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D.—No. 14.


[Part Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 31*« August, 1865.] That there be laid upon the Table of this House —" A Return of all Appointments made by the General Government since the Ist January, 1861, setting forth the name of each Appointee, the date, the salary, and whether any appointment made since that date was to a new appointment, or was in substitution of one vacated by some other person : " Also, a Return of all Resignations of Officials employed by the General Government that have been received and accepted since the Ist day of January, 1864 : " Also, a Return of all Dismissals of Officials employed by the General Government since the Ist day of January, 1864. " Also, a Nominal Return of all Officials now in the employ of the Government, their duties, salaries, location, and date of their appointment." (Mr. G. Graham.) Note.—The information called for in the first paragraph only of this Return is furnished. The remainder will take some time In collect and compile.—J. L. C. Richardson. a WELLINGTON. 1865.

D.—No. 14


Name and Office. Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary per annum, unless otherwise stated. 4^ § a § a ° & '111 Remarks. Establishment of General Government. £ s. d. 100 0 0 360 0 0 600 0 0 600 0 0 W. Gisborne, Secretary to the Cabinet R. Hart, Acting Assistant Law Officer J. Holt, Under Secretary, Defence Office . W. Rolleston, Under Secretary, Native Office J. Woodward, Assistant-Treasurer . H. T. Chapman, Puisne Judge, Middle Island W. Gray, District Judge, Otago G old Fields T. M. Medley, Acting Private Secretary . F. Thatcher, Private Secretary . W. Gray, 2nd A. D. C, Governor's Establishment Hori Kerei, Native Orderly, ditto J.' Enrigbt, Messenger, ditto A. Domett, Secretary for Crown Lauds Ditto Land Claims Commissioner W. Grey, Clerk, Secretary for Crown Lands Department J. W. A. Marchant, Draughtsman, ditto . E. Fannin, Assistant ditto, ditto . E. Wakefield, Clerk, ditto . H. J. H. Eliott, Clerk of Records, Colonial Secretary's Office W. J. Kenny, Junior Clerk, ditto C.T.Batkin, Accountant, Colonial Treasury W. Best, Chief Clerk and Cashier, ditto . W. Mason, Junior Clerk, ditto T. Cole, Messenger, ditto W. Cosgrove, Messenger, General Assembly J. B. Carr, Chief Clerk, Defence Office . H. Hartwright, Second Clerk, Defence Office J. Casey, Messenger, Defence Office . J. Fulloon, Special Agent, Defence Office. E. Hill, Chief Clerk, Audit Office . R S. F. Parsons, Clerk, Audit Office E. E. Wyatt, Assistant Clerk, Native Accountant's Office T. Kissling, Clerk, General Land Registry Office J. E. Smith, District Registrar of Land, Wellington E. J. Von Dadelszen, Third Clerk, Regis-trar-General's Department S. Carkeek, Secretary to Commissioner and Inspector of Customs W. France, Clerk to ditto . . . '. R. H.Huntley, Overseer of Public Domains, Wellington J. C. Crawford, Inspector of Post Offices . < W. Gray, Deputy Inspector of Post Offices J. Maealister, Chief Clerk, General Post - Office C. J. A. Haselden, Clerk, Attorney- - General's Office Dr. Pollen, General Government Agent, ■ Auckland Jan. 1,1864 Jan. 6,1865 Feb. 1865 June 1865 Feb. 1865 April 1864 July 1864 Feb. 1864 April'1865 Mar. 1865 Jan. 1864 July 1864 Aug. 1864 May 1865 Aug. 1865 May 1865 Feb. 1865 May" 1865 J* Feb. 1865 600 0 0 1500 0 0 1000 0 0 383 5 0 383 5 0 200 0 0 7s. f- diem 6s. diem 600 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 250 0 0 £3 a week 160 0 0 200 0 0 140 0 0 400 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 6s. f- diem 6s. per diem 300 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 365 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 10s. diem N. S. s. N. S. N. N. S. S. N. N. S. S. s. N. N, N. S. S. s. N. s. s. s. s. s. N. s. N. S. s. N. Including travelling allowance. Temporary. Temporary. July 1864 April 1864 June 1865 July 1864 Sept. 1864 Aug. 1864 Detached Office. from Native July 1864 200 0 0 N. Mar. 1865 100 0 0 N. Oct. 1864 150 0 0 S. Feb. 1865 600 0 0 N. Mar. 1865 200 0 0 150 0 0 N. N. 1) Jan. 1864 Aug. 1864 April 1864 500 0 0 500 0 0 235 0 0 N. N. S. And £50 per annum house allowance. Feb. 1865 July 1865 180 0 0 500 0 0 N. N. Also Sub-Treasurer, Auckland (Substitute.) Province of Auckland. Feb. 1865 Jan. 1865 600 0 0 200 0 0 R. F. Porter, Sub-Treasurer, Auckland F. T. Stratton,Examining Clerk, ditto, ditto | . N. S. Note.—Read N., now ; S., substitute ; R., reappointment; P., promotion.

D.—No. 14.



Name and Office. Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary per annum, unless otherwise stated. i-s.i 1 oS o & '-2 -«1 So Remarks. Province of Auckland— (continued.) J. Murphy, Messenger, Sub-Treasury, Auckland M. Kilfoyle, Messenger, Registrar of Deeds Office L. O'Brien, Registrar Supreme Court H. C. Balneavis, Sheriff, Supreme Court . T. Kissling, Clerk and Deputy-Registrar, Supreme Court R. R. II. Dungate, Bailiff, Resident Magistrate's Court, Auckland R. O. Stewart, Resident Magistrate, Port Waikato C. Marshall, Clerk to Resident Magistrate, Port Waikato F. D. Fenton, Chief Judge, Native Lands Court J. Rogan, Judge, Native Lands Court J. Mackay, Judge, Native Lands Court . W. B. White, Judge, Native Lands Court J. S. McNamara, Office Keeper, ditto H. Munro, Translator, Native Lauds Court A. J. Dickey, Chief Clerk, ditto H. H. Turton, Crown Agent, ditto . W. Price, Messenger, ditto H. C. Balneavis, Registration and Returning Officer C. J. Haselden, Receiver of Land Revenue W. Mills, Acting Collector of Customs M. C. W. Atkins, Junior Clerk, ditto G. Atkinson, Assistant Messenger, ditto . J. Norton, Warehouse Keeper, ditto W. G. Harrison, Third Clerk, RegistrarGeneral's Department P. Gorman, Messenger, ditto J. Kelly, Chief Registrar of Deeds Office . J. L. Wilsoii,Government Printer,Auckland J. H. R. Harrison, Acting QuartermasterGeneral, Militia and Volunteers C. Haslem, Sergeant-Major, Auckland Militia aud Volunteers G. Gallagher, Orderly Room Clerk, Auckland Militia , J. Mackay, junior, Civil Commissioner Hauraki E. Braithwaite, Chief Clerk, ditto . T. Mackay, Clerk, ditto .... W. N. Searancke, Resident Magistrate, Middle Waikato H. C. Lawlor, Resident Magistrate,Eastern Hauraki E. R. Hector, Interpreter to Resident Magistrate, Eastern Hauraki G. Law, Civil Commissioner, Taupo . W. B. White, Civil Commissioner, Mongonui J. Rogan, Civil Commissioner, Kaipara Jan. 1865 Jan. 1864 Feb. 1865 Dec. " 1864 Mar. 1865 Jan. 1865 Feb. " 1865 June"1865 Jan. 1865 Mar. 1865 Jan. 1865 June 1865 July 1864 July 1865 Aug. 1864 Jan. 1864 Mar. 1865 Jan. 1864 £ s. d. 125 0 0 60 0 0 500 0 0 Fees 225 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 700 0 0 90 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 Nil. 90 0 0 10s. a week 130 0 0 150 0 0 N. N. S. S. s. s. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. S. S. s. s. N. s. s. Also Registration and Returning Officer. Also Postmaster. Since discontinued. And 10s. per diem travelling allowance. May 1864 Jan. 1864 May 1864 June 1864 10 0 0 300 0 0 365 0 0 N. N. N. S. Oct. 1864 7s 6d f- diem S. ■>y 6s. „ N. May 1865 550 0 0 N. >» )) 220 0 0 125 0 0 350 0 0 N. N. N. 7) )) 400 0 0 N. July 1865 10s. f diem N. Mar. 1864 Sept 1864 450 0 0 550 0 0 N. N. And 10s. per diem travelling allowance andforage. And £50 per annum travelling allowance. Services since dispensed with. June 1865 500 0 0 N. R. Muir, Clerk and Interpreter, Resident Magistrate's Court, Kaipara S. M. Von Sturmer, Resident Magistrate, Awaroa — Giles, Clerk to Civil Commissioner, Kaipara C. Hickson, Clerk to Civil Commissioner, Maketu — Nesbitt, Resident Magistrate, Rotorua W. G. Muir, Resident Magistrate, Taupo II. T. Clarke, Civil Commissioner, Tauranga Feb. 1864 150 0 0 N. Sept. 1864 100 0 0 N. July 1865 150 0 0 S. June 1865 150 0 0 s. Nov. 1864 Oct. 1864 Sept. 1864 350 0 0 350 0 0 500 0 0 N S. N.

D.—No. 14.



Name and Office. Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary 1.9 J per annum, uu- -g § "3 less otherwise 'o '.0 stated. g § M •? g Remarks. Province of Auckland — (continued.) T. A. White, Resident Magistrate, Waiapu E. P. Martin, Clerk to ditto . H. E. Rice, Clerk and Intepreter, Tauranga H. Puaha, Cadet, Native Office H. Halse, Acting Native Secretary . W. B. Baker, Clerk and Translator, Native Office C. H. Macintosh, Immigration Overseer, Waiuku F. J. Eaton, Immigration Officer, Auckland F. W. Myers, Assistant Immigration Officer, Auckland Charles Heaphy, Chief Surveyor R. W. Browne, Clerk, Survey Office. P. S. Smith, District Surveyor, Waiuku A. K. Churton, District Surveyor, Waikato J. J. Wilson, District Surveyor, Waikato . E. O'Meara, Ordinary Surveyor, Waikato E. Bellairs, Ordinary Surveyor, Waikato . N. G. Clayton, Ordinary Surveyor, Waikato W.M. Cooper,Ordinary Surveyor,Waikato AV. J. Gundry, Ordinary Surveyor, ditto . J. Goodall, Ordinary Surveyor, ditto W. A. Graham, Ordinary Surveyor, ditto . W. Blackburn, Ordinary Surveyor, ditto . G. W. Williams, Cadet, Survey Office Pomare, Cadet, Survey Office . C. G. Knight, Assistant Surveyor, Northern District W. W. Darke, 1st class Surveyor, Waikato J. Gwynneth, 1st class Surveyor, ditto J. Brier, 2nd class Surveyor, ditto . J. J. Wilkinson, 2nd class Surveyor, ditto. E. Micklethwaite, 2nd class Surveyor, ditto J. Lcssong, Assistant Surveyor, ditto E. Winter, Assistant Surveyor, ditto J. Comm, Messenger, Survey Office . F. Cadell, Superintendent Steam Transport Service, Waikato G. Slater, Clerk to Superintendent . J. Laing, Superintendent of Works, Waikato District R. Todd, District Surveyor, Western Coast R. Evans, Overseer of Works, Newcastle, Auckland H. H. Fenton, Special Commissioner for Investigation of Native Titles, Waikato K. Turton, Clerk to Special Commissioner W. Rowe, Inspector of Roads and Mines, Waikato W. R. Collett, Superintendent of Roads and Bridges, Waikato J. McLeod, Superintendent of Sawyers, Upper Waikato D. Simpson, Inspector of Government Dock-yard, Port Waikato S. Sam, Medical Officer on board the Prison Hulk " Marion " W. Turner, Interpreter, Resident Magistrate, Whatawhata G. Leyland, Inspector of Weights and Measures E. Lonsdale, Assistant Clerk, Comptroller's Office H. Zeigler, Gaoler, Raglan Gaol F. Simpson, Dock-yard Clerk, Port Waikato W. Moon, Overseer Road Party. Raglan . Jan. 1865 Mar. 1865 Aug. 1864 May 1865 Sept. 1864 Oct. 1864 Dec. 1864 Nov. 1864 it Feb. 1864 Sept. 1864 11 it tt 71 77 11 11 It ti It it July" 1864 Sept. 1664 it it it It Dec. " 1864 £ s. d. 350 0 0 175 0 0 250 0 0 £1 5s. a week 500 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 12s. f- diem 10s. y „ 600 0 0 160 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 60 0 0 230 0 0 450 0 0 450 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 350 0 0 5s. y diem 800 0 0 N. N. N. N. S. R. N. N. N. N. N. P. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. P. N. P. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. Forage and ration allowances, temporary. And forage allowance. 1 f with rations, temporary. _ With ration allowance ; [temporary. [ Temporary. 1 July " 1864 Feb. 1864 Aug. 1864 July 1864 120 0 0 450 0 0 N. N. With rations Aug. 1864 Oct. 1864 450 0 0 17s6dydiein R. N. Forage allowance May 1864 Jan. "l864 600 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 N. N. N. And £1 per diem travelling allowance St Mar. 1864 700 0 0 i N. - E a 3 I 11 11 335 0 0 ' 600 0 0 N. N. B 3 'I I Jan. 1864 13s. *§■ diem N. Feb. 1864 125 0 0 N. Paid by Provincial Government Mar. 1864 100 0 0 S. Jan. 1864 5s. 1> diem S. Mar." 1864 2b.6Ay „ 150 0 0 N. N. )j 7s.6d.ydiem N*.

D.—No. 14.



Name and Office. Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary per annum, unless otherwise stated. Si <- » if-J '3 ■% '3 p. 9*2 Remarks. Province of Auckland— (continued.) J. Curlow, Engineer Stone Breaking Machine, Great South Road T. Johnstone, in charge of Horse Depot . April 1864 £ s. d. 288 0 0 X. Oct. 1864 S. Services dispensed >, with ps For 18 months'service )■ g^ a © J R. Aylmer, Lighthouse Engineer R. F. A. Stewart, Clerk Transport Office, Ngaruwahia W. B. Crawford, Clerk Transport Office, Maungatawniri Feb. 1864 June 1864 600 0 0 150 0 0 X. N. 11 150 0 0 X. Province of Wellington. Lieut.-Colonel Logan, General Government Agent, Wanganui C. W. Broughton, Interpreter to Her Majesty's Forces, Wanganui Clerk, Register of Deeds Office, Wellington J. Hector, Director of Geological Survey of New Zealand R. B. Gore, Clerk to ditto A. Donald, Museum Assistant . C. D. Ward, Resident Magistrate, Wellington C. D. Ward, Sheriff, Wellington C. Millward, Bailiff, Resident Magistrate's Court, Wellington G. Didsbury, Government Printer . J. Costal!, Overseer of Printing Office W. L. Buller, Resident Magistrate, Wanganui W. Jenkins, Interpreter to ditto J. W. Noake, Resident Magistrate, Rangitikei W. Freeth, Clerk and Interpreter to ditto E. Clark, Custodian, Native Hostelry, Wellington L. G. Boor, Native Medical Attendant on Prisoners in Hulk " Manakau " E. R. Henu, Armourer, Wellington Colonial Defence Force T. Marshall, Militia Commandant, Rangitikei Captain Jordan, Adjutant, ditto, ditto W. G. Wilkinson, Clerk, District Registrar of Land Office W. Seed, Collector of Customs W. Seed, Licensing Officer A. M. Cheeseman, 3rd Clerk, Customs T. Hill, Emigration Officer W. B. Richardson, 2nd Landing Waiter . R. Roberts, Assistant Landing Waiter R. C. Cook, 3rd Landing Waiter W. Bromley, 2nd Locker .... J. Chitty, 3rd Locker .... May 1865 383 5 0 And forage allowance. R. April 1865 250 0 0 N. Forage and rations, while iu the field. Mar. 1865 150 0 0 N. 800 0 0 N. i Jan. 1864 300 0 0 150 0 0 500 0 0 N. N. S. And forage allowance. May " 1864 Fees. 150 0 0 S. s. Mar. 1865 U 300 0 0 200 0 0 450 0 0 s. s. s. 11 June 1865 11 May 1865 Aug. 1865 150 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 s. N. N. N. House allowed, fuel and light. July 1865 £3 3s. a week N. Jan. 1864 6s. y diem N. Feb. 1864 l<Mr> „ N. April" 1865 9s. y „ 60 0 0 N. N. Feb. 1865 Aug. 1865 April 1865 Aug. 1865 600 0 0 50 0 0 130 0 0 Nil. 140 0 0 S. S. N. N. S. S. s. s. s. 11 11 11 120 0 0 115 0 0 110 0 0 11 Province of Taranaki. Mr. Single, R.E., Clerk of Works, Military Settlement, Taranaki W. Thompson, ditto, ditto, ditto C. Wilson, ditto, ditto, ditto . , Office Cleaner, Resident Magistrate's Court Lieut. Colonel Lipper, Commanding Militia and Volunteers Hood, Hospital Sergeant, Taranaki Militia, and Apothecary W. Shuttleworth, Paymaster's Clerk, Taranaki Militia June 1864 June"1865 Aug. 1864 6s. per diem 350 0 0 350 0 0 Is. 6d. ydiem N. N. N. [ Temporary. Oct. 1864 Nov. 1864 £H6s. ld.y diem. 7s.0d. cf-diem S. N. >> 6s. y „ X.

D.—No. 14.




D.—No. 14.



Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary per annum,unless otherwise stated. fi-S.S a o 3 '3 > '8 Remarks. Name and Office. Province of Canterbury— (continued.) G C. Liinming, Landing Waiter, Hokitika C. E. Cooper, Sub-Collector of Customs and Licensing Officer, Timaru Mar. 1865 April 1865 £ s. A 200 0 0 275 0 0 X. s. Province of Otago. July 1864 200 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Gowans, Officekeeper and Messenger, Resident Magistrate's Court, Dunedin P. Farrell, Bailiff, Resident Magistrate's Court, Taieri A. W. Smith, Registrar of Deeds, Otago . J. Schroder, Mail Agent, Dunedin . J. Wales, Clerk of Works, new Post Office, Dunedin , Drill Instructor, Otago Light Horse, Dunedin Dr. Xiven, Health Officer, Port Chalmers. T. R. Hacket, Field Assistant to Dr. Hector C. H. Brown, Native Civil Commissioner, Otago District J. McGlashan, Registrar of Deeds, Otago J. Cuddy, Deputy ditto ditto -. Christie, Clerk, Registrar of Deeds Office J. H. Gamlin, ditto ditto. J. Bowie, Acting Landing Survey or Customs R. Thompson, Landing Waiter, Oamaru Customs 11 Jan. 1865 July 1864 Dec. 1864 Mar. 1865 Dec. 1864 April 1865 June 1865 600 0 0 200 0 0 £6 a week 30s. a week 250 0 0 400 0 0 450 0 0 N. N. S. S. N. N. N. N. N. For nine months. Including forageallowancc. Mar. 1864 11 11 500 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 350 0 0 250 0 0 S. S. s. s. s. X Aug." 1865 May 1861 Province of Southland. S. Henderson, Clerk, Supreme Court Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Invercargill P. Duvaly, Bailiff, Resident Magistrate's Court, Invercargill H. Simmonds, Clerk, Resident Magistrate's Court, Campbelltown D. B. McConnell, Clerk Registrar of Deeds Office —. Ferguson, 2nd ditto ditto . D. B. McConnell, Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court Messenger, Supreme Court H. McCulloch, Resident Magistrate, Invercargill D. S. Lawlor,Resident Magistrate,Riverton J. W. Chapman, Clerk to Bench, Riverton Feb. 1864 11 11 11 It 150 0 0 120 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 175 0 0 N. N. N. N. N. Mar." 1865 150 0 0 287 10 0 N. S. June 1865 Aug. 1861 20 0 0 N. S. Also Deputy Registrar of Deeds. Oct. 1864 Mar. 1865 50 0 0 N. N. Temporary. Telegraphic Departments. —. Weldon, Telegraphist, Bluff P. M. Nixon, Telegraphist, Invercargill G Ross, Telegraphist, Dunedin W. Tucker, Telegraphist, Christchurch J. Bull, Telegraphist, Nelson F. Fisher, Telegraphist, Picton A. Sheath, General Manager C. M. Wakefield, Surveyor W. Tanfield, Sergeant, Auckland Militia, Telegraph Office Clerk, Auckland June 1865 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 250 0 0 4s.6d.ydiem N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. Mar." 1864 Oct. "l864 Miscellaneous. I). Mickle, Constable and Lock-up Keeper, Chatham Islands A. Shand, jun., Clerk to Resident Magistrate, Chatham Islands F. Hunt, Tide Waiter, Customs, Chatham Islands P. Rammao, ditto, ditto, ditto . Mar. 1865 June 1864 50 0 (> 150 0 0 N. N. May 1864 50 0 (i N. June 1864 50 0 O S.

D.—No. 14.



Name and Office. Date of Appointment. Rate of Salary 11.5 J per annum,un- •§ g a less otherwise "1 £ '3 stated. I & 8 J Remarks. Medical Attendants on Natives. J. F. Fletcher, Rangitikei District . Dr. Gentle, Mongonui District Dr. Filby, Motupipi District . Dr. J. F. Wilson, Motueka District . Dr. Cusack, Nelson District Dr. Home, Wairau District Dr. Tripe,Queen Charlotte's Sound District Dr. Dudley, Kaiapoi District . Dr. Knox, Lower Porirua District Dr. Gray, Waiuku District Dr. Curson, Whatawhata District Dr. Hovell, Western Hauraki Julv 1864 j July 1865 July 1864 V 11 it £ s. A 100 0 o 50 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 125 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 25 0 0 s. N. N. N. N. N. N. S. N. S. N. N. Aug." 1864 Mar. 1866 June 1865 July 1864 As a gratuity. " On current terms such service." for Post Office Appointments. •, 4th Letter Carrier .... A. Atkins, Clerk, Auckland G. Vance, Postmaster, Raglan . John Hall, Postmaster, Otahuha W. Crawford, Clerk, Post Office, Auckland W. E. Whitlow, Clerk, ditto, ditto . P. N. Nixon, Clerk, ditto, ditto R. Taylor, Clerk, ditto, ditto . J. Keary, Letter Carrier, ditto, ditto G. H. Andrews, Clerk, ditto, ditto . Glennie, Clerk, ditto, ditto W. H. Browne, Clerk, ditto, ditto . A. Livingstone, Clerk, ditto, ditto D. H. Rees, Clerk, ditto, ditto S. M. Heeley, Clerk, ditto, ditto Henry Bailey, Messenger, ditto, Taranaki W. C. Towsey, Messenger, ditto, Hawke's Bay C. Dune, Clerk, ditto, Wanganui . W. Goodwin; 2nd Letter Carrier, ditto, Nelson J. Lawson, Clerk, ditto, Nelson G. F. Downes, Clerk ditto, ditto Marlborough Mar. 1864 April 1864 Jan. 1864 April 1864 May 1864 July 1864 Aug. 1864 Oct. 1864 11 11 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 130 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 130 0 0 150 0 0 110 0 0 90 0 O 90 0 0 s. s. s. N. N. S. S. S. S. S. s. s. s. On probation. U Jan. 1865 May 1865 1864 Feb. 1864 N N. Temporarily. 64-52 Feb. 1864 75 0 0 90 0 0 N. N. May 1863 June 1864 150 0 0 100 0 0 N. N. Assistant Clerk, Post Office, Christchurch A. McLoughlin, Postmaster, Timaru. R. Sonness, Letter Carrier, Post Office, Dunedin F. Bicknell, Clerk, Post Office, Dunedin . —. Smith, Postmaster, Mount Ida . A. Alexander, Clerk, Post Office, Bluff . E. B. Dickson, Postmaster, New Plymouth J. Nuttall, Messenger, Post Office, Nelson G F. McBeth, Postmaster, Picton . J. T. W. Wilkin, Postmaster, Lyttelton . M. Keogh, Clerk, Post Office, ditto M. Keogh, Postmaster, Hokitika L. W. Busch, Postmaster, Mount Ida C. Frazer, Postmaster, Clutha Ferry. 64-461 80 0 0 N. PG. 64-1164 May 1864 130 0 0 150 0 0 N. S. Feb. " 1864 Sept. 1864 May 1865 Aug. 1861 Mar. 1865 150 0 0 250 0 0 160 0 0 250 0 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 180 0 0 300 0 0 220 0 0 50 0 0 S. N. N. S. s. s. s. s. N. s. s. April 1865 Jan. 1865 May 1865 8th September, 1865. Char: ,es Knight, Auditor.

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PART RETURN SHOWING ALL APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT SINCE JANUARY, 1864., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-14

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PART RETURN SHOWING ALL APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT SINCE JANUARY, 1864. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-14

PART RETURN SHOWING ALL APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT SINCE JANUARY, 1864. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-14

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