Sales by Auction PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Extensive Snle of FUHWITURE, AND A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS. ASHFOETH & LIFFITON HAVE received instructions from the Rev. J. Elmslie, to sell by public auction, at the Manse of WanSanui, on the 20th and 21st days of APRIL NEXT, The Whole of his FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, with several hundred volumes of Books, Dairy Cows, Buggy, with Horse and Harness, &c, &c. Uet-ails will be given in future advts. Catalogues will be jwinted, and may be had of the auctioneers as soon as ready. ASfIFORTH & LIFFITON, Auctioneers. mIS 676 ST. HILL STREET SALE YARDS. THURSDAY, MARCH 30. FREEMAN E. JACKSON VjU ILL sell by auction as above, 40 HEAD FAT CATTLE 00 „ STORE „ MILCH COWS 3 WORKING BULLOCKS 1 BULL RAMS FAT SHEEP STORE „ HORSES Sale at 12 o'clock. m 23 720 PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON. SALE BY AUCTION of 12,000 ACRES of very VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL CROWN LANDS, Surveyed into Suitable Sized Sections Situated in the Townships of FITZHEEBERT AND CARNARVON, Manawatu District ; also on the TAUERU RIVER, Wairaiapa District j in the UPPER MUNGfVROA BLOCK, and iv the Hutt District. NOTICE is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of j APRIL, 187G, at 11 o'clock in the , foi cnoon, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the Provincial Government Buildings, Wellington, EIGHTY-SIX SECTIONS in the Township ot FITZHERBERT, i varying in contents from 55 to 251 acres each ; one SECTION in CARNARVON, of 100 acres, at ONE POUND par ACRE. Also, TWO SECTIONS on the BANKS of theTAUERU RIVER, near the Bridge, in the course of erection, at 10s per ACRE ; ' and THIRTEEN SECTIONS ] in the MUNGAROA & HUTT 1 DISTRICTS, varying from 33 to 142 acres, at 10s per ACRE. ■ The Fitzhcrbert land is situated on ■ the south bank of tfhe Manawatn River, the SOIL is Ex- . cellent, and the Timber thereon for the most part of a Light Discription, and easily cleared. '. The balance of the timber includes some good totan bush. A bridge is about to be built across the Manawatu River, which will connect Fitzuerbert ■ with the township of Palmers- J ton. Tenders are also invited . for the clearing of 850 chains of bush ; on the road lines within the block. The Carnarvon Section is situated on the bank of the Oroua River. On the Taueru Sections there is good Sawing Timber and Rich Soil ; a portion of tho land is well situated for a village settlement. ] The Mungaroa and Ilutt Sections < are well timbered and conveniently situated. Lithographed " maps/ 1 showing the ku mbers and contents of the sections ; 1 also Gazette, with schedule of pric33, '• can be seen at the Crown Lands Ofhce, Provincial Government Buildings, and ■ from H. I.Jones, Wanganui ; G. M. Snelson, Palmerston ; and at this , office. J. G. HOLDSWORTH, Commissioner of Crown Lands, i Crown Lands Office, Wellington, 15th March, 1876, ' •:
Page 3 Advertisements Column 6
Wanganui Herald, Volume X, Issue 2737, 23 March 1876, Page 3
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