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E.—No. 10.


[Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 9th Beeember, 1864.] That there be laid on the Table of this House—" A Eeturn of all Sums expended for Native Purposes in Salaries, Presents, Loans, or otherwise, from Ist July, 1862; distinguishing (if possible) between -Rebel, Neutral, and Friendly Natives, and showing by whose authority each sum was expended in continuation of the Eeturn (E. No. 12) made to an Order of the House, 24th July, 1862." (Mr. Colenso.) WELLINGTON. 1865.

E.—No. 10.


FINANCIAL YEAR 1862-3. Native Purposes—G-ettekal. Advertising, Printing, and Stationery — Native Minister's Department. Salaries — Native Minister's Department. £ s. d. July. H. Halse . . . 29 3 4 „ Monro and department. . 56 13 4 ,, Friend and others . . 66 1 8 Aug. J. E. Young . . .13 3 „ H. Halse . . . 29 3 4 „ Monro and department. . 56 13 4 Hicks . . .200 „ Young . . . 0 5 10 „ Friend and others . . 45 5 0 „ White . . . 20 16 8 Sept. Halse and others . . 85 16 8 „ Friend and others . . 45 0 0 „ White . . . 20 16 8 Oct. Young . 1 10 6 „ Halse and others . . 85 16 8 „ Friend and others . . 45 5 0 Nov. Halse and department . . 85 16 8 „ Friend and others . . 45 0 0 „ White and others . . 37 5 0 Nov., Dec. Young . .400 Dec. Halse and others . . 85 16 8 „ Friend and others . . 45 5 0 » White . . . 18 15 0 „ C. Vickers . . . 15 10 0 July to Dec. Halse and others, back pay 301 12 6 „ White, do. . 25 0 0 Dec. Maunsell . . .408 Jan. Halse and department . . 197 18 4 ,, White . . . 22 18 4 „ Vickers and Plimpton . . 33 6 8 „ T. McDonald. . . 3 12 6 „ MaunseU . . . 12 10 0 Feb. Halse and department . . 197 18 4 „ White . . . 22 18 4 ,, Vickers and another . . 33 6 8 T. McDonald . .650 „ Young . . .280 Mar. Halse and others . . 197 18 4 „ White . . . 22 18 4 „ Vickers and another . . 31 4 8 April. Halse and others . . 222 18 4 „ White . . . 22 18 4 ,, Vickers and another . . 31 4 8 May. Halse and department . . 197 18 4 „ White . . . 22 18 4 „ Vickers and another . . 41 12 8 June. Halse and department . . 197 18 4 „ Vickers and others . . 41 12 8 May, June. J. E. Gorst . . 91 13 4 „ E. W. Puckey . .820 T. A. White . . 22 18 4 Jan., Feb. Plimpton (arrears of pay) 5 0 0 June. Fulloon, ditto 10 0 0 £ s. d. Aug. 8. J. Taylor, binding . 0 12 6 July, Sept. Wilson, advertising . 16 12 2 Oct., Nov. Ditto, printing . 0 19 6 Sept., Dec. Varty, stationery . .220 Mar. G-. T. Chapman, indices, &c. . 0 11 G Mar. Qr. Wilson, printing . .749 „ Wayte, stationery . . 10 12 2 July, Nov. Creighton and Co., advertising 3 8 0 April. Wilson, printing . . 20 6 2 June. Watt, seal . . .10 0 „ Chapman, stationery . 3 12 6 Oct. Phillipson, gum . .040 Apl., May. Halse, paid for binding, &c. . 6 10 5 July. S. Jackson, printing . .15 0 May. P. Kunst, ditto . 2 14 6 Jan., Feb. Wilson, advertising . 1 16 6 79 11 8 Native Minister's (Contingencies) Department. July. Booth, firewood . .330 Aug. Evitt, repairing despatch box . 0 15 0 July. Newman, candles . .14 3 July, Sept. Dawson, carpentery . 11 9 6 Nov. Clark and Son, matting . 14 0 Sept., Oct. Booth, firewood . 5 18 0 Nov. Butcher, sweeping chimneys . 0 12 0 „ Halliday, table fittings . 4 11 6 Dec. Halse, repairs, &c. . 2 11 3 Jan. Thorpe, carpentery . . 54 9 6 Dec. Halse, paid for water can . 0 6 0 Jan. H. Probert, tables and chairs . 1 14 0 Feb. Porter, fireproof safe . . 18 2 6 Jan. Cotter, removal of ofiice furniture 1 10 0 Dec, Jan. Cook, office furniture . 10 4 0 June. B. McDonald, firewood . 1 11 0 May, June. Kelly, coals . .580 Aug. '62 to ") Clark and Son, table covers Jan. '63. j for offices . .502 July. Halse, candles, washing, &c. . 0 13 3 130 6 11 Inspector of Schools Department. July. Taylor and Brown, Inspector and Messenger . . . 46 13 4 Aug. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 Sept. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 Oct. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 Nov. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 Dec. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 Jan. Ditto ditto. ditto . 46 13 4 2,961 11 7

E.-No. 10.



£ s. d. Feb. Taylor and Brown, Inspector and messenger . . . 46 13 4 Mar. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 April. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 May. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 June. Ditto ditto, ditto . 46 13 4 £ s. d. Jan. Mackay, passage from Nelson . 35 0 0 „ I.C.K.M.O, passages . .700 „ Feb. Morrin and Co., provisions .236 8 11 ,, Cooke, ditto . . . 4 17 3 „ Eussell, entertainment . . 7 IS 0 „ Feb. N. Eeid, entertainment . 5 0 0 Feb. Hobbs, ditto . . 55 0 0 „ Hardington, van hire . . 2 10 6 Oct. I. C. E. M. Co., bedding for M. te Whiwhi . . o 15 0 „ H. T. Clarke, presents . . 15 0 0 Jan., Feb. Somerville, provisions . 23 4 5 Mar. Morrin and Co., ditto . 12 13 4 „ Buckland, dray . . 14 2 6 „ Clark and Son, shawls . .990 April. Morrin and Co., provisions . 6 13 7 May. T. Tunui, ditto . 4 6 0 „ W. Kukutai ditto . 3 2 9 „ Wallis, entertainment . . 4 15 0 Jan. Hardington, van hire . 0 18 0 Mar. qr. Young, ditto . . 22 15 0 Feb. Waters, conveyance, Native to Auckland . . . 1 10 8 Dec, Feb^ Watt, engraving seals for Natives . . .280 Dec. to June. Halse, paid for sundry presents . . . 16 1 0 May. Morrin and Co., provisions . 7 4 0 Jan. to June. Hobbs, entertainment . 117 12 0 June. Boyd, sails for Native vessel . 38 6 0 Jan. D. Graham and Co., blankets . 0 18 0 June. Eeid, entertainment . . 1 10 0 „ Kirkwood, passages . .600 „ Furley, provisions . .383 April. Edmonds, passages . .600 June. Halse, ditto . . 3 15 0 Jaii. Clark and Son, clothing . 14 8 9 „ Bates, van hire . . 1 17 6 June. Morrin and Co., provisions . 21 14 1 „ Hobbs, entertainment . 8 16 0 J. Mill, ditto . . .700 Feb. to June. Young, van hire . 10 8 0 560 0 0 Contingencies. July. Booth, firewood . . 1 11 6 Oct. Taylor, travelling expenses . 4 15 3 Sept. Dawson, presses . .700 Nov. to Jan. Taylor, travelling expenses 53 0 0 Dec. Ditto, freight, &c. .770 Feb. Mar. Leighton, paper, <__. . 0 14 0 Mar. Aprl. Taylor, travelling expenses . 19 11 6 Mar. Ditto, passage of teacher . 10 0 94 19 3 Presents and Entertainment to Natives. July. Morrin and Co., provisions . 18 14 8 „ Aug. Smith Brothers, boots . 24 16 0 „ Porter, bedsteads . . 16 0 0 „ Williams, passages . 0 15 0 Sept. Owners of " St. Kilda," passages . 10 0 July. J. Darroch, passages . 0 15 0 „ Bussell, entertainment . .10 0 Aug. Morrin and Co., provisions . 8 6 0 Sept. Ditto ditto . 6 15 8 Oct. Eussell, entertainment . .390 Aug. Hardington, van hire . .220 Oct. Te Keene, travelling expenses . 2 10 0 „ Taiwhanga, services rendered . 10 0 0 Nov. J. Eogan, present to Pumipi . 2 0 0 „ Komene, present . o 16 0 July. Hicks, spectacles . 0 14 6 Oct. Morrin and Co., provisions . 25 8 8 „ I.E.C.E.M.O., passages . . 21 0 0 „ Kukutai, entertainment . 3 14 0 Dec. W. Tomairangi, present 10 0 0 Te Huru, ditto . .500 Nov. Clark and Son, clothing . 1 10 6 „ T. Eogan, thrashing machine for Te Hapuku . . 91 12 6 „ Owners " Tasmanian Maid" passages 2 5 0 Sept. Bell, Hon. F. D., boat hire for Natives . . .10 0 Oct., Dec. Young, van hire . . 11 11 0 Dec. Mete Kingi, travelling expenses from Wanganui . 8 15 0 Nov. Morrin and Co., provisions . 16 19 5 Aug. Beeson, entertainment . .918 Dec. Hobbs, ditto . . . 76 8 0 Jan. T. Wheoro, present . 30 0 0 „ N orris, passages . . 34 0 0 Dee. Halse, ditto . . .10 0 Nov. Powell, ditto . . . 9 15 0 Jan. Te Wheoro, van hire . .220 Nov. Hardington, ditto . .326 „ Furley, provisions . .258 Nov. to Dec. Creighton and Co., advertising for Natives . .576 Jan. Halse, present, &c. . .640 Sept. Murray, saddlery . .800 Jan. T. W. Sullivan, blankets . 3 4 0 Feb. Keesing, flag . . 0 16 0 Jan. Eattray, clothing . 5 2 6 Feb. Keesing, saddlery . . 10 12 0 Dec. Selby, provisions . . 3 10 0 „ Morrin, ditto . . . 25 2 9 i Feb. Halse, entertainment . . 10 2 0 i ,. Hobbs, ditto . . . 115 16 0 , Jan. Kirkwood, passages . 12 0 0 1,112 1 6 Native Hostelry. July. Ihaka . . . 6 12 10 Aug. Ditto . . '_ 6 12 10 Sept. Ditto . . .68.7 Oct. Ditto . . 0 12 lo Nov. Ihaka and Hobbs . . 14 15 3 Dec. Ihaka . . . 6 12 10 „ to 1st July to 31st Dec, Hobbs (salary and arrears) . .2768 Jan. Ihaka and Hobbs . . is 2 6 Feb. Ditto ditto . . 17 0 0 Mar. Ditto ditto . . 18 2 6 April. Ditto ditto 17 15 0 May. Ditto ditto . . is 2 0 June. Ditto ditto . . 17 15 0 Aug., Sept., Oct. John Hobbs . . 25 0 0 206 19 4 Contingencies, Native Hostelry. June, July. Booth and Co., firewood . 2 15 0 Dec. Halliday, mattrasses for Hobbs' house . . . 10 0 0 „ E. Porter, iron and tin ware . 13 7 Oct. Firth and Co., firewood . .19 0 Sept., Dec. Booth and Co., firewood . 3 8 9 Jan. Feb. Ditto ditto . 10 13 1 May. Harvey and Gilberd, carpentery . 5 0 0

E.— No. 10.



£ s. d. L £ s. d. Feb., May. Booth and Co., firewood . 2 15 0 May, June. McDonald, ditto . 1 17 6 0 Mar. Williams, cartage . 0 12 6 6 „ l.C.R.M. Co., passage Captain Bulkeley . . .550 1 Feb. W. Miller, cartage . .10 0 Mar. J. White, travelling expenses . 40 9 0 April. l.C.R.M. Co., passage Hon. F. D. Bell, &c. . . . io 10 0 „ Ditto, ditto ditto . 5 5 0 Mar., April. Fulloon, travelling expenses 26 13 0 „ Hardington, horse hire, &c. 49 11 6 . April, May. Hoben, ditto . 8 10 0 Jan. to June. Halse, travelling expenses. 38 14 5 Mar. Ditto, ditto . 13 0 3 April, May. T. A. White, ditto . 33 11 8 May. J. Fulloon, ditto . 8 12 6 . May, June. J. Rogan, ditto . 10 10 0 May. Hardington,carriage and horse hire 12 3 0 ' May, June. Hoben, horse hire . 10 10 0 April, May. W. J. Hunt, travelling expenses . . .356 June. N. Reid, dog cart . .10 0 May. Webster, passage, Mr. Gorst, from Taranaki . . .400 „ J. Fulloon, travelling expenses . 10 3 9 June. Hoben, horse hire . 2 10 0 May. Monro, travelling expenses . 0 15 0 June. Hardington, horse and van hire . 2 17 6 March. M. P. Taui, expenses carrying despatches . . 10 0 0 March, April. W. J. Young, travelling expenses . , .700 June. Halse, travelling expenses . 6 16 Jan., Feb. J. S. Rust, horse keep . 7 3 7 June. White, travelling allowance . 9 17 6 39 1 11 Maori Newspaper. July. C. O. Davis . . . 25 0 0 Aug. ditto . . . 25 0 0 Sept. ditto . . . 25 0 0 Oct. ditto . . 25 0 0 Nov. ditto . . . 25 0 0 Dec. ditto . . 25 0 0 Jan. ditto . . . 25 0 0 Feb. ditto . . . 25 0 0 Mar. ditto . . . 25 0 0 May. ditto . . 25 0 0 June. ditto . . . 25 0 0 275 0 0 Contingencies July, Aug., Sept. Wilson, printing . 61 2 3 Oct. Ditto, ditto .410 Dec. Ditto, ditto . 61 9 G Feb., Mar. Ditto, ditto . 33 15 0 June qr. Ditto, ditto . 36 5 0 199 13 8 Travelling Allowance, Expenses, Sfc. July to Sep. Halse, freight, cartage, vanhire, &c. . . .1 is o Sept. T. A. White, forage . . 4 15 1 Oct. Ditto, travelling expenses . 2 17 6 „ Ditto, forage . .334 „ J. Fulloon, travelling expenses . 10 18 6 Nov. Hobbs, ditto . . 16 17 0 Dec. Nicholas, ditto . 8 15 0 Nov. T. A. White, shoeing horse, and forage . . .490 Aug., Sept. Powell, passages, carting,&c.. 15 0 Dec. Fulloon, travelling expenses . 9 0 6 „ C. H. Brown, ditto . 4 1 10 „ T. A. White, ditto . 4 12 0 „ C. H. Brown, ditto . 2 10 0 „ S. H. Bates, ditto . 9 17 6 „ W. N. Searancke, ditto . 19 4 0 Sept. to Dec. Hardington, horse hire . 5 12 0 I Jan. Manihera, travelling expenses . 4 5 0 Feb. T. A. White, ditto . . 7 6 7 i Jan. Ditto, ditto . . 5 10 0 Nov. Clark, ditto . .890: Feb. J. Mackay, jun., passage from Nei- I 674 9 2 Can Boats " Caroline" and "Avon." July. Marks and crew, pay, " Caroline " 29 0 0 „ Ditto, rations, ditto . . 12 8 0 „ Lillewall and Co., spars, &c, ditto 11 19 2 „ Couch, candles, &c, ditto . 110 Aug. Marks and crew, pay, ditto .4180 July. Blakey, gaff, ditto ' . 0 12 6 „ Rolton, stove, ditto . . 4 10 0 „ Boylan, earthenware, ditto . 3 18 2 Sept. Buchanan, barometer, ditto . 3 10 0 July. Keeley, chart cases, ditto . 1110 Oct. Marks and crew, pay and allowances, ditto . . 41 8 0 Nov. Kelly, coals, ditto . . (i 0 0 Oct. Lillewall and Co., candles, ditto . 110 Nov. Marks and crew, pay and allowances, ditto . . 41 0 0 Dec. W. Spencer, carpentery . 8 0 0 „ Marks and crew, pay and allowances, ditto . 41 g o Nov. Blakey, foremast, ditto . 11 17 o Jan. Harris, painting, " Avon" 27 15 0 „ Marks and crew, pay and allowances, " Caroline" . . 41 g 0 „ Lillewall and Co., stores, ditto . 8 3 10 Feb. Cruickshank and Co., stove, ditto 8 10 0 „ Cook, supplies, " Avon" . 36 6 a „ Marks and crew, pay, &c, " Caro- *. e" . . . 40 4 0 „ Reid, board, engineer, " Avon " . 6 10 0 „ D. Hutchinson, carpentery, ditto 178 10 8 „ C. A. Harris, stores, ditto .110 4 4 Jan. E. Porter, cable, ditto . . 15 16 4 Sept. Marks and crew, pay, &c, " CaroKne" . . . 41 0 0 8on. • ■ . 7 15 0 ; Oct. Nov. Ditto, travelling expenses . 4 5 0 Feb. Owners " Tasmanian Maid," pas- ] sages (Wangarei case) . 40 0 0 „ Halse, passages (Wangarei case) . 6 10 0 „ Coombes and Co., ditto, ditto . 36 0 0 j Dec. Hardington, dog cart . .10 0, Jan. Powell, cartage . .16 6 „ Owners of " St. Kilda," passages (Wangarei case) . .900 Jan., Feb. Owners of " Annie Laurie " ] passages (Wangarei case) . 21 10 0 Jan. l.C.R.M. Co., passage, Hon. W. Mantell . . . 13 0 0 Nov. N. lteid, dog cart . .10 0 Dec. Sinclair, travelling expenses . 9 7 6 Mar. Monro, ditto . 6 11 0 Feb., Mar. J. Eogan, ditto . . 24 10 0 .1 „ P. Kawau, ditto . . 11 5 0 S Feb. T. A. White, forage and shoeing . 3 15 8 „ T. C. Hallimore, dog cart . 10 0 Dec. to Mar. Hunt, travelling expenses . 117 0 574 10 8

E.—No. 10.



General Contingencies. Arrears paid during Financial Year ended 30th June, 1863. £ s. d. July. T. A. White, erecting stable . 2 10 0 Sep. qr. Officers Commanding G5th Regt., wages boat's crew, Waikato . 21 17 0 Aug. C. Saunderson, survey on work at Hobbs' . . .110 Sep. G. T. Chapman, stationery for Assessors . . .240 Oct. H. Halse, sundry disbursements . 6 5 0 Jan. Ditto, gratuity to pilot's crew . 2 0 0 Dec. qr. Officers Commanding 65th Regt., wages pay boat's crew, Waikato 21 4 0 Nov. Aubrey, carriage of letters . 1 10 0 Dec. R. G. Fountain, paid for Jervis' Acts 10 0 Sept. Lowe and Motion, bags for packing (arbitration case, Wangarei) . 0 15 0 Dec. " Tasmanian Maid," charter of . 100 0 0 „ Ditto, provisions (Natives on board) 12 5 0 Jan. Manihera and another, provisions. 6 8 8 „ Wi Te Wheoro, expenses Governor's visit to Ngaruawahia. . 46 5 6 „ Oldfield, food for Natives travelling with His Excellency . . 21 14 2 „ Selby, accommodation for His Excellency . . . 13 19 0 „ Kempthorne, survey Native reserve, Papakura . . . 19 19 0 Feb. Walton, allowance Wangarei arbitration case . . 100 0 0 Heath, ditto . . 50 0 0 „ J. G. Johnson, services ditto . 61 12 6 „ Te Hemara, ditto ditto . 25 0 0 „ Ernero, ditto ditto . 25 0 0 Mar. Secretary Vaccine Board, donation 100 0 0 Jan. E. Porter, implements for Natives, Wangarei . 6 13 6 Feb. H. Halse, purchase allotments at Maungatawihiri . . 592 5 0 Mar. Capt. Sullivan, entertainment to Government officials on board H.M.S. " Harrier" . . 21 0 0 „ Officers Commanding 65th Regt., pay boat's crew, Waikato . 21 5 9 Nov. to Jan. G. T. Chapman, stationery for Native officers . . 23 0 0 May. Cruickshank and Co., handcuffs . 3 15 0 June. Halse, freight . . 7 15 0 June qr. Officer Commanding 65th Regt., pay of boat's crew, Waikato . 21 12 3 „ Bishop of New Zealand, excess of allowance under N. S. Act . 22 11 2 Native Minister's Department. 1862. £ 8 . d . Mar. to May. Varty, stationery . 3 9 0 Jan. Ditto, ditto . .407 7 9 7 Presents and Entertainment lo Natives. 1860. Nov. Mackay and Co., rice . . 10 10 0 1862. May. T. H. Smith, present to Ngatiawa . 100 0 0 June. Ditto, ditto of seed wheat 30 0 0 Feb. Connor and Co., saddle for Ta Kerei te Rau . . . 3 16 6 1861. Nov. Keesing, clothing . 2 14 0 147 0 6 Maori Newspaper. 1861. Oct. to Jan. D. Burn, salary . . 35 0 0 Miscellaneous. Mar. Murray, saddlery . 2 13 6 Jan. to April. Toung, van hire . 12 8 0 June 18. H. T. Clark, travelling expenses 3 10 0 Feb. Harsant, ditto . 2 10 0 „ Clendon, expenses, General Cameron at Bay of Islands . 40 5 0 „ White, travelling expenses . 9 11 0 1862. Jan. to June. T. H. Smith, pension to Native . . .500 75 17 6 Native Purposes—Local. Arrears paid during Financial Year ended 30th June 1863. 1861. July to Dec. P. Puhata, salary . 6 0 0 1862. Oct. to Jan. H. Papita, ditto . . 7 10 0 Feb. 1, June 30. H. Turton, travelling 1,936 18 8 Interpreters to Forces — Salaries to Officers. 1st April to 31st July. H. S. Bates . 64 1 0 July. T. A. White . . . 18 15 0 Aug. White and another . . 27 1 8 Sept. White . . . 18 15 0 Aug. Sept. H. S. Bates . . 32 0 6 Oct. Nov. Ditto . . 32 0 6 Dec. Jan. Ditto . . . 32 11 0 Feb. May. Ditto . 63 0 0 June. Ditto . 15 15 0 Oct. T. A. White . . . 18 15 0 expenses . . . 20 16 8 Jan. 1. Te Hapuku, pension . . 30 0 0 Mar. qr. Taraia, ditto . .500 Mar. to June. Gorst, salary . . 116 13 4 June. Newman and Co., inkstands . 0 6 0 April. Shepherd, travelling allowance . 6 5 0 Mar. and June qrs. T. H. Smith, departmental . . .755 io 10 April. W. B. Baker, boat hire . 3 10 0 June. T. H. Smith, food . .900 „ Taniwha, salary . . 1 16 8 „ Heta Pumipi . . 0 17 10 Dec. J. White, tarpaulin . 0 10 0 Jan. to June. Manihera, balance of salary 10 0 0 June qr. T. H. Smith, assessor's salary . 52 10 0 „ Armitage, departmental . 436 13 0 „ Buller,plans of Kaiapoi Reserve 6 6 0 1858 to 1862. Trustees Gundry's Estate, drugs . . . 209 7 1 June. Rawiri te TJa, salary . 0 8 11 „ J. E. Gorst, departmental . 112 10 0 „ McGregor, R.M., Raglan, ditto . 85 14 4 „ Ditto, roads . 6 17 0 „ Ditto, departmental 20 0 0 Feb., 1862. Aubrey, present to Manihera 3 10 0 Mar., June qr. Apihau te Kawau, salary 25 0 0 June qr. T. H. Smith, departmental . 81 9 2 322 14 8 Native Minister. Aug. to Nov. Hon. F. D. Bell . 319 17 10 Dec. to Feb. Ditto . . . 250 0 0 Mar. to May. Ditto . . 250 0 0 June. Ditto . . . 83 6 8 903 4 0 2,014 1 10

E.—No. 10.



Natite Pueposes—-General. Recapitulation. Salaries—Native Minister's Department Advertising, Printing, and Stationery—Native Minister's Department Contingencies—Native Minister's Department Inspector of Schools Department Contingencies . Presents and Entertainment to Natives Native Hostelry ••.... Contingencies—Native Hostelry Maori Newspaper ..... Contingencies . . Travelling Allowance, Expenses, &c. Gun Boats " Caroline " and " Avon " General Contingencies .... Interpreters to Forces —Salaries to Officers Native Minister ..... Arrears paid during Financial Year ended 30th June, 1863 — Native Minister's Department Presents and Entertainment to Natives . Maori Newspaper .. Miscellaneous .... Native Pueposes—Local :—Arrears paid during Financial Year ended 30th June, 1863 £ s. d. 2,961 11 7 79 11 8 130 6 11 560 0 0 94 19 3 1,412 1 6 206 19 4 39 1 11 275 0 0 199 13 3 674 9 2 574 10 8 1,362 8 0 322 14 8 903 4 6 7 9 7 147 0 6 35 0 0 75 17 6 2,014 1 10 Total Native Purposes General 12,076 1 10 Native Purposes — Local. Locality. Clothing and Uniforms. Drugs. Salaries. Miscellaneous Contingencies. Pensions. Travelling Expenses. Totals. Auckland Bay of Islands Bay of Plenty . Canterbury East Cape Hawke's Bay Lower AVaikato . Nelson Otago . Raglan Southland Taupo Thames Taranaki Upper AVaikato, including' Otawhao School AVangarci Waiuku AVellington . AVanganui . £ s. d. 15 18 0 111 12 0 260 12 0 £ s. d. 274 16 11 30 12 3 £ s. d. 87 10 0 4,646 8 3 2,259 15 10 100 2 8 1,062 16 8 2,071 2 8 342 8 2 207 2 0 247 16 1 970 4 10 17 19 6 601 12 6 800 10 6 1,584 13 8 £ s. d. i 629 8 6 341 13 11 2,360 1 10 325 18 0 198 5 10 341 15 1 22 2 6 I. £ s. 3257 10 L 10 0 _ d. 0 0 . £ s. d. ) 96 18 6 )110 18 1 25 0 0 £ s. d. 103 8 0 6,016 14 2 3,013 12 1 2,485 4 6 1,451 13 2 2,386 17 9 739 15 3 240 19 6 247 16 1 2,238 5 3 17 19 6 894 6 8 891 1 0 2,178 16 0 33 2 0 29 16 6 26 12 0 1 12 0 ) 54 6 0 ) ) 30 0 I 0 ) 60 17 3 I 11 15 0 66 0 0 12 15 0 1,139 5 5 » 50 0 0 k » 63 17 0 4 10 0 24 12 11 2 19 6 80 10 0 197 19 3 58 1 0 513 12 4 I l 25 0 0 6 5 0 209 11 2 22 6 0 9 9 0 69 7 11 294 15 5 120 19 11 2,551 8 0 243 14 3 1,062 0 4 2,638 6 8 1,719 17 0 1,093 14 11 51 4 2 2 4 6 1,275 19 1 230 6 3i 36 9 0 3,913 9 1 304 7 5 1,208 3 6 4,594 11 0 2,593 18 8 48 10 9 4 0 50 0 367 10 0 0. o 22 0 0 335 9 10 63 11 6 91 14 0 Native Pi |959 6 ll| rposes Gen 11,001 5 4| leral 23,215 9 _ 8,781 12 _ |794 0 |769 4 2 35,520 18 7 12,076 1 10 To ital Expended. 1862-3 :47,597 0 s FINANCIAL FEAR 1863-4. Natite Pueposes—Geneeal. £ s. d. Salaries — Native Minister's Department. £ s. d. July. Departmental . . 197 18 4 „ J. Fulloon . . .368 „ T. A. White . . . 22 18 4 „ E. W. Puckey . .650 „ Moore and others . . 53 4 8 July, Aug. Nicholas . . .14 2 Aug. Departmental . . 242 18 4 „ Moore and others . . 49 12 8 „ T. A. White . . . 22 18 4 Sept. E. W. Puckey . .650 Sept. Departmental „ T. A. White . „ Young and Moore Oct. Departmental „ Vickers and Young Sept., Oct. E. AV. Puckey Nov. Departmental „ Vickers and Young „ R. E. Plimpton „ E. AV. Puckey Dec. Departmental . 242 18 4 . 22 18 4 . 20 16 0 . 282 12 1 . 31 12 8 . 25 0 0 . 267 1 8 . 30 16 8 . 8 6 8 . 12 10 0 . 207 10 0

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£ s. d. Dec. T. A. White . . . 52 1 2 „ Young, Vickers, and Tyler . 30 8 0 Oct 1 to Dec. 31. _ G. Moore . 31 12 0 Dec. E. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 Jan., 1864. Departmental . . 175 0 0 „ R. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 P. G. Moore . . . 10 8 0 „ E. Young . . . 0 16 0 „ Young, Vickers, &c. . . 30 8 0 T. A. White and others . 52 1 8 Feb. Departmental . . 175 0 0 „ R. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 Jan. 18 to Feb. 29. Vickers and Young . 20 0 0 „ W. B. Baker . . . 36 5 9 Feb. White and Puckey . . 35 8 4 „ T. A. White . . . 4 2 10 Mar. Departmental . . 175 0 0 R. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 „ Mitai P. Taui . 0 16 8 „ Young and Vickers . . 21 12 0 „ White and others . . 56 5 0 Feb. James Fulloon . . 16 13 4 Jan. Feb. — Puckey. . .868 Mar. W. B. Baker . . . 25 0 0 „ T. A. White . . .486 April. Departmental . . 175 16 8 „ R. E. Plimpton . . 16 18 4 „ Young and Vickers . . 20 16 0 Jan. 1 to April 30. T. E. Young . 8 8 0 April. Baker and others . . 65 0 0 „ T. A. White : . .458 May. Departmental . . 188 6 8 „ R. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 „ S. C. Vickers . . 10 8 0 „ James Fulloon . . 16 13 4 „ T. A. White and others . 104 11 8 June. Departmental . . 188 6 8 R. E. Plimpton . . 16 13 4 „ James Fulloon . . 16 13 4 S. C. Vickers . . 10 8 0 „ White and others . . 144 11 8 W. B. Baker . . .740 „ James Fulloon . . 16 13 4 £ s. d. April. Mainwaring and others . 59 H 8 „ T. Spencer . . 20 0 0 May 1 to 15. R. C. Mainwaring . 9 13 6 Jan. 1 to June 30. H. S. Rice. . 25 0 0 » n F. Spencer . 20 0 0 1,036 13 3 Advertising, Printing, and Stationery. July. W. C. Wilson, printing . 9 2 2 Sept. G. T. Chapman, envelopes, &c. . 2 10 0 Aug., Sept. W. G. Wilson, printing . 1 17 6 July, to Nov. Varty, stationery . 6 15 0 July, Sept. Chapman, ditto . 0 14 0 „ Creighton and Scales, advertising . . .357 Oct. Kunst, printing . . 11 16 6 July, Aug. J. Harris, inkstands, Ac. . 0 12 6 July to Dec. Proprietors of "Herald" advertising. . . 4 10 9 Dec. to Jan. Wilson and Co., advertising 3 17 8 Jan. Proprietors of "Herald," ditto 13 8 „ Varty, diaries . .396 April. G. T. Chapman, stationery . 0 17 2 Oct. to June, Varty, ditto . 11 15 0 May. E. Porter, letter balance . 10 0 June. Wilson and Co., advertising . 0 12 6 April to June. Proprietors of " New Zealander," advertising . .210 June qr. W. Atkins, printing . 18 2 0 Jan. to April. G. T. Chapman, account books, <fec. . .246 Jan. to April. G. T. Chapman, paper weights . . .050 April. G.T. Chapman, memorandum books 1 16 0 „ W. Atkin, printing . . 31 3 0 . 119 11 0 3,815 4 2 Interpreters to Forces, July. H. 8. Bates . . . 32 11 0 „ R. C. Mainwaring . . 15 0 0 G. A. McDonnell . 3 17 5 Aug. C. De Thierry . . 20 0 0 Sept. Ditto . . . 20 0 0 H. S. Bates . . . 15 15 0 July, Aug. Spencer and another . 50 6 4 July. G. A. McDonnell . . 16 6 0 Aug., Oct. W. J. Gundry . . 60 0 0 Sept. T. Spencer . . . 40 0 0 Oct. T. Spencer . . . 20 0 0 Sept. G. A. McDonnell . . 20 0 0 July 7 to 31. Ditto. . . 16 6 0 Oct., Nov. Ditto. . . 40 0 0 Nov. C. de Thierry . . 7 10 0 Dec. McDonnell and another . 40 0 0 Dec. qr. G. A. McDonnell . 18 6 0 Oct. 12 to 23. C. de Thierry . .900 Sept., Jan. Gundry and others . 120 0 0 Jan. Ditto ditto . . 50 0 0 Jan., Feb. J. Edwards . . 10 0 0 Oct., Feb. W. Turner . . 44 16 9 Feb. C. de Thierry . . 20 0 0 „ Mainwaring and others . 70 0 0 March 14 to 17. F. Chitham . 2 13 7 Dec. March. T Spencer . . 80 0 0 Mar. G. A. McDonnell . . 20 0 0 „ C. de Thierry . 20 0 0 Mar. R. C. Mainwaring . . 20 0 0 Native Minister's (Contingencies) Department. Aug. 3. S. Butcher, sweeping chimneys . 0 110 July. H. Halse, repairs, boxes, &c. . 2 3 2 Aug., Sept. McDonald, fuel . .320 Nov. 13. Ditto office furniture . 1 15 10 Oct. 18. Halliday, office table and cover . 3 15 0 Sept. 30. Cruickshank, door springs . 0 8 0 Nov. 2. E. Porter, ironmongery . 4 9 6 Oct. 10. Thorpe, carpentery . .400 Dec. Clarke, washing towels . 0 16 0 Jan. 23. W. Broad, bell hanging . 15 6 Jan. F. W. Dawson, office furniture . 6 0 0 Nov. 17. Lillewall and Co., brooms for office . . . 0 11 0 Jan. 19. E. Porter, saw, Ac. . .059 Mar. qr. E. Clarke, washing towels . 0 19 6 May 7. S. Butcher, sweeping chimneys . 0 13 6 June 17. J. Halliday, pigeon holes . 5 0 0 May. J. Watt, firewood . . 3 10 0 „ H. Gilberd, frosting windows . 0 8 6 June. H. Halse, clock, &c. . 1 10 6 „ Ditto washing . 0 15 0 Sept. C. E. Vickers, surveying . 20 16 8 Dec. Ditto ditto . 10 15 0 73 10 11 Inspector of Schools Department. July. H. Taylor and C. Brown . 46 13 4 Aug. Ditto ditto . 46 13 4 Sept. Ditto ditto . 46 13 4 Oct. H. Taylor . . . 41 13 4 Nov. Ditto . . . 41 13 4 Dec. H. Taylor . . .41 18 4 „ H. Taylor, half year's salary on quitting office . . 250 0 0 515 0 0

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Contingencies £ s. d. .. h eh. A. McDonald, passages and travel- ) ing expenses . . . 9 10 0 „ I.C.E.M. Co., passages from Taranaki 3 3 0 ) Jan. Hardington, van hire . .296 Mar. 5. P. Matenga, present . .500 Aug., Nov. J. Eitieni, food . .254 Nov. to Jan. Owen and Graham, ditto . 18 3 J Feb. Morrin and Co., provisions . 27 17 11 „ E. Hobbs, entertainment . • 38 8 8 „ N. Eeid, ditto . .200 1 Mar. 14. H. Hayward, mattrasses . 2 0 0 Sept., Dec. W. Buchanan, watches . 11 0 0 ' Jan. H. Halse, cap, &c. . 2 16 0 1 Dec. Graham and Co., cape for Native . 2 0 0 1 Mar. Lillewall and Co., flags . . 13 12 4 1 Feb. E. Porter, hardware . . 14 13 5 ' April. Lewis Brothers, rug . .450 Mar. Cruickshank and Co., spades . 7 5 0 „ J. Harris, tobacco . .300 „ Kerehi, widow of Te "Waiti (condolence) . . . 10 0 0 April. E. Malcolm, sail for boat . 3 10 0 Mar. E. Hobbs, entertainment . 30 16 0 „ M. P. Tain, soap . 0 14 1 „ E. C. Barstow, gratuity in re Okeroa . . . 10 0 0 May. Haora Tipa, present . .500 Jan. Lillewall and Co., flag . .220 April. A. Edwards, cap . 0 12 6 Mar. A. Clarke and Son, blankets . 9 10 6 Mar., April. Morrin and Co., provisions . 124 0 3 May. E. Hobbs, entertainment . 30 8 0 June. P. Tiwai, gratuity . . 15 0 0 Mar., April. N. Eeid, entertainment . 1 12 6 May. A. C. Shepherd, provisions . 14 17 0 „ E. Hobbs, entertainment . 82 0 0 „ Morrin and Co., provisions . 37 4 8 Feb. to May. J. George, ditto . . 94 11 6 June. W. Buchanan, watches . . 17 0 0 „ A. Clarke and Son, clothing . 15 1 4 „ E. Keesing, ditto . .530 May. W. Buchanan, watch . . 14 0 0 June. N. Eeid, entertainment . 3 3 0 „ H. Halse, furniture, &c. . 9 19 0 „ D. McLean, clothing, presents, <fcc. 102 15 10 May, June. J. George, meat . . 41 8 0 June. Morrin and Co., provisions . 46 6 9 „ E. Hobbs, entertainment . 35 8 0 May, June. A. Clarke and Son, clothing . 7 14 3 £ s. d. July 10. G. Strong, boat hire . 0 14 0 0 14 0 Presents and Entertainment to Natives. July 8. F. M. P. Brookfield, costs Kopu . Forester . . . 30 1 0 „ 8. C. A. Harris, oars for Native . 3 6 7 Aug. 28. Pori, compensation, detention in Auckland . . .200 „ H. E. Aubrey, compensation to Natives for loss by fire . 25 0 0 July 31. W. McCaul, badges . .500 „ Lillewall and Co., flags . .350 „ W. Eattray, clothing . . 20 4 0 Aug. 1. J. J. Edmonds, passages . 60 4 0 July. J. J. Williams, ditto . 0 17 6 „ 31. Hardington, horse hire . 0 9 0 Sep. 30. Eev. C. Volkner, contribution to Opotiki Church . . 100 0 0 July 22. D. Evitt, guns . 17 6 0 „ H. Halse, supplies at Cameron Town . . . 56 14 6 „ Morrin and Co., provisions . 86 1 4 „ H. Halse, provisions and travelling expenses . . . 4 12 0 Sep. 18. P. Turner, ditto ditto . 4 15 0 July 4. J. Hobbs, entertainment of Natives 39 16 0 „ 17. J. Halliday, coflins . .450 Oct. 29. J. Gilberd, contribution to Dispensary . . . 50 0 0 „ 26. T. Keene, for house at Orakie . 50 0 0 July and Sept. Lillewall and Co., flags . 8 8 6 Aug. C. A. Harris, ditto . 8 15 0 July, Aug. N. Eeid, entertainment . 4 10 Aug. Morrin and Co., provisions . 32 19 9 Sept. W. Eeid, entertainment . .600 „ A. C. Shepherd, provisions . 3 16 1 Aug. Sep. H. Halse, presents and passages 7 7 6 Sept. Oct. E. Shortland, presents and passages . . 7 15 0 Sept. 17. A. Gr. Purchas, rent of house for Natives . 6 13 4 „ I.C.E.M. Co., freight and passages 20 0 0 „ Owners " Emma Eliza," ditto . 18 10 6 „ Hardington, horse hire . .700 Oct. 31. J. Hobbs, entertainment 41 0 0 „ A. C. Shepherd, ditto . .053 July, Aug. Morrin and Co., provisions . 26 2 10. Oct. W. Nicol, wine for sick . .15 0 Nov. Lillewall and Co., flag . 0 15 0 Oct. 13. H. Tana, carpentering Hobbs' house . . .760 Aug. 28. J. Halliday, coffin for J. Hobbs 4 10 0 Sept. W. Buchanan, watches . . 44 0 0 Oct. 15. M. Abbs, passage . .600 Nov. H. Keesing, flags . . 1 11 0 Dec. E. Hobbs, entertainment . . 35 16 0 . „ H. Morgan, repairs to boat . 2 10 0 . Nov. H. C. Lawlar, Tikaokao, for information breach of Licensing Act 25 0 0 _ „ J. Harris, tobacco . .076. Sept., Dec. Morrin and Co., provisions . 110 12 10 Jan. J. Hobbs, entertainment . 83 16 0 . Dec. W. P. Kukutai, van hire . 17 0 Oct., Nov. Hardington, ditto . 1 18 0 Jan. D. Kirkwood, passages to Eaglan 6 0 0, Feb. C. A. Harris, flags . . 18 12 0 I Sept. E. Porter, axe . . 0 9 0 ( Jan. A. Clarke and Son, blankets . 9 8 0] „ E. Hobbs, entertainment . 116 4 0 „ A. C. Shepherd, provisions . 5 19 2 „ Morrin and Co., ditto . . 34 3 2 6 „ D. Kirkwood, freight and passages 9 0 0 2,211 12 4 Native Hostelry. July. Hobbs and Ihaka . . 18 2 9 Aug. Ditto . . 18 2 6 Sept. Ditto . . 17 15 0 Oct. Ihaka . . . 6 10 0 Nov. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 Dec. Ditto . . 6 10 0 Jan. Ditto . . 6 10 0 Feb. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 Mar. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 April. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 May. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 June. Ditto . . . 6 10 0 Contingencies. July. E. McDonald, firewood. . 1 17 6 Sept. Ditto ditto . 2 10 0 Oct. Halliday, tables and chairs . 2 0 0 Nov. Heywood, mattrass . . 1 15 0 „ Harvey and Co.,alteration to building . . .300 Sept. J. Gilberd, repairs to building . 21 13 10 „ "Williams, drainage . ".320

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£ s. d. Feb. E. McDonald, firewood . .326 „ Gr. Boyd, repairing chimneys . 2 16 0 April. E. Porter, brooms . .099 May, June. J. Watt, firewood. 8 14 0 £ s. 5 Dec. H. E. Eice, travelling allowance ) and expenses . . 29 19 ) Nov. T. A. White, ditto . . 1 12 ) Jan., Feb. M. P. Tain, ditto . . 10 10 - Dec., Jan. Hoben, horse hire . .10 „ Hardington, ditto . 2 10 Feb. Combes and Daldy, passages and I freight . . 2 14 „ J. Conley, boat hire . .10 i Mar. — Carless, ditto to Eakino . 30 0 Dec, Feb. J. Mackay, jun., travelling expenses, self and Natives . 7 5 | Feb., Mar. J. Mackay, jun., travelling allowance . . . 20 10 Dec. W. Flinton, ditto, in re Euarangi 1 0 Feb., Mar. J. Mackay, jun., boat hire . 2 10 Dec. G. Strong, ditto . 0 19 Feb. J. Eogan, travelling expenses and allowance to Natives at Waiuku 16 8 „ H. Monro, bringing Lieutenant Alexander into Auckland . 8 8 Mar. D. A. G. Hoben, horse hire . 28 0 „ C. Maxwell, ditto . . 19 0 Feb. Hardington, ditto . . 27 15 Mar. J. Baker, boat hire for Thames . 3 10 „ J. Hopper, ditto . .10 Feb. D. A. G. Hoben, hire of dog cart 1 0 „ Henry Halse, passages . . 5 15 Mar., April. Coombes and Daldy . 9 4 April. I.C.E.M. Co., ditto . . 60 18 „ J. Guilding, ditto . .80 „ Hon. W. Fox, travelling allowance and expenses . .12 „ E. C. Barstow, passage. . 10 0 Oct., Nov. H. Halse, travelling expenses, H. E. Eice . . . 10 11 Mar., April. H. E. Eice, ditto and allowance . . . 32 0 „ J. Mackay, jun., ditto . . 18 14 Mar. J. Eogan, ditto . . 34 7 Mar., April. W. B. White, ditto . 11 15 „ Aporo, ditto . . . 4 17 „ M. P. Tain, ditto . . 7 17 „ W. B. White, expenses . 5 11 „ E. O. Stewart, travelling expenses, Natives . ' . . 4 11 Mar., April. Eaniera, travelling expenses 6 8 Eis ditto 6 16 „ Kepa ditto 7 4 „ Eawiri te Ua, ditto, boat hire 9 14 Sept. to Feb. H. Halse, boat hire . 6 15 Nov. E. W. Puckey, travelling allowd. I 0 0 i 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 163 10 7 Maori Newspaper. Sept. qr. C. 0. Davis . . 75 0 0 Mar. 14. Ditto, half-year's salary on quitting office . . 150 0 0 Contingencies. Aug. W. C. Wilson, printing . 20 0 0 Sept. Ditto, ditto . . . 15 10 6 „ W. Aitken . . . 31 14 6 292 5 0 Travelling Allowance, Passages, Expenses, Sfc. July. J. Eogan, travelling allowance . 7 16 6 „ E. C. Mainwaring, ditto . 2 4 0 „ D. A. Qr. Hoben, horse hire . 2 10 0 „ T. A. White, travelling allowance 11 12 6 Aug. H. E. Eice, ditto . .626 July. G-. A. McDonnell, ditto . 0 15 0 „ Hardington,horse and carriage hire 24 3 0 „ D. A. G. Hoben, horse hire . 7 10 0 „ N. Eeid, ditto . .500 Sept. Jas. Mackay, jun., passage steamer to Nelson . . . 18 0 0 Oct. H. E. Eice, travelling allowance and expenses . .420 Aug., Sept. J. Fulloon, ditto . .826 Aug. T. A. White, ditto . . 9 9 11 „ H. Halse, ditto . 9 13 6 Sept. H. E. Eice, ditto . .850 „ J. Seats, ditto . .850 H. E. Eice, ditto . 5 13 3 Oct. E. Shortland, ditto . . 11 11 0 Aug. Hardington, horse hire . 2 19 0 Sept. Qr. Strong, boat hire . . 11 18 0 July, Oct. H. Halse, horse and boat hire 5 18 0 Oct. Coombes and Daldy, passage of Assistant Native Secretary and Natives to Nelson . . 32 0 0 Sept. I.C.E.M. Co., ditto constables to Nelson . . .550 Aug., Oct. J. Mackay, jun., travelling allowance . . . 14 14 0 Sept. Ditto, expenses, Natives on passage 9 3 6 Sept. Oct. E. W. Puckey, travelling . allowance . . . 22 17 6 „ Ditto, horse hire . 2 10 0 Oct. J. Fulloon, travelling allowance and expenses . .936 Nov. H. E. Eice, ditto . .316 Sept. N. Eeid, hire of dog cart . 15 0 Nov. Tautari, horse hire . . 5 12 0 „ S. P. Smith, travelling allowance . 2 12 6 Nov., Dec. J. Fulloon, ditto . . 15 6 0 Nov. Piri Kawau, ditto . .319 Oct. T. Mile, horse hire and expenses . 6 10 6 Nov. T. Spencer, travelling expenses 15 0 Dec. Piri Kawau, ditto . 0 18 0 IN ov. E. C. Mainwaring, ditto . 2 10 0 Nov., Dec. D. A. Gr. Hoben, horse hire . 9 0 0 Oct., Dec. J. Mackay, jun., travelling ance . . 7 io March, April. H. Halse, travelling allowance and expenses . 16 16 April, May. M. P. Taui, travelling allowance and expenses . .90 April, May. Coombes and Co., passages of Natives to Wellington . 28 0 April, May. J. Mackay, jun., travelling allowance . . .70 May. Coombes and Co.,passages,Natives to Whangarei . . 12 0 „ J. M. Wheeler, passages, Natives to Bay of Islands . 1 10 „ Kepa te Atu, passages, Natives to Eaglan . . 0 17 Mar. Paora Tuhaere, boat hire . 15 0 Jan. E. W. Puckey, boat hire . 0 18 April. J. Mackay, jun., travelling expenses 4 6 Nov. E. W. Puckey, horse hire . 10 0 i Mar. G. Strong, boat hire . 1 14 May, June. Hon. Mr. Fox, travelling allowance . . . 25 10 ( May, June. E. W. Puckey, ditto 4 17 i 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 expenses . . . 34 7 0 ! Dec. Coombes and Daldy, passages, Mackay and Natives . . 33 0 0 . „ D. A. Qr. Hoben, horses for officers' service, Kaipara . .900' „ H. Halse, travelling expenses . 5 17 0 _ Jan. J. Fulloon, ditto .540 „ Piri Kawau, ditto . . 6 15 0 J

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£ s. d. May. H. Monro, travelling allowance and expenses . . 7 15 0 June. Coombes & Co., passages of officers 16 0 0 May. I.C.E.M. Co., ditto . 7 15 0 „ P. Tuhaere, travelling expenses . 7 11 0 „ Owners, "Seabreeze," passages of Natives . . . 1 10 0 „ Coombes & Co., passages of Natives 6 0 0 „ Fenton ditto . 0 15 0 E. W. Puckey, travelling allowance and expenses . . .876 W. J. Hunt, travelling expenses . 5 15 0 Eev. E. Maunsell, passages of Natives to Canterbury . . 20 0 0 W. te Wheoro, travelling expenses . 0 11 1 J. Mackay, jun., ditto and allowances . 20 0 0 Ditto, passages . . .400 D. A. G. Hoben, horse hire . 0 10 0 Hardington, horse and van hire . 54 16 6 Te Eaihi, travelling expenses . .13 6 W. J. Young, ditto for Natives . 0 13 6 S. J. Williams, passages, Natives to Waiuku . . 2 15 0 Coombes and Co., ditto to Eaglan . 2 0 0 J. Fulloon, travelling allowance and expenses . . 64 6 0 C. do Thierry, horse hire . .300 H. Hardington, horse and carriage hire . 25 15 6 H. Halse, van, cart, and boat hire . 26 12 8 G. Strong, boat hire . . .14 0 General Contingencies. 1,324 18 1 Gun Boats " Caroline " and " Avon." July. Lillewall and Co., ropes, &c., Caroline " • . 4 11 4 „ H. Morgan, boats, " Avon" . 26 10 0 „ Marks and crew, ration allowance, " Caroline" . . 19 10 0 Aug. Ditto, ditto, extra hands, ditto . 9 15 0 „ G. Strong, water . . 1 15 6 July. Hunt and crew, pay and allowance 122 7 10 Aug. C. A. Harris, ship chandlery . 95 11 7 ,, S. Jackson, revolving rifle . 13 0 0 „ T. Sharpe, timber, &c. . . 73 11 3 July. H. Halse, freight of machinery . 0 7 6 Sept. Lillewall and Co., candles and tea, " Caroline" . .15 0 Aug., Sept. T. Kelly, coals, ditto . 3 0 0 July. J. Boy Ian, earthenware, ditto . 1 15 8 Sept.,Oct. Hunt andcrew,pay and allowance, " Avon" . .15 5 0 Oct. Marks and crew, ditto,"Caroline" 34 7 11 Nov. C. A. Harris, stores, " Avon " . 5 13 5 Sept. W. Lodder, pay, ditto . .368 „ H. Halse, carpentery, ditto . 0 12 6 Aug. Hunt and crew, pay, ditto . 91 0 0 Sept. C. Hicks, ditto, ditto . 3 16 0 Aug. Hunt and crew, ration allowance ditto . . . 31 12 6 July. Ditto, messing men of "Eclipse" . 27 0 0 Aug. Cruickshank and Co., boiler plates, " Avon" . . . 73 8 3 July. Waihoihai Coal Co., coals, ditto . 25 18 0 '. May, Aug. Lillewall and Co., ship stoves, " Caroline" . . 13 6 1 ! Aug. J. Kelly, coal, ditto . ' .600! July, Aug. Blakey, carpentery, "Caroline" 21 0 10 Sept. Lillewall, rope, &c, " Caroline" . 2 2 3: „ Marks and crew, pay, ditto . 83 0 0 : „ Ditto, ration allowance, ditto . 48 15 0 '. Aug. S. J. Williams, freight and coal, j "Avon" . . 9 15 o I July, Aug. Marks and crew, pay and al- ] lowance, " Caroline" . . 177 4 11 £ s. d. ) Aug. J. Carey, charter of cutter to visit ) Native settlements . . 36 0 0 ) July. H. S. Bates, furniture for office . 15 0 0 ) Sept. Owners of " Undine," cutter service at Awitu . . 18 0 0 > „ Hardington, veterinary expenses . 3 2 0 ) July, Sept. Vickery and Co., labour and • material . . . 324 16 3 Oct. Cruickshank and Co., nails for '< Kukutai's pa . . .17 1 • Sept., Oct. T. A. White, shoeing, &c. . 6 10 0 July, Nov. Hardington, horse livery . 18 18 0 ' Nov. Halstead, veterinary surgeon's fee 110 Dec. Alloway, food for Natives . 0 11 0 Oct., Nov. Motoua and crew, pay of "Mavis" . . . 36 0 0 Nov. N. Eeid, cartage, &c. . .18 0 Oct. Cruickshank and Co., ironmongery 18 8 Nov., Dec. Eruera and others, allowance for attendance at Supreme Court 26 8 0 Sept. A. Clark and Son, blankets for prisoners . . . 3 10 0 Dec. Hardington, horses at livery . 1 18 0 Nov. D. Graham and Co., clothing for prisoners . . .400 Jan. E. Lagie . . . 11 2 0 Feb. A. S. Hayland, attendance upon Wi Eipa, on board " John Duncan" . . . 10 0 0 Nov., Jan. Balderson and Kebble, attendance upon Wi Eipa, on board " John Duncan" . .700 „ T. A. White, allowance on " Marion" hulk . . . 8 19 11 Jan. Harvey and Gilberd, on account house at Eakino . . 40 0 0 „ G-ilberd, coffins for prisoners . 10 0 0 „ C. Eobinson, freight on house . 7 10 0 Feb. Eita and others, conveying Lieut. Alexander to Auckland . 12 0 0 Jan. Newman and Co., utensils for Natives . . .17 6 July, Oct. S. S. Graham, ranger, Pukaki 19 7 1 Nov., Jan. J. Cooper, ranger, Pukaki . 25 0 0 Sept. G. S. Graham, gate, Pukaki . 4 8 6 Jan. J. Lamb, boat hire in re Euarangi 9 18 0 „ Morrin and Co., provisions, prisoners 2 16 5 Nov. D. Graham and Co., soap, prisoners 2 11 6 Feb. Morrin and Co., soap, prisoners . 6 2 6 „ J. Williams, awning for hulk . 48 1 10 Mar. D. Nathan, clothing and towels . 2 13 4 Feb. G. Strong, fish hooks . .12 0 Mar. T. Macfarlane, conveyance horses to Eakino . . .600 „ F. Moore, accompanying ditto . 3 110 „ Cruickshank and Co., ploughs for Natives, ditto . . 10 10 0 „ J. Murray, harness for ditto . 9 0 0 „ E. Porter, spades, for ditto . 10 0 Mar. 17. Harvey and Co., contract for house, Eakino . . 10 0 0 Feb. Eiwai and Co., allowance Eegina v. Eekereke . .900 Mar. Eiwai and Co., boatman on Thames 28 0 0 Sept. W. J. Gundry, expenditure for Natives . . . 20 0 0 Feb. E. Porter, deed box . . 0 18 0 Mar. H. Morgan, repairing boat . 1 15 6 Feb. T. Cooper, ranger, Pukaki . 8 6 8 April. Eiwai and others, pay as boatmen 45 10 0 Sept. to Feb. H. Halse, calico for prisoners 0 4 7 Mar. T. Williams, windsail for hulk . 7 9 3 „ Harvey and Co., fixing stanchions 7 10 0 Mar. qr, Phillipson, medicines for prisoners . . . 7 18 11 ] 956 5 0

E.—No. 10.



£ s. d. Mar. Eiwai, allowance Kegina v. Kekereke 4 4 0 Jan. Williams, sail for mail-boat . 15 0 April. Lillewall and Co., oars for "Mavis" 6 12 2 Feb. E. Porter, deed box . 0 17 6 Mar., April, T. Cooper, ranger, Pukaki . 16 13 4 April, Mar. Phillipson, drugs . 0 19 6 Mar. D. Nathan, clothing for Natives, Eakino . . .590 April. Morrin and Co., provisions for Native prisoners , . 47 13 11 Jan. A. Clarke and Son, blankets for Native prisoners . . 6 14 6 Mar., May. D. Nathan, clothing for Native prisoners . . 35 9 4 May. G. Smith, burial conveyance . 10 0 „ Harvey and Co., coffins for prisoners 7 0 0 Feb. J. Halliday, ditto 10 0 0 May. Trustees, Cathedral Estate, burial fee . . .400 „ E. "Walker, digging graves . 0 15 0 „ H. Morgan, boat for hulk . 33 12 0 Feb. E. Porter, hooks, &e. . .083 May. T. Cooper, ranger, Pukaki . 8 6 8 „ Eauhihi and others, crew of "Mavis" 18 0 0 „ Lillewall and Co., stores for ditto. 6 8 6 Mar. C. A. Harris, oars for Natives, Eakino . . 2 10 8 „ (_ E. Lee, defence Tangata Ware 12 12 0 April. Somerville, wine for Native prisoners . . .220 May. I.C.E.M. Co., rations for prisoners 2 8 0 „ Morrin and Co.,provisions for ditto 33 6 5 „ D. Nathan, clothing for ditto . 4 6 0 June. Lewis Brothers, ditto . . 7 19 0 „ E. Home, ditto . . 284 19 4 May. Auckland Bible Society, testaments 5 13 June. F. T. Gilberd, repairs to Hospital, North Shore . . 40 13 8 May. Harvey and Co., coffin for prisoner 3 10 0 ,, E. Walker, burial charge . 12 6 „ G. Strong, boat hire . .15 0 „ J. Conley, ditto . .10 0 Aug. E. W. Puckey, food for Natives . 4 5 0 June. E. W. Porter, tools for " Mavis" . 0 19 4 May, June. T. A. White, allowance on board hulk . 8 14 3 June. D. Graham, blankets for prisoners 0 13 0 „ Morrin and Co., provisions ditto . 19 2 8 „ J. L. Prime, eggs ditto . .046 April. Porter, jugs ditto . 0 19 9 May. J. Gilberd, coffin ditto . .200 June. E. McDonald, coffin for prisoners . 2 7 6 „ G. E. Lee, defence of prisoners (fee) 21 0 0 May, June. Cruickshank and Co., material, Hospital, North Shore . 219 13 9 „ H. T. Clarke, Natives, for services 40 0 0 June. T. Cooper, ranger, Mangarie . 8 6 81 n -t » May. J. Mackay, jun., forage . .930 » Jan. F. Gilberd, whitelead, " Mavis" . 1 10 7 Dec. Phillipson, drugs, Chatham Islands 5 10 6 ! June. C. Nicoll, wine . . 6 10 0 ! Nov. E. Keesing, combs for prisoners . 0 12 0 April. C. A. Harris, rope for hulk . 14 0 June. H. Halse, van and boat hire . 26 12 8 „ Auckland Dispensary, donation . 50 0 0 „ E. Porter, cooking utensils . 13 6 Mar. T. Cooper, Cooper and Foley, expenses . . . 26 12 6 1,982 1 7 Arrears paid during Financial Year 1863-4. Native Minister's Department. Apl. May. J. F. Leighton, binding . 1114 Nov. to Feb. J. Varty, stationery . 10 0 Feb. D. McLean, seal for Native Secretary's office. . .400 Jan. to June. Creighton and Co., subscription & advertising Southern Cross 4 5 10 May, June. New Zealander, extra copies . 0 4 9 July, to Oct. 29. F. D. Bell, Native id -tr -xx ,inister> salal 7 • • 327 19 1 14. M., Wairarapa, ditto . . 172 3 10 Presents and Entertainment to Natives 1862. Sept. H. E. Aubrey, entertainment . 15 0 0 Mar. Owen and Graham, ploughs for T _Natives ' • • 13 10 0 May. Ditto ditto . 7 10 0 Aug. H. Halse, gratuity to Eaihi 20 0 0 Nov. J. Hall, seed maize for Natives . 16 3 568 11 1 Miscellaneous. Sept., 1862. E. H. Aubrey, paid Native constables . . . 0 15 0 Jan., 1863. Hardington, horse hire, &c, to Waikato . . 32 10 0 May, June. T. Williams, ship canvas for " Caroline" . .439 May. Vickery and Co., labor, <_,," Avon" 1 10 0 June. Senior Commissariat Officer, forage for T. A. White . .371 „ W. Young, carriage goods to Maungatawhiri . o 14 0 „ W. Colenso, compensation, improvements Waitangi . 350 0 0 Jan. to June. P. Puhata, pension . 6 0 0 May. H. Halse, travelling expenses, Matene te Whiwhi . . 10 0 0 Dec. Ditto, Captain Sullivan's men fitting up" Avon" . . 50 0 0 458 19 10 EiEC VPIT1T Salaries—Native Minister's Department Interpreters to Forces Advertising, Printing, and Stationery . Contingencies—Native Minister's Department . Inspector of Schools Contingencies Presents and Entertainment to Natives Native Hostelry Maori Newspaper and Contingencies Travelling Allowance, Passages, Expenses, &c. Gun Boats " Caroline " and " Avon " General Contingencies Arrears paid during 1863-4— Native Minister's Department Miscellaneous riATiox. £ 6 d 3,815 4 2 1,036 13 3 119 11 0 73 10 11 515 0 0 0 14 O 2,211 12 4 163 10 7 292 5 0 1,324 18 1 956 5 0 1,982 1 7 568 11 1 458 19 10 Total 13,518 16 10

E.—No. 10.



Native Purposes — Local. Locality. Clothing and Uniforms. Drugs. Salaries. Miscellaneous Contingencies. Travelling Expenses. Pensions. Totals. Auckland Bay of Islands Bay of Plenty Christehurch Dunedin East Cape . Hawke's Bay Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton Nelson and Marlborough . Otawhas School . Raglan. Taranaki Taupo . Thames Waikato Wellington . Wanganui . Wangarei Waiuku Wairarapa . £ s. d. 2 16 0 114 0 0 254 5 11 £ s. d. 1 15 6 165 3 8 36 2 0 £ s. d. 303 2 0 5,288 4 8 2,341 5 1 132 4 0 210 0 0 127 10 0 2,277 2 10 50 0 0 641 1 10 £ s. d. 107 4 10 461 17 8 316 9 10 25 5 0 £ s. d. 62 0 11 410 5 0 5 0 0 £ s. d.l 45 16 8 166 13 2 £ s. d. 522 15 11 6,606 4 2 2,953 2 10 157 9 0 210 0 0 134 6 6 3,231 2 0 50 0 0 824 0 6 53 5 6 6 0 0 0 16 6 938 4 2 15 15 0 6 6 6 32 12 8 143 19 6 51 14 0 1 11 6 1 8 6 101 11 6 828 6 8 910 17 5 19 11 10 957 18 8 516 8 2 89 2 0 1,739 4 1 21 0 4 2,599 2 6 1,770 4 8 363 7 0 495 12 3 1,083 2 11 4,570 0 10 2,632 7 6 136 5 0 948 15 1 16 8 0 87 10 0 44 6 0 61 15 6 20 5 6 14 19 8 1,460 11 4 1,253 16 6 186 15 0 436 6 7 511 4 0 3,630 12 10 1,896 11 7 130 0 0 826 0 0 480 3 5 844 19 2 660 15 11 6 5 0 73 3 6 79 1 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 24 3 4 16 "s 0 24 11 7 25 0 0 Totals . Native P '716 13 5l rposes Gen I 275 5 1 leral . 22,530 14 111 6,604 16 7. 736 : 6 ll 1253 19 8 31,117 16 10 13,518 16 10 To ital Expendec [, 1863-4 :44,636 13 5 Total Expended. Native Purposes General and Local Financial Tear 1862-3 Dltto ditto ditto 1863-4 £47,597 0 44,636 13 5 5 R W. P. Plimpton, ■ 1 ' I Native Accountant.

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RETURN SHOWING THE EXPENDITURE FOR NATIVE PURPOSES GENERALLY, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 1862-3, 1863-4., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, E-10

Word Count

RETURN SHOWING THE EXPENDITURE FOR NATIVE PURPOSES GENERALLY, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 1862-3, 1863-4. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, E-10

RETURN SHOWING THE EXPENDITURE FOR NATIVE PURPOSES GENERALLY, FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 1862-3, 1863-4. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, E-10

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