Sales by Aucti^. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ' FJREEMAN E. JACK^pN HAS leccived instructions fronnyj r E. Clmrton, agent for (lie Mori g<.. g-ees, to sell by public auction at an, early date, A VALUABLE FIiEEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD FARM OF 500 ACRES, situated between the Brunswick an 1 Missionary Lines, the property of tho late Mr James Findlater: The Freehold consists of 370 Acres of fine agricultural and pastoral land. The Leasehold 130 acres; The wlidlo is well supplied with water, there be iiig three creeks running through ho property. Particulars as to title can be ob. tamed of the Auctioneer or to C. H. Borlase, Esq., Solicitor to the Mort - gagees. m 9 008 THURSDAY, 30th MARCH, 1870. Sale by Auction of 70.000 FEET OF SAWN TIMBER, At the Carnarvon Saw Mills, (near Sandon). McLELLAN and SYMES HAY.E received instructions from Mesrrs Rowe and Sons, for l>. It. Lewers, to sell by public auction on the above date, 70,000 FEET OF SAWN TIMBER, consisting of Totara, Rirau, Matai, and White Pino Purchasers can have the use of ; Tramway and Trucks for conveying tho timber to the main road. TERMS LIBERAL, declared at sale. McLELLAN & SYMES, Auctioneers. m! 8 xBG pIANOS ! PIANOS ! PIANOS ! JUST LANDED, Three magnificent full compass tricor Pianos, in handsome Walnut cases, tl Apply to ARTHUR BEAUCHAMP. mil 027 TENDERS. mENDERS will be received up to JL the 28th inst., for the Erection of a Shop in Victoria Avenue. Plans and specifications- to be seou at the shop of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. SHARPE, Victoria Aven '• c. mIG 6 (2 Wants WANTED, a first-class Secondhand IRON SAFE. Apply at the Commercial Hotel. m 23 18 WANTED, a Housemaid and a Boy for the Hawera Hotel. Nono but competent servants need apply. T. Espagne, Hawer.l. m2l • 703 WANTED, by a Married Couple a Situation in Town or Country. Wife a first-class Cook ; man, general ly useful. Apply at the office of l^is paper. m2O G9G WANTED, a Painter. Apply immediately to W. Gould, Campbell Place. m2O G97 WANTED, a good General Servant. Apply to Mrs Morrison, Ashby House, Church Place, Wanganui. ni2o 098 WANTED Two Bootmakers. Apply at this Office or to F. McCarthy, Patea. ml 7. AN~T~E~D K. NOW N, T. S. WYMOJND & Co. luiTe Just Opened 4 Cases of Men's, Boy's, and Youth's Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c. Hall of Commerce. ' ml 3 «43 a" ntn t e~d know n. Two Cases Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Hats, just Opened for the season. Choice Goods, and very Cheap. T. S. WYMOND & Co., Hall ot Commerce. ml 3 544 • ANTED, a Female General Servant ; a middle-aged per.-? on preferred. Good wages given. Apply at this Office. jnll (' 5 2 W ANTED, Tenders ior Ornainen ul Fencing. Apply to Mr Hutchison, Batland Chambers. ml 3 047 WANTED, a Hous maid. App'.y at the Benevis Hotel. Turakina '•ml 3 . 04'
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2737, 23 March 1876, Page 3
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