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D.—No. 8.





D.—No. 8.

No. 1. Mr. Commissioner Beckitam to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Silt, — Compensation Court, Auckland, 10th June, 1865. Adverting to your letter of the 29th April, 1865, requesting me to investigate the claim of Mr. T. Leddra Wallis, on account of injuries inflicted on his son Joseph Coates Wallis, by the rebel Natives: I have the honor to report that I have made a strict inquiry into his case, and find from the evidence of medical men (vide Enclosure) that the wounds which the boy received will incapacitate him from earning a livelihood, and that he will be constantly liable to inflammation of the brain, from the excitement and bustle of life, in consequence of the brain being exposed to injury by the removal of a portion of the skull, and beg to recommend for the consideration of the Government, that the sum of Five hundred pounds (£500) be awarded for his benefit. Should the Government take a favorable view of his case, I would suggest that the sum awarded be invested for the boy's sole benefit. I annex a copy of the inquiry. , I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Thomas Beckham, Commissioner.

Enclosure to No. 1. TJwmas Leddra Wallis, states :—I was a settler residing at the Wairoa in the year 1863. "When my eon who is now in Court, was wounded, I was residing at Papakura. The child now in Court is the one for whom I claim compensation for injuries he sustained. He is my son and will be twelve (12) years of age in the month of October next. On the 13th of October, 1863, the child now present was sent with the late Mr. Job Hainlyn to the Wairoa. Mr. Job Hamlyn was shot dead, and my son, now present, was found near him all but dead from severe tomahawk wounds. The body of Mr. Job Hamlyn was found on the Wairoa Road, at the entrance of the bush, on the 13th October, lsi;:!. William llai/nrr, states : —I am Assistant Surgeon in the -4th Waikato Regiment of Militia. I recollect the circumstance of Mr. Job Hamlyn being shot. He was murdered, supposed to be by the rebel Natives. This occurred on the 13th October, 1863. I was at that time stationed at Papakura, about four or five miles from the place of the murder. The boy Joseph Coates Wallis was brought to Papakura, and was received into the Military Hospital there by order of the Brigadier. I examined the boy, he was then insensible. He had an extensive incised wound on the left cheek extending from the outer angle of the eye to the extremity of the nose, which had evidently been inflicted by the sharp edge of a tomahawk. That wound was accompanied by the fracture of the molar bono ; in addition to this he had received a fracture of the skull, a portion of the frontal bone being depressed. I was compelled to perform the operation of trepanning in order to relieve the pressure upon the brain, and to restore sensibility. Those were the only wounds he had received. After the operation sensibility was restored. The fracture of the skull was evidently done by the hammer end of the tomahawk. I am of opinion that the wounds have progressed most favorably, and that the wound on the cheek will not interfere with the lad's prospects, further than the disfigurement of the face ; but the brain being exposed to injury by the removal of the jiortion of skull will render him liable at any time, from the excitement and bustle of life, to inflammation of the brain. The action of the sun, if exposed to its rays, would seriously affect him. In fact anything of an exciting nature would have a prejudicial effect: the injuries however will not affect his physical powers. At present the brain is not impaired, but excitement might impair it at any moment. Mental application would affect the brain: it would not be safe for him to apply to study, nor can I say that it would be safe for him to apply himself to severe study at any future time. I had observed that the boy was afflicted with partial paralysis of the left side before he received the wound. The severe wounds he has received inflicted a severe shock upon the system, and may have for a time affected the weak side. The wounds inflicted would hare been more likely to affect the opposite or the right side. Joseph Coates Wallis, states:—l recollect going to Wairoa with the late Mr. Job Hamlyn. We started from Papakura together on one Sunday morning about eighteen months ago. Ido not recollect the month. We had been to the Wairoa, and on our return I saw a Native who came after me. I have no recollection of what happened to me, neither do I recollect what happened to Mr. Hamlyn. I heard Mr. Hainlyn screech before the Native got up to me. Thomas Moore Philson, states : —1 am Provincial Surgeon, and have examined the boy Thomas Coates Wallis in conjunction with Dr. Rayner. I have discovered the traces of the wounds, similar to those described in the evidence given by Dr. Rayner. In my estimation, the effects of the wounds will render him an invalid for life. It will be necessary for him to use the utmost circumspection when occupied with his daily avocations. The wounds place him in an unfavorable position for earning his own livelihood, and are of such a nature as to render it extremely problematical whether he will be enabled to do so. I consider him invalid for life.

No. 2. Mr. Commissioner Beckham to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Compensation Court, Graham's Buildings, Sir, — Auckland, 17th June, 1805. Adverting to your communication of the 29th April, 1865, referring me to the Journals of the House of Representatives, IS6I, for a Schedule of Petitions to the House specially referred to Government, preferring claims for compensation arising out of the rebellion in the Province of Auckland, and requesting me " to investigate and report on them for the information of Government," I have the honor to inform you that I have investigated the claim of D. McCaskill (£1,640), but find that the applicant has no right whatever to compensation, as his farm was occupied during the whole period for which he claims recompense. Moreover, had the farm been abandoned, the particulars of his claim are of such a nature that Ido not think they could be recognized.


D.—No. 8.

Mrs. Rhoda Bedda Hamlin, one of the petitioners, was duly requested to prefer her claim, but she has not done so, probably from the fact that she had already urged a claim under the authority cf my commission. With regard to the other petitioners referred to in the Schedule, I beg to state that, with some fewexceptions (vide Return annexed), their claims have also been considered under the same authority. I have, Ac, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Thomas Beckham, Commissioner.

No. 3. Mr. Commissioner Beckham to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Compensation Court, Graham's Buildings, Sic, — Auckland, 17th June, 1865. Adverting to your communications of the dates specified in the margin, with reference to my inquiring into certain claims for losses by the Native rebellion, since the 11th July, 1863, under the NewZealand Settlements Act, within the Province of Auckland; and with respect to certain other losses occasioned by rebel Natives to persons wrecked in the steamer " Lord Worsley " on the coast of Taranaki dn 1863, I have the honor to report that I have investigated three hundred and seventy-two European and forty Native claims, the former amounting to £136,370 2s. lOd. (vide Appendix A.), and the latter to* £7,454 10s. 6d. (vide Appendix B.) European Claims. —After a careful consideration of the evidence adduced, I find that the European claimants have suffered to the extent of £71,002 16s. 2d., and the Natives to £2,432 19s. 6d. The losses which I have deemed it right to recommend for compensation have been: — Firstly. —For the non-occupation of houses and enclosed lands under cultivation. Secondly. —Eor the destruction of crops, cattle, or other property, deducting a uniform percentage from the claimants' own estimate of the value of personal effects. From the facts laid before mo, I find that during the latter part of the year 1563, the markets were much depreciated in consequence of the great number of cattle which were forced into them by the settlers who were driven from their homesteads by the rebel Natives. I have therefore allowed— Thirdly. —A percentage upon all compulsory sales to the end of that year. In several instances I have been unable to admit the claims preferred, from want of evidence and impropriety of the demands (see annexed Return.) Native Claims. —The claims made by Natives have been somewhat more difficult to determine. In some cases the property for which compensation has been claimed, was left in the hands of Natives who afterwards took part in the rebellion, and as the evidence failed to show that the goods were not taken by those individuals, and no proof having been given that the property was destroyed by the troops, I did not feel justified in admitting them. " Lord Worsley " Claims. —There are thirteen claims in connexion with the wreck of the " Lord Worsley," steamer, amounting to £2,419 4s. 4d., which I have considered, and have awarded sums amounting to £1,837 6s. 10|d. (vide Appendix C.) In dealing with the majority of these claims, which are for losses of personal property, I have applied the same rule as that observed with regard to settlers in this Province —deducting a percentage from the claimants' estimate —and this, I believe, will accord to them the real value of the property at the time it was lost or destroyed. I forward a return, showing the amount to which each claimant is entitled. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Thomas Beckham, Commissioner.

22nd Feby., No. 99. 1st March. 20th April, No. 309, 1865.

No. 4. Mr. Commissioner Beckham to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Compensation Court, Graham's Buildings, Sik, — Auckland, 17th June, 1865. With reference to your letter of the 25th May, 1565 (No. 413), enclosing copy of a Petition from " Mr. W. Chitham, and other Settlers in the Waikato District, claiming compensation for losses sustained by them during the Taranaki War, in 1860-1," I have the honor to inform you, that on the receipt of that document I gave notice to the parties interested, and those named in the margin appeared before me. Their claims amounted to £968 25., and after a careful consideration of their statements, I find that they are entitled to the sums specified opposite their respective names in the annexed return, amounting to 1173 10s. (Vide Appendix D.) The other claimants mentioned have preferred claims under the authority of my commission, with the exception of Dr. Hooper, who has paid no attention to repeated summonses. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. Thomas Beckham, Commissioner.

R. W. Dickson. D.H. Heather W. Chitham. J. K. Cowell. J. C. Johnstone. John Morgan. John Edwards W. Hamilton. Dr. Hooper.

No. 5. Mr. Commissioner Beckham to the Hon. the Colonial Seceetaey. Compensation Court, Graham's Buildings, Sib, — Auckland, 3rd July, 18G5. . Since the transmission of my reports relative to the various claims for compensation for losses occasioned by the rebel Natives, I have the honor to transmit a claim connected with the wreck of the " Lord Worsley" (vide Appendix E.), and one by a settler who suffered during the Taranaki War, in 1860 and 1861 (vide Appendix F.) I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington. TnoMAS Beckham, Commissioner.



D.—No. 8.



ArrEXDix A. Dow Charles, Waiuku Dow John, Wairoa . Dromgool John, Mauku Easton George, Pukekohe ' Edwards John, Awamutu Einbling John, Pakcranga England Joseph, Waikato Evans Hugh, Awitu Farrell James, Awitu . Farrow Robert, Raglan Fenten F. J)., for executor of late James Armitage —1st C, £100; 2nd, £60 ; 3rd, £1400 Ferguson John, Flat Bush Finlay David, Wairoa Finlay James, Patumahoi Finlay Thomas, Mauku Fitness George, Maungatawhiri Fitness James, Mangatawhiri . Fitness Samuel, Mangatawhiri . Fitzgerald William, Rama Rama Flavcl William, Waiuku Fry John S., Pokeno Foley James, Auckland Forbes Esther, Coromandel Gage George, Waikato . Gage John, Kihikihi Galvin Richard, Baglan Gardiner George, Papakura Garland Henry, Awitu Garou William, Mauku Geldart James, Rama Rama George Elizabeth, Maungatawhiri Gibbon Nicholas, Kerikeri Gibson Thomas, Wangape Giles Joseph, Mauku . Glanville John, Waipa . Godkin John B., Papakura Gordon James A., Waiuku Gordon William, Waiuku Goulding James, Wairoa Graham David, Waiuku Graham William, Awitu Green William Scott, Kawliia . Greenaere Henry, Hunua Grouchy George, Papakura Hair George Buth, The Wade . Hallamore T. C, Pokeno Hall John, Rama Rama Hall Robert James, Wairoa Hall Samuel, Hunua Hamilton Brothers, Pukekohe . Hamilton William, Waipa Hamlins James S., Papakura . Hamlyn Frederick, Waiuku Hainlyn Rhoda B., Papakura . Hamlon Joseph, Waiuku Hanson James H., Papakura . Harris George, Pukekohe Hawke Samuel, Pukekohe Hawke Thomas, Papakura Hay William, Opahiki . Hazeklcan Charles, Wairoa Hazlett William, Raglan Heather D. H, Waipa Hedge John, Waiuku . Henderson James, Wairoa Henry Robert, East HamUton . Heron Henry, Mauku . Hotel Lewis, Waipa Hill Henry W., Mauku Hill John, Hunua Hill John, Rama Rama Hodge William, Pukekohe Holland William, Waiuku Hosking Caleb, Waiuku Hove George, Wairoa . Hull John, Waitiku Hunt Wm. Thomas, Kawliia Hunter William, Papakura Hutchinson George, Raglan Hyde Henry, Wairoa . Hyde Thomas, Wairoa . Irwin John, Awitu Jackson James, Papakura Jackson Major W., Wairoa James Win. John, Waiuku Johnstone John C, Raglan Johnstone William, Wairoa Claim. £ s. d. 119 15 0 343 10 0 255 17 0 267 4 6 659 3 6 175 0 0 369 19 0 161 3 6 81 17 6 310 15 0 1,500 0 0 38 0 0 34 10 0 156 5 0 180 10 0 716 8 0 286 2 0 324 16 0 140 0 0 302 7 6 149 0 0 2,356 0 0 56 0 0 195 16 4 703 2 0 90 0 0 686 1 G 180 12 6 349 1 7 36 10 0 144 10 0 200 0 0 177 0 0 57 0 0 69 0 0 122 2 0 100 0 0 325 0 0 52 0 0 205 0 0 183 9 0 297 9 0 598 0 0 98 10 0 64 0 0 168 15 0 305 15 0 909 2 6 94 19 0 912 6 0 186 10 0 90 5 0 659 0 0 543 9 0 171 1 0 391 10 0 1,367 8 9 226 1G 6 120 19 '0 1,089 4 0 21 0 0 555 4 6 1,940 12 0 200 19 0 950 19 0 14 1 6 212 2 10 101 0 0 445 11 10 597 0 0 126 0 0 467 16 0 87 11 0 204 4 0 296 18 0 118 0 0 746 13 0 175 10 0 95 9 6 150 0 0 352 12 6 217 8 0 141 10 6 267 4 0 129 19 0 907 6 0 405 3 5 Award. £ s. d. 100 0 0 307 10 0 251 6 O 184 14 O 450 3 6 168 0 0 254 19 0 136 11 O 31 10 O 157 17 0 395 0 O 10 0 O 34 10 0 125 0 0 108 10 0 524 5 0 186 2 O 210 6 0 102 0 0 249 0 0 126 10 O No evidence No evidence 163 16 4 413 2 0 26 0 0 462 0 0 143 5 O 249 1 7 22 10 0 107 0 0 112 0 0 160 0 0 51 0 0 41 0 0 85 0 O 68 0 0 191 0 0 52 0 O 170 0 0 112 19 0 131 10 0 412 0 0 98 10 0 51 0 0 135 0 0 165 0 0 405 9 0 79 19 0 566 10 O 150 10 O 85 0 0 484 0 0 493 9 O 119 1 0 170 10 0 626 15 O 196 16 G 100 7 7 964 0 0 19 15 6 258 0 0 762 0 0 175 19 0 743 10 0 10 0 0 1G4 2 10 61 0 0 312 1 10 532 0 0 97 0 0 196 6 0 55 18 O 170 4 0 205 G 0 118 0 0 No evidence 140 0 O 33 10 0 Abandoned 299 7 6 210 18 0 65 1G G 267 1 0 74 10 0 667 0 0 168 8 a European Claims for Compensation for Losses sustained by the Native Rebellion, subsequent to the 11th July, 1863. Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. Alexander F.M.,Gt. SoxithRoad 275 10 0 221 10 0 Allen John, Awamutu . . 857 10 0 702 0 0 Allies Harvey, Wairoa . . 473 16 8 190 1G 8 Anderson Marv Ann, Coromandel 161 10 0 46 4 0 Andrewartha Maria, Waiuku . 628 0 0 328 0 0 Andrews Henry, Hunua . 130 10 0 22 4 0 Appleby James, Hunua . 84 13 0 80 3 0 Austin George J. .Maungatawhiri 535 10 0 415 0 0 Bain John, Wairoa . . 205 0 0 157 4 0 Balderston David, Mauku . 32 18 0 25 18 0 Barribal Charles, Waiuku . 249 5 0 192 11 0 Barribal John, Waiuku . 92 15 0 74 15 0 Barrel Peter, Coromandel . 71 2 0 48 2 0 Barrett Nathaniel, Raglan . 103 10 0 59 10 0 Beeson George, Coromandel . 262 12 0 77 8 0 Belcher John, Rama Rama . 103 11 0 69 11 0 Bell James, Wairoa . . 159 11 0 124 11 0 Bell John, Wairoa . . 73 5 0 51 0 0 Bellingham Wm., Pakcranga . 343 14 6 141 16 0 Bischoff Charles, Waiuku . 153 10 6 110 4 6 Bishop B. A., Raglan . . 131 5 0 No evidence Botham and Simpson, Papakura 392 17 0 271 17 0 Boughton Adino, Wairoa . 16 5 0 16 5 0 Bovey John, Wangaroa . 87 10 0 54 0 0 Boyd John, Flat Bush . . 61 0 0 20 0 0 Bregman James, Waiuku . 160 4 6 73 3 6 Broomfield William, Mariti . 110 0 0 105 0 0 Brown Campbell & Co., Waiuku 1,127 10 0 685 0 0 Browne Francis H, Wairoa . 227 5 0 216 0 0 Browning Samuel, Mauku . 1,087 5 0 865 0 0 Bruce Rev. David, Auckland . 50 0 0 50 0 0 BuchananJamesjMurcurvIsland 199 10 6 45 1 0 Buckland Alfred, Pukekohe . 930 0 0 660 0 0 Buddie Rev. T., Waipu . 399 17 0 379 17 0 Burtt James, Pukekohe . 2,734 14 0 1,394 4 0 Cadman Jerome, Hunua . 174 5 0 163 0 0 Calvert Augustus B., Papakura. 344 2 0 340 0 0 Chamberlain Chas., Punui . 991 0 0 616 0 0 Chandler John, Wahi . . 190 0 0 136 10 0 Charlton Ann, Kawliia . . 306 10 0 306 10 0 Charnock George, Hunua . 23 18 0 18 0 0 Chitham William, Waikato . 950 5 0 77 0 0 Churches Thomas, Mariti . 190 0 0 36 16 0 Clarke Brothers, Waiau . 1,055 9 6 697 18 6 Clarke Joseph, Waiau . 316 9 6 182 8 0 Clarke Samuel S., Tauranga . 646 1 2 393 6 6 Clow Peter, I'apakura . . 196 12 0 175 0 0 Clow William, Wairoa . . 637 10 0 216 0 0 Cochrane Archibald, Wairoa . 68 0 0 35 10 0 Cochrane Joseph, Wairoa . 214 15 0 141 5 0 Codlin George, Waiuku . 302 0 0 237 0 0 Codlin John, Waiuku . . 130 0 0 58 0 0 Comrie James, Pukekohe . 317 2 9 208 0 0 Constable Edward, Waiuku . 250 0 0 135 0 0 Cooper Robert, Wairoa . 80 5 0 58 5 0 Cornforth Charles R., East Coast 64 10 0 33 8 0 Cossey Solomon, Hunua . 173 17 6 140 17 6 Cossey William, Hunua . 54 3 6 50 8 0 Coultiiard Thos., Awitu . 232 8 4 62 6 4 Coutts Robert, Wairoa . 253 15 0 230 0 0 CoweU Jno. V., Te Rori . 1.215 11 3 766 6 3 Cowley Robt., Papakura . 120 9 6 95 7 0 Cox George, Mauku . . 364 14 7 294 0 0 Coxhead Robt., Papatoitoi . 20 0 0 20 0 0 Ccwle Peter, Pakerangi . . 44 6 0 40 0 0 Craig Robt,, Wairoa . . 163 10 0 154 15 0 Craik James, Mariti . . 405 3 9 119 12 0 Crawford James, Wairoa . 281 16 0 276 16 0 Creighton Francis, Hunua . 448 2 0 209 2 0 Crispe Heyward, Mauku . 143 0 0 130 0 0 Crispe Joseph, Mauku . 256 0 0 247 0 0 Cronkshaw William, Hunua . 99 0 0 88 0 0 Croker Patrick W., Matakana . 50 0 0 No evidence Cummin Ross, Waiuku . 149 0 0 87 0 0 Currie William, Waiuku . 252 0 0 146 6 0 Davey Edwin, Raglan . 1,068 18 8 No evidence Dawson Arthur. Gt, South Road 169 9 9 64 11 0 Deane Fredk. C, Rama Rama 577 15 6 379 15 6 Deorness James, Pukekohe . 844 0 0 309 14 0 De Cateret John, Papakura . 178 0 0 82 0 0 Dickson Robt. W., Waikato . 141 0 0 No evidence Dihar Louis, Uruhou . 674 10 0 352 10 0 Dixon Edward, Bay of Plentv 300 6 0 228 6 0 Donald William, Hunua . 53 0 0 50 0 0 Dougal Johnson, Raglan . 257 17 6 58 10 0

D.—No. 8.



Claim. £ s. d. Jones Owen, a seaman . . 20 0 0 Kelcher Jeremiah, Mauku . 470 10 0 Kelleher Morgan & Co., Mauku 317 11 3 Kelis George, East Tamaki . 288 12 0 Kemp Charles, Pakerangi . 401 16 0 Kemp Thomas, Pakerangi . 209 1 0 Kennedy Alexander, Mariti . 1,141 11 0 Kerr William, Drury . . 289 7 4 Kcschel Abraham, Raglan . 510 4 0 King Edward, Papakura . 734 10 0 Kirk Thomas, Omah . . 210 0 0 Kitson Robert, Pakerangi . 52 14 0 La Trobe James, Raglan . 51 10 0 Law George, Taupo . . 620 0 0 Lawrie John, Karaka . . 143 15 0 Littin William. Hunua . . 139 4 6 Lock wood James, Pakerangi . 185 14 0 Logan Edward, Awitu . . 83 10 0 Long Wm. H, Gt. South Road. 118 0 0 Lord John, Wairoa . . 186 8 0 Luke Samuel, Pukekohe . 320 0 0 Lusk and Hill, Puni . . 599 0 0 l.u>k Daniel II., Puni . . 553 5 0 Lusk Hugh EL, Mauku . 51 10 0 Lusk Robert, Mauku . . 215 7 4 Maedoiiald Alex., Pukekohe . 604 9 0 Maedonald James, Pukekohe . 126 18 11 Macdonald John, Wairoa . 30S 1 5 Macfarlane Duncan, Waipa . 40 0 0 Macferlane George, Waipa . 153 0 0 Mackay John, Mariti . . 88 0 0 Mackenzie, James, Mariti . 119 0 0 Madden Charles, Hunua . 322 7 6 Mander John, Wairoa Road . 121 10 0 Manley B. N., Papataitoi . 322 5 0 Manlev George K., Mauku . 77 0 0 Marshall Charles, The Blu(F . 596 9 0 Martin John, Rama Rama . 695 3 2 Masters William, Orakau . 272 10 0 Matheson James, Wairoa . 288 10 9 Matthews James, Mauku- . 60 2 0 Mauku Churchwardens, Mauku 18 0 0 Mav Anthonv, Waiuku . 165 5 0 Mav John, Waiuku . . 322 0 0 McCarthy John, Papakuna . 169 0 0 McCaskili L. A., Thames . 13,814 10 0 McCulloeh Robt., Papakura . 100 8 0 MeElwain ,V. R., Waiuku . 323 9 0 McLirnon T. R., Papatoitoi . 800 0 0 McLennan Duncan, Papakura . 130 5 0 McNicoll Duncan, Wairoa . 76 12 0 Mean. r 1 William, Maungatawhiri 18 17 8 Meikiejohn J. S. and L., Kawau 147 14 6 Mellsop Charles, Mauku . 59 2 0 Meilsop James, Mauku . 60 13 4 Mellsop J. senior, Mauku . 102 0 0 Mellsop Jno. Thos., Mauku . 189 0 0 Middlemas Sarah A., Drury . 49 10 0 Miller Thos. B., Wairoa . 23G 18 0 Mininix John, Waikato . 74 11 0 Moon George, Raglan . 601 0 0 Moore John, a seaman . . 20 0 0 Morgan John, Otawhao . 725 19 6 Morgan William, Pukekohe . 371 5 6 Morley Ann, Drury . . 154 8 0 Mo.-heim Fredk., Papakura . 92 10 0 Muir Alexander, Papatoitoi . 77 10 0 Munro Daniel, Mauku . . 35 10 0 Munro George, Wairoa . 262 18 0 Nadin James, Mungunguroa . 158 0 0 Nazer Richard, Aotea . . Ill 0 0 Neill William, Awitu . . 334 5 0 Nicholls Henry, Pukekohe . 1,148 G 3 Nicholls William, Mata Mata . 294 12 0 Nicholls William, Pukekohe . 76 16 6 Ninnis James, Waitangi . 148 0 0 Nolan John, Papakura . . 167 15 0 Norrie Rev. Thos., Papakura . 67 4 0 Oldfield Absalom, Waikato . 592 1 8 Oliver Aitehinson, Mariti . 130 0 0 Ormsby Robt., Awaroa . . 7 10 0 Palmer Alfred, Awitu . . 98 1 0 Patterson Andrew, Shepherd's Bush 38 10 0 Phillips Thomas, Raglan . 560 5 0 Pollock Agnes, Hunua . . 79 16 0 Pompallier Rev. A., Ngaruawhia 82 4 0 Power Thomas, Rangioawhia . 1,973 9 9 Preece James, Coromandel . 570 8 0 Purchas and Ninnis, Waitake . 1,278 6 8 Award. £ s. d. 17 15 0 455 10 0 279 8 3 89 0 0 140 4 0 84 14 0 741 11 0 212 7 4 415 8 0 690 0 0 14 15 0 35 10 0 40 3 6 No evidence 28 5 0 57 17 0 125 14 0 39 0 0 108 0 0 150 0 0 288 0 0 2G3 0 0 301 15 0 34 0 0 143 2 10 283 1 0 119 9 11 214 G 0 35 0 0 141 0 0 80 10 0 119 0 0 102 5 0 91 10 0 142 17 0 60 10 0 311 4 0 584 3 2 156 0 0 215 15 0 60 2 0 18 0 0 140 0 0 126 0 0 114 0 0 No evidence 75 8 0 270 9 0 575 0 0 77 12 0 76 12 0 18 17 8 106 19 0 59 2 0 34 0 0 66 0 0 189 0 0 37 0 0 208 11 0 56 1 0 338 0 0 15 15 0 174 0 0 186 0 0 116 8 0 69 10 0 44 14 0 29 10 0 260 0 0 103 0 0 14 0 0 257 7 0 509 8 0 270 0 0 20 6 0 118 0 0 160 0 0 25 2 0 456 11 8 130 0 0 Withdrawn 50 0 0 38 10 0 324 5 0 79 16 0 82 4 0 356 0 0 140 0 0 360 0 0 Claim. & s. d. Purchas, for Orphan Asvlum, Taurua . . 612 0 0 Pye Charles, Howiek . . 160 0 0 Randall Samuel, Waikato . 170 5 0 Reed Smollett, Papakura . 225 10 0 Reid Thomas, Mauku . . 620 7 6 Rhodes Edward, Drury . 95 0 0 Richardson David, Wairoa . 11 19 0 Richardson James, Wairoa . 263 12 0 Ritchie Robert, Awitu . . 72 0 0 Roberts John M., Hunna . 44 0 0 Robinson Joshua, Pukekohe . 450 13 0 Robinson Thomas Jos., Mauku 64 2 0 Rollo David, Raglan . . 351 0 0 Roose Elijah, Pukekohe . 753 0 0 Rowley George, Wairoa . 26 4 0 Rumball Daniel, Wairoa . 48 9 2 Runciman James, Drury . 1,206 0 0 Runciman John, Drury . 415 8 0 Runciman Thomas, Drury . 215 12 0 Runciman Walter, Pukekohe . 650 8 0 Rutherford James, Hunua . 330 10 0 Sankey Henry, Mauku . . 31 11 0 Salmon John', Wairoa . . 1,241 10 0 Sandav William, Waiuku . 100 5 0 Savage and Son, Matata . 277 13 0 Savage Charles, Raglan . 179 5 0 Scott Robert M., Papakura . 477 10 0 Scott Joseph, Pukekohe . 461 17 0 Selby Williams, Maungatatauri 430 10 0 Sharp James, Pakcranga . 81 16 0 Shaw John, Pakcranga . 54 10 0 Shaw Silas, Pakcranga . . 37 18 0 Shaw William, Pakeranga . 28 0 0 Shepherd Annie C, Waiuku . 83 0 0 Shiphei'd Thomas, Rama Rama 341 5 0 Short John, Wairoa . . 142 10 0 Sinclair Daniel, Hunua . 142 1G 0 Smith Benjamin, Wairoa . 52 10 0 Smith Charles, Waipa . . 231 0 0 SmithWilliam.Chisholm'sBush 51 12 0 Snelgar Henrv, Mauku . . 43 0 0 Somerfield and Guilding, Piako. 393 10 6 Spargo William, Waikato . 264 13 0 Speedy Major James, Mauku . 407 13 0 Stanton Henrv, Papakura . 120 0 0 Steele William, Wairoa . 454 16 0 Stevens Joseph, Te Awamutu . 39 11 0 Stewart Robert C, Raglan . 320 0 0 Stewart Thomas S., Raglan . 385 7 6 Stubbins Benjamin, Raglan . 446 0 0 Sutton Charles, Wairoa. . 615 6 Sutton John, Hunua . . 46 10 0 Swan James, Otea . . 169 10 0 Sweney Peter, Hunua . . 156 10 0 Taylor David, Waiuku . . 105 10 0 Taylor George C, Pukekohe . 791 1 0 Tebbutt James, Wairoa . 377 12 0 Thierry George De, Coromandel 126 11 6 Thomas John, a seaman . 20 0 0 Thompson William, Te Puke . 134 15 0 Thorpe Wm. H, Wairoa . 95 15 6 Thorp John W., Thames . 789 0 0 Tizard Brothers, Auckland . 263 0 0 Topps Dr. George, Waiuku . 66 15 6 Trij/ible John, Papakura . 220 5 0 Trust Ambrose, Tauranga . 83 18 0 Trust A., for Mariti Church . 8 0 0 Turner and Oldham, Mariti . 1,195 14 6 Turner Rev. H, Kaipaihi . 432 11 2 Twamley Richard, Rama Rama. 88 0 0 Udy George, Waiuku . . 233 16 6 Underwood R. B., Waikato . 666 2 6 Vickers Samuel, Mauku . 1,370 3 10 Vickers S. D. G., Mauku . 74 5 0 Vidal George, Titirangi. . 279 16 0 Vinay Rev. L., for Mission . 93 0 0 Vinay Rev. L., Rangiaohia . 202 6 0 Waihoihoi Coal Mining Company 2,952 10 0 Walker George, Waikato . 254 0 0 Walker Henry William, Hunua 96 17 10 Walker James, Wairoa . 404 10 0 Wall William, Mangatawhiri . 696 0 0 Wallis T. Ledra, Wairoa . 672 12 0 Wallis AVilliam Henrv, Raglan 498 12 6 Walters Eliza, Waiuku . 331 10 0 Walters George Gold, Mauku . 180 0 0 Walters Vincent, Waiuku . 518 12 0 Walters William, Waiuku _ 75 7 6 Award. £ s. d. 132 0 0 139 0 0 80 0 0 171 0 0 434 5 6 95 0 0 10 0 0 131 16 0 61 0 0 40 0 0 231 5 0 57 10 0 190 0 0 475 10 0 - 21 4 0 47 9 2 423 0 0 219 0 0 193 12 0 560 3 0 289 10 0 31 11 0 863 3 0 95 0 0 182 18 0 93 5 0 249 18 0 332 17 0 237 10 0 81 16 0 39 10 0 32 16 0 28 0 0 33 0 0 292 12 0 140 0 0 72 6 0 37 10 0 127 10 0 36 12 0 35 10 6 103 10 6 200 13 0 126 5 0 60 0 0 374 16 0 29 11 0 No evidence 117 8 0 310 0 0 46 5 6 44 10 0 129 10 0 92 12 0 93 12 0 430 0 0 217 2 0 42 11 6 15 10 0 102 15 0 79 15 6 339 0 0 175 0 0 49 15 6 156 0 0 83 18 0 8 0 0 45 10 0 364 11* 2 59 10 0 190 10 6 463 12 6 1,095 18 10 62 0 0 225 16 0 83 0 0 192 16 0 1,755 0 0 68 0 0 47 17 10 352 0 0 276 0 0 367 6 0 333 7 G 296 10 0 150 0 0 280 8 0 71 5 0

D.—No. 8.



Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. Warbrick Abraham, Matata . 1,207 2 9 211 0 0 Warm G. S., Matakana . 25 16 0 12 15 0 Warrington Phillis, Mauku . 206 12 6 153 0 0 Watson John, Pukekohe . 112 10 0 100 0 0 Weekes Henry, Mangatatauri . 468 2 0 193 13 6 Wheeler William, Papakura . 1,651 0 6 1,176 11 6 White Abraham B., Matata . 195 0 0 147 0 0 White David, Papakura . 836 10 0 452 6 0 White Reuben, Wairoa . 116 15 0 113 9 0 Williams George, Hunua . 50 0 0 No evidence Williams William, Mauku . 71 7 6 45 10 0 Williams Henry, Waiuku . 125 9 6 77 0 0 Wilson J. Sangster, Wairoa . 300 0 0 300 0 0 Wilson Thomas, Raglan . 272 5 0 143 10 0 Wing Thomas, Manakau Heads 425 0 0 300 0 0 Wood Edward, Coromandel . 360 0 0 5 0 0 Wyatt James, Waiuku . 122 4 0 98 4 0 Wyllie James, Raglan . 434 9 2 142 9 2 Young William J., Drury . 928 0 0 654 0 0 Appendix C. Claims for Compensation for Losses incurred in connexion with the wreck of the steamer "Lord Worsley," on the coast of Taranaki, in the year 1862. Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. Bellis, Edward . . 6 17 6 5 3 li Bowden, James . . 56 9 0 42 6 9 Bowden, William . . 32 10 0 24 7 6 Briggs, Mary Jane . . 403 5 0 302 8 9 Brooks, Thos. H. . . 12 10 0 9 7 6 Butters, James . . 12 14 6 9 10 10j Campbell, Captain E. Geryaise 823 3 6 617 7 7i Hoyle, Tretwell William . 600 0 0 450 0 0 Jervis, H. M., for B. E. Norris, Providore " Lord Worsley" . 178 12 4 133 19 3 Jervis, 11. M., for Mail Company, paid to Jellicoe . . 91 14 6 91 14 6 Merrit, Charles . . 26 8 0 19 16 0 Newton, Alexander . . 40 0 0 30 0 0 Trail, James . . . 135 0 0 101 5 0 Total amount Claimed £136,370 2 10 Total amount Awarded . . £71,002 16 2 2,419 4 4 1,837 6 10i Appendix B. Native Claims for compensation for Losses sustained by the Native Rebellion subsequent to the 11th July, 1863. Appendix D. Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. Te Rahi, Bruhau . . 341 10 0 200 0 0 Totoea Maru, Matata . . 84 14 6 38 10 0 Wiremu Maiho, Port Waikato . 209 0 0 4 0 0 Reweti Te Era, Pukengaio . 4 10 0 2 10 0 Mohi Nga Tipa, Taupiri . 45 0 0 No evidence Teira Pomare, Tauperi . 30 0 0 No evidence Wirihana Te Roto Roto, Pukengaio 2 17 0 2 0 0 Tipene Maupoto, Pukataka . 17 0 0 8 0 0 Tipeno Peho, Pukengaio . 20 15 0 13 5 0 Wiremu Kepa, Mara Mara . 160 0 0 14 10 0 Karaipi Patene Mahu, Waihekura 47 17 0 21 18 0 Tamihana Tunui, Pukataki . 261 0 0 40 0 0 Henare Patu, Pukataki . 43 0 0 27 10 0 Hoete Rea, Pukataki . . 205 7 0 31 5 6 Kerei te Putu, Putataka . 25 10 0 21 10 0 Rawiri nei Taonga, Putataka . 30 12 6 13 15 0 Te Wirihana Akerauti, Putataka 123 8 0 63 8 0 Hori Kukutai, Taupiri . . 125 0 0 70 0 0 Meti Karaka, Pukataka . 44 2 0 16 15 0 Wiremu Hoete, Waipapa . 258 11 6 198 11 6 Ruka Kuao, Tuakau . . 30 0 0 15 0 0 Thipene Te Rahi, Miranda Redoubt 824 0 0 58 0 0 Wetene Kawana, Mangatatauri 25 0 0 20 0 0 Henare Ngahiui, Taupiri . 20 10 0 16 0 0 Wata Hangata, Miranda Redoubt 400 0 0 No evidence Nini Kukutai, Taupiri . . 55 0 0 37 0 0 Mohi Te Puatau, Hanraki . 100 0 0 60 8 0 Waata Kukutai, Taupiri . 28 15 0 28 15 0 Kakopate te Wahoroa, Patumahoi 99 18 6 42 0 4 Wiremu Parata, Kirikiri . 220 0 0 127 0 0 Hunui Maki, Isaac's Place . 210 0 0 98 0 0 Rina Ihaaka, Isaac's Place . 482 0 0 92 0 0 Kawhena, Mangarie . . 100 0 0 15 0 0 Tamati W. Tamahao, Pokeno . 40 0 9 No evidence Hori te Whetuki, Mariti . 234 0 0 190 0 o Watene te Maru, Wairoa . 50 0 0 30 0 0 Tiwai Piahana, Opitiki . 1,369 12 6 683 2 6 Kohoripokai, Taupo . . 95 0 0 65 0 0 Tamati Waka, Taupo . . 921 0 0 68 10 0 Triwata, Taupo . 70 0 0 No evidence Claims for Losses incurred in 1860 and 1861. Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. Robert W. Dickson . . 151 0 0 10 0 0 D. W. Heather . . 179 0 0 41 5 0 William Chitham . . 638 2 0 422 5 0 968 2 0 473 10 0 Appendix E. Addition to the "Lord Worsley" Claims. Claim. Award. £ s. d. £ s. d. The Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Company, represented by Henry Mahon Jervis, Auckland . 558 6 2 433 4 9 Appendix F. Addition to List of Claimants for Losses sustained during the Taranaki War, in 1860 and 1861. Claim. Award. Waikato District— £ s. d. £ s. d. J. C. Johnstone, Raglan . 833 7 11 180 0 10 Thos. Beckham, Commissioner. 7,454 10 6 2,432 19 6

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REPORTS BY MR. COMMISSIONER BECKHAM, ON CLAIMS FOR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF THE NATIVE REBELLION., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-08

Word Count

REPORTS BY MR. COMMISSIONER BECKHAM, ON CLAIMS FOR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF THE NATIVE REBELLION. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-08

REPORTS BY MR. COMMISSIONER BECKHAM, ON CLAIMS FOR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF THE NATIVE REBELLION. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-08

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