500 Hawkins, George Acting Landing Surveyor Second Landing Waiter 500 500 500 Hewson, Richard 500 500 500 Hedge, Charles James First Locker 300 300 300 Hart, James Tyth Clerk 200 200 200 Heaps, Wilson Locker ... 200 200 200 Hill, Francis John Looker 200 200 200 Hewlings, George Freeman Looker ... 200 200 200 Hack worth, James Chief Clerk 200 200 200 Howe, James Onesimus Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Johnston, David Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Johnston, David, junior Officer in Charge 1,000 1,000 1,000 Kempthorne, Frederick Warehouse Keeper 500 500 500 Kersteman, Freeland Bernard... Knight, Halsey ... Locker ... Locker ... 200 200 200 200 200 Logic, Alexander William Sub-Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Logic, Charles Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Lawlor, Daniel Shea Sub-Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Laing, Henry Binncy Locker and Gauger ... 500 500 500 Leniniing, George Charles First Landing Waiter... 500 500 500 De Lacy, Thomas Corbet Clerk 200 200 200 Laing, William ... Locker ... 200 200 200 Lundon, David ... Assist. Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Lysaght, Edward Luckie, Douglas Mackenzio Clerk Locker 200 200 200 200 200 Mitford, George Manners Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Mills, William Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 McKellar, Dugald First Clerk 500 500 500 Muller, Stephen Lunn Collector 500 500 500 Moss, William Alfred Second Landing Waiter 300 300 300 Monsen, John Robert ... Landing Waiter 300 300 300 Mitehel, George Beard... Martin, Archibald Landing Waiter Locker ... 200 300 200 300 200 Moore, George Clerk 200 200 200 Milne, Frank John Clerk 200 200 200 Mason, William... Clerk 200 200 200 Matthews, John Second Locker 200 200 200

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS OF O FICEBS.—cort/ intied. XAJIE OF OFFICER. OFFICE. NAHB8 OF SURETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which each Surety is liitbli 1. Total Amount of Bond. Customs — continued. £ £ £ McCready, John Cowan Coast Waiter .Tolm Bagge Henry Dodsoii. Thomas Maberly Hassal Frederick William Dclamain. George Turnbull James Fabian Wills. Thomas Henry Hugh Cooliihan. .Tohn Blacklock John Walker Mitchell. Thomas Birch ... ... ..._ Walter Clay. Arthur Samuel Atkinson Robert Pitcairn. European Assurance Society ... Frederick Hnddleston Charles Edward Cottcrill. .Tolm Plimmer... I saac Plimmer. Thomas Moodie Andrew Kerr. DeRenzieButt James Dupre Lance. Alfred Cox Frederick Joseph Moss. Matthew Richmond ... David Muuro. William Rodgerson ... Henry Clouston. Thomas Richardson ... George Richardson. John Reid Daniel Francis Murphy. Donald Gkdlffn... Henry Stokes Tiffin. European Assurance Society ... John Styak John Watson Bain. Edward Augustus Carlyon ... George Henry Luxibrd. James Burtt ... Walter Knott Graham. William Colenso Robert Price. Daniel Bateman Thornton William Milne Tizard. Thomas Cotton Hallamne Samuel Jury Williams. William Motion Samuel Jackson. Robert Murray Daniel Campbell. John Cameron... Edwin Turner Woon. Nathaniel William Levin Edward Owen. William Adams James Burnett. William Philcox Scoring Hall Matthews. John Sahnin ... John Anderson Gilfillan. Frederick Williams John George. John McClaggan George Haughton. 200 200 200 McDonnell, Randall Thomas ... Clerk and Locker 200 200 200 Meier, Ferdinand Clerk 100 100 100 Norton, James "Warehouse Keeper ... 500 500 500 O'Toole, Christopher Francis de Salis Ogilvie, James ... Sub-Collector 1.000 1,000 1,000 Locker 200 200 200 Patten, Edward Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Parker, Thomas Windall Pasley, Edward William Sub-Collector Second Landing Waiter 500 1,000 500 1,000 500 Plimmer, John Alfred ... Third Locker 200 200 200 Palmer, James Locker ... 200 200 200 Phillips, Frederick Carleton ... Locker ... 200 200 200 Rose, Alexander Sub-Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rough, David ... Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Rodgerson, William James First Landing Waiter... 500 500 500 Richardson, William Burgess... Warehouse Keeper 500 500 500 Robertson, James Locker 200 200 200 Seed, William Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Slater, Joseph Sharpe, Alexander Landing Waiter . Clerk 200 300 200 300 200 Thoma?, William Esdaile Sub-Collector 1,000 1,000 1,000 Tabuteau, Joseph Moliere Landing Surveyor 500 500 500 Thomas, George White Second Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Tizard, Edward Fawconer Second Clerk ... 200 200 200 Tidmarsh, William Locker ... 200 200 200 Tait, Andrew Ganger... 200 200 200 Tennan), John ... Clerk ... ' 200 200 200 Woon, James Garland ... Collector 1,000 1.000 1,000 Ward, Charles Chief Clerk 500 500 500 Woolley, James... Third Clerk 200 200 200 Williams, H. Woodward Extra Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Williams, Samuel John Boarding Officer 200 200 200 Wilson, William Wallace Locker 200 200 200 Wilmott, John ... Second Landing Waiter 200 200 200 Postal. Clerk Clerk Clerk Postmaster Andrews, William Dolling Anderson, Charles James Audley, Thomas George Alexander, James European Assurance Society... Personal security Personal security William Langley Powell George Crawford Black. Personal security (Had win J . Richard Wvnvanl Henry Freeman Andrews. James Mitchell Alexander Cameron. 300 270 250 200 250 200 ;ioo 270 250 Andrews, George Henry Andrews, Alfred Clerk Clerk 255 100 100 255 100 Angell, Joseph Postmaster 75 75 75

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS OF O EICEE S— continued. OFFICE. iv'AMES OF SUEETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which each Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bond. NAME OF OFFICER. Postai — continued. £ £ £ Broadfoot, James Letter Carrier ... John Haddin Barr William Watson. George Hepburn James Brown. Adam -Holland... Alfred Boat. Hugh Ro.-s Stevenson... Robert Gillie-. George Bichaud West... George Blvth. Archibald Reid t're William Oram Barr. John Gibson John Reid. Theophilus Daniel John Crerar. Henry McCullock Philip Lloyd Franci-. John George Pettiugalo Robert Appleton. Joseph Brown ... Samuel Tickers. William Thompson Thomas Taylor. Solomon Levy ... Thomas MeKenzie. European Assurance Society ... John Marshal) Brown Edward Kemp McLiskey. Jacob Fogel William Wright. John Jones William Chapman. Samuel Brown... Joseph Newman. Alfred de Bathe Brandon Lewis Moss. Isaac Worthington Harrip ... Samuel Edmonds. Andrew Mercer James Gray. John Frederick Lloyd .)oliu Wilson. Personal security John McFarlane James MeGill. Edward Francis Ward John Cameron. European Assurance Society ... Henry Pownell Stack ... Philip Aaron Phillips. Nathaniel Edwards David Frazer. Thomas Taylor Hannibal Lyne Gilbert. European Assurance Society... Alexander Dingwall ... George T. Chapman. John Price Francis Moran. George Hunter George Moore. European Assurance Society ... European Assurance Society ... European Assurance Society ... Personal security Donald Henderson John Kayo. John Johnston... George Crawford. Henry Frame ... John Lemon. Henry Beabitt William Lynch. European Assurance Society ... John Toolc Thomas Flannay. James Wilkie 140 140 140 Bair, Archibald... Chief Postmaster 900 900 900 Bias, Samuel Beit Clerk 300 300 300 Clerk 225 225 225 Bus, Cecil Yates Brown, George Joseph Clerl 180 180 180 Bftrber, Hftrry William Clerk 190 190 100 Bicknell, Frederick Cleric •... 150 150 130 Barke, James Frederick Postmaster 500 500 500 Butts, Edward Drury Chief Postmaster 600 600 GOO Bond, Charles John Clerk 100 100 100 Brown, William Henry Clerk 100 100 100 Basier, Frederick Postmaster 300 300 300 Buck, Levi Messenger 100 100 100 Bn.Kje, John Cook, John Postmaster Letter Carrier ... 140 150 110 150 140 Cowie, William Letter Carrier 140 140 140 Chapman, George Carr... Postmaster 265 265 265 Corbett, William Chief Postmaster 600 600 600 Cook, Edmund ... Clerk 300 300 300 Coney, James Emilius Clerk 100 100 100 Dow, Robert Messenger 140 140 140 Dickson, Edwin Brodie Chief Postmaster 350 350 350 Dick, Sydney Johnston Ferguson, Jailies Fos! master Clerk 450 160 160 450 160 Ferris, William Postmaster 200 200 200 Fftlck, Ferdinand Fitzgibbon, James John Postmaster Clerk 100 375 100 375 100 Frazer, John Dawson ... Clerk 100 100 100 Gilbert, Hannibal John Congdon Clerk 150 150 130 Grubb, John Gard, Joseph Eowc Clerk Postmaster 200 200 200 200 200 Harris, George Hamilton Acting Postmaster 200 200 200 Hoggard, John Farr Chief Postmaster 750 750 750 Hume, Alexander Hume, Alexander Inwood, Daniel Newman Tnwood, Daniel Newman Kaye, John Postmaster Postmaster Money Order Clerk ... Money Order Clerk ... Clerk 100 225 300 150 100 300 150 100 100 225 225 Kirton, Robert Clerk 360 360 360 Lemon, Charles Postmaster 300 300 300 Lambert, John ... Clerk 100 100 100 Lawson, John ... MeDonogh, Thomas Francis ...' Clerk Postmaster 225 100 225 100 225 Letter Carrier ... 140 140 140 Miller, George

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS OF O FIC E E S— continued, NAME OF OFFICER. OFFICE. NAMES OF SURETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which each Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bund. Postal — continued. £ £ £ MeKean, John McCullock Morrow, Hugh ... Postmaster Clerk European Assurance Society... Hugh Morrow Arthur Morrow. Charles Bunell Stowe ... Richard Matthews. David Mitchell Lewis Longuit. William Brodie Palmer William McLelland. Urquhart Macpherson limn Reothaw. George Henry Fletcher Charles Ingram. Charles Michael Win Thomas Hancock. John Gow James Rattraj. Gfoorge Shand ... William Beaemerea. James Smith ... John Lillie Gillies. Walter Grahame Asher Ashcr. European Assurance Society... Personal security Ilenrv Caning Richmond Robert Pritehard. European Assurance Society... William Kelly Henry Gilfillnn. Edward Allan Hargreaves John Fortescue Evelyn Wright. Alfred Fell Nathaniel Edwards. Reignald Robert Bradley Frederic Le Cren. Hugh Percy Murray Aynsley... Thomas Ritchie. 100 138 100 138 100 Matthews, William Clerk 100 100 100 O'Toole, Christopher Francis do Salis Price, William Henry Postmaster 500 500 500 Clerk 150 150 150 Robertson, Montgomery Gordon Clerk 400 400 400 [!(■■■•. David Ilenry Clerk 100 100 100 Schroder, James Mail Agent 200 200 200 Stewart, Alexander Postmaster 75 75 75 Short, Christopher John Clerk 150 150 150 Tait, George Creighton Postmaster 300 300 300 Taylor, George ... Clerk 100 100 100 Tiurell. Thomas Tum'11, Thomas... Williamson, Robert Faulds Clerk Clerk Postmaster 250 75 250 75 250 250 75 Warlmrton, James Kenemis ... Winst&oloy, Thomas Francis ... Stamp Clerk Clerk 100 200 100 200 100 Wright, Fortunatus Evelyn ... Chief Postmaster 1,000 1,000 1,000 Walmsley, Benjamin Chief Postmaster 100 100 100 Wilkin, James ThomasWellington Postmaster 500 500 500 Willcin, John Winstanley Clerk 300 300 300 Telegraphic. Telegraphist General Manager General Manager Telegraph Engineer ... Telegraph Engineer ... Telegraphist Telegraphist Personal security European Assurance Society ... Personal security European Assurance Society ... Personal security European Assurance Society... Personal security 250 600 GOO 750 750 250 250 Bull, John Sheath, Abraham Brentnell Sheath, Abraham Brentnell Sheath, Alfred Sheath, Alfred Tucker. William Tucker, William 250 G00 750 600 750 250 250 Judictax. Clerk to Bench Edward Witt Durden William Tcnnett. William Badge Henry Dodson. John Knowles ... Arthur Edward Rowden. Edwin Davy ... John Ogilvie. William Waring Taylor George Moore. Matthew Justone John Crerar. James Pillans Maitland John Gibson Smith. John Hyde Harris George Cook. Joseph Hastie ... Edward Palmer. Richard Nager... Charles Heitpliy. George Lilly Mellish ... William Wilford. William Jeffrey Hugh Kirkwood. George Greenway Andrew Judd. 25 30 85 Burns, James ... Barleyman, John Clerk to Bench 50 25 100 Baker, Ebenezer Clerk to Bench 250 125 500 Brodie, David Anderson Clerk to Bench 20 10 40 Brown, William Eobert Edward Clerk of District Court 125 62 10s. 250 Chapman, John William Clerk to Bench 10 5 20 Cobden, William Clerk to Bench 10 10 20 Calcutt, Thomas Clerk to Bench 400 200 800 Durbridge, Charles Clerk to Bench 50 25 100 Falwasscr, Henry James Clerk to Bench 20 10 40 Guy, Duncan Clerk to District Court 125 62 10s. 250 Guy, Duncan Clerk to Bench 30 15 60 Greenway, James Hamlyn Clerk to Bench 10 5 20

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS OF o FICEE S— continued. NAME OF OFFICEB. OFFICE. HAKES OF SURETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which eaoh Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bond. Judicial — continued. £ £ £ GriudeU, James Clerk to Bench Alexander Irvine Michael Btylaa. John Duffus Charles Wesley Drury. James AVilkie ... Donald Maclean. Charles Dudley Josiah Birch. Andrew Thomson William Elder. Joseph Booth ... Thomas Sliaulcy. David Nathan Andrew Beveridge. Thomas George Tauton James WaddeL Nathaniel Edwards Henry Adams. Henry Adams ... Nathaniel Edwards. William Hogg Watt Thomas ISallnnlie Taylor. William Thomas Owen Edwin Tuner Woon. Thomas Norrie George Cruehy. Thomas Kicks Haider Ueorge Talbot. ■lames Mncandrcw William Hunter Reynolds. John Wilaon Lachlan Eraser. Henry Ridings... Walter Dowdcn. Donald McLean Archibald John MacLcan. Thomas Renwick Nathaniel Edwards. I Andrew Kay ... Richard K. Barber. John Borton Francis Crassley Fulton. Alexander Kennedy Richard Ridings. Nathaniel William Levin William McLeod. Joseph Rowe Gard William Adams. John Whitcley Thomas Edward Rawson. Thomas Waters Henry Bayden Roberts. Bryan Cecil Haggitt ... Henry Driver. Edward Jollie ... George Arthur Emilius Ross. 50 25 100 Glover, Henry Clerk to Bench 10 5 20 Harris, Francis... Clerk to Bench 20 10 40 Hcwlings, George Freeman ... Clerk to Bench 150 75 300 Joyce, John Clerk to Bench 200 25 200 Leslie, Henry Clerk to Bench 20 10 40 Lodge, William Francis Clerk to Bench 200 200 •100 Simmonds, Horace Clerk to Bench 20 10 40 Sharp, John Clerk to Bench 250 125 500 Sharp, John Clerk to District Court 125 G2 10s. 250 Woon, Richard Watson Clerk to District Court 125 62 10s. 250 Woon, Richard AYatson Clerk to Bench 100 50 200 Welby, William Montague Hall Clerk to Bench 50 25 100 Wallis, Richard Clerk to Bench 10 5 20 Chapman, Robert Registrar, Sup. Court... 1,000 1,000 1,000 Ferguson, Neil Registrar, Sup. Court... 500 250 1,000 O'Brien, Laughlin Registrar, Sup. Court... 2,000 2,000 2,000 Strung, Robert Rodger Registrar, Sup. Court... 1,000 500 2,000 Sharp, John Deputy Registrar, Sup. Court Resident Magistrate ... 1,000 500 1,000 Searancke, William Nicholas ... 20 20 20 Fulton, James ... Resident Magistrate ... 10 5 20 Balncavis, Henry Colin Sheriff 250 125 500 Crawford, James Coutts Sheriff 250 125 500 Downes, Thomas William Sheriff 50 25 100 Flight, Josiah Sheriff 100 50 200 Harper, Thomas Sheriff 50 25 100 Strode, Alfred Chetham Sheriff 250 125 500 Sale, George Samuel Sheriff 250 125 500 Sub-Treasurers. Sub-Treasurer Catchpot)], Edward Chilman, Richard Elles, Andrew Jamicson Hamilton, William John Warburton Logic, Charles Sub-Treasurer Sub-Treasurer ... Sub-Treasurer ... Sub-Treasurer William Lynn ... William Stuart Loxley. Henry Govett ... Thomas King. Thomas Burns... Arthur John Burns. Henry Godfrey William Donald. Francis Dillon Bell William Mason. Charlet Covdon Charles Cole... George Greenfield. William Henry Eyes' ... Charles Henry Moffit. Nathaniel Bdwardi ... (reorge llenm-H. Thomas .Henderson Mark Someryille. 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 500 500 500 500 1,000 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 I Middleton, John How I Accountant to SubTreasurer Sub-Treasurer ... 500 500 500 Muller, Stephen Luna 1,000 500 1,000 Poynter, John Sub-Treasurer 1,000 500 2,000 Ward, James Neasham Clerk 1,000 500 1,000

D.—No. 3A.



ONDS OF o FI C E K, S. —continued. OFFICE. NAMES OF SURETIES. Amount for which the Officer is liable. Amount for which each Surety is liable. Total Amount of Bond. > TAME OF OFFICER. Receivers of Land Revenue. £ £ £ Curling, John ... Receiver Land Revenue Donald Gallan... James Wood. Hugh Martin Henry Lewis. Alfred George Jenkins Richard Rendersley Newcome. Thomas Burns... Arthur John Burns. John Jones John Hyde Harris. William Douglas HaU Baillic Charles Enyssen. James Wilson ... AVilliam Rolleston. William Morgan Crompton ... John Gilmour. James Mackay, junior... William Gibbs. John Beynon ... James Lee. 1,000 500 2,000 Catley, James Francis ... Receiver Land Revenue 2,000 2,000 2,000 Daniel, Henry Cooper Receiver Land Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Elles, Andrew Jamieson Receiver Land Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Logic, Charles ... Receiver Land Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Midler, Stephen Lunn ... Receiver Land Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Koss, George Arthur Emilias ... Receiver Laud Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Smith, John Stephcnson Receiver Land Revenue 500 500 500 Turnell, Henry Widowson Receiver Land Revenue 1,000 500 2,000 Davies, John Copper-plate Printer ... 400 400 400 Inspectors of Weights and Measures. Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures Inspector of Weights and Measures 200 Adams, Montague Bunnan Brunsden, Richard Hall, William King, John Stephen Lunn Muller... Charles Henry Moffitt. John Ollivier ... Herbert Edward Alysatt. Henry Ingle White ... James Clark Brown. Richard Beck ... Andrew Beveridge. William Mills James Adam. John Minifie ... Solomon Levy. Alexander Irvine Michael Baylan. 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 60 200 200 200 Mills, James 100 50 200 Marriott, James Henry 100 50 200 Scully, Thomas. 100 60 200 Miscellaneous. 100 Bennett, John Boyle ... Registrar-General Robert Kelly Thomas S. Eorsaith. Thomas King ... Arthur Samuel. Alfred Do Bathe Brandon Charles William Schultze. Charles Chamberlain ... John Hains Rogers Harrison. John Robertson David Nathan. William Hay James McCash Clark. Charles Bemer... John Joseph Lowrey. William Boutcher Robert Oliver. George Cutficld Raphael Simpson. George Henry Gibson David Petley. William Lyon ... William Waring Taylor. 100 100 Batkin, Charles Thomas Accountant, Treasury... 1,000 500 1,000 Best, William Chief Clerk and Cashier, Treasury Clerk, Compensation Court Emigration Officer 500 250 1,000 Duckey, Adam James ... 200 200 200 Eaton, Frederick John 250 125 500 Gavin, James Clark Military Pay Clerk ... 1,000 500 1,000 Henysten, Thomas Paymaster 2,000 1,000 4,000 Morrison, John... Colonial Agent 1,000 1,000 3,000 Pereival, William Paymaster 2,000 1,000 2,000 Powell, Thomas Paymaster 2,000 1,000 4,000 Woodward, Jonas Assistant Treasurer ... 2,000 1,500 5,000

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RETURN OF OFFICERS UNDER BOND IN THE EMPLOY OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-03a

Word Count

RETURN OF OFFICERS UNDER BOND IN THE EMPLOY OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-03a

RETURN OF OFFICERS UNDER BOND IN THE EMPLOY OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-03a

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