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m-i-cri- * ir-n t mAVTA\Tni BEAUTIFUL HAIR. J TOTLAND! TOYLAND! CLEAR COMPL _ XION , O,__ ,„ _, "ii !,„„„ A LADY for eoveral years in control ol UR Fancy Department has been one o£ the for ___ o _ t f flß hionabie THE SHOP FOR TTSTCFTTTi enlarged to enable US to show the kaios'hairdressingandhairworklngGstab- A*"- 1 WIX *JOJ2J£%J±J VF.W Largest Assortment of Fancy Goods and S^!th«»nSt^ PRESENTS ** W Toys that has ever been displayed under our in We n in g ton . Th i ß i a d y oomos to Now _PHT?TSTM Aft T7IPTTTTQ r rOOf, ' . Zealand with a professional reputation; 18 \jU.LbXO±JU.J±O j__ XIU 11 © J mliniro tTinlmi annfinl nnrrliaqfi atabie hor work is certainly characteristic of ' nave malte a special purcnase, at uoit extreme natural ability and of thorough _211/rTmTX»_3 discount, Of a room full of Travollei S and careful training. Bvory description |J, OJxLxXJtI. O. ... _*. Samples of of hairdressing and hairworking will have All Cleaned by Machinery. r her prompt attention, and absolute satisTOYS OF ALL KINDS. faction will bo guaranteed. DOLLS OF ALL KINDS. CHAS. A. TURNER, npHE gay and festive season is at hand, New Currants, 4|d. rmr dermatologist, hair AND MASBAGB -*- andl we have openedup.a. heavy ship- New Raisins, 6d. A special line of UNBREAKABLE specialist, raent of Novelties suitable for the holiday . . WOODEN TOYS, and, as we only stock comer Wellington Terrace ana Woodward-street, season. new »eeaea tcaisms, »a. these lines at this season of the year, we are WELLINGTON. __ < New Sultanas, 6d. iy^tocTa^iSSS* ItWill WALSH & CO., ~~~ We are showing some special lines in New Cooking Figs, 7d. y * 1 XT|TATCHMAKERS, Engravers, Manu- New Unpressed Dessert Figs, lOd. BRING THE CHILDREN ALONG. ? f factoring Jewellers & Medallists, HaniTbags Hurses New Jordon Almonds, 2s 9d. A HUGE SELECTION. . . All Work done on the Premises. Card Cases " New Cooking Almonds, Is 6d. T\rn CLTf aU~A M Xr OH Try us with your Repairs. Umbrellas, etc. Cooking Almonds (old), Is 4d. JJNIU. (iKAHAiII & L»U. Next Miss Rive's, Queen-street Masterton SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Best Spanish Muscatels, Is 6d. * ' - RHEUMATISM & KINDRED ' — Best Thick Lemon Peel, 6d. j COMPLAINTS We are showing Novelties in LADIES' Cordis, all kinds 1, WEAR cured by NECKWEAR, SUNSHADES, BELTS, etc. iruit Liquors, is yd. VIBRATORY MASSAGE. Lemon Squash in Decanters, 2s 3d. ZEALANDIA gHIRTS — __„_„,. , TTTX^TT , T , Trf Crystallized Cherries. npHE latest and most up-to date treatment NEW MILLINERY! Crystallized Fruits. ,„_ A for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgic "KTPW rinQTTTMTTQ T AND Affections, Circulatory Diseases, Contracted JNHiW \jVbLVmta&. „_,..«. Muscles, Stiff Joints, Nervous Headaches, NEW JACKETS ! 'XMAS HAMS! COLLARS. c C yiBRATION is the most modern treat- Just received for holiday season. BEST FACTORY, 9d per lb. ment known in the whole range of remedies for curing disease and toning up the system, T locally and generally. It Is more penetrating XT .. . . ••«,„* A very Large Assortment of c HIEF B RA H D cuoxH INe . H 0 o r;i:i::r —«•—««.«- ---over considerable areas. # . General Drapery & Clothing, in FANCY BOXES in Great Variety. HINEMOA UNDERCLOTHING, Vlßß Etc.. Etc., purifies the blood by rapid motion. It stiraulates every organ in the body. It opens and you will find variety at ourstore. JNO. GRAHAM & CO. cleanses all the circulatory channels. It relieves all nerve and muscular tension. THE POPULAR BRANDS It quiets, soothes and re-vitaliaes the whole Jf USEFUL PRESENT for Husband One which wffl at BEDROCK PMCES i. always to be A BROADWOOD PIANO' NEW ZEALAND. α-jta. «£« £*. heneflts to be fc- <-» » IS A PERFECT INSTRUMENT. MES 0. J. GROSSMANN, „,„ & ~~ (Certificated Medical Masseuse), CLOTHIER A P |ANO T7<VERY home needs & - - "Vibratorium," ' FO R Pianoforte, for every No. 12 KENT TERRACE, WELLINGTON. MASTERTON. _ v __ v m <>ther and every father Cheap Teas make many EVERY delights in bringing up acqualntances.butfewfrlends ~ HOME. J™™ to love the best TO THE GENTLEMEN OF SPECIAL PRICES FOR OILCLOTHS & C H taS£u£ -etfeS SS MASTERTON. LINOLEUMS DURING THIS MONTH. A p IANO *_, one , hint lh t cheap there is more profit in them, and FOR - THE miESDEN^from Xre P co e —eT X Now 0U »»' " « Shave ' 20/- 20A. . -«will be seen health's sake it is important to drink The best that a barber ever gave, A MONTH. I >V •n ° f awmg " ro ,^'- good high grade pure tea. Just call on mo at W. HILL'S Saloon, f QTTT?ATTTT?A At early morn or at busy noon. rtlbWJ± . OU XVAX U £iiA. j.jj trim and cvr j your jj air w j tn grace of the London Medical Officers of Makes Lasting Friends. That wiU suit the co.tour o, your face. warns the dag Wβ invite you to visit o,r Show Roo mS . .... , nofla lt The shop is neat and the towels are clean, Milk; , This i mporlec i pro duct is being Because it is a tea hat gcigsors flb and tfae razQrg keeQ offered f()r gale in New Zealand< It is milk THE TeTand 'SiSSS miDd - P in ' s ° l lhis dil »« " skim " milk! L mWW & Bunoxm*. with Indian, China, or any cheap or FRED COLES, Tonsorial Artist. t> Q A TTJ] T WELLINGTON, inferior teas. ±KJ Retail PHoes a W " "" HILL ' PropeieTOß - Be sure that you get "HIGHLANDER CONDENSED MILK," which is guaranteed M.J.BROOKES, SURATURA A QUALITY, 1/6 per lb • —- — absolutely and positively " Full Cream." N ~ T , , Mana{yflr SDRATURA B QUALITY, 1/9 per lb •• Highlander " is the milk of cows fed on JNortn lslaM fflana S er SURATURA D QUALITY, 2/- per lb the rich green grass of our own Southern Masterton Branch— SURATURA X QUALITY, 2/4 per lb New Zealand. This milk is sterilised, is ».« n «*> r»e eei/cro free from impure germs, and it is a really A< ■*• waiiace, Sold by All Storekeepers. NO DANGER OF FEVER reliable food for children. It has brought Local Manager. infants round to health when artificial foods IF YOU USE THE GREAT GERM had all failed. = • TYPSTYO YP R REPAIRING BICYCLES. " "HIGHLANDER!" A LONG FELT WANT «** Bi^les ? A. a DMriectant it can be used almost Jft, tottaSSj rpHE Ma.ter.on Public are cordially inAnd attempt to draw trade by Alleged anywhere, with safety both to the user get « Highlander." "Cheapness?" and to the material with which it comes in ART GALLERY contact. You Can Depend Upon It. AKI AL -»- tKT ' Any broad-minded business man knows now open, next to Alpass', and inspect the that the best is always the cheapest—that Oil Paintings, Water Colours, Steel Engravcheapness does not necessarily mean value. J_. ST. GrEOROxJ-, ■«-■-,« ings, Lithographs, Plaques, etc. Also the Just as JAMES QCOTT, Artistic Framing in One Thousand Different '■What You Get for Nothing - . -_.-»_ Styles, Fancy Photo Frames, etc. is Lnerally Worth Noih? South End Pharmaoy. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweling, or Less." ,e,t and Optician, n , _— — TI7 , MASON'S BUILDINGS, Just landing a very choice lot of At our Cycle Repairing Works you can ' receive the Best Workmanship at the Lowest Queen-stbet, - Mastbeton. Mouldings, Mounts and Profitable Price— be it Cycle, Motor Cycle, INTERNATIONAL CORRES- Pictures. Should you study your requirements for PONDENCE SCHOOLS. I h ave a very i arge stock of 164 COnESES_OF INSTRUCTION. WATCHES, MY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION. £t™:i!l,Sain™^paSle W and k S ARCmTECTURE ENOINEERING, raDgingfrom ISs _ SlB . ~ "* you to our HUNDREDS of sattefied cus- ELEC S A fe,^ A |™ O & E. J. CHILTON, Before buying elsewhere see my GENU- TU _ M _et_«tnn & -r^rrrr^ar^To nr, T rSALL on or send to the Representative INE ENGLISH HUNTING LEVER at The M^£™p^Z m JENKINSON & CO., LTD. Kj for full particulars and references to £2 15s. Picture framer. Works and Garage: local students. __ Note: Next to Alpass'. Lower Oueen-street. S. E. WRIGHT, Guaranteed. —— LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE, THE " - - Mastbbton. i have also a first-class stock of TABA foe ■ imnn Horses, GOLD BROOCHES, BANGLES, LINKS' LIQUID ' MUFF CHAINS, NECKLETS, PEN- BRANDING AN d PRIME MEAT ffl_SS'SS£« i 2? FLU,D - _ Cm KILLED at the Masterton As I buy for spot cash, lamin a posi- PERMANENT, PAINLESS, Abattoirs and passed by the tion to sell Cheap. Ysdt tSt» JUST TO HAND, Inspector delivered at your door da il?" v * j To arrive in a few days, a large consign- . We call for orders, or you can o{ MARTIN HALL'S Best Quality No preliminary clipping of hair. AT send them through Telephone No. Applied with an ordinary sheep branding 90 ELECTRO-PLATED WARE & iron-flat or round. Current prices for primest meat. STERLING SILVER GOODS Simple and easy—no pain. MTTT?"R A Y'S Small Goods always on sale. A boy can use it. >3 < (ENGLISH), Why make the dumb beast suffer, /-it ionnw rmrrcn? J MONTfI-OMERY & CO.. ~-,,. -r. * when for leas than a penny per head GLASGOW HOUbJbi, d. «, guitable for _ mag and Wed __ n g Presents, you can brand with BurcnerSf i— . _, ~ Taba. (Opposite Presbyterian Church), BUY __ A NEW LOT OF « ™ All goods marked in plain figures. tfijii A _^ 3. INJIiVV uwx vi QUBBN-STRBET, MASTBETOn. 6 r 11JN __■ TO-DAY. T ARTWQ , TTATS REPAIRS A SPECIALITY. A few hours after application UAJ_»II2iO "aiu, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. all hair comes off the part ~~ "branded, leaving a clear, distinct, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. gUMMER FOOTWEAR! and permanent mark__ LATEST SHAPES. ~ g N Agents for Wairarapa: W.F.C.A. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Do You Ask YouP Grocer for NEW FLOWERS, |_W?Boots & Shoes. ' " WAXINE" SOAP, TTERE we are again. Xnias is nnMRq Boys'& Girls' Boots* Shoes. . 'IX approaching. Now is the time to FANCY COMBS, _ And | nsist upon Having it, FURNISH TOIJR HOUSE pT-vrq T3J _rj ONE QUALITY—THE BEST. r_E are you willing to take the inferior jri-Jio, -ejxv;. ONE PRICE—THE LOWEST. yj quality so often sent, and for which With Up-to-date Furniture. T»TT>"Dn"YT r<nT?dTnTQ ~— . you pay the same price as for the best? KlJJijUli L;UriiOJ]iAO, Y our wa __" _ iif e i s ma^e eaßy j you Call and inspect our se ect your oo my soc . WAXINE SOAP will do as MASSIVE CARVED SIDEBOARDS ETC., ETC. Attractive in Style. much washing as three bars of other soap, SCOTCH CHEST-DUCHESS PAIRS Lasting in Quality, wUI do it better.andyou will save a shilling MARBLE-TOP WABHBTANDS But Poor in Price. — Etc Etc DO NOT BE PUT OFF, BUT INSIST „ ~ . , H. PETERSON, upon giving ft £j^S_3SU_?S!&£__. Boot Palace, "Waxine" Soap a Trial. PICTURES and leave them to beFRAM^fc PiMT'eBOTLDINee.QniIN-STMIT. & McCRACKEN'S. T^t"let your cold keep you from 71 ideal medicine ; pleasant to take; M SS* Colo Curb ?, 1/6. * . •

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Bibliographic details

Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVI, Issue 8627, 8 December 1906, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVI, Issue 8627, 8 December 1906, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LVI, Issue 8627, 8 December 1906, Page 6


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