Business Notices THOMAS M. LEYDON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH, PARRIES , HORSE SHOER, &c. tfexb (he .Royal Oak Hotel, Markcl Square, Wangauui. SMITH'S WORK IN GENERAL. The Best of Material & Workmanship. CHARGES MODERATE. m2l 707 NOTICE. MRP. COOKERY WISHES the public to know thai the faies for the future will be trom Bulls to Wanganui 6s Od do Return Ticket 11s Od do Marton to Wanganui 4s Od do Turakiua do 2s Od do Wangaehu do Is Od Parcels and freight according to agreement. P. COOKERY. nlB 4023 IMPOUNDING- NOTICE. TMPOUNDED in Dime's Creek X Pound, one Brown Pony Horse, branded like ,U on off shoulder, and two white feet. If not claimed, and expenses paid, will be sold on the 25 ih March, at noon. Also, One Bay Pony branded F with a over it on near shoulder. WiJl be sold on the 3rd day of April, at noon, in accordance with the Impounding Act. JOSEPH CHADWICK, Pound kpeper. raU 651 TO STOREKEEPERS, BUTCHERS, AND OTHERS. BOOKS kept. Accounts made out and collected. Rents Collected. JOHN S. CAPSTIOK, Commission Agent. Temporary Address, — Care of the Hjsrald Office. m 8 602 new zealatnd^gToyernment life insurance. POLICIES granted payable ai death, 1 or at any agreed upon age. State Security under Act of General A ssembly. Policies not forfeiting through the non-payments ot premiums at due date, •' all profits " divided amongst the insured. Particulars can be obtained at the Post Office, or from the undersigned at the Commercial Hotel. H. CLAPCOTT, Travelling Sub-Commissioner. to' farmers. rjpHE UNDERSIGNED has on sale J. Combined Reaping and Mowing .Machines ; Hay Rakes, &c, of Superior "make, ana aC pricca which, defy competition. THOMAS REIJJ, Ridgway Street. m 9 131 FIVE SHILLINGS REWARD. """ LOST, yesterday (Thursday) 16th insfc., near the Albion Hotel, a Memorandum Book, of no use to any person but the owner. The above reward will be paid to anyone bringing ib to E. LYON, Harrison Street. ml 7 667 TENDERS. rpENDERS will be received up'to JL the 28th inst., for the Erection of a Shop in Victoria Avenue. Plans and specifications to be scon at the shop of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. SHARP B, Victoria Aven ne. m! 6 " 662 BUSINESS NOTICE. THE Business hitherto carried on under the management of the late H. C. Aamodt, will, until further notice, be under the management of Mr J. R. SOMMERVILLE. W. E. DTVE, Proprietor, ml ' 896 £ 1 REWARD. LOST— From the Brunswick District, on Saturday night last, a Black Sheep Dog, answers to the name of v Glen." The above reward will be given to the finder on returning the same to the undersigned. H. DYMOCK, Goat Valley. m 23 726 A FEW BOARDERS can be ac commodated in a private family. Apply to Mr WILKINS, Ridgwoy Street. m2O 700 _____ AN AGENCY is now opened at Mr Tester's, Campbell Place, for W. P. BARBER'S Wellington Dye Works. Dyeing and cleaning done in all its branches. All orders will be punctually attended to, f26 • 471
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 3
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