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D.—No. 10

as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be giren to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof we have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province. AVitness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, and Governor of the Provinces of New Ulster and Ncav Munster, at AVellington, this twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twenty-eighth day of December, 1850, in Eegister 1., folio 10. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 19. (N. M. Mis., No. 29.) Grant for Hospital Endowment at AVellington. Victoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to AA-hom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas the allotments or parcels of land hereinafter particularly described and intended to be hereby granted and conveyed, have been marked out and distinguished on the charts of the Ncav Zealand Islands as Native Beserves in the Town of AVellington, at Port Nicholson, in the Province of NeAV Munster, as the site of and as an endoAvment for or toAvards the maintenance and support of a Hospital to bo erected thereon for the relief of tho sick of all classes of our subjects : And whereas for the better management of the said Beserves it is expedient that the same be vested in trustees, upon the trusts and with the poAvers hereinafter mentioned : Now knoAV ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto Alfred Domett, Esquire, Colonial Secretary, the Honorable Henry AVilliam Petre, Colonial Treasurer, Henry St. Hill, Esquire, Eesident Magistrate at Wellington, or others the person or persons for the time being respectively discharging the duties of the said offices, as the site of the Hospital, all that part of Eeserve numbered five hundred and eighty-four (584) ou the plan of the ToAvn of AVellington, not included in the grant previously made in favor of Alexander McDonald, as also that portion of five hundred and ninety-four (594) lying betAveen Moturoa Street and Toavu Acre number five hundred and ninety-five (595), and containing together one acre two roods and twenty-six perches (1 acre 2 roods 26 perches) or thereabouts, and as an endoAvment for the maintenance and support of the said Hospital all those portions of Beserves numbered five hundred and eighty (580), and five hundred and thirty-nine (539) not included in the before-mentioned grant to Alexander McDonald, and containing respectively three roods twelve perches (3 roods 12 perches), and three roods thirteen and a half perches (3 roods 13Aperches) or thereabouts ; also all that part of Eeserve numbered five hundred and fourteen (514) on the plan of the Town, colored red, and containing one acre three perches (1 acre 3 perches) or thereabouts ; also the Beserves numbered on the aforesaid plan of the Town six hundred and thirty-six (636) having a frontage to thcThiakori Eoad, and containing one acre thirtytwo perches (1 acre 32 perches) or thereabouts, also that part of five hundred and forty-five (545) situated in MolesAvorth Street, and containing one rood twenty perches (1 rood 20 perches) or thereabouts, also Eeserve number five hundred and seventy-four (574) containing one acre tAventy-four perches (1 acre 24 perches) orthereabouts; also those portions of Beserves numbered severally fivehundred and ninety-one (591), five hundred and ninety-two (592), six hundred and one (601), six hundred and two (602), and six hundred and five (605), colored red and containing four acres one rood and six perches (4 acres 1 rood and 6 perches) or thereabouts ; also those portions of BeserAes numbered six hundred and six (606), six hundred and seven (607), and six hundred and eight, (608) colored red, and containing two roods thirty-five perches (2 roods 35 perches) orthereabouts ; the Avhole of the above mentioned Beserves or parts of Beserves being more particularly delineated in the plan in the margin of this deed to hold the same in trust as an endoAvment for such hospital as aforesaid, and to pay and apply all rents, issues, and profits of the same for or towards the maintenance and support of said hospital and upon further trust to convey the said allotments or parcels of land unto such other person or persons either jointly Avith themselves or otherwise as the Governor of the Province of NeAV Munster shall from time to time in writing under his hand nominate, direct, or appoint, subject nevertheless to the trusts and Avith the powers herein expressed and declared of and concerning the same, and with full poAver aud authority to lease the said allotments or parcels of land or any part or parts thereof for any term not exceeding twenty-one (21) years, upou such terms and conditions and in such manner iv all respects as to the trustees for the time beiug shall seem best fitted to promote the efficient maintenance of the said institution. In testimony Avhereof Aye have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said Province of NeAV Munster. Witness our trusty and well-beloved Sir George Grey, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief of our said Territory and its Dependencies, and Governor of our Province of New Munster, at AVellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this fifth day of NoA'ember, in the fifteenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. (1.5.) G. Grey. No. 20. (N. M. Mis., No.) Alctoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whereas a School in connection with the Church of England has been established at Wellington, in