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D.—No. 16,

RETURN of all SPECIAL GRANTS in the PROVINCE of WELLINGTON, for Religious, Educational, and Charitable Purposes, wherein Natives are interested, showing the approximate value of Lands included in such Grants (where such could be ascertained.)


Acreage. Approximate Value. £ s. cl. For what Purpose Valuable. Remarks. Whether Purchased by the Crown for such Endowment, or otherwise, &c, &c. So. To whom Granted. Specified Purpose. Whew Situate. A. B. r. 1 2 3 Church Mission Ditto ditto Roman Catholic Bishop and Successors General education of children of all classes and races ditto ditto Otaki ditto Porirua Road, Wellington, sec. 38 Wellington (City) ac. 559 Otaki 396 68 108 2 30 2 35 0 0 Agriculture and grazing ditto ditto Ceded by Natives. No payment made that I am aware of. Ditto ditto. 75 acres of this section purchased by the Crown ; the remaining 25 acres Crown property was included in grant to Roman Catholic Bishop. Purchased by the Crown. £5 per acre 4 Ditto ditto Education of female children of all races, &c. Towards maintenance and support of said Mission ditto 1 0 0 Building 5 Church Mission 24 1 16 Building, agricultural, &c. Ceded by Native Chiefs for support of Mission. 6 7 Ditto ditto Bishop of New Zealand Industrial School, religious education and instruction in the English language Industrial (School, &c, for children of all races Wanganui(Putikiworranui) Wanganui, sub-sections 250 0 32 Ceded by Native Chiefs, Ac. Crown land. « Wesleyan Mission Wellington 73 1 22 £50 per acre A portion of the town belt of the City of Wellington. 52a. 2r. 37p. included in this grant had been previously conveyed to Kumutoto Natives by Colonel McCleverty. They subsequently sold to the Crown. The whole reserve, with the exception of 3 acres, has been purchased by the Provincial Government from the Wcsleyan body, at the rateof £"50 per acre. Ceded by Natives for such purpose. Bishop of New Zealand For a College for all races, &c, &e. 190 0 0 Agriculture and grazing General farm 9 10 Ditto ditto Wairarapa, Kaikokirikiri Papawai 400 0 0 500 400 0 0 0 0 Ditto ditto. ditto 11 12 13 Church Mission Ditto ditto Bishop of New Zealand General education of children of all races, &c. ditto Site for Church, in addition to land purchased by said Bishop ; free sittings for patients of all races in the Colonial Hospital Otaki ditto Wellington, part of ac. 542 33 62 0 3 0 0 0 0 17 purposes Agriculture and grazing ditto Building Ceded by Natives ; no payment made that I am aware of. Ditto ditto. This is the remaining portion of a Native Reserve acre, selected under N.Z. Company's arrangements of one-tenths of their purchases being reserved for the benefit of the Natives. The remaining piece of said acre is absorbed in a subsequent (to the selection for the Natives) award, known as " Tod's grant." Purchased by the Crown from George Greathead, for the purpose of access to land comprised in Wesleyan grant (No. 8). I understand that this land is not included in the sale of Wesleyan Reserve to the Provincial Government. li Wesleyan Mission In furtherance of objects of grants to Wcsleyans (see No. 8.) Wellington, part of ac. 157 o 1 0