The members of the Mastertou A. and P. Association held thoir auuual mooting iv tho Foresters' Hall yesterday afternoon. Mr J. D. Crnickshank, tho retiring .. President, occupied the chair, aud .tliere Avas au atteudauoe of about fifty. REPORT AND.BALANOE.-SHEET. Tiie chairman, in moviug the adoption of the auuual report aud balancesheet, Avhieh havo already been published, in the Daily Times, said he thought that the members' Avere to be congratulated on tho positiou of the Association at the cud of the: year. A; noteworthy feature of the balaucesheet Avas that there Avereno outstanding subscriptions last year, while for the previous year they had amounted to £300. This result had been brought about by the uew rules of the Association,, aud it showed that the Committee had beeu wise in the course it had takeu. This year's balauce-sheet Avas probably the truest that had ever beeu submitted to the members; tlie reecipts showed au all round increase. During the year, as they were aAvare. the Association had decided to remove their slioavs to Sohvay, aud Avhile mentioning this matter he would like to place on record" the assistance Mr Jas. McGregor had given to the movement by the vigorous speecii he bad made iv favour of the chauge at the meetiug of members called to cousider tho matter. His speecii had greatly influeuced the meeting to support the proposal. After the chauge had beeu decided upou, an effort was made to amalgamate with the Wairarapa P. aud A. Society, but unfortunately the negotiations had proved .futile. Masterton, however, still hoped for one Show in the Wairarapa. They Avere all aware that the next Slioav would bo the last to bo hold on the present Showgrounds, aud he hoped tho incoming -committee would have every thiug iv readiness at Solway for tlie first show there. He. Avould like to thank all the members of tlie committee tor the assistance they had given him duriug the year, aud in this directiou it Avas pleasing to note that last year's committee had been re-elected. He particularly mentioned Mr G. C. Summerell, chairmau of the Fiuauco Committee, for his valuable aid in the financial affairs of the Association. In conclusion, he said that the atteudauce at committee meetings during the year had showed the great enthusiasm prevailing amoug the members, and as the committee was united for progress the conduct of tho Association's affairs could be safely left in their bauds, and .he best results confidently hoped for.
Mr D. McGregor, juur., in seconding the motion, said that no doubt the past year had been a memorable oue for the Associatiou. Early iv the year a good deal of discussion avus caused amoug members—more than for years past—ou account of the alteration iv the rules governing members's subscriptions, but this had resulted satisfactorily. The committee had made a good mauy changes and he hoped members would fairly criticise its actions as it teuded to put the committee ou its mettle. There could be no question about the Sohvay removal being the best in the interests of the Association, aud the enthusiasm of the members over tho matter had been unbounded. One member had said that the ouly good asset the Associatiou possessed Avas the enthusiasm of its members. No doubt it was a good asset, but there Avere others. He referred in terms of eulogy to the members' spontaneous efforts to clear the Solway grouuds preparatory to ploughing aud grassing. Ho considered that out of the two vice-presiaeuts elected auuually ouo should represent the tOAvn aud the other the country, and one of the vice-presideuts should auuually move up to the office of president. Though the' Associatiou was essentially a country organisation, it Avas desirable for the sake of management that tOAvnspeople should be included amoug its officers, as the country members were uot easy to communicate Avith at short notice. The speaker reiterated the chairman's remarks ou Mr Summer ell ' s excellent Avork, and added that only the members of tho committee knew how really valuable his services were. The motion was carried without further discussion. THIS YEAR'S OFFICERS. The Chairman anuouuced the'results of the ballot taken for the electiou of the various officers, the votes iv couuectiou with Avhieh had beeu counted in the forenoon. Mr D. McGregor, juur., Avas reelected unopposed to the office of President. Mr McGregor, in returning thauks, said he fully recognised that his task during thb year Avas not going to be a light one, iv view of the removal to Sohvay, but Avith the co-operation of the other officers his duties would be materially lightened. Messrs W. Perry and Hugh Morrisou, out of three candidates, Avere elected Vice-Presidents.
Mr Perry said that the Association had two or three years' hard work-in front of it, and in accepting nomination for the Vice-Presidency he recognised that fact, and would do his best. He interpreted his election to be a refutation of a letter that had recently been sent to the Press—a letter that Avas a slander on the Sohvay syndicate, of Avhieh he Avas Chairman. Its inferences Avere more particularly directed at another member of the syndicate, who Avas unfortunately not present to reply, but the speaker was glad of the opportunity 1 he had of referring to the matter, and he Avas pleased at His election for the reason mentioned. He hoped that during the uext few years the Association Avould strive for something more tnan a local Show. It had to be extended, and he hoped members Avould make it a Wairarapa Show, and let it be kuown as tbe district Show. from. Pahiatua to Palliser Bay. He considered that advertising the nominations for officers in the Masterton papers only Avas not giving all members au opportunity to elect the Committee, and he hoped this would be remedied in the future.
Mr Morrison considered that the incoming Committee would have the hardest year that any Committee ever had. He advised the members ;to "stick together," as it was. be a fight betAveen the Mastertou and Wairarapa Associations for the supremacy of the district. He believed that if au organised canvass. ■ were made of the back-blocks of theidistrict the membership roll would be largely increased.
Mr J. Morris, the other candidate for the Vice-Presidency, thanked his supporters, and congratulated the successful candidates. Both wero thoroughly deserving of the honour, and were eminently fitted for the position, in every Avay. .
Mr Moodie Avas elected Treasurer unopposed. '' '
In returning thanks, he said the Association was entering on troublesome times, but uo doubt Avith good men and a good district the Association would be well able to "weather the storm " •
The folloAviug Committee Avas elected: — Messrs A. McMaster, J. Strang, Q. Donald, J. D. Cruickshauk, B. Rayner, W- E. B.idwill, A. Donald, H. A. Matthews, R."'.Smith,
G. 0. Summerell. A. G." Pilmer, W? H. Buick, W. Cooper, W. J. Welch, R, J. Dagg, O. 0. Cooper, G. Shaw, 0. F. Vallanoe, J. .Morris, J. G. McKillop, ,A. J. Stque-W.igg, A. J.,, Percy,". E. ;E. Chamberlain, W. D. Watson, E. Harper, T. P. Lett, J. P. Perry,.o. E. Dauiell.D. Oaselberg, J. E. Perry. - The Chairman said it, Avas gratifying to knpAV that'six members had beeu elected to represent South Wairarapa; They were well up ou the list of those returned, and it, shoAved that thoy we're appreciated. He explained that the omission of Mr R. Gray's name from the list of those nominated for the Committee I nil been au aud'had beou discovered too late.for.-rectification. Tlie Committee at its first meeting would elect liim first.district,representative.
Mr J. B.."Keith was re-elected auditor at a fob of £5 ss.-
MR J. A. GILRUTH'S RE3IG- :.:•' ' < ! :/ '- -NATION. -"
The Chairman-moved "that : the members of the Masterton A. and P. Association' regret .very much that the Dominion is losing the services of Mr J. A. Gilruth as Chief Veteriuariau, and desire to place on record their very great appreciation of the -workdbnei by-him, aud offer their hearty congratulation to him on his appointment to svijh an importaut position iv Victoria." He said that Mr Gilruth, whose ability Avas kuoAvn from end to end of the Dominion, would be a very great loss to the farmers. He had always beeu ready aud williug to give valuable information, to all with Avhom he came into coutact.
Mr W. Perry, iv seconding the motion, said it had been his good fortune to hear Air Gilruth speak on more thau oue occasiou. No doubt he Avas a very able mau, and certainly, his departure would be a great loss. Mjr Gilruth Avas kuown Avorld-Avide, and the Government Avoxild fiud it exceedingly difficult to fill his place. He cousidered the New Zealand Government Could afford to give such a man as large a salary as any other colouial Government.
Mr D. McGregor, juur., considered it only right that tiie farmers should recognise Mr Gilruth's ability, considering Avhat he had dove for them. The speaker traced a number of the retiriug chief veterinarian's campaigns against stock diseases, particularising his successful efforts to stamp out anth< rax. Then there Avas the research Avork. which could have beeu done by him if only he Avere giveu the necessary facilities. Thero Avas a lot.of research, Work to be done in NeAV Zealand, and this Avas a matter that Aye Avere yet behind tho times iv. It was' a great pity to lose Mr Gilruth, as every farmer Avell kuew. The speaker nientioued tho uecessity for establishing a chair of A r eteriuary science aud pathology at the New Zealand University, "aud considered Mr Gilruth tho man to fill the chair. The motiou was carried unanimously. NEW MEMBERS. New members Avere elected as folio.v :—Messrs Allan Cameron, T. Camerou, N. James, N. D. Buutiug, A. McDonald. H J. Francis, A. R. Sclauders, Harcombe aud Douald, 8.. f. Perry, J. Gill, N. Connolly, A. Suodgrass, O. Bygum, S. Cpunell. J. Siemouek, A. H. Rotheuberg, A. E. Wiuzenberg, T. D. Chamberlain, G. Joues, R. Deane, D. McOalmont, G. Rutherford, J. R. Nicol, S. R. EdAvards, G. Paiu, G. Darton, G. R. Wilsou, J. V. Gordon, C. Messenger, King and Henry, G. ToAvnsend, McLeod and Youug, W. A. lorus, G. Williams, A. Larseu. W. M. Freuch, J. M. Kelvie, M. O. Arousteu. GENERAL BUSINESS. Mr J.. .McGregor moved, a vote of thauks to the retiriug Presideut, officers, committee, and Avhat he termed the "much-maligned" Solway syndicate. He considered that the removal to Solway Avas going to be the best move the Association ever made. He had noticed that the Wairarapa Society Avas iucreasiug its prize-money for tho uext Slioav to £1100. That Avas all right, but wheu they ouly received 800 stock entries last year and Mastertou obtaiued over 2000, it demonstrated clearly Avhieh Slioav Avas goiug to be the premier Slioav of the Wairarapa. The position of the Association Avould. be materially strengthened by the inclusion of six LoAver Valley men on the committee, and no doubt the Show avus goiug to be oue of tho leading Shows in the Dominiou.
Mr J. Morris, iv secouding the motiou, said the retiring President had had a very hard year, and he Avas pleased to take this opportunity of thanking Mr Cruickshauk aud ackuoAVledging his valuable services. He had worked hard aud with a will, aud had increased the douations to the Show by no less a sum than £130. 'The .Chairman acknowledged the vote of thanks, which Avas carried by acclamation.
Ou the motion of Mr Cruickshauk, secouded by Mr Morris, a vote of thauks Avas accorded .to tho Press. Both speakers eulogised the Press, not only for the reports of the Shows, but for their assistance to farmers generally. Mr R. Smith, of Pahiatua. said he Avished to thank the Association for electing him to the committee every year. He considered that there was room enough in the district for as big a Show as there is in the Dominiou, and the Association should not content itself Avith only a local Slioav., The people in tlie Bush district looked upon the Masterton Slioav as their Show as much as they did auy other Slioav.
iMr J. McGregor moved a vote of thanks to the donors of contributions to 1 the Solway Fuud, for Avhieh there Ayas now over £1000 in hand. Some donations had been as high as £100, and if slioAved that tbe donors were really earnest in supporting the committee to carry out this important work. It also demonstrated that the action of the committee and the'syudicate Avere appreciated. He felt quite sure that if auother £1000 were Avauted there Avas enough enthusiasm in the district to get it.
: The .potion was carried. On/the, motiou of the Chairman, votes of-jtiiauks were accorded to the douors of special prizes and also to the scrutineers at the ballot. The special prizes last year, he said, had amounted to £300 from Welliugtou firms aud £200 from Mastertou business people, as Avell as a number of valuable cups. • Tlie meeting theu terminated: '•'■■•• ; '
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Bibliographic details
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9932, 31 July 1908, Page 5
Word Count
2,178MASTERTON A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LIX, Issue 9932, 31 July 1908, Page 5
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