Shipping. FOR WELLINGTON. ,j The p. s. MANAWATU. fl-A Captain Evans, will leave for the above •^fcl^port on '10-NIGHT at i p.m. For freight or passage, apply t) TAYLOR & WATP, Ageutb" ml 7 598 FOR WELLINGTON. •k i The Wellington screw iiliMya STOIIMBIRD, will leave for the above port at 10 o'clock a.m. on MONDAY, 27th inst. \ For rates of freight or passage apply to THOMAS REID, Agent. 11)24 587 DISTRICT ORDERS. Wanganui, 24th March, 1876. 7TVHE Wanganui Rifles and Cadets JL will Parade for Inspection and Exercise at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, the 29th instant. JN'.B. — All Government property to be brought on parade. M. NOAKE, Major Commanding W.M.D. m 24 729 NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAPH T3EGIBTRATTONOF ABBEEVIit .ATED ADDRESSES.— With the view of saving as much as possiMe the cost of the transmission of Telegrams to New Zealand from other conntries, a Register will be kept at every Telegraph Station in New Zealand for the Registration of Arbitrary or Cypher Addresses in the shape of one or more words. No fee will be charged for registration.- Persons registering will require to communicate the Cypher or Arbitrary Address to their Correspondents. The Telegraph Companies register names and addresses of Telegraph correspondents free of charge at all their Stations, and in London at 74j Old Broad-streot; 8, Leadenhall-street; and 4^, Finsbury Circus. Addresses may also bo registered at any Government Telegraph Oilicc in England or Scotland upon payment of one Guinea to the Postmaster-General, London. ■ — By order of the Honorable the Telegraph Commissioner. C. LEMON, General Manager. New Zealand Telegraph Head Office, Wellington, 2nd March, 1876. ui2D — — — — -70S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. District Engineer's Office, Bulls, March 6th, 1876 HEALED TENDERS will be reO ceived at this office till NOON of the 24th INSTANT, for metalling the following" lengths of the Great North Western Road :—: — 40 Chains between Sanson and Mount Stewart. Specifications to be seen at Oakley's Junction Hotel, Sanson; 30 Chains near " The Brothers " (Trig station). Specifications to be seen at Evans' Rangicikei Hotel. 25 Chains near Thompson's Bush. Specifications to be seen at the Kai Iwi Hotel and Handley's Nukumaru Hotel. JNO. BARTON, District Engineer. m 8 592 Me JAMES ELSLEY, Deceased, Intestate. ALL PERSONS having, claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, are requested to forward the same to Sergeant Reid, Wanganui, on or before Wednesday, the 12th day of April next. J. WOODWARD, Public Trustee. Wellington, March 15, 1876. 724 ORDER OF JUDGE. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District, this 15th day of March, 1876. UPON the Affidavits of James Woor" 1 .- ward, of Wellington, Publia Trustee, and of Richard Reid, of Wanganui, Sergeant of Police, I do order that the Public Trustee, the Curator of the Estates of Deceased Persons, shall be Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels, nnd credits of JAMES ELSLEY, deceased, and that this Order be published in the " Evening Herald " newspaper. (Signed) JAMES PRENDERGAST, Chief Justice. Mai oh 15, 187G 723
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2738, 24 March 1876, Page 3
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