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D.—No. 7

RETURN OF CONTRACTS FROM 1ST OCTOBER, 1862, TO 31ST OCTOBER, 1864. [Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 3rd day of December, 1864.]

That there be laid upon the Table of this House—"A Ecturn of all Contracts or Agreements made between the Government and such persons who have furnished supplies, and performed work for the Government in the Waikato, Tauranga, Eaglan, or other districts in the Province of Auckland, during the period from the Ist October, 1562 to 31st October, 1864 j by whose authority the contracts were made, the names of the persons who furnished the supplies, or performed such works ; and shewing whether or not such contracts or agreements were entered into after publictender"had been invited, or by private arrangements only ; shewing also the amount of money paid out of the Public Treasury on each transaction, and the liabilities [if any] .still outstanding." [Mr. John Williamson.']


D.—No. 7


(Authorised by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary.)

Names of Contractors. Description of Work. Whether by Public Tender or Private Amount of Contract. Date of Contract. Arrangement. £ s. d. 1st January, 1SG3. j 1st January, 1864. ) J. F. Leighton Bookbinding Public Tender. 563 13 11 Ditto 18G3. W. C. Wilson Printing Do. 1134 5 10 29th Dec, 18G2. J. Booth & Co. Coach House, Government House Do. 48 10 0 1st May, 1863.") 1st May, 1864. j H. Kelly Coal Do. 19 8 6 Do. 1863. B. M'Donald Firewood Do. 44 16 6 21st Do. 1863. R. Dickson Library of G-. A. Do. 189 0 0 14th August, 1863. R, Bryant Repairs to Fence, &c, Government House Do. 68 0 0 1st October, 1863. Creigliton & Scales Printing Do. 1929 10 6 1st February, 1864. G. Holdship Crown Lands Office, Auckland Do. 287 0 0 1st May, 1864. J. Watt Firewood Do. 59 10 0 20th July, 1864. E. J. Matthews Renewing Terrace at Government House, Auckland Do. 268 0 0 3rd August, 1864. G. Allen Coal Do. No supplies. Colonial Secretary's Office, ALEX. C. P. MACDONALD, Wellington, 25th May, 1865. Chief Clerk. The whole of these accounts have been paid. E. W. HILL, Chief Cleric, Audit Office, July 20th, 1865

D.—No. 7

RETURN of Government Contracts entered into for Works on account of the Marine Board, in the Province of Auckland, from the 1st October, 1862, to 31st October, 1864.


Name of Contbactoe. WlIETTIEH BY PeIVATE Aeeano.ement ok by public Tender. Wuat Building. Date of Payment. Amount Paid. Present Liabilities. — Wadham • * • Public tender Tiri Tiri Lighthouse 18G4. August 10th £ s. 110 0 d. 0 £ s. d. >> Private agreement j» »j „ 25th 5 0 0 William Stephenson Public tender „ Dwellings September 5th 450 0 0 324 1 0 — Dacre j> „ Lighthouse 14th 128 2 G •— Watson „ Foundation G83 12 0 jj £G93 2 6 £1007 13 0 The above Eeturn is compiled from the statement rendered by Mr. Warden Johnson. CHAS. SHARP, Tl '1 i H

D.—No. 7

RETURN to an Order of the House, of all Contracts entered into with the Colonial Government on account of the Native Department, from 1st October, 1862, to RETURN to an Order House, October, 1864, and authorised by the Hon. the Minister for Native Affairs.


Description of Work. Whether public tender or private arrangement. Amount of Contract. Amount paid on account. Amount of outstanding liabilities. Eemarks. Date of Contract, Name of Contractor. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1654 3 4 Copy of contract annexed *Paid to Mr. Hunter in consequence of contract beiug broken by the demolition of the building by the insurgants. 23rd January, 1SG3 Win, Morrin & Co. Groceries, Natives, Auckland Erecting Police Station at Kohekohe Public tender 500 0 0 20th February, 18G3 — Hunter >> *200 17 6 23rd January, 1S63 23rd January, 1864 30th January, 18G4 22nd May, 1862 ") 4th Feb., 18G4 ) 27th February, 1864 Smith Brothers John George F. Smith Boots for Natives Meat to Natives, Aiickland Boots for Kareres „ per pair „ per lb. „ per pair 0 15 G 0 0 8 0 15 0 1G2 8 0 341 16 5 118 3 0 Wm. M'Caul Uniforms for Kareres „ per suit 4 10 0 144G G G £32 10s. paid by Government, the remainder is being recovered from Waats Kukutai's salary Harvey & Gilberd Building House for Natives at Hurakino Building house for Hori Kukutai » 50 0 0 50 0 0 11th February, 1864 Harvey & Gilberd ?> 130 0 0

D.—No. 7


lETtritx to an or of the House, of all Contracts entered into with the Colonial Government, on account of the Native Department, from 1st October, 1862, fa 1st October, 1864.— Continued. Date of Contract. Name of Contractor. Description of Work. Whether public tender or private arrangement. Amount of Contract. Amount paid on account. Amount of outstanding liabilities. Remarks. » Eobert M'Donald Building Verandah, do. Painting do do Coffins for Natives j> Private arrangement £2 7s6dea. Public tender 5 12 2 0 0 0 0 7 6 8th June, 1864 2 7 6 15th June, 1864 Robert Homo Clothing for Native prisoners Duck trousers do Erecting Building on North Shore for Maori prisoners Work done to hulk Marion Erecting additional buildings for Native prisoners on North Shore Provisions for Natives, Tau310 11 2 Copy of contract annexed Contract for 200 pairs —217 supplied 15th June, 1864 13th July, 1864 A. Clark & Son Wm. Coombes & Sons „ per pair 0 560 6 0 0 0 G5 2 560 0 0 0 jj 1st August, 1861 20th August, 1864 Duthie & Co. Wm. Coombes & Sons )j 40 475 0 0 0 0 49 0 475 0 0 0 ;» >, Copy of contract annexed I 11th September, 1864 Thos. Maekay & Co. M 558 0 0 2312 3 9 28th October, 1864 P. Gilberd ranga Building house for Civil Commissioner, Tauranga Repairs to cutter Snowflake »» 558 0 0 1st August, 1864 Duthie & Co. Private arrangement 114 0 0 114 0 0 CHAELES KNIGHT, Auditor.

D.—No. 7.

MESSES. MOEEIN & CO.'S Accepted Tender for supply of GEOCEEIES to Natives i» Auckland. Eice 2£d per lb. Sugar 5d „ Tea . . . 2s „ Candles 7^d „ Biscuits 2£d „ Bread • 4d per 2 lb. Loaf. Flour 19s 6d per 100 lbs. Approved. 23rd January, 1863. W. FOX. Accepted Tender for CLOTHING for MAOEI PEISONEES by ME, E. HOENE. 206 pairs warm trousers at 10s. 6d. each. 206 Scotch twill'd shirts at 4s. 2d. each. 206 ditto do at ss. each. 206 blankets at Bs. each, or 16s. per pair. Approved. 16th June, 1864. W. FOX. Accepted Tender of MESSES. THOMAS MACKY & CO., for supply of FOOD to Natives, at Tauranga. Potatoes, £12 10s. per ton. Flour (Ist quality), £26 per ton of 2000 lbs. Flour (2nd quality), £21 „ „ Sugar (Company's No. 2, or equal quantity of Mauritius), sd. per lb. Approved. 10th September, 1864. FEED. WHITAKEE.


D.—No. 7

RETURN of Contracts or Agreements made between the New Zealand Government and such persons who have performed work, or furnished supplies, in the Province of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to the 31st October, 1864.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Names. Work. Whether by publictender or private arrangement. Amount of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilities. 8 I* -A Bernards. 1863. August 1 James Murray Making cavalry saddles Private arrangement £ s. d. 320 0 0 £ s. d. 320 0 0 Nil October 10 John Eathbone David Davidson Supply of Treenails for bridge over Mangatawhiri and Whangamarino EiPublic tender 382 10 0 27 10 0 3S2 10 0 27 10 0 Nil Nil q „ 16 Coombcs & Son vcrs "Woodwork of Militia stores, Albert Barracks, Auckland Brickworkof'Militia stores, Albert Barracks, Auckland Supply of Timber for building on Naval Eeserve, North Shore Eepair of Bridge on Waiuku Boad Additional stores to Back Store, Albert Barracks Cargo of Timber :) 800 0 0 800 0 0 Nil o o „ 10 James "White >) 359 0 0 359 0 0 Nil a „ 16 Jerome Cadmau Nil November 24 December 23 1864. February 6 J. Kclchcr Coombes & Son John M'Leod Private arrangement Do. at Auckland prices Private arrangement Public tender 20 0 143 13 0 0 20 0 0 143 13 0 1291 4 10 Nil Nil o I „ 1" Goombes & Son Erecting Gunshcd, Albert Barracks Erection of Iron Barracks and other buildings at Onehunga Galvanised iron shed and latiene, and fittings to storekeeper's office, Albert Barracks 90 2 0 90 2 0 Nil „ 29 Win. Philcox 5794 0 0 5794 0 0 Nil o March 2 Coombes & Son Private arrangement 122 0 0 122 0 0 Nil

©.—No. t


•EI'ORT Ol ulll rad s or Agreements made between the New Zealand Government and such persona who have performed work, or furnished supjilies, in the Provinci of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to the 31st October, 1861. — Continued. Date. Names. Work. Public or private tender. Amount of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilities. fig Eemarks. 1864. March 6 George Holdship Fencing in Naval Eeserve, North Shore Building two diagonal boats Public tender £ s. d. 63 0 0 £ a. d. 63 0 0 Nil „ 22 David Hutchison Private arrangement 1940 0 0 1940 0 0 Nil d p „ 23 Hill & Simeon Eationing workmen at Waikato, at 2s. 6d. per day per man Machinery and erection of sawmill Erection of store at Mangatawhiri Clearing'Awaroa stream jj 1825 18 5 1825 18 5 Nil „ 24 George Eraser j> 113G 0 0 1136 0 0 Nil ■5 n Eichard Dickson jj 146 0 0 146 0 0 Nil „ 26 Edward Constable ») 500 0 0 500 0 0 Nil H 8 SB "I Public tenders called for in this case, but being above the estimated amount, private tenders were received and the lowest accepted. „ 27 T. B. Hill Supplying medicines for Colonial Forces Supply of 100,000 feet of timber Lighterage service for 3 months, 3s. 2d. per ton. Cargo boats, 50s. a day Pubtic tender 477 8 10 477 8 10 Nil w April 23 M. H. Eowe Private arrangement Pnblic tender 1000 0 0 1000 0 0 Nil The Audit Department report that it cannot bo found that Mr. "Wadham was ever called upon to perform any service, or to furnish cargo-boata under this contract; May 18 H. J. Wadham Nil I

D.—No. 7.


Eetuex of Contracts or Agreements made between the New Zealand Government and such persons who have performed work, or furnished supplies, in the Proving of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to the 31st October, 1864— Continued. Date. Names. Work. Public or private tender. Amount of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilities. O K Kemarks. 1864. May 19 J. E. Deinpsey Removal of Block-house from Parnell to Mechanics' Institute Erection of store at Pukerimu ,, „ Ngaru&wahia Bationing Maori prisoners at Is. 3d|. per ration Supply of coal-bags for " Sandfly" Removal of 2 block-houses from Mount Eden and Ponsonby Eoad, and re-erection of the Public tender £ s. d. 15 10 0 £ s. d. 15 10 0 Nil „ 19 „ 25 J. II. Flatt W. McDougkU P. L. Prime jj 44 0 0 60 0 0 44 0 0 60 0 0 1711 12 6 Nil Nil Nil U !> JJ 84 15 0 June 9 Emilius Lc Roy Private arrangement Public tender 34 15 0 Nil o a „ 10 W. G. Bunting 35 6 0 35 6 0 Nil James Burgoyne j» 1933 15 0 1933 15 0 Nil M July 12 same Maintenance of road between Rhodes' clearing and Queen's Redoubt Repair of bridges between Drury and Mangatawhiri Erection of store at Port Wai* kato Erection of Hospital at Ngar^ uawahia Fittings for magazine on board " Bella Marina " Erection of Hospital at Alexandra Erection of lock-up and police barracks at Port Waikato Erection of 2 stores at KirikiriQJ „ 12 Kelcherand Godkin j) 250 0 0 250 0 0 Nil „ 14 Edwin Oakley jj 135 0 0 135 0 0 Nil ,, 21 Richard Dickson !> 888 0 0 888 0 0 Nil o w ,, 26 W. Coombcs & Son Walker and Co. Private arrangement Public tender 21 0 0 364 0 0 21 0 0 364 0 0 Nil Nil August 1 I „ 1 Dempsey & Tierney jj 150 14 0 150 14 0 Nil „ 11 Menzies and Co. j? 98 0 0 08 0 0 Nil roa

D.—No. 7

RETURN of Contracts or Agreements made between the New Zealand Government and such persons who have performed work, or furnished supplies, in the Province of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to the 31st October, 1864.


Date. Names. AVork. Public or private tender. Amount of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilities. S13 O Eemarks. 1804. .ugust 11 £ s. d. 560 0 0 £ 560 b. d. 0 0 Menzies and Co. Erection of 8 Huts at KirikiriPublic tender Nil „ 11 E. C. L. Eeay roa Surveys between "Waiuku and Fort Waikato Erection of 2 Huts at KirikiriPublic tender 393 2 1 393 2 1 Nil „ 11 Green and Parson 100 0 0 100 0 0 Nil - „ 11 „ 11 „ 11 „ 11 „ 11 „ 11 Thomas Lourie llobb Win. McDougall Kenneth Lamond j» Walker and Co. >» roa Erection of Hospital at Kirikiriroa Erection of Hospital at Maungatautari Erection of 8 Huts at Alexandra Erection of 8 Huts at Cambridge Erection of 2 Huts at Alexandra Erection of 2 Huts at Cambridge Supply of timber at Ngaruawahia not to be less than 500,0000 feet, 19s. par 100 feet, and to pay to Government 5s. per 100 feet for logs felled and cut. A tramway to be completed from the place where the timber is being cut to the bank of the Waikato river Erection of Stabling, Forage Store, &c, at Alexandra JT )) )) J) n >» Private arrangement 377 4 G 348 0 0 360 0 0 3G0 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 0 4750 0 0 377 348 360 360 160 160 3050 4 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1700 0 0 6 =3 12 E. Jeft'coat o o I— I J. H. Flatt Public tender 478 15 0 478 15 0 Nil j» 18

D.—No. 7


'ETUIlIf Oi (>ni raci b or grecments made between the Xew Zealand Government and such persona who have performed work, or furnished BUpplies, in the Provinci of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to 31st October, ISO I.— Continued. Date. Names. Work. Public or private tender. Amouut of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilities. O M Remarks. 1864. \ugust 19 Goldie and Wiles Erection of Stabling, Forage Stores, &c., at Cambridge Extension of Mere Mere Road Extension of More Mere Road Timber Contract. To erect a Baw mill opposite Ngaruawahia a i id lay down a tramway. To send to the bush at Hamilton a portable steam engine and saw mill, and to lay down a tramway. To supply 1,000,000 feet 'of timber at 2()s. per 100 feet. To be allowed 500 tons of coal at the Government mines free of charge. To take engine at Waikato Heads and construct proposed saw mill at Waikato at a valuation. To have a lease for 10 years at a nominal rent of convenient Mill Sites at the places named, and at the Awaroa stream, and a license to cut timber at the Awaroa, and at termination of lease may remove improvements Extension of Mere Mere Road Completion of Whaiigamarino Bridge EnclosingNaval Reserve, North Shore Public tender £ s. d. 421 0 0 £ s. d. 421 0 0 Nil September 5 Stewart and Liddell James AfcConochie Kbenezer Gibbons ]) SOS (! S 437 10 0 10,000 0 0 SOS 0 S 487 10 0 Paid in full. Nil Nil Nil Private arrangement Z — p 'S 13 •8 O 1 w 14 14 Win. Glover Robert Menzies j» 350 0 97 0 0 0 350 0 97 0 0 0 Nil Nil i) ctober 13 G. Holdship 74 10 0 74 10 0 Nil Includes extra fencing, £11 10s.

D.—No. 7


:txjen oj iontracts or greements made between the New Zealand Government and such persons who have performed work, or furnished supplies in the Provinci of Auckland during the period from the 1st October, 1862, to 31st October, 1864. — Continued. Date. Name. Work. Public or private tender. Amount of contract. Amount paid on account. Outstanding liabilties. 9 ° 11 Remarks. 1863. February 9 Wm. Bleauve Post Office, Auckland Private arrangement £ 8. d. 38 11 0 £ a. d. 38 11 0 Nil March 10 Thomas Warner j> j> 11 4 0 11 4 0 Nil 1 o 6 August 4 „ 15 Richard Dickson Richard Dicksou n Public tender Private arrangement 211 6 0 3 0 0 211 6 0 3 0 0 Nil Nil » 1864. March 21 May 9 Henry Gilberd Bowring and Lye Receiving House, Freeman's Bay Post Office, Onehunga Chief Office, Auckland » 2 11 9 10 0 2 11 9 10 0 Nil Nil n <0 July 21 „ 30 August 13 „ 20 „ 27 ,. 27 „ 27 September 27 _ 29 W. "W. Dixon F. W. Dawson Benjamin Hill John. "Wrigley F. W. Dawson Benjamin Hill Benjamin Hill Benjamin Hill Benjamin Hill Post Office, Newmarket Chief Office, Auckland n i> n n 6 0 0 7 0 0 19 14 6 1 10 0 14 0 0 11 18 0 4 0 0 16 2 6 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 19 14 6 1 10 0 14 0 0 11 18 0 4 0 0 16 2 6 2 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (0 s » Post Office, Tauranga Chief Office, Auckland j» » »> n »

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Bibliographic details

RETURN OF CONTRACTS FROM 1ST OCTOBER, 1862, TO 31ST OCTOBER, 1864. [Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 3rd day of December, 1864.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-07

Word Count

RETURN OF CONTRACTS FROM 1ST OCTOBER, 1862, TO 31ST OCTOBER, 1864. [Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 3rd day of December, 1864.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-07

RETURN OF CONTRACTS FROM 1ST OCTOBER, 1862, TO 31ST OCTOBER, 1864. [Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 3rd day of December, 1864.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1865 Session I, D-07

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