BEEF IN BETTER DEMAND. STEADY SALE FOR SHEEP. PIGS AGAIN DULL. A smaller yarding of beef met with an improved demand at the weekly Westfield fat stock sale, which was held yesterday instead of to-day owing to the Easter holidays. Ox beef was of good quality, and in some cases values were slightly firmer than those of last week. Extra choice ox again sold at prices up to 37s per 100 lb. There was a moderate yarding of sheep, which met with a steady sale at rates ruling last week. Lambs came forward in smaller numbers, prime lambs selling under keen competition at improved values. Pigs were yarded in smaller numbers owing to the recent drop in prices. Competition was again dull and there was no improvement in values. .'The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales. This week. Last week. BEEF (per iOOlb) —
Dalgety and Co,
Messrs Dalgety and Go., report that at their weekly fat stock market held to-day they offered ox beef in lessei numbers than last week, the quality of which was first-class. Competition was good and values were very firm at last week’s rates.
Cow and heifer beef was yarded ir under average numbers and here again the demand was good, resulting in values remaining very firm at late rates.
Extra choice ox beef sold to 37s per 1001 b; choicest prime ox beef, 34s to 36s per 1001 b; secondary and plain ox beef, 32s 'o 33s 6d per 100 lb.; prime young cow and heifer beer, 30s to 33s per 1001 b.; ordinary cow beef, 25s to 29s per 1001 b. Heavy prime steers sold at £l3 15s to £l4 7s 6d; lighter prime steers, £l2 7s 6d to £l3 7s 6d; light prime steers, £ll 12s 6d to £l2; small and unfinished steers, £9 12s 6d. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers sold at £lO 2s 6d to £lO 10; heavy prime cows and heifers, £8 15s to £9 15s; lighter prime cows ana heifers, £7 2s 6d to £8 10s; other killahle cows, £6 7s 6d to £6 15s. Sheep came forward in usual numbers and there was a steady demand. ■ Values were very firm at full late rates. Extra heavy prime wethers brought 29s to 29s 9d; heavy prime, 27s 9d to 28s; medium, 25s 6d to 26s 9d; light and unfinished, 20s to 225; heavy prime ewes, 18s. Lambs were yarded in numbers well up to tbe average, for which a steady demand existed, and late rates were well maintained. Heavy prime lamb realised 20s; medium, 18s 6d; light, 17s 6d. Calves were penned in average numbers, and sold at late rates, with the exception of medium and light vealers, which registered prices rather in excess of those ruling at late sales. Runners brought up to £6; heavy vealers, £4 10s to £5; medium, £4 to £4 10s; light, £2 15s to £3 17s 6d; rough, £1 2s to £2 10s; small, 18s to £1 15s; fresh dropped, to 16s. Pigs: In consequencce of the recent all-round drop in prices for pigs our offering to-day was considerably higher, but in spite of this fact the market showed no recovery. Choppers sold up to £3; heavy- baconers, ;3 13s to £4q medium, £3 5s to £3 12s; light, £2 15s to £3 3s; heavy porkers, £2 6s to £2 14s; medium, £1 18s to £2 ss; light, £1 11s to £1 16s.
Loan and Mercantile.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report:—Beef was penned in less than average numbers. The market showed a better tone, with values very firm at late rates. Extra choice ox sold to £1 17s per 1001 b; choice and prime ox, £1 14s to £1 16s; ordinary and plain ox, £1 11s to £1 13s; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 11s to £1 13s; ordinary cow beef, £1 7s to £1 10s; heavy prime steers, £l4 to £l4 17s 6d; lighter prime steers, £l3 to £l3 17s 6d; light prime steers £ll ICs to £l2 17s 6d; unfinished and small, £9 to £ll 7s 6d; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 to £9 17s Gd; lighter, £7 7s 6d to £8 ss; light cows, £6 to £7 ss; other cows, £4 10s to £5 17s 6d.
Sheep were yarded in less than average numbers- There was a steady demand, wethers being firm at late rates. Ewes were penned in short numbers and improved in values. Heavy prime wethers brought £1 8s 3d to £1 9s; medium prime wethers, £1 6s 9d to £1 8s; light prime wethers, £1 5s to £1 6s 6d; small and unfinished wethers, £1 2s 6d to £1 4s 9d; heavy prime ewes, 19s 9d to £1 Is; medium prime ewes, 17s 9d to 19s 6d; light prime ewes, 16s to 17s 6d. Lambs were penned in less than average numbers. Prime lambs sold under keen competition at improved values. Store lambs were dull of sale. Heavy prime made £1 4s to £1 ss; medium prime, £1 2s 3d to £1 3s 9d; light prime, 19s to £1 2s; unfinished, best, 10s to 13s; others, 6s 6d to 9s 9d; very small and poor, 2s 6d upwards. A small yarding of pigs met with a firmer demand. Values improved on last week’s quotations. Choppers sold from £2 10s to £3 6s; heavy and medium baconers, £3 10s to £4 Is; light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 17s to £3 Ss; medium porkers and light porkers, £2 os to £2 15s; small and unfinished porkers, £1 12s to £2 3s. Store pigs were penned in small numbers. Values were at last week’s quotations. Large stores made £1 to £1 10s; slips, 10s to 18s; weaners, 5s to 12s. Calves were penned in small numbers. Light vealers sold at improved values. Heavy vealers were dull of sale. Runners brought £4 5s to £5 7s Od; heavy vealers, £3 10s lo £5; medium, £3 to £3 8s; light, £2 5s to £2 18s; smaller, £1 14s to £2 4s; small and fresh dropped, 7s to £1 12s; rough calves, 16s to £1 10s.
Alfred Buckland and Sons. Alfred Buckland, and Sons, Limited, report. On account of the Easter holidays we held our weekly Westfield fat stock market yesterday. Fat cattle were penned to the number of 259 head, compared with the 275 head at last week's sale, comprising 144 steers and 115 cows and heifers. The quality of the ox beef was firstclass. There was an improved demand and in odd cases values were slightly firmer. Extra choice ox sold to £1 17s per 1001 b; choice and prime ox, £1 15s to £1 16s 6d; secondary and plain, £i 12s to £1 14s; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 10s to £1 13s; ordinarycow beef, £1 5s to £1 9s; heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l4 10s to £ls ss, this price being paid for steers from'Mr B. Reed, Waerenga; lighter prime steers, £l3 to £l4 7s 6d; light prime, £ll 10s to £l2 17s 6d; small and unfinished, £9 to £ll 7s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO 10s to £ll 17s Od; heavy- prime, £9 to £lO ss; lighter prime, £7 to £8 17s 6d; other tillable cows, £4 10s to £6 17s 6d. The sheep pens were moderately filled with a good class of mutton, which sold steadily at last week’s rates. A total of 748 was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers brought £1 8s 6d to £1 9s 6d; heavy prime, £1 7s to £1 8s 3d; medium to heavy- prime, £1 5s 9d to £1 6s 9d; light to medium prime, £1 4s 6d to £1 5s 6d; unfinished, £1 is 6d to £1 4s; extra heavy prime young ewes, 19s 6d to £1 Is; heavy prime ewes, 18s .to 19s 3d; lighter prime, 16s Gd to 17s 9d. Lambs were penned short of requirements and sold at higher values, 157 being sold. Extra heavy prime lambs realised £1 5s to £1 6s 6d; heavy prime, £1 ‘4s to £1 4s 9d; lighter prime, £1 Is to £1 3s 6d; light prime, 18s to £1 0s 9d.
We had less than average yarding of fat and young calves, 137 being sold. Values for small and light vealers were equal to last week’s, but prices for the heavier classes were again lower. Runners made £4 to £6 ss; heavy prime vealers, £3 10s to £4 3s: medium, £2 15s to £3 4s; light, £2 5s to £2 14s; small, £1 12s to £2 2s; buc-ket-fed calved, £1 Is to £1 7s; rough and unfinished, 16s to £1; freshdropped and small, 3s to 15s. There was also a smaller entry- of fat pigs, prime baconers predominating. Bidding was again dull, and there was no improvement in values. The number sold was 238. Choppers made £2 12s to £4 Bs, according to weight; extra heavy prime baconers, £3 14s to £4 ss; medium, £3 4s to £3 8s; light, £2 16s to £3; heavy porkers, £2 10s to £2 14s; medium, £2 3s to £2 6s; light, £1 14s to £1 18s; small and unflnsihed, £1 8s to £1 11s; no stores offered, slips, 17s to £1 3s; good weaners, 11s to 13s; small, 7s to 10s.
Quotations for hides, sheepskins and tallow remained about the same as those ruling at the previous sale at the fortnightly auction conducted at Auckland yesterday. Following are the prices:—
Cow Hides. —Best grade, light, 5d to 5Jd per lb; medium, 5Jd to 5Jd; heavy-, sid to 53d; cut, 4£d to sd; second grade, 3£d to 4d; ox, best grade, Light, 52d to 5 7-8 d; medium, s£d to s|d; heavy, 5Jd to 6d; cut, 4|d to sd; second grade, 4£d to 4|d; slippy, 3d to 3|d; kips, best grade, 5Jd to s|d; second grade, 4d to yearlings, heavy, 7d to 7id; light, 7Jd to 8d; second grade, sid to 6id; calfskins, heavy, 8d to Bid; medium, lOd to light, 9£d to 9|d; tmall, Bid to 9d; slippy, 6£d to 7d; cut, 8d to B*d. Sheepskins.—Dried, three-quarter to full-woolled, medium to fine crossbred, 6Jd to 7d per lb; coarse, s£d to 6d; faulty, 5d to 5Ad; damaged, 3id to 4d; badly damaged, 2£d to 7d; quarter to half-woolled, 6£d to 7d; coarse, sfd to 6d; faulty, 5d to s£d; damaged, 2d to 2id; bare to quarter-woolled, 6d to 6id; second grade, 3£d-to 4d; faulty, 5d to sid; lambskins, best grade, s£dto 6id; faulty, 4d to 4£d; damaged, 3id to 4d; salted sheepskins, large, 3s 9d to 4s each; medium, 3s to 3s 3d; bare to quarter-woolled, large, 2s 4d to 2s 8d; light, Is 8d to 2s; faulty, Is 4d to Is 9d; lambskins, extra large, 2s to 3s 3d; medium to large, 2s 4d to 2s 9d; light, Is 6d to Is lOd; shorn, Is 2d to Is Bd. Tallow.—Barrels, good mixed, 23s Gd to 24s per cwt.; second grade, 22s to 22s Gd; poor quality, 20s to 21s; in tins, good mixed, 23s to 23s 6d; second grade, 20s to 225; horsehair, best tail, Is 6d to is 8d per lb; mixed, Is 3d to Is 4d; short and mane, 8d to 9d; bones, clean, dry, £5 10s a ton.
Ex. choice 37/ox Choice and 34/- to 36/prime ox Choice and 34/- to 36/prime cow II heifer . 30/- to 33/30/- to 33/SHEEP (per head) — Pr. wethers 24/6 to 23/6 24/- to 29/3 TJr.f. whh’s 21/6 to 24/9 21/-to 25 /- Frm. ewes 16/- to 21/15/- to 22/3 Prm. iambs 18/- to 26/6 15/- to 23/6 CALVES .(per head)lUmners .. 80/- to 125/70/- to 140/.'ealer3 .. 32/- to 100/28/- to 8 ifPIGS (per head) — Baeoners . 5-6/- to 85/56/- to 79/Porkers .. 34/- to 68/35/- to 62/Weaners .. 5/- to 13/3/- to 15/Slips .... 10/- to 23/7/- to 21/Lgre. stores 20/- to 30/20/- to 30/-
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Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17997, 16 April 1930, Page 15
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2,008WESTFIELD MARKET Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17997, 16 April 1930, Page 15
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