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D.— No. 10.

No. 13. (N. M. Mis., No. 62.) Grant to the Lord Bishop. A Tictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth : To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting: Whereas by a Crown Grant bearing date the twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, the main portion of Toavii Acre number five hundred and forty-two (542), in the Town of Wellington, was granted to Alexander Todd. And whereas such portion of the said acre has been purchased by the Bishop of Noav Zealand, as a site for a Church, wherein it is intended that patients of the Colonial Hospital of AVellington. of all races, shall always be entitled to free sittings. And the said Bishop has applied for a Crown Grant of the residue of the said acre, in order to complete tho site aforesaid. And whereas the portion of the said acre so applied for is necessary to render tho portion purchased by the said Bishop available for the erection of the church aforesaid: Noav knoAV ye, that Aye, for us, our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Bight Beverend Father in God, George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, all that triangular piece or parcel of land, situate in Mulgrave Street, in the Toavii of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of New Zealand, being part of the said Town Acre number live hundred and forty-two (542), and comprising seventeen (17) perches, or thereabouts. Bounded on the north-cast by part of grant to A. Macdonald, lavo hundred and fifteen (215) links : on the south by part of Town section No. 541, one hundred and fwenty-four (124) links; and on the wesf by Mulgrave Street, one hundred and seventy-four (174) links ; the said boundaries being more particularly delineated on the plan drawn in the margin of these presents, together Avith all appurtenances I<> the said piece of land, or any part thereof belonging, to hold unto the said George Augustus, Lord Bishop of New Zealand, and his successors for eA-er, in trust to permit the said land and all buildings thereon creeled to be for ever appropriated and used as and for a site for a Church, and to maintain therein for ever free sittings for the use of patients of all races in tho Colonial Hospital, situated on Thorndon Flat, in tho Town of AVellington aforesaid. Iv testimony Avhereof aa c have caused this our grant to be sealed with the seal of our said territory. AVitness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over said ('olony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at AVellington, in NeAV Zealand aforesaid. this tAventieth day of July, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twentieth day of July, 1553, in Eegister I, folio 66. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary and Eegistrar. No. 14. (N. M. Mis., No. 64.) Grant to the Wesleyan Mission. A'ictoria, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, and so forth: To all to Avhom these presents shall come, greeting : Whsreas by letters patent dated the tAventy-scAenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, a certain piece of land therein described Avas granted to the Superintendent of AVeslc\an Missions for that Province of NeAV Zealand in Avhich the Toavii of AVellington is situated for the maintenance of an Industrial School: And whereas by a deed made the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, in consideration of the sum of thirty-five pounds paid bj r or in behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, the piece of laud hereinafter described Avas conveyed to Her Majesty by George Greathead: And in order further to promote the objects of the grant aforesaid it is expedient that the piece of land last mentioned be granted to the Superintendent of the said Mission: Now know ye, that we, for us. our heirs and successors, do hereby grant unto the Beverend James Watkin, Superintendent of AVesleyan Missions aforesaid, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Toavii of AVellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Islands of NeAV Zealand, containing one (1) rood or thereabouts, being part of the section number four hundred and fifty-seven (457) on the plan of tho said toAvn, bounded toAvards the north by other part of the said section granted to James Chappel five hundred (500) links, toAvards the south by other prtrt of the same section granted to William Miuifie five hundred (500) links, toAvards the east by AVellington Terrace fifty (50) links, and toAvards the Avest by the ToAvn Belt fifty (50) links, and Avhich said piece or parcel of land is more particularly delineated on the plan draAvn in tho margin of these presents, together with the rents, issues, and proceeds thereof, to hold unto the said James Watkin, Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions for that Province of Ncav Zealand in which the Town of AVellington is situated, and his successors in such office, in trust nevertheless and for the use and toAvards the maintenance of the said school for flic education of children of our subjects of all races, and of children of other poor and destitute persons being inhabitants of islands in the Pacific Ocean, so long as religious education, industrial training, and instruction in the English language shall be given to the youth educated therein or maintained thereat. In testimony whereof Aye have caused this our grant to be sealed with tho seal of our said territory. Witness our trusty and Avell-beloved Sir George Grey, a Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over said Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, at Wellington, in New Zealand aforesaid, this twentieth day of July, in the seventeenth year of our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. (1.5.) G. Grey. Entered on record this twentieth day of July, 1853, in Eegister 1., folio 68. Alfred Domett, Civil Secretary aud Eegistrar.