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(In continuation of Papers presented 14th June, 1861.^
No. 1. copy or a DESPATCH from his grace the duke or Newcastle to governor sir georse GREY, K.C.B. 4th December, 1862. Downing Street, Sin,With reference to my Despatch No. 31 of the 25th March, I have the honor to inform you vide my attention has been again drawn by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the statements Apr" of Commodore Seymour respecting desertions from Her Majesty's ships, and ihe romissness of the Colonial Authorities in New Zealand in checking this practice. I have therefore to request you to impress upon the Superintendents of the different Provinces the necessity of their actively exerting themselves to stop a practice, which, unless it is effectually arrested, may render it impossible for Officers in command of Her Majesty's ships to give the Colony that assistance which lias hitherto been so fieely afforded. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., Newcastle. &c., &c, &c.
■■IT HAIAND. No. 113. ! Blue Book, IMH, endix D, No. :>, p. 6.
No. 2. COPY OF A DESPATCH FROM HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE TO GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE GREY, K.C.B. Downing Street, 20th January, 1862. Sir— With reference to my Despatch No. 113 of the 4th ultimo, I have the honor to trnnsmit to)4th you a copy of a letter from Commodore Seymour reporting that more active measures have been taken by the Police in Auckland to apprehend Deserters from Her Majesty's ships. I have, &c, Newcastle. Govrenor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, &c.
SEW ZEALAXH. No. 2. October. 18SJ.
Enclosure 1 in No. 2. Extract from a Letter Jrom Commodore Seymour, dated from Auckland, \Oth October, 1861. " I am happy to say that in consequence of my repeated remonstrances, the Police of Auckland " have exerted themselves somewhat of late and several deserters have been recovered, from one of " whom — a man formerly of excellent character, wearing two good-con duct badges, and having four " years' pay due at the time of his desertion—information was obtained by aid of which we succeeded " in convicting a farmer in the bush of harbouring deserters from Her Majesty's Service, who was "sentenced in consequence to six months' imprisonment with hard labour." " The evidence in this case tendeil to prove that deserters could actually work within six " miles of Auckland unmolested by the Police."
No. 3. COMMODORE SEYMOOE TO SIE GEORGE GEET. " Pelorus," at Sydney, 18th April, 1862. Sir,— I have been furnished with a copy of a letter which was addressed to yonr Excellency by Captain Jenkins of the " Miranda" on the 30t!i ultimo, respecting the enormous amount of desertion which has taken place from Her Majesty's ships stationed in ihe Province of Auckland, and in
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Notr.—No mention is here made of the desertions from H. M. ships Iris, Niger, Elk, Cordelia, while they were stationed in the Province of Auckland.
making this representation to you, Captain Jenkins has only anticipated me as, after receiving a report from the " Fawn" in the early part of last month, I was shocked to see the amount of desertions from her, and I had decided on immediately bringing the subject to your Excellency's notice. 2. Eighty-four men are reported by Captain Jenkins to have deserted from the " Miranda,'' " Fawn," and " Harrier" in the Province of Auckland alone; to these must be added (exclusive of those who have been recovered) 12 from the " Pelorus" and 16 from the " Cossack," making a total of 112 men and boys who have been lost to Her Majesty's service through the disgraceful system of crimping which the inefficient Police of Auckland seem powerless to check. 3. The result has been that the " Fawn" is now in a less efficient state than sbe was twelve months ago, and that I am utterly at a loss how to replace the men who have deserted from her. 4. I am glad to learn from Captain Jenkins that your Excellency has called the attention of your Responsible Ministers to his representations. I earnestly hope that the measures that they may adopt may prove efficacious, and that I may not be compelled to withdraw Her Majesty's ships from the coast of New Zealand altogether, a measure which I should deeply regret as it is my anxious desire to afford your Excellency all the support it is in my power to give. 0. As the matter is now in your Excellency's hands I will «ay no more on the subject excepting that I have always maintain* v the opinion that the Auckland Police are too few in number, and that only in two instances have I known of men having been apprehended in the bush or away from the town; one was when His Excellency Colonel Gore Browne, at my solicitation, sent a party to the Manukau Ranges, accompanied by some men from this ship, and the other, when your Excellency was so good as to furnish Commander Cater with an Interpreter through whose exertions, assisted by the Chief " Patuone," three deserters from the " Fawn" were apprehended. I have, &c, F. Beaucuamp Seymour. His Excellency Sir George Giey, X.C.8., &c, &c, &c, Governor of New Zealand.
No. 4. MEMORANDUM BY MR. POX. The position taken by Commodore Seymour in his letter to His Excellency, of the 18th April, as well as in other documents which have proceeded from him, is that the unusual number of desertions which have occurred from the ships under his command in New Zealand have been owing to what he term the disgraceful system of crimping on the part of the employers of labour—owners of sheep-runs in particulars—in this Colony. Commodore Seymour also imputes to the Colonial Government—and particularly to the Provincial authorities—the greatest laxity in reference to the capture of deserters, and scarcely hesitates to insinuate that they are parties to the disgraceful system of crimping which he alleges to exist. Ministers feel that they cannot allow such imputations on the Colonial authorities to remain unanswered, and that it is their duty to expose, for the information of Her Majesty's Government, the unfounded nature of the charges made by Commodore Seymour. That the number of desertions in ships under Commodore Seymour's pennant has been unusually larae, it is believed is perfectly true. Whether this is owing to want of proper discipline on board their ships, or to the crimping referred to, Commodore Seymour has not called any facts which might enable Her Majesty's Government to judge. It seems to the apprehension of persons not familiar with Naval affairs that there must be some great defect in ths discipline of the ships under Commodore Seymour's command, if, with the knowledge which he professes to have had for three years past of a disgraceful system of crimping being in existence ashore, precautions have cot been taken to prevent the men from becoming its victims. They must first escape from the control of their own Officers before they can fall under ihat of the crimps; and it seems both only proper that, before bringing against the Colonial and Local authorities the charges referred to, Commodore Seymour should account for the facts, first of his men being so desirous to quit the service; and, secondly, for their being able to do it with apparently such very great facility. Ministers do not hesitate to express their belief that, if proper precautions were resorted to by the Naval authorities to prevent desertion, instead of endeavouring to throw the blame upon the Colonial authorities after it has taken place, its occurrence would be much less frequent. That seamen who have deserted from Her Majesty's service find employment ashore is, no doubt, perfectly true; but it neither proves that they were induced to desert by a "disgraceful system of crimping," nor that the persons into whose employment they enter had any knowledge of their being deserters. Only two instances are known to Ministers of persons being convicted of " harbouring deserters with a guilty knowledge." These were isolated cases —one in the Province of Wellington, and one in Auckland—and they go a very little way towards provirg the existence of this "disgraceful system of crimping." Commodore Seymour ought, it is submitted, to have adduced some more conclusive evidence than he has done, before making this charge. The charges made by the Commodore that the local authorities have not aided him in the recapture of his men is believed to be entirely unfounded. The local authorities have done everything in their power; but them efforts have been very much impeded by the course pursued by Commodore Seymour, and by the absence of proper information which ought to have been furnished
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by him. The Superintendent of Wellington, in a letter dated 29th May, 1861, commenting on Commodore Seymour's complaints of that date, says, " The custom of Commodore Seymour and his Officers is not to give notice of the absence of seamen until some time after their leave of liberty has ex[ ired, and not to denounce them as desertprs until there is a certainty that they have absconded. His practice of course gives men intending to desert a clear start of several days before any one can be dispatched in pursuit of them, and affords them an opportunity of escaping by vessels leaving the harbour, long before aiv notice whatever has been given to the Police, —and yet, in no instance that I am aware of, have vessels leaving the harbour while these desertions were taking place, been boarded and searched by Officers of Her Majesty's Ships. Another difficulty under which the Police labour, arises from the fact that there are certain deserters of whom no description is given, and whose apprehension the Police very naturally conclude, is not desired. My own instructions to the Police, to use their best exertions, and to spare no expense in recovering deserters from Her Majesty's Ships, have been most imperative, and I have every reason to believe that they have been honestly and diligently carried out." (Appndx. to flrnl. of 11. of R.. 1861, D—9). A long list of deserters lately supplied by Captain Cator to His Excellency, which was laid before Ministers, afforded scarcely any clue to the identity of the men, and will, probably be. cf little or no use in securing their detection. That the Colonial authorities have done their best to aid in the capture of deserters is proved, not only in the case of Wellington by the le'ter of the Superintendent referred to, but also by the course pursued lately in Auckland, where, immediately on complaint being made to His Excellency, Ministers communicated with the Provincial authorities, and themselves, on the part of the General Government, appointed 12 paid special constables to assist the local police in the matter. Very little success will probably attend these efforts, for the reasons stated in the letter of the Superintendent of Wellington before cited, and which exist equally in all cases. Ministers cannot close this Memorandum without protesting against the want of candour which distinguishes some of the statements made by Commodore Seymour in his various communications on this subject, and which, they respectfully submit, ought to weigh with Her Majesty's Government before it supports him in the course which he threatens, of removing Her Majesty's ships from New Zealand waters at a time when their presence is peculiarly needed. For instance, in his letter of the 19th February, 1861, he states "that 18 seamen deserted from the ' Fawn,' at Wellington, during the past month, not one of whom, in all probability, will be recovered." Now it appears from the letter of the Superintendent of that Province, before quoted that 9 out of those 18, and 3 "Pelorus" men were taken by the police of that Province. Commodore Seymour, however, makes no acknowledgment of this fact, but continues to reiterate his unproved charge of want of cooperation on the part of the Provincial authorities. Again Commodore Seymour says "No attempt has been made to regulate the entries and discharges of seamen, either in the coasting or the long sea trade of that port (Wellington). There is no such official as a shipping master, and every seaman entering- Port Nicholson is apparently free to come and go as he pleases." The Collector of Customs of that port writes in direct contradiction of all these allegations. " The engagement and discharge of seamen is properly conducted at this port by myself, and regular returns furnished to the proper office of Great Britain. Ido not know of a single instance of the discharge or engagement of a seaman since the passing of the 'Merchant Seamen's Act, 1854,' except before myself or the next superior officer of Customs at this port. The information which Commodore Seymour has received on this point is utterly untrustworthy, and without foundation." It may be added, in corroboration of this, that the Colonial Secretary, within the last two months, inspected the register referred to by the Collector, and found it had been kept with the greatest apparent precision and regularity. Yet Commodore Seymour appears, never to have corrected this misstatement, but attempts, in a letter to Governor Browne, by putting a construction of his own upon the account of Collector Carkeek which it does not properly bear, to evade the force of it, and has, no doubt, left it to produce its effect on the mind of Her Majesty's Government. William Fox.
No. 5. MB. FOX TO THE SUPERINTENDENT, AUCKLAND. 480. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 19th May, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to enclose copies of the papers in the margin relative to the desertion of Seamen in New Zealand from Her Majesty's Navy. As the statements made by Commodore Seymour imply a charge of neglect against the Police at Auckland, I shall feel obliged if your Honor will furnish me with any explanations which you may think it right to record on this subject, in order that it may acccompany the papers referred to which will be laid before the General Assembly next Session. I have, &c, William Fox. His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland.
Secretary of Stale to His Excellency the Governor, 4th Dec, 1861. Secretary of Mate to His Excellency the Governor, January 20tb, 1862
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Secretary of State to His Excellency the Governsr, 4th Dec, U'6l. Secretary of State to His Excellency the Governor, 20th January, lilHi. Commodore Seymour to His Excellency the Governor, 18th April, 1162.
No. 6. 75 THE SUPERINTENDENT, AUCKLAND, TO COLONIAL SECRETARY. Superintendent's Office, Auckland, 24th May, 1862; Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 480, of date 19th May, instant, covering copies of the papers noted in the margin, relative to the Desertion of Seamen from H. M.'s Navy, and requesting to be furnished with any information which I might think it right to record in regard to the charges of neglect of duty made by Commodore Seymour against the Police at Auckland. The papers having been referred to the Commissioner of Police, I enclose copy of reply of that Officer. It does not appear that the allegations of Commodore Seymour, in so far at least as this Province is concerned, suffice either to account for the determination at which he himself appears to have arrived to remain at Sydney, or to make it clear th.it H. M.'s Ships are subject to greater loss of by men desertion in this Colony than in the Ports of Australia. I have, &c. Daniel Pollen, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, For the Superintendent. Auckland.
Srcretary nf State to His Excellency the Governor, 4tli Dec, 1881. Secretary of Slate to His Excellency trie CfOvernor, 80th January, 1808. Commodore Seymour to Mis Excellency the Governor, 18th April, 180-2.
* This correspondence is not punted, being of ft print! nature.
Enclosure in No. 6. REPLY TO COMMODORE SEYMOUR'S COMPLAINTS AGAINST AUCKLAND POLICE. Armed Police Office, Auckland, May 23rd, 1862, Sip.,— With reference to the letter addressed to your Plonor by the Honorable the Colonial Secretary covering copies of the papers noted in the margin, relative to the Desertion in New Zealand, of Seamen from Her Majesty's Navy, I beg to state that having perused the documents as directed by your Honor, I am obliged to regard the series of mis-statement 3 and assertions made by Commodore Seymour in his communications to the Admiralty and to His Excellency Sir George Grey, as mere attempts on his part to transfer the blame, properly attributable to himself and to those under his command, to the shoulders of the Police; and I am sure that the whole matter would scarcely be worth noticing, were it not that Commodore Seymour's letters may yet meet with pfirusal where no knowledge of the character or general efficiency of the Auckland Police could possibly exist. I take leave to subjoin, for your Honor's information, copy of a correspondence* which took place in October last between the Commodore and myself, in which it will be seen that I very distinctly pointed out to the Commodore the inaccuracy of the opinions entertained by him at that time respecting the Police, and also explained the difficulties to be contended with in this Colony in capturing deserters, owing to the facilities for eluding vigilance of the Police as compared with the other Colonies. It is worthy of note, that so completely did my communications on this occasion convince him of the fallacy of his opinions, that in a very few days afterwards he felt himself in a position to write to the Home Authorities expressing his happiness at the improved state of the Force. I also subjoin a copy of a letter addressed by me to Commodore Loring, by which it will be seen that the Police, in aiding the Naval branch of Her Majesty's Service, did not confine their assistance and advice to the capture of runaway sailors only, but also brought to their notice other species of misconduct which, if left unnoticed and unchecked, would surely have brought discredit on their honourable profession. I also annex a copy of a letter to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, containing suggestions for the preservation of order on the Race Course; lest, as was feared at the time, a collision should take place between the sailors and the Natives: and I further annex a copy of a letter addressed to your Honor, proffering all the assistance in my power to Commander Cator. These letters speak for themselves, and are undeniable proofs of the desire of the Auckland Police to co-operate with and assist the Naval Authorities on all occasions. The Commodore states in his letter to His Excellency Sir George Grey, that only in two instances deserters have been apprehended in the bush by the Police, and cites the case of a man being employed within six miles of Auckland. I would be unwilling to say that a gentleman, holding a high position such as the Commodore, would make a wilful mis-statement; but as will be seen in a correspondence between himself and me, above alluded to, I have had before to challenge the correctness of his assertions, and was willing then, as I am now, to suppose that he was led to make such reckless statements by the false and imperfect information with which he too readily permits himself to be supplied. The Police have repeatedly, very repeatedly, apprehended deserters in the bush, and many of them more than (50) fifty miles from Auckland, after long and wearisome journeys; and I must here complain of the unsatisfactory mode adopted by the Naval Authorities of reporting absentees, whereby the Police are deprived of the chance of capturing deserters in or near the town. A reward is generally offered, and the ship's corporal, or some such functionary, usually hawks the report about town in order to pick up as many of the men as he can; and when satisfied that there are others out of reach, some of them perhaps more than 20 miles away, the matter is handed over to the Police. This prac-
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tice, which is much to be deprecated, causes not only extra toil and labour to the Police, but entails a wasteful expenditure of the funds of the Government of this Province. If the report of absentees were handed to the Police with promptness, much desertion would be saved, they (the Police) being as may naturally be supposed, better acquainted with tliose parts of the town where the runaways are likely to seek shelter; and I would not (as too often has been the case) be obliged to strip the town of its usual and much-needed Police protection, to scour the country in search of them. Amongst the number of assertions made by Commodore Seymour, I feel bound to notice his allusion to a " disgraceful system of crimping," which he imagines is practised in Auckland. This, like his other charges, has little or no foundation. I believe "crimping," in its proper light, is not known in the Province. Many of the bush settlers have, it is true, been deluded by these runaways, who describe themselyes as newly arrived immigrants. It is a certainty, too, that the sailors require no enticing; for, from some cause or other, best known to themselves, they are but too eager to embrace every opportunity to escape, and would in some instances rather live on fern-root in the bush than return to their vessels. During the last six weeks, the General Government have authorized me to employ some men for the purpose of assisting the Police in recovering deserters. In this service, lam glad to be able to report that we have been very successful, having captured upwards of thirty (30) men, deserters from both branches of the Service; some of whom have been taken in the bush more than 40 miles from Auckland, and the party in pursuit have been out both day and night during the late severe weather. At the same time I would bring to your Honor's notice, that I have met with some difficulty in obtaining men for this service, owing to the hardships to be endured, and I very much fear that I will be unable to induce them again to accompauy the Police on this duty. The matter being now in the hands of the Government, I trust the opportunity will not be lost of impressing upon the Naval and Military Authorities, that it is desirable that more active precautionary measures should on their part be taken for the prevention of desertion. I cannot conclude without acknowledging that in respect to the Military, General Cameron has done me the honor to receive with attention, and has given prompt effect to suggestions which at times I have made in connexion with the conduct of his men; and should the Naval Authorities feel disposed to adopt the same course, the Government will have obviated the necessity of organizing a large and expensive body of men for the sole purpose of keeping the sailors on board their ships. 1 have, &c, James Nafghton, His Honor the Superintendent, Commissioner of Police. Auckland. P. S. —I ought to have acquainted your Honor that on the arrival of the " Fawn" in the harbour the other day, I applied to "have the Naval Deserters taken on board, but Commander Cator refused at first to take more than six of them; notwithstanding that, as complained of by Commodore Seymour, she is so short-handed. The Commander's reason for refusing was, that they did not all belong to his ship: he at length, however, consented to accept them. J. N.
Sub-Enclosure 1 in No. 6. Armed Police Office, 4th October, 1860. Sir, — It is with reluctance that I feel myself called upon to draw your attention to the gross misconduct of several of the sailors of Her Majesty's ship "Iris", whilst ashore, in the streets of this town, more particularly during last night, when some of them attacked and treated in a very indecent manner several very respectable ladies, who were returning from a bazaar which had been held that evening for charitable purposes; and had not the Police interfered there is no knowing what further outrage these ladies would have been subjected to. And upon the same evening the attention of the constable on duty in Upper Queen-street was attracted to the cries of two females, whom some sailors were ill treating. Upon his remonstrating with them and advising them to desist, nine or ten of them fell upon him and beat him in a most cruel manner; in fact until I ascertain the result of the doctor's examination of him, I am unable to say what damage he has received. This conduct is not only unmanly and unworthy of men belonging to so distinguished a branch of the British Service, but is exceedingly ungrateful on their part, for I know from personal observation, that on many occaisons during the winter when the Police discovered sailors lying out in the cold and wet, they took them up and brought them to their station-house, placed them before a warm fire and oftentimes gave them refreshments in order to restore them. I therefore beg to request that you will have the goodness to take such measures as to you may seem most proper to prevent a recurrence of the conduct which has rendered it necessary on my part to make this disagreeable report. Before concluding, sir, I would wish further to apprize you that several of the sailors evince a strong disposition to molest and insult the Natives. This, I would submit, is very injudicious
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conduct at the present time, as a wound or a blow inflicted upon one of the Natives would not unlikely, considering the disturbed state of affairs, involve the whole Province in a war; as a proof of this I would remind you that at Wanganui in 1847, where I was present a Native received a wound from a young man belonging to Her Majesty's ship "Calliope", by a mere accident, which led to the immediate murder of the Giln'llan family, and consequently hastened the disturbance which took place in that district. I have, &c, The Senior Officer of H. M. S. "Iris." James Naughton, Auckland Harbor. Commissioner of Police.
Letter alluded to, dated itk October, UJC.
Sub-Enclosure 2 in No. 6. Armed Police Office, 26th December, 1860. Sir,The approach of the races for 1861, and the disturbed nature of the relations at present existing between the Europeans and Natives, induce me to call attention to an event which took place at the races, held the beginning of this year, through which a collision between them was with difficulty prevented. On the first day of the races some of the men-of-war sailors on the course insulted some Natives, and early next day the Natives were observed to gather in numbers on the hills in the neighbourhood of the course, and towards evening some of the worst disposed of them approached the race ground and evinced a strong desire to obtain satisfaction for the insult offered the preceding day; but having received early intimation of the intention of the Natives I made the best arrangements possible for keeping them from coming into contact with the sailors, who appeared quite as eager for the affray, which was therbey avoided. lam further induced to call attention to this matter iv consequeuce of having observed a disposition on the part of the young soldiers (who lately arrived in this town) to insult aud irritate the Natives, which, owing to the excitement of a race-course, they may probably do to a greater extent. I would therefore suggest that the Officers commanding each branch of the service be communicated with, not with a desire to deprive either the soldiers or sailors of participating in the sports, but in order that such precautionary measures as to them may seem best may be takeii to prevent a recurrence of the disturbance which took place last races, and I would further suggest that an Officer of the Native Department be instructed to be in attendance on the course in case any misunderstanding should arise. I have, &c. The Honorable the Colonial Secretary. James Naughton, Inspector of Police. P.S.—The enclosed copy of a letter, which I felt myself called upon some time ago to address to the Officer in command of H.M.S. "Iris" with regard to the conduct of the sailors towards the Natives, and the disposition on their part to resist and molest the Police in the execution of their duty, will show the necessity of the steps which I have suggested being taken by the Naval Authorities themselves. J. N.
Sub-Enclosure 3 in No. 6. Armed Police Office, 7th September, 1861. Sir,— With advertency to a conversation had with you a few days ago on the subject of desertion from the ships of war on this station, I beg leave to apprize you of my intention to despatch to the interior of the country some of the Police force under my command to endeavour to effect the apprehension of some of these runaways. The strength of the force and the incessant demand upon their services for town du'y being such that I can only spare a limited number for the proposed expedition, may I request you will supplement it by directing that a few reliable men belonging to such of the ships as have lost men, be sent to render assistance in the performance of ihe duty. In the event of the proposition above suggested meeting with your approval, I beg that the men selected to accompany the Police be ordered to be in attendance at the Police station on Tuesday next the 10th inst., at 5 p.m. 1 have, &c, James Naughton, Commissioner of Police. To Commodore Seymour, &c, &c, &c. Auckland Harbour.
No. 7. Superintendent's Office. Auckland, Hth February, 1862. Sir,— Referring to the conversation had with you on the subject of deserters from H.S.M. "Fawn," I hare the honor to forward enclosed copy of a letter from the Commissioner of Police. I have, &c, J, Williamson, Superintendent. Captain Cator, H.M.S. " Fawn," Auckland Harbour.
Enclosure in No. 7. A. Armed Police Office, 13th February, 1862. Sir,— Adverting to a conversation had with your Honor relative to an application made by Captain Cator of H.M. ship "Fawn," respecting absent sailorg from H.M. ships of war on this station, I have the honor to state that it will at all times afford me much pleasure to aid the Navil Authorities in the apprehension of individuals of this class. I have before now repeatedly expressed my willingness to aid in this duty. The cause of the present application I presume arose out of an occurrence which took place a few days ago. A ship's corporal of the " Fawn" brought me a list of some 10 or 12 men who were absent, and gave me to understand that the greater number of these men were in a publichouse in Auckland, that ho wanted the Police to put them on board. I directed him to report the circumstances to Captain Cator and obtain an escort from his ship, and stated that I would instruct the Police to render all assistance in their power. From the few Policemen I could supply after their discharge of other duties and the well known ill-feeling that exists between sailors and constables, I considered it would be endangering the peace of the neighbourhood to attempt with a few Policemen to drag ten or twelve half-drunken sailors through the streets, knowing' also, as 1 do, that the Policemen have often returned from such disreputable encounters with their clothes torn from their backs. Notwithstanding this, however, it will, as I have before stated, afford me pleasure to render to the Naval Authorities all the aid in my power, and to protect them from obstruction by civilians whilst engaged in search of their men. I have, &c, James Naughton, Commissioner of Polite. His Honor the Superintendent, Auckland.
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FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO DESERTIONS FROM SHIPS OF WAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, D-05
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5,401FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO DESERTIONS FROM SHIPS OF WAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, D-05
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