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E—No. 10



E-No. 10

RETURN Of General Native Reserves made in the Cession of Native Territory to the Crown: Distinguishing the date, the block ceded, the Province and District, the acreage where surveyed, and the Tribe or Section for which the Reserve was made:— Also of Promises or Engagements made to Natives by the Government for the issue of Crown Grants, or otherwise: — Distinguishing the cases where reservations of land have been made for individual Chiefs, as part of the consideration in the cession of territoiy; cases where promises have been made unconnected with cession of Territory; the date of such transaction, the Province and district; the area where survered, and other particulars:— Also of Crown Grants already issued to Natives.

November 11th, 1861.

Mr. McLean, —

I. Let a Return be prepared immediately shewing every promise or eugagemeut which has been made by the Government to Natives, that they should have Crown Grants issued to them. The Return is to be divided into two classes. Ist.—Cases where reservations of land for individual chiefs have been made or promised, as part of the consideration iv Deeds of Cession; and, 2nd, cases where promises have been made not connected with cession of territory. The Return should show the date of each transaction, the Province and district in which the land is situated, the acreage promised, whether or not the land has been surveyed, iv what cases any general reserve has been individualized, and the names of the respective natives, with their tribes, who are under any promise entitled to Crown Grants. 11. Let another Return be also prepared, showing the General Reserves which have been made in every cession of territory, distinguishing the date, the block ceded, the Province and district, aud the acreage, and the tribe or section for which the reserve was made. lustruct the respective District Commissioners to send iv to you at once complete statements of the above transactions. But, in the meanwhile, as the Returns are immediately required, let them be prepared from the Deeds and other records in the Chief Office Land Purchase Department.

Hkhky Sewedl,

In Mr. Mantell's absence.

November 11th, 1861.

Me. Rogan,—

Will you have the goodness to take steps to have the returns called for prepared. Donald McLean.

12th February, 1862.

Reference to the above Memorandum will shew that a period of two months has elapsed since the accompanying Returns were called for. Lest it should be inferred that the delay has arisen through neglect in this Department, I may state that the preparation of these Returns has been attended with no ordinary difficulties. During the last mouth I have devoted unremitting attention to the subject, both during and after office hours. I found it necessary to examine the whole of the Native Deeds of Cession, registered in this office, aud most of tho originals deposited in tho Colonial Secretary's Office, —which, I consider it my duty to observe, are incomplete,—and to calculate most of the areas: to examine the whole of the maps in this and the Crown Lands Office, to search for information in the Waste Lands and other Offices, to read over nearly the whole of the correspondence of the Native Department relating to this subject, aud to consult every other available authority: which has been a work of considerable magnitude. In order more fully to record the information thus obtained, 1 beg to suggest that I may be instructed to prepare Plans of the several Provinces, showing the positiou aud extent of tho Native Reserves therein respectively, for the conveuieLce of future reference. I may take this opportunity of drawing the attention of the Government to another subject not unconnected with the above, nor of less importance. I have considered it my duty to undertake the preparation of District and Provincial Maps, showing, as nearly as can be, the boundaries of all lands acquired from the Natives, and such other information as may be useful to the Government. Such Plans aro much required in cases where boundaries are disputed by the Natives, and have to be determined by the Government. I trust I may have the full concurrence of the Government in the course I have thought fit to adopt. Andrew Sinclair.

April 4th, 1862.

Mb. Sinclair, — Please proceed, as expeditiously as possible, with these Maps. It will, I think, be best that they should be as full and descriptive as possible, distinguishing in particular,— Reserves actually ceded to the Crown, and dealt with or under the disposing power of the Crown Commissioners, —

Reserves capable of being brought under the operation of tho Native Reserves Act, over which the title is not extinguished. If possible, it may be desirable to show the circumjacent lauds over which the Native Title has bean extinguished, so as more clearly to define the exceptionable blocks. Henrt Sewell.


E-No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES, which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



PROVINCE OP A Cli LAND. • Bate. Name of Block. Distiict. Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. i'eb. 3, 1858 Muriwheuua Maxwell's claim . Matthew's claim . Oruiiu Block Mangonui . ACRES. 100 200 abt 340 0-1-0 0-1.0 79 522 62-1-0 50-10 1 2 3 4 Houhora Rangaunu . Doubtless Bay . Laiidiug-place • Paraone Rarawa Tribe., >> lept.17, 1856 a it »> tt 3, 1858 lar. 15, 1861 )ec. 13, 1859 Otengi . Hikurangi . Ahipara >t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i.j 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 23 29 80 81 33 Oparera Nopera Pauakareao Te Patu. Puhipi and family. jj Whangatauatia . Pakaka Kohumaru . Motukahakaha . Tauapuku . Orotere Orotere Whakanekeneke. Waka's old pa Waiwahapu tt Lug. 29,1859 )ec. 22,1856 tt Kohumaru . Whakapaku Taraire Bay of Islands Residents at Kohumaru Ngatirehia. Ngatupouga. tt » tt tt >» tt )ec. 8, 1858 )> Clarke's Claim . Okaihu-Omapere, or Mawhekairangi a a ?» tt tt tt tt 480 591 77 98 411 188 22 122 99 6-0-7 1032 35 40 243 Tanapuku Rarawa Tribe. Ngatihao. a ;> tt tt Kaingapokanoa . Wahitapu . Otao . To Kauri . Tc Koti Te Whangae Wahitapu . Fuariri Rorohukea . Pukututu ". )> a tt tt uue 2, 1859 Kawakawa . tt tt a Te Uriongougo Pelnmaua. Te Roroa. t> tj j> it tt tt it tt a ft tt » tt tt jt >t tt » » >t t> »> It it tt »t tt tt tt >j >» >> »? )» 34 7 285 235 397 266 745 5 abt ii Tipatipa Mangaiti Kawakawa . Tararau Te Uriongongo. Puariri. Tani, Kerehatna, & Hoani. For Pukututu, at Kaka. Hori Koto. Honetana. Netana and four others. Ilori Koto. Rarawa. [Wahi tapu may not bo required.] Parawhau. » >t it >j )ec.22, 1858 tt Whauwhau. Whangarei. rune 8, 1867 fan. I, 1855 i'eb. 2, 1858 Parahaki . • . Tamataru . » Mangatapere Mata . tt tt tt j» Mangapai . 458 314 80 411 35-3-10 36-2-0 39 88 34 85 36 87 38 39 40 41 42 Parahaki Waimahanga Waikaraka . Pakikaikutu Motukiwi . Kahuitieke. Pokapu Totara Kopuawaiwaha . Waiwerawera 1! Te Tawera Parawhau. J> J> tt tt J> ?> i'eb. 26, 1854 a Ruakaka tt •t Whaugarei . 1227 Po and residents at Wai)ec. 27, 1860 )ec. 24,1860 Oruapou i Te Kuri Kaipara tt 90 680 49 44 Tapapahuakaroro Otiabao werawera. Te Uri o Hau Te Uri o Hau, Rarawa, and Kawewahia. Te Uri o Hau. Arama Karakar. Ngatiwhatua. )ec. 23, 1858 uly 21,1859 an. 27,1860 Paparoa Pukekaroro Oruawharo. tt 78 50 1051 46 46 47 Tutaemakanoa . Koangatoke Paraheka . tt

E—No. 10



Date. Block. District. Area. No. on Map. Name of Eeserre. Tribe, Section, or Name. Dec. 21, 1860 Waioneke . Kaipara ACRES. 40 48 Karangatai. Waiaruhe and Mangamata. and Mangamata. Kawerau. Aug. 21, 1860 Mairetahi . n 350 49 Mairetahi . Mar. 18, 1854 a n Pae o te Rangi . a Mangere Ihumatao . Pukaki Fairburn's Claim. Manukau . West Coast. Orakei Otahuhu 2707 2263 720 75 abt. 900 abt. 700 abt. 6063 100 98-3-35 5 50 50 20 5 133 600 1379 2736 142 700-3-12 133 50 .51 .52 53 54 55 .56 57 58 69 60 61 62 63 64 6,5 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Waitakere . Piha, or Taitomo. Okahu Mangere Ihumatao . Pukaki Umupuia . a Ngatiwhatua. Ngatimahuta. .■) Akitai. Ngatitai. Ngatiteata. Maraetai Waiuku )ct. 2, 1857 11 11 Lpril 8, 1861 SJ it Ramaroa . , a a Rewaroa Ramaroa Bush a Kerei Ahipene. Pikau. Ahipene Kaihau. Ngatiteata. Akitai. tt n a a a •5 It Lpril 29 and Nov. 11, 1854 a a Pukekohe . Papakura . Hunua Waiuku a a a a a Karaka Papakura . •a Manukau a )! » 455 a a Otakikawa . Mataiporohe Whatapaka. Karaka Tikarangaranga . Pukekiwiriki Puhitahi Patumahoe . Te Titi Te Maire . Te Akaaka. Purapura . Awanui o taikehu Tuhimata . Rawhitiroa. Te Uku . Te Papa . Te Papakaikihikihi Te Awaunga Ihaka Takaanini. Akitai. Ngatitamaoho. Ngatitipa and Maunguna. Purchased by Government Ngatitipa. Ngatiteata. Akitai. Ngatiteata, Haimona. unel7,1853 Sept. 17,1853 •» '■> a Pukekohe . Manuotu Waiuku it Waikato Manukau . 5381 640 a n a 11 a tt 11 a tt Whetere Kanae and his tribe. Ngatiteata. 11 a » 80 71 it it 11 a tt 81 82 83 Awamataugi Rangipokia. For Te Maire. 11 W, S. Grahame's claim Pukapuka . tt Great Ban-ier Island far. 17,1854 Remuera 3510 94 84 Orakei Purchased from the Ngatiwhatua, but disputed by Ngatimahuta. Ngatimhanga and Ngatihourunga. lar. 2, 1851 Whaingaroa ■ 300 abt. 200 70 Takapaunui Oheapopoko Te Uku . Karioi Toroanui . llorokauwau Piripiri Otiau. Kikorewaru Te Kauri . Waipuna To Kowhaiti Raglan 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92" 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 » a a Jov. 5, 1855 2, 1856 a Karioi Ruapuke tt Whaingaroa Aotea. Waikato. n an. 1, 1855 uly30, 1857 lpril 11,1854 lay 1, 1854 a Taumata Maire . Rauroa TeHuePokohuka Mokau a Mokau Whaingaroa Mokau Whetu Takauri. Waikato. Wiremu te Awaitaia. 11 11 a a For Taniora. „ Hokipara. „ Takerei. „ Keihana. lar, 28,1854 a Awakino . a 220 55 130 50 a a a Maniaroa a I! a tt Andrew S: [NCLAIR, Government Surveyor. 17th June, 1862.

E—No. 10


The Natives of Hokianga have requested the Government to make the undermentioned Reserves in old Scrip Claims, in that district.



Date. Name of Land Claimant. Situation. Area. Tribe or Section for whom the Reserves are required. Claim not brought forward . W. White, senior Cassidy . Russell . Fishwick . Wairere Creek . Mangataipa Creek Takitahi Block . Matakaraka Raugiwhakataka. Ngatitoro. Urikopura. Popoto. Mahurehure. Herd Rawere Block )) jj !> )j >> JJ )) Papakawau Rarawa. Andk: :w Sinclair, Government Surveyor. 7th June, 1862.

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for the NATIVES, which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.


E—No. 10


PROVINCE OF T R A N A K I. Date. Name of Block. District. Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. Nov. 28,1844 FitzRoy Taranaki ACKES. 75 1 Hura and Ngarongomat« of the Taranaki Tribe. it it a u 1 0-2-0 3-3-27 2 3 4 Given up. . Given up . Pipiko it €i a a Manahi [Soldby Commissioners]. Taranaki [Sold by Commissioners]. a , a a a a a H <( 8-1-20 5 Clumaikuku a a it u 1-3-24 7-0-0 1-2-0 0-2-0 6 7 8 9 .t a ii (( Given up. t f (I a it it it it a a H it a a a tt tc 14-0-0 3-0-0 10-0-0 10 11 12 Puketapu Ngatituparikino. Puketapu Ngatituparikino. Waro Wikipera. Wi Tana Ngatata and Wi Tako. Pipa Manihera. a a a a (t a a a 17-0-0 1-0-0 0-3-0 30-0-0 41-0-0 i a 14 15 16 17 a a a ti a tC it u Probably given up. u a a a a (t (28-1-37) . a C« a u Puketapu. Wiremu te Ahoaho. Probably giveu up. it a a u 9-0-0 4-0-0 86-0-0 200-0-0 is 19 21 a *< it a a a tt u Moturoa Sand Hills. Poharama and people, 56 acres sold. Taranaki and Puketapu, 50 acres sold. On the Waiwakaiho, Puketapu and Ngatitnparikino. a it Grey Block H u a a u 350-0-0 Rotokari a a tf tl 560-0-0 Puketotara. a U c it 50-00 371-0-0 Tutumanuka Ratapihipihi Aug. 30,1847 (( (I Nov. 24,1848 March 3,1854 ii (I t( (t Omata a Hua . a a " a (t it u it ti 10-0-0 5-0-0 50-0-0 50-0-0 100-00 50-0-0 50-0-0 127-0-0 Paritutu Te Ruatangata . Hoehoe Paraiti Oropuriri Pa, Hua Tapuhirau Pa Upokotauaki Mangati Taranaki, for Rawiri Toatai. Puketapu. Exchanged for 15 acres of bush land intheHua. Hone Wetere and party. Ngatiawa, and Puketapu. Raniera Ngaere and party. Ngamotu, Hamuera Raro. Horopapera. Puketapu, Rawiri Waiaua Paora Taetaha and others. Rawiri Waiaua, conveyed to Commissioners. Wiremu te Ahoaho. March 3,1854 « it a a Nov. 29, 1848 Bell Block tt ii ff a ti 20-0-0 Hawetaona. Sept. , 1852 Waiwakaiho tt 500-0-0 ie

E—No. 10



Date. Name of Block. District, Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. Sept. 29,1852 Waiwakaiho Taranaki ACRES. 50-0-0 «... Matiu Tupoki and Wi Ropiha. A Allotted to the late Hone Ropiha. B . . . Wi te Ahoaho. C . . . 100 acres to be paid for at the rateof 10s. per acre. tt it CI a 50-0-0 11 ii II a 100-0-0 200-0-0 a a (I n tt ct II a 380-0-0 500-0-0 50-0-0 DdFFAGHI J . . . Wi Take. K . . . Te More for claim at Whatitiri. L Wi te Ahoaho, 100 acres to be paid for at 1 Os. per acre. M RopihaMoturoa and party, to be paid for at 5s. per it a II tt ft tt II a tt tt II it 200*0*0 tt a II tt 500-0-0 tt a <i CI 50-0-0 1*1*16 100-0 acre. a a FitzRoy . Tarurutangi a N. at Mangorei . Kauwau Pa . Rented to Government. Roiongia . . Hone Tauwhare. tt a it Andrew Sinclair, Surve 18th June. 862. or,

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



0VINCE OF H WKE'S BAY. Date. Name of Block. District. Area. No. on Map. Name of Kcscrve. Tribe, Section, or Name. Nov. 4, 1851 a tt a a (i a Hapuku a it it Ahuriri « a tt ACRES. 213 2135 159 71 824 308 220 14 18 12 11 10 9 8 Waipukurau Tarewa Haowhenua Tukuwaru . Te Tamumu Oero . Tapuaohine Mahauga Porcrerc Eoro Okuri Whanganui Lake Wharerangi Puketitiri . To Heruotureia . Wainui Kohaekura. Tautane Eparaima . Ahirara Pakowhai . Makahua . Oreofewaia Manukaroa Waikaraka. Ngatikahungunu a a tt a tc If it a a it u tt it a a it tt a <t tt u a 448| 15 3 tt Nov. 17 " it it Ahuriri Ahuriri tt 1845 500 100 1000 a a it tt it Dec. 5 " Jan. 3, 1854 Mar. 11,1858 tt a a a Mohaka Tautane u a tt Wairoa Porangahau 4 5 26 24 it tt Sold 5th July, 1859 Ngatikahungunu u Mar. 10 " it tt a a i< tt it a a Porangahau 52 1300 1000 100 15 25 38 1400 about 3510 670 26 18 L7 20 21 22 23 19 n Heta and Apiata Ropiha and others Ngatikahungunu tt a tt tt a a a a tt u ■< 10 1 6 2 7 Purimu Moeangiangi Kohinerakau a July 7, 1857 April 13, 1855 Moeangiangi Te Mata - Arapawanui Ma tana Maui Wairoa Ahuriri Wairoa Cape Kidnapper. tt tt 100 it Mar. 28 " Kaugaika . tt Andrew Sinclair. 23rd Januar 1862.

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown,



0VINC E OF W INGTON. Date. Name of Block. District. Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. NTov.26,1858 a a iC ii ii ii it it H a a tt Waitotara . a a ii ti tt it West Coast ii it ii ii ti ACRES. 137-0-0 700-0-0 201-1-0 29-0-0 58-1-0 1223-O-O 4348-0-0 380-0-0 1000-0 27-0-0 60-0-0 10>0- 0 5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Auroa Ohie . Kaipo Ihupuku Maineue Nukumaru . Pakaraka . Aratotara . Kahvhaiki . Kaipua Waipuna Motuhou Ngaturi Matakitaki (giveu ti May 29,1848 it ii Whanganui * Whanganui, West Coast, Province of Wellington . a Ngatiruaka it ii tt H it it a M it it n a it it M it M it (( H tt 650-0-0 2400-0 •2-0 1-0-0 1302-00 600-0-0 2218-0-0 11 -0-0 100-00 c-o-o la 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 28 24 up) . Whanganui East. Aramoho . Tu(ae-eka . Purua Putiki Waranui . ii U a u ii Whauganui. , U ti tt ii <( it tt a a K a tt If a U a a ii a it ft a ft tt a a Wooded Hills . Marangai . Paure. . Omanaia Mataongaonga Burial Ground and right to eel fishing at Wiritou, Paure, Katoke, Okiri, and Oakura Turakina . Otukapo it tt a u ti ti tt a II a a <t a IC tt it <i Sold tc u M a a H May 5, 1849 Rangitikei . 780-O-O 1000-0 about 250-0-0 1550-0 1600-0-0 30-00 200-00 27-0-0 650-00 890-0-0 830-0-0 36-2-20 20-1.30 34-00 400-0-0 about 250-00 5-0-0 390-0-0 Rangitikci . ii 25 26 a a a u 27 27a 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Porototara . Taratahi . Parewanui . Akiaki Wairarapa . Motuere Tewi . Ruahino Te Kairama Awahou Moutoa Wliakaneke Akitio Turangawaiho Ohanga Mata o te Waho . Porokauau . Ngatiapa tt a a ii tt a a h May 14,1859 it c; Manawatu . Manawata . ii a a ii ii II ti ii ii a a H a ti a f| u tt ti tt a it tt ii a Tan. 9, 1855 Puketoi Castle Point Jan. 9, 1855 u u Puketoi .• u Castle Point u 89 40 Ngatikahungunu

E—No. 10



Date. Name of Block. District. Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. Jan. 9, 1855 Oct. 15,1859 Jan. 9, 1855 it tt Dec. 10,1856 U ii Puketoi Ihuruaa Puketoi ii Manawatu . it Castle Point Ihuraua Castle Point it Wairarapa . ii ACRES. 94-0-0 21-0-0 20-0-0 118-0 0 200-00 200-0-0 300-0-0 100-00 300-0-0 50-0-0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 55 Takupou . Te Hoe . Oaea . Ngatahuna . Kopuranga. Hore Papere Karauamu Wiremu Waka, Hamuena Horopapera and others Retimana, Iniaand others Maika Purakau Ropiha and others Ngatikahungunu Jan. 11,1854 Oct. 8, 1858 Dec. 10, 1856 Feb. 14, 1855 Feb. 14, 1855 Mar. 24,1858 Mar. 24,1858 Kohangawari w ari Te Kopi Manawatu . Maungaraki Otauhao Maungaraki Taratahi, and Kikawera Tupurupuru Tupapakura, or Korakouui Whareama ) Block, No. 1 j . Whareama, No. 2 f i ii if ti ft Waingawa R. Te Kopi . Waipoua R. . Tauheru R. Purapura . Tangohia . Sec. 131, 185 . tt it ft 50-0-0 416-0-0 Ngatikahungunu Jan, 28, 1859 Jan. 1, 1860 fi 397-0-0 650-00 56 57 58 59 Punakotukutuku. Wairua and others Piripi and others Dec. 9, 12, 2, 1853 Jan. 9, 1856 it it if 500-00 508*0-0 64*00 630-0-0 175-0*0 695-0.0 about 2000-0-0 388-0-0 64-2-0 41*3*0 1775-0-0 1660-0-0 220-0-0 375-0-0 Whareama . ft Ngatik uhungunu ft ft ii it if 60 61 62 63 Waipupu . Motuwaireka Maungapiu. Eparaima . tt ti Nov. 2, 1859 Waikaraka ii Jan. 11, 1855 ii ii Kaiwhata . it ii 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Ngapuketurua . Tutaehaohao Waipuna ■ . Ahirara . . Unuunu Waikekeno. Wharaurangi Hahaia ii ii ti ii ti a ti ii ii Oct. 10, 1859 Pahaua and Wilson's run . Wereta's Pahaua Wilson's run . ii Oct. 29, 1853 Jan. 11, 1855 ii if fi ii ii 130-0-0 510-0-0 200-0-0 70-0.0 20-0-0 8-0-0 500-0-0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Koangahipu . Pahaua Rerewhakaite Pukeroro . Huariki . . Awaite . . Taimanuka Maii ii ii ii if tf ii ii " 1854 fi if Te Awaite. it tf ii Te Marutuna ft ft ii ii 18 ii ti a a a Sept. 6, 1853 ii ii ft Awhea . • Wairarapa No. 2 . ft fi N. Z. Coy's. Block a a if if East side of lake it it Wellington. Upper Hutt ii 500-0-0 22800-0 485-0-0 30-0-0 78a 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ngaroa . Hoera Oroi . Piriuoa Rahoruru Hume's Station . Pakuratahi. Lot 132 . Lot 98 Turanganui Wharemauku . Lots 3, 4 and 7 ft tt tt tt 202*1*14 For Ngatitama Ngatikahungunu Ngatitoa Nov. 26,1858 Wairai'apa No. 2 . Matahika or WhaEast side of lake Waikanae . 200*0-0 June 1, 1859 it ft it fi reroa Wainui a tt if ft it 280-0*0 17-0-0 16000 135-0-0 60-00 135-0-0 7350-0-0 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Ngapaipurua Whareora . Ron go o te Wera Wainui Township Te Puka . Paekakariki Ngatitoa ft ft it ft ii ii tt tf it ii a if ti Porirua Tarts of lots 70, 71, 72, 76, 74, lots 74, 69, 68, 66, 67, 63, 64, I 65, 106, 105, 1 102, 103, 104, and all the lands i between these N. Z. Company's ff 42000-0 94

E-No. 10



Date. Block. Situation. Area. No. on Map. Name of Reserve. Tribe, Section, or Name. V ACRES. lots and the sea coast Lot 57 Lot 58 Lot 42 Lot No. 1 . Lot No. 4 . Lot 23 Hutt District ii ii 91-0-6 152-1-36 105-0-0 11800 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Lowry Bay ii Te Amua if Hutt District ii if 9-1-24 3-2-29 108-0-0 556*3*16 Te Amua . Lots 1,2,3, 16 and 20 . Lots 11 Te Korokoro Lot 7, part of 9 . Lot 8 Part of 7 . Ngauranga. Lot 6 Lot 5 Lot 4 Te Amua ti fi 102-2-16 1214-2-2 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Te Matchou Taranaki audNgatiruauui ff tf Tinakore . 108-3-34 41-2-16 110-0-0 Harbour District Ngati ta wh i r ikura tf it i 104-1-0 104-00 tf Ngati tarua and Ngatirongonui TaranakiandNgatiruanui Ohariu ii 139-2-26 100-0-0 1000-0 351-2-7 76-2-16 1300-0-0 20000 200-00 244-0-0 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Lot 91 Lot 13 Lot 12 Lots 77, 78, 79 . Part of sec. 98 . Opau . Sections 37, 39 . Sections 22, 24 . ii Ngatirongonui ii 11 u Ngatirongonui fi ii Makara Kaiwara t. Ngatiruanui Ngatitama Ngatirongonui Matehou | [ngonu i Taranaki and Ngatirou Ohiro. ii 146-2-0 Section 15 . Sections 19, 21 . Sections 7, 8, 26 To Matehou ii Lowry Bay Wairarapa . Upper Hutt . Wairarapa . ii 300-0-0 6990-0-0 No. 2, Wairarapa Wharekaka 202-1-14 330 150 100 Section 102 Waihora Te Awa o to Atua Near Para and Waitaugi . Ngatitama Tekepa and others Rawiri Piharau June 4, 1854 ii it Dec. 28 " Hikuwera and Taratahi Tupapokia . Castle Point, Mataikoua N. Z. Coy's. Block if Ngatikahungunu Jan. 31, 1859 Oct. 14 " fi 200 135 136 Castle Point Wainui o Mata . Lowry Bay 5104 137 Ngatitawhirikura And: :ew Sinclair, Government Surveyor. 19th September, 1852.

E—No. 10

LANDS in the Town of Nelson held by the Commissioner of Native Reserves, under Act 1856.



ROVINCE OF NEL ON. See. lJistrict. Area. Rental. 5 50 62 63 64 65 66 93 144 148 152 159 162 177 198 203 205 227 229 231 233 241 244 248 261 263 265 266 267 269 283 284 294 305 307 344 367 406 416 417 443 521 522 537 582 583 598 710 733 905 911 1092 1096 1099 Town of Nelson... it it A. K. P. 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 £ s. d. 1 0 0 12 0 0 45 10 0 15 0 0 20 0 0 17 10 0 ti tt a it a 5 0 0 26 17 6 44 4 0 109 14 0 1 10 0 ti tt a tt tt it a tt it tt tt tt a ti a it a a n ti 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 10 0 7 0 0 1 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 0 1 6 0 7 0 0 1 17 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 1 10 0 7 0 0 3 15 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 9 10 0 10 1 0 a tt a a it it tt tt a tt a it a 1 1 1 30 2 3 1 a a 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 ti 1 10 0 0 if (4 3 0 0 tt tt a a 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 a tt a 10 0 0 Total Town Acres 53 1 30 441 17 7 £xtr&eted from the Appi mdix to the Journals of the Hoi ise of Representatives, 1858. Andrew Sinclair, Government Surrey voi\

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES which have been made in the Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



PROVINCE OF NELSON. Date. Name of Block. Situation. Area. Tribe, Section or Name. Nov. 10,1855 Aug. 10,1853 Nov. 10,1855 Mar. 7, 1856 Waiponarau NewZealandCompany's block and Waiponamu it Whanganui, South Aorere, Collingwood II II A. E. P. 44,000 about Ngatirarua and Ngatitama Ngatiawa and Ngatitou A B C D E ■p M G H I a a a « II u tt it a tt a a a a II << a a I M U it it tt tt a a a a tt a a a Parapara . u Aorere Kiver H 14 << M M M <c (( Wainui River On Wainui River. Takapau . . . . North Point of Takapau Near Point Burgess Tata Pa outside of Ligar's Bay Ligar's Bay .... h Aorere Collingwood Above Collingwood Limestone Bay Parapara . Parapara River M <c 6 1 1 0 0 21 0 0 4 0 3 28 6 3 0 5 1 21 8 3 27 11 1 6 10 3 32 41 1 0 200 0 0 39 1 16 2 3 33 7 0 33 0 2 3 3 1 25 9 0 38 0 1 29 90 0 30 7 2 34 9 0 4 2 0 7 12 0 17 0 0 20 0 2 38 1 1 24 11 3 23 2 0 33 15 2 14 1 0 30 0 0 9 3 0 20 5 2 31 0 3 2 0 3 34 59 3 35 (i a tt a CC ii (t N M " I K L M " N O P Q " . R S >p ii u V W Part of Sections No. 78 & 79 Part of Section 79. The whole X of this Section appears to have Y been promised to the Natives. Z It contains about 150 acres. (I a it a a it a ti a a tt it n II a a a a 14 a it it U it tt Aug. 10,1853^ Nov. 10,18551 Mar. 7, 1856/ Dec. 13, 1864J U Tukurua River tt u Coast near Aorere and Paraii para. . . . . Parewakau River . Parapara . Parewakau River . " Coast . North of the Village of Seaford, Tasman's corner Aorere River U a ti a a tt a a u a tt t< tt tt a ii (C tt a a ti a 110 0 0 152 0 0 158 0 0 161 0 0 150 0 0 159 0 0 189 0 0 30 0 0 62 0 0 35 0 0 91 2 3 18 2 27 No. 20 Pirikatangauui 10 Hararona Nora,WaitateWaiwai 13 Tamati Freeman 14 Sec. " Sec. 16 Sec. 74, 75, 76, 78, 84, 85 /2a.2r. Op. forRawiri 110 " Honi A 2 10 " Eruera B 108(2 2 0" Honi C 3 0 0 " Richmond D 12 3 0 " John Richmond E 8 0 16 " Peni Richmond it it tt H U it Near Collingwood Parapara Harbour Mouth of Takaka Takaka River 14 II ti a a a a a II II a a Waitapu Coast 91 3 38

E—No. 10



Date. Block. Situation. Area. Tribe, Section, or Name. Dec. 13, 1854 tt N. Z. Co.'s block and Waiponamu Separation Point a Small Island Takaka . . . . Motupipi . A. R. P. 2 1 17 F. H. I. J. K. Paramena. Pa. Mar. 6, 1856 ii it Mar. 7, 1856 tt tt tt tt it tt Aug. 10,1853 Nov. 10, 1855 Mar. 7, 1856 Dec. 13, 1854 it ti a tt tt tt a a a tt a it tt a a a a it a a Hoere and Massacre Bay a a ti a a NewZealandCompany's block, and Waiponamu . a a a a a a a a ti it it it ti a a a a a tt Wainui River Taupo Point Wawharangi Bay . Separation Point . Anatakapo . . . . Middle Bay . Takaka River, G, Sec. No. 13 ti ii .i it tt ii it ti it tt ■rf tt ii G, Section No. 12 a a tt tt a a a a a 32 0 0 51 0 0 45 2 32 100 0 0 157 2 10 1 0 11 1 0 32 5 3 30 3 3 19 10 0 0 3 1 0 16 1 0 7 0 30 6 0 7 2 0 0 6 3 0 13 1 8 5 1 14 9 3 29 0 2 0 10 0 27 5 0 0 16 3 8 17 0 0 13 0 0 20 1 0 2 1 0 7 1 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 13 0 0 7 0 0 13 0 0 9 3 24 28 0 4 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 29 16 0 34 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 54 0 0 6 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 30 2 0 23 0 0 15 0 0 35 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 32 0 0 6 0 0 11 2 0 25 0 0 19 2 0 16 2 0 17 2 0 50 0 0 For Emanu. " Richmond. " Rawiri. tt tt " Wi ne Paru. " John Richmond. " Hone Taitapu. " Manihera. " Watene. " Horina. " Meihana. " Inia. " Eruera. " Rawiri te Rauhihi. " Inia. " Rameka. " Manihera. " Meihana. " Watene. " Horina. " John Richmond. " Hori Taitapu. " Kerei. " Peni. " Retimona and Wine Paru. " Paratene. " Manihera. a a tt a tt a ft tt a it ti tt tt a a it a ti Middle Bay . Anapahi . Marahau Sandy Bay Sec. 117 ti "18 " u " 113 ii m a tt c a tt II a a a a a it Ivaitiritiri . Riwaka River 79, 80 " " Sec. 82 it a a 72 Mouth of RiwakaRiver " 93 a a Aug. 10, 1853 Dec. 13, 1854 Nov. 10,1855 Mar. 7, 1856 11 ti a a tt Sec. 92 II II II tt a Motueka, Sec. 1 . " " 2 . " " 3 . ii "4 M " 5 . " " 6 . " " 9 . ii II a tt it it a it ti ti a it tt tt a ft a ft a a H a tt a a a a tt a tt a a tt Mouth of Motueka River 21 a tt " 22

E—No. 10



Date. Block. Sitnation. Area. Tribe, Section, or Name. .ug. 10,1853 tec. 13, 1854 \ov. 10, 1855 [ar. 7, 1856 NewZealatdCompany's block, Waiponamu Motueka, Sec. 33. " "34. " "47. " "48. " "68. " " 72. " "79. " "80. " 82. " "92. " '-93. " 122 and 123 . ii ff 124 " 126 " 127 " 129 " " 132 " " 136 " 137 " 138 " " 139 " " 140 " 141 " "142 " 143 " " 144 " 145 " 146 " " 147 " 157 " " 159 " " 160 tt tt tt A. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 84 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 48 50 50 50 55 44 40 70 38 16 31 12 8 12 43 89 2 34 34 39 hi 50 8 50 50 20 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 36 12 io;> 97 ioo 50 50 50 50 R. P. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tt it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt " " 161 " " 162 " 163 " 164 '* 168 • . " " 169 " " 180 " " 181 " 182 " " 183 " " 184 " " 186 " « 187 " " 188 " " 192 « " 199 •« " 206 ■ " 207 " " 208 " " 210 « « 211 " " 212 " « 218 and 243 . " " 219 and 242 . " " 220 and 241 . " •' 221 " " 222 " " 223 " " 234

E—No. 10



Date. Block. Situation. Area. Tribe, Section, or Name. Aug. 10, 1853 Dec. 13, 1854 Nov. 10, 1855 Mar. 7, 1856 If II Ne wZealandCom • pany's block, Waiponamu tt tt ti tt tt tt tt tt 11 tt tt tt Motueka, Sec. 236 " " 237 " " 238 " " 239 " 240 . " 253 " " 260 " " 263 " " 264 " " 272 Moutere, Sec. 45 " "69. " " 71. "73. "75. " "84. " "85. " "137 " " 138 " 144 " 145 " 147 " 148 " 151 " " 201 " " 202 " 205 " " 206 " " 213 Kararoha, on beach, north of ) Mawhera Sec. 35 j Kawatiri or Buller, Sec. 36 . 11 ft ft 9*7 ACRES. 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 73 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 tt ■ i tt tt tt f; ft ft tf ft f Naitahu Tribe, for Poharama | Hotu. Ngaitahu, Riwai Kaihi. Kuini. Ramere Puaha. Wikitoria. Herewini Iwiwhenua. fWi Parata. Hone Kaiaia. Henere Mauhika. Matanuinui. Hakaraia. Pua te Rangi, and others. Riria te Piki. Tarapuhi, and others. tf ll ii tf a a ff a a ft May 21,1860 Arahaura . tt tt tt ii .t tt 38 t ti tt tt u tt tt 39 t ft n ft 4Q tt tt ft 4] it tt tt 40 South of mud flat, Orowaiti, 43 Orowaiti, "~^.Sec. 44 . Kawatiri, Kataraku " 45 . Oireka " 46 . Karamea, on the South 1 bank of the river Otu- > 47 mahaua ) t Wakapuaka, situated about I 12 miles to the North-east ( of the town of Nelson 26 100 50 10 50 10 100 50 50 4 50 100 50 50 40 I Ramene Puaha, and Mata Nohe- ( nohe. NewZealandCompany's block, and Waipounamu . Section 23 at Takaka appears from the map of the district to have been se: tion of, Manihera, Retimona, and others. The Reserves within the New Zealand Company's Settlement of Nelson (ex Crown Lands, set apart for Native purposes, and are vested in the Native Commii st apart for, or to be in the occupaxcept the lands at Wakapuaka) are issioners of that District. Andrew Sinclair, Surveyc:-.

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



PROVINCE OF M ARLB ROUGH.. Dale. Name of Block. Situation. Area. Name of Reserve. Tribe or Section. \sb. 18, 1856 Kaituna and Hoi- ( Awanui, at the I head of the Pe(lorus River u ACRES. 150 Te Hora . Ngatikuia & Rangitane. ere . if U it tt <( ti it it It a ti ti tt tt tt a it it a tt a fa tt a tt a tt u Kaituna Awanui Kaituna 50 20 26 60 10 200 14 100 Orukauliamo Ruapaka Te Rakauhapara. Takapau Wharaunga. Te Parapara Kaiowahiue Ruapaka Rangiawea. f 50 of which to be < granted to Hura (Kopapa I Landing place at ( Paveku Oruapuputa Urupa burial place Urupa at . Mahakipawa . Kaiaoa tt ti tt it No. 19 " (f tt ti it t. tt tt it ti tt For Hura Kopapa of the Ngatikuia tribe. it ii 300 t< < a tt a ii 10 Ngatikuia and Rangitane. U tt t Mahakipawa 70 tt n te a tt « a M m a <t tc a larch 5, 1856 a Croixelles Harbour tt tt Kaiaoa 20 tt a Ngatikoata . tt tt C« it IV U tt ti tt tt Okiwi Whaugarae. Onetea Whangamoa 400 600 20 100 Okiwi Whangarae. Onetea Whangamoa Iwituaroa . Kaipakirikiri Kumutoto . Tunoamae . Torea Moua Onara Takapuwahia Ruakaka Waimimiti . Mokopeke . Wakanui . tt n it tt a tt 'eb. 9, 1856 a n tt tt it Queen Charlotte's Sound or AraNgatiawa Tribe. 51 Hapus. paoa Queen Charlotte's Sound or Aratt it a a paoa Arapaoa . . / Ihaka te Wharekaho. Tamati Katipa. c« ti tt a a a tt tt tt a tt ti tt a • tt a a / a tt tt a Papftkereru Puha . TePangu . Hitaua Watamongo Do. burial place Waikawa . Whenuanui Ngakuta Wairau River, White's Bay ti tt a a a tt tt tt a tt a ti tt it a ti tt it tt a tt ti it )ec. 13,1854 a it a a Waipounamu it a 770 Given up for fire Town Sections which have been granted— See Re turn of Grants. n n tt Motueka Pa 200

E—No. 10



Date. Name of Block. Situation. Area. Name of Reserve. Tribe or Section. Mar. 29, 1859 Kaikoura . Base of Kaikoura Kaikoura . tt ACRES. 4800 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 12 2 0 27 2 0 3 1 20 56 0 0 1 0 0 19 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 74 0 0 10 0 0 450 0 0 Eruiti and others. Hohepa and others. tt it tt Mouth ;of Wai-j kawau ) Kaikoura Bay Kaikoura . tt Hakaraia and others. ti tt tt ft Waiariki Kaikoura . tt Whera and others. Ropata and others. j Tumaru and others. Wiremu Kopa. tt Waikonui . ~6th February, 1862. • drew Sinclair, Surveyor.

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES, which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



PROVINCE OF CA RBURY. No. Date. Name of Block. Situation. on Map. Area. Tribe, Section, or Name. Jay 21, 1860 it a Arahura Arawata, Jackson's Bay . Wai to to River " Paringa River . Heretaniwha Maintain Bay Maintain River 1 2 \ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ACRES. 100 100 200 20 32 627 155 44 144 160 6 25 6 10 30 20 20 13 50 300 Ngaitaliu ft a a u (( a u a " for Te Ko. a tt tt a a u a a tt a it Maintain River Makawaiho River << « a tt i| a a tt a it a a a ti a a a a a a a <c South Bank of Manakaiau South Bank of Oiuetamatia North Bank of Wehenge . Omoeroha River Waikohai River " . Waiahope Bluff Koamaru Bluff . Okarito Lagoon VVaitaugitaona and Waitangiroto. a a a " for Te Timrohe. a tt a a a a a a a n a t< a a a a a a a " To Kinehi. " Te Kou. " Te Koetihi. " Rawiri Mokohuruhuru. " Wiremu Parata. tt tt it a a a tt n bf Cl a a a " Taetaekimai, Tikena, and •others. a tt a 21 22 23 24 19 300 15 400 a a a tt a tt tt a a a South Bank of Wataroha . Poherua Pa & B urial Ground Okitika or Browne . " Taetae, Ko, and others. " Tataeona. Hakiaha, Arapata, Purua and others. " Tarapuhi. a a tt Kaniere and Okitika. Arahura .... Taramakau it 25 26 27 27a 25 2000 25 1 50) 25 iOJ 50 150 500 a a a %i a a ti it a it " Hakiaha and others. Burial Ground. tt it tt~ a a a Waimea, Taramakau Pakihi, " Mawhera or Grey 28 29 30 31 ■vr .. , ( Matakara. Ngaitahu { Mure Te ADangai . Ngaitaliu. " Miikarino and others. " Tarapuhi Te Kaukiti, and others. a a <c a a a it, n Ngamoana Erua Mawhera, at Kaiata . Kotuku Whakaho 32 33 34 8 250 250 if ti a a a a tl Tarapuhi, Poharama, Werita. Ihaia, Tainui, Waipupara and others. Subdivided for the Ngaitahu Tribe. June 12, 1848 Dec. 10, 1849 a a N.Z. Coy's. Block u Kaiapoi, Tuahiwi Bush Waimakariri, Kaikp.inui Rapaki, Lyttelton Purau, Acheron Bay Port Levy Akaroa, Onuku or Opukutalii. *35 36 37 38 39 40 2640 5 856 10 1361 400 Ngaitahu Tribe. tt a a t: n a .i a it a a a a it a • See Mr. Walter Bailer's Report,

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.



Date. Name of Block. Situation. No. on Map. Area. Tribe, Section, or Name. >ec. 10, 1849 Li it a a N. Z. Coy's Block tt Akaroa, Wainui Wairewa, Lake Forsyth . Taumutu, Waihoura Lake - " on Wai-wakaheke-tupapaku. Arowhenua, Opihi river near Timaru. Arowhenua Tirare Witirua " Rakipawa Timaru, Waimataitai Kakaitameka. Te Kopa's Pa, Waitaki - Hakatiamea Waitaki. Waimatemate Waitaki Old Kaiapoi Pa 41 42 43 44 ACRES. 400 400 47 33 Ngaitahu Tribe. tt a a tt a a u .( a a a it 45 376 ti a a a 46 47 48 187 17 20 a tt a, a a *ti u a it a 49 50 51 52 13 150 40 5 tk it Ware Korare. Ngaitahu Tribe. a a Andrew Sinclair, Government Surveyor.

PROVINCE F OTAGO. Date. I Name of Block. Situation. Area. No. Name of Reserve. Tribe or Hapu. une 12, 1848 ii ii a a a a a a a a N.Z. Coy's. Block ii it ft u it Moerakia Waikowiti . Purakaunui . ci Otago Heads Taieri Biver Clutha River Mataura River Port Chalmers Dunediu Waitaki a • A. It. P. 575 0 0 2394 0 0 270 0 0 28 0 0 4305 0 0 2075 0 0 2300 0 0 640 0 0 287 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 16 376 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *10 *11 12 13 14 Mooraki . Ngaitahu. Waikowaiti . " Purakaunui . Tairoa . . " Mount Charles " Onumai . " Tokata. . " Tuturau . i " Port Chalmers " Duuedin . '■ " Penumaru . For Te Hum Hum Waikura . Ngaitahu. Te Kuri Bush " a a a a a n Lug. 17, 1853 uuel2, 1848 it U Murihiku . N.Z. Coy's. Block (I 11 a it ti a 10 0 0 ii t( a Moeraki * The Reserves at Port Chalmers and Dunedin are Cro sn Lands set apart ?or the use of the Natives. Andrew Sinclair, Government S urve or.

E—No. 10

RETURN of GENERAL RESERVES for NATIVES, which have been made in Cessions of Territory to the Crown.

ABSTRACT of cases in which promises have been made, or engagements entered into by the Government with the Natives, that Crown Grants shall be issued to them.



PROVINCE OUT I L A N D . Situation. Date. Name of Block. No. Area. Name of Reserve. Tribe, or Hapu. .ug. 17, 1853 Murihiku BarakoutaPoint, ) New River. j New River. Jacob's River,) Foveaux Strait J Oraka Bay . Foveaux Strait - it t* 1 ACKES. 1686 Omaui Ngaitahu Tribe. it Cl ii 2 8 176 527 Oue . Aparima U a II II (i U it U H u m 4 5 G 1132 977 90 Oraka Kawakaputaputa. Onetota tt tt tt ii a a a .ft K n a it Andrei ■\y Sinclair, Government Surveyor.

PROVINCE OF UCKLAJ D. Date. Situation. Area. Whether or not Surveyed. Whether or not Individualised. Class. Names of Natives to whom the Grants are to be issued. Jan. 28, 1859 Bay of Islands ") Mokau Block > Te Ngaio J ACRES. Individualised 200 Surveyed ii No. 1 it r Wi Hau, John Betts and Ho■l netana, Ngatiwhiu Tribe L living near Waitemate Oct. 2, 1857 Puketapu Block, Manukau District 1 Not " u No. 2 Wiremu Maehe (at Te Ngaio) Oct. 22, 1857 Puketapu and Kau- ) ritutae Block ( Manukau District I 100 Surveyed it No. 2 Ihaia te Manga (situated at Parairai) i 100 Surveyed a No. 2 Aihepene Kaihau (situated at Whakarongo) The abovt have been mad been made tha 3 Return is divided mi te or promised as part t are not connected wi to two Clai of the cons ith Cession sses. 1st. Of cases where re: =ideration in Deeds of Cession ifl of Territory. servatioi i. 2nd. is of land for individual Chiefs Of cases where promises have Andrew Sinclair, 7th February, 1882.

E—No. 10




Date. Situation. Area. Whether or not Surveyed. Whether or not Individualized. Class. Names of Natives to whom Crown Giants are to be issued. ►lay 29, 1848 Whanganui . Manawatu—Awahou Block, and south side < of river. about 2 197 2 0 surveyed individualized No. 2 No. 1 Tahana Turoa. Half-caste children of T U. Cooke. ii 122 2 0 229 0 0 9 0 27 4 2 0 4 0 25 3 2 11 6 2 10 1 1 25 2 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 12 50 0 0 tt a ii day 14, 1859 u u (C u a ii No. 2 ii Ihakara. Keremeneta. Arona. Natana. Kereopa. Teira and Miritana. Kuruho. Mohi. Porokoru. Nepia Taratoa. it a n t < u a ii ii ti tt tt tt ti <( i( U (( ti (1 I i a M it a U tt tt ti i i a ii Sept. 29, 1858 West Coast—Whareroa or Mataihuka Block. WainuiBlock,West Coast It a No. 2 Tamati Te Waka Paheke June 9, 1859 6 1 15 tt a No. 1 John and Peti Nicol, land called Paikakariki. Henry Flugent. Wiremu Kingi. IS II 2 2 4 495 0 0 (I a U Feb. 28, 1859 Wairarapa—Tupurapura Block. tt a No. 2 U tt tt a 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 1000 0 0 40 0 0 II it M Heneri Kingi. Te Kanenamu. Ngairo. Maika Purakau. Wiremu Kingi. Maikau Purakau. Wiremu Waka. Paul Stone. u a !■ ii II a ti a a it a II n tt tt tt it ii II it U Jan. 31, 1859 Wairarapa—Te Whaio ( Block. I Wairarapa Kuhangawariwari Block il tt tt II May 17, 1858 u tt it ii U tt tt a 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 ii it Kicgi Ngatuere. Rihara Taka. Wi Tamihana Hiko. it it n tt il it Sept. 6, 1853 Wairarapa . . . not surveyed. surveyed if tt ii it (i tt it June 28, 1858 Jan. 4, 1854 Aug. 25, 1853 tt tt Block No. 2 . Otaraia Block Ruamahanga R. Manaia Block Wairarapa—Wharekaka Block. Wairarapa Tuhitarata Block . Wairarapa — Otahuao Block. 2840 0 0 10 2 0 100 0 0 1000 0 0 100 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 (i It it ii ii ii No. 1 No. 2 a No, 1 No. 2 i( Raniera Te Iho o te rangi. Te Mauihera Te Raugitakaiwaho. Ngatuere Taw mo. Te Manihera Te Rangitakaiwaho. Miha o te Rangi. Te Retimoua Te Ruki. Tamati Te Kokori. The land situated at Tangahanga. To be paid for by Matiaha 10s. per acre. ii Mar. 27, 1860 ii tt Wairarapa—Bidwell's Run 200 0 0 The above been made or p made that are i b Return is divided into elf sromieed as part of the con not connected with cessions .sscs:—1st. Of sideration in d< of Territory. cases where reservations of land :eds of cession. 2nd. Of cases v for individual Chiefs have here promises have been Andrew Sinclair. 11th February, . 1862.

E—No. 10





Date. Situation. Area. Whether or not Surveyed. Whether or not Individualized. Class. Names of Natives to whom Crown Grants are to be issued. ■une27,1859 II » n ii ii ii M « H it M >< • ( II North Euataniwha Block ii ci M II (I ti it t. it ii ti II II ti ACRES. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 52£ 200 100 surveyed n ii ii i< a II cl individualized it ti ti a a ti No. 1 (I a a a a tt a Te Moanauui . Tareha Karaiteana Takamoana Paora Torotoro Paora Kaiwhata Wiremu Te Ota Noa Iluke Karauria Pupu Urupene Puhara Reuata Kawepo Haia Te Ngira Anikanara Tiakitai Ropata Te Maeriki Wiremu Te Raugi and Ropiha Te Takao Te Hita and Te Kuru Wiremu Matua Mere Horn Rora, daughter of Piripi Te Rangikataua Atareta Hineilaupea Hore Niania and Hinepaketea Ropata Te Wairake Residents at Tikokino II (( it u ti a a U it II II (I n a ti II ii il II n a (< II tt a II a a M U it u Cl a a dar. 10,1858 Porangahau Block ci it II a n II II ii ii 1200 500 100 200 II n a uly 18, 1859 (i ii Middle South Porangahau ci ci it a a II n (I Cl II it II Cl a tt II a M » ii It it II II 500 a a Lug. 2, 1859 Omarutaire Block, Ta-) kapau. ) Tikokino Ruataniwha . 1000 a a Lug. 11,1859 ii " 200 300 it a Not a Class nun iromised, as ps lave been mad< iber one includes all cas< irt of the consideration in e that are not connected w es where reservations of land for iud deeds of cession. Class number two e< ith cessions of territory. idual C imprises Chiefs have been made, or a all cases where promises Andrew Sinclair. 1 th February, 1862.

Date. Situation. Area. Whether i Whether or not or not Surveyed. Individualized. Class. ! Names of Natives. ith and 7th Separation Point . larch, 1856 A. . I 100 R. P 0 0 Individualized No. 2 Te Aupouri. Ane.kkw Sinclair. 11th February, 1862.

E—No. 10




RETURN of all LANDS in the Province of Taranaki which have been promised to be granted to Natives.

Date. Situation. Area. Whether or not Surveyed. Whether or not Individualized. Class. Names of Natives. >th Feb., 1856 Wairau .... Kaituna Queen Charlotte's Sound A. E. P. 50 0 0 50 0 0 Individualized No. 2 Wiremu Neira te Kanae. Hura Kopapa. Three small places promised by Mr. Jenkins, (interpreter at Nelson), to be granted to Natives living in Queen Charlotte's Sound. «c • a u Scrip has been issued to fifteen (15) principal Chiefs of the middle islani exercised in any part of New Zealand. Also scrip to twenty-six (26) Natives, out of the land ceeded by them to the Government. Probably the whole of this scrip has not yet been exercised. I, for fift for two ty pounds (£50) each, to be o hundred (200) acres each, Andrew Sinclair. 11th February, 1862.

Date. Name of Block. Situation. Area. Tribe, Section, or Grantee. Hua Block (I H it a ({ u it it u (t a (t u n u t( (t u Aches. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 20 13 f 10 10 10 10 30 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 11 20 10 10 20 20 10 20 Hakopa. Mereaua. Pita. Henerc. Kepa. Hapimereka. Wirihana. Hohepa. Hori. Nopua. Harihona. Harihona. Hemi Karena. Mataora. Hemi. Honepeuuwhau. Hone Kipa. Hone Kipa. Hone Wetere. Rapana. Hakopa Tamaite. Wi Te Ahoaho. Hemu. Pita. Kihata. Karaparatene. Wi Tangutu. Kepa. Paora. Hohepa. Hakopa. Karoraina. Paora. Hori. Horopapera. Horopapera. Houe Puruwhare. Hakopa Pataiawa. Hohaia. it II u it it a a U (I u a a a it (I a a M II

E-No. 10



Date. Name of Block. Situation. Area. Tribe, Section, or Grantee. Hua Block . <i 10 9 100 50 38 14 14 2 10 47 27 144 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 6 10 10 10 16 16 10 10 5 5 11 11 10 10 6 8 9J 16 26 14 21J 10 10 50 20 10 4 10 20 10 12 20 41 26 87| 28 10J 36 40 36 32 Horopapera. Taniora. Raniera. Apuahama. Hame. Paora. Timu. Hone Ropiha. Ane. Matiu (disputed). Ihaia. Maria. Herora. Tipene. Te Rett. Te Tahaua. Houe Ropiha and Tamihana. Ihaka. Matia. Hone. Hami. Rawiri and Ruta. Atama. Atama. Poihipi. Poihipi. Hori. Retiu. Harata. Harata. Rawinia. Rawiri. Hare Rewiti. Hare Rewiti. Wikitoria. Horikinaki. Iharaira and Parata, Iharaira and Parata. Iriapiti. Paneta. Te Matina. Te Taua. Hemi. Hemi. Wiremu Tahana. Heni. Hemi. Huria. Tipene. Wirihana. Harata. Raihania. Retiu. Hori. Matiu. Rawiri. Matiu. Horikinaki. Raihania. Heni. Poihipi. Matiu. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ft tt tt tt tt tt ft ft tt tt tt tt tt ft tt tt ii tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 11 tt ft tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ft tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt The land: rate of ten shi Copied fr< Purchase Dep: s mentioned in the Mings per acre. Th om a Return furnish* artment in 1856. above return have been surveyed, selected and paid for by the Natives at the ie total quantity of land selected is 1676, and that to be selected 124.=1800 acres, ed by Mr. District Commissioner Rogan to the Chief Commissioner Native Land Andrew Sinclair. 7th Februar •7, 1862.

E—No. 10

RETURN of all Crown Grants issued to Aboriginal Natives, compiled from the Records of the Crown Lands Office and Patent Office.



AUCKLAND. Date. Ind.No.i Grantee. County. Parish, &c. Allotment. Area. Price. Remarks. Record. 1852 July 13. Sept. 27 Eruera Patuone . TeWherowhero Potatau Eden . Takapuna . Maugere village. 29=32 of 1 1=8 : 10=17 110 1 20 Grant of occupancy only . In exchauge for land at Waikato 6=52 0=54 1854 July 3 . 1855 Jan. 17 . Aug. 24. 1856 Feb. 25 . 1857 Jan. 2 . HoniRopiha(JohnHobbs) Te Rangi . Te Tirarau . a a Marsden City . Takapuua . Maungatapere . 4 A of 12 8 of 2 1 0 19 1040 2 38 0 0 0 0 95 0 500 0 0 0 Free gilt for services 6=85 2 C=701 2 F=1283 Hohepa Tarautete Eden . ■ Suburbs 104 of 16 1 2 9 52 0 0 3 A=336 To Tirarau . Marsden Maungakaramea. 1 2 13 of 10 7 of 21 176 of 16 130 386 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 65 0 193 0 10 2 7 10 80 0 0 0 6 0 0 Special Scrip of Mid-Isld purchase to the amount of £50 : balance in cash 2 1=2103 ,,=2104 1 D=999 ,,=987 3 A=396 Jan. 19. Wi Nero to Awaitaia . Hakopa te Kotuku Rowiri Pualiu Rutland ■ Raglan town July 7 . Eden . Suburbs Oct. 21 . 1858 June 28 IIolicpn Taruutete u u oof " 5 0 25 95 0 0 2 J=2381 Hemara Katipe te Awaraiiii » Awhitu 490 0 0 Promised in the Deed of Sale 1859 Aug. 3 . 77 6 A=129 Wi Mailii te Rangikaheke Wi Maihi te Rangikaheke. . . Marsden • Mangawai . 50 0 0 14 B=515 193 25 0 0 U 194 a a 97 50 0 0 25 0 0 ,,=516 1860 April 16 483 Matiu and Pera . Eden . • Takapuna . 173 126 0 0 60 0 0 14 B=692 Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd Jul; •, 1862. Ei/win B. Dickson, For the Secretar for Crown Lands.

E—No. 10




Date. Ind. No. Grantee. County. Parish, &c, Allotment. Area. Price. Remarks. Record. 1857 Sept. 9 . Honi Ropiha te Kikeu . Fitzroy District . New Plymouth Township New Plymouth Township 1445 A. R. P. 0 1 1 £ 21 s. d. 0 0 3A 457 ii Ilakopa Tikerangi a 957 0 1 1 15 0 0 " 434 1858 Dec. 9 . Wi Kingi Matakatea . Omata 112 52 2 0 25 0 0 2L 2683 262 Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd July, 1862. Elwin B. Dickson, For the Secretary for Crown Lands. * HAWKE'S BAY. % Date. Ind. No. I , Grantee. County. Parish, &c. Allotment. Area. Price. Remarks. Becord. 1860 Sept. 21 720 721 722 730 Te Hapuku. Tareha Karaitiana Takamoana. Te Moananui Meeanee Spit Napier Napier Town 42 52 6 537 A. 0 0 0 10 R. P. 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 7-14B 711 712 " 713 721 ii ii i( Clive Suburban . Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd July, 1862. Elwin B. Dickson, For the Secretary for Crown Lands. /

E—No. 10





Date. Ind. No. Grantee. County. Parish, &c. Allotment. Area. Price. Eemarks. Record. 1853 July 19 . Aug. 10 Wiremu Tako Purutu, Ihaia, Ihaka and Rawiri City . Part of 487 A. K. P. 0 3 8 Stated to be intitled to a Grant . New Zealand Company Land Claim Order Free Gift for Services Lower Hutt 36 110 0 0 N.M.Misc. »-5! Aug. 16 1857 Sept. 7 . 1858 Feb. 16. Iloiana te Puni . City . 0 0 33J " 5-635 " Misc. i-72 TamihanaTe Raupai-aha Whangamri Town 392=5: 404=7 1 3 0 14-65 Dec. 6 . it a 26 259 Hori Kingi Te Anaua . Matene Te Whi Whi . Mihaka Tamaurara Kumete and Wiremu Pakata Whanganui Pahautanui Town ti Agricultural Reserve. 509 505, 506 86 0 1 0 0 2 0 40 0 0 New Zealand Company Land Claim Order 14-2-31 " 40 14-2A-225 I860 July 13. Upper Hutt 175 105 0 0 " 143 515 E Repo Oliiro Part 11 of 14 5 1 6 14-2B-539 Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd July, 1862. Elwin B. Dickson, For the Secretary for Crown Lands.

Date. Ind. No. Grantee. County. Parish, &c. Allotment. Area. Price. Eemarks. Record. 1856 Mar. 26. 1857 Oct. 14. Motupipi A. 150 K. 0 p. 0 f 75 s. d. 0 0 Rameka te Ketu 36 2H— 1813 H a Te Meihana Kameka te Paea . Paramene Ngauarangi . Henare te Ranga. Hamiora Pito Piremona te Aupouri . Perika Tanganui. Takaka it a Part 1 of 22 " 3 " " 6 " 5 50 20 20 20 20 20 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Promised by Mr. •' McLean in part payment-^ for Cession of Claims. 14—160 "—157 "—156 "—155 14-4—14 " —13 14—164 a it M a t* Aorere Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd July, 1362. Elwin B. Dickson, For the Secretary for Crown Lands.

E—No. 10




Date. Ind. No. Grantee. County. Parish, &c. Allotment. Area. Price. Remarks. Record. 1857 July 7 A. K. P. £ s. d. it Rawiri Te Ouenuku Te Whawharua - Tuugia Ngahuka Te Tana Pukekohatu - Nopera Tamura - Pictoa Town a 235,242,370, 1130 367-8 225 99 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 100 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 J, 2302 " 2303 " 2304 14_159 " 158 Oct. 14 Waitohi Valley - Pelorus For cession of claims 1858 May 28 1862 Jan. 15 Pirihira Waikeri - Pelorus Valley - 41 105 0 0 For cession of claims 14,4—168 350 351 Hakiaha - Tuiti, Hoera, and Ngahaupakeke Kenepuru - 18 11 96 0 0 48 0 0 I Reserved by Mr. ~\ J McLean, granted in ( j part payment for j ( cession of claims. J 14, 9 A— 344 a 60 0 0 30 0 0 " 345 J52 Paora Te Piki, Ekiera / aad Herewini. ( Kaituua I 100 0 0 346 353 354 355 Manihera, Tiopira, Ri- ~\ his. I Hapiata and Henare ( Te Aha. ) Manihera, Matene, ) Hamuera and Tuiti j Kereopa, liana, Aporo, S Hematiui Meihana, / Tare, Kereoma, Ri- ( ria Tamata, Tioti, ( Keriopa, Hariaua, \ and John Hiblight. J Kereopa, liana and John Hiblight - Paora Te Piki - Hohepa ... Manihera - Riha, Ihaka, Hohepa and Tuiti Hemi Towakarere Tamati Katipa - Tiaki Puku Pelorus Valley - u tt Taitaka '- lluapaka - 30 23 25 51 0 0 50 0 0 27 0 0 25 10 25 0 13 10 0 0 0 347 348 349 356 Pelorus Havelock Inn la. 27-28 17 23, 26 10 0 0 0 2 21 0 1 0 0 2 33 3 15 0 " 350 " 352 " 353 354 358 359 360 364 U 10 10 3 0 15 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 I Granted in part payment I f for cession of claims, j 365 366 373 Pelorus Valley - Havelock Iuu Q. Ch. Sound - 3 46 81 8 21 0 0 0 1 28 30 0 0 10 0 0 " 358 360 361 368 Watarongo Bay Kaipapa Bay Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 3rd July, 1862. Elwin B. Dickson, For the Secretary for Crown Lauds.

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