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Eh" H U NT, ♦ BOOT & SHOE IMPORTER, Hunter Street, Wellington. Wholesale Only. FOUND, on Saturday Evening, a stray Sheep and a. Lamb. The owner can have them by applying to Peter Ford, Old Custom House wharf, and paying expenses on the same. sth December, 1870. USTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOOIETY (Established 1849), FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE, ETC., Without Personal Liability. Principal Office : New Pitt Street, Sydney. The special advantages offered by this wellestablished Society are — 1. Undoubted Security.— On the 28th Feb., 1869, the ascertained total liability of the Society was £453,000, while the accumulated assets were £602,646, Bhowing a clear surplus of £149,646. There i» also over and above the Assurance Fund fche additional security of a Special Reserve Fund of £50,000. Afc the above date the Society had in hand equal to 70 per cenfc of the entire assurance premiums received from members. 2. Large Bonuses— because, being a purely Mutual Office, the entire profits belong to the assured, and have nofc fco be paid away in dividends to shareholders. The total Reversionary Bonuses declared by fche Society amounfc to £485,000. Members of fche Assurance Branch can obtain the value of their bonuses in cash, or appropriate them toa reduction of future premiums. Premiums may be paid half-yearly or quarterly. Should a member die during the days of grace ! whilst the premium is unpaid, the policy will still be valid and effectual. Profits divided every five years. Loans, within the surrender value, are granted to members on fche security of their policies. Surrender values are granted after a policy has endured three year*. Conditions for residence and voyaging most liberal. THE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY is a purely Mutual Life Office, local to Australia and' New Zealand, not confined to oue colony, but common to all ; local to each colony, but not restricted to any,, and, operating on a broader basis, is therefore safer than an office confined within narrow limits. Is a Life Office having a large number of policy holders in New Zealand, and investing its revenues from tbat place in fche public securities of the country. The assets of the Society comprise New Zealand Debentures to the value ,of £64,000. Was established in 1849, and ifc has succesfully passed through the ordeals to which all new Life Offices are exposed. Having completed the twenty-first year of ifcs existence, it has achieved a position of stability and affluence unexampled in fche history of Life Offices. Its accumulated and invested funds exceed £700,000 ; its income is over £200,000 a-year. The profits belong exclusively fco ifcs members. From the magnitude of ifcs resources ib is enabled to declare large Bonuses. The sources of profit are increased by the high rate of interest obtained on the invested funds, also by the difference between the margin provided for expenses and fcho low rate of expenditure actually incurred by the Society, an advantage incidental to a large business, neither of which can exist in a new office. The annual revenue was increased by £32,236 from new assurances effected in the last year, a rate of progress which entitles ib to rank with fche first-class Assurance instiutions of the United Kingdom. EXAMPLES OF BONUS. The following examples show fche total Bonus Additions fco fche Policies of £1000 under table A, up to 28th February, 1860 :— •A *£ 20 years in 15 year« in 10 years in 5 years in W force. force. force. force. -»- i ____________ C 3 -_-______— <v Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus O Additions. Additions. Additions. Additions. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 26 1010 16 4 395 9 1 161 11 3 45 13 6 351190 4 6 473 15 7 199 4 7 61 4 1 39 1285 16 6 503 18 9 214 6 3 49 11 11 42 1245 9 0 546 5 8 227 8 2 51 18 1 50 1347 9 10 626 7 4 272 1 8 73 19 1 Forms of proposal and every information may be obtained on application to Mr THOMSON, Travelling Agenfc. ALEXANDER J. RALSTON, General Seoretary. AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOOIETY. Established 1849. FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE, ETC. Mr W. A. THOMSON, Travelling Agent for this Society, is authorised to solicit proposals for Life Assurance in Wellington. ALEXANDER J. RALSTON, General Secretary. Principal Office : Sydney. AOTIOE. THE Uudersigned is now prepared to Scour and properly Dry all the skins of the sheep that are boiled down at the Berhampore Steam Works. Also, pack them in bales fit for shipment. During the interval of fche season, large and commodious buildings have been erected, and are heated with hot pipes. Other arrangements for thoroughly washing have also been put; up. Qt. H. LUXFORD. 2nd December, 1870. Dams* PATENT CENTRAL FIRE BREECH - LOADING REVOLVERS, as exclusively adopted by H.M. War Department. Proved by trial at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, to possess all the finest and most essential qualities of a revolver. See special J articles on tho recent competitive trial (Colt v. Adams)— " Times" Oct 2lßt, " Daily Telegraph," Ocfc. 22nd," "Engine-r," Ocfc, 22nd, " Pall Mall Gazette, Ocfc. 23rd. Reprints of the artioles and particulars fco be obtained of John Adams, at the Manufactory, 391, Strand London. TUST THE CHEESE! JAMESON'S AKAROA, At 10d per ft. To be had only afc JAMESON'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE, Willis street. "DARRACOUTA ! BABRACOUTA ! ! A fresh lot of FINE FISH now selling at 9d each, at JAMESON'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE, Willis street;. AN ESTABLISHED FAOT.— As all the Trade own, THAT FOR QUALITY AND PRICE, Nono can compete with JAMESON'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE (Unlimited). TjIINE CURED HAMS inOut at Is. per pound AT JAMESON'S CO-OPERATIVE STORE Willis Stbeet. • UY YOUR GROCERIES AT Wholesale Prices, In quantities to suit purchasers, at JAMESON'S CO-OPERATIVE SIORE, Willii •-.•...
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Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3018, 6 December 1870, Page 4
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951Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3018, 6 December 1870, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3018, 6 December 1870, Page 4
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