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A—No. 6b



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No. 1. THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI, TO THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. (No. 33.) Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 27th May, 1862. Sir,— In reference to my letter of the 15th April last, recommending that certain reductions should take place in the force employed by the Engineering Surveyor on the Roads, I have the honor to forward my views on the whole question, expressed in my Message No. 96 to the Provincial Council, copy of which is enclosed, the views therein stated, I made, as I felt them to be in the joint interests of the Colony and the Province, and in the belief that they would meet with the support and assistance of the Government. I enclose, with the Message referred to, copies of the correspondence that were laid with it before the Provincial Council and of the Resolutions adopted in consequence. And I have the honor to apply for a Crown Grant of the portion of Mount Elliot as yet unconveyed to the Province, a tracing of which is enclosed, as a Reserve for Harbour nnd Beach Improvements (subject to the requirements of the Military authorities till peace is proclaimed) to enable the Superintendent and Provincial Council to go into the necessary details and estimates to deal with it by legislation, to raise funds on it for the employment of the labour required. I have, &C-, Charles Brown, Superintendent. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, &c, &c, &c, Auckland.

Enclosure 1 in No. 1. Superintendent's Office, 20th May, 1862. Message, No. 90. The Superintendent has the honor to transmit for the information and consideration of the Provincial Council, copies of the correspondence in his office, connected with the recent dismissal ot men from the Road Works of the General Government. He feels it necessary to express his regret that the dismissal took place by the orders of the Engineering Surveyor in such a brief and sudden manner, against the advice and representations made to him by Messrs. Burton, Halsc, and Atkinson, concurreii in by the Superintendent. Apart from the absence of notice by the Engineering Surveyor which has inflicted doubt and anxiety that might have been avoided, and that has precluded the Superintendent from laying the correspondence before the Council for its consideration, befoie it was acted on, he is of opinion that the change is highly necessary and desirable. The duties of the General and Provincial Governments are joint and reciprocal, and the Superintendent felt it his duty, when the Province could afford witli profit to itself to employ a portion of the labour of the Province, to recommend that a line of distinction should bg introduced that would continue in the employment of the General Government those for whom it was intended. Twelve months ago the Lieut.-General Commanding stated that he did not then require the services of the Militia at Taranaki, and considerately added that it would be a great hardship on those who had been driven from their homes, and had no other means of support, to be deprived of pay and rations. The General Government has acted on a liberal view of this recommendation. The Provincial Council has now to determine whether the Province will beneficially employ the surplus labour now in the market or not.


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Believing as the Superintendent does, in the future of the Province, he asks the Provincial Council at a time when the employment of labour by private individuals will not be affected by it, to concur with him in the necessary measures for the employment of the surplus labor now here, and to place it on such a satisfactory and permanent basis, as to offer sufficient inducement to the soldiers that will be discharged from the 65th Regt., to come and settle here. Pending the consideration of the question by the Provincial Council, the Superintendent has undertaken to give four shillings a day, wet or dry, to the men who have sought employment from the Government; in wet weather it is proposed to employ them in breaking stone under sheds. This stone might with benefit be substituted for the money contribution of the Province in aid of the rates in the town district. In dry weather the Superintendent recommends that the men be employed in levelling so much of the Kawau pah and .Mount Elliot as the General Government will sanction, subject to Military requirements, allowing for which the land to high water levelled and acquired will amount to about twelve acres, equal in value from its position to more than four times the value of the labour that is required to do the work. Irrespective of the great improvement to the town, the Superintendent sees in this work, a profit that may be reasonably devoted to the execution and maintenance of Harbour improvements. Chaules Brown. Superintendent.

Sub-Enclosure 1 in Enclosure 1 in No. 1. THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI, TO THE COLONIAL SECRKTAUY. Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 15th April, 18G2. Sir, — I have the honor to make the following statement, and recommendation for the favourable consideration of the Government. The number of men now employed road making by the General Government are on an average one hundred and twenty, of ihis number about one half are men driven from their homes by the, the remainder are either town residents whose homes have never been injured, or strangers who ha-ve arrived from other Provinces during active hostilities to enlist in the militia or Volunteers, for the pay and rations. The latter half receive on an average over five but under six shillings a working day for their labour, and I submit have no equitable claim on the employment offered by the Government, but should be left to find private employment for their labour, or leave the Province to seek it in some other parof the Colony. I therefore recommend that those who have not been driven from tht-ir homes by the war, be struck off Government pay and that the troops in garrison be employed in their stead—which will obtain for the Government for the expenditure now incurred for sixty men at five shillings a day, the services of three hundred soldiers at ten pence working pay per day. I have, &c, Charles Brown, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Superintendent. Auckland.

Sub-Enclosure 2 in Enclosure 1 in No. 1. THE COLONIAL SECRETARY, TO THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 3rd May, 1862. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter No. 18, dated the 15th ultimo, making certain suggestions with reference to the employment of Militiamen in the Province of Tarauaki on Public Works, and to return to you the thanks of the Government for the same. I have to request your Honor to be good enough to assist Mr. Carrington in distinguishing the persons who are not entitled to employment, as he will be instructed to take immediate steps to discharge them. The suggestion about the substitution of soldiers will have to stand over until His Excellency the Governor can be communicated with, which I propose to do forthwith. 1 have, &c, William Fox. His Honor the Superintendent, Taranaki.



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Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 13th May, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to inform you that I have been requested by the lion, the Colonial Secretary, " to assist you in distinguishing the persons who are not entitled to employment as you were to be instructed to take immediate steps to discharge them," and to inform you that I am ready to afford the assistance required. I have &c, Charles Brown, Superintendent. F. A. Carrington, Esq. Engineering Surveyor, Devon-street.

Sub-Enclosure 1 in Enclosure 1 in No. 1. MB. CARRINGTON TO THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI. Engineering Surveyor's Office, New Plymouth, 13th May, 1852. Sir, — I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter of this day's date, in which you state " I have been requested by the lion. Colonial Secretary to assist you in distinguishing the persons who are not entitled to employment, as you were to be instructed to take immediate steps to discharge them, and to inform you that I am ready to afford you the assistance requested." In reply, I have the honor to make known to you that I have received a letter from the Under Secretary, enclosing a copy of your letter of the luth ultimo, to the hon. the Colonial Secretary, in which "you recommend that those who have not been driven from their homes by the war be struck off Government pay and that the troops in the Garrison be employed in their stead"—and I am requested "not to employ any persons who are within the category indicated by his Honor the Superinendeist of Taranaki ' I therefore trust that you will be so obliging as to furnish me with, the names of those who are within the category indicated by your Honor. I have &c.,, Fked. A. Carrington, Engineering Surveyor. P. S.— Before closing this letter I would urge upon your Honor the vital importance of using every means in your power to facilitate the making of the leading line of road through the acquired land, from the Bell Block to the Poutoko. I cannot but express my deep regret at the reduction about to be made in my working party, more particularly as the number of men now employed are barely lufl cient to meet the urgency of the work required. Fkm>. A. Carrington. His Honor the Superintendent of Taranaki.

Sub-Enclosure 5 hi Enclosure 1 iv No. 1. THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI, TO Mil. CAHRINGTON. Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, lCih May 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 13th inst., and to transmit herewith a list of the persons entitled to employment, '• «ho have been driven from their homes by the war," in the terms of the Colonial Secretary's authority. This list has been compiled from a list of the men employed on the 10th instant. There are doubtless errors iv it, which I shall be happy to rectify when they are brought under my;notice, and probably additions will have to be made to it from time to time, of men who nay not hitherto have availed themselves of the employment offered by the General Government. I have &c, Brown, Superintendent. F. A. Carrington, Esq. Engineering Surveyor, New Plymouth.


Sub-Enclosure 3 in Enclosure 1 in No. 1. THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI, TO Mil. CARRINGTON.


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Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 25th November, 1861. Sin,— After a careful consideration of your letter of the 12th instant, I find it difficult to point out other evils than those which must result to a civil population brought under a Military discipline, in which their previous habits, fitting them for irregular light troops, are eradicated by a mouotonous Battalion drill, which destroys that feeling of individuality so valuable to irregular troops in the field. The absence of any great extent of industrial and productive employment in or out of the Militia until a state of reliable peace is established, also destroys much of the valuable social condition of the settlers. At present, the Province is receding rather than progressing, and under any circumstances iis progress will be materially retarded by the severance of family ties that has ensued, from the independence of parental control necessarily afforded to every one over sixteen in the Militia and Volunteers. With reference to your verbal inquiry in what direction a reduction of the force should take place, when it is required, I have the honor to state that I highly deprecate any reduction taking place until after the settlers, in assured security, resume the occupation of their farms. Assuming that this will be the course adopted, I recommend that the force should be gradually reduced in the following order— applicable equally to Officers and Privates. 1. All persons who have asked for and obtained prolonged leave of absence, 2. All strangers who have come into the Province since the commencement of the war. 3. All persons holding General or Provincial Government appointments. 4. All persons whose means of subsistence before the war, were earned in the Town. 5. All single men. 6. All persons whose families are supported by the Government at Nelson. 7. The remainder. I have &-c, Charles Brown, Superintendent. Capt. Rookes, Commissioner, &c, &c, &c.

Enclosure 2 in No. 1. Council Chamber, New Plymouth, 20th May, 1862. On the Motion of the Provincial Secretary, Resolved, —That in reference to Message No. 96 of His Honor the Superintendent, this Council is prepared to sanction tie expenditure necessary to provide employmentforthosemen who are discharged from Public Works, until this Council shall have fully considered His Honor's Message. A True Extract. F. Ronalds, Clerk.

Enclosure 3 in No. 1. Council Chamber, New Plymouth, 23rd May, 1862. On the motion of the Provincial Secretary. Resolved, — That this Council fully recognizes the advantages of having Provincial Works in progress which may afford employment to any surplus labour, now, or which may be hereafter in the market, so far as this can be done beneficially, and will concur with His Honor the Superintendent in the necessary measures for this purpose as soon as plans and details are before it. A True Extract. F. Ronalds, Clerk.



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No. 2. THE COLONIAL SECRETARY TO THE SUPERINTENDENT, TARANAKI. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 16th July, 18G2. Sir, — I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter, No. 33.. of the 27th of Jlay last, referring'to the recent reduction of the force employed by the Engineering Surveyor on the roads in Taranaki, and applying, with a yievt to the employment of surplus labour on other public works, for a Crown Grant of a portion of Mount Elliot (subject to requirements for Military purposes) as a Reserve for Harbour andßeach Improvements. Your Honor's letter has been referred to the Military Authorities, and, in enclosing a copy of Colonel Mould's report thereon, I have to inform you that, on the terms contained in that report, the Government is prepared to give the Grant applied for. I have, &c., William Fox. His Honor the Superintendent, Taranaki.

No. 3. THE ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY TO THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. Head Quaiters, Auckland, 3rd July, 1862. So, — In reply to your letter of the 20th ultimo, I am directed by the Litut -General Commanding to return to you the enclosures you forwarded for his ccnsideiation, together with a letter from Colonel Mould, the Commanding Royal Engineer, upon the subjtct, with which he entirely concurs. 1 have &c, G. S. Whitmore, The Private Secrtary Assistant Military Secretary. &c, & c, Wellington

Enclosure in No. 3. COLONEL MOULD TO THE ASSISTANT MILITARY Si:CH£TAKY. Royal Engineer's Office, Auckland, 30th June, 1862. Sir,I have the honor to state in reference to the request contained in the correspondence returned herewith, that the portion of Mount Elliot at New Plymouth as yet unconveyed may he granted to (he Province of Taranaki; that in my opinion there is not any objection to thepropcsition nor to the execution of any works of levelling the area, on the full understanding that not any interference shall be permitted on the space surrounded by the entrenchment and its ditch, or with the present cart access thereto, until it is no longer required by the Military authorities; and also that when the ground is relinquished the permanent buildings thereon put up by the War Department sliall be removed and tho materials sold for the benefit of the Crown unless ihe Provincial Authorities avail themselves of the option of purchasing them at their then value. A written guarantee to the above effect should be given by the Superintendent of the Province previous to the issue of the Crown Giant, and should be deposited in the office of the Commanding Royal Engineer as Custodier of lands and buildings in the occupation of the War Department. I have, &c, Thos. R. Mould, Colonel Commanding Royal Engineers. The Assistant Military Secretary, &c, &c, &c. '



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No. 4. MR. CARBXNQTON TO THE UNDER SECRETARY. New Plymouth, Taranaki, 28th June, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to enclose the original letter from the Military Secretary to the Private Secretary at Government House, which, as desired by Mr. Fox, I have transcribed, filed, and eommuincated to His Honor the Superintendent, I have, &c, Fred. A. Carrington, Engineering Surveyor. Wm. Gisborne, Escf, Under Secretary,

Enclosure in No. 4. THE ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY TO HIS EXCELLENCY'S PRIVATE SECRETARY. Head Quarters, Auckland, 7th Juno, 1862. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ult., relative to the employment of the tronps at Taranaki in making roads in that Province, and, in reply, am directed by the Lieut. General Commanding to requaint you, for the information of His Excellency the Governor that Colonel Warre will be instructed to furnish such working partie3 as may be applied for by Mis Honor the Superintendent for that purpose, the men so employed being paid at the rate of nine pence a day. The Lieut-General, however, would request that the Superintendent may be informed that the troops are on no account to he employed on roads designed for the convenience of private individuals, but only on roads approved of by His Excellency and constructed for the defence of the settlement, or with reference to future military operations. - He also thinks it advisable that, except in case of urgent necessity, the troops should not at Ibis season of the year, be employed in road making at such a\listance from their barracks as would render it necessary to encamp them. I have, &c, G. S. Whitmohe, Major and A. M. Secretary. The Private Secretary, Government House.



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Bibliographic details

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO MILITARY DEFENCE. MILITARY ROAD PARTIES AT TARANAKI., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, A-06e

Word Count

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO MILITARY DEFENCE. MILITARY ROAD PARTIES AT TARANAKI. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, A-06e

FURTHER PAPERS RELATIVE TO MILITARY DEFENCE. MILITARY ROAD PARTIES AT TARANAKI. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1862 Session I, A-06e

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