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D.—No. 16.

No. 1. (N. M. Mis.,-No. 31.) Grant for a School at Otaki. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith aud so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas a School is about to be established at Otaki, in the Province of Ncav Munster, Ncav Zealand, under the superintendence of tho Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean: And Avhereas it Avould promote the objects of the said institution to set apart a certain piece or parcel of land in the neighbourhood thereof for the use and toAvards tho maintenance and support of the same : Noav know ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs, and successors, do hereby grant unto tho Venerable William Williams, Archdeacon of Whaiapa, tho A renerable Octavius Hadfield, Archdeacon of Kapiti, and the. Eeverend Eichard Taylor, of AVanganui, in trust for tho said Church Missionary Society, or in the event of the death or absence of any of the abovenamed trustees, then to such other trustees as may be by the Church Missionary Society appointed for that purpose, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Otaki, in the Province of New Munster, the boundary of which commences at a point distant 686 links from the junction of the west side of Te Eauparaha Street with Kiharoa Street, Town of Hadfield, Otaki, measured Avestward along the north side of the latter street, and runs at right angles to Kiharoa Street soutliAvard for 290 links, turning at right angles to this latter line it runs toAvards the Avest 185 links, then turning southward it forms an angle with tho magnetic meridian south-Avest ten degrees, and extends 4-10 links, from thence a lino bearing south-west 70 3- degrees (magnetic) forms the boundary for 3405 links, turning at the latter point south (magnetic) it extends 100 links to the Maringiaiwaa, along which stream it extends as the Avater flows (westward) 3797 links to its junction Avith the Mangapauri: crossing this latter stream it proceeds along the foot of the hills, the verge of the flat ground on the west side of tho Mangapauri, for 3590 links, Avhen it turns on a magnetic bearing north-east 11 1 degrees 7705 links to the Waitohu Stream, by Avhicli it extends toAvards its source eastAvard 4863 links, from thence it proceeds by a line bearing .south-cast 81$ degrees magnetic for 3153 links to the Mangapauri, turning AvestAvard it runs as the water Hoavs 2337 links to the fencing, by which it extends towards the north-east 960 links, and from thence by a line bearing south-east 65 degrees magnetic for 910 links, turning on a magnetic bearing south-west 11.} degrees it extends 1470 links to meet the continuation toAvards the west of the north side of Kiharoa Street, along the side of which slreet it extends 997 links to the starting point, on a bearing (magnetic) south-east 82 degrees, the contents being three hundred and ninety-six acres two roods and thirty perches (396 acres 2 roods and 30 perches) or thereabouts, and the boundaries being more particularly delineated in tho plan draAvn in the margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said AVilliam AVilliams, Octavius Hadfield, and Eichard Taylor, or their successors, as appointed by the said Church Missionary Society, in trust nevertheless and for the use and towards the maintenance and support of the said school, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall bo given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony Avdiereof avo have caused this our grant to bo sealed with tho seal of our said Province. AVitness our trusty and Avell beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor-in-Chief in and OA'er the Islands ot Ncav Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of New Ulster and New Munster, at Government House, AVellington, this fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this sixth day of February, 1852, in Eegister 1., folio 31. 1 Alfred Domett, Colonial Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 2. (N. M. Mis., No. 31.) Grant for a School at Otaki. A'ictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith and so forth: To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: AViiereas a School is about to be established at Otaki, in the Province of NeAV Munster, New Zealand, under tho superintendence of the Church Missionary Society, for the education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in