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PROCLAMATION extended the limits of moun^ and dunstan gold fields, by the HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HARRIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Whereas on the fifteenth day of September last, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers delegated to me in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Provincial Government Gazette, constitute and appoint certain portions of the Province of Otago to be Gold Fields, under the provisions of the " Gold .Fields Act, 18G2," under the respective names of the Mount Benger Gold Field, and the Dunstan Gold Field, and the limits of which Gold Fields I did by the same Proclamation define, and whereas it has become expedient to extend the limits of the Mount Benger Gold Field and the Dunstan Gold Field respectively, as hereinafter mentioned. Now, therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent as aforesaid, by virtue of the powers delegated to me as aforesaid, under the said Gold Fields Act, 1862, do hereby proclaim and declare that the limits of the Mount Benger Gold Field as defined by the said Proclamation, dated the fifteenth day of September last, shall from the day of the date hereof, be extended and altered, so that henceforth the said Mount Benger Gold Field shall include as well the territory mentioned and described in the said Proclamation of the fifteenth September last, as also all the territory next, hereinafter mentioned and described, (that is to say,) all that territory bounded towards the West by the Mount Benger Gold Field, as proclaimed on the 15th day of September last, towards the North by the Dunstan Gold Field, as proclaimed on the same day to Cairn Hill, thence by a straight line to South Bough Eidge Hill— towards the East by the Taieri Gold Field to Lammerlaw —thence by the Tuapeka Gold Field to Mount Benger Gold Field, as proclaimed on the said fifteenth day of September last. And I do proclaim and declare, that henceforth the limits of the Mount Benger Gold Field shall be the limits by which the said Gold Field is defined in the said Proclamation of fifteenth September last, together with the limits of the territory hereby declared to be within the said Mount Benger Gold Field. And Ido hereby further proclaim and declare, that the limits of the Dunstan Gold Field, as defined by the said Proclamation of the fifteenth of September last, shall be extended and altered so that henceforth the said Dunstan Gold Field shall include as well the territory mentioned and described in the said Proclamation of the fifteenth day of September last, as also all the territory next hereinafter mentioned and described, (that is to say,) all that territory bounded towards the West by the Dunstan Gold Field, as proclaimed on the fifteenth day of September last, to Leaning Rock, thence towards the North by a line to the source of the Spottisburn, thence by the Spottisburn to the Manuherikia River thence by the Manuherikia River and Idaburn to Mount Ida, thence towards the East by the Mount Ida Gold Field to North Rough Bidge Hill, thence by the Taieri Gold Field to South Rough Ridge Hill, and thence towards the South by a straight line to Cairn Hill; and I do proclaim and declare, that henceforth the limits of the Dunstan Gold Field shall be the limits by which the said Dunstan Gold Field is defined in the said Proclamation of the fifteenth day of September last, together with the limits of the territory hereby declared to be within the said Dunstan Gold Field. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.) at Dunedin, this twelfth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. John Hyde Haeeis, • Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dick, Provincial Secretary.


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PROCLAMATION extending the limits of the dunstan gold-field, within the peotince OF OTAGO, BY THE HONOBABLE JOHN HYDE HAEEIS, SUPEEINTENDENT OF THE SAID PEOTINCE. "Wheeeas it is desirable to alter and extend the limits of the Dunstan Gold Field, in the Province of Otago. Now, therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, by virtue of the powers delegated to and vested in me by His Excellency the Governor under and by virtue of " The G-oldfields Act, 1862," do hereby Proclaim and Declare that all that territory hereinafter described shall henceforth be included within and form part of the Dunstan Gold Field under the provisions of the said Act, that is to say: All that area, situate in the Province of Otago, bounded towards the northwest by a line extending in a north-easterly direction from the existing Dunstan Gold Field to Mount St. Bathan's, thence towards the south and west by the boundary of the existing Dunstan Gold Field to the starting point. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.) at Dunedin, this twenty-second day of February, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four. John Htde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dice, Provincial Secretary.

PEO C LAMATION.—CANCELLATION OF LICENSE TO DEPASTUEE STOCK ON CEETAIN WASTE LANDS OF THE CEOWN, BY THE UONOEABLE JOnN nYDE HAEEIS, SUPEEINTENDENT OF THE PEOTINCE OF OTAGO. Wueeeas on the fifteenth day of September last, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers in me vested in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion of the Province of Otago, to be a Gold Field under the provisions of the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," under the name of " Mount Ida Gold Field," and the limits of which Gold Field I did in and by the said Proclamation define. And whereas the lands hereinafter described are Crown Lands, and are now, or lately were held and occupied with other lands by James Hamilton and Frederick "Wayne for depasturing purjjoses under a license numbered 204, and are within the limits of the said Gold Field : And whereas I under the powers in that behalf vested in me, have determined to cancel the said license as to those lands held under the same as are within the area hereinafte? described ; Now therefore I John Hyde Harris, the Superintendent of the said Province, do hereby in pursuance of the power and authority vested in me in this behalf, under the Gold Fields Act, IS<62, Cancel and Declare to be cancelled the said license numbered 204, over all those parcels of land firstly and secondly hereinafter described. First, all that area containing by admeasurement five hundred and sixty-five acres more or less, situate in Run numbered 204 on the Map of the North Pastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the north by Crown Lands, seven thousand and fifty-seven (7057) links towards the east by Crown Lands, eight thousand and ten (8010) links towards the south by Crown Lands, seven thousand fifty-four (7054) links and towards the west by Crown Lands eight thousand (8000) links, as the same is delineated on the Reconnaissance Survey Map of the North-eastern District of the Province of Otago, and therein coloured pink. Secondly, all that area, containing by admeasurement, five (5) acres, more or less, situate on the aforesaid run, numbered 204 on the map of the North-eastern District of the Province of Otago, and adjoining the lands hereinbefore firstly described, and bounded towards the north by Crown Lands five hundred (500) links, and towards the east by the lands hereinbefore firstly described, one thousand (1000) links, towards the south by Crown Lands, five hundred (500) links, and towards the west by Crown Lands, one thousand (1000) links, as the same is delineated on the said Reconnaissance Survey Map, and is thereon coloured pink. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this twenty-ninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. John Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dick, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION.—eeseeting and withdeawing foe sale waste lands situate on the MOUNT IDA GOLD-FIELD, UY THE HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HAEEIS, SUPEBINTENDENT OF THE PEOTINCE OF OTAGO. Wheeeas, on the fifteenth day of September last, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion of the said Province to be a Gold Field under the provisions of the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," under the name of the Mount Ida Gold Field, and the limits of which Gold field I did in and by the said Proclamation define : And whereas, the lands hereinafter described are "Waste Lands of the Crown, and are within and form part of the said Mount Ida Gold Field, so proclaimed as aforesaid: And whereas, the said lands were lately held and occupied, with other lands, by James Hamilton and Frederick "Wayne,



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under a license numbered 204 i And whereas the said license was on the twenty-ninth day of March last, cancelled as to the lands hereinafter described: And whereas it has been made to appear to me that the lands hereinafter described are necessary for settlement, public purposes, and roads : Now, therefore, I, in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that I do reserve and withdraw for the purposes of sale the lands hereinafter described, - that is to say, all that area containing by admeasurement 57 acres, more or less, situate on Bun nume bered 204 on the Map of the North-eastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the North by the Township Reserve, 626 links, also 1,330 links; towards the East by the Township Reserve 2,430 links, and 204 links, and also 1,128 links ; towards the South-east by the Township Reserve 1,760 links ; and towards the "West by Crown Lands 1,795 links, by Cemetery Reserve 812 links ; also by the Township Reserve, 2,396 links. Aud also, all that area containing by admeasurement five acres, more or less, situated on the aforesaid run, numbered 204 on the Map of the North-eastern District of the said Province, bounded towards the North by Crown Lands, 500 links ; towards the East by the Township Eeserve, 188 links ; also by the Town of Hamilton, 812 links, towards the South by Crown Lands 500 links, and towards the West by Crown Lands 1,000. links. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.) at Dunedin, this fifth day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-four. J. Hyde Harris, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dick, Provincial Secretary.

[The following Proclamation is made and published in consequence of certain errors appearing in the Proclamation by His Honor the Superintendent of date 29th March, 1864.] PROCLAMATlON—cancellation of license to depasture stock on ceetain waste lands OF THE CROWN, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HXDE HARRIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF TnE PBOYINCE OF OTAGO. Whereas on the sixth day of November last, I John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers in me vested in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion of the Province of Otago to be a Gold Field under the provisions of the "Gold Fields Act, 1862," under the name of " West Taieri Gold Field," and the limits of which Gold Field I did in and by the said proclamation define; And whereas the lands hereinafter described are Crown Lands, and are now, or lately were held and occupied with other lands by James Hamilton and Frederick Wayne for depasturing purposes under a license numbered 204, and are within the limits of the said Gold Field : And whereas I, under the powers in that behalf vested in me, have determined to cancel the said license as to those lands held under the same as are within the area hereinafter described : Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, the (Superintendent of the said Province, do hereby in pursuance of the power and authority vested in me in this behalf, under the Gold Fields Act, 1862, Cancel and Declare to be cancelled the said license numbered 204, over all those parcels of land firstly and secondly hereinafter described. First, all that area containing by admeasurement five hundred and sixty-five acres, more or less, situate in Run numbered 204, on the Map of the North Eastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the north by Crown Lands, seven thousand and fifty-seven (7057) links, towards the east by Crown Lands, eight thousand and ten (8010) links, towards the south by Crown Lands, seven thousand and fifty-four (7054) links, and towards the west by Crown Lands, eight thousand (8000) links, as the same is delineated on the Reconnaisance Survey Map of the North-eastern District of Otago, and therein colored pink. Secondly, all that area containing by admeasurement, five (5) acres, more or less, situate on the aforesaid run, numbered 204 on the map of the North-eastern District of the Province of Otago, and adjoining the lands hereinbefore firstly described, and bounded towards the north by Crown Lands five hnndred (500) links, towards the east by the lands hereinbefore firstly described, one thousand (1000) links, towards the south by Crown Lands, five hundred (500) links, and towards the west by Crown Lands, one thousand (1000) links, as the same is delineated on the said Reconnaisance Survey Map, and is thereon colored pink. Given under my hand at Dunedin, and issued under the Public Seal of the (L.S.) Province of Otago, this fifteenth day of April, 1864. J. Hyde Harris, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, thojias Dick, Provincial Secretary.

[The following Proclamation is made and published in consequence of certain errors appearing in the Proclamation by His Honor the Superintendent of date the sth day of April, 1864.] PROCLAMATION—reserving and withdrawing for sale waste lands situate on the WEST TAIERI GOLD FIELD, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HARRIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Whereas, on the sixth day of November last, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers delegated to and invested in me in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion



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of the said Province to be a G-old Field under the Provisions of the " G-old Fields Act, 1862," under the name of the " West Taieri Gold Field," and the limits of which Gold field I did in and by the said Proclamation define: and whereas, the lands hereinafter described are Waste Lands of the Crown, and are within and form part of the said 'West Tairei Grold Field, so proclaimed as aforesaid; And whereas, the said lands were lately held and occupied, with other lands, by James Hamilton and Frederick Wayne, under a license numbered 204 : and whereas the said license was of even date herewith cancelled as to the lands hereinafter described: and whereas it has been made to appear to me that the lands hereinafter described are necessary for settlement, public purposes, and roads: Now therefore, I, in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby Proclaim and Declare that I do reserve and withdraw for the purposes of sale the lands hereinafter described, that is to say, all that area containing by admeasurement 57 acres, more or less, situate on Bun numbered 204 on the Map of the North-eastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the North by the Township Reserve, 626 links, also 1,330 links; towards the East by the Township Eeserve, 2,430 links, and 204 links, and also 1,128 links ; towards the South-east by the Township Reserve, 1,760 links; and towards the West by Crown Lands, 1,795 links, by Cemetery Reserve Sl2 links ; nl=so by the Township Reserve, 2,396 links, and also, all that area containing by admeasurement 5 acres, more or less, situate on the aforesaid run, numbered 204 on the Map of the North-eastern Disirict of the said Province, bounded towards the North by Crown Lands, 500 links ; towards the East by the Township Reserve, 188 links ; also by the Town of Hamilton, 812 links; towards the South by Crown Lands, 500 links, and towards the West by Crown Lands, 1,000 links. Griven under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.I at Dunedin, this fifteenth day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-four. J. Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dick, Provincial Secretary.

[The following Proclamation is republished from Gazette, No, 291, of 24th February last, as the part of the Proclamation printed in italics was omitted in that Gazette.] PROCLAMATION—extending the limits of the dijnstan gold field within the peoyince OF OTAGO, BY THE HONOBABLE JOHN lIXDE IIABEIS, SUPEBINTENDEXT OF THE SAID PEOVINCE. Whereas it is desirable to alter and extend the limits of the Dunstan Grold Field in the Province of Otago; Now therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, by virtue of the powers delegated to and vested in me by His Excellency the Governor under and by virtue of the Grold Fields Act, 1862, do hereby proclaim and declare that all that territory hereinafter described shall henceforth be included within and form part of the Dunstan Gold Field under the provisions of the said Act, that is to say : all that area situate in the Province of Otago, bounded towards the Northwest by a line extending in a North-easterly direction from the existing Dunstan Gold Field to Mount St. Bathan's, thence towards the North by the watershed of the Manuherikia Miver to the Hawkdun thence towards the Worth-east by the Hawkdun Mountains to Mount Ida, and thence towards the South and West by the boundary of the existing Dunstan Gold Field to the starting point. Given under my hand and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this twenty-second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Thomas Dick, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION—eeseeying and withdbawing foe sale ceetain waste lands of the ceown SITUATE ON THE TUAPEKA GOLD FIELD, BY THE lIONOEABLE JOHN HYDE HAEEIS, SITPEBINTENDENT OF THE PEOYINCE OF OTAGO. Wheeeas on the fifteenth day of September last, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Provincial Government Gazette constitute and appoint a certain portion of the said province to be a Gold-field under the provisions of the " Gold-fields Act, 1862," under the name of the Tuapeka Gold Field, and the limits of which Gold Field I did in and by the said Proclamation define : And whereas the lands hereinafter described are Waste Lands of the Crown, and are within the said limits and form part of the said Tuapeka Gold Field so proclaimed as aforesaid : and whereas it has been made to appear to me that the said lands hereinafter described are necessary for settlement, public purposes, and roads : Now, therefore, I, in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me do hereby Proclaim and Declare that I do reserve and withdraw for the purposes of sale the lands hereinafter described ; that is to say, all that area containing by admeasurement one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven (1227) acres more or less, situate in the South-Eastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the north by Crown Lands one thousand and twenty-five (1025) links, also eleven thousand nine hundred (11900) links, towards the North-east by Cemetery reserve, two thousand (2000) links, also by the Township of Lawrence four thousand (4000) links, towards the east



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by Crown Lands, five thousand (5000) links, towards the south-east by the Township of Lawrence one thousand and twenty-seven (1027) links by Cemetery reserve five hundred (500) links, and also by Crown Lands three thousand (3000) links, towards the south by Crown Lands three thousand eight hundred (3800) links, four thousand five hundred (4500) links, and two thousand two hundred and sixty-three (2263) links, towards the south-west by Crown Lands seven hundred (700) links, towards the west by Crown Lands nine thousand two hundred and fifty (9250) links, also one thousand six hundred and ninety (1690) links, and towards the north-west by Cemetery reserve five hundred (500) links, as delineated in the selection map of the said district, deposited in the "Waste Land Board Office of the said Province. Given under my hand and issued under' the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this thirtieth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Harris, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, James Patebson, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION—reserving and withdrawing foe the pueposes of sale the township op LAWBENCE, TtTAPEKA, IN THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO, BY THE HONOEABLE JOHN HXDE HAEEIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PEOTINCE OF OTAGO. Wheeeas it is expedient that the lands hereinafter described should be reserved and withdrawn for the purposes of Sale: Now, therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the said Province, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby Proclaim and Declare that I do reserve and withdraw for the purposes of Sale the Lands hereinafter described; that is to say, all that parcel of Land known as the Township of Lawrence, situate in the South-Eastern District of the Province of Otago, containing by admeasurement six hundred and six acres, more or less, bounded towards the north by Crown Lands seven thousand four hundred and thirty-one links, towards the east by Crown Lands six thousand nine hundred and thirteen links, towards the south by Crown Lands five thousand nine huundred and forty-five links; also, five hundred links towards the south-west by Crown Lands four thousand links; also, two thousand links, and towards the north-west by Crown Lands five hundred links; also, three thousand six hundred and seventy links, and intersected by the Tuapeka and Weatherstone's Creeks ; all which said Lands are contained within and known as the Township of Lawrence, and are more particularly delineated on the Record Map of the said Township, deposited at the Office of the Chief Surveyor, Dunedin. Given under my hand and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J, Hyde Haeris, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, jasies Pateeson, Provincial Secretary.

OEDEE, REVOKING THE II AND XIV OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE OTAGO GOLD FIELDS, AND MAKING OTHEES IN LIETT THEREOF. Whereas I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, under and by virtue of the powers delegated to and vested in me in that behalf, did, on the 15th day of September, 1863, make and ordain certain Eules and Eegulations relating to Mining on the Otago Gold Fields, and the making of which Eules and Eegulations was duly notified in the Government Gazette of the Province of Otago, and published on the 15th day of September, 1863 : And whereas it is expedient that the second of the said Eules and Eegulations, and all the sections thereof, numbered respectively, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, relating to claims, and the size, amalgamation, and forfeiture thereof, and other matters relating thereto, should be revoked and cancelled; and also that the fourteenth of the said Eules, and all the sections thereof, numbered respectively 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and 7, relating to extended claims, should be revoked and cancelled, and that other Eules in lieu of the said second and fourteenth Eules should be made :—Now, therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby revoke and cancel the said second and fourteenth Eules, and all the sections thereof respectively, and do order that the same shall stand revoked and cancelled from the day of the date hereof; and in lieu of the second Eule, and the sections thereof, I do make the Eule following, contained in eight sections, relating to claims : — ll.—Claims. 1. Classification of Claims. Alluvial claims shall mean all claims in alluvial ground. River claims shall mean claims in the beds of rivers. Beach claims shall mean claims situated between the ordinary high flood mark and the edge of water on the beaches of rivers. Quartz claims shall mean claims in quartz reefs or lodes.



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2. Size of Claims. Alluvial claims stall not exceed 45 feet by 45 feet for each holder of a miner's right, unlesa the depth from the surface exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claim may be extended to 60 feet by 60 feet. River claims shall not exceed 50 feet for each holder of a miner's right employed thereon; to be measured in the direction of the course of the stream by a width not exceeding the boundaries of the bed of the river, which shall be defined by the Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf. Beach claims shall not exceed 45 feet in length for each holder of a miner's right along the course of the river, with a frontage to the water, by a width bounded by ordinary high flood mark: Provided that when any beach, or portion of a beach, shall exceed 50 feet in width, the Warden may, upon application being made to that effect, authorise the holding and working of any such excess by persons other than the holders of the frontage claims. Quartz claims shall not exceed 45 feet in length along the course of the lode or vein, by a width not exceeding 100 feet upon each side of the course for each holder of a miner's right. 3. Claims to he marked. Alluvial claims and quartz claims shall be marked by pegs standing at least two feet above the surface of the ground, or by I" trenches at each corner thereof; river and beach claims shall be marked by pegs as before specified, or by 'f 1 marks not less than one foot in length, to be cut upon the rocks above high flood mark ; and such pegs, trenches, or marks, shall be maintained during the occupancy of the ground: Provided that when any corner cannot be marked, on account of the nature of the ground, the peg, trench, or mark, may be placed at the nearest practicable point. 4. Surplus ground to he forfeited. If any person shall occupy a larger area of ground than that to which he is entitled under these regulations, he shall forfeit the surplus. 5. Shepherding forbidden. No person shall be deemed to possess a valid title to any claim, unless the same shall be fairly worked during the entire period of occupancy ; and any claim unworked beyond the space of twentyfour hours shall be deemed to be forfeited, unless sufficient reason, such as sickness, or other urgent cause, shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden. 6. Rights of Servants vested in 'Employers. If any person shall hire himself to an employer for wages, the right to hold and occupy the claim of such servant shall vest in the employer. 7. Claims not to he forfeited by neglect of Hired Workmen. No claim, right, or privilege, [shall be deemed to be forfeited through the neglect or absence of any hired servant thereon: Provided that if, after seven days' notice in writing of such neglect or absence has been given to the owner or holder thereof (either personally or by leaving the same at his last known place of residence), such neglect or absence is continued, any such claim, right or privilege shall be deemed to be absolutely relinquished. 8. Form of Alluvial Claims. Alluvial claims may be of any form, provided that no block claim shall exceed in length twice the breadth thereof.

AND in lieu of the said fourteenth Rule and the Sections thereof, I do make and ordain the Eule following, contained in seven sections, relating to extended claims : — XlV.—Extended Claims. 1. Old Worked Ground. Upon receiving sufficient proof that any portion of the district has been fairly worked, and is either wholly or for the greater part abandoned, the Warden may declare the same to be old worked ground, and shall thereupon define the boundaries wherein holders of miner's rights may occupy claims, not exceeding double the ordinary area prescribed by the regulations. 2. Extension of Claims. Extended mining claims may be granted by the Warden, upon application being made as hereinafter directed, subject to the condition that a sufficient number of holders of miners'rights shall be constantly employed thereon, namely: — For a quarter acre (10,890 square feet), two men, For half an acre (21,780 square feet), three men, For one acre (43,560 square feet), five men; and so on in proportion. Provided that no such claim shall be granted in new and unworked ground, unless it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden that such ground has been fairly tested, and cannot be profitably worked in claims of the ordinary size. Provided also, that such extended claim shall in no case be permitted to exceed three acres in extent.



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3. Form of Application. Application for extended claims snail be made to the Warden in the following form : — To the "Warden at (District and date.) I (or we) hereby give notice that I (or we) desire to obtain an extended claim of (here state extent of area applied for), situated at (here state precise locality), and I (or we) deposit herewith the sum of Five Pounds as security for the payment of any expenses connected therewith. (Signature, with date and number of Miner's Eight held by each member of the party.) 4>. Official Survey. Upon receipt of such application and deposit, or as soon thereafter as may be, the "Warden shall direct the Mining Surveyor to proceed to the land applied for, and to survey the same, and to report as to the area, boundaries, and description thereof; the character of the ground, the likelihood of any river, creek, or permanent water spring, or artificial reservoir, which may be included within the boundaries of the said land, being required for, or the feasibility of the same being applied to public purposes, or for the use of the miners of the district generally; and also as to any claims to prior occupancy which, shall come to his knowledge, enquiry as to which it shall be his duty to make while making the survey; and to furnish a plan of such land on a scale of sixteen inches to the mile, together with a tracing of so much of the general map of the district as will be sufficient to connect the particular area applied for with at least one trigonometrical station or, in the absence of any such, with some fixed point. 5. Surveyor to Post Notices. The Surveyor shall, at the time of making the survey hereinbefore directed, post a notice in the form hereunto annexed, in some conspicuous place on the ground, and such notice shall be maintained by and at the expense of the applicants, until the application has been heard and determined, and a copy of such notice shall also be posted by the Surveyor on the outside of the "Warden's office. (Form of Notice to be posted by the Surveyor.) To all persons whom it may concern. I hereby give notice that residing at did on the day of apply to me for an " Extended Claim" of (here Btate area) of land, which the Mining Surveyor has this day marked out, and that any person desiring to object to such extended claim, must, within seven clear days from the date of this notice, enter his objection at my office. And I further give notice that I will hear and determine this application and the objection (if any) lodged there against at my office aforesaid, on the day of 186. Signature of ("Warden). Dated the day of 186 . Posted by me this day of Mining Surveyor. 6.— Extended,Claims to be Registered. If no valid objection is offered, the "Warden may, upon hearing the application, issue a certificate of Registration for an " Extended Claim," specifying therein the area granted, the exact position of the same, and the special conditions (if any) upon which such certificate has been granted, and the charge for such Registration shall be ten shillings. 7. — Forfeiture. If at any time the requisite number of holders of miners' rights shall not be employed or occupied upon any such " Extended. Claim," the Warden may, upon proof thereof being produced before him, in the presence of all parties interested, cancel the certificate of Registration, either in the whole or in part, as may be equitable. Provided always that a monetary penalty may be imposed in lieu of forfeiture, as set forth in Section 4 of Regulation XI. Dated at Dunedin this thirty-first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent.

PROCLAMATION—cancellation' or license to depastube stock on ceetain waste lands OP THE CROWN, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN IITDE HAEEIS, SIJPEBINTENDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. "Whereas on the fifteenth day of September, 1863,1, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in the exercise of the powers delegated to me in that behalf, did, by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion of the Province of Otago to be a Gold Field, under the provisions of the " G-old Fields Act, 1862," under the name of the Dunstan G-old Field, and the limits of which G-old Field I did, in and by the said Proclamation, define; and whereas the lands hereinafter described are Crown Lands, and are now or lately were held and occupied, with other lands, by Watson Shennan, Esquire, for depasturing purposes, under a license numbered 221, and are within the limits of the said Gold Field; and whereas I, under the powers in that behalf delegated to me, have determined to cancel the said license as to such of those lands held



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under the said license as are within the area hereinafter described; Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, the Superintendent of the said Province, do hereby, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority delegated to me in this behalf under the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," Cancel and declare to be Cancelled the said license numbered 221, over the lands hereinafter described, that is to say,—all that area containing by admeasurement two thousand and fifty (2050) acres, more or less, situate in the northeastern District of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the north-west by a line parallel to the north-western boundary of the township of Alexandra, distant therefrom three thousand two hundred and fifty (3250) links, and extending from the Clutha River, above the said township, to theManuherikia River, thirty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-five (36,745) links ; towards the east by the Manuherikia Eiver, fifteen thousand two hundred (15,200) links, be the same more or less; towards the south-east by Crown Lands, fifteen thousand one hundred (15,100) links, be the same more or less, also by the Town Belt of Alexandra and a Cemetery Reserve, eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty (11,850) links; and towards the south-west by the Clutha River, three thousand seven hundred (3,700) links, be the same more or less, also by the Town Belt of Alexandra and a Cemetery Reserve, five thousand and fifty (5050) links. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this third day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Habbis, By His Honor's Command, Superintendent. James Patebson, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION" —eesebving and withdbawing fob the ptjeposes of sale ceetain waste LANDS OF THE CBOWN OF THE PEOVINCE OF OTAGO, BY THE HONOEABLE JOHN HTDE HABBIS, STJPEBINTENDENT OF THE PEOYINCE OF OTAGO. "Whebeas it is expedient that the Lands hereinafter described should be reserved and withdrawn for the purposes of sale,—Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that I do Reserve and Withdraw for the purposes of sale the Lands hereinafter described, that is to say, — All that area containing by admeasurement two thousand and fifty (2050) acres, more or less, situate in the north-eastern district of the Province of Otago, bounded towards the northwest by a line parallel to the north-western boundary of the township of Alexandra, distant therefrom three thousand two hundred and fifty (3250) links, and extending from the Clutha River above the said township to the Manuherikia River thirty-six thousand seven hundred and forty five (36,745) links; towards the east by the Manuherikia River fifteen thousand two hundred (15,200) links, be the same more or less; towards the south-east by Crown Lands fifteen thousand one hundred (15,100) links, be the same more or less, also by the Town Belt of Alexandra and a Cemetery Reserve eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty (11,850) links j and towards the south-west by the Clutha River three thousand seven hundred (3700) links, be the same more or less, also by the Town Belt of Alexandra and a Cemetery Reserve five thousand and fifty (5050) links. Given under my haud, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this third day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hxde Haeeis, By His Honor's Command, Superintendent. James Pateeson, Provincial Secretary.

DUNSTAN GOLD FIELD.—eeftjsal of application foe mining lease. Notice is hereby given that His Honor the Superintendent of Otago has determined not to recommend His Excellency the Governor to grant the Application of Jeremiah Drummey and Roderick M'Dougal for a Mining Lease of ten acres of land, situate on the South Bank of the Manuherikia River one mile from its junction with the Clutha River. By His Honor's Command, John Logan, Superintendent's Ofiice, Secretary to Superintendent. Dunedin, 3rd September, 1864.

DUNSTAN GOLD FIELD.—eefitsal of application foe mining lease. Notice is hereby given that His Honor the Superintendent of Otago has determined not to recommend His Excellency the Governor to grant the Application of Patrick Rechill and Peter Kelly for a Mining Lease of two acres of land, situate in Adam's Gully, three miles above the Shepherd's Hut, and that such application is therefore refused. By His Honor's Command, John Logan, Superintendent's Office, Secretary to the Superintendent. Dunedin, 3rd September, 8641.



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PROCLAMATION—cancellation or license to depasture stock on certain waste lands OF THE CROWN, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HARRIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. "Whereas on the fifteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers delegated to me in that behalf, did by Proclamation in the Government Gazette of the said Province, constitute and appoint a certain portion of the Province of Otago to be a Gold Field, under the provisions of the " Gold Fields Act, 18G2," under the name of the " Dunstan Gold Field," and the limits of which Gold Field I did in and by the said Proclamation define : And whereas the lands hereinafter described are Crown Lands, and are now, or lately were held and occupied with other lands by Watson Shennan, Esquire, for depasturing purposes, under a License, numbered 221, and are within the limits of the said Gold Field : And whereas I, under the powers in that behalf delegated to me, have determined to cancel the said License as to such of those lands held under the said License as are within the area hereinafter described : Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, the Superintendent of the Province of Otago, do hereby, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority delegated to me in this behalf, under the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," Cancel, and declare to be Cancelled, the said License, numbered 221, over the lands hereinafter described, that is to say :—All that area containing by admeasurement one thousand and forty (1040) acres, more or less, situate in the north-eastern District of the Province of Otago being portion of Run numbered two hundred and twenty-one (221), bounded towards the north-west by the other portion of the said Run, eleven thousand eight hundred (11,800) links, also fifteen thousand one hundred (15,100) links, be the same more or less, towards the north-east by the other portion of the said Run, five thousand and fifty (5050) links ; towards the South-east by the Manuherikia River, twenty-seven thousand eight hundred (27,800) links, be the same more or less ; and towards the south, by the Clutha River, eleven thousand (11,000) links, be the same more or less. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde llaeeis, .Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, James Paterson, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION—reserving and withdrawing tor the purposes of sale certain waste LANDS OF THE CROWN IN THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HARRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF OTAGO. Whereas it is expedient that the lands hereinafter described should be Reserved and Withdrawn for the purposes of sale : Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that I do Reserve and Withdraw for the purposes of Sale the lands hereinafter described, that is to say :—All that area containing by admeasurement one thousand and forty (1040) acres more or less, situate in the North Eastern District of the Province of Otago, being portion of Run numbered two hundred and twenty-one (221), bounded towards the north-west by the other portion of the said Run, eleven thousand eight hundred (11,800) links, also fifteen thousand one hundred (15,100) links, be the same more or less ; towards the north-east by the other portion of the said Run, five thousand and fifty (5050) links ; towards the south-east by the Manuherikia River twenty-seven thousand eight hundred (27,800) links, be the same more or less ; and towards the south by the Clutha River eleven thousand (11,000) links, be the same more or less. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Harris, Superintendent of Otago. By His Honor's Command, James Paterson, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION—revoking and cancelling certain proclamations issued thied day of OCTOBER INSTANT, BY THE HONORABLE JOHN HYDE HAERIS, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PEOVINCE OF OTAGO. Whereas by certain Proclamations dated the 3rd day of October, 1804, I, John Hyde Harris, the Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority delegated to me in that behalf under the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," Cancelled and declared to be Cancelled a certain License, numbered 221, over the lands thereinafter described, and did proclaim and declare that 1 did Reserve and Withdraw for the purposes of sale the lands described in the said Proclamations : And whereas it has been discovered that there are certain errors in the description of the lands mentioned and described in the said Proclamations, and it is expedient and necessary to Revoke and Cancel



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the same: Now, therefore, I, John Hyde Harris, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby Revoke and Cancel the said Proclamations of the 3rd day of October, 1864. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.) at Dunedin, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, James, Patebsou, Provincial Secretary.

ORDEE IN COUNCIL—establishing additional regulations foe gold mining on the COEOMANDEL GOLD FIELD. G. G-EET, GovEENOE. At the Government House, at Auckland, the nineteenth day of April, 1864. Peesent :—His Excellency the Goteenoe in Council. "Wheeeas it is provided by the " Gold Fields Act, 1862," that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, subject to the provisions of the said Act, to make Rules and Regulations relating to the terms and conditions upon which Miners' Rights shall be granted, and the forms of such Miners' Rights, and of Licenses and Leases to be issued under the said Act, and the modes, times, and places of issue thereof; and also touching the extent and position of any claim, and the conditions under which it shall be worked, held, assigned, or forfeited, the application and use of machinery, and all such other Rules and Regulations relating to the mining under Miners' Rights or otherwise in any Gold Field, as he may deem most beneficial ; Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, in pursuance and exercise of the said recited power and authority, doth hereby, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, make the following additional Rules and Regulations for the conduct of gold mining within the District of the Coromandel Gold Field. And doth further declare that this Order shall take effect from the day of the date hereof. FOESTEE GoEING, Clerk of Executive Council. ADDITIONAL BIILES AND EEGULATIONS OF THE COEOMANDEL GOLD FIELDS. Benefit or Injury done by holders of Claims hy the icorTcing of other Claims. 1. In the case of the holders of any claim erecting machinery for pumping or baling water, and thereby benefiting the claims adjoining or near to such claim, it is hereby provided that the last-named claim holders shall, while absolutely working their claims, contribute a fair and reasonable sum weekly or otherwise to such water-baling machinery ; such amount to be decided by two Assessors to be appointed by the owners of the said machinery, and two by the representatives of the claims alleged to have derived or be about to derive a benefit. 2. If the owners of any claim by improper management or otherwise shall damage any claim or claims adjacent, the parties receiving such damage shall be entitled to compensation for the same. And further, on the request of the owner or owners of any claim, who shall have reasonable grounds for suspicion that their claim is receiving damage from the working of any claim adjoining, the Commissioner, or other person appointed by the Government to carry out these Regulations, shall grant permission for the inspection of such Claim ; and on proof of any damage likely to occur, the working of such claim shall be suspended until the case shall have been decided by two Assessors to be appointed by the owners of claims which have received or are liable to receive damage from improper workings, and two to be appointed by those parties who are supposed to be injuring such claims. 3. The Assessors to be appointed in the foregoing cases shall be taken from persons not interested in any way in the claims to be affected by their decision. 4. In the event of the Assessors in any case not coming to a decision, the decision shall be left to the Commissioner or other, person or persons duly appointed to carry these Regulations into effect. 5. The amount assessed in any of the foregoing cases will be summarily recoverable in the Resident Magistrate's Court. 6. The pay of each Assessor shall be fifteen shillings (155.) per diem, and shall be paid by the person against whom such decision is given. of Claims. 7. The three months for which proof is required by sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Regulations of the 15th Sept., 1863, that a claim has been worked before it can be registered, shall be the three months immediately previous to application being made for such registration. Fees in certain Cases. £ s. d. 8. The fee for registration of claim for three months shall be ... ... 0 10 0 The item Juryman's pay per diem 75., in the Regulations of the 15th September, 1863, is l ereby repealed, and the pay in such cases shall be per diem ... ... 0 10 0



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OEDEE IN COUNCIL. GK GbET, GoVEBNOB. At the Government House, at Auckland, the twenty-first day of July, 1884. Peesent:—His Excellence the Goyebnoe in Council. "Whereas it is provided by the " Q-old Fields Act, 1862," that it should be lawful for the Governor in Council, subject to the provisions of the said Act, to make Eules aud Eegulations elating to the terms and conditions upon which Miners' rights shall be granted, and the forms of such Miners' rights and of licences and leases to be issued under the said Act, and the modes, times, and places of issue thereof, and also touching the extent and position of any claim, and the conditions under which it shall be worked, held, assigned, or forfeited, the application and use of machinery, and all such other rules and regulations relating to the mining under Miners' rights or otherwise in any Gold Field as he may deem most beneficial; And whereas at a Council held on the fifteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, the Governor in Council made certain regulations for the conduct of Gold Mining within the District of the Coromandel Gold Field, whereby amongst other things it was provided that for certain causes therein set forth, provision to retain a claim unworked may be granted by the Warden or any person duly authorised, and the same shall be thereon regisered for three mouths, during which time he shall be entitled to occupy a claim elsewhere; And whereas the Government have made certain promises or have undertaken obligations to protect the claims of companies or of individuals in the Coromandel Grold Field during the Maori Insurrection, and it is expedient to make additional regulations to authorise such protection : Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony, doth hereby make the further rules and regulations following for the conduct of the gold-mining within the District of the Coromandel Gold Field aforesaid: — Permission to retain a claim unworked may be granted by the "Warden or any person duly authorised, if it shall appear to the Grovernor that such nnworking shall be caused or shall have been caused in consequence of the Maori Insurrection, whether the period for which such claim may have been registered shall or shall not have expired at the time of this regulation coming into force : or whether such claim may have been previously registered or not, and the registaation of any such claim may be made or renewed from time to time for periods of three months at any time, so long as in the opinion of the Commissioner the unworking of such claim shall be caused by the said insurrection. FOESTEE GoBING, Clerk of Executive Council.

► OEDEE—BEVOKING CERTAIN EXILES AND EEGULATIONS OP THE OTAGO GOLD FIELDS, AND MAKING OTHEES IN LIEU THEEEOF. WnEREAS, by an Act of the G-eneral Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The G-old Fields Act, 1862," and in the 14th section thereof, it is provided that it ahall be lawful for the Grovernor in Council, subject to the provisions of the said Act, to make Eules and Eegulations relating to the terms andconditions upon which Miners' Eights should be granted, and the forms of such Miners' Eights, and of Licenses and Leases, to be issued under this Act, and the modes, times, and places of the issue thereof; and also touching the extent and condition of any claim, and the conditions under which it should be worked, held, assigned, or forfeited ; the application of machinery; and all such other rules and regulations relating to mining, under Miners' Eights or otherwise, in any Grold Field, as he may deem most beneficial; And whereas, by the said Act it is also provided that it shall be lawful for the Grovernor in Council, under his hand, and the Public Seal of the Colony, from time to time to delegate to the Superintendent of any Province all or any of the powers vested in the Grovernor or the Governor in Council by the said Act, except the powers conferred by sections nineteen, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and sixty-one thereof, subject or not subject to any limitations or restrictions as he may think fit, and in like manner to alter or revoke any such powers ; And whereas, by "Warrant under the hand of Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand, dated the 15th day of September, 1863, at Auckland, and issued under the Public Seal of the said Colony, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof, and in exercise of the power and authority for that purpose in him vested, did thereby delegate absolutely and without restriction, unto the Honorable John Hyde Harris, as Superintendent of the Province of Otago, all the powers vested in him under and by virtue of " The Gold Fields Act, 1862," except the powers contained in Sections nineteen, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, and sixty-one of the said Act, to have, hold, and exercise the powers within the Province of Otago : And whereas, by the " Gold Fields Act Amendment Act, 1863," it is provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, from time to time, to alter, amend, and revoke all or any Eules and Eegulations made or to be made under section 14 of the said " Gold Fields Act, 1862," and it is also provided that it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, under his hand and the Public Seal o the Colony, from time to time, to delegate to the Superintendent of any Province, or to such other person as the Governor may deem fit, and under such restrictions as he shall think fit, all or any of the powers vested in the Governor or the Governor in Council by the said " Gold Fields Act Amendment Act, 1863 ;" And whereas, by "Warrant under the hand of Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Governor in and over Her Majesty's Colony of New Zealand, dated the 14th day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, at Auckland, and issued under the Public Seal of the said Colony, by and with the advice and consent of tbe Executive Council thereof, and in exercise of the power and authority for



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that purpose in him vested, did thereby delegate, absolutely and without restriction, unto me as Superintendent of the Province of Otago, all the powers vested in him the said Governor, or in him the said Governor in Council, under or by virtue of the " Gold Fields Act Amendment Act, 1863." And whereas I, John Hyde Harris, as Superintendent of the said Province, under and by virtue of the powers delegated to me as aforesaid, did on the 15th day of September, 1863, make Rules and Regulations relating to the terms and conditions upon which Miners' Rights should be granted, and the forms of such Miners' Rights, and of Licenses and Leases to be issued under the said Act, and the modes, times, and places of the issue thereof; and also touching the extent and condition of claims, and the conditions under which they should be worked, held, assigned, or forfeited ; the application and use of machinery ; and other Rules and Regulations relating to mining, under Miners' Rights and otherwise, in the Otago Gold Fields; And whereas I, the said John Hyde Harris, as Superintendent as aforesaid, under and by virtue of the powers so delegated as aforesaid, did on the thirty-first day of August last, by an Order published in the Government Gazette of the said Province, on the said thirty-first day of August, revoke and cancel the second and fourteenth of the said Rules and Regulations, and in lieu thereof did make and ordain other Rules and Regulations as in the said order set forth; And whereas it is expedient to revoke the whole of the said Rules and Regulations, and to make others in lieu thereof; Now therefore I, John Hyde Harris, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, under and by virtue of the powers so delegated to and vested in me in this behalf, do hereby order that the wholeo' the said Rules and Regulations shall, from and after the thirty-first day of October instant, bera yoked, and do hereby in lieu thereof make and ordain the Rules and Regulations following —

RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE OTAGO GOLD FIELDS. I. Preliminary Regulations. 1. Interpretation Clause. • In the construction, and for the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms shall, if not inconsistent with the context or subject matter, have the respective meanings hereby assigned to them (that is to say) — The word " "Warden" shall mean "Warden, Commissioner, Resident Magistrate, or any other Officer entrusted with the superintendence of the Gold Fields, or any portion thereof, and holding a Commission duly empowering him to have charge thereof, and shall include " "Warden and Assessors," except where it is otherwise specially provided. The word "' person" shall mean the holder of a Miners' Right. The word " Claim" shall mean theportionof landwhichthe holder of a Miners' Right or of a Business License shall be entitled to mine in or occupy, or any share or interest in any claim, held or granted under these Regulations. The words " worked and abandoned ground" shall mean any ground the whole or greater portion which has been mined upon for gold, and. abandoned. The words " New Gold. "Workings" shall mean ground previously unworked. "Words importing the singular number shall include the plural number ; and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. 2. The Miner's Right. Every person residing on a Gold Field and engaged in mining for gold, shall take out a Miners' Right such Miners' Right to be produced for inspection when demanded by the "Warden or other officer or by any person duly authorised in that behalf in writing by the "Warden. 11. Claims. 1. Classification of Claims. Alluvial claims shall mean all claims in alluvial ground. River claims shall mean claims in the beds of rivers. Creek claims shall mean claims in the beds of permanent streams which are or may be wholly diverted for the purpose of mining therein. Beach claims shall mean claims situated between the ordinary high flood mark and the edge of the water on the beaches of rivers. Quartz claims shall mean claims in quartz reefs or lodes. 2. Size of Claims Alluvial claims shall not exceed 45 feet by 45 feet for each holder of a miner's right, unless the depth from the surface exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claim may be extended to 60 feet by 60 feet. River claims shall not exceed 50 feet for each holder of a miner's right employed thereon; to be measured in the direction of the course of the stream by a width not exceeding the boundaries of the bed of the'river, which shall be defined by the "Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf. Creek claims shall be of the same extent, and subject to the same regulations with respect to measurement, form, and boundaries, as River claims. Beach claims shall not exceed 45 feet in length for each older of a miners' right along the course of the river, with a frontage to the water, by a width bounded by ordinary high flood mark. Provided



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that when any beach, or portion of a beach, shall exceed 50 feet in width, the "Warden may, upon application being made to that effect, authorise the holding and working of any such excess by persons other than the holders of the frontage claims. Quartz claims shall not exceed 45 feet in length along the course of the lode or vein, by a width not exceeding 100 feet upon each side of the course for each holder of a miners' right. 3. Claims to he Harked. Alluvial claims and puartz claims shall be maked by pegs standing at least two feet above the surface of the ground, or by trenches at each corner thereof; river, creek, and beach claims shall be marked by pegs as befare sbecified, or by <!* marks not less than one foot im length, to be cut upon the rocks above high flood mark; and such pegs, trenches or marks shall be maintained during the occupancy of the ground. Provided that when any corner cannot be marked, on account of the nature of the ground, the peg, trench, or mark, may be placed at the nearest practicable point. 4. Surplus Ground to he Forfeited. If any person shall occupy a larger area of ground than that to which he is entitled under these aegulations, he shall forfeit the surplus. 5. Shepherding forbidden. No person shall be deemed to possess a valid title to any claim, unless the same shall be fairly worked during the entire period of occupancy ; and any claim unworked beyond the space of twentyfour hours shall be deemed to be forfeited, unless sufficient reason, such as sickness, or other urgent cause, shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden. 6. Bights of Servants vested in Employers If any person shall hire himself to an employer for wages, the right to hold and occupy the claim of such servant shall vest in the employer. 7. Claims not to he forfeited hy neglect of hired Workmen. No claim, right, or privilege, shall be deemed to be forfeited through the neglect or absence of any hired servant thereon. Provided that if, after seven days' notice in writing of such neglect or absence has been given to the owner or holder thereof (either personally or by leaving the same at his last known place of residence), such neglect or absence is continued, any such claim, right, or privilege shall be deemed to be absolutely relinquished. 8. Form of Alluvial Claims. Alluvial claims may be of any form, provided that no block claim shall exceed in length twice the breadth thereof. 111. Pkospecting. 1. Discovery to he Beported. Any person discovering new gold workings, and being desirous of obtaining an increased area thereon, must immediately report such discovery, with full particulars thereof, to the Warden, or other proper authority. 2. Area in Alluvial Ground. Discoverers of new gold workings may have alloted to them an extent of ground not exceeding treble the area of an ordinary claim: and the discoverers of new gold workings distant not less than ten miles from existing workings, shall be entitled conditionally on reporting the discovery to the Warden within a reasonable time, to an extent .of ground not exceeding quadruple the area of an ordinary claim ; provided that the increased grant shall not be given to more than six persons composing any party. 3. Area on Quartz Beef. The discoverers of an auriferous Quartz Beef shall be entitled conditionally on reporting the discovery to the Warden within a reasonable time, to an area not exceeding in the whole 300 feet in length, measured along the course of the lode or vein, by a width of 100 feet upon each side of the course. 4. Notices to he Posted by the Warden. Notices of all Prospecting Claims granted, with full particulars of locality, yield of gold, and description of workings, shall be posted by the Warden on the outside of his office, for public information. IV. Water Eights and Baces. 1. Head Baces. Any person intending to divert and use water for mining purposes by means of any Head Eace' shall give notice thereof, in writing to the Warden, and to the holder or holders (if any) of a prior right or rights to divert and use water from the same source ; and such notice shall be in the form



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hereinafter set forth; and copies of such notice shall be posted and maintained for 14 clear days at the source whence it is proposed to obtain water, and at the proposed termination of such race; and the intended course thereof shall be indicated by pegs not less than 2 inches square, or by large stone 3 marked , and placed not more than two hundred yards apart. And if no valid objection be entered against such races within 14; clear days from the posting of such notices, a Certificate of may be granted by the Warden to the applicant. FORM OF NOTICE. (District and Date) To the "Warden at I hereby give notice that I intend to construct a Head "Water Eace for Mining purposes, commencing at a point ( * ) and terminating ( * ). The length of each Eace is or thereabouts, and its intended course is ( * ). [Signature and address in full of applicant.]— * Here describe 'precise localities * Do * Do 2. Races already constructed. Eaces constructed prior to the Proclamation of any G-oldfield, or of these Eules and Eegulations must be registered with the "Warden, as provided by Section 1. 3. Superiority of Bight. Superiority of right to a supply of water shall be determined by priority of occupation, the earlier occupant having the superior right. In all eases when the occupier claims under a certificate or other authority in writing granted by a "Warden or Commissioner, occupation shall be taken to hare commenced at the date of such certificate or authority. 4. Races to le commenced within one month. The cutting and formation of races must be commenced within one calendar month from the date of registration, and the occupiers shall continue cutting and forming the same until the work is completed, otherwise any superiority of right to which they may be entitled by virtue of such registration shall be deemed to be forfeited. 5. Superiority of Right Forfeited by Disuse. If any race shall be entirely unused for a full period of thirty days at a time when water is available for it, occupation of the right shall be deemed to have recommenced at the last re-occupation thereof. 6. Abandonment of Races. All right to any race shall become forfeited if abandoned for the space of one calendar month, unless in cases of sickness or unavoidable absence, or in consequence of failure of water; but it shall be lawful for the Warden, in his discretion, upon sufficient cause being shown, to suspend the operation of this Eegulation for a further period of one month, and a certificate of such suspension shall be given in writing to the occupiers. 7. Heads of Races. All Eaces that may hereafter be cut, shall have a point specified at which they shall be taken from the creek or river. In races already cut, this point shall be taken to be the spot from which the race now heads. No person shall shift or alter the head of any race without the written sanction of the Warden, nor to the prejudice of any existing right. 8, Alteration of Races. The alteration or extension of a race at any time shall not in any way affect any right or privilege attached to such race ; and the holders thereof shall, during such alteration or extension, be deemed to be in occupation of all the rights and privileges attached to such race. Provided that such alteration or extension shall first be approved by the Warden. 9. Insufficient Supply of Water. If the water flowing in any creek or river is insufficient to supply all the races connected therewith, the owner of any right shall —on receipt of a written notice from the owner of a superior right, stating that the supply of such superior right is less than he is entitled to —immediately cease to use the water, or such portion thereof as may be necessary to make up the supply of the superior right. 10. Water Quage. If any dispute shall arise between holders of water-rights deriving their supply from the same creek or watercourse, relative to the quantity of water to which each of them, the said holders, is or may be entitled, the following shall be taken to be a head of water, and such holders shall be limited thereto : A stream of water guaged by a box, 12 feet long, 10 inches deep, and 20 inches wide, all measured in the clear. The box shall be covered throughout. The upper or entrance end of such box may be



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left entirely open ; but the lower end, or end of exit, shall be fitted with a bar 2 inches high, affixed to the floor of the box, and with a pressure or head-board, G inches deep, affixed to the top of the box, leaving an aperture of 2 inches in depth, and of the full width of the box. (a.) If more than one sluice head of water requires to be guaged, the guage box should be enlarged horizontally to ensure accurate measurement. But when this cannot be done, owing to natural obstacles, or other sufficient reasons, the guage box may be enlarged perpendicularly, in which case the depth of the pressure or head-board shall be reduced at the rate of 1 inch for every additional head of water that is perpendicularly measured. (b.} The guage box shall at all times be placed on a level. When water is taken from one source only, the supply shall be guaged at the head of the race, or the source of supply. But if the race ia fed, or supplied in part, by any side stream, or streams, the guage box shall be placed immediately below such side stream, or the last of such side streams. (c.) The velocity of the water above the guage box shall, if required, be lessened by the construction of a dam bank, or by levelling the race for a distance of 30 feet; and such velocity shall not exceed an average of 1 foot per second in the said 30 feet, to be guaged by a float. 11. Supply of Water may be Reduced. When the supply of water from any creek or stream shall be insufficient for the use of all the holders of water rights thereon, it shall be lawful for the Warden, upon adequate cause being shown, to reduce the quantity, in due and equal proportion, which the said holders shall be entitled to draw therefrom, and to regulate the time and mode in which such water may be used. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to affect the rights of the holder or holders of a first waterright hereafter granted on any stream ; but such holder or holders shall at all times be entitled to the full supply of water for which he or they shall be registered. 12. Number of Sluice Heads Allowed. The number of sluice heads allowed for any such race, as aforesaid, shall be as follows: —One or two miners, one sluice head, or 40 inches of water ; four or more miners, two sluice-heads; and so on at the rate of one sluice-head to every additional two miners. 13. Water not to be Wasted. Holders of rights shall not allow any water to run to waste; but such water shall be appropriated to the use of the next holder of a right, according to the date of their respective registrations. 14. Transfer or Assignment. The transfer or assignment of any race, or of any interest therein, shall not affect any right or privilege attached to such race; provided that any such transfer or assignment shall have been duly registered at the office of the Warden, and a memorandum thereof made upon the back of the original certificate. 15. Keeping Races in repair, Bridging, Sfc., The holder or occupier of any race shall keep the same in repair, and shall make an efficient bridge where any road in ordinary use crosses the race, upon being required to do so by the Warden. 16. Working Ground occupied for Races. Any person desirous of working the ground on which any race or portion of a race is situated, may do so by first providing an equally good race for the use of the occupier: provided that the consent of the Warden thereto be first obtained. 17. Reservations. No water-right shall be granted for the use or diversion of any water which is, or may be, required for public purposes, or for the use of the miners generally. 18. Water for general use Two sluice-heads of water shall, if required, be at all times allowed to flow in the natural course of a creek or river, for general use. 19. Causing Claims to he Flooded. No person shall back the water of any creek, river, race, or water-course, upon any claim or otherwise cause any claim to be flooded, either wilfully or by neglect. 20. Obstructions to Water Courses. '-m < No person shall deposit any earth, stones, tailings, or other substance in the bed of any watercourse, so as to obstruct the flow of water therein. 21. Side-streams. Where a race crosses any water-course, the use of which is required by holders of Miners' Eights. it shall be carried either over or under the same, so as not to interfere with the natural flow of water



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22. Construction of Tail-Races. Before any person shall construct a tail-race, he shall first proceed by notice in the same manner as is directed in Section 1, for head-races. But such notice s^hall only require to be posted for seven (7) clear days : at the expiration whereof the applicant shall return to the Warden a copy of the notice, which shall be signed by the holders of the four (4) nearest claims, as expressing their assent to or dissent from the issue of a certificate for such tail-race. And the Warden shall enquire into any objection thereto, or into any cause of dissent as aforesaid: and shall thereafter issue or withold a Certificate of Eegistration according to the equities of the case. 23. Use of Tail-races. Any person wishing to use a tail-race may do so on condition of first paying to the owner of such tail-race a proportionate share of the expense of construction ; provided that the person so using any lail-race shall assist in clearing the same whenever it shall be necessary to do so. 24. Flood-races. Any person may cut a flood-race through or by his claim, subject to such restrictions as the Warden may consider necessary for the public good. 25. Races may be carried through Claims. Upon application being made to the Warden it shall be competent for him to authorise the applicant to pass a head-race or tail-race over, under, or through any claim, or right; provided that compensation thall be allowed for estimated damage (if any), and prior to commencing the construction of such race such compensation shall be paid to the holder or holders of the claim or right over, under, or through which the proposed race has to be constructed. 26. Certificates Renewable Annually. Every grant or certificate for a head-race shall be brought to the Warden for renewal annually, and if any such grant or certificate is not so brought within 30 days after the expiration of twelve months from the date at which it has been or may be granted, it may be deemed to be foi feited, and the registration thereof may be cancelled. V. Dams and Puddling Machines. 1. Notice of Construction or Erection to be given. Any person intending to form a Dam, or to erect a Puddling Machine, shall give notice thereof in writing to the Warden, and to the four parties working or occupying claims nearest to the proposed site, who shall sign such notice, expressing their assent thereto or dissent therefrom. Such notices shall be in the form hereinafter prescribed, and copies thereof shall bo posted and maintained by the applicant for seven clear days upon the proposed site of such Dam or Machine. And at the expiration of the said term of seven days the Warden shall enquire into any objection or cause of dissent and thereafter issue or withold a Certificate of Eegistration according to the equities of the case. FOBM OF NOTICE. {District and Bate.) To the Warden at I hereby give notice that I intend to form a Dam (or erect a Puddling Machine, as the case may be) at ( * ). Signature and address in full of applicant: * Here describe the locality, and in case of a Puddling Machine state the proposed course of the sludge drains. 2. Machines not to lie in centre of Gully. Dams may be formed, and puddling machines erected upon such sites only as shall be approved by the Warden; and no such dam or machine shall be permitted to be placed in the centre of any gully or flat. 3. Main Sludge Channel to be first constructed. ~No person shall be permitted to erect a puddling machine in any locality wherein puddling operations have not heretofore been carried on, until a Main Sludge Channel shall have been constructed, and in all cases such main channel must be constructed by, and at the expense of, the person desirous of erecting such machine. 4. Main Sludge Channels to he approved by the Warden. The position and course of all Main Sludge Channels, and the width and depth thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Warden, who shall have power to alter and vary the same whenever it shall seem to him necessary so to do ; and upon the approval of any such Main Channel, the Warden shall grant a certificate of the same to the applicant.



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5. Expense of Construction. The expense of the construction of such channel shall be borne by the persons then or afterwards using the same, in proportion to the position of each machine relatively to the said channel, and payment of such proportion to the person constructing the same shall be made prior to the granting of any Certificate of Registration. 6. Sludge Drains and Channels to be kept clear. Main Sludge Channels shall be kept clear and in good repair by the joint labor of the machine owners in each locality ; and the owner of each machine shall further keep clear and in good order the private sludge drains connected with such machine ; and on no pretence whatever shall the sludge from any main channel or private drain be permitted to overflow the banks or edges thereof. 7. Hoods over Drains to be Bridged. When Sludge or Water Drains run across or under any road in general use, a substantial bridge (the culvert of which shall be of sufficient size to carry off the sludge or water), shall be constructed and kef t in repair by the owner of the machine whence such sludge or water proceeds. 8. Forfeiture of Dams or Machines. The site of any dam or machine not commenced within seven days from the date of the grant thereof, or not completed within a reasonable time, or any dam or machine unoccupied for one calendar month during a period when sufficient water has been available, shall be deemed to be forfeited, and may be granted by the Warden to any person who may apply for the same. 9. Injury to Property by Dams. If any claim shall be flooded, or property injured by the bursting of any dam-bank, the owner of euch dam shell be liable for any loss or damage occasioned thereby, provided that it is proved to the satisfaction of the Warden that such breaking away resulted from the faulty construction of such dam. 10. Sites proving Auriferous. If it shall be proved that the ground occupied by any dam or machine contains auriferous earth or quartz, the owner of such dam or machine may be compelled to leave or remove the same: provided that adequate compensation for such leaving or removal shall first have been estimated by assessors and paid by the person desirous of working the ground. VI. Cheek Claims. 4 I. Notice of diversion to be given. Any person desirous of diverting the course of a permanent stream for the purpose of working the bed thereof as a creek claim, shall first give notice of his intention to the Warden, and to all parties working in, or occupying claims adjoining the proposed line of diversion. Such Notices shall be in the form hereinafter prescribed, and copies thereof shall be posted and maintained, for a period of Ten clear days, at the points proposed for the commencement and termination of such diversion, as aforesaid, and if no valid objection be entered thereagainst within the aforesaid period, the Warden may issue a Certificate of Registration to the applicant. FOBH OP NOTICE. (District and date.) No. I hereby give notice that I intend to divert the course of (name of stream) and to form a new channel therefor, commencing at a point situate ( * ), and terminating at a point ( * ) (Signature, Ac.)- — * Here insert with sufficient accuracy, the localities. Section 2. Wall to be allowed. Holders of creek claims shall be allowed a sufficient wall between the channel of diversions and the bed of the stream ; and the width of such Avail shall be defined by the Warden. VII. Roads, Ac. 1. Bight of Water and Roadway. Every person holding ;i claim under these regulations shall be entitled to a supply of water for his use in connection therewith, and to a roadway whereby he may, at all times, obtain free ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 2. Sludge and Water to he kept off Roads. No person shall allow any sludge or water to run or spread over any road or crossing place.



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3. Protection to Public Roads. No person shall dig within the distance of five feet from any road in common use, nor drive underneath, nor in any way interfere with such road without first obtaining the authority of the "Warden. 4. Alteration of Roads. Any person desirous of altering the direction of any road, and of occupying the site thereof for mining purposes, shall give notice thereof in writing to the Warden, and post and maintain a copy of Btieh notice in a conspicuous part of such road for three clear days, upon the expiration whereof the "Warden may authorise such alteration to be made. 5. Rigid of Roadwai/ over Claims. Upon any twenty or more persons applying for a road or crossing-place over any occupied claim or claims, the Warden shall determine whether such road or crossing-place is necessary, and shall make such order relative thereto as he may doom requisite ; provided that it shall be lawful for the holder or holders of such claim or claims to work the ground over or through which such road or crossing-place shall pass. VIII. Protection 1. Protection for Seven Days. The Warden may, without prior notice, grant protection to n-nv claim for a period not exceeding seven days ; provided that at the time of making application therefor, the applicant shall produce, the consent in writing of the four parties working or occupying claims nearest to that for which protection is sought; and such protection shall be given in writing in the form hereafter provided, and a copy thereof shall be posted on the claim. rOßir of protection. {District and date.) No. I hereby give notice that I have granted protection for days to the claim occupied by and situate at (Signed) - Warden. 2. Protection for extended period. If any person shall be desirous of obtaining protection for a claim for a longer period than seven days, he shall give notice in writing to the AVardcn, and to the four parties working or occupying claims nearest to that for which protection is sought, who shall sign such notice, expressing their assent thereto or dissent therefrom. Such notice shall be in the form hereinafter prescribed'; and a copy thereof shall be posted and maintained by the applicant on the claim for three clear days, at the expiration whereof, if no valid objection be entered, the Warden may issue a Certificate of Eegistration to the applicant, and such Certificate may be for the period named in the application, or for any less time. form of notice or application toe protection. {District and date.) No. I hereby give notice that I desire to obtain a Protection Certificate for {here state the time) my claim situate at , and the following particulars are true in all respects —■ 1. Classification of Claim 2. Date at which occupation commenced 3. Time during which the Claim has been worked 4. The Claim (has not, or has) been protected before * 5. Cause for which protection is required {Signature iVb. of Miners' Rights.) * Jf the Claim has been protected before, the applicant must state when, and for what period. 8. Information to holders of Miners' Rights. When any claim is under protection for a longer period than seven days, the occupier thereof shall post and at all times maintain on some conspicuous part of the said claim, a board not less than . nine inches square, with the word ''Protected" and the number of his Certificate painted legibly thereon. 4. Limitation of Protection. Protection fora longer period than seven days shall not be granted to any claim which has not been fairly wrought for "at least one month. The "most extended period for which protection may be granted at any one time shall bo Thirty days ; and such protection shall not be renewed unless it is proved to the satisfaction of the Warden "that the claim is unworkable.



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5. Renewal of Protection. Application for renewal shall be made in the same manner as is pi ovided in Section 2 : and such, renewal, if granted, shall be endorsed on the back of the Certificate, and recorded in the Eegistration Book. 6. Protection during Notice. When any Notice has been given and posted in conformity with these Regulations, the claim, right, or privilege to which such Notice may refer, shall be protected during the currency thereof, and until the application has been finally dealt with by the Warden. 7. Protection during Operations. All claims, rights, and privileges, of whatsoever nature, lawfully held and enjoyed under these Regulations, shall be protected during the time that the owners or holders thereof shall be actually engaged in operatious connected therewith. IX. Registration. 1. Permissive Registration. All claims, rights, and privileges, may be registered, Mining Partnerships, and Agreements between holders of Miners' Rights or Business Licenses may be registered. 2. Registration of Huts. The Holder of a Miners' Right may, on application to the Warden, register his hut or place of abode ; and any hut or place of abode so registered shall be protected during the absence of the owner, for such period not exceeding six months, as may be assigned. 3. Registration Fees. Except where it is otherwise expressly provided, the fee payable in respect of the several Rigistrations mentioned in these Regulations, shall be two shillings and sixpence: such fee shall include payment for copies of notices, but not for any survey. 4. Information to the Public. Any person requiring any information from the Transaction Book of the Mining Registrar may obtain the same on payment of one shilling ; and it shall be the duty of the Mining Registrar to furnish such information. 5. Conditions of Registration. The Warden may endorse on the back of any Certificate of Registration such lawful conditions as may be desirable or necessary for the public good ; which conditions shall at all times be binding upon the holder of any such Certificate. X. Licenses. 1. Business Licenses. Every person engaged in trade or business of any kind within the limits of the Grold Field/shall obtain from the Warden a Business License, for which he shall pay the sum of five pounds"(£s) annually, and shall be entitled to occupy an area of half a square chain, having a frontage of 33 feet and a depth of 66 feet. 2. Wholesale Licenses. Every holder of a Wholesale License for the sale of fermented and spirituous liquors, in quantities of not less than two gallons, shall pay a fee for the same of Ten (£10) Pounds. 3. Retail Licenses. Every holder of a Retail License for the sale of fermented and spirituous liquors in any quantity shall pay a fee for the same of Twenty (£2O) Pounds. 4. Licenses may he Cancelled. The Warden may recommend the withdrawal, suspension, or cancellation, of any License'upon proof, to his satisfaction, of a breach of the Grold Fields Regulations, or of any disorderly conduct upon the premises held under such License, and such License may thereupon be withdrawn, suspended, or cancelled accordingly. 5. Sites to he marked by Pegs. Occupants of sites for business purposes, shall place and maintain at each frontage corner of such site a peg not less than two inches square, and standing at least one foot above the surface.



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6. Space between Buildings. An open space of six feet shall at all times be left between buildings occupied for business purposes. The holder or occupier of a single business area or site shall only build upon 27 feet of his frontage. The holder or occupier of two or more adjoining areaa or sites may build upon 33 feet frontage for every such additional area or site. 7. Registratim of Sites. Business sites may be registered with the "Warden for ten days, whilst the holder is engaged in preparing for the occupancy thereof, and the fee for such Registration shall be five shillings: such Registration may be renewed by the Warden for an additional period of ten days, and such renewal shall be endorsed on the certificate, and recorded in the Registration Book. 8. Occupancy of Sites. Business sites can only be held or occupied by holders of business licenses, and no site can be held unoccupied for more than twenty-four hours, unless the same shall be registered as provided in .Section 7. 9. Information to the Public. When any business site has been registered, the holder thereof shall post and maintain thereon a board, not less than nine inches square, with the word " Registered," aud the date and number of such Registration legibly painted or written thereon. 10. Roadway between Business Sites. A space of sixty-six-feet shall at all times be left for a road or street between business sites ; and no person shall, on any pretence whatever, encroach upon such roadway. XI. Residence. 1. Area which may be occupied for Residence. .Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the holder of a Miners' Right shall be entitled to occupy for residence an area of Crown lands not exceeding half an acre, or 2,240 square yards. 2. Residence Areas to be Registered. Any person desirous of occupying land under the preceding regulation, shall mark the corners of the area which he proposes to occupy with trenches, or substantial posts standing at least three feet above the surface, and shall give notice in writing in the form hereunto appended, to the Warden of the district, and a copy of such notice shall be posted and maintained in some conspicuous part of such area for the space of seven clear days, at the expiration whereof, if no valid objection has been entered thereagainst, the Warden may grant a Residence Certificate to the applicant. 3. I>iscovery of auriferous deposits. If any auriferous deposits shall be traced to the boundaries of any land occupied for residence the Warden may, upon satisfactory proof thereof, authorise any surveyor or other person, by writing under his hand, to enter and at such times, and in such manner as he may appoint, to search the land so occupied for a continuation of the said auriferous deposit. 4. Auriferous areas may be worked. If any residence area shall be proved to be auriferous, the Warden may, upon application, order the whole or any part thereof to be given up for mining purposes to such persons as re shall nominate. 5. Compensation to be, paid. In all cases compensation for actual damage done or loss shall be estimated by assessors, and paid to the occupier of such'area, by the persons desirous of mining thereon, prior to their taking possession thereof. 6. Conditions of Working. The Warden shall make such orders relative to the mode of working the ground, the restoration of the soil, and other conditions as he may deem necessary or desirable. 7. Transfer or Assignment. The right and interest in any area occupied under a Residence Certificate may be transferred or assigned by the holder thereof, but such transfer or assignment shall, in all cases, bo registered with the Warden, and endorsed on the original certificate. 8. Registration Fees. The fee payable for registering any such application shall be five shillings (us.), and the fee for registering any transfer or assignment shall be two shillings and sixpence (2s. Ud.)



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FORM OF NOTICE REFERRED TO. No. District of 186 I herebyjgive notice that I desire to occupy for Residence (state the extent) of land situate at , and that I have this day marked the corners of such land with (pests or trenches), in conformity with the Regulations herein made and previded. Signature of the Applicant and the number") and date of his Miners' Right. — ) 9. Tent Ground. Subject to the conditions set forth in Sections 3, 4, and 5, the holder of a Miners' Right shall be entitled to occupy for residence an area of 12 x 24 feet "without registration : Provided that such area shall not be taken up on known auriferous ground, nor in the line of any workings, nor on land set apart for business purposes. XII. TUNNELLING. 1. Walls to be left. A wall of not less than ten feet shall be maintained on each side of any tunnel. 2. Bemoval of Walls. If any person is desirous of removing any such wall he shall be permitted to do so provided that he first obtains the consent in writing of the party occupying the adjacent claim ; and such consent shall be in the form hereinafter prescribed. FORM OF CONSENT. (District and date.) I (or we) hereby consent to the removal by (name of party applying for permission) of the wall now standing between our respective tunnels, situated at (here state locality)* (Signatures. &c.) * If any special conditions are imposed, they must be specified in the document. 3. Ventilation. When cross-drives or openings are required for ventilation, and the various parties concerned cannot agree thereon the Warden may issue an order for making such drives or openings, and for the allocation of the work to be performed, and also for the distribution of any auriferous deposits which may be found in the intervening wall. XIII. Extended Claims. 1. Old Worked Ground. Upon receiving sufficient proof that any portion of the district has been fairly worked, and is either wholly or for the greater part abandoned, the Warden may declare the same to be old worked ground, and shall thereupon define the boundaries wherein holders of Miners' rights may occupy claims, not exceeding double the ordinary area prescribed by the regulations. 2. Extension of Claims. Extended mining claims may be granted by the Warden, upon application being made as hereinafter directed, subject to the condition that a sufficient number of holders of miners' rights shall bo constantly employed thereon, namely : — For a quarter acre (10,890 square feet), two men, For half an acre (21,780 square feet), three men, For one acre (43,560 square feetj fire men ; and so on in proportion. Provided that no such claim shall be granted in new and unworked ground, unless it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden that such ground has been fairly tested, and cannot be profitably worked in claims of the ordinary size. Provided also, that an extended claim .shall in no case be permitted to exceed three acres in extent. 3. Form of Application. Application for extended claims shall bo made to the Warden in the following form : —■ To the Warden at (District and date.) I (or we) hereby give notice that I (or we) desire to obtain an extended claim of (here state extent of area applied for), situated at (here state precise locality), and I (or we) deposit herewith the sum of Five Pounds as security for the payment of any expenses connected therewith. (Signature, with date and number of Miner's Right held by each "member of the party.)



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4. Official Survey. Upon receipt of such application and deposit, or as soon thereafter as may be, the Warden shall direct the Mining Surveyor to proceed to the land applied for, and to survey the same, and to report as to the area, boundaries, and description thereof; the character of the ground, the likelihood of any river, creek, or permanent water spring, or artificial reservoir, which may be included within the boundaries of the said land, being required for, or the feasibility of the same being applied to public purposes, or for the use of the miners generally ; and also as to any claims to prior occupancy which shall come to his knowledge, inquiry as to which it shall be his duty to make while making the survey ; and to furnish a plan of such land on a scale of not less than five chains to the inch, together with a tracing of so much of the general map of the district as will be sufficient to connect the particular area applied for with at least one trigonometrical station, or, in the absence of any such, with some fixed point. 5. Surveyor to Post Notices. The Surveyor shall, at the time of making the survey hereinbefore directed, post a notice in the form hereunto annexed, in some conspicuous place on the ground, and such notice shall be maintained by and at the expense of the applicants, until the application has heen heard and determined. FOmt OF NOTICE TO HE POSTED BT THE SrRYETOIt. To all persons whom it may concern. I hereby give notice that residing at did on the day of aPP')" to luc f°r an " Extended Claim" (here state area), of land, which the Mining Surveyor has this day marked out, and that any person desiring to object to such extended claim, must, within seven clear days from the date, of this notice, enter his objection at my office. And I further give notice that I will hear and determine this application and the objection {if any) lodged thereagainst at my office aforesaid. on day of " 186 {Signature of Warden ) Dated tho day of 180 Posted by me this day of Mining Surveyor. G. Extended Claims to he Registered. If no valid objection is offered, the Warden may, upon hearing the application, issue a certificate of Registration for an " Extended Claim," specifying therein the area granted, the exact position of the same, and the special conditions (if any) upon which such certificate has been granted, and the charge for such registration shall be ten shillings. 7. Forfeiture. If at any lime the requisite number of holders of miners' rights shall not be employed or occupied upon any such " Extended Claim," the Warden may, upon proof thereof being produced before him, in the presence of all parties interested, cancel the certificate of Eegistration, either in the whole or in part, as may be equitable. Provided always that a monetary penalty may be imposed in lieu of forfeiture, as set forth in Section 4 of Regulation XI. XIA 7. Special Sites. , 1. Sites for Machines. Any holder of a Miner's Eight who may be desirous of obtaining a site for the erection of machinery thereon, shall make application in writing to the Warden, setting forth the purpose and all particulars of such machinery, and stating the exact locality of the site applied for, and shall at the same time deposit the sum of £o as security for the cost of survey and other necessary expenses. And the Warden shall thereupon direct the Mining Surveyor to make a survey and plan of such site, and to report thereon. 2. Site for Stacking Tailings. Any holder of a Miner's Eight who may be desirous of obtaining a site for the purpose of stacking tailings thereon, shall proceed by application to the Warden in the same manner as is provided in section 1. 3. Proceedings at Survey. At the time of making any such survey, the Mining Surveyor shall erect a post measuring not less than two inches square, and standing three feet above the surface of the ground at each boundary corner of the site applied for, and shall post a notice in the form hereinafter set forth upon some conspicuous part of such site. Fosm of Notice. (District and date.) Whereas (name of applicant) has applied to me for a grant of this land as a special site for (erecting machinery ,* or stacking tailings) thereon j and whereas the Mining Surveyor has this day surveyed



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and marked the boundaries of such site, this is to give Notice that any objections to the issue of a Certificate of Registration therefore must be lodged at my office on or before {specify datef), upon which day I shall proceed to hear and dispose of such application' (Signature of Warden) Posted by me this day 186 . (Signature of Mining Surveyor) *If machinery, state for ichai * purpose. t Not less than 7 clear days from date of survey. 4. Registration. At the expiration of the time specified in the Notice as aforesaid, the Warden may, if there be no valid objection thereagainst, issue a Certificate of Registration for the site applied for, and the fee for such registration shall be five shillings. 4. Restriction of Sites. Special sites shall not be granted for any land which is known to be auriferous, unless the same has been worked out and abandoned, nor for land which is in the line or direction of any workings, or which is or may probably be required for business purposes. (5. Limitation of Area. The area granted to any person or party as a special site shall in no case exceed a quarter of an acre. 7. Discovery of Auriferous Deposits. If any auriferous deposits shall be traced to the boundaries of, or discovered upon a special site, such site shall be dealt with in the same manner as provided by Sections 3, 4, and 5, of Regulation XI., relating to residence : Provided always that the compensation directed to be estimated by Section 5 thereof shall only be paid in the case of sites that are or may bo occupied bona fide by machinery. XT. GrENEKAL REGULATIONS. 1. Interference Prohibited. No person shall, under any pretence whatever, damage, destroy, or otherwise interfere with any race, tail race, dam, sludge-channel, or drain, machine, or other appliance connected therewith, nor with any claim, unless the sanction of the owners thereof, or the authority of the Warden, shall first have been obtained for such interference. 2. Throwing Earth or Tailings on Claims. No person shall throw or cause to be thrown upon any claim other than his own, any earth, stones, gravel, tailings, or any other substance, whereby the proper and efiicient working of such claim may be stopped or impeded. 3. Interference with Pegs and Notices, Sfc. No person shall alter the position of any trench nor remove any peg from a claim in the occupation of any other person, nor deface, destroy, or remove any notice posted in accordance with these Regulations, nor interfere with any mark or boundary. 4. Stacleing Auriferous Substances. Any person wishing to retain possession of auriferous substances, may have the same protected for a period not exceeding three months, provided that such substance is properly stacked on ground not supposed to be adapted to mining purposes, and that a board, with the owner's name, address, and date of stacking, legibly written or painted thereon, be posted close to such stack. 5. Jumping Forbidden. No person shall take possession of any claim, race, dam, machine, or any other right or privilege whatsoever, (unless the same shall have been absolutely relinquished) without first obtaining the consent of the owners, or the authority, of the Warden. 6. Penalty may be substituted for Forfeiture. In all cases wherein forfeiture is decreed by these Regulations, it shall be lawful for the Warden to substitute a monetary penalty in lieu thereof, and to allow thereout a sufficient sum to defray any reasonable expenses incurred by the plaintiff in the prosecution of his suit. 7. Compensation may be Adjudged. In all cases of forfeiture, the Warden may adjudge compensation to be paid by the person to whom any claim or right may be awarded by the former owner or holder thereof, and to appoint a time within which such payment shall be made : Provided that such compensation shall not exceed in amount two-thirds of the estimated value of any work actually performed thereon, or in connection therewith.



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8. Permission to enter Claims. The Warden shall have power to authorise the entry of any surveyor or assessor into and upon any claim for the purpose of measuring the depth of any shaft, or the dip, direction, inclination, or length of any tunnel or drive. 9. Notices to contain full particulars. All notices tendered or posted in conformity with these Regulations must contain the name in full of each member of the party, together with date, number, and place of issue of his Miners' Eight. 10. Notices to le posted at Warden's Office. Copies of all notices given in conformity with these Regulations shall be posted by the Warden at his office, and exhibited on the outside thereof during the currency of such notice: Provided that noncompliance with this rule shall not invalidate the proceedings in relation to any application. 11. Warden to ha Judge of Ohjections, Sfc. The Warden shall in all cases be the sole judge of the validity of objections to the issue of any Certificate of Registration, and also of what is a " reasonable time" for the performance of any work when no fixed period i< provided by these Regulations. , 12. Certificate may he Cancelled. If any Certificate shall have been obtained by misrepresentation, or if any of the prescribed conditions have not been duly complied with, the A\rarden may, upon proof thereof, cancel such Certificate, or make such other order therein os may appear to be just or equitable. 13. Neglect of Warden's Orders. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any written notice or order of the Warden, duly served, and in conformity with these Regulation?, shall be deemed to be guilty ot a breach thereof, and' liable to the penalties imposed by the 53rd section of the " Gold Fields Act, 1862." 11. Survey in ahsence of a Mining Surveyor. Wherever it is required by these Regulations that a survey should be made, if there be no Mining Surveyor within the district, the Warden may authorise and appoint any capable person to make the necessary survey ; and such survey shall, for all the purposes of the Regulations, be taken and accepted as, or in lieu of Survey, by an appointed Mining Surveyor. 15. Transfer of Claims, £{c. Any claim, right, or privilege held under these Regulations may be transferred or assigned ; but where it is provided that any such claim, right, or privilege must originally be registered, the transfer or assignment thereof must also be registered. 1G Suspension of Regulations. If any portion of the Rules and Regulations of the Otago Gold Fields shall be deemed to be inapplicable to the requirements of any district, the Superintendent may, if he shall think fit, upon the receipt of a memorial to that effect, signed by holders of Miners' Rights and Business Licences residing in such district, suspend the operation of any regulation or section of a regulation, so far as such district is concerned, and may again annul such suspension, and renew the operation of such regulation or section, or may substitute others in lieu thereof. Given under my hand, and issued under the Public Seal of the Province of Otago, (L.S.) at Dunedin, this twenty-first day of October, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. J. Hyde Haeeis, Superintendent. By His Honor's Command, Jas. Pateesox, Provincial Secretary.

PROCLAMATION".—By his hcxnoe aetuur peneose seymottb, esquiee, supeeintendent of THE PEOYDS'CE OP MAELBOEOUGII, DT THE COLOHI OP SEW ZEALAXD. Wheeeas, Thomas Carter, Esquire, Superintendent of the Province of Marlborough, under and by virtue of the powers delegated to and vested iv him in that behalf, did, on the 15th day of June, 1864, make and ordain certain rules and regulations relating to mining on the Marlborough Gold Fields



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and the making of which rules aud regulations was duly notified in the Government Gazette of the Province of Marlborough, and published on tho 15th day of June, 18G4 : And whereas it is expedient to revoke the aforesaid rules and regulations. Now, therefore I, Arthur Penrose Seymour, Superintendent of the Province of Marlborough, by virtue and in exercise of the powers delegated to and invested in me in this behalf, do hereby revoke and cancel the said rules and regulations, and in lieu thereof do make the rules and regulations following, the same to be in force from and after the 10th day of November next ensuing. Given under my hand this 30th day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Abtiutb Penbose Setmoub, Superintendent

RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE MARLBOROUGH GOLD FIELD I.—PbELIMINAET EEGTrtATIOIfS. 1. — Interpretation Clause. In the construction, and for the purposes of these regulations, the following terms shall, if not inconsistent with the context or subject matter, have the respective meanings hereby assigned to them, that is to say — The word ' Warden' shall mean Warden, Commissioner, Eesident Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, or any other Officer entrusted with the superintendence of the gold fields, or any portion thereof, and holding a Commission duly empowering him to have charge thereof, and shall include ' Warden and Assessors' except where it is otherwise specially provided. The word ' person' shall mean the holder of a miner's right Tbe words ' New Gold Workings' shall mean ground previously unworked, or which has been worked and abandoned. The words ' worked and abandoned ground' shall mean any ground, the whole or greater portion of which has been mined upon for gold, and abandoned. Words importing the singular number shall include the plural number; and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. 2. The Miners' Right. Every person residing on a gold field and engaged in mining for gold, shall take out a miners right, such miner's right to be carried on the person, and produced for inspection when demanded by the Warden or other officer, or by any person duly authorised in that behalf in writing by the Warden. 11. Claims. I.— Classification of Claims. Ordinary claims shall mean alluvial claims worked without the aid of appliances for drainage. Wet claims shall mean alluvial claims in flooded ground, which cannot be wrought without the aid of appliances for drainage. Creek and river claims shall mean alluvial claims in the beds of creeks or rivers (including beaches), the course whereof may have been or shall be wholly diverted for the purpose of mining therein. Quartz claims shall mean claims in quartz reefs or lodes. 2.— Size of Claims. Ordinary claims shall not exceed 30 feet by 30 feet for each person, unless the depth of sinking exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claim may be extended to 40 feet by 40 feet. Wet claims shall not exceed 40 feet by 40 feet for each person, unless the depth of sinking exceeds 50 feet, in which case such claims may be extended to 50 feet by 50 feet. Creek or river claims shall not exceed 40 feet for each man employed thereon, nor be more than 240 feet in length in tho whole, to be measured in the direction of the course of the stream, by a width not exceeding the boundaries of the bed of creek or river, as defined by the Warden or other officer duly authorised in that behalf. Quartz claims shall not exceed 30 feet in length along the course of the lode or vein, by a width not exceeding 200 feet upon each side of the course, for each person ; and no claim shall exceed in the whole 120 feet in length by 200 feet in width. Nothing herein contained shall apply to the size of claims taken up under previous regulations. 3. — Number of Claims in a Slock. The maximum number of claims that may be occupied in one block by any party of miners shall be as follows : —■ 1. In ordinary claims, four single claims 2. In wet claims, six single claims 3. In creek or river claims, six single claims 4. In quartz claims, four single claims



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4.— Amalgamation of Claims. The Warden may, upon sufficient cause being shown, permit the amalgamation of any two or more claims, upon such terms and conditions as he may consider necessary to secure the effectual working thereof. Provided that seven days' notice in writing in the form hereinafter set forth shall be given to the Warden by the persons desiring to amalgamate such claims, and copies of such notices shall be posted on each of the claims which it is proposed to amalgamate for a like period of seven clear days, at the expiration whereof the Warden may proceed to issue a certificate of registration. FOEM OF NOTICE. No. District and Date. AYe hereby give notice that we desire to amalgamate our claims, situate at [here state locality] for the more efficient working thereof; and we declare that the following particulars are true in every respect.

5. Claims to be Jfarked. Claims shall be marked by pegs standing 3 feet above the surface of the ground ; and such pegs or trenches shall be maintained during the occupancy of the ground; river claims shall be marked by pegs, as before specified, or by arrow marks not less than one foot in length to be cut upon the rocks above high flood mark ; and such pegs, trenches, or marks shall be maintained during the occupancy of the ground: Provided that when any corner caimot be so marked on account of the nature of the ground, such peg may be placed at the nearest practicable point. G. Slurping Ground to he forfeited. If any person shall occupy a larger area of.ground than that to which he is entitled under these regulations, he shall forfeit the surplus. 7. Shepherding Forbidden. No person shall be deemed to possess a valid title to any claim unkss the same shall be fairly worked during the entire period of occupancy ; and any claim unworked beyond the space of twentyfour hours, shall be deemed to be forfeited, unless sufficient reason, such as sickness or other urgent cause, shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden. 8. Sights of Servants vested in Employers. If any person shall hire himself to an employer for wages, the right to hold and occupy the claim of such servant shall vest in the employer. Form of Alluvial Block Claims. Alluvial claims may be of any form; provided that no block-claim shall exceed in length, twice the breadth thereof. 111. Prospecting. 1. Protection while Prospecting. Any person may obtain frtm the Warden a certificate of protection for an extended claim during the time he is engaged in prospecting. 2. Discovery to be Reported, Any person discovering new gold workings, and being desirous of obtaining an increased area thereon, must immediately report such discovery, with full particulars thereof, to the Warden, or other proper authority.



Signatures in full of each person. Nos. of Miners' Eights. Number of claims proposed to be amalgamated. Class of Claims. Area of Claim held by each party.

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3. Area in Alluvial Ground. Discoverers of new gold workings may have allotted to them an extent of ground not exceeding twice the area of an ordinary claim ; the discoverers of new gold workings distant not less than one mile from existing workings, may have allotted to them an extent of ground not exceeding treble the area of an ordinary claim ; and the discoverers of new gold workings distant not less than 6 miles from existing workings, may obtain an extent of ground not exceeding quadruple the area of an ordinary claim : Provided that the increased grant shall not be given to more than four persons composing any party. 4. Area on Quartz Reef. The discoverer of an auriferous quartz reef may have allotted to him an area not exceeding in the whole 200 feet in length, measured along the course of the lode or vein, by a width of 100 feet upon each side of the course. 5. Notices to be posted by the Warden. Notices of all prospecting claims granted, with full particulars of locality, yield of gold, and description of workings, shall be posted by the "Warden on the outside of his office, for public information. G. Prospecting Claims Surveyed. All prospecting claims must be surveyed, and a copy of the plan lodged with the Warden. Expenses of such surveys to be regulated by the Warden. IV. Water Eights aud Eaces. 1. New Races, Any person intending to divert and use water for mining purposes by means of any race, shall give notice thereof, in writing to the Warden, in the form hereinafter set forth: and copies of such notice shall be posted and maintained for 14 clear days at the source whence it is proposed to obtain water, and at intervals of not more than a quarter of a mile along the intended course of the race. And if no valid objection be entered against such race within 14 clear days from the posting of such notices, a Certificate of registration may be granted by the Warden to the applicant. FORM OF NOTICE. {District and date.) To the Warden at I hereby give notice that I intend to construct a Water Eace for mining purposes, commencing at a point [ * ] and terminating [ * ]. The length of each race is or thereabouts, and its intended course is [ * ]■ [Signature and address in full of applicant.]— * Here describe precise localities. 2. Eaces already constructed. Eaces constructed prior to the proclamation of any goldfield, or of these rules and regulations, must be registered with the Warden, as provided in section 1. 3. Superiority of Sight. Superiority of right to a supply of water shall be determined by priority of occupation, the earlier occupant having the superior right. In all cases when the occupier claims under a certificate or other authority in writing granted by a Warden or Commissioner, occupation shall be taken to have commenced at the date of such certificate or authority. 4. Eaces to be commenced within fifteen days. The cutting and formation of races must be commenced within fifteen days from the date of registration, and the occupiers shall continue cutting and forming the same until the work is completed, otherwise any superiority of right to which they may be entitled by virtue of such registration shall be deemed to be forfeited. 5. Superiority of right forfeited by abandonment. If any race is abandoned for the space of one calendar month, at a time when water is available for it, occupation of the right shall be deemed to have commenced at the last re-occupation thereof. C. Abandonment of Eaces. All right to any race shall become forfeited if abandoned for the space of ono calendar month unless in cases of sickness or unavoidable absence, or in consequence of failure of water; but it shall be lawful for the Warden, in his discretion, upon sufficient cause being shown, to suspend the operation of this regulation for a further period of one month, and a certificate of such suspension shall be given in writing to the occupiers.



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7. Heads of Baces. All races that may hereafter be cut, shall have a point specified at which they shall be taken from the eseek or river. In races already cut, the peint shall be taken to be the spot from which the race now heads. No person shall shift or alter the head of any race without the written sanction of the Warden,nor to the prejudice of any existing right. 8. Alteration of Races. The alteration or extension of a race at any time shall not in any way affect any right or privilege attached to such race ; and the holders thereof shall, during such alteration or extension, be deemed to be in occupation of all the rights and privileges attached to such race. 9. Insufficient Supply of Water. If the water flowing in any creek or river is insufficient to supply all the races connected there with, the owner of any right shall—on receipt of a written notice from the owner of a superior right stating that the supply of k such superior right is less than he is entitled to —immediately cease to use the water, or such portion thereof as may be necessary to make up the supply of the supeor right. 10. Water Gauge If any dispute shall arise between holders of water-rights deriving their supply from the same creek or water course, relative to the quantity of water to which each of them, the said holders, is or may be entitled, the following shall be taken to be a head of water, and such holders shall be limited thereto : — A stream of water running for twelve hours on each day to be gauged by a box, 6 feet long and 10 inches wide, with an opening of an uniform depth of 2 inches across the bottom. The box shall be fixed level in the race, the lower edge of which shall be level with the edges of the box, and the bottom of the race shall be cut level 20 feet below and above the box. 11. Number of Sluice Heads allowed. The number of sluice heads allowed for any such race, as aforesaid, shall be as follows : —One or two miners, one sluice head ; four or more miners, two sluice heads ; and so on, at the rate of one sluice head to every additional three miners. 12. Water not to be wasted. Holders of rights shall not allow any water to run to waste ; but such water shall be appropriated to the use of the next holder of a right, according to the date of their respective registrations. 13. Transfer or Assignment. The transfer or assignment of any race, or of any interest therein, shall not affect any right or privilege attached to such race : Provided that any such transfer or assignment shall have been duly registered at the office of the Warden, and a memorandum thereof made upon the back of the original certificate. 1-1. Keeping Races in Repair, Bridging, etc. Th 3 holder or occupier of any race shall keep the same in repair, and shall make an efficient bridge where any road in ordinary use crosses the race, upon being required to do so by the Warden. 15. Working ground occupied for Races.. Any person desirous of working the ground on which any race or portion of a race is situated, may do so by first providing an equally good race for the use of the occupier: Providad that the consent of the Warden thereto be first obtained. 16. Reservations No water-right shall be granted for the use or diversion of any water which is, or maybe, required for public purposes, or for the use of the miners generally. 17. Water for General Use. Two sluice-heads of water shall, if required, be at all times allowed to flow in the natural course of a creek or river, for general use 18. Causing Claims to be Flooded. person shall back tiic water of any creek, river, race, or water-course, upon any claim, or otherw Ise cause any claim to be flooded, either wilfully or by neglect. 19. Obstructions to water-courses. No person shall deposit any earth, stones, tailings, cr other substance in the bed of any watercourse, so as to o'whuct the flow of water therein. 20. Side-streams. Where a race crosses any water-course, the use of which is required by holders of Miners' Eights, it shall be carried either over or under the same, so as not to interfere with the natural flow of water therein.



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21. Use of Tail-races. Any person wishing to use a tail-race may do so on condition of first paying to the owner of such tail-race a proportionate share of the expense of construction : Provided that the person so usiug any tail-race shall assist in clearing the same whenever it shall be necessary to do so. 22. Flood-races. Any person may cut a flood.race through or by his claim, subject to such restrictions as the Warden may consider necessary for the public good. V. Dams and Puddling Machines. 1. Dams and Puddling Any person intending to form a dam, or to erect a puddling machine, shall give notice thereof in writing to the Warden, in the form hereinafter prescribed, and shall post and maintain for a period of seven clear days copies of such notice upon the intended site of such dam or machine, and at intervals not exceeding 100 yards along the course of any proposed sludge-drains connected therewith. And if no valid objection be entered within seven days of the posting and service of such notice, the Warden may grant a certificate of registration to the applicant. form: of notice. [District and datc~\ To the Warden at I hereby give notice that I intend to form a Dam[or erect a Puddling Machine, as the case may be], at [ • .] [Signature and address in full of applicant] — * Here describe the locality, and in the ease of a Puddling Machine, state the proposed course of the sludge drains. 2. Machines not to be in Centre of Gully. Dams may be formed, and puddling machines erected upon such sites only as shall be approved by the Warden ; and no such dam or machine shall be permitted to be placed in the centre of any gully or flat. 3. Main Sludge Channel to lefirst constructed. 'No person shall be permitted to erect a puddling machine in any locality wherein puddling operations have not heretofore been carried on, until a main sludge channel shall have been constructed and in all cases such main channel must be constructed by, and at the expense of the persons desirous of erecting such machine. 4. Main Sludge Channels to he approved hy the Warden The position and course of all main sludge channels, and the width and depth thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Warden, who shall have power to alter and vary the same ■« henever it shall seem to him necessary so to do ; and upon the approval of any such main channel, the Warden *hall grant a certificate of the same to the applicant. 5. Expense of Construction. The expense of the construction of such channel shall be borne by the persons then or afterwards using the same, in proportion to the position of each machine relatively to the said channel, and payment of such proportion to the person constructing the samo shall be made prior to the granting of any certificate of registration. 6. Sludge Drains and Channels to he kept clear Maiu sludge channels shall be kept clear and in good repair by the joiut labour of the machine owners in each locality ; and the owner of each machine shall further keep clear and in good order the private sludge drains connected within such machine ; and on no pretence whatever shall the sludge from any main channel or private drain be permitted to overflow the banks or edges thereof. 7. Jioads over Drains to he Bridged. When sludge or water drains run across or under any road in general use, a substantial bridge (the culvert of which shall be of sufficient size to carry off the sludge or water ), shall be constructed and kept in repair by the owner of the machine whence such sludge or water proceeds . 8. Forfeiture of Daws or Machines. The site of any dam or machine not commenced within seven days from the date of the grant thereof, or not completed within a reasonable time, or any dam or machine unoccupied for one calendar month during a period when sufficient water has been available, shall be deemed to be forfeited, and may be granted by the Warden to any person who may apply for the same.



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9. Injury to Property hi/ Dams. If any claim shall be flooded, or property injured by the bursting of any dam -bank, the owner of Buch dam shall be liable for any loss or damage occasioned thereby, unless it is proved to the satisfaction of the Warden that such breaking away did not result from the faulty construction of the dam. 10. Transfer or Assignment. The right and interest in any dam or machine may be transferred or assigned by the holder thereof ; but such transfer or assignment shall, in all cases, be registered with the Warden, and endorsed on the original certificate. 11. Sites proving Auriferous. If it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the- Warden that the ground occupied -by any dam or machine contains auriferous earth or quartz, the owner of such dam or machine shall be compelled to remove the same ; Provided that adequate compensation for such removal shall first have been estimated by assessors and paid by the person desirous of working the ground. XI. Ceeek akd River Claims. 1. Protection during Preliminary Operations. During the time that any person shall be occupied during preliminary oj^erations, having for their object the working of any creek or river claim he shall be protected by the Warden in the occupancy of such claim: Provided that not \cr,\ than, one-half of the miners whom it is proposed ultimately to employ, shall be at work thereon. 2. Wall to lie alloived. Holders of such claims shall be allowed a sufficient wall on either side of the bye-wash, and the width of such wall shall be defined by the Warden. 3. Diversion of Permanent Eivers. Any person desirous of diverting the course of any permanent river, shall give notice thereof to the Warden in the form hereinafter prescribed ; and copies of such notices shall be posted and mainained, for a period of ten clear days, at the points proposed for the commencement and termination of such diversion, as aforesaid, and if no valid objection bo entered there against within the aforesaid period, the Warden may issue a certificate of registration to the applicant. FOKM OF NOTICE. {District and date.) Nc I hereby give notice that I intend to divert the course of (name of river) and to form a new channel therefor, commencing at a point situate [ * ], and terminating at a point [■■•]. [Signature, &c] — * Here insert, with sufficient accuracy, the localities. VII. Eoads, &c. 1. Bight of Water and Boadiray. Every person holding a claim under these regulations shall bo entitled to a supply of water for his use in connection therewith, and to a roadway whereby ho may at all times obtain free ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 2. Sludge and Water to lie Icept off Eoads. No person shall allow any sludge or water to run or spread over any road or crossing place. 3. Protection to Public lioads. No person shall dig within the distance of five feet from any public road, nor drive underneath nor n any "way interfere with such road without first obtaining the authority of the Warden. 4. Alteration of Eoads. Any person desirous of altering the direction of any public or private road, and of occupying the site thereof for mining purposes, ho shall give notice thereof in writing to the Warden, and post and maintain a copy of such notice in a conspicuous part of such road for three clear days, upon the expiration whereof, the Warden may authorise such alteration to be made. 5. Eif/ht of Eoad over Claims. Upon any four or more persons applying for a road or crossing place over any claim or other obstruction, the Warden shall determine whether or not such road or crossing place is necessary, and



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shall make such order relative thereto as he may deem requisite: Provided that when a road shall have been formed on an occupied claim, it shall be lawful for the occupier of such claim to work the ground over or through which the road passes, if he first constructs a good and sufficient road in lieu thereof, VIII. Peotection. 1. Warden may grant Protection for seven days. The "Warden may, upon sufficient cause being shown, grant protection to any claim for a period not exceeding seven days, and such protection shall be given in writing in the form hereafter provided, and a copy thereof shall be posted on the claim. FOEH OP PKOTECTIOX. {District and date.) No. I hereby give notice that I have granted protection for days to the claim occupied by and situate at ' [Signed,]"Warden. 2. Protection fir extended Period. If any person shall be desirous of obtaining protection for a claim for a longer period than seven days, he shall give notice in writing to the Warden in the form hereafter prescribed, and shall post^and maintain a copy of such notice on his claim for the space of seven clear days ; at the expiration whereof, if no valid objection be entered, the Warden may issue a certificate of registration to the applicant, and such certificate may be for the period named in the application, or for any less time. FOEil OF NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOE PROTECTION. (District and date.) No. I hereby give notice that I desire to obtain a Protection Certificate for [here state the time] for my claim situate at , and that the following particulars arc true in all respects : — 1. The claim has been worked during 2. The depth sunk is 3. The length of drives (if any) is 4. The cause for which I require protection is [Signature, &c] 8. Information to the holders of Miners' Mights. "When any claim is under protection for a longer period than seven days, the occupier thereof shall post and at all times maintain on some conspicuous part of the said claim, a board not less than nine inches square, with the word " Peotected" and the number of his certificate painted legibly thereon. 4. Limitation of Protection, Protection shall not in any case be granted for a longer period than one month; but such protection may from time to time be renewed by the Warden for not more than fourteen days at any one time ; and every such renewal shall be endorsed on the back of the certificate, and recorded in the Eegistration Book. 5. Protection during Notice. Sites for dams and machines, and the proposed courses for water-races, sludge-channels, and drains together with all rights, and privileges connected therewith, shall be protected during the period assigned for giving notice of intention to construct or erect the same, or until finally dealt with by the Warden. 6. Protection during Operations. All claims, rights, and privileges of whatsoever nature, lawfully held and enjoyed under these regulations, shall be protected during the time that the owners or holders thereof shall be actually engaged in operations connected therewith. IX. Registeation. 1, Permissive Registration. All claims, the Transfer or assignment of claims and rights and mining partnerships may be registered with the Warden. 2. Claims and Sights that must be Registered. Extended claims, amalgamated claims, quartz claims, prospecting claims, creek and river claims, tunnelling claims, water rights and races, dams and puddling machines, must be registered with the Warden.



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3. Registration Fees. Except where it is otherwise expressly provided, the fee payable in respect of the several registrations mentioned in these regulations shall be two shillings per man. 4. Information to the Public. Any person requiring any information from the Transaction Book of the Mining Registrar may obtain the same on payment of one shilling; and it shall be the duty of the Mining Eegistrar to furnish such information. 5. Conditions of Registration, The Warden may endorse on the back of any Certificate of Registration such lawful conditions as may be desirable or necessary for the public good : which conditions shaLl at all times be binding upon the holder of any such certificate. X. Licenses. 1. Business Licenses. Every person engaged in trade or business of any kind within the limits of the Gold. Fields, shall obtain from the Warden a Business License, for which lie shall pay the sum of five pounds (5) annually, and shall be entitled to occupy an area not exceeding 800 square feet, the frontage whereof shall not exceed 20 feet. 2. Wholesale Licenses. Every holder of a Wholesale License for the sale of fermented and spirituous liquors, in quantities of not less than two gallons, shall pay a fee for the same of twenty pounds (£20.) 3. Retail Licenses. Every holder of a Eetail License for the sale of fermented and spirituous liquors in any quantity shall pay a fee for the same of (£4O). The holders of Business or Liquor Licenses shall, if so required by the Warden, be sworn in as special constables. -i. Licenses may be cancelled. The Warden may recommend the withdrawal, suspension, or cancellation, of any license upon proof, to his satisfaction, of a breach of tho Gold Fields' Regulations, or of any disorderly conduct upon the premises held under such License, and such License may thereupon be withdrawn, suspended or cancelled accordingly. 5. Sites to he marked bit Peas. Occupants of sites for business purposes, shall place and maintain at each frontage corner of such site, a peg not less than two inches square, and standing at least one foot above tho surface. 6. Space to be left between Buildings. A space of four feet shall at all times be left unoccupied between sites occupied for business purposes. / 7. Registration of Sites. Business sites may be registered with the Warden for ten days, whilst the holder is engaged in preparing for the occupancy thereof, and the fee for such Eegistration shall be ten shillings ; such may be renewed by the Warden for an additional period of ten days, and every such renewal shall be endorsed on the certificate, and recorded in the Eegistration Book. 8, Occupancy of Sites. Business sites can only be hold or occupied by holders of business licenses, and no size can be held unoccupied for more than twenty-four hours, unless the same shall be registered as provided in Section 7. 9. Information to the Public. When any business site has been registered, the holder thereof shall post and maintain thereon a board, not less than nine inches square, with the word " Eegistered," and the date and number of such Eegistration legibly painted or written thereon. . , . .<-..].'' jjj/ipov- Z/.1-Xin ,■■... 10. Transfer or assignment of Licenses. A Business License may be transferred or assigned by the holder within the District for which it was originally granted : Provided that such transfer or assignment shall be registered with the Warden ; and the fee for such registration shall be fifteen shillings.



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XI. Gkxebal Eegxtlatioxs. 1. Interference prohibited. No person stall, under any pretence whatever, damage, destroy, or otherwise interfere with any race, tail-race, dam, sludge-channel, or drain, machine, or other appliance connected therewith nor with any claim, unless the sanction of the owners thereof, or the authority of the warden shall first hare been obtained for such interference. 2. Throwing earth or tailings on Claims. No person shall throw or cause to be thrown upon any claim other than his own, any earth, stones, gravel, tailings, or any other substance, whereby the proper and efficient working of such claim may be stopped or impeded. 3. Interference with pegs and Notices, Sfc. No person shall alter the position of any trench nor remove any peg from a claim in the occupation of any other person, nor deface, destroy, or remove any notice posted in accordance with these regulations, nor interfere with any mark or boundary. 4. Stacking auriferous substances. Any person wishing to retain possession of auriferous substances, may have the same protected for a period not exceeding three months, provided that such substance is properly stacked on ground not supposed to be adapted to mining purposes, and that a board with the owner's name, address, and date of stacking, legibly written or painted thereon, be posted close to such stack. 5. Jumping forbidden. No person shall take possession of any claim, race, dam, machine, or any other right or privilege whatsoever, (unless the same shall have been actually relinquished), without first obtaining the consent of the owners or the authority of the Warden. 6. Penalty may be substituted for forfeiture. In all cases wherein forfeiture is decreed by these regulations, it shall be lawful for the "Warden to substitute a monetary pa> ment in lieu thereof, and to allow thereout a sufficient sum to defray any reasonable expenses incurred by the plaintiff in the prosecution of his suit. 7. Compensation may be adjudged, In all cases of forfeiture, the Warden may adjudge compensation to be paid by the person to whom any claim or right may be awarded by the former owner or holder thereof, and to appoint a time within which such payment shall be made; Provided that such compensation shall not exceed in amount two-thirds of the estimated value of any work actually performed thereon or in connection therewith. 8. Permission to enter Claims. The Warden shall have power to authorise the entry of any surveyor or assessor into and upon any claim for the purpose of measuring the depth of any shaft, or the dip, direction, inclination or length of any tunnel or drive. 9. Notices to contain full particulars. All notices tendered or posted in conformity with these regulations must contain the name in full of each member of the party, together with the date, number, and place of issue of his miners' right. 10. Notices to be posted at the Warden's Offices. Copies of all notices given in conformity with these regulations shall be posted by the Warden at his office, and exhibited on the outside thereof during the currency of such notice : Provided that noncompliance with this rule shall not invalidate the proceeding in relation to any application. 11. Warden to be Judge of Objections, fyc. The Warden shall in all cases be the sole judge of the validity of objections to the issue of any certificate of registration, and also of what is a " reasonable time" for the performance of any work when no fixed period is provided by these regulations. 12. Certificate may be cancelled. If any certificate shall have been obtained by misrepresentation, or if any of the conditions prescribed herein have not been duly complied with, the Warden may, upon proof thereof, cancel such certificate, or make such other order therein as may appear to be just: 13. Neglect of Warden's orders. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any written notice or order of the Warden duly served, and in conformity with these regulations shall be deemed to be guilty of a breach thereof and liable to the penalty imposed by the 53rd section of the " Gold Fields Act," 1862.



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XII. Residence. 1. Area which may be occupied for Residence Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth, the holder of a miner's right shall be entitled to occupy for residence an area of Crown lands not exceeding a quarter of an acre, or 1210 square yards, unless special permission for a larger area be obtained from the Warden. 2. Residence areas to be Registered. Any person desirous of occupying land under the proceeding regulation, shall mark the corners of the area which he proposes to occupy with trenches, and substantial posts standing a t least three feet above the surface and shall give notice in writing in the form hereunto appended, to the Warden of the district, and a copy of such notice shall be posted and maintained in some conspicuous part of such area for the space of seven clear days, at the expiration whereof, if no valid objection, has been entered thereagainst, the Warden shall cause such area to be surveyed before certificates for the same be issued. 3. Discovery of Auriferous Deposits. If any auriferous deposit shall be traced to the boundaries of any land occupied for residence, the Warden may, upon satisfactory proof thereof, authorise auy surveyor or other person, by writing under his hand, to enter thereupon, and at such times, and in such manner as he may appoint, to search the land so occupied for a continuation of the said auriferous deposit. 4. Auriferous Areas may be worked. If any residence area shall be proved to be auriferous, the Warden may, upon application, order the whole or any part thereof to be given up for mining purposes to such persons as he shall nominate: Provided that the original occupier shall be entitled to one full claim therein. 5. Compensation to be paid. In all caseß compensation for actual damage or loss shall be estimated by assessors, and paid to the occupier of such an a, by the persons desirous of mining thereon, prior to their taking possession thereof. 6. Condi/ions of Working. The Warden shall make such orders relative to the mode of working the ground, the restoration of the soil, and other conditions as he may deem necessary or desirable. 7. Transfer or Assignment. The right and interest in any area occupied under a residence certificate may be transferred or assigned by the holder thereof, but such transfer or assignment shall, in all cases, be registered with the Warden, and endorsed on the original certificate. 8. Registration Fees. The fees payable for registering any such application shall be five shillings (55.). and the fee for registering any transfer or assignment shal be two shillings and sixpence (2s. 6d.) FORM OF NOTICE REFEBRED TO. No. District of 186 . 1 hereby'give notice that I desire to occupy for Residence [state the extent) of land situate at and that I have this day marked the corners of such land with (posts or trenches), in conformity with the Regulations herein made and provided. Signature' of the Applicant ~\ and the number and date > of his Miner's Right. } 9. Surveying Fees. Before a certificate of registration to granted to any applicant for any area for residence, the same must be surveyed ; and a plan of such survey must be deposited with the Warden. The fee payable for such survey to be determined by the warden XIII. TuWNELLINff. 1. Definition. Hills where the sinking exceeds twenty feet in depth, shall be considered tunnelling ground, subject to these regulations. 2. Protection ichilst Prospecting. "Persons engaged in prospecting shall be protected in the occupancy of a claim having a frontage for one person of 30 feet, or for more persons of 60 fett, by a depth of 300 feet.



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3. Registration and Marking. Claims under the preceding section must be registered, and the boundaries marked and maintained by parallel trenches, or rows of pegs placed not more than fifty feet apart; and such trenches or pegs shall be at right angles with the frontage of the hill, along the entire dapth allowed; the fee for such registration to be two shillings and sixpence. 4. Discovery of Auriferous Earth. On the discovery of payable auriferous earth, prospectors shall immediately mark off their claim* in blocks, in accordance with the regulations relating to alluvial mining. 5. Parallels. Persons tunnelling shall not drive beyond their own parallels. 6. Protection of Tunnels. No person shall mine within ten feet of any main tunnel, or trench at the foot of the claim, and no person shall remove the surface earth over any tunnel, nor within the parallels of ground marked off for tunnelling purposes without the consent of the owners, or the sanction of the Warden being first obtained thereto. 7. Ventilation. When cross-drives or openings are required for ventilation, the Warden may issue an order for making such drives or openings, and for the allocation of the work to be performed, and also for the distribution of any auriferous deposits which may be found in the intervening wall. 8. Superiority of Bight. Priority of registration shall in all eases be deemed to confer superiority of right. XIV. Extended Claims. 1. Inferior Ground. If it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Warden tbpt auy ground cannot be profitably worked in the claims of the size prescribed by the regulations, he may declare the same to be " Inferior Ground," and upon application being made as hereinafter directed, may grant therein extended claims, he extent of which to be decided by the Warden. 2. Form of Application. Application for extended claims in " Inferior Ground" shall be made to the Warden in the following form, a duplicate of which will be posted on the ground for not less than seven days prior to the hearing: To the Warden at (District and date.) I (or we) hereby give notice that I (or we) desire to obtain an extended claim (here state the extent of area applied for) situate at (here state precise locality) and 1 (or we) deposit herewith the sum of £5 (five pounds) as security for the payment of any expense connected therewith. (Signature, with date and number of Miner's Eight, held by each member of the party.) 3. Official Survey. Upon receipt of such application and deposit or as soon thereafter as may be, the Warden shall direct the Mining Surveyor to proceed to the land applied for, and to survey the same, and to report as to the area, boundaries, and description thereof; the character of the ground, the likelihood of any river, creek, or permanent water spring, or artificial reservoir, which may be included within the boundaries of the said land, being required for, or the feasibility of the same being applied to public purposes, or for the use of miners of the district generally ; and also as to any claims to prior occupancy which shall come to his knowledge, inquiry as to which it shall be his duty to make while making the survey ; and to furnish a plan of such land on a scale of sixteen inches to the mile, together with a tracing of so much of the general map of the district as will be sufficient to connect the particular area applied for with at least one trigonometrical station, or in the absence of any such, with some fixed point. 4. Surveyor to Post Notice. The Surveyor shall, at the time of making the survey hereinbefore directed, post a notice in the form hereunto annexed, in some conspicuous place on the ground, and such notice shall be maintained by and at the expense of the applicants, until the application has been heard and determined, and a copy of such notice shall also be posted by the Surveyor on the outside of the Warden's Office:



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FORM OF NOTICE TO BE POSTED ISY THE SUBYEYOE. To all persons whom it may concern. I hereby give notice that residing at did on the day of aPPty to me for an "Extended Claim" of [here state area] of land, which the Mining Surveyor has this day marked out, and that any person desiring to object to such extended claim, must, within seven clear days from the date of this notice, enter his objection at my office. And I further give notice that I will hear and determine this application and tie objection [if any] lodged there against at my office aforesaid, on the day of 18G Signature of [Warden.] Dated the day of 18G Posted by me this day of Mining Surveyor. 5. Extended Claims to be Registered If no valid objection is offered, the Warden may, upon hearing the application, issue a certificate of registration for an extended claim, specifying therein the area granted, the exact position of the same, and the special conditions (if any) upon which such certificate has been granted, and the charge for such registration shall be ten shillings. 6. Forfeiture. If at any time the requisite number of Loldera of miners' rigLts 11. all not be employed or occupied upon any such " Extended Claim," the Warden may, upon proof thereof being produced before him, in the presence of all parties interested, cancel the certificate of registration, either in the whole or part, as may be equitable. Provided always that a monetary penalty may be imposed in lieu of forfeiture as set forth in Section 6 of Regulation XI. » Dated at Picton this Thirtieth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. A. P. SEYMOUR, Superintendent of the Province of Marlborough.



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RETURN OF RULES AND REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE GOLD FIELDS ACT, 1862., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, C-04

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RETURN OF RULES AND REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE GOLD FIELDS ACT, 1862. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, C-04

RETURN OF RULES AND REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE GOLD FIELDS ACT, 1862. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1864 Session I, C-04

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