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D.—Xo. 10.




SCHEDULE of GRANTS of LAND to RELIGIOUS BODIES in the PROVINCE of WELLINGTON, in Trust for Purposes of a Public Character.

Xo. To Whom Chanted. Fob What PuitrosE. Whbkb Situated. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 It 15 16 17 IS 19 Church Missionary Society ... Ditto ditto Eoman Catholic Bishop Ditto ditto Church Missionary Society ... Ditto ditto Lord Bishop of New Zealand... Wesleyan Mission Lord Bishop of NeAV Zealand ... Ditto ditto Church Missionary Society ... Ditto ditto Lord Bishop of New Zealand... Wesleyan Mission Bomau Catholic Bishop Trustees Ditto Lord Bishop of Ncav Zealand... Trustees A School ... Ditto A School A Female School ... A Mission Station Ditto ditto An Industrial School Ditto ditto A College Ditto A School ... Ditto A Church For Missionary purposes... For an Industrial School... Hospital ... College, School, or Schools College Hospital Otaki. Ditto. Porirua Eoad. City of AVellington. Otaki. Wanganui. Ditto. City of AVellington. Wairarapa. Ditto. Otaki. Ditto. City of AVellington. Ditto. Ditto. Petre. AVanganui. City of AVellington. Porirua. City of AVellington. Alfred D( imett, Ith July, 1866. Seen 'tary CroAvn Lands.

D.—No. 16,

RETURN of all SPECIAL GRANTS in the PROVINCE of WELLINGTON, for Religious, Educational, and Charitable Purposes, wherein Natives are interested, showing the approximate value of Lands included in such Grants (where such could be ascertained.)


Acreage. Approximate Value. £ s. cl. For what Purpose Valuable. Remarks. Whether Purchased by the Crown for such Endowment, or otherwise, &c, &c. So. To whom Granted. Specified Purpose. Whew Situate. A. B. r. 1 2 3 Church Mission Ditto ditto Roman Catholic Bishop and Successors General education of children of all classes and races ditto ditto Otaki ditto Porirua Road, Wellington, sec. 38 Wellington (City) ac. 559 Otaki 396 68 108 2 30 2 35 0 0 Agriculture and grazing ditto ditto Ceded by Natives. No payment made that I am aware of. Ditto ditto. 75 acres of this section purchased by the Crown ; the remaining 25 acres Crown property was included in grant to Roman Catholic Bishop. Purchased by the Crown. £5 per acre 4 Ditto ditto Education of female children of all races, &c. Towards maintenance and support of said Mission ditto 1 0 0 Building 5 Church Mission 24 1 16 Building, agricultural, &c. Ceded by Native Chiefs for support of Mission. 6 7 Ditto ditto Bishop of New Zealand Industrial School, religious education and instruction in the English language Industrial (School, &c, for children of all races Wanganui(Putikiworranui) Wanganui, sub-sections 250 0 32 Ceded by Native Chiefs, Ac. Crown land. « Wesleyan Mission Wellington 73 1 22 £50 per acre A portion of the town belt of the City of Wellington. 52a. 2r. 37p. included in this grant had been previously conveyed to Kumutoto Natives by Colonel McCleverty. They subsequently sold to the Crown. The whole reserve, with the exception of 3 acres, has been purchased by the Provincial Government from the Wcsleyan body, at the rateof £"50 per acre. Ceded by Natives for such purpose. Bishop of New Zealand For a College for all races, &c, &e. 190 0 0 Agriculture and grazing General farm 9 10 Ditto ditto Wairarapa, Kaikokirikiri Papawai 400 0 0 500 400 0 0 0 0 Ditto ditto. ditto 11 12 13 Church Mission Ditto ditto Bishop of New Zealand General education of children of all races, &c. ditto Site for Church, in addition to land purchased by said Bishop ; free sittings for patients of all races in the Colonial Hospital Otaki ditto Wellington, part of ac. 542 33 62 0 3 0 0 0 0 17 purposes Agriculture and grazing ditto Building Ceded by Natives ; no payment made that I am aware of. Ditto ditto. This is the remaining portion of a Native Reserve acre, selected under N.Z. Company's arrangements of one-tenths of their purchases being reserved for the benefit of the Natives. The remaining piece of said acre is absorbed in a subsequent (to the selection for the Natives) award, known as " Tod's grant." Purchased by the Crown from George Greathead, for the purpose of access to land comprised in Wesleyan grant (No. 8). I understand that this land is not included in the sale of Wesleyan Reserve to the Provincial Government. li Wesleyan Mission In furtherance of objects of grants to Wcsleyans (see No. 8.) Wellington, part of ac. 157 o 1 0

I).—No. 16.


i: p a. 5PWUT. iiuvra in t lie 'nOTTN'f'E O. l'T.T.ivnTov, &o., — continue!, o i To whom Granted. Specified Purpose. Where Situate. Acreage. A. E. p. i Approximate Value. £ s. d. Voi' what Purpose Valuable. Whelher Purchased by the Crown for such Endowment, or otherwise, io., &e. — 15 Roman Catholic Bishop In furtherance of grant No. 4, for the education of girls of the Native or other races In support of HospitaL for persons of all races " College,School, or Schools," lor the maintenance ami support as above. If funds do not suffice, then for Grammar School or Schools alone. Persons of all classes or races to be equally admitted Wellington, part of ae. 418 0 0 22| Building Crown property by reversion of N.Z. Company's Estate. 1G Hospital Trustees Wanganui IS 0 0 ditto Crown laud, being unsclected, in the town and suburbs of Wanganui. The whole of this land belonged to the Natives (generally) of the District of Wellington, having been selected for them under the N.Z. Company's one-tenths. Their management, previous to the issue of this grant, vested in the Commissioners of Reserves. No College or Schools exist that might derive benefit from these lands, nor have the Natives received compensation for or benefit from their annexation. Reclaimed land of the Crown. Ceded by Natives for Ihe specified purposes. i 17 To certain Trustees ... "Wellington 10 I 32 3929 0 0 ditto Bishop of New Zealand 18 19 To certain Trustees ... General education of children of all classes and races In support of Hospital for the relief of the sick of all clauses " of our subjects " Porirua Wellington 0 500 7 I 25 I) 0 2 26 2920 1000 7841 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grazing and farm purposes Building All this valuable property was included in the original selections of Native Reserves made under N.Z. Company. (See remarks on grant No. 17, to College). The Grant to Church of England School is omitted in the Copies furnis 1 ed by the Secretary for Crown Lauds. 2(1 Bishop of New Zealand For a School in connection with the Church of England, to be appropriated tor a School-house, and (if uecessary) Schoolmaster's house, in connection with Church of England Wellington 0 0 38 750 0 0 Building Portion of au original Native Reserve, but a case of much dispute between heirs of Richard Barrett and Government (i.e. the whole acre). In the valuatious given of town land (Wellington) granted to Hospital and College Trustees, I have been partially guided by the Town Board Assessment of 1863. Buildings and improvements are not included in such valuations. Value of Church Mission and other lands at Otaki and Wanganui, not known. The Natives participate in these Endowments in common with all races. In many cases the property so endowed has been purchased from private individuals for the purpose ; but in cases where land has been ceded by the Natives or diverted from original Native purposes, as in the ease of Hospital and Grammar School, Wellington, no compensation has been given or payment made. In these latter eases, the wording of the grants, that such lands "have been marked out and distinguished on the charts of the New Zealand Islands as College, &<\, (or Hospital) reserved lands," would lead to the supposition that they had always been so reserved, whereas, on the contrary, they were, as already noted, portions of lands reserved for the Natives under the New Zealand Company's Settlement Seheme, and were only constituted College or Hospital Reserves at the time and by the issue of the grants conveying them a* such. Native Reserves Office, . Geoboe F. Swaejsox, Wellington, 4th September, 186G, Commissioner Native Reserves,

D.—No. 16.

No. 1. (N. M. Mis.,-No. 31.) Grant for a School at Otaki. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith aud so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a School is about to be established at Otaki, in the Province of Ncav Munster, Ncav Zealand, under the superintendence of tho Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And Avhereas it Avould promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and toAvards tho maintenance and support of the same : Noav know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs, and successors, do hereby grant unto tho Venerable William Williams, Archdeacon of Whaiapa, tho A renerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the. Eeverend Eichard Taylor, of AVanganui, in trust for tho said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of the abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may be by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Otaki, in the Province of New Munster, the boundary of which commences at a point distant 686 links from the junction of the west side of Te Eauparaha Street with Kiharoa Street, Town of Hadfield, Otaki, measured Avestward along the north side of the latter street, and runs at right angles to Kiharoa Street soutliAvard for 290 links, turning at right angles to this latter line it runs toAvards the Avest 185 links, then turning southward it forms an angle with tho magnetic meridian south-Avest ten degrees, and extends 4-10 links, from thence a lino bearing south-west 70 3- degrees (magnetic) forms the boundary for 3405 links, turning at the latter point south (magnetic) it extends 100 links to the Maringiaiwaa, along which stream it extends as the Avater flows (westward) 3797 links to its junction Avith the Mangapauri: crossing this latter stream it proceeds along the foot of the hills, the verge of the flat ground on the west side of tho Mangapauri, for 3590 links, Avhen it turns on a magnetic bearing north-east 11 1 degrees 7705 links to the Waitohu Stream, by Avhicli it extends toAvards its source eastAvard 4863 links, from thence it proceeds by a line bearing .south-cast 81$ degrees magnetic for 3153 links to the Mangapauri, turning AvestAvard it runs as the water Hoavs 2337 links to the fencing, by which it extends towards the north-east 960 links, and from thence by a line bearing south-east 65 degrees magnetic for 910 links, turning on a magnetic bearing south-west 11.} degrees it extends 1470 links to meet the continuation toAvards the west of the north side of Kiharoa Street, along the side of which slreet it extends 997 links to the starting point, on a bearing (magnetic) south-east 82 degrees, the contents being three hundred and ninety-six acres two roods and thirty perches (396 acres 2 roods and 30 perches) or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in tho plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said AVilliam AVilliams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall bo given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony Avdiereof avo have caused this our grant to bo sealed with tho seal of our said Province. AVitness our trusty and Avell beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor-in-Chief in and OA'er the Islands ot Ncav Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of New Ulster and New Munster, at Government House, AVellington, this fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this sixth day of February, 1852, in Eegister 1., folio 31. 1 Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 2. (N. M. Mis., No. 31.) Grant for a School at Otaki. A'ictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith and so forth: To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: AViiereas a School is about to be established at Otaki, in the Province of NeAV Munster, New Zealand, under tho superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in



O.—'No. 16,

the Pacific Ocean: And Avhereas it would promote tho objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for tho use and towards the maintenance and support of the same : Now know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs aud successors, do hereby grant unto the Venerable AVilliam AVilliams, Archdeacon of Waiapu, the A Tenerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the Eeverend Eichard Taylor, of AVanganui, in trust for the said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of tho abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may be by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Otaki, in the Province of NeAV Munster, the boundary of which commences from a stake at a bridge over the MakurataAvhiti, which stake is distant from tho junction of the south side of To Whiwhi with tho east side of To Eauparaha Street, ToAvn of Hadfield, Otaki, 1688 links on a magnetic bearing north-west 70 degrees, and extends along the MakurataAvhiti Stream towards its source a distance of 6530 links, when it turns nortliAvard, and runs along tho fencing and edge of the swamp 1120 links, turning at this point it runs by the foot of the hills in a westerly direction 2094 links, and from thence by a line bearing south-Avest (magnetic) 33 degrees 440 links, turning again on a bearing north-west 79 degrees (magnetic) it extends 910 links: the foot of the hills on the south side forms tho boundary from this point AvestAvard for 2630 links, Avhen it turus on a bearing south-Avest 24} degrees (magnetic) for 680 links to the starting point, the contents being sixty-eight acres two roods aud thirty-five perches (68 acres 2 roods and 35 porches) or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said AVilliam AVilliams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to tho youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof Aye have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province. Witness our trusty and Avell beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., GoA rcrnor-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of NeAV Ulster and Noav Munster, at AVellington, this fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this sixth day of February, 1852, iv Ecgister 1., folio 33. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 3. (N. M. Mis., No. 32.) Grant for a School on tho Porirua Eoad. Victoria, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aud Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom the presents shall come, greeting: AVhereas a School is about to be established on the Porirua Eoad, in the Province of NeAV Munster, New Zealand, under the superintendence of tho head of the Eoman Catholic Church, at AVellington, and his successors, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And Avhereas it Avould promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof, for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the same : Noav know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Eoman Catholic Bishop for the time being of the district in Avhich Wellington is situated, or other the person for the time beingdischarging the duties of the said office, all that piece or parcel of land situate aud being on the Porirua Eoad, in the Province of Ncav Munster, New Zealand, commonly known as section number thirty-eight (38), Porirua District, and Avhich is bounded on the north by section number forty-one (41) of the same district, on tho west by unsurveyed land, on the south by section number thirty-six (36) of the same district, and on the east by the main road leading from AVellington to Porirua, tho contents being one hundred and eight acres or thereabouts, and the boundaries of Avhich are more particularly delineated in the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said Eoman Catholic Bishop for the time being of tho district in which Wellington is situated, and his successors, in trust nevertheless and for the use anil towards the maintenance of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the children educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony Avhcreof avo have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province. Witness our trusty and Avell beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor-in-Chief iv and over the Islands of Now Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of New UJster and New Munster, at Government House, Wellington, this sixteenth day of March, iv tho sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this seventeenth day of March, 1552, in Eegister 1., folio 35. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar.



D.— No. 16

No. I. (N. M. Mis., No. 33.) Grant for a Female School at Wellington. Victoria, by the Grace of God, of tbe Uuited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : AVhereas a School is about to be established at AVellington, in the Province of NeAV Munster, Now Zealand, under the superintendence of the head of the Eoman Catholic Church at AVellington, and his successors, for the education of the female children of our subjects of all races, and of the female children of other poor and destitute persons, being inhabitants of islands in tho Pacific Ocean: And Avhercas it would promote the objects of tho said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for tho use and toward the maintenance and support of the same : Noav knoAV ye, that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Eoman Catholic Bishop for the time being of the district in Avhich Wellington is situated, or the person for the time being discharging the duty of the said office, all that piece or parcel of land, containing one acre, more or less, situate and being in tho Town of AVellington, in the Province of New Munster, and being Toavii Acre number five hundred and fifty-nine (559), in the plan of the Toavii of AVellington, and bounded on the north by Hawkostono Street, on the south by Toavii Acre number five hundred and fifty-eight (558), on the east by Toavii Acre number five hundred and sixty-one (561), and on tho west by Toavii Acre number five hundred and fifty-seven (557), as the same is more particularly delineated and described on the margin hereof, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said Eoman Catholic Bishop for the time being of tho district in AS-hich AVellington is situated, and his successors, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance of tho said school, so long as the religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language, shall bo given to the females educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony Avhereof avo have caused this our grant to be scaled with the seal of our said Province of Ncav Munster. AVitness our trusty and well beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor of the ProA'ince of NeAV Munster, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty-two. (l. s.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-second day of February, lSs2,in Ecgister 1., folio 36. Alfred Dosiett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 5. (X. M. Mis., No. 34.) Grant for a Mission Station at Otaki. A 7ictoria, by the grace of God of tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas a Mission Station has been established at Otaki, in the Province of New Munster, Now Zealand, under the superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, and tho Native chiefs have given a portion of land for the support thereof: And Avhercas it Avould promote the benevolent objects of the Church Missionary Society to set apart the said piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood of the Town of Hadfield, at Otaki, for the use and towards tho maintenance and support of the said mission station : Noav know ye, that avc, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the \ Tencrablo AVilliam Williams, Archdeacon of AVaiapu, the Venerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the Eeverend Eichard Taylor, of AVanganui, in trust for the said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of the abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may bo by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the neighbourhood of the Toavii of Hadfield, at Otaki, in tho Province of NeAV Munster, the boundary of Avhich commences from the junction of the north side of Kihoroa Street Avith the Avest side of To Eauparaha Street, Town of Hadfield, Otaki, and extends along the Avest side of the latter street sixteen hundred and eighty-five (1685) links, turning Avest (magnetic) for four hundred and thirty (430) links it meets the fencing by Avhich it runs in a Avesterly course a distance of one thousand and fifty-five (1055) links, from thence by a lino bearing north-west (magnetic) sixty-five (65) degrees it extends two hundred and seventy (270) links, and turning in a bearing south-east eleven and a half (11 i) degrees magnetic for fourteen hundred and seventy (1470) links it meets the continuation of the north side of Kiharoa Street, by Avhich it runs a distance of sixteen hundred and eighty-two (1682) links to the starting point, the contents being twenty-four acres one rood and sixteen perches (24 acres 1 rood and 16 perches) or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly deliueated in the plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof; to hold unto the said William Williams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless aud for the use and toAvards tho maintenance of tho said mission station, or for tho promotion of the missionary and religious objects of the said Church Missionary Society. In testimony Avhereof wo have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province of New Munster. Witness our trusty and well beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-in-Chief in and over the Islands of NeAV Zealand, and Governor of Now Munster, at Government House, Wellington, this twenty-first day of February, iv the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-second day of February, 1852, in Eegister 1., folio 37. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary.



D.—No. 1G

No. 6. (N. M. Mis., No. 36.) Grant for a Mission Station at AVanganui. Victoria, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: AVhereas a Mission Station has been established at AVanganui, in the Province of New Munster, New Zealand, under the superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, and the Native chiefs have given a portion of land for the support thereof: And Avhereas it would promote the benevolent objects of the said Church Missionary Society to set apart the said piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood of tho Toavii of Putikiwaranui, at AVanganui, for the use and toAvards the maintenance ana support of the said mission station : Now know ye, that we, for us, our heirs aud successors, do hereby grant unto the Venerable William AVilliams, Archdeacon of AVhaiapu, the A reuerablo Octavius Hadfield. Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the Beverend Eichard Taylor, of Wanganui, in trust for the said Church Missionary .Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of the abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may bo by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the neighbourhood of the Town of Putikiwaranui, at AVanganui, in the Province of New Minister, tho boundary of Avhich commences at the point marked A at tho junction of the Nga ta rua (which flows from the north-east towards the south-west, with a smaller stream of the same name flowing from the eastward, in the Toaa'u of Putikiwaranui, and between Church and Richmond Streets, in which direction along the latter stream it runs for four hundred and sixty (160) links, when it turns towards the north and east for fifty (50) and two hundred and eighty (280) links, turning southward it extends fifty-five (55) links to its junction with the Nga ta rua (the smaller stream as described on plan), along which it runs in a north-easterly course (690) six hundred and ninety links, turning eastAvard it extends one hundred and eighty-two (182) links, when it takes a direction southward along the road from Wanganui to Kaitohe for one thousand and seventy-five (1075) links, from this point the boundary runs iv a north-westerly course within fifteen (15) links of tho South end of the sehoolhouse, a distance of one thousand six hundred and eighty-five (1685) links of the Nga ta rua (the larger stream), the centre of which forms the boundary for five hundred and fifteen (515) links to the starting point A, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in the plan drawn in tho margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, aud proceeds thereof; to hold unto the said AVilliam Williams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toward the maintenance of the said mission station, or for the promotion of the missionary and religious objects of the said Church Missionary Society. In testimony Avhereof avc have caused this our grant to bo sealed with the seal of our said Province of Ncav Munster. AVitness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of tho Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Governor and Commander in Chief of our said territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of New Munster, at AVelliugton, in New Zealand aforesaid, this twenty-eighth day of May, in tho fifteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-ninth day of May, 1552. Ecgister I, folio 39. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 7. (N. M. Mis., No. 45.) Grant for Industrial School at AVanganui. A 7ietoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great? Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas a School is about to be established at AVanganui, in the Province of Noav Munster, New Zealand, under the superintendence of the Eight Eeverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, for the education of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And Avhercas it Avould promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof, for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the same: Now knoAV ye, that AA re, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the said George Augustus, Bishop of New Zealand, all that piece or parcel of land situated and being in the District of Wanganui, in the Province of Ncav Munster, New Zealand, and bounded towards the north-Avcst by London Street five thousand three hundred (5300) links, toAvards the northeast by A^ictoria Avenue five thousand four hundred (5400) links, towards the south-east by Ingestre Street three thousand two hundred (3200) links, and towards the south and south-west by Asylum Eoad tAvo thousand (2000) links and four thousand (4000) links respectively, the contents being two hundred and fifty (250) acres and thi rty-t wo (32) perches or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof; to hold unto the said George Augustus, Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards tho maintenance of the said school so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall bo given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof avo have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our Province of New Munster, in our said territory.



D.—No. 16

Witness our trusty and well beWed Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of Nevv Munster, at Wellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this thirteenth day of October, in the sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this seventeenth day of October, 1552, in Eegister 1., folio 52. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 8. (N. M. Mis., No. 46, folio 49.) Grant to Wesleyan Mission for Industrial School at Wellington. A rictoria, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting: AVhereas a school is about to be established at AVellington, in the Province of NeAV Munster, New Zealand, under the superintendence of the Beverend James Watkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions for that Province of New Zealand in which the Toavii of Wellington is situated, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And Avhereas it would promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and toAvard the maintenance and support of the same. Now know, ye that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the said James AVatkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions as aforesaid, all that piece or parcel of land, situate and being in the ToAvn of Wellington, in the Province of NeAV Munster, New Zealand, and bounded towards the north-west, south-Avest, and south in an irregular line by the Karori Eoad tAvo hundred and forty (240) links, and tAvo hundred and sixty-six (266) links, by the Botanical Gardens three hundred aiid thirty-nine (339) links, and two thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (2865) links, and by No. 28, Karori District, one thousand nine hundred and three (1903) links, and one thousand one hundred and fifteen (1115) links, and two hundred and eighty-five (285) links; towards the east, south-east, north-east, and north by a branch of the Kumutoto Stream, and an irregular line forming the boundary of the ToAvn Belt, six hundred (600) links, five hundred and thirty-nine (539) links, three hundred and thirty-five (335) links, and one hundred and seventy-four (174) links, and by tho Wesley Eoad one thousand and eighty-eight (1088) links, and one thousand one hundred and thirteen (1113) links, the contents being seventy-three (73) acres one (1) rood and twenty-two (22) perches or thereabouts, and tho boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said James Watkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions for that Province of New Zealand in which the Town of AVellington is situated, and his successors in such office, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed Avith the seal of our Province of New Munster in our said territory. Witness our trusty and well beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of New Munster, at Wellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this twenty-seventh day of October, in the sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-seventh day of October, 1852, in Eegister 1., folio 49. Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 9. (N. M. Mis., No. 53.) Grant to Bishop of Land at Wairarapa for a College. Aletoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a College is about to be established in tho AVairarapa Valley, under the superintendence of the Eight Eeverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And whereas it would promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and towards the maintenaneo and support of the same, which said piece or parcel of land has been ceded by the Native owners for the support of the said college : Now know ye, that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of NeAV Zealand, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being adjacent to the Town of Kaiko Kirikiri, in the Wairarapa Valley, in the Province of Wellington, in the islands of New Zealand, the boundary of which said piece of land commences at a point marked A. upon the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, being the junction of the 3



D.-Ko. 16.

Awatokoru Stream with the Makakaweka Eiver, and is bounded toAvards the south-west by the MakakaAveka Eiver, and also by an irregular line forty (40) links, and two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight (2428) links, from thence the boundary line runs north-easterly three thousand nine hundred and nine (3909) links), thence south-easterly live thousand and seven (5007) links, thence south-westerly by an irregular line one thousand seven hundred and forty-four (1744) links, and one hundred and thirty (130) links to the Awatokuru Stream by which it is bounded to the starting point, tho contents being one hundred and ninety (190) acres or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in the said plan draAA'n in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toward the maintenance and support of tho said college, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony Avhereof avc have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. Witness our trusty and well beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, at Wellington, m New Zealand aforesaid, this fourteehth day of June, in the sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this fourteenth day of June, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 57. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 10. (N. M. Mis., No. 54.) Grant to Bishop of Land at Wairarapa for a College. Victoria, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a College is about to be erected in the Wairarapa Valley, under the superintendence of the Eight Beverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, tor the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean : And AA'hereas it Avould promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the same, Avhich piece or parcel of land has been ceded by the Native owners for the support of the said college : Noav knoAv ye, that avo, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, all that piece, or parcel of land situate and being at Papawai, adjacent to the Toaati of Manihera, in the Wairarapa Valley, in the Province of Wellington, in the islands of New Zealand, the boundary of which said piece of land commences at a point marked A. upon the plan draAvn iv the margin of these presents, being the junction of the east side of Manihere Street Avith the north side of the road to Eimutuka, and thence runs easterly by the said road in an irregular line five hundred (500) links, six hundred and sixty-nine (669) links, seven thousand five hundred (7500) links, tAvo thousand tAA'O hundred and seventy-seven (2277) links, and nine hundred (900) links, thence northerly one thousand five hundred (1500) links, thence northwesterly tAvo thousand (2000) liuks, thence Avesterly ten thousand and tAA-enty-five (10,025) links, thence southerly to the starting point three thousand five hundred (3500) links, the contents being four hundred (400) acres or thereabouts, and tho boundaries being more particularly delineated in the said plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of NeAV Zealand, and his successors, iv trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the said college, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof wo have caused this our grant to be sealed Avith the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and Avell beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, at Wellington, in NeAV Zealand aforesaid, this fourteenth day of June, in the sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this fourteenth day of June, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 58. Alfred Domett. Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 11. (N. M. Mis., No. 55.) Grant for a School at Otaki. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a School has been established at Otaki, under the superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the Native owners have given a



D.—X<>. 10.

portion of land for the support thereof: And Avhereas it Avould promote the benevolent objects of tho said Church Missionary Society to set apart the said piece or parcel of land for the use and toAvards the maintenance and support of the said school: Now know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the A renerable AVilliam Williams, Archdeacon of AVhaiapu, tho Venerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the Beverend Eichard Taylor, of Wanganui, in trust for the said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of tho abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may be by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Otaki, in tho Province of AVellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, bounded towards the north by the Mangaponui Eiver, towards the east by a line bearing 315 degrees 58 minutes one thousand seven hundred and ten (1710) links, toAvards the south by a line bearing 91 degrees 14 minutes four hundred and forty-seven (447) links, being part of the northern boundary of a piece of land granted to the Church Missionary Society, towards the south-west by a line bearing 112 degrees 23 minutes one thousand one hundred and eightytwo (1182) links), being the north-eastern boundary of the said piece of land granted to the said Church Missionary Society, and being also the north-eastern boundary of a piece of land granted to tho Church Missionary School, toAvards the south-east by a line bearing 45 degrees nine hundred and sixty (960) links, being tho north-Avestern boundary of the said piece of land granted to the said Church Missionary School, and toAvards the Avest by the Mangaponui Eiver, the contents being thirty-three (33) acres and three (3) roods or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan drawn on tho margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto tho said William Williams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toAvards tho maintenance and support of the said school, so loug as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to tho youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony thereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed Avith the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and Avcll-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in Ncav Zealand aforesaid, this eighteenth day of June, in the sixteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this eighteenth day of June, 1553, in Eegister 1., folio 59. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 12. (N. M. Mis., No. 61.) Grant for a School at Otaki. Victoria, by the grace of God of tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas a School has been established at Otaki, in the Province of AVellington, New Zealand, under the superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, aud of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean, and the Native OAvners have given a portion of land • for the support thereof: And whereas it Avould promote the benevolent objects of the said Church Missionary Society to set apart the said piece or parcel of land for the use and toAvards tho maintenance and support of the said school: Noav know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the \ Tenerablo AVilliam AVilliams, Archdeacon of AVhaiapu, the A renerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the Beverend Eichard Taylor, of Wanganui, in trust for the said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of the abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may bo by the said Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Otaki, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of NeAV Zealand, containing sixty-two (62) acres or thereabouts, and is bounded toAvards the south-west by land granted to the Church Missionary Society three thousand one hundred and fifty-three (3153) links, toAvards the east by Native land a line bearing 345 degrees 58 minutes two thousand and sixty-six (2066) links, towards the south by the southern bauk of the Mangaponui Stream one thousand seven hundred and forty (1740) links, and towards the north by the Waitohu Stream, the said boundary being more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said AVilliam AVilliams, Octavius Hadfield, aud Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereat wo have caused this our grant to be sealed Avith tho seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over our said Colony of NeAV Zealand and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in Ncav Zealand aforesaid, this sixteenth day of July, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this sixteenth day of July, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 66. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar.



D.— No. 10.

No. 13. (N. M. Mis., No. 62.) Grant to the Lord Bishop. A Tictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas by a Crown Grant bearing date the twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, the main portion of Toavii Acre number five hundred and forty-two (542), in the Town of Wellington, was granted to Alexander Todd. And whereas such portion of the said acre has been purchased by the Bishop of Noav Zealand, as a site for a Church, wherein it is intended that patients of the Colonial Hospital of AVellington. of all races, shall always be entitled to free sittings. And the said Bishop has applied for a Crown Grant of the residue of the said acre, in order to complete tho site aforesaid. And whereas the portion of the said acre so applied for is necessary to render tho portion purchased by the said Bishop available for the erection of the church aforesaid: Noav knoAV ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Bight Beverend Father in God, George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, all that triangular piece or parcel of land, situate in Mulgrave Street, in the Toavii of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, being part of the said Town Acre number live hundred and forty-two (542), and comprising seventeen (17) perches, or thereabouts. Bounded on the north-cast by part of grant to A. Macdonald, lavo hundred and fifteen (215) links : on the south by part of Town section No. 541, one hundred and fwenty-four (124) links; and on the wesf by Mulgrave Street, one hundred and seventy-four (174) links ; the said boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together Avith all appurtenances I<> the said piece of land, or any part thereof belonging, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors for eA-er, in trust to permit the said land and all buildings thereon creeled to be for ever appropriated and used as and for a site for a Church, and to maintain therein for ever free sittings for the use of patients of all races in tho Colonial Hospital, situated on Thorndon Flat, in tho Town of AVellington aforesaid. Iv testimony Avhereof aa c have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over said ('olony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in NeAV Zealand aforesaid. this tAventieth day of July, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twentieth day of July, 1553, in Eegister I, folio 66. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 14. (N. M. Mis., No. 64.) Grant to the Wesleyan Mission. A'ictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whsreas by letters patent dated the tAventy-scAenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, a certain piece of land therein described Avas granted to the Superintendent of AVeslc\an Missions for that Province of NeAV Zealand in Avhich the Toavii of AVellington is situated for the maintenance of an Industrial School: And whereas by a deed made the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, in consideration of the sum of thirty-five pounds paid bj r or in behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the piece of laud hereinafter described Avas conveyed to Her Majesty by George Greathead: And in order further to promote the objects of the grant aforesaid it is expedient that the piece of land last mentioned be granted to the Superintendent of the said Mission: Now know ye, that we, for us. our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Beverend James Watkin, Superintendent of AVesleyan Missions aforesaid, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Toavii of AVellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of NeAV Zealand, containing one (1) rood or thereabouts, being part of the section number four hundred and fifty-seven (457) on the plan of tho said toAvn, bounded toAvards the north by other part of the said section granted to James Chappel five hundred (500) links, toAvards the south by other prtrt of the same section granted to William Miuifie five hundred (500) links, toAvards the east by AVellington Terrace fifty (50) links, and toAvards the Avest by the ToAvn Belt fifty (50) links, and Avhich said piece or parcel of land is more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in tho margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said James Watkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions for that Province of Ncav Zealand in which the Town of AVellington is situated, and his successors in such office, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toAvards the maintenance of the said school for flic education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof Aye have caused this our grant to be sealed with tho seal of our said territory. Witness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over said Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at Wellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this twentieth day of July, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twentieth day of July, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 68. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary aud Eegistrar.



D.—No. 1G

No. 15. (N. M., Mis., No. 53.) Grant for Catholic Industrial School at Wellington. Victoria, by the grace of God of tho United Kingdom of Groat Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a School has been established at AVellington, for the education of girls of tho Native and other races, under the superintendence of the Eoman Catholic Mission : And whereas it would promote the benevolent objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land towards the maintenance and support of the same: Noav know ye, that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Eight Beverend Phillip Joseph A 7iard, Eoman Catholic Bishop at Wellington, and to his successors in such office, all that piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of AVellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of NeAV Zealand, containing twenty-two and a quarter (22i) perches more or less, bounded toAvards the north by other part of the same section tAvo hundred and thirty-six (236) links, towards the east by Lambton Quay sixty-six (66) links, toAvards the south by other part of the same section one hundred and fifty (150) links, and one hundred and six (106) links respectively, and towards the Avest by AVellington Terrace fifty-four (54) links, the said boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said Phillip Joseph A riard, and to his successors Eoman Catholic Bishops at Wellington, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toAvards the maintenance and support of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof Aye have caused this our grant to bo sealed Avith the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the said Colony of NeAV Zealand and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this fifth day of October, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this fifth day of October, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 93. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 16. (N. M. Mis., No. 84.) Grant for Hospital at Petre Wanganui. A Tictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: AVhereas the allotments or parcels of land hereinafter particularly described and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed have been reserved as an endowment for the support of the Hospital for persons of all races, situated in the Toaau of Petre, in the District of AVanganui: Aud whereas it is expedient that the same be vested in five trustees to be from time to time appointed in manner following, that is to say, three by the Governor of NeAV Zealand, and two by the Superintendent or Officer administering the Government of the Province in AA'hich the ToAvn of Petre may be situated, any vacancies to be filled up as they occur by the original appointers of the trustees whose offices have become vacant: Noav know ye, that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the trustees and their successors so to be appointed as aforesaid, all that piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of Petre, in the District of AVanganui, in the Province of AVellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, containing four (4) acres more or less, being Town Sections numbered 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, and 533, on the plan of the said toAvn, bounded towards the north-east by Harrison Street eight hundred (800) links, towards the south-east by Town Sections numbers 525 and 522, five hundred (500) links, toAvards the south-Avest by Bell Street eight hundred (800) links, and toAvards the north-Avest by Plymouth Street five hundred (500) links; also all that piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of Petre aforesaid, containing three (3) acres and one (1) rood more or less, being ToAvn Sections numbered 474, 475, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, and 490 on the same plan, bounded towards the north-east by Tongariro Quay, five hundred (500) links, toAvards the south-east by Ingestre Street one hundred and seventy-four (174) links, and by Town Sections numbered 479, 478, 477, and 476, four hundred and forty (440) links, again towards the north-east by ToAvn Section number 476, one hundred and thirty-nine and a half (139|) links, and again towards the south-cast by Toaa'u Section number 473, two hundred and seventy (270) links, towards the south-Avest by ToAvn Section number 489, tAvo hundred and thirty-two and a half (232 J) links, and by Harrison Street four hundred aud sixty-five (465) links, and towards the north-west by Mathieson Street one thousand and seventy (1070) links; also all that piece or parcel of land situated in the ToAvn of Petre aforesaid, containing one (1) aero and one (1) rood more or less, being Town Sections numbered 127, 128, 129, 130, and 131 on the said plan, bounded towards tho north-east by ToAvn Sections numbers 125 and 126, four hundred (400) links, towards the southeast by Cameron Terrace tAA'o hundred and fifty (250) links, and by Toavu Section number 132, one hundred and tAventy-five (125) links, toAvards the south-Avest by the said section number 132, two hundred (200) links, and by Bell Street tAvo hundred (200) links, and toAvards the north-west by Greyton Street three hundred and seventy (370) links ; also all that piece or parcel of land situated in the Town of Petre aforesaid, containing one (1) acre and two (2) roods more or less, being ToAvn Sections numbers 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, and 139 on the said plan, bounded towards the north-east by 4



D.—No. 16.

Ball Street four hundred (400) links, towards the south-east by Cameron Terrace tAA ro hundred and fifty (250) links, and by ToAvn Sections numbers 137 and 140, two hundred and fifty (250) links, toAvards the south-Avest by Toavu Section number 137, tAvo hundred (200) links, and by Campbell Street two hundred (200) links, and toAvards the north-Avest by Greyton Street five hundred (500) links; also all that piece or parcel of land situated in tho District of AVanganui, in the IWn of AVellington aforesaid, containing four (4) acres and three (3) roods more or less, being Suburban Section numbered 3 on the plan of the said district, bounded toAvards the north-east by Tongariro Quay, tAvo hundred and thirty (230) links, and tAvo hundred and sixty (260) links, toAvards the south-east by Sydney Place nine hundred and forty-five (945) links, toAvards the south-Avest by Ball Street four hundred and forty (440) links, and toAvards the north-Avest by Liverpool Street one thousand one hundred (1100) links ; and also all that piece or parcel of land situated in the said District of AVanganui, containing three (3) acres and one (1) rood more or less, being Suburban Section numbered thirty-four on the plan of the said district, bounded toAA-ards tho north-east and south-east by Tongariro Quay, five hundred and forty-five (545) links, and five hundred and sixty (560) links respectively, towards the south-Avest by Ball Street four hundred and sixty (460) links, and toAvards the northwest by Sydney Place, eight hundred and sixty-fiA-e (865) links, the Avhole of the said boundaries being more particularly delineated in the plans draAvn in the margin of these presents, to hold unto the said trustees and their successors so to be appointed as aforesaid, in trust as an endoAvment for such hospital as aforesaid, and to pay and apply the rents, issues, and profits of the same for aud towards the maintenance and support of the said hospital, and with full poAA'er and authority to lease the said allotments or parcels of land or any part or parts thereof for any term not exceeding tAventy-one years upon such terms and conditions and in such manner in all respects as to the trustees for the time being shall seem best fitted to promote the efficient maintenance of the said institution. In testimony Avhereof avo have caused this our graut to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, in and over our said Colony of Ncav Zealand and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in NeAV Zealand aforesaid, this sixth day of October, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this sixth day of October, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 94. Alered Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 17. (N. M. Mis., No. 85.) Grant for College or School or Schools at Wellington. A rictoria, by tho grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth :To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : AVhereas the allotment or parcels of land herein after particularly described and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed have been marked out and distinguished on the charts of the New Zealand Islands as College and Grammar School, lands reserved as an endowment for or towards the maintenance and support of a College or Grammar School or Schools in the Province of AVellington, if tho funds suffice, or otherwise as an endoAvment for or towards the maintenance and support of such Grammar school or schools alone which college or schools are to be conducted ahvays on the folloAving principles : First, in addition to the usual course of education in the English language and mathematics, and in such other branches of learning as the trustees for the time being may direct, all students attending such college or school shall if they desire it receive instruction in tho Greek and Latin languages. Second, any Grammar Schools to be maintained or supported from this endoAvment upon all school days not being half holidays, shall so soon as tho necessary funds can be procured to defray the extra expenses consequeut upon such an arrangement be kept open for the purposes of instruction for such tAvo hours in the evening between the hours of six o'clock p.m. and ten o'clock p.m., as the trustees for the time being may direct. Third, persons of all classes or races Avho may inhabit this colony are to bo equally admitted to such college or schools. Fourth, such proportions of the students or scholars in the college or schools maintained or supported under this endoAvment shall be free scholars, as the trustees for the time being may deem compatible with the state of the funds of the trust: And Avhereas for the better management of the said College or Grammar School, reserved funds for the training of rules and regulations for tho management of the college or schools to be maintained or supported nnder this endoAvment, for the appointment of a visitor or visitors, for the appointment'or removal if they deem it requisite of a master or masters and other officers, and for other like purposes it is expedient, that the same be vested in trustees to be appointed and empoAvered in manner hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, First, one trustee shall be appointed by the Governor of Ncav Zealand, one by tho Superintendent of the Province of AVellington, one by the members of the Executive Council of New Zealand, one by the Speaker of the Provincial Council of the said Province of AVellington, and one by the Mayor of any future Corporation of Wellington, Avhenever such Corporation shall be established, and in tho meantime by the Superintendent of the Province of AVellington, all such appointments to be made by the said officers or other persons laAvfully acting in the same capacity and their successors in the offices aforesaid respectively. Second, the term of office of such trustee shall be ten years from the date of appointment of such trustee respeectively. Third, such trustees shall in all cases be eligible for reappointment upon the expiration of their respective terms of office. Fourth, in theeA'ent of any vacancy occurring in the office of any trustees from death, absence, incapacity, resignation, or refusal to act, such vacancy shall be filled up by the person



I).—No. 1(5.

or persons originally appointing such trustee. Fifth, in the event of any person or persons hereby cmpoAvered to appoint a trustee or trustees failing to do so for a period of six months from the date hereof or from the time when any vacancy may take place in the office of any such trustee, the Governor of Ncav Zealand for the time being shall appoint a trustee or trustees to fill the vacancy so existing or arising. Sixth, at any meeting of such trustees any three being present shall form a quorum, and all acts performed by a majority of such quorum shall be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes Avhatsoever : Noav knoAV ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the trustees to be appointed in manner and on the conditions as to the duration of office and re-appointment aforesaid and to their successors so appointed, all that piece or parcel of land situate in the ToAvn of AVellington in tho Province of Wellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, containing five (5) acres one (1) rood and thirty-two (32) perches or thereabouts, bounded toAvards the north-east by Hobson Street one thousand and tAventy (1020) links, toAvards tho south by Hospital land, toAvards the southwest by MolesAvorth Street one hundred and ninety-seven (197) links, toAvards the north-Avestby Tinakori Eoad, three hundred and eighty (380) links, thence b} r Hospital lands up to Hobson Street also all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Toavii of AVellington aforesaid, containing one (1) rood more or less, bounded toAvards the north by Lot IV, one hundred (100) feet, toAvards the east by Lambton Harbour one hundred and tAvelve (112) feet, and toAvards the Avest by Willis Street one hundred and tAvelve (12) feet; also all that piece or parcel of land situate in the ToAvn of AVellington aforesaid containing twenty-five (25) perches more or less, bounded toAvards the north by Lot II one hundred (100) feet, toAvards the south by Lot IA r one hundred (100) feet, toAvards the east by Lambton Harbour seventy (70) feet, toAA'ards tho Avest by "Willis Street seventy (70) feet; and also all that piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of AVellington aforesaid, containing five (5) acres more or less, bounded towards the north by Toavii Sections numbers 273 and 280, five hundred (500) links, and five hundred (500) links respectively, toAvards the east by Cambridge Terrace and Town Sections number 280, four hundred (400) links, and two hundred (200) links respectively, toAvards the south by Vivian Street one thousand (1000) links, and toAvards the Avest by Tory Street six hundred (600) links, all the boundaries of the said pieces or parcels of land being more particularly delineated on the plans draAvn in tho margin of these presents, together Avith the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said trustees to be appointed in manner and on conditions as to the duration of office and reappointment as aforesaid and to their successors so appointed for ever in trust, as an endoAA-ment for the maintenance of the said College or Grammar Schools to be conducted on the principles aforesaid, and Avith full poAvers to lease the said allotments or parcels of land or any part or parts thereof for any term not exceeding tAventy-one (21) years, upon such terms and conditions and in such manner in all sespects as to the trustees for the time being shall seem best fitted to promote the efficient maintenance of the said College or Grammar Schools, and to pay and apply the rents, issues, and proceeds for or toAvards the maintenance of the same, together Avith all tho hereinbefore recited poAvers with respect to the formation of a quorum and acts of a majority thereof, and for the management of the said institutions, for framing rules and regulations, and appointing visitors and removing masters and other officers required for the same. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. Witness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor aud Commander-in-Chief in and over our said Colony of NeAV Zealand and its Dependencies, at Wellington, in Ne\v Zealand aforesaid, this seventeenth day of October, iv the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this seventh day of October, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 97. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 18. (N. M. Mis., No. 8.) Grant for a College at Porirua. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : AVhereas a School is about to be established at Porirua, in the Province of NeAV Munster, NeAv Zealand, imder the superintendence of the Eight Beverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of Ncav Zealand, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And AA'hereas it would promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and toAvard the maintenance and support of the same, which piece or parcel of land has by a deed from the Natives been ceded for the support of the said school: Noav know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the said George Augustus, Bishop of Noav Zealand, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at the extrance of Porirua Harbour, in the Province of NeAV Munster, Ncav Zealand, and bounded on the southern side by a lino running from Bocky Bay, near Tcti Bay, at an angle of ninety-nine (99) degrees Avith the magnetic meridian till it intersects the base of the hills on the south side of the " One Poto" Creek, tho foot of the hills forming tho boundary from thence to the head of the creek, on the east by Porirua Harbour, and on the north aud Avest by the sea, the contents being five hundred (500) acres or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in the plan draAvn on the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toAvards the maintenance of the said school, so lonjr



D.—No. 10

as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be giren to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province. AVitness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of New Ulster and Ncav Munster, at AVellington, this twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-eighth day of December, 1850, in Eegister 1., folio 10. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 19. (N. M. Mis., No. 29.) Grant for Hospital Endowment at AVellington. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to AA-hom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas the allotments or parcels of land hereinafter particularly described and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed, have been marked out and distinguished on the charts of the Ncav Zealand Islands as Native Beserves in the Town of AVellington, at Port Nicholson, in the Province of NeAV Munster, as the site of and as an endoAvment for or toAvards the maintenance and support of a Hospital to bo erected thereon for the relief of tho sick of all classes of our subjects : And whereas for the better management of the said Beserves it is expedient that the same be vested in trustees, upon the trusts and with the poAvers hereinafter mentioned : Now knoAV ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto Alfred Domett, Esquire, Colonial Secretary, the Honorable Henry AVilliam Petre, Colonial Treasurer, Henry St. Hill, Esquire, Eesident Magistrate at Wellington, or others the person or persons for the time being respectively discharging the duties of the said offices, as the site of the Hospital, all that part of Eeserve numbered five hundred and eighty-four (584) ou the plan of the ToAvn of AVellington, not included in the grant previously made in favor of Alexander McDonald, as also that portion of five hundred and ninety-four (594) lying betAveen Moturoa Street and Toavu Acre number five hundred and ninety-five (595), and containing together one acre two roods and twenty-six perches (1 acre 2 roods 26 perches) or thereabouts, and as an endoAvment for the maintenance and support of the said Hospital all those portions of Beserves numbered five hundred and eighty (580), and five hundred and thirty-nine (539) not included in the before-mentioned grant to Alexander McDonald, and containing respectively three roods twelve perches (3 roods 12 perches), and three roods thirteen and a half perches (3 roods 13Aperches) or thereabouts ; also all that part of Eeserve numbered five hundred and fourteen (514) on the plan of the Town, colored red, and containing one acre three perches (1 acre 3 perches) or thereabouts ; also the Beserves numbered on the aforesaid plan of the Town six hundred and thirty-six (636) having a frontage to thcThiakori Eoad, and containing one acre thirtytwo perches (1 acre 32 perches) or thereabouts, also that part of five hundred and forty-five (545) situated in MolesAvorth Street, and containing one rood twenty perches (1 rood 20 perches) or thereabouts, also Eeserve number five hundred and seventy-four (574) containing one acre tAventy-four perches (1 acre 24 perches) orthereabouts; also those portions of Beserves numbered severally fivehundred and ninety-one (591), five hundred and ninety-two (592), six hundred and one (601), six hundred and two (602), and six hundred and five (605), colored red and containing four acres one rood and six perches (4 acres 1 rood and 6 perches) or thereabouts ; also those portions of BeserAes numbered six hundred and six (606), six hundred and seven (607), and six hundred and eight, (608) colored red, and containing two roods thirty-five perches (2 roods 35 perches) orthereabouts ; the Avhole of the above mentioned Beserves or parts of Beserves being more particularly delineated in the plan in the margin of this deed to hold the same in trust as an endoAvment for such hospital as aforesaid, and to pay and apply all rents, issues, and profits of the same for or towards the maintenance and support of said hospital and upon further trust to convey the said allotments or parcels of land unto such other person or persons either jointly Avith themselves or otherwise as the Governor of the Province of NeAV Munster shall from time to time in writing under his hand nominate, direct, or appoint, subject nevertheless to the trusts and Avith the powers herein expressed and declared of and concerning the same, and with full poAver aud authority to lease the said allotments or parcels of land or any part or parts thereof for any term not exceeding twenty-one (21) years, upou such terms and conditions and in such manner iv all respects as to the trustees for the time beiug shall seem best fitted to promote the efficient maintenance of the said institution. In testimony Avhereof Aye have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province of NeAV Munster. Witness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of New Munster, at AVellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this fifth day of NoA'ember, in the fifteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. (1.5.) G. Grey. No. 20. (N. M. Mis., No.) Alctoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas a School in connection with the Church of England has been established at Wellington, in



D.—No. IG.

the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of New Zealand: And whereas it would promote the object of the above institution, to set apart the piece or parcel of land whereon the Schoolhouse has been erected: Now know ye, that we, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Eight Keverend George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, being also Bishop of the Diocese in which the Town of Wellington is situated and to his successors Bishops of that Diocese, all that piece or parcel of laud situated in the Town of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, containing thirty-eight perches (38 perches) or thereabouts, bounded towards the north by Sydney Street one hundred and seventy-six (176) links, towards the west and south-east by other portions of the same section one hundred and ninety (190) links, and two hundred and fourteen (214) links respectively, and towards Sydney Street eighty-five (S5) links, the said boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan drawn on the margin of these presents, together with all the rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of°thc Diocese in which the Town of Wellington is situated, and to his successors the Bishops of that Diocese, in trust to permit the said land and all buildings thereon erected to be for ever used aud appropriated as and for a School-house and if necessary a School-master's House in connection with the Church of England. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knighb Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over our said Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at Wellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this thirteenth day of August, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. O-S.) G. Gket. Entered on record this thirteenth day of August, 1853, Eegistcr No. 1., folio 89. Alfbed Domett, Civil Secretary and Registrar.



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RETURN OF GRANTS OF LAND TO RELIGIOUS BODIES IN THE PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-16

Word Count

RETURN OF GRANTS OF LAND TO RELIGIOUS BODIES IN THE PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-16

RETURN OF GRANTS OF LAND TO RELIGIOUS BODIES IN THE PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, D-16