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Usual fortnightly meeting held at the Court House, Tuesday. Present — Crs Chad wick (Chairman). Nathan, Brown, Willis, Kells, Hurley, Cross, and Carßon. The minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed. RACECOURSE BOAD. Mr Field waited upon the Council with reference to the road on the Racecourse dividing the Borough from the Wanganui - Waitotura district, stating, that £20 would be sufficient to mako the road passable. The matter was held over^ HOSPITAL. A letter, dated 6th May, from the Colonial Under-Secretary, was then read to the following effect :—: — " I am directed by the Colonial Secretary to acknowledge tha receipt of your lettor o the 30th ultimo, enclosing a statement o nooounts of the Wangaaai Hospital, for the year ending 31at March, 1878. lam directed to say that the Colonial Secretary has a dimculty in arming at an understaudiug of thes e accounts, particularly as to what amount, if any, has been paid to the Corporatijn. I need not remind you that by "The Wanganui Hospital Act, 1872," the whole charge of the institution is thrown upon the Borough. Notwithstanding thi3 the Government will as stated in the circular lettor from this department dated sth March last, pay an equivalent to any moneys disbursed by the Corporation in support of the Hospital, and to any; contributiou. raised from private sources. I f , therefore you will furnish me with a statutory declaration, stating the amountß derived from these sources during the quarter, an equal amount shall be placed to the credit of the Borough Fund, and the moneys deducted from subsidies shall bo rofunded, as from ihe Ist January last. ' — G. S. CooPiiU The Clerk read tho following reply :—: — Borough Council Office, Wanganui, May 15th, 1878. Sin,— ln reply to your letter of (.he 6th inst., addressed to the Town Clerk, in whioh you remind him, that by " Tho Wanganui Hospital Act, 1872," the whole charge of the institution is thrown upon the Borough, you will allow mo to refer to clause 2 of the " Wanganui Bridge and Wharf Act, 1872." by which yon will perceive that the maintenance of the Hospital by the Borough was contingent upon the purchase of the Bridge and Wharf. The Government has since without in any way consulting the wiahea of this Council, vo3ted the Bridge and Wharf in the Harbor Board, thereby taking from the Council the revenue which was intended to support the Hospital. Under these circumstances it is the opinion of this Council that the entire maintenance of the Hospital, devolves either on the Harbor Board or the Government. I also perceive, that, from circular 2, 78, of date, Feb. 14, 1878, the Government have during the year ending 30th June made de ductions from subsidies as under :—: —

I would further remark that the Borough Council of Wanganui has fit no time acknowledged its liability to maintain the Hospital, inasmuch as the " Harbor Board A.ot, 1876," relieves it of auy further liability in the matter, and unless the Government is prepared to meet the expenditure, the Council will not consider itself responsible for the administratration of the establishment. 1 herewith enclose a statetrenb, shewing the number of patients who hare been receiving treatment in the Hospital during the twelve months ending March 31at 1878. I havo the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient serrant, W. H. Watt, Mayor.

Or Willis considered the statements made in the letter totally unauthorized, Or Cros3 repeated this. Or Kells said the matter was discussed at the sjjecial meeting to consider the yearly accounts of the Borough, and the reply to be made wa3 left in the hands of the Mayor.

Or Carson said ihe Councillors had no power to deal with the matter, and therefore could not have taken any action. Or Willis did riot think the reply to the Colonial Secretary's, letter in any way fair. The Goverement had made a very fair offer to the Council, and a reply had been sent denying any responsibility.

Cr Chadwick thought it a very proper letter. Cr Cross agreed with Cr Willis, and said that the letter had been hurriedly written without authority from tho Council. It was not held by the Council that the Harbour Board should have solo control of che Hospital. The letter was a broach of faith with tho Council, and was moat impertinent. Cr Carson considered the remarks were not in order, as the matter was not before the Council." It was most unfair to mnke such remarks. Or Willis wanted to know in what way tho Councillors were to express their disapproval of letters they had never seen if not at a regular Council meeting. Cr Chadwick said letters were generally left to tho Clerk to write, or that four or five Councillors met in the street and agree to what was to bo done. This letter did not appear to meet the approval of the Council. It might have been wrong, but it had been sent, and it could not be helped. After some further desultory conversation, Or Cross moved — " That on all future occasions when matters of great importance to the Council shall be received from the Government relative to hospitals, &c., no answer, unless urgently required, shall be sent until the same has been laid before the Council at its usual fortnightly meeting. 1 ' Seconded by Cr Willis.

Cr Carson said it would be difficult to construe what was urgent or not. However, he thought that some discretion should, be used, as it mijrht happen that the Council would be pledged to a line of action by ita officers or the Mayor, not in accordance with the opinion of the Council. The motion virtually amounted to a vote of censure on the action of the Mayor, and as he was not present, it would bo better to bring it on when he was present. He might have some explanation to offer. Under any other circumstances he would have voted for the motion. Cr Willis considered that the letter pledged the Council to a particular lino about a most important matter. The transferring of the management of the Hospital to the Harbor Board had never been contemplated by the Council. Cr Crb3s said he considered the point one of vital importance. The letter said : " It is the opinion of the Council that the entire maintenance of tho Hospital devolves either on the Harbor Board' or the Government." That statement should not have been made without the authority of the Council. Again the letter said : " The Council will not consider itself res* ponsible for the administration of the establishment." The Mayor had no right to make that statement. H-j had not brought the motion forward as a vote of censure, however the Crs might view it, but he considered the action of his Worship irregular. On the motion being put to the meeting, Crs Cross and Willis voted in favor, and the remainder against. WATER 3IETERS. A letter was read from t'io Wellington Town Clerk stating that the Wellington Corporation are in equal straits for want of water meters, not beiug able to obtain any either in the Colony or in Australia, and not having decided what steps to take in the matter. Promising, however, that in the event of an order beiug sent to England an extra 25 or more would be ordered f or Wanganui. After discussion it was moved by Cr Cross, seconded by (Jr Hurley — That the meters be obtained from the merchants who had supplied the plant for the Waterworks. Carried. COUNTY" COUNCIL AND THE WANGANUI HOSPITAL. A letter was read from the Clerk of the County Council, conveying the copy of a resolution passed at tho last meeting of the Council to the following 1 effect — It was resolved on tho motion of Cr Morgan, that the Wanganui County Council agree to pay ihe committee of the Wanganui Hospital the | sum 10s 6d per week for erery patient sent into the hospital by the said County — unless the said patient shall able to pay for himself — in all cases the patient (unless by accident) must be recommended by a Councillor of the County. Tho Clerk stated that one guinea did not cover the expense of the patients. Cr. Oroaa could not see what could be done as the letter before referred to had thrown over all control of the Hospital. Cr Carson said nothing could be done until it was seen what action respecting Hospitals the Government intended taking. The Clerk was ordered to acknowledge the receipt of the letter, and it was held over. HOSPITAL SECTIONS. A letter was read from Mr J. P. Watt, asking if the Council would be willing to let hospital sections Nos 526 and 527 for a term ©f about seven years, without insisting upon the building clause in the terms being carried out ; and if so, at what rental. Further stating that he had already leased one of the adjoining sections, upon which he proposed building, and erecting a neat and substantial fence. Or .Willis considered that it would be unwise to lock up sections at a nominal rent. He trusted that in a very short time the sections would become much more valuable, and therefore he would move that the offer be declined. Seconded by Cr Hurley, and carried. FOOTPATH IN VICTORIA AVENUE. A n-eraorial was read from about fifty ratepayers resident in Victoria Avenue, praying that that portion of the footpath reaching from Ingestre street to Glasgow street might be metalled and kerbed, and that the footpath may be finished by the putting in of tile drains opposite the Industrial School estate, and adjoining tho residence of G. W. Woon, Esq., reaching from Dublin to Liverpool streets. Cr Carson pointed out that many of the memorialists were not owners of property interested, and therefore if the Council proceeded with the work a 1 d charged half the cost, tiie expense would not fall on the persons signhig tho niemoiial. Cr Cross moved that the prayer of the petition be agreed -to, provided half the estimated cost be deposited with the clerk before cdling for tenders. Seconded by Cr Brown and carried. TILE DRAIN IN VICTORIA AVENUE. A memorial was read from the Rev. 0. H. Kirk, J. W. Robinson, and a number of others, applying to have the tile drain laid in Victoria Avenue in front of the Rutland hotel continued as far as Maria place. Referred to Foreman of works. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. A letter was read from 0. Robinson, licensed carter, asking the Council to pay a sum of 18s damages incurred by a breakage occasioned to his cart in crossing a broken disused tramway on Taupo Quay. Resolved, on the motion of Cr Cars n, that the application be not entertained, but that the attention of the Foreman of works be drawn to the tramway. MUNICIPAL LEAGUE. Letter from the Thames Municipal Council stating that the proposal for a Municipal League had met with general

approval, and enclosing a printed list of suggestions. The letter was laid on the table. FOREMAN OF WORK'S REPORT. This report was read and received. Cr Willis said he had come prepared to speak to one portion of tho report. His Worship the Mayor had taken upon himself to alter the general plan of the works on tho Market square. He, Cr Willis, had spoken to the Mayor on the subject, and had received hia pledge that tho works would bo held over till the Council met ; but that pledge had been broken. As the Mayor was away, he would defer speaking on the matter till he waspresent. Cr Cross moved that thy recooiendations of the Foreman- of Works r.e the prison labour, and the slip on the River Bank, be adopted. ESTIMATES FOR BATE. On the resolution of Cr Caitaon, the Clerk was instructed to prepare eptimataa for a new rale. — " V^ - SALARY OF AUDITORS. Cr Hurley moved that the salary be 30 guineas. Or Carson seconded. On a vote being taken Crs Hurley, Carson, Cross, and Chadwick, voted in favor, aud Crs Nathan, Brown, Willis,and Kells against. The Chairman gave his casting vote in favor of the motion. PLANB FOR THE TOWN HALL. Two plans were sent in, one from Mr E. O. Morgan, Wanganui, at an estimated cost of £2,450, and one from Mr Schwabe, Wellington. The Wellington plan was not accompanied by any estimate. Re* solved— That' considerations of plans remain .over till next meeting, in the meantime the ratepayers would have an opportunity of inspecting same. accounts. Harvey and Austin £68, fencing town belt; W. Laird, fencing Market Square, £136, passed for payment;. Or Willis moved — That the Resident Engineer be requested to forward' certificate to the Government stating that the work of fencing tho Market Square had been completed. THE DISPUTED £600. Cr Cross moved — That the question of accounts as between the Council and the Harbor Board be reconsidered. Cr Cross trusted every facility would be given to reopen jthis subjaot. The paper that had been found on the table of the Harbour Board, in the handwriting of the Town Clerk, had Bhewn the position of the accounts. The Town Clerk, moreover, had stated that the Council were indebted to the Harbour Board, and therefore it was moat unwise to force the issue of a Commission: Cr Willis thought the matter had been dealt with too lightly. The very BUrprise that had been evinced When the statement had been made respecting the accounts shewed how little the Councillors.had considered the matter. Cr Carson said that he paid little or no attention to any paper that had been discovered, as not being anjofficial document it was in no way binding on. the Council. The Government by their letter read that evening, held the Council liable for the mainteunance of the hospital, and therefore until that question had been settled, any question of accounts could not be gone into. Cr Cross said that if the matter was shelved, the result would be that a Commission would be issued to investigate the accounts, and that he was certain the cost of such Commission would fall upon the Council. Himself and seedier were relieved o£ the responsibility such, costs. For the motion Crs Cross and Willis, against Crs Carson, Ohadwiek, Nathan, Brown, Kells, and Hurley. Motion lost. UPPER NIXON STREET. Cr Carson moved- that Upper- Nixon Street be clayed and metalled if' the ratepayers resident there agree to pay a reasonable proportion o£ the cost. He stated that the question of carrying; out tho work would come before the Council when the amount offered by the ratepayers was known. Or Brown seconded. Carried. PARK PLACE AND CHURCH PLACE. Cr Chadwick moved that Park Place and Church Place, (streets only) be formed, clayed, and metalled on the ratepayers agreeing to- pay one third of the cost. Seconded by Cr Brown. The clerk stated that the estimated cost of forming Church Place (iucluding foot* paths) was £118. Carried. Resolved that au estimate of the costbe ascertained from the Foreman of Works. TENDERS INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL DBAIN. Resolved that Jos. Peapeli's tender for clearing out 30 chains of the Industrial School Estate at 6s 6d per chain be accepted. Tho Council then adjourned.

Wanganui Borough „ Couaty Patea „ (part of) Raugitikei „ Manawatu „ f, s d 301 16 0 211 15 6 31 15 i 197 8 2 106 16 2 932 11 2 The total cost in connection with the hospital during the year eudiug 31st March, 1878, is ... 028 6 1 Leaving a clear profit of ... 304 o 1

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Wanganui Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 3133, 22 May 1878, Page 2

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 3133, 22 May 1878, Page 2

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Wanganui Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 3133, 22 May 1878, Page 2


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