NOTIOE. ALL PERSONS indebted to me are requested fco pay tho amount of thoir respective accounts immediately. J. E. EVANS, Saddler, Lambton Quay, Near Joseph & Co.'s. IN Pursuance of the Patents Act, 1860, I, THOMAS LORD, of Waltham, near Christchurch, in the Province of Canterbury in New Zealand, hereby give notice thafc I have applied for a Grant o( Letters Patent for the Bole übo, benefifc, and advantage in New Zealand of certain Improvements in the Construction of Horizontal Windmills. Any person who may wish to prefer any objootion to the granting of such Letters Patent is requited, wifchin four calendar months after the publication of this advertisement to send to fche offioe or address of John Boyle Bennett, Bsq., afc Wellington, a statement in writing setting forth the grounds of suoh objeotion, subscribed wifch his proper name and address. (Signed) THOMAS LORD. , Waltham, near Christchurch, 28th November, 1870,
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Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3018, 6 December 1870, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3018, 6 December 1870, Page 4
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