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D.—No. 9.



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No. 1. PART RETURN showing the Number of Electors in the various Electoral Districts, after revision by the Revising Officers, for the Year 1865-6. Electoral Districts. No. of Electors. Electoral Districts. No. of Electors. 1. Mongonui 23. Clive 180 2. Bay of Islands 24. Collingwood 180 3. Marsden 25. Motueka 369 4. Northern Division 1,131 26. City of Nelson 696 5. City of Auckland, East 838 27. Suburbs of Nelson 169 6. City of Auckland, West 1,424 28. Waiinea ... 527 7. Parnell 458 29. Picton 417 8. Newton 890 30. Wairau 288 9. Pensioner Settlements 291 31. Cheviot 705 10. Town of Onehunga 402 32. Kaiapoi 565 11. Eranklin 915 33. Avon 754 12. Raglan 1,224 31. Heathcote 1,052 13. Grey and Bell 202 35. Ellesmere 123 14. Town of New Plymouth 214 36. City of Christehurch 1,292 15. Oinata 100 37. Town of Lyttelton 367 16. Wanganui 327 38. Akaroa 210 17. Rangitikei 195 39. Timaru 542 18. Porirua 779 40. Hampden 786 19. City of Wellington 961 41. Bruce 1,207 20. Hutt .' ... 507 42. Dunedin and Suburbs, North ... 1,871 21. Wairarapa 329 43. Dunedin aud Suburbs, South... ... 2,355 22. Napier 287 44. Wallace 1,129 Note.—The Returns for Mongonui, Bay of Islands, and Marsden, have not yet been received, but will be added as soon as they are. Tlie District of the G-old Fields is not included in the above Return, as there is no Electoral Roll for that District. The above numbers have been furnished by the several Returning Officers, but the Rolls themselves have not in most cases yet been received. Colonial Secretary's Office, W. Gisborne, Wellington, 25th August, 1865. Under Secretary. No. 2. The Returning Officer, Wellington, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretart. Sir,— Wellington, 12th October, 1865. I have the honor herewith to forward the Electoral Rolls for 1865-6 for the following Districts within the Province of Wellington : — City of Wellington, Hutt, Porirua, for the return of Members of the House of Representatives. I have, <fee, C. D. R. Ward, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Returning Officer. No. 3. The Under Secretary to the Deputt Returning Officer, Wellington. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th October, 1865. The Electoral Roll for the District of Porirua, for the year 1865-6, furnished by the Returning Officer, shows the numbers of electors as being 599 for that district. 1


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In your letter of the Sth August last, you stated the number of electors for the Porirua District as being 599, but you also stated that there were 180 electors for Karori and Makara, and accordingly in computing a return for the House of Representatives, that number was added to the 599, making a total of 779. Mr. Richmond has directed me to request you to explain this discrepancy. I have, &c, John Smith, Esq., Deputy Returning Officer, "VV. G-isboene, AVellington. Under Secretary. No. 4. The Retuening Offices, "Wellington, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic,— "Wellington, 16th October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 13th instant, requesting me to explain a discrepancy in the number of voters on the Electoral Roll for the District of Porirua, as given in my letter to you of the sth August last, and the number subsequently furnished by the Returning Officer. In reply, I beg to inform you that the 599 electors on the Roll for the Electoral District of Porirua include the 180 for the Karori and Makara Districts. The Karori and Makara Districts form an electoral district for Provincial purposes, and should not have been referred to in the return furnished in my letter of the sth August. I can only now express my regret that the information contained in the letter above referred to should have proved so erroneous. It was in reality supplied to me in a Memorandum from the Resident Magistrate's Office in the absence of Mr. "Ward, the Returning Officer. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John E. Smith, "Wellington. Deputy Returning Officer. No. 5. The Retuening Officee, Wellington, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — Wairarapa, 21st October, 1865. I have the honor to hand you herewith one signed copy of the Electoral Roll for this district for the year 1865-6, and three copies as prepared for sale ; also the original lists signed by the Revising Officer. I have, &c, Heebeet S. "Waedell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, "Wellington. Returning Officer. No. 6. The Undee Seceetaet to H. S. "Waedell, Esq. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 27th October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (21st October, 1865), forwarding Electoral Rolls for the District of Wairarapa for the year 1865-6, in which the number of electors appears as 322. In your former letter you stated the number as 329, and I am directed by Mr. Stafford to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, H. S. Wardell, Esq., Returning Officer, W. Gisbobne, Wairarapa. Under Secretary. No. 7. EXTRACT from LETTER from the Retuening Ofpicee, Nelson, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet, —dated 11th August, 1865. " The Rolls for Motueka and Collingwood have been forwarded to me to revise from the printer's hands, and I collate therefrom the following numbers also: — Motueka ... ... ... ... 369 Collingwood ... ... ... ... 180 "It is possible that there might be an error of one or two in number, as I am not sure as to some of the names on the new Lists of Claims not being on the roll previously : but as you wished for the information by return of post, and I know it is impossible for the officers in those districts to furnish the same within the time, I have added the numbers for those districts." No. 8. The Retuening Officee, Collingwood, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. S IE — Resident Magistrate's Office, Collingwood, 18th August, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of circular dated 3rd August, 1865 (received this day). and enclose statement of the number of electors on the new Electoral Roll for this



D.—No. 9.

district, together with the number of persons entitled to vote being holders of " Miners' Rights," but whose names do not appear on the roll. The Revising Officer held his Court for the revision of the Electoral Roll for this district on 31st July last ; the list was at once put into the hands of tlie printer. The original list, signed by the Revising Officer, with three copies, as printed for general use, shall be forwarded in accordance with your request, immediately on their arrival here from the printers. I have, &c, Henet W. Tuenell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Returning Officer. Electoral District of Collingwood. Number of electors on the new Electoral Roll, passed by the Revising Officer on the 31st of July, 1865 ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 Number of persons entitled to vote, being holders of " Miners' Rights," not on the Roll ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 01 Total number of voters ... ... 269 Henet W. Tuenell, Collingwood, 18th August, 1865. Returning Officer. No. 9. The Retuening Officee, Motueka, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sib,— Motueka, 21st September, 1865. I have the honor to forward to you by this mail three copies of the Electoral Roll for Motueka; also the original list as signed by the Revising Officer. I have, <fee, A. S. G. Campbell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, "Wellington. Returning and Registration Officer, Motueka. No. 10. The Undee Seceetaet to the Retuening Officee, Motueka. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 6th October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st September, 1865, forwarding Electoral Rolls for the District of Motueka for the year 1865-6, in which the number of electors appear as 393. In your former letter you stated the number as 369, and I am directed by Mr. Richmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, <fee, W. Gisboene, The Returning Officer, Motueka. Under Secretary. No. 11. The Retuening Offices, Nelson, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — Nelson, 14th September, 1865. Enclosed I have the honor to transmit in accordance with the directions of " The Registration of Elections Act, 1858," the original Lists of Electors, as revised for the following districts, viz.:— City of Nelson, Suburbs of Nelson, and Waimea, the duplicate copy signed by me, and three copies as prepared for sale. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Shaep, Wellington. . Registration Officer. No. 12. The Undee Seceetaet to the Retuening Offices, Nelson. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 20th September, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th September, 1865, forwarding Electoral Rolls in which the numbers appear as follows, viz. : —City of Nelson, 698 ; Suburbs of Nelson, 173; Waimea, 558. In your former letter you stated the numbers to be —City of Nelson, 696; Suburbs of Nelson, 169; and Waimea, 527 ; and I am directed by Mr. Richmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, John Sharp, Esq., Returning Officer, W. Gisboene, Nelson. Under Secretary.



D.—No. 9.

No. 13. The Returning Officer, Collingwood, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sib, — Resident Magistrate's Office, Collingwood, 23rd September, 1865. I have the honor to transmit herewith the Revised List of Voters for the Electoral District of Collingwood, together with a certified copy of the Electoral Roll for the year 1865-G, also three copies of the same as prepared for sale. I have, &c, H. W. Turnell, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Returning Officer. No. 14. The Returning Officer, Nelson, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Nelson, 25th September, 18G5. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, acknowledging the receipt of mine of the 14th instant, transmitting Electoral Roll, and requesting me to explain the discrepancy between the numbers as shown in the said Rolls, and the numbers stated in previous letter of the 11th August last; and in reply I have the honor to state, that as regards the members for the City of Nelson, the mistake arose from a numerical error of the printer, not discovered till afterwards when revising the proof sheet. The apparent discrepancy in the " Suburbs" and " Waimea" is the difference between the names, as shown numerically on the Roll, of those persons whose claims are allowed to stand in the revision, and the number of actual electors, —many persons' names, especially in the "Waimea, appearing as separate claims through really the same persons making them ; and as your letter of the sth of August requested the number of electors to be furnished, I gave the number of actual electors only, and therefore such as could poll at an election. I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. John Sharp. No. 15. The Under Secretary to the Returning Officer, Nelson. Sib, —■ Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, Oth October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the date 25th September, 1865, and in reply am directed by Mr. Richmond to inform you that your explanation as to the discrepancy in the number of electors on the Rolls and the number given in your former letter is satisfactory. I have, &c, William Gisboene, John Sharp, Esq., Returning Officer, Nelson. Under Secretary. No. 16. The Undeb Secbetaby to the Retubning Officee, Collingwood. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 6th October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 23rd September, 1865, forwarding Electoral Rolls for the District of Collingwood for the year 1865-6, in which the number of electors appears as 181. In your former letter you stated the number as 178, and I am directed by Mr. Richmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, W. Gisboene, The Returning Officer, Collingwood. Under Secretary. No. 17. The Retlh_;ng Officer, Motueka, to the Under Secretary. Sir,— Motueka, 12th October, 1865. I have the honor I o arknowledge receipt of your letter dated 6th instant, and have to state in answer thereto, that the number of electors on the Motueka revised Electoral Roll was furnished by Mr. Sharp, and not by mywulf; the revised Roll being at the time in the printer's hands at Nelson. By referring to the Roll for this district, you will see that it is sub-divided into three parts, each part being the Provincial Roll for that Provincial district. Consequently, as there are a number of electors holding qualifications in two or all three districts their names are inserted and numbered accordingly. For instance, the first elector on the Motueka Roll heads the other two also, having a property qualification in each. This will account for the discrepancy. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Colonial Secretary's Office, A. L. G. Campbell, Wellington. Returning Officer, Motueka.



D.—No. 9.

No. 18. The Betuening Officer, Marsden, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — Eesident Magistrate's Office, Wangarei, 19th August, 1865. In reply to your circular letter of tho 2nd instant, in which you are pleased to instruct me to furnish by the first opportunity three copies of the Electoral 801 l (as passed by the Bevising Officer) for the years 1865-6,1 have the honor to inform you that they shall be forwarded to your office as soon as I receive them from the printers; and with respect to the information called for in tho second paragraph of your letter, I have the honor to state that there are seven hundred and thirty-nine (739) electors in the Bolls for the years 1865-6, being two hundred and eighty-two (282) in excess of the number on the 801 l for the years 1864-5. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, H. B. Aubeet, Wellington. Beturning Officer for the Electoral District of Marsden. No. 19. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Officee, Lyttelton. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 18th August, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th August, 1865, and am directed by Mr. Bichmond to draw your attention to the fact that in this letter you state the number of electors on the Bolls for the districts of City of Christehurch and Heathcote as 1,113 and 1,061 respectively ; whereas in the Bolls for those Districts forwarded in your letter of the 14th instant the numbers of electors are for City of Christehurch 1,292, and for Heathcote 1,052. I have to request you to be good enough to explain this discrepancy. I have, &c, Wm. Donald, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gisboene, Lyttelton. Under Secretary. No. 20. The Betuening Officee, Lyttelton, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic,— Lyttelton, 27th August, 1865. In. explanation of the discrepancy referred to in your letter, in the number of electors in the Electoral Bolls, and in the numbers as given in mine of the 7th of August, I have the honor to state that not having the complete Bolls to refer to, they being at Christehurch in the printer's hands, to enable me to reply to your inquiries as requested by return of post, I forwarded the numbers as furnished by the printers. I cannot account for the extraordinary mistake by them made. I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Wm. Donald. No. 21. The Eetttbning Officer, Lyttelton, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. S IE Lyttelton, 2nd September, 1865. I have the honor herewith to enclose three copies each of the Electoral Bolls for the Districts of Lyttelton and Ellesmere. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wm. Donald, Wellington. Beturning Officer. No. 22. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Officee, Lyttelton. Sib,— Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (2nd September, 1865,) forwarding Electoral Bolls for the Districts of Lyttelton and Ellesmere, in which the number of Electors for the former appear as 366, and the latter 122. In your former letter you stated the number for Lyttelton to be 367, and for Ellesmere 123, and I am directed by Mr. Bichmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, Wm. Donald, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gtsboene, Lyttelton. Under Secretary. No. 23. The Betuening Offices, Hampden, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. S IB Hawkesbury, 29th August, 1865. I beg to transmit for your information the 801 l of Electors for the District of Hampden for the year commencing on the first of October next, and also the original lists as signed by the Bevising Officer. I have, & c ., J. W. Muedock. To the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Begistration Officer, Wellington. , Hampden Electoral District. 2



D.—No. 9.

No. 24. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Offices, Hawkesbury, Otago. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (29th August, 1865,) forwarding Electoral Bolls for tho District of Hampden, in which tho number of Electors appear as 783. In your former letter you stated the number to be 786, and I am directed by Mr. Bichmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, John Murdock, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gisboene, Hawkesbury, Otago. Under Secretary. No. 25. The Betuening Offices, Hampden, to the Undee Seceetaet. Sib, — Hawkesbury, 22nd September, 1865. Tour letter of the 13th instant, acknowledging receipt of the Electoral 801 l for the District of Hampden, and requesting information as to a discrepancy in the numbers therein, I had the honor to receive by yesterday's post. In reply I beg to state that the discrepancy in the Electoral 801 l as printed, and the numbers mentioned in my former letter, arose from the printer leaving out three names already on the Boll; and as I saw that his omission was in fact a correction that would have been made when the next lists were got ready, I did not consider the alteration of such importance as to make a delay for reprinting advisable, as the Electoral 801 l is essentially correct. I have, &c, "Wm. G-isborne, Esq., Under Secretary, J. W. Muedoch, Wellington. Begistration Officer, Hampden. No. 26. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Officee, Hampden, Otago. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 29th September, 1865. By direction of Mr. Bichmond, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter (22nd September, 1865), and to inform you that your explanation as to the discrepancy between the number of names on the Electoral 8011, and the number given in your former letter, is satisfactory. I have, &c, J. W. Murdoch, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gisboene, Hampden, Otago. Under Secretary. No. 27. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Offices, Bruce. Sis, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 29th September, 1865. I am directed by Mr. Bichmond to acknowledge the receipt of the Electoral Bolls for the District of Bruce the year 1865-66, in which the number of electors is 1,172. In your former letter you stated then umber as 1,207, and I am to request you tobe good enough to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, John Dewe, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gisboene, Bruce. Under Secretary. No. 28. The Betuening Officee, Bruce, to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaet. Sic, — Tokomairiro, sth October, 1865. I do myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo. Having carefully collated the present 801 l of Electors for the District of Bruce with that of the preceding year, and with the Claims for Begistration sent in for the present year, and finding the existing 801 l correct, I can only account for the discrepancy in the numbers by my not having deducted the names struck off one of the lists by the Bevising Officer, and those who have made additional claims for properties in the district. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Dewe, Wellington. Beturning Officer, Bruce. No. 29. The Undee Seceetaet to the Betuening Officee, Bruce. Sic, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th October, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the sth October, 1865, ou the subject of the discrepancy in the number of Electors on the 801 l for Bruce and the number given in your former letter. I have, &c, John Dewe, Esq., Beturning Officer, W. Gisboene, Bruce, Otago. . Under Secretary.



D.—No. 9.

No. 30. The Returning Officer, Wallace, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Invercargill, 2nd September, 1865. In accordance with the 35th section of " The Regulations of Elections Act, 1858," I have the honor to enclose the original List of Voters for this district, together with a signed triplicate copy of the new Roll for the year 1865-6, and three of the copies prepared for sale. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Hare, Wellington. Returning Officer, District of Wallace. No. 31. The Under Secretary to the Returning Officer, Invercargill. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd September, 1865, forwarding Electoral Rolls for the District of Wallace in which the number of electors appear as 1,048. In your former letter you stated the number to be 1,129, and I am directed by Mr. Richmond to request you to explain the discrepancy. I have, &c, John Hare, Esq., Returning Officer, W. Gisborne, Invercargill. Under Secretary. No. 32. The Returning Officer, Wallace, to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary. Sir, — Invercargill, 20th September, 1865. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 13th instant, requesting me to explain a discrepancy between the number of names on the Electoral Roll for this district, and the number stated by me in a former letter. I have the honor to state that when I received your circular of 3rd August, requesting me to furnish by return of post the number of names on the new Roll, the Roll had not been prepared. Tour circular only reached me an hour before the return mail closed, and I had little time to make up the number accurately. The discrepancy arose from the fact that many of the names in the list of new claims were already on the Roll, and. I added the whole number of new claims to the number on the Roll, without taking this circumstance into account. I discovered the error too late to correct it; I trust, however, that it has not led to any serious result. I have, &c, Tho Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Hare, Wellington. Returning Officer, District of Wallace. No. 33. The Under Secretary to the Returning Officer, Wallace. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 29th September, 1865. By direction of Mr. Richmond, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th September, 1865, and to inform you that your explanation as to the discrepancy between the number of names on the Electoral Roll, and the number given in your former letter, is satisfactory. I have, &c, John Hare, Esq., Returning Officer, W. Gisborne, Wallace. Under Secretary.



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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ELECTORAL ROLLS FOR THE YEAR 1865-6., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-09

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PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ELECTORAL ROLLS FOR THE YEAR 1865-6. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-09

PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE ELECTORAL ROLLS FOR THE YEAR 1865-6. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-09

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