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Notice appears olsowhore that pupils am now bo entered for the Wellington Collcgo and Girls' HighSohool.

Messrs McEwon and Danioll have been instructed by the School Committee to liiako search for a spring of water other than on Sir Eonall's land for the use of the Masterton Public School.

Wo aro requested to draw special attention to the now price list published by tho Wholesalo Drapery Company in our issue of to-day. Several leading lines are quoted at rouiarkably low figures,

An endeavour is being made to float a company for tho building of a Town Hall at Newman, in tho Wellington special settlement township which is situated about a mile and half trom Eketahuna on the Pahiatua Road, and judging from report the enterprise is likely to provo successful.

Settlement around Ekotahuna is making rapid progress. Many of the town sections in Parkville and Newman have beon stumped, fenced, and planted with fruit and other trees. Two surveyors are engaged in the district, Mr McLachlau on suburban work and Mr liawson is completing his survey of tho town frontages. A meeting of persons desirous of forming a Special Settlement Association was held in Wellington yesterday, and appointed a deputation to wait upon tho Chief Commisionor and seek his advice and expovioncoin the solection of asuitablo block of land for settlement in the Forty-mile Bush District. A bloolt of 7000 acres near Eketahuna was spoken of.

A curious case has arisen in Washington. Albert Green, a murderer, whose death sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life, says that he prefers to be hanged, and declines to accept the commutation. Now tho question atisos whether the commutation of such a sentence can bo effected without the consent of the condemned man.

The Good Templars otjEketahuna save a freo soncettin Parson's Ball on Wednesday evening and judging from numbers present, local talont is vory highly appreciated. The programme was a lengthy and creditable one, every item being well sustained. This desiro to supply sound and healthy amusement by tho Good Templars' lodge reflects great credit on its management of whom Mrs Eoche as secretary and Mrs Stewart as accompanyist should receive. special mention,

A minister at a Highland parish preached one day on the duty of unqualified truthfulness, and was a little surprised to vecoivo a visit from a parishonor who was well-known to the gangers as a maker of " sma' still" whisky. "I have come te-dny to thank ye for yon sermon ye preached," ho said. "I will aye speak the truth after this, Ye sco, on Menday morning 1 got a visit frao the gaugor ' Hao yp ony whisky here ?' ho demanded. 'Oh, ay,' says i—'nao doot I hao somo whisky.' ' And where is it?' he inquired. "Oh, jist b'low the bed therl" says 1. Weel, what dae ye think ? I tel't nothing but the naked truth, and the cvatur never as much as poked his stick below tho bed, though ho looked

Nt evory other part o' the hcioso! I'm thinkm' sir, ye aro quite rioht that it is aye best to tell too truth. I maun thank ye, sir, for the sermon. It has dune me good. Honesty is the best policy aftor a' I'll aye tell tho truth "

A contemporary, in. alluding to tho joke which which was lately played on tho Morning Post and quite a numbor of West End tradesmen in regard to the arrival in town from the Isle of Wight of Mi Charles Brookfiold's tcn-months-old boy. does not tell tho complete story.

Some theatrical wag, connected with the Haymarkefc, it is thought, caused the arrival of Mr Brookfiold's boy at Garland's Hotel to ho announced in the fashionable column of the Post. On tho day following the announcement tho

ten tnonths old young gentleman was (so the London correspondent of the Manchester Examiner says) deluged with letters from every description of tradesmen, Agouts were anxious to lot him a house, coachbuilders were eager to loan or sell him a suitable equipage, and ono enovgotic ipiey-londor carrying on business in the neighbourhood of Duke Street actually informed tho young gontleman that, in the event of his ovor requiring money at a moment's notice, ho would advance him on his note of hand any amount without security. The personal calls from other enterprising tradesmen wore a little more annoying than the host of letters and circulars, but Mr Bruokliold takes tho'joke with great good humour, and thinks ho will not have much trouble in laying hands ontkegentlomanwhoisat the bottom ofit.

The body of Dr Oronin, when found had been thrown head downwards, into a sower in a surburb in Chicago, A towel was wrapper} around tho head, which was disfigured by iiian/ wounds, somo of thorn penetrating tho brain, without, howevor, fracturing the skull. Thoindicationsjwere that the murderer's weapon had been sharp, like an axe, and not a club. Somo cotton "batting" adhered to the wounds. The Agnus Dei which the deceased was known to wear was not disturbed, and assisted the identification of the body, It is also thought likely to assist as a clue, as it is believed only a Catholic would'have left it, wl)ile. removing everything olse, fclio body beiiU' entirely nude. The theory that Cronin was murdered on the ground that he was a- British ■ spy is less credited than the suggestion that ho knew too much regarding the' bad Faith of the Irish leaders, Soon after his arrival at Chicago Dr Cronin became involved in faction disputes between the Ancient Order of Hibornians and tho Clan-na-Gael. The lattor expelled the deceased becausoho fayourod an cnsuiry into the official record of its unknown chief, p : roniu organised a new branch of the ' Clan na Gaol, which became so successful that overtures wore made for its union with'the old' organisation, Cronin demanded that a joint coinnjittei}' of each branch should inv'estigato the pbargjjs a'srajusl (he chief of the parent Society, It is bejipyed that Cronin was charged with tho custody of i the committee's report, which was to the effect that treachery and embezzlement haa been'proved. This report was to havo boon made this month, Tho foregoijjt' rumours aro current among tho Irisli.oljtitjsimnoraible to test their truth. "'''.'

So they oro going to have another solo of drapery at Te Avo House, Wellington.' Yes that is ensily seen from an announcement iii tjie 3rd page and there is no mistake abput'ij-,' There will Jo some wonderful bafgains to he picEe'i ij,''ani all {he goods are new, fresh and seasonable jt this sato jf Winter goods 1 at Te"Arq House, Weilipgtjm." Eye'n so'l'tliey are described m wonderful bargains, first-class niay Ijo ioppnded on as absolutely trie', ' Wliat 'is s'tjli hPtferflicrQisno rubbigh, no soiled! goods, no dgmsged snjales'.- Ajl ijre fresh and clean at this saje of Winter pgds at fp Aro House, Wellington, ' Well there is to be a price list Issued on Saturday and then we shall know further pirlioulars, but one thing has always been certain that if tlie To. Aro Houso folks advertise a thing it Is bound to be strictly carried out, no bounce, no puff; but actual veritable truth with the "mint mark" of To 'Aro Ij'oujq veracity on it, ■ . • '• 'lt iif a'gootl'llimg thaip JQimtry resident have such'timely : risic'&''i'n''lbis> jiis.t&nej amUt'will giveiis acliance'as goncl'as'lflic city folks at being at the opening of this Winter sale on Thursday tho first of August aj fe Art Hou.sej Wellington,-

Mr Ayaon t(io Curator, captured tliree trout in the mill strewn a few days ago from which ho took fifteen thousand egea. ■ Copies of the "Reports of the relation of dairy produce of flew Zealand to Iho English market, together with practical hints on choose making"may be obtained at tho office of the Waikaiupa Daily. A petition for a commutation of the sentence passed on Ohorais, lies at this office for signatures.

Miss Mary Broadbont has been ap\ pdinted a probation toachorln Carterton' School.

Messrs Lowes & lows add to tbeir

land salo for Saturday, 27th, a desirable property situate in Dixon-stoeot. Mr F. H.Wood notifies that besides being represented by Mr Charles Uaiiies at other times, ho attends personally at his Carterton offico ovary Wcdunsday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The luirabor of bales of flax shipped from the port of Wellington in the year ended Juno 30, 1889, 'was 1)3,641, the number shipped for the eaiuo period in 1888, was 9,804.Tho propriety of granting to local bodies pmver to prohibit the sowing or planting of gorse upon county road boundaries is being pressed upon the Government by Mr T, McKeussic,

Mr Jellicoo had a long interview with Cbemis last evening in tho presence of the gaolor and a shorthand writer appointed by tho Government, who took down a very lengthy statement made by the prisoner with regard to his case. Sir Thomas Elder is to return to Adelaide at tho end of the year, Before ho goes back ho will Bit for a bust of himself, which iB to be Drcsented by his admirers to tho University of Melaido, to which ho has been a munificent donor. Messrs Lowes and lorns wish us to remind jour readers o( their salo tomorrow. The Hat is a most extensive one embracing every description of now and second-hand furniture, produce, poultry, etc., and a few lines for tho Public Trustee, Tho Senior Cup match between tho Masterton and Ca'itertmi Football Clubs will bs played on the Worksop fioad ground to-morrow afternoon. Tho last gamo between these teams was won by Carterton, but the Masterton men aro sanguine of being ablo to turn the tables, on their opponents to-morrow. It is reported among football men that there is some chance of a rule being considered by which clubs appealing to the Wairarppa Rugby Union, shall bo required to lodge tho sum of fivo pounds with each protest. It tho appeal bo deemed frivolous and is disallowed on that ground, tho Union would thon signify its objection to trivial protesting by impounding tho "fiver" or a _ portion of it. We think it is quite time some guarantee of good faith was lodged with protests. They are becoming too numerous altogether. Mr F. H. Wood held his usual fortniphtly stock salo at tho Taratahi yards yestorday. Tho cutries were not numorous, although considerably more than had been advertised. The attendance of buyors was great, snd competition brisk throughout. The following prices were obtained. Sheep—Hoggets, mixed, Bs, store ewes 4s (jd, forward ewes 88, fat ewes lis, ewes in lamb 5s 6d to 6s lid, culls 3s 2d, Cattle-Calves 12s,yearlings 20s to 2ds, steors 58s to 755, cows. 40a to 60s, empty heifers 445. Horses-Backs £l los to £7 10s,

Professor Wyburd gave his first performance at tho Mastorton Theatre Royal Kink last night to a capital house. Tho Professor's feats aro

corlainly diflioult, and more difficult than the ordinary run of skatii'g performers, and' aro well worth seeing, Owing to an accident through a glass breaking ho had to considerably curtail his performances, but will ropeat them this ovcnini; for the lasftimo, and ho will also essay tho difficult feat of jumping over toji chairs whilo on the skates.

The Ladies Association if St. Mark's Church, Carterton, hold its hulf-yearly sale of work in tho Sunday School room yesterday. The attendance was fair, and as £l6 has accrued as a result, the business done may be considered satisfactory. There nro practically no expenses in connection with the affair. The ladies uudertako to pay tho verger's salary, insurance, and itnerest on loan. For this purpose thoy hold two sales of work a year. Tho next is duo in December, The following ladies helped m yesterday's work :-Mesdames Ballachoy Burnett. T. Price, C. Gooditi, and Keir, and a bovy of fair and fascinating asaisttanta. A refreshment stall and the attractive display of fanciful and usoful commodities occupied the interest of visitors, and enabled them to spend a yery pleasant afternoon and evening. lleasrs Brock's first firework display of the season, given on May 23, was favoured with magnificent weather, and a largo attendance of visitors gathered in the grounds at Sydenham. Tho- chief features of tho display were thq "living fireworks," in whjcli two of Messrs Brock's employes, encased t in suits apparently niado of fireworks', enacted a boxing contest and a sword-bayonet combat; a novelty, entitled the Ratatpnt in which was an ingenious arrangement of mechanical fountain of firo; and a firework picture, represent!!]!; "The seasons." in this pyrptechnic transformation soono a villain was first represented surrounded by many-tinted, verdure of spring, a charming effect being produced by tho change, from spring to summer, and thence into tho mellow hues of autumn and tho final closing of the scene with winter, and its glittering hues of frost and snow. The programme concluded with tlie "Niagara of Fire' 1 and a special illumination of tho fountains and grounds. The display augurs'well for a prosperous succession of firework /cte at Sydenham, where Messrs Brock & Co. have now entered upon the 25thth year of their management of the pyrotechnic department. If Masterton was weakly dofenced against fire, tho present position of Carterton is simply deplorable. Its water supply doponds up».n the fitful condition of private wells. Its Fire Brigade is disorganised, demoralised, and to use a familiar smile—isparticajly "upatreo." Tho engine is wheozy and cqnsnmptivo, with jts ripljotty wheels on the threshold of the grave, while tiie entire equipment of hose is of about tho identical length of tho oft-quoted Bea serpent, and' about as mythical as regards existence The crater of Vesuvius will be but a cool reflection of the tropical display of pyrotechnics afforded by this sweet little village on sumo ill-fated night. Its inhabitants had beat bestir themselves. Thoy were intended for a better fate.

■ A project is ill hand tor starting a dairy company at Mauriceville, and inquiries are being made as to' whether it Would be better to'include 'both cheese and butter making in its 'operations, or restrjcp jts scone" to cheese only, Wo hear that it : lp beep'recommended by a goiitloman who has'had sonie experience ill audi ventures, that it would be unwise of the company to start with a leas nominal Capital, than £2OOO, one thousand pounds, of whijh should be paid up. The same advisor has also suggested that cheese should bo mado iu summer and Jjiitfer in winter. The constitution of the company bertiajily ought to some extent to bfl on the co-operative principles/and Jho milWiipplics should be the shareholders, arid thus have a .c'haneo of participating in the profit on their qvyn commodity? .Good nojvs'from Wellington, and .quite true, you can get a splendid hai'monjnm from L 5, p'iauo or' organ faini Lip, organ, with, aMyide'd octave couplers (ill jn'solid black walnut cases from'Ll?.' Tljis beats all the pheapest hops jn town. Piaijqs tuned for fs, or by tlu) year four visits I/L travelling expenses added, All kinds of ipsfcal instruments tuned, cleaned, and repaired newroedSputinaccordeons,c«ncortinaS| harmoniums, and orrans j also liberal exchanges made. Any instrument may be purchased on the timo payment system from 2s Gil per week, Call and exchaugo your old piano for a new one atg. j. Pinny's Musical Instrument 'Depot,? Ullaniiera-street, Wellington. (Sole agent of the deleb'rated'Worcestcr prgans,)-iDVi. ' ' '• ; ■ '

Messrs Eidwell Bros, art) erecting a 'flax-mill upon their proprrty at Kauhaulara, It is c oxpeoted to bo in woikiiift order by September.--

The Dalefield. Dairy Company, after paying every expense on the four tens of choeso sent Homo by tho Arawa, has cleared fuu'rponce halfpenny a pound for

it on the trucks at Dalefield Station. Advices just received show that it fetched fifty-four shillings a hundred, weight in tho Loudon market. Tho funeral of Cathoritie flolon, daughter of Mr Joseph Bennett took place this ofternoon, and was followed by along procession of iiiouniois, including settlers from of tho

istrict. Tho service was conducted at It. Matthews Church and at the grave >y tho Rev. W.E.Paige.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3260, 19 July 1889, Page 2

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Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3260, 19 July 1889, Page 2

Untitled Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume X, Issue 3260, 19 July 1889, Page 2


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